#he tries to take care of the kids but hugo's incapable of talking to people luna treats their staff like furniture max is 'YOURE NOT MY DAD
tricoufamily · 1 year
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the villareal's butler, lawrence fakhoury, and driver, dan freeman
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theprodigypenguin · 6 years
TCC Headcanons (part three)
Next part~ I want to dabble more in the other Potter-Weasley kids, so if/when I do a fourth part, I’m going to add some of them. I did a bit of them here, I’m really loving Fred, or the version of Fred that’s stuck in my head, but yea. I’m having fun making these, they’re pretty relaxing.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
While attending school, Scorpius had a tendency to talk to the ghosts at Hogwarts; pretty much all of them.
He even became decent friends with Myrtle and would talk to her about bullies and how to deal with them.
He's an angel honestly and even Helena Ravenclaw loves him.
When he got on the train to Hogwarts for his fifth year he gave the Trolley Witch a homemade friendship bracelet to apologize for jumping out of the train the year before.
For the next three years on the train he would talk to her and hold conversations with her whenever she stopped at his and Albus' compartment.
He learned her name and asked her to tell at least one fun story when she was with them (he especially enjoyed the stories about school-age Dumbledore, Newt Scamander sneaking animals onto the train, and the Mauraders, just everything about them).
At one point he bought candy off the trolley and gave her a piece to enjoy because she sells them all the time but she should also be able to enjoy them once in a while.
She didn't eat it of course (idk does she even eat) but she keeps it in her pocket at all times and never takes her bracelet off.
Whenever Scorpius started regularly visiting the Potter's after their fourth year he would always end up washing dishes and doing random chores simply because he's just that sweet and nice.
And Albus would end up roped into the work because Scorpius is showing him up around his parents that's not cool.
Ginny: Al can you take the trash out please?
Albus: In a minute mum.
Ginny: I bet Scorpius would take it out when I asked.
Albus: Gimme the fuckin trash bag.
Scorpius and Albus commandeered the sofa under the window in the Slytherin common room during their second year.
By then no one wanted to sit with them anyway so no one ever took their couch and didn't go near it.
Even passing dumb rumors like "if you sit there you'll be cursed as Voldemort's trump card forever" or "that sofa saps all your magic, if you sit there you'll turn into a squib like Potter".
The window looks out into the Black Lake, and Scorpius has taken to trying to communicate with the merpeople who occasionally swim up to the enchanted glass.
Mainly he communicates in pictures, drawing the merpeople and holding his sketches up to the window so the merfolk can enjoy them.
He's not as good an artist as Albus of course but he tries.
And on occasion the merpeople will leave little gifts for Scorpius sitting on the window sill just outside in the water.
Of course Scorpius can't reach them, but it makes him happy to see the little collection of rocks and snails sitting there.
During their first year, Scorpius started getting pushed into closets and locked in.
A group of older Gryffindor's (friends of James), would steal his wand and lock him in for hours until someone found him (usually Filch or Neville).
He never mentions the names of the students so they never get in trouble.
And teaches himself a bit of wandless magic so by fifth year he can open the closet door without his wand.
James is the oldest but acts like quite a goofball the majority of the time.
He has a lot of trouble telling people "no" because he likes being helpful.
He wears his heart on his sleeve and bursts with positive energy, which draws people to him.
Has a bit of trouble taking things seriously.
He has excellent grades, and becomes Captain of the Quidditch team during his fifth year at Hogwarts.
Laughing is his favorite thing to do, and can usually be heard above the roar of voices in the Great Hall during meals.
He especially enjoys making other people laugh.
Everyone who meets him likes him, even the people who don't like him seem to respect him enough to tolerate him.
He's friends with pretty much everyone, which is stressful at times because sometimes he just doesn't know who he can talk to.
Having a lot of friends is nice, but it sort of blinds him from knowing who can keep a secret and who can't, so there are very few at the school who actually KNOW the real James Potter.
Teddy is one of the only people who knows him for him, and accepts him for it, and encourages him to be exactly who he is.
One of his closest friends is his cousin and dorm-mate Fred (jr).
Goofball he may be, if James is angered, he is absolutely terrifying.
Almost scarier than his mum when she's mad (and that's fucking petrifying).
He teases his siblings and cousins to death, but honestly loves Lily and Albus more than ANYTHING in the world, and would die for them without any hesitation.
He's a Hugger™ and tends to cling to the people he embraces (basically incapable of giving a normal hug, but most people don't care).
Lily returns all of his very frequent embraces, and clings to him as much as he clings to her (they do that cute penguin walk where they sway back and forth and shuffle because they don't want to let go).
Albus, on the other hand, tries desperately to escape whenever James hugs him, so usually he ends up hugged from behind and drags James along down the hall or room trying to get away.
It never, ever works, there is no escape, so he ends up just standing or sitting with a murderous expression on his face while James snuggles him.
His hugs with Fred consist of him throwing himself into Fred's arms so he's being carried bridal style (or Fred jumps into James' arms, one of them usually ends up being carried for some reason).
Hugs with Teddy are similar to hugs with Lily, but almost more tender. He likes keeping his arms around Teddy's neck and standing on Teddy's shoes to make himself tall enough to reach his shoulders.
James and Albus used to be very close, before Albus was sorted into Slytherin, when they were younger.
They'd all fall asleep curled on the couch together.
James would give Albus piggyback rides if he ever so much as stubbed his toe.
After a nightmare Albus would toddle into James' room and cuddle with him.
He loved to cook with them, despite how terrible Albus was at it, and ate every burnt cookie they offered him.
Lily adores him honestly, and secretly, Albus does as well, because James is an amazing brother.
At one point in time, the Gryffindor Quidditch team was absolutely dominated by the Potter-Weasley clan.
James - Captain and Chaser
Rose - Chaser
Louis - Chaser
Roxanne - Beater
Fred - Beater
Hugo - Keeper
Lily - Seeker
They were one of the best teams to come from Gryffindor and didn't lose a single game.
Teddy LOVES singing.
I honestly imagine he sounds something like Nick Jonas.
He can also play any instrument that's put in front of him.
He likes covering modern muggle bands (Imagine Dragons, American Authors, Panic! At the Disco, Nick Jonas, Adam Lambert, Louis Tomlinson, The Script, One Republic, etc) but also makes his own music and enjoys older bands like ACDC, Bon Jovi, etc.
Scorpius gets along with Mrs Norris and even does his best to start up conversations with Filch.
At one point Albus, somewhat desperate, confides in Filch about people calling him a Squib and asks for advice (cuz who else would even understand).
Filch gives crappy advice though.
Teddy's "Moon Sickness" consists of mainly migraines.
They start off small but grow worse with age.
They can be so bad he vomits, gets nose bleeds, or blacks out entirely, and can remain unconscious for days at a time.
We only have three confirmed godparents but here is my complete personal take:
James - Ron and Hermione
Albus - Neville and McGonagall (that's what I fucking said 👌)
Lily - Hagrid and Luna (fucking fight me about this one I fucking dare you)
Scorpius doesn't have godparents, but Albus said they could share Neville.
Harry is Teddy's only official godparent, but he calls Ginny his God-Mum because it makes her smile.
Harry and Ginny are also Rose's godparents.
George and Angelina are Hugo's.
Percy is Fred's (junior) godfather (George felt it was absolutely necessary).
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