#he walks infront of a mirror in the true lab
sin-multiverse · 2 years
If Gen is scared of themselves, how would they react if they see themselves in the mirror?
Great question! Well canonly she would attack the mirror if she feels confident enough, if not she would.. lets say its like a phobia for now, she isnt used to her being that and she has gone thro more then one genocide route, she knows that smile pretty well thats also a reason she is afraid, she would probably fall on the floor and get away from it basicly :>!!
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Stranger things & Door symbolism (narrative analysis)
We see doors have a lot of symbolism and different meanings but to a certain extent it’s about respecting/not respecting boundaries &privacy, and being open or closed to others emotionally.
In s2 Max picks the door of the av club (trying to easedrop on the boys)-and it goes wrong (and causes dart to escape). Similarly, in s1 Karen picks Nancy’s bedroom door lock (and Nancy does not open up to her emotionally despite Karen saying “you can talk to me”). BUT in s3, we see Karen contemplating picking Nancy’s door again-and right after she decides not to try and pick the lock and respect Nancy’s boundaries (Nancy finally opens up the door and herself emotionally to Karen).We even  see Jonathan in s1 pick Lonnie’s car door (which we know is not a healthy dynamic).
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Nancy also tries telling Jonathan not to break into Lonnie’s car-similar to Jonathan trying to convince Nancy (in s3e3) not to break into mrs. Drsicol’s via opening the front door.
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We also see because jonathan doesn’t respect Lonnie (can’t blame him). So,Jonathan walks in uninvited through Lonnie’s front door -to investigate-similar to what Nancy did to mrs. Driscoll in s3 . These prior examples are also similar to El  breaking into Heather’s house  by using her telekenesis to unlock the front door (for her and Max’s investigation) . Or doing the same thing to Becky in s2 (for her solo investigation ). Why we have a shot of just El, Nancy, and Jonathan peaking through the doorway.
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El unlocking latches also mirrors how the demogorgan ALSO used telekenesis to unlock the front door latch of Will’s house .
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In fact flayed Bruce attacking j*ncy in s3, mirrors Will first being attacked by the demogorgan in s1. Jonathan & Will both lock the doors- than Nancy & Will try calling for help- but the supernatural creature unlocks their latches and both Nancy & Will drop the phones because of this.
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we also see through every season-given El’s upbringing- El doesn’t respect  boundaries with doors -since she never received it with Brenner (who would come into room whenever he pleased/closed the door and threw her in solitary) .in s2-3 she uses her powers to pick/UNLOCK doors -to open them . And in s1 she used her powers to LOCK a door- and forcibly CLOSE the door to trap the boys in the room  (akin to the closed door in solitary).
This scene directly contrasts an earlier scene of Mike respecting El wanting the door open -by having El later NOT respect the boys’ desire for the door to be open . Mike asks if she wants the door closed and she says “no” so he lets it be open. When Lucas tries to open the closed door- she closes it and says “no”. (she had other in universe reasons for doing this- but this scene is later also paralleled to Hopper in s3 locking Mike in the car against his will, when he tried leaving. Similar to el closing the door on Lucas in s1 when he tried leaving.
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In s1 (with El’s ptsd and) with El not understand privacy- she wants her door open . But in s2 when wanting privacy she closes her bedroom door (as Hopper demands she open it, and she cries). in s3 she also closes her door (now wanting privacy) when kissing Mike/ being on the phone with Mike/ hanging with Max ( and Hopper again yells at her to open the closed door).  Max even criticizes Hopper by saying   “do you knock? JEEZE”And in s3 flayed Billy yells at El and co to “OPEN the g*ddamn door”. In s2/3 we also see Hopper yell for el/Murray to ‘OPEN the damn door’  (despite murray having a “keep door CLOSED”sign).
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*flayed-Billy also smashes the glass on the door to try and unlock the door-similar to flayed Bruce at the hospital.
And In s2 we see Neil tell Billy to  “open the door” . In fact the first word uttered after the door is opened, is by Billy -who says “what’s wrong?”. The same thing occurs when Hopper in s3 says to “open the door” -the door opens and Mike says  “what’s wrong?” (as another parallel) .
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The Byers also in opposition to this, respect doors/boundaries of Will’s: 
Will (similar to Muray’s sign) has a “no trespassing” sign on his front door in s1 (also akin to the one at Hawkins’s lab). And when Will rides by the Hawkins sign- what happens, he’s chased by the demogorgan. But Jonathan and joyce respect Will’s sign/boundaries- Jonathan knocking on Will’s DOOR in s2 before entering & Joyce ringing castle byer’s DOORbell (and getting verbal permission) before entering in s1.
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However, Jonathan doesn’t respect Lonnie :
so walks in uninvited through the door ,break into Lonnie’s car, and opens Lonnie’s trunk (door) without permission. later jonathan gets angry the cops/ Hopper searched his trunk (without permission) . Sort of matching his later hypocrisy of being ok to break into Lonnie’s car but not mrs. driscoll’s house.
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of course - this is because Lonnie doesn’t respect jonathan’s boundaries. again- the demogorgan is called “the deep father” in d&d. And a light-bulb is shown in Lonnie’s shed when it attacks Will. So we see Lonnie behind an open door (of Jonathan’s room) and a single lightbulb. A single red light bulb is shown -when Jonathan doesn’t respect others boundaries and develops photos. Later when the demogorgan is in Jonathan’s house- Jonathan hides in Will’s room and the ‘keep trespassing’ sign FALLS OFF the door - when the demogorgan comes near. And again we had a shot of Lonnie next to the ‘no trespassing sign’ too.
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So how does this relate to romance?  Or the supernatural?
For romance
Well what does Nancy do in s3 (unlike Karen in s3)? Well she not once, not twice but 3 times- opens jonathan’s door (despite the sign saying “please,do not  enter” (when red light is on). which is similar to Will’s “no trespassing “ /murray’s “keep door closed” sign).This is despite jonathan telling her not to-over and over. We see the first time she enters and he tells her this- she says “sorry”, but after she rolls her eyes  (and than later she does it 2 more times-showing she’s not actually sorry). It shows a lack of respect for her partner and his photography (light destroys his photos). This is similar to Jonathan busting into Lonnie’s. Or El -not respecting doors in every season (and spying on her bf who in s3 was not happy about this).
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Which is one of the reasons j*ncy & m*leven were (verbally) paralleled specifically in s3 .Both pairings have no trust in boundaries/privacy- Jonathan taking those pics in s1 vi*lated Nancy’s boundaries/privacy, Nancy in s3 ruins jonathan’s photos while disrespecting his boundaries,El spies on Mike in s2-3 and says she makes her own rules-and doesn’t care if it made Mike uncomfortable.
We even have in s3e3-nancy & El break into people’s houses via the front door (to show how similar they are). 
This also correlates to my other post- where I talked about the theme of spying on love interests being done by many characters too (Jonathan to Nancy in s1,s2 lucas spying on Max, max on lucas in s3, steve and rando-girl who rejected him in s3. El in s2-3 to Mike.And  on the nonromantic end -the mf /the us gov spying on our heroes, El in s1 being trained to be a spy, karen spying on Mike in s3 via phones, similar to how the government agents in s1 monitored phone calls,etc. The snowball even had  l*max/ m*leven (who that season spied on eachother ) dance to a song about a st*lking ex- while the spying mf watched them as well).
Also as another romantic contrast to doors in s3:
Mike throws El in his closet (gay ref) and closes the door (to his real emotions ). As Karen says to Mike “talk to me’ about Will  (similar to Karen saying to Nancy  “talk to me” in s1 ) .And she says to Mike “I never want you to HIDE anything from me.” (which he literally is doing). 
 Similar to Nancy ins1 who’s door was closed (to symbolize being emotionally closed off from her mom -it signifies he wouldn’t open up to Karen in s1 about Will (cause he’s too occupied CLOSING his CLOSET door for EL- and pretending to be straight). 
Than in s3e1 during m*leven kiss it pans to a the rainbow drawing (which says Mike) & a drawing of Will the wise as the lyrics “just a little more time will open closing doors”plays. After this, at Will’s house in s3e1 ( while Will claims he won’t fall in love) you hear the lyrics in the back ironically  play  “Love that was new to you-you open up the door.” Like - go back to episode 1 -it’s true. After Joyce says ‘ok;- the song gets much louder just for the lyric “you open up the door”.XD I’m not making this sh*t up (they purposely didn’t subtitle the segment panned to Will but it’s clear as day) ! The other song Mike kisses El to in ep 1 is ‘can’t fight this feeling’ (which is about a guy afraid to tell his friend of many years that he loves them-but who is afraid to do so and ruin their platonic relationship- which doesn’t fit m*leven who kissed in less than a week . the song lyric also has the phrase “if i have to ...come crashing through your door, baby I can’t fight this feeling anymore.” XD Than after “time” (3 months/last ep of s3) El kisses Mike- infront of WILL’S OPEN CLOSET door, in Will’s room, while El holds Will’s bear that comes between them. El (similar to Karen’s closet scene) even tries to get Mike to talk about his “feelings” which he avoids doing with El (/ Karen). As mike doesn’t open up to El emotionally he also doesn’t reciprocate the kiss- or say i love you back-and the same song (’the first i love you’) which played when, in s3 ,Robin rejected steve cause she’s gay- plays. And both stobin/mileven s3 confessions also heavily parallel . I mean coming out as gay used to be called “coming out of the closet”...
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The supernatural: Doors & upsidedown- “ A doorway between worlds”
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Murray ,in s3, (translating for Alexi) calls the gate a “doorway between worlds”. While Mr clarke also calls it a “doorway” and discusses Hugh everete’s “many worlds” theory. So later when NOT respecting Mr.clarke’s boundaries and interrupting his date - Dustin says about the supernatural/deprivation tank “why are you keeping this curiosity door LOCKED?” We also see on the st soundtrack -the song playing while alexi is explaining the upsidedown - is called “the door is opening”. And @ghostgirlinsatin​ mentioned this detail after I orginally posted this-when alexi runs away ‘neutron dance ‘ plays and the lyric is “I’ll just stay behind this LOCKED door.”
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We see mr clarke stab a pencil into a plate and Alexi stab a straw into a box to illustrate this doorway. Along with Lonnie hammering a nail into a wall in an attempt to close a open door (and saying someone should be held accountable for what happened to Will). it transitions from Lonnie repeatedly hitting the nail with a hammer to Mike stabbing a plate with a pencil -like mr clarke -and explaining how Will got to the upsidedown. Because ironically- Lonnie is the cause of what happened to Will (and should be held accountable). gif visuals-here.
If you’ve read my  ‘crashcourse of evidence for Will creating the upsidedown/mf” or the longer version called the “did theory” you generally know where this is going.
Like Dustin said- the upsidedown is a “alternate dimension” a “dark echo of our world.”
Which I believe Will created based on suppressed memories. A few things appear to be triggers-bathtubs, clowns, and slamming doors. When Will first sees the upsidedown in s2- the arcade door slams open (making Will jump). And later when first seeing the mf (his front door opens by itself-similar to the demogorgan opening the door in s1). In s3 when Billy yells to open the door- Will senses the mf (and touches the back of the neck-which a season prior was associated with memories).
I think the door imagery (to some extent) represents Lonnie coming home and slamming/unlocking the front door. in s1 when Hopper knocks at Joyce’s door aggressively (she says ‘go away lonnie’). Demogorgan in d&d also means ‘deep father’ & Nancy says the demogorgan is like a “lion” (lonnie’s name means lion). And just all the other connections to the demogorgan and Lonnie I talked about in my ‘crashcourse post’ (baseball, hunting,lights,etc). And the fact Billy and el (who are heavily paralleled to Will) also have Dads yelling to “open the door” is  suspicious too.  I mean Neil calls his son William a “f*g”, and makes him play baseball -just like Lonnie did to Will. And Neil also yells for William (Billy) to open his door, before hurting him. So I could see  Lonnie doing that to Will in the past ...
We even have El see a red door- while in the void
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Heck- in s2 , Dr owens said Will’s anniversary affect would make him remember tra*matic memories and OPEN his neurological flood GATES(  and these openings to the upsidedown are also called GATES and DOORS)!
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wolfish-trickster · 3 years
part 6
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1,3K
Warnings: angst, typos, anxiety, drunk godly bros™
Tag list:@gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld @belovedadam @mascaracoffee @serebrum @myworldgoesboomz @lokis-leah @nickkie1129 @getyoutmoon
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It seems like the whole eternity passed since you sat on a big white couch with the perfect view on the usual Bifrost landing place. It got dark outside, moon shone brightly from behind dark clouds. Rex fell asleep in your lap. Your eyes were glued to the piece of balcony with Asgardian runes burned into metal. 'Any moment now. Please.'
Right after you let those ugly words out of your mouth you ran after Loki, but when you opened the door he was gone. Teleportation, most likely. You searched the whole party deck, armory, gym, library and even the labs but couldn't find him.
After searching for nearly an hour you finally saw him and his brother going on balcony. You ran towards them, screaming for Loki, but he was already engulfed by the rainbow beam. All you could do now was wait for him to return. You didn't know how long. A day? Two? A week? A whole month? You didn't care, you just wished he was back already.
'Then what?' asked the little voice in your head that has been tormenting you ever since you got into puberty. 'You literally told him you regret being his friend, do you really think he'll forgive you just like that?' it's nasty tone whispered.
You covered your ears, but that didn't make the ugly thought go away. It made it louder instead. 'You're selfish. He does everything in his power to make you believe him, always does the first step to make up with you and what do YOU do?'
"Shut up," you whisper to yourself, "just please shut up."
"Who are you talking to?"
You looked up to see Natasha in her tight uniform standing infront of you. You leaned back and looked away. "No one."
"You know I can tell when you're lying, right?" she asked and sat down besides you, one hand softly scratching your waking pup.
You rolled your eyes. "Yes, I do."
"Then why trying?"
You shrugged. "To try if I got better at it?"
"Okay, something is going on with you. Care to tell me what?"
Maybe it was just your mental state, but the way she asked sounded like you were just another mission for her, not a friend she was concerned about.
You turned your head away from her and crossed your arms over your chest. "No, I just want to be alone again."
"You're alone a lot these days. That's not healthy."
"Well, I like it that way."
"Liar," she remarked.
You stiffened. Such a small word, such an impact. You started to hate it.
"Don't you have a mission to be on or something?" you quickly changed the subgect and pointed to her uniform.
"No, we just returned. Didn't you notice?" she gestured behind her back at the rest leaning on the counter either drinking or pushing an ice back to parts of their sore bodies. Every Avenger was there. Well, minus Thor and Loki. And you.
"Wait, when did you guys leave?"
"Around 3 hours ago. You really didn't notice?" she asked bewildered.
No, you didn't. They left around that time when you were looking in every dark corner of the giant library. There was no way for you to know they were leaving. Unless...
"Why didn't you tell me you were going? I could've helped!"
"We didn't want to stress you. You seem like bundle of nerves lately and we didn't want to make it worse," she said carefully.
"But I really could've helped! And I also needed some distraction! I can take a little stress you know? I didn't become Avenger for nothing!" you said kind of desperately.
"Yes, yes. We know. But still. You don't look in shape for fighting yet. Mentally I mean," she tried to calm you down, but your mind was already in move. Did they think you were too weak?
"Do you think I am too weak?"
"What? Of course not! It's just.... listen, you are in a really dark place right now and I can see it. You're walking around like a ghost, not talking to anyone, hardly eating anything. The last time I saw a genuine smile on your face was over a week ago! Trust me, fighting is the last thing you should do."
"She's right," Clint walked up from behind you. "Look, there's enough of us to finish the job. You just lean back, take some rest for a week or two and when you're okay, and I mean REALLY okay, then you can come and work. But for now, rest," he brushed some of your hair from your face and layed his hand on your shoulder, squeezing a little.
It warmed your heart to know they care about you. But you still couldn't fight off the thought. 'They are trained from birth, geniouses, biologically enhanced and what are you? Yes, they care now, but what about tomorrow? A day after that?'
You forced the thought away and nodded. "Okay, I'll try."
Both Clint and Nat smiled. "Great! Now come, I remember a certain Captain loosing a bet and serving us all ice cream," he pulled you to your feet and with Rex trailing behind you lead you to join the rest.
You looked over at Natasha, silent question in your eyes. She chuckled and whispered: "Tony and Steve made a bet who will infiltrate the Hydra base first. He said it's a good motivation to finish it as fast as possible."
You chuckled and sat down on one of the tall bar chairs. Steve gave you a bowel with the most amount of ice cream and fruit. He said you looked like you need it the most. And true enough, when you looked behind him into a mirror you saw your new depressed resting face.
You slowly ate the frozen treat and watched The Mighty Avengers play with your puppy like little kids. Bucky fell in love with him the most, he always secretly gave him treats and peaces of meat when he was in the kitchen. It's only a matter of time until he asks to take him out and play with him for the whole day.
You knew Sam and Bruce always say they are cat persons, but even they couldn't resist and were throwing him one small pillow after another and watched how he battled it. Sam even pulled out his shoe lace and dragged it infront of the small dog and chuckled when he was trying to catch it.
Even through the soft chatter around and the ease atmosphere you still felt like something, or someone was missing. You gazed down at your bowl, a green ball of apple ice cream was there along with some blueberries. Green and blue. Colours you associated with Loki. You really started to see him in everything, didn't you?
You sighed and checked the balcony once more. Nothing. No one.
As you were going to tell your team you're going to sleep and to return Rex back into your room when they're done with playing a loud dull crash echoed through the room. Two Asgardians were sloppily leaning on eachother on the balcony, both covered in dirt from head to toe. Thor had some small flowers sticking from his hair as well as Loki. Everyone was staring at themwith a shock, surprise and some with amusement in their eyes.
Brothers got stuck in the doorway momentarily (they both refused to let the other enter first) but when they finally made it through Thor tripped and fell on his face. Loki started to laugh, but not with his deep velvety laugh. It sounded.... off. Only drunk people laugh that way.
But you've seen him drunk, this wasn't how he acted.
When he stopped his laugh he straightened his back, stretched out his arms in his iconic T pose and shouted. "DOES ANY OF YU MOTAL ANTZ KNOW, WHEREAS IS THE LADY UNIVERS?"
He wasn't drunk. He was completely sloshed.
And you were kinda affraid of what was about to come.
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fullsundh · 6 years
80s! Haechan (AU)
so i love the 80s era and I love lee donghyuck so why not put them together? note: sorry if some of this is not fully accurate. I’m just using basic 80s pop culture knowledge (and a bunch of movie stereotypes)
genre: fluff/enemies to lovers/badboy! au.
warnings: the tiniest mention of drugs and some swearing. light badboy! au themes.
donghyuck is pretty much the bad boy of the school
he’s popular because of his attitude and attractiveness but he distances himself from everyone
he usually spends his time alone, sat at the back of the class, using his walkman to block out the world and listen to the rock mixtape he worked hard to put together.
well that’s if he even turns up to class
this little rebel has probably never attended a science class in his entire life because he always skips them
rumour has it that when he skips class, he’s hidden in one of the old store cupboards getting high or making out with one of the cheerleaders
not only was donghyuck the school’s mysterious badboy, he was also your lab partner. but, you were yet to see him actually turn up to one of the lessons.
you didn’t mind all too much. you were happy with working alone. it meant you could get the grade you needed without any distractions.
but you weren’t too happy when your teacher announced to the class that the upcoming project had to be completed with equal input from each lab partner
how the hell were you gonna pass this when your lab partner never turned up to class?!?!
as soon as the dismissal bell rang you stormed your way out of the school building and into the car park where you saw the boy lying down on the hood of his car, arms casually resting behind his head. he wore sunglasses to block out the summer sun and headphones to block out the rest of the universe.
well, that was until you forcefully pulled his headphones out of the cassette player strapped to his waist.
he immediately sat up. you couldn’t see his eyes through the shades but it was obvious donghyuck was giving you a death stare
“what the fuck is your problem?” he spat out whilst he grabbed the headphones back off you and placed them around his neck.
“you’re my problem. You’re also my lab partner. Now we have a project coming up and you will help me with it because I’m not letting someone like you fuck it up for me”
donghyuck took off his glasses and laughed at the sound you, one of the top students, using such a harsh tone
“I don’t know what you find so funny donghyuck because I swear if you don’t turn up to class tomorrow I wi-“
you were cut off by the sound of Bon Jovi starting to echo from the boy’s headphones, he was known for his heavy rock persona, not a day would go by where he wasn’t wearing his classic leather jacket
“Yeah whatever, sunshine. I’ll be there if I feel like it” and with that, he placed the headphones back over his ears to stop you from arguing any more and hopped off his car to go elsewhere, leaving you stood all alone.
an entire week had passed and donghyuck had still not turned up to a science class to do his part of the project. you were about to give up all hope and just beg your teacher to give you a different partner
well that was until you felt someone tap your shoulder and you were met with the badboy himself.
“Donghyuck what the fuck-“. Donghyuck cut you off before you could say anything else by placing his index finger against your lips.
“Listen, Sunshine, I’m only doing this because I’ll get into serious shit if I fail another class not because I like you or anything”
“I’m glad because I don’t like you either Donghyuck. I just want to pass not be your friend. ” you rolled your eyes at the thought of him ever being your friend, or more.
you watched him as he let out a loud sigh of, what you thought was, annoyance. He then handed you a slip of paper and casually told you to write down your address.
“I’ll come over tonight so we can get this shit over and done with as soon as possible” Donghyuck ordered as he took the note away from you and placed it in the back pocket of his jeans.
you immediately start to shake your head and wave your hands infront of you
“Are you kidding me Donghyuck? You can’t come to mine! My dad would freak out if I had a boy come over! We’ll just have to work together in the library like anyone else would”
this time the boy really did let out a sigh of annoyance and crossed his arms over his chest.
“God. Fine. You’ll have to come over to my place instead. We can’t work on the project in the library because I don’t want people seeing me with you”
when you heard those words leave his mouth you felt so much more upset than you would’ve expected
why do you suddenly care so much about what lee donghyuck thinks about you or says about you? you didn’t know. all you knew was that he hurt you somehow.
you were too busy looking down at the ground to notice how donghyuck instantly regretted his words when he saw your hurt self
he gently lifted your head up by placing his soft hand underneath your chin
“Quit pouting Sunshine, I was only joking. I’m just not allowed in the library because I’ve been banned, apparently I make to much noise...”. his hand quickly went from your chin to the back of his neck and he rubbed it out of embarrassment.
seeing the school’s mysterious badboy stand in front of you, with his cheeks tinted pink as his eyes searched to look anywhere other than you, made your heart rate go just a little faster than usual. maybe donghyuck wasn’t so bad after all?
it was just coming up to 5pm on a Friday night when you were stood at Lee Donghyuck’s front door waiting for him to answer. and to say you were nervous was a total understatement.
after what felt like lifetimes of waiting, donghyuck finally swung the door open. he stood in front of you wearing loose and baggy casual clothes, his hair messy. he was a bad boy turned soft.
he stood awkwardly under your gaze for a brief moment before returning back to his usual self and smirked at you as he stepped to the side and motioned for you to follow him inside and upstairs to his room.
donghyuck’s room was far from what you imagined it to be like. from his ‘bad’ image you expected a cluster of rock band posters to cover the walls, countless piles of clothes to be scattered across the floor, packs of cigarettes lazily hidden around the room and any illegal substances you could imagine to be placed amongst the shelves.
however you and your imagination were proved wrong when you stepped into a colourful and well kept room. framed pictures of donghyuck smiling happily with a group of boys you didn’t recognise were on display throughout the place. his shelves were filled with old action figures that must’ve been from his childhood days. countless copies of cheap comic books were stacked by the side of his bed. but what caught your attention the most was the boombox that stood next to a stand that was filled up with cassette tape after cassette tape.
“do you wanna listen to something y/n?” donghyuck said from behind you, a wide and proud smile on his face as he thought about how impressed you must be at his huge collection.
you walked over and started to pull out a few tapes at random to see what tapes he had. You started to laugh loudly as you inspected the name of the artists and songs written on the tapes.
“Donghyuck these are all pop singers,,,” you kept giggling as you turned to look at him and held up a handful of cassettes.
his eyes went wide as he remembered that he was supposed to hide away all of his ‘embarrassing’ things before you came over.
“DONT TOUCH THOSE! I-I umm, I mean those are my sisiter’s so you should put those away...” his cheeks were undoubtedly turning red and you could see that clearly he was lying.
so you decided to tease him further :)
“Wow Donghyuck I’m really surprised. I thought you were a bad boy? All anyone can ever hear in class is the sound of heavy rock coming from your headphones but now I’m finding out that you secretly listen to” -you scanned over the tapes infront of you and pulled out another one- “Cyndi Lauper?”
He snatched the tape from out of your hand and half heartedly mumbled another “that’s my sister’s tape” under his breath and looked down at the floor.
All you could do was smile at how cute the whole concept was. Donghyuck plays it off as if he is some dark and edgy rocker boy yet here he was, stood embarrassed infront of you, with a collection of cheesy pop albums bundled up in his arms. why would he be so shy about his true self?
you suddenly started to feel bad about teasing him and purposely making him feel shy in such a vulnerable situation
so, mirroring what donghyuck did to you that time in the school hallway, you lifted his head up from underneath is chin to make him look right into your eyes
“I’m only teasing Hyuck. I think these are cool and you’ve got an amazing music taste. Do you wanna listen to some Michael Jackson while we work?”
His face lit up and he gave you a beautiful bright smile. his heart felt warmer than ever. not only were you offering to play his favourite artist but you had also given him a nickname-hyuck. maybe you were starting to like him after all?
you two both sat comfortably on hyuck’s bed with the science project sprawled out in front of you but with every new playing song, a new conversation topic popped up, causing you both to forget all about the real reason why you went over that night.
the only thing that could be heard throughout the house that night was fits of laughter and giggles as you and donghyuck shared old memories, secret hobbies (as it was clear donghyuck had a lot of those), and anything else that came to mind.
“Oh my god! You’re kidding me y/n. Thriller is the best Michael Jackson song. Period.”
“Hyuck are you serious? His best song is P.Y.T and everyone knows that”
“Hey you wanna see something cool? I can do a pretty neat impression of him...”
after what felt like lifetimes more of endless laughter donghyuck came to a stop and found himself looking deep into your eyes, loving the way they glinted in the light as you smiled
and he didn’t know what gave him the sudden course of bravery. maybe it was the way you spoke to him as if you both had been best friends for years, maybe it was the way you shyly placed your hand over your mouth to hide your smile when he teased you, maybe it was just donghyuck’s heart taking more control over him than his mind
but he found the courage. he hardly even waited for you to notice how he was staring at you before he blurted it out.
“come out with me tonight to meet my friends y/n.”
you completely froze and with wide eyes you turned to give him a look as if to say ‘are you crazy?’
“C’mon Sunshine it’ll be fun, they don’t go to our school but they’re really cool and you’ll love them”
Without really having the chance to say anything you found yourself being dragged out to hyuck’s car with his hand in yours.
He turned to you and grinned as he started the engine causing the radio to start playing
You instantly pulled your hands up to your ears as the radio started to blare out heavy rock music as loud as possible
Donghyuck panicked and desperately pushed every button on the small machine to find the right one that would change the song.
After finally finding it he glanced over at you bashfully. you couldn’t help but smile back as you heard ‘every breath you take’ by the police starting to play
the whole scene was so relaxing. you both sat in a comfortable silence as the song played. the moonlight shone onto donghyuck’s features and it made you see him in a way you had never expected. you had come to the realisation that Lee Donghyuck, a boy you had hated since the beginning, was actually the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
you turned you head away from him to look out of the window before he could notice that you were staring with heart eyes
the thought of donghyuck’s sudden beauty left your mind and you started to realise what you were actually doing. you were on your way to meet his friends.
you started to panic as all you could imagine was some sort of gang of boys that acted just the way donghyuck acted in school
what if he was taking you to the bad side of town and you would have to sit uncomfortably as a gang of mischievous teenagers stared at you wondering why the hell you were there with them?
The car came to a stop and you took in where you were.
“Are we lost?” You looked over at hyuck confused when you noticed that he had pulled up at the town’s arcade.
He rolled his eyes at you and got out of the car and waited for you to follow before heading into the brightly-lit building
Donghyuck grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you around the entire arcade but came to a sudden stop when you reached a group of five boys, all huddled around another boy whose eyes were fixated on the game of Pac-Man playing in front of him.
Donghyuck leaned in closer to you so that his voice could be heard over the sound of other games and shouting kids “if it’s Mark playing then I’ll give it a few more seconds before he completely blows it and dies”
A few moments later you heard the group of boys let out shouts of disappointment as ‘game over’ appeard on the screen infront of them. Donghyuck just stood there next to you with a smug grin playing on his lips until one of the boys turned around and noticed he had arrived.
“Hey look, Hyuck finally arrived and he’s brought someone” he said as he tapped a few of the others on the shoulder to gain their attention
The rest of the boys turned around and, like most things in donghyuck’s life, they were far from what you imagined them to be like. they all looked as if they couldn’t hurt a fly. after they had all introduced themselves to you, all of you made your way throughout the arcade playing game after game.
a while later it had finally started to get close to your curfew hour. you waved goodbye to your new group of friends and hyuck took your hand in his as he walked you to the car so he could take you home
“You’ve really surprised me today Lee Donghyuck” you said truthfully and took a glance at his cute concentration face as he drove through the darkness
“What were you expecting? me and my friends to be in some sorta hardcore gang? Sorry to let you down y/n but all we do is spend the week saving up quarters so we can spend Friday night beating the arcade’s high scores”
this time he wasn’t embarrassed or shy when talking about the real side to him. he felt so relaxed around you that he knew he could show his true self. after all that had happened that night, donghyuck knew that you weren’t an enemy. he knew that you weren’t just a person from high school that he’d forget all about in the years to come. he now knew that you were a friend, maybe even more.
Donghyuck switched the engine off once he had pulled up to your house and turned over to make his whole body face you as one of his arms rest on the wheel.
“Y/N, I’ve... I’ve had a real good time with you tonight and I was wondering if you want to like go out sometime again? but...just us two? like maybe we could catch a movie? I heard that’s what couples like to do... there’s that new movie out soon, the breakfast club or something like that-“
“Donghyuck are you asking me out on a date?” you cut him off from his messy rambling
“Yeah I think I am. So, are you up for it Sunshine?”
You couldn’t help but give him the biggest smile ever as you felt your cheeks heat up from happiness
“Of course I’ll go on a date with you Hyuck”
And with that, he leaned over and gave you a small kiss out of joy and excitement. You really had turned the badboy soft.
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the-fiction-witch · 7 years
This World Of Ours P9
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I will attmit I dont know how andwers uesd to get Thomas up all I know is what I can here and see with in seconds of me eating I hear a loud squeel and Thomas comes running out our room and sits on the table beside me wide awake he doesnt look at me just starts eating some toast
as andwers sits on the other side of the table "I dont know how you do that" I say to andwers "an old trick if you want I can teach you it, it works to get all boys of any age ut of bed, I'll show you later" "oh no you won't" Thomas says "why" I ask "I'm not having you know how to do that to me" he says like a child "why what is it" I ask "dont" Thomas says to his father andwers just looks at me and flicks the air oh thats it I just start laughing "I hate you" Thomas says to me "no you love me realy" I smirk "much to my own anoynace but that is true" he says I then just finish my food as andwers reads the paper I then down a cup of tea and stand up "I'm off for a shower" I say giving Thomas a kiss as I walk of to the bathroom and have a shower a nice long shower till I hear a knock at the door "y/n, I NEED A SHOWER TOO" Thomas shouts from the other side of the door I know I only have to wash once more and get changed I dont care if he's in here while I do that so "IT'S OPEN Thomas" I say within seconds he's walked in and is stood at the mirror on the wall trying to do something with his hair I get out the shower and wrap a towel around myself by this time Thomas's just stood looking in the mirror at himself and sighing so I go behind him and wrapp my arms around him "whats the matter" I ask resting my head on his shoulder even if I have to stand on my toes to reach "look at me" he sighs "I am" I reply "but really y/n look I'm the appiremy of a weakling" he sighs "no your not, your strong you can carry me you have to be strong to do that" I giggle "I know, I'm just flat though these nothing I'm not fat I'm not fit I'm not even in the middle it looks like someone took a thin little boy and ironed him" he says "no it doest it just looks like the man I love" I reply making him crack a smile at me "I know you like me but wouldnt you love me a little more if you know I had a bit of mucel just a little" he sighs "no I wouldnt youve never had visible mucsels Thomas its not you, I love you I wouldnt like you better you perfect now" I giggle "thank you y/n" he says resting his head on mine "what about abs would you love me more is I had abs" he asks "proberbly" I say I won't lie I would "see you would like me better" he says "I said I might like you better proberbly is not a definate I love you as you are Thomas bits maybe could be slightly imporved but they dont have to be" I sigh "okay" he says giving me a kiss "what about you would you like me better with certian things changed" I ask him "well now you ask" he says moving his arms so they're tickleing me before flipping me around so I'm infront of the mirror in my towel and he's behind me with his arms around me "I think I will have to examine to tell you honestly" he whispers in my ear before running his hands along my arms "these are okay" he says before running his hands up and down my thighs "there okay too" he says then resting his hands on my stomach "well this is good its good no change need there" he says before moving to my chest gripping me even over to towel "these are perfect" he says making me laugh before he moves his hands to lightly grip my face "thats perfect too" he says giving my cheek a kiss  "only one place really left isnt there" he smirks behind me our bodys pressed close together with out an inch between us as his hand travels down me to be resting on my thigh again "I'm sure I all ready checked here" he says making me laugh before he moves his hand under my towel teasing me again before slipping straight into me going as deep as possible pumping for a while till he pulls it out of me "perfect as ever babygirl" he smirks at me while licking his fingers "I love you like this y/n" he says giving my cheeck a kiss "thank you" I reply "now go have your shower" I say pushing him of towards the shower I hear the shower start up and I can see him in the mirror relfection as I put my underwear on and stand doing my make up for work "so you exsited about work y/n" Thomas asks me from his shower "I guess I am, what about you Thomas you exsited so go do some science"  I ask him "I am allways exsited to do some science" he jokes "lies you hated science till you where 17" I say "true" he says stepping out the shower wrapping a towel around him self and coming to stand with me "y/n I need to mirror" he says "what for" I ask I will say this about Thomas he doesnt have many in a way manly atributes he doesnt have mucles or much strength he's not realy that brave and he has no body hair other than his head hair so I have no clue what he needs the mirror for this morning as he often doesnt brush his hair he just leaves it to sorts its self out "to make myslef look presentable" he says "why bother your never presentable Thomas" I giggle "thanks y/n, but why are you putting on make up your allways beautiful" he says wrapping his arms around me holding me close to him making me laugh as he rests his head on my shoulder "I love you y/n" he says "I love you too" I reply looking at his reflection rather then him after we both got dressed into our work clothes we stood a moment thinking and looking at our white clothes I was wearing white tights and a white dress with elbow sleaves and the bottom was knee lenght, Thomas was wearing tight white trousers a white shirt and a white lab coat that was miles to big for him both of us not really likeing our uniforms for work both of us being a tad unconfortable "y/n" he says I then turn to see him "you look loverly" he says "you look ridiculous" I say to him we both then laugh and go out into the falt both lilly and andrews had already gone back to work
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