#he was not a runner or a track star😔
ticklet0d · 5 months
Okay but like in the beginning of the Outsiders movie when Ponyboy is trying to get away from the socs that attacked him, he had so much time to run away- like by my calculations 🤓 22 seconds to run away. But like he didn't-
He's in track guys, hes a fast little guy, and he wasn't that far away from his neighborhood, he fs could have made it there but he just did like a little jog.
And idk maybe he didn't run because he didn't want to show he was scared??? but like he was already running so why not just run his like 2 blocks, and I get it they were in a car, but like when they were getting out of the car he totally could've booked it, but he just stayed there-
Ponyboy what are you doing with your life, man? Darry had the right to yell at him cause if he had just used his twink-like legs and his track star speed he wouldn't have been jumped at all-
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evensquirrellier · 2 months
So track and field events for the Olympics start today and I thought that, in honor of that, I would make an appreciation post for all my favorite Team USA track athletes. Look, I know the Olympics have a lot of problems and I’m not typically the most patriotic person, but track is my everything and I really look up to a lot of these people, and I want to give them little shoutouts to show my excitement.
Here are some of my personal favorite USA track stars!!
1. Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone!!!
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She is one of my biggest idols. For one, she is literally the world record holder in my event (400m hurdles), and two, she is a female athlete who is great and isn’t afraid to say it, which we don’t get enough of. Whenever I’m practicing hurdles I like to imagine Sydney having once done the exact same drills and it makes me kind of dizzy. One of my teammates went to the same high school as her (not at the same time) and has gotten to meet her before and I’m actually so jealous. Plus she is gorgeous and it breaks my heart a little bit that she is heterosexual 😔
2. Gabby Thomas
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She is so cool. Like so cool. The 200m used to be my favorite non-hurdle race and she absolutely crushes it! You can see when she races how determined she is to win and how she will just go after the people in front of her and ahhh it’s so inspiring. Plus she went to Harvard and had a master’s degree? Truly winning at everything. Fun fact: my godmother was college roommates with Gabby Thomas’ mother, which gives us no real connection but makes me feel cool! Also she is also Gorgeous! I will probably keep saying that about a lot of these people and that is because one, I am a lesbian, and two, track is my favorite thing in the world.
3. Alexis Holmes
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Idk I can’t really explain why I love Alexis so much, I really just do. The 400m is one of my favorite events, and particularly in indoor she does really incredible in that event. Very few women can run under 50 seconds in the 400 and she does it consistently. I’ve been following her career for a while and always route for her when she runs, and she’s overall just a really incredible athlete.
4. Sha’Carri Richardson
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She is so cool!!! She’s getting a lot of attention right now for being in contention to win gold in the 100m, and she’s just really awesome. It is very cool to watch her run because she is such a powerhouse and always looks so happy when she wins. I looooove her nails, like a modern Flo-Jo, and I feel like she is very unapologetically herself interviews in a way a lot of other athletes aren’t. She’s awesome and I hope she wins <3
5. Nikki Hiltz
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Thinking too hard about them makes me start tearing up I love Nikki Hiltz!!! Currently the fastest women’s 1500m runner in the US and such a treat to watch run. They have an incredible kick and is another one that gets so excited when they win. They are also one of the few professional track athletes to be openly non-binary and a lesbian, which makes my non-binary lesbian track athlete self feel really really happy, and has organized runs to support the Trevor Project before. Overall a really cool person.
6. Anna Cockrell
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Anna! Another 400m hurdler, and one of the best in the world. It is really incredible to see how much she has improved over the years after already starting out so strong, and how she can still hold her own against the best in the world. She’s also done a lot of advocating for mental health awareness in athletics, and is super cool.
7. Grant Holloway
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This is the guy my coach has me watch to study good hurdling technique. In terms of technical ability, he is one of the best hurdlers ever, and is currently one of the best 110m hurdlers in the world. He’s kinda tall for a hurdler and so am I, which I know is a kind of weird connection to make but it always makes me route for him a little more.
8. Noah Lyles
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I know he’s kinda the talk of everyone right now, but Noah Lyles is pretty cool! He is currently arguably the fastest man in the world, and has a dedication to the sport that I find really admirable. It’s always cool to watch videos of him training because he does so many of the same drills I do, which makes me think I must be on the right track.
9. Anna Hall
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Ahhh how could I almost forget Anna? She is an insanely good heptathlete and is world-class level in so many different events. Her best event is hurdles and her “weakest” (still incredible) is javelin, which is also the case for me in the hep, so I like to think that makes me just like her. She’s another one that just seems very enthusiastic a lot of time and it’s really nice to see her happy.
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lyrakanefanatic · 7 months
Another tig characters kids hc post
again, nash has two daughters
jameson has two boys and a girl
grayson has one girl
and xander has a boy and girl
ive decided im gonna give them names so it doesn’t get confusing, so just bare with me here 😭😔
- jamesons eldest sons name is lucas, and he’s the most similar to avery
- averys middle child’s (the other son) name is michael (yes I stole it from the naturals shut up 😔) and he’s the most similar to jameson
-averys daughters name is hannah, and is a good mix of both her parents but still more similar to jameson
- graysons daughters’ name is calla and she’s a good mix of both her parents
- nash’s daughters are twins but are also two completely different people. the eldest one, (by like a minute) kylie, is more similar to nash, meanwhile mara is more like libby
- and last but not least, xanders eldest sons’ name is xavier, (something similar to xander LOL) and he’s very similiar to his mom, meanwhile his younger sister, whose name is nia, is more like her dad
- nia is 11 while xavier, calla, lucas, michael, and hannah are all 16-17-18-19 but they still make sure to include her!
- callas extremely close with averys children, but fights with michael ALL. THE. TIME.
- lucas is the most mature and makes sure the rest of them don’t get in trouble
- kylie and mara are both older than the rest of them but still always manage to be involved in their drama (partially for advice and so they don’t do something stupid)
- michael is the most wild person on april fools and literally goes CRAZY with his pranks
- in fact, every april fools teams are set up
- on one team there’s hannah, lucas, (who eventually agreed to set up teams) michael, kylie, and nia
- on the other team is calla, mara, and nia, whose their spy. she pretends that she’s on the other team, while giving her team information on their pranks
- parents eventually end up getting involved every year as the pranks get more and more diabolical
- all the kids have a sport that they enjoy doing, apart from xavier and calla, who really don’t like them. xaviers fine with playing a small match of soccer or football with his cousins sometimes if they force him, but calla will under no circumstances play anything involving a ball. she does do track though, and is a very fast runner (yes ik tracks a sport but pretend it’s not for like 2 mins pls 😔)
- there is always drama when they get together and do a big family dinner, and it’s usually michael or kylie starting the drama 💀
- hannah and calla both don’t have sisters but they see each other as their sisters and are practically inseparable 💗
- everybody favourites nia because she’s the youngest and she’s usually the one putting the star up on the christmas tree 😭😭 (but everyone loves her so it’s okay 🫶)
- calla is an academic weapon and is on the debate team
-michael and calla are often beefing and whenever they do, avery ALWAYS takes callas side and tells michael, “you’re older, you should know better” (he’s older by like 11 months 💀)
- lucas is the best chess player in the family next to avery and they regularly spend hours on a single match
- although calla takes more after her mother, one thing her and grayson have in common is their love for fashion. they both love making a good impression on people and often go on long shopping trips while callas mother (lyra 🤭) stays home because although she loves shopping, there is no way she could shop for as long as they do
- hannah loves drawing and has taken many different art classes before. she’s extremely talented now and loves sketching things/people around the house. it happens so much that it’s now just become normal to look up and see her drawing you 😭💀
- but she never really keeps her drawings and always wants to throw them out, but every time she tries to jameson takes the sketch from her and put it with his other folder of her art 💗
- hannah regularly takes her brothers’ sweatshirts and sweaters and whenever they see clothing missing from their closet they immediately know she took them 💀
- nia always loves having sleepovers with calla and hannah because then they can talk about anything and everything with each other (and binge watch movies till 4 am)
- they have a curse jar and jameson and michael are usually the ones putting most of the money in it
- lucas pretends to be so mature but in reality he’s an og gossip girl and often asks hannah and calla if they heard anything about anyone 💀 (the three of them stay up talking about people in their classes for HOURS)
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sadie-bug345 · 6 months
the gang as breakfast foods😟👹‼️
now ik i already did cereals but I REALLY LIKE BREAKFAST so let’s go💀
gives me like eggo waffles realness
my guy is a hardworking academic WEAPON and he a runner he a track star🙄
so you’re probably assuming he’d need a complete breakfast
nope 😃
just a couple chocolate chip eggo waffles that are still slightly frozen in the middle and a pack of cigs is all he needs
5/10 he stays consistent
he seems like a bacon and sausage kinda guy
but he can’t get it that often cause he’s #neglected
BUT darry knows how much he loves having a filling meal so he’ll make him a big ol brekky on his bday and stuff
also maybe oatmeal?? but like gross he doesn’t put anything on it so it’s just hot grains😭
3/10 struggle meals are struggling
i haven’t reread the book in a hot minute but wasn’t there smth abt him making green pancakes🤨😟
guy seems like the type to just root around in the kitchen for any sort of edible substance and considers it breakfast
like he’d make some frozen mini corn dogs just cause he knows how to use the microwave😭😭😭
6/10 for the zero thoughts just vibes
and he calls it “cereal”🧍‍♀️
either that or raisin bran/kix typa cereal
BUT he actually puts stuff in his oatmeal like fruit or brown sugar
its def a vibe and he can whip up breakfast so fast it’s crazy
7/10 we love the father figure🏃‍♀️
doesn’t eat breakfast period.
BUT if he does he’d eat like some sorta egg mcmuffin like he seems a hot breakfast kinda guy
despite this, cereal 24/7 some apple jacks are enough fuel for him
idk if yall have seen that deleted scene from the outsiders on youtube where he johnny and pony are all at a diner and he’s like “lemme drink mah cawfee” in that new york accent😩 ANYWAYS
he seems like the kinda dude to just drink black coffee and smoke a pack of cigs🧍‍♀️
but yeah cereal every meal
9/10 bro is him🤷‍♀️
this is so 2018 wattpad coded but chocolate cake and a beer
cause he is lowk an alcoholic which is not ok pls get help two butt🙏😔
but he lowk doesn’t need any more energy
just wakes up and decides to be a menace everyday
he seems like the type to make a single slice of white toast and then just DUMP NUTELLA all over it
8/10 zero nutritional value💀🫶
surprisingly set when it comes to breakfast
he seems like an overnight oats/yoghurt and granola typa dude
on the run though he just chugs a gogurt i’m sorry😭
also probably a juice lover he gives orange juice kinda guy
10/10 my mom would be proud🙏🥰
THIS WAS FUN!! request hcs or imagines please‼️‼️ (also i’m currently working on ones in my inbox so don’t u worry pooks🥰)
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syoddeye · 4 months
💚💚 - what are your favorite Gaz hcs?? He has snuck up on me in the last few weeks and again, I just want to give him smooches! He seems like the kind of guy I'd want to instantly spoil and give the wifey treatment. I want to see him blush and just be happy 😔
Tbh, I want to sass Price. I just want to sass that man and then sprint away - probably a bad plan, but it sounds so fun. I can just imagine sassing until he raises one eyebrow and then just absolutely taking off (they're a runner, their a track star 🏃🏃🏃)
hello friend, i agree, gaz is very smoochable. a triple threat: good-looking, funny, and intelligent. he deserves all of his admirers and fanworks.
edit: forgot the HCs! i am clearly not thinking straight today!
Gaz has two moms.
Gaz plays several brainy mobile games and loves to compete against Soap.
He wasn't sure for a long time if Nikolai liked him or not.
He's tried smoking cigars, but they're not his thing. He has a box of them stashed somewhere. Old gift from Price.
i don't think there's any sassing price, tbh. he might put up with one smart remark, but i can't see him putting in the effort to chase. nah.
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weirdo09 · 1 year
track star lucas sinclair hcs 🏃🏿
he’s always been a great runner, he and will had races to see who was the fastest, lucas won them every time.
after s4, he thought about taking track since basketball was a bust.
he has pretty good stamina, he’s looked up to florence griffin joyner aka Flo-Jo. (he cried for days when she died)
he goes on 5am runs around the neighborhood.
the party would definitely question why he’d want to even do track (because they don’t pay attention to my boy 😔)
erica would voluntarily come to every track meet just to yell at the people who underestimate her big brother.
it’s given him some pretty nice calfs.
his family are the loudest during his runs, they’ve embarrassed him multiple times but lucas has paid no attention.
when people asked him which track star he looked up to, he’d say flo and their first response would be “a girl?” 🤨
he’d usually get 2nd or 3rd but sometimes, he’d get lucky and make it to 1st.
all i got right now, could talk about this forever tho 🥰
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oddinary4bts · 2 months
he kissed another girl….willingly 😩😩😩💔💔💔💔 oc was all she a runner she a track star only for everything to go downhill 😔✊🏽
OC really was running for her life😭
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god1ngs · 3 years
Yeah! Ghostbur! He left right after a run though
He's a runner he's a track star😔
- Glatt anon
can't believe he'd leave you alone like that smh </3
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