#he was so casual with it it’s like not even technically a date but. yknow. erm
lesbianpegbar · 7 months
goodnight gay people in my phone the guy i like asked me to have dinner with them tomorrow. lesbianism wins peace and love <33333
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bulletproofheartless · 8 months
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0H0! who're these?!
ok so basically they're characters from a game called I was a teenage exocolonist. the game has a lot of stuff but it also has romanceable characters. this got very long so I'm putting it under the cut
the main character is sol (which is why they're in all the polyamorous relationships that exist with the romanceable characters). technically they don't have a personality of their own because the whole game is about making choices as sol so it wouldn't quite work yknow.
dys is the most perfect human being in space. sym is the most perfect alien in space. usually they kinda fall in love with each other even though dys should have been aromantic and to me he is. sometimes if you manage to interact enough with both of them, they fall in love with each other and with you (so sol bc main character). I can't remember how that ending goes tbh bc I got it a long long time ago but in my head sol, dys and sym stay in love forever and live happily ever after as trees or whatever.
now rex is also the most perfect human being in space. he's part dog also, not that that's relevant. the game never says it but he's aroallo and you cannot argue with me about it because you know I'm right. he's the best romanceable character because 1 he lets you hug him every season (technically you can hug him endlessly but like you only get friendship points for hugging him once per season) and 2 not only is he up for having a casual / open relationship, he also is fine with fucking as friends (the fucking is just implied btw like fade to black sort of thing), AND you can date him like. usual dating the same way you date everyone else in that game.
now marz is the most beautiful person in space. she is also insufferable for a while but I forgive her as long as she doesn't invent capitalism (canonically she usually invents capitalism yes). I love her she's done nothing wrong except for inventing capitalism. now the thing about her is that apparently no matter what she never ends up with a fixed partner (or so I've heard) and I think that's very aromantic of her. anyways she kind of always thinks rex is hot and gets together with him BUT if you date her first or rex first (tbh idk bc I always do the same thing and date rex and leave her alone god bless) then eventually one of them asks to make the relationship include them both. thus we have sol, marz, rex.
nomi (aka nomi nomi) is rex's best friend. they are canonically nonbinary and some flavor of aroace that is unclear to me because what the fuck is demi/ace supposed to mean like. is it demiro ace? is it demiace? what. but anyways if you keep bribing them to like you (as you do with all the characters) for all of eternity eventually they fall in love with you. I think. it's been a while I can't remember. they also fall in love with rex. so then we got sol, rex and nomi.
the reason why I hate sol, rex and nomi together is that nomi is aroace to me like non partnering aroace like they are so sex repulsed and romance repulsed throughout the whole game and then suddenly they're in love with their best friend who literally says they're like siblings earlier???? cmon.
anyways yes. thank you for asking me about my blorbos who I'm very normal about.
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oc-aita · 9 months
AITA For hospitalizing my ex, who I barely even remember dating?
Really long post. I've got a lot to explain.
I'm (25M) an underground fighter. I've been doing this for about 4-5 years now, and I enjoy it - I like the energy in the crowds, and I get a good workout here and there. I'm pretty good, nothing special, and enjoy the amount of money I make. I got invited to this like primo fighting competition run by some mafia types, or something, I wasn't really paying attention. Anyway, it's supposed to be a big deal, so I went for the street cred.
It's been going pretty good so far, and I even got some young aspirational protege (22M) type following me around, he's a good time. Anyway, since everything gets televised (big deal) apparently an ex (26F) of mine caught wind that I was competing. So, she flies over to Ecuador, busts open the hotel door, and just bodies our table while we're eating breakfast. She then starts airing out our dirty laundry in front of everyone, calling me some "filthy rat" or something, I dunno, I was pretty distracted by the fact that I could not remember this person at all.
Here's the thing: we dated like a decade ago, and for like a week. I was moving away at the time, I made it clear that I was moving away, and that this was always going to be a casual thing for me. It was just supposed to be some quick action before moving to Nova Scotia, but I guess I hurt her feelings or something when I told her "so long and thanks for all the lip." I was always operating under the assumption it was a casual hookup.
But she just does not let up. She kicked my protoge, tumblr, in the balls. What am I supposed to do about that? Apparently she was competing too, and even flashed her little registration card, so now what was supposed to be some kind of "spat" in front of a large group of people is now turning into an honest to god fight. OK, fine, I'm a competitor, I'll compete.
I'm not gonna sugarcoat it: we got our asses kicked. My twinky protege, in addition to CBT, also just got clocked in the jaw and got his knee nearly busted in. She split my forehead open, so I looked like some bleeding dumbass stumbling around trying to learn how to walk. Seriously, she quite literally kicked the shit out of us - I'm willing to admit she's way stronger than I gave her credit for.
Now, I've always had a bit of a problem with anger management, but I'm of the mind that channeling that anger into fighting was a productive use of it - since, yknow, that's literally my job. So I did: While Twink was getting decked on the other end of our people ring, I """borrowed""" my friend's bottle of whiskey and smashed it over her head, then pinned her to the ground and beat her til she stopped fighting back. I didn't knock her out, technically she tapped out first, but I bet if I had kept going it would've been a KO either way.
I'll be upfront with the fact that I might've gotten a little carried away. The organizers had to haul her off on a literal stretcher, she couldn't even sit up. Whatever, we won, right? One more competitor down? Turns out, the kid was watching the entire time, and was... horrified? Maybe just concerned. I still couldn't really see.
I, personally, don't think it's that big of a deal, but our other "teammate" (30F) told me off for "setting a bad example" and being "completely deranged and dangerous." This is a competition! Everybody here signed up willingly! I still feel like I was solidly in fair territory. Some boxer literally dies in the ring and nobody bats an eye, but suddenly I'm the crux of all evil.
Does she have a point? Am I setting a bad example for twinky protege? Am I the asshole here?
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gas-station-chai · 1 year
Jerry walks in while Jack is counting his till and Tony is near the back getting a beer. Jerry calls out “Hey sweetcheeks!” To jack bc yknow, he’s Jerry, and they both hear the shattering of glass when Tony drops his beer in shock/surprise.
Of course Tony is quick to apologize and clean up his mess, but he doesn't miss the fact that Jack doesn't respond to the pet name in surprise like he did. It takes a lot to push down his boiling rage and anxiety for long enough to get him out of the gas station.
And if he threw a destructive fit as soon as he got home? Well, that was between him and the new holes in his bedroom walls to know about.
It doesn't make any sense to Tony, because he's sure he's been tracking almost every move Jack made. Unless this meant he needed to start saving for bugs to place in his house...
He confronts Jerry about it a few days later when they're working a similar shift together. By then, Tony would've taken that time to cool down and try to think more rationally about what his next move would be.
"So..." he starts off slowly, "You're bi, right?"
Normally he would've eased into the subject rather than spontaneously bring it up, but it wasn't really necessary when it came to Jerry.
"What gave it away? Or are you asking to make sure before you ask me out?" Jerry's grinning around a cigarette between his teeth, and Tony has to repress a grimace when the blond winks at him. He ignores the questions with another of his own.
"I'm guessing that means Jack is, too? Or gay, or whatever?" He tries to keep his tone even and nonchalant and totally not hopeful for anything, but Jerry quirks a brow at him in a way that tells him he didn't do a very good job.
His coworker just stared at him with a knowing smile that Tony wanted nothing more than to punch right off his face. It was a miracle that he had held off on attacking his (supposed) rival for this long, but he was starting to feel himself crack as he began to dig his nails into his palms.
Just before Tony lost himself to that strange, overwhelming rage, Jerry started talking again. "I dunno," he admitted with a casual shrug, taking a long drag of his cigarette before continuing. "Blackjack doesn't really talk about that kinda thing with me. I get it, though. He'll come out to us on his own terms."
Tony felt the anger simmer down almost instantly, and he glanced up at him with an incredulous look.
"You two are dating, though?"
"We're what?"
Jerry stared at Tony. Tony stared back. Both of them mirrored the same look of confusion. Eventually, Tony spoke up.
"You two aren't... a thing?"
"Not to my knowledge? And technically, we're two separate things."
A wave of relief washed over Tony, and he felt all the tension from his anger leave his body at once. He fell back into the sticky booth seat behind him, laughing with his hand over his eyes.
Thank god, thank god it was just a misunderstanding. Tony wasn't sure what he would do if Jack was actually in a relationship, especially with Jerry of all people.
At least, he tried to pretend. Tried to imagine that he didn't have a shovel and a tarp in the trunk of his car, a spare change of clothes in the storage closet, and a gun in his inner coat pocket. No, he could pretend that everything was fine, now, because nothing was wrong with him.
This was just an innocent little crush, after all.
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annoyed-galaxy · 3 years
Shakarian First Date
Since Garrus took Shepard somewhere they weren't supposed to be and fucking fired snipers in said forbidden area, I thought the lock in romance scene would have been better if they got chased and thrown in jail for a bit. Just some small stuff cause I really need the cute healing right now. Before...yknow...I work on the ME3 fix-it fic.
Lyris made her way towards the C-Sec shuttles. Her hands were in her hoodie pockets as she approached Garrus. He was leaning casually against the railing and she smirked as he pushed himself off of it. “Shepard, glad you came,” he greeted, his mandibles stretching out into the turian smile she got so used to seeing.
“Heard you wanted to hang out,” she smiled back. “What’d you have in mind?”
“Something that doesn’t involve fighting Reapers,” he said.
She snorted and rolled her eyes. “Well, I don’t think they’ve conquered the bar yet.”
“I’ve already scoped it out. But then I thought...if this was my last day alive, I’d like to remember it,” he insisted.
Lyris raised an eyebrow, taking her hands out of her pockets and crossing her arms. “So?”
“So, I had an idea...” He turned towards the console to call a car. When the car landed, she hopped in the passenger side as Garrus took the controls. If he was taking her on a joy ride, she was not about to complain. She had always wanted to take a ride around the Citadel, but it was always under attack or she was busy getting shot at or well...Reapers.
“Alright, where we going? Is there a destination, or are we just doing a joy ride?” Lyris asked, once they were in the air.
“Somewhere we’re not supposed to,” he smirked, a mandible stretching out to one side.
Lyris leaned back in the seat and chuckled. “Now you’re talking.”
“Ever have that one thing you’ve always wanted to do before you died, Shepard?” Garrus asked.
Lyris smiled slyly. “I’ve woken up with a turian next to me.” Lyris looked over at Garrus, a smirk on her face.
“Still trying to make me blush?”
“Until it works,” she teased. Garrus rolled his eyes. “So what’s your one thing?”
“The whole time I worked at C-Sec, I’d stare at the top of the Presidium and say to myself: I want to go up there. But I never did. There were one-hundred and thirty seven regulations telling me I couldn’t,” he explained.
“So what? Did you get them changed?”
“No. Now I just don’t give a damn.”
Lyris smiled, enjoying this new carefree Garrus. He had changed a lot since she first met him. From C-Sec officer to vigilante to expert advisor on Reapers. She wondered if it was because of her. If she had any influence on him and his attitude. Hopefully she wasn’t too bad of an example.
The car rose higher into the air and then Garrus parked it onto one of the beams that stretched from side to side across the Presidium. He stepped out and Lyris followed. “Figured it’s time to something stupid just for the hell of it. Might be the last chance we ever get.”
Lyris looked down at the Presidium, watching the skycars above them drive by. The view was beautiful. So much green and blue in this one spot: grass, plants, water. It was peaceful, reminded her of Earth before the Reapers. Looking out at the Presidium made her forget that Reapers were attacking the galaxy. That she wasn’t in the middle of a war, trying to complete impossible tasks. Getting species that fought for centuries to work together. “It’s incredible,” she whispered.
Garrus turned to her, seeing her eyes sparkle with life and amazement. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t hope it would inspire a certain...mood.” Lyris’s eyes met his and she could tell there was more to this.
“Something on your mind, then?” she asked, turning towards him.
His mandibles quivered, as if he was nervous. “It seemed like you needed time to...figure us out.” He stepped closer to her. “Are you ready to be a one-turian kind of woman?”
His voice was soft, as if he was unsure of himself, unsure if she really wanted him. He’s been with her since the beginning. Since Saren, the geth, Sovereign, on to the Collectors, and now with the Reapers. He was her most reliable squadmate, always watching over her back whenever she charged into battle with her biotics. He reminded her, painfully, of Gwen. Maybe that’s why she liked him so much. It was as if Gwen was a part of him. But at the same time, he was his own person.
When she died, it was as if the chains holding her in her past life had dissolved and when she was brought back to life, she was reborn, renewed. She let go of her parents’ death, of Gwen’s death, of all the people she had lost on Torfan. When she was surrounded by Cerberus strangers and felt threatened, Garrus had managed to find his way into her life. She had a friend with her then and she couldn’t afford to seclude herself away.
The feelings that formed for Garrus just...happened. She didn’t know who fell first, her or him. All she knew is that she wanted to be with Garrus until the end. She wouldn’t lose him. She was done losing people. She would take on the Reapers, as long as he was by her side.
“The only thing that made leaving Earth bearable was knowing that you were out there somewhere.” As she said the words, Garrus’s eyes lit up.
“I felt the same way. The worst part about the galaxy going to hell would’ve been never getting to see you again.” His voice had more confidence in it, as if hearing her say those words erased any uncertainties he had.
She stepped closer to him. “Well, here I am. Exactly where I want to be.” Lyris put her hands on his chest and looked up into his eyes. The next few words she said would put to rest her old life and allow her to truly move on. She would always love Gwen Tamashi, but she also knew Gwen would want her to move on. “I love you, Garrus Vakarian.” The words rang true as she said them. Her heart swelled as she waited for his response.
He seemed surprised, bringing a hand to his head and scratching it nervously. “Oh. Wow. The vids Joker gave me never got this far,” he laughed nervously. “There was the part about sleeping together, but this...I don’t know what to do...”
Lyris smirked and pulled him down for a kiss. “Who needs a vid when you’ve got me?” she chuckled as she pulled back, a smug look on her face.
A flash of confidence soared through his eyes. She felt his arms wrap around her and next thing she knew, she was halfway off her feet, laying in his arms. His mandibles quivered before he leaned in for a kiss. Kissing a turian was a different experience as he didn’t really have lips, but Lyris appreciated it regardless as she returned it. Honestly, she could have stayed like this forever, in his arms, his face nuzzled against hers. There were no Reapers here, no death, no politics, just peace and a lovely turian.
He pulled back, much to her dismay, and put her on her feet again. They stared at each other for a few more moments before Garrus turned to a box where a couple of sniper rifles were. “Now, before we head back, there is one thing we are going to settle once and for all.” He seemed at ease now, as if a great weight was lifted off his shoulders. Maybe it was since she cleared the air. It made her happy to see how relieved he was. He picked up one of the sniper rifles and turned back to her. “Not saying you don’t know how to handle a gun. Just saying some of us know how to make it dance.” He tossed the rifle to her. “So, let’s find out who’s the best shot.”
Really. Oh he really wanted to go there. Lyris snorted as she prepped the sniper. “There are a few people in the galaxy who’ve seen me in action, Garrus. They seemed impressed.” Garrus grabbed a bottle from the boxes as she said this.
He snorted. “Maybe, but I’ve actually seen you dance, Shepard...No comment.”
Lyris clicked her tongue and readied the sniper. “All right, Vakarian. You’re going down.” She was bringing this hotshot down. Nobody insults her dancing!
“Don’t worry, I loaded it with practice slugs for when you miss,” he said cheekily. Lyris rolled her eyes and took her stance. Did she use a sniper often? No. Did she at least know how to use one? Hell yes. She preferred her biotics and close combat rather than long range. But now was the time to defend her honor and make Garrus eat dirt.
He threw the bottle and as it soared through the air, Lyris aimed, held her breath and then fired, shattering the bottle and watching as the liquid within burst free and fell down. She tilted her head towards Garrus, smirk on her face. Eat it, she thought.
“That was an easy one. Let you build up your confidence.” He turned back to grab another bottle. “Long range, I wrote the book. Nobody alive can do this, not even Commander Shepard.” Lyris crossed her arms, raising her eyebrows at the challenge. He tossed the bottle to her. “Give me a tough one,” he challenged as he grabbed his own sniper.
Lyris stretched and swung her arms about for a bit, getting ready to throw the bottle as far as she could. She backed up and aimed, then she ran forward a bit and launched the bottle. As soon as it was out of her hand, Garrus shot the bottle down. “I said a tough one!” he sneered.
“Alright, you cocky hotshot, step aside,” Lyris picked up her rifle again. As he got ready to throw the bottle, Lyris’s focus sharpened and as soon as she saw the bottle in her view...
It shattered and the sound of her rifle echoed all around. She then looked at Garrus, a smug look on her face again. “Nobody alive, maybe, but technically I died,” she shrugged.
Garrus snorted. “Yeah, well, next time we’ll throw in a herd of rampaging Kilxen. That’s how you separate the rookies from the pros.”
Lyris laughed but was cut off by the sound of sirens. She and Garrus turned to see a C-Sec car with the sirens on heading their way. “Remember how you said we’re not supposed to be up here?” Lyris quipped, throwing the rifle down and heading to the car.
“Yeah maybe shooting a gun wasn’t a good idea,” he laughed as he joined her. “Hold on.” The car lurched and they started speeding away from the C-Sec car. The sirens blared louder and sped up, beginning to chase them.
“Garrus are you running from the cops?!” Lyris exclaimed, laughter in her voice.
“Like I said, I don’t give a damn!” Garrus sped up, the car lurching above traffic towards the fake morning sky. Lyris looked behind her and saw that another C-Sec car had joined its partner.
“I hope you’re as good of a getaway driver as you are a shot,” she teased. “We got another one.”
Garrus’s mandible twitched and his voice purred. “Hold on tight then.” The car began weaving through traffic, hoping to lose the C-Sec cars on their tail. Until one came up to their side. “Crap.” Garrus forced the car downwards, speeding towards the water that traveled through the Presidium.
“A car chase as a first date? My, my, Garrus you know how to make an impression,” Lyris joked.
Garrus opened his mouth, ready to say something, but was cut off when more C-Sec cars cut them off in front. Garrus stopped the car and was about to turn around, but their chasers behind them cut them off. They were surrounded. Garrus looked over at Lyris. “Let’s just hope Bailey is here.”
Lyris was laying on Garrus’s lap and he absentmindedly ran his hand through her hair. They were in a jail cell, the door locked, but neither really seemed to care. “Garrus, stick to shooting things, not driving,” Lyris chuckled.
“I’d say I’m still a better driver than you. Should I remind you of the trips in the Mako?” Garrus challenged tilting his head to the side.
“Excuse you, I was a damn good driver when it came to the Mako.”
“Yeah sure. Say that to the concussions I would get all the time you flipped it over. I’m honestly amazed we never blew up!”
Lyris rolled her eyes.
The door to the cell open and they turned to look who it was.
Joker was standing in the doorway, his arms crossed with Bailey behind him. “Was wondering when you two would finally go out on a date,” Joker chuckled. “Just didn’t expect you guys to get arrested.”
“Yeah who knew Commander Shepard and Garrus Vakarian were such troublemakers,” Bailey snorted. “You two are free to go.”
Lyris sat up and smiled at Joker. “They didn’t make you bail us out did they? Cause I could have just used my Spectre status.”
“No I actually told Commander Bailey to keep you guys locked up for a bit,” Joker laughed. “I just found it funny Commander Shepard, hero of the Citadel, getting in trouble for being in places she’s not supposed to be.”
“Hey, it was Garrus’s idea,” Lyris countered pointing back to the turian who stood up.
Joker laughed again as he moved out of the doorway. “Breaking the law as a first date, nice you two. Glad to see you finally made a move Garrus.”
Garrus’s mandibles twitched again, as if he was embarrassed while Joker led them out of the C-Sec offices. “We should totally do that again,” Lyris said, looking up at Garrus. He relaxed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
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0itmelex0 · 3 years
because it’s been a while since we talked about these two. Kyra and Arlee are… so freaking cute, but also do they technically sorta fall under the enemies to lovers umbrella?? I’m curious. This is also me attempting the crossover ask idk if it’s going well or if I just got really off topic
Kyra and Arlee.... my beloved bbies. I can’t believe it’s been so long since we’ve talked about them, especially since they’re just so amazing.
In terms of them falling under the enemies to lovers umbrella? I’d somewhat consider them that. So if you remember correctly, them getting together is taking place within the AU of Jon and Arleena being raised by the Dawnguards alongside Rhaenys. I haven’t planned out a lot of fine details, but the fact that at least Arleena goes to King’s Landing as another spy of sorts so that the Dawnguards can keep intel on what’s happening is a definite. So the fact that Arleena is from an opposing group and is mostly in King’s Landing for not an ally of the crown, who includes some of Kyra’s family, would naturally put them under the umbrella of enemies to lovers even if it isn’t the full on “oh I hate you” type of thing.
If I were to get specific of the dynamic that I envision for them over the course of the AU I’d probably say that they’re strangers —> friends —> lovers —> estranged friends (?) —> lovers
Okay, now into my ideas for these two within the AU... there is a lot so I’mma put it all under the cut
They meet at King’s Landing after Maecy introduces her new handmaiden named Arleena to her daughter, Kyra. There’s a somewhat instant click of at least familiarity and small connection whatever it is, there’s just something, and momma Maecy sniffs this out instantly
Whenever Kyra and Maecy talk unless it’s super personal type things, Maecy “casually” has Arleena at least nearby. Always ends up with Kyra and Arlee talking, doesn’t matter what or how... it just happens. After a few times of this happening, Maecy totally doesn’t just leave the room and the girls are so into whatever conversation they’re having that they don’t notice that Maecy has left
Eventually it gets to a point where the girls actually seek out each other to talk and get to know one another without momma Maecy making that push
They’re around each other so often that Maecy decides “oh hey, how about Arlee becomes Kyra’s handmaiden instead? I already have a couple and it’s kinda unnecessary for me to have a lot”.... yeah Maecy totally wasn’t trying to set anything up
Kyra totally doesn’t need a handmaiden and has denied needing them in the past but... yknow she ain’t denying this time
It’s less of Arleena helping Kyra with things that handmaidens do and more so them just hanging out
They start practicing using swords together even though both are very good at using a sword... kinda takes Kyra by surprise of how well Arlee handles herself with a sword
Basically at this point, Arleena has failed with her intended mission of being in King’s Landing, but she has genuinely gotten good information but it’s Sani doing a lot of the intel collecting. Poor woman has been doing it for 20+ years but it’s okay
Kyra and Arlee go to the Red Keep’s garden after Arlee mentions her favorite flower which is bellflowers btw to see if the garden grew them, which it did. Kyra picks a bellflower and puts it in Arlee’s hair, specifically weaved in a braid that Kyra herself made prior. Then that’s when the two have their first kiss
Those two have no idea what to do and in all honesty, they don't talk for a while like a few days to a week and it's after Kyra talked to momma Maecy and papa Russal, he's alive in this, yay! who happened to be in King's Landing for a brief time, that Kyra is able to actually confront Arleena
They kiss again and that's when they actually get together
Kyra decides to leave with papa Russal to go back to Tarth for a time, Arleena comes with. Totally just because Arleena is Kyra's handmaiden and not because they're dating now
If you don't believe this is them on Tarth, then you're lying to yourself
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Everything is great for a while, they're just two girls in love with no problems
It's when Arleena needs to return to the Dawnguards for reasons that it starts crumbling
Kyra finds out through a letter Arleena has gotten that there's things that Arleena hasn't told her
She confronts Arleena about the letter she founds, and that's when Arleena reveals the fact that she's the daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen, aka the man who nearly killed Kyra's father on the trident
Just a lot is revealed to Kyra actually. Dawnguards. . . the fact that Lyanna Stark is Arleena's mother, that Lyanna Stark is alive, the fact that Maecy was aware of who Arleena really was
Kyra feels betrayed and lied to, even after Arleena explains and tries to defend her actions. Basically too late at this point
Arleena leaves Tarth and goes back to the Dawnguards for the reasons needed
Both girls are just in a not so good point in life
Kyra tries to move on and just continue with her life
Arleena deals with Dawnguard things. . . she totally doesn't end up killing Daltis after she finds out his true intentions and how he's not as good as he's acted, how corrupt he truly was. Arlee becomes leader of the Dawnguards afterwards
It's when Arleena gets intel that Cersei is having a worrying amount of wildfire produce alongside the fact that Kyra Tarth is back in King's Landing that she attempts to return in order to talk to Kyra again
It's because of the argument that Kyra and Arlee get into that saves Kyra, Maecy, and Russal from dying in the destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor
Kyra and Maecy go to the Dawnguards with Arleena after deciding King's Landing is very much not safe. Russal is so fucking hesitant and not a fan with this idea, but he knows how much Lyanna meant to Maecy and how despite the major strain between the girls, how much Arleena means to Kyra
They spend a while with the Dawnguards. It's nice to see momma Maecy happy to see her best friend again, but it's still a bit weird for Kyra and Arleena for a while.
They're kinda friends? It's hard to deny that connection they've shared since the moment they met, but that barrier is still there for how Arleena lied about basically everything
It's when the Dawngaurds head to the North to help House Stark take Winterfell back from the Boltons, and stay in the North to help against the white walkers eventually that Kyra and Arlee head in the direction of becoming what they were
But honestly everything is kinda weird overall, kinda an uncertain time as the North prepares for the white walkers and trying to gain allies to save Westeros
Both girls fight in the Battle of Winterfell alongside the Dothraki, the Unsullied, Dany with her dragons, the Dawnguards, the Northernmen, Free Folk, and a few sworn houses under House Baratheon and ofc any other groups I forgot to mention against the Night King
Kyra and Arlee are both quite stubborn so they didn't resolve anything prior to the battle. . . they totally should have though, but they didn't
It's when Kyra sees Arleena almost freaken die during the battle that she realizes that it's not worth living a life with resentment against people you care about
Kyra saves Arlee from dying and they continue fighting side by side for the rest of the battle, being the badasses they are
They are just so exhausted by the end of the battle that they collapse on the ground together, it hasn't fully settled in the amount of loss that has happened
Kyra and Arleena look at each other while on the ground, and Kyra whispers "I never stopped loving you" and that's when they kiss again for the first time in a long time
Honestly, these two need a break at this point. Between dealing with the losses from the battle and dealing with whatever they have, they deserve a break
But nah, they don't get it, they have to deal with Cersei
The battle at King's Landing alongside the assassination of Dany just adds to the outside burden and weighs them down, but they're working through it
During the great council meeting, both of them are there
When Bran is offered the chance of becoming King of the Six Kingdoms, him with his Three Eyed Raven weird vibes, he denies it and says somebody else is meant to take the place
He's absolutely alluding to Arleena with the fact she was raised to become a leader and all this stuff he shouldn't know but since he's the Three Eyed Raven, he does know
Arleena being the flustered girl she is of being put on the spot by this weird ass kid, she is hesitant as fuck but since many of the people there have seen what kind of leadership she has and the fact of how much she truly knows Westeros from growing up with the Dawnguards honestly more than some of them combined, they agree to the idea of her becoming queen so she accepts
Kyra is so fucking happy and proud of her, but in the back of her mind the idea of because of the role Arleena now has, things might not go back to what they were between the two of them
Arleena requests for Kyra to stay in King's Landing with her at least for a time, which Kyra absolutely agrees to
That night, the two spend time alone to talk
For context, they're not officially dating dating like they had before all that time ago but they're basically dating
In that time of privacy, Arlee asks if Kyra will become her queen consort
Kyra doesn't quite know what to say, but the fact of Arleena saying she will deal with any and all of the criticism thrown at her by the houses of Westeros alongside the Faith that might come with making gay marriage legal just so that they could be together is what helps her decide that she'd agree when able
Thankfully with the amazing Samwell Tarly as the Grand Maester, it isn't much of a battle to legalize gay marriage in Westeros. There's a bit of backlash, but mostly from the Faith but whatever, having church have a big influence on government is a no go with this queen
Arleena refuses to have an official fancy schmancy coronation yet
The two girls are just estatic and have grown closer during this time after the council meeting until up to this point
Arleena asks Kyra again if she'll become her wife and the Queen Consort of the Six Kingdoms, to which Kyra says yes to
They have a fancy ass wedding, but it's not a huge wedding. Arleena is the Queen of the Six Kingdoms after all, it has to be fancy
Arleena finally decides to set up her official coronation, and both her and Kyra are crowned as queens of the Six Kingdoms
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tartagilicious · 4 years
I know this is kind of a weird ask but could I get a mc not telling the ikevamp boys about her birthday and they find out by stumbling upon her id from the future or something? My birthday is the 10th and I honestly would forget to tell them my birthday unless they asked so I wonder what they would do or react.
don’t worry, that’s totally not weird at all! I did technically finish this ask before the 10th, but I figured it’d be a nice surprise~ happy birthday! 
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*dis, this does exclude Sebastian, as i’m not sure I really consider him a suitor (much less a romantic option) but, if you’d like, send me an ask I’d be happy to add him in for you. 
Napoleon: found out when your birthday was by almost walking in on you writing in your journal, and hearing you mumbling to yourself about how that would be the first year you wouldn’t spend it with friends. (or anyone from your time, of course) from then on, he tried his best to guess the dates, since he hadn’t really ever thought about it before, but caves after a while and ends up just having to ask you out of guilt of possibly getting the date wrong or missing it. To his relief, it’s soon, and believe me when I say that he would do everything possible for you to have a great day. It’s your first in his time together — it should be an occasion to remember. And it is :)
Leonardo: he’s a sneaky boyo. so, he’d probably find out through the ID, like you gave as an example. and ohh, the inventor has been to tons of parties over the course of his long life, but he wants to give you a birthday to remember. Because, well, it’s with him. Your first with him, actually, and hopefully not your last. He even coerces with Sebastian and Le Comte to plan everything just to make sure it’s perfect— and that’s just yet another guarantee that the day will be super fun. 
Mozart: he would be embarrassed that he’s even curious about it in the first place, but would still try his best to figure out when your birthday is nonetheless. It comes up when he hears about all of the ‘fun’ Arthur has in town on his own birthday, and suddenly he can’t help but think about you. You’d never mentioned it before, even after the month you were originally supposed to stay in the mansion passed. So, he takes measures to find out himself (I’ll leave the specifics up to you) he’s a fairly blunt person, though, so after finding out, he’d totally come right up to and ask why you didn’t mention it. 
Arthur: “Aww, you don’t trust me enough yet to tell me your birthday?” lmao but honestly he’d take it just as seriously as the others if not more, just while considering his personality. But, something that would set him apart from the others is that because he’s clever and able to figure things out quickly, he didn’t need much time to make an educated assumption, nor to find out the actual date. While he’s doing so, believe me when I say he’ll vaguely tease you about it, like little things that kind of don’t make sense at first until the actual date of your birthday actually comes. But when it does come, he’s ready. 
Vincent: true to his character, he’d be totally polite about everything, yet still curious. I think it would come up while you’re sitting outside together talking about his and Theo’s childhood, and suddenly Vincent realised that he didn’t know when your birthday was. It’s not secretive on his part in the least, and you can see that when he’s asking he’s genuinely curious. The thing is, though, you’re not expecting much to come out of it. That doesn’t change the fact that Vincent is more of a person to show his emotions through actions than words, so expect a heartfelt birthday with him~
Theo: “Eh? What are you talking about? I forgot you had a birthday in the first place, hondje.” Theo finds out about your birthday when you casually mention it to him in a conversation, no ulterior intent on your part, literally just you forgetting that you’d never mentioned it before. He’d act like it’s not a big deal, like he doesn’t care and it doesn’t change anything, but both of you know full well that he’s taking mental notes. It’s a well-known fact that while Theo might as well have a label on his forehead that reads ’straight from hell’, but he’s extremely kind and thoughtful to those he cares about. You’re absolutely no exception. 
Issac: Like Theo, Issac would act like he couldn’t care less about it, but couldn’t help but want to know more about it anyway when he thought of it. I mean, it’s not as if anyone knows his personality super well yet, but my very Good educated guess says that it would actually be a pretty big deal to him. He doesn’t know the birthday of the woman he loves? I feel like he would feel bad about that. He seems like the type of person that while he wouldn’t want an outright celebration for you, he’d give you the absolute best he could offer. (bonus: he figures out the exact date with Arthur’s help ^^)
Dazai: “Himiko-san, when’s your birthday? I’ll be sure to make you one of my favourite Japanese dishes~” This man has absolutely nothing to hide, and no reason to be sneaky about anything. I mean, he comes in through the window instead of the door, for the god’s sake. traditional isn’t even in his vocabulary beyond clothing and food preferences. so let just say, a birthday with him would be the simultaneously weirdest yet sweetest thing in the world. Also, it might not matter much, but I feel like, since the mc in the game is Japanese, that would be an extra type of bonding for them. 
Shakespeare: Would by far, after finding out about it, be the most extra with it. I mean, you’re technically his first love, so he literally is not the least bit ashamed to show you how much he loves you, whether it be through actual objects or just the words he knows how to use so well. He would keep it a secret that he knew until the actual day rolls around, though, because he’d totally throw the best surprise party. Maybe he’d even invite Theo, too —��that’s how much he prioritises your happiness. 
Jean: 100x more awkward about it than Issac. It’s so horrible that you almost feel bad, but of course you can’t bring yourself to, because it’s just so thoughtful of him. He finds out the actual date in some random way, whether it’s you randomly mentioning it without thinking or him finding something of yours with the date on it. But, in whatever way he happens to find it, it’s always going to be completely not on purpose. He’s an awkward person, so the process might be a little tedious, but don’t forget, he still loves you — and a lot at, at that. H’es probably just embarrassed, honestly, to have his emotions so open, but because of that, you know that he means every single word he says to you that day. It’s so adorable ^^
Comte: Out of all of them, I can guarantee that he would have the least trouble finding out your birthday. Don’t ask how, maybe it’s just a really good guess, maybe it’s his vampire intuition, or maybe it’s just ~totally legal procedures~, but either way, he’d know it eventually even if you didn’t tell him. And honestly, it probably wouldn’t even occur to him that you had never technically told him about it until the date was approaching, because Comte’s smart like that yknow lol. But believe me, that sugar daddy energy would totally come up on your birthday, because he totally loves you and would do anything to make you happy no matter what.
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crowned-ladybug · 5 years
So I said I wanted to see demon AUs that aren’t smut and that I sadly don’t have the energy to make my own rn, and then I went ahead and accidentally made one anyway
So here’s some incomplete notes on it. It’s 2.7k words. I’m so sorry.
Local dumbass heir to the throne (Joseph) doesn’t Wanna be a heir to the throne bc it’s Boring he’s always wanted to be an Adventurer but here he is anyway. Then one night he gets drunk off his ass and manages to?? accidentally summon a demon??? in his friend’s Magic Lab???
(The friend is Avdol and he’s v v tired of Joseph’s shit)
fuckin Joseph made a drunk deal with a demon who Absolutely saw nothing against making a deal with the royal heir currently drunk off his ass bc hey, free deal
luckily the deal wasn’t for Joseph’s soul or firstborn child or half his kingdom or whatever. Instead the deal is a magical bond between Joseph and the demon that allows the demon to share in Joseph’s life energy/general basic human magic and thus be able to exist in the human world in a stable form without having to go home to rest every once in a while or having to maintain like ten spells Just In Case
the demon is doing this whole deal thing bc 1) he Has to, it’s kind of his Job and 2) he’s looking for vengance on a gang of demon hunters who have killed his family but since they’re human, he needs a way into the human world for a longer term to be able to hunt them down
the demon is Caesar in case you haven’t figured that out yet
Joseph is a lot less concerned about having made a deal with a Literal Demon than he should be. He thinks it’s p hilarious actually and Caesar immediately starts having regrets (he’d bond with Avdol over it if he were willing to lower himself to the level of Measly Mortals)
the fun thing is that bc he’s tied to Joseph magically to allow him to freely exist in the human world, Caesar can’t get out of a few mile radius of him, which kinda makes his plans to hunt down the demon hunters (*cough* Pillar Men *cough*) a lot harder and Joseph even more annoying to deal with
the logical solution to that is to pass Caesar off as a servant Joseph befriends, so that he can stay in the castle, and then eventually they can go off on some adventure together to defeat the Pillar Men (or, well, so that Caesar can defeat the Pillar Men while keeping Joseph at arm’s length) which would also mean that Joseph can Finally get his big adventure he’s been dreaming about
then Joseph gets the genius idea to kill even More birds with one stone and decides that Caesar should pretend to be his bf bc all the annoying ass nobles and shit won’t leave him alone about not having a partner and “oh no, you’re of age now, what will happen if you have to take the throne but have no queen by your side?” and everyone keeps trying to woo him and it was fun at first but now it’s just goddamn Tiring
Caesar agrees to it eventually bc Anything as long as Joseph lets him do his research on the Pillar Men in peace. He doesn’t really realise what fake-dating the annoying bastard entails until he’s already too deep into it and he kinda literally can’t go back on his promises to Joseph, being a contract-bound demon
(Caesar looks like a proper demon normally but he Can disguise himself as p much entirely human-looking if he needs to. It takes energy tho, so he reverts back to his demonic looks whenever he’s safe from prying eyes, or if he’s unconscious)
they’re essentially fake-married for magic tax benefits it’s so great
there’s Definitely some Magic Soulbond Shenanigans along the line of “if one gets hurt the other also feels it”
they find out that Caesar reverts to his demonic form when asleep when he pulls two all-nighters in a row looking for information on the Pillar Men and passes out in Avdol’s study, scaring the shit out of poor Avdol. After that they manage to land a room for him in the castle with some lie about him having travelled here from faraway lands (technically true) and having nowhere else to stay (also technically true), but he also spends a lot of his time in Avdol’s study and Joseph’s room without his disguise, solely for convenience’s sake
they ofc have to fool Everyone with the fake dating, including Joseph’s family, bc No One else can know that Caesar is a demon on a quest for vengeance. The worst, most unexpected part for Caesar is that Queen Erina and Lord Speedwagon actually seem to like him?? they’re just genuinely nice to him??? simply bc he’s around Joseph and bc they find him likeable??? he did Not expect Anyone to be nice to him in the human world, what the Fuck, he doesn’t know how to Deal With That
Suzi is Technically a servant but she’s been Joseph’s friend since they were lil kids so she was essentially raised alongside him and they’re best friends and Suzi can only keep Joseph out of dumb shit like half the time bc the other half she’s right there in it with him
she is Entirely unfazed by Caesar, sees through the pretend relationship in like two minutes and knows immeditely that Something Is Up. When she accidentally catches Caesar in his demon form while checking to make sure he’s not stacking all-nighters again, she doesn’t even bat an eye (meanwhile Caesar’s thoughts are entirely “oh fuck do I have to kill her now, Joseph’s gonna kill me if I do, oh fuck, oh fuck”) just tells him to go to sleep on time and then leaves (to call Joseph out on getting himself into even deeper shit than she’d originally thought)
look idk what he does or what relevance he ends up having to the plot but Polnareff is also there, he’s a dumbass knight who’s the reason Joseph knows how to Not fight properly (bc Polnareff has a shitton of dumb tricks and Joseph knows all of them) and has a giant crush on Avdol
god there’s just. A Shitton of dumb shenanigans during their time in the castle, both with the fake-dating (like having to teach Caesar proper royal etiquette and him getting Very confused and flustered when Joseph casually flirts with him) and with hiding Caesar being a demon (they have so many stupid close calls and make so many dumb decisions they Really Shouldn’t, it’s great)
when the time comes to go and find and kill the Pillar Men, it’s only Caesar and Joseph going bc Caesar doesn’t want any more ppl in this mission than absolutely necessary, totally not bc they’re his friends and he worries about them or anything
they get some tips on where to look and how to get there from this weird adventurer dude who passes through the castle on his travels every once in a while. Joseph’s only met him in passing but he thinks he seems fun and has his own dumbass theory that he’s totally some runaway royalty or something. Instead turns out that the dude is half demon and actually related to Caesar and Caesar, being an orphan and all, had thought finding a remaining member of his family would be Way more thrilling but no this dude is just as weird and annoying as Joseph so he’d like a refund pls
(the dude’s Gyro. Ofc it’s fuckin Gyro. Johnny’s there too somewhere I just haven’t figured that out yet. He might actually be the top horse trainer/caretaker/whatever of the castle and the True reason Gyro travels this way every time is bc he’s smitten as hell)
while Gyro gives them some advice he also tells them that hey. Maybe you shouldn’t do this?? esp not just the two of you??? Considering the Pillar Men are known to be ruthless and Very good at killing demons
ofc these idiots Don’t Listen and go after them together anyway
the plan technically is that Joseph stays a safe distance away while Caesar goes and fights the Pillar Men and Totally wins but like. ofc he doesn’t listen and refuses to stay on his ass and let Caesar leave so they go in together anyway
they manage to find Santana alone and Actually Kill Him but it’s a close one, much tougher than anticipated bc as I said before, these dudes are Really Good at killing demons and also just killing in general. It’s also when Caesar realises the full scope of the “if one gets hurt, the other also feels it” part of his bond with Joseph bc Joseph gets hurt worse during the battle and Caesar is so shocked by his own reaction to it that he’s frozen for a moment and it almost costs him his life
that night when they’re camping out after the battle, Joseph reveals that a long while ago he figured out how to break their magic bond without it hurting either of them or sending Caesar right back to his own world. it’s some old spell he found in one of Avdol’s books or something, idk, and at first he’d kept it hidden from Everyone bc he was starting to really like Caesar but knew that Caesar was only around him out of necessity (not true actually but Caesar hid and denied his growing fondness for v v long) and he didn’t want him to leave the moment he realised he Could, even if it was v v selfish of him and he feels like shit about it now. And then later on when it turned out that they’re gonna see this quest through together anyway, he figured it didn’t matter anymore and so he kinda just forgot about it
but he’s remembered it again before they left and packed what he needs for it as a grim Just In Case (and it may or may not be a weird red gem bc yknow, but idk yet) and now he offers to break the bond already bc of how him getting hurt almost got Caesar killed. But Caesar tells him not to, bc it doesn’t matter now and a spell like that would probably take a lot of energy out of both of them when they need everything they’ve got for the upcoming battles
in reality he doesn’t want the bond broken bc it makes him feel like he’s got a right and a reason to stay, without having to fully face just how much he cares about Joseph, and bc it makes sure that Joseph is never far from him and lets him know if he’s hurt and maybe like this he can somehow protect him from getting hurt again
spoiler alert: he can’t
the fight with the other three Pillar Men doesn’t go their way at all. I mean it’s 3 vs 2 and the 3 are Very Good at killing so it should be Expected, but they’re young and dumb and Caesar is stubborn and still thirsting for revenge and if Joseph can’t hold him back then at least he can stay with him
they both get badly hurt and when it looks like it’s just it for both of them, Joseph brings out that spell again and breaks their bond before Caesar could tell him to stop and tells Caesar to run, to get away and don’t even fucking look back, just Go. When Caesar tries to object, Joseph tells him that he’s not dying just so Caesar can get himself killed too and Caesar is too scared to do anything but listen and run as Joseph leaves himself no escape and takes another two of the Pillar Men down with him before Caesar could figure out a way to save him
Joseph survives, Somehow, minus a hand anyway. He wakes up again in his own room in the castle and he has No Idea how he got back or who even found him and his best guess is that Gyro and Johnny have followed them and lbr Avdol’s magic has probably had a part to play in it too
and Caesar is just. Gone. Separated from Joseph and already weak from the fight, he didn’t have enough magic left to remain in the human world for long and thus got pulled back into his own world, and being just a normal demon, he can’t even cross back over without being summoned. But Joseph doesn’t know any of that, he just knows that Caesar is Gone and he strongly doubts he’s coming back bc he hasn’t already and he’s p damn heartbroken about it
meanwhile Caesar isn’t having much better of a time in his own world either. Bc nothing went well, Nothing, but he realises that he doesn’t even care about his revenge plan anymore, he doesn’t care about hunting Kars down and avenging his family. But he’s just lost the only family he’s had Again, the ppl in the castle this time, and he’s stuck here without any way back unless someone accidentally summons him again, and for what he knows Joseph had died to save him and Caesar didn’t even get to say goodbye or bury him
this v shitty state lasts until Joseph’s desperation + a lil nudge from Avdol and Suzi gets him to try summoning Caesar again (bc Joseph decides that if he gets no response at all, if the spell fails, it means Caesar’s really just Gone and he hadn’t made it out alive after all, but having definite knowledge of that will still be better than just Not Knowing and hoping for the rest of his life)
Avdol lets him take his study all to himself and so Joseph settles in during the afternoon and gets to finding the spell which is Not Easy bc he’d been drunk off his ass when he’d first found and performed it. He’s starting to lose hope and think that maybe the spell doesn’t even Exist in Avdol’s books, he’d just butchered a completely different spell and that’s how he got to Caesar, when he Finally finds it, and it’s almost midnight at that point and he’s Exhausted and Scared and Sad and he just Wants This To Work
the spell asks for an offering for the demon’s services, and the first time around Joseph had said something like “idk name your price” which is how Caesar had got the bond he needed (tho Joseph doesn’t actually remember this)
this time he just says “anything” which is a p dumb thing to offer when making a deal with a Literal Demon but he doesn’t care, this is Caesar, he trusts him and he loves him and he’d damn right give anything to just know that he’s okay and maybe get to see him again
and the spell Works it fuckin Works even if it takes a moment and there’s a flash of light and then suddenly there’s Caesar, sitting on the ground in Avdol’s study in all his demonic glory, blinking as his eyes adjust to the dim light and until he sees Joseph sitting on the ground in front of him, crying. And from then on it’s just a big “i thought I lost you” reunion moment that’s so happy it Hurts. They stay sitting on the floor for Hours despite it being late at night, just pressed together and talking about anything and just enjoying each others presence bc they’ve missed each other and thought they’d never see each other again
the next morning Avdol finds them sitting against the wall in a pile and fast asleep and decides to take the day off and goes to find Suzi and Polnareff to tell them the news
idk where the rest of the plot goes yet bc Kars is still out there and Erina and Speedwagon still don’t know about the whole demon thing but have this for now
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involuntaryspy-a · 4 years
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you know what i want gimme tonybucky
Who asks the other on dates: bucky. ask how many dates they went on before tony caught on. three. they went on three dates before bucky went in for a kiss and tony just thought “oh ok we’re doing this now” and just went for it. honestly, if they weren’t married, i think he’d still think they’re friends. they’ll both make an effort to arrange dates, but bucky’s often invited to things in his neighborhood and community, so he’ll usually prompt for them doing fun stuff around town. Who is the bigger cuddler: tony. listen the boy’s all arms and legs, it means he’s an octopus and that he has to wrap them around bucky whenever they’re both horizontal. and tbh bucky loves it so while tony’s the bigger cuddler, they both crave it. Who initiates holding hands more often: bucky. he fuckin loves tony’s hands. he likes playing with them, like if they’re just neat! well not neat, they’re filthy, he’s a mechanic so they’re likely very dirty but he likes sitting next to tony and stealing a hand to play with. he’s very careful and gentle, what with his metal hand and all. bonus: tony knows that buck is uncomfy with his metal hand and defaults to standing off to bucky’s right, so he can use his non-metal hand--but he’s not shy about touching or being touched, he built that hand, he trusts it and the man wielding it.
Who remembers anniversaries: bucky. listen, tony is good at many things. so many things. remembering dates is not one of them. regardless of how many alerts tony sets, he will turn them off and keep going on whatever he was working on. also, yknow. you have to actually know when you started dating someone to know when the anniversary is. Who is more possessive: neither. honestly, they’re not really.... like that? both of them are super giving people and especially with each other, there’s nothing that they won’t give. but, i will say, when it comes to like.... like tony’s a super busy guy and people come to him asking for a lot of help, sometimes with important things, but sometimes it’s like my guy, you can probably do this yourself or find someone else to fix the equipment you broke. so in regards to like... bucky will put up a front of being “possessive” of tony’s time, if it means that tony then gets some well-needed boundaries.  Who gets more jealous: neither. again, it’s not really jealousy, but sometimes bucky will use it as like... a weapon? excuse? to get people to fuck off and leave tony alone so he can have some space and boundaries. bucky’s not above using himself as an excuse to get tony out of something if it means his husband is happy. Who is more protective: both. it’s funny because they’re both super protective but in kind of opposite ways. i think in the superhero way, the physical way, tony’s way more protective--he’s a tank and he knows how squishy team human is and bucky’s just a guy in some (very nice) kevlar and leather vs the amazing iron man suit that tony wears. and honestly, when it comes to the field, bucky knows exactly what tony’s capable of and leaves him to do what he’s good at. he trusts tony’s skill and knows iron man’s limits, and would only start to worry when there was danger of reaching them. on the other hand, when it comes to personal lives, bucky is way way way more protective of tony and his feelings and boundaries. if tony won’t set those for himself, he’ll set them for him to protect his time, feelings, and energy. he can and will give people the boot when he knows tony needs time to work on other things and that they just want tony to take care of it so they don’t have to. Who is more likely to cheat: neither. they’re both so sure in the other, i just don’t think it would occur to them to cheat. they trust each other implicitly, there’s just no likelihood of it happening.  Who initiates sexy times the most: neither. listen. listen they’re really shitty about communication about sexy times for some reason. both are brats. both like a bit of a challenge. neither likes backing down from said challenge. they will literally end up blue-ballsing themselves if they’re not careful. i mean they get there, eventually, but geeze does it take a while. Who dislikes PDA the most: neither. i think before they were married, bucky likely would’ve kept a lot of the pda to a minimum, out of respect for not wanting to cause tony any undue trouble. but yknow, cat’s out of the bag and they’re hitched so whatever, he’ll hold his hand when they go grocery shopping and steal kisses at galas or whatever. they’re not gross about it, they don’t really want to make the front page of the tabloids for whatever stupid conspiracy theory they have running now, but they don’t hold back any casual touching when they’re out in public either Who kills the spider: neither. this house is catch and release ok, spider-woman didn’t suffer for this kind of spider treatment Who asks the the other to marry them: bucky. literally, it was bucky. he did this, he asked, he said the question and tony said yes and then no take backsies were said, regardless of how many bad puns per day happen. tbf tho, bucky had originally asked as just like a “hey would you ever consider marriage” kinda question but it came out as a proposal and tony said yes so he was like ‘okay i’m planning a wedding now before he can say no’ Who buys the other flowers or gifts: tony. are you kidding me. like. look bucky tries? but he’s not good at figuring out what to get. tony would be elated at anything, yeah, sure, but he struggles with any type of gift giving, it’s just not his strong suit. but he knows that gift giving is definitely one o tony’s love languages and loves every little thing--usually big thing--tony gets him. bonus: tony buys him flowers a lot as a surprise and bucky keeps all the cards to them in a now-empty vosges chocolate box under the bed, along with the receipt from their diner date (date 2), a few polaroids of the wedding, written copies of their vows, and any other little mementos that happen to strike his fancy. Who would bring up possibly having kids: neither. they know what their lives are like. even if both of them are excellent with kids, neither wants to bring a child anywhere near that danger. like most superheroes at least know their villains, but bucky has memory problems right, and what’s worse than knowing who out there is gunning for you is not knowing, and the horrible paranoia that comes from trying to figure out who to trust when deciding things like daycare and schools and babysitters--it’s just not really the kind of life a kid deserves. but yknow, i think they’ll always have a pet. alpine makes a great fur baby. Who is more nervous to meet the parents: bucky. tony’s the only one that has living parents still, so i think he was technically a little nervous. he’s got a sordid history, especially depending on what all people have decided to believe re: his this trial, so he knew going in it could be a hard sell. but then he found out amanda was also a spy and a kickass one at that, so a lot of his worries pretty much evaporated. he’s now pretty happy about having a mother-in-law and probably keeps her as up to date as she wants on tony, because tony is not going to send the dumb half asleep photos of himself but bucky sure as hell will Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: both. they don’t really go to bed mad? well, back up, they don’t really fight, and usually when they have a source of conflict, it’s more of a conversation because both of them are fairly reasonable people and are willing to find that compromise. but, if they just need a while to stew before talking, both are likely to retreat to their own corners to get things done while waiting to cool off. but if i’m honest, bucky makes it a point to not go to bed mad--or stay mad for too long--because carrying that around doesn’t make him feel better. it’s also part of the next point-- Who tries to make up first after arguments: bucky. he doesn’t want the argument to linger, and even if he thinks he’s right, he doesn’t like the angry to stay between them. and he’s also very, very quick to remind tony that even when he’s mad, he still loves him. neither of them are likely to stay mad long, but i think bucky’s the one to push them into talking about it, because he doesn’t want whatever it is to linger between them--and frankly, he doesn’t want to be mad at tony, he wants to love and hold him. Who tells the other they love them more often: both. i mean they’re married? and they’re like that sickening married couple that says it instead/in tandem with goodbyes and hellos. and then randomly throughout the day. and then at night before bed. and-- listen bucky loves saying it as much as he loves hearing it, and even if tony doesn’t say the words, bucky feels it in everything he does. but they’re both cheesy as hell and frequently exchange i love yous.
@shellheadtm​ | send me a ship and i’ll rant (accepting for steve & bucky)
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asexualkiba · 7 years
I saw the ship asks thing and you answered them so well im shook could you please do Genma/Raidou or if you don't want to do them sai/ino?? please and thank you. Have a wonderful day friend
AAaaaa I WISH i could do genma and raido but i have no idea tbh lolol, theyre cute but i have 0 feel for their personalities :v so sorry but i guess in that case inosai it is!!! tysmm
who wakes up first in the morning
Sai probably. His sleep schedule is like burned into his brain lol, he always just wakes up early like it or not. And Ino is an absolute sleeping beauty. Her hair is all wavy and pretty on the pillow and sometimes, if sai doesnt wanna get out of bed, he takes his sketchbook off the nightstand and draws her.
who’s the first to fall asleep at night
I wanna say ino!! frick inos so cute lemme collect my thoughts. She’s the kind who would constantly fall asleep leaning against him. Like no matter where they are, he’s just comfortable and safe and smells like clean paper and easy to fall asleep on if its getting late.
what they playfully tease each other over
Idk. This ISNt just me like tryin to play of Sai’s nickname thing i swear. but I feel like they wouldnt outright make teasing comments and just tease each other through nicknames you feel? like i cant even think of examples but i feel like anyone listening would be like “thats kind of so mean…” but literally neither of them care and its just like, their thing, like,
what they do when the other’s having a bad day
Sai will give her all of his subtle attention? Like he’ll be v worried and speak softly and try and say whatever he thinks will make her feel better. Just all his attention. He probably does sweet things to make her feel better like paint her nails.
And i feel like if ino noticed sais having a rough day, shed just end up next to him, leaning on him to comfort him?? They’d talk some ye ye but it’d be mostly just soft cuddles and relaxing idk.
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments
i feel like theyd go through a very passive aggressive stage, like, dancing around eachother lol.
then another stage where they apologize bc they know its technically right, but is also not 100% genuine lolololol
THEN the real apology where i feel like! one would start it, and then it’d be returned and turn into a deep meaningful conversation, where its a lil intimate and sweet and they smile and kiss at the end. idk. idek.
which one’s more ticklish
Idk whos more ticklish, but Ino will tickle sai just to see him laugh. I also gonna take this moment to just state their the couple that stands by each other and hugs from behind, yknow?? And thats when the lil tickles strike, just on his sides so a lil laugh bubbles out. And sai loves it, bc it means she loves his smile, and he knows it. He starts doing it to her sometimes to, because “you have such a beautiful laugh” and krnljganhuhshdghdjd im fine
their favourite rainy day activities
Probably just layin around? I feel like Ino would much appreciate a lazy day, just lying around together while maybe sai paints. Or even spending the day inside the flower shop organizing together, quiet and sweet and casual ya feel.
how they surprise each other
HMMMM OKAy sai loves to try and plan little surprises because he wants to be a REALLy good bf, so he’ll constantly try and ask people for advice and it probably turns out a lil wild sometimes. (Sakura caught on and has a habit of mentioning what gestures she knows her best friend would appreciate, and gives sai tips that he really appreciates.) So his surprises are usually bigger gestures, romantic date nights and bug surprise outings or whatever lol.>/li>
Ino likes lil subtler things, like quick declarations of how much he means to her or buying him things he wanted, or brining home flowers w certain meanings
Ok concept sai def remembers what every flower means so thats his kinda surprises, he brings her pretty bouquets and she knows immediately what the gesture means and its so so sweet and tears.
their most sickening shows of public affection
Imma be honest, they strike me as generally private. Probably hold hands a lot, like all the time, every time theyre near enough, never not holding hands. And they’re always sitting right pressed up against each other all the time. Theyre just more comfortable when theyre touching imo. Little kisses here and there, but light stuff just like on the temple or a peck on the lips or the cheek or the jaw when they’re in public, u feel me???
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niennavalier · 3 years
OC Ramble Time Pt 2!
Okay, so I'm gonna try to keep these a bit shorter (because the other post took way too long), since I'm gonna do a bit of talking about some of the other characters who are attached to the Disaster Boys (Anders and Alex) story and all that good stuff. So... just jump right in I guess?
Elias Elsker: So pretty much, if you read my whole thing about Anders, Elias is the kid that he takes in. He's real energetic and fun, very open while simultaneously being really awkward (not that it really bothers him). Honestly, he's just really friendly and loves people - animals, too (he's learned a bit of magic and usually has his snake familiar, Xanathar, somewhere nearby). (If you know D&D lore, yes, that's a reference, because Elias also started as a character for me to play. Arcane Tricksters, y'know?). Also impulsive, albeit not in a super self-destructive way. More like his cost-benefit analysis is just bad and sometimes he just does something kinda dumb. He's also pretty jumpy and very prone to running into furniture when his brain goes into panic mode.
Overall, he's just well-adjusted. Yes, he lost his parents young, but he had a good relationship with them, and then also grows really close with Anders. Just wanted a character who didn't have a bunch of issues for once, yknow?
For some other random facts: I tend to write him at either 16 or 21ish, depending - sometimes I wanna write him still learning from Anders, sometimes while he's more out on his own. Also, he's ace and some sort of romantic (AKA, he doesn't fully know and hasn't put a label on it, but if I were to say as the author, he's probably panromantic) and really fun to write/play for those relatable ace moments.
Aishah Rayyan: Alex's twin sister, so I won't go into her backstory in depth, except to say that she came out of their tragic past really differently. She got pretty much adopted into her best friend's family, so while Alex was having a rough time, she ended up having a relatively normal life - albeit with some guilt over losing contact with her brother, and, well, the effects of childhood trauma and the like. She and Alex reconnect over the course of whatever plot I actually write for them, and after all of whatever that is, they and all their other friends (talked about down below) end up all living together. And in that dynamic, she's 100% the mom friend. But less doting and more Tired. She's generally pretty laid-back, practical, and would love a quiet night in with loved ones, but ends up in this constant state of "please stop blowing up [insert kitchen appliance here], I haven't even kind of had enough coffee for this." At least before probably trying to fix the problem, until her girlfriend shepherds her to bed. (And that's assuming she's not hyperfocused in on something, because sometimes that's just what happens. Given a problem, she's gonna solve it).
(Oh, and quick note, she's the other old character who's since gotten reworked. Old tag was for "Taylor Fairfax" but then, unlike with Alex, she went through a pretty massive edit.)
Celine: Nope, no last name yet because names are hard, but she's Aishah's girlfriend. She's about the same age, just a little younger, and an aspiring theatre actress. She's really outgoing and warm, charismatic and super easy to get along with. More than a touch dramatic. Also a lot more traditionally feminine than most of the other female characters I write, and sort of the other resident mom friend, but...I guess in the more stereotypical way? (And she's really vocal about her support for Anders and Alex in particular - she finds them adorable and is one of few people who's never been intimidated by Anders. She just sees how he melts in front of people he cares about).
Oh, also, she and Aishah met at some sort of community theatre performance. The story that their friends tell is basically that in the middle of a scene, as she was on stage and Aishah was in the audience, their eyes just met, and that was it. Obviously, in reality, it wasn't that simple, but there are a lot of meet-cute vibes there.
Valon: Okay, now we get into the territory of my lovable idiot children (which, kudos to whoever knows where I'm stealing this particular name from. If you do, uh, you'll definitely know why this character is the way he is). Aishah's childhood best friend, and the one whose family adopted her. Also the one who's largely responsible for pulling her a bit more out of her shell. He's... just a big dumb idiot? Real big personality, constantly ribbing all of the people he's around and cracking jokes, just likes the energy of being around people in general. Always down to try something new and ridiculous, no matter what it is, even if that means destroying electronics (or the oven). And bluntly honest, but not in a mean way?
Also, he's bi and is pretty often just going out on casual dates for fun. Just sorta waiting to see what happens. But really, he's much more proud of Aishah's love life, though, and gladly takes credit for being the one to get her to ask Celine out.
(Oh, also, cause it was vaguely referenced above: he's the one who was - and is - intimidated by Anders.)
Arina "Ari" Varellian: My other idiot child, but also the character that I probably relate to the most? She grew up around a lot of technology as a kid and developed a good amount of skill with it (coding and stuff - I know nothing about it but she can, it's fine). But what it ultimately did was introduce her to a lot of other pieces of media - video games especially (but also TV and movies are a big part of her life, too). Basically, she's just a glutton for entertainment and fiction and keeps up with all the nerd content.
But she doesn't fall into that "introverted, awkward nerd" type. She gets along really well with Valon, actually - very similar type of big, open personality and always ready with a hearty laugh. She's just here to have a good time, and to try new things (and to force her friends to try new things with her). Basically, she's the person who would go looking for a way to learn parkour after playing something like Assassin's Creed (because it looks cool) or would - and did - plan an entire camping trip after playing Red Dead 2 (because the outside is pretty, guys). Plus, also dragging them into things like escape rooms and D&D games, because these things looked fun.
And, because this is important to me, she's aro ace and very much a way for me to write my perspective? All the "what's up with sex when you could have cake? Or dragons?" and "look, these characters are pretty but why would I sleep with/romance them?" While simultaneously making sex jokes at her friends' expense and shipping fictional characters like there's no tomorrow.
And that's all for today!
The main other characters attached to my Disaster Boys. Tried to keep it short because I'm sleepy, but, as per usual, I could and would gladly talk more about them later (even though some of them do sorta vary in terms of how much I've written and developed them).
Although, a couple last things: I've technically also been sitting on one more character to add into this crew - specifically another friend of Ari's. But I've done markedly less development there, so I'll come back to that some other day. And there are other characters attached to Anders aside from just Elias, I promise. He does have his mentor (whom I mentioned but didn't go into, since I tend to write her more into backstory) and his own found family, but some of those characters belong to a friend, cause that all developed via some D&D sessions. Didn't seem right to add that here.
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