#he would do this even if he thought ingo didn't deserve it because again he wouldnt let someone die
salsa-di-pomodoro · 1 year
Emmet doesn't care whether Ingo lives or dies -ingo needs a kidney and Emmet is the only one who can give it- Emmet is informed- there is no one who is Ingo's new family - Emmet doesn't have to do this for anyone but Ingo - Emmet is a good person or tries to be- Emmet is aware that he is the only person that will be able to care of Ingo dies and he doesn't care - Emmet is aware that he is the only one who can help Ingo - they ask him if he'd like to donate his kidney and he doesn't want to but if he doesn't care then he can give it - Emmet donates kidney - Ingo lives - they do not speak again but they part knowing the other would help them out
#hed be just like alright fine ill do it just because it changes nothing for me#ingo would want to libe and emmet doesnt care#so the only person that cares would be Ingo and in the end there is no one else that would say the opposite so emmet has reason to let Ingo#live because ingo himself would want to live and no one wants him to die and if he doesn't care then someone wanting to live while no one#wants them to die is reason enough to save them#please for the love of god let me be done with this thing#ignore this if you somehow see it by the way i am trying to get the ocd obsession out of my system#he would do this even if he thought ingo didn't deserve it because again he wouldnt let someone die#even if they didnt deserve a second chance at life if they asked and no one cared to deny them and he could deliver he would do it. even#if he hated them personally#because if they arent hurting other people actively he'll help them out anyway despite his own feelings#he might feel it is unfair but he would still do it. he would be very vocal about the unfairness and his hatred though#he would let them know he is better than them as he should#ok enough now i do not think about anything like this anymore or i'll start all over again and find some imaginary flaw that isnt there and#start spiraling again#this is true#what i said in this post and tags is true because there is literally no other way things would make sense to go#any other way would be literally out of character and therefore cant be true#please for the love of god brain let me stop here is nothing else to think about this is over this is true and#and there is no fault in the thought process#if anyone was the only person to be able to help someone hated or not they would help if they were the only one to hate them even if no one#loved them#and if they dont the personality they have is drastically different from the ones ingo and emmet have so again it would be ooc#ENOUGH NOW.
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waywardstation · 2 years
Okay, but with the whole magazine falling through time thing, I just imagine that they didn't just do a photoshoot with Ingo, but rather included all of the top contenders. And do you know who took the #3 spot on that poll? Emmet. This leads to a lot of confusion on Melli's part as he can't make heads or tails of it.
Add to that how Ingo isn't very physically expressive while Emmet is, I'm just imagining like... During the photoshoot, Emmet was feeling a bit miffed at having lost the second place slot to N. (He expected to lose to Ingo, but to this kid!? He wanted to win, dammit!) And so he decides to make that everyone else's problem and to make everyone seeing the poll results regret choosing N over him by busting out the charm and cranking it up to 11. Emmet can put on a good show if he wants to. He knows how to give the ladies a view that will leave them wanting more. So the photoshoot ends up being like... Ingo is stiff as a board in every shot. N is just being sweet and wholesome all around. And then Emmet is there making you feel filthy just by looking at him! It's all still very PG, but boy did Emmet want to see how far he could push that rating!
So cut to Hisui where Melli's flipping through this magazine like, "How did you rank number 1!? Why are you on this list twice!? Why are there two of you!? WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!?" Melli points to a picture of Emmet. Given that the Meiji Period and the Victorian Era were contemporaries, these pictures, for as PG as they are in the current world are proving themselves to be capable of vaporizing Melli on the spot!
In regards to this ask
GREAT POINT OP Melli gets to see everyone on the polls. There are a lot of people in this magazine…wait, did Ingo just enter the poll twice with an inverted-color uniform? Did he really think just smiling would be enough for them to think he was a different person??
the thought of all the contenders getting their own pages is super funny because they do whatever they want on it as long as it’s PG. Melli is appalled enough that Ingo won TOP SPOT. But when he flips to Ingo’s corresponding photoshoot page Ingo is just super stiff in every single photo haha.
Melli can’t believe Ingo squandered such a chance to show off because every photo is just him looking straight at the camera like the muppet he was back in gen5
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(Of course all of the photos are still really well done and Melli still can’t believe Ingo, the tattered mountain man, looked like that.)
I feel like Melli would really like N’s photos cause of how nice his hair looks. He blabs to Ingo’s face that this guy is WAY BETTER than Ingo and he’s glad that N beat him in the overall polls, trying to upset him. Ingo would just agree the guy looks like he deserved it, to Melli’s frustrations.
And then Melli gets to Emmet’s Inverted Ingo’s photos. Not only does it greatly confuse him because he can’t read anything on the page and doesn’t understand how Ingo could have entered the poll twice, he can’t even begin to understand where all of this personality came from. (By the way Emmet turning it up to 11 for the photos just to spite everyone who voted N over him is super funny haha. Emmet will not get third place again next time the polls come around)
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subwaytostardew · 7 months
Sooooo, what do the twins say when you give them a bouquet then a mermaid's pendant respectively?
Sorry for the delay! I actually hadn't written their dialogue until this ask prompted me to. Partially because it's optional and the vanilla NPCs all share the same generic dialogue strings... We haven't quite posted much nor finished Emmet's heart events yet but well... His relationship progression takes into account that you get the "Best Friends" achievement after reaching 10 hearts.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
▲ Ingo ▲
Bouquet rejection: "Ah! What a lovely gift! Did you grow these yourself? You have my gratitude, @! Though… by the look of your expression… perhaps I am misinterpreting this gesture?"
"AH! Ehem… I-I see you want to become more serious. I apologize for not understanding your intended tracks right away, but I must decline. As much as I enjoy your company, I believe we should refrain from speeding too far ahead of ourselves…"
Mermaid Pendant Rejection: "A mermaid pendant? H-how kind of you to further educate myself on your local customs…"
"A-ah! Y-you intend to couple as a two-car train in m-marriage? I apologize… I believe you are speeding too far ahead of our tracks. I'm not quite ready to conduct such matters at the moment."
Bothering After Rejection A: "Ehem! I've told you, I must refuse. Do not force me to speed ahead on such hasty decisions... Please... Refrain from such requests for the time being..."
Bothering After Rejection B: "I do not recall what would have led your train of thought down those tracks, but if I have done something to make you think otherwise… E-ehem… O-once again, my apologies…"
Bouquet Acceptance: "A-AH! THIS- This is…! Oh dear… Emmet isn't stationed nearby to witness such a display of a-affection, is he?"
"Ah… forget it! I suppose I've repressed my feelings for far too long. You deserve everything and so much more, my dear! From the innermost region of my heart's engine, thank you for taking the initiative with such a lovely bouquet! I will try my best to conduct our love openly and to the fullest, as is right! It is my sworn duty as your b-b-b… b-boyfriend, after all!"
Mermaid Pendant Acceptance: "O-OH…! D-dearest…! Is that…?! I can't believe it… You w-wish to… D-do you really mean… C-could it be? I'm not misinterpreting anything, am I? Is this but a dream? Do you really wish to c-couple as a two-car train… on the tracks set for the station of m-matrimony?"
"AH… I-IS THAT… Is that so… Pardon the interruption, but if it's not t-too much, I request that you wait a moment as I realign my cab in proper operating condition!"
"[Ingo bursts into tears, loudly sobbing as he trembles with- what you know as- a wavering smile on his face. His heartbeat races at full steam. He's so overwhelmed with emotion… His state of elation, the relief of knowing that you share the same dedication to him as he does you… It's all too much for him! Between his choked-up cries, you hear Ingo sputter out proclamations of love and desperate pleas for this moment to not be another mere fantasy alongside stuttered- but loud-'BRAVO's.]"
"A-ah… Ahem! Please, forgive me for the delay! I hope that my sudden outburst didn't set your train of thought on the wrong track! I have never awaited such a journey more than that on our horizon...! Of course, I accept! Thank you… thank you for granting me my most cherished ideal! I promise to pursue even greater heights coupled with you as your h-husband, with no terminal called 'End' in our m-married life together!"
▽ Emmet ▽
Bouquet rejection: "Stop giving me gifts. I am Emmet. I feel bad. Huh? Dating? Absolutely not. I don't really trust you. I don't like those jokes…"
Mermaid Pendant Rejection: "Oh. No. Is this supposed to be a joke? I am Emmet. I remember this. Ingo said those were for marriage proposals. I don't really know you. I don't want you. That's not nice. Don't do that."
Bothering After Rejection A: "What did I say? I said no. Stop that."
Bothering After Rejection B: "Do you think that's funny? I don't. Be serious."
Bouquet Acceptance: "Thank you for the flowers! They are verrry pretty. Is it okay if I press them? I want to keep them forever. I want to keep you forever. You mean so much to me."
"Huh? You want to get more serious? Good. You should. I feel the same way. This is why you're my favorite person. Let's have more fun! Is it okay if I take a picture of us with them? I like keeping reminders that you like me. I love the flowers. Verrry much. But your smile is my favorite gift! Can I have it?"
Mermaid Pendant Acceptance: "You… went out into the rain for me? Are you serious? You're not lying to me, are you? I can trust you. Right?"
"[Emmet stares at you silently with a desperate look in his eyes, teary as he awaits confirmation in his safety check. When you reassure him that you are indeed serious about your love for him, he pulls you into a verrrrry tight hug, smiling into the kisses he presses all over your face.]"
"Mm… I am Emmet. You wanted to marry me, too… I love you. Verrrry much! I'm serious. Really serious. Because if a love isn't serious. It isn't fun. I want to keep having fun with you. Always."
"Hm… You beat me to it! I wanted to propose. But I will not lose again. Our wedding starts in three days. I have everything planned. Be ready. I already set everything up. If your clothes got ruined in the rain. Don't worry. I already prepared an outfit for you. Just bring that perfect smile of yours! We are going to be each other's everything. Verrry soon. Coupled as a two-car train. Our tracks go on forever! I am Emmet. I will be all you'll ever need. I love you! Let's have more fun!"
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ciderwitch · 1 year
Emmet x Best Friend Reader
This one is only mildly suggestive so bear that in mind. Emmet is pining after his BFF as she deals with a jackass boyfriend. Mention of toxic behaviors.
Emmet was in love with you and it was great! You were wonderful, kind, gorgeous and made him happy!
If only you weren't dating someone else. 
You'd started dating the guy just a few months before you met Emmet, but oh, how he wished he'd met you first. 
You were a regular on the battle lines and one of the few trainers talented enough to win, so of course you struck up conversation with him and his brother a few times. Eventually, those conversations turned into hangouts, which then eventually morphed into holiday dinners, sleepovers, and movie nights with him and Ingo. You slipped into his life like you had belonged there all along. 
You became more than a good friend to him and Ingo. You were family. You were welcome at their home or at the gear station, day or night.
And Arceus, how he wanted you. He'd always been the possessive type, but it was like you set his blood on fire just breathing. If he didn't have Ingo's gentle support and steady hand he knew he would have been an absolute menace. He'd been talked down from just going and confessing his feelings to you more than once.
Yes, he thought you should break up with the loser because he was infinitely better, but he also cared about you and respected you, so he hasn't. He was your friend first and he wanted you to be happy. 
If only he didn't know he could make you so much happier.
Tonight you'd both decided to do a little drinking. Ingo had to work late on the lines and your jerk boyfriend was hanging out with his loser friends, so you decided you'd have a nice evening together.
It was all fun and games until you let it slip that the guy hadn't gotten you off in a few months. 
Emmet was horrified.
"I am Emmet, and I am drunk, and even I know you deserve waaaay better! Does he have trouble getting it up or something? He has hands, doesn't he?"
"No, we still fool around but he's less… I don't know, interested? He still gets off, he just says I take too long. He said that most guys just don't really want to do all that stuff and I should be understanding of how tired he is after work anyway."
"That is wrong. So very, very, verrry wrong. It is not your fault if you need more stimulation. I have never faulted a partner for needing more attention. It is important that we both enjoy ourselves, yes? Getting you off is part of my enjoyment, too."
"I know, I thought it was kinda off but I've just felt so self-conscious lately. It's been harder to get off. He keeps commenting on everything I eat, what I wear, what I'm doing. I wish I knew what changed."
Emmet surprised both of you when he slammed his fists down on the table. 
"Sorry," he said quickly, before adding, "But that is ridiculous, and cruel!" he chastised, voice still even despite the alcohol tumbling around his thoughts, "You're beautiful. Verrry beautiful. I would take you in a heartbeat. Would make you feel so good. Would tell you how perfect you are. The only thing wrong is with him!"
How dare that man make you question yourself!
Emmet wouldn't just make you scream, he would give you so much pleasure you couldn't make a sound. Over and over again, before he even thought about touching himself.
"Thanks, Emmet," you say, unable to stop the blush rising or your cheeks. "I did want to ask you something, actually. Would you-"
Emmet cursed internally as your phone pinged. You picked it up to check it and made such an obvious grimace that he casually plucked it out of your hands to read it:
Hey, don't forget that I've got my match tomorrow, so can you make sure you actually dress up for once? 
Emmet levels you with blank eyes and a flat grin before his long fingers start flying across the phone screen, typing out something undoubtedly obscene and inflammatory as you wrestle to get the phone back from him. 
He easily pinned you to the ground, finishing his text tirade with one hand before his mind catches up with the the position you're both in. 
His hips are on yours with one arm holding your smaller hands above your head. The pang it sends through him rivets him to the spot.
He's quite a sight, you think, mouth open and panting, hair tousled and pants dipping low on his hips above you.
He looks like he's about to start drooling, and you use his moment of weakness to steal your phone back and read over the message he wrote. 
"Pretty good," you laugh, "but I already know what I'm gonna write."
You type out something quick and hit send, then turn the phone over to show Emmet. 
We're over. You can pick up your stuff at the station tomorrow.
You don't even have the chance to finish the question you wanted to ask before he's pulling you into a kiss that you happily return.
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pooka167 · 2 years
PLA Dad Ingo and Uncle Emmet Au Part 3
So here we are at part 3 of my still yet to be named au. You can find part 1 here and part 2 here. Right now to continue where we left off.
Akari is on her way to meet Volo, alone except for her pokemon team and Lady Sneasler, who had refused to leave Akari as she made her way to the Temple of Sinnoh. She didn't tell anyone where she is going or what she is doing, under the impression Volo was just going to give her another of his many history lessons and tell her how to get the last plate.
Upon reaching the temple, Volo is there to greet her but something seems off. His smile is all teeth and there's a dangerous glint in his eye. It sets alarm bells off in Akari's in head but is too blindsided by such a drastic change in character. to do much of anything as he starts to monologue about his plans to meet Arceus how it'd been him who'd opened the space time rift with Giratina, how Ingo's misplacement was caused by him, how he watched and waited for the people of this region to tear themselves apart. Just so he could get the chance to meet the so called God of pokemon.. What breaks the damn and opens the floodgates however is Volo spitting cruelly "Warden Ingo only ever saw you as a means to an end, no one ever truly cared about you."
This hits home for Akari and without Ingo here to reassure her and her current distance from the villagers and the clans only further driving the untrue point home in her mind Volo is able to do one of the things he set out to do. Throw Akari off her game.
Akari's reaction is immediate as she's overwhelmed by emotions, her deepest insecurity since the events of red sky has be voiced by Volo, someone who she thought was her friend who was one of the handful of people she could trust now Ingo is gone. Volo only ever used Akari to further his own goals and if Volo who'd been so kind and open had used her who's to say he was wrong about Ingo. Ever since she got to Hisui everything she's done has been for the benefit of someone else. There's always been an ulterior motive of some kind, so maybe what he said was true. Ingo probably hadn't given her a second thought now that he was back where he belonged.
She sinks to her knees tears streaming down her face as she sobs brokenly. Sneasler who had been growling at Volo moves to stand protectively in front of the girl her claws raised threateningly snarling a warning. Volo merely laughs and continues taunting Akari.
"Does it hurt little hero, knowing that all the people who you cared for couldn't give a single damn for you, that the man you viewed as a father has never felt an ounce of affection for you. That he put up with you just so he could go home. I'd imagine he was quite grateful to leave you behind."
Akari covers here ears as she breathes raggedly between sobs trying desperately to block out Volo's words. Even if what Volo said was true about Ingo using her at least he had been kind about it, had never thrust the expectation on her just let her chose her own course about it, because he knew it was her nature to help and ultimately that's what she would do.
Soon her despair gives way to anger, anger at being thrust away from a home she cannot recall, at being forced to work tirelessly to even be given basic necessities that she deserved just for being a human being, necessities that shouldn't have had to earn. Anger from being betrayed time and time again from the people she thought she could trust. Enough was enough.
Akari moves to shakily stand on her feet and steps out from behind Sneasler motioning for the noble to stay back, Samurott's pokeball ready in her hand and a defiant expression set on her face. She was so tired of dealing with one crisis after another, Volo wasn't going to taint the few good moments of her time here anymore than he already had. Volo smirks and releases his Spiritomb giving a mocking bow. Samurott materializes moments later ready for a battle, reacting to Akari's own charged emotions. The battle begins.
It goes on for what feels like hours. Akari's emotions guide her through this battle and its obvious Volo was expecting this outcome. He has a full team. What he was not expecting was for Akari to gain her balance again so quickly. The more they battled the more Akari came to her senses. Ingo did care for her in some way she saw the anguish look in his eyes when she sent him home, how he reached out for her as Dialga and Palkia's power whisked him away. She will not allow Volo to cause her doubt. Ingo had cared for her.
Samurott chips away at Spiritomb, then blasts through Volo's Arcanine before she withdraws him. Her beloved Zoroark takes down the Lucario with one well aimed flamethrower and her Garchomp goes toe to toe with Volo's own, falling to Togekiss' moonblast after a well timed switch but not before valiantly getting off a powerful poison jab. Gardevoir swoops in and finishes it off and Volo's final pokemon a Roserade falls to a few powerful psychics. Her team is a bit battered, with only her own Arcanine and her Luxray still at full health and down one but she is victorious. Or so Akari thinks. Volo calls fourth Giratina and it is a monster.
Gardevoir doesn't even have time to dodge before the legendary dragon fells her with a shadowball. Luxray comes out and paralyses it but that seems to nothing and he goes down to Earth power. Akari has gone down from one pokemon down to half her team in mere moments. She is terrified. Giratina exudes a powerful aura and it seems to bring all her negative emotions to the surface. Arcanine comes out and faints in a similar way to Luxray only able to pull off a single rockslide before doing so. Zoroark comes out with a vengeance, snarling ferociously as it barrages Giratina with as many shadow balls as it can but he too goes down when Giratina hits him with a ghost move Akari has never seen before. Now its just her and her beloved starter left.
Samurott while battered does not hesitate to stand between Akari and the beast of the distortion world. By some miracle her first companion tanks a dragon claw that at his current health should have fainted him and with a mighty cry manages on last night slash to finish Giratina off before he too goes down. Akari runs to him and cradles his face petting his snout then returns him to his pokeball. "Thank you Samurott, Thank you everyone." she whispers.
Giratina lies on the ground unmoving and then suddenly it isn't. A blast of air throws Akari back and she lets out a cry of pain as she collides with a pillar. She can see Sneasler driving her claws into the stone to hold her own body in place and when the dust settles. Giratina is up and moving again having taken on another form and it's advancing towards her. Sneasler immediately intercepts, claws glowing purple an indication of dire claw being used. Giratina sends her sprawling but the noble pokemon lets out a guttural snarl and scrabbles to her feet, determined to stand in between Akari and the dragon.
"Sneasler please, get out of here!" Akari begs. The noble ignores her pleading and pays the price, with a flick of its new appendages Giratina once more is bats Sneasler across what remains of the temple put of sight, her body hits the ground with a thud. Sneasler lets out small whimper and doesn't get up again.
Akari finds herself unable to move as Giratina advances once more, her entire body aches and blood slowly trickles down the side of her face from a shallow cut. Similar cuts litter her arms and there's a sharp pain in her right ankle. This is it, she was going to die. She was never going to get the chance to see if her dad made it back to his brother, she would die here in the past and he'd find out about it through whatever historical record if any mentioned it if he ever went looking. Akari closes her eyes and waits trying to block out Volo's cries telling Giratina to finish her off. The Pokémon's massive shadow falls over her and Akari tries to fold in on herself in a feeble attempt to protect herself. She hears the sound of a move being charged and takes in a deep breath. The move never connects. Instead there's a sound like thunder and a blinding light consumes the temple. Before two voices ring out.
"Chandelure use shadowball!"
"Eelektross thunderbolt!"
Giratina roars in pain and rears back the combination of two moves unexpected and Volo shouts in outrage. Akari opens her eyes to see two figures in billowing coats of black and white accompanied by pokemon she's never seen before standing in front of her. She'd recognize one of those voices anywhere. "D-dad?"
Ingo at the sound of Akari's voice swivels and crouches down his frown deepening eyes ablaze as he takes in her prone form. He gently props Akari up against the pillar and cradles her face with his hands, thumbs brushing away tears she didn't even know she was shedding.
"I'm here Akari, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere without you." Ingo reassures. Akari lets out a choked sob, and leans into his touch. Emmet who had been keeping an eye on Giratina and Volo glances back and takes in Akari's state. His smile turns vicious, eyes razor sharp as he returns his focus to their opponents. Both Chandelure and Eelektross ready at his side. This was a fight Emmet would happily take on by himself.
"I am Subway Boss Emmet, I am Ingo's twin brother. You hurt my niece I am going to make you regret that verrrry much. Prepare for defeat my destination is the station of victory whiles yours is the station of defeat."
Giratina doesn't stand a chance after that. Emmet uses all his frustration and anger and hurt at having his twin ripped away from him and the niece he's never formally met getting attacked into the battle. It's a laughably short battle. Giratina goes down and then flees as Volo curses it. Emmet uses this chance to approach Volo and crack him square across the face with his fist. Before he can do anymore damage Volo makes a run for it jumping off the cliff and flying away on his Togekiss.
Emmet bemoans the chance to truly make him pay but quickly hurries over to Ingo and Akari. He takes note of the pokeballs scattered around and gathers them up on his way as well as a weird purple plate and holds them out to the exhausted, still crying girl who despite her injuries has latched on to Ingo. Ingo to his credit doesn't look like he'll be letting her go anytime soon either.
"I am Emmet I believe these are yours, not to worry when we reach a safe station, I can fix your partners right up."
Akari nods hiccupping slightly and reaches for them letting go of Ingo briefly to clip them onto her belt. Emmet can tell that his niece is overwhelmed. There will be time for proper introductions later. Maintenance must be scheduled for his niece first. Emmet spots her bag and places the mysterious plate in it. Questions can be asked later for now as always the safety and well-being of their passengers come first. Emmet watches over his brother and niece until Akari has managed to calm her sobs and pulls slowly away from Ingo. Her eyes widen after a few moments seemingly remembering something and all of a sudden the girl is trying to haul herself to her feet panicked.
Ingo doesn't let her get very far, rising to stand himself and then sweeping into a princess carry careful not to aggravate her injuries. "Akari its okay" he soothes. "Volo and Giratina are gone."
This is not what is wrong evidently as Akari begins to babble about Sneasler and how the noble was thrown out of the temple by sheer force when trying to protect her. Ingo rushes out the temple with Emmet close behind and they find Sneasler laying on her side eyes closed. Emmet immediately reaches for a max revive and carefully feeds it to the fainted pokemon. Sneasler's eyes snap open taking in her surroundings. She lets out a cry of delight at seeing her beloved warden again and sniffs at Emmet, nodding slightly before letting out a low keening sound at the state of Akari in his arms. Akari raises an arm weakly to pat the noble. "Thank you for trying to protect me." Ingo says his own thanks to his noble for protecting his child and Sneasler huffs and places a clawed hand on his head and pats it.
The group make their way down the mountain and heading for the summit camp. Unaware of the morphed azure flute and the insistent message flashing across Akari's arc-phone buried deep in her satchel.
"Seek out all pokemon, then face me"
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kelpiemomma · 10 months
okay okay, the OC questions for Khan: 3, 10, 12, 17, 26, 27, 32, 34, 38, 39, 40, C, D (I know the answer but show it off) F, G, H
i will take EVERY opportunity to talk about Khan ♥ (also rip he's in so many verses now,,,, we'll just go poke!verse fdsjklaf; since thats the most common one ♥)
(questions from here)
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?) ►Most nights he lies down and is able to drop right off to sleep. He will intentionally exhaust himself to sleep, not because he's afraid of lying awake but he'd rather just get going to sleep over with so why not make himself tired? Some nights he lies awake (post hisui yeeting) and thinks about the (distant) past, what he could have done differently, and how much he fucked up. He'll keep himself awake berating himself before he mentally gets too exhausted to stay awake anymore.
10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them? ►He doesn't care about the lies he's told since breaking free of Pleiades. The lies that haunt him are the ones he said as a child, not knowing any better. Telling his parents he was too old for hugs, telling his siblings he'd "be right back" when he would leave for a night or two to be free of the overbearing extended family. Does "I'll always protect you." count as a lie, even though he meant it and then failed? The lies he tells now (post hisui yeeting) are ones he considers for everyone's betterment. Lying to his found family that he's fine when he's injured. Lying that the frenzied pokemon aren't affecting him as well. Lying about how he picks things up. They don't need to know about the pain he's in, because then they'd worry. They don't need to know his mind is slowly being worn away as the frenzy of the gods gets worse and worse. They don't need to know he killed a Ginkgo Guild member to steal their backpack and supplies. And he feels no guilt for telling these lies.
12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach? ►Nineteen out of twenty times he will find something to scratch against. A tree, a wall, grab a stick- whatever. He will take care of his problems (including itching) on his own. Every so often, very infrequently, he'll ask one of his pokemon or his family for help. (He knows he doesn't deserve someone's help and care. He's greedy for it but he'll keep away from it so he can't get used to it, start expecting it.)
17. Are they easily embarrassed? ►No. :c They don't want to talk about their past in the lab but it's not out of embarrassment, it's "no one needs to know about that". I don't think anything exists that could embarrass Khan anymore. He's been through too much and had too much dignity taken away, he just doesn't care.
26. What is their preferred mode of transportation? ►If his wings didn't hurt to use, he would absolutely love flying by his own means. There's a freedom to it that he doesn't otherwise get. Unfortunately any use of his wings results in a lot of pain. Otherwise, he prefers to walk. He actually gets motion sick pretty easily, so transportation via vehicles was never easy on him. He also figures that if he's walking, it's easier to fight back if someone tries to hurt or abduct him (again).
27.  What causes them to feel dread?  ►Pre-Hisui Dropoff, every now and then he would look at his best friend and feel... terrified. Upset. Angry. He figured it was just mood swings at the time. When his memories returned, he realized it was his subconscious telling him to be wary of the person he'd relied on the most. →Post-Hisui Dropoff, after semi-unintentionally taking Rei and Akari under his (metaphorical) wings and considering them His Niblings, the thought of them coming to harm brings him both dread and anger. He will do absolutely anything in his power to keep them safe. In addition to that, he dreads Ingo's memories returning. Khan has found contentment for himself. He is almost, dare he consider it, happy. He has a family and a place that welcomes him. He has a job that he actually finds fulfilling. He can kill people and hide their bodies and it will be assumed that it was wild pokemon that did it. He genuinely loves being in Hisui because it's given him a new start. He's afraid that if Ingo remembers his past, remembers where he came from, he'll want to return. Khan would (and will) lie to him, without regret, to try and keep them where they are. He knows he'd likely end up being hated, but he'd prefer that to having to watch the family he found separate again. (Khan's biggest desire is to once again have a family. He knows that the chance of him ever meeting his own again is next to nill, so the idea that the one he found, the one that accepted him, might break up? Might go back to where they came from, and end up leaving him behind, either in Hisui or back in Unova? The thought terrifies him.)
32. Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? ►If Khan doesn't have to do a conversation, he won't. There are a handful of people he'll tolerate talking to, and even fewer he enjoys talking to. There's also not much he wants to share. What story could he tell in a conversation? The time he and another experiment broke out of a lab? The fucked up relationship they developed afterwards? The people he's threatened, the ones he's killed? Yeah, no. If anything, he'll make up some bullshit and leave.
34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?  ►There are only two things Khan feels any guilt for, and he knows he'll never be able to alleviate them. One is for leaving his siblings the night he got abducted, for never telling them goodnight and that he loved them. The other is a wound that will never heal now that he remembers it; killing his beloved little sister is a guilt that will fester as long as he's alive.
38. What memory do they revisit the most often?  ►Khan tries not to visit his memories, honestly! Before he remembered everything he didn't care, he was just going about his day to day life. Sure, some things seemed weird sometimes, days would pass way too quickly, but he was an escaped lab experiment. He definitely didn't want to remember those days. Once he was able to remember everything, his childhood and his siblings, he didn't want to. They're a reminder of how deep his failure runs. He pretends to have no history so he doesn't have to think about his past, how he fucked up in so many ways, and how he doesn't want to return to the future.
39. How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?  ►Pretty easy, honestly! Khan's no saint. He's a little shit. If he cares about someone he'll ignore their flaws unless there's an immediate reason not to. If he doesn't care about someone he'll ignore their flaws unless it gives him reason to mock them.
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws? ►He's not really sensitive about them? He flaunts them, honestly. He treats them like a joke. They are a simple fact about him. I did kind of joke about it here using a quote from Sword Art Online Abridged :) He just... knows he's flawed, and either doesn't care or thinks it's hilarious.
C. Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story? ►A little, yeah! Khan was a bit of an experiment to see how well I could include a fan character in a canon space. I never really considered my Pokemon playthroughs as OCs. Plus his origins went from "fetus developed in the lab" to "abducted teenager" to "abducted child". He was definitely a development! I do like where he's ended up though. He's my little meow meow.
D. Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? ►Uhhh... well, he went from this v
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to this ^ so, no xD His appearance also changes somewhat based on what 'verse I put him in. The dark hair and basic facial features stay the same, as well as the face scar. But the ears, the horns, the fangs... small things change based on where he's at <3
F. What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)? ►He's a dick and I love him so much. He's like my one warrior cat oc, Snagglefang (who is also a big, scarred, asshole). They both accidentally became beloved comfort characters. I want him to die in a hole, nameless and alone. I want him to be beloved and surrounded by family and friends always. I love this bastard.
G. What trait of theirs bothers you the most? ►HMMM. That's difficult because I gave him all of his traits. I find it easier to be irritated by the traits in my nice characters than my meaner, more bitter ones. I think, if he were a real person, his complete moral fuckery and lack of care for others would absolutely bother the shit out of me.
H. What trait do you admire most? He exists and he's going to make that everyone's problem, whether they like it or not, and he won't be apologetic for being who he is and what he's become. His bravery, I guess you could say!
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lordtraco-fanfics · 2 years
Call Ended, Chapter 2
(also on AO3) So that cliffhanger was a doozy, huh? Here have some good ol' angst and a tiny bit nicer of an ending!
How dare she. How DARE SHE!
Why would Elesa lie to him like that? That wasn't- that couldn't have been Ingo. She was pranking him, she was tricking him, she-
Emmet had to put the borrowed phone down before he gave into the urge to smash it. His friend didn't deserve their phone getting smashed just because of this. Just because Elesa got someone to sound like his brother.
He felt far too much all at once. Betrayal was forefront in his mind, pinning him neatly between the need to lash out and break down sobbing. They cancelled out in the worst way. Beyond that, hope and longing and guilt tried to sprout like weeds through pavement. He gave those no heed.
There was only one thing he could set his mind to. He had to run. Again. Farther, farther away where no one could ever use his hope against him like that ever again!
He'd be someone new. Someone with NO siblings. The name could come later. Right now, he had to pack. He'd bring nothing but clothes and cash. Not his Xtransceiver, not his new phone, not even the baby book on trains that he'd kept since childhood. Not even the joltik keychain Elesa had gifted him. Not even the scrap of fabric from Ingo's coat.
With a frantic energy, he paced around the small apartment. He knew he was working himself into a panic, but he accepted that as inevitable.
He had to leave before the breakdown. He had to. He had to run. It wasn't safe here anymore.
It was a miracle he remembered his toiletries before escaping out the back. He only felt a little bad about leaving his… Emil's friend's phone outside his door. Hopefully they'd find it.
Elesa kept calling frantically, but to no avail. It seemed the number was blocked.
"Elesa." Ingo tried to break her frenzy, but she seemed not to hear him. "Elesa!" Even yelling didn't work.
Ingo had lost track of how many times he'd heard her device ring by the time she finally stopped. Her eyes were devoid of tears, but not for lack of trying.
It surprised him when she laughed. It rang so hollow. "I guess you're getting a glimpse into how your disappearance went."
"Emmet called me that frantically?"
"As I watched, unable to help. Unable to do a damn thing." She swore harshly before meeting Ingo's gaze.
"We'll find him. We just need to refuel and come up with an itinerary."
"I suppose you're right. Let me check what I have for a quick meal."
Left alone with his thoughts, Ingo went to muffle his cries of frustration and guilt in the nearest pillow. It hurt. He'd heard his brother, his twin, only for silence to fall between them once more.
Had he said something wrong? Had he acted incorrectly? Was Emmet hurt?
He worked himself into a low panic until his loud keens summoned Elesa. Her gentle coaxing brought him slowly but surely back to the correct station. He followed her to the kitchen and busied himself with cleaning dishes. If he cried while doing so, she made no comment.
Perfect. This was the perfect spot for a breakdown. Emmet was glad he wasn't his brother. He didn't get loud. In fact he got quiet, dead quiet.
Sitting tucked behind a tree and a couple bushes, Emmet took in stunted breaths and hugged his knees close to his chest. He let the world crush him as he mourned not one, but two whole lives he'd lived.
He found his thoughts stunted like his breathing. He couldn't grasp everything he was sad about and any attempt ended with a general malaise and static. It hurt and left him desperately antsy.
"Spiii." A tiny noise from the bush hiding him made him look up. It was a spinarak.
Emmet barely registered that he was petting the pokemon until it made a pleased little noise. He wasn't sure why the little spider pokemon stayed, but it made the breakdown just a tad easier.
If he was to survive, he needed this. He needed some small comfort. He decided right then, his next life would include pokemon and a minimal amount of people.
When the emotions finally subsided and left him incredibly fatigued, Emmet took a nap. In the haze of sleep, he could almost pretend the pokemon sitting atop his head was a joltik.
When Elesa's Xtransceiver rang an hour later, Elesa froze mid-bite. Ingo took the opportunity to reach over the table and answer the call.
"Hello?" An unfamiliar voice spoke from the other line. "Sorry if this is the wrong number, I'm looking for Emil's sister?"
"Who? Wait, do you mean Emmet?"
"No, Emil. He used my phone to call this number an hour ago?"
"Yes! Yes, that's me. Do you know where he is?"
"That's the thing, he up and vanished? He's never failed to open the pokemart before, so I was wondering if something came up?"
"Kind of. It's…" she looked at Ingo, "a family matter. I need to know, though, where are you calling from?"
"Alola, why?"
She took a deep breath. "Please listen to me. My name is Elesa. I'm a gym leader in Nimbasa, Unova. Emmet, or Emil, just learned some very stressful news and I fear for his safety. Could you please do all you can to find him?"
"I'm not sure how much I can do, but I'll ask around if anyone saw him."
"Thank y-"
"What does he look like?" Ingo interrupted.
"When you last saw Emil, what did he look like?" Elesa clarified, picking up on Ingo's line of thought.
"The usual? Wait no, he had his hair in a ponytail and was wearing white jeans for once. Way more formal than the baggy shirts and ripped jeans he gets away with."
"Could you send me a photo?"
"All I've got is his work ID."
"That works, thank you. Please call when you find him."
"Of course!"
Edwin weighed his options as he stood at the harbor. He hated boats with a passion, but flying wasn't an option. They'd look there first.
Who the nebulous "they" was didn't matter. He wasn't going to be found.
More pressing was the decision on where to go. While Galar sounded cool, he dreaded the potential for being stuck at port near Unova on the way.
That left the other direction. Johto and Hoenn sounded fun of course, but he could practically feel the urge to take on the champions there already. No, that wouldn't work.
Sinnoh, then? He was reminded of the words of that kid just the day before. Contests were strategic. And coordinators were allowed to dress up however they liked. He could have a stage name and be anonymous enough. Edwin liked that idea.
Emmet didn't. The small bit of hope left in his heart said to stay or to go home. He wanted Ingo to find him. He wanted to hug Elesa and apologize for being away so long. He wanted to cuddle up with his Galvantula and pet his Archeops and hug his Eelektross and-
Edwin let out an unsteady sigh. He could compromise this time. Indulge just enough to make himself happy. Remember just enough to make peace with the loss. He could accept his love for pokemon this time.
He managed a smile at the thought of making a new team. Wurmples were cute, he'd catch one of those first. Then a Skorupi. Maybe a Sneasel too.
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