#so the only person that cares would be Ingo and in the end there is no one else that would say the opposite so emmet has reason to let Ingo
salsa-di-pomodoro · 1 year
Emmet doesn't care whether Ingo lives or dies -ingo needs a kidney and Emmet is the only one who can give it- Emmet is informed- there is no one who is Ingo's new family - Emmet doesn't have to do this for anyone but Ingo - Emmet is a good person or tries to be- Emmet is aware that he is the only person that will be able to care of Ingo dies and he doesn't care - Emmet is aware that he is the only one who can help Ingo - they ask him if he'd like to donate his kidney and he doesn't want to but if he doesn't care then he can give it - Emmet donates kidney - Ingo lives - they do not speak again but they part knowing the other would help them out
#hed be just like alright fine ill do it just because it changes nothing for me#ingo would want to libe and emmet doesnt care#so the only person that cares would be Ingo and in the end there is no one else that would say the opposite so emmet has reason to let Ingo#live because ingo himself would want to live and no one wants him to die and if he doesn't care then someone wanting to live while no one#wants them to die is reason enough to save them#please for the love of god let me be done with this thing#ignore this if you somehow see it by the way i am trying to get the ocd obsession out of my system#he would do this even if he thought ingo didn't deserve it because again he wouldnt let someone die#even if they didnt deserve a second chance at life if they asked and no one cared to deny them and he could deliver he would do it. even#if he hated them personally#because if they arent hurting other people actively he'll help them out anyway despite his own feelings#he might feel it is unfair but he would still do it. he would be very vocal about the unfairness and his hatred though#he would let them know he is better than them as he should#ok enough now i do not think about anything like this anymore or i'll start all over again and find some imaginary flaw that isnt there and#start spiraling again#this is true#what i said in this post and tags is true because there is literally no other way things would make sense to go#any other way would be literally out of character and therefore cant be true#please for the love of god brain let me stop here is nothing else to think about this is over this is true and#and there is no fault in the thought process#if anyone was the only person to be able to help someone hated or not they would help if they were the only one to hate them even if no one#loved them#and if they dont the personality they have is drastically different from the ones ingo and emmet have so again it would be ooc#ENOUGH NOW.
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waywardstation · 3 months
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A long, long time ago I got asked about Akari’s pokemon team. I had answered it, but since then I’ve changed a lot of the Pokémon on her team, and wanted to make a proper post for it ^^
@tjs-stuffs has put in lots of thought and meaning into their own pokemon teams for their AUs, as well as analyze NPCs’ pokemon teams to see what it says about their trainers, and I thought that was really cool so I wanted to try that too when reconstructing Akari’s team!
long analyzation about each member below!
Akari’s starter Pokémon. I thought a fire-type would work well with an outgoing personality, and it would be a useful starter to have in the wild — makes camping easier with usefulness in cooking and staying warm.
And with Hisuian Typhlosion’s entries saying it’s speculated to guide lost souls, I believe it’s especially fitting for Akari since she was put there to really help out a very lost Jubilife Village and show them Pokémon aren’t creatures to be afraid of. And in my stories especially, I frequently stress that Akari is “guiding” Ingo out of this lost, empty state and will eventually be the reason why he gets back home.
Akari caught this Pokémon out in the fieldlands while doing her initial trial for Cyllene.
Lots of drifloon and drifblim’s entries talk about the Pokémon’s relation to lost people, more frequently children. And how with those who go missing, no one knows where they went. Sometimes also relates to lost souls. Akari is certainly a “lost soul” who was plucked suddenly from her time, and no one knows what happened to her or where she went.
Akari caught this Pokémon in the coastlands when she saw she couldn’t avoid swimming anymore, and needed help as someone who couldn’t swim.
Mantyke is one of the very few pokemon (if not the only one, IIRC) who evolves through a symbiotic relationship with another Pokémon, remoraid. I thought it would attribute well to Akari, since so much of what she’s doing in Hisui is based on symbiotic relationships.
She is doing what Arceus asked of her, and in return Arceus assists her where it can. She stays in Jubilife Village, but only if she does hard work and is helpful to Kamado and the Galaxy Team in return.
And in my fics especially, her and Ingo have a symbiotic relationship, both helping the other out in many ways (that are emotionally healthier and less forced than what she’s got with Arceus and the Galaxy Team).
Akari caught this Pokémon in the highlands when she spotted its unusual and pretty colors.
Chingling are said to be based off Suzu bells, which can be used for Shinto Shrines — worshipping places for various deities, and were around in Japan during the Meiji Era.
As someone doing what was asked of them by Arceus, a diety that is greatly respected and revered in the region (although they’re largely unknown to be what everyone calls Almighty Sinnoh until the end of the story), I thought it would be a good fit for Akari.
Akari caught this Pokémon within a space-time distortion in the highlands. She asked Ingo to help her name this one.
Shieldon and Bastiodon are described to be very strong Pókemon, yet they prefer avoiding conflict — they’re also impenetrable with their hard heads, but are weak to attacks from behind. And as ancient Pokémon from the past, the ones that show up in Hisui are obviously displaced.
I think a lot of these fit Akari well. She’s also very formidable in battle but isn’t really someone who often goes looking for fights (in the aggressive sense, at least). The sturdy face but weaker backside also seems to fit how I write Akari; she puts on a tough “I’m fine” front a lot, even if she’s not, and is sometimes reluctant to share her struggles. And finally, the most obvious — she’s just as displaced as these fossil Pokémon.
Akari caught this Pokémon in the icelands (specifically during the events of HFBE, she finds it without its parents).
Many of Rufflet’s dex entries describe it as Pokémon that will fight stronger opponents more out of recklessness than bravery, and Braviary’s dex entries describe it as a Pokémon that will bravely fight for its friends to protect them, even if they themselves are hurt.
I felt like this fit how I write Akari pretty well. Sometimes she’s reckless, yes, but she will take on whatever comes after herself or her friends, and will keep pushing. (Such as frequently claiming to fight Arceus to get Ingo home with her if she has to — she will follow through with this if she must!!)
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r0-boat · 5 months
Hello! I have a prompt where, the reader pushes there lover (warden Ingo, cyllene, laventon, adaman SEPARATE) away from an Alpha Pokemon attack and then get seriously injured (like losing a limb or something) and them crying and telling us off on how we could have died or grieving our death.
(both surviving and dying endings please)
Oh yes delicious angst! 👀
Cw: almost losing a limb/losing a limb, reader death, mourning, depression, angst no happy end.
Reader becoming severely injured or dying saving them.
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Warden Ingo
(Close call)
Ingo carried you, blood staining his coat and your outfit. He carried you going as fast as he humanly could down until the nearest doctor, anyone who could help—screaming for help, keeping you warm, and losing more blood in any way he could. When you finally wake up, Ingo is out of breath and on the verge of tears. He holds you close, tight, and protective. He couldn't get mad at you. He could never be mad. He was just relieved you were all right. However I would be lying if I said he wouldn't be a little more protective from now on.
(reader dead)
He stared at a shaky palm, remembering the way you went slack in his arms, bags under his eyes from sleepless nights filled with new and old nightmares. The painful feeling of losing something was so painful; however, what scared him more was that this feeling was familiar to him. The emptiness inside him was only doubled after. He can't even look at himself anymore because whatever stares back is your smiling face and deja vu. Even though he knows he must take care of himself, he has to admit it's hard even to bring himself to eat these days without looking over to your smiling face how he misses you're warmth in his arms. Now, all he feels is the cold, howling wind of Coronet Heights. Once again that loneliness fills him in this time; it will be there till his grave. Ingo cannot love again for he can not feel that love again.
(close call)
Survivors guilt, as you lie there on the ground losing blood at an alarming rate. She's frozen. She's almost in denial as other survey members rush to your limb body. Cyllene finally snaps out of it all. Her panic hits her all at once, barking orders to get you back to camp.
Unfortunately Pesselle running low on supplies and with time running out she wasn't sure she would be able to save you. Upon hearing this Revelation something inside her stoked a fire Cyllene took it upon herself to go out and find every single ingredients she needed helping her nurse you back to health, of course you being unconscious from blood loss for a few days you had no idea all you woke up to was an angry rant from a very very pissed captain.
After all she did, she couldn't save you. Sadness and rage bubble into one, gritting her teeth, nails scratching at the cold ground; she wants to scream. Damn it why wasn't it her? Damn, it should have been her! The job of the Galaxy Core was to protect people and she couldn't even protect the one person she cared most. She needed to get stronger she needed to be more so this would never happen again. And that's why her heart grows three times colder that day.
(close call)
Laventon drag you outside of Camp to look at some Pokemon well he asks you to ready your pokeballs for a catch, but he doesn't notice the alpha Garchomp that had their eyes on you. Everything was a blur then helplessly sitting still as the rest of Team Galaxy tried everything to use your Pokemon to fight the alpha back off as they get you back to safety. If only he could throw a Pokeball if he were good at raising Pokemon. Laventon felt like a burden to you here he was having you risk his life to do his work any friendly wake up he's on the verge of tears holding you closely his hands shaking the sinking feeling of uselessness does not leave.
He drowns himself in his work. It is the only way to make him forget about his constant nightmares of that day. He still loves Pokemon. He does not blame Pokemon for taking your life, but he recognizes more than anyone else that Pokemon are as dangerous as they are fascinating. It'll be a while since he touches one without his heart beating with anxiety. He barely eats. He sleeps. All he does is work on his Pokedex. He has to finish it for your sake, or else all the dangerous work you did, the work you died for, will be for nothing, and when he finally finishes, it will say, "With the help of my beloved, thank you. I will miss you."
(close call)
If it wasn't for Leafeon who growled at the large Pokemon making sure it didn't take a step closer as his human brother held you in his arms, blood staining his fingers. Leafeon successfully holding back the Pokemon that threatened your life walks over to Adaman whining as he looks your arm giving him a worried look. Adaman knows the natural remedies around these parts you are too far from the settlement and the village to take care of you so he does all that he can using leafeon's aromatherapy to soothe you as he begins to use natural herbs and revenues to calm the bleeding as much as he can while ripping apart his own clothes for makeshift bandages rumoring through your bag for anything he could use anything at all to help.
Upon waking up, Adaman almost tackles you, holding you close to his body, careful not to hurt you. He squeezes you gently. "You're an idiot..." he whispers, his hand shaking, his voice breaking. "don't you ever scare me like that again."
If only he was faster and in denial at the fact that your time has ended. If only he hadn't wasted his time, he could have gotten you to the settlement, and you would have been here. He felt like a failure, not only a failure of a friend but a failure of the leader of Diamond Clan. If he couldn't keep one person he loved alive, how could he keep his entire Clan alive? Time is truly short. However, some people, if unlucky, can be even shorter. He'll spend all his days morning into training, getting stronger in your name until he has passed out on the ground. He knows that he's just wasting his time and that no amount of tears will bring you back. He did not deserve you; you did not serve your time being robbed. The Lord Sinnoh is so cruel.
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hehe-hoho-ohno · 2 months
Happy WIP Wednesday! Spoilers for chapter 7 of Misfits under the cut.
That was fine. Ingo could do what he wanted. Emmet skived off patrol all the time, it was fine.
Ingo hadn’t come to patrol. Emmet had waited for him. He’d waited for ages and then decided to start on his own. He’d ended up doing the entire thing by himself and Ingo never showed up.
It was just uncharacteristic of him, that was all.
(It wasn’t like Emmet had been looking forward to it or anything. It wasn’t like he’d waited for hours like an abandoned puppy. If he’d known Ingo wasn’t going to show up he wouldn’t have wasted his time.)
(It was his own fault for getting his hopes up.)
He returned to the barracks and froze in the open doorway.
It looked like a war zone.
A few of the lockers were blown open, doors swinging in their hinges. One of the benches was tipped over. The door to the office was open as well, the drawers were ransacked and all the papers that had been neatly piled on the desk were strewn on the floor. The garbage bin had also been knocked over. His spiders were agitated and crawling along the walls and ceiling.
“…Hello?” He called and it echoed back. “…Ingo?”
A few spiders chirped in response but there wasn’t a word from Ingo. A cold feeling settled like a stone in his stomach. He called again. If Ingo wasn’t here then…
He hesitantly stepped forwards into the ruined barracks.
Something crunched under his foot and he hastily stepped back. He’d crushed something into hard red and white shards. A candy cane? Only a small part of one, judging by how little there was on the floor.
How had this happened? Emmet always locked the entrance. He was even doing it right now, closing the door and locking it behind him out of sheer habit.
(Ingo had a key. Emmet had given it to him.)
Gear Barracks had always been a safe place for Emmet. The only safe place. When Emmet returned home it always felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, like he could finally relax. Here, he had been untouchable.
That feeling was gone now. He didn’t think he would be getting it back.
(Ingo hadn’t shown up for patrol.)
It was a shitty, barren, uniform place, but it had been Emmet’s. And someone had broken in and torn it up.
(Was it really breaking in if Emmet had invited him inside?)
No! Emmet shook himself. He shouldn’t make assumptions when he didn’t have all the facts. There was no proof that had happened. Ingo wouldn’t…
(Emmet was still an easily suckered fool who had learnt nothing. Ingo had betrayed him and Emmet had made it so easy.)
Ingo was his friend. He trusted Ingo. Ingo was shy, earnest, and sweet. He said things like, “lonely together” and he meant it, Emmet knew he did!
(Or maybe Emmet wasn’t as good at spotting liars as he thought he was.)
A clicking whistle snapped him out of his spiralling thoughts. Emmet dropped to his knees and reached towards his fuzzy babies. “Is everyone alright? Is anyone hurt?”
Emmet was appalled by his own behaviour, getting wrapped up in his own doubts when his focus should have been on the creatures under his care. Poor little things, they had needed to endure whatever had happened without Emmet there to protect them.
They chirped and squeaked and scuttled away from him, towards a locker all the spiders were converging on. Dread crawled up this throat. He rose to his feet and followed them.
The door was cold when he laid a hand on it. “…Here?”
They squeaked and moved back, a fluffy multicoloured halo surrounding the locker. The dread only worsened.
It was locked.
He blinked. He never locked this one. He never locked any of the spider lockers out of fear he might trap them in there. Hesitantly, he filled in the default code and hoped that was correct. Emmet had never changed any of them, but he clearly wasn’t the only person who would have had the opportunity to do so.
He hesitantly tried the handle, and it swung open.
A body fell out.
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Day 2: White
Emmet's eyes roved over the many different gift ideas. What possibly could he give Elesa for her birthday that she didn't already have, that didn't seem to boyfriendish. Last thing he wanted is for someone to think they were dating.
One year he got her flowers and the people in the restaurant kept remarking on how cute they were together. It was so embarrassing.
Another year he decided to take her out to dinner with Ingo. Maybe no one would think they were dating then. Ingo ended up getting called into work that day and well...everyone thought they were dating.
Is it to much to ask to just be friends?
Something small, something pretty, something that won't cause problems with them later on.
He looked at his watch and sighed. He was going to be late, and it looked like it was going to rain. Rain...
That was it!
He grabbed something from the shelf and ran over to the front, paid for the item and ran.
People would probably think they were dating anyways, but this time it was planned. She would definitely love it. It was small, spontaneous, and Emmet was sure she had never done this before.
With two phone calls Emmet had asked Elesa to meet him in the park.
He arrived there just before Elesa did, that was good. He hid the present behind a tree and walked over to her.
He reached out and held out his hand for her. She looked curiously at him. Above them music began to play, one of her favorites. He just so happened to know the person who owned the park. Being the subway boss had its perks.
"Good Evening Elesa. Would you care for a dance?" He held out his hand. She giggled and took his hand. To her this was something totally random. Dancing in the park wasn't something unusual she saw a lot of people do it.
He spun her around just as the beat began to pick up the water fixtures that surrounded them activated causing them to get soaked almost instantly.
"Emmet!" She laughed so hard as he spun her around, continuing to dance even though they were not only getting soaked, but it was raining now.
Swinging Elesa around and pulling her back to him Emmet noticed they were accumulating a crowd who decided to join in on the fun.
By the end of the song Emmet had to guide Elesa back toward the tree. At least the rain wasn't falling to hard and the present didn't get wet. He reached into the bag and pulled out a white towel.
"Happy Birthday." He said with a laugh.
"You planned this?" She asked with the biggest laugh. Oh the towel was fluffy though, and she couldn't argue she did have fun. She sighed looking up at Emmet. "Now we get to sit in the restaurant in wet cloths." oh yeah...Ingo's present to take her to the new restaurant. Oops...oh well.
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 6 months
This is a scrapped piece from a story I'm still trying to make work, which means the full context is a little lacking. That said, I liked it too much to ditch entirely, so onto the writing blog it goes. Again, there are placeholders all over-- even more than usual. Please don't go into this expecting anything polished. xD
“Hello, this is [name] calling on behalf of the Goldenrod City General Hospital.”
Immediate alarm bells, though Emmet couldn’t quite articulate why; trepidation blocked his throat, and he remained silent, letting [them] continue.
“I’ve been asked to act as a translator, as no one on staff is fully fluent in Unovan. You see, for the past four days, the facility has been attempting to identify a [John Doe], and we believe we’ve found a match with Mr. Ingo Bewaker, but due to… circumstances, have been unable to confirm. As his emergency contact, we were hoping you might be able to help us with visual confirmation.” […]
Mind going a mile a minute, it took a bit for Emmet to respond. His brother had no business being in Johto, but at this point, anything was possible. What truly disturbed him was the implication that the hospital had taken this long to find an [identity], meaning that… this person was unable to [identify] themselves.
It sounded like they wanted him to [identify] a body.
[he’d been fighting against that for some time/whatever else]
The last thing he wanted to do was agree, but how could he refuse? Either he could be sure that this was some other unfortunate individual, and that he shouldn’t give up yet, or he’d finally find an answer. He bit down on his tongue and forced himself to respond.
“Yes. Of course. Would email be preferable?” For a moment, it was just business-- the rote exchange of information-- but as the call seemed like it was winding down, he couldn’t help but ask, “...was it bad?”
Because, as much as he wanted to know what had happened, he wouldn’t be able to handle it if this was his twin and he’d died in pain. Knowing ahead of time would make it that much harder, but at least he would have something to prepare himself against. He would do it-- if it meant finally bringing his brother home, he would do it-- but [???].
[name] went on, oblivious to his internal conflict. “As I mentioned before, I’m only acting as a translator, and so I’m uninvolved in the patient’s care. From speaking to him, though, I think it’s fair to say the language barrier has been the biggest problem.”
The racing thoughts came to a screeching halt.
“You spoke to him?” He echoed [hoarsely]. Ironically, that in and of itself had an alternate translation: he’s alive?
“Yes, though I’m not sure how much got through. Between the medication and his limitations, he’s not the easiest to communicate with.” […]
That was… rude.
Even without having seen the physical proof, Emmet found himself inching closer to believing this might be it-- because of course someone would look at his brother’s face and call him hard to understand. If he was too out of it to respond coherently, that would even explain why they hadn’t been able to ask I-- this person directly, thus necessitating outside assistance.
The [deep] low suddenly swung upright, into a hopeful peak. It left Emmet a little dizzy.
“I see. Thank you for the clarification. I will refer to the email and respond as soon as possible.” He said, and the call ended shortly thereafter. Trying not to fidget, he waited for his Xtransceiver to ping, and struggled to keep his hand steady when the message came through. Hovering over the link to the attached photo, he took a deep breath and pressed down.
That was Ingo.
He had a splinted leg, there was a bandage stretching along one side of his face, and it kind of looked like he’d suffered his own personal Earthquake, but there was no doubt in Emmet’s mind. That was his brother, and while the photo could only capture so much, it was plain to see that he was alive, if not entirely well.
Using a nail to trace the edge of the facial cut, he let himself wonder how. There was nothing in the picture that suggested anything specific, or shed any more light on where he’d been all this time… beyond the Johto region, apparently…? No, that didn’t make sense. If he’d spent the past year in Johto, he would have picked something of the language up-- enough to make it by-- but he’d needed a Unovan translator.
...which was completely ignoring the question of why he wouldn’t just try to contact home, but it was obvious that Emmet was missing a great deal of context, so he would reserve judgment for the time being.
Lost in his reverie, he accidentally let the screen go dark, and then immediately tapped it to bring the picture back. He gave it another once-over before reluctantly closing it to formulate a reply-- that yes, that was his brother, and he would be departing for Goldenrod as soon as he was able.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
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cw: 18+ content, sexual fantasies, jacking off, hand job, small blurb of oral, PLA Ingo, smut
pairing: Ingo/Reader
Ingo would admit to feeling dirty.
Yes, certainly, after ending up in this strange place without a single memory to his name – well, barring his name – he found himself in a strange period of working himself ragged in an attempt to make up for the kindness that the Pearl Clan had shown to him. Anything and everything that was requested of him was done. Even more so when he became a Warden.
Though, becoming a Warden also led to him moving out from the village and living out in the wilds of the highlands to better attend to his Noble. Lady Sneasler was not a large fan of straying too far from her den, especially when she had kits hidden inside.
… This is to say, Ingo had become quite lonely.
He was a man, however, and could find some sort of relief to any of his building frustrations and annoyances in a certain activity.
This was fine, of course. No one would care because no one would know.
Until he met you.
You absolutely captured his mind in a way no other Hisui quite had. During these sessions alone in his cabin, he found his found turning whatever fantasy had taken over his mind, shifting into a scene with you. His hand would continue to stroke himself as he felt his gut twist in many ways at the thought of you waiting for him in nothing but an apron, or you placed between his legs and messing with the zipper on his slacks in an environment that seemed something like the Galaxy HQ.
Every time, he would cum harder than he had before. They felt so real to him.
Disgust, however, would consume his mind as he wiped away the cum from his hand. It felt wrong to view you like that without your permission or knowledge. None of his other fantasies had ever revolved around a real person around him.
Ingo swallowed a heavy drink of water as he thought about you even more.
Every battle against you, win or lose, left him wanting you more. Your attention, that burning, passionate glare. It felt like you knew something he did not.
It was after a particularly intense battle that he had shared with you – one in which you requested him to battle with only alphas. He felt breathless after you wrestled victory from his hands. The praises that fell from his mouth were only genuine. His hands clapped together in how much you had impressed him.
But you gave him a look.
A simple look of domineering prowess that struck his mind into a thought of you on top of him. Your hands pressed him against the hard plastic under him as you bounced on his cock. The room was unfamiliar with am obviously fake scene of some sort in it. You smirked at him as you cooed words that his brain could not make out.
The Warden has politely excused himself from the conversation you attempted to hold with him and rushed away back to his home in the highlands. He needed to handle his “problem” before it became a distraction.
Little, had he noticed that you trailed behind him, worried about what had led to his odd behaviour.
When Ingo had reached his home, he opened the door, took off his shoes, shut it behind him and went directly for his futon. His slacks were pulled off, alongside the underwear he had underneath. His half-hard cock sprung out as he tried to pretend his heart was racing in a strange anticipation. That thought had consumed his mind. It felt so real.
Your weight was palpable as his hand came to grip around his dick, mind racing with that fantasy more and more. He was not nude but rather in a shirt like the one he first arrived in here. Your hand locked around a blue tie hanging around his neck and pulled it tighter. His air supply was restricted slightly. The thrill went right to his cock as his hand tried to move in tandem with the fictionalised you's movements. His own hand was nothing compared to your heat.
He groaned, other arm coming to rest over his eyes as his brain soaked in the memory. The scenery was unfamiliar yet known to him, with a pole and metal rings hanging from the ceiling. Ingo felt your lips against his as you kept bouncing on him. Everything was about to become too much for him.
His hand squeezed his cock tightly as the fictional you looked down at him with a playful, teasing gaze. You opened your mouth.
“... Ingo?” Your voice was anything but a falsity.
His hand was immediately away from his member, ruining his orgasm as he tried to use his covers to block the obscene sight from your eyes. You stood in his doorway, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. This was his punishment for using your image in such a way. His face burned with immense heat. You stared at him for a moment longer before stepping in and closing the door behind you.
His breath was nearly knocked out of him when you moved the sheets away from his hidden cock. “... What were you thinking about?” you asked him with serious eyes. This felt unnecessarily cruel to him.
“You,” he admitted, “You and I… In some strange room with a mirror and plastic bench.” Perhaps if he confessed to you, you would be less upset with him.
Your face lit up, contrary to his expectations. Your hand came to play with his balls, causing him to swallow and gasp in a desperate breath. “Oh, yeah?” your voice was different from its usual lilt, “Was I on top of you?” He nodded and whined when your hand moved to instead pump his cock slowly. His eyes squeezed shut, unable to keep looking at you. A giggle came from you as you leaned in to kiss his cheek. “I insisted on going to this love hotel room I had saw online,” you continued, “You said those were dirty and a hard no, but I convinced you when I said it was themed like a subway car.”
His eyes opened to meet yours. What? You were talking like that had actually happened. There was no time to question you as your lips pressed against his, tongue meeting with his to deepen it. Thoughts were pushed out of his brain as you kept a perfectly tight grip on his dick with a pace that made his stomach twist.
You seemingly caught on as to what was about to happen as you pulled away from the kiss. Your lips came around his cock head as a loud moan ripped from his throat. The unexpected sensation and lewdness of you sucking his cock knocked him over into cumming. You easily swallowed it as he crashed against his futon with heavy, panting breaths and his entire body buzzing with electricity. You looked at him with concern.
“Hey, hey,” you cooed as you pressed a soft hand to his cheek, “You okay, sweetheart?” His heart raced in his chest as he reached out to grab you. The newly developed strength from his muscles brought you into his chest, where he just held you.
“... I apologise for using you like that,” he spoke quietly after regaining himself, “It was wrong of me.”
“It's fine,” you shook your head and locked your fingers with his, “I use you all the time. I miss seeing you in your work uniform so much.” Your hand came to feel the emblem of his Pearl Clan tunic. He cocked a brow. You obviously were much closer to him than what he first thought. “When you feel better,” your voice was back to a reading tone, “Want to actually fuck?”
He did not have the heart to turn you down.
(Especially not when he wanted you just as badly.)
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randomwriteronline · 10 months
The first thing Melli said about what would soon become their relationship, right as they unconsciously took the first step in its direction, was a very defeatist sentence spoken in a very defeatist tone: “This will never last.”
Ingo replied only moments before absentmindedly kissing him for the very first time: “I’m afraid it won’t.”
They had meant it in completely different ways.
Ingo knew what Melli had been implying: that it could not have worked out between them no matter what; that one day this arrangement of mutual aid in moments of fragility and loneliness would have ended as each would have turned to someone of their own clan to bind themselves to, whether out of affection, honest love, simple necessity, or obligation. That even if they had been of the same breed, even if they had grown together in the marshes of Hisui, they were too different for a proper bond to form between them.
He didn’t know if the other warden knew what he had been implying. If he understood that to him, the matter was much simpler - the Clans wanted to stay, and he wanted to go. Even Irida, who had mentioned a desire to explore the world someday, had always done so whilst carrying the tacit certainty that she would have never remained abroad forever, inexorably returning home just like he hoped to do one day. The problem being, his home was somewhere far, far away.
Nobody would have wanted to follow him. Not even someone who loved him.
He could not blame them.
So the two of them had embraced and stopped thinking for the night, not even bothering to take one another in properly, to fully savor their very first time together, because they knew it wouldn’t have lasted.
The first is, in their opinion, a little too romanticized.
Perhaps it has every right to be.
First means it had never existed before, means it had never been felt before, never been said, never been heard, never been touched, never been seen, never been tasted, never been smelled, never been before. Such an overwhelming novelty is expected to hold so much weight that the mere thought of it is enough to frighten and excite.
Their first had been a quick empty nothing.
They had little to no recollection of the event between them, no matter how much they might have searched for details in their minds - not that they felt compelled to. It had been that unremarkable, that thoughtless.
They remembered the twenty-third with staggering clarity, instead.
They remembered seeing each other properly, with their own eyes, in a very abrupt second; they remembered staring, pausing for an infinite moment in pure identical bafflement. Had he never noticed him before now? Had he really never looked at him? His skin had started flushing where he grazed him, his fingers had begun shaking ever so slightly. Suddenly as they had kept looking on in silence, perfectly still, fully realizing each other’s presence and being in a slow eternity, they had felt awfully embarrassed, ashamed of themselves.
Such a beautiful person, and I am seeing him only now.
What a careless thing I am.
What a fool.
That infinite strange moment had been… The end, in hindsight.
It hadn’t felt like it.
Not at all.
It had felt like anything but an end.
It had been a tardive discovery, a lovely one. One to handle with a trembling excited care, to turn and twist in an atmosphere of sweet anxiety, like kids trying to figure out how to kiss through metal braces.
The twenty-third had been sweet.
If so very silent.
They had to hear each other a little after that, because at that moment it would have been far too much for either of them; and as soon as they did, that was how they sealed their tragedy.
Because as they began to exist for each other properly - hearing properly, feeling properly, understanding properly, loving properly - they made the big, big mistake of forgetting they knew it wouldn’t have lasted.
One of the things Ingo liked the most was hearing Melli sing.
He could have listened to him for hours, watching him move with a carelessness free of pomp and theatricality that he’d hardly seen before all of this had started. He liked how his fingers ran through his own hair, how he hummed as back shifted while he stretched, how his scars flitted and leaped on his skin with his every movement before he covered them beneath the careful embroideries on his clothes. He liked how he sang nonsense in the morning and old myths at night.
Once, he had asked him to sing on top of him.
It had surprised him, at first.
Then his eyes had returned half lidden, as though the weight of his eyelashes had been too much to sustain: “You're just trying to make a fool of me,” he had accused him softly. “You want to make me stumble over the words at the worst moment and laugh at me.”
“Not at all,” he had replied in tone: “I love your singing voice. I simply want to hear it.”
After a moment of silence, he had complied.
It was - he remembered it still - a song about the legendary beings that continuously alternate the seasons in an eternal cycle.
When the snow starts melting, the Herald of Spring comes: because she hates, she eats away the cold; because she loves, she covers the earth with flowers.
When the sun turns hotter, the Herald of Summer comes: because he is boisterous, he thunders all night; because he is kind, he cools us with rains.
When the leaves become red, the Herald of Autumn comes: because he…
Melli had stopped here, gasping loudly, whole body tense and burning hot from a movement that had been a bit too hasty for him, and Ingo’s hands had rushed to his legs to soothe him as he trembled. He had listened to the air hiss through his quivering lips, and felt his grip on him tighten.
After a few seconds to compose himself, the other had swallowed his embarrassment with a breath and started again.
When the leaves become red, the Herald of Autumn comes: because he rages, he shakes the earth apart; because he cares, he feeds us with crops.
When the creeps in our homes, the Herald of Winter comes: because he is cruel, he swarms us in snow; because he is playful, he sways us with winds.
When the snow starts melting, the Herald of Spring comes; and all moves again, in the same circle; and all moves again, in a seamless circle.
He remembered holding that slender hand, searching for bashful eyes.
“That was lovely,” he’d said.
“Shut up,” the other had replied without vitriol, still avoiding his gaze: “You only liked to hear me stumble.”
"No," he had insisted: "You sang wonderfully. It was beautiful."
Melli had bit his lip and hushed, with a lovely blush spreading across his face as he'd sucked in another breath; he had laid down on him still halfheartedly hiding his face, kissed his clavicle, and started singing once more as he was turned to lay on his back, uncaring for any words he might have stumbled on this time.
Ingo would always say he didn’t have as good a voice - but just that once, with handfuls of long soft hair being combed through his fingers, he had hummed in tune to accompany him.
What they were, exactly, never crystalized properly in Melli’s mind.
He knew what their relationship was by all means - at the very least, he’d known it at the start, when it wasn’t a relationship, and he’d known it when it did become one.
Maybe he just did not want to name it.
Almighty Sinnoh owned everything that the flow of time passed through. He’d learned it years ago, he’d supposedly made peace with it years ago: nothing is truly ours, for everything fades and changes, everything renews and transforms, in a dance that proceeds endlessly every second, every minuscule instant.
Couldn’t he have this for himself?
He would have given up his every affection eventually, from his family to his partners to Lord Electrode, for that is the sacrifice Almighty Sinnoh collects at the time It knows is just right - he would have had to, and those who cared for him would have had to give him up as well, and he’d learned to live with such a hurtful notion regardless.
But if he could keep this nebulous and vague, like the forgotten world sleeping suffocated in the white fog of Ingo’s irises, wouldn’t it manage to survive? If it remained floating between them, oily and feathery at once, a bubble of soap that bounces off a sharp edge unpopped, unspoken and unclear, all unfocused edges and unclear confines and words read but not spoken, patches of warmth and chill without any shape or pattern, wouldn’t it manage to survive? Wouldn’t it survive them, even, wouldn’t it outlive them both?
He’d loved his own name, and yet now it felt burdensome and heavy.
If he could be nameless, if they could be nameless – would Almighty Sinnoh never find them? Would they survive, vague figures in a sea of mist, with their unspecified this, and outlive it all simply like that?
“We should cast away our names,” he murmured in his beloved’s ear one night: “That’s where immortality lies.”
He looked back at him, humming quietly: “A drastic measure for a drastic end.”
“I can’t stand to know Almighty Sinnoh shall take you one day,” he explained selfishly. His heavy eyes closed, he inhaled: he could not understand what was the smell on pale skin, and he felt unknowably happy about his own lack of words. “Without a name to point you out to It, there is nothing for It to take. Come to me, shed your skin and flesh and bones, shed your blood and marrow, become indescribable to everything but me. I feel like I could recognize you for the rest of eternity, no matter what or in spite of what. I want to be forevermore, with you, with this.”
He curled around him, holding tight, sinking into his shoulder.
“I want to be nothing to anything but you, just impossible and unknown and unperceivable. Let’s lose our names and faces,” he whispered, “I know you would know me still as I would know you. Let’s be visions and fires in the distance, let’s trick the Almighty and outlive It with whatever we are, whatever we feel, whatever it is that is between us. I never call you by your name anyways, you never call me by mine. There is no need for them, I only need what it holds and pretends to be: I only need you, as you only need me.”
A hand plucked a strand of his hair, curling it between pale fingers, pulling it downwards, slowly, feeling its smoothness, observing its color.
“Retain that sweet perfection, that he owes without a title.” he heard him recite, slowly, pulling words not his out of the torpor of his mind with a gentle struggle: “Doff your name, and for that name, that is not part of ye, take all myself.”
Melli held onto Ingo tighter, and kissed him, and wished he could kiss the both of them into a gorgeous, endless, vague unknown.
At least, the look on his face was everything but betrayed.
For all of its unfairness, they knew it wasn’t a betrayal.
“You said it yourself,” Ingo spoke kindly: “This would have never lasted.”
He watched what little he was planning to take along.
His throat constricted when he saw the anklet.
“Of course,” Melli replied, “Of all things, I had to be right only about this.”
Neither attempted any kind of touch.
It would have hurt too much.
“You’ll forget about this, one day.”
The image of the carefully carved spoon hanging from the wall came to his mind.
Suddenly he felt like screaming; just as suddenly, the feeling stopped.
“It’ll be very hard. But I guess I will.”
He wanted to ask him to sing again, to singe the sound into his ears.
It would have been too cruel of a request, a far too selfish one.
“I’m sorry I ended up hurting you. I never wanted to.”
He knew that so perfectly, horribly well.
A shame this couldn’t outlive them.
“It was nice.”
Their tongues refused to speak beyond that, and they simply let their bodies move along parallel lines never meant to meet in a silence that had been comfortable and somehow still was, if only in the slightest. Ingo left, returning to the hazy future nobody could rip him fully away from, into the arms of loved ones who had hoped to see him again; Melli stayed, anchored to a past he would not have left as it was all of his life, within the arms of loved ones who met his sight with sighs and smiles despite it all.
Sometimes, still, the ghosts of songs came to their ears, to their lips, with the memories of a shapeless nameless something that felt like another person, eyes and mouth and nose and hair, skin felt for the thirty-third time all over again, hands holding gently, keeping still.
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quazardrawing · 10 months
Here we go with Ingo's Pokémon reunions, This time it's Galvantula and Crustle,
Little reminder that Emmett and Ingo co-raise/ share their Pokémon teams with each other so while Emmett carefully picked out and breed joltiks for his Ideal Galvantula, Ingo played a major part in training, raising and spoiling this Joltik/ galvantula from its egg into a powerful member of the Battle Subway
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[ Ingo sits on Crustle, a crab Pokémon underneath a block of stratified/layered earth that looks a little like a tiramisu cake, Ingo is leaning back and laughing with his hand to prop him up as in his lap is Galvantula who is climbing up to snuggle Ingo. Crustle and Galvantula are verrrrry happy to see Ingo ]
More headcanons and details below the readmore
- Galvantula's name is Catanary, which is the overhead wires that power subway cars or trams! Her name was picked out long before she was hatched while Ingo and Emmett where figuring out their idea for the perfect Subway boss team they drew up during their Pokémon journey so they didn't exactly stick to it but it shows how dedicated the Boy were to their dream of combining their two favourite things, Battling and Trains!
- While Catanary was breed from a egg, it wasn't only Emmett with 5 million joltiks. Costum IV or egg move type Pokémon can be gotten from breeder who specializes in the Pokémon you are looking for, but are rare and need to put in a lot of work and need to be a little lucky with. How it worked out is that Emmett and Ingo's put their Pokémon journey on hold for a few years working at a joltik breeder, (who both studies the Pokémon, does conservation work and does adoption and training for trainer who want a joltik or want to take care of their Joltik properly) After hatching and breeding a lot of Joltik, Emmett eventually found a Joltik that had the right IV's and egg moves, and then he and his brother started on the matchmaking system. Since Pokémon are intelligent creatures with personalities and preferences, Emmett not only had to find a joltik with his proper stat set up but also one whom the Joltik found that He measured up in turn, Catanary was not the first Joltik Emmett hatched with the proper egg move and such but the one who wanted to grow up to be a fighter and wanted Emmett as his permanent trainer in return.
- Due to this, Emmett considers Galvantula lucky, and along with Archeopes, has spoiled her a bit (a lot) Thankfully since she is one of the older Pokémon in Emmett's team, due to her being caught during their childhood/ Pokémon journey days, she has matured to be more responsible in front of other Pokémon, such as the subway Joltik infestation, or Pokémon from her trainers coworkers
- she has not however grown out of using her puppy dog eyes to get extra treats or try to convince both her trainers that the other one has Not feed her thus getting feed twice, So she's very overweight for her species, which would be a bigger consern if she also wasn't a part of the top 10 professional fighter teams
- She is also overly friendly with people, often climbing into people's lap for pets, and walking up to children for attention and Skritches. While this behaviour means that she could never be a wild Pokémon, it has also means that she is one of Emmett and Ingo's go to Pokémon for calming down lost children, to the point that she does this by herself. First by watching subway traffic from the ceiling, them approaching them to calm them down and then leading them to their parents by having them hold the other end of her spider silk, while she leads them though the crowd. Of course she does this is in part to to get extra Treats from her trainers but she also likes helping people like Emmett and Ingo helped her when she was small and cried a lot
- Crustles name is Tiramisu! Which I think is the cutest thing I could think up, I also made sure that the rock she carries looks like her cake namesake. She was actually caught by another trainer, and traded with Ingo, since she loves fighting much more than her old trainer did. I imagine that her old trainer was a Station Master who predated Ingo and Emmett joining subway. She was in charge of the care of a single line, with Tira helping out with tunnel maintenance. Tira meet Ingo and Emmett when they started out as grunts for the Subway system, but didn't really get to know them until they had moved up the ranks and got started with Battle Subway project. Due to Tira's knowledge of her trainer's tunnel line, she guided the diggers and at that time learned what kind of person the twins are and what kind of life their Pokémon live, I think she actually told her trainer that she wants to live with them instead, not that she didn't love her old trainer but sometimes you need to make a change if you want to pursue your dreams, (which included fighting, not just running the subway) Her old trainer understood (but put Ingo and Emmett though some trials to prove to her that they would be worthy of the trainer's trust and be responsible enough for Tira's welfare)
- Tira still carries/ wears the collar her old trainer gave her, and gets to see her often when Ingo and Emmett does their inspection rounds on her trainers (passenger only) line, in addition to non-work visits. The collar is also has tags with both the Old subway logo and the new Battle Subway logo, symbolising both the passing of the torch, and her loyalty to all of her beloved trainers past and present.
- Speaking of 'carrying' due to crustle's whole gimmick being carrying the earth on their back, To carry something has a very important place in their Culture. 'to carry' means 'this is my shell, my home, whose worth is so much more than its weight that I shall bring it with me everywhere' this not always a meaningful thing but in the case of this picture Tiramisu picking up and carrying Ingo on her back symbolises that She considers him family, an ireplaceable part of her home, that she so very happy to have him back in her life
- sappy stuff aside, like most Pokémon there is a element of them having goblin animal behaviour, and carrying thing such, as the fridge (where all her snacks are), when she's mad at Emmett or Ingo for something (like washing her bed without permission, No she doesn't care how dirty it is and weather it's tracking mud on the carpet, she just got it to smell right) is the equivalent of her Pick up a rucksack and saying she only cares about Food Now She is Running Away!
- She and Ingo has on multiple occasions pranked Emmett, (who is a early riser but gets sleepy early) who accidently feel asleep in a nice recliner in the work room, by picking up his chair and walking away with it, With Ingo trying to see if he could get his silly little brother all the way back home without waking him up. It never works, (dispite Ingo's effort of figuring which way home will have the least noise and rough terrain) but pictures on Ingo trying to get his sleeping brother past the subway turn styles on moving recliner with a lease, have become a permanent meme on Poke-Internet for obvious reasons
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Head cannons
But it’s only characters i know a lot about
He hates being touched by people he doesn’t care about, if he cares about someone it’s ok.
When he was a kid people would talk over him, he hated it. He still hates it, but now he can do something about it.
I wanna say he’s bi and trans i think. Goes under the pronouns of he/him he came out as trans when he was 18-20 a couple years after surgery he moved to where he is now.
If he finds a lost or distrusted ( that’s how he met allister ) he’ll try his best to calm them down and help them .
One year the other gym leader gave him a ‘ best dad ever ‘ shirt that’s the first time they had ever seen him cry like ever.
Man’s knows what your thinking and before you can do anything stupid he’ll tell you to stop it
Like kabu he also hates touch, and they hates it even if you know him, in-fact he’s only ok with it if your dating them or have known him for many many years.
I wanna say Demisexual/gay and his also trans and goes under the pronouns of he/they.
He was horrible with dancing until opal taught him how to( he still stumbles a lot in it though )
I like to think he got his stuck up personality because he was in foster care, when he was 7-9 ( then rose picked him up ) because none of the homes wanted him because he was ‘ to traumatized for they’re likening’ so in a way of coping they start to act like that, he also came out as trans when he was 11 ( rose may be a bad man but he supported bede).
Theater kid
He’s nickname for people he cares about is idiot. Yes he shows affection through mean names
Listens to music that’s like the music sleeping at last makes
Probably have a squishmallow collection
I think that he’s a demi-boy ( trans ) he/they and he’s gay ( yes he has dated rahain )
Has a arua that can calm down any Pokémon or human
He stress draws, and he’s gotten good at drawing because he’s always stressed
Loves to put his head on peoples thighs if they’re ok with is, like it’s just a built in pillow for people
Other that kabu he happens to be one of the shortest mf’s you’ll ever find ( this is a joke )
Probably also has a squishmallow collection
He’s gotten lost in a IKEA before, it was a challenge to find him
Play with his hair, he loves it
Leon has a undercut
He’s pansexual ( i mean he already flirts with everyone he thinks is hot ) he goes by he/him
He’s a funny drunk, (yes that means blackmail )
Also likes to lay on peoples thighs( mostly Leon’s when he can get away with it )
The breeder
Has stolen Leon’s squishmallows before and will again
He’s online friends with emmet
Hes reciprosexual and goes by he/him ( props to the people who know what that is )
He has so many chains in his closet he can and will strangle people with them, like an e-girl
Collects only the ‘scary’ squishmallows
He likes to fall asleep on his partners chest because he can hear they’re heart beat
Steals his partners clothes if they’re a size bigger than him because they’re comfortable unlike his
He has really pale skin right, but it wouldn’t burn he like, reflects all the like off him before it hits his skin
He’s gay ( has dated bede they ended it on goodish terms) and goes by he/him
He learned how to braid and put hair in a bun for leon, he still will and does Leon’s hair for him
Also has squishmallow but only because bede gave them to him as a birthday present
He can’t sleep alone for the life of him so his Pokémon all cuddle with him in his bed
Learned how to draw when he was younger so he could be like Leon ( not knowing leon did it only when he was stressed)
Doesn’t really smile but when she does it’s only for family and loved ones
She’s bi. And goes by they/she
Is an absolute freezer and steals like all the blankets they can
She blacks out ( doesn’t know why still ) and it can cause her to faint
Has salt packets in they’re pockets don’t ask why ( black outs
Has a stuffy collection and a squishmallow collection
He has adhd
I think that he’s gay and demisexual and his pronouns are he/him ( trans )
I can imagine ingo with one of those giant beer mugs so there’s that
He listens to peirs music because of emmet
He does little hand movements well talking
Has a overwhelming obsession on history more so, the Hisuian Sneasels
Has plushies of his Pokémon
Has dislexia has asked emmet to read stuff to him before
He’s bi as F*** he’s pronouns are he/they ( trans )
They have adhd ( joliks being he’s main opposition’s)
He listens to peirs music, they’re online friends
He’s very touchy might come with being a joltik breeder thou Idk
Likes to sleep on his livers chest so he can here they’re heart beat, so he knows they haven’t disappeared to.
Has plushies of they’re pokemom
Emmets theme song is material girl by Madonna
I think that he’s pansexual ( mostly men ) and he’s a he/him
Has a mommy/breeding/pregnancy kink
Has adhd
Can talk on and on about wooloos and other grass type Pokémon for hours
He likes to pick up people well hugging them it’s just easier for him
He taught the wooloos how to Sence that someone’s going to have a panic attack
Has a squishmallow collection and plushies collection of his Pokémon
He is a demi-boy he/they and is pansexual ( he has dating gladion before )
Also has a squishmallow collection
He has a second bed set up at all times so gladion can sleep over
Can and will cuddle with his Pokémon
Gets nightmare easily
Does not like horror movies at all
He infact reads fanfics
Has his ears pierced
He knows how to draw
He listens to peirs music
He is trans and gay and goes by he/him
Has gone to almost all peirs consorts
He gets panic attacks
He got bullied as a kid and now will beat the a** of anyone who’s bullying someone
He pierced hau’s ears for him
Has a squishmallow collection
Null is counting as his emotions support.. Pokémon? Idk
He knows how to draw
Has a strong fear of losing people close to him
She’s bi/poly ( not sexual ) goes by she/her
Is dating mallow and lana
Collection squishmallows
Knows how to draw
Has a strong fear of people dear to her
She has tramau from a Pokémon attack, she can still touch them, she’s just slightly scared
Lesbian/ poly ( not sexual ) they go by they/she )
Is dating Lillie and lana
Also collection squishmallows
Is a really good chef
Has a herb garden
They are neptunic/poly and go by they/them ( props to the people that know that )
Is dating mallow and Lillie
Is a really fast swimmer
Has adhd
Will and does collect little things from the shore and bottom of the sea, to give to they’re girlfriends
Professor kukui
Is a straight ally i mean his wife is bi so
Has adhd
Also has tramau from people leaving him
Has a fear of people leaving him
Has a breeding kink
He is gay ( thought he liked kukui for a like just a hallway crush thou) and goes by he/they
Has adhd
Will collect little thinks he finds on the ground he gives to people he likes
If he finds another bug type trainer he will pick them up and leave with them
Likes cuddles
Likes to lay on his lovers chest so he can feel they’re heart beat
They are omnisexual and go by they/they ( non-binary )
Has a aura that attaches ghost types
Likes to write little stories
Has a squishmallow collection
Likes to draw
Does prank people with they’re Pokémon
Has really bad anxiety
Also has a peanut allergy ( they can use that to get away from annoying men)
Has adhd
He can tell who a person is based on they���re voice
They’re lesbian and go by they/she
She looks up to kabu a lot
Will ignore people she doesn’t like
Will fight anyone that hurts Allister
Has dislexia the only one to know about is it Allister
Gets migraines if they try to read to hard
I think they’re non-binary they/them don’t really mind if someone messes it up but if it’s on purpose they’ll kick you so hard you meet arceus, they’re also asexual
Has this arua around them that can calm down any Pokémon
Has adhd
Does little hand movements well they talk
Has ticks
They jump up and down and or shake they hands up and down when happy
Warden ingo
Still has adhd ( doesn’t know it )
He/him and pansexual ( it changed now you gotta have options)
He has a breeding kink
He has a over opposition on sneasels
Has dislexia still it’s just worse now
If he hates you he will forever hate you and ignore you
Has short term memory lose
I’ll add more later
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ciderwitch · 2 years
Because I'm falling into Submas hell after finally playing Arceus and I've just discovered the Butler outfits from Pokemas, I bring you SFW + NSFW Royal!Reader x Submas Butler Twins HCS.
Yeah, this is long, whoopsie.
Also a forewarning, both bros interact in this!
You and Elesa are members of the royal court. She is the princess and you are her noble-in-waiting.
You grew up together with her and the Butler brothers but had to leave for several years for schooling. When you returned home, Elesa practically demanded your family let you join her in the castle.
The two boys you used to play with had grown into fine and capable young men. Emmet had grown even more affable and mischievous, while Ingo remained as quietly charming and clever as always.
Emmet is the most likely to get in trouble for disrespecting or ignoring rude guests. He has a lot of pride in his work and firmly believes that those who look down on him simply don't deserve his time. If he wasn’t the best at his job, he might get in trouble.
Ingo has the same beliefs, but is better able to keep his composure. Whatever he must do to ensure peace for you and Elesa, he will.
You'd quickly fallen in love with the two brothers but knew that a lady of your station would never be allowed to court one of them.
Besides, they probably weren't interested in you, right? Surely they are this nice to everyone? (The twins were just as in love with you, but didn't want to ruin your reputation if you got caught with them.)
Elesa has to stop herself from smacking you all upside the head.
They always seem to be around you even though you know they have innumerable duties around the castle.
They take turns helping you get ready for the day before you have to assist Elesa. They personally see to your breakfast whenever they have the chance and spend a bit of the morning with you.
Emmet always saves some extra treats from the royal kitchen to share with you throughout the day
Ingo makes sure your pokemon are well-taken care of and always well-groomed if you are busy.
Whenever the three of you have free time or days off, you spend time together in town, in the gardens, or the royal battle plaza
They beg for you to attend their battles so they can show off, always making you laugh with their poses and over-the-top maneuvers
The brothers fight for the chance to ride in or drive your carriage when you go on journeys with Elesa
Elesa purposefully sends the three of you out together on errands whenever she gets the chance
Her money is on Emmet making the first move. (Skyla is betting on Ingo)
Only those suitors who manage to defeat him and Emmet in battle are allowed to court you or Elesa. No one has won yet.
When Emmet (of course it's Emmet first) finally snaps, better prepare to be fucked within an inch of your life.
He'd fought off a particularly amorous suitor whose family had come to schmooze up to you and Elesa and the idiot had almost beaten him with a critical hit
After the battle, Emmet went to your chamber to complain and pine as he usually did when he found you half-dressed and trying to get into new evening gown.Normally one of the ladies assisted you, but they were occupied with the suitor and his family in the guest wing.
He noticed the light blush dusting your cheeks as he undid your corset and dress. He’d helped you before but now, on the tail end of that jerk and thinking about what might have happened if he lost, he just wanted to hold you, to take you for him and Ingo and run away so he never had to worry about you being stolen away.
You shivered as his gloved hand brushed against your back, looking back at him when he suddenly paused behind you.
It was the way you looked at him, flushed and hopeful, that had him suddenly crowding you against the wall and fixing you with the most serious look you’d ever seen him have
You kissed him first, but he didn’t make you wait. He was a force of need and desire, insistently pressing closer as he kissed you hard and messy, tasting your mouth and groaning at the whimper that escaped your lips
Ingo came into the room looking for Emmet and froze when he saw you both, gaping open-mouthed as a hundred things seemed to cross his mind at once. Before he could speak, Emmet broke from you, walked to Ingo, dragged him towards you and pushed him to his knees in front of you.
“What are you waiting for, brother? Our mistress requires your assistance.”
Soon you wind up with Emmet behind you, pressing kisses and sharp bites into your neck while his muscular arms wraps around your front to hold you in place as Ingo services you with his mouth, whimpering and whispering prayers and praise at how good you taste while he delves his tongue between your folds in hot, wet circles.
Emmet is able to compose himself enough to see the guests off to bed and request the next day off
Elesa demands that she gets to plan the wedding.
don’t mind me just getting absolutely carried away and wanting to write a multi chapter slowburn butler submas/pokeknight submas fic
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waywardstation · 1 year
Regarding the ask about seeing Ingo as a father figure:
At first I was surprised by that comment in the tags. I know you see him more of an uncle than anything but I still was a bit surprised.
But then it hit me. Ingo himself is more of a big brother type personality wise. A father figure and a big brother figure have a lot of things overlapping but also there are certain things different.
You could say that the closest to compare Ingo's and Akaris relationship to each other would be the fictional relationship the twins have with Iris. Technically they can be considered big brothers to her but given the age gap they're more like 'uncles' than anything. Very close but not as strong as Ingo and Emmet. It is supportive, protective and a bit mischievous and always willing to help and everything. (though the mischievous part is currently buried somewhat because of Ingo's lost memories and given the whole situation they're in he is more of a victim of mischief than doing it himself)
so while I do believe there is a familial bond between them there likely are more like biiiig sibling young sibling or the mentioned uncle/niece kind of thing.
I also think that if Akari would consider Ingo more like a parent she would be less eager to prank him tbh.
Found family as well as caught in another place/another time far away from loved ones. Two souls able to understand each other and their struggles.
of course all these depictions are valid and fun!
Honestly their bond is really fun to explore and you've created so many great fics so far with many still in the making! Also thankful for the lack or minimal ship involvement in your stuff. (nothing against romance or shipping but I don't look for that when reading fanfics)
In regards to this ask, particularly the tags
Anon I love this ask so much. I didn’t explain my reasoning mostly because I didn’t want to ramble, and also just let the fic try to explain, but you hit the nail right on the head as to why I don’t see Ingo as a father figure to Akari.
I don’t see Ingo as one, because I don’t see him as a father, like at all. There are AUs and concepts out there that I like where they do make him a father in some way or another and do a good job of explaining why, but at the end of the day it’s not canon to his base character, so I do not subscribe to it in my works.
I don’t think Ingo is capable of holding that position in Akari’s life as he is, anyways. Realistically they’ve only known each other for several months in my canon. And while bonds like that can form between people (The Last of Us), I think it’s unrealistic in this scenario, just because of who Ingo and Akari are, and what they want.
So you’re very right anon. If anything, I express their relationship more like biiiiig sibling/ younger sibling, if not uncle/niece.
Ingo looks out for Akari, makes sacrifices for her, and encourages her. Akari looks up to Ingo as stability, plays jokes on him, and knowing full-well he goes out of his way for her, worries for him and does the same when she can. These can be applied to both types of relationships. Your comparison with fanon’s relationship with Iris is a really good one too!!
Akari does not see Ingo as a father figure, and Ingo does not pretend to be a father figure. Right now, it’s just a kid who’s bonded with a guy going through a more tragic version of the same experience she is, and a guy who wants to make sure this kid’s experience never gets as tragic as his.
They both have grown to care about each other, and in my canon, they just want to help each other make it back together.
Thank you for the ask anon!! I’m so glad you appreciate my content. Nothing against shipping or romance in works either, but as someone who’s never been interested in any of that, I think I’d be terribly cliche at writing it even if I wanted to try and put it into my work haha. This blog is 99% the platonic zone haha
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r0-boat · 1 year
*slams fists on table* I MADE IT!!!!! And I’m being basic!!! Thoughts on vampire submas?????
One steaming hot plate of headcannons
Here we go
Vampire Submas
Sfw but slightly suggestive
Vampires don't actually need sleep the twins can go days without sleeping, why do you think Gear Station is always open? Although sleep is a relaxing past time they don't need it.
The twins would probably have to hide in regular Society since there is a negative stigma against vampires.
Elesa it's the only one that knows bring a half vampire.
That's until when you came along, your so sweet to them when you smell so good and aah. Suddenly their urges are harder to control.
They can't help but fall more and more in love even though the feelings inside scare them knowing that you could be just like everybody else and be disgusted at who they are.
Their unbeating heart skipping a beat when you laugh at their terrible jokes or Goofy antics but they fear that wants you know you'll never see them again.
They're oblivious but they're not stupid. They know you have feelings for them too. They can hear your heart beat faster when you go near them, the way you give them a longing gaze and a soft smile. You cute cheeks Flushing when you see them and you even tried to shy away once you noticed you have their full attention.
Has sworn never to bite or sink his teeth into a person. His whole life is lived off of blood bags while it quells his thirst. It doesn't satisfy his instincts. His instincts to hunt
His urges only get stronger and stronger, not that he minds. Ingo always had good self-control... until you walked right past him... Yes... that's all it took. The sweet scent of your blood was something he'd never smelled before. So lovely, so captivating, his knees grew weak as he fell into the floor. Worried, you tried to help him up and go quickly declined, picking himself up, his face turning red, afraid that he might pounce on you so much as brush against him.
His inner Instinct stir within him. A beast that laid dormant for all these years, finally threatening to break free.
His once pure clean mine now running rampant with thoughts of ravaging you and tasting your blood for the first time, drinking you till you can't move. While his hands roam your body.
A black scaly demon on his shoulders piercing red eyes beckoning him to taste you. Taste his first fill of fresh human blood.
He's not sure how long he can fight back.
He could never do that to you. He could never press you against the wall giving you no chance of escape before going in and biting hard into your skin; he could never sink his face into your shoulder as a way of marking you and feeding himself.
The fears of you pushing away from him and disappearing from him haunts his nightmares.
Emmet always stays true to himself. He wants to finally find someone he can be open too. No more hiding who he is.
However, it's not like he can blame them. Vampires are creatures of the night and, in a way, prey on humans.
He tries to live off blood bags however it's not the same something straight from their prey. If humans don't care about him, why should he care about their comfort?
Mostly only drinks the blood of rule Breakers.( they'll never break a single rule in the subway again)
Emmet wants to let the secret out to you as soon as possible. He wants you to love him, all of him, blood-sucking fangs and all.
Emmet finds humans cute they're small and weak, like a feisty little kitten.
Emmet feels sort of possessive over you. He's unsure if that's the vampire inside him yelling at him to hold you close in case something steals his meal/mate from him.
Sure, he does has his own urges; he tries to stifle a whimper every time he feels your heartbeat, your sweet blood underneath this thin layer of skin. But he admits he is not as bad as Ingo.
In the end he just wants what's best for him and his brother. He'll treasure and protect you like his family because you are!
To a surprise and no one besides the twins you end up accepting then being vampires in fact you seem to really enjoy that idea.
Ingo Beyond flushed his breath shaking when you ask him to take a drink from you. He tries to hold back when his teeth pierced your skin but he falls apart quickly. Moaning against your shoulder growling "mine"in other words you can't quite hear
Emmet is ecstatic immediately coming in to hug and kiss you. He doesn't have to hide from the people he loves anymore. He doesn't have to pretend.
You feel his tongue in your mouth, his face against your lips. The warmth breaks it for a second just to ask, "Wanna taste you, please? Just one sip?" Maybe Emmet had some ulterior motives after all; he still loves you, though, with all his heart.
In fact, Ingo finally tastes you for the first time, his eyes rolling back; he grabs you firmly and holds you in place. It took everything in him to pull away before he got to Ravenous. It's not enough. He needs more, and not just your blood
If the twins smell your blood from anywhere they are immediately on alert what if you hurt yourself? What if someone is hurting you?!
The twins taking no mercy to other vampires or people if they harm you. They swear if they break one little hair on your head, you'll be their next meal.
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jumpingjoltiks · 2 years
what would makeup sex with the subway masters look like
Uff this got long
Warnings: Verbal Fighting, Misunderstandings, Insecurities, Making up, Smut
Pairings: Ingo x GN!Reader, Emmet x GN!Reader
▲ Ingo ▲
Ingo goes to great lengths to be a good communicator with you, so fights don't happen that often, but when they do, makeup sex usually goes one of two ways.
Sex with Ingo is usually slow and tender anyway, but after minor bickering, it gets even more so.
He wants you to know that no matter what silly thing you're fighting about, it can't measure up to how he loves you.
This kind of sex is sensual. His hands and mouth want to worship every inch of you.
The worst fights come as a result of his schedule and his workaholic nature getting in between the both of you and causing rifts - you feel like you're not worth his time and he feels like you're being unreasonable since you knew what you were getting into when you started dating.
Toward the end, it turns into an all-out screaming match. You're matching volume with him, trying just to feel heard, but it's like nothing is getting through to him.
It only ends when you've had enough and leave for a while to cool off.
Both of you are miserable afterward. He feels awful, and swears to you he'll work to make time for you and make it right. You promise to try and be more considerate of what he can and can't control.
After rough fights like these, you can expect something passionate.
This is a release for both of you after being scared of losing what you had and after feeling so far apart for so long.
It's a rough, desperate lovemaking that leaves the both of you clinging as tightly as you can to each other.
You're pressing kisses against whatever skin you can reach while he pounds into you, repeating your name over and over like a mantra.
After you both finish, he'll continue to cling to you. He needs to be close to you for a while.
▽ Emmet ▽
Emmet's desire to win, no matter what, has led to some very frustrating moments in your relationship.
Combine this with his lack of social awareness & low cognitive empathy and it's a recipe for some nasty fights.
It's not that he's trying to upset you. Unfortunately, some of the things he says just come out too harsh without him meaning them to.
Fortunately, he is mature enough to realize that he said something that wasn’t okay and that it upset you. If he doesn't understand why it's bothering you, he'll go to Ingo or Elisa for advice on it. They can usually clear it up.
Though the words he said make sense to him, you being upset doesn't - but you being upset takes precedence.
He wants to try to understand for you because he hates the thought that he could ever hurt you.
He'll come back once you've both cooled down and talk things out with you. He makes space to listen to you. He's trying damnit.
Being together after is tender.
Rejection is something he's unfortunately accustomed to, and lots of relationships have fallen apart because of fights like these - because whoever was with him at the time got fed up with him and left.
His hands are uncharacteristically gentle. They brush feather light across your skin like he's scared he's going to break you. It's reverent, the way he looks at you, as though you're the most incredible thing he's ever seen, the most amazing person he's ever known (and you are).
It's like he's trying to remind you how deeply he cares about you, even if he's not always perfect at showing it, and remind himself that he can trust you to be there and not leave him when he makes a mistake.
Taking over and leading during one of these sessions is unusually easy, but after all that's happened, Em is willing to give you whatever you want. As long as you don’t leave him.
After a bad fight and makeup like this expect tears from both of you. He sobs into your shoulder as you cry into his hair. It will be like that until one or both of you is exhausted enough to fall asleep.
Requests are currently [open]
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smallestapplin · 2 years
umm. ftm ingo + emmet hcs maybe w a lil bit on nsfw..............<- projecting
IM ASCENDING!!! THANK YOU FOR THIS!! I’m in love, I hope this my all. I apologize for being all over the place with this, I just got so excited.
🔞18 at the end!🔞
In general!
- they both socially transitioned in their teen years.
- Looking up ways to look more like guys.
- Their parents were extremely supportive and did all they could to help! Using their correct pronouns and names, buying them clothes that made them feel comfortable and confident.
- The only issue they faced was hiding their chests.
- They did everything from multiple sports bras, compression shirts, even things you aren’t suppose to do!
- Their mother got their measurements and ordered them binders.
- The twins were so happy to open that package!
- The two tried on their eighteenth birthdays. They parents surprised them by taking them to get everything on paper, their licenses, and other important documents now say ‘Ingo’ and ‘Emmet’.
- They sobbed happily in a large family group hug.
- Both started going on T as soon as they could.
- Emmet was vibrating in place in excitement! He had been waiting so long for this!
- Ingo kept fidgeting, he had to get the energy out somehow.
- After they moved to Nimbasa city and started working at Gear station, the two started saving up for their surgeries.
- They planned it all out too! One would get top surgery, and then the other would take care of him, and vice versa.
- The twins are so happy to finally feel like themselves.
Onto romance!
- Not much changed romantically. Your Ingo is still as polite and as loud as ever.
- He’s such a gentleman!
- Surprising you with flowers, your favorite treats, a stuffed toy from Gear station he thought you’d like, anything!
- You likely already know he’s trans from forming a friendship first.
- He doesn’t keep secrets, but he made sure it was safe first.
- Of course you’re a safe person to tell, and you understood.
- He held you crying, he was so worried and had been stressing himself about telling you.
- Your friendship continued and it turned into a sweet relationship.
- Always making time for you, taking care of you (even if you argue that he has to eat too-) and of course! You making him get all bashful with your affection.
- He truly does love your attention and touches, but he gets so flushed thinking about it.
- Though Ingo is the most vocal of the two brothers, during his time of the month he’s usually quiet about his pain.
- His cramps are bad, but you often just see him curled around Chandelure, asking if you can get him some more midol, or anything.
- He just wants some back rubs and to be told he’s a brave man.
- He hurts, please just cuddle him.
- Much like his brother, it’s not that big of a secret. Sure he doesn’t announce it, he’s just living.
- And how can you not love this affectionate man?
- He’s always smothering you with kisses, taking you out on dates, winning all the stuffed animals you want at the amusement park, anything.
- He gets so excited seeing you too, especially if you visit him at work. His face lights up, he’s glowing with joy before running to you and twirling you in a hug.
- You are his light, his saving grace when his period strikes.
- Yes he knows white was a bad idea, hush! He looks great in it!
- But he is in agony, you hear him before you see him, just groaning heavily.
- He can’t move, please get him some pain relievers, thank yoooou.
- He’s also doing the grabby hands at you, he wants comfort.
- If you have any fire type Pokémon no you don’t, that’s his Pokémon now, sorry.
- He doesn’t call out of work, but man he’s straight up not having a good time.
🔞18+Only! NSFW BELOW!🔞
- Ever the service the top.
- His face is made for you, his tongue is made to please you.
- You two have a select few strap ons, he isn’t wild with what he gets by any means, but he does have quite a few other worldly ones.
- While he loves pleasuring you, as your pleasure is his pleasure, and if that means he’s on his back, folded in a mating press, squealing his heart out? Then yes, he will absolutely do it.
- It’s so cute how reactive he is to your touch.
- And don’t be fooled by his more prudish nature, for you? He’s anything you want him to be.
- Ingo is a softer man, he likes the intimacy and closeness of love making. You speaking so sweetly to him, thrusting into his dripping pussy with such care, telling him he’s such a good boy, a sweet boy, just for you.
- He can cum just from your praise alone.
- But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like it rough.
“Fuck! Please! I-I’ve been so good! Ah!”
He doesn’t even remember how he got himself tied to the bed, cunt on display for you. All he knows is he wants to do it again.
You lay between his spread legs. Pulling your mouth off his drooling cunt, you gaze up at him.
His chest heaving, eyes watering, and face red.
You ponder for a moment before shuffling your weight to one side, you bring your hand up towards him.
Ingo arches his back, crying out at the harsh smack you land on his cunt.
Smack! Smack! Smack!
His slick splatters against your hand.
His upper half is twisting with each hit. His squeals raise in pitch, he’s so close to cumming!
“My aren’t you demanding? Such a naughty boy you are.”
“M’sorry! M’sorry, please, I-FUCK! Mmmso close!”
You grind your thumb against his clit, smirking at how your boyfriends juices coat your hand.
His hips keep twitching as his silver eyes begs for more.
He’s so cute like this.
- He has a very large, very impressive toy collection. His pride and joys are his various strap ons, and he pulls out all the stops! Want to be fucked by some alien dick? He’s got you! Want to be fucked by some demon dick? Absolutely he has that! Anything and everything in any color, he’s got you.
- Most of the time he tops, you will have to fight him for that right.
- He does have his moments where he’d like to be just a little pampered. Those are few and far between, again, unless you wrestle him for it.
- Emmet is in love with fucking your face, he just loves seeing you choke on his cock, no matter which one it is.
- He usually puts a bullet vibrator inside him before putting the strap’s harness on. This way you both get more pleasure!
- He wants to keep going until you’re both in tears and too sensitive to continue.
Emmet feels so lucky to have you.
Especially when you’re fucked stupid like this, and all for him too!
The vibrator inside him is set on his second pulsing speed, giving him just enough pleasure while he fucks his strap on into you.
“Aww darling! We’ve barley even started! And look at how messy you are.”
You barely process his words.
The fat blunt tip of his strap slams against your sweet spot without mercy.
Watching you moan out and squirm is always a beautiful sight, but he can make it better.
He takes one hand off your hip, grabbing the remote for his vibrator and setting it to max speed.
You practically scream, which overshadows a cry of his own.
His hips speed up, twitching at the rush of pleasure on his insides.
He slams his hand back on your hip with a bruising grip. He leans over you, his chest flushed against yours.
Emmet slams his lips over yours, moaning into the kiss. You only break it to toss your head back with a long squeal.
“Emmeeet! S-so gooood!”
The silver haired man whines, you look so fucked out and perfect! Your eyes rolling back with drool dripping down your chin.
It has him cumming once again over the vibrator.
He wants more.
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A Father's Resolve - Ch 13
Ingo returns after a decade - with two extra cars in tow. Years later, his kids are swallowed up by time in the same way he was. Will he be able to find them? Will they be able to make it out alive?
Word Count: 2700
Rei ended up being ordered to stay in the village for three days to rest his elbow. The first day he spent just resting in his bed, floating along the line of consciousness. It reminded him of summer vacations when he would be allowed to just sleep when Dad and Uncle Emmet had gone to work and he and Akari were allowed to be watched by Haxorus or Excadrill. 
The second day he went a little stir-crazy. He left the room to wander the village. Akari had no desire to leave just yet, but he didn’t mind. In fact, he kind of wanted some time by himself. He couldn’t leave the village without an escort and he had no desire to talk to people, so instead, he asked if he could enter the pastures. The woman who ran them raised her eyebrows, but did not ask questions. 
He ended up lying in the grass, his arms stretched out in the sun. Several Bidoof, Buizel, and a couple Shinx lay beside him, all soaking up the sunshine. The alpha Kriketune from that big fight wandered over at one point and took up a position too. Rei sighed in contentment and let out his team to lay with him. While he lay, his mind wandered. 
The sun crept across the cloudless expanse of blue above him. He was warm and cozy as the grass and the small sparks from the Shinx tickled his skin. He sighed. Was Dad okay? He really hoped he hadn’t noticed their absence yet. And Uncle Emmet, too. Rei had heard stories about how bad Uncle Emmet had gotten during Dad’s disappearance, though he supposed he could understand. If Akari had just vanished into thin air, Rei would have lost his mind. But then if Dad had noticed he’d lost not one, but both kids…? Rei had no idea how that would go. 
Then he started thinking about teams. He needed to structure a new team for Hisui, as he only had Topsy Turvy with him now and it didn’t seem that Mandibuzz were native in this region and he didn’t want to reveal her to anyone. Campfire was a must. The Eevee, which he had taken to calling Blitz, was certainly a good idea. So long as he didn’t accidentally show it a Fire Stone, he won’t have an extra fire type. He thought about Lord Wyrdeer. Honestly, he was super cool. A Psychic type would be good too… Rei glanced to his left, at the Stantler that was trotting around the pasture, grazing. He had no idea how it evolved, but it would likely prove to be a strong ally… Spark Plug could help round things out in the meantime and take care of the overabundance of Flying and Water-types he ran into. Those Staravia were menaces. 
Rei sat up and stretched his back. He stood, trying not to disturb any pokemon. He recalled his team and swapped a couple balls with the attendant before leaving. He took a deep breath as he considered the next step. Perhaps it was time to see what moves they could learn… 
He made the trek across camp, running into a person or two that had a request for him. One wanted to use a Geodude as a pickling stone, whatever that was. Another asked him if she could see the completed dex entry for Starly. Finally, he made it to his destination. The gates of the dojo stretched overhead, and inside, he saw who he was looking for. He just had to play it cool. 
“Hi. Uh… Zisu.” Arceus, why did he sound so awkward?
If she noticed, she made no indication. She looked around from what she was doing. It seemed like she had been polishing a pokeball with a cloth. “Hello, there, Faller! What can I help ya with today?” She smiled brightly at him as she stood, brushing off her kimono and crossing her arms. Arceus, he’d forgotten how tall she was. Rei knew he was tall for his age, and she simply towered over him. 
“I wanted to teach my pokemon some new moves,” he squeaked. 
“Of course! Let’s see who ya got.” She paid close attention to each and every pokemon he sent out - even if it was only four. She scratched her chin as she looked at the selection. “I bet I could teach that one Rock Smash. Look at those arms. They may be small, but I bet they pack a punch,” she grinned, pointing at Campfire. “And the Eevee is small. That’s not a bad thing, but it can play to how cute it is. Baby-Doll Eyes can make opponents lower their guard so it can sneak in some extra attacks.” She glazed over Spark Plug and the new Stantler. “Surprisingly, I feel like I can teach you Bulldozer and Swift, among other things. I know Ground moves can be useful out there,” she gestured to Stantler. “And as for you… Look at those teeth! And you are already a master of electricity. Fire Fang and Ice Fang. You’d take to it like a Psyduck to water.” 
A few minutes later, Rei had new moves on his teammates, which made him feel much more relaxed. That scene of his entire team being cut down by Kleavor in seconds had been replaying over and over in his head. He had a Fighting move and a Ground move now, so hopefully Rock-mons wouldn’t be as much of an issue. “Thank you, Zisu. I think this will help a lot.” 
She grinned at him in a way that reminded him of his sister. “Anytime, newbie. Tell me if you need anything else!” 
Rei could feel a soft smirk coming onto his face as he began to walk away. “Say,” he began, turning back to face her, “might you be up to a battle?” 
“A battle?” She rubbed her chin again. “Unfortunately I have an appointment with the Captain in just a few minutes, otherwise I would. Come back anytime and I’ll take you up on that, though! I’ll make sure to go easy on ya. My pokemon are quite strong.” Her easy smile never left her face, even when she flicked her hair out of her face. Rei nodded and left the dojo with his team in his pockets to head back home to his sister. 
The third day he spent drawing. He hadn’t been able to properly draw ever since Unova, he hadn’t had his sketchbook on him when he’d been taken. For every pokemon they had registered, he sat in the pastures, this time with his sister who was now getting sick of being alone in the home, and drew them in as much detail as he could. Even though Laventon took photographs of every single species, Rei found that there was something special about capturing them by hand. 
If only his sister would understand this concept. “I still don’t get why you insist on drawing every single species. There have to be like two-hundred species in this region or something. You’re really gonna draw them all?” She looked up at the sky as she asked him, only glancing down to view his latest drawing at the end of her question. 
“Laventon takes pictures of them, though.” 
“I know.” 
“Then why? It takes forever.” 
“Because I like doing it,” he sighed, shutting the book. He looked apologetically at the Burmy that had attached itself to the branch above him so he could draw it. “Though if you’re gonna throw a fit, I guess I can make more balls.” 
“I’m not throwing a fit. I’m just confused,” she huffed, crossing her arms as well as she could in a pout. The bandages somewhat restricted her movement at the shoulder. “I just don’t get why you do it.”
“Because I want to, Akari. Haven’t you ever heard of doing stuff for fun?” 
“You know it’s just weird for me to think of art as fun,” she retorted. Rei rolled his eyes. It was true that he was the more artistically inclined of the two. “It’s hard and takes a long time.” 
“You don’t have to enjoy it, you know. No one is making you draw them,” he argued as he began to cut away at an apricorn. “All I ask is you don’t get mad at me drawing them.” 
“I’m not mad,” she huffed again. 
“You sound a little mad.”
“I’m going to go mad listening to you all day.” 
“You’re the one who decided to come with me.” 
“Yeah, and I’m starting to regret it.” 
Rei looked up at her. “I’m not keeping you here, you know.” 
She didn’t look at him as she continued. “Yeah, but then I’d be lonely. Your poor baby sister, all alone.” 
“We’re the same exact age,” Rei retorted, his eyeballs rolling so far he thought they might escape his head. 
“I’m older than you by three minutes. Dad said so.” 
“Then how can you be my baby sister?” 
They continued on like this for a while longer, eventually lapsing into silence. Akari settled with petting an Eevee that had curled up in her lap. She watched the sky, watching the clouds roll by as Rei carved more and more balls. By the time he had hit about fifty, he went back to drawing. The Kriketune had joined them and as it was rather aloof, he wanted to take this time to draw it properly. He had most of it sketched and was shading with the piece of charcoal when Akari spoke again. “Do you think… they’re okay? Everyone at home?” 
Rei was silent as he shaded in one of the long arms. “Probably?” 
“What if they did find out we were gone?” Her voice dipped in pitch as she gave in to a half-whisper. “What if we can’t get back a few seconds after we disappeared? And Dad and Uncle Emmet can’t find us? What if to them, we disappeared?” 
Rei didn’t say anything for a minute. He finished the Kriketune and closed the dex. “Well… they won’t be okay. But they’d figure it out. Like Uncle Emmet did.”
“Rei, Dad was gone for ten years. That’s the only option he had.”
“Well, we won’t be gone that long.” Rei set his pokedex to the side and leaned back against the tree. “All we need to do is finish the dex and then Arceus said it would send us home. And that won’t take ten years.” 
“We have no idea how long it’ll take. We don’t know how many pokemon there are,” Akari pointed out. “And what if it doesn’t mean just ancient Sinnoh? What if we get taken to another region after this?” 
“I kinda doubt that,” Rei said.
“But we don’t know.” 
“Then text it.” Rei sat up, pointing to her satchel that had the Arc Phone. “It texted us one time, remember? Doesn’t that suggest that we can text it back?” 
Akari blinked, seemingly at war with herself. “I can’t tell if you’re a moron or a genius,” she remarked as she pulled out the phone. She tapped on the screen a couple times as Rei leaned in to look. She pulled up the chat. 
Seek out all Pokemon. Under that chat, there was a textbar. And when tapped, it brought up a keyboard with the alphabet on it. The Hisuian alphabet. “Well I’ll be darned…” she muttered as she typed out a message. 
Arceus, right? This is you? We were wondering… after we finish the dex, we get to go home, right? We won’t go anywhere else? 
They waited for a moment. Then, a new text in gold showed up, like the first. 
Seek out all Pokemon. 
She blinked and then typed out a new message. 
Yeah, that’s the plan. Can you tell us how many pokemon there are, at least? 
Another new message popped up after it, saying the same: Seek out all Pokemon. 
“Well that was helpful,” she sighed sarcastically as she put the phone away. Rei shrugged. 
“Was worth a shot.” 
“This didn’t really help me with worrying about Dad, though.” She nervously rubbed the Eevee’s head, between the ears. 
“We can’t really do much about it,” Rei pointed out. “All we can do is what Arceus said. We seek out all pokemon. We go home. If we don’t, we raise a big stink about it. It chose us for a reason, right?”
“I guess…” Akari sighed to herself again. She was clearly not satisfied with the answer, but truthfully, neither was Rei. 
Two weeks since the first time Ingo had tried going to work by himself, and now he refused to go without Emmet. It seemed Emmet's presence made other passengers back off from his brother. Perhaps it was the sharp gaze he would pierce them with. Maybe it was his looser tongue, or his lack of hesitancy to kick people out for prying. Or perhaps Ingo was just too polite. Whatever it was, focusing on Multi Battles seemed to keep unwarranted questions off. 
Emmet sat in their office, Ingo at his desk beside him. His brother bit into an apple as he read some papers on his desk. Emmet was munching on some chips as he scrolled his phone. Their hats sat on their desks, their short hair allowed to breathe for a bit as they enjoyed their lunches. 
A depot agent entered the room after a quick knock, asking Ingo a question about one of the electrical boxes. 
A notification sounded on Emmet's phone. He tapped the message. It was from his uncle. 
How have you both been? Sorry to disturb you at work.
Emmet glanced between the two people in the room. He was not a part of the conversation, and so began to type. 
You caught me at a good time, its lunch. We're alright. Ingo isnt really normal but he is somewhat enjoying battles. His praise to challengers seems more genuine lately. 
Emmet took another bite of his sandwich as the little bubble popped up as his uncle responded. He must also be on his lunch break. 
That's great! Genuinely. It is good to hear you both are doing well. 
I recently got a message from someone in that large chat Iris made for me. The one I told you both about a couple of weeks ago. She seems quite keen on speaking with you both. 
Emmet knitted his brow slightly, putting down his food and typing with both hands. Is it about the kids?
The reply came quickly. Seems so. She is in Sinnoh, but offered a video call. Is there a good time I can tell her? 
Emmet looked at his brother. He was laughing about something the agent had said, his apple mostly gone. The clock stated they still had five hours left of their shift. 
After work should be good. We get off around 7:30 and can be home by 8. Emmet nonchalantly put down his phone and grabbed his sandwich again, making sure to smooth out his face into his normal smiling expression. He took another bite of sandwich. 
Sounds good. I'm surprised Ingo isn't insisting that you leave this very moment.
Emmet glanced up one more time, typing out one last message as the agent left, then clicking the button on the side of the device and making the screen go black. Don't tell him yet. They aren't going anywhere. 
“Who was that, Emmet? You seemed perplexed.” Ingo took out a packaged cookie and began to unwrap it. 
“Uncle. He was telling me about a trainer he met earlier with a peculiar team.” This was not exactly a lie, as he had also mentioned a trainer with an unusual team earlier that day. 
“Ah, you must tell me about it-” The alarm on Ingo's phone went off. Lunch was over. Ingo sighed as he stood, Emmet doing the same. His back popped audibly as he stretched. Arceus, he was getting old. 
“I will tell you all about it after our shift,” Emmet vowed. He would ensure to tell his brother about the texts… Once he was sure the day was over.
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