#he wouldn't give a fuck if he ever saw ren again lmao
apricote · 1 year
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fen sees his dad like once every season, but mia has been trying to encourage ren to see his son more often. they invited fennec out to eat at pinky's diner on night on the town to try grow closer to him.
lot (once again) by @beetlemp3
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
So we've seen how renren and moth text but how do the rest of characters text? Do they have any quirks-- because I noticed that renren doesn't worry about spelling when we texted him for the first time XD it was adorable to say the least
✦゜ANSWERED: This ended up getting a bit long lmao
Ren: Their way of texting is very passive, soft, and "uwu" personified. He overuses the "^^" and ">////<" emoticons to make himself seem cuter, and hardly ever uses full stops or proper punctuation. Only ever texts like this when it involves you.
"*attached image* saw this cloud on my walk today and it made me think of u ^^", "u forgot to close ur window last night! i wouldn't want you to catch a cold >///<", "yeah!! cool! okay!!! i can do that for you, angel!"
[REDACTED]: You'd be lucky to get more than one word from him. He specializes in leaving people on read and replying with the absolute bare minimum. Rawdogs everything (no punctuation, emojis, tone indicators, etc.) and gives zero fucks. They only text like this to people who aren't you though.
"cool", ":/", "hows that my problem", "*read: 2:14PM*",  "? no?", "why are you texting me? tf", "*read: 5:34PM*", "thats cringe", "k", " 37°49′N 25°45′W <- this u?"
Violet: Overuses the plant emojis but it somehow makes her seem more endearing. Not that much punctuation usage either, and she unknowingly slips in a bit of twitch/streamer lingo without realising it.
"I'm taking 🎍 Glenda 🎍 out for a walk, want to come? 🌷", "Oh! That's pretty pog!" "I can smell burnt food again… Anyare? LUL", "My hydrangeas started blooming! 🌼🌸 Here, I'll send you a pic"
Elanor: It's like she's writing a personal, handwritten letter to you. Lots of thought goes into her texts, as well as proper grammar and punctuation. She doesn't really use emojis, but when she does, it's mainly used in lieu of fullstops.
"Hello MC! I just read your text. Yes, I can cover your shift tomorrow. If you are feeling unwell then please get some rest!", "Please ignore my last text! Those pesky kids got a hold of my phone while I wasn't looking. Do you know how to delete messages?", "Good morning MC 🙂"
Moth: Good luck trying to decipher whatever it is they're saying. 99% of the time it's purely keyboard spam, tiktok/twitter lingo, or cursed meme reactions they scoured off of the internet.
"lKFJSF BABE WAKE UP NEW WEBTOON CHAPTER JUST DROPPED", "my brother in christ u NEED therapy soooo bad /j /lh", "ok but like… it's giving stalker vibes :)" "submissive and breedable??? in MY Christian minecraft server???????"
Leon: Your average texter. He uses somewhat enough grammar and punctuation, as well as tone indicators to avoid any potential misunderstandings. Will always respond to your texts before changing the subject.
"I'm gonna block you fr /j", "Want me to pick you up after work? I'm On My Way! to the libary rn", "Hey do you like this jacket? I can buy it after practice if you want. Figured it was your style :D", "Corporate wants you to spot the difference between me and this crab I found in my bag (hint: one of them is cuter) /lh"
Teo: Vice CEO of leaving people on read, alongside [REDACTED]. He also never seems to respond to the current topic, and instead likes to make it all about whatever is on his mind. Will 100% ask if you want to play 8-ball directly after finding out you just came out of a coma.
"wyd?", "what are you wearing right now?", "I'm bored… come keep me company? 😈💦", "come smash in some taillights with me 🥺 leon and jae already bailed", "🔥🔥🔥" "DELETE THAT LAST IMAGE. DON'T OPEN IT. IT WASN'T MEANT FOR YOU"
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ari-shipping-stuff · 4 years
Monochrome Week 2020
Day Five - High School AU
sequel to day three's fake dating au
Weiss couldn't get it out of her head.
It made her breathless. Light. Dreamy. She couldn't see clearly.
When she slept. Whenever she closed her eyes. The she was.
Blake, staring at her with that curious little head tilt she did. And her catlike amber eyes glowing under the orange lights.
In the place of every sound, it was still her. That one simple word. Her voice like velvet. Echoing relentlessly in her head.
And her hand. Held in hers. That's what had her the most. Their hands. Fingers intertwined. Staying that way for what Weiss wanted to be forever.
They never did let go last night. Not until the very last minute when Blake brought her home. And just before she left, she turned back. Another moment Weiss wished would last forever.
Blake had smiled ever so slightly. Easy to miss. But Weiss did see. Explosions might've gone off around her, but she could only see her smile. That smile that filled her with such an overwhelming, beautifully unfamiliar feeling that made her want to climb up a mountain and sing at the top of her lungs. To smile like there was no tomorrow. To steal every star from the sky. To conquer the world and give it all to Blake.
Weiss had all that to say as she drifted into space in the following day's English lecture. That.. And another thing.
She was not supposed to feel like this. What the hell did I do? What would Blake do?
Weiss was restless for the whole day, incessantly tapping her feet and answering questions only because she was annoyed that said questions were breaking her train of thought and she couldn't think straight at all.
As soon as the last bell rang, Weiss was ready to run out and curl up in bed forever.
Unfortunately, certain nosy people have other ideas.
Ruby, curse her track team legs, ran up to Weiss from behind, pouncing on her to prevent her escape. Though it did backfire (not that Ruby cared), causing them both to fall over.
"What are you doing, you dolt!?" Weiss screeched.
"Sorry!" Ruby giggled, not sorry in the slightest. She let go, rolling over and helping Weiss back up. "You didn't answer our messages last night!"
Weiss brushed off herself, groaning at the sight of her other friends' grinning idiot faces.
"Do you people ever stop?"
"Unfortunately not." replied Ren.
Weiss shook her head, sighing. "I used to think you were a sensible person.
"Now what do you dolts want?"
"We saw you leave the party!" said Nora.
"Early." Yang added, grinning. "Again."
"We went home." Weiss deadpanned. "Can I go?"
"Not a chance."
Ruby only shrugged. "Sorry, Weiss. This is a democracy."
"Democracy." Weiss rolled her eyes, leaning against a locker. She pouted, looking away from Ruby, who was trying to pull off her typical five-year-old pleading face.
Weiss kept running through thoughts about how all of this should be kept private. Whatever she and Blake did was absolutely none of their business. But then it struck her again— no. It didn't. They were not in a real relationship. Every juicy detail of their fake relationship needed to be widespread.
Oh, how confused she'd become. It was almost laughable. Level-headed Weiss Schnee couldn't discern which parts of her and Blake's relationship were real or not. Was the relationship real? It couldn't be. Yet it certainly felt real last night.
"Weiss?" Ruby called out, pulling Weiss back to reality.
"We went out to eat."
The group leaned towards Weiss expectantly, like puppies waiting to be fed. She only rolled her eyes in response.
"That's it. That's all you're getting."
Nora jabbed an accusing finger at Weiss.
"So there was more!" she yelled.
"No." Weiss snapped. "There was not. Leave me alone."
Someone cleared their throat.
All heads turned to see Blake. She had a hand on her hip and an eyebrow raised. Her eyes landed on Weiss.
'What are you doing here?' Weiss mouthed.
Blake snorted, walking up next to her. She snaked an arm around the shorter girl's waist, smiling casually at the rest of the group.
"Can you guys back up a bit? My girlfriend needs some space to breathe, you know."
Blake rolled her eyes amusedly, tightening her grip around Weiss's waist.
"Yes. Girlfriend." she said. "Now if you'll excuse us, I'm supposed to walk her home."
"Don't worry about it then!" Yang grinned, winking supportively at her best friend. "Make sure she gets there safely, Kitty Cat."
Blake snorted, waving. "Yeah, I will. See you soon."
From there, Blake began to steer the dumbfounded, red-faced Weiss out of the building.
"Got everything you needed?" Blake asked casually.
"What was that?" Weiss hissed. "Girlfriend?"
An intense red crept up Blake's cheeks, as if waking up from a daydream. She pulled back her arm. A cold nothing grew on the small of Weiss's back. They both looked away.
"Sorry." Blake mumbled. "Did.. Did I make you uncomfortable?"
Weiss sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"W-Well, yes, a bit. But nevermind that. Technically, that was a good move. Get this scheme moving along faster."
"O-Oh." Weiss didn't catch the twinge of hurt in Blake's tone, her own mind spinning.
"But next time warn me before you get all forward like that!" Weiss exclaimed. Then she stopped in her tracks, grimacing.
Blake watched her worriedly.
"Weiss? What's wrong?"
Weiss switched positions with Blake, so that she was on their left, as if she was hiding.
"Be discrete. He's there."
Blake searched around the parking lot as they walked. But the ridiculous amount of gel on Henry Marigold's hair was hard to miss.
Weiss instinctively linked her arm with Blake's, turning them to pass along the other side.
Weiss twitched, wanting nothing more than to bash Henry's head against a rock and hope he never wakes up.
Then Blake pulled back her arm, placing her hand on hers. In a laughable moment of deja vu, Weiss pushed her fingers forward, intertwining their fingers.
She looked up at Blake, chills running down her spine.
'I'm here.' Blake mouthed.
Reluctantly, Weiss tore her gaze away from Blake's. Henry was running towards them, completely abandoning the band of cheerleaders near his car.
He stopped, not so smoothly, in front of the two, a wide smirk on his face.
"Weiss Schnee." he drawled, leaning on his arm against the hood of a stranger's car.
He glanced at Blake. He pointed at her, his finger orbiting an imaginary circle.
"Isn't.. She that girl who lived in a box?"
Just as Blake was opening her mouth, Weiss cut in.
"Blake." she snapped. "Her name is Blake."
"Right.. Didn't she transfer last year?" he eyed their hands with a raised eyebrow. "What's she doing here?"
"She came to bring me home, Henry." Weiss's grip on Blake's hand tightened. She tugged ever so slightly, ready to leave. "Now if you'll excuse us—"
"No, no, baby—"
"—I was waiting by my car for you the whole time!" he exclaimed, squaring his shoulders. He ran a finger through his hair, stepping forward towards Weiss. "Thought we could talk. Y'know.. Some.. Stuff."
He was playing attention to Blake, Weiss noted. He wasn't nonchalant about her presence like he was with everyone else. He almost looked..
"Worried, Henry?" Weiss asked.
Weiss looked him up and down, a slow, giddy smirk creeping to her lips.
He saw the pictures.
She relaxed, smiling politely. Though after that sly expression she pulled earlier, Henry had to admit it looked almost eerie now.
"Sorry, Henry." she grinned, placing a hand on Blake's arm. "I don't think my girlfriend would rest so easy if you brought me home. Especially after walking all the way from her school."
Henry was too dumbfounded to notice Blake's expression. But he frowned, his mood turning bitter rather fast. He tugged the collars on his rust-colored jacket.
"Didn't take you for a dyke, Schnee." he sneered. "What a waste."
Blake stepped in front of him. She was stiff. Somewhat calm. But her seething amber eyes told another story.
"Take that back. And walk away."
"Or what?"
He glared at Blake, leaning forward to make himself seem much taller.
Weiss could feel the chill in Blake's hand. It turned cold with icy fear. But Blake let go, curling her hands into fists around Henry's collar. She pulled him towards her harshly.
"Or I'll make you." she growled.
Weiss placed a hand on Blake's shoulder.
"Blake." she said softly.
After what looked like reluctance, Blake pushed Henry away.
He ran and never looked back, once again ignoring the cheerleaders near his car.
Blake glared after him until he was out of view. Until she felt Weiss's fingers lace between hers. She sighed, turning to Weiss with an apologetic look.
Weiss smiled, shrugging.
"At least, he won't be bothering us anymore, huh?"
"Was I that bad?" Blake winced.
Without thinking, Weiss tucked a loose strand of hair behind Blake's ear, blushing once she realized what she was doing. But she played it off easily.
"I wouldn't call it bad."
"Adam.." Blake sighed. "He used to do that thing. Lean forward. Intimidate me. Make me feel small."
Blake laughed, gently brushing her fingers along Weiss's cheeks.
"It felt good to stand up to someone for a change."
Weiss laughed.
"Yeah, it did."
i'll sequel this too lmao. that'll be the last one, i swear
— ari
part one | part two | part three | part four
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