#he’s my nick nelson
namsoek · 1 year
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He's bisexual, actually!
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spookys · 10 months
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Nick has learnt so much about himself through Charlie, and he can be totally himself with Charlie, but when Charlie isn't there... is he okay? Who are his closest friends? Does he have anyone he can truly confide in that isn't Charlie? - Alice Oseman
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shadowquill17 · 1 year
as an actual French person, let me tell you that Kit did a really good job with his lines in French? Obviously he still had an accent but it was FAR from the worst I've heard, and he was completely understandable (which is NOT a given even when actors try their best) and sounded quite natural? Honestly he sounded like someone who's been practicing their French for a lot longer than he actually has, so while he didn't sound like a native speaker I am SO PROUD of him because we all know he had a long way to go from "oui"
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angelnicknelson · 1 year
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nickhugs · 1 year
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Nick’s journey from “hi” to “i would fight the whole world for you”
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"Nick protecting Charlie <333" WHAT ABOUT CHARLIE "I'm going to do everything I can to make sure Nick doesn't have to deal with what I did" SPRING??? PUT SOME RESPECT TO HIS NAMEEEE
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One of my favourite heartstopper things is the fact that Charlie (my beloved) is constantly like: “God I’m being so clingy :( I’m so lame this is so embarrassing”
Meanwhile Nick Obsessed-With-His-Boyfriend Nelson is continually fighting the urge to cling to Charlie like a koala at any given moment
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stopper-my-heart · 19 days
Nick's moments of panic under the umbrella in Heartstopper S1E4 before Charlie kisses him really get me. So I wrote a thing in second person to try to appreciate the weight of the emotions that I imagine Nick is experiencing.
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You’re into this boy. So into him. He’s been in your thoughts. . . a lot. You've been talking all the time, you keep wanting to see him, and whenever you do, it’s never enough. You can’t help but smile when you think of him, let alone when you see him.
You want this boy. Romantically. You don’t really know what that looks like, but you know it’s true.
And, it seems, he wants you, too.
Your first kiss was good. Really good. All those tingles and flutters and sparks that you felt from just being close to him were amplified into so much more. It was so much better than you could’ve ever imagined.
And then you panicked. You screwed it up. You ran. You went back, but it was too late. You need him to know that you don’t regret it, that you wanted it, that you want him, that you were (are) just freaking out.
You try to be calm, you try to keep your cool. (No need to embarrass yourself in front of your crush.) Plus things are a little weird, restrained, and understandably so. He's probably really hurt. You need to get this out, you need to explain. You can do it.
And then he begins apologising. It quickly becomes clear that he has this all wrong. That he’s wildly misunderstood, rewritten what has happened. You were there because you wanted to be, because you chose to be. Yes, you were scared — are scared — but he has this all twisted.
He's not getting it. So you kiss him.
You make sure he knows what’s going to happen, and even if he seems very confused, he responds readily enough. You attempt to pour all of your feelings into him, to get across all of your regret and sorrow for hurting him as well as (maybe especially) how much you do want this. And for a moment, he loses himself in the kiss. You understand, you do too. Kissing him is just as good as you remember.
And, well, it’s too late for being cool now. You just kissed all your emotions into him, practically begging him to understand; you’d best explain what those emotions are in the hopes that he properly will. (Besides, this isn’t just “your crush”, this is Charlie.) You can’t leave him standing there so lost and confused. You may be confused, but he deserves to know that that confusion isn't about him.
So you start to explain…and then it all comes out. You’re vulnerable in a way you can’t remember being before. There’s no one in your life you can talk to like this, especially not about this. And it’s really been messing with you. Because not only has this boy's presence in your life already begun to upend everything, but you're so much happier because of it. And what are you supposed to do with that? What even would your life be if it were entirely different? Do you even want it to be different? . . .Maybe. But it’s scary. But you want him. And you want you.
So you tell him this, more or less. Really, you cry into his chest. Is this too much? Is he overwhelmed? So much for keeping it cool, keeping your cool. But you need this. He seems okay, he seems to get it. The friendship you’ve built is there, it can handle difficult things — it already has. He seems to want to be there for you. So you let him, and he lets you, and things are hard but they’re better in this moment. You’re finally seen and understood, and maybe Charlie now understands why you ran away, that it wasn’t about him, about the two of you.
. . .But now what?
You want him, but being with him will indeed upend every single facet of your life if other people know. You’re not ready for that, you can’t face that yet. It's too much. Everything is still so new and confusing. You don’t want to ask, but you want to be with him and you don’t see any other way to do that right now except to…keep this a secret? He finishes the thought for you. "Yeah," you concede, unhappily, but owning that that’s where you’re at.
He agrees, he tries to reassure you; you’re not completely convinced, but you want to believe him, so you let yourself.
And there's that question again: Now what?
There have been a lot of emotions and things are a little weird, even if a lot better, and you want to say something, or to touch him, but this is new and you’re meant to be leaving and…best to just go. The awkwardness will fade eventually. You’ll figure out how to be in this new dynamic. For now, you’re wanting, but you don’t know how to do anything more than that (would he want you to?). So you smile at him through the awkwardness and start to walk home.
. . .
. . .
What. Just. Happened.
This is good, but awkward, but good, and he wants this too, right? You’re together now, right? You’re really getting to be with him, with this boy you want so much, with Charlie. This is happening?
And then you hear it: Charlie calling out to you. Feet slapping on wet pavement.
You stop, startled, confused, off-balance. What’s happening? He’s smiling, but.. What could possibly be worth running out into the rain in his pyjamas for? Has he changed his mind already? Does he not want this? Is keeping it a secret too much?
The doubts and fear are filling your mind, but you try to rein it in, to not let it show, to not let him see.
And then he looks back at you. And you know, in an instant, that everything that you wanted for your goodbye, he wanted, too.
Right? Please let you be understanding this correctly. You look at his lips, once, twice — you can’t help it. You’re desperately hoping that you’re on the same page, but barely daring to believe it.
And then he kisses you.
And the world stops.
And this is it. This is right.
This boy just ran out in the rain to kiss you. He’s soaking wet, he must be freezing, and here he is, kissing you. That’s the only reason he came out after you. To kiss you.
He smiles — that amazing smile of his that lights up your whole world — and then he runs off again.
There’s no more room for thoughts, only feelings. Massive feelings that well up inside you. So much sentiment that it feels like your heart is bursting.
You thought you were off-balance before? Well now you’re practically drunk.
What have you gotten yourself into?
Maybe the best thing ever.
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queerhoodies · 1 year
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nick nelson my beloved 🫶
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fairylwt · 1 year
in case you’re having a bad day, here’s nick nelson scrunching his nose
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mayleensworld · 10 months
today’s heartstopper update… CHARLIE SPRING I AM SO PROUD OF U
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Aled Last my beloved
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7-ate-9 · 4 months
It’s funny to me that people think Nick Nelson is the type to refuse to admit he’s sick. On a darker note, he’s seen in what happened with Charlie just how dangerous that could be, but on a lighter note, you know Sarah Nelson coddled her children when they were sick. Nick is totally comfortable with someone taking care of him. In the show, he admits at the bonfire that hes feeling unwell and they go home and Charlie makes him his tea. I feel it in my bones, Nick Nelson turns into a whiny baby when he’s got the sniffles and you can’t change my mind.
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skateisawesome · 8 months
everytime i read heartstopper i think to myself
'omg i really would love a little brother like oliver'
and then everytime i interact with a child i remember why i hate them.
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angelnicknelson · 1 year
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nick nelson + pink shirt
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Who’s going to tell Nick: “Love can’t cure a mental illness” now? 😭😫
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