#he’s not Mad but he’s just like. No!!!! The Plans I’ve Made!!!!! Aaahh!!!
lumiereandcogsworth · 11 months
you may have already talked about this so forgive me buuuuut what were Belle and Adam's reactions to each pregnancy? and their baby's reactions as they joined in on the fun of learning they would be getting siblings?
i have been SO excited to answer this all day. i love pregnancy discoveries/announcements SO MUCH i just think they’re so cute. (i mean, they can certainly be Not Great news, but in otp land!!!! CUTE!!!!) so without further ado, let’s get INTO IT!!
okay for their first baby… gosh i’ve probably written and rewritten this scene twenty different ways over the years. this is the BIG ONE!! the moment they go from a married couple to PARENTS!!! it’s HUGE it’s LIFE CHANGING!! i think about it all the time. and i think after all these years i finally have a scenario that i’m most happy with, that i’d really love to write and sort of insert into my canon, but just haven’t finished yet. and the funny part is that i’ve already written The Conversation™️ i just have to set it up and context and story and all that jazz. but anyway, i think it’d be such a big thing for both of them.
for belle, she really never imagined she’d get to be a mother. and i think the idea of motherhood, in a way, sort of scared her. she LOVES children for sure, but i think growing up in the village with no real prospects, no chance of getting out and being free, the idea of becoming someone’s domestic little housewife and homemaker was just such an awful idea to her. she wanted true love, she wanted a family of her own, but she just didn’t want it to be in that little provincial town with no hope of escape. and marrying someone and having their kids would just tether her there forever. and she wanted more for herself!!
so then, when she marries, idk, THE PRINCE? and becomes THE QUEEN? everything just changes. she’s not just some guy’s little wife. adam would rather die than let that happen. adam believes in her and pushes her to be as incredible as he knows she is. she has so many responsibilities in her role, she’s a freakin powerhouse!!! so when she does end up pregnant, almost a year after they get married, she’s actually quite excited by it. because she Knows she’s so much more than a homemaker. she doesn’t have to compromise herself to be a wife and mother, as she had once feared. she gets to have a baby with the love of her life and still fulfill all her own dreams. she can really do it all, your honor! so, in short, realizing she’s pregnant that first time is exciting and a huge relief knowing this isn’t the end of her life, just another chapter.
for adam it’s more like AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH !!!??!! PANIC PANIC PANIC WORRY WORRY WORRY !!!!!! but i can elaborate further. essentially, adam was never really keen on fatherhood. surprise surprise, having an abusive father and growing up suppressed and bullied and then directionless and scared and all that… didn’t really enthuse him on the idea that he’d be a great parent for any kid. despite that, of course, he did know deep down he would have to have an heir at some point. probably with some random woman who was deemed a politically advantageous match, someone he didn’t care about, the way he didn’t care about anything. but he ignored that prospect as often as possible, the same way he ignored all his other royal responsibilities. BUT! NOW? he Loves his wife……… he loves his wife so much and everything is different now. he’s a changed man now. he’s trying so hard to see the goodness in the world now. everything is brighter and it’s scary but he’s strengthened by her and supported by her and loved by her and… and… she’s pregnant 🥺
i’ve written this scene so many different ways mostly because adam’s reaction is just so… complicated. he wouldn’t be angry but i don’t think he’d be overtly happy either. he’s changed, he’s grown, but “fatherhood” is such a Deeply Rooted issue for him that i think when belle tells him, he just doesn’t even react at first. he knows he loves her and knows, logically, this is a good thing, so he holds her and starts worrying about her and starts processing this great big change in his life. and he fears becoming his father, despite the fact that it’s his mother’s kind heart beating inside him. and belle tells him there is no one else on this earth she’d rather have children with, because no one would ever believe in her the way he does. the way she believes in him. so they have lots of reassuring talks over the course of the pregnancy, and of course, that beautiful day when their first little one finally arrives, it’s just magic 🥹
GAH! first baby euphoria consumes my soul. i could talk about it forever, clearly. but i’ll move on to baby number TWO!
i actually HAVE written this fic of belle telling adam!! it’s a couple years old now so i’m tempted to not link it but it’s still how i imagine it happens in canon so it’s okay. i shan’t cringe at my old writing!! anyway, it’s christmas 1743 when belle tells adam they’ll be spending NEXT christmas with one more little angel than this year 🥰 adam is a lot happier on the second round, now that he’s been a father for a bit of time, now that he’s positively fallen in LOVE with his daughter, he’s more excited to keep growing their family. renée, however, is not even two yet when this is happening, so she really doesn’t have any thoughts about it lmao. HOWEVER, once her baby sister arrives, she is Not enthused by the sudden lack of attention. i’ve written a cute one about that so i’ll link that as well <3 i really want to write the moment renée meets juliette, i think it’d be sort of funny considering how young she was, but i just haven’t gotten around to it. my fic about the day juliette was born is already so hectic for other reasons, so it just didn’t work to write renée into it.
LASTLY!!! LE PRINCE!!!! it’s like you’re in my HEAD bro because just Yesterday i got a cute idea for how this pregnancy may be discovered. (and i have considered multiple possibilities, this is just the latest and greatest). i was imagining perhaps juliette (age 4) comes down with a cold of sorts, so belle’s been taking care of her. then belle starts to feel sick, and she just brushes it off thinking she caught juliette’s bug. but then juliette gets better and belle is still feeling like GARBAGE. and eventually it clicks that it’s because she’s pregnant <3 i think this third one catches them both off guard just a bit because the girls came so quickly one after the other and then it’s been almost five years and nothin??? i mean it’s the 18th century it’s not like they were doing anything to prevent it. (i am aware of 18th century contraception methods but these two definitely were not using them lmao). regardless, when it finally clicks, adam and belle are both just sort of like “oh shit!!!! NICE!!!!” lmao. they had gotten settled in life with their two girlies, but they’re certainly not mad about adding to their number 💖
as far as the girls’ reactions, i would also like to write that some time, but haven’t yet. in general, i think renée (who was very nearly 7) just EXPLODES with a million questions. she’s also very adamant that this baby Must be another girl (spoiler alert: it was not💙) and she’s just in general trying to be as obnoxiously involved as possible. she’s always tossing out name ideas (usually characters from the books she’s reading, but also lots of flower names like chrysanthemum and hyacinth). she also loves putting her hand on belle’s growing bump and asking “what’s the baby doing now??” like 20 times a day. (she loses her mind whenever she feels him kick🥹)
juliette, on the other hand, takes a long time to process it (it’s the autism, but also she’s just younger). but it sort of helps that, at the time, lumiere & plumette were already expecting their second child. so adam & belle could be like “you know how auntie plumette is gonna have a baby soon? well now so are WE!” and juliette’s like “oooooohhhhh 🤔 (doesn’t get it at all).” but when that baby arrives (a lil lad named xavier🥰🧡) juliette gathers what’s going on. that is a BABY. she does like feeling the baby in mama’s tummy move as well, it’s very wild to her. she’s much more quietly curious about her future little sibling than renée is, but she’s just as excited when they do finally meet him. which i HAVE written 🥹🥹🥹
AND, juliette gets the credit for giving her little brother his lifelong nickname. when her parents told her they were naming him maurice, she very quietly replied “hi, reece☺️” and he is forever called reece/reecy by his family and friends henceforth 🩵 (it also helps to differentiate from his beloved namesake grandfather!)
renée isn’t super excited about having a brother instead of another sister, (especially when lumiere and plumette already have TWO boys. (ENOUGH WITH THE BOYS IN THIS GOSH DANG CASTLE!!!😒)) but she does come to love him!! even though he’s annoying as hell!!! but it’s his gotdamn right as the little brother💛
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mehidktbh · 3 years
🖤❤️AAAHH!! Omg I saw you’re taking requests and if you have time/comfortable with it I have one^^❤️🖤
🖤❤️Brahms, Micheal, Harry, reacting to their s/o in a club dress?🖤❤️
❤️🖤I recently got this pretty sparkly one and I’ve had the idea ever since!~🖤❤️
🖤❤️thank you!~^^❤️🖤
A/N: Oooooooooh, yes!! Stop I love this! So sorry if the story doesn't line up or make sense. Had a hard time doing Harry since I've never done him before, so I'm sorry if it's bad.
Warning 18+: Mentions of NSFW/Smut, sexual activity and themes and drinking
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- You came down the stairs silently, trying your best to dodge the creaky stairs. The house was quiet and dim. You were positive Michael left a long time ago and while you waited for the moment you silently got ready upstairs.
- The dress you wore was sparkly and rode up very high on your thighs. You were going to go clubbing this night with some of your friends, trough the big problem was you didn't want Michael to know. Because you know damn well when he finds out all hell breaks loose.
- You made it down to the kitchen and quickly snatched the keys out of the bowl. You turned around and was quickly pushed up against the wall. Michael was standing right behind you, his hands gripped tightly but not too tight around your neck. His breathing was hard and hot against your neck, his eyes were seemly black and endless.
- It finally clicked in your head that Michael had been in the house for a while, just watching you. He never left to go out and instead he silently observed from the corner of the room. He knew that you had plans with someone else and he didn't like that, he wanted you all to himself. The thought of you wearing that dress and going out to a random club where so many men could be there made him aggrieved.
- Through the more, he looked at the dress you were wearing made him even more hungry for you. He would tear up the dress and leave it in bits for you to find the next morning. He'd want nothing of that dress to be left behind, and you knew it.
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- How do you even leave the house with this man, even so, how do you even get the dress in the first place!?
- If he wasn't found that dress already and probably hit it somewhere so he could do things. Than congrats!
- Brahms would definitely be very mad after finding out you were trying to go somewhere else. He'd throw a whole fit and complain for hours on how you were trying to make him jealous. He'll throw stuff, rip stuff and until you give in and promise not to leave "Ever" He'd be happy and stop.
- Even with you wearing that sparkly, cute dress he'd still be mad.
- He'll feel like you were trying to get away from him, mainly because he's so scared to go outside. He might be a little distant and grumpy for a while but after some time he'll confront you, though he won't apologise. He kinda expects you to do it
- The only way he'll ever forgive you is if you repay him. How? Well...
- He'd definitely want you to hand over that dress so he can confiscate it and do his own weird shit with it. And then he'd want you to strip and probably help him with the boner that he has had forever. And then maybe after all of that, he'd forgive you.
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- You wearing that dress in front of him...
- Harry would definitely stop breathing and working after that. I feel like Harry would maybe let you go outside, he isn't that possessive over you as much as Michael and Brahms. But he still would want all of your love and affection, he'd let you go out with friends and stuff. Just as long as you know the rules and how you shouldn't talk to certain people or do certain stuff, I mean he is always watching of course.
- So when you come down to meet him wearing such a beautiful and sparkly dress he can't help but feel a little possessive. He would stare at you as you twirl around and show off the dress in all its glory. He just can't handle himself.
- The thought of you going into town with such a revealing dress, it'll definitely catch the eyes of everyone. And he just can't have that tonight. He just returned home not too long ago from working in the mines, after hours of being down underground in the humid and stuffy mines he would love to blow off some steam.
- He'd command you to come closer to him. As you walk closer to him, your fingers fiddling around with the bottom of your dress. He's going crazy. He'll finally wrap his arms around you and bring you into his tall form, you can hear the loud breathing of him through the gas mask. His fingers gently come around to your back and stroke your hair before slowly unzipping your dress. You latch onto him and mumble out something that he doesn't process due to the number of thoughts that are ruining through his head.
- Tonight he wants you and only you. He won't ruin your dress, might leave a few marks but he'll want to save the dress for later.
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shacklesburst · 7 years
Tsuki ga Kirei - Episode 7 What a cute. What a good. Kota could've probably handled the situation with Hira a little better, but, hey, they're middle schoolers. And life afterwards was certainly enjoyable enough for them both that "a little longer" turned out to be from lunch till late at night. Sucks for Chinatsu and Hira, but, hey, why don't they just hook up? Would be kinda fitting, personalitywise as well. Damn kid. Animu always does that, as if the first kiss was something that you can't have until the last episode. We got the relationship already, just let them fall into some normal dynamics and live it out for a while. Stays at 7/10. Re:Creators - Episode 8 Damn, guy, spit it out already. Right now this is worse than trying to confess in a romance anime, like, c'mon. Aaahh ... Survivor's Guilt, driven by envy. Damn, you maneuvered yourself in a pickle there. Meteora is such a good character. And the friendship (or might there be more, insistently-asking-about-the-village-chief's-daughter Alice?) between Alice and Mamika is just great. Damn, what did Mamika resolve to do just now? (Also, good news, Alice, that's certainly not what I'd call one-sided.) Oh damn. Ohhhh daaaamn. Good stuff. 7/10. Alice to Zouroku - Episode 8 Okay. Tragic backstory time. Ohhhh! But it's not backstory, it's been happening right at this moment? Damn, I was thinking maybe Minnie C. or Shizuku, because of character design. Then again, I think I've already said it before, but all dark short haired women in this anime look exactly the same. Having multiple characters designed in such a similar way kind of reminds me of Onihei, and character design certainly wasn't one of Onihei's strengths. Damn, the "evil witch" can even control ability users? I wonder what effect she has on Sana ... ah. As expected. I'm guessing ... power of friendship now? Hahaha. 「イケメ〜ン」 I ship it. 「なんとか〜」And then she found god. Who once was a tree and now is a little girl. And now you made god mad. Daaaaamn. What Sana giveth, Sana taketh away. Or not? Their strange diamonds just exploded like they always do. Damn. Would've loved some Supersayan-Sana action. Well. That kinda works. Despite its shortcomings, it's still kinda enjoyable to watch, so I guess I'll bump it up to 6/10. Sakura Quest - Episode 8 One thing's for sure. We all know who came up with that burger. Okay, character and family interactions still up to par. Yeah, classic obaachan. Also, newly introduced character Sayuri's in looooooove. It's always the quiet ones. When Shiori uses that voice on you, you're gonna apologize and you're gonna mean it. (Also, everybody was thinking, little Shi-chan is growing up, isn't she?) 7/10. Sakurada Reset - Episode 8 Ohhh, yeesss, Asai Kei is soooooo much "stronger", more intelligent, than the other characters here. Nobody else could come up with plans like that. Like, maybe an elementary school kid given 5 minutes to think about the problem, but nobody else. Yes, yes, plan went down smoothly, girl from first ep who acted like she knows everything can actually see the future and even though she died, they're gonna meet again. Somebody took a bag of tropes, emptied them on the table somewhere and just stood there asking themselves "now, how to get all of those into a single story". 5/10. Kabukibu! - Episode 8 Looks like I can't find this one subbed anywhere? Well, all or nothing, I guess. Well, of course the teacher suffers from stage fright, because of elementary school trauma. That's just a given at this point in time, honestly. HAHAHAHA. Okay, I did [i]not[i/] expect that. Savage, Kuro, savage. Serves him right, tho! (Also, this is the most Japanese scene this season, to date, and if I remember correctly, the last most Japanese scene this season was also in Kabukibu ... so good for them. Aw, c'mon, not even full dogeza? But at least he used sumimasen. That's kinda en vogue now with the younger crowd, the switcheroo from tate to hon with sumimasen and gomen, right?) 「くる。時間だ」He's been waiting to hear that line since forever, hasn't he. Genderbendeeerrr. Ebihara is not impressed that a high school group with a few members two months preparation has only "kinda revolutionized" Kabuki for the masses. Like, get over yourself, and over the stick up your butt. Oh, so noooow he's impressed. Meh. Kuru's mom, awww. Still ... 2/3rds in, this anime is still pretty much your average run-off-the-mill production. They got a theme, they got some stock characters and they're animated in a classical fashion. 5/10.
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