#he’s so devoted to carrying out his mission of getting rid of the evil!
sillyguy-supreme · 10 months
“No,” said Fitz. “Killing Alvar was a decision I made all on my own. There wasn’t any obligation to someone. There was no one to please.”
Behind Keefe and Sophie, cobalt blue eyes bore into his.
For every 🌹received in my inbox, I’ll post one sentence of a WIP
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I'm just over here muttering to myself "I will not fall in love with König, I will not fall in love with König..." lol send help!!
But I'm super curious about something - do you think if König fully decided on an Engel being the only one for him, but then found out she was happy in a committed relationship (like there is no ~lover sneaking into her room, there's a straight-up other dude living in the house) does he try and get her to cheat? And when that doesn't work is it just straight to 'oh no, your husband's missing?? well he seemed pretty awful anyway, here let me cheer you up with some superior dick!'
Ohh I think there’s only one way this would go… (I’m so sorry everyone i should be caged)
Now. König gets absolutely torn apart inside because marriage is sacred and this woman is not his possession… And the only way to make her his is to get rid of the one who “owns” her. But how could he ever live with himself after that? It would be hell.
So at first, he does nothing. He even tries to leave her alone, leave them alone.
König bites his nails in the shadows and suffers in silence, heart aching and dick hard, raging on missions like an angered bear, trying to get over the one woman who he has in his delusional mind deemed to be the One and Only for him. In his heart he knows they belong together.
And any blind man can see that she's not truly happy with this man. So wouldn't it be a kindness and a grace to set her free...?
Engel is of course devastated, perhaps the marriage wasn’t exactly everything she has ever hoped for and the man was far too normal and lukewarm for her taste, but she was happy in her own way. His death ignites an even stronger love, now born of sorrow: every injustice in the world makes her heart big and heavy from bittersweet compassion, and she mourns his dead husband, gone far too soon, visits the fresh grave every day and cries without knowing that there is a man in the woods, watching her intently.
In the end, the selfish greed and what König calls love (c’mon man you haven’t even talked to this girl yet...) wins the battle of good and evil in his heart, and he does indeed get rid of the husband, as cleanly as possible. It’s his most merciful kill: no pain at all, just a few seconds before it’s over. He treats the corpse with the utmost respect and knows that from this day forward, he’s not only a monster; he’s pure evil.
Then he starts the hunt for his beloved… because if he can’t have her, then it has all been for nothing.
König sees what a devoted, sweet little widow Engel is, mourning her late husband as a good wife should. Her value only soars to the highest heights in his eyes, and when he finally approaches her in the graveyard, saying he likes long walks and sometimes wanders to this graveyard because it’s a pretty, quiet little place, his heart is already full of painful love for her.
One day she breaks into tears in front of him, and that’s his chance: he takes a step and closes her in a sturdy hug. Her big, wet eyes and helpless looks have already made his savior instinct go haywire, but as she quivers and cries there in his embrace, trying to hold on to him like she’s drowning in a sea of sorrow, it’s insanely challenging not to get a demanding erection that leaves him bloodless and faint in the head.
All he wants to do in this life is console her...
“My place is not far,” he offers her while stroking her hair gently, and she goes tense in his arms – a woman turned prey, sensing she’s in grave danger.
No no no, she’s getting away…
“It’s not good for you to be alone,” he adds, knowing he has blown it already with his enthusiasm.
“I… I don’t know…” the widow in his arms mutters through sniffles and tears. Then she tries to withdraw. “Is that… Do you have a knife in your pocket…?”
Think of something. Anything.
“Ja… I always carry a knife. It’s a, uh, big Austrian one. Would you like to see it?”
Scheisse… Women don’t want to see knives, you idiot—
“Um, yes... Yes I would. This may sound odd but... I love knives,” she withdraws, but only to look up at him with yearning and curiosity. Her soft little hands are still around him, and her eyes are sparkling… and this time not from tears.
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archivevolcania · 4 years
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Although they’ve been mighty beasts that more than once have given trouble to the land regardless of the timeline, they were meant to be protectors. Their kind and gentle nature shows their devotion to the well being of Hyrule and its people, and yet with their great power there’s still only so much they can do. They remain vigilant, watching over and observing what is it that threatens their land --- each beast is given a place and / or race to serve as guardian, and in most cases they are welcomed and seen as deities. Being pure spirits it wouldn’t be too far off of them to be such thing.
They get involved when they can, ridding of those who pose as a threat or causing great destruction knowing their people would be the one to survive. And of course, they also aid the hero on their quest with useful items or materials that could help Link succeed on their next mission, as well as words of wisdom the dragons could share if possible. The language they speak is ancient, ever changing and evolving though there’s still one dialect that keeps them all connected. The hero will only understand them should they decide to speak in a language known by Hylians.
• Faron, Eldin, and Lanayru. Three great dragons that helped the Goddess’ chosen one all in a different way; Faron, spirit and guardian of the woods, allowing them to swim. Eldin, spirit and protector of the province named after him, putting the hero to the test with a mighty volcano eruption. Lanayru, spirit and keeper of the region of his name, giving Link different items should they prove themselves. All of them helped the hero in a different way, as well as proved themselves guardians of The Song of the Hero which would only be revealed after Link proved to be worthy.
• Valoo, the great spirit of the skies, guardian of the Rito tribe. He shares wisdom with the brave little hero who had helped him. His real power revealed with the chaos that was befalling on the peaceful island and yet, his language kept sacred, there was nothing he could do but to wait for Link’s help. A matter of luck and yet still meant to be. The sky spirit also shows his power when destroying Ganon’s tower, timing being the key to such act as the consequences of doing it before that very moment were too great to risk it. He’s also known to help the Rito grow their wings by giving them one of his scales, an appropiate reward for the brave ones that dared approach him even when there’s nothing they should fear about him.
• Dinraal, Farosh, and Naydra. Three peaceful dragons named after the Goddesses themselves. Although their existence might be whispered among different regions, truth is they can only be seen by those blessed by Hylia. It’s not about being worthy or the chosen one, but simply blessed. And although that is no secret, their shadows and overall presence can still be seen and felt by everyone. They’re deities, watching over their own regions and letting their own nature help on its own, be it with powerful drafts or strong element attacks that also serve them as protection. They do not mean to hurt those who mean well, remaining neutral while still being guardians. Their own bodies able to heal and regenerate after giving materials to those who dare get them, as if it were a challenge and a test, and in some cases they can help give abilities. A strong example being the Zora helm and greaves, made with dragon scales and improving the ability to swim.
• Argorok, a twili dragon corrupted by the Mirror of Twilight itself and dragged to Hyrule’s skies as a threat. The beast had remained neutral, not a guardian yet not a monster. A creature who’s spirit was so easily taken over by ill power, taken advantage to the point it led to its own death. It lived in a different realm, a creature no one would speak of as there was no reason to ever do so, peaceful yet almost kept a secret.
• Volvagia, spirit of the mountain. A subterranean lava dragon who wasn’t meant to be on the volcano’s surface at all, dragged out of his own true habitat and forced into a life that was not meant for him. There’s nothing he could do to complain, far too young to understand why it was wrong to be taken by the Gorons, his pure spirit tainted from that very moment of ‘kindness’ from the rock-like creatures. 
Dragons are not meant to be too involved with those they protect; their spirits, while pure and powerful, were still too easy to corrupt. Some are able to fight the evil power and resist against it, such as Valoo who didn’t suffer from helping the Rito or Naydra who could still be saved from the malice that started to plague his being.
In Volvagia’s case it was meant to end in tragedy as the selfish reasons of the Gorons kept him from ever knowing the motive he came to existence to begin with. Treated as a member of the family by some, a pet by others. His own understanding of life twisted. Many things still remain a mystery to him, all that is known is due to being dragged into another life not meant for the dragon his soul and spirit were an easy target, made worse by further events with those he considered his family. 
A guardian that became aggressive and highly volatile before Ganondorf turned him into a puppet; he’s lived a terrible fate, whether that be a punishment set by the Goddesses or bad luck... it’s a mystery he carries as the heaviest burden, bittering his heart even further.
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nuttyrabbit · 5 years
Forge the Coelacanth Bio
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So a couple of days ago,an anon sent me an ask telling me to talk about my OC Forge. Seeing as how I’ve never formally introduced him on here, I thought I’d instead just post a ref an a brief description of him.  Instead, that turned into writing him a full on fucking bio.
So once again, before diving into the bio proper, I should give a major shout out to @pidgeonspen for not only designing Forge, but also helping to beta read and edit his bio. 
With that out of the way, let’s get into the bio proper. Like always, everything is under the cut
Name: Forge the Coelacanth
Age: 1000+
Height: 6'0
Occupation: (Former) Commander of the Atlantean Knights
Personality:  Contrary to what his imposing size, booming voice, and various scars may imply, Forge is an incredibly affable and endearing individual.  His commitment to those he is sworn to protect goes beyond the purview of his duties, going so far as to try to befriend or at least get to know most of the people within Atlantis, especially those he fights alongside.  Because of his extended lifespan, Forge has formed friendships that transcended generations, from the first  of a line to the last. As a result, many considered him just as much a part of their family as those related by blood.  
Forge is also an incredibly jovial person, often indulging in revelry with others following a successful mission or other joyous occasion. In these instances, his love for telling stories, singing classic Atlantean songs, and of course, his boisterous laughter all make themselves readily apparent.  His jovial nature also shows itself around children.  Forge absolutely adores children, having raised many himself over his long, long life and even having adopted some who had become orphaned.  But above all else, Forge  has an unwaveringly strong devotion to both Atlantis and what he believes to be “justice”, even two centuries after its fall.  As a result, he has no tolerance for anything he either perceives or is told is “evil” or a threat to Atlantis and resorting to any means he deems necessary to get rid of it.  On that note, Forge's morality is rather black and white, firmly believing in notions of objective "good" and "evil", leaving little to no room for any sort of nuance or moral "gray" area.  
All of these traits have in some way or another contributed to him becoming a sort of "living legend" amongst his people, treated with immense respect and in some cases, even reverence. 
 While Forge appreciated and even sometimes used his status as a living legend to inspire his people both on and off the battlefield, he disliked the idea of being out and out worshipped and even discouraged the few that partook in it from doing so.  At one point, Forge was rather religious. He  often prayed to Atlantis' patron  "god" of Levias for a variety of reasons, ranging from victory  in battle to the continued propserity and safety of Atlantis.  But as Atlantis fell to nothing, so too did his faith, feeling that he was no longer worthy of his god’s protection for one reason or another 
Skills: One of the things that gave Forge his status as a living legend amongst his people was his nearly unmatched skill in combat.  In particular, he is extremely skilled and adept in the realm of lightning magic, channeling it through both his armor and his sword  to devastating effect.  His most frequent application of this magic is simply shooting lightning from his sword, but he can also cover his entire body in lightning as a makeshift barrier, create massive shockwaves by slamming his charged sword into the ground, use it to supercharge his limbs, giving him a significant boost in strength, and even call down bolts of lightning.  Even without his magic, he is still devastatingly adept with his sword. The sword itself is a massive greatsword, forged by Forge himself from pure Atlantean steel and named "Tempest". The sword is also magical in nature, being attuned to Forge specifically.Despite having centuries of formal training,his  style  actually forgoes finesse and formal technique in favor of a surprisingly loose style, revolving around using a combination of swinging Tempest around, using his lightning magic, and his own raw power to simply overwhelm foes.  As stated before, Forge is able to use his status as a living legend to inspire his allies, especially on the battlefield.  
Hobbies: Forge is someone who has rarely, if ever had the time to truly pursue any hobbies between his duties as an Atlantean Knight,  his duties as a father and husband to the families he has helped to raise over his extensive lifespan, and other miscellanous matters. On the rare occasion he had a usable amount of free time, he usually either spent it honing his abilities through training.  However, that changed once he decided to not start another new family after the 2nd one he had formed ultimately ran its course.  With all this newfound free time, Forge had to find something to do, and indeed he did. He rediscovered a field he had very briefly considered pursuing a long, long time ago: blacksmithing, using it not only to craft novelty items, but also repair and improve both his equipment and that of his fighting companions.
Likes: Atlantis (Obviously), children, Octopus/squid (His favorite food. Don't worry, they're just normal animals, not mobians), storytelling, mead, combat/battle, blacksmithing, singing.
Dislikes: What he perceives as "evil" and general injustice, being the object of worship/reverence,  bureaucracy (Politics just goes over his head), his near-immortality, bitter foods.
Backstory: Forge was born into the world as Atlantis, which was but a  a small, simple city at the time started its expansion into the empire it would come to be mythologized as.   As such, Forge grew up hearing about the glorious conquests of the Atlantean armies, the brilliant innovations of Atlantean scientists, and how the people of Atlantis were the noblest, smartest, and strongest people of the Seven Seas. But above all else, Forge heard and witnessed countless tales regarding the Knights of Atlantis (Or more simply known as the Atlantean Knights); an elite group of soldiers and guardians who were said to represent the very best of Atlantis, men of unmatched valor and heroism whose explots inspired some of Atlantis' finest artistry.  The young coelacanth  could not help but be enraptured by these tales, by these men who seemed to be larger than life, who represented everything noble and good about Atlantis, who were equal parts loved and revered.  
As he grew up, Forge's fascination with the Atlantean Knights continued to grow larger and larger, as did his nationalistic attitude about Atlantis and all it stood for.  On the cusp of adulthood, Forge knew that he wanted to serve his country someway, somehow, but he wasn't sure as to how until it hit him. Instead of merely fawning over the Atlantean Knights like everyone else did, he could *become* one, be the shining knight that all others aspired to be.   Even though he knew it would require a nearly Herculean amount of time, effort, and perhaps even blood to do so, if it served Atlantis well, it would all be worth it.
And so, Forge enlisted in the Atlantean army. It was there he would earn his trademark armor, his legendary blade and mastery of magic. With these in hand, Forge would come to aid Atlantis in many of her conquests, quickly climbing the ranks and gaining the attention of his superiors due to a combination of his combat aptitude, valor in battle, and unmatched dedication to Atlantis' cause. Before he knew it, several decades had passed and  before he knew it, Forge would finally take his place amongst the Atlantean Knights, fulfilling his near-lifelong ambition, and even starting a family along the way. But something else had shown itself.  Despite his many battle scars and literal decades given to Atlantis' conquests, Forge himself looked as if he had barely aged at all.  
Forge continued to serve Atlantis, taking part in her many conquests, leading her crusades - all the while continuing to raise his family. Decades came and went, his love eventually passing on to the next world, their children growing older and older... and for Forge, time had seemed to stop. He outlived them all, never seeming to age further. No matter what he did, whether it be forming yet another family, leading endless crusades against Atlantis' enemies, or throwing himself fully into his duties and working tirelessly to uphold his personal sense of justice and righteousness, he could not escape one simple fact: he would come to outlive everyone he would ever know and loved. He would be forced to watch everyone he cared about wither and die, and no matter how much he tried not to, he would come to feel immense pain at every loss he suffered.   Forge tried to keep himself busy; starting yet another family, leading crusade after crusade against the enemies of Atlantis, burying himself into his work- but little of it helped to distract him from the truth: he would come to outlive them all. As time went on, he would bury everyone he came to know and care for, and it never did get easier. When the last of his children from his second marriage passed on, Forge solemnly decided that bloodline would be his last, instead focusing on his duties as Grand Commander of the Atlantean Knights. He defended his homeland against all her enemies, both real and imagined, his loyalty to those in power absolute and unwavering.
Forge was so convinced that this was what he was meant to be - a paladin of his people, carrying out Atlantis' will and standing as a testament to her greatness. He would gladly give his life and soul to protect his home from the perceived evils that dared threaten her... but he as unable to see that the greatest enemy to Atlantis came from within. The rulers of the great city, the aristocrats and the councilmen, nobles and advisors -- all of them polluting the seemingly unfaltering city with their greed and corruption. Forge was so eager to please, to abide by his superiors and do whatever it took to keep his city safe, that he didn't see any of it for what it was. He never questioned the crusades he was told to lead, the atrocities committed during those wars, the supposed heresy he was called to put an end to - he did it all for his homeland, for his people. He had to, in his mind, lest Atlantis fall for a moments hesitation.
But no matter how hard Forge fought to smite the "evils" plaguing Atlantis, he ultimately could not stave off the inevitable.  Centuries of greed, corruption, and in-fighting came to a head and the once seemingly invincible empire of Atlantis tore itself asunder from the inside out.  Soon, despite Forge's best efforts, the once great empire of Atlantis that had stood triumphantly and unfaltering for centuries, her capital city a shining beacon of greatness and prosperity, was reduced to naught but ash.  Her once vast empire, which stretched for endless miles, was shattered, with her territories either abandoned or fought over by the very people they had once conquered. And her people, once innumerable, were reduced to none but a select few surviors, amongst which was Forge.  Soon enough, they too would perish, leaving Forge as the sole survivor of his people, the last relic of a once glorious civilization.
Forge's worst fears had come to pass. Not only did he outlive all those he cared about, but he even outlived the very thing he had loved so dearly, the empire he had spent centuries helping to build and defend.  The streets he had spent his life patrolling, the houses he had raised his families in, the taverns in which he celebrated his greatest victories, the graveyards where he mourned his worst losses, they were all gone, which nothing but ash and rubble in their place.   There was nothing left for him there, but he couldn't just abandon all he had fought for for so long, could he?   No, he decided, he could not. He had sworn an oath so very long ago that he would defend Atlantis to his last dying breath from all that may harm her, and even though there was nobody left to defend, nothing left to protect, he could never break that oath.
And there he stayed, guarding the ashes of what little remained; an unmoving, unwavering sentinel with nothing left to protect. As he partook in his seemingly fruitless patrols, his mind couldn't help but wander, and it always end up at the same place asking the same question: Why? Why did Atlantis fall?  What had destroyed it?   And the answers to those questions would always pin the blame on one person and one person only: himself.  Forge had failed Atlantis somehow. Maybe he hadn't fought hard enough. Maybe he wasn't vigilant enough and let an "evil" in that had destroyed her people.  Maybe he wasn't able to unite the people in a time of crisis and be the leader that they had needed. No matter what it was, the blame would always shift inwards.   But he wouldn't fail them now, he couldn't. He may not have been able to save his people, but he can at least try to save what's left.   If there was anything to be gained from this curse of his, it was that he could stand vigilant forever,  and that the legacy and spirit of his people would never truly be lost.
For over a century, the coelacanth continued to stand vigil at the tomb of an empire, bound there by his unwavering sense of justice and his oath. Things would change over time, for a threat unlike any other would come to this hallowed ground: creatures of pure darkness and reek of fetid evil began to manifest, drawn to the very ruins Forge swore to protect with his life. And protect the remains of Atlantis he did -  but no matter how many of the foul creatures he smote, more would spawn as night fell.  The horde was unending, and Forge eventually realized to put an end to this evil, he would have to destroy it at its source, whatever and wherever it may be... and that meant he'd have to leave Atlantis to find it. Even if it meant  temporarily leaving the ruins at the mercy of these monsters, he knew he could not idly stand by while such vile creatures existed, seemingly intent on destruction. It was time to take action and to put a stop to these monsters for good.
And so, in his search for answers, he emerged from the depths to a land none of his kind had dared to venture: the surface world.  A world so vastly different from everything he's ever known, where the black & white ethicality he'd so strictly followed would be challenged, a land where he would be confronted with an evil far beyond anything he had ever encountered... and where he would ultimately come to face the truth about what really caused the fall of Atlantis.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Demon Slayer Season 1 Ending Explained: What’s Aboard the Mugen Train?
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is one of the most popular anime series to come out in the past few years and the title’s recent addition to Netflix’s anime library has allowed a brand new audience to experience the thrilling action. 
Demon Slayer chronicles the journey of Tanjiro, a burgeoning Demon Slayer who sets out to bring down the powerful and deadly demon who is responsible for the death of his family and transforming her sister into a rabid creature. Tanjiro and his fellow Demon Slayers grow in considerable ways and learn incredible new abilities as they progress on their journey, which is far from over. Demon Slayer packs a lot into its 26-episode first season, but some serious revelations are made in the finale that will greatly impact what’s to come next for the demon slaying team.
What Are The Twelve Demon Moons Planning?
Demon Slayer’s finale offers a reprieve from action as Tanjiro and friends catch their breath and figure out their plan for the future. However, a chilling flashback shows Muzan Kibutsuji at his absolute most vicious. Frustrated with the unsuccessful efforts of Rui and the other Lower Twelve Demon Moons, Kibutsuji cleans shop and massacres the lot of them rather than deal with more frustration. 
The lone exception is Enmu, who shows proper fealty towards the Twelve Demon Moon leader. Muzan rewards Enmu with a healthy dose of his blood, which gives him a tremendous boost in power, and informs the demon that he’ll get even more if he takes out Tanjiro. In a very impressive manner, the finale manages to both eliminate a number of major villains, but also position Enmu as the new major threat. It’s a better strategy for what’s to come than for Tanjiro to stumble upon some completely new enemy.
Who Boards The Mugen Train?
Demon Slayer season 1 concludes with Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, and Zenitsu learning that an enormous train has become the site of numerous casualties and demon sightings. The Demon Slayer Corps sends Tanjiro to rid this locomotive of its evil. This is the kind of story that could have easily been a single episode in season one, so it’s exciting to learn that the Mugen Train is actually a much larger obstacle for the team. 
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The final moments of the season conjure a real feeling of a chapter coming to a close due to how the Mugen Train literally separates characters from the rest of the cast. Season one carries a mysterious energy of never knowing a Demon Slayer may unexpectedly jump in to help Tanjiro, but that possibility vanishes in something like a moving vehicle. Tanjiro’s team of Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Nezuko board the train, but so does the Flame Hashira, Rengoku, as well as Muzan’s recently upgraded Enmu of the Twelve Demon Moons. It’s a strong mix of characters in a confined space.
What Is Nezuko’s Demon Cure Status?
Much of Tanjiro’s mission in season one of Demon Slayer is that he’s desperate to keep his sister, Nezuko, safe from execution and return her to her non-demon state. Progress is extremely slow at first and Nezuko remains muzzled for the entirety of the season and tricks like hypnosis need to be resorted to in order to keep her docile. Nezuko’s temper becomes more in control as the season progresses and Tanjiro is able to demonstrate that she does still have some free will left inside of her, but she’s still a long way from being back to normal. It’s unclear if Nezuko will get cured or if she’ll just find a normalcy in her demon state, but Tanjiro has become more protective of her than ever and their bond will absolutely be important in what’s to come.
Will The Extended Cast Be Back?
Demon Slayer positions Inosuke and Zenitsu as important fighters that accompany Tanjiro on his mission, yet they’re both still coming into their own as warriors, much like Tanjiro himself. The trio work great as a team, but much of the season has Zenitsu and Inosuke trailing behind Tanjiro. The final episodes show that all three of them put serious work into their Total Concentration Breathing techniques. Tanjiro’s progress is the focus, but it’s obvious that Inosuke and Zenitsu have also made substantial improvement. The two haven’t been given an opportunity to show off their new skills yet, but it’s likely that the Mugen Train will mark their first big test of strength.
Demon Slayer is a series that continually moves forward, which means many of its big cast of characters can get left in the past. Tanjiro has made some important friends along the way like Kanao, Aoi, and the other members of the Butterfly Estate. As Tanjiro and company board the Mugen Train and beyond, it’s likely that these characters from specific regions may not be seen again and that new allies will be encountered. However, it looks like the Hashira will only have a more important role in what’s to come as the animosity between the Twelve Demon Moons and the Demon Slayer Corps festers. Rengoku joins Tanjiro’s team as they board the train, but it’s unlikely he’ll be the only other Demon Slayer who offers support in the future.
How Does The Movie Fit In?
This finale is somewhat muted in comparison to some of the series’ bigger episodes, but the ending immediately teases the continuation of the anime’s story in the movie, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train. It’s not unusual for popular anime to get supplementary movies, but they often feature extra stories that can exist on their own. 
Mugen Train, however, adapts Chapters 54 to 69 of the Demon Slayer manga and is fundamental viewing for any fan of the series. The anime decided to adapt this story arc in a flashy feature film, rather than devote a handful of episodes at the start of season two to this material. Mugen Train’s structure will hopefully allow Demon Slayer season two to cover even more ground and tell a focused story through its episodes.
Is Season 2 Happening?
Details have been slim on a second season of Demon Slayer, with instead most of the effort going towards the anime’s sequel film, Mugen Train. Demon Slayer’s movie progresses the story along, but it’s far from the conclusion of Tanjiro and Nezuko’s journey. With the level of popularity that’s surrounded Demon Slayer’s manga, anime, and feature film, it’s all but inevitable that a season two is on the way. 
Fortunately, new episodes could hit in 2021, perhaps by summer or early winter, but it may still be considerably longer until these installments make their way over to Netflix. Regardless, Demon Slayer’s story is only getting started and it looks like the most intense material is yet to come.
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba season 1 is now streaming on Netflix
The post Demon Slayer Season 1 Ending Explained: What’s Aboard the Mugen Train? appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3o4o3wQ
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rowdysakura · 8 years
Rizumo Week 2017, Day 3 - Chocolates
title: your devotion has the look of a lunatic’s gaze fandom: ao no exorcist / blue exorcist characters: kamiki izumo, okumura rin, paku noriko, shimura rin (oc) series: all the good in me is because of you (it’s true)
notes: sorry, it’s late alsdkjflkdd. inspired by this.
Paku glances up and a smile of amusement spreads across her face as Rin goes skidding past her. Lesser people might find themselves embarrassed to have their friend making a scene. Paku isn’t most people. Unflappable and immoveable she is the calm of the storm. Besides, the gossip is always best when her target feels absolutely panicked as Rin seems to be.
The brunette raises an immaculate brow, eyes zeroing in on the kill with a genuinely interested and sweet, “Yes?”
Rin grabs Paku by the shoulders and shakes her all but screaming, “PAKU, YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!”
If the eldest Okumura weren’t one for regular hysterics, Paku might actually be worried.
“With what?” she asks, trying not to laugh to hard.
“Okay, well, recently Izumo has been talking about...about this other Rin! Shimura Rin! All the time, she talks about her every day. It’s always Rin did this and Rin did that and ‘you won’t believe what Rin did today’. And I’ve met this Rin and let me tell you, she talks about Izumo the same way, too!”
Paku interrupts with a gasp, “You mean like secret lovers?!”
A hand covers her mouth for the extra drama.
The noise that explodes from Rin then sounds like a dying animal and a broken blender. His huge, broken puppy dog face almost makes Paku feel guilty. Almost.
“You think?!”
“Oh, no, not at all, Izumo has no secrets from me,” she assures. The glint in her eye almost sinister.
“Then why would you...” Rin shakes his head violently. Some minds are best never understood. “Nevermind, I still think she has a crush! Izumo waxed eloquent for thirty minutes about the curve of Rin’s abdominals. Thirty minutes, Paku, thirty minutes.”
Paku eyes slide shut. Her whole being--physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual--slumps. As Izumo’s longest lasting friend, she has already been exposed a many a time to Izumo’s complete lack of self awareness. Especially, in relation to her sexuality.
(There’s a particularly memorable time Paku cherishes as the moment she lost any and all innocence to just how truly bizarre Izumo’s affections could be. It’s a year or two after Paku’s dropped out of cram school. The sun shines brightly despite Autumn’s cold and Izumo has started as a Middle Second Class exorcist. This means, of course, longer, harder, and more dangerous missions. 
Paku knows Izumo’s just returned the day before from one such mission. It’s the reason why she finds Izumo’s dazed inattentiveness so worrying. Had something happened? Something horrible? Her former mentor, Shura, had been on that mission. Why hadn’t the elder woman watched out for her?!
The brunette tries not to ask. She really does. But by the time lunch break rolls around Paku simply cannot take the glazed look in Izumo’s eyes anymore. Paku lets them get lunch, settle onto their usual spot of grass, and start in on their food before even thinking of questioning Izumo.
“Izumo, can I...ask you something?” Paku begins delicately.
“Mm,” Izumo says, not even looking at her. Paku is fairly certain the juicebox she holds to her mouth is empty by now and yet Izumo doesn’t set it down. Simply stares into the far distance.
Anxiety grips Paku’s heart like a vice. With a shaky inhale, she braces herself for whatever horrors Izumo might share with her. She can do this. For Izumo.
“Did...something happen? On your mission? It’s just, you’ve seemed off all day and I’m worried,” Paku explains, stressing the last word in a way to get Izumo’s immediate attention. She keeps her expression open and kind and is not surprised when Izumo’s eyes snap to her. She ever more nervous, however, when Izumo turns her head away, hiding her face.
An eternity seems to stretch between them. Paku readies herself to press forward when Izumo finally answers.
Paku winces. Just as she’s feared--
“There was so much blood on her. I always thought it would be gross to see someone like that? But! she looked amazing and terrifying. Definitely terrifying. And the way she moved! It was like watching a war goddess in action,” Izumo murmurs, ecstatic.
Paku blanches. She’s bewildered, floundering. The direction of up is a mystery.
Izumo turns back to her then, face flushed. A rapturous smile curves the corners her lips and admiration pours forth from her every pore. Adoration practically leaps forwards in physical form when she sighs, “Shura.”
“What,” Paku repeats. She wonders if the world will align anytime soon.
“I think I want her to punch me?”
Paku doesn’t ask.)
“See! You know exactly how I feel. Which means she’s done this before. Which means she has a crush. Which means I’m doomed because tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day and if Izumo is crushing that means Rin is definitely crushing back because, I mean, who wouldn’t? Izumo is so amazing...but, anyway, if Rin’s crushing then she’s definitely going to do something tomorrow! What do I do? Paku, please, you have to help me. Before I’m doomed to be some old guy’s trophy husband instead of Izumo’s!” whines Rin. He slides to his knees, grasping his hands in front of himself in a begging sort of gesture.
Paku shakes herself free of the past, focusing on the poor boy in front of her.
“Now, now!” she scolds shaking a finger. “That’s quitter talk!”
In all honestly, Paku doubts the relationship between this mysterious female Rin and Izumo is so serious. Nonetheless, she’ll help Rin out. If only to get rid of this will they, won’t they tension driving her absolutely insane.
The brunette taps her chin thoughtfully as she thinks aloud, “Now clearly you have to make some sort of grand gesture. One that’s modest but clearly separates you from whatever this mysterious Shimura can come up with! Have you done chocolates, ever? Izumo is a sucker for sweets! And you’re really good at cooking, right? So you could probably make some special chocolates in the shape of cats. Or maybe foxes? Both?
Oh! Get her flowers too and a stuffed animal. I can help you with the flower message I’m sure Shiemi will drop a hint for you--”
“I’ve done all that,” cuts in Rin, sounder even more dejected.
A tingling sense of evil crawls over Paku. 
“What? Chocolates? Flowers? Stuffed animals? Grandiose declarations of love? All of it? And you’re still not dating?!” gasps Paku, true horror bringing her hands to her mouth. Is Izumo truly such a hard nut to crack?
“Erm, well, not the last one! And not all at once. But I’ve done it all...I just....chickened out half way through and said they were all friendship gifts,” mutters Rin, toeing the floor.
“And she believed it?” Paku returns in surprise. Actually, scratch that. Izumo absolutely would believe that. She tries not to close her eyes. Her soul almost leaves her body. 
Rin bobs his head still focusing on the floor before perking up excitedly.
“But! I haven’t done the declarations of love part! Should I write it on the chocolate?”
Life returns to Pakus eyes and she chimes, “Oh! Yes, that would be so cute. How would you write it?”
“Hmmm, ‘Dear Izumo, you could stab me and I’d say thanks. P.S. I love you.’ Does that work?” questions Rin eagerly.
Paku resists slapping a hand to her face. Only just. Something in her expression must give her away, however, for Rin makes a noise of discontent.
“You’re right, it’s too long. I don’t think Izumo would eat that much chocolate.”
Paku really does slap her face then. With both hands. Look all ye upon these halpless fools and despair.
“I don’t think...”
“Oh! I got it!”
Paku doubts that.
“Bwahaha, it’s so perfect! There’s no way I can lose with this plan!”
Wait, is his voice getting farther away? Paku raises her face from her hands to spy Rin striding confidentially away from her.
“Gah, Rin, hold on! You haven’t told me your plan, yet. Rin!”
Izumo stretches her arms above her head languorously, feeling the comfortable burn of well worked muscles. Her skin sports a few new bruises, as well, but it’s well worth it to the red-eyed girl. With Rin’s busy schedule, these spars kept getting further and further apart, making these moments even more precious to Izumo.
With an explosive sigh, Izumo flops back onto the gym floor.
A husky laugh follows her.
“I didn’t hit you too hard, now, did I?”
Izumo grins up at the older woman.
“Pft, as if, that was a sigh of content, yanno.”
The black-haired woman sniggers as she settles into her own stretches beside Izumo’s prone form. Like always during her cool down, Rin provides tips and critiques on Izumo’s performance before questioning why Izumo moved like this or did that at this point in the spar.
Izumo is in the middle of answering such a question, explaining why she thought the kick would have given her an advantage, when Rin--the Okumura one--bursts into the recreational space.
Rolling her eyes, Izumo pushes herself to a stand to flag him down.
“Over here!” she calls, eyes widening when notices what he’s carrying. “What’s all this?”
Huffing, Rin carefully and expectantly hands off each item to her. 
Bemusedly, Izumo takes each and every one, a bouquet of every kind of red flower under the sun and a box of what can only be chocolates remain in her hands while the overly large teddy bear with gaudy heart ballons takes a seat next to her on the floor. After she marvels at its softness, of course. It’s...a lot. She knows Rin likes to give things to her to affirm their friendship, espcially on Valentine’s Day. But all of this? At once? She’ll have to bump up his shameless rating.
“Rin, even for you this is too much,” Izumo laughs feeling simultaneously pleased and flustered. There’s a flush in her cheeks tempered by the fact that this is simply Rin being, well, Rin. An overly affectionate friend. She lifts up the lid of the box and almost drops both the chocolates and flowers in surprise when twenty, little cat-shaped chocolates stare back at her. “Oh my god, they’re so cute!”
Awe makes Izumo’s legs weak, she sinks to the floor, not quite sitting, staring with wonderment.
“Aaah, how am I supposed to eat you? Your just little faces with little pawsies but you’re so adorable! Gah, I could scream with how cute you are,” she murmurs to herself. Perhaps, to the chocolates too. 
Shimura watches Izumo with amusement before glancing at Rin, Blue meets blue as the woman smiles in a pleased manner. Strangely, there seems to be a glimmer of pride within her eyes.
“Take this!”
“Ah..., thanks?” says Shimura uncertainly, staring at the little box. Could it be a Valentine’s Day gift? She wouldn’t have guessed Rin considered her so highly.
Determination burning in his gaze, Rin nods, explaining, “They’re Valentine’s chocolates. For the special bond we share.”
Alarms widens Shimura’s eyes as they dart first worriedly to Izumo who, thankfully, still appeared lost in the experience of her own treats, then back to Rin.
“Um, are you sure you mean to give this to me?” asks Shimura uneasily.
Another nod.
“I wrote my feelings on the chocolate, so take a look.”
The woman can almost feel her face cramp with the attempt to keep herself from grimacing as she slowly lifts open the lid of the box to reveal the incriminating chocolates beneath. A cross between a laugh of incredulity and sob of relief explodes out of the black-haired exorcist as she reads aloud, “Rival confirmed!?”
Beside her, Izumo inhales her chocolate in shock..
Rin slides a foot back, planting a hand on his hip as he points dramatically at Shimura.
“That’s right! Shimura Rin, from this moment forward, I, Okumura Rin, declare you my rival in the contest of Izumo’s heart!”
Shimura stares. Izumo begins to choke. Rin doesn’t let up.
“I respect you for choosing this wonderfully terrifying girl as the object of your affections but I must you insist you back down! Unless you want to taste bitter defeat, that is. For I will never stop fighting for her, ever!” he declares. He pauses to look at the now coughing Izumo in worry but she waves a dismissive hand at both the Rins. The Okumura’s fiery gaze returns to Shimura’s. “Unless, Izumo chooses you. I’d probably? Stop? Or if she tells me to stop. Because I respect her decisions and...”
Rin wavers for a moment. Frown in place.
“...A-and! Anyway! Be prepared!”
With that, Rin about faces with a cocky toss of his head before fleeing the scene as rapidly as humanly possible.
Bursting in sniggers, Rin--the Shimura one--crouches down and rubs the struggling Izumo’s back soothingly. In between laughs and snorts, the woman asks, “So, when do you think I should tell my fiance I’m apparently leaving her for you?”
Izumo nearly chokes again, manages to finally swallow the offending treat, and wails with sudden realization, “Holy hell--they were never friendship chocolates!”
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empty-church · 8 years
Sharing Your Faith at Work - Special Guest: David Lermy
Special Guest Blogger: David Lermy
About the Author | David Lermy Twitter David is an ordained minister, public relations specialist, and freelancer writer. As an avid reader, he is rarely without a book close by and loves sharing about what he’s reading. You can learn more about David and check out some of his other posts and book reviews at http://www.leadinghappy.com.
Typically, sharing faith at work has been seen in two diametric opposites. Either it’s the incredibly passionate religious zealot others run and hide from or the lazy, religious hipster who finds anything other than prayer and contemplation beneath him.
I am pretty sure through my journey as a Christian I have been in both groups. Obviously, this is a gross exaggeration because there are so many nuances in-between. But you get the point.
For us, we want to look at productive and healthy ways to share faith at work – that place we spend 40 plus hours a week or more. Many separate out their life as work, family, and recreation. Yet, when added up, we spend a huge amount of time at work around the same people for months and years on end.
When I realized this, I found that my work relationships and contacts were much deeper than I first realized. There was time created influence there that I had not tapped into for the kingdom of God.
So I came up with the acronym W.O.R.K. to help me and later others become more gospel-oriented at work.
W – Work Diligently  
I recall my first job as a young teen. I was 13 years old and volunteering for a local hospital. I remember sitting back and reading or goofing off with other volunteers while the “paid guys” did the work. I will never forget what my direct report said to me.
“David, I know your parents, and I know you are a Christian. You setting around being lazy makes you look bad. It makes us Christians look bad. We should be the hardest workers. We serve longer and with more care than others should!”
Rudy, the chief of security at the hospital, knew my parents well as he and my dad worked around each other for over 20 years. His words affected me. That summer ended up being awarded the hardest worker merit for us “candy striper volunteers.” When I gave the thank you speech, I was able to thank Rudy, and I was also able to speak about my faith in Christ to the hospital employees present.
The writer of Proverbs provides us some insight into the value of hard work:
"A hard worker has plenty of food, but a person who chases fantasies has no sense"  -- Proverbs 12:11 "Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and become a slave."  -- Proverbs 12:24
In other words, hard work is what leads to promotion, to more freedom in your work-life balance. Working hard allows you to move up the ladder and the further up you go the more platform and influence you hold.  Work hard, gain respect, and become the leader God desires you to become.
O – Opportunity Wise
As I moved up the leadership ladder, I found I had more time and space to influence people. So I began to pray that God would open my eyes to opportunities to share my faith.
"Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart"  -- Colossians 4:2
I wanted my mind to alert to when those I worked for, alongside of, and especially above to know I was here for them. Not just as a colleague but as a caring friend. I prayed I would not be opportunity blind, an idea I first heard of from pastor and author, Mark Batterson. I was willing and I was ready!
"Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it."  -- 1 Peter 3:15
Be ready to answer those who need hope. I knew I needed to focus on making Jesus real to people with real work, family, and life issues. I was learning to be a pastor in a company, which can be trickier than in a church. New mission; new methods!
R – Reinforce Values
Every work culture has values. Most of the time, they are plastered all over walls, business cards, and their webpage. Nevertheless, having values printed doesn’t mean the values are imbedded and lived out.
One thing I have done for years is to learn the values of the company or church I was working with and then to fold those values into how I worked and lived. This has never let me down.
Plus, values are something that Christians are taught to take to heart, think on, and live out. Values shape and mold us. As above, Rudy instilled in me the Christian value of hard work and servanthood. Further, Paul teaches that they are worthy of praise!
"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."  -- Philippians 4:8
For example, the current company I am with values health, wellness, and vitality. Many of the employees can be seen multiple times a day walking around the property. They walk for health benefits, but walking with others builds comradery. I’ve been able to share my faith at various times walking around with co-workers. Embracing the values of the company may allow you unique ways to share with others.
K – Kindness Matters
Finally, kindness matter isn’t simply a nicety, but the way we should approach anything we value. When you value someone you care for them. You are willing to put up with some junk to stay in relationship with them. You correct them when they are off the path.
The author of Ephesians explains, 
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."  -- Ephesians 4:31-32
The same is true for us. We must first show we care for others before we can hope to share Christ with them. Think of it like this. If I am a jerk for a boss or a really incompetent leader, and then I go to others and share my faith, how much credit would I hold? Sure, the gospel has intrinsic value and worth in and of itself, but in today’s culture, the messenger matters. If you desire to carry the message of Jesus in the workplace, kindness must come naturally.
So to conclude, sharing the gospel at W.O.R.K. can be a stressful endeavor only because we try to do so in ways that don’t feel natural. Applying what we have discussed here can help you find a more natural fit to sharing with those you work with and lead.
Go ahead. Try it. You won’t regret it!
Workplace Wisdom Your Christian faith is becoming NSFW. How can you talk faith when HR tells you to keep quiet?
→ Catch up on all things Workplace Wisdom here.
*All verses are from the New Living Translation.
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