#he's a cousin of steelbeak :o]
razzafrazzle · 1 month
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oh baby thats chickem.
[image description: a reference image for a darkwing duck original character named brassbeak. brassbeak is a fat black silkie chicken with a beak made of brass wearing an elaborate teal, red, white, and gold marching band uniform. to the right of the main image is a drawing of brassbeak in his casual attire, which consists of an off-shoulder pink shirt and a teal beanie. above that is a blurb that states the following: "tuba player for the st. canard football team's marching band. too much of a softie to be a real criminal." end id]
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harlequinmoss · 3 years
How would you rewrite season 3 so it would be more coherent? I'm not talking about a full on rewrite of the entire episodes, I just mean how to make the plot lines and development flow better or changing them to be satisfying for all the characters.
Okay this is a really good question. I was going to say to make it more centered on FOWL but going back and reading the episode titles, it already kinda is. Like there's not that many episodes that don't tie into the finale in some way. I do have tweaks here and there that would help with plot and character development throughout the season. This ended up being a lot longer than I thought so here's a page break lol
Going in a linear format, Steelbeak should have made himself smart in Double-O-Duck instead of making the ray to make everyone else dumb. He'd be a more competent villain and more in line with his character in the original DWD. Maybe he could have even played a roll in LGD. It also would have avoided both him and Launchpad being mostly comic relief characters. I think there's too many jokes at Launchpad's expense about him being dumb. If he went back to his "normal" level of intelligence at the end, he could have told the family about FOWL without jeprodizing the search for the rest of the season. All they'll know is that FOWL is trying to take down the family and where the secret headquarters is. There's still the search for the leader and why FOWL is doing what they're doing. This makes it so that Huey has more to do and accomplish in what is supposed to be his season.
Next, The Rumble For Ragnorok. I'm just going off of memory here. I don't think that this episode did very much in the way of developing characters. Or at all. It was a forgettable filler episode where Dewey learned a lesson about humility or something and then it didn't come into play ever again. This episode could have been removed entirely to make room for an episode after LGD to give the Mallard-McQuack family more screen time and development. A general plot of this episode could be: Huey is helping Fenton and the other adults search the other realities for Gosalyn's missing grandpa. They end up finding him but he's either dead/a totally different person with different memories that doesn't remember Gosalyn at all. This event causes Gosalyn to give up the search and accept that her family is gone. Dewey has an emotional moment with her aside where he comforts her and relates the situation back to his mom and talks about found family while looking back at Launchpad and Drake. (Not really integrating this into any of my other points but if Della died on the moon in season 2 and the kids knew about this, it would make the interaction more impactful) At the end of the episode, its shown that Gosalyn has her own room, either in the lair or in a house similar to the original DWD, and Drake tucks her in while singing her lullaby.
The Phantom and the Sorceress. Oh God, what a mess. There's way too much wrong with this episode. Soup-Du-Silence had a good idea on how to fix it from Lena's perspective, which you can read about here. As for Gladstone, he could have still lost his powers and come to the mansion for help. But instead of him asking literal children, its Della and Donald (and maybe Fethry is there too) and then its a cousins adventure! Donald revels in Gladstone being unlucky but still wants to help. Gladstone doesn't seem so pathetic and played for comic relief. They track down the Blot together after Lena and her family fight him out of the Saberwing house, or they're about to find him when the Blot's gauntlet breaks and Gladstone magically gets his luck back for seemingly no reason, much to Donald's dismay. It might have to be two different episodes because cutting back and forth between the two plot lines would detract time from each and make the episode harder to follow. Idk but there's so many things they could have done that would have made the episode actually good and coherent
Let's Get Dangerous. It was good but it felt rushed. It needed to be longer. The timeline was hard to follow. Instead of the cheap shot at the end were Heron picks Bradford up in a FOWL helicopter, have the triplets being suspicious of him and figuring it out for themselves. Maybe they're all wary for different reasons and talking about it in a group huddle and Huey connects the dots in a dramatic reveal. They confront Bradford who does an evil villain slow clap congratulating them on figuring it out, but before anything else can happen, he's able to escape.
How Santa Stole Christmas. I don't think we needed this backstory. Instead, give us the opportunity to see bonding between characters. Its Della and Donald's first Christmas back together. Let us see that. Give us an interaction about the sweater. "You still have that sweater?" "Of course, wear it every year." And then they hug or something. That's literally all they had to do. Instead of following a Santa storyline that ends in Scrooge leaving an impoverished child alone in a house with nothing but a lump of coal when he could have given a tiny portion of his wealth to help her, let Scrooge learn the true meaning of Christmas through his family. Or even better yet, let him throw a party, inviting over recurring characters, and have it double as a brain storming session on how to defeat FOWL. Show them coming up with the plan for Webby's birthday party. Give us interactions with characters who haven't been there all season. Penumbra can help. Where has she been? She was building a ship back to the moon before, right? Give a conclusion to that. If she's decided to stay on Earth like it seemed in the end of her episode, all we really need is a short two second clip of her hanging out with the other Moonlanders, having their own form of Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever else.
As for the last few episodes leading up to the finale, I get what they were going for. Give each of the triplets one last centric episode. However, I think that the messages fell short in the Dewey and Louie episodes. I think they should have taken more of a Beaks in the Shell approach where the selected triplet still gets to shine, while also setting up high stakes for the finale. Don't be adding new characters so late in the game, be wrapping up storylines with already established ones. There wasn't really a point in adding Kit or Poe, other than the writers wanting to make reference to as many characters as possible. Same with April May and June.
Now for the finale. My main thing: don't make Webby a clone. It messes too much with all the dynamics in the show and ruins the found family message they've had this entire time. It would have been a lot better if Webby's parents were FOWL agents who had a change of heart after having their child and got killed by Bradford or Heron when trying to leave the organization. That's ample reason for Beakley not wanting Webby to know. I think the finale did a pretty good job of wrapping things up outside of that, honestly. Again, there wasn't really enough time to give all the characters a proper ending, like Gene who just disappeared once he was saved, never to be seen again, but if time was managed better in the episodes leading up to the finale, it would have made it so that more characters could have accomplished what they needed to. And what was with Bradford getting turned into a real buzzard at the end? You really going to just undomesticate him like that? Give him some poetic justice, push him into the void that makes people cease to exist.
That's about all I can think of at the moment. Thanks for the ask! It was fun to go through everything and think about what could have been done better
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pidayforpi · 3 years
“Little Joy”
(Some, uh, Fethsteel (and a bit Magicstone)...for your enjoyment...)
(Can be read as friendship or more. Whatever suits you, buddy.)
(Actually, this applies to all my other works involving any appropriate relationship, e.g. Alistarling, Baffy...)
(Also...Perhaps extremely out-of-character...I have never worked with these characters...(except Fethry, who...may also be OOC)) 
“T-thank you s-so much for t-tagging along...”
Fethry said to the hulking rooster walking next to him. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, looking away from his companion.
“I-it m-must be so embarrassing f-for you to be d-doing such c-childish activity...”
Steelbeak smiled at the shorter duck, patting him on his shoulder.
“It’s okay. I enjoyed it.”
On a spring morning, Fethry Duck and Steelbeak went to the beaches of Duckburg for clam digging.
As early as two weeks ago, Fethry had asked Steelbeak out for harvesting clams together. It was an annual event for Fethry, but a fresh new one for Steelbeak. After all, why would a F.O.W.L. agent have the time (and passion) to do such harmless stuff?
Two weeks ago, Fethry was anxiously on his phone, constantly looking back to see if anyone was eavesdropping. Countless thoughts invaded his mind while the phone beeped: Will he be busy? Does he work on Saturdays? Will he be...planning to attack his family on that day?
When his new friend picked up the call, Fethry told him his proposal, asking him whether he would be free for a clam digging day (with heavy, heavy stuttering, of course). Fethry’s ears were too red to clearly hear if the recipient agreed to hang out. He didn’t even know if his friend could hear what the event was about, given his serious stutters. It wasn’t until the rooster showed up at the shores of Duckburg that Fethry knew his friends really did listen to and accept his invitation.
For the first time in a decade, Fethry had someone to accompany him on his silly little annual activity.
And so, two adults spent a Saturday  morning on the muddy ground, along with many families around them. The beach was filled with the laughter of children, while the duo silently collected one clam after another.
But for Fethry, his heart was bumping loudly. Every time he heard children laughing, or saw children running across the beach barefoot, Fethry felt a bit more regretful, blaming himself for inviting Steelbeak to this idiotic event. He was a secret agent of F.O.W.L.! Feared, cruel, malevolent! How much pride did Steelbeak swallow for his friend? How much of his image did he risk being tainted by accepting his friend’s request?
Not to mention the tired expression clearly visible in Steelbeak’s eyes. He must be a night person. It wasn’t a surprise. He was the one to act in the shadows, after all. But Fethry further chastised himself for being inconsiderate.
Although Steelbeak was wearing a smile with his shovel in hand, Fethry couldn’t help but feel deeply guilty.
An hour later, the duo left the beaches with a small net of clams. The shells clanked against each other, producing clicking sounds in addition to the two pairs of footsteps.
Although both of them weren’t the talkative type, Fethry felt rather nervous for the lack of conversations in the morning. He rubbed the locks of hair sticking out of his stocking cap with his right thumb and index finger, while holding the bag of clams close to his body with his other hand. He took a peek at his partner: Steelbeak wasn’t frowning or sulking, but Fethry still felt uncomfortable in his heart. Was he embarrassed? Was he mad? Fethry looked down at the pebbled plaza floor, biting his lower lips.
Then he suddenly stopped.
Steelbeak quickly noticed his friend staying behind, and turned around to see what’s wrong. Fethry held his head down, eyes darting everywhere but Steelbeak’s line of vision.
Before Steelbeak could ask, Fethry had mumbled his concerns.
“I...I am so sorry, Steely...” Fethry muttered, just loud enough for Steelbeak to hear.
“W-what’s wrong?” Steelbeak was surprised by his friend’s sudden apology. He had no much social experience than Fethry had. Was it something he had done wrong?
“I was so s-selfish...I j-just wanted someone to accompany m-me for once, b-but I only thought for m-myself...You d-don’t like c-clam digging at all, d-do you? You h-hadn’t t-tried i-it because you d-don’t like it...” Fethry started to whimper, holding the clams even closer to himself.
“I humiliated you...Embarrassed you...J-just because I w-wanted s-someone to accompany me...You don’t even have your disguise on!”
It was true. Steelbeak right now was only wearing a t-shirt with a nylon jacket for torso, a pair of sports trousers and sports shoes for legs and feet. His face was entirely exposed, including his abnormal metal beak.
This was the first time the secret agent hanged out with his friend without wearing incognito. And it was Fethry who encouraged him to do so. Despite knowing his position, Fethry believed one should feel no shame for being in the public. But for Steelbeak to go undisguised holding a colourful shovel, searching for clams with a bunch of kids around? Fethry suddenly felt how hard it had to be for Steelbeak to comply.
Although he was supposed to be a “secret” agent, meaning no one should know he was a member of a criminal mastermind organisation, nobody knew for sure whether anyone would recognise Steelbeak. At the very least, his beak would arouse a certain level of suspicion.
“I am so sorry...I am so sorry...” Fethry did his best to hold back tears, despite feeling extremely regretful for hurting his new friend. Who accepted his invitation. An invitation not even his dear cousin Donald would accept.
Steelbeak got down to Fethry’s level with a warm smile. “I enjoyed it. Really.”
Fethry blinked a few times, before slowly raising his head to look at the smiling rooster.
“I hadn’t tried anything like that, but it was fun. Let’s do it again sometimes,  okay?”
“You...don’t think it was...silly...?” Fethry looked at the should-be menacing rooster, doubting the agent collecting intel in an enemy base would be down to collecting clams on a beach.
“It was silly, but I like it. Feth, you know...Ever since I got...this job, I hadn’t taken up any hobby. I hadn’t had any fun. Until I met you, and you introduced me to so many activities.”
It was Steelbeak’s turn to look away, while Fethry tilted his head curiously.
“I...uh...had a lot of fun...Thanks, Feth...”
Though a bit awkward, Fethry still felt his heart soothed by Steelbeak’s words of gratitude. Steelbeak must be the type who seldom show much emotions to others. He probably hadn’t thanked anyone before meeting Fethry, whether he felt grateful or not.
“Besides...” Steelbeak attempted to pull off his suave, yet intimidating persona. “You promised me a clam chowder meal, didn’t you? Hm?” But to put up this obviously fake facade in front of his genuine friend, even the rooster laughed at himself.
Fethry regained his smile, nodding his head cheerfully. “O-of course, Steely!”
Then his heart again bumped faster when he thought of another concern.
“I am g-glad you are having f-fun too, b-but...w-what if p-people find out about y-you? W-would I be...affecting your...c-career...?” His eyes looked up at the tall rooster,  fingers fidgeting together shyly.
Steelbeak let out a chuckle, whispering to his friend. “Don’t worry, Feth. I am a ‘secret’ agent, remember? No one knows who I am! And...”
Steelbeak paused for a while, trying to phase his words without offending his friend. Fethry seemed to guess what Steelbeak was implying, and showed that he was listening with a smile.
“You...uh, aren’t a prominent member of the McDuck family, are you? I mean...not many people know you are the nephew of Scrooge, right? Unlike that ‘Donald’ guy, or the kids...”
“I...I mean it in a good way! So there won’t be any trouble for you too! My colleagues may not be so happy with me befriending a McDuck relative...” Steelbeak rubbed his shoulder nervously, thinking how their relationship may hurt not only himself, but also Fethry.
“It’s alright.” Fethry reassured Steelbeak. “You are right. Nobody knows me. Nobody knows you. So we will be safe!”
Of course, except his own family...
A startled honk suddenly emerged nearby in the plaza. The goose (or gander, to be exact) realised his mistake, and unwisely covered his beak, only for the action to produce another slapping sound, gaining more attention.
On the other hand, Fethry made another mistake looking at the source of the sound. When he realised he knew the person in question, he made yet another bad decision to call out his name, only to cover his beak too when he remembered he should not be with the person he was with in the first place.
And now, the two cousins looked at each other awkwardly, both wide-eyed and covering their mouths.
After a five-second awkward silence, Gladstone tried to break the ice with a wave and a sheepish smile.
“Heeeeey, Fethry...Good to see you...Hanging out with a friend...?” Gladstone tried to appear casual, but his rigid expression showed how uncomfortable he was.
Fethry replied with an even more nervous grin, and many rapid nods.
Gladstone continued, hoping to end the encounter as soon as possible. “Oh, great! And you are...?” Signalling Steelbeak. Of course Gladstone knew who he was. The goose was just giving the rooster criminal a chance to lie about his own identity, so as to let the matter slide. He believed the agent would be smart enough to know the cue. He’s the top agent in his association! Sure he knew how to deal with his cover being blown...
Oh, but Gladstone really should had looked at how red the face of the rooster was before trying...
Steelbeak lifted Fethry off the ground with his left hand, pinning him against his own body like a head-lock, while childishly pointing a finger gun at Fethry’s head with his right hand. Fethry yelped in surprise, but took extra care not to drop the bag of clams.
“D—d-d-don’t c-c-come c-c-closer, or...this innocent man g-g-gets it!” Steelbeak attempted to threaten Gladstone into leaving them alone, only to make the situation more and more awkward. The confused Gladstone looked as Steelbeak’s face got redder and redder, while Fethry’s cheeks also started to blush with embarrassment.
“S-S-Steely...P-p-please p-put me d-d-down...T-this is v-v-very embarrassing...” Fethry muttered softly. He knew his friend was doing an act to “help” them out of the problem, but he was too embarrassed to comply.
Steelbeak immediately let go of Fethry, afraid that he might hurt the fragile duck. Hopefully not many people were in the plaza. Only the goose in green witnessed the “kidnap attempt” with a puzzled smile.
Gladstone sighed, seeing how his cue had totally been missed. “Okay, Steelbeak. I won’t tell F.O.W.L. about this. Okay, Fethry. I won’t tell Uncle Scrooge about this. Just pretend nothing happened, m’kay?”
Both the rooster and the duck nodded without making eye contact, their faces still red.
Gladstone took a deep breath. “But what are you two doing together? Don’t tell me you are teaching lil’ Fethry bad things, hm?” He stared with only one eye opened, pointing a finger at Steelbeak, who shook his head and held his hands up in denial.
Fethry quickly explained. “N-n-no! I-I p-proposed the a-activity! Steely...uh, S-Steelbeak was just accompanying me...”
Fethry showed his cousin the clams they had collected. “L-look! We went clam digging!”
“I w-will be u-using these to make c-clam chowder...Y-you can j-join us too! Just p-please...D-don’t tell U-Uncle S-S-Scrooge about this...? He will...He will...”
Fethry was visibly trembling. Gladstone didn’t blame him. Scrooge could be very scary when furious. He put his hand on his cousin’s shoulder, showing a kind smile. “I promise, Fethry. I promise.”
“You take care of him, okay?” Gladstone turned to Steelbeak. Despite Gladstone being much shorter than he was, Steelbeak gulped at the fierceness in his eyes.
“Gladstone, I’m an adult now!” Fethry protested against his elder cousin for being treated like a child.
“Well, you don’t act like one.”
Steelbeak cut in during the cousins’ bickering. “Don’t worry, Mister...”
Gladstone politely tipped his hat. “Gander. Glad-“
“Yo, Gladdy! I brought popsicles!”
Just when the goose was introducing himself, someone called his (nick)name from behind. Just from the voice, Fethry and Steelbeak knew who she was, but not why she was calling Gladstone.
This time, Gladstone hid his reddened face behind his hat.
At least, both parties were equal now.
Magica looked at her friend with his cousin and her partner-in-crime (sort of) in confusion, but quickly shrugged it off.
“Hey, boys. What’s up?” Magica greeted the two with a grin, while the two replied by signalling Gladstone with eye movements.
Gladstone’s face was entirely inside his hat, the brim of which he grabbed tightly with both hands.
“Hello...?” Magica stared at her partner curiously, waving her free hand in front of his face.
“What happened?” She questioned the other two birds present, who answered with two shrugs.
Magica let out a sigh, before biting at her popsicle. “Well, eating or not, you are paying for yours.”
Gladstone slowly reached for his, holding it in his shaking hand. He put his hat back on, before slowly approaching Fethry with his head down.
“We’ll never speak of this day ever again...”
“Wow! Fethry, that’s delicious!” Magica exclaimed at a dining table.
Fethry blushed slightly at the compliment. “T-t-thank you, Miss De Spell...”
“Just Magica will do.”
Inside a golden yacht, two white ducks, a rooster and a goose were at the dining table. Everyone had a bowl and a spoon, while a big pot of clam chowder was in the centre of the table.
“Told you Feth cooks nicely!” Steelbeak added with a smile, making Fethry chuckled shyly.
“A-all thanks to Gladstone lending us his yacht...” Fethry beamed at his cousin, who was drinking his soup silently.
“You...you’re welcome.” Gladstone uttered, before feeling someone nudging his arm lightly.
“See? Nothing wrong with hanging out! Your cousin is friends with a F.O.W.L. agent! You are just friends with a witch.” Magica shoved Gladstone with her elbow playfully. “Let’s hang out sometimes!”
“S-sure!” “Fine by me.” “Of...of course. Just...”
Gladstone looked at his cousin meekly.
“Please don’t tell Uncle Scrooge about this...? He will pluck my feathers out...”
Fethry replied with a wide, cheerful smile.
“I promise, Gladdy! I promise!”
(16-12-2020 ~ 18-12-2020)
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(Inspired by this screenshot of Steelbeak being adorable...sort of.)
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ducktales-wco-oo · 4 years
✩ A Multimuse Survey ✩
Tagged by: @legionizedfreedom​ ; @bitofthisandthat​
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Name of your favorite muse: FENTON *holds up the fluffy son, the golden-hearted duckie, the FRICK FRACKIN’ GOOD BOI* He is literally the reason I created this blog. When he first arrived, I wanted to write him SO BADLY... but stopped myself because I felt *creates a rainbow with hands*  I N S E C U R E  and didn’t think I’d do him justice or that anyone would really be interested in my boi..... *w h e e z e s* He is now my strongest muse, my most developed muse, and the one who has the most frick frackin’ interactions and I Love it. lol 
Name of your very first muse: A star nomad OC named Jinx; my first tunglr blog actually. 
Name of your nicest muse: I mean- *points at the Good Boi* Ya’ll know who I mean. BUT— other nice muses are Storkules, Boyd, Shamrock, Phooey, Fethry, and Daphne :3  
Name of your most troubled muse: I have MANY troubled muses, but the most troubled is probably Felton. Louis is a really close second. Frankly, I could list nearly all of my muses on here but the ones that are on the extreme spectrum would be- Negaduck, Fenton, Gladstone, Fethry, Steelbeak, Feathers, Sid Quack, Gene- *grows silent as I realize just how Fucked so many of my bbies are*
Character you have the muse for atm: Fenton is always at the forefront- ALWAYS. Felton and Fentonino tend to tag along as a result of this. But lately I’ve also been side-eyeing Fethry, Gladstone, Donald— *laughs in Cousin* —Panchito, and Gene to name a few. Frankly, my interest also tends to gravitate towards certain threads, regardless of how prominent a certain muse happens to be, so there might be a few people not listed on there that would want attention. lol Honestly, my birbs have been buzzing impatiently lately because of how my attention has been riveted on another blog, so they are ALL kinda huffing. 
Two of your muses that would never get along: It’s hard-pressed to find someone who Negaduck would get along with, so just shove him at my bbies and watch the feathers fly. Although, it’s just as difficult to find someone who Fenton wouldn’t stubbornly and fervently try to help, no matter how horrible they seem to be. Felton and Negaduck in particular would be a disaster of an interaction because WOO BOY they’d piss each other off. 
Two of your muses that could be best friends: Fenton and Fethry would be such good and supportive friends. They are both good bois who deserve this level of understanding and acceptance. Also- Gotta include Donald and Storkules XD Donald and Panch... Fenton and Drake, Huey and Boyd, Louie and Boyd- I have.... many, many adorable and incredible fwienships on this blog because I have so many fucking characters.
Two of your muses that would make a cute couple: Fenton and *insert muse name because there’s too many for me to list*. There are other pairings on here, obviously... but Imma just put Fenton’s name because we all know that he is the Most Shippable character. :3
Name of the muse that you’d be best friends with irl: Fenton, Fethry, Drake, Gene... Bbies
Name of the muse you’d probably hate irl: Negaduck... Just- Negadfuck all the way. XD
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wiz-witch · 4 years
DuckTales 2k17 3x03: Double O Duck In You Only Crash Twice
"The Lost Harp of Mervana!" So fun fact: all I know about James Bond is from the Mythbusters episode, that Jimmy Neutron special, and Goldmember. And I haven’t seen either of those in over a decade. So let’s see how many references fly over my head.
Also this is my second viewing but I’m going to try to keep my commentary as if this is my first
“Dew-ble O Duck” Dewey, sweetie, I will pay you to stop
Wait her name is Red Feather? Boo
Obviously evil guy is obviously evil
“What are you doing?” Being a theater kid with middle child syndrome
...Wait, Ben can sing??
Okay, that was impressive
Yay foreshadowing
Dewey: “Oh fuck, he’s messing up, this was a bad plan”
Daw, Dewey calls him LP
Also I cannot get over the fact the glasses they were wearing in the released screenshots were VR glasses
Hey, it’s the Phantom Blot! I can’t wait until you do something cool this season
My favorite House of Mouse shorts were the ones with him (and one where Von Drake tried to take Mickey’s heart. Yup, the show had more influence on Epic Mickey than causing the company to get Oswald back)
Aw, he sad :(
“Am I a joke to you, lad?”
“Uncle McDee”?? :D :D :D
Webby is a bro, and Scrooge is everyone’s uncle
Ball pits are terrifying, and this just proves it
I love how Heron’s welding mask is built to compensate for her mask. It makes her look like a plague doctor
Yes, intruders in the very public Chuck E Cheese knock off. Geeze, got Magica working there, got Phantom Blot as the mascot, got a FOWL lair underneath... Frank? Why is there so much evil in the Chuck E Chee--oh, wait, never mind
Are we ever going to get the full intro with Della?
Yeah, his kids come here all the time, why are you surprised at this?
He’s asking the important questions
She didn’t want to answer because she made it
I love Whack a Mole. I had a home version even
That is such a mood. I hate being in public.
...Ouch. Those things are heavy
...That’s all.
That legitimately looked like something out of the Carmen Sandiego choose your own adventure
Wait, how did they even know the passcode in the first place? It’s not like they were given a briefing or anything
Dewey has the brain cell at the table
I love the cutting between the game and reality. I also love how Steelbeak felt the need to put on the glasses to beat them up
Webby, that is not how you hold a skee ball
Himbo versus... Is there a term for a himbo who’s an ass? Is it just “attractive idiot”?
...Did I just imply that Steelbeak is attractive? Ew
Webby was right, it is a trap!
Okay, as someone who’s been hit in the face a lot and wears glasses, those glasses should’ve broken from that
Oh my gods...
Aw, sad baby
Ooh, are these the guys I have beat up Huey in my FOWL fics?
Did Steelbeak spend too much time with Quackerjack or something?
...Okay, part of me is actually highly disturbed at the fact Steelbeak changed their clothes while they were unconscious
Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip and Dale! Rescue Rangers...
they play the f*cking theme song...
Daw, he helped them, and they helped in return
Oh snap
Webby is DoneTM
“This department has worked 322 days without an accident” I feel like that’s a facility record. Would be at my work
I love how he didn’t know what the device did and knew it was a game and still sacrificed himself for Dewey. That’s adorable
Did you guys really get multiple lives in that game? Because it seemed kinda insta-lose
Also, are the glasses currently off or are they still seeing things differently than we are?
Oh, I think this is a direct Bond reference--it looks like something from Jet Fusion
Why is he British?
...Please give us our himbo back. Please. I will pay money for that.
Aw, he calls him Dewford now. I do not like this, please make it stop.
...was that English?
Me either
“Oh heavens, you don’t want them to think you don’t know what you’re doing” My constant monologue at work
that was epic
Why is he still wearing the glasses?
“They’re back?” Okay, those two words bring a lot of questions I want answers to
Huh. Guess I wrote the wrong triplet getting kidnapped by FOWL
Scrooge... Sweetie...
I love how Webby keeps wanting to kill Funzos employees... Oh, what if all of them secretly are part of FOWL?
...Except Magica. Maybe she was hired so they could see if she was FOWL material
Oh, I wanna break that innocence so much...
....... [slams head on desk]
Okay, how could Launchpad hear Dewey clear as day, but Dewey can’t hear anything Launchpad is saying?
Aw, that fear on Dewey’s face when Launchpad crashed... Oh, what if unconsciously Dewey knows this is real now but hasn’t quite consciously processed that?
He’s Launchpad McQuack, that’s how.
Dewey is Done with this guy and is showing signs of being like his brother
Well that’s unnecessarily badass
How can you be so DoneTM when being tied up like that. Also why is he tied up up there
Boo, bad pun
No, “Me” was correct there
I’m sorry, is that just going to become their thing? Just casually coming into a scene to help rescue the Ducks and then leaving?
...Oh you are not doing this.
We were robbed of a hug
Okay, the subtitles say this is Dewey singing, but it doesn’t quite sound like his voice while his song earlier did. WTF
"Stop the evil conspiracy out to get us.” Hey, Launchpad, before you do this, PLEASE TELL HIM ABOUT FOWL SO SOMEONE KNOWS
Launchpad has ADHD and RSD
That was adorable. Dewey is a good kid. Reminds me of half my cousins, but a good kid
...Wait, wasn’t that shot in the original season 3 promo?
Dewey, why did you jump, that was really unnecessary
Well, there’s that hug I wanted
Because of a joke from a friend, I’m mentally retconning that line into “Huey’s going to freak when I tell him that I--we beat the game.”
Seriously, I love how it took him not being in an episode to not have a mild breakdown
I hate how realistic that is
Let’s see, one ball got him 2 tickets, and one quarter gave him 5 balls...so one quarter equals 10 tickets, which means a dollar equals 40 tickets... That comes out to 75 grand. Scrooge, wtf
I love how Dewey clearly is trying not to crack up
I’m sorry. I cannot get over the subtitles calling him “Suave-Pad”. Who on the crew came up with that.
Ooh, are they going to learn?
...I hate everything.
Scrooge’s reaction is mine
Well, that explains a lot
Okay, if she specializes in rays but Bradford doesn’t want more rays... Imagine them looking for fresh brain...
Shut up, I like hurting Huey, let me do so in peace until canon gives me the conspiracy theorist Huey hunting down FOWL I was promised
...Okay, that is the most terrifying thing this episode.
Me picking up pretty much anything in the house for the first four years of my sister’s life
So what’s next week? ["The Lost Harp of Mervana!"] ...ARNY MAERMADIDS NEAZXT WEK!
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demon-animatronic · 4 years
Perfectly Perfect: Prologue (Self-insert fic)
Title: Perfectly Perfect
Rating: General for the time being. Maybe Teen and up later for possible swearing(Most likely) and sexy times(I doubt it though) but for now it’s G.
Relationship: Steelbeak x Self Insert Lexi
Genre: Family/Friendship and eventually Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Chapter Summary: Just a bit of backstory for my oc. Steelbeak will appear in chapter 1.
Other: This takes place shortly after the Double O Duck episode and in the year 2019. So the kids are 12 years old. Launchpad should be about 32 years old. I know Steelbeak is in his 20s but I’m going to bump him to be LP’s age. 5 year age difference(roughly) is a lot better to me than like 10 years. Since I think Donald and Della are about 36 or 37 now and she’s the same age as them.
Author’s Note: 
Here’s the other dumb idea I came up with when I was suffering from insomnia the other night. 
I was going to make her a bird but stuck with dog since the main family is all ducks and Duckworth is the only canine honorary family member/friend that I can think of. 
Also the title was between Perfectly Perfect and Lucky One both by Simple Plan. After listening to both several times on loop, I felt PP was the better choice. So there’s a fun fact.
Prologue(You’re here!) - Next Chapter 
During the summer and after her 6th Birthday, Lexi Lulu, a Dognose, moved from Ohio to Duckburg, Calisota.
Her and her family were fully moved in by the time she started Kindergarten at an expensive private school.
Lexi was always super shy and likely has social anxiety. But she still had friends back in Ohio. So having to make new friends at a new school that she never went to before was making her anxious.
To make things worse, she had to do speech classes due to her speech impairment. And as such, would leave during one of her classes every week to meet with the speech teacher. Usually it was during something fun like Gym or Art Class. But it was only once a week.
It was still the first week of school when a duckling named Della came up to her to see if she wanted to play. As the girls walked over to the little kitchen area, they introduced themselves.
“My name’s Della Duck!” Della said. “You weren’t in my preschool class, right? Or were you in the other one?”
“I’m Lexi. And no. I moved here during the summer.” Lexi replied.
“Oh cool! You’ll like Duckburg!” Della grinned.
As the two continued to talk and play, Della couldn’t help but notice something familiar to her.
“Hey do you do speech classes or something?” Della asked.
“Not yet. I think I’m suppose to start next week.” Lexi said.
“Okay. Maybe you’ll have that with my twin brother! He has a speech problem too. But you talk better than him. He’s in the other Kindergarten class though. I don’t know why they split us up both this year and last year.”
“I don’t know either. Does he have lunch at the same time as us?” Lexi decided to ask.
“Uh huh! You can eat with us and I’ll introduce you to him. You already have something in common!” Della nodded.  
Later at lunch, Lexi and Donald met and instantly hit it off. As they expected, they had the same speech class together too. It made them both feel better that someone else had a similar problem and insecurity.
The years went by and they continued to remain best friends. She was actually at their Uncle Scrooge’s mansion so often that he took to calling her his niece too and allowed her to call him uncle.
When they were teens, she started going on all kinds of adventures with the three of them.
Donald started college about a year or two after high school and met Panchito and Jose. But Lexi and Della chose to keep going on adventures instead of college for a while. Scrooge decided to let Lexi move into one of the rooms in the mansion since she was going on adventures so often.
At one point, Lexi was in a relationship with Jose, but they mutually broke it off when they knew they couldn’t move permanently from their respective countries. So he moved back to Brazil sometime later.
A few years later when she, Donald, and Della were about 25, Lexi decided to go to college and take a break from adventuring. During that time, Donald had joined the Navy and even started going on adventures again while Panchito returned to Mexico.
The summer after her first year, Lexi’s niece was born. Months later in the following year, Della had three eggs. 
Fortunately, nothing happened to her brother or sister-in-law. Yet she was always watching her niece when they needed her to. Della took to helping more often when she found out about her own kids.
But when Della went missing after going into space, Lexi quit college.
The Ducks and McDucks had become like another family to her. With Della gone, Lexi knew Donald would need help raising the boys.
She tried to talk to Scrooge for months but he gave her the silent treatment. Or started yelling and threatening her. Simply misplacing his anger for what happened and taking it out on Lexi, especially after Donald took the boys and went no-contact.
Duckworth helped her move in with Donald for the time being since she was no longer welcomed to the mansion. But it made it easier to help Donald out while being under one roof.
As the kids grew up, she started being called Aunt Lexi by them. It started when her niece, Hailey, was over to play and called her it to get her attention. The boys asked if they could do the same since she was helping raise them and was basically their aunt despite not being related by blood or through marriage. Of course, they were fine with this. Lexi even saw them as her nephews too.
When the boys were about 5 or 6 and going to school, Lexi felt it was time to move out since the house boat was getting smaller as they grew older and bigger.
Lexi found a house nearby and began working from home so she watched the kids after school at her place since Donald, her brother, and sister-in-law worked until 5 or 6 PM.  
They were still mourning Della and Lexi was still upset at how her friendship with Scrooge ended. But overall, everything was fine now.
At one point, they noticed the boys introduce Hailey as their ‘cousin’ just like how Donald and Della did with her. So knowing the kids were getting along great was enough to make them happy.
Sure there were fights, but nothing more than the usual sibling or other relatives fights.
That said, they struggled with money since even though they weren’t living together, she was still paying Donald child support to help out. After all, she lived with herself and her turtle. That was barely two mouths to feed compared to his four. And Donald struggled with keeping jobs.
When the kids were 10 years old, Lexi had gone out of town to visit family back in Ohio with her parents and her brother’s family. So Donald needed a babysitter since she wasn’t home at the time. His only option? The uncle they haven’t spoken to in 10 years.
She was surprised when she returned home and found out that they had reconnected and Scrooge allowed them to move in with him. Especially after the house boat blew up.
Lexi went to visit one day when she was off work and her and Scrooge had a talk that they both knew needed to happen. He apologized for taking his anger out on her all those years ago. And even offered her old room to her so she can officially join the family again.
She gladly took it and moved in shortly after Donald and the boys did.
Soon, she discovered that she would quickly gain another niece that year in Webby. The following year after Lena was brought back, she started considering her as another niece too.
It was now 2019 and about a month or two after the Moonvasion happened. The aliens that stayed on Earth are living peacefully now.
After finding out she quit college to help raise her boys, Della more or less forced her to go back to school despite being in her mid-30s now.
So here she was at the library. Hailey, Huey, and Violet joined her since they made their own little book club. So while they looked for a new book to read and sat at a different table in her line of sight, she sat at a computer to do her homework.
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Moonvasion review
- “Dew-stiny”
- D A R K W I N G D U C K
- One of the bulbs committed suicide. May they be honored and remembered.
- D’Jinn and Amunet kicking butt
- M’Ma threatening Gyro cause she knows her pollito is Gizmoduck
- DW’s reaction to Gizmoduck
- Storkules is in love with Donald and you can’t convince me otherwise
- That it is unclear if the real Gyro died or not (Probably not)
- Scrooge and DW switching outfits, and by the looks of Drake...I’d say he wasn’t willing to take off his costume so Scrooge beat him up lol
- Gibbous and Zanith clapping at Scrooge’s entrance
- M I C K E Y M E L O N
- Duck twins reunite!
- Finding out the triplets are 11
- Earth baby jail
-fake beard push-ups
- Sharka
- Louie and Della singing the lulaby
- Donald sang it to the boys every night!!
- Fethry and Gladstone!!! AND MITZI!!!
- Gladstone murdered Mickey Melon
- Moonlanders realizing they’re the bad guys
- Good, Boyd is still with the Drakes and not with Mark
- Sibling bickering and Scrooge reminiscing 
- P E N N Y coming to save the day!!!!!!!!
- LP’s googly eyes at Penumbra 
- Frozen Rockerduck and robot Jeeves
-That Gibbous and Zanith did not cause bodily harm to Mark Beaks
- Zeus is an abusive dad, damn
- Scrooge saying “About time you came home! Hope you had a relaxing vacation while the rest of us were defending the planet.” (I will always be mad that they never found out)
Overall enjoyable, the only thing I’m disappointed with was the Duck Twins reunion. I expected more? But I’m okay with what we got.
With the reveal of FOWL (and my husband Steelbeak) I am more excited about season three more than I ever!!!
Also congrats again to my friend @astrodances for calling it with the vultures!
- Della buttering up Scrooge. Classic child to parent move, butter up the parent before revealing the bad news XD
- One of the bulbs committing suicide. That was pretty damn bold, DT Crew.
- Moonlanders VS Scrooge and his team. Gives me goosebumps every time
- Mickey Melon. JUst. Mickey Melon
- Della having a PTSD episode.
- Duck Cousins and Kids parallels!
- Lunaris VS Scrooge, Glomgold, and Manny
“Go, children! Like the wind!”
“Nah, just some purple weirdo.”
“Buddy, you are a waste of magic.”
“What of my Donald?!”
“You’re embarrassing me in front of the rebellion!”
“That might have been me, none of us really know anymore.”
“Not reassuring he went down instead of up.”
“I miss her constantly trying to impale me.”
“You don’t need a plan. You need a scheme. A cockamamie one.”
“Merry invasion.”
“You were prepared for our best, but not our dumbest.”
“And I’m the dumbest there’s ever been! Ahahaha-- wait...”
“I could destroy you easily.”
“So, yes?”
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