#he's also a fight-o-holic
deva-arts · 1 year
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It's hard to make Nate angry. It's pretty easy if you're Titan though-
don't you just hate it when you are forced to treat one of your wife's worst enemies
Since the handwriting is bad here I'll leave a lil transcript under the cut
Nate: *Is drafted into Titan's ICU ward.*
Nate: (Self-control... Self-control... Self-control... Not worth it...)
Titan: So then she's like, 'boo-hoo u killed my mother', and I don't even know her lol.
Nate: Please stop talking.
Titan: Was expecting a mid battle, but she was ferocious! is this love?
Nate: ...
Titan: And there we were, Doctor! She and I, in the heat of BATTLE! I broke twelve bones, she broke six, and-
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neutronstarchild · 2 years
I'm sorry if you've already been asked these!
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Thank you! <3
Ohhhh @serial-doubters-club... I thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. Because... ancient archeologist Neut found a thing.
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
I will take you back to the 1990s. To a time when your dear Neut was a horse girl, and was writing original fics on Microsoft Word. These days of yore were before the internet, so this particular hobby of mine has not yet been witnessed. But... I want to show you something a 13 year old horse girl me wrote.
In part because I cringed when I read it, and in part because it's a nice reminder of how far we can come with experience and practice. Very few people are born ultra-talented. We all work to get better and to grow creatively and with our use of language.
So, I give you. An original fiction by 13 year old me. Behold and cringe the cringiest cringes, but also smile and know that when we work at things, we improve, more and more and more! So let all of us keep doing things that we thoroughly enjoy, knowing that each time we ask "how can I make this better? what can I improve?", we truly do.
Without further ado, you will find The Call of Courage under the cut (edited only for 1 or 2 typos. Every other grammatical error has been left inside for all). Written by 13 year old Horse Girl, Neutron.
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There is a ranch of endless fun and unmistakable pride in their horses, which have been educated by only the best; Rachel Marcus  and  Claudia Mitchell.
   "Bulls eye," boasted Rachel in victory "You'll never top that Claudia"
   "Try me," answered Claudia as a dart seemed to cut through the air and made a direct hit on the bulls eye almost on top of Rachel's.
   "I can see you've been practicing," said Rachel glumly
   "Yup," replied Claudia
    The two put the darts away and went out to the pony pasture and spotted Shadow Rider and Devil’s Tomb , the two bay haflingers who fled when they saw the bridles in the hands of Claudia and Rachel.  Claudia cornered them so Rachel jumped on  and hurled the bridle on the head of Shadow Rider, the unhappy pony.  Then she flung herself on top of him.  Shadow Rider didn't agree to the idea of being ridden so he put up a fight by rearing, bucking, and shying up a storm.  Claudia brought Devil’s Tomb  under control quickly, and maneuvered her toward the gate.  Devil’s Tomb  was a fairly large pony at 14 hands (4’ 8”) and was strong, whereas Shadow Rider was a lot friskier than Devil’s Tomb,  but Rachel finally brought him under control.  Claudia started Devil’s Tomb  into a canter since the fence was low and she had done this trick 100 times before.  Devil’s Tomb 's hooves met the air and they flew over the fence as if they were champion show jumpers.  Rachel followed, quickly but cautiously as both of the ponies made graceful landings.  Rachel trotted Shadow Rider into the ring.
   "That was exhilarating," remarked Rachel "C'mon Claudia"
    The ponies' erratic behavior disappeared as two well trained ponies entered the ring.  Claudiawalked and then trotted around the ring.  At that moment Brian walked up and he looked like he was bringing good news. 
   "Guys," he exclaimed "There are 5 new people coming to the ranch and their names are Matthew Ellison, Nate Smallhurst, John Foreman, Monique Jinnerson, and Samantha Jackson!"
   "Cool," said Claudia calmly
   "Maybe we can be friends," chorused Rachel
    The trio went, and planned out a way to welcome the newcomers..
    Of course Milley, Jacoline, Jinny, and Whitney wanted the newcomers too.  Milley Smits was Claudia 's cousin and a mall-o-holic.  She had green-gray eyes and blonde hair.  Milley looked like Claudia but was uglier.  Claudia had innocence imbedded in her eyes which were in a shade of blue that would make any model die of jealousy.  She also had very long legs and a perfect figure, and on the otherhand, Milley was stumpy.
   Milley was hiding in the bushes near the driveway where she thought the 5 would show up, it was the wrong drive way though.  The people would have to join Milley's club which she called The Secret Society, but Claudia called it The Mental Society.  Claudia was admiring the pigment in the red roses which brought a glimmer to the garden as she saw a van pull up with lots of luggage.  Claudia was the first to the van.  Then out two girls walked, followed by two good looking guys but as if lady luck gave a jolt with all her might the last guy walked out.  He had hair of pure gold, and eyes the same color as Claudia's.  Rachel and Brian saw the same things with other people.  Then there were two who were being all cuddly with each other each of them had blonde hair and cute brown eyes.  Then all eight of them immediately united and became inseparable friends.
   "I'm Claudia Mitchell," said Claudia breaking the silence
    "I'm Matthew Ellison," said the "perfect" guy
   "I'm Brian Hepler," said Brian staring at the girl next to him
   "I'm Monique Jinnerson," said Brian's girl
   "I'm John Foreman," said the guy as he nuzzled the girl
   "I'm Samantha Jackson," said the girl who was nuzzled
   "Don't forget about me," complained Rachel "I'm Rachel Marcus"
   "And I'm in love..... I mean I'm Nate Smallhurst," said the guy admiring Rachel
   "Cool, now we all know each other," stated Claudia "You should be able to see the cabins now"
    The 8 of them hurriedly retreated to the cabins, and all of them had good ones in a small, grouped in area.  All of them sat down as Milley came running up and then started screaming.
   "You two-timing, twit!" she screamed with all the force her little lungs could make "These people are supposed to be mine!"
   "Me being the two timer?" snapped Claudia "You are a two timing, mall hopping, guy hopping, psychotic gossip!"
    Milley looked at her with revenge in her eye and she knew how to get it too.  She trudged back to her bunk, and sneered, then smirked.  Claudia was finishing up her chores and planning on spending the rest of the afternoon giving Matthew a tour.  The bond between them grew, with every step they took together.
   "Y'know, I am hoping on going canoeing with you tomorrow so we can see the woods," whispered Claudia
   "All I want to see is you,"  said Matthew subconsciously
   "That is the sweetest thing you have ever said to me," said Claudia, a little bit flattered and embarrassed
    As the bond between them grew, so did the romance.  They had started going out, but the surprise was the first kiss.
   "What a beautiful sunset," commented Claudia "I didn't think it was so radiant"                                                             
   "The radiance would never compare to your own," muttered Matthew sweetly
     The two of them held each other and their eyes locked.  An urge wavered through Claudia's body as she closed her eyes andthe kiss came.  That one kiss made sparks fly in the relationship, and made the two fall even more deeply in love.  They were more then two people who have nothing in common getting together to catch a movie, instead they were like two snowflakes dancing in the gentle breeze, or puzzle pieces that can only be whole with one another.. 
  "Okay then the moment will have to end now I guess," sighed Matthew
   Milley watched devilishly as the two got up from the bench and headed toward the bunk houses.  She had kidnapped everyone, including Rachel, but she had to tie Rachel to a tree in the woods.  Whitney borrowed her dad's Magnum and had taken Monique, John, Rebecca, Brian and Nate;  Matthew was next on the list.  Little did they know Rachel was working vigorously to untie herself.  Matthew was almost asleep when he heard a CRASH in his room.  He rose his head, terrified, he bolted up as he broke into a cold sweat.  
   "W-W-Who's there?" he asked in barely a whisper as he heard tip toes heading his way.
   "Matthew," the voice rasped "You gotta get outta here"
   "Listen to me, you and Claudia will be separated permanently !"
    Matthew would not let that happen so he followed the person's every command as they got into a canoe and rowed down the creek to Paradise Lake and soon Matthew found out who it was..... it was..... Rachel.
    Meanwhile Claudia had heard the crash in Matthew's cabin and she was over there to investigate.  Claudia had one of the keys to the cabin as she quietly unlocked the door.  Then she switched on the light which revealed Matthew's glasses and.... not Matthew.... but Milley !
   "What are you doing here?" Milley rasped
   "The question is what are you doing here?" requested Claudia "I came to check on my boyfriend"
   "Looks like I have to get rid of you," sneered Milley as she grabbed Matthew's bed lamp and flung it at Claudia but it missed
    Claudia, who had just dodged the lamp grabbed a rope and tried to trap Milley, but Milley grabbed it and yanked it so it backfired, so Claudia got tangled in the rope.
   “What are you going to do to me?” demanded Claudia
   “Something that was coming to you,” screeched Milley
    Milley looked at her with craziness in her eye as she knocked Claudia out.  Milley brought her to Paradise Lake and placed her in a wagon.  Claudia woke up to see 5 of her friends looking at her and desperately searching for answers to questions which were unanswerable.  Then came a glimpse of hope when she didn't see Matthew or Rachel.  The hope, she knew would come in handy.  Milley still had the evil look in her eye as she nudged the wagon which went tumbling down the hill and hit the water which made it sink.  Even under the water Claudia could still hear the crazy and uncontrollable laughter of Milley.  Claudia tried to unwrap herself but without air she got weaker and weaker.  Suddenly at the last moment Claudia thought  she had to live she felt strong arms pull her up and above the water.  Soon her weakness melted away as she opened her eyes and saw the fantasy that she once thought was a dream.... it was Matthew.  Milley looked helplessly as Whitney ran away and took the gun with her.  The sneakily, Rachel ran up to her and wrestled her to the ground.  Claudia untied herself and tied Milley up.  Milley then was taken to a Children's Mental Hospital and would probably stay there for a long time.  Claudia and Matthew kept their bond as strongly as ever.
    "Y'know how you saved me," said Claudia "Did you know that was me?"
    "No; butI had an impulse to jump in and risk it," replied Matthew "It was a call of courage"
   Micki chuckled as the two of them walked off into the sunrise and to their bunks.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
1. Has a boy ever asked your parents for permission to date you? >> I wasn’t allowed to date at all when I was a minor, so...
2. Do you often get stuck behind a tractor driving somewhere out where you live? >> It doesn’t happen as often as you’d think, considering how many farms are around. Then again, we’re not usually taking the same roads that a tractor would take.
3. Have you ever hidden alcohol, had a parent find it, and DRINK it? >> No.
4. Do your parents tell you that if someone starts a fight with you, you can finish it? >> My father always told me to ignore bullies. Unfortunately, these bullies were largely self-motivated and would keep at it regardless of how I reacted, so I figured I might as well react. Also, he was keenly out of touch with what kind of advice and support I needed from him, so it’s no wonder I only listened to him enough to avoid getting beat (and half the time, not even then).
5. Where you ever in 4H club? If so, for what? >> Nope.
6. Has your father ever belonged to a sportmans club? >> Not as far as I know.
7. Is there a band in your state that's really big, but not big anywhere else? >> I don’t know, I’m not in touch with the local scene here.
8. If you have siblings, was there ever a tradition your family had when you all turned a certain age? >> ---
9. To what extent do you think abortion should be legal? >> To the fullest extent.
10. Have you ever stood right up against the stage at a concert? >> When I went to shows, I always stood right up in front. I’ve camped out overnight for several shows just to secure my position (although for many shows, just getting there early in the day -- eleven AM, say -- was enough to ensure I was first in line). I just didn’t see any point to being anywhere else.
11. Have you ever forgotten to put on an oven mitt before you took something extremely hot out of the oven? >> Nope, thank fuck.
12. Do you own one of those airwick things that automatically sprays every few minutes? >> I hate those things, the smell is just gross to me. Also, the noise is startling.
13. If you are taking (or took) an elective foreign language in high school or college, what level did you make it to? >> ---
14. How many light bulbs are on in the room you are currently in? >> One.
15. When was the last time you felt extremely out of place? >> I don’t remember. It’s been a while since I’ve been anywhere but my apartment (or just... the general outside), so.
16. On Election Day, Did you have school? >> ---
17. Have you ever had your phone taken away at school before? >> No. I think I was out of school by the time cell phones really became a thing everyone (including school-age kids) possessed. But I did get my CD player taken away when I was in tenth grade. I didn’t get it back until the end of the year.
18. Do you look better with or without glasses? >> I look fine either way, in my opinion.
19. What is your favorite type of pet bird? >> I don’t have one.
20. If you dye your hair; Can people tell? If you don't; Do people think you do? >> No one thinks I dye my hair, lmao.
21. When was the last time you had a fruit flavored snack? >> I had a piece of an apple fritter about a couple of hours ago. That’s less fruit-flavoured and more just... fruit-containing.
22. Do you speak with a slight stutter? >> Nope.
23. Does your school lean more towards ghettos tendencies or hic tendencies? >> ---
24. Is your state a swing, republican, or democratic state? >> Technically, I believe it’s considered a blue state, but I think that’s only because it has multiple urban areas (and urban areas tend to be blue hotspots), which skews results in big elections. Outside of Detroit, Lansing, maybe GR to a lesser extent, etc, the red sentiment is very high.
25. Does your state have any good sports teams? >> I don’t know anything about sports.
26. Are your parents work-o-holics? >> ---
27. Do you find yourself wearing more bright colors or neutral colors? >> I wear black, mostly...
28. Do you REALLY think Bush is the worst president we've ever had? >> Oof...
29. Did you go fishing a lot when you were younger? Do you now? >> I’ve never been fishing.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
1. Has a boy ever asked your parents for permission to date you? No and I don’t feel like this is necessary; it’s a tad too traditional for me. Once Gab and I became legal to her parents though I did feel the need to come to her house and shake her dad’s hand out of respect and officially acknowledge the fact that I’m seeing his daughter. Over the years I’ve also been kinda courting her parents by buying them stuff, getting them Christmas presents, going to parties they invite me to, etc. so that we can bond more and they can get the chance to know me better.
2. Do you often get stuck behind a tractor driving somewhere out where you live? No, definitely not here in the city. In the province, you’re more likely to get stuck behind either a tricycle OR an eight-wheeler or something bigger, than a tractor. Tractors would be easy to overtake - it’s the long trucks that are bitches to drive past. Dad is an absolute master at overtaking and he has never gotten us in an accident, but I always have to squeeze my eyes shut every time he overtakes in a two-lane highway. 
3. Have you ever hidden alcohol, had a parent find it, and DRINK it? No. There’s really no point in hiding anything, really, from my mom. She’s a witch and would find out anything. It’s much better to give them a heads-up that I have alcohol because they have no reason to refuse it anyway.
4. Do your parents tell you that if someone starts a fight with you, you can finish it? We don’t get to have this kind of conversation. I don’t know what they’d prefer me to do if I get into an argument.
5. Where you ever in 4H club? If so, for what? No, and I’ve never heard of that before.
6. Has your father ever belonged to a sportmans club? I don’t know what this means either. Man it really bugs me when surveys ask question only a certain audience would understand.
7. Is there a band in your state that’s really big, but not big anywhere else? Duh, I live in the Philippines. Yes, we have TONS of bands that are huge here but probably wouldn’t get a cheer anywhere else which is a big shame because we have an insanely talented pool of artists. We have Ben&Ben, IV of Spades, December Avenue, Munimuni, Silent Sanctuary, Autotelic, Orange and Lemons, Over October, She’s Only Sixteen, Lola Amour, The Ransom Collective, etc. The local music scene has always been bustling.
8. If you have siblings, was there ever a tradition your family had when you all turned a certain age? We all had grand 1st and 7th birthday parties. Other than that, not really.
9. To what extent do you think abortion should be legal? Simply put, I wish it was available as an option everywhere. It’s still mostly illegal here and it’s taboo enough of a topic for me not to know what options women here have, simply because the information isn’t available; and I wish that wasn’t the case.
10. Have you ever stood right up against the stage at a concert? No, the concerts I’ve been to have barriers everywhere since I only ever go to shows of big artists. Even Paramore had a certin distance from the audience to the stage, and I was already in front row.
11. Have you ever forgotten to put on an oven mitt before you took something extremely hot out of the oven? No. I’m incredibly scared of hot things and burning my skin so I’m always careful.
12. Do you own one of those airwick things that automatically sprays every few minutes? Nope. I don’t think I’ve encountered one, either.
13. If you are taking (or took) an elective foreign language in high school or college, what level did you make it to? No, we didn’t need to take it in my degree. I’ve always felt kinda jealous about it because it turns out other degrees in my college – broadcast communication and film – do require foreign language classes, so there’s people in my college learning Spanish or Korean or Italian or whatever, and us journ majors apparently don’t even need those skills. Sigh.
14. How many light bulbs are on in the room you are currently in? There’s one main light but it has three lightbulbs.
15. When was the last time you felt extremely out of place? Sometime in April last year when Gab’s school was holding some mini-concert event type of thing. I didn’t know she and her org were going to be doing documentation throughout the event, so we stayed in one of the classrooms which served as backstage while they were working on photos, publicity materials, etc. in real time. Everyone knew each other and everyone didn’t know me, and I got a lot of stares which made me incredibly uncomfortable. Eventually I felt super antsy and I had a silent breakdown that evening. Annoyingly it was Gabie who got mad at me and told me I was wasting her time and that I shouldn’t have come, which was just fabulous to hear when I was having a breakdown as it was.
16. On Election Day, Did you have school? Elections usually fall on Mondays and I don’t have school on that day, so I was always able to go vote with no problem.
17. Have you ever had your phone taken away at school before? Nope. I use my phone if I’m bored/have to answer an important message, but I make sure it’s under my desk so that it’s not distracting to the professor. In my old school we weren’t allowed to bring gadgets, so I never brought my phone.
18. Do you look better with or without glasses? I dunno, I honestly like how I look either way haha. You’d have to ask other people.
19. What is your favorite type of pet bird? We’ve only ever had lovebirds and they were a delight to have. I wouldn’t mind having a pair again.
20. If you dye your hair; Can people tell? If you don’t; Do people think you do? No, they have no reason to think that I do. My hair has always remained black.
21. When was the last time you had a fruit flavored snack? One of the last few days before lockdown. Andrew brought a jar of fruit-flavored gummies to Skywalk; it was a part of his payment for a recent hosting gig he did. 
22. Do you speak with a slight stutter? Nope. I usually have an idea of what to continue saying as I speak.
23. Does your school lean more towards ghettos tendencies or hic tendencies? Noooooooo idea what this means.
24. Is your state a swing, republican, or democratic state? Philippines doesn’t do any of these things. All political parties generally stand for the same things; the only thing separating them is the political color that symbolizes their party. It’s a sorry state we live in here, as if I haven’t talked about how miserable it is here enough.
25. Does your state have any good sports teams? I don’t really follow local sports. And we don’t have states.
26. Are your parents work-o-holics? I’d say my dad is, since over the years I’ve seen him rise up the ranks. I’ve never seen my mom work at home.
27. Do you find yourself wearing more bright colors or neutral colors? Throughout my college years I wore A LOT of black and white. But during my last year I realized how boring that looks like, so I’ve recently upgraded my wardrobe with a whole lotta color. Now I mix up my black and white with olive green, mustard yellow, maroon, etc.
28. Do you REALLY think Bush is the worst president we’ve ever had? I mean he was never my president per se because I am not American and I was too young during his term, so I honestly don’t have much of an opinion on him. I do know he’s not the worst though, considering the garbage bag America has as president now.
29. Did you go fishing a lot when you were younger? Do you now? I have never gone fishing.
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[Translation] Machine Elements - Cast Presentation: SolidS
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I’ve been gone far too long for comfort LOL But, I’ve gotten more free time now since most IRL stuff I have to take care of are over~ 
Continuing with the Machine Elements lore, we have SolidS up next~ Gosh, translating these really makes us appreciate all the hard work that TsukiPro puts into their AUs, huh? Anyways, here’s the cast presentation for SolidS! Up next is QUELL and then VAZZROCK ^^
Also, thank you so much to Deea for the scans and for helping with the editing for the previous Machine Elements posts~! 
※ Please don’t re-post any of these translations without permission. Please just like/reblog them instead.
Under the cut, enjoy~!
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My my, it’s quite noisy…”
NAME: Takamura Shiki
GUILD: SolidS (※Guildmaster)
BASE: Machine City
☐ A young man who was once given the title as the youngest “Meister” and craftsman in history. Although he started his own guild as a challenge for himself, he did so under the pretense that he was refusing the invitation of the current existing guild. As a result, he was working alone for quite some time. Two years have passed and half-way through, his closest friend Rikka had joined the guild. Soon after, Tsubasa became a member as well.
☐ Since he was surrounded by fire from a young age, he has been fascinated by the element. As such, he has developed multiple tools to be able to use fire. He has however, remained indifferent to the profit, glory, fame, and some such things brought on by his developments. He sometimes even forgets to claim rewards and Tsubasa calls him a “work-a-holic idiot” from time to time.
Good afternoon. I’m SolidS’ Takamura Shiki.
This time, my role is not only a “music idiot” but a “work-a-holic idiot” as well. Tsubasa laughed when he learned that my role is similar to how I usually am (bitter smile). It seems that SolidS is being targeted by a quite dangerous enemy this time and I take on the appearance of a pretty elegant gentleman… Will there be a fight happening in the second half? Please look forward to it in the theater. We’ll be waiting for you.
“Shiki! You’re fi~nally back! Something really troublesome happened while you were away!”
NAME: Okui Tsubasa
BASE: Machine City
☐ A young man who acts as SolidS’ publicity leader in place of their Guildmaster who doesn’t bother himself with fame, degree of popularity, achievements, and position. He keeps bothering Shiki with the usual “I wonder if development can be done even without money!”
☐ Though he marches to the beat of his own drum, he proves to be an unusually excellent craftsman. Being excellent in utilizing the powers of fire, he developed a new kind of technology that harnesses the power of the [Sky] that the people admire. Things like using explosions as a means to fly, and traveling a certain fixed distance in the air.
Welcome to [Machine Elements]!
Are you interested in joining the SolidS guild? I’m Okui Tsubasa, the one who’s kinda like the one in charge of publicity here (laughs). ♪ This time’s costume is kinda steampunk-ish and everyone looks so cool so I think it’d be a fun play to the eyes. There are times in the story that are thrilling and some will make you want to cry but, normally, it’s a really light-hearted adventure story. Everyone’s all excited and giddy, huh? In any case, there’s a scene where I call Shiki a “work-a-holic idiot” and I think you’ll all enjoy that scene, too. ♪
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“Alright, leave it to big brother ♪”
NAME: Sera Rikka
BASE: Machine City
☐ A young man who is childhood friends with the genius Shiki who was once given the title of youngest “Meister” and craftsman. Though, he possesses quite the skills as a craftsman himself. Contrary to his thin build, he is quite the bold person. A gap that is often mentioned.
☐ He is skilled at utilizing the element of fire and so he is often in charge of handling the parts of the tools that Shiki develops.
☐ He makes decorative ornaments similar to those of the Han people as a simple way of killing time during his free days but, it seems like they became popular to the young women in urban areas. He is also the manager of a branded store that opened half a year ago.
Hello, I’m Sera Rikka! I’m Guild SolidS’ flourishing first guild member. After seeing Shiki’s attitude and indifference… Tsubasa and Dai laughed. They said that it’s just like the real us.
In this time’s performance, I feel like each of our every day personalities are reflected not only on the character but on the actors themselves. Thanks to that, I feel saved because I don’t feel like I’m acting at all (laughs).
I think the interactions really make for a real good feeling, doesn’t it? Please look forward to it!
“... Recently, it’s been getting unruly around the borders.”
NAME: Murase Dai
BASE: Machine City
☐ In this world, he is a young genius who is very skilled in the manufacturing of medicine using the element of fire after re-purposing a tool that uses water as its foundation. He is Tsubasa’s childhood friend and they both grew up in an era where “Meisters” were abundant.
☐ When he was very young, he and his younger brother suffered from an illness whose causes were unknown. For some reason, he was the only one who recovered completely and his younger brother passed away. Since then, he has bestowed upon himself a lifelong mission to find a cure for that illness.
☐ He loves sweet things so, he visits the Commercial City of Seiryuu once a month to buy them. He looks forward to eating the latest kinds of sweets.
I’m SolidS’ Murase Dai. Hello. “This time of year has come again, huh?” is what I’m feeling. To me, this joint stage has kind of become a standard.
Even if you say that we’re all from the same agency, it’s quite rare for us to actually interact like this even if we know each other by name and face so, I think that opportunities like these should be taken advantage of. First thing to do is eat ramen after rehearsals. And then, if all goes well from there, we’ll eat sweets at a cafe.
Recently, it’s been known to people I’m meeting for the first time that I love sweets so, please don’t hesitate to ask (laughs).
※ Please don’t re-post any of these translations without permission. Please just like/reblog them instead.
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cawcawpeasants · 7 years
I'm in holidays, yessssssssssssss ! Moreover, i was thinking of my two sweeties and do you think you can do a scenario, if you haven't to much to do, of Fuegoleon who is over jealous for some reasons ? I can see Nozel joking with this, and it's not helping. But, a lion over possesive and jealous, i want to read what you can write with this ! I'm sorry to bother you if it's to much ... ^^
This was fun! huehuehue
Poor Mailman, somebody better stop Nozel and Leon. When they are Jealous they can become so damn unpredictable. 
Well, here goes, enjoy ;) 
Jealous Leon escalates:
A knock on the door interrupted the two men’s conversation.They were In Nozel’s office in the castle, as it was that time of the year werethe captains had to evaluate the budget needed for the following year, so theythought they could be pretty much undisturbed. They were just discussing whatto have for dinner, when they were startled by the knocking.
‘Lord Silva?’ asked a young voice from the other side of thedoor, ‘May I enter?’
Nozel seemed to recognize the voice, as his posture relaxed.
‘You may, Philippe.’
Leon shot him a weird look.
Since when does Nozelcare for the first names of others? And why does he look so…happy?
He decided to keep a close eye on whoever was coming throughthat door.
A young man, probably in his late teens or early twentiesentered. He was well kempt, nice stature, pretty blond hair and a face thatstill had some baby fat on it, which, in combination with his big green eyes,made him undeniably cute. He was also dressed in the royal post uniform.
‘Good evening Lord Silva, oh, and Lord Vermillion. I hope I didn’tinterrupt you. I have the documents you have ordered yesterday, Lord Silva.’
He smiled kindly, innocence was dripping from his well-manneredwords. Usually Leon would like an upright young fellow like him, but seeing thesmall smile on Nozel’s face, which wasn’t for him but the other male in theroom. He squinted his eyes slightly at the young man.
‘Oh, that was fast Philippe, thank you very much. I didn’t evenexpect that they would come today.’
Nozel grabbed his pen, ready to sign off the confirmation ofreceival which Philippe handed him. These two had a routine already, and Leon hada hunch that the boy had been spending more time with his man in the last weekthan he had.
He also saw the now slightly red ears of the fellow, whichhad turned that way because of Nozel’s small compliment.
‘O-oh, that is because I had some business to do in the areayesterday evening, so I was able to pick them up after work already.’
Nozel looked him in the eyes and smiled again.
‘Is that so? Then thank you very much for doing this for mein your free time.’
‘It’s nothing, Lord Silva. We of the royal post would go toevery length possible for our customers happiness.’ A wide smile, as bright andbeautiful as the sun lit up the room.
Leon felt like punching someone. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation,but he had a feeling this guy was flirting with his lover. And that his Nozelwas even flirting back!
It took years for himto call me by my first name! Let alone to even smile at me.
He was positively pissed and maybe he did glare a bit at theyoung man, because Philippe’s smile seemed to become a bit strained afterlooking at him. The guy excused himself quickly, nearly fleeing the office.
After the door fell close, Nozel sighed while scooting overthe papers he had just received.
‘What did the poor guy do wrong to receive such hostility fromyou, Leon?’
The question was simple, but Nozel’s tone of voice and the particularlook full of mischief told Leon, that he already knew what had riled theredhead so up.
Leon leaned forwards across the desk, bringing his head onone level with Nozel’s and glared back.
‘You know exactly why!’
Nozel out the papers down and answered with a fake-cluelessexpression.
‘Oh, I am afraid not, Vermillion, I was kind of too busy checkingthat cute guys stunning little butt out to pay attention to your jealousy.’
Leon basically sprung out of the chair, now leaning overNozel, who still coolly met his angry stare.
‘What did you say?’
‘I said that Philippe, the nice postman, has a nice butt,and believe me, he is a very cute, nice and disciplined young man. I saw himfor the better part of the last week, so I can promise you, he is very…pleasingcompany’
The tone was teasing, and somewhere in Leon’s tired brain washis usual voice of reason calmly telling him that Nozel was just messing withhim, that the Silva for sure did NOT have an affair with the mailman, but therewas a louder voice, that told him to get rid of the love rival and then throwhis mate over his shoulder. To show the Silva all over again who he belongedto.
He stood up and left the room, the loud bang of the doorclosing behind him drowned out the ‘Leon?’ behind him.
He strutted down the hallway, looking out for the oh soperfect blond hair that apparently was set to seduce his Nozel.
A familiar voice saying its goodbyes in a close office caughthis attention. There he was, leaving and smiling as brightly as before.
Apparently Nozel wasn’t the only one the boy was out to get.
The moment the door closed again, Philippe found himself be draggedby his collar into a smaller adjoining hallway and then pressed up against awall.
Fearful green eyes in a pale face met angry purple.
‘What are your intentions?’
Leon’s tone was deep, nearly a growl, too. Philippe never hadmet a real Lion before, but he had the feeling, he now knew exactly how anantelope felt 5 seconds from being eaten.
He tried to answer, but the Vermillion held him pretty highand by his collar, so no air reached his panicked lungs. He held on to his bagwith the documents and letters he was yet to deliver, while trying to get on histip toes so he could breathe.
The lord grew impatient, so he repeated the question, this timewith more emphasis.
‘What. Are. Your. Damn. Intentions.?’
‘I- I intent to-to deliver the P-Post, sir’ came the choked-outanswer.
Phillipe tried to stay calm, like he learned in that seminarabout how to react when you are being attacked by a client’s dog or otherpossible dangerous pet. He should probably inform his bosses, that they shouldalso offer courses on how to deal with possible dangerous human companions ofclients, too.
Leon was clearly not satisfied with the young mans answer,so he yanked him up even higher. Philippe, now completely dangling in the air, puton his customer service smile in a try to appease the obviously angered man.
‘You know damn well kid, that I don’t care about your letters.I want to know what your intentions are concerning Nozel!’
‘Lo-Lord Silva? Well, I intent to deliver him his letters,too, Sir.’
Poor Philippe was confused. Had he done something wrong? Heloved his job, so probably not he was quite a stickler to the rules. He alwaystried to be punctual and had his whole routine planned out, so his customers wouldalways know when to expect him. Hell, his bosses had refined their protocolbased on his performances.
He winced at the thought of lagging behind in his schedulealready, and also because he heard the doomed sound of bursting seams. He likedhis uniform, always took care of it with pride, as it was what he had alwayswanted since he first saw someone from the royal Post wear it as a kid. EvenLord Silva had complimented him on always looking professional, which had been quitea surprise, as he had heard of the other being quite cold and detached. Theybonded a bit over their mutual work-a-holic attitude with a good helping of perfectionism,so Philippe wanted to help him out a bit by getting him his documents earlier.
Always 110%, was his motto. Applied to both work ethic andpaycheques.
The interrogation had turned into a staring contest, withFuegoleon glaring into the blond one’s soul and Philippe smiling as bright ashe could with a panicked look in his eyes.
As Nozel entered the scene he couldn’t help but raise aneyebrow at this ridiculous display. He went over to the enraged redhead and puta hand on his shoulder, effectively ripping the two out of their match.
‘Leon, let the boy go. Philippe, I am sure you still havework to do, so you better get going.’
Then he turned around and left again.
Disgruntled, Leon did as Nozel told him to and turned to goafter him, but not without sending one last angry stare at Philippe who hastilybrought his uniform in order again. The message was clear.
Stay away from my Man!
Leon caught up with Nozel halfway to the office, and was metwith a cold shoulder and some choice words.
‘What the hell was that, Vermillion? Do you really think Iwas into him? He definitely did not deserve that, and you acted completely out.’
‘Its not my fault that you were basically slobbering all overhis cute butt, Silva. I had to show him that you are off limits before he triessomething.’
‘Excuse me, that was just playing. Honestly, you shouldprobably take a nap when you are so tired that you don’t understand sarcasm andteasing anymore. If you don’t stop making such an ass out of yourself you mightas well find me in the close future not being “off limits” anymore, understood?’  
They had walked next to each other while having their spatin hushed tones so as not to inform the whole castle about their fight and hadreached the office door. There Nozel looked at him for the first time duringtheir fight and Leon saw him being pissed at his behaviour, but the redhead couldn’thelp but still be angry. Then he remembered the second part of his originalplan.
He cornered Nozel against the door, looming over him like apredator.
‘Oh, teasing it was? Well, my dear tease, if it makes youhappy, I am glad to inform you that that just worked alright. And I think Ihave a good idea on how to recompense your words’
Andmake sure you forget all about that Mailman’s ass when I amdone showing you who yours belongs to!
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it will all fall, fall right into place.
1. Has a boy ever asked your parents for permission to date you? Um no, I don’t think my husband even asked their blessing when he married me. Although I also think my husband married me out of obligation because I was pregnant & our relationship evolved from there.
2. Do you often get stuck behind a tractor driving somewhere out where you live? If we go out further into the coutry, yeah I imagine we would, we get stuck behind a lot of trains here though or when the bridges open.
3. Have you ever hidden alcohol, had a parent find it, and DRINK it? I’ve never had to hide alcohol. My parents were pretty lax about that, not sure I’ll have the same stance as them.
4. Do your parents tell you that if someone starts a fight with you, you can finish it? No, I’m not really a confrontational person but my friends all know that if they start it they better be able to keep up. 
5. Where you ever in 4H club? If so, for what? No.
6. Has your father ever belonged to a sportmans club? No my dad isn’t into sports, he’s more into snorting coke & drinking himself stupid. 
7. Is there a band in your state that’s really big, but not big anywhere else? I’m not really sure, we have a lot of big name rappers that come from where I lived when I was a teenager though.
8. If you have siblings, was there ever a tradition your family had when you all turned a certain age? No, because I didn’t live with my siblings or parents for the majority of my childhood.
9. To what extent do you think abortion should be legal? I have no right to tell someone else what they can & cannot do with their body. I do not believe it should be used as a means of birth control but also women are free to what they want, I’m tired of men being able to tell us what we can& cannot do.
10. Have you ever stood right up against the stage at a concert?  Yes, it was probably one of the most exciting & terrifying things I have ever done.
11. Have you ever forgotten to put on an oven mitt before you took something extremely hot out of the oven? No, I have however burned myself multiple times, multiple different ways while cooking.
12. Do you own one of those airwick things that automatically sprays every few minutes? I used to, until it started scaring me & spraying me in the face so I threw it out. 
13. If you are taking (or took) an elective foreign language in high school or college, what level did you make it to? I took Spanish all four years of high school. 
14. How many light bulbs are on in the room you are currently in? None.
15. When was the last time you felt extremely out of place?  Probably everyday, I’ve been having problems lately feeling like myself.
16. On Election Day, Did you have school?  No.
17. Have you ever had your phone taken away at school before? No, I used it plenty in school but never had it taken away.
18. Do you look better with or without glasses? I’m not sure, I’ve been wearing glasses since I was like 10 so it feels weird without them.
19. What is your favorite type of pet bird?  I have a lovebird growing up & she was the sweetest, she would literally cuddle up to me whenever she had the chance, I miss her very much.
20. If you dye your hair; Can people tell? If you don’t; Do people think you do?  I don’t dye my hair but people always think I do because my hair is naturally black, it’s crazy that I get that question all the time.
21. When was the last time you had a fruit flavored snack?  A while ago.
22. Do you speak with a slight stutter? No, not unless I’m nervous or very drunk.
23. Does your school lean more towards ghettos tendencies or hic tendencies?  My high school was a melting pot, literally. I was one of the “priviledged” kids because I was in the magnet program but I really liked my school & the atmosphere, minus the few really popular kids.
24. Is your state a swing, republican, or democratic state? I’m not even sure anymore.
25. Does your state have any good sports teams?  We don’t really have any sports teams unless you’re counting college & I don’t really follow college football as much as I used to.
26. Are your parents work-o-holics?  My dad no longer works after being kicked out of the Navy, he spends his time telling me I’m a horrible mother for having biracial children & snorting coke. My mom is very hardworking but she’s not a work-o-holic.
27. Do you find yourself wearing more bright colors or neutral colors?  I’m kind of inbetween, it really depends on my mood.
28. Do you REALLY think Bush is the worst president we’ve ever had?  No, considering whose in office now & what’s been happening lately.
29. Did you go fishing a lot when you were younger? Do you now? Semi frequently? I don’t anymore.
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