#apparently even at 13 i was all about the pseuds
neutronstarchild · 2 years
I'm sorry if you've already been asked these!
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Thank you! <3
Ohhhh @serial-doubters-club... I thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. Because... ancient archeologist Neut found a thing.
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
I will take you back to the 1990s. To a time when your dear Neut was a horse girl, and was writing original fics on Microsoft Word. These days of yore were before the internet, so this particular hobby of mine has not yet been witnessed. But... I want to show you something a 13 year old horse girl me wrote.
In part because I cringed when I read it, and in part because it's a nice reminder of how far we can come with experience and practice. Very few people are born ultra-talented. We all work to get better and to grow creatively and with our use of language.
So, I give you. An original fiction by 13 year old me. Behold and cringe the cringiest cringes, but also smile and know that when we work at things, we improve, more and more and more! So let all of us keep doing things that we thoroughly enjoy, knowing that each time we ask "how can I make this better? what can I improve?", we truly do.
Without further ado, you will find The Call of Courage under the cut (edited only for 1 or 2 typos. Every other grammatical error has been left inside for all). Written by 13 year old Horse Girl, Neutron.
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There is a ranch of endless fun and unmistakable pride in their horses, which have been educated by only the best; Rachel Marcus  and  Claudia Mitchell.
   "Bulls eye," boasted Rachel in victory "You'll never top that Claudia"
   "Try me," answered Claudia as a dart seemed to cut through the air and made a direct hit on the bulls eye almost on top of Rachel's.
   "I can see you've been practicing," said Rachel glumly
   "Yup," replied Claudia
    The two put the darts away and went out to the pony pasture and spotted Shadow Rider and Devil’s Tomb , the two bay haflingers who fled when they saw the bridles in the hands of Claudia and Rachel.  Claudia cornered them so Rachel jumped on  and hurled the bridle on the head of Shadow Rider, the unhappy pony.  Then she flung herself on top of him.  Shadow Rider didn't agree to the idea of being ridden so he put up a fight by rearing, bucking, and shying up a storm.  Claudia brought Devil’s Tomb  under control quickly, and maneuvered her toward the gate.  Devil’s Tomb  was a fairly large pony at 14 hands (4’ 8”) and was strong, whereas Shadow Rider was a lot friskier than Devil’s Tomb,  but Rachel finally brought him under control.  Claudia started Devil’s Tomb  into a canter since the fence was low and she had done this trick 100 times before.  Devil’s Tomb 's hooves met the air and they flew over the fence as if they were champion show jumpers.  Rachel followed, quickly but cautiously as both of the ponies made graceful landings.  Rachel trotted Shadow Rider into the ring.
   "That was exhilarating," remarked Rachel "C'mon Claudia"
    The ponies' erratic behavior disappeared as two well trained ponies entered the ring.  Claudiawalked and then trotted around the ring.  At that moment Brian walked up and he looked like he was bringing good news. 
   "Guys," he exclaimed "There are 5 new people coming to the ranch and their names are Matthew Ellison, Nate Smallhurst, John Foreman, Monique Jinnerson, and Samantha Jackson!"
   "Cool," said Claudia calmly
   "Maybe we can be friends," chorused Rachel
    The trio went, and planned out a way to welcome the newcomers..
    Of course Milley, Jacoline, Jinny, and Whitney wanted the newcomers too.  Milley Smits was Claudia 's cousin and a mall-o-holic.  She had green-gray eyes and blonde hair.  Milley looked like Claudia but was uglier.  Claudia had innocence imbedded in her eyes which were in a shade of blue that would make any model die of jealousy.  She also had very long legs and a perfect figure, and on the otherhand, Milley was stumpy.
   Milley was hiding in the bushes near the driveway where she thought the 5 would show up, it was the wrong drive way though.  The people would have to join Milley's club which she called The Secret Society, but Claudia called it The Mental Society.  Claudia was admiring the pigment in the red roses which brought a glimmer to the garden as she saw a van pull up with lots of luggage.  Claudia was the first to the van.  Then out two girls walked, followed by two good looking guys but as if lady luck gave a jolt with all her might the last guy walked out.  He had hair of pure gold, and eyes the same color as Claudia's.  Rachel and Brian saw the same things with other people.  Then there were two who were being all cuddly with each other each of them had blonde hair and cute brown eyes.  Then all eight of them immediately united and became inseparable friends.
   "I'm Claudia Mitchell," said Claudia breaking the silence
    "I'm Matthew Ellison," said the "perfect" guy
   "I'm Brian Hepler," said Brian staring at the girl next to him
   "I'm Monique Jinnerson," said Brian's girl
   "I'm John Foreman," said the guy as he nuzzled the girl
   "I'm Samantha Jackson," said the girl who was nuzzled
   "Don't forget about me," complained Rachel "I'm Rachel Marcus"
   "And I'm in love..... I mean I'm Nate Smallhurst," said the guy admiring Rachel
   "Cool, now we all know each other," stated Claudia "You should be able to see the cabins now"
    The 8 of them hurriedly retreated to the cabins, and all of them had good ones in a small, grouped in area.  All of them sat down as Milley came running up and then started screaming.
   "You two-timing, twit!" she screamed with all the force her little lungs could make "These people are supposed to be mine!"
   "Me being the two timer?" snapped Claudia "You are a two timing, mall hopping, guy hopping, psychotic gossip!"
    Milley looked at her with revenge in her eye and she knew how to get it too.  She trudged back to her bunk, and sneered, then smirked.  Claudia was finishing up her chores and planning on spending the rest of the afternoon giving Matthew a tour.  The bond between them grew, with every step they took together.
   "Y'know, I am hoping on going canoeing with you tomorrow so we can see the woods," whispered Claudia
   "All I want to see is you,"  said Matthew subconsciously
   "That is the sweetest thing you have ever said to me," said Claudia, a little bit flattered and embarrassed
    As the bond between them grew, so did the romance.  They had started going out, but the surprise was the first kiss.
   "What a beautiful sunset," commented Claudia "I didn't think it was so radiant"                                                             
   "The radiance would never compare to your own," muttered Matthew sweetly
     The two of them held each other and their eyes locked.  An urge wavered through Claudia's body as she closed her eyes andthe kiss came.  That one kiss made sparks fly in the relationship, and made the two fall even more deeply in love.  They were more then two people who have nothing in common getting together to catch a movie, instead they were like two snowflakes dancing in the gentle breeze, or puzzle pieces that can only be whole with one another.. 
  "Okay then the moment will have to end now I guess," sighed Matthew
   Milley watched devilishly as the two got up from the bench and headed toward the bunk houses.  She had kidnapped everyone, including Rachel, but she had to tie Rachel to a tree in the woods.  Whitney borrowed her dad's Magnum and had taken Monique, John, Rebecca, Brian and Nate;  Matthew was next on the list.  Little did they know Rachel was working vigorously to untie herself.  Matthew was almost asleep when he heard a CRASH in his room.  He rose his head, terrified, he bolted up as he broke into a cold sweat.  
   "W-W-Who's there?" he asked in barely a whisper as he heard tip toes heading his way.
   "Matthew," the voice rasped "You gotta get outta here"
   "Listen to me, you and Claudia will be separated permanently !"
    Matthew would not let that happen so he followed the person's every command as they got into a canoe and rowed down the creek to Paradise Lake and soon Matthew found out who it was..... it was..... Rachel.
    Meanwhile Claudia had heard the crash in Matthew's cabin and she was over there to investigate.  Claudia had one of the keys to the cabin as she quietly unlocked the door.  Then she switched on the light which revealed Matthew's glasses and.... not Matthew.... but Milley !
   "What are you doing here?" Milley rasped
   "The question is what are you doing here?" requested Claudia "I came to check on my boyfriend"
   "Looks like I have to get rid of you," sneered Milley as she grabbed Matthew's bed lamp and flung it at Claudia but it missed
    Claudia, who had just dodged the lamp grabbed a rope and tried to trap Milley, but Milley grabbed it and yanked it so it backfired, so Claudia got tangled in the rope.
   “What are you going to do to me?” demanded Claudia
   “Something that was coming to you,” screeched Milley
    Milley looked at her with craziness in her eye as she knocked Claudia out.  Milley brought her to Paradise Lake and placed her in a wagon.  Claudia woke up to see 5 of her friends looking at her and desperately searching for answers to questions which were unanswerable.  Then came a glimpse of hope when she didn't see Matthew or Rachel.  The hope, she knew would come in handy.  Milley still had the evil look in her eye as she nudged the wagon which went tumbling down the hill and hit the water which made it sink.  Even under the water Claudia could still hear the crazy and uncontrollable laughter of Milley.  Claudia tried to unwrap herself but without air she got weaker and weaker.  Suddenly at the last moment Claudia thought  she had to live she felt strong arms pull her up and above the water.  Soon her weakness melted away as she opened her eyes and saw the fantasy that she once thought was a dream.... it was Matthew.  Milley looked helplessly as Whitney ran away and took the gun with her.  The sneakily, Rachel ran up to her and wrestled her to the ground.  Claudia untied herself and tied Milley up.  Milley then was taken to a Children's Mental Hospital and would probably stay there for a long time.  Claudia and Matthew kept their bond as strongly as ever.
    "Y'know how you saved me," said Claudia "Did you know that was me?"
    "No; butI had an impulse to jump in and risk it," replied Matthew "It was a call of courage"
   Micki chuckled as the two of them walked off into the sunrise and to their bunks.
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erlkonig-gheyn · 3 years
The Rise and Fall of John Phoenix
I have gone on a deep dive into the bowels of the Internet, and seen too much of the Abyss, and tumblr is about to come on a journey with me. Let's begin.
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So. I'm Erlkonig on FFN and Gheyn on AO3, but I mostly read on AO3. Today, I went to FFN to see what Ace Attorney stories it had, and one unfamiliar name kept popping up.
John Phoenix.
Who is this character? Apparently, a lawyer who is Phoenix Wright's British, green-suited nephew. Most works involving John Phoenix are short and satirical, and seem to view the character with derision or outright hostility.
Bizarrely, John Phoenix seems to span several authors: Just on the first page (most recent, see screenshot), I see Konrad Kross, barrylawn, and HoboSix. Farther back, the username HomelessSeven (likely a pseud of HoboSix) appears, as well as hexeptafan, LosAngelesttorney, and LockedAttworney. There's also a raft of users specifically with John Phoenix in their name!
John Phoenix's Friend
Enemy of John Phoenix
John the Tudors Last Non Alt
JP The Tudor Fandom Conqueror
John Sententia
. . . and so on. There's also what appears to be shared accounts Acquittal Central and Amazon Johngle. (More on Acquittal Central later.) Amazon Johngle's profile raises some further questions:
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Who is the "evil troll" mentioned? When scrolling through these, a few more names pop up with some regularity.
Storm Sente - This appears to be a character from Acquittal: Induction, an unreleased game similar to Ace Attorney. It was demoed in 2017. He appears to be the inspiration for the author SineSententia and JohnSententia (possibly pseuds?). Storm Sente and John Phoenix crossovers seem pretty popular. It's possible that John Phoenix originated as a crossover character: a Phoenix Wright relative in the British Acquittal: Induction universe. Indeed, the account Acquittal Central mostly contains stories in the Acquittal: Induction universe, rather than Ace Attorney.
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Dylan Fitchar - I honestly couldn't find anything about him, except this on the same wiki as Storm Sente (https://winecellar.fandom.com/wiki/Acquittal:_Induction). Apparently he is John Phoenix's nemesis.
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The other recurring name is dakoolguy.
There are 16 mentions of dakoolguy in story titles or searches, a whopping 13 of them by Enemy of John Phoenix. We're seeing one side of what may have been a feud, although it's hard to tell if the feud was mutual or whether the hatred was one-sided.
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There appear to be no stories written by dakoolguy. A search of username dakoolguy produces an empty page.
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However. . . I'm pretty sure I remember seeing a bak-and-forth between dakoolguy and barrylawn in the past. A two-way feud in which they both wrote mean-spirited stories about each other. Help me out, Wayback Machine. . . .
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At the end of all this, John Phoenix is the OC of dakoolguy! It appears that dakoolguy has since deleted all their works, although the Wayback Machine records some twenty-odd stories from dakoolguy's side of the feud, written in April and May of 2020. Among their oldest works is the feud with barrylawn, as well as a complaint in Feb 2020 against r/AceAttorney the subreddit, and a May 2020 complaint against AO3.
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Clearly, dakoolguy had a long list of enemies. And without reading into all the works and constructing a timeline, its hard to say whether that was earned. Whatever happened, by September 2020, dakoolguy had deleted all their works, and their user sometime after that. The John Phoenix fan forum listed in their profile is also empty, although the Wayback page shows that the same barrylawn from the feud was a prominent presence on the fan forum. I was unable to click into any topic, not even through the Wayback Machine, to see whether barrylawn's participation there was friendly or antagonistic.
A closing note: The Wayback page of dakoolguy's FFN profile shows that they were at one point da_kool_guy on AO3. A search of AO3 turns up no such user. However, it does turn up a small handful of John Phoenix stories. Somehow, AO3 was able to escape whatever went down on FFN. One story in particular catches the eye. . . .
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The Adventures of John Phoenix, by keysmash, which appears to be a repost of the first chapter of the original 58k-word fix written by dakoolguy on FFN. And within the repost, there are three kudos. . . one from barrylawn. And within barrylawn's own list of works. . . is The Birth of John Ryuunosuke.
What is the relationship between dakoolguy and barrylawn? Are they rivals, friends, or bitter enemies? A glance at barrylawn's AO3 profile holds some clue.
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Dylan Fitchar! Could it be that John Phoenix's ex-nemesis was based on barrylawn all along?
In closing, although dakoolguy's may have chosen death for John Phoenix, he lives on through the works of his worst enemy, and through the collective memory of FFN, its pages an eternal tribute to the man, the myth, and the legend.
Update: @barrylawn thanks for writing in! I've become Herlock with flawed deductions lol. Barrylawn clarified that they first introduced Dylan Fitchar into the John Phoenix fandom, and that Dylan Fitchar is from the game Last Window: The Secret of Cape West.
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doyouremem8erme · 3 years
i was tagged for this by @calamity-unlocked sdghsdfhjs!!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
on my main pseud? 12. including the ones on my other pseud and the ones i changed to be anonymous bc of old/cringey writing? 18.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
~58k, but a lot of that is from my friend's fic that i coauthored a couple chapters with. my personal total is ~39k!
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
i have a Lot of Extremely old fics lingering in my drive from my warrior cat days of elementary and middle school but my ao3 is only Steven Universe and Amphibia, with one SU/D&D crossover!
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
don't blame yourself (because you tried as hard as hell)
this one is just a oneshot i whipped out in a couple days that ended up being pretty popular! marcanne hurt/comfort apparently resonates with a lot of people, lmao.
heir of the flowers
this is the previously mentioned collab fic! i considered not including it on here since i feel like @fullmusicbard is really the holder of those kudos, but i'm going to just go by ao3's stats, so there's some promo for her! it's a canon-divergent steven universe fic, going with the concept of "what if the escape in the episode 'jailbreak' didn't go as planned?"
heroes on fire
a self-indulgent late-season-3 amphibia theory fic! beginning with the defeat of andrias, going through some recovery stuff, and eventually, the defeat of the night! i really haven't worked on this for a while since i have other projects in progress, but i'd love to get out the remaining chapters before the season 3 premiere!
homesick (if it helps you breathe)
i'm so glad that this fic ended up in my top five after all the work i put into it! this is a songfic, based on "homesick" by sleeping at last, made up of a series of interconnected vignettes about the girls being trapped in amphibia for many years. i put a ton of work into this, and i think it paid off!
a long-abandoned steven universe fic, based on a concept of steven's gem being bleached in change your mind. i wish i could come back to it, but i've lost my interest in a lot of the darkness of this au.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i try to respond to comments as often as possible, but sometimes i feel intimidated if some author whose fics i stalk pops by to post one! sdgsdhj i do read and highly appreciate every single one!
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
frog, i have a lot of very dark fics that i've now set to not show up on my profile. the angstiest one i have currently published would have to either be everything. or look at how my tears ricochet. they are about the same character, same scene, same concept, so i'd say they're tied!
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
one of my current wips is a crossover with redwall! however, the only crossover fic i've actually posted is a D&D crossover with steven universe: on the sea
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i really don't think i have? if i did i deleted it and blocked it from memory sghfsdjgs
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
absolutely not lmao
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, i haven't!
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i've mentioned this a few times, but i featured as a coauthor on a few chapters of my friend's steven universe fic heir of the flowers! go give that fic all the kudos sgdhfsdhjghj
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
any ship of the calamity trio is awesome ngl. sashannarcy is so snazzy sgdsjhgjs. in order, my other fave ships of them are marcanne, sasharcy, and sashanne. frog i love them.
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i have this drabble of the scene where anne breaks her arm in toad tax completely written out but i'm just not sure what to do with it! i feel like it either needs to be half of a two-shot or embedded as a flashback/memory scene in another work (which i've actually done with my drabbles in the past!) but for now it's just sitting in my drive.
15) What are your writing strengths?
i've been told again and again that i'm amazing at emotions, and i think a lot of that is because of how much my character interactions pull from my experiences. for instance, homesick was originally conceptualized as a vent while i was away at summer camp, and i just stretched my own homesickness even further in order to capture the feelings of the girls! it's not uncommon for dialogue in my fics to be pulled directly from my life.
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
getting a fic of any actual real length down on paper! i am blown away by anyone who can have a fic that's anything over 50k words– my total wordcount for all my published fics doesn't even break that!
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i've never included another language in a fic, half because i'm too scared of butchering it with google translate, half because i've never had the opportunity or the need to! if i did, i feel like my best option as someone who only speaks english would be to simply write the dialogue in english but note that it was said in another language.
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
warrior cats.......
19) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
homesick (if it helps you breathe) or eyes forward!
tagging @fullmusicbard and @ anyone else who wants to steal this!
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hergan416 · 4 years
First line meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 15 stories. See if there are any patterns. Then tag your favorite authors!
I was tagged by @touchmycoat and I will pass this on to anyone who wants to do it. Even if I don't follow you, or you don't think I mean you, I mean you if you think this sounds fun. Feel free to tag me so I can see what you learn!
About formatting--I am considering each chapter in the fic "Thirty One Days" a unique chapter for the purposes of this meme, as they are written to be loosely connected one shots.
I am using both of my pseuds to better get a picture of my writing history, so if you end up looking up my yugiomo pseud...know that there WILL be omorashi and consider this your warning. If you do not know what this is, and are over 18, use urban dictionary or something.
Astonishingly, all of the first lines of all of the fics are tumblr safe. Horray. Most of the fics aren't. If you look up any fics, PLEASE pay attention to the ratings on AO3, and any content warnings.
Patterns: Every. Single. One. Of my new (2019 holiday season forward) fics starts with the name of a person and a paragraph. This paragraph immediately sets up the person's thoughts. Previously, I had begun fics with much more action, often with dialog, or specific thoughts or actions. "Keijo!!!!!" was sitting in my drafts for years before it was finished and posted, so it makes sense that it followed my old format, despite falling on the newer side of the break I took writing. (It is the only thing I published besides the 2018 YGOME before the 2019 YGOME started me writing again.) The long break coincides, to my memory with the tumblr purge and me entering a long-term relationship with my current partner. I should maybe think about adding more action into my writing again.
15. "War of Love: The Game" from "Thirty One Days" --- “Draw!” Atem yelled as he pulled the card out of the deck and looked at it.
14. "Dignity Lost! The Ship Ride to Duelist Kingdom" (yugiomo pseud, and yes apparently I'm mainblogging that now). --- Anzu grit her teeth as she listened to the gentle sound of water on the hull of the giant boat, every wave torturous to her ears. Finally she stood from her position crouching next to Honda. “I’m at my breaking point,” she complained, her voice a slight whine.
13. "Paladins: Champions of the Realm" from "Thirty One Days" --- “Enemy double kill... enemy triple kill!” the automated voice announced. "Enemy killing spree.”
12. "Failure" (yugiomo pseud) --- Stupid Kaiba and his stupid rules! Jounouchi thought, desperately working at the restraints that held him him in place. Who even made desks like this anyway? It almost seemed like the chain was built in, like it was meant to be on the desk. But that couldn’t be right. Kaiba had said he’d had this desk as a kid.
11. "More Sex Play" from "Thirty One Days" --- “Want to play something other than Duel Monsters this afternoon?” Atem suggested to Kaiba as he dug through the golden box for his deck. “I live in a game shop, surely there is something else you’d like to try to beat me at.”
10. "Alone" --- All Kaiba wanted was to shrink away from the music, the noise and the crowd. He didn’t want to play this part anymore, but he had to, for Mokuba’s sake. Mokuba was all that was left.
9. "Trying (On) My Patience" -- “Look, all I’m saying is that you need to find something other than a discarded school uniform to throw over your shoulders. And maybe some better jewelry.”
8. "Keijo!!!!!" from "Thirty One Days" --- “Don’t you think we should check it out?” Atem insisted, his intense gaze meeting Kaiba’s across the desk. “It’s the latest competitive fad in Japan. According to Yugi, men are going crazy for it.”
7. "Liquid Gold" --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XaS93WMRQQ
Atem sat at the computer, simply searching the internet while he waited for Seto to finish up with his work. While he almost exclusively had been using this specific computer in Seto’s office space since coming back from the afterlife, occasionally Seto would use it to set the ambiance while Atem was gone. What Seto didn’t know is that Atem had figured out how to search the browsing history, and that he had recently seen that there were nearly 20 plays of the same youtube video.
6. "All I Want For Christmas..." --- Yugi yawned as he watched out the window of the Kaiba jet . It was the private one, not the blue eyes white jet; Yugi had always been secretly nervous about that plane’s capability of flying, and regardless, there wouldn't have been enough room for Mokuba, Yugi, and Seto to fly in the dragon-shaped jet together. He’d been woken by the announcement of the plane’s descent, as dawn broke over the unique arrangement of city and harbor that forms Sydney, Australia. 
5. "Help Me Doctor (I Have Sinned)" --- Marco always had an eye out for sails as he went about his daily tasks on Whitebeard’s peaceful home island. He’d been expecting Edward Weevil to make his way there eventually, and in the meantime needed to protect the small island from bands of low-class marauders. So, when he was walking down the beach and he recognized the telltale black flag, he immediately pulled out his spyglass. The jolly roger showed a skull surrounded by a fluffy pink scarf, with giant red lips and a brown and pink tricorne on its head, and Marco’s heart rate immediately increased.
4. "Shimmering Blush" --- Tony Tony Chopper woke up bright and early, excited to go back to see his friends. The last two years in Birdie Kingdom without seeing any of the other Straw Hats had been long, even with the new friends he’d made here. He knew he was stronger, and would do his best to support everyone now that he would finally get to see them again.
3. "House On A Hill" --- Marco wasn’t about to listen to Katakuri (of all people) lecturing him on selflessness. They both had always been the kind of people that would prioritize their families over themselves. That was why they had ended and Marco was cursing Katakuri for not leaving the island after yet another ill-advised tryst.
2. "Relief" (yugiomo pseud--you thought this died in 2017, didn't you?) --- Ryou had, for the most part, reached an understanding with the Spirit of the Ring. Unlike Yugi, Ryou was well-aware of the other person that had come attached to the Millenium Ring, the Item his father had gifted him from one of his archeological digs. Most people probably would have assumed they were cursed the first time they saw the disembodied Spirit following themselves around, and thrown the Ring away as far as they could. Ryou, in contrast, turned around, faced the Spirit, and said hello.
1. "Shared Nightmares" --- Robin has had nightmares about the Buster Call that destroyed Ohara ever since she escaped her fate. Sometimes it’s just the kids back home that picked on her and called her a devil child, all in the rescue boat and dying because she might have made it on board, sometimes it’s the burning of the Tree of Life, sometimes it’s Saul’s laughing face as Akoiji froze him solid.
0. "Seek and Ye Shall Find" (I miscounted and started a fic late and I am not spending time readjusting this nonsense) --- Atem was so happy he’d finally found a way to at least view what was happening back in Domino. Rather than getting surprised by the Gods’ future requests at world-saving, he could keep an eye on things from the afterlife. It’s not like he could transport himself to Domino without the Gods’ help, so it was more a way to keep an eye on things in the meantime. The Kaiba Dome seemed the best place for the mirror into the realm of the living; after all, Seto Kaiba now seemed the center of all the trouble.
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kuriquinn · 6 years
things anon trolls want to “teach” me
spelling doesn’t matter (the teacher in me is so tempted to screen shot these asks, correct them with red pen and send them back)
if you are in an anime fandom, you can’t possibly be in the DC fandom. (some kind of universal constant will apparently be altered, leading to the end of all things, maybe?)
bisexuals are not allowed to enjoy comics (somehow, manga is exempt from this?)
major depression and chronic pain mean unwillingness to work (LMAO)
people writing fanfiction apparently make money off other people’s work (news to me. where’s my cheque?)
anime originated from china (you do know china and japan are two very distinct countries, right?)
article 13 is a good thing (beginning to think this is some government bot, tbh. yay censorship)
if you weren’t in the Batman fandom since its inception, you’re a fake ass fan (ah, gatekeepers. gotta love to hate them)
being attracted to a tv-version of a character makes one a slut/whore (...how even? like, you realise it’s a two-dimensional projection on a screen, right? your logic makes the kind of sense that doesn’t)
my name is going around DC groupchats (bully for you. since apparently anime and dc fans don’t frequent the same circles, i have nothing to worry about. and btw, when i write for different fandoms, i have different pseuds, so slandering one name doesn’t mean you’re going to stop me from writing for/enjoying a fandom i’ve lurked in for the past twenty years if i feel like it.)
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wincest-after-hour · 7 years
Supernatural Sunday S01E01
On September 13th, 2005 a television broadcasting channel called WB aired a pilot episode for a new series called Supernatural. Not even creator Eric Kripke could have known that a show about two brothers hunting down monsters, listening to classic rock, and driving cross country in a 1967 Chevy Impala would now be airing its 13th season. Nor could they have predicted the massive fandom that the crazy antics of Sam and Dean Winchester would spawn. The series would go onto inspire thousands of fans around the globe to write fanfiction based on the relationship bonds between multiple characters from the show. One of them being a branch of fandom or "ship" called Wincest.
Wincest is the non-canon romantic incestuous pairing of the Winchester brothers. Although some would debate that it is canon. To quote Sam Winchester "As in Sam/Dean, Together." The boy's romance can be witnessed throughout the series in many ways. Lingering stares, standing strangely close to each other, even some of the dialogue just seems like something that should only be shared between lovers, not siblings. So together let's dive into the show episode by episode to discover the reasons the undying love of Sam and Dean have captured the hearts of fans worldwide.
This is Wincest After Hours.
Dad's on a hunting trip (Pilot):
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Our journey begins on a dark and quiet night in Lawrance Kansas. A simple home in the burbs, dimly lit by moonlight. Tree branches casting eerie shadows upon the house. One even seems to be leaning in towards a lamp lit window.
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Possibly the first sign that something supernatural is waiting in the darkness? Mary Winchester carries her small boy into a nursery to kiss a six-month-old Sammy goodnight. The man of the house, John Winchester, appears behind them calling out to his oldest, Dean, with a broad smile on his lips. Everyone seems to be happy. A normal happy family.
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Ominously Mary wakes to static from her baby monitor. She goes to Sam's room to find a strange man hovering over her son's crib. Thinking it's John Mary comments then continues downstairs. Mary realizes that it wasn't John when she spots him sleeping in the chair in front of the TV. She then rushes back to Sam's room to confront the stranger. John wakes to the sounds of her screams, running upstairs he finds her pinned to the ceiling over Sam's crib just before flames burst forth around her. A distressed John hands the crying babe to Dean. Commanding he take his brother outside as fast as he can. John barely escapes before the windows shatter, flames shining brightly in the black of night.
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Fast forward 22 years we find Sam away at college. A law student at Standford University. Estranged from his father and big brother Dean. In the company of a pretty little blonde named Jessica Moore. He wakes in the night to the sounds of an intruder inside their apartment. A fight breaks out between the two, ending with Sam pinned to the ground under a grinning Dean who says, "Whoa. Easy tiger."
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Here we see our first hint that there is something off about the relationship between these two. The way Dean says these words is playful, teasing, and sexy. There is a palpable sensuality to his tones of voice. Jess enters the room, turning on a light. Dean takes her in. There is a slight puzzlement in his expression. When Sam introduces her as his girlfriend, there seems to be a bit of flirting Dean makes towards her. Subtext shows something different. Perhaps this is a way to pick at Sam the way older brothers tend to do. We see Dean dismiss Jess mentions of needing to talk about family business. Indicating that she is not what he considers family even though she and Sam are apparently living together.
9:23 into the pilot the boys were discussing when Sam left the way of life that the Winchester family has known since Mary's death. Dean's face is full of anger because Sam left him. We also Have Dean admitting to Sam that he can do this hunt alone but he doesn’t want to. This shows a closeness to his brother. Dean is a character that needs to be in control. He doesn’t show a lot of weakness to other people, but when it comes to Sam, we see different right from the start.
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At the same time, we get a glimpse into Sam's head when it comes to Dean as well. His head bows, accepting silent defeat giving into his brother's desires. A character trait that Sam still displays 13 seasons later. Dean isn’t always easy to deal with he can make decisions in haste, without considering consequences. Sam is supposed to stand as the voice of reason, yet time and time again we see him give into Dean's whims because he knows it will make his brother happy.
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11:30 Dean is trying to convince Sam to tag along with him to search for a missing John. He mentions that it's been two years and he's never bothered Sam until now. The look he gives Sam is hopeful that his brother will tag along with him. A closer view into this pure moment of a waiting glance shows pleading, neediness. Dean is lonely without family in his life. But above all, he seems lonely without Sam.
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12:05 We see a slightly different side of this somewhat strained relationship. Dean is angry because Sam went away to law school. Sam got has a healthy normal life. Something Dean wants, yet knows he can never have. He was exposed to the things that go bump in the night at the tender age of four. Things that we later find out were hidden from Sam until he was older. They live such different lives, yet we find them to be so close. There is already a sense of extreme codependency between the two.
Later we find the two in a diner asking two girls questions about the woman in white they are hunting. We get our first squee-inducing moment of the boys speaking at the same time, something that is common among couples.
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Also, note that while Sam is listening to the girls talk Dean is staring at Sam's face. A warm smile on his face. The way these two look at each other is so romantic, it should be a crime. There is so much love in their eyes when Dean's emerald green meets Sam's sparkling hazel.
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During the scene on the bridge, Dean begins taunting Sam. This can be seen as a cover for the anger he feels towards Sam for leaving him two years ago. Dean grabs Sam by the coat, slamming him back into a support beam on the bridge for the comment that Sam made about their mom. The way they look at each other, again, not sure if they're going to fight or make out. I vote for them to make out. When the Impala's headlights come on the boys can be seen standing so close to each other it looks like they are holding hands. 
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Finally, we get the scene where Dean is reluctantly driving Sam back to Stanford. Dean is trying to talk Sam into staying out on the road with him. There is an undeniable sadness shared between the two when Sam declines.
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Dean just can’t seem to give in as he continues to display hope that his brother will stay by telling him they made a hell of a team on the hunt. And with seemingly perfect symmetry we end as we began.
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Sam enters the apartment to lay on the bed with an exhausted sigh. Blood drips down from above onto his forehead. He opens his eyes to find Jess pinned to the ceiling. She bursts into flames, just like his mother. (Killing off a love interest that is keeping the intended couple apart. Hello, Fanfic trope.) Dean bursting in to grab his little brother. Once again practically carrying him out from the fire. Now their work together truly begins.
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Dean's Episode Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAgnJDJN4VA
Written By: Kyna_Winchester ( http://archiveofourown.org/users/Kyna_Winchester/pseuds/Kyna_Winchester )
Edited By: @parrishjeanna
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Petrichor (12/12)
Pairing: Trevor C./Reader; other background/hinted relationships Chapter: 12 of 12 Warnings: Swearing, danger, violence, death (SPOILER: not major character or RT employee), also happiness and fluff and all that good stuff, vampires and werewolves and things that go bump in the night (PG-13) Word Counts: Chapter: 4,340 Total: 43,539 A/N: Here it is! Final chapter! Part of this is kind of dark, lots of climatic stuff, so if you’re worried please send me a note and I can explain what happens. If there’s something else you think I need to tag that I forgot, also please let me know! Thanks everyone for reading and sticking around for the ride, I really have grown attached to and love this world - please let me know if you want to see more of it! (even if reader is a different character). Also! I am going to be posting this on ao3 momentarily, once I fix a couple of typos and mistakes that I’ve caught since posting them on tumblr. So those of you who read fic on both tumblr and ao3, don’t fret! I promise it really is me and not someone stealing my work. I added a pseud to my account for specifically reader insert work, which is TurtleAds.  I take prompts now! (see here for details).  Reminder that this has a bunch of supernatural-y stuff, and also that this would not have seen the light of day (pun intended), if it weren’t for @chefgeofframsay.  P.S. - Feedback would be cool P. P. S. - sorry if any chapters end kind of weird, this was written as one long thing and then I decided to break it up.  Previous
It had been nearly a week since Blaine and Mica had been brought into “quarantine” at the penthouse with you, and you could tell they were both getting antsy. You had more than enough interaction with people every day to keep you satisfied, and plenty of books to keep your mind occupied, and, about once a day, you would try to meditate to trigger another Prediction, but none had come. However, since Blaine and Mica had (quickly) grown tired of poking fun at you (aka trying to get you and Trevor together) due to the only reaction out of you being eye rolls and glares and Trevor not even seeming to notice at all, they had begun to get on edge. And with Novus having seemingly gone off the grid, there was no immediate end in sight.
“Can’t I just go visit my dad in Egypt until this blows over?” Mica had nearly whined at breakfast that morning.
“But then you’d be leaving me here!” Blaine argued. You just shook your head and shared a look with Jeremy, who kept scratching his nose and had decided to continue reading Wolves! Were?: A New Wolf’s Guide to His Inner Beast that day.
“I can take you with me, Gibson, but you probably wouldn’t like the heat.”
“Anything to get me out of this damn penthouse!”
“What are you dicks damning my penthouse for?” Geoff’s raspy voice made everyone except for Jeremy jump (the werewolf, of course, smelling the warlock the moment he walked in the room).
“I’m sorry for my friends, Geoff.” You told him at the same time Mica declared, “We’re getting stir crazy in this place!”
“Well, tough luck, unless you can teleport there, which I doubt either of you can do. Even though Novus is after [Y/N], we have no idea what exactly he can do, and since some fae can possess people, I don’t want to take any chances.” Geoff stated as he poured himself some coffee, resulting in annoyed grumbling noises from your best friends.
Jeremy scratched his nose again, “What should I do, Geoff?” he inquired, looking up from his book at the warlock.
“If we don’t resolve this tonight, we may have to stick you in the basement this time. Sorry, buddy.” Geoff said with a sympathetic smile. Jeremy frowned and his shoulders slumped, but he nodded regardless.
“Wait, what? What’s going on?” Blaine asked, gaze bouncing between the two men. You reached out and softly cuffed him upside the head.
“Ow!” He exclaimed, hand flying to the back of his head, “What was that for?”
“The full moon’s tomorrow night, idiot.” You admonished him with a shake of your head, watching as understanding dawned in his eyes.
“It’s alright, [Y/N].” Jeremy reassured you, shifting in his seat a little.
Mica and Blaine weren’t the only ones getting restless, just for a different reason.  
So, naturally, you spent the majority of the day hiding, reading to Gus and avoiding your friends because while you knew they didn’t blame you, you certainly felt shitty and responsible for their misery. And, on top of that, Jeremy would probably have to spend about twenty-four hours in a basement instead of running around doing wolfy things, and that made it even worse, because you were now a hassle to the people trying to protect you, too.
The only solace for the day, really, was a cheerful-as-ever Trevor (heh. That rhymed), who had brought dinner to you without you even asking. The two of you ate in silence, you on the bed and him at the desk, and then Trevor was scooping up your plate and waltzing out the door with a sing-song “Be right back!”
You went into the bathroom and washed your hands, humming something sort of tuneless as you dried your hands with a towel and walked back into the bedroom.
“You know, you’re almost more trouble than your worth.” A thin voice sneered, and you whipped your head up to see a fae that you knew could only be Novus, with pointed teeth and only one and a half wings sitting on your bed, rolling the hilt of a dagger between his hands. His friend, the Unseelie from the alley, was leaning up against the door, sneering at you with pointed teeth and a predatory look in his eyes. Your heart pounded in your chest and all the wind felt like it had been sucked out of you, all at once.
This can’t be real. This can’t be happening. Your panicked mind tried to deny it, but you also knew there was no denying the fact that somehow, the fae in front of you had teleported (presumably) into Geoff’s penthouse.
Geoff’s. Fuck. You had been spending your time – all of you had been spending your time – assuming that Geoff’s penthouse, which was essentially his fortress, was impenetrable, and yet you were staring at proof otherwise.
Wait. The rational side of your brain caught up with you, Trevor said he’d be right back. All you have to do is stall.
“You know, your big friend over here said that to me the first time, and if I remember correctly, that ended up with him getting shot.” You finally retorted, sounding much calmer than you felt. You stood up a little straighter, letting your feet lift off the ground slightly.
Big Sharp Teeth growled at you and lunged forward, and you instinctively hurled up a barrier, your energy pooling in your hands and being thrown into the air in front of you before you could think about the consequences. He didn’t reach your barrier, however, because Novus stopped him with a hand on his chest before he could get that far.
“Now, now, Aven, calm down.” Novus tutted, seemingly unperturbed by the defenses you had just constructed, and you realized belatedly that if he was a teleporter like Big Sharp Teeth (Aven), he could easily bypass it entirely. You dropped the barrier and crossed your arms over your chest.
“Do you want to know why you’re more trouble than your worth? All I wanted to do was kill Robin [Y/L/N]’s precious daughter, his only child, so he could begin the pain I’ve felt, the pain he solidified by ensuring that I was imprisoned. I was on top of the world, and had lost everything! And he had no pity for me, because I found a better, more rewarding lifestyle in rejecting the Seelie Court. It was going to be simple: Aven and his friend would capture you, and bring you to me, and then I was going to drop your dead body on your father’s doorstep for him to discover when he got back from vacation. But nooooo, you had to go and happen to run into some of Ramsey’s pets, and the bloodsuckers helped you get away. Fine. So then I was going to use my special talents and possess one of your friends to get around Ramsey’s guard dogs, but then the stupid goddess’s security system detected Aven’s entry. So I had to resort to this. Do you know how long it took to find someone who we could fly in at a moment’s notice, who could send us through Geoff fucking Ramsey’s barriers!” Novus was seething, hissing and spitting as he shouted at you, and you were paralyzed, terrified that if you so much as flinched he would be throwing that iron dagger straight into your chest.
But Novus’ ranting, raving speech also reminded you that they were in Geoff’s house, and Geoff always knew when people entered and exited his home, and if Geoff knew, then everyone knew, unless whoever they had found to get them through Geoff’s protective spells and barriers could also mask their existence from the warlock entirely. It was highly improbable, considering Geoff’s apparent magical strength, but not impossible.
“Sorry not sorry?” You offered, frowning a bit at the fact that Novus just cackled, the sound dark and thick and menacing, washing over you like tar and sticking to your bones.
Underneath his maniacal laughter, you hear shouting from down the hall, and then a thud against your door the force of it pitched Aven forward and bent the door. Novus immediately sobered up, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of you, pushing you against the wall, one arm across your chest to pin you there and the iron dagger resting against your neck. You immediately started to feel it burning your skin, and you did your best to pull your head away, but there was nowhere for you to go with the wall at your back.
“What did you do? How did you alert them so fast?” Novus spit in your face, eyes wild.
“Boss! What do I do?”
“Just hold the door, dipshit.”
Novus pushed the knife into your skin, just a little bit, and just underneath his chin, you could see Aven’s magical energy flaring to life, most likely trying to reinforce the door.
Thud. Creak.
You felt blood welling up against the dagger, the blade searing hot against your skin, and the burning smell started to waft into your nose.
“Better do this quick, then.” Novus sneered, eyes glinting with hunger and malice.
The door shattered, and Novus’s head blocked your view, but the thud that immediately followed was probably Aven.
“[Y/N]!” It was Trevor, thank fuck it was Trevor, of course it was Trevor, and you watched Novus’s eyes go wide and nearly bug out of his head as he was quite literally ripped away from you. You covered your injured neck (why was it always your neck?) with your hand and slid down the wall, landing on your ass and looking up to see Trevor, eyes a dark red and fangs glinting, scrape his teeth against Novus’s neck while his hands wrapped around the Unseelie’s forearms with a crushing strength, the knife dropping out of his fingers. Behind him, a hulking demon stood, shoulders hunched and horns scraping across the ceiling, one clawed foot holding down and crushing the wings of an unmoving Aven.
Novus shrieked and thrashed, but Trevor was stronger, and you heard the sickening crunch of his bones cracking in the vampire’s grip.
“Now, now, none of that, stop your screaming, you kretin.” You heard Gavin say, and while you felt a little bit of the pull of the siren’s call, it wasn’t aimed at you. Novus immediately fell silent, whipping his head around to look at Gavin. You turned, too, craning your neck around your dresser to see the doorway, where Gavin stood, fist clenched and chest heaving. You could hear the footsteps and shouts of the others getting closer. Gavin didn’t move from the doorway until Geoff laid a hand on his shoulder, and even then he only stepped aside, not breaking eye contact to let a furious-looking Geoff and a stone-faced Lindsay through.
It was then that you finally registered the slick blood slowly leaking through your fingers, and even then, it was only because Mica had appeared in the doorway and was staring at you, horrified.
Geoff bent down and picked up the dagger. You could tell that he was holding his tongue, you could tell he wanted to scream and curse and flay the bastard that Trevor was holding alive with that knife. But instead, he held the dagger in an open palm, and turned to Lindsay.
She stared at Novus, “Your time has come.” She said, but her voice was not her own, booming and it seemed like it echoed tenfold, and you swore you could see an outline of a bird’s wings spreading out from her back. Geoff nodded, and a deep purple glow surrounded the dagger, before it thrusted itself (well, Geoff did it, but magically, not physically) deep into the Unseelie’s chest, right through the heart. Novus gurgled blue blood and dropped to the ground as Trevor let go of him, the demon slowly turning back into Michael in the background, Gavin closing his eyes and giving his head a firm shake. Trevor immediately turned towards you, falling to his knees in front of you and cradling your face in his hands.
“Are you okay?” He asked, earnestly, and his eyes were their normal, soft, earthy brown as they scanned your face, fangs retracting as his lips dropped into a concerned frown.
You nodded as best you could with your face in his hands, before a dark hand was on Trevor’s shoulder, pulling him back and kneeling beside you. Trevor made a move to protest but Mica just glared at him before blocking your line of sight to him with your head.
“Need you to move your hand so I can work my magic, girl.” She murmured, voice soft and soothing, and you let your bloody hand fall into your lap. Her own fingertips immediately pressed against where the dagger bit your flesh, and you could feel her warm, healing magic at work. Mica’s eyes slid shut and she muttered under her breath in a language you couldn’t comprehend (ancient Egyptian, probably), and after a few long moments, her eyes flickered open and she dropped her hands.
“You’ll probably still have a little scar, since it’s iron that did it, but you’re good now, [Y/N].” She stood and moved to offer you a hand up, but Trevor was faster.
The vampire darted forward and scooped you up into his arms, pulling you to his chest and burying his face in your hair. You could feel his lips moving, but it took you a moment to figure out what he was saying, but the muffled “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” was unmistakable once you’d deciphered it, and you wrapped your own arms around his midsection. You could hear the others chattering in the background; Michael and Jeremy hauling bodies out the door; Geoff was on the phone with someone. But that didn’t matter. All that mattered was Trevor, right then, right there. Trevor who was the first one in the room. Trevor who pulled Novus off you. Trevor who came to your rescue when you were too scared to do anything but hope help would come and try to buy yourself time. Trevor who was holding you like you were his lifeline. Trevor whose tears were falling into your hair.
You would later find out that whoever it was that had helped Novus and Aven get in had put a “blinder,” of sorts, on Geoff’s alarm, which would delay, temporarily, the activation of the charm that told him when people entered and exited the penthouse. Trevor would tell you that he had heard Novus speaking when he went to open your door, so he shouted for help and rammed his shoulder against it when the knob wouldn’t turn. Michael would tell you that he had heard Trevor from inside his room three doors down and, upon rushing into the hallway and seeing Trevor slamming his body into the door, immediately pulled the emergency alarm and shifted into his demon form, shoving Trevor out of the way to break the door down. Jeremy would tell you that he could smell Trevor’s rage and fear from down the hall, so strong, and he was unprepared enough that it made him stagger back and he would’ve fallen over if it wasn’t for Ryan stepping up behind him and catching him around the waist.
All of that was later, though. Right then, in that moment, Trevor was crying, so you pulled away a little to look up at him, reached up to wipe away a stray tear. One of his hands immediately slid to cup your face again, and when he gently rubbed his thumb across your cheek, you realized that you were crying, too.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered again, resting his forehead against yours, gaze drifting across your face, like he was searching for something and you held the answer.
“I’m okay.” You said, smiling a slightly watery smile at him, unsure of what else to say. And you were. You could still feel the phantom burn of Novus’s blade, and your wings ached from being slammed against the wall, but Mica had healed your wound and you had been quick enough to spread your wings open so that they didn’t get crumpled against the wall when Novus pushed you back. And Trevor was there, now, and maybe it was the fact that you liked him more than you had liked anyone in the world, ever, but you felt unbelievably safe when being held in his arms.
“Okay.” He breathed, and then you felt him square his shoulders, like he was preparing for something, and then the hand on your chin was tilting your chin up while his head dipped forward and then you were kissing.
Trevor was kissing you.
His lips were soft and his kisses gentle, just barely a brush of skin against skin. You almost couldn’t believe it, you felt like you were floating, but you reminded yourself to kiss back, damnit and then you were actually floating (if Trevor’s hands sliding to your hips and holding you there was any indication). As soon as he felt you respond and your arms reached up and wrapped around the back of his neck the kiss turned deeper, like he was desperate – like you were the air and he needed to breathe, but you were the one that needed air, not him, and you had to reluctantly break away and suck in some air.
The others in the room (because there were others, but you’d forgotten they were there) had politely allowed the two of you to have that moment, but as soon as she saw you pull away, Mica let out a loud wolf-whistle. You blushed and pressed your face into Trevor’s chest, but he just chuckled and smoothed a hand down your hair, whispering promises of safety and protection in your ear.
You stayed in Trevor’s room that night – your first time entering his room, actually, although you’re not sure why that panned out that way – and you barely had the words “Can you stay?” out of your mouth before Trevor was sliding into bed next to you, pulling you against his chest and pressing a kiss to your forehead with a mumbled “Of course.”
The next morning, your stomach churning at the thought of entering “your” room in the penthouse ever again, you timidly asked Geoff if it was possible to make the room just…go away. Geoff smiled a kind, sleepy smile, and Michael and Gavin graciously offered to take Gus and all of your stuff out of your room and deposit it in Trevor’s for you (Lindsay offered to supervise). After breakfast, you and Trevor and Geoff drove to the airport in a large passenger van, with the intent of picking up Jack, Ashley, and your parents. Although you knew it was over and everyone was fine, you still couldn’t stop yourself from pacing, shifting from foot to foot, regardless of how many times Geoff told you to cool it.
Trevor, eventually, took matters into his own hands (literally), pulling you into his side and wrapping an arm around your waist. When you looked up to question him, he just took the opportunity to lean down and press a kiss to your forehead. Geoff was noticeably less annoyed after that, but you could tell that he was trying (and failing) to subtly take pictures of the two of you.
The reunion with your parents and Ashley felt like something out of a movie. You saw them before they saw you, so you called their names and waved your hand in the air. Trevor let go of you and took a step backwards seconds before your father scooped you up into a hug, tears in his eyes as he spun you around. When he finally set you back on the ground, you saw your mom and Ashley standing there, waiting, the former with teary eyes and both with knowing smirks on their faces. You took turns hugging them both, your mom whispering to you about how proud of you she was and how brave you were.
You sheepishly introduced your parents to Trevor, who seemed pretty relaxed about it until your mother denied the offer of his hand in favor of a hug. His eyes went wide and he stared at you in fear over top of your mom’s head, which caused you and Ashley to dissolve into tittering giggles.
A few minutes later, Jack and a blonde woman you didn’t recognize – but you assumed was the warlock friend of Geoff’s – joined the group, having apparently elected to get the checked baggage before meeting up with you. You were too busy trying to tell your dad that you and Trevor were dating without being too obvious or giving him room to make a scene about it to notice the fact that Geoff nearly cried when he saw her, but you made a mental note to ask Trevor about it later when Geoff let Jack drive in favor of holding her hand in the backseat.
You smiled up at Trevor, who leaned down and kissed your nose, and nothing had felt more right in your life.
A week later, after your parents had gone home and Books and More Books had resumed business, you and Trevor were sitting on your bed (in your apartment – you didn’t want to give it up just yet in fear of making it seem like things were going “too fast,” even though the Mark on your shoulder told you that at the very least, the two of you would be “together” for a long time), in a familiar pose. The TV was on and the two of you were just talking about nothing, only instead of sitting side-by-side, you were curled up in his lap, your head on his chest, one of his arms around your waist and the other idly playing with your wings.
“Hey Trevor?” You started, lifting your head a little to look up at him (even though from your angle, you couldn’t see much more than his stubbly chin).
“Want to know a secret?” You asked, and Trevor pulled you away from his chest a bit so he could look you in the eye.
“Of course, I’m always down for secrets, especially when it’s you.” He said, a fond smile on his face. He punctuated ‘you’ with a long, cool finger reaching up to gently boop you on the nose.
You nodded, and took a deep breath, and then you willed your illusion away. Trevor’s eyes went wide, and you could see the faint glow you knew you were giving off reflected in them.
“You’re beautiful.” He breathed as he reached out to touch you, then hesitated, hand hanging in mid-air, and looked to your face, asking a silent question and searching for the answer. You nodded, smiling a little, and Trevor’s fingers were immediately tracing the vines on your skin (you were suddenly very happy that you had decided to wear a tank-top today). You let him explore for a moment in silence, until his fingers gravitated towards the large, fat leaf on your shoulder and sort of stayed there, tracing around the edges.
“That’s the secret,” You said, finally, reaching up to still his fingers, pressing his palm down until it perfectly covered the Mark, “that’s you.”
You smiled up at Trevor, and he gaped at you, gently lifting his hand so he could peer at the Mark underneath.
“That’s me?” He asked, voice filled with joy and wonder, and you giggled a little bit when you nodded.
“Marks appear and grow and stuff when important things and people happen in our lives. That one’s you.” You explained, and Trevor sort-of nodded absent-mindedly.
“But – not to like, not believe you, because I do, but I’m curious – how do you know?”
You wrinkled your nose up, trying to determine the best way to phrase it, “Besides it showing up after I met and got to know you, and besides the fact that “shoulder-touching” is your favorite form of non-PDA reassuring contact, I just kind of…do? Once you see it, on your body, you just know.”
Trevor nodded, his thumb tracing the leaf – his leaf – one more time before he cupped your jaw with his hands and pulled you into a soft, loving kiss. You melted against him when he pulled away, and the two of you stayed there like that, you not bothering to cover your Marks again once assured by Trevor that no, the glowy-ness did not mess up his sightline to the TV.
“Hey [Y/N], do you want to know a secret?” Trevor asked a couple hours later, when your eyelids were starting to droop with sleep.
“Geoff walked up to me this morning and started a conversation just so that he could tell me that when we get married, he wants to transfigure Gus into a person for the wedding. And that Geoff wants to officiate in one of those blue glitter tuxes.” Trevor did a good job of keeping a straight face as he spoke, but as soon as he was finished you both burst out into laughter.
“I can’t believe – Geoff…really?!”
Trevor nodded, “I thought he was – he was joking, but nope! Dead – dead serious!”
Eventually, your laughter subsided, and you rearranged yourselves so that you were laying down, wrapped up in each other’s arms.
You fell asleep quickly, so you didn’t hear Trevor’s whispered “I think I love you” against your hair, but that night you had a dream.
A dream where your vision was misty around the edges, where you stood and watched yourself in a white dress stand across from Trevor, looking dapper in a tailored black tuxedo, auras shining as bright as your grins, while a be-glittered Geoff in a blue suit stood between the two of you, reading from a small leather book.
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themandylion · 3 years
I was tagged by @ayzenigma to tell you a bunch of personal stuff about myself/my blog!
1. Why did you choose your url?
Because I’m a large cat and possibly the Shroud of Turin. More seriously—it’s a geeky history reference and a cat reference and it has my name in it all at once. I would have it as my AO3 username but I completely blanked and forgot that I intended to adopt this as my universal internet pseud for the entirety of 2010 and as a result ended up with three accounts using clarityhiding while everything else is themandylion.
2. Any side blogs?
I help run a shipweek that has a blog, but I don’t think that counts? I just put everything on one blog and make y’all suffer. If I ever made a side blog, it would just be cute animal pictures and interesting internet stories to share with Mandymom in a safe environment that wouldn’t allow her to find my fandom shenanigans.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Since 2013, apparently. My first post was in August of that year, but I might have gotten it sooner.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
No and I’m honestly not sure what the point of them is? (But I also don’t use my queue, so that may factor in.)
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Because I needed a place to put fanart and I got the impression that Livejournal (and clones) had mostly gone the way of the dinosaurs when I wandered out of hiatus.
6. Why did you choose your icon?
Itsa me, Mandy! One of my favorite Mandys from my old webcomic.
7. Why did you choose your header?
It’s, um. A very meta meme created within the universe of The Tempest of Team RedBird, which was my primary fic project at the time I realized I could have a header.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I thought for sure it would be Give Tiny Tim Nice Things: A Rec List, but apparently it’s my 2019 fic round-up. Huh.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Is there and easy way to check this? Look, I have no idea how Tumblr works, I just post things and read my dash and constantly curse the app.
10. apparently doesn't exist
11. How many people are you following?
Tumblr tells me this is 83, which seems suspiciously high.
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Does turkey-turkey-goose count?
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
Ummmm like 2–3 times in the evening, usually? Unless work is really slow. >.>
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Oh man. I feel like I did?? But cannot for the life of me remember if that was on Tumblr or Livejournal or what.
15. How do you feel about “You need to reblog this” posts?
Evil. I ignore them out of spite. Always hated chain letters.
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes! I just rarely tag anyone when I do them because I’m very shy. /o\
17. Do you like ask games?
In theory, yes. In practice, I don’t think I’m active/social enough on this site for them to work. I generally only get 1–2 asks, which makes me feel really self-conscious about reblogging the ask post in the first place.
18. Which of your Tumblr mutuals do you think is famous?
I know one is a published author! Aside from that—I have no idea. There are different levels of famous within fandom, depending on angle, corner of approach, position of the stars in the sky...
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I constantly crush on random people I’ve hung with on the internet. I’m sorry. It is my curse, because we have bonded and chatted and I just really like spending time with you. Don’t worry, I won’t make it weird. Just pretend you never read this and we can proceed with our lives like nothing’s changed.
20. Tags
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