#we all grow. proof of that is in this original fic
rory-cakes · 7 months
Alastor's Birdy
Alastor wasn’t a good man. 
In fact, he was no longer a man at all. 
He was the Radio Demon, an overlord of hell, owner of souls, and host of the Hazbin Hotel. 
The only evidence that he was ever human was the gold band worn around his ring finger. No one seemed to notice it; if they did, they didn’t dare ask. 
Not much was known about the terrifying radio demon. The others at the hotel often wondered about the origins of the great Alastor Altruist. 
Well, not until Mimzy comes along.
“Alastooor, Sweetie, doll-face! So good to see you. How’ve ya been? Good? Good.”
Alastor hugs the small woman while everyone stares in confusion. 
“Listen, I was in the neighborhood! I heard you were staying at this ritzy ditzy slob factory-”
A glint of gold catches the light.
“Oh! By the way, where’s your little birdy?”
Alastor’s who? The confusion only continued to grow in the room. 
“Oh, Mimzy, you know she would never have ended up down here.”
Who are they talking about?
“Ah yes, she was such a kind soul. The best of the best.”
Finally, someone asks. 
“Yo! Lady! Who ya talkin' about?”
“His missus, of course!”
His what?
Alastor’s eye twitched as private information about his life came to light.
“I am married; we never divorced.”
Everyone stared in disbelief. How could anyone marry Alastor, of all people? 
“You said she would never have ended up down here. Does that mean that your wife is in heaven? Is she an angel?”
“Charlie, don’t be ridiculous! No one that good could have married him!” 
Mimzy pipes up,
“She’s right. Y/n Altruist was too good for the world and sang like a canary!” 
That she did…
“I fell in love with you the first time I looked into
Them there eyes
You've got a certain little cute way of flirtin' with
Them there eyes”
All eyes gazed upon the stage. His little birdy was much like him in how they entranced others with their voices. If all he heard for the rest of eternity was that beautiful song of hers, then he could die a happy man. 
“They make me feel happy
They make me blue
No stallin', I'm fallin'
Going in a great big way for sweet little you”
It was never supposed to last. It was just for a while to make him seem more normal. To hide his less than socially acceptable hobbies. But she was light, and he was a moth to a flame. As he felt the weight of the box in his hand he wondered how someone like him got blessed with someone like her. 
“My heart is jumpin', you sure started something with
Them there eyes
You'd better watch them if you're wise
They sparkle, they bubble
They're gonna get you in a whole lot of trouble
You're overworkin' them, there's danger lurkin' in
Them there eyes”
Her eyes brightened as they landed on him sitting at his usual table in the back. He was done with work early and had come to pick her up so they could walk home together. 
“I fell in love with you the first time I looked into
Them there eyes
You've got a certain little cute way of flirtin' with
Them there eyes” 
HIS. She was his. He was hers. They were each others.
The only proof that Alastor was ever human was the gold band around his ring finger.
A/N: Here's the fic lol @mag-chan
part 2
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peachhcs · 2 years
The 5 times Neteyam loved you and the 1 time he said it.
Neteyam x fem!reader
Word count: 15.6k 😳
Summary: pretty self explanatory I think, but the 5 times Neteyam loved you and the 1 time he finally said it 😌
Warnings: near character death, talk of absent parents, gun & knife violence, blood
ITS FINALLY HERE!! THE LONG AWAITED 15k+ fic I took like a week to write 😭 This is cliche but I haven’t seen anyone else do this prompt before. I listened to the people and put this into one large fic, so I hope y’all like it!! The ending is..a little rocky, but it’s what you get after forcing myself to finish this. There is a prologue in this & I wasn’t originally going to include it, but I liked it too much to delete it from the story LOL
If you guys want a Lo’ak version, I have one in the drafts, but idk if that is something y’all want. My requests for fic ideas are open, so send some in if y’all want! Thanks for all the love!! (ps, not quite proof read so if there’s some spelling or grammatical errors my apologies)
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It was no doubt that you were an extreme pleaser. Growing up as the eldest sibling to your parent’s five, it was your job to stay in line. Set the example. Follow the rules. Be the golden child. It was the whole reason why you and Neteyam bonded so quickly when you met.
He knew how it felt to be the perfect one. You both carried the same burden, the same pressure, the same expectations set by your parents. All you wanted was to please them and get the praise you desperately craved.
You saw Neteyam for a few weeks now. It started one day in the woods when you were out exploring. Foana and Ni`awtu insisted going out into the forest. You knew being the eldest that you couldn’t possibly leave them to their own devices, so you reluctantly followed after them.
That same afternoon, the Sully kids decided embarking on their own expedition. The clan was so large and spread out in nearly every part of the forest that you hardly knew every single person. You knew of the Sully children and their great father Jake, the Olo’eyktan and Toruk Makto, however you did not know them.
Everything changed for you and your siblings that afternoon when Foana wandered off. You had no idea that a certain Sully boy would change the entire trajectory of your life that day.
You were distracted with admiring the beautiful flora that you didn’t even realize your younger sister disappeared. A tiny tug on your tail made you spin around, hissing at Ni`awtu standing shyly behind you.
“Ni, what do you want?” You answered annoyed that she interrupted your gazing. Seeing her little worried features made you scrap any annoyance you ever possessed in the first place.
“It is Foana. I do not know where she went.” The fear laced through the young girl’s voice. Your eyes shot up, now realizing that the youngest sibling was no longer around the two of you.
To make matters even worse, you only brought your knife with you expecting a quick and short trip.
“Ni`awtu, you were supposed to be watching her at all times. Argh.” You pushed past her, beginning to sniff out any possible trails Foana may wandered off on.
“I am sorry, sister. I swear, I thought she was right behind me.” The familiar wobble of Ni’s voice and her trembling hands told you she was close to tears. Sighing, you collected her into your arms.
“Do not worry, it is not your fault. We will find her.” Being the eldest meant you could not be mad at your little siblings for long. You also could not let them take the blame for things—even if it was their fault at times. That was just what came with growing up as the eldest. You took nearly all the blame.
The two of you walked the tree lines, scanning every possible inch for that little rascal. She hardly knew the forest like you, so she couldn’t have been too far. If anything, she was probably cowering underneath a leaf or behind a tree because she did not know where she was anymore.
Your ears perked up when you heard voices ahead. In a quick maneuver, you shoved your sister behind you incase it was a threat. Not many from your clan ventured this far out into the forest by the old shack. It was forbidden by the Olo’eyktan—so whoever was ahead couldn’t possibly be Na’vi.
There was a tiny laugh, though. It caught you off guard and your defenses fell for just a moment. There came another laugh, louder and one you recognized this time.
“Foana.” You muttered and ran ahead through the brush.
When you came through clearing, you grew surprised seeing your little sister playing around with another younger Na’vi girl.
“Y/N, look! I made a friend!” Little Foana sensed your presence and motioned towards the other little girl. She smiled up at you with a toothy grin.
“Foana, what in Eywa are you doing all the way out here? You do not wander away from me or your sister.” Your mom voice came out, loud and booming. The little one looked down in shame realizing she was in trouble.
“I am sorry, sister. I did not mean to. I just..I saw a flying lizard and had to follow it. I found her on the way.” She stuck out a thumb at other girl. Another sigh escaped your lips knowing she must’ve also strayed off her path and probably had people looking for her as well.
“Tuk! There you are! Why did you wander off?” A new voice entered the scene. She raced past you, scooping up the girl in her arms.
“Sorry, Kiri. I found a friend, though.” Tuk pointed at your sister who gave a similar toothy grin and a wave.
“It is okay, sister. Just make sure you tell someone next time, okay? Neteyam, I found her, it is okay.” You didn’t realized there was entire group behind you now. Two boys, no three boys, stood behind you. Two Na’vi and the singular human boy you knew lived around here.
“Tuk, I told you to keep up with us.” The shorter Na’vi boy went past you to ruffle up her little braids.
You hadn’t moved a single muscle since their sudden arrival. You were too awestruck in the way they comforted the girl. Neither of them showed any signs of anger or annoyance that she wandered off. It was so unfamiliar to you—all of that sincerity and comfort to one another.
“Oh, please excuse us. I am so sorry. I am Kiri. This is Tuk, Lo’ak, Neteyam, and Spider behind you.” The girl that came in first finally acknowledged your presence with a warm smile as she introduced what must’ve been her siblings.
“Oh, no need for apologies. I am Y/N. This is Ni`awtu and Foana.” You did a bow of greeting which your sisters quickly followed after.
“It seems as though our sisters have befriended one another. We were so worried when we realized she had wandered off.” Kiri laughed and pinched Tuk’s little nose. You smiled at the affection.
“Yes, us too. I was glad I found them both unharmed.” You pulled your sisters closer, trying to show a tiny bit of affection like the other siblings displayed.
“Let’s just be glad we didn’t need to call dad in. He would have beaten our asses if we told him we lost Tuk.” Lo’ak laughed and then his older brother smacked him on the head. The unfamiliar terms and use of some English words intrigued you. Not many Na’vi knew English besides the Olo’eyktan—obviously being from the sky.
You began putting two and two together. The five fingers of Lo’ak and Kiri. Lo’ak’s use of English phrases you didn’t quite understand. These were the Sully children. The Olo’eyktan’s kids.
“Oh my Eywa, I am sorry. You are children of the Olo’eyktan. It is a pleasure to meet you.” You rushed out, flushed you had not picked up on it beforehand. You bowed again, urging your sisters to do the same.
“Woah, we’ve never been greeted like that before.” Lo’ak snickered and the older boy hit his head again.
“Lo’ak, stop it. Do not apologize. We are Omatikaya as much as you are. It is really our father who gets bowed to.” The older one spoke to you in a kind tone that had your face heating up in a way it had never done before.
“Well, it is still a great pleasure to meet all of you.” He grinned at you. There was something igniting inside of you just looking at his smile. Something you had never felt before.
“Can Foana and I have a playdate sometime?” Tuk spoke to you, her little voice adorable as ever. However, you were unfamiliar with the term she used.
“Playdate means like a hang out.” Kiri must’ve seen your confusion. You quickly nodded.
“Of course, anytime as long as neither of you wander off again.” You joked some, smiling down at your little sister. She grinned excitedly.
“Perfect, you may bring her over anytime or we can bring Tuk over. She has been so excited to start making new friends ever since our parents allowed her to go out more.” Kiri was so soft spoken and so gentle. Her presence alone just made you feel so warm and welcomed.
“You could bring your other siblings, too. You have two others, right?” Lo’ak spoke up more. You quickly nodded, a bit surprised he even knew that. It wasn’t like your family was well known like they were.
“Tsanten and Naria.” You did not miss the way Lo’ak’s face blushed at the mention of Naria.
“Well, bring them all and even yourself, we love the company.” Kiri beamed and you couldn’t help but smile yourself.
You hardly received invitations out often. You were always busy taking care of your siblings, cleaning up, staying in, following your parents’ orders. It didn’t leave much room for fun and going out.
Neteyam was still glancing in your direction. He just couldn’t seem to pull his eyes away from your pretty hair flowing loosely down your back, or the way your eyes lit up when Kiri extended the invitation to you and the rest of your siblings.
He knew of your family through passing here and there. You were the eldest, just like him, yet he never saw you out much. Either you were hidden away in your tent, or out hunting. He knew you were a hunter because Beyral spoke of your name often.
You intrigued him. He liked the way the confusion floated over your face when Lo’ak or Tuk used phrases you didn’t understand. He liked the protective nature you held over every single one of your siblings—similar to him. How you held them close to you. He wanted to know more about you. He wanted to make you smile again because it sent an unfamiliar feeling of butterflies in his stomach that he enjoyed.
He wanted more of you. If only the two of you knew what your future held.
Neteyam was protective over everything in his life—his parents, his siblings, and now you. Being the eldest, especially to the Olo’eyktan, it was his job becoming the protector when his father wasn’t there.
He fought off anyone who poked fun at Lo’ak or Kiri for having five fingers. He made sure someone was with Tuk at all times when she went out to the forest. He helped his mother anytime she asked whether it was with food or his siblings.
There was no denying how similar the two of you were. It was what drew him to you. You held the same protective nature as him. You took care of your siblings the same way he did. You understood the burdens he carried because you held them high on your shoulders as well.
It was when the two of you were together that he could let go of everything, even if it was just for a little bit. When the day was done and everyone was sound asleep for the night, tucked safely into their tents was when the two of you snuck out to spend time together.
It was more of a private relationship for the time being. Being the next Olo’eyktan in line, Neteyam knew that if he told people he was seeing someone it would spread like wildfire across the village. People would start talking and they probably wouldn’t ever leave you alone once the word was out. He wasn’t sure if you wanted that on top of everything else and if he was being honest, he wanted you to himself just a little while longer.
His feet worked quickly jumping from tree branch to tree branch. The luminescent forest was his guiding light through the night and he took one final swing to his destination. When he got his footing, there you were right where you met almost every night.
Your back was slumped against the tree and you hadn’t noticed him yet, instead, your gaze was focused on the glimmering stars above. Every time, Neteyam was so in awe of you. He knew how stressed you were throughout the day having to do this and that, so seeing you here waiting for him in the most relaxed state gave him a sense of pride.
“Oh, hi.” You finally noticed his looming presence. The boy grinned, walking towards you.
“Hi, sorry I am late. I had to make sure Tuk was truly asleep for the night.” The sound of your laugh made his heart swell in his chest. He snuggled himself in beside you with his head resting on your stomach.
When you put your hands across his back, all of his muscles finally relaxed. The stress slowly dissipated and everything felt right being in your arms. During the day, he was a leader who held no fear. At night when he was with you like this, none of that mattered. He didn’t have to put on the facade for you.
“She never falls asleep on time. I think she is afraid she will miss out on something. Foana is the same way.” He hummed when he felt your other hand begin brushing through his braids.
“That explains why she is always following Lo’ak and Kiri around.” Your stomach rumbled with laughter again and the vibrations were so calming to Neteyam. If he could, he would have your laugh on repeat.
“Your training, how did that go today?” Another thing Neteyam adored about you was how you never failed to ask him about his day. Any detail he told you, you remembered and talked about it the next night. He had never been listened to like that before. It made everything inside of him feel warm and appreciated like he had a purpose.
“It was okay. I think dad is getting mad at me because I can not seem to understand things as fast as he wants me to.” Neteyam sat himself up so he could look at you properly. His back fell against the tree in the same way yours did, still keeping your bodies close.
“You will get it, do not worry. It takes time learning all the ways of the Olo’eyktan. Your father probably struggled as much as you did once.” You clutched his bicep to give it a comforting squeeze. Neteyam’s gaze fell away to the sky, though. His mind beginning to turn elsewhere.
“Yes, but he was already strong when he fell into the position. He was an adult already. I am merely a teenager still.” He heard you scoff beside him.
“You are just as strong, Neteyam. Do not tell yourself you are not. You are learning and your father just wants what is best for you.” You always knew what to say to him to make him feel better. His gaze finally fell back to you, your gentle gaze making his face blush.
“I think my parents are catching up to the fact that I may be seeing someone.” You giggled, looking away as you changed subjects. Neteyam, however, stiffened up at your words.
“What do you say?”
“Well, I just laugh it off and say I am not. They do not ask much more after that.” He could not read your expression because you weren’t looking at him. He didn’t know if you were upset you had to deny it or something entirely different.
He certainly wished he didn’t have to be so private about his personal life, but he was afraid his mother wound disapprove—not that there was anything to disapprove of you. It was mostly the others in the clan. People would start talking. They would start seeking you out. You would have to start learning the ways of Tsahik, maybe (Hopefully in his mind). He wanted to make sure you were completely comfortable to be put into such a spotlight like he was before anything was really said about the two of you.
“Neteyam? Are you alright?” Your voice snapped him from his thoughts. You were already looking at him when he met your pretty golden eyes.
“Yes, sorry. I was lost in thought.” He gave you a gentle smile to reassure you.
“About what?” You loved to pick his brain though. His expression twisted and he found the need to place his arm around you and pull you closer towards him. Your head fell absently against his chest.
“It is not important.” He had this thing where he would sometimes hide his emotions from you. He did not want to burden you with this one right now.
“I feel like it is, though. I will not make you tell me, but you can if you want to.” Another feature he absolutely adored about you. You never pried, but made it known that he could tell you anything. He squeezed you a tiny bit closer as if there was anymore space left between you two.
“Are-are you..upset that our relationship is not..for the entire clan to know?” He blurted and then avoided your gaze so he wouldn’t see your expression.
“No, not necessarily. I like the privacy.” You answered honestly, but Neteyam wasn’t sure if he believed it yet or not.
“Are you lying?” You sat up more to look at him. He was gnawing at his lip, worried that you were lying.
If he could give you the world, he would. He wanted to give you everything. He wanted to show you off and take you on dates that weren’t in the dark. He wanted to hold your hand and kiss you in front of people so they knew you were his. However, he could not do any of that in fear that someone would be mean to you or say rude things. The entire clan was kind, but there were few who said things when they did not approve. Neteyam only knew because he heard the things people said about his father when he became Olo’eyktan.
He is demon blood. How would he know how to lead a clan?
Can we really trust him with our people?
What does she see in him?
Those children, they are demon blood. Five fingers.
They are not true Na’vi.
He could only imagine the things they could say when he announced his possible chosen woman. He wanted to keep you out of that. He wanted to protect you from it as much as he could.
“No, I am not lying. Why would I lie?” You gave a small chuckle; however, Neteyam was still not eased.
“Right, sorry. You would not lie about that.” He looked down, embarrassed he even thought you would lie to him. A gentle hand cupped his face and directed his attention back to you.
“What is going on in that head of yours? Tell me, it seems to be bothering you.” You observed his entire face and Neteyam was flushing under your intense stare.
He took your hands in his, squeezing gently and blowing out a long breath.
“I want to give you the world, but I can not. I only do not tell people about our relationship because I am afraid they will say things we do not like. I do not want them to hurt you and say things like they do about my father and mother. That is the only reason I have kept us from them. Not because I am embarrassed or anything of you.” Neteyam spilled his entire heart to you right then and there. He watched your face for a reaction and subconsciously prepared for a negative one.
Instead, you just grinned and stroked his hand with your thumb.
“I did not think you were embarrassed of me. I know you have a lot on your mind all the time. You do not need to explain yourself to me. I do not mind keeping our relationship private.” Your head tilted to the side, still grinning.
“I just want to make sure you are completely ready to have every eye on our relationship when and if we tell people. It is a lot of pressure and people will be talking. I do not want to just push you into that if you are not ready.” Neteyam continued.
“I am ready whenever you are ready. You worry too much about me.” You laughed and Neteyam’s head fell against your chest. You cradled the back of his head with a smile.
“So you are sure you are ready to handle it? You can tell me no.” He looked back up at you, scanning your face for any possible secret resentment you weren’t telling him.
“You forget I have thick skin. I grew up with parents who were perfecting my every move. If I can take them, I think I can handle being your girlfriend in public.”
It was then that Neteyam knew you were it for him. You held no fear in your eyes that he seemed to be harboring deep down in his depths. You were ready to be by his side under any circumstance.
He brought your face into his hands so he could pull you forward for a kiss. It was everything he could not say and everything he wanted you to know. The night was young and so were you two in that moment.
Tonight was a big night as Neteyam ran around the hut like some mad person. He was shoving Tuk’s toys away, cleaning every single space, forcing his family to be on their best behavior—especially Lo’ak.
You were joining his family for dinner so they could properly meet you. Despite all of his siblings already knowing you, it was his parents who did not have much knowledge about you. It was mostly just name in passing, but one they never asked much about.
When Neteyam told his parents he was even seeing someone in the first place, their reactions were pretty priceless.
“Hey, mom, dad?” The eldest Sully walked into their hut while his parents worked away at their own separate projects. They turned his way at the sound of his voice.
“Yes, what it is ma son?” Neytiri questioned. The boy was flushed and picking at his fingers, unsure of how to even approach the subject.
It wasn’t that his parents were against him dating around, but he had never shown much interest beforehand, so he wasn’t sure how they were going to react now.
“I..I um-well, you see, I met this girl a few weeks ago. She is very kind, strong, intelligent, a hunter. I-I would like you to meet her one night over a dinner, maybe?” He carefully watched for their reactions.
His mother, wide-eyed, looked over at her husband. They exchanged a few glances, probably speaking with their eyes, but Neteyam had no idea what they were silently saying. He worried it was bad things.
“Oh! Yes, yes, of course. We would love to meet this girl. Who is she? Is she Omatikaya? Does she live around here?” His mother stood, embracing him while asking the hundred questions she had. His father sat back with a tiny, proud smile on his lips.
“Her name is Y/n. She is just a few huts down. She is a great hunter and warrior. Beyral speaks of her sometimes.” Neteyam explained your background as best as he could. Both of his parents were beaming widely.
“Yes, I have heard that name a few times before. She sounds wonderful, I am so excited to meet her. I had no idea you were seeing someone.” Neytiri was the most enthusiastic for her eldest. He had nearly reached all of his requirements that would make him one of the People and it was only a matter of time before he would begin looking for a future mate.
Tuk went on all day about her excitement that you would be joining them tonight. Neytiri worked all day preparing a great meal with the help of Kiri.
“Bro, I can’t believe you never told us about dating around with Y/n.” Lo’ak snickered as he helped with some of the cleaning. He earned a slap on his head for that comment.
“Well, it was not much of your business, was it?” Neteyam retorted and the younger brother only shrugged.
“I knew you were sneaking out late at night. I could just never have proof.” Another snicker and another slap. Lo’ak finally let up on his annoying teasing.
“Tuk!!” A little scream broke the boys from their conversation. Nearly everyone in the hut looked over to see a little Na’vi girl run in. Tuk was smiling widely, bringing her friend in for a hug.
“Foana! What did I say?—“ Suddenly, you appeared, grabbing at your youngest sister. Neteyam noticed your other three siblings just behind you. You met his eyes before darting them over to his parents who were glancing your way. Your entire face flushed.
“I am so sorry. Foana begged me to bring her to say hello to Tuk and then..well, I could not leave everyone else out.” You quickly explained yourself in small embarrassment. Neteyam rushed to greet you.
“Tsanten, Naria, what’s up?” Lo’ak happily got up to greet your other siblings. Ni`awtu stood shyly behind your back.
“I am so sorry for them.” You whispered to Neteyam when he was close enough. He only grinned.
“Do not apologize.” He kissed your cheek and then stepped aside for his mother who approached.
“It is nice to finally meet you, Y/n. I have heard many things.” Neteyam watched the exchange, still a tiny bit nervous for his parents approval of you. You smiled, nerves also evident behind your eyes.
“It is so nice to meet you as well, Mrs. Sully. I have heard so many things about you.” You bowed your head using the I see you gesture.
“Please, call me Neytiri. It is so nice to meet all of your siblings, as well.” She grinned again at the other little kids talking with her own children.
“Oh, thank you. They will not be staying, they just begged me to bring them to say hello.” You rushed out, eyeing each one of them to make sure they were being well-behaved in the home of the Olo’eyktan.
“Oh please, we have so much food. They can stay.” Your eyes shot to Neteyam. He only gave you a small shrug, ultimately it being your decision. He figured it would be easier to get your siblings’ introductions out of the way now too.
“Oh, no, you do not have to do that.” You shook your head, but Neytiri was persistent.
“It is no trouble. I insist.” She gently touched your arm. Neteyam could tell you were not used to such hospitality. He also touched your arm and you glanced his way. He nodded, saying if his mother thought it was okay, then it was okay for them to stay.
If anything, it would hopefully keep Lo’ak out of trouble or saying things he shouldn’t if he had other people to talk to that he liked. That was Neteyam’s biggest concern of the night, really.
“Okay, thank you, really.” You thanked Neytiri by bowing your head once more. She grinned and then walked away.
Jake came next to greet you. Neteyam knew you were worrying about him more than anything. He was Olo’eyktan and Toruk Makto after all and it was the most important to get his approval.
“Hello, Y/n. I am glad to finally meet you.” You bowed to him which he did the same back.
“It is a pleasure to meet you.” Neteyam watched as you urged your siblings to bow before his father as well. They listened to you, doing as told.
You held such power over the little ones, but not in a bad way. Neteyam wondered if they listened to you more than your own parents. You had told him many stories of you becoming the main parent for your siblings growing up. Your parents were very absent. They were always on hunting trips, so it often left you caring for them. The eldest Sully could tell it wore you down—slumped shoulders, tired eyes, callouses on each of your hands, cuts, and bruises.
“Please, please, come in. Make yourselves at home. Our hut is your hut.” Jake ushered all of you in further. You smiled at him, not quite understanding the phrase, but you knew it was a kind one by his tone and expression.
“Y/n! Y/n! Guess what I did this week?” Tuk grabbed at your arm. You smiled down at her and crouched to her eye level.
“What did the mighty Tuk do this week?” Neteyam smiled at the way you ruffled up her hair.
“I caught my very first fish!” The little girl jumped up and down in excitement.
“That is amazing, Tuk! I am so proud of you!” You squeezed her tightly.
“Tell her how big it was.” Neteyam encouraged. His little sister held out her arms wider than herself. Your eyes widened.
“No way. That is bigger than you!” She giggled in excitement.
“I know! Everyone was so excited for me.”
“I certainly hope they were. That is a great accomplishment little Tuk.” You stood and Neteyam beamed at you. He saw your face flush a bit.
“You know she adores you, right?” He reached up to push some of your hair away from your eyes. You were wearing it loose like usual and some of it was pinned back with little petals hooked into it.
You blushed again. Neteyam loved how he could always make you blush like that.
The night went on just the way Neteyam planned. His parents asked you and your siblings many questions which you all happily answered. Just by the smiles and exchanges, Neteyam knew his parents loved you already which relieved him. He was worried something would go wrong. Lo’ak even managed to keep his comments to a minimal and mostly because he didn’t want to look like some fool in front of Naria.
Later, after helping his mom clean up, Neteyam went looking for you. He stopped short when he saw you sitting with Tuk, Foana, and Ni`awtu. You were playing some game with some sticks with them. There was a large smile on your face as you laughed at what Tuk would say. Even your sister, Ni`awtu, was smiling despite how shy she came off as.
Neteyam felt a hand come around his back. His mother appeared next to him, also watching the scene unfold. The sun began to set and eclipse was near. The forest was illuminating around you four. It was the prettiest sight Neteyam had ever seen—you with his little sister playing her games she always made up.
“She is a wonderful woman, Neteyam.” He smiled, glancing his mother’s way for a moment.
“So you like her?”
“We love her. If you do decide one day, she will make a great mate.” A small wave of relief washed through the older boy. He was so glad his parents approved of you.
Now it was just a matter of telling the rest of the clan. He knew most of them would be as supportive as his parents, but there was always the handful that had something to say. Neteyam would do his best to protect you from those who would say things.
Although, for now he would just enjoy the scene in front of him. He wanted to keep the warm feeling bubbling up in his chest for as long as possible. You were utterly perfect in his eyes.
“Neteyam! Come join us!” Tuk had noticed his presence. His mother squeezed his arm before letting him go. You made room for him to join the circle. The two of you exchanged a glance, knowing exactly what the other was saying.
You were definitely a keeper.
Neteyam knew you were an excellent fighter. You were the best in the age group every time you went for trainings. He was always so in awe anytime he watched you skillfully use your bow and arrow to hit the targets on the ground from above. Or, your stealth as you dodged in and out of the trees. He knew he could never be as great of a fighter as you were.
However, with that also came the fear he held every time you left to go on missions. This one in particular was an especially dangerous one. His father appointed you to the head and it even shocked Neteyam a bit when he was told to hang back on this one but you were going.
You sat on the ground between his legs as he worked separate little braids into your hair for you. The only time you ever wore braids was for these missions or when you went hunting.
Neteyam did not want you to know he was worrying and playing every single worse case scenario in his head, so he kept quiet as his fingers worked quickly through your hair. However, his leg was bouncing right beside your head and that was hard for you to keep ignoring.
“Neteyam, are you alright?” You placed your hand over his knee. He realized it was bouncing and quickly stopped.
“Yes, I am fine.” You twisted your head around, pausing his braiding for a moment. The look on your face told him you didn’t believe him.
“Liar. What is wrong? Tell me.” You urged and Neteyam knew he couldn’t keep being quiet anymore.
“I am just worried is all. It always happens when you leave for missions like these.” He admitted, forcing a smile so you didn’t see all of his worry. You frowned a bit.
“You know you have nothing to worry about. I am a warrior. I always have been. When have I not come back from one of these?” Your tone was more of a “duh” tone. It didn’t ease Neteyam’s fear though.
“You never know what can happen, though.” He quickly make his defense. Instead of meeting your eyes, he just continued to work away at your hair.
“I suppose I do not, but you trust me, right? You trust your father. He would not send me into something dangerous.” Of course, Neteyam trusted both of you. It was the Sky People he had no trust in. He had seen them fight and the way they always had the upper hand with their crazy machine guns.
“Of course, but I am even not going. Is that not saying something?” He made a face and you were unsure what to say.
Neteyam finished off the last of your braids. The ends jingled together with the beads he added in. They were some of his own and he smiled at the fact that you two were going to match.
He turned you around and dipped his fingers into the bowl of paint beside his leg. You stayed still as he traced it around your face. He thought how jealous Lo’ak would be that you got to wear the war paint he didn’t on missions.
The two of you were silent. The feeling in the air changed ever since you didn’t know how to respond to Neteyam’s last statement.
You stood to look at yourself in the mirror when your face was done. The blue and yellow streaks went down your cheeks and around your eyes.
“Here, do not forget these.” Neteyam stood with your riding visor. He gently reached up to hook it around your ears.
You never flew with a riding visor, but then Neteyam made you one because he was worried about the wind drying out your eyes. You had happily accepted his very thoughtful gift and ever since then, you never rode without it.
“I am a warrior. I will make it back.” He felt comfort in the way you squeezed his arm. Your gaze was on him with a reassuring expression.
“I know you will. I just worry about you.” He cupped your face into his hands, bringing you towards him more.
“I have been doing this my whole life. I have my transmitter, too, so you will be able to listen in.” You placed the collar just above your necklaces and then hooked the earpiece into your ear. Neteyam remembered how thrilled you were when Jake gifted it you.
“We’re off in five minutes, everyone. Be ready!” Jake spoke through your ear. You glanced towards the opening where others headed out to their ikrans.
Neteyam brought your forehead against his. He closed his eyes, breathing you in and savoring every single detail about you just in case.
“Good luck. Be safe.” You smiled at his Earth phrases and brushed your hand along his cheek.
“I will see you soon.” He brought you in for one more kiss. His lips worked a bit rough like it was the last kiss he would give you. He was worrying that much.
You were the one to pull away, knowing you had to be out there very soon. He leaned into your touch when you kissed his cheek and then hurried out of his grasp. Neteyam hurried outside of your hut to watch you take off.
His dad took the lead as he dove off the cliff first. You were quick to follow, disappearing from his view almost immediately. Others in the clan who stayed behind clapped for the war party. Neteyam’s worry was only piling higher in his stomach, already anxiously awaiting your return.
Hours felt like days in his mind as he paced around his own hut. Tuk was in the corner playing with her toys and Kiri eyed on her older brother as he paced.
“Brother, you need to stop worrying so much. You know she will make it back. Y/n is very strong.” Kiri tried reassuring the anxious boy in front of her.
“I know, I know. This mission was a dangerous one, though. Dad did not even let Lo’ak and I go, yet he had Y/n go?” The logic still didn’t make much sense in Neteyam’s head. He wasn’t trying to discredit your abilities, but if you were going, he should’ve at least came along too.
“You have to remember that Y/n has been a warrior her whole life. Even when she was a kid. She was out hunting when she could walk. This is in her nature. Your father knows that and he knows she is a very useful asset to this mission.” His mother piped in from the other side of the hut. He didn’t even known she was listening to the conversation.
“Yeah, what mom said. She’s been fighting like this her whole life. She knows how to handle herself.” Kiri added on.
“Yeah, plus, she doesn’t always need you at her side and call.” Lo’ak had piped in now and Neteyam glared at him. Since when did his whole family become involved in this conversation.
“I am just trying to protect her.” He said in defense to what his younger brother said. Lo’ak just shrugged.
“Ma son, I know it is scary to not know what is happening, but we need to trust the Great Mother and everyone on that mission. They know what they are doing.” Neytiri squeezed Neteyam’s arm for comfort. The boy sighed, but nodded.
As if on cue, people started shouting outside of their hut. In the distance, ikran calls filled their ears. Neteyam instantly knew what that meant—the war party was returning. Everyone in the hut ran outside to greet them and check for any major injuries if any.
Jake’s ikran landed roughly atop the rocky cliff. You flew in not a moment later. The crowds were thick around the edge and it was hard to truly see what was going on. Being as tall as he was, Neteyam still could not see that well past the others trying to get a closer look.
He did not know where you were. You must have gotten down from your ikran, because it’s back was empty and there was no sign of you. Neteyam tried to push through some of the crowd, but it wasn’t much use because no one wanted to move.
“I heard it was bad. Many people were injured.”
“I can not believe he let that little girl go on such a dangerous mission.”
“This was one of their toughest missions yet.”
The words floated around his head as he heard people muttering to one another. He tried not to picture the worst for you. You had made it back, he knew that, but were you severely injured? Neteyam’s heart was practically beating a hole in his chest trying to find you.
Finally, he caught sight of some familiar braids and war paint near the edge of the crowd. He recognized Tsanten and Ni`awtu at your side hugging you.
“Y/n!” He finally was able to break out of the group. He hurried to you, joining in on your siblings’ group hug. He felt the way you clutched the back of his head with one hand and the other held onto his arm with a firm grip.
“Are you okay? Are you injured?” Neteyam pulled back to back to examine your face for any injuries.
Despite the minor cuts and scrapes, nothing looked too alarming to his knowledge. You had a pretty large gnash on your back, but it wasn’t bleeding out profusely or anything.
“No, I am not injured. Just scraped up.” You gave him a tiny smile. He was glad he got to see that again as he cupped your face and placed a quick peck onto your lips.
“Come on, I am sure Mo’at has medicine for these cuts.” You let Neteyam lead you away from the crowds and back to the huts. He sat you down on the ground and then disappeared to find his grandmother.
When he returned he had a handful of herbs, creams, oils, and bandages in his arms. You giggled at the sight.
“I did not think you were much of a healer.” He dropped everything at your side and then kneeled down to your level.
“Well my grandmother is the Tsahik after all. I happen to know one or two things.” Neteyam argued, his lips dancing with a tiny smile.
He gently worked to take your visor off and then wiped away the war paint. He knew you didn’t like to talk about the missions right away, so he enjoyed the comfortable silence between you two instead.
Neteyam’s hands were gentle as he rubbed the special herbs against your skin. You would occasionally hiss when it hurt a little bit more and he would mumble something about how he was almost done and you were doing so well.
He certainly wasn’t a healer like his grandmother or Kiri who had a special hand at medicine, but it meant a lot to both of you when he would heal your wounds for youor, when you would heal his after a long hunting day.
“Many, many people got hurt today.” You spoke after some silence. Neteyam hummed behind you.
“It was that bad?”
“Their machines are just so powerful. We are no match with our bows and arrows sometimes. They had to have known we were coming because they attacked back at us so harshly.” You shook your head some and Neteyam knew there was vivid images replaying in your mind.
“It is so hard to understand why they want us dead. If they were just a bit kinder then maybe there could be more peace worked out.” You continued on with your little rant, frustration becoming set in your body language. Your shoulders fell tense under the Sully boy’s hands.
“You know how hard they have tried with us. Someone always gets hurt. I suppose after all the failed efforts they have no other choice but violence, unfortunately.” Neteyam knew all about the schools his mother once attended in her earlier years. It seemed like the Sky People tried making an effort, but nothing ever held permanently.
“I know, it is just so frustrating. Tsanten and Naria are growing to that age where they will be old enough to go out on their own. I worry for them and what those demons could do to them.” A scowl sat on your face. Neteyam turned you around, cupping your face in his hands.
“I know how terrifying it can be. I worry for my siblings everyday, but you are very strong and you will be able to teach them well.” You smiled, but it didn’t stay for long as you casted your gaze away from him.
“I just wish I was not the one to always do it. My parents pay no attention to them anymore. They are always away. It should not be my job to teach my siblings every single life skill they will ever need.” You pushed yourself up from the ground, leaving Neteyam’s grasp.
He watched you wander to the entryway where you stared at the people moving about outside. Many were still tending to those who were wounded more worse than you.
Neteyam wasn’t a complete open book, but when he was with you, he felt comfortable enough to share the things bothering him the most. You, on the other hand, had a more harder time opening up to him. He knew you trusted him, but he couldn’t pull everything from you. He knew you parents were strict and absent people, always being away, which is why you held so much responsibility and burden. However, he didn’t know much more than that. You always closed it off.
Hearing what you were saying now, though, it was more than what you would usually say. Neteyam got up to join you at the entryway.
“You are right, it should not be your job, but unfortunately it is. You do a great job at teaching them and raising them.” His hand fell against your back. You leaned a tiny bit closer to him while your gaze was on Foana and Tuk a few feet away.
“I worry that they think I am too hard on them, but I am really just trying to help them survive on their own.” In that moment, Neteyam realized something. His whole life, his parents taught him how to hunt, fish, make kills, but their biggest motto was “Sully’s stick together.”
While yes, he was learning things on his own, he was also learning that he wouldn’t have to be alone because his family would always have his back. You did not have that.
You were the one who would always have your siblings’ back, but they wouldn’t always necessarily have yours. You were teaching them to survive on their own, not to depend on one another like he was taught growing up. Independence was a key feature of your family dynamic. Dependence was the key feature of his family dynamic.
“You are not too hard on them. You are doing what you know and hoping they will learn it too. It is a great feature to know you will always be dependable for them. However, you can always depend on me if you ever needed something.” You met his gaze and Neteyam smiled warmly at you.
“Your words are too kind. Thank you, my love.” Neteyam’s ears perked up. He had never heard that nickname before from you. You giggled upon seeing his surprised reaction.
“No, thank you, pretty girl.” He engulfed his arms around your shoulders to bring you into his chest. You chuckled and he knew you didn’t quite understand his nickname he gave you, but it didn’t matter.
He thought that maybe you going out on these missions weren’t so bad as long as he was the one to patch you up afterwards—and he always was going to be the one patching you up every. single. time.
Neteyam ventured out on a day-long hunting expedition with his father, brother, and even your own little brother. You remembered how excited Tsanten was when Jake approached him one night to ask if he wanted to tag along to get some pointers from the older guys.
It warmed your heart to see Neteyam’s family being so welcome to your own. Tsanten didn’t have your dad to take him out like this, so being able to finally go out was like a dream come true for him, especially with the Olo’eyktan.
You had a pretty slow day considering Neytiri decided to take Tuk, Kiri, and your other three sisters out for what she liked to call a “girls day.” She extended the invite to you, but you figured with everyone out of the hut was a great opportunity to get some cleaning done.
With a job that would usually take hours, it only took about two and you were done by noon. Toys were put away; the rug was cleaned; things were put back where they belonged—the entire hut looked spotless.
You ended up venturing over to the Sully residence to see if Neytiri and the girls returned yet. You thought it was empty approaching since it was practically silent until you saw Mo’at sitting near the back grinding some of her herbs together.
She caught your eye before you could walk away. You had never really spoken to the Tsahik before. Most times, you would send your siblings in if they had gotten hurt and waited outside for them. You knew she was a woman of few words despite being so highly respected within the clan.
You bowed to her.
“You must be Neteyam’s…oh what do they say..girlfriend?” The older woman cracked a tiny smile causing you to flush.
“I suppose so, yes. I apologize for interrupting you.” You nodded to her bowl of herbs. She waved you off though, beckoning you inside.
“I come here sometimes to get away when I want to be alone. There is always someone bursting into my hut needing fixing.” You smiled a bit, sitting down beside the older Na’vi.
“I understand. It is always nice to get away sometimes.” She smiled, glad you understood her.
You felt a bit strange being in Neteyam’s home without him there. Ever since the family dinner, you had only been over a handful of times, so being here alone with just his grandmother was definitely different. The usual organized chaos that filtered through his home was replaced with tranquility as the day grew shorter.
“You are a hunter and warrior correct?” Mo’at spoke up again. Flushing that she knew that about you, you nodded.
“Those are very useful skills to have as a Na’vi like you. I am impressed, especially with how much my grandson tells me about you.” She waved her finger around. You were sure that if Neteyam was here he would be embarrassed she had said that.
“Thank you, Mo’at. My parents grew up that way, so they raised me the same.” Your parents had always been die-hard warriors, so it was practically in all of your blood to become just like them one day.
“I do not see your parents around as often as I used to.” Who knew the Tsahik knew so much about your family. You scratched the back of your ear to find some excuse that didn’t sound horrible to tell her.
“They are always on hunting trips. They like to travel a lot.” Not a complete lie, but not exactly the entire truth.
“I see, I see. They always seemed to be very ambitious people.” You nodded. Yes, ambitious was certainly one way to describe them.
“It is mostly just my siblings and I around the hut. They like to take very long hunting trips.” Mo’at nodded once again.
“Yes, Neteyam says that you are the main caretaker of your siblings.” You flushed again. How much was Neteyam actually talking about you when you weren’t around? A lot, apparently.
“That task can be rather daunting, but he says you handle it very well. All of your siblings seem like very respectful people.” She continued before you could respond. You smiled. That compliment meant a lot coming from Tsahik of the village.
“Thank you, that means a lot coming from you.” She grinned at you while continuing to crush and grind away in her little bowl.
“Would you like to try?” She looked down at the bowl. You flushed realizing she was asking you to help grind up her herbs.
“Oh, sure.” She switched places with you and you began doing exactly what she had done. You crushed them down into tiny little bits and pieces.
“This could be your job one day.” Mo’at eyed you as she added in another handful. Your entire face deepened into a darker shade of blue.
“Oh..I do not know about that. Maybe?” You liked Neteyam a lot, but you two were teenagers still. His selection for a mate was still so far away and he would not become Olo’eyktan for quite some time.
“You like my grandson, no?” For a woman of few words, Mo’at seemed to have a lot to talk about with you.
“Yes, I do. He is a lovely young man.” You weren’t sure, but you thought you saw her grin from the corner of you eye.
“I do not know much about..what does Jakesully say..teenage love, but I know my grandson likes you a lot. He talks and talks about you so much. I know it can be scary stepping into that kind of love, but I usually do not steer wrong when I watch my children fall in love. I was not wrong about Jakesully and my daughter.” Hearing all of this coming from Tsahik meant so much to you. You held a lot of respect for the older Na’vi and now she was sitting beside you giving you advice about relationships like you were one of her own.
“Your hunting and warrior skills matched with your caretaking skills would make a wonderful Tsahik one day if that is what happens.” She squeezed your arm and everything in you felt so warm and comforted. No one had ever said things like that to you before and hearing it from Mo’at made it even more special.
“You are too kind. Thank you.” You flushed for the hundredth time in the last twenty minutes. Mo’at grinned once more.
“I know a kind soul when I see one. Eywa would not have brought you and Neteyam together if she was not wanting you two to be together in that way.” Obviously, Mo’at would know best when it came to Eywa. You smiled, glancing back down at the herbs.
Maybe one day this would be your fate.
Neteyam returned from his day-long hunting trip exhausted and ready to collapse into his hammock for a long nap. His mother was there to greet him with a kiss to the cheek and to his surprise, his grandmother was sitting inside eating her bowl of food.
“Hello, grandmother.” He bowed to her and she nodded back.
“Hello, my grandson. How was the trip?” Neteyam shrugged some, dropping his belongings to the ground for now. It was as best as it could be with Lo’ak being his usual self plus an added friend along for the ride.
“It was very informative. Father gave us great tips.” That part was not a lie. Jake always gave his sons great pointers for making their kills.
“That is great, I am very glad. I had a nice visit with your Y/n today.” Neteyam’s eyes widened a bit.
“You did? When?” He suddenly worried his grandmother told her embarrassing things about him or exposed how he would talk about her all the time.
“She stopped by here looking for you, I think, but I was here instead. I offered inside and we had a very nice chat. She is a wonderful young woman.” Neteyam couldn’t help but smile hearing that. You were amazing. He was glad to hear his grandmother liked her as much as he did.
“She would make a very wonderful Tsahik one day. She has nearly every skill necessary without even having much training for the position.” Mo’at eyed her grandson. Neteyam’s entire face flushed, but he also felt a sense of pride. You were great at nearly everything, he wasn’t surprised Mo’at thought that.
“Well, I hope one day it will happen. We are still young and—“
“Tsahik knows everything, son. It will happen.” Neteyam watched his grandmother beam at him widely. He flushed once more and then tried to hide the smirk forming on his lips by looking away.
In his head, he knew you were the one for him, but that was never definite. Hearing his grandmother basically confirm it was enough for him. You were it for him. Through and through.
You hadn’t snuck out during the night in awhile. Neteyam suggested it would be a nice way to get your minds off of things and just be with each other for a bit since your siblings were always interrupting or needing something.
Neteyam swung along the oh so familiar path to the tree he had taken so many times before. Eclipse had just begun and every time he was so amazed at how the forest lit up around him. It made Pandora that much more magical.
Like always, you had beaten him to the spot. Except this time, you weren’t alone. Your ikran was perched a few feet away and you had your riding visor on. Neteyam grew suspicious, but you only grinned at him.
“I thought we could go for a ride. We haven’t flown during Eclipse in so long.” You freckles were glowing and Neteyam could see the large smile on your face and your eagerness to fly.
“I did not bring any of my things and I only have my—“ You cut him off by revealing your hands that were hidden behind your back. You held his riding visor in your hands.
“I knew you would say that, so I planned ahead.” Neteyam could only smile at you. You always thought of everything.
“What if we get attacked or something?” Neteyam was still skeptical. He loved riding at Eclipse with you, but he felt under prepared if anything happened while you two were out.
“Nothing will happen, I promise. If it makes you feel any better, I have my bow. Come on, we have not ridden in so long.” You were tugging at his hand and he couldn’t resist your pleas. He took his visor from your hands and smiled.
“Okay, fine. Let’s do it.” He would do anything to be able to make you smile like you were right now. He called for his ikran while you hopped up on yours.
Once you two were both on, you exchanged a glance. There was a playful smirk on your lips as you pushed your visor down. Neteyam grew curious of the look.
“Last one to Ayram Alusing loses!” And then you were off before Neteyam could even process what you had said.
He quickly took off with you already five paces ahead of him. He had no idea how you gained so much speed already while he struggled to even pick up momentum. The wind blew against his face, making it burn some of his skin that was not protected. It was definitely not working in his favor tonight.
“You are losing, Neteyam!” He heard you call from ahead of him. He growled some and focused all of his energy into catching up to you.
He was finally able to catch up to your side. He smirked over at you.
“Who is losing now?” He teased and pushed ahead ignoring the harsh breeze as best as he could.
The two of you soared through the sky, the Hallelujah Mountains just ahead. Neteyam had the lead, but you were just on his tail, literally. If you reached out, you could probably touch the end of his ikran.
You had a competitive spirit, so there was no way you were letting yourself loose to Neteyam. From his peripheral, he saw you creeping up on him.
“You can not win everything, Y/n!” He called over to you, but there was something in your eye telling him you were definitely not losing this round.
He tried focusing through the bond to get his ikran to pull ahead as the first two mountains came up. However, you blew right past him like magic and crossed the imaginary finish like. Neteyam sighed in defeat as you pumped your arms up and down for another victory.
“I told you I would win. You do not win against me.” The eldest Sully still smiled nonetheless, enjoying seeing you so happy. He would lose a hundred times to you to be able to see you as happy and carefree as you were right now.
“My apologies, I should have known I had no chance.” Neteyam held his hands up in surrender. The little smirk continued to dance on your lips as you took off to keep flying around the mountains.
The boy stuck close to your side, the two of you smiling widely as you weaved in and around the large rock formations. You would occasionally dive over the larger branches hanging out to make it a game.
Neteyam felt like his parents where he knew they still snuck out at later hours of the night to do this. It was so thrilling, yet so relaxing at the same time. The breeze had finally died down and it no longer felt like bullets pelting his skin as he rode.
“You want to rest here? There is an open spot.” You pointed up ahead at a clearing in one of the mountain tops. Neteyam nodded and followed you to the landing.
You jumped off your ikran, taking in your surroundings. The entire area was glowing its bioluminescent glow. Each flora, leaf, tree moss, everything was shining bright acting as the light in the dark night.
“That was easily the best ride I have had in awhile. What about you?” You flipped your visor up and turned to Neteyam. In a swift move, he snaked his arms around your waist to bring you closer.
“That certainly was a great ride, but maybe next time you will lose the race here.” He grinned and earned an eye roll from you.
“In your dreams. You may be future Olo’eyktan, but you can never win against me.” You shook your head and Neteyam only chuckled.
“And you may be future Tsahik one day, so that competitive nature may need to die down a bit.” He smirked and your face flushed. You broke away from his grasp to look up at the blue-purple sky.
“Your grandmother speaks of the same thing.” You smiled, thinking about your time with Mo’at a few weeks ago.
“Is that what you two talked about that one day?” Neteyam questioned, always wondering what his grandmother could possibly be saying to you when he wasn’t around.
“She is a very kind lady. She knows what she is talking about.” You laughed some. Neteyam cringed knowing she definitely embarrassed him during that conversation.
“Did she say anything about me?” He had to ask even if he didn’t want to know.
“Oh, so many things. She loves you.” You found a comfortable spot against one of the trees to stargaze. Neteyam joined you.
“Anything embarrassing?” Your tiny giggle told him all he needed to know. He internally face palmed.
“If I told you, it would ruin the fun.” You grinned and Neteyam knew that Mo’at definitely embarrassed the shit out of him. Wonderful.
“Well, I am serious about your future Tsahik fate. Just think, you and I head of the clan one day. It would be perfect.” Neteyam threw his arm around you and you giggled at the image appearing in your head.
The Sully boy pictured it too. It looked very similar to his mother and father right now. You would still be a warrior while also caring for the people when they needed it. He would wear the large feather chest piece and headpiece his father wore—planning hunting trips, war parties, overseeing the entire clan. The future was so close yet so far. He knew it would be before him soon.
For now though, he wouldn’t worry about that and enjoyed the time he was spending with you by his side. It was enough waking up in the early hours of the morning, spending hours on specific skills, he didn’t need to wish it upon himself right now.
“Well, if it does happen, at least the people seem content with your choice of..me.” You giggled at your wording. Neteyam smiled.
“It is a miracle no one has talked much. I think they know my father will be at their throats considering I am their son if they did say anything about you.”
“I knew it would be fine. You worry too much sometimes, you know.” You poked at his chest, making him squirm away from you.
“I am merely just caring about you. It is not worry.” Neteyam attempted to defend himself, but it was clear he had a weak defense.
“You also worry. Do not be afraid to admit it. It is charming knowing you worry so much.” Another grin came from you.
“Well of course I am going to worry and care. It is who I am.” You pulled him back towards you so he could cuddle into you.
“And I love who you are.” You cradled his head, pulling your hand through his pretty braids.
He almost said it. He almost had the courage to tell you.
Jake taught Neteyam the phrase when he once asked what it meant after hearing him tell it to his mother. Jake explained how it was much more intimate than I see you. It was something the Sky People would tell those they cared deeply for.
Neteyam had been wanting to say it you for ages, but he never thought it was the right time. He didn’t know how you would react. Would you freak out? Would you say it back? Did you love him? He for sure loved you, but he wasn’t sure if you reciprocated his feelings that much. He didn’t want to scare you with such a meaningful phrase. It seemed like the right time, but it also didn’t at the same time.
Instead, he nuzzled his head further into you and breathed you in. He savored the way your hair smelled—somehow it always smelled like fresh flowers. He listed to your heartbeat, nearly putting him to sleep. The moment was taking him over. It was complete bliss and comfort being in your arms.
Everything was perfect until it wasn’t.
You planned a cute little picnic in the forest for you and Neteyam. He was dragged out of his hut with instructions to keep his eyes closed or he would ruin the surprise. Your grip on his hand was tight as he was dragged through the forest, occasionally knocking his head against a low hanging branch you forgot to push out of the way.
“Y/n, that was the third branch. Where are we going?” He laughed trying to figure out where he was, but it wasn’t much luck considering he was blindfolded.
“Just be patient. You will love it.” You hoped he would love it. You worked to put it together all day yesterday, so if he didn’t like it you’d be damned.
Trusting you, Neteyam kept accepting hits to the head and scratches to the arm knowing it had to be worth it in the end.
When you two finally arrived at your destination, you pulled the cloth from his eyes. He squinted, not used to the bright light, but when his vision finally leveled out, he was in awe of what he saw.
The little clearing had been decorated with numerous vines that wrapped around each tree branch. Flower petals were scatted along the ground. It looked like something from his dreams.
“Surprise! What do you think? A picnic in the forest.” You held your arms out, excitement bouncing across your face. Neteyam was still speechless at the effort that must’ve been put into all of it.
“You did this all for me?” You nodded, leading him further in.
“Of course I did. I had some help from Kiri and my sisters, but you deserve it after all the work you have been doing.” You turned to him, grinning widely. Neteyam cupped your face trying to find the words to express his gratitude.
“You are the best person ever. Thank you, my love.” He pecked your lips and then went to see what you had packed for your picnic.
You joined him on the blanket Neytiri let you use while Neteyam immediately began eating anything he saw. You laughed at his actions.
“Someone has not eaten yet today?”
“Oh, you have no idea. I have been out since the eclipse ended training with my father.” You grinned, glad you could feed him.
Everything was perfect until it wasn’t.
Since it was a spur the moment surprise, neither of you thought to bring any weapons with you besides the knives you always carried. It was a part of the forest only Na’vi went. There was no possible way danger could lurk around the corner or behind a tree.
“If you could come back as anything you wanted, what what you want to come back as?” Neteyam laid across the blanket staring up at the clear sky. Your head was beside his as you laid the other way. Your stomach’s were full of food and now you were just relaxing in the sun.
“Anything?” That was a hard question. There was so many things you wanted to be.
“I think I would want to come back as an ikran. They are so beautiful and just imagine being able to go anywhere you wanted basically. Flying through the sky with your rider. It sounds like such a dream.” You adored your rides with your ikran and being one would be a whole other level you would want to experience.
“I think I would want to come back as one of the good scientists like Norm or Dr. Max.” Neteyam’s answer surprised you and even himself. Sky People were evil and even some didn’t fully trust the good scientists who stayed behind, but he wanted to know what it felt like to live as human.
His father told him and his siblings countless stories of his time being apart of the Sky People and it always intrigued Neteyam.
“I know it sounds crazy, but my father told us so many stories as his time as one of them. It just seems so interesting to me.” He continued his reasoning when you didn’t respond.
“I understand it. I think it would be interesting to live as them for a day.” It was strange to Neteyam. Sky People could live like his people whenever they chose to, but he could not live like them. There was no science to make human bodies for Na’vi people who wanted the experience.
He got a lot of exposure from Spider, but it wasn’t really the same. Neteyam wanted to see it, feel it for himself.
“I have just always felt human because of my father’s blood. Even though I do not have the five fingers like Lo’ak and Kiri, I still have half of his blood in me.” Neteyam tore his gaze to his hands. His long, thin fingers that were just like his mother’s and Tuk’s.
His parents liked to say he took on more of Neytiri’s genes while Lo’ak gained Jake’s.
“It is okay to wonder and want to feel it, Neteyam. You are half human, half Na’vi. It is good you are curious.” You reached up to caress his cheek and the boy leaned into your touch.
“It just feels wrong, though. The Sky People are demons. They hurt us. Why do I want to wonder more about them?” In a sense, he also felt guilt. He knew how much his mother despised those people and even sometimes Spider because he was one of them. Why should he want to know more when all they did was hurt people?
“Do not feel guilty for wondering. Your father was them once upon a time,” He grinned at your english phrase you used. Him and Lo’ak were definitely rubbing off on you. “And he is a good human. You can still wonder and want to be like them and still be good. Norm and Max are good Sky People. It is your blood, your ancestors. Do not feel bad for wanting to wonder.” Neteyam liked the reassurance you were giving him. He was worried he sounded crazy or something.
He was about to respond when his ears twitched for a second and he suddenly got a random chill across his arms. A faint rustling noise floated into his ears. He quickly sat up.
Normally, he wouldn’t have been so alarmed, but the way his skin started to crawl told him it wasn’t some animal lurking.
“Neteyam? What is wrong?” You sat up seeing his quick change in demeanor.
“Shh, be quiet for a second.” He held his finger to his lips. His eyes bounced around the area you two were in and he grabbed for his knife.
The rustling noise continued and it got closer to where you guys were. Neteyam grabbed your arm, making you stand up with him. His actions were frightening you because you didn’t know what was going on.
“Someone else is here.” He whispered to you. He felt his heart beating a bruise into his chest at the idea of someone else lurking close by.
Everything was perfect until it wasn’t.
A noise and then an arrow was flying just above your heads. You screamed out of instinct and fear. Neteyam’s hand was back on you about to hide behind a tree. When he spun around, two larger hands with a much stronger grip grabbed ahold of the two of you.
You screamed again. Neteyam hit them with his knife causing a minor distraction. He spun away from the prying hands, until four more people emerged from the bushes, large guns in their hands. He suddenly stopped, knowing he couldn’t take them with just a knife.
“Well, look at what we have here. Looks like we crashed someone’s date.” Neteyam knew it wasn’t a true Na’vi by the way they wore full clothes and spoke in english to him. It was Avatars.
The one, tall with a buzz cut haircut, crouched down to be at his eye level. Neteyam hissed at him as he scanned his entire face with his eyes. He held his knife out for defense.
“I heard you talking a few moments ago. You said your father was from the..Sky People. Your father doesn’t happen to be Jake Sully, does it?” With the English Neteyam did understand, he knew this guy was bad and clearly had his dad on his radar.
“Oe rä’ä tslam nga.” (I do not understand you) Neteyam growled out. The avatar looked at him, quirking his eyebrow and exchanging a glance with his accomplices with him.
You continued to struggle in the hands that held a tight grip on you.
“If you tell me where your father is, I’ll let her go.” He nodded towards you. Neteyam only hissed at him once more, knife high, ready to strike.
“Or we can do this the hard way, it’s up to you. You are definitely your father.” The avatar man grabbed Neteyam’s hand. He examined his fingers, raising his eyebrow once more.
“Sure didn’t get his genes though, that’s for sure.” The others snickered around them. Neteyam pulled his hand back, unsure of what to do. If he went for a hit, they wound shoot and he didn’t want that to happen.
His eyes gazed over at you. You met his gaze, the same unsureness resting in your look. If you were scared, Neteyam couldn’t tell because you hid it well.
He couldn’t call in his dad because that would just lead this guy right to him. He was out of any good options.
Everything was perfect until it wasn’t.
“All you have to do is tell me where your dad is and no one will get hurt.” Neteyam thought of an idea.
He slowly raised his hands in means of surrender. The guy looked at him, curious. Neteyam set his knife down by his feet and then slowly moved his hands to where his transmitter sat on his neck.
He pushed into the buttons and began speaking in Na’vi since these guys clearly didn’t understand it as well as he could speak it.
(Let’s pretend this is Na’vi because I can’t translate the entire conversation 😌)
“Dad, we’re under attack, I need help.” Neteyam glanced warily at the man standing before him who watched his moves carefully.
“Neteyam? Where are you?” His dad came into his ear, urgent and worried.
“In the forest where the open clearing is. Avatar men with guns. We’re surrounded.”
“We? Who is we?”
“Y/n and I. We need your help.” The guy wasn’t exactly picking up on what Neteyam was saying which was good. His plan was working so far.
“Okay, we’re on our way.” And then he was out. Neteyam knew two things after that: one, his father was a much better fighter than these guys were. He was Na’vi, he had years and years to adapt. He could take these guys out easily. Two, his dad wasn’t going to give himself up to this guy and if they could defeat him, it wouldn’t even be in the question.
“He is coming now.” Neteyam spoke in english so the guy understood. He quirked his eyebrow once more, almost surprised.
“Well, that was easier than I thought it would be.” The others chucked around them. Behind his back, Neteyam made a small hand signal to you that he hoped you would understand.
Suddenly, there was a screech. You had bitten the arm that was holding you. Neteyam used that distraction to grab his knife from the ground. He went for the guy’s leg.
You wrestled out of the grasp. The others went for you, but being the skilled warrior you were, it was easy to take them out. You swung your leg around, taking one out with your foot.
Neteyam slashed the leg of the guy and went for his gun. His father had taught him and Lo’ak how to use one, so he knew exactly where to go to blow the amo out of it.
He used his knife to slash another one’s arm. It was pure chaos. Blood sputtered every which direction and the others were trying to fire their guns at you two. You were quicker than them, though. You knocked them from their hands and kicked their legs out.
One particular cut Neteyam made went across the entire face of one of the avatars.
“Quaritch, we need to fall back. We can’t take this many losses right now.” One of them urgently spoke to the one Neteyam slashed the leg of.
“I need Jake Sully. I am not leaving without him.” He argued bitterly.
“We’ll come back when we’re better prepared! At least we know they’re close by.” He seemed to finally give in. He called something Neteyam didn’t understand and all of his accomplices began retreating back into the forest where they had come from.
Relief flooded through Neteyam. They were leaving and the both of you were still safe. However, his relief didn’t last for very long.
Everything was perfect until it wasn’t.
He turned to you, a smile spread across his lips until he saw the way you clutched your stomach. Your hands were trembling as they slowly revealed what was happening. Your knife handle was sticking out and blood was dripping from your skin.
There wasn’t a smile on his face anymore. His relief disappeared and was quickly replaced by fear.
“Neteyam..” You sputtered, swaying on your feet. He was quick to catch you before you hit the ground.
“No, no, no, no, Y/n. It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay. Look at me. Look at me. You’re okay.” He was sputtering, clutching your arm and staring at the way your knife was lodged into your stomach.
“Why am I so warm? Is it warm?” Your entire face was losing color by the second. Neteyam, even though he tried not to show it for your sake, was panicking.
“You’re fine. It’s going to be fine. You’re going to be fine. Help is coming. They’re coming to help us.” He knew better than to pull the knife out, but you were practically pouring blood everywhere.
“Am I dying? Is this what it feels like to die?” The blood loss was making you go into shock. Neteyam was cradling your head, trying to stay calm for you and himself.
“No, you are not dying, my love. You are going to be okay. You are not going to die. I will not let you die.” If he had his bow and arrow, maybe he would’ve been able to take down those other guys easier. If he had a better weapon, anything other than a knife then maybe this wouldn’t have happened.
You were not dying.
Your breathing started becoming rigid. It was broken into heavy pants and you were sputtering again.
“If-if I don’t..If I don’t make it..Can you-will you take care of them for me?” Your siblings. Neteyam visibly shut his eyes for a moment. How would he explain this to Foana? Who would take care of them if you..no you were not dying.
“Do not say that. You are going to take care of them because you are going to live. My dad is coming. Everything is going to be okay.” It was mostly just so Neteyam would believe himself too. Everything was going to be okay.
His ears twitched and perked up when he heard sounds of ikrans coming. His father’s ikran came into view along with his mother’s. They landed and then rushed to where you two were.
“Dad! Someone put her knife into her. She..she is losing so much blood.” Neteyam’s voice broke that time. He couldn’t hold it back any longer.
“Shit, shit.” Neteyam watched as his dad gently flipped you to your side. Luckily, there was no exit wound, but the blood kept coming.
“I-I do not feel very good. I-I-“ You were heaving at this point. Your eyes were glazing over and your entire skin had gone from a deep blue to an entirely lighter shade.
“Y/n, you need to stay with me. Please, please stay with me.” Neteyam cupped your face, trying to keep your eye contact with him.
“We need to get her to the village. To Max and Norm and Mo’at.” Neytiri had a look of pure horror on her face seeing you like that.
Your eyes couldn’t stay open much longer. The blood loss was becoming fatal. Neteyam began shaking you when he saw your eyelids drift closed.
“Y/n! Y/n!” He was in too much of a panic to even check if you were breathing or not still. He could not lose you. Not now.
“We need to get her to the village, right now. Neteyam! Are you with me?” His father was practically yelling at this point. However, his eldest son fell into what was his own shock.
He did not and could not move seeing your almost lifeless body in front of him. He didn’t process it as his dad lifted you up to his ikran. His mother had to pull him to his feet, trying to snap him back into attention. Nothing worked, though.
All he could think about was you. You, you, you. You were in love. His future woman. His future mate. You were the sister to his siblings. The sister to your siblings. You were their care taker. Who would..who would take care of them now?
He should’ve told you. He should’ve told you the other night on your night ride. It was so close on the tip of his tongue. Why couldn’t he find the courage to tell you then? What if he never got to tell you ever now?
Your body became so lifeless in his arms. Pale skin, gone eyes, blood nearly everywhere. This couldn’t be the end. There was so much life ahead for the two of you. Your future plans. He couldn’t possibly do it all without you.
His mother somehow managed to get him onto her ikran. She flew quickly through the sky after her husband who clutched your body tightly.
When they landed, you were rushed directly to Max and Norm. Mo’at was brought in to give you a heavy sedation medicine so they could pull the knife out without damaging anything serious. It was near chaos. No one but Mo’at was allowed where they were inside the labs.
Neteyam chewed on his bottom lip. Guilt, fear, anger, sadness, everything at once was eating him up inside. He figured he should be the one to tell your siblings what happened, so he did.
Their faces were enough for him to finally break down right in front of them. It should’ve been me. It should’ve been me. It should’ve been me. The phrase repeated in his head like a broken record.
All five of them sat on the ground of your hut hugging one another close. For a moment he hated your parents for not being here in this moment. They had no idea what was happening to their daughter right now.
Neytiri offered their hut to your siblings without hesitation to stay in.
Hours were ticking by it stated to feel like days to Neteyam. There was no word on the progress or your condition. It was merely a waiting game at this point. The knife was lodged deep and you lost a lot of blood.
Everything was perfect until it wasn’t.
Mo’at finally emerged after what seemed like almost six hours where a large group had gathered outside of the lab doors—Neteyam and his family included. All of them deeply concerned about your well-being.
“The knife has been removed. She is stable, but she is sleeping still and will be for a few days.” A tiny bit of relief washed through Neteyam knowing the operation was at least successful.
The days went by and you had finally awoken. Once visitors were allowed, your siblings were the first to check on you, of course. Neteyam hung back, a bit anxious and nervous to see you again.
He felt so guilty for what happened. He could not protect you after saying countless times that he would at any given moment. His failure caused him to hang his head low and avoid looking people’s way when he went out.
Kiri, Tuk, and Lo’ak were the next group of visitors. Neteyam still hung back. Maybe it was fear that was holding him back?
Could he possibly look you in the eye again after seeing you with a knife lodged into you? Not really. His fear made him feel upset in a sense. Why could he not face you? You were his love, yet he could not find himself to step foot into the lab.
A few more days passed and eventually the doctors and Mo’at agreed to move you back into your hut for more comfort. Neteyam avoided the entire village that day, in fear that he would see you.
What was wrong with him? One minute he could not stop seeing you and now he was afraid to even make eye contact with you.
It made him feel even more guilty.
One night, he sat outside by one of the drop-off spots. His head pounded and every single thought he ever had was swirling around like a school of fish.
He didn’t feel another presence until he caught sight of his mother sitting down beside him. She had began recognizing his absent behaviors and his avoidant gazes anytime he was around people. She knew how hard this was on her son.
“Have you seen her at all?” She crafted her words gently. Neteyam shook his head.
“I cannot. It pains me and the guilt is eating me alive.” He grabbed his chest like something was actually messing with him in there.
“Well, she is asking for you. She is confused why you have not seen her yet. You should go see her, Neteyam.”
“I can not. Every time I look at her I remember the horrid images of the knife deep in her stomach as the blood seeped through. It was the worst part of everything. I promised her protection and I can not even do that anymore.” He wanted his mother to understand, but he knew she wound not. Not completely, at least.
“Neteyam, this is not your blame. You did everything you could and no one is blaming you. I promise you, son.” Her arm outstretched to bring comfort to her son. She rubbed his back, trying to get him to understand.
“Then why do I feel so, so guilty like it is my fault?” He pleaded for an answer. His mother tried to come up with as best of an answer as she could.
“When you care for someone as deeply as you do, whatever happens to them begins to feel like it is your fault. It is not your fault, though. You take the blame because you think there is no where else to place it. My son, you did everything you could. No one is upset at you or mad or angry. Y/n is not upset with you. Do not think that.” Neteyam’s head hung low.
“I think it will fix a lot of things if you go see her. You will begin to realize this was none of your doing or fault.” Neytiri urged once more and Neteyam knew he couldn’t keep refusing. He had to be mature. He was almost Olo’eyktan and he couldn’t even face his own injured (almost) mate.
“Okay. I will go see her.” Neytiri smiled, giving her son a nod of encouragement.
The Sully boy stood and turned in the direction of your hut. He started bracing himself—for insults? Anger? Sadness? Frustration?
The closer he got to you, the faster his heart would beat against his chest. From inside, he could hear your siblings talking and at times arguing with one another.
He tapped on the wood before pushing aside the flap that covered the inside. Tsanten and Naria looked his way.
“Neteyam! You’re here!” Foana was at his legs, hugging him much like Tuk did. He smiled down at the little girl.
“Hello, Foana. Tsanten. Naria. Ni`awtu.” He bowed before them. Their looks told him they had never been greeted that way before.
In the corner, Neteyam caught sight of your figure. You were sitting upright carving something when you finally noticed his presence in your home.
“Neteyam, hello. Come in, come in.” You urged him in further. He slowly went to you and your siblings filtered themselves out knowing you two probably needed some space.
“You look so much better. How are you feeling?” He questioned taking in your skin that returned to its usual blue shade. You smiled some.
“I am definitely feeling a lot better. How are you?” You took ahold of his hands. The questioned seemed silly to him considering he wasn’t the one who got stabbed.
“I am doing okay. I am not the one who got stabbed, though.” He stifled a small laugh. You rubbed at his fingers and he was just glad to be able to feel your hands in his again, not the lifeless feeling they once were.
“Well, I have not seen you yet, so I was making sure you were okay.” Neteyam grimaced just a bit. He felt guilty for not visiting you sooner, but he just couldn’t bring himself to face you in the state that you were in.
“Yes, I am okay. I am sorry I did not visit you sooner. I..I just felt guilty about all of this and I was being selfish with myself.” His head hung low, ears dropping. You grabbed his chin though, shaking your head.
“There is nothing to feel guilty about, Neteyam. You did everything you could. Eywa gave me life again because she knew my time was not over yet. This was not your fault.” Your words were reassuring. He forced a small smile.
“Plus, you forget how strong I am. I have thick skin. Literally.” You laughed this time. The joke was corny, but it made both of you smile.
You allowed yourself to pull Neteyam closer and he situated himself so his head laid in your lap. He closed his eyes at the feeling of your fingers raking through his braids. It was a familiar feeling he had grown to miss while you were recovering.
“Hey, Y/n?” You turned your attention to the boy in your lap.
“I love you.” Neteyam’s heart was pounding, nervous for your reaction. He wasn’t sure if that was an Earth phrase you knew or understood, but he hoped it was.
A tiny smile danced on your lips. You caressed his cheek, leaning down to kiss it.
“I love you.”
The rest of the evening was spent wrapped in each other’s arms.
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
The Rot: Patient Zero
An infection is spreading across all of Cybertron and not a spark knows what is going on. Ratchet has been called upon to inspect patient zero to try and find the cause of all this. It ends as well as one might expect.
This is a little gift for my dear friend @spreadwardiard and their fantastic fic The Rot.
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“Where is the patient?” The datapad in Ratchet’s servo cracked as he clutched it a little too tightly. He cursed softly and strode forward with greater speed, First Aid scurrying alongside him.
“We have found several infected patients, but the one we are going to is in the far room, the most secure part of the facility.” First Aid supplied with a hint of worry in his voice. Ratchet hummed and looked over the datapad again. 
Hundreds of reports of a strange virus infecting the lower levels had begun to spread like a wildfire. Every few kliks there was another ping and yet another designation added to the growing list of those infected with the virus. This was an outbreak, and it was growing worse at rapid speed. Ratchet had already given the order to close off the upper regions of Iacon, but the middle and lower levels were being overtaken by whatever this was.
They needed to understand it and find a cure fast. There had been no casualties yet, but Ratchet had seen the Rust Plague. He knew how quickly something so simple as a mere respiratory malfunction could turn deadly. 
“We believe this is patient zero, correct?” Ratchet inquired as he passed by several holding cells where infected individuals were pacing mindlessly. Looking over them briefly, they seemed… lost. Their optics were hazy and their movements disjointed. Most were mumbling about nonsense, but there was a common theme that left a worrying fear nagging at the back of Ratchet’s mind.
“Hungry… need… energon.” Ratchet grimaced slightly as he passed by a particularly delirious patient. The mech was leaking oral fluids, seemingly without any care whatsoever. His frame seemed gaunt, almost emaciated. That wasn’t a good sign.
“Yes, the patient we are going to meet is indeed the one we believe to be the original carrier of the virus. He was at a bar at the time and the infection has spread from that location since. And while we do have enforcers down there trying to keep things in order-” First Aid fidgeted and stepped back hastily as one patient flew against the bars separating him from the hall. The patient’s face was the embodiment of madness, and his expression was lopsided, almost as though he’d had a spark attack and was still recovering.
“What do we know so far? What are the symptoms?” The mech gurgled worryingly as Ratchet grabbed First Aid by the arm and pushed on. First Aid stumbled for a moment before replying. Ratchet took care to not look at any of the patients in the optic directly. He hated keeping patients behind bars, but they were too dangerous to be interacted with. 
“Severe hunger, madness, disorientation, mobility loss, and in the most severe cases, plating loss. It seems to be a degenerative virus that weakens the frame over time.” Ratchet nodded and passed First Aid the datapad as they approached a door. It was thick, black proof based on the structure of it. A wise place to keep patient zero.
“Give me a hazmat suit. I am not going in there just to catch whatever this is.” First Aid was quick to follow the given order and collected a suit from the nearby lockers. Within a klik, his apprentice was back by his side with the materials. Ratchet always hated the suites, but they were useful despite their appearance.
Neon green boots and leg coverings slid on first, kept in place by straps that were fitted over his shoulders. They dug into his seams, but with the covers coming up to his mid waist, there would be no risk of fluid getting near his exposed cabling or plating. Next came the gown with First Aid had to get a stool to help Ratchet get into. The thing was also disgustingly bright green and it fell over his helm without issue. Getting his arms into the sleeves was a nightmare with his arm guards, but he managed. 
Gloves were strapped onto his wrists with tight bindings and the cuffs of his sleeves were tucked into the gloves just to be safe. As if he didn’t look ridiculous enough, the helm piece of the whole suit was quickly put into place. It was a relatively simple design. A draping helm cover fell down from his helm to his shoulders, held in place by straps under his chin. Then to top it all off, a cone shaped, almost beak like visor was slipped into place and locked on. The thing was almost entirely air tight, but there was plenty of room around his intake and optics so that he could run his air filtration systems without issue.
He looked like a hot mess, but he was ready. The bright purple mark of the medic stood proudly on his chest as he gestured for First Aid to step away and made his way through the door into patient zero’s containment chamber. 
“You are… Springstep, correct?” Ratchet called out, his voice coming out somewhat staticy through the communicator built into his mask. The mech in front of him had his arms bound behind his back, a safety measure to ensure he didn’t hurt himself or any staff. If they were doing things properly or if they had more time, the mech would have been given better accommodations.
As it was, patient zero was simply too dangerous to be handled properly.
“Yes? You are… a doctor?” The mech questioned, his optics hazy and uncertain as he looked Ratchet up and down. Ratchet made a noise of affirmation and edged closer to examine the mech. 
“I am. My designation is Ratchet.” Cautiously Ratchet shuffled forward until he was about a foot away from the mech. Springstep looked terrible just from a quick physical glance over. His complexion was awful, his facial protoform sunken in enough that it seemed as though it was stretched too thin. His frame was boney, his hips jutting out awkwardly almost as if he hadn’t had a decent fueling in stellar cycles. 
According to his files, he had been perfectly healthy up until about three cycles ago. Such rapid loss of mass was highly concerning. Perhaps it was a parasite? That would account for the lack of nutrients in the patient. However, it did not rationalize why the virus was spreading so rapidly. 
“Tell me how you are feeling and when your symptoms began to show themselves.” Ratchet ordered as he dutifully began running scans from a safe distance. Springstep was startlingly low on fuel. His systems were resorting to consumption of excess mass in order to keep functioning. There was no way a mech who was perfectly healthy mere cycles prior should have been suffering from third degree energon deficiency. 
“Rotted… broken… my insides burn… my processor… all foggy… started down at the docks.” Springstep attempted to speak, but his glyphs were broken and disjointed. Ratchet grimaced beneath his mask. This mech wasn’t going to make it. Such severe speech impediments combined with his frame’s state did not speak positively of his chances of survival. 
“Where by the docks did you encounter this virus? Do you know?” Ratchet continued his line of questioning even as he began sending pings back to the other medics outside. 
[[Lock down the lower levels entirely. Priority individuals and essential workers are to be moved to the upper levels and secured immediately. Begin administration of hazmat suit instruction to all medical personnel. Not a spark is to be seen without a suit from this point onward.]]
“Don’t… know…” Springstep trailed off and Ratchet frowned. This was just like the Rust Plague, and yet so much worse all at the same time. The virus was spreading just as fast, but the effects were worse, or rather more intense. The rust killed a mech slowly through corroding their insides. Whatever this was worked at an  accelerated rate and with incredible efficiency. It hadn’t even been three cycles and already patient zero was going to drop dead.
A lockdown was the bare minimum.
“Thank you Springstep. I will have one of my associates administer a sedative to help ease the pain-” Ratchet trailed off as Springstep lurched forward, his frame heaving as he purged green goo onto the ground. Springstep’s optics widened and cycled rapidly as he struggled. Ratchet knew that look, it was a sign of madness, the swift clarity before death that faded away into insanity. 
He didn’t hesitate to turn around and run.
Time seemed to slow as he crashed into the door, hurriedly trying to punch in the code to exit as Springstep growled like a wild animal and snapped his restraints. Energon rushed from the mech’s wounds, but he was rapid as he skidded forward, no intelligence remaining in his gaze.
“STAY BACK!” Ratchet lifted an arm just in time for Springstep to collide with him. The mech’s jaw clamped down tight on his arm, denta digging deep and tearing through protective plastic sheeting. Ratchet winced as pinpricks of pain shot up his arm from where Springstep’s denta had dug into him. But he did not waste another moment in kicking Springstep to the ground and rushing through the door as it opened.
He couldn’t use his servos to hurt a patient, but no one said anything about his pedes. 
“Sir! Are you alright!?” First Aid hurried forward, a welder in his servo. He was quick to begin welding the minor cut closed, and Ratchet allowed it. Once his apprentice was done, Ratchet sighed and pulled off his mask.
“I will be fine, but this is far worse than I thought. My orders still stand, but I want every sparkling in upper Iacon put in stasis for the time being. They won’t last more than thirty kliks under this virus.” First Aid nodded and began taking notes, but Ratchet did not wait around. His frame suddenly ached with exhaustion which he chalked up to having to beat a patient into the ground on short notice. It had been a long cycle of handling the situation. He needed rest. There wasn’t much he could do until his orders were implemented anyway.
[[This is a direct order from the CMO of Cybertron. The situation has been deemed a medical emergency for all of Cybertron. From now until the situation is dealt with, medical orders take precedence over all others. Comply or be removed from major cities effective immediately.]] 
He groaned as his message was sent out to every mech of importance in Iacon. His helm pounded and he found he didn’t have the will to make the long march back to his hab. He had a work office nearby. He would stop by there and take a nap as he’d done plenty of times before.
“By the Allspark, this is bad.” He murmured as he arrived at his office and stepped inside. He hadn’t even bothered to remove the suit. His limbs felt like lead and his helm pounded so much that he could hardly see straight. This wasn’t good. 
The bite on his arm burned and his very frame felt as though it were struggling to keep functioning. He hardly had enough time to close the door behind him before he fell to the ground, spark deep exhaustion pulling at him along with bursts of pain he couldn’t fight. 
His optics flickered and he weakly tried to move, to do anything. His limbs would not obey him, and as he lay on the hard ground heaving, he wanted to curse. He should have known better than to march off as soon as he’d interacted with a patient. At the time he had just been so very- -tired.
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I have a question about "Nocorro accidentally mated au"
How does everyone know what happened between Neteyam and Spider? How did they find out? 🙀
Hi! (Loving your chat GTP nocorro fics, they are so soulless and funny to me. I don't use AI so it kills me how slightly off it feels). I have answered this already! Here is that link, but, I will use this opportunity to answer with something I had been cooking up for a seperate post. How does Mo'at find out?
Here are my thoughts. I'm thinking if we take what the original anon said, which is that Mo'at can immediately identify that Neteyam has mated, then it stands to reason that she can instantly tell with Spider the next time she sees him. The Mo'at and Spider agenda that ensues has gotta be insane. I've taken some creative liberties, as the og anon stated that Spider and Neteyam had sex the day before Neteyam's iknimaya because after he would have to start looking for a mate as he is officially a man in the clans eyes. It is actually the uniltaron that is that final trial, so I've adjusted to the day before that. I was going to have Spider not show up the day after they would've had sex, but I think Spider still wouldn't miss Neteyam's ceremony for anything.
-Spider does not come back to the village the day after Neteyam's uniltaron. It's not something Mo'at notices right away, caught up in the surprise and chaos from the day before. But she overhears Kiri and Lo'ak talking about how odd it is that he isn't around with no warning that he had a duty to fulfill for the sky people the day before, and Lo'ak says it's not like Spider to miss village drama, even if it's about Neteyam.
-She's been meeting with Neteyam in the early mornings, sorting herbs and listening to the forest in silence. It's halfway an apology; this break from the chaos of his home at the moment. She had blurted out his secret in front of his family without even consulting him, just simply out of shock. She knows he doesn't blame her, knows he didn't even intend for this, and that he's too young to make such a decision, but she still feels bad. It was tactless.
-It's not until two days later that she sees Spider. She can see exactly what she saw when she saw her grandson the morning of his uniltaron; that he is forever changed, his soul permanently bonded. She has learned from her last shock and doesn't say anything out loud, but only just. Therefore when Spider meets her gaze, he can see it all over her face.
-It's kind of heartbreaking. She's always been certain he was a child of Eywa, and this is definitive proof that he won't let anyone see. A gift of great happiness hidden in the dark like it's shameful. Almost all of the child's life he's been a secret indulgence of Mo'at's, and her his. They weave his songcord together the two of them, without his whole family to witness. She hates that he's bound to be someone else's secret now. But he's looking at her so pleadingly, so she keeps her mouth shut.
-Na'vi are very open with their children, answering any questions they might have from a very young age. Neteyam knows about mating rituals, which is all the more frustrating. Neteyam doesn't need her advice, so she tries with Spider. He's not stupid, he grew up with only Na'vi children, but no one had ever bothered to explain a mating bond to him. Why would they? She tries to explain to him that a fresh bond requires contact, a reaffirmation of the bond. Almost constant reassurance to the soul that their new other half is still there, until it grows used to distance and time with trust. Mo'at knows for certain that Neteyam has been officially/unofficially grounded and never out of Jake and Neytiri's sight since this revelation, just as well as she knows that Spider hasn't been within ten yards of the Sully's home since. Distance for a bond this fresh is not healthy for either of them. But Spider is as stubborn as Neteyam.
-She requests Spider help her early the next morning. She doesn't think Neteyam will mind this particular disturbance in their quiet mornings. They spend the time sorting, shoulders pressed together and knees touching, but it's about as good as it gets in her presence. She's fairly certain the distance has to be physically painful at this point, but she wouldn't know, because no idiots have bonded and then steadfastly ignored each other before in living memory.
-Finally she sends the two of them to get her a particular plant, one that only grows at a waterfall about an hours walk through the forest away. Lo'ak is seconds away from complaining about how he got plenty of that for her last week in front of Neytiri, so she has to send him and Kiri to get something on the other side of the forest to shut him up. She hopes Eywa will forgive her for taking a little more than is needed from the forest today, but her worries are assuaged when the two boys come back entirely sans plant.
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kxhbee · 2 years
I JUST READ YOUR ROWAN FIC AND I'M LITERALLY IN LOVE! I just binge read all three parts in one go lmao. I'm so excited for part 4! But don't work yourself up tho, take your sweet time. I just wanted to appreciate how good your fics are!
Here’s the long awaited part 4!! I’m so sorry it took so long, I’ve started a new school and I’ve been settling in!!
Love From You
Part Four
Tumblr media
~ Rowan Laslow x Reader
~ Friends to lovers
~ Fluff, light angst
~ 1,378 words
~ Not proof read!
Befriending Rowan Laslow was something you had always wanted to do. Of course, you were always preparing yourself for your friend’s reactions, but mostly Enid’s.
So now that you can actually start a conversation with Rowan instead of saying “never mind” and walking off before he sees you, Enid’s teasing has changed. In other words, you’ve grown more confident, and so has she.
“I bet he would be loud in bed.”
“Enid.” You laugh awkwardly, shocked at the sudden comment. You were sitting in complete silence, finishing your history essay on the origin of trolls, while Enid was scrolling through Instagram, having finished her essay a week before because she surprisingly has better time management than you. “You can’t say that.”
“Why? Everyone knows that nerdy men are louder in bed.” Her eyes widen like she’s just come to a sudden realisation. “AND HE HAS ASTHMA!”
You look around the library nervously. Rowan usually comes in here to hang out, and you mostly look forward to it. Except right now you’re praying he decides to do something else instead.
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Just getting you prepared, my good sire.” She pats you on the back. “Everyone’s noticed you two get closer.”
“We’re friends.” You must’ve said this about a hundred times since the day you befriended Rowan. It’s getting kind of tiring, because Enid knows as well as you that you want to make it more than that.
”Whatever you say. You know, he’s definitely a bottom. That’s something to add to your night scenarios.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“Yet you continue to hang out with me.”
”What about Wednesday then, huh?”
Enid stops laughing and looks down awkwardly, fighting the pink off from her cheeks. “What about her?”
“Oh come on, E. I’m not blind. We’re not blind.”
“Yes! Everyone! Just kiss her already, jesus.”
“I will when you kiss Rowan.” She says, elbowing you lightly.
You roll your eyes playfully, pulling your phone out when you hear a ding.
“Um no, finish your essay.” Enid really is staying true to her word about making you finish today.
“I will, I will. Just let me respond to Yoko first.”
After responding to a TikTok that Yoko sent to you, you exit out of the chat. Before you close the app, however, you notice a change in Rowan’s profile picture. You tap on his profile to see the picture better, and see that instead of the automatic icon that Instagram sets, it’s a photo of him smiling happily at the camera, someone’s arm around him holding the peace sign. Your heart warms with recognition at the photo you took with him.
“What’s made you so happy?” Enid looks over your shoulder at his profile.
“Nothing.” You turn your phone off and put it back into your pocket.
“‘We’re just friends.’” She says, putting on yet another impression of you and nudging your side again.
“Shhh. I have an essay to write.” You say, picking up your pen again.
“That’s convenient for you, isn’t it.”
Rowan Laslow never ended up answering Xavier Thorpe’s question. He knows that refusing to answer won’t help him form a friendship with the boy, but how was he supposed to describe what happened? How is he meant to put into words the warm feeling he gets in his chest whenever he sees Y/N, and how the feeling grows and completely takes over his body whenever their face lights up with a smile? How is he meant to tell his roommate how confused he gets after he catches himself grinning at photos or messages from them? How does he confide in someone that he’s spoken to on only a few occasions, despite him being his roommate?
Rowan can tell that Xavier got frustrated at his lack of response. He simply gaped at Xavier, unable to describe what was on his mind. He stuttered a few false starts, not sure how to start the sentence, and then settled on “it was nothing” and grabbed his pyjamas from his bed, locking himself in the bathroom.
He assumed it was because he didn’t know how to react after making his first friend in years- he didn’t remember how having friends felt. After all, he was always cautious of his peers. He knew what they they saying he could hear them- with their whispering and muttering of words like “freak”, “outcast”, “weirdo” or something similar. What he never understood was why. Why are they calling him a freak when this is a school for freaks. Why are they calling him an outcast when they’re all outcasts?
It never made any sense to him, which is why he never let it get to him. Why should he be upset over something that simply doesn’t make sense? Despite this view on the bullies, he obviously let it get to him. Why else would he have a breakdown in the arms of someone he just met? Although its been a while, he’s pretty sure thats not how friends are made.
Yet it somehow worked. Rowan and Y/N had surprisingly become inseparable. Y/N, who, since they’re best friends with Enid, is by default, popular, and Rowan, the outcast. It’s an odd pair, and Rowan is always worried that Y/N is going to receive shit for befriending him. But if they have they haven’t let him know.
The door to the dorm opens and Xavier comes in, joined by Ajax Petropolus. The two boys stop laughing when they see Rowan sitting at his desk, staring at them. He turns his head back to his books and picks his pen up. Not the time.
“Listen, Rowan…” Ajax starts talking, taking a step towards Rowan. “I’m sorry about you being kicked out of the Nightshades. I really-“
Rowan didn’t hear the rest of what Ajax had to say. Instead, he put his headphones on, gathered his books, and left the dorm, remembering why he usually studies in the library.
The Nightshades’ voting system is a democracy with anonymous voting, so Rowan will never truely know if Ajax or Xavier voted him out or not. But people in the Nightshades voted him out and that’s all that matters to him. The one place where he felt as if he belonged. He was following in his mother’s footsteps in that stupid club. The one remaining tie he had to his mother’s legacy was severed by a bunch of cliché high school students who think they rule the place and didn’t want someone in the club just because he’s a little different.
It’s safe to say that Rowan Laslow doesn’t like any of the Nightshade members anymore.
“Enid, shut up.”
“Why? Worried your boyfriend might hear?”
“I’m worried anyone is gonna hear. Normal people don’t make these kinds of jokes.”
“Normal? You don’t think I’m normal? It’s because I’m a lesbian isn’t it?”
“Kill yourself.” You say jokingly, nudging Enid’s side.
“Wow. I never thought you’d be homophobic. You’re cancelled on Twitter now.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
You zip your bag up and swing it onto your back, hanging off of your right shoulder. You finished your essay about an hour ago, so you and Enid spent the last hour sitting in silence while scrolling TikTok.
“Phones gonna die.” You say, putting it on low power mode. “It’s on 5 percent.”
“You would have more battery if you did your essay straight away instead of procrastinating on your phone.” Enid giggles like she’s the funniest person ever.
You pull the library door open and hold it open for Enid.
“Ladies first.” You say, gesturing her out.
“Rowan is trans?” Enid asks.
“Would it kill you to not bring him up in every breath? It’s getting old.” You look back up at her, but she’s staring through the doorway. You follow her gaze and your eyes land on Rowan Laslow, who’s standing in the doorway holding a pile of books awkwardly.
“Oh. Hey.”
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fountainpenguin · 9 months
Frayed Knots 15,14,9,2
[Current Ask game]
Frayed Knots - Read on FNN || Read on AO3
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
My pacing's improved in more recent projects. Knots is pretty bogged down with things that still make me cringe, but it's also like that intentionally because it's Anti-Cosmo's bragging time and he takes pride in his memory and culture (plus he's long-winded in general and I wanted to reflect that). Still, I don't write in that style anymore (except for Knots since it's still ongoing, of course).
This 'fic was also my first (and only) long-term project with British English phrases and spellings, so I learned how to efficiently work as closely to that as I can despite not being a native user of those words.
I'm personally pleased with my success in creating a culture for the Anti-Fairies that's unique to them and completely at odds with Fairy World, but I acknowledge that the nature spirit stuff might not be everyone's cup of tea when they come to read a Fairly OddParents story, so I try to balance that.
There are a lot of little details in their culture that I really like, like Anti-Cosmo's claim that he's descended from the Teumessian fox and that he'd be an outcast if he shapeshifts into any animal besides a fox. Anti-Cosmo uses VERY little magic for the majority of Frayed Knots (using most of it during the war, and only when he has to) and I love both his attachment to his culture and the mental gymnastics he does every time he breaks the social norms.
I'm happy with how the Anti-Fairy culture came out, but it's also pretty far from the established canon and my interest tends to be higher when I'm working on something that's canon-compliant (such as writing a scene a character referenced off-hand in present day, or fleshing out the Wanda/Juandissimo relationship, or doing character studies), so... read that however you like.
[Cnt'd under the cut; content warning for mild 'adult themes' discussion]
tbh I've also enjoyed worldbuilding a fantasy sociosexual culture, because I thought it would be an interesting challenge that would add drastic context between Fairies and Anti-Fairies while also fitting well with their bat genetics and their social norms of accepting things that many Fairies recoil from.
Ex: You're much more likely to accept bullying and theft as acceptable behavior if your social norms already permit a flock hierarchy of creche fathers fighting for dominance. It's easy to be at odds with Fairy World when they mock your cultural beliefs, such as by insisting that Anti-Fairies are a shadow of their Fairy counterparts and wouldn't exist without Fairies, when clearly all the proof points to Anti-Fairies being unique creatures of smoke that grow attached to other creatures and reflect their appearance because of it.
Since the Anti-Fairies are antagonists in the show, I wanted to set up the appropriately "cruel and evil" vibe of their modern leadership while ensuring there's justification in their culture to explain why people might turn towards a leader who embodies strength.
Mm, I'd also say I learned I don't enjoy this vibe of romance? I don't hate romance... I just either need it to be blatantly shallow or deep and complicated in a way that's amusing. The late part of the A.C. and A.W. relationship is super messy, which fixes the boredom for me, but I don't love how these early stages are working out.
In the original draft, A.C. and A.W. barely interact until their honey-lock, which would be about 40-50 chapters in. Well, probably less since we can cut most of the Anti-Wanda content from the story. I personally feel like "barely interacting until they're pushed together" fits their personalities a lot better than meeting in their youth, but... I genuinely didn't think people would have the patience for that, so I adjusted Knots to include Anti-Wanda scenes earlier.
It's probably the right call, and maybe some people enjoy the romantic bits more than I do, but they just read as cliche to me so I struggle with liking them. There are a lot of romance tropes I dislike (such as denying your attraction in front of others) and the romantic side of Knots doesn't vibe with me the way that the "animal people politics" parts do, but I do my best.
I'm satisfied with the character goals Anti-Wanda has so she has actual stuff going on in her life (including emotionally rough and some very messed-up stuff). If these were my OCs then I think Frayed Knots would be what it is without the Anti-Wanda ship at all (and/or she'd be sprinkled in occasionally until she shows up during the honey-lock for real), because I think that's my preferred romance story for them. I don't really vibe with them hanging around each other for so many years; it just feels forced to me.
Also Anti-Wanda can do better.
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
I hope it's obvious that I'm writing an evil villain backstory and that there are many, many things in this story that should not be glorified. Anti-Cosmo makes some seriously messed-up decisions throughout this 'fic, which is written for entertainment and not to be a guide for healthy relationships.
Same goes for Origin. Everyone sees themself as the hero of their own story. If you forget they're canonically the villains and they do some messed-up stuff that I would never condone IRL, I will cry.
Honestly if anyone's learned to love the Pixies, I'd be happy. Especially H.P. <3
Also if anyone develops an affection for the episode "Balance of Flour" and the characters in it, I'd like that. Anti-Bryndin makes his only appearance in this episode. No name, no dialogue, no context... but he's my boy.
Also, even though neither H.P., Sanderson, nor Anti-Cosmo is a ""good and correct"" representation of asexuality (i.e. in terms of healthy relationships), they are still ace. If anyone has learned more about asexuality through this 'fic (either from H.P. working out his feelings or because they were exposed to the concept here and did more research on their own), I'd be content with that.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Yeah, you could say that. The official scrap doc for Knots alone is 25k words right now. It grows regularly, and that doesn't include the existing chapter drafts.
Perhaps the biggest change is that in the first draft, Anti-Cosmo's dad is alive, but walked out on his family. I do miss that. Once you commit to killing a parent when your protag is a baby, it's difficult to give them baggage or messy relationships with said person, who frequently gets romanticized. A.C. is absolutely romanticizing the father he never knew, who wasn't as great a person as he likes to think.
Another massive change was that originally, Anti-Cosmo's parents lived in a manor house. They were nobility, but didn't live in the castle. Anti-Bryndin was leader, but flock dynamics didn't exist in the worldbuilding so there wasn't any reason for them to live in the castle. The reason Anti-Cosmo lives in the castle in Knots right now is because his mother was brought under Anti-Bryndin's wing and she gave birth to both her children there.
I very briefly considered Anti-Wanda as heir apparent to Anti-Fairy World and Anti-Cosmo married into the family and that's how he rose to power. That's actually the world my short story "King Me" takes place in, and hopefully I'll be able to get it to a state I'm happy with so I can share it soon. It was drafted back in 2016. It's waited this long; it can wait until it feels right.
Oh. The earliest draft of Origin of the Pixies didn't have Anti-Cosmo show up until Anti-Sanderson had taken over as leader of the anti-pixies, and H.P. had to request permission to cross into Anti-Fairy World to talk with him.
I would say my happiest change in all my FOP works was switching that so H.P. and A.C. interact a ton more in their younger years (although if you look carefully at my earliest pieces like "Open Your Eyes," I think it shows that they were written for a world where A.C. and H.P. barely interacted).
Theeeeee other big change I could mention is Anti-Cosmo's.... ?? friendship? affair?? interaction with Prince Eastkal after the chapter "Deep" (where A.C. saves Eastkal's life and begs him not to confess, for the whole "I'll be disowned if they find out I shapeshifted into a dragon" bit).
In the current version, A.C. gets distracted [cough] and fails to meet the prince as promised. This leads Eastkal to pursue him several chapters later, with Eastkal making multiple attempts to talk to A.C. during "This Close to Heaven", "Floodgates," and "Crossroads". It works, but... it saddens me because this is not the attitude Eastkal has towards Anti-Cosmo in future chapters, which were drafted years ago with the assumption that they met up right after the dragon fight :/ I like the vibe of the first better and regularly wish I hadn't cut it.
Actually, that's another thing I've learned from Knots (and I even wrote a Tumblr post about this months ago before setting it aside under the belief no one would want to hear my vent about it). I cut that scene hoping it would be better for the story's flow and because I was tired and wanted to get to the zoo stuff, but since this is my fanfic I write for fun, I should've just let myself follow the direction I wanted to go. It's frustrating to want to write characters behaving a certain way because of what that cut scene would have done, and then having to change it back to what's "actually canon."
In my first draft, A.C. did meet Eastkal as planned (in the Pink Castle) and it involves a lot of soul-searching on both their behalfs. In current Knots, Eastkal does feel grateful that A.C. saved his life, but boy do I miss the dialogue of the original scene.
I cut the main scene because it was several thousand words on top of a very long chapter... I'd already split "Deep" into... 5 chapters at that point? And I really wanted to wrap up Arc 2 without struggling with another chapter, especially if it might wreck "the vibes." I convinced myself it broke the tension (Going from dragon attack to peace and then zoo), but it's the scene I regret cutting most, because there have been multiple times this year that I've wished it was there because I think it's important to show how A.C. acts (and because I think the scene's hilarious).
This cut meeting inspired Eastkal's attendance during migration season. Frayed Knots can work around not having that scene, but if I can mimic it, that would be nice. The lame part is that it probably would've been nicer right after the rescue, to increase tension of being caught fraternizing with the enemy. I'm trying to find a place for it that's not too near the war.
On reason Knots has been delayed so long because I've been looking for a good way to fit it back in to the timeline, but it was very specifically written for that scene, in that location, so it's rough. There's that and because Cosmo and Wanda are about to become notable, and I don't want to mess up this first meeting between A.C. and Cosmo), so... it'll come! Just been on a necessary hiatus.
I also have a scrapped scene where Anti-Cosmo babysits a nest of spirit eggs, but that got cut because the story is long enough without it. There's a lot of spirit stuff in the second half of Knots and I'm trying to decide how much should be cut... I'd like to end it sooner rather than later. Definitely hoping to post more regularly in 2024.
2. What scene did you first put down?
I think the earliest scene in the story was originally going to be its opening: Anti-Cosmo watching his father pack his suitcase as he prepares to walk out on the family. It would predate my scrap doc, but I might have salvaged something.
Mmm, I didn't find it atm, but I think it was rewritten into a very rough draft of A.C. reacting to his brother leaving shortly after their father's death.
“You’re leaving?” I asked, clinging to the door. “Of course,” he snorted. “The green needs me now more than ever.” “But then I’ll be left alone with Mother.” I glared at the ground. Anti-Schnozmo rubbed my hair, kissed my forehead, and then swept out the door. When I was young, I didn’t understand why we lived in the castle. But I was a smart pup, so I began to put the pieces together, of all the times I’d walked in on Anti-Bryndin kissing my mother.
^ Obviously a very rough version, but a lot of my drafts are this vague to get the story beats down before I flesh them out over weeks, months, or even years.
With polish, I think this would have made a great opening to Knots as well since it immediately sets up A.C.'s difficult relationship with Anti-Schnozmo, that his dad is dead, that he doesn't want to be left with his mom, A-Schnoz's motivations to carry out his father's legacy, and one of the core themes of Knots which is Anti-Cosmo's desire to be wanted.
The current opening of the story is there to establish worldbuilding, especially with the newborn smoke forms (something Anti-Fairies and Fairies can't see eye to eye on). The first chapter is pretty confusing and if I were writing commercially, I think I'd go with the brother walking out. But I wanted to write a longform 'fic about complicated worldbuilding and Anti-Fairy culture and that's exactly what I did, with the establishing shot to open it.
Thanks for reading! Hopefully these were interesting thoughts. Ask box is always open if anyone wants to ask more stuff like this; a lot of the time I tag these things as "director's cut" and I do enjoy sharing what the alt versions of my stories were.
[Current Ask game]
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astorenupdates · 5 months
Intro post:
Hello!! I am the author of the up and coming Astoren Saga. Originally, I was posting everything on my main blog (@sirithesillies), but I've since decided to make Astoren it's own blog. We're currently in the beginning stages of production, planning release sometime around 2027.
About the story:
Astoren is a saga that takes place in a currently unnamed fantasy world. It follows multiple main characters a book, however our two "main" characters out of our POV having cast are named Silas and Kylo. The series follows them (and all of the other characters) as they juggle with the struggles of becoming a full fledged dragon rider, as well as finding out about how corrupt their government really is. As the series covers a variety of more mature topics (such as grief), it is rated as a young adult series. We as a Tumblr Blog will never post mature topics unless properly labeled however, so no need to worry there!!
About the Team:
Astoren's worldbuilding and development is still overseen almost entirely by the author (see below!!), but there is a small but dedicated team who works on the project together, in order to see writing can start in earnest as fast as possible. These include dedicated proof readers, Country Parents(™), and other such roles. Labeled Flock 13 for the unimaginable amounts of chaos that goes on behind closed doors.. Luv y'all though <3
A/N: My heart goes out to these guys, this project wouldn't be possible without their help. Even though it's mostly a group of my closest friends, the work these people have done has been incredible.
About the Author:
Hihi!! The person you see writing all of these posts is none other than me: Sirius Bloom, August Bloom, or SLNB/ALNB. I go by many names ;)
Astoren is my first dive into the writing world (officially, I've been around for a while!! If you know my old fic accounts, no you don't..), and I hope to make a splash!! This is my baby, a passion project that I hope to make public and share to the world one day. I hope everyone enjoys it *half* as much as I do. I will gladly be reading all comments, answering as many questions, etc. as this project grows. This blog is simply to share the progress of this project, and to make it known as best we can.
Blessed be!
~Flock 13 <3
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ladylooch · 9 months
Happy New Year - I hope 2024 is going to be an amazing year for you!
I'm coming to you in a bit of (well, almost but not quite) crisis mode to see if you have any suggestions with turning something around in my head.
I've been in the throes of writing some fics for my beloved player and in doing some light "research" here on other Tumblr blogs and reddit, my opinion has shifted about said hockey player.
I knew these things in theory about professional athletes in general (rampant cheating, general douchey behavior, etc.) but to see string after string about his own shady behavior in relationships, it's kind of derailed my thinking and taken my original plots on a detour.
Has this ever happened to you when in the middle of writing about a player?
Lately, all I can think about is the reader/OC, making him rethink his "decision-making skills" (😆), teaching him a lesson, making him suffer at the hands of his own making, that sort of thing.
Just wanted to pick your amazing mind on this one and see how you might tackle this side-circus going on in my brain...
First of all, WOOF! I am sorry, bby! That sucks! Let’s just allow that feeling to exist for a sec.
I'm very honored you're asking for my advice! Hope what I have for you helps 💜
I have had this happen to me with a player before. For me, it was an instant- I’m done writing about this person. We all have boundaries and lines we aren’t okay with crossing. Sometimes, real life makes it difficult to see beyond, even in a fictional world. It’s important to listen to our inner thoughts when those moments happen, otherwise it can be a HUGE creative block. Now could it all be drama and rumors? Sure, but sometimes we can't forget the things we have heard, even if there isn't firm proof of anything.
Also, we can totally normalize changing your mind! You are allowed to change your opinions about people, even those you never thought you would “fall out of love” with. This is natural as we grow and evolve as people. Sometimes we start out creating for specific characters to find our groove and then something happens IRL and we want to stop creating about them. For example, some writers won’t write about people in committed relationships or who are married. Or they wont write about people with kids. These are natural milestones in life that may mean change is necessary when they occur. So writers keep the mems, stick to their boundaries, and move on to other characters.
My biggest advice would be not to force anything forward and consider putting any fics/requests/AUs about the player on hiatus while you sort out your feelings. Although these are works of fiction, if you’re getting the ick from a player IRL, it will show up in your writing. Or you may start to think negatively of your work because of the mixed feeling you have about your main character.
Ultimately, it is your blog/creative space. Only you can decide how you want to move forward!
Best of luck! MY DMs are open too if you want to chat more offline too 😘
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youhideastar · 1 year
(Yet Another) Fanfic Writer Ask Game!
9, 10 & 15 please 🙂
Yay, thank you for playing! Such fun questions to think about. 🥰 These questions are about favorite lines/scenes, most-read or most-kudos'ed fics, and word or phrases I use a lot. The ask game post is here!
9. What’s your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you have written?
Oof, this is probably the hardest question on the list. The scene that immediately comes to mind is the parking garage scene from To Be Seen Aright, which I did a commentary on here. It's one of only two scenes I've ever cried while writing (the other is the lotus scene from Dangerous) and I think it succeeds in capturing something very deeply felt and visceral.
Honorable mentions for favorite lines go to:
"There's no dark place where forgiveness can't find you."/"That's what I'm afraid of," from Summer to Your Heart.
"That man is no family of mine," and "I thought my children would be Wens, once," from Familial Harmony.
"It knows its master," from A Sword With No Hilt.
The exchange where Nile asks Nicky if Andy met Jesus from World's Greatest Dad.
"All these would have lain, stiff and bloated, in a field, if not for Wei Ying’s terrible courage," from Tender.
Trying to pick one line from The Words in Your Head was so hard. I put my best writing of all time in that fic and then didn't finish it - what's wrong with you, Dea?! 🤣 I guess it's a tie between “I think you and I took different lessons from history,” and “Is it better?” Erik asks, staring him down. “To die by incompetence, or indifference, rather than malice? Or are you just as dead?”
10. What are your top five fics by kudos or by reads?
By reads, it's: So Wise We Grow, its short sequel it may be that the gulfs will wash us down, my two Hockey RPF Sid/Geno longfics, They Say Love Heals All Wounds and To Be Seen Aright, and my longest White Collar fic, Living Proof.
By kudos, it's: So Wise We Grow, it may be that the gulfs will wash us down, the Supernatural/White Collar crossover Unorthodox Methods, Living Proof, and They Say Love Heals All Wounds.
This is info that anyone could find by sorting my works page, so I assume the question is also asking how I feel about the results lol. I feel okay about them! Inevitably, if you've been writing for a long time, your most-read or most-kudos'ed work is unlikely to be your best work, because you get better over time (so your newest work is best) but your oldest work has had more time to accumulate hits and kudos. Plus, longfics and fics in juggernaut fandoms will do better (that Supernatural crossover has a wild number of kudos for a fic that's only 3,000 words!). So I'm at peace with the fact that these are not lists of my five best fics or my five favorite fics.
(For the CQL folks, my CQL work doesn't show up until #8 in kudos (Concord, as I expected), and #17 in hits (River-to-the-Sea Sure, which I did not expect, given its "Abortion" tag and Concord's popularity - despite my banging the drum for other A/B/O configurations, though, the people love an alpha LWJ/omega WWX fic, I guess!).
15. Are there words, phrases, mannerisms or scenes you tend to use a lot?
Oh, boy, are there ever. Is there any fanfic writer who has not been tormented by the paucity of ways to describe how people's eyes move when they smile?? I wouldn't say there are scenes I tend to use a lot, and for mannerisms, I try to stick to "canonical" mannerisms (Wei Wuxian's slouching and nose-rubbing, e.g., or Jin Ling's stubborn chin-thrust). But I find the metaphor of a dislocated joint being reduced so useful that I allow myself to use it once per fic if I want. 😂 After 132 fics, total originality of language is just not a feasible goal. And I have noticed that when describing a physical place, I tend to default to describing the lighting, and when describing a character's actions, I tend to default to describing where they are looking (down, away, making eye contact, etc.). There are also repetition concerns related to specific characters: for example, when writing Jin Ling or Jiang Cheng, I have to be careful or I'll use the word "scowl" five times per scene. 🤣 (I have given myself a pass for writing multiple fics where Wei Wuxian thinks about how good Lan Wangji looks in moonlight because I'm pretty sure that is a 100% accurate depiction of Wei Wuxian's internal monologue. 🤣)
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neutronstarchild · 2 years
I'm sorry if you've already been asked these!
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Thank you! <3
Ohhhh @serial-doubters-club... I thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. Because... ancient archeologist Neut found a thing.
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
I will take you back to the 1990s. To a time when your dear Neut was a horse girl, and was writing original fics on Microsoft Word. These days of yore were before the internet, so this particular hobby of mine has not yet been witnessed. But... I want to show you something a 13 year old horse girl me wrote.
In part because I cringed when I read it, and in part because it's a nice reminder of how far we can come with experience and practice. Very few people are born ultra-talented. We all work to get better and to grow creatively and with our use of language.
So, I give you. An original fiction by 13 year old me. Behold and cringe the cringiest cringes, but also smile and know that when we work at things, we improve, more and more and more! So let all of us keep doing things that we thoroughly enjoy, knowing that each time we ask "how can I make this better? what can I improve?", we truly do.
Without further ado, you will find The Call of Courage under the cut (edited only for 1 or 2 typos. Every other grammatical error has been left inside for all). Written by 13 year old Horse Girl, Neutron.
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There is a ranch of endless fun and unmistakable pride in their horses, which have been educated by only the best; Rachel Marcus  and  Claudia Mitchell.
   "Bulls eye," boasted Rachel in victory "You'll never top that Claudia"
   "Try me," answered Claudia as a dart seemed to cut through the air and made a direct hit on the bulls eye almost on top of Rachel's.
   "I can see you've been practicing," said Rachel glumly
   "Yup," replied Claudia
    The two put the darts away and went out to the pony pasture and spotted Shadow Rider and Devil’s Tomb , the two bay haflingers who fled when they saw the bridles in the hands of Claudia and Rachel.  Claudia cornered them so Rachel jumped on  and hurled the bridle on the head of Shadow Rider, the unhappy pony.  Then she flung herself on top of him.  Shadow Rider didn't agree to the idea of being ridden so he put up a fight by rearing, bucking, and shying up a storm.  Claudia brought Devil’s Tomb  under control quickly, and maneuvered her toward the gate.  Devil’s Tomb  was a fairly large pony at 14 hands (4’ 8”) and was strong, whereas Shadow Rider was a lot friskier than Devil’s Tomb,  but Rachel finally brought him under control.  Claudia started Devil’s Tomb  into a canter since the fence was low and she had done this trick 100 times before.  Devil’s Tomb 's hooves met the air and they flew over the fence as if they were champion show jumpers.  Rachel followed, quickly but cautiously as both of the ponies made graceful landings.  Rachel trotted Shadow Rider into the ring.
   "That was exhilarating," remarked Rachel "C'mon Claudia"
    The ponies' erratic behavior disappeared as two well trained ponies entered the ring.  Claudiawalked and then trotted around the ring.  At that moment Brian walked up and he looked like he was bringing good news. 
   "Guys," he exclaimed "There are 5 new people coming to the ranch and their names are Matthew Ellison, Nate Smallhurst, John Foreman, Monique Jinnerson, and Samantha Jackson!"
   "Cool," said Claudia calmly
   "Maybe we can be friends," chorused Rachel
    The trio went, and planned out a way to welcome the newcomers..
    Of course Milley, Jacoline, Jinny, and Whitney wanted the newcomers too.  Milley Smits was Claudia 's cousin and a mall-o-holic.  She had green-gray eyes and blonde hair.  Milley looked like Claudia but was uglier.  Claudia had innocence imbedded in her eyes which were in a shade of blue that would make any model die of jealousy.  She also had very long legs and a perfect figure, and on the otherhand, Milley was stumpy.
   Milley was hiding in the bushes near the driveway where she thought the 5 would show up, it was the wrong drive way though.  The people would have to join Milley's club which she called The Secret Society, but Claudia called it The Mental Society.  Claudia was admiring the pigment in the red roses which brought a glimmer to the garden as she saw a van pull up with lots of luggage.  Claudia was the first to the van.  Then out two girls walked, followed by two good looking guys but as if lady luck gave a jolt with all her might the last guy walked out.  He had hair of pure gold, and eyes the same color as Claudia's.  Rachel and Brian saw the same things with other people.  Then there were two who were being all cuddly with each other each of them had blonde hair and cute brown eyes.  Then all eight of them immediately united and became inseparable friends.
   "I'm Claudia Mitchell," said Claudia breaking the silence
    "I'm Matthew Ellison," said the "perfect" guy
   "I'm Brian Hepler," said Brian staring at the girl next to him
   "I'm Monique Jinnerson," said Brian's girl
   "I'm John Foreman," said the guy as he nuzzled the girl
   "I'm Samantha Jackson," said the girl who was nuzzled
   "Don't forget about me," complained Rachel "I'm Rachel Marcus"
   "And I'm in love..... I mean I'm Nate Smallhurst," said the guy admiring Rachel
   "Cool, now we all know each other," stated Claudia "You should be able to see the cabins now"
    The 8 of them hurriedly retreated to the cabins, and all of them had good ones in a small, grouped in area.  All of them sat down as Milley came running up and then started screaming.
   "You two-timing, twit!" she screamed with all the force her little lungs could make "These people are supposed to be mine!"
   "Me being the two timer?" snapped Claudia "You are a two timing, mall hopping, guy hopping, psychotic gossip!"
    Milley looked at her with revenge in her eye and she knew how to get it too.  She trudged back to her bunk, and sneered, then smirked.  Claudia was finishing up her chores and planning on spending the rest of the afternoon giving Matthew a tour.  The bond between them grew, with every step they took together.
   "Y'know, I am hoping on going canoeing with you tomorrow so we can see the woods," whispered Claudia
   "All I want to see is you,"  said Matthew subconsciously
   "That is the sweetest thing you have ever said to me," said Claudia, a little bit flattered and embarrassed
    As the bond between them grew, so did the romance.  They had started going out, but the surprise was the first kiss.
   "What a beautiful sunset," commented Claudia "I didn't think it was so radiant"                                                             
   "The radiance would never compare to your own," muttered Matthew sweetly
     The two of them held each other and their eyes locked.  An urge wavered through Claudia's body as she closed her eyes andthe kiss came.  That one kiss made sparks fly in the relationship, and made the two fall even more deeply in love.  They were more then two people who have nothing in common getting together to catch a movie, instead they were like two snowflakes dancing in the gentle breeze, or puzzle pieces that can only be whole with one another.. 
  "Okay then the moment will have to end now I guess," sighed Matthew
   Milley watched devilishly as the two got up from the bench and headed toward the bunk houses.  She had kidnapped everyone, including Rachel, but she had to tie Rachel to a tree in the woods.  Whitney borrowed her dad's Magnum and had taken Monique, John, Rebecca, Brian and Nate;  Matthew was next on the list.  Little did they know Rachel was working vigorously to untie herself.  Matthew was almost asleep when he heard a CRASH in his room.  He rose his head, terrified, he bolted up as he broke into a cold sweat.  
   "W-W-Who's there?" he asked in barely a whisper as he heard tip toes heading his way.
   "Matthew," the voice rasped "You gotta get outta here"
   "Listen to me, you and Claudia will be separated permanently !"
    Matthew would not let that happen so he followed the person's every command as they got into a canoe and rowed down the creek to Paradise Lake and soon Matthew found out who it was..... it was..... Rachel.
    Meanwhile Claudia had heard the crash in Matthew's cabin and she was over there to investigate.  Claudia had one of the keys to the cabin as she quietly unlocked the door.  Then she switched on the light which revealed Matthew's glasses and.... not Matthew.... but Milley !
   "What are you doing here?" Milley rasped
   "The question is what are you doing here?" requested Claudia "I came to check on my boyfriend"
   "Looks like I have to get rid of you," sneered Milley as she grabbed Matthew's bed lamp and flung it at Claudia but it missed
    Claudia, who had just dodged the lamp grabbed a rope and tried to trap Milley, but Milley grabbed it and yanked it so it backfired, so Claudia got tangled in the rope.
   “What are you going to do to me?” demanded Claudia
   “Something that was coming to you,” screeched Milley
    Milley looked at her with craziness in her eye as she knocked Claudia out.  Milley brought her to Paradise Lake and placed her in a wagon.  Claudia woke up to see 5 of her friends looking at her and desperately searching for answers to questions which were unanswerable.  Then came a glimpse of hope when she didn't see Matthew or Rachel.  The hope, she knew would come in handy.  Milley still had the evil look in her eye as she nudged the wagon which went tumbling down the hill and hit the water which made it sink.  Even under the water Claudia could still hear the crazy and uncontrollable laughter of Milley.  Claudia tried to unwrap herself but without air she got weaker and weaker.  Suddenly at the last moment Claudia thought  she had to live she felt strong arms pull her up and above the water.  Soon her weakness melted away as she opened her eyes and saw the fantasy that she once thought was a dream.... it was Matthew.  Milley looked helplessly as Whitney ran away and took the gun with her.  The sneakily, Rachel ran up to her and wrestled her to the ground.  Claudia untied herself and tied Milley up.  Milley then was taken to a Children's Mental Hospital and would probably stay there for a long time.  Claudia and Matthew kept their bond as strongly as ever.
    "Y'know how you saved me," said Claudia "Did you know that was me?"
    "No; butI had an impulse to jump in and risk it," replied Matthew "It was a call of courage"
   Micki chuckled as the two of them walked off into the sunrise and to their bunks.
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flowerwrites06 · 2 years
lion and the fox I — jjk
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Plot: In a turbulent world of crime and intrigue, a fiery journalist makes an unlikely alliance with one of the country’s most notorious bosses.
Pairing(s): Mafia Boss!Jungkook x Journalist!OC (Name: Belle)
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Word Count: 7k+
Genre: Mafia AU | Vintage (1940′s vibes) AU
Tags & Warnings: crime, violence, sexual content, forced prostitution, mild scenes of harassment, some misogynistic behaviour, mentions of war, heavy mentions of drug use, infidelity.
Authors Note: I really liked jungkook and my OC belle in this fic and I didn’t have the heart to change them into original characters so here you go, it has been placed back in Tumblr! hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: Please note that while some historical research has been done for this story, the MAJORITY of it has been altered in some way with creative liberties to match the themes and motifs of the plot. 
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“You can’t say things like that about him.” Hansuke’s gravelly tone rung into the room, cigar smoke flowing from his thin lips before he tapped it on the black glass ashtray.
Hoseok pressed his lips together, hugging the edited article to his chest as if it was a precious possession. The key to him making some kind of a name in this hell-hole of a city. It had been a bloody miracle just to be able to have his articles looked at by Tanaka Hansuke himself. Media Mogul of Gyeongseong. “Why not? You said using Jeon’s name might be able to help in gaining more reads.”
Hansuke sighed as he placed the cigar down; tie slightly loosened when the sun dipped into orange beneath the buildings to welcome the afternoon slump. “I mean using Jeon’s name in a positive light. We can’t piss off the most powerful man in Gyeongseong…especially when we don’t have physical proof unlike Kwon.” He gestured to the article.
Kwon Jiyong took a lot of death threats and corporate drunk pricks breathing on Belle until they both finally found enough physical evidence to lead the police into the prostitution ring. Of course they already knew where it was but the legal system needed a lot more convincing before they convicted a big contributor to their economy. Money surpassed justice.
“But we know he has a hand in it.” Hoseok kept his voice lower this time, leather shoes tapping against the darkened wood as he stepped closer to the table. “Wouldn’t it be easier if we got rid of bad men all at once?”
“It would be easier…but you and I also know life never works like that.” Hansuke leaned forward on his elbows, grey hair strands falling out of place from his morning slick back while the lines on his tanned face became more prominent.
Hoseok sighed. He moved one of her hands to fix his black trousers from cutting into his skin a little before hugging his article again. The words in them growing heavier in his embrace as the seconds passed by.
Hansuke examined the younger man for a moment before sighing in slight defeat. “Look…you’re a damn good journalist, Jung.” He gestured towards him. “None of these dumbasses want to admit it but you are and this bust on the Golden Serpent could make you one of the most popular journalists to date. So don’t ruin it while you have it…alright?”
Despite the slight empty feeling in his chest, he nodded. It wasn’t a surprise to him why Hansuke was terrified to writing anything negative about Jeon Jungkook. Only one or two employees knew of his past dealings with Yeou Pa; the criminal syndicate rooted within the city running seventy percent of the establishments from restaurants to brothels. While the older male had proclaimed to have no connection to the gang, there was still the air of reluctance.
A reluctance Hoseok could only detect as fear and knowledge of what Yeou Pa would do if one negative article spewed on their papers.
“Just that paragraph then, sir?” Hoseok maintained his professional tone, attempting a smile to stretch across his lips even though something kept tugging in his belly.
“Yes just that one.” Hansuke nodded. “Good work.”
Hoseok bowed politely before he turned on his heel out of the office. He could notice from the corner Belle pretending that she wasn’t worriedly looking through the glass window. His partner quickly pushed her glasses back on and tried to focus on a piece of paper.
Their desks faced to one another just six months after he received the job acceptance. It took him a while to get used to having her stories written under his name even though he knew she deserved all the credit. This Golden Serpent story being one of them. No one in the city would let her if they found out. Belle reassured him time and time again that this was the only way her voice was going to be heard. And they became close friends ever since.
“Are you sure you don’t want to know what happened?” Hoseok tilted his head, placing the papers on his desk.
“It’s none of my business.” Belle peered at the paper in such deep concentration before attempting a hum under her breath as she put it down. “But if you must vent to me.”
He chuckled through her nose, sitting down at his typewriter with a deep sigh. “He wants me to cut out the part mentioning Jeon.”
“But—” Belle cleared his throat, side-glancing around the hustling and bustling office until she leaned in, speaking in a softer voice. “But we saw Yeou Pa men there. The fox tattoos on their necks and heads, it was clear.”
“I know…” Hoseok opened up the files. Black lines catching her eyes, concealing the truth from the public to save one company’s reputation.
Her ruby tinted lips pressed together in disappointment as she lightly tapped her unpainted nails on the dark wood surface of the table. “What if we bust him ourselves?”
“We’re not detectives, B.”
“Detectives would be too scared to expose Jeon.”
“Yes but they also have weapons and skills that we don’t have. We don’t bust people.”
Belle took a small breath to speak before sighing back into thought.
Hoseok didn’t think he’d ever seen the woman back down from an argument before. It was always what to say next or what other solution to make. She never hid that side of her either which is why he didn’t know why no one found out most of his articles were written by her.
“There is a port...” She began to speak with care, pushing away her shoulder length hair strands over her white blouse sleeve. “A few witnesses managed to tell me that they saw groups of people being taken out of the ports. They all looked dirty and dreary like prisoners.”
“They probably were prisoners.” Hoseok shrugged.
Rebels were being shipped around like cargo for as long as he could remember. Some of them could’ve potentially being thrown in the prostitution rings without anyone tracing missing persons.
“Yes but this was done in Donghae Port and one of the witnesses saw a woman with a fox tattoo on her cheek.” A small smile twitched at her lips.
Belle knew more about conversing and finding connections than Hoseok ever did. He was a book and archive researcher more than anything while his assistant prowled for all the necessary prey needed for a good headline. At least he wanted the headline and she wanted the truth. A strange balance of a friendship in journalism.
“You said yourself you want all the bad men gone at once.” She gestured to the black lines across her own words. True words exposing a man taking advantage of his power to be depleted from the public eye. “There was no way else to do it.”
Hoseok sighed in defeat, resting back against the chair. “If we die, you’re paying for both our funerals.”
She smiled. “Sure.”
Donghae Port definitely looked like the dark place your mother would never let you walk around at night. Yet today Belle and Hoseok were walking right into it. The non-flash camera might not grab the clearest pictures ever in the poorly lit night but it could still more proof than ever on Jeons connection to the prostitution rings.
Anyone who had a knowledge of the underworld knew this port was owned and run by Yeou Pa. No one else was allowed to touch this territory for shipping unless they paid a hefty amount or wanted some kind of a death wish.
Crates stacked up as high as they could see with a few measly white lights illuminating random patches of the dampened ground. They stood shoulder to shoulder behind one of the stacks as a ship was being anchored near the port. Creaky, old mess of a boat to be more exact. One bad storm and the whole thing would sink helplessly.
The perfect thing to carry unimportant cargo. Belle tried to push down her stomach lurching at the thought. Cool breeze flowed through even her black clothing causing her to hug her coat closely to her body, steam wafting from her light peach tinted lips.
Hoseoks breathing grew heavier by the second as he peaked at the edge of the crate. “This feels like a very bad idea.”
“What, this mission or the innocent people being shipped in a crappy boat for sex?”
The older male looked back to meet her angry gaze. He knew the anger wasn’t directed at him but whoever thought this business was anything but absolutely disgusting. “A bit of both. We don’t have guns.”
“Niether do they.” Belle spoke plainly. “If they shot us, the police would know they took a gun for non-hunting purposes and it’d be tracked back to them.”
“You scare me sometimes, you know that?” The corner of his plump lips curled up slightly.
“It’s useful to be scary.” She smiled.
Hoseok craned his neck back to focus on the boat. “They’re getting out now.” He whispered, moving their positions so Belle could stand closer with her camera in hand.
Belle didn’t hesitate to take pictures, ignoring the clench in her chest when she saw children following along with the adults with their head lowered. She wondered how many of them were simply playing in grounds before their lives completely changed. All because a few people wanted too much power and money.
She focused her concentration on the soft clicking of the camera capturing the victims along with the men in suits escorting them to cars. She captured the license plates and the faces. As many faces as possible so they all could get punished for their crimes.
It was always this moment Belle felt the least scared. When the truth started playing right in front of her in plain sight, she kept her breathing calm and her fear subdued. Ensuring every single detail collected in her mind so she could never forget it. No matter how much it hurt.
There were three large vans that the victims were being placed in. Some of them pushed while others had to be carried on board because they were too small to climb on their own.
“Belle…” Hoseok whispered.
“Almost done.” Belle muttered, taking a few more shots of the license plates. As she was taking another shot, something blocked her view causing her to wince in annoyance. Pulling away from the camera her eyes widened seeing a man in a suit staring down at her.
“I think that’s enough pictures, sweetheart.” His deep, gravelly voice rippled through the tension thick air.
Belle looked over her shoulder, heart jumping to see a knife blade pressed against Hoseok’s tan neck. She gulped down before facing the other guard again. “Let him go.”
“You don’t make the orders around here, gorgeous.” Chapped lips stretched into a disgusting smirk as he grabbed onto her arm, closing their distance so Belle could be overwhelmed by the scent of tobacco and sweat. “I’m sure the boss’d like to see this piece.” Grey tinged eyes trailed down up and down her body while Hoseok grunted in anger.
Yanking out of the man’s grip, she fixed him with a fiery glare. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
Both guards let out a croaky laughter as Hoseok tried to pull away from the knife but the blade only dug more into this skin. Without warning, the man lifted Belle over his shoulder and led her over to the cars with Hoseok hopelessly following along.
The pungent scent of tobacco choked her throat until she heard a car door open and her whole body thrown onto a harsh surface. Hoseok groaned next to her before the doors slammed shut.
Belle noticed one of the guards binding Hoseoks mouth as he let out a few muffled protests before his whole head was covered with a black bag.
Someone muttered from the driver’s seat. “Are they new tributes?”
“They’re journalists.” The grey eyed man dropped the camera on the floor of the van and slammed his leather clad foot on it causing it to crash. He smirked down at Belle as he grabbed a cloth and kissed it before binding her mouth with it, her protesting groan mixed with his laughter. “Going straight to the boss.”
She felt rough vibrations underneath her body indicating that the car began moving as her wrists were being tied until there was minimal blood flow. Worry began settling in slowly but she forced herself to stay calm. Then her whole vision went black.
Takahashi Estate shimmered in golden lights in the autumn night, painted lips stretching in convenient laughter while bodies glimmered in diamonds expensive enough to pay for a thousand meals. Jungkook stood in the banquet hall. A small, modern setting of red wood and cherry blossom paintings, glowing against the lanterns. Onyx eyes scanned around the room at the murmuring conversations, stopping on Don Takahashi himself.
Stumpy, old thing flushing like a tomato every time he reached the peak of his sake intake with his molasse black hair slicked back. A bloody miracle that his daughter never received an ounce of his looks.
Leaning back against the buffet table, Jungkook took a puff of his cigar, cheeks sucked in as his silver ear piercing shimmered in under the lantern glow. It was a bore of a party but done to keep a strengthened bond between allied gangs. As if getting married to Takahashi’s daughter wasn’t strong enough.
Technically their marital relationship was about as strong as a broken thread but combining their gangs was status gold.
Speaking of a joke posing as a marriage, Jungkooks eyes stopped on his beloved wife. Walking towards him after charming at least half of the patrons in the part. She was always good at that. Short, curly chestnut hair perfectly styled. Lime green eyes shining in calculated glee while her red lips wrapped around her golden cigarette holder. All of it tied together with a camel fur shawl over her shoulders and pearls glimmering around her neck.
“Pretending like an outlier as usual, sweetheart.” Gaia drawled, leaning against the edge of the table.
“I am an outlier technically.” The corner of his lips curled up.
“Well you don’t have to act like it.” She reached out and fixed his red tie tucked underneath a grey vest. “My father’s very pleased you decided to come tonight.”
Jungkook scoffed, looking over at Takahashi again who was chortling at something as obnoxiously as possible. “So long as old daddy’s pleased…”  He accepted a glass of whiskey when the waiter rushed in to offer them.
Gaia waved her white silk gloved hand as a refusal. She preferred to get drunk at home anyway. Easier to throw and thrash things that didn’t belong to her but her beloved husband. “Pleasing my old daddy is the only reason no one’s taking your precious gang away from you.” She muttered in a lower voice, voice a little croaky from the lack of drink. “Try not to insult him too much, dear.”
“I’ll try to keep it a normal amount.” Jungkook attempted not to seethe in an completely obvious manner.
“Watanabe Kaito…” Gaia gestured to a man in the corner, vacantly listening to another patron speak. “Dull little creature but he’s thinking of investing in a few clubs to raise his personal profits.” Their shoulders brushed against each other in an attempt to keep their discussion somewhat private. Though they were always being watched so long as they were in the manor territory. “Namjoon talked about expanding our club numbers.”
“Our club numbers?” Jungkook raised a brow before taking another puff.
“Isn’t it one of the many…many…” She rolled her eyes. “—marriage vows to share things with one another?”
Jungkook couldn’t help but chuckle out a waft of smoke. “Do try to say it without ruining those pretty eyes, darling.”
“Don’t worry your little mind about my eyes.” Gaia scrunched her nose lightly before leaning in closer. “I could convince Kaito to look in our direction…so long as you give the order, boss.”
He tried not to be too bothered by the mocking tone she spoke that word. It reminded Jungkook just how fragile his power was. Like a vine grabbing onto the right names just to ensure that he and his syndicate could survive in this world.
“Make sure not to screw it up.” Jungkook mused.
“I never do.”
She was right. He’d never admit it though. Where’s the fun in that?
Another figure approached the pair, one of the young tributes to Yeou Pa, wearing a simple suit and messy hair. “Master Jeon.” He muttered, still heavily breathing.
“Thank god.” Jungkook whispered making Gaia chuckle before she made her way back to work. He turned to the young man. “What is it?”
“Call for you.” He bowed.
Nodding, the tribute led him through the courtyards of the Takahashi Manor to one of the living rooms. Brighter golden lights with bamboo furniture and old style painting of naked women surrounded by animals. Especially snakes. Hebi Pa and their goddamn snakes.
In the right wall area was the rotary phone, where in full display was a painting of a woman kissing the severed head of a man while draped in black pythons. Definitely Gaia’s choice. Jungkook picked up the phone and placed it on his ear. Somehow he was unable to tear his eyes away from the artwork. As if it was luring him to examine the details.
“Master Jeon?” A gruff male voice spoke.
“There’s been a slight intrusion in Donghae Port when we were shipping tributes.”
“What kind of intrusion?”
“Journalists. A male and a female. The woman keeps demanding to see you, sir. Should I just get rid of them?”
Brows furrowed, Jungkook shifted from one foot to another. “Is there any particular reason why she’s asking for me?”
“Something about prostitutes, sir. I-I’m not sure what she’s talking about.”
“Does she have evidence?”
“One of the guards broke the camera.”
Jungkook took a deep breath, glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone was passing through the living room. “Why would they think Donghae Port had prostitutes being shipped?” He asked the question more to himself rather than the guard. “Take them to the main estate and keep them on heavy guard. I’ll be there in ten minutes.” If this hell of a party ever ends.
God, she hated the smell of tobacco. It always lingered in her house for years growing up to the point where it became the biggest reason she moved to live in her own place next to Hoseok. They always liked staying close. No one really thought like they did so it was hard making any true friends in this city. As per usual, Hoseok and Belle were joined by rope in two chairs with their back facing one another.
The room they were placed in had ugly dark green walls, brown leather furniture and a billiard table on the right where the guards played casually. Belle only really liked the stone fireplace in front of her. On top of it was an ancient painting she couldn’t quite pinpoint. Written history had always been more of her forte rather than art.
Tobacco lingered thick in the air, smoke almost hazing the entire room as one of the guards groaned near the billiard table.
“I didn’t know journalists were that pretty.” That same, disgusting grey-eyed guard approached her again. Blazer off, standing with his white dress shirt.
Belle merely responded with a glare, taking a deep breath to pretend she wasn’t imagining his head roasting in the fire.
“You can at least tell me your name.” He hooked on the cloth covering her mouth before pushing it down. “I bet you have a pretty name.” He leaned forward, purposely holding onto her clothed thigh and squeezing causing her to jerk in discomfort.
“Boss said not to talk to them, Genzo.” One of the guards, a bit younger than the man named Genzo, spoke in a careful tone.
“I’m only conversing casually.” Genzo glanced over his shoulder before facing her again. “I asked for a name, sweetheart.”
The putrid scent of tobacco filled her lungs almost making her want to cough as she turned her face away. Hoping that the smell might leave her when she did. Except Genzo wasn’t having it at all when he grabbed her chin to meet his gaze again.
“The boss won’t care about anything I do to you so long as you’re alive, pretty…” Hoseok roughly struggled against the restraints with a growl under his breath. Genzo ignored it. “…so be a good girl.” His stinking fingers pressed into her soft cheeks until her lips puckered out.
“That’s no way to treat a guest in my house, Genzo.”
A young, raspy voice spoke from the other end of the room even causing to Genzo to freeze where he stood.
Belle took the opportunity to yank out of his rough grip, her cheeks aching terribly. Reddened eyes flickered over to see the figure walking into the room and rippling intimidated silence all around him.
This was him. Jeon Jungkook in the flesh.
Belle had only seen pictures for the most part during her research in Yeou Pa or whatever other businesses he invested in. Merely a young man not much older than she was. Definitely inherited fortune. Auburn hair slightly messy in its style, round eyes that had a striking sharpness to them she couldn’t understand, all tied together with small, pouty lips.
“Apologies, Master Jeon.” Genzo bowed down and she hoped his back would break from it. “I was just trying to get some information.”
“By threatening to assault her…on my property no less.”
Genzo stayed silent. A miracle really.
“All of you leave. I can speak to them alone.” Jungkook waved his hand before digging both of them into his grey trousers.
Every guard slowly flooded out of the room and closed the door. Silence plunged into the room for a moment other than the fire crackling slightly wafting more warmth than Belle was truly comfortable with right now.
With a deep sigh, Jungkook glanced over at Hoseok and walked to him, pulling out the cloth from his mouth. “What company are you two from?”
“Saja Ilbo.” Hoseok answered even though the release of information made Belle wince.
“I have no quarrels with Hansuke, why would he authorize this bust?” Jungkooks gaze moved over to the female journalist, her hazel eyes burning right into him like she was imagining all the ways he could be killed.
“Hansuke didn’t organize it.” Belle answered simply. While she had no deep affection for her boss, she still felt a small tug at possibly ruining his name for this case.
“So you’re rebelling against your boss.” Jungkook spoke directly to Belle while Hoseok hung his head. “What have I done that’s so horrible?” He pulled his trousers up and crouched down so he could meet her eyes.
Belle winced slightly. “Those people…children, you were going to—”
“Put them into prostitution? Is that you think I was doing?”
The anger began to douse allowing Jungkook to truly examine the hazel orbs, looking almost golden from the glow of the fireplace behind him.
“What were you doing then?” Her heart raced under her ribcages. Heat from the fire collecting around her aura, making it hard to breathe when the information kept sinking in deeper. Did she just get Hoseok into trouble for no reason? Was this all a stupid mistake from her pare that was going to get them killed?
“Those are tributes.” Jungkook explained in a calm tone, noticing the slight change in her gorgeous features. “They volunteer from different countries or from here to enter the gang either to get promoted or simply leave their harmful households. They’re not slaves or prisoners, they’re regular people who wanted a job. A different life that others wouldn’t give them.”
Granted this wasn’t the most honorable job of all time but it was better than most lives. Besides he knew what young men his age went through. Things Jungkook was able to get away with by being in this line of work.
“But we found prostitution rings with your men in it. They all had Yeou Pa tattoos, guarding the Golden Serpent.” Belle shook her head.
“Was that your article?”
She stammered a little. That conditioned part of her automatically thinking of saying that it was Hoseoks’ and not hers despite the nights she spent working on it. But there was no point in telling him lies when he had her restrained. “Yes.”
Jungkook nodded in understanding. “A ghost writer.”
“Why were your men there?” Belle pushed down the argument threatening to leave her tongue.
He stayed silent for a moment, the heat on his back growing a little irritating. Getting back up to his feet, Jungkook padded towards the coffee table that had been shifted to the side for chairs. A thick wooden piece of furniture that attempted to complement the brown leather. Jungkook picked up the small dagger, blade shimmering a little in the light.
Hoseok shifted against the restraints as the male inched closer.
“I know where my men are even if they don’t think I do.” Jungkook muttered. “In this world of ours, having eyes and ears everywhere is more important than anything.” He walked in between the two chairs, cutting through the ropes that were keeping them tied. “But it’s also easy to keep secrets in this world too. And make stories even though the proof might not be showing the truth.”
“You think I’m lying?” Belle furrowed her brows. The ropes finally loosened around her wrists, pulsing ache on her arms from being bound for too long.
“I think someone’s playing a trick on the both of us.” Jungkook placed the dagger back onto the coffee table while the two rubbed their arms and wrists. “Prostitution has been prohibited in Yeou Pa ever since it was founded. My grandfather was against it.”
“You expect us to believe that?” Hoseok shifted to face them properly.
Jungkook raised a brow, pulling at his gold cufflink. “His mother had been in street prostitution to provide for her two sons. Not a pretty story so I’d like for you to believe me if that’s alright with you.”
Belle and Hoseok shared a concerned glance with one another before she met Jungkooks’ gaze again. “There are still people missing though. Children and other innocent civilians found in unauthorized prostitution rings. If they’re not coming from you, then they’re coming from someone using your name.”
“What’re you suggesting, Miss…?”
“Belle.” Jungkook nodded. “It might seem like I have all the power in the world but these investigations can cause concerning levels of suspicion.”
“Whoever is really running these rings wants to make it known that it was your gang.” Belle shrugged. “The evidence is only pulling to you in a way that’s almost obnoxious.”
“Which means someone might be purposely trying to do it.” Hoseok continued on as the information collected in his own mind.
The Jeon name had always been connected to underworld workings for years. Any evidence that could so much as smell like their involvement could be used against them. But Yeou Pa also was a syndicate that lived for over forty years. No regular journalist could simply ‘expose’ it on a luck strike. Something was being tampered.
“You understand if I agree to starting this investigation with your involvement…” Jungkook gestured to the both of them. “…you can’t investigate my syndicate anymore.”
As much Belle wanted to believe it. That Jungkook was the culprit after all and he was just lying through his teeth. Perhaps there was a selfish part of her that wished she could just use the evidence to expose Jungkook anyway. Except that wouldn’t stop the innocent civilians from being taken. Helping the innocent and bringing criminals to justice became so separate at this moment that Belle felt a headache coming along.
“There’ll be no more snooping on your gang anymore.” Hoseok muttered although reluctance coated his voice. “You have our word.”
Onyx eyes flickered over to Belle who still had a clear hesitation on her face. All of the worst case scenarios were definitely a hair worse than what the offer on the table right now. But it still meant giving up a sense of honor to find a truth. Two negatives make a positive. In this world anyway. “And you? Miss Belle?”
Gaze trailed up to meet his, taking a few minutes of silence to find some kind of ploy in his eyes. Any kind of tick or twitch that could indicate to her that something was wrong. Belle couldn’t find anything. She glanced over at Hoseok once again and instantly noticed the need to get this conversation done and over with. So long as they came out of this with their lives. At this point, that’s what mattered. “Alright. I have some files with more information that we could look at.”
A smile spread across Jungkooks lips, eyes glimmering when he stepped forward. “Welcome to Yeou Pa then, I suppose.”
This was going to be a nightmare.
Two years. It took Belle two years to collect these files. Trying her best to connect all the dots and hoping it would point to one direction. Some of them did point to Jungkook. Others were scrambled and confused like her mind was playing tricks on her. She kept most of the files in her shared apartment with Hoseok so that no one could think to find it but now she was personally carrying to the man she wanted to expose.
Funny how life turned out.
Morning faded in when Hoseok drove them back to the Jeon-Takahashi household. The sky a hazy blue from the light layers of smoke always swirling in the dry air. Dark fringe escaped from her burgundy hat, tickling her brow as she watched the guards walk down the entrance stairs of the house.
It had a traditional design like most upper class citizens inspired by traditional Japanese architecture with curved black roofs, wooden designs and an abundance of nature as far as Belle could see. Autumn was still nipping at their noses currently so a lot of the blossom trees didn’t look to be in bloom.
The guard practically surrounded their car as if they would play a trick. One of them with a clear fox tattoo on his neck opening the door for her while Hoseok climbed out on his own, walking towards her side.
He straightened out his camel toned blazer, waiting for Belle to climb out so he could carry the large wooden box from the passenger’s seat.
Despite the stockings she wore underneath her navy blue skirt, the autumnal air still bit at her flesh causing her to hug the grey trench coat tighter. Eyes trailed up to the height of building. Not quite like a skyscraper but still majestic in its own way.
“Master Jeon and Mistress Eliades are expecting you for tea.” The man with neck tattoo spoke, gesturing his hand towards the dark wooden door.
To the untrained eye, it may seem like the house was unguarded. Belle knew now that there must’ve been a guard in every corner ready to die for their Master if a sign of danger were to arise. Sharing a small glance with Hoseok, they were led up the entrance stairs with a line of guards padding behind them.
The entrance door opened with a loud creak where they stopped in the middle of the genkan. Taking their shoes off, the guard opened the red doors to a beautiful courtyard. Belle had to take a moment to admire the flowers lining the different pathways forming a perfect square in the middle.
“This way.”
Belle and Hoseok were taken to the east wing of the household, down the pathway into a private room on their right. The first thing Belle noticed was the gorgeous window showcasing all the blossom trees slowly losing their budding flowers. Then she saw the setting for tea. It was modern than anything else with chairs and a circular table matching the wooden structures of the house.
This definitely looked more like a place of business rather than casual tea. Aside from the beautiful view and adorable flower design tea set.
Her gaze then set on the two figures sitting at the table. Jungkook rubbing his bottom lip while their eyes met while sitting on the other side, a burst of wine red hair, perfectly curled just above her shoulders.
“Please sit.” Jungkook gestured to the two seat set out for them. “This is Rosyne Eliades, my consigliere. I thought it might be wise to have her here.”
Belle took a deep breath before making her way towards the table, sitting down on Jungkooks’ right while Hoseok sat across from her, placing the box on the floor next to him. “These are all the files we’ve collected on the prostitution rings.” She stated as Hoseok pulled all the sources out onto the table.
“You research deeply.”
The woman on her right spoke. Rosyne Eliades. Lime green eyes met hers as her reddish tinted lips curled up into a faint smile. There was a faint scar down her cheek where the natural light hit, showing the deepness of it when it was fresh. It didn’t take away from how ethereal she looked though.
“Thank you.” Belle attempted a smile although she was more focused in ensuring her fingers weren’t shaking too much. She was sitting right in the middle of the fox’s den, in their territory. Vulnerable to anything they could have planned for them. “We managed to find connections between Golden Serpent to other establishments suspected to be run by Yeou Pa.” Her grey gloved hands reached out for a black file, opening it to show her messy notes and stuck pictures.
It felt like opening her diary to strangers and letting them peek into all her weaknesses and ticks.
“Cho No Su?” Jungkooks brows furrowed, tapping on the picture of one of his brothels in the Red Light District. The familiar Japanese characters gleaming in red neon. “This is an authorized brothel not a ring.”
“I know.” Belle nodded. “But I spoke to a few girls there and they told me people had been going missing around that part.” She hesitated to speak her theory but it was already written in pen around the pictures. “I thought your men might’ve been taken them to the rings so you wouldn’t have to pay because the boss told them not to say anything.”
“Kim Hyuna runs Cho No Su.” Rosyne traced her fingers around brim of her tea-cup. “The profits don’t come back to us but her girls and boys are trained spies.”
“So they pay you with information.��� Hoseok concluded.
“And they knew which information to keep from me.” Belle let out a slightly defeated sigh.
“Good thing you didn’t get your headline.” Jungkook muttered to her, a light smirk formed on his lips while Belle responded with a light glare. “But someone is causing these people to go missing and Hyuna isn’t saying anything because it might ruin her perfect rep.”
The Madame of Cho No Su brothel prided in keeping her establishment tightly protected and information kept sealed like an indestructible vault. Even for Yeou Pa, it was difficult figuring out what her eyes and ears found out in the deep webs of the city. Jungkook always remembered sending a hefty amount over just to gain some intel. At this rate, he may as well have a separate bank account opened for her.
“We could get a worker off duty and interrogate them on anything they needed to keep hidden while in the brothel.” Rosyne suggested.
“Do you think they’ll say anything different?” Belle still remembered the strange air in the brothel. Intimidating and alluring like she was sailing towards a haven for sirens ready to kill anyone who walked in. Every member looked like they knew something but were doing a good job at keeping it hidden. Kim Hyuna must’ve been watching their every move and they knew exactly how to work around it.
“Generally these spies will give information to people who are affiliates.” Jungkook explained, taking a small sip of his tea. “We could send someone in to get more juice.”
“Hoseok and I could go.” Belles words lingered in the air for a few moments.
Rosynes expression grew a little hesitant compared to her usual stance as she gave a look to Jungkook.
“You could go.” Jungkook spoke to Belle. “Hoseok will stay.”
“You have guards stationed all around the city, do you really think I’m stupid enough to go back on our word?” Belle seethed. Anxiety burning into anger as she fixed her gaze on the fox king, not daring to blink just in case he thought he was going to get away with playing them like his puppets.
Eyes sharpened as Jungkook leaned forward on his elbows, the faint scent of tobacco still lingering on his clothes and touching her nostrils. “You were stupid enough to think I was responsible for the prostitution rings.”
“I’m not resting that case either.” Her fingers curled up into tight fists, harsher than the wooden surface of the table. “People like you always go to any heights for a little extra cash.”
“Belle, it’s fine.” Hoseok muttered softly.
Jungkook let out a bitter scoff. “And you’re what…a hero of some sort? Taking down all the bad men with all your stories?” He tilted his head, voice calm but laced with venom. “You were sneaking into my territory for your own glory. What does that make you?”
“We’re not going to hurt your friend.” Rosynes calm voice attempted to break through Belle and Jungkooks fiery aura threatening to melt each other where they sat. “It’s just a necessary precaution. You must understand the risks we’re taking here.”
Belle and Jungkook shared a small heated glare towards each other before Belle rested back on her chair, forcing herself to look at Rosyne so she wouldn’t scratch the other males eyes out. “I’ll go to Cho No Su and try to find a member off duty.”
Rosyne hummed in agreement, glancing at Jungkook who still had a clear scowl over his face. “Go to the southern exit. That’s where the members usually go to smoke or just take a breather.”
She nodded in agreement.
“We’ll give you a radio transmitter just in case something goes wrong…” Jungkook deadpanned not giving Belle a sideways glance. “Unless you decide your friend doesn’t need limbs.”
“Maybe you should try this hard on controlling your gang than making threats.” Belle gave him a tight-lipped smile as Jungkook licked the inside of his cheek.
Rosyne tried her best not to look too amused.
The Cho No Su brothel was a sequestered establishment somewhere in the heart of the city with patrons of the high class pattering in like sailors to a sirens cave. Belle remembered being mistaken for one of the members at least five times before being able to get some questioning done for her files. Thankfully today she wasn’t heading for the entrance.
As the sky had plunged into a pitch black night with barely any stars, Belle made her way to the corner of the establishment. Japanese characters “蝶の巣” showcased in red neon beaming against the night light. Folding her arms over her chest, she padded down the dark alley from the western end of the building.
High above her were windows glowing in gold, moaning and giggling echoing against the walls outside. Steam flowed from her red tinted lips as she glanced over her shoulder to check no one was there. This was possibly the worst place to be alone. Somehow the thick radio transmitter in her jacket pocket helped her feel safe.
Even though the people listening on the other side probably didn’t give a shit about her safety.  
Taking a right down the corner, a scream made her heart jump. Belle looked over at the expanse of the alley and saw only two figures wrestling. One of them with a shining traditional red attire of some sort while other wearing a full black, camouflaging into the night.
“Get off me!” The girl roughly tried to push her attacker away.
Belle sprinted over to the scene and pulled the assailant off the others body, kicking the back of his knee. A male groan echoed in her ears as he dropped on his knees to the ground. She noticed the girls hair pins in a mess, glaring at the man.
She rushed over to the girls side only to notice a steel blade brandished against the moonlight. Before she could realize what was happening, a sharp pain pierced through her thigh causing her to stumble to the ground with a loud grunt.
She expected more hits but she felt the other girl move until the assailant yelled again. Teary hazel eyes tried to look at the male as he landed on the ground. Mouth frothing in white gurgles and his collarbone sliced and dripping with blood, staining the stone floor.
Vision began to shake as she rested back against something soft. The pungent scent mixed of blood and some kind of perfume filling her lungs making it even hard to breathe normally.
“Hey, thank you…” A female voice spoke but it was growing muffled.
Belle groaned, trying to push back to her feet on the ground but failing when the blade stuck in her thigh pricked at her again. One hand over the blade, her shaky fingers tried to reach for the radio transmitter in her pocket. Whatever strength she tried to muster kept fading into the pain rushing like lava to her whole body.
“H-Hoseok…” The radio kept crackling. It was so loud but unclear at the same time. “H-Hoseok…s-someone, please…” Her voice trembled.
“Belle?” Another voice answered. “Belle, it’s Jungkook.”
“I-I found—I—” Everything was so blurry and shaky. Blood everywhere. Her one leg unable to move without the blade trying to push at something important.
“You found what? What’s wrong?” Maybe it was the stab in the thigh but Belle could’ve sworn Jungkook sounded…almost worried. Almost. It could’ve been the stab.
Something grabbed the transmitter from her hand. “We’re at the Cho No Su back entrance.” The girl spoke in a more collected tone although still shaking at every word. “Your friend’s hurt, I could take—”
“I’m coming.” Jungkooks voice didn’t hesitate.
Belle tried catching more of the conversation, shifting or talking. Doing something. But her mind grew overwhelmed with the pain. Tears trickling down her cheeks, limbs growing numb and loose. Slowly shutting down until she could only see shapes and hear undistinguished noises. She heard the girls voice again before everything went quiet and dark.
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justletmereadmyfic · 3 years
Headcanon time
So just bc I just posted my fic, I want to try to more concisely (lmao, "concisely") explain my personal interpretation of how a Shang Qinghua/Original Shen Qingqiu relationship works/could work.
(This is just my interpretation of these characters in this AU scenario! It can change for other fics and situations!)
Let's start with our key players:
SQQ is not a good person and boy does he know it, but he has some standards, bitch please! He's supposed to be a righteous cultivator, after all; he's no beast. This translates to: abuse is totally fine–they probably deserved it and if not they should just get over it. But killing isn’t acceptable without a reason. Evidence: despite hating the guts of LBH and LQG, didn't kick LBH into the abyss until he found out he was a demon (that’s reason enough, natch), and only killed LQG out of self-defense. I know "not killing someone without a good reason" is a pretty low bar to clear for the side of the morally good, but that brings us to...
SQH, who knows for a fact that this world and the people in it are—or at least at one point were—fictional, fake, not real. He's lived there long enough to know that his fellow peak lords have thoughts and feelings and personalities. They aren't just acting out a script, and are (probably) real in every meaningful sense of the word.
But, duh—that's because they're important characters! Everyone else, not so much. The average background character has the personality, looks, and intelligence of a wooden post, and that's bc they were never supposed to be real people. We got a whole lot of NPCs here. He's of the opinion that if they weren’t a named character in the book, then they only exist to be cannon-fodder or set-dressing and it doesn't even count as murder to kill them.
Stage 1: SQQ sees SQH getting disrespected, abused, etc., and as a former slave and having been in that situation himself, he is disgusted. With SQH. He doesn't have to invite it by being so pathetic! Yes, our man is a victim-blamer.
Stage 2: SQQ finds out SQH has a backbone after all, and thinks "Huh. Well, if it's just play-acting, I suppose it's an acceptable method of survival, even if I'd never stoop to it."
Stage 3: SQH likes mean and pretty men, and he likes seeing his work in the living, breathing flesh. SQQ likes being sincerely complimented.
Stage 4: Is it so unusual that, once you start spending more time with someone, you grow to like them more?
Stage 5: SQQ finally sees SQH's sociopathic tendencies in action, and realizes, "well, I thought I was bad at being a good person, but this is something else entirely."
Stage 6: Now with concrete proof that he is not the worst of the worst, by default, that means SQQ is at least a little good at being a good guy. Which means it's actually possible for him to be good. He never really believed that before, but now that he knows he can, he goes for it (well, -ish. This is SQQ. He's less outrageously awful).
Stage 7: SQQ likes SQH. The "be sticky, be pitiful" method works *shrug* and he's in too deep now to dump him just bc SQH wins the dubious honor of being worse than SQQ. So he's going to make it his life mission to redeem SQH as a person. And hey, saving the love of your life from eternal damnation, the way he inadvertently saved you, is pretty romantic, right?
In conclusion: They're probably super toxic, but they're happy.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
What if Bella got possessed by a demon in Twilight? Like pretty standard, The Exorcist type of stuff.
A lot of you anons should just head on to Ao3 instead of my inbox because whereever you went with this fic idea, I’m sure it’d be delightful. Lulzy, but an absolute delight.
Since you say Twilight, I’ll just set the timeline to the beginning of the series, when Bella has just arrived in Forks. She got possessed just before leaving, as Renée wanted to try an ouija board.
So, for the purposes of this ask, demons are real within the Twilight universe. They have to be very few and far in between, though, since humans don’t know about them and they presumably don’t care about following the Volturi law.
Bella is Reagan and the demon Pazuzu has taken up residence within her.
As happened in The Exorcist, this isn’t very noticeable at first. Bella starts saying some messed up things, yes, enough so that the other kids at school avoid her and the teachers give Charlie a call, but she’s not running down the stairs like a spider. Charlie is worried about her behavior and calls Renée about this, but he’s not dialing up any priests just yet.
Well, Bella gets worse.
Edward, for the record, was interested in this delicious smelling girl with the mystery box brain up until she started spouting profanities in the hallways at other students. Not being able to read her mind, he assumes Bella Swan is just like that. There’s no challenge, no reward, nothing to keeping her alive, his only real reason for not eating her at this point is Carlisle. Though his sheer distaste at that vulgar human who dares to tempt him so makes him resistent to drinking her blood, just out of spite. She’s not his perfect damsel with the delicious blood, and that ruins a lot of the appeal. Not all, mind, because that blood is still delicious.
Though it does help when she’s pulled out of school. Edward can pretend vulgar hamburger doesn’t exist, even as he ruffles through her wardrobe for sweaters to huff.
Back to Charlie, whose daughter is now running down the stairs like the spider.
He sends her to every shrink he can afford, has all the doctors in Forks look at her, and none of them give him an answer he can believe. He’s at his wit’s end.
And this affliction, whatever it is, that’s affecting Bella, it doesn’t seem natural, not human. She speaks in tongues, sexually assaults herself (yes, this happens in the movie), growls and hisses like an animal, in every way acts like- well, whatever it is, Charlie’s ability to deny that this his daughter’s affliction is supernatural in origin is growing thin.
But none of the shrinks can help him with that, and Charlie is a “lapsed Lutheran”, so I doubt priests is something he’ll consider all that seriously. He needs occult help, yes, but from someone who will actually help Bella.
His mind turns towards Carlisle Cullen and his children, and how Billy reacted when they moved into town.
Charlie laughed off his friends’ fears then, thought it was ridiculous to believe the Cullens could ever be anything but human. He dismissed their unusual looks as just that, unusual looks, their too-good-to-be-true cover story as them being that wonderful, and was quite happy about it.
That was then, now his daughter is fast becoming proof that the occult is indeed real.
And Dr. Cullen is so very kind, excellent in his work as a doctor and above all knowledgeable.
Say that Billy was right, that these guys aren’t as human as they appear. Well, that makes them the only people in the world, in Charlie’s world anyhow, who might be able to help.
Which is how Carlisle has the town chief walk into his office, tell him his daughter is possessed by a demon, and that Carlisle has to come over and have a look at her.
Now, as I think demons would be extremely rare, we’ll allow that Carlisle with all likelihood hasn’t seen any of these before. Quite the contrary, he was once a man who persecuted women suspected of witchcraft. He understands Charlie a little too well, but is also not touching this exorcism quest with a ten-foot pole.
Except, the chief seems convinced that Carlisle himself isn’t entirely human.
What would a human doctor do?
Carlisle really has no choice here but to come with Charlie. Besides, no matter how one looks at it what Charlie said about Bella is highly disturbing, the girl obviously needs medical attention.
So Carlisle has a look at Bella, and his “ahahaha we’re all human in here” smile quickly stiffens as he finds that whatever’s going on with Bella, it is indeed not human. She’s spitting green goo, talking Latin backwards, inhumanly strong, impersonating Carlisle’s father, and depending on how closely we follow Pazuzu’s actions in The Exorcist she may have killed a man. There’s scars on her body spelling out pleas for help.
It becomes clear to Carlisle that this girl really does need an exorcism. Or something, anyway, this is terrifying new territory for him.
But he has neither any clue nor the authority to perform an exorcism, and he lacks the network to get his hands on a human priest who’ll do this. More, even if humans could help (and considering how misinformed they are about vampires, the odds of that are extremely slim), involving more humans than have already been pulled into this would not make the Volturi happy.
There’s really only one place to go where someone will have the resources to help this suffering human, and that’s Volterra.
There’s a risk that demons are like immortal children and Aro will kill her on the spot, but Carlisle, still spooked from father Cullen’s voice coming out of this 17-year-old girl in the 21st century, has no other recourse.
So he tells Charlie he’s taking Bella somewhere Charlie can’t follow, and it’s likely they’ll never see each other again, even if Bella is saved. Charlie is devastated, but the promise that his daughter could get better means he can’t refuse. Just the fact that Carlisle isn’t entirely human yet benign makes him the best help Charlie is able to get her.
Carlisle takes Bella to Volterra, where Aro puts on his best Max von Sydow impression and says “Ah, demons... I’ve seen this once before, in the memories of a merchant from Ur...”
Knowing Aro while not knowing the lore of The Exorcist well enough to know what to do about a demon possession if you don’t have a Catholic priest on hand, I imagine Aro dresses up in whatever it is that Sumerian priests wore thousands of years ago (he always told Caius those bedazzled costumes would come in handy someday, and look who was right! VINDICATION) and tricks Pazuzu into possessing one of the humans Heidi brought in instead. This human is promptly killed. Ta-da, Aro smiles to Carlisle, he solved the problem!
Bella wakes up surrounded by insanely beautiful people in an underground palace in Italy and remembers nothing. Carlisle gets the honor of explaining to this human girl that she was possessed by a demon, Charlie asked Carlisle to fix it, and now the nice man who makes jingling noises whenever he moves because he’s dressed head to toe in gold wants her to be a different kind of demon because he can’t read her mind.
Bella caught maybe half of that.
Carlisle refuses to elaborate on the “possessed by a demon” part. No, Bella, you did nothing embarrassing, no one thought you were weird. We hardly noticed you were possessed at all!
But he was serious about that last part, Aro noticed she has a special ability so he’d like for her to become a vampire.
Bella, still, overwhelmed, makes a phone call to Charlie explaining nothing at all but assuring him that the demon is gone. She is then made a vampire.
Edward arrives too late to the party, so late that the party is in fact over, as he didn’t believe Carlisle when he said hamburger was possessed by a demon. Now it turns out that the disgusting, vulgar girl was in fact a delicate flower and a damsel in distress this whole time. Except, now she’s a vampire. Woe! Theirs is a love that never bloomed.
Bella has no idea who this guy is, and asks Renata to make him go away.
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drea why don’t you tell us what your idea was for the potential erosrry fic and maybe we can bounce stuff off that for you :D
OMG ok so…..my idea was kinda an enemies to lovers type of thing?? Like maybe she’s an Eternal, too, with telekinetic powers, and she gets assigned as the leader of her group and receives the communication sphere every leader is bestowed. Arishem decides to add Eros to her crew, as well, for the sake of efficiency, but she’s immediately against it because he’s very arrogant and narcissistic and she knows that he’d cause more problems than anything. However, she doesn’t have a say in it, so he gets added in, and as they’re being trained in order to get sent to a planet, there’s this underlying tension between them because Eros is obviously already ahead of them in terms of experience and age, so it puts a strain on her leadership. It makes him a threat to her, because Arishem could choose to have her forfeit her position to him instead, so she despises him and vis versa.
Then one day, when her group’s first mission is growing near, she learns the truth behind Arishem’s system, like every leader does, and despite her conditioning, she refuses to raise an entire planet of people for slaughter. As a result, she tells her friends and hatches an escape plan for her crew (Eros excluded) and when it succeeds, she insists on going her separate way from her group because Arishem will know it was her doing, since she’s the only one who knew the real truth behind his plans, so she isolates herself because if he finds her, at least her family is safe.
Arishem is obviously furious and ends up sending Eros to find her and bring her back to face the punishment for her insubordination, which would be the complete erasure of all her memories. Eros does find her, and she’s left with no choice but to fight to try and save herself. However, when it dawns on her that she’s going to lose, considering he has her pinned to the ground, she uses the sphere in her chest to project a hologram of Arishem’s plan and reveals the truth to Eros. After that, he agrees to help her, so he constructs an elaborate lie about how Y/N had gotten killed in the process of him trying to get her to comply and surrender. He fakes her death by seeking out someone to replicate and disable her sphere so she can’t be tracked, then brings the replica back to Arishem as proof that he’d put her down.
Y/N keeps the original artifact in case they ever need it in the future, and he remains in contact with her and visits often since he knows she’s forcing herself into isolation to prevent putting anyone in danger. Now that they don’t have the weight of being pitted against one another looming over their heads and they’re not blinded by their competitive instincts, they realize how twisted and incorrect their perceptions were of each other, and that they actually enjoy one another’s company more than they expected. The closer they get, one thing leads to another, and they end up sleeping together. Everything is too complicated at the moment to title the connection they’ve formed, but they know they care for one another deeply and that they are the only person the other can can trust, so they adopt an unspecified relationship as they search the universe for a way to take Arishem down for good.
Eros, who has assumed a role as an inside spy into Arishem’s destructive agenda, overhears the Celestial fretting over a specific group of Eternals that defied his orders and stopped an emergence, and he starts poking around to see if this is the opportunity he and Y/N have been waiting for— if this is a chance to put an end to their problems and finally get some peace. He finds out Arishem has abducted half of the rebellious group and is searching for the other half, who apparently left earth on a rouge mission to awaken other Eternals and save other planets. He goes to Y/N and tells her that they should find this group of heroes and team up with them, because their interests seem to align, which provides a solid route towards accomplishing their goal to kill the Celestial.
It’d probably end with Eros walking into the Eternals ship with her sphere in hand as a peace offering, just like the post credit scene.
That’s my general idea so far, idk how I feel about it but it seems alright!! I didn’t wanna make Y/N human because I feel like in most AUs, Harry is the different one and she always just ends up being human, so I wanted to make her a hero, too. I honestly don’t know if or when I’ll get to it but I just wanted to jot the idea down in case inspo ever hits SJDNSJSJS
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juniorgman187 · 3 years
About Time (Reid Fic)
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Summary: Reader’s offer to help Morgan renovate one of his properties makes Spencer jealous enough to confess what he never could before. 
A/N: I try to avoid specific Reid eras in my works so that it can be up to you how you imagine him, but please just imagine seasons 1 or 2 Spencer - I’m telling you it’ll make the experience richer. Also, I might improve this fic in the near future bc I’m not entirely happy with it. Category: Drabble, Fluff Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid Content Warning: None Word Count: 2.5k Playlist: Would You Be So Kind by Dodie
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
Clink … Clink … Clink … 
The repetitive noise was barely discernible at first, then it became all that I could focus on. 
In an attempt to find the source, I looked up from my paperwork and scanned the room. It only took me half a second to discover that Morgan was the culprit. 
From across the round table, I watched as Derek absentmindedly stirred his coffee and sugar together, making a ‘clink’ noise each time his spoon hit the rim of the cup. This wouldn’t have been bothersome had it not persisted for more than 10 minutes which, by all accounts, is plenty of time for the sugar to dissolve.
“Derek… ” I sort of sang, trying to capture his attention as nicely as possible. 
“Derek.” I repeated, this time a little less quietly and a little more sharply. Still, my voice did nothing to stop the noisy stirring of his coffee. I stayed silent for a second, just in case he finally noticed I was speaking to him, but when he didn’t, I gave a concerned look to Spencer beside me as if to ask if he was seeing what I was and he returned just the same expression of confusion. 
That’s when I knew something was wrong. 
“Derek!” I said even louder, finally catching his attention. 
His head snapped in my direction, his ghost-like countenance falling away after looking directly at me. I was relieved to see proof of life had been regained behind his eyes. The abrupt reaction made me squint harder in his direction to decipher what was truly going on. “Is everything okay? You were kind of zoning out just now.” 
He sighed while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “It’s nothing. I just had a late night last night and I didn’t go to bed till three this morning.” 
“Oh?” I asked coyly. “And what was her name?” I brought my mug to my lips to hide my growing smirk behind the rim. 
He didn’t catch on right away, which to me was more than enough evidence that he wasn’t well. He was usually the first to be aware of an innuendo, maybe even the one to be making it. “Whose name?”
“The girl that kept you up till three this morning.” I mimicked his voice in crude yet playful imitation.
To this, he shook his head and rolled his eyes with a grin. “Alright, get your pretty lil’ head out of the gutter, Kitten. I was busy fixing up a property I got down in Emporia. Lost track of time. That’s all.”
Whether or not he was hiding something more, I didn’t care anymore. He’d piqued my interest in this new topic. “Emporia? That’s like 2 or 3 hours away.” 
His eyebrows lifted in agreement. “Yeah, like I said - late night.” 
Not even trying to tempt him with my words, I simply remarked, “But I mean it can’t be that hard though, right? Fixing up the house?” 
There was no verbal response from him, only a mirthless chuckle.
I was less careful with my words than I should’ve been, letting them flow through my mouth without filtering them first. “I’m just saying, I worked with Habitat For Humanity for years. We built thousands of houses from scratch, each of them within a matter of days.” 
He sat up in his seat and leaned forward to assert himself. It was nearly the same mannerisms he would display in an interview when he wanted to maintain dominance. “Well, that’s because you got how many people working on one house?” 
When I didn’t answer, he simply tapped the table and leaned back comfortably in his seat, prematurely relishing in a self-proclaimed victory. “Yeah, exactly. Whereas, it’s just little ol’ me fixing up these properties.”
“Okay, then I’ll help you.” 
He only snickered in response, lending way for me to believe he didn’t trust that I’d provide any sort of productive assistance. 
“I will!” I insisted. “Since you’re so convinced those houses were only built as fast as they were because it was a group effort, I want to prove to you that it’s actually because I’m just a fast worker.” 
“It’s not a race, Kitten. All I said was it took me a while to fix up the house. I don’t need you to help. And I wouldn’t be paying you even if you did, by the way.”
“Oh, I’m not doing this for money,” I reasserted. “I’m doing this for pride. I know I’m right, and I want you to know it, too.” 
It’s worth mentioning that Derek and I made these kinds of bets all the time. Our friendship was practically built on the foundation of competition. The first interaction I ever had with him was when he came up to me while I was arranging my desk to ask what I thought the odds were that he could toss his paper ball into the trashcan across the bullpen. 
Years Ago . . .
“What are the chances I’ll make the shot?” I heard a deep, unfamiliar voice inquire from behind me.
“You’re aiming for the trashcan all the way over there? No way.” This voice I knew was Elle’s. She’d been the second person to introduce herself to me and if I had to guess, the deeper voice belonged to the guy I recalled sitting diagonally from her. I made eye contact with him when I initially walked in, but he hadn’t taken the time to introduce himself to me, nor I to him. He seemed a little preoccupied … making a paper ball and all. 
“Actually, if Morgan’s throw had specific arc, the trajectory of the ball would -”
“He’s not making it, Reid.” Elle cut off the small, almost mousy voice promptly, shutting down any ‘pro-Morgan-making-the-shot’ argument he was about to make. 
You could get a lot from just listening. Some might call it eavesdropping, but I like to call it being observant, and from what I’d observed 
A) The one throwing the ball was Morgan. 
B) The smart-sounding one was Reid. 
C) Reid was a proponent of Morgan, so I could assume they were close friends. 
D) There were three very distinct, very different personalities in this general vicinity of desks alone. 
“O’ ye of little faith! Gimme a break, Elle. You’re just busting my balls ‘cause Reid came to me about Lila before he came to you.” 
“That has nothing to do with the fact that I’m right.”
“No, but it means you have bias.” Derek retorted.
“Fine then. If it means that much to you to have an unbiased opinion, let’s ask someone impartial - like Anderson.”
“Actually, I have a better idea,” The deep voice said as soon as I’d placed the last item on my desk - a stack of sticky notes in the shape of a cat’s face that’d been gifted to me the moment I exited the elevator by Penelope Garcia. 
“Excuse me, Kitten,” The deep voice purred. “You think I could get this ball into that trash bin right over there?” 
It took me a second to register that he was addressing me until I realized where the nickname originated from and that it had belonged to me - I could thank Penelope for that.
“Oh, um …” I looked around the room like somehow it would have my answer. In some ways, it did. 
I made contact with Reid first. He smiled weakly at me with tender awkwardness that melted my heart a little bit. Meanwhile, Elle’s eyes were luring me to join her on the dark side and say he wouldn’t make it. To be fair, riling him up seemed like fun. I’d be on Elle’s good side, gain her approval, and if I executed my jest playfully enough, I’d be on Morgan’s good side, too.
“No shot in hell, big guy.” 
Present Time . . .
That’s how it all started - this sibling-like rivalry. Ever since then, we’ve been challenging each other like our lives depended on it. And if I had to make it my life’s mission to win this most recent bet, then so be it. 
“Alright, kitten, I’ll take you up on that offer. I’ll pick you up at 9 on Saturday.” 
We sealed the deal with a cross-table handshake, and at that moment, I hadn’t realized it - only when I thought back to it, did I notice - Reid had been watching the entire interaction unfold. Misinterpreting every painstaking second of it. 
_ _ _
Sticking true to his word, Derek had taken up my offer in spades. Not the least bit shy in delegating me each and every duty there could possibly be. 
I’ll admit, he used my pride to his advantage. Because while I was practically doing all the handy-work imaginable inside the property, he was resting on his laurels outside, probably taking up the view of rolling green hills that went on forever just beyond the front yard. 
It just so happened that that would be our maintained, respective locations for the unexpected arrival of Derek’s very first (very unhappy) guest.
I was inside painting when I heard the placid squeak of Derek getting up from his Adirondack chair on the wraparound porch. I remember peeking my head out of the doorway for a second to see if he was finally going to come inside and help me, but lo and behold, I caught him walking further away from the entrance. While I might’ve given an eye roll of annoyance at the action, I thought nothing of it. Not until I heard Derek speaking to an eerily familiar secondary voice. 
“What are you doing here?” I could hear Derek ask. My ears had perked up like a dog on high alert. 
“Don’t play dumb. You’re trying to … to -” The second voice stammered. 
“Spit it out, kid!” 
“You’re trying to steal my girl!” Whoever it was, was desperate to speak with conviction, maybe even malice, to prove some level of strength that could match Derek’s, but they tried and failed. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Steal your girl? What the hell are you talking about, man?” 
“You know I like her! And yet you’re just hanging out with her alone now? On one of your desolate properties? Can’t you see how suspicious that looks? You’re supposed to be my friend.” 
I’d stopped painting completely at this point so I could take asylum behind the closed door. I could place that voice anywhere, and I needed to press my ear against the only thing separating it from me to confirm what I already knew. 
“Reid, I am your friend,” And there it was. Reid? “And as your friend, I’m telling you: lower your voice unless you want her to hear you.”
“Don’t patronize me. Just tell me,” Spencer, if anything, spoke louder. Perhaps he did want me to hear him, or he simply wanted to defy Derek. “Why do you flirt with her?”
“Flirt?” Derek seemed appalled at the word. It would’ve been offensive that he was disgusted at the thought of engaging with me in that manner had I not felt the same way. What we were doing was not flirting - by any stretch of the imagination. 
“You know what I’m talking about. You call her ‘Kitten,’ you both make sexual innuendos that you think fly over my head, you invite her to come over.” 
“Slow your roll, Pretty Boy. First of all, ‘Kitten’ is just a nickname I gave her the first time we met because I didn’t know what her actual name was. You know that - you were there. Second, the sexual innuendos are just playful jabs at the fact that I sleep around. Low hanging-fruit. Third, inviting her to come over might seem suspicious, but if you walk in there right now, you’ll see that nothing is going on between us. She’s just here to help.”
I wanted any excuse to walk out there myself and announce my nearby presence. Confront Spencer and tell him I heard everything. Ask him where any of this was coming from. How he could think, for even a second, that there was something between me and Morgan. 
Turns out, I didn’t need an excuse. I had already walked out. 
Spencer gulped hard when he saw me. And for that I felt sorry for him. He looked so unlike himself. His hair was disheveled like he’d ran his fingers through it a million times out of stress. His outfit was strangely untidy, the buttons of his cuff unclasped. “Could you ... did you-”
“I heard everything,” I clarified to the dumbfounded shell of a man standing at the base of Morgan’s stairs.
It was a triangle of stares between us all. Exchanging quizzical glances in a battle of wills to see who would fold first. I was looking at Reid, Reid was looking at me, then he looked at Morgan, who looked back at him, then at me. Like I said, a triangle of stares. 
“Um ... I’ll leave you two to talk. I’ll just be inside.” 
I suppose there were worse ways to finally get Morgan off his ass and working. 
Reid trailed Morgan with his eyes, while I simply waited for the sound of the door shutting behind me. It took a few more seconds until one of us had the gall to speak.
“Did you mean what you said? About liking me?” This question that I posed went unanswered for what felt like minutes. Looking at Reid, I could tell he wanted to say something, he just didn’t know what. 
The soul was willing, but the flesh was weak. 
“If you’re not ready to admit it, that’s okay. But then why did you really come here, Spencer? To yell at Morgan for possibly making a move on me? Because now’s your chance. Make your move, Spence.” I descended the stairs, stopping to stand on the very last step so I’d hover a mere inch above him. “Make a move.” 
Make a move, he did.
Warm, clammy hands that were disproportionately bigger than the rest of his body caught my face so that unbelievably, inconceivably soft lips could make their fierce attack with no resistance. His fingers laced through my hair until his hand found the nape of my neck. He used that as leverage to pull me impossibly closer. 
When he was just one step away from sucking my soul out of me, I laid my palm on his chest and pushed him slightly backward. I think I heard him laughing when I did this, probably to hide the shame of letting himself commit so fully to the moment that he forgot just how intense his passion was. 
His eyes fluttered open and his lips were still contorted in a pucker. It took him a second, but it finally came. 
“I meant what I said,” He confessed ever so nonchalantly as though it were the easiest thing in the world to him, despite being unable to come even close to admitting it just minutes before. “I like you. A lot.” 
It was me who laughed then, both from the sheer elation hearing him say that brought me and the distant, exasperated comment that came from within the house. 
“Well, finally! It’s about damn time!” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
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complete taglist: @muffin-cup @s1utformgg @no-alarms-no-surprises-silence @jemimah-b99 @justanothetfangirl @kylab @rainsong01 @calm-and-doctor @inkstainedwritergirl @rexorangecouny @ashwarren32 @carooliina @fortheloveofcriminalminds @watermelongubler  @obsessedmaggiemay @k-k0129 @aperrywilliams @eevee0722 @spencersmagic @spencerreid-mgg @half-blood-dork @goldeng1rl8 @just-a-bunch-of-fandoms @random-human-person @masumiyetimziyanoldu @dreamer-writer-fangirl @kalamitykait @jinxy175 @apolloroid​ @spenxerslut​ @you-sunshine​​ @spencerreid9​ 
Tag not working: @josiemay20 
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batshieroglyphics · 2 years
[Patreon Fic] We All Need Saving ~ Fullmetal Alchemist ~ Our Sinner’s Redemption series ~ Darius/Ed/Heinkel ~ EdRoy ~ Mature
Title: We All Need Saving Series: Part two of Our Sinner's Redemption Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairings: Darius/Edward Elric/Heinkel, eventual-Edward Elric/Roy Mustang Warnings: Ed's potty mouth, canon-typical violence, pile 'o OCs, angst, original character death, slow build (btwn Ed & Roy), referenced underage relationships, Summary: With the terrorists Ed, Darius, and Heinkel had been hunting behind bars, they can finally join the efforts in Ishval. But, with Scar showing an unexpected interest in Ed's friendship, and Ed's own growing attraction to Mustang, it doesn't look like it'll be as relaxing a visit as he and his team had hoped.
Read it here on Patreon! (See more about my Patreon on this post.)
There is a refresher summary at the start of the chapter, but you can also read everything that came before here on AO3. I’ve posted some scenes from later chapters, which you can find on the fic’s tag.
"Feeling a little less like you completely screwed up, now?"
"You're a bastard," Ed insisted, because he did feel better, yeah. Not quite comfortable with Phoebe thanking him for dragging her son into the military's shadows, or the idea that he'd 'saved' Morgan, but it weighed a little lighter on his shoulders, had become something bearable again.
"I'll take that as a yes," Mustang replied, sounding amused. "How much longer are you intending to stay in Youswell?"
Ed snorted at that proof that the bastard knew where he was (though whether it was because he'd mentioned Morgan, or because he'd caught Ed's earlier hint about getting lost, only Mustang could say), and admitted, "I want to try and catch everyone once. Check in with them and pass on new orders. Sort of. So, a week. Ish. Should head out no later than Monday morning."
"Are you going to make any stops?"
"Are you fucking timing me?"
"...I might be," Mustang admitted, before sighing and offering, "You're not the only one who would like to see you in Ishval for a bit, Ed."
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