#he's no longer Elmo tho
franciya · 2 years
Nobody asked but my favorite thing about the Brazilian dub of Fraggle Rock it's that the dude who currently voices Boober is the very same one who used to voice Elmo way back when I was a kid.
The conversation between these two.
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djbead123 · 4 years
Conguel +Jared (figure out a ship name for it plz) Omegaverse headcanons bc I'm sad and lonely and lacking any affection
●Connor and Jared attack their boyfriend/mate with cuddles often, just because
-it definitely scares the shit outta Miguel but he appreciates the cuddles non the less
●Jared can speak Spanish and Understand it so he and Miguel just talk to each other, it's easy to throw shady and spill tea when no one knows wtf you're saying
-connor only knows a few words in Spanish
●They all share a nest, especially after a very rough day, though if you mess it up, the omega will get very angy at you
●Jared's definitely the shortest out of the three, though his shortness earns him coos and smooches so 💖💕
●Miguel can fucking C O O K, like when it's time for dinner or a 3am snack, miguel knows how to satisfy and fill
●Connor loves ranting about shit while he paints his bfs nails
●Jared is very chubby but doesn't mind
●Jared has chewies because he tends to bite himself when nervous or upset, when it gets really bad, he will bleed
●Connor has his mood swings, when he's going through a depressive mood, his boyfriend's are there and will support him through it
-Blankets, Ice cream, Cheesy movies, they know just what to do. Sometimes their plans don't work but they always have a back up plan
●Miguel is gay, Jared is Bi, Connor is Pan
●Connor isn't allowed near sharp items because if jared makes any stupid pins around him, he'll fucking chase him with a knife or some shit
●Yes they have claws and fangs
-Miguel's aren't fucking trimmed
-Connor's are chewed to fuck
-Jared's are cut but not without fight, he hates his overgrown claws but nails the sound of the clipper too
●Jared has a comfort object (you can add what it might be, I wanna hear what you'd think he'd have)
●Gremlin boi jared has a Rubiks Cube and he uses it to calm down in overcrowded settings
●Connor's hair is long and it grows longer doing their time together, miguel calls him shaggy bc of it
●Their dates are usually choosen depending on who's turn it is, Miguel usually just takes them on a picnic, Jared likes movie dates and marathoning The big bang theory (connor hates the show but tolerates it for jared), Connor doesn't know what to do so he ends up just putting together some snacks and getting some blankets and just,, relaxing in bed and cuddling.
-Connor also takes them to places like the orchard or the park and they get food and walk around, holding each other hands
-Jared knows connor hated TBBT, which is why he continues to marathon it, though secretly connor likes it a lil bit
●Miguel is extremely protective and will hunt you down if you hurt or make his boyfriend's cry
●Connor does get jealous but tries to ignore it, his bfs reassure him that everything is fine and that they still wuv him very much
●Jared is kinda insecure about his teeth since he has a very noticeable gap
●Miguel works out in order to continue to be able to protect the pack and plus, it's therapeutic and fun for him
-Doesn't mean his fatass can't enjoy a greasy ass burger tho
●The boys will stare at Miguel while he works out like holy shit his abs
●Miguel is very warm, jared is warm, connor is cold, always, how the fuck are you cold connor??
●Connor likes to read, he even has special reading glasses for it, just cus
●Jared and Miguel flirt in Spanish alot, it gets so heated that they start making out aggressively
-Connor: Can I please get a waffle?? CAN I PLEASE GET A WAFFLE-
●Omg y'all, where do I even begin, connor cannot handle whenever he's being flirted with in Spanish, lemme tell you something, right heeeeere is boy melts like whoo
-Jared and Miguel known this and will flirt with him just to see him turn red as fuck
-Individual boyfriends, connor can definitely handle but when they double team him it's all over
●Connor is a cuddle freak and will practically whine when he wants to cuddle, he's baby, gibe him love
●Miguel has days where he just needs to be held and whispered too. Sometimes his family can make him feel like shit, it sucks man
●Miguel kisses connor's scars (heueueus stolen from a friend ;))
●Miguel's other nickname for connor is little lion (ALSO STOLEN FROM THE SAME FRIEND >:3)
●They barely sleep in their own homes anymore, like god, don't y'all have lives??
-They answer is no, no they don't
●Connor's favorite movie is Elmo in grouch land
●Miguel's and Connor do still get stoned
-Jared joins but not without buying snacks first
●Jared is a dick but is learning how to be less of an ass
-Tho He and Connor do insult each other in a friendly manner sometimes but jared sometimes doesn't know when to stop or when he's gone too far
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cola-fucking-losers · 5 years
Coffee shop au but instead of being cute the one being the barista purposely fucks up the person's name each and every time
damn you heres a stupid thing
Eduardo had once again found himself passing through the came small coffee shop. Not that it was the worst, it wouldn't be if it wasn't for their annoying barista.It's a nice place, cozy, good coffee, and always open even when he's going to work at four in the morning. But he enters the small building and is greeted by a brunette with a smirk. Eduardo is reminded at how much he despises Edd now, at first it was fine- He was just a shitty neighbor, but the hatred was mutual. Now? The guy is no longer annoying him. He's annoying him, Intentionally.Edd fixed his uniform before leaning on the counter as Eduardo approached, fuming."Darn, It's only morning and I haven't done anything yet, ease off the frown. You'll age faster." He holds in his urge to laugh as he watches a vein almost pop on Eduardo's forehead."Just give me the usual."Edd starts to beam. "But get my fucking name right." The Brit waves his hand "Sure sure. Whatever."Eduardo squints as the other brunette walks away. He stays like that before moving to find a seat. It was always like this. Ever since he moved to his apartment and got a new job, he passed here for some coffee. He didn't expect Edd to be working here. In fact, he never expected him to even know how the other odd ways to make coffee at all. Eduardo only just likes his coffee as normal as it is, without the weird creamer art or the other shit younger people drink.His concerned revolved around how the first day he asks for his drink, Edd decided to be a little shit and mispronounce it as fucking 'Edge Whoredo"It wasn't even close to his name. If it was another name, it could've been probably fine. 'Ernesto' or 'Emando'. But no, out of all things he chose to say it that way. Then it continues."Egwardo" "Elejuandro" "End war tho"It gets ridiculous as time passes, and no matter how hard he tries, Edd still continues. But Today. Today Eduardo has a plan. He's gonna watch Edd make coffee, and he's gonna get to the conter before Edd yells another set of words that's gonna embarrass him.He watches the Paler Brunette move around with a little smile on his face. Eduardo notices that this wasn't really the first time he did this. He knew Edd was gonna move to the small corner and then...yep. Edd was now searching for something he always keeps forgetting to misplace. He internally calls him an idiot. The lids are over there, moron. Edd finally spots what he was searching after a good few seconds. And Eduardo's drink was ready. He finally stands up and walks to the counter, watching Edd bring the cup over.Eduardo was there now, Edd can't possibly do anything ab-"HERE'S YOUR DRINK H-"Tan arms jerk, and soon enough Eduardo slapped his hand on Edd's mouth to prevent him from opening it. "....Don't you fucking dare." Eduardo warns, before slowly take his hand off. "Geez- I wasn't gonna." Edd frowns."Bullshit. I heard the first letter you little shit." "Maybe so. But it's nothing bad. It's new, but you might like it." Like...? Like what?Damn, now Eduardo was curious."What and why?"Edd just looks away, fingers tapping on the counter. "Well, Elmo-" "Eduardo"The Brit laughs, before clearing his throat."I just thought what you did was really nice." Did? What did he do?Eduardo ponders. Did Edd mean last night?"All I ever did was take your dumbass home. It's nothing honestly."Edd gives a smile. A different one. It was oddly.....making him feel things. "Nevermind, you're gonna be late. Here." Eduardo receives the cup, and he turns to Edd. Before he could say anything, he gets pushed to the door. "Go go! You're gonna be late!" "I'm not gonna be late you damn loser-"But he gets shoved outside. Eduardo rolls his eyes, before shaking his head. He starts to walk his way to his working place. Before he takes a sip of his drink, he looks at the small written word on the cup, written in a familiar style with black ink. Except he spots a small green heart, and that's.....That's......That's not a word. He stops walking to try looking at it properly. He doesn't see any poorly composed nickname, or another insult. No, it's a set of numbers, and he immediately knew it was a phone number. Eduardo looks back to the shop, and scratches his head.Did....Did Edd give his number to him?The man just stood there, looking flustered. This was...new. He debated for a while, before he sighed. He just grabbed his phone, and saved the number.
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survivorwakea · 5 years
Episode 6: “my whole entire game is built on lies” - Zack
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ok so im pretty sure that if we win this challenge and if we don’t merge and my tribe wins the next immunity challenge then i will break the record for most tribal immunity wins and i think that’s pretty good and cool
also elmo?? cutest person on this earth. i now understand why he was so beloved on facebook, it’s bc he’s an angel. i love him and if he keeps being this sweet he will most definitely replace johnny as my number one in this game and that is not a joke.
i rly am boo boo the fool huh.... tribal immunity record is for TRIBES, not people.... i NEED to be stopped before i embarrass myself any more than i already have
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ok so the plan was to vote out thomas since we figured a merge was coming and like. we don’t need someone to win comps in the merge we need loyalty. and joey was just kinda the easier pick when it comes to that bc i don’t really know what thomas has going on with other people whereas joey got here and basically told us every observation he’s ever had in the game. us being me and jared. we have an alliance w jared bodhi and i and discussed expanding in the merge so it’s us, joey, anabel, johnny, and possibly elmo. yeah
anyways we didn’t merge so wig
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So, last night’s tribal was kinda  frustrating. Adam was blindsided, and I was completely left in the dark by it. Justin popped into my DMs, and told me, “Thanks for voting me.” I told him we were even, since while he did get two votes, I was the one that was ultimately left in the dark on the vote. I didn’t even realize that Adam was the real plan. So in that, Zack and Chloe kinda lied to me there, but I appreciate that they apologized. I’m just worried that I’m gonna be the next to go now if we lose this challenge…
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I really am so fucking heartbroken that Tommy went. Ok ya I went mental a couple days ago nd I was ready to vote him out but I think that was all a big misunderstanding. I do actually really like the guy and after the whole thing with Adam he was kinda my rock and I really really wanted to meet up with him again in the game, we were gonna be the power duo of the season and everyone was supposed to be mad about it. And now I sit here fucking upset because I lost him and now idk what to do. When merge hits tf am I supposed to do without him? Why did I have to be put on a shitting tribe with Adam and not Tommy? Fuck every single person that voted him out. My next fucking targets.
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okay so i told my tribe about my legacy advantage (except lily) and i think that im going to be FINE with it all and im not super worried about the people on my tribe, but I know im 100% playing my legacy advantage at the final twelve, which is going to be next round, but yea....... idk im definitely going to tell jared once we end up merging, and slowly but surely tell other people, but yea, we'll see..... i also know i cant vote next round so eep
im also on call with jared rn talking about personal nonsense and we're screensharing while i play poker and hes distracting me from making this confessional any longer, so yea BYE BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Pray for me at the merge
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So, we lost the challenge. I’m definitely nervous, but I assume the plan is that Zack, Chloe, and I vote Justin. Zack promised to me that he would not vote for me. I’m pretty sure Chloe is good with the plan as well. They haven’t been online for a while, but hopefully, they don’t screw me twice in three nights.
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i feel like all i do in this game is lie. like my whole entire game is build on lies. KDKDKDK. as soon as we lost the challenge i promised ian that i wouldn’t be voting for him. that was a lie... and for what? what’s the point of lying? idk! i lies to justin about not having the idol and pinned it on johnny having it.. straight up lied to adam and ian last round and was in a whole ass fake alliance with them.. and the list just goes on. anyway. hopefully me chloe and justin can stick together and just vote ian out of here. BUT they have been very quiet so it is a little shady... i gotta feel the situation out a little more in order to feel totally comfortable enough to not use my idol. but i have hope. anyway let’s hope this just goes smoothly and i don’t get caught up in my lies anytime soon.
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u know this round has been a lot.... but at lesat we won and then johnny's bitch ass says that he has been LYING ABOUT NOT HAVING NAYTHING!? WELL ITS OKAY BUT AT LEAST HE REVEALED IT *NOW*!
now i have justification for not telling him about my idol xoxo
im in progress of getting closer w everyone on my tribe bc i rly want this tribe to work together come merge, i think lily could be in big trouble but it doesnt serve my game to boot her immediately, there are bigger threats for me so im gonna try to protect her to my best ability! i think that this vote is gna get ian out and thats sad be he was an option for me at the merge but it is what it is.
im just excited to merge already and (hopefully) make the jury in CELESTIAL! (even tho jury wont prob start yet if we merge at f12... hm)
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Trust List:
1. Joey 2. Bodhi 3. Asya 4. Anabel 5. Elmo 6. Lily 7. Ian
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So...Justin just messaged me and outright said he is voting for me because I voted for him last tribal. Someone’s a little salty about Wednesday night, and I don’t know if it’s more him or me. Anyway, I guess I know who I’m voting for, then.
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I'm just SICK of going to tribal, absolutely sick of it. I feel like I'm constantly clawing to stay in this game, as much as I'm proud of myself for making it this far in the game I would like one night where I can properly relax and just have a good time without having to vote out one of these people that I've created a bond with. Just once I don't want to be thinking whether I'm possibly ruining a friendship. It hurts me so much.
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Just having a ball u know how it goes. Also Jonny admitted he had the legacy advantage
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i told the tribe about my legacy advantage and now im mcfucked.com thanks
Ian is voted out 3-1,
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
BREAK UP DRAMA! Joe Budden Claims He Hasn't Seen His Son, Ex-Cyn Santana Posts Subliminal
Folks knew there was trouble in paradise between Joe Budden and Cyn Santana. And now, Joey is adding more fuel to the fire. More inside...
For the last few months, fans have been speculating if Joe Budden and Cyn Santana participated in a staged break up for "Love & Hip Hop" ratings. The story was that the former rapper cheated on his fiance and they called off their engagement. Rumblings about a breakup sparked back in May when Joe & Cyn stopped following each other on social media and Cyn deleted every last picture of Joe from her IG.
Well now, the rapper-turned-podcast host is seemingly blasting his son's mother for not letting him see his 1-year-old son, Lexington Budden.
          View this post on Instagram
                  All that matters in any life... how it should be.
A post shared by CCD of Spotify | EP at Revolt (@joebudden) on Jul 17, 2019 at 3:03pm PDT
  He hopped on Twitter to express how much he misses his son and how he's seemingly about to go through the same situation again when it comes to raising his sons. If you didn't know, Joey wasn't involved in his eldest son's life, although they have reunited and have been working on their relationship.
"I miss my son so much…. gotta go thru it tho… again," Joe tweeted yesterday morning (August 13th).
  By the end of the day, his ex Cyn Santana hopped on social media to share her thoughts.
"Pay close attention to people’s patterns and tactics. It’ll save you headaches, heartaches and energy. Protect your spirit," she tweeted.
          View this post on Instagram
                  Won’t ever get tired of singing these Elmo songs.... I’m sure he will tho lol. Happy Mother’s Day!!!
A post shared by Cyn Santana (@cynsantana) on May 12, 2019 at 6:58am PDT
  A fan reached out to Cyn and asked, "Where were you with this advice two years ago sis?!?!" Cyn responded, "Sis I wish I would’ve took my own advice my damn self two years ago! Lol. But it’s never too late to learn and apply."
  Sis I wish I would’ve took my own advice my damn self two years ago! Lol. But it’s never too late to learn and apply https://t.co/1Uw2CryFVb
— Cyn Santana (@Cyn_Santana) August 14, 2019
Last month, Cyn tweeted about clout chasing men who will do anything for attention:
  Clout chasing men are the bottom of the barrel. They will.embarrass you so bad in their quest for attention. Please give me the wallflower who minds his business and stacks his bread.
— Chun E (@LIBGyal) July 25, 2019
  She also seemingly dropped a sub at Joe back in June about NOT taking care of his family:
  A man that don’t take care of his family can’t be rich
— Cyn Santana (@Cyn_Santana) June 9, 2019
Welp. It seems this black man is no longer catering to this Spanish woman...
Another thing, IF Cyn is actually keeping Lexington from Joe, then maybe he should consider heading down to the courts himself and establishing visitation instead of airing out his frustrations on social media. Fathers have rights and they should start exercising them rather than trying to bash the woman to the first listening ear. 
  Photo: Getty
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2019/08/14/joe-budden-claims-he-hasnt-seen-his-son-ex-cyn-santana-posts-subliminal
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survivorwakea · 5 years
Episode 13: “there’s no point in getting to the end if you have nothing to say for yourself.” - Asya
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Well. Well. Well. Jared is def the biggest liar in the books. I should have known from touchy subjects that I shouldn’t have put so much trust in him. I’m so so so sorry Johnny, I know how bad you wanted a chance. Don’t worry if I can make anything happen, Jared will be gone ASAP. I don’t do people who lie straight to my face. The first time I could deal with. Taking out one of my F3, nope. You gone. I’m gonna have to attempt to play nice but so far it’s not going well. I’m also gonna have to continue to work with Bodhi. Love that kid but damn he will beat me in the end I’m sure of it. Trying to figure out who I want to go to the end with no because everything is all mixed up in my brain. When you go from thinking you have an awesome F3, to feeling like what’s the point? This game for me has been a lot of learning. I’ve been a flop tbh but have still been able to keep up with the social aspects of my game. That is really all I can count on now. I might just be starting my strategic game play but better late than never.
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so. johnny’s gone. i feel really bad about it but. idk
yesterday i told elmo that it was probably him because at the time, i believed that to be true. i also told chloe. the only thing i lies about was when chloe asked if i would tell her if i was voting for her. i said yes but that wasn’t true. i think she thinks i was one of the votes for elmo, and that’s what i’ll let her think. if she asks i’ll probably lie and say that johnny voted for her.
anyways. jared came up to me and basically said “i can get johnny out. you don’t have to vote him, i just want you to give me the green light” and so i said yes. at this point i guess i just feel like nothing i do will get me a win at this point. i’m not super happy with my strategic game, i know bodhi and jared have both beaten me there. i have my one (1) immunity win. i’ve tried to be social and send people off in a way that doesn’t make them hate me but. i feel like i failed.
i’m also on vacation which helps me none. all i can do at this point is go hard as hell in immunity and maybe secure myself in finally five. the one thing i’m still sure about is that elmo has to go. im not dancing around this shit anymore like i refuse. if he wins immunity im probably gonna snap at jared so. better hope that doesn’t happen !
this was a lot and was more a unsteady stream of consciousness rather than a confessional but there we are
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I won a card stacking challenge? I support that. Really proud of myself but also trying to make sure it doesn’t go to my head. I’d really like to make it to the end of the game even tho I flopped hard this game. So it’s nice knowing that I def have the option to vote Jared out right now. And that’s where I’m leaning. I’m trying to make sure I don’t just make this decision because I’m upset but that I think it through. I think the biggest issue with Jared is that he will totally go on an immunity run especially knowing how rocky his game is now. I think he has the best chance of winning at this point as well voting correctly for every merge vote. I wish it didn’t happen this way but Jared decided to make some dumb moves without talking to me about it so I guess it has to go down this way. This is what I’m hoping goes down. Jared is out on this vote. I get chloe and Elmo to vote for Bodhi on the next vote. Then going into F3 asya and I vote elmo out and maybe Chloe would vote that way as well that way no one has to compete for the last spot. We will see. I think it would be cool to have an all ladies F3 and it sorta just happening in an organic way not forced. I’m really happy with how this game went. Had a lot of my fun and made some awesome friends as well as connecting with some old friends. Let’s just hope the rest of this works out how it needs to.
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https://soundcloud.com/bodhi-small/right-before-kill-jared/s-i8zfO we killed jared
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i haven’t had a lot of time to confess i’m SORRY but. god. okay. so i think i’m voting out jared. like, this isn’t what i wanted at the start. i genuinely just wanted to get to the end with my friends but that’s just because i go into games with the mindset that i’m probably gonna do poorly. i’m not extremely proud of the game i’ve played only because i’ve made a lot of moves that didn’t make me personally happy. they Did however, advance my game in one way or another. now i’m looking and ftc is SO well within my reach, but i’ve always said there’s no point in getting to the end if you have nothing to say for yourself.
and i KNOW jared would kill me to advance himself in a game, EXCEPT we made a f2 of sorts and. i don’t know. i’m usually all about honoring those things, but i feel like i’ve now already committed to the idea
i just can’t cope w the idea of people hating me hahahaha this is fun i’m having a blast
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God this vote is ruining my life. I am so fucking worried that Elmo is going to go home and I really really don't want that to happen. Bodhi told me he wants to vote out Elmo and I basically told him I wasn't going to do that. A while later he tells me he wants to vote Jared. I mean sure, we was gonna do that next round. But if Elmo lives and then Jared goes, I'm more than okay with that. I'm hoping that Bodhi is keeping his word and is planning on voting Jared and this isn't just some weird plan. But I feel at this point no one has anything to hide anymore, no point in lying. Jared did approach me basically saying he was going to vote me out, but he had a deal to make with me. Naturally I am intrigued. He told me if I vote out Elmo this round he will vote with me next round. Obviously he will then vote me out at F4. No thank you. He said he would take it to firemaking, which is just dumb. I'd likely still be out. Everyone knows that's why I'm being taken to F4 because I am the worst in immunity challenges. But I'm not going to throw away my friendship with him to possibly survive another 2 votes at most if I'm lucky. Friendships mean more to me than winning.
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I keep trying to like sing it to the tune of the song but I'm running out of material.
Anyways, I think I've run out of rope on my mist. Mayyyybeeee voting Johnny was a mistake, but it was literally only in the case that Lily won immunity. I should've told her about last vote even if it meant he played an idol. I have been running around doing absolutely all that I can but my bullshit is no longer WORKING.
If I make it through this, I'll have a reason to vote out Lily. I just need Asya and Bodhi to go to rocks for me which is... asking a lot to say the least. Shaka, I'm out.
Jared is voted out 4-2. He becomes the seventh member of our jury.
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