#head emptyyyyy
wereshrew-admirer · 1 year
hello! long time no see!
i went on a little trip to maine and ended up staying longer than expected because of some surprise health horrors (i'm fine now), and came right back into two obscenely long work days (huge media fill in the lab)... it's been a long while since i've drawn, and i WANT to but my head is EMPTY - i can of course just doodle like a normal person that doesn't have to finish everything they start but like idk. if anybody has chine and/or duvall requests hit me up? or any fatt requests, really, but y'know. comfort food for trying times, etc etc
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 months
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Very beautiful arrowhead. Mierzanowice culture, the first bronze age culture in Poland, so aroind 2200 BC.
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itz-rona220 · 1 year
I hate not being able to do or draw anything i have so many cute asks i want to draw something for but i cant???? I mean when i open ibis paint or hold my sketchbook I FORGET THEM or my head becomes emptyyyyy
Im so sorry for those who send me those sweet asks
Being sick is against me <\3
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palms-upturned · 9 months
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So is summer salad season? Cuz every time I think “summer recipe” all I can picture is my mind is various salads that contain corn idk why. I have to get some groceries and I just have no meal ideas head emptyyyyy
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puppypop5 · 2 years
Azure, mint
no thoughtz head emptyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
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rescuethewretched · 3 years
no thoughts, just the scene in kingsman 2 where agent whiskey says “Hello, gorgeous. I’m Jack, what’s your name? How would you like to ride home on a real cowboy? I got a six pack of cold ones on ice and my roomie’s out all night, so you can scream my name as loud as you need to, sugar”
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zaqisa · 2 years
my problem with tumblr these days is i just have v little interest in current media and therefore i have no idea what half the stuff that crosses my dash is about
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smallheathgangsters · 3 years
hmmm I think I'd ship you either with Michael or Isaiah! you are a fun, smart pretty girl and they'd love to have you around and would never get bored with you! and which one? you choose! 🥰
oh my, thank you!! ❤️
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let me know who you’d ship me with
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gaypasta · 5 years
when my boss almost sacked my friend for throwing out Out of Date medicine because my boss said “it’s still good” lol
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misscloudiedays · 2 years
Got all the stuff done on my list now head emptyyyyy
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drakonovisny · 2 years
why is my head so emptyyyyy
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
🧠 - Ge(nie) era. Need I say more?
🌙 - I sometimes see you on my tl when you should be sleeping,,,, get some rest Nie 🤍
🐥 - Idk when it started but you went through a chicken phase(?) and ever since then I associate you with cute chicklets
Also, I followed you bc of IBYE and I really liked your url
sjdkahajkd pls i wish i had a theory rn but head emptyyyyy
that's because you don't give me enough good night kisses, i cry myself to sleep :(
that... well... me being a chicken stems from me failing to read HAHAHA it's on mms-struggles! You'll know the post because there's a chicken that.. poses seductively? Kinda.
I think I followed you because I read something of yours too and I also liked your url <3 Have I ever told you how my fingers itch to not tag pretty toru but pretty tina instead? No kidding, I'm not doing that on purpose lol
tell me which mutual i am // why did you start following me?
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dvmion · 4 years
The More Shit Changes... [February 23, 2021]
Damion movessssss to crack his back and stretchhhhhh his limbs as he moves out of bed after one hellll of a nap, shiiiiitt, did he forget how good naps could be, this whole small break to get his head back on straight really doing some good shit for him, not feeling as...fucking overwhelmed as he always did in LA, just like...time moved on some different shit there, the people moved on some different shit there, and like...just felt kinda...ughh...he offers letting out an audible groan as he leans his head back and places his hands on his face, just not wanting to think about all the shiiiiiiiit right now, this was vacationnn time, Family Time, head emptyyyyy, no feelingssss...letting out a stream of breath as he finally rubs the piece of sand...or whatever shit it was, the shit that always got in your eye when you slept, the whole shit related to the sandman, or whateverr, it was a Thing, totally a Thing, before making his way out of his childhood bedroom, making his way down the hall to go grab his mom and get down to one of their movie nights before passing Lexy’s room, a flit of curiosity moving through him, wondering if Lexy had gotten the bigger room because it was full of secrets...a mischievous half smile curling devilishly onto his lips as he pokes around, looking for anything Interesting...Interesting...before...ahhh, taking in the framed drawing of Lexy As Elf that Jiji’s brother had gotten for him that he always found kinda cool, it reminding him of....aw shit, that feeling of...missing, kinda moving through him, and just like...the Loss of just being able to like...be Normal and have Normal friends and keep up with their lives an just pig out on Peacefood and skate and make bad music that was funny anyway without it having to be like...for Clout, or whatevaaa, or under the eye of like...literally Everyone in the world..before he hears footsteps and the door opening realizing he had left it open, sneakkkyyy, Damion, you gotta be more sneakkyy next time, you’re losing your edgeee, he lightly teases himself, even as that feeling of miss...was that even the right word? Miss, but that was it, he Missed Zippy and his old friends and wished he was just like...able to share with her the wonders of Elf like he could back in the day... “Hey, Momma,” he offers, the corner of his lips perking up instantly as she sees her, even as that feeling of...Missing is still there, moving to hold up the picture... “Just needed my daily dose of Lex As Elf,” he playfully offers, a chuckle moving from him as he looks at the picture again, good shit, good shit, Jiji’s brother was a cool guy, before... “How dumb of an idea would it be for me to take the car right now and drive down to...New York?” He just kinda...feels himself float out before his brain can even catch up to what he was sayingggg, the impulse moving through him to just kinda Do It moving through him even though he knew it was...probs not a Good Idea, Trademarked, or whatevaaaa, but...
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Kim Namjoon- Mixing Business With Pleasure (Office AU) Part 1
If this sounds familiar it probably is, I’m not in a creative space today since my request box is emptyyyyy. A part of this was inspired by a scene in the Webtoon let’s play where Sam stands up to Charles and it’s still to this day my most favorite part of that Webtoon. Like yes girl, tell him! Gosh I loved her aah!
Also I know that nobody probably cares but would anyone like me to post a playlist of my inspiration/writing list. I kind of want you all to know what goes through my brain when I’m typing. I’m probably gonna do it anyways so just like yah
You were grateful your aunt had managed to get you a job here, she just didn’t tell you what a complete bully the boss was. You liked to stay out of his way other than do what you were supposed to, bring him papers and what not. 
That didn’t stop your constant run-ins though. He was pretty cold. You were surprised that his heart wasn’t made of ice either. He shamelessly used his charm to get out of getting his ass kicked though and it baffled you. 
“Get it done.” Namjoon slammed the folder down onto the desk of the girl next to you. “Or you’re fired.” 
“Y-yes sir!” the girl looked like she was on the verge of a freakout as she began typing. “You.” he pointed to you. “When you of the phone with Mr. Jung, bring the report to my office.”
“Yes sir.” you said, holding back the urge to roll your eyes. 
You had a history with Namjoon, that dated all the way back to high school. You didn’t like going back in the past but it was no mystery why he was the way he was. It had nothing to do with you, but since you were the best friend of the girl he was dating with (who dumped him), it got you some...points. That’s another story though.
“Mr. Ki-” 
“So you got it done?” Namjoon took the documents from you.
“Yes sir.” you replied. “He said that he will definitely be working with you in the future, I just had to convince him...by that I mean beg.” you mumbled.
“Is that a new perfume?” he suddenly asked. “You smell different.”
“Uh...yeah.” you trailed off. “Is that an issue? Is the smell too-”
“No...It’s nice. It fits you, you should wear it more often.” he looked down at the papers. Your silence made him speak further. “It was a compliment Y/N.” 
“Oh..thank you sir.” you said. “I’ll get back to work.” you smiled, bowing a little. You exited the office, about to go back to your desk when you were blocked.
Office mean girl, no stupid wannabe korean drama lifestyle if fit without them. Don’t forget the useless, brainless followers to match.
“It looks like my computer is malfunctioning, so I hope you don’t mind me asking you do send out some emails for me.” she said. Whatever the hell her name was.
“Um, I have my own work to do and doing your work doesn’t seem like a fun time.”
“Well either fix my computer or do my work, there’s no in between.” she looked bored.
“How about a fist between the eyes.” you suddenly found yourself saying.
“Ugh! How violent!”
“You have been a pain in my ass since the day I met you, you know that” you asked. “Why Mr.Kim hired you I will never understand since you don’t have the capacity to-.”
“Are you jealous of her Y/N.” her friend said cut you off, smirking. “You didn’t get the promotion you wanted and now your all mad.”
“Hm...Y/N can’t help it that she’s mediocre and oops!-”
You were suddenly greeted by the feeling of something hot, thankfully not burning liquid. you sniffed your now brown stained shirt. Coffee. 
“What’s going on here!?” You heard Mr. Kim storm in upon hearing the round of “OOOOOHHSS” from onlookers
Namjoon was surprised to say the least to see you standing there, soaking wet. 
“Oh No...I’m sorry! It was an accident.” she laughed, not knowing Namjoon was watching the two of you. You could see him out the corner of your eye....and y’know what...fuck it. Namoon saw the coffee dripping down from your hair to your clothes....fuck...it
You wanted to say you weren’t aware of what you were doing in that moment but you knew full and well what you were doing and why. You had enough of her constant belittlement and sabotage of your work. You didn’t care if you had gotten fired that day, in fact that would only add to the victory. It just felt good to feel her nose crack under the force of your knuckles.
“Oh my god! She punched me! My nose!!!” she screeched, pointed at you.
“YOU WANT ME TO DO IT AGAIN!” You threatened getting closer. She could only scramble to back away. No one came to her aid or anything, they were too busy looking at you. “I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU. I’VE HAD IT WITH THIS JOB,  AND I AM DONE!”
She looked up and saw Namjoon and instantly pointed at you. “She’s crazy!! She punched me for no reason! Fire her!!!” she cried. “She started it!” she lied.
“Y/N...a word please?” he said lowly, a glare etched on his face. Begrudgingly, you followed, crossing your arms. You looked around, your fist clenched. “If none of you have any work to do, I’ll be happy to give you a stack of paperwork.” he barked. You walked into Namjoon’s office, only to hear him slam the door shut. “Now before I lash out and fire you, I’m assuming you’re aware of the company policy of no fighting?”
“Fire me??!?! You’re seriously talking about firing me?!?!” you laughed in an over-exaggerated tone, but really you were fighting back new emotions welling up.
“Are you crying?” he asked, looking taken aback. “Y/N L/N Are you really crying right now?!?!”
“...I’m covered...head to toe...in hot coffee and the first time I defend myself, you’re threatening to fire me!. What the hell do you think I’m doing?!!? Have you any idea what goes on outside your office walls!!!”
“I know that I saw you react to playground bullying by breaking a presteigious worker’s nose.” he said as if what he was was factual.
“Y-you think that idiot is presteigious, she’s been getting everyone to do her job for her since she was even hired!” your office voice was gone and the real Y/N was starting to break free. “You’d have to be real fucking stupid to think she’s anything other than useless.” 
Before you could say another word, Namjoon began unbuttoning his shirt. “Take off your shirt.” he sighed. 
“I’m sorry?” your eyes widened. 
“Your shirt is covered in coffee and you are not returning to work looking. So take off your shirt and put this one on.” he said again, holding out the shirt he had just taken off his body. “I keep a spare in my briefcase.”
. “I’m going to have a word with Ms.Na.” he exited the room.
Ah so what was her name...
The next day you had walked into the building, still very upset from yesterday. Namjoon had called you into his office with a proposition...
“Apologize!?!?!” You were taken aback at his words. You had leaned against the door with your arms crossed. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Yes. Ms.L/N” Namejoon warned. “Please don’t raise your voice at me. I only saw what I saw and if what i saw was you punch Ms. Na in the nose, then I have to set punishments accordingly.”
“Oh so forget the fact that she just poured hot coffee on my head an tried to degrade me-”
“You know what Ms.L/N, you leave me no choice-”
“ NO! Do You know what Mr.Kim. Instead of being standoffish and rude to people why don’t you try being nice for once in your miserable life. Has it ever occured to you that maybe being kind and actually smiling for one would actually make you a few friends. Maybe you want me to apologize to her because you and her are one and the same. You aren’t afraid to be mean and hateful towards people if it means you get what you want! People aren’t scared of you’re because you’re the boss, they’re scared of you because all you do is bully and scare people into think they’re gonna lose their jobs if they don’t do what you want. Well you know what? I am fed up! Fire me if you want but I refuse to stand by and let you or anyone bully me anymore! I refuse to apologize to that little brat and if you think for one second I will then you have lose your mind,” you spat, exhaling sharply. You had said everything in one breath so you had no idea what you said. “...S-Sir.” you added on politely. 
Oh no, now that came out of nowhere, oh man...oh man oh man oh man. 
Mr.Kim’s face was blank or at least blank in the sense that he wasn’t glaring into your soul. Suddenly, he smirked. He began laughing a little too. He reached out his hand, smirking a little. He untucked your shirt that you hadn’t bothered to fix and straightened out your collar.
“Hm...Spoken like a true future boss. So You finally stand up to me.” he chuckled. “I knew I liked you Y/N” he bit his lip. He laughed a little straightened up your necklace. “Maybe I should have given you that promotion.” he sighed.
“Then why didn’t you?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I was testing you.” his fingertips moved up to move your hair out of your face. “And I think you just may have passed. However, you can’t be a boss without looking the part.” 
“So...does this mean I get to keep my job?”
“Yes Y/N.....” he chuckled. “You can keep your job.”
“Mr. Ki-” the door opened and since you were standing in front of the door. 
“Ack!” you stumbled forward, falling right into Namjoon’s arms. Your noses bumped against one another, his lips brushing yours momentarily.
“Oh, it looks like you two are busy sooo-” the door closed.
You yanked yourself back, standing up straight. “I am so sorry sir! I didn’t mean to- I fell...I’m just....Bye now!” You squeaked, bolting out of the room.
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harryfeatgaga · 4 years
paige that video...harry "head pusher" styles
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