sundewa · 2 years
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minecraft/lore stuff :0
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linory1 · 1 year
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uy un wip
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wiiabee · 4 years
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i control the self-indulgent autism headcanon.png
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sundewa · 2 years
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the challenge of burning/going incorporeal when the sun is out
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sundewa · 2 years
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watcher joe w/ extra doodles and a small half effort comic
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sundewa · 2 years
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owl owl owl owl
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sundewa · 2 years
i think it would be funny if etho had magic but, like, vehemently denies it. just:
-[working on redstone with someone watching] 'why does redstone activate when you touch it?' "idk. its normal tho." 'i dont think thats a Thing.' "yes it is"
-[etho tries to throw an ender pearl without any in his hand. he teleports anyways] "Huh. weird. must be a new feature."
-[immediately befriends the same fox that was harassing several hermits a second ago] "aw sweet :) <3" '?? how did you do that???' "she just doesnt like you guys. im naming her side kit and she is my new best friend"
-[scar's magic crystals glow when he holds them in last life] "must be a trick of the light." tango, abt the rage crystal: 'it didn't do that for me, though?' "Trick Of The Light."
-[it's the middle of the night in the snow fort and his red eye is glowing] 'is your eye, like, bionic or something??' "no???" 'but it's glowing????' "it just does that sometimes. go back to sleep" 'can you Turn It Off please'
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sundewa · 2 years
How would some of the rulers interact with their citizens?
im just going to talk abt the rulers i know the most about here:
despite being teased by the other empire rulers, the citizens of the cod empire would respect jimmy! (/looks at grian. /looks away) ok. most of them respect him... he DID create the empire himself, after all. they still bully him plenty though
pix would have the most casual relationship with the people of pixandria - hes not really a king, after all. hes just Some Guy who happened to be chosen by Maybe a god? and now he has a bunch of responsibilities to go along with it (ive talked abt something like this before & it should be in my headcanons tag! basically the vigil keeper is chosen by a lightning strike & theyre more of a priest than a ruler, but mostly just a random guy)
scott would have a very diplomatic(?) approach to his ruling. people in rivendell wouldnt have to, like, bow to him on the street or anything, but some still do. rivendell citizens respect him & many are too nervous to go up and casually talk to him, especially bc hes chosen by what is Definitely a god. hes the closest to a traditional king out of the examples im giving, even if its not intentional
fwhip would be more like... the lead scientist in a lab. hes very hands on but he concerns himself with experimenting and tinkering more than he does the diplomatic stuff. you know that post saying people dont judge a scientist for eating a watermelon bagel sandwich bc they were a highly regarded mineralogist? that, but when people from the grimlands see him jump from a roof to test his wings before crash landing face first onto a rock they dont comment on it. not to his face, at least
lastly, lizzie - she doesnt command respect, shes quite laid back actually, but a 10+ft tall axolotl person would intimidate anyone. i think she'd host bimonthly parties with cake and fun activities for anyone to join to make herself seem less scary. theres still a good chunk of people in the ocean empire that are still too intimidated to talk to her
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sundewa · 2 years
thinking abt the redstone present in the ancient cities (a school?)… etho is an early redstoner…. do u see where im going with this
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sundewa · 2 years
I want to indulge the brainrot. Talk about Pixlriffs and the way his citizens see him, or the guiding role he tends to take within the Codvengers, or why he grew his hair out. I like your thoughts, though, so if something else has the rambling’s attention right now, go wild!
i have lots of thoughts about pix’s role as the “king” in pixandria!!! the pixandrians wouldnt follow the traditional king/queen/emperor/leader roles that most of the other empires do. the title of the Copper King was given to pix by the other emperors who assumed he was a king, and similar to this his crown is only worn in other empires or around other leaders as well. …exceptions occur when he forgets to take it off. pixandrians follow the vigil keeper, which is considered to be more of a priest role than that of a king, even if they have similar responsibilities. pixandria has been around for potentially thousands of years, but pix was the first vigil keeper to make the effort to have trade routes with other empires and put the empire on the main maps.
the keeper is chosen by lightning in a rare desert storm. theres no fancy ceremony, coronation, or crowning; one day the keeper is struck by lightning, leaving a lightning scar (not sure what its called but its the same thing that can happen irl) made of copper. pix was going about his day as normal when a lightning storm hit the desert, and basically he couldnt get inside fast enough, so he got struck by lightning that brought with it a ton of responsibilities. (it may or may not cause a respawn as well, but that has no change on the outcome. the person struck would still be the keeper) i dont know where his scar is yet but it might start at his hand and travel up his arm, connecting with his channeling trident when he uses it. (the electricity might cause it to glow as well!!) rain is very important in pixandria, and storms are celebrated whether or not its a lightning one. a storm where the keeper is chosen is incredibly rare and does not happen every time it rains. the new keeper will be taught by the old one until they are ready to be The keeper.
only the vigil keeper is able to light the candles on the vigil for the other emperors, as it is a big part of their role. the candles do not control respawn or death, rather they are lit to respect and honor the fact that one has died. death is not typically feared in a world with respawns, but that does not take away from the fact that its still a Death and that should be acknowledged. the candles also do not go out unless the person it is lit for permanently dies (typically of old age or injuries/disease that override respawn mechanics), in which case it can no longer be re-lit. when a player permadies, the candle is said to be the light that guides them to the afterlife; by the time the wax melts down and the candle is nothing but a stub, the dead have made their way. families light candles for their own in their homes, the vigil is only for the emperors of the continent. there is a lantern lighting ceremony every 6 months where the candles are exchanged for lanterns and they are all sent into the sky at once. a common pixandrian parting (whether in death or a simple well-wish) is “may the vigil guide you home.” - home being a home in the literal sense, or the afterlife, its up to interpretation and/or how the speaker intends it!
i havent thought of the specifics yet but because long hair is kind of impractical in the heat of the desert (i assume), a vigil keeper growing out their hair could be a symbol of status? thats not to say the general pixandrian public could not also have long hair, though, so maybe its just a personal preference. although it could be used as a story-telling detail when he exiles himself & cuts his hair short. i just like drawing long hair, honestly, but i might solidify a reason for it in the future :D
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sundewa · 2 years
Talk to me about phantom assassin. What are your thoughts.
ok so yes i watched the series Very recently but ive forgotten what the phantom assassin actually does. unless he Just killed sausage with that skin? i dont remember the reason behind the skin itself which is why im taking the concept and running with my own ideas with no regard for canon <3
emperors would have a lot of responsibilities, with, you know, running their empire and everything. i think he would use the phantom assassin as a sort of vigilante persona to freely travel the world during the night with no ties to being the copper king, helping out with mob problems as he goes (and the occasional murder. maybe. as a treat). i give him green sclera (hope thats the right word LOL) in my design because of the phantom eyes & im not sure how that would work in a logical sense but ,, it looks cool i think. lore magic or something <3 i might change it to fully green eyes in the future - my designs are never final oops
i had a funny thought earlier: one night he forgets to take off his copper crown before going about his business, just doing phantom-y things in other empires, and the emperor sees & confronts him because they think he stole it. cue quiet panic & very quickly running away. it makes for a very awkward conversation the next day with the copper king himself trying to clear it up without revealing too much
some of the other emperors would bet on who they think the phantom is. none of them are right. pix is sitting quietly trying not to jump out of his own skin. maybe the pixandrians of the main city would know, but they dont say anything because theres really no reason to & they might not even know its a whole Big Thing in several other empires
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sundewa · 2 years
i think golden apples would be dehydrated. the gold would take out the moisture and dry it out (somehow,) and itd explain why they can last so long in a loot chest without getting mushy and rotten
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sundewa · 2 years
hello everybody i am once again apologizing for the unexpected break bc it has been over two weeks. anyways. got art block and while ive been drawing again im working on my style before i post anything bc i wasnt happy with my art before anyway,,, thank u for ur patience & have a good day
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