#avian has become a general term
sundewa · 2 years
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minecraft/lore stuff :0
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Thankful for class consciousness
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On November 27, I'm appearing at the Toronto Metro Reference Library with Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen.
On November 29, I'm at NYC's Strand Books with my novel The Lost Cause, a solarpunk tale of hope and danger that Rebecca Solnit called "completely delightful."
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Before the term "ecology" came along, people didn't know they were on the same side. You care about owls, I care about the ozone layer – what does the destiny of charismatic nocturnal avians have to do with the gaseous composition of the upper atmosphere?
But as James Boyle has written, the term "ecology" welded together a thousand issues into a single movement. When we talk about "looking at our world through a lens," this is what we mean – apply the right analytical lens and a motley assortment of disparate causes becomes a unified, coherent project:
Unfettered, planet-destroying, worker immiserating corporate power is only possible in the absence of such a lens. Before neoliberalism can destroy our lives, it must first convince us that we are all disconnected. "There is no such thing as society," isn't just an empty slogan: it's a weapon for dismantling the democratically accountable structures that can stand against industrial tyrants.
That's why neoliberalism is so viciously opposed to all kinds of solidarity, why corporate apologists insist that the only elections that matter are the ones where you "vote with your wallet." It's no surprise that the side with the thickest wallets wants to replace ballots with dollars!
Today, at long last, after generations of deadly corporate power-grabs, we are living through an ecology moment where all kind of fights are coalescing into one big fight: the fight to save democracy from oligarchy.
There are many tributaries flowing into this mighty river, but two of the largest are antitrust and labor. Antitrust seeks to ensure that our world is regulated by democratically accountable lawmakers who deliberate in public, rather than shareholder-accountable monopolists who deliberate in smoke-filled rooms. Labor seeks to ensure that contests between profit for the few and prosperity for the many are decided in favor of people, not profit.
This coalition is so powerful that the ruling class has never stopped attacking it. Indeed, the history of US antitrust law can be viewed as a succession of ever-more-insistent laws enacted solely to make it clear to deliberately obtuse judges that competition law is aimed at corporations, not unions:
Rising corporate power and declining worker power is bad for all of us. The failure of successive US administrations to block airline mergers led to sky-high prices and a proliferation of "junk fees" that can double the price of a ticket. The monopoly carriers stand to make $118b this year from these fees:
The consolidation of the agricultural sector led to cartels that conspired to rig the prices of our food. These Les Mis LARPers rigged the price of bread!
Remember eggflation? Nearly all the eggs in US grocery stores come from a single company, Cal-Maine, which owns dozens of brands, including "Farmhouse Eggs, Sunups, Sunny Meadow, Egg-Land’s Best and Land O’ Lakes eggs":
With all our eggs in one basket, it was easy for a single company to rig the egg market, blaming everything from bird flu to Russian invasion of Ukraine for doubling egg prices while their profits shot up by 65%:
Antitrust isn't just about monopoly – it's also about oligopoly. The American meat cartel pretends that it's not rigging markets by outsourcing its price-fixing to a "clearinghouse" called Agri Stats:
Agri-Stats gets data from all the Big Meat companies, "anonymizes" it, and publishes it back to its subscribers, who use the service to coordinate across-the-board price-hikes that have cost the public billions in price gouging (meanwhile, Big Meat was able to secure $50b in public subsidies).
For forty years, governments have ceded power to "autocrats of trade" who usurped control "over the production, transportation, and sale of the necessaries of life":
But that era is coming to an end. In the past year, American regulators have blocked airline mergers and promulgated rules banning junk fees. They've dragged price-fixing clearinghouses into court:
They're getting results, too: for the second year in a row, turkey prices are down. Cranberries, too (18%). Same for whipping cream (25%). Pie crusts are down. So are russet potatoes. Airfares are down 13.2%.
The egg cartel just lost a long-running court case over the last egg price-fixing campaign, which gouged Americans from 1990-2008:
The same fact-pattern that was revealed in that court case is repeated in this year's eggflation scandal:
That's terrific ammo for the FTC, and will doubtless benefit the Democrats running against would-be Indiana senator John Rust, whose family owns convicted egg cartel member Rose Acre Farms and whose wife just stepped down as chair of the board.
One underappreciated aspect of the global war on corporate power is that the same corporations commit the same crimes in countries all over the world, which means that whenever any government establishes evidence of those crimes, they are of use to all the other governments. Competition enforcers from the UK, EU, USA, Singapore, South Korea and elsewhere are coordinating to target the Big Tech cartel. Maybe Google and Facebook and Apple are bigger enough to resist any one of those governments – but all of them?
One notable absence from the anti-monopoly coalition is Canada. While other countries merely stopped enforcing their competition laws in the neoliberal era, Canada never had a good competition law to enforce. Canada's official tolerance for monopolies has allowed a handful of companies to seize control over the economy of Canada and the lives of Canadians:
These monopolies are largely controlled by powerful families, Canada's de facto aristocracy, whose wealth and power make them above the law and subordinate the country's democratic institutions to billionaires' whims:
At long last, Canada has called time on oligarchy. Last week's Fall Economic Statement included an announcement of a muscular new competition law, including new merger guidelines, a new "abuse of dominance" standard, and Right to Repair rules:
The law also includes interoperability mandates for Canada's highly concentrated – and deeply corrupt – banking sector. These measures are strikingly similar to new measures just introduced in the US by the CFPB:
The arrival of Canada's first fit-for-purpose competition rule coincides with all kinds of solidaristic movements in Canada that are fighting corporate power from the bottom up. Even Ontario, led by one of the most corrupt premiers in provincial history, can't break its teachers' union:
It's not just workers who benefit from solidarity: Tenants' unions have formed across the province in response to corporate takeovers of scarce rental stock. These finance-sector landlords have armies of lawyers who've figured out how to bypass rent-control rules and evict tenants who balk. Rather than rolling over, tenants' unions are organizing waves of rent-strikes:
As with Big Tech, the illegal tactics of the rental sector aren't confined to a single nation. In America, Wall Street landlords have dramatically increased the price of housing and kicked off an eviction epidemic the likes of which the country has never seen:
And as with Big Meat, landlords use arm's-length clearing houses to rig rental markets, coordinating across-the-board rent hikes:
In other words: to fix the housing market, tenants all over the world need to learn the tactics of labor unions. Housing regulators have to learn from agricultural regulators. Americans tenants have to learn from Canadians. These aren't 1,000 different fights – they're one big fight, and the coalition for dismantling corporate power is vast and powerful.
The most powerful weapons our bosses have is convincing us that we are weak and they are strong – so strong that we shouldn't even try to fight them. But solidarity is absurdly powerful, which is why they go to such great lengths to discredit it. In Sweden, the solidarity strikes against Tesla – who refuses to recognize its maintenance workers' union – have spread to nine unions.
Tesla can't get its cars offloaded at the ports. It can't get its showrooms cleaned. No one will deliver its mail. No one will fix its chargers. The strike is spreading to Germany, and workers at its giant Berlin factory is set to walk out:
There's something delicious about how palpably frustrated Elon Musk is by all this, as he realizes that neither his billions nor his bully pulpit are a match for workers in solidarity:
It's a reminder of just how fragile and weak billionaires are, when we stop believing in them and deferring to them. Rebecca Solnit's latest Guardian column adds up the ways that allowing billionaires to run the show puts us all in danger:
They are the unelected "autocrats of trade" who control "the production, transportation, and sale of the necessaries of life." They are the force that this new ecology movement is coalescing to fight: across borders, across sectors, across identities. No matter whether you are a worker, a tenant, a voter, a shopper or a citizen, your enemy is the billionaire class.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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cotidianoseeder · 10 months
Ninjago Skybound AU idea!
During this time away, I've been marathoning a bunch of fics and thinking "damn, I might as well create an AU". Let's get to the main point: Canary!Jay In short: In Jay's second wish, instead of him simply wishing that Nadakhan would go away he wishes: I wish you would leave here and I wish I could be free as a bird to fly far away, so you wouldn't bother me anymore!" In general, what happened in the original happens, but as time passes, Jay notices feathers appearing, desires to chirp and other things that birds would do.
Basic Informations
1. Jay will turn into an avian, his species will be this type of canary, a "canário da terra" ( Sorry, but I really love make references to my country)
2.The transformation is not fast, it is slow.
3. It takes a week for the transformation to be complete, it is painful, little by little you surrender to instincts and behaviors that are not yours.
4.I think we could continue with the classic things that happened to Jay on board the Misfortune s keep, the classic scrap 'n tap, being forced to clean the entire ship and the psychological pressure. But how about we add something heavier? Skybound itself is one of the heaviest seasons of Ninjago, and if we turned it into something rated +16, we could only imagine what happened there. I think that Jay there could also go through dehumanization, he would have his wings cut and in a very bad way, the cutting of his feathers would be horrible, all messed up. He would also be trapped in a cage, instead of the usual cell in the canon, the foods provided are bread crumbs, seeds, mealworm larvae and dirty water.
5.Other methods Nadakhan would use to try to make Jay break would be beyond dehumanization: Forcing Jay to sing for him and in front of other pirates. Do you know those bars with music? Well, Nadakhan would have Jay sing in front of everyone wearing clothes similar to belly dancing, only a little more masculine. He would also wear a kind of pearly veil. 6.In terms of behavior, Jay would sleep earlier and wake up before sunrise, singing and chirping. He also starts to clean his wings, make some chirps out of nowhere and every time he feels himself falling from a high height he flaps his wings wildly to try to fly.
Transformation: Day 1: the wish is made, a few hours later there is a sensation of bearable pain in the back, coccyx and back of the ankle. There is also an itch in the hair, cheeks, back, shoulders and collarbone area. Day 2: The hair becomes a little longer, its roots take on a lemon yellow - orange tone, small feathers appear on the back of the back. Day 3: The host of the desire begins to act strange, is feeling sleepy much earlier than usual, around sunset and wakes up shortly before sunrise in a very excited and energetic manner. A strange sensation begins to appear in the throat region, creating the desire to chirp and sing. Sometimes the host accidentally starts chirping and singing, even at times when it shouldn't. Day 4: The pain intensifies further, small feathers appear on the cheek, collarbone, shoulders and region. The hair reaches halfway down the neck, the colors at the roots are stronger and more noticeable. The host begins to become more anxious and alert, as if it were prey, it also gets scared more easily, often jumping into the air as if trying to fly away, claustrophobia begins to appear, the chirps become more intense. Day 5: Reliefs begin to appear on the scapula, coccyx and back of the ankle, and along with feathers in this region, they also seem to move according to emotions. Vision and hearing noticeably improve. Body language becomes more animalistic, specifically resembling that of a bird. If the host has a crush on someone, he may sing to try to win over his partner. The canines become soft quickly and soon they fall out. Day 6: The new canines finally grow, they are bigger and sharper. The reliefs on the back become a kind of small arm with feathers, the one on the coccyx and ankle area become a kind of small tail with feathers as well. Every hour these new members grow, it becomes more difficult to disguise them over clothes. Day 7: The wings and new limbs are at the end of their growth, it is impossible to hide the new limbs even when wearing them over clothes, the clothes are uncomfortable, a few hours later the new limbs will tear the clothes off so they can finally be "free" . There are also flight attempts.
Changes in the:
Comportament: Frequent chirping and bird calls, Sleeping easily in warm and fuzzy areas (Jay is a teen in the AU and babies birbies sleep in warm and comfortable places, like in your hand), waking up VERY early and feeling very sleepy at sunset sun, altered biological clock, jumping from one side to the other, cleaning the feathers, stealing small objects and fuzzy objects and turning them into nests and body expression more similar to that of a bird, attempts to fly when scared, ruffling the feathers to appear larger when threatened, wings protecting the body when frightened
Psychological: Mild paranoia (prey instincts always alert), anxiety
Physical: emergence of new limbs, such as a pair of wings on the scapula, a tail on the coccyx and a type of altered tail in the rear region (do you know the wings on the boot of the god Hermes? something similar, but they are on the back of the ankle, which can fit on long flights ensuring more sustainability in the legs), feathers on the cheek and regions close to the new limbs, longer and thicker hair, hair roots taking on a lemon yellow and orange tone. More sensitive eyes and ears, new and sharp canines, stronger and sharper nails like claws, lighter bones.
I intend to do concept drawings for AU, I don't have my graphics tablet for now. Anyone interested in helping and giving ideas for the AU and perhaps adopting it and creating a fic on AO3 with long chapters, good writing, angst and those necessary things just comment or reblog! (I might try to write one day, but I don't think I'm a good writer) Have a great day!
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bunnyburrow-pie-fox · 2 years
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Zootopia 2 Hopes & Predictions
With Zootopia 2 announced, I wanna share some things I want to see, some things I would love to see but don't think will be shown, some things I don't want to see, and some other predictions.
• Unrealistic Hopes
- Bogo and Clawhauser confirmed as/becoming a couple - Bucky and Pronk directly confirmed as husbands in canon (and not just hinted at) - Reptiles and avians - Nick is bi - Jack Savage - Finnick speaking roles (since his voice actor, Tommy Lister Jr., passed away in 2020) - Jack Black voicing a panda as a clear nod to Kung Fu Panda but the character has absolutely no similarity to Po other than species - Some sort of reference/nod to The Bad Guys
• Wants
General - More Gideon Grey -- More of Gideon's new relationship with Stu and Bonnie - Learning Mrs. Otterton's first name - Learning Bogo's first name -- Learning Bogo's backstory - More Mr. Manchas - Nick's family - Mr. Otterton speaking role - Explanation as to how sloths function in a society like this - Judy Big (Fru Fru's child) - More Sam (the otter from Zootopia+) - Lore of Zootopia's founding - Canon confirmation that predators get their necessary meat-based proteins from insect-based foods - Continued inclusion of adult-based humor - Michael Giacchino doing the score again Characters & Species [Note: I know some of these species are already included in Zootopia 1 but I just wanna see more of those] - More rabbits and foxes as characters in the background - Deer - Bears (that aren't polar bears) - Equines - Hares - Goats - Cows & Bulls - Guinea pigs - Llamas - Camels - Bison - Hyenas - Ferrets - Uncommon* mammals (capybaras, chinchillas, anteaters, African wild dogs, meerkats, etc.) - Nice sheep - Tiger side character (with a speaking role) [* Uncommon in terms of typical animal-based things] Locations - More Bunnyburrow (especially the towns & buildings) - Judy's home - Deeper exploration into Sahara Square - Deeper exploration into the Rainforest District - Places (like Bunnyburrow) that are around Zootopia but not actually part of it - Shadier, seedier underground-type places - A mall - A movie theater - More of the museum - Spaces built mainly for large mammals like elephants and rhinos, as a sort of contrast to Little Rodentia
• Unwants
- Humans in any capacity - Deaths (especially of main characters like Nick and side characters like Judy's parents, Finnick, or Gideon) - Gideon becoming antagonistic again - Nick and Judy somehow having kids - More copoganda - Chris Pratt voicing a character - James Corden voicing a character - Any reference to bitcoin/NFTs - Any use of AI-generated art or voices
• Maybe-wants?
[I'm on the fence about whether I'd like to see these or not] - Explanation as to how domestic dogs and cats exist in this universe (which they do, or at least cats) - Explanation as to why there are no avians, reptiles, or marine mammals - Some inclusion of the scrapped shock-collar plotline - Explanation as to how ice cream is made - Lore of Zootopia's universe (like how animals evolved to become sapient and anthropomorphic)
• Predictions
- Nick and Judy will have another falling out but will get back together - Bogo and Clawhauser will be heavily included again - Bonnie and Stu will be side characters again - Finnick will be seen but won't have any sort of major role - The story won't be as good or topical as the first but the writing will be on-par - The story will be set either very soon after the first movie or a couple years later; it won't be too far in the future. - Nick and Judy will remain cops at the end of the movie - Zootopia+ will be referenced at least once - Flash will appear again
Sorry for the long post, I'm just thinking about the possibilities a lot.
I'd love to hear your opinions, wants, predictions, etc.!
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cilil · 2 years
Headcanons: Avian Ainur
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AN: As some of you may know, my friends and I've been having some fun with giving our favorite bird Ainur avian traits, so I figured it's about time I compile my headcanons. Links down below. Enjoy!
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𓆰 Quick introduction: The term "avian Ainur" includes Manwë, Eönwë and any other Ainur who are closely associated with birds/exhibit bird-like traits (so you could also think about Aiwendil for example; and as always go wild with headcanons and OCs if you want ♡)
𓆰 Just like some bird species mate for life - as well as Ainur in general - so do avian Ainur. Their mates/SOs/spouses are very important to them.
𓆰 While most of them are usually gregarious, they may become withdrawn and develop territorial aggression while courting someone and/or when they're getting ready to/about to mate. During these times, they can be seen either completely fixated on their mate and trying to be around them at all times or perching somewhere to survey their territory.
𓆰 Courtship begins - ideally - once they fall in love. If permission to court their lover is needed, most of them respect that and ask first.
𓆰 The customs around courtship and the activities it entails are important to avian Ainur especially, in contrast to some of their peers who prefer to go about it in more spontaneous or pragmatic ways.
𓆰 Courtship behavior usually includes showing off their pretty wings and flying skills via aerial exhibitions, as well as flying together with their future mate if requested and especially if the person in question is an Ainu (or otherwise capable of shapeshifting into bird form) too.
𓆰 Additionally, avian Ainur like dancing for and with their future mates, which is usually accompanied by a warm, fluffy wing hug.
𓆰 As with all the Ainur, singing is also an important part of courtship. Especially those who are shy and don't consider themselves gifted with words like to express their feelings via song. Those studying poetry alongside Manwë like to incorporate this as well.
𓆰 Once a relationship has been established, avian Ainur take great pride in providing for their mate. This includes singing for them, feeding them (especially if they aren't an Ainu as well and therefore need to eat), preening, physical affection and "building a nest" - which more often than not entails everything between acquiring a lovely house and building pillow forts on beds and couches, not building a traditional bird nest.
𓆰 They're very protective and can be rather jealous, especially during mating season. Should someone else try to hurt or woo their mate, even the ones of gentler nature are ready to fight.
𓆰 Whether mating season happens and when depends on hormones (if wearing a fána), the environment and the bird species used for inspiration. Typically avian Ainur experience occasional heats either after they bond with their mate or due to prolonged periods of loneliness and need for closeness.
𓆰 During heat/mating season their sex drive is quite high and repeated coupling (as in up to several times a day) typically occurs - if no mate or any kind of partner is available, they become very needy and stressed.
𓆰 Due to their Ainurin nature, conception is not necessary/not always the goal of mating, but couples may choose to do so.
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redwinterroses · 8 months
OC and Mudlark meandering under the cut :)
In Mudlark, my MC is a ~19-20yo girl named Jade Stellato, who grew up in a threadweaver colony on a planet called Keris, a relatively backwater world that hadn't even been settled for very long so things were pretty low-tech.
(Think 1930s/1940s in terms of how much technology impacts every-day life, but the technology that DOES exist is still futuristic. Like, farmers probably still often use draft animals to plow and harvest, but everyone's got the equivalent of a smartphone. Long-distance travel is more or less out of the question, but you've got satellite internet. Every teenage gearhead has posters of spaceships and hover cars on their bedroom walls, but the planet doesn't have interstates. They have the technology, just not the infrastructure for heavy machinery, etc.)
Threadweavers are people who can interact with and manipulate the "threads" that make up reality (uhhhh atomic theory plus laylines. mm-hm. Sanderson's spren minus the personification aspects. Something like that) and depending on where you are, you're either considered a skilled worker and valuable to society, or potentially a witch or a terrorist. It just depends. Keris is spread-out and colonial enough that every area kinda makes its own rules, but generally is considered weaver-friendly so there are a lot of threadweaver settlements there. The particular colony Jade grew up in was pretty strict on gender rules for what sort of threadweaving was appropriate. Women were supposed to stick to things like medicine and agriculture -- "natural" elements, while men were led more into manipulating inorganic things like stone, metals, etc.
So Jade is in training to go into the medical field, and she's not bad at it, but she really doesn't enjoy it. And one of the things she regularly gets in trouble for is doing things with metals -- shaping little tin dishes for her kiddie kitchen, making beads and stuff, etc. Then she discovers engines and machinery and it becomes a whole THING.
All of which is brought to a messy and screeching halt when the As Yet Unnamed Experimental Corporate Cultists swoop in on her settlement, steal every threadweaver they can subdue and murder the rest. She loses both parents and her brother in the chaos and only survives because she was out in some farmer's back pasture up to her elbows in a tractor engine.
She and the other few refugees get shipped back to the intersystem planets and pawned off from agency to agency until she's had enough and strikes off on her own, ending up scraping together a living as a "mudlarker" -- someone who trawls riverbeds and beaches for valuable scrap to sell to pawnbroker types. The city she's in at the time is pretty unfriendly to threadweavers and it's illegal without a license, so she keeps under the radar and only uses her ability to manipulate metal when she's sure no one is watching (but it does come in handy to find more valuable items in the silt and sand of the river.)
Jade is tall and stocky, and strongly-muscled, with thick freckles over every inch of her skin and dark brown hair that would be wavy if she let it grow longer than a few inches. (She cut it at the first refugee center and has kept it short ever since out of convenience.) She whistles absently whenever she's deeply engrossed in a project, has a fascination with birds (Keris had no avian species), and realized at about age sixteen (when a classmate tried to kiss her at a harvest bonfire) that she's ace.
She deeply, deeply misses her parents and her older brother, Quin. She hopes they might be alive somewhere, but half hopes that they're not -- no one knows exactly what the As Yet Unnamed Experimental Corporate Cultists do with the people they take, but no one ever sees them again, and the AYUECC is powerful enough to be above the law of any planetary system. Conspiracies about brain transplants, human experimentation, and an attempt to breed an army of unstoppable threadweavers come up any time they're discussed.
Jade's story is going to open with her learning of a place simply known as Haven -- a planet hidden from the AYUECC and beyond the claim of any multi-planet confederation, where threadweavers are protected. And there are supposedly two guys at a dive bar two neighborhoods over who can take her there.
So! That's my protagonist. <3 ty for reading, if you got this far!
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Why are birds considered dogs?
Because birds are dogs, duh. I'm not joking. It really is a common misconception that there are two different types of dog: the ones with four legs and fur (called "canines"), and the others with wings and feathers ("avians"). In reality all dogs have either type of appendage at some point in their lives — most young puppies have no feathering but they will grow it later as part of puberty. Similarly, many adult canine animals spend time living among the avian population when younger or during certain times of year. For example, many owners keep parakeets for companionship purposes; these might be used to bring babysitters into one's home if you aren't able to find an actual human sitter! (Weirdly enough, this is actually more popular than people think.)
In fact, most of our more familiar domesticated breeds were derived from wild canids which had contact with humans over long periods of time — after a while the ancestral relationship becomes difficult to discern because any physical trait could have been selected by both. This means it's hard to know where exactly your neighbor's goldfish-toothed dog came from, let alone whether he was originally yellow or chocolate brown.
However, we do have more reliable information on other animals such as turkeys and horses, whose ancestors didn't live around us until recently. Both were developed through selective breeding based on specific traits like aggressiveness and stamina, so even though they don't look much like wolves anymore they still share important genetic similarities. Aside from hair coloration, bird species resemble each other less closely than horse or cow varieties despite being closely related. The reason for this difference isn't known yet, but it probably has something to do with how relatively recently humans began selecting them. One possible scenario involves food scarcity in certain parts of Europe leading to farmers having to feed livestock whatever edible plant matter they found nearby rather than just keeping the plants themselves growing. There wasn't time for domesticated versions of many plants to evolve, since rapid diversification would have meant losing valuable nutrients before anyone got a chance to notice what made the best pig fodder, etc., while cultivating crops allowed for greater control over the diet. Therefore birds emerged as useful scavengers who could eat anything without needing training. They also turned out to make good guard animals — even predators like hawks and falcons will display territorial behavior towards potential competitors — although owls seem to take offense at this. Overall, the two groups interbred quite frequently, so birds are mostly descended from domesticated canines and vice versa. If you looked carefully you'd see evidence for both everywhere, like the feathery stumps of wolf tails mixed in with the tufts of fluff left behind by pet parrots. Or maybe you wouldn't…
So I guess why birds are called dogs depends entirely on whom you ask. Most people have never heard the theory described above, so they generally believe that dogs are those things that have four limbs and fur. Since birds have only three limbs and feathers instead of fur, the misnomer persists unchallenged. Meanwhile scientist types prefer the term "bird" because that includes everything, including non-domesticated populations, whereas "dog" implies artificial selection. To them it's a question of precision vs. clarity. Personally, I call my chicken "my little boy," so perhaps I am biased toward accuracy over practicality here. My answer may not satisfy you, but it should tell you why the confusion exists and give you lots to think about.
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moondragon618 · 4 months
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~ About Me ~
You can call me Moondra or Moon, Lunar/Luna, Cynder, Dream, or Reverie :) My pronouns are they/them, it/its, she/her, and multiple neos which I'll list here:
Feel free to use any of these or you can ask for my preference, but I'm not picky lol :)
I'm a bi + grey aroace genderfluid enby, I'm fine with all gender neutral terms, and gendered terms (excluding woman/man & female/male) are fine too especially if it's funny :) I'm also (self-diagnosed) ADHD + Autistic and have social anxiety- be warned I'm often very slow to respond to asks/reblogs/DMs/etc and that's probably why lmao. I'm also fictionkin with my kins being c!Dream/Divine c!Dream, Protegeinnit/Divine c!Tommy, and Cynder from the Legend of Spyro trilogy :)
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~ Interests ~
I'm currently a dsmp/c!primeboys enjoyer as you've probably noticed lmao, and I'm a fanfic writer and occasional sort-of artist :)
Some of my other interests include Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Undertale/Deltarune, the MCU (specifically Irondad lol), Markiplier/Unus Annus, and the Legend of Spyro trilogy (my first fandom <3)
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~ Some tags I use ~
c!prime thoughts for all of my c!Prime analysis posts :)
my writing which has all my fics + me talking about my writing lol
Immortal c!Prime- Immortal c!Prime AU (also includes Divine c!Prime where c!Dream becomes a god and makes c!Tommy into an angel)
Shapeshifter c!Dream AU (exactly what it sounds like lol)
Hybrid c!Prime AU (in which c!Dream in an ender dragon hybrid and c!Tommy is a cardinal avian)
ad infinitum :) - My c!Dream kin tag, also includes Immortal/Divine c!Prime :)
everlasting daydream ❤️- My Protegeinnit kin tag, technically also my Protege AU and c!Dream butterfly chat AU tag lol (though for the sake of organization I may make a separate tag for that later)
rp c!Prime :) - posts reblogged from my c!Prime RP blogs :)
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~ Before You Follow ~
First and foremost: I absolutely Do Not support cc!dream in any way. I enjoy c!Dream strictly as a fictional character. I completely understand if others personally find c!Dream posting uncomfortable and if that's you, then you might want to block me. If you harass me over this, or for not supporting cc!dream, or any other reason lol, enjoy getting blocked on sight <3
As for a DNI, I don't really care as long as you're not on some terf shit, generally just hateful and/or bigoted, super NSFW, or shipping incest or adult/minor ships (p*ppytwit/blr this means you too stay tf away from me istg). cc!dteam and cc!wilbur stans will also be blocked on sight, and same goes for c!Dream apologists I Do Not fucking trust you lmaooo
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~ Links ~
My Ao3
My Writing Masterlist (I desperately need to update this lmao)
My RP blogs:
c!Prime- @haver-of-wives & @your-eternal-nightmare
Divine c!Prime- @your-divine-nightmare & @/angel-of-reverie (this one's having some technical difficulties rn, tumblr stop immediately flagging it as explicit the second I try to remake it challenge (impossible difficulty))
Please check out Stemms, my beloved QPP <3333
Please check out Midnight, my wonderful friend <3
Anyway that is all enjoy my deranged fandom blog lmao :)
(Post dividers by @cafekitsune)
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tev-the-random · 2 years
Some Overgrown Headcanons because I have ideas in my head
So I was gonna post my Empiresona today, but seen as they were born in the Overgrown (spoiler?) and I have some very specific thoughts about it, I thought maybe I should share some headcanons of mine first!
> As we know, the Overgrown is a living thing. More than that, it is a deity, and a very ancient one. While most gods take the form of creatures capable of moving around and speaking, the Overgrown manifests as an entire forest. It can house all kinds of living things, provide for them without the need for prayers, grow and expand and change its colours along with the seasons while remaining as eternal as any other god. Its children are the lives it nurtures and blessed are the ones who nurture it back. — The Overgrown as it is seen in season 1 came to be when the old gods banished the Corruption for the first time. It is said that, after the event, one of the gods fell into its slumber on a beautiful grass field. Slowly, its body disappeared, and it became one with the land. Once the deity awoke, still too weak to do much, it sprouted from the ground as a single flower. Eventually, that single flower became a garden, and then an entire forest was born. The Overgrown grew strong as millennia passed by, and it could not be more satisfied with its life.
— The Spring is essentially the heart of the Overgrown. It’s where its magic is at its strongest, and where the deity can communicate with mortals, though there are very few who can actually understand it.
— It is said that the Overgrown has influence beyond the boundaries of the flower forest; some believe that it overlooks nature itself. Because of that, many historians have come to conclude that it was a variation of Mother Nature, or perhaps an entire group of spirits. Due to its proximity to Gilded Helianthia, people have also speculated that it is related to Saint Pearl in some way.
> The Overgrown’s population consists mostly of Fae. Of course, there are many different types of Fae, from the ones who look like your typical tiny fairy to the ones that could easily pass for humans or elves. A descent variety of them shares the Overgrown with many other beings, most notably avians and fauns.
— Katherine looks mostly human, save for her wings and pointed ears.
— Though the origin of the Fae in general is blurry, some believe they were first born in the Overgrown. While some legends say they were humans who got blessed by the forest to become Fae, others say they were born from the land itself as the children of nature.
> The people of the Overgrown are very hospitable. It is common for close friends to exchange gifts without any particular reason, especially if one of said friends comes from another kingdom; they like to share the gifts of the Overgrown. However, stealing is not tolerated, and they can be rather harsh if anything is taken either from them or from the land without permission.
> The old families that live in the Overgrown are separated in many different Houses. Though this had some importance in the past, by the time of the first season it was just A Thing. It had become merely a cultural habit to call someone by their House name as if that itself was their surname, e.g. “Katherine Elizabeth of House Blossom”.
— Though it’s not obligatory or even expected, new Houses can be created from time to time, either because the family wasn’t born in the Overgrown — and therefore isn’t related to any existing House — or because someone has decided to emancipate their descendants from their family name by making up a completely new House for them. It is also not uncommon for people from different Houses who raise children together to either give the child a family name that is a hybrid of the parents’ Houses or create a new House name.
> The government system of the Overgrown doesn’t exactly function as the typical monarchy. Their ruler — most commonly called a Guardian, though the term “Queen/King/Monarch” is often used interchangeably — is assigned by the Spring. Once a Guardian dies, the Spring chooses a new one from amongst the people who live in the Overgrown, regardless of their House, gender, origin or species. Its criteria is unknown, but whoever is chosen gets the ability to communicate with nature on a new level.
— The duties of a Guardian were never formally specified, but it is widely understood that, as a ruler, their role is to protect the Overgrown and all the life inside of it, as well as make sure that the forest is healthy and that it grows.
— At some point in history, a castle was built on a floating island near the Overgrown. It was a gift for the Guardian at the time, given by their Rivendell neighbours as a thank you for helping them with their crops when one winter was particularly hard on them. Since then, the castle has been passed from Guardian to Guardian with every new generation.
— Because both Fae and fauns live fairly long, the Overgrown has been associated with its Guardians’ Houses multiple times. Nobody bats an eye when people call the Empire “House Blossom,” even though it used to be called “House Garland” not that long ago.
> Katherine was a Fae shepherd born in the Overgrown under House Blossom. She was the one who tended to the sheep in the Great Grass Field for the most part until she was chosen as the next Guardian.
— Katherine was one of the most prosperous Guardians the Overgrown had seen in many centuries. Her role in the defeat of Xornoth, as well as the measures she took to protect the forest and relieve it of the demon’s influence, granted her quite the reputation. She would have been greatly praised in their history books if there were any left.
— Seen as she made many new alliances, Katherine had to deal with political struggle more often than most Guardians. The worst part was probably the cultural whiplash, for her allies had a hard time understanding the Overgrown customs, such as the severity of stealing from the land or the expectation of receiving a head as a gift for their alliance. In that aspect, the Overgrown is very similar to the Cod Empire.
— Katherine especially commissioned artists from all around the Empires to make life-size portraits of their emperors to hang in the Secret Club meeting room. Lizzie’s had to be slightly downscale to fit in with the others; similarly, Shrub’s had to be upscaled.
— She took a long time to claim the floating castle. Katherine was pretty much satisfied with her family’s home, which, although smaller than the Guardian’s castle, was still spacious and comfortable. She feared she would get too home sick if she moved.
> The Cat Council is composed by spirits in the shape of cats. They were created by the Overgrown itself to help guide the Guardians, but sometimes they tend to commit the regular mortal soul’s mistakes.
> Though most of it was destroyed during the season 1 finale, the Overgrown didn’t quite die. The Rapture caused it to essentially disappear, fallen into slumber once again to protect itself. But as long as a single seed that was planted in its grounds survives, the Overgrown will live.
— Those who survived the apocalypse took shelter in Mezalea. Its climate was definitely less forgiving than the Overgrown’s, but out of the very few empires that were still safe to live in, it was the closest they had to their home in terms of flora. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the best of times to live in Mezalea, as the king was going through... a rough patch, so to speak.
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joshvandervoort · 9 months
Wild at Heart - Joshua Vandervoort New York's Love for Nature and Conservation Efforts
The Man Behind the Conservation: Exploring Joshua Vandervoort's Passion for New York's Wilderness
Among these individuals is Joshua Vandervoort  New York, an environmental stalwart who encapsulates the deep-rooted connection between man and nature. Born and raised in Rochester, New York, Joshua has cultivated a fervent love for nature and a commitment to its preservation for future generations. His affinity for the wilderness and the serene waterways of Western New York is not only a testament to his personal joy and fulfillment but also an inspiration for his dedication towards environmental stewardship. Joshua's childhood was spent hiking the hills of the Southern Tier region on his family's land and exploring the tranquil beauty of the Finger Lakes through fishing and sailing.
These formative experiences, under the guiding influence of his family, were instrumental in shaping his drive to be a steward of the land. Even during his busy professional life, Joshua continues to spend his free time in communion with nature, whether through further explorations of the water in his fishing boat or backpacking the stunning landscapes of the Adirondack and Catskill mountains. This enduring love for nature, and the conscious efforts made to preserve it, highlights the importance of the bond between man and nature; a bond that is not just about co-existence, but about active participation and contribution towards sustainable cohabitation.
The Love Affair with Nature: A Lifelong Romance
For many men, the love for nature is a lifelong affair that often begins during childhood. Whether it's exploring the woods, fishing in a serene lake, or simply gazing at the stars in the night sky, these early encounters with the natural world leave an indelible mark. This fascination with nature, often rooted in curiosity and wonder, evolves into a profound love as one grows older.
For individuals like Joshua Vandervoort New York, as they journey through the stages of adulthood, the whisper of nature's untamed beauty often intensifies into an irresistible call. This call can take myriad forms, resonating deeply within the soul, and compelling them to venture into the wilderness. Whether it's the thrill of embarking on adrenaline-fueled hiking expeditions, the tranquility found in the quiet observation of avian life, or the zen-like focus required by an avid angler waiting for that decisive tug on the fishing line. The allure of nature becomes an undeniable force.
It's in these moments of communion with nature that a man's love for the environment truly flourishes. The solitude and serenity of a forest, the majesty of a mountain peak, or the tranquility of a secluded beach all have the power to rejuvenate the soul and reinforce the bond between man and the natural world. Josh Vandervoort
As this love for nature deepens, it naturally leads to a sense of responsibility for its preservation. Joshua Vandervoort New York’s love for the environment often evolves into a commitment to conservation efforts. This sense of stewardship arises from the understanding that the beauty and biodiversity of our planet are fragile and in need of protection.
Conservation efforts can take many forms. Some men become advocates for the environment, using their voices and influence to raise awareness about critical issues such as deforestation, climate change, and endangered species. Others become actively involved in restoration projects, reforestation initiatives, or wildlife rehabilitation programs.
One of the most potent ways a man's love for nature translates into meaningful conservation efforts is through education and outreach. Sharing knowledge and fostering a love for the environment in the younger generation is crucial for the long-term preservation of our planet.
Many men who are passionate about nature engage in teaching, mentoring, or volunteering in environmental education programs. These programs not only instill a sense of wonder and respect for the natural world in young minds but also empower them with the knowledge and tools to become future conservationists. Moreover, in today's digital age, social media platforms and online communities provide a powerful platform for men to share their love for nature and conservation efforts with a global audience. By leveraging these platforms, individuals can inspire and mobilize others to join the cause. Josh Vandervoort Rochester New York
The Collective Impact of Men's Conservation Efforts
Joshua Vandervoort New York's love for nature and his conservation efforts, while they may seem like drops in the vast ocean of environmental challenges, have a profound impact. When men like Joshua, from all walks of life, come together with a shared passion for preserving the environment, they create a formidable force for positive change.
Conservation organizations, both large and small, often benefit greatly from the dedication of men who contribute their time, resources, and expertise. Whether it's funding research projects, participating in conservation expeditions, or simply spreading awareness, the involvement of men is instrumental in advancing the cause of environmental conservation.
Celebrating Men's Love for Nature and Conservation Efforts
In a world that often emphasizes urbanization and technological progress, it's crucial to recognize and celebrate the enduring love that many men have for nature. This love is a source of inspiration, driving them to become stewards of the environment and champions of conservation.
The call of the wild, the sense of responsibility, and the commitment to education and outreach are all facets of Joshua Vandervoort New York’s love for nature that fueled his conservation efforts. When men unite their passions and dedicate themselves to preserving the natural world, they create a brighter future for our planet and all its inhabitants.
Taking the example of Joshua Vandervoort New York, a place imbued with incredible natural beauty, serves to remind us of the profound connection between man and nature. The onus of conservation is not a solo journey but a shared duty. By recognizing and valuing the passion individuals like Joshua have for the environment, we can foster a deeper admiration for the splendor of our world and motivate future generations to participate in the continuing endeavor to safeguard and preserve it.
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allthings123x · 11 months
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Top 10 Benefits Of Regular Tree Pruning
Trees are nature's silent storytellers, standing tall as witnesses to centuries of history, change, and evolution. Their vast branches, whispering leaves, and deep roots offer more than just serene beauty. In our bustling urban environments, they serve as green sanctuaries, offering refuge and calm to both the avian species and the human soul. Trees that are maintained by an arborist Sydney, with their myriad ecological advantages, also play a significant role in supporting the balance of our ecosystem. From absorbing carbon dioxide, and producing life-sustaining oxygen, to offering shade on scorching days, their contributions are immeasurable.
Yet, as magnificent as they are, trees are living entities that require care and attention to ensure they grow and thrive. Just as regular check-ups are crucial for maintaining human health, regular tree pruning is pivotal for the vitality and longevity of trees. Overlooking this essential practice can not only deter a tree's growth but can also become a safety concern in some instances.
This guide will delve deep into the significant advantages of regular tree pruning, explaining why this practice is not merely beneficial but essential for the health and beauty of our leafy companions.
Ensures Tree Health
Regular pruning removes dead, diseased, or insect-infested branches, preventing the spread of potential issues. By cutting away the affected parts, the tree has a better chance of thriving, as it redirects energy to healthier sections.
Enhances Safety
Overgrown or dead branches can pose significant risks. They might fall during strong winds or storms, damaging property or causing injuries. Pruning such branches proactively mitigates these hazards. Moreover, by clearing away branches that obscure vision near streets or pathways, you contribute to a safer environment for pedestrians and drivers.
Boosts Fruit Production
If you have fruit trees, pruning is particularly advantageous. By removing dead or diseased branches, you not only enhance the health of the tree but also its fruit yield. A well-pruned tree has better sunlight penetration and air circulation, which generally leads to a more abundant harvest of larger and healthier fruits.
Stimulates Growth
Trees, like other plants, can benefit from a trim to spur growth. By strategically pruning branches, you direct growth by controlling the tree's shape and ensuring that it grows in the desired direction. This practice can make a tree more resilient to adverse conditions.
Aesthetic Enhancement
Pruning plays a pivotal role in landscaping. By maintaining a tree's desired shape and size, you ensure that it complements other elements of your landscape. Whether you prefer a natural look or a more manicured appearance, pruning helps achieve and maintain your desired aesthetic.
Improves Sunlight and Air Circulation
Dense tree canopies can obstruct sunlight from reaching your garden or lawn. This lack of sunlight can hinder the growth of plants underneath or around the tree. Regular pruning ensures better sunlight penetration and air circulation, benefiting not only the tree itself but also the surrounding flora.
Prevents Tree Diseases
Many tree diseases spread via fungal pathogens that thrive in damp, shaded environments. By thinning a dense canopy, you promote better air circulation, reducing moisture retention and making it less conducive for diseases to take hold.
Encourages Strong Tree Structure
Regular and proper pruning practices can help in establishing a strong tree structure. By removing weak or competing branches, you ensure that the tree's energy is directed towards growing strong primary branches. This solid foundation can help the tree withstand adverse conditions like strong winds or heavy snowfall.
Saves Money in the Long Run
While some might see tree pruning as an unnecessary expense, it's an investment in the long-term health and safety of the tree. Addressing issues early on through pruning can prevent more significant problems in the future, saving you from potential property damage or more extensive tree care expenses.
Promotes New Growth
Just as cutting your hair can lead to thicker growth, pruning stimulates trees to produce fresh, new branches and foliage. This rejuvenation can be especially beneficial for older trees, giving them a new lease on life.
Tree pruning is not merely an act of maintenance but an essential component of holistic tree care. It ensures the health, safety, and aesthetic appeal of trees, while also providing myriad benefits to the surrounding environment. Whether you have a vast orchard or a solitary tree, regular pruning is an investment that yields both immediate and long-term returns. The next time you look at a tree in your vicinity, remember that behind its majestic presence is a regimen of care, with pruning playing a central role.
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imaec-digital · 2 years
MEDNTEK R82, the most versatile tool in a fight against infections
Germs, or microbes, are found everywhere – in the air, soil, and water. There are also germs on your skin and in your body. Several of them are harmless, some can even be helpful. But some of them are capable of making you sick. The gradual increase of antibiotic resistance in microbes along with fast spreading diseases like covid-19 has become the greatest health threat for human beings. In short, we can catch an infection anywhere . Healthcare facilities can be among the biggest sources of infections. It is critical that all such facilities take all necessary precautions to ensure that their facilities, patients, and employees are safe from an outbreak. A truly versatile solution is needed for this. MEDNTEK R82 is the most perfect solution when it comes to disinfecting surfaces, water or even for environmental disinfection. its effectiveness in infection control is mainly due to its versatility, it’s a single solution you can rely on for many functions. Let’s find out how versatile is it.
Versatile in terms of function:
MEDNTEK R82 is a cleaner and a disinfectant. As if that is not enough, it also works as a deodorizer.
It can be applied on all non-porous hard surfaces. Which means that it can be used for indoor and outdoor hard surfaces, utensils, laundry, carpets, drapes, floor, terminal/high touch surfaces etc. MEDNTEK R82 has an excellent wide spectrum germ killing ability, film forming residual, low toxicity and corrosively, it is simple to use, has a good shelf life, works in a variety of pH ranges, has no bad odor, and is safe on most surfaces. It is the perfect disinfectant for most hospitals and health institutions, schools, cafes, fitness clubs, water treatment plants and offices.
Versatile in terms of the antimicrobial efficacy:
MEDNTEK R-82 is a one-step disinfectant cleaner that is effective against a broad spectrum of infections. It is bactericidal, is virucidal (including Hepatitis B Virus and C Viruses, SARS cov-2 and HIV-1, the AIDS Virus), sporicidal and fungicidal. MEDNTEK R-82 can effectively inhibit the growth of molds and mildew and the colors caused by them when applied on hard nonporous surfaces. MEDNTEK R-82 can even kill avian influenza AH3N2 (and) H5N1 viruses on precleared environmental surfaces.
Versatile in terms of mode of application:
MEDNTEK R-82 can be applied to hard, nonporous surfaces in different forms. By thoroughly wetting surfaces with a cloth, mop or sponge, via a sprayer or as an immersion. It can also be used to rinse all surfaces that come in contact with food such as countertops, exteriors of appliances, tables and stovetops as a water solution before reuse.
Another great way to use it is fogging. COVID-19 is most commonly spread by inhaling large aerosol droplets generated by an infected person. Fogging with MEDNTEK R-82 produces microscopic droplets that cling to airborne particles and stay suspended in the air longer. minute droplets of MEDNTEK R-82 can safely disinfect sensitive surfaces such as electronic equipment and documents without soaking or damaging them. Aerosol droplets that are released by an infected individual can fall to surfaces, serving as an indirect source of infection of Omicron and other Covid-19 variants. MEDNTEK R-82 is the perfect solution for disinfecting factories, offices, healthcare facilities and schools as it cleans, disinfects and deodorizes in one labor saving step.
Versatility in areas of application:
The versatility of MEDNTEK R-82 in functions, antimicrobial efficacy and mode of application leads to several areas of application where it can be used for disinfection. They include hospitals and healthcare facilities, medical, critical care and noncritical premises and laundry along with commercial, institutional, industrial premises and equipment. In short, when it comes to disinfecting surfaces, water , or even the environment, MEDNTEK R82 is the most effective option available today and it’s a perfect solution for keeping all the facilities functional and infection free.
Note: please read safety instructions carefully before use.
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shycocan01 · 2 years
How to Prevent Infections When Visiting Someone in the Hospital
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Hospitals are a breeding ground for germs, bacteria, and viruses. With different kinds of patients receiving treatment at hospitals, it is quite easy to catch an infection there. However, when someone close to you is at the hospital, you can’t help but visit them. The presence of a device like Shycocan at hospitals can reduce the risk of visitors falling sick.
How Can Shycocan Reduce Your Risk of Catching Viral Infections in a Hospital
After the outbreak of the pandemic, it has become common for public and private places to install a device like Scalene Shycocan within enclosed spaces. The device can form an electron cloud within any closed space by generating trillions of electrons per second. The electrons neutralise the positively-charged S-proteins of coronavirus particles.
Since the S-protein is responsible for duplicating the cell mechanism and spreading the infection, neutralising it deactivates the virus. The device can also offer protection against other airborne transmissions, like the Avian Flu, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, and influenza. As it disables viruses in real-time, the device offers sustained and long-term protection.
Precautions You Can Take to Keep Infections at Bay
●       Wear gloves, masks, and other coverings.
●       Avoid direct contact with the patient.
●       Don’t touch anything inside the patient’s room.
●       Keep your palms away from the face at all times.
●       Sneeze or cough into your elbow crease or tissue and not the air.
Parting Words
The risk of viral infection is present in other indoor places, including your home and office. Installing Scalene Shycocan at your home and office also helps you stay protected from viral infections. One device is effective for neutralising viral particles within 1000 sq km and sterilising surfaces within it. The plug-and-play device is easy to install and operate and does not cause any side effects.
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haltraveler · 3 years
Some Headcanons About The Kaleesh
AKA since neither Lucasfilm nor Disney give a shit about this fascinating corner of the Star Wars universe I guess I’ll do it myself. (These aren’t specific to Legends OR Canon since almost nothing about Kalee has been changed between the two continuities)
Due to their combination of reptilian, avian, and mammalian features I think non--mammalian synapsids (sometimes called “mammal-like reptiles” despite not being true reptiles) are the best model for Kaleesh biology.
Kaleesh are warm-blooded and lay soft-shelled, leathery eggs similar to that of a platypus or echidna. 
Kaleesh have sclerotic rings within their eyes like most nonmammalian vertebrates.
I generally prefer the digitigrade, avian legs shown in The Clone Wars and Galaxy at War as opposed to the plantigrade, human-like legs shown in Visionaries, New Essential Guide to Alien Species, and Resistance. These legs, along with their blunt, hoof-like claws would make them extremely adept at running at high speeds.
Due to inconsistency in their portrayal I’ve decided that the number of tusks that a kaleesh has varies depending on ethnicity, with all kaleesh having the two large tusks in the upper jaw but with the two smaller tusks in the lower jaw being absent in some ethnic groups. 
Due to their keen smell and sensory pits, they are naturally nocturnal, but agrarian Kaleesh societies have shifted to become more diurnal in their habits. 
As with humans, polygyny is not accepted in all Kaleesh cultures, and some have monogamy or more freeform polygamy as their primary structure for romantic relationships. 
Similarly, the use of terms like Khan and Khagan is normally restricted to Qymaen jai Sheelal’s steppe-dwelling native culture, but it became more widespread once jai Sheelal became General Grievous and united the planet under his Khaganate. 
Abesmi and Shrupak were originally the centers of two entirely separate religions from opposite hemispheres of Kalee, but the two faiths ended up being syncretized during the formation of a pan-Kaleesh identity under Sith occupation back in the 3000s BBY. By the time of Grievous the two religions had fully merged into a single faith. 
Kaleesh naming structure is complex. The first name (i.e. Qymaen jai Sheelal, Ronderu lij Kummar, or Bentilais san Sk’ar) is a given name equivalent to those seen in most galactic cultures. The middle syllable (i.e. Qymaen jai Sheelal, Ronderu lij Kummar, or Bentilais san Sk’ar) is the last syllable of the Kaleesh’s tribe/nation (so a member of the Muja bandit tribe might be named Aitze ja Zahol). The second full name is a patronym/matronym (depending on which parent holds higher status) but is often replaced by an honorific once the Kaleesh has committed deeds worthy of awarding them respected status and therefore establishing themselves as independent from their parent’s legacy (i.e Qymaen jai Sheelal, a name referring to Grievous’s prophetic dreams). 
The Kaleesh have their own force-using religious tradition, similar to the Nightsisters or Bardottans. 
Kaleesh technology levels prior to Grievous’s khaganate varied significantly, with Bentilais san Ska’ar’s people being semi-industrialized with advanced firearms while Ronderu lij Kuumar’s Grendajuan tribe was using steel blades and arrowheads, and Qymaen jai Sheelal’s people still used bone and stone as their primary materials. All kaleesh might buy or salvage offworld technology, like Qymaen jai Sheelal’s Czerka-manufactured outland rifle, but lacked the industrial capabilities to replicate such technology.
The Trade Federation were heavily-involved in the Huk occupation of Kalee, selling offworld food supplies at inflated prices to the kaleesh, often in the aftermath of punitive action by the Huk that destroyed the kaleesh’s ability to manufacture their own food. It was this enforced reliance on imported foodstuffs that lead to the deadly famine that killed millions of Kaleesh in the wake of the Jedi-enforced trading embargo. 
Prior to Qymaen and Ronderu the most prominent revolutionary leader of the eastern hemisphere of Kalee was a Khan who died along with nearly his entire fighting force of thousands in an attack against a Huk fort on the shores of the Jenuuwa Sea. One of the casualties in the battle was Qymaen jai Sheelal’s father. It was during a successful second attempt to take the fort decades later that Ronderu was killed by Huk forces and her body swept into the sea.
Sidon Ithano’s Kaleesh helmet came from an officer in a Kaleesh stormtrooper regiment created by Bentilais san Sk’ar during his time as the general of an Imperial strike force, thus accounting for the mask being made of plastoid instead of bone. 
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Real Dinosaurs Versus Reel Dinosaurs: Film’s Fictionalization of the Prehistoric World
by Shelby Wyzykowski
What better way can you spend a quiet evening at home than by having a good old-fashioned movie night? You dim the lights, cozily snuggle up on your sofa with a bowl of hot, buttery popcorn, and pick out a movie that you’ve always wanted to see: the 1948 classic Unknown Island. Mindlessly munching away on your snacks, your eyes are glued to the screen as the story unfolds. You reach a key scene in the movie: a towering, T. rex-sized Ceratosaurus and an equally enormous Megatherium ground sloth are locked in mortal combat. And you think to yourself, “I’m pretty sure something like this never actually happened.” And you know what? Your prehistorically inclined instincts are correct.
From the time that the first dinosaur fossils were identified in the early 1800s, society has been fascinated by these “terrible lizards.” When, where, and how did they live? And why did they (except for their modern descendants, birds) die out so suddenly? We’ve always been hungry to find out more about the mysteries behind the dinosaurs’ existence. The public’s hunger for answers was first satisfied by newspapers, books, and scientific journals. But then a whole new, sensational medium was invented: motion pictures. And with its creation came a new, exciting way to explore the primeval world of these ancient creatures. But cinema is art, not science. And from the very beginning, scientific inaccuracies abounded. You might be surprised to learn that these filmic faux pas not only exist in movies from the early days of cinema. They pervade essentially every dinosaur movie that has ever been made.
One Million Years B.C.
Another film that can easily be identified as more fiction than fact is 1966’s One Million Years B.C. It tells the story of conflicts between members of two tribes of cave people as well as their dangerous dealings with a host of hostile dinosaurs (such as Allosaurus, Triceratops, and Ceratosaurus). However, neither modern-looking humans nor dinosaurs (again, except birds) existed one million years ago. In the case of dinosaurs, the movie was about 65 million years too late. Non-avian dinosaurs disappeared 66 million years ago during a mass extinction known as the K/Pg (which stands for “Cretaceous/Paleogene”) event. An asteroid measuring around six miles in diameter and traveling at an estimated speed of ten miles per second slammed into the Earth at what is now the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. The effects of this giant impact were so devastating that over 75% of the world’s species became extinct. But the dinosaurs’ misfortunes were a lucky break for Cretaceous Period mammals. They were able to gain a stronger foothold and flourish in the challenging and inhospitable post-impact environment.
Cut to approximately 65 million, 700 thousand years later, when modern-looking humans finally arrived on the chronological scene. Until recently, the oldest known fossils of our species, Homo sapiens, dated back to just 195,000 years ago (which is, in geological terms, akin to the blink of an eye). And for many years, these fossils have been widely accepted to be the oldest members of our species. But this theory was challenged in June of 2017 when paleoanthropologists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology reported that they had discovered what they thought may be the oldest known remains of Homo sapiens on a desert hillside at Jebel Irhoud in Morocco. The 315,000-year-old fossils included skull bones that, when pieced together, indicated that these humans had faces that looked very much like ours, but their brains did differ. Being long and low, their brains did not have the distinctively round shape of those of present-day humans. This noticeable difference in brain shape has led some scientists to wonder: perhaps these people were just close relatives of Homo sapiens. On the other hand, maybe they could be near the root of the Homo sapien lineage, a sort of protomodern Homo sapien as opposed to the modern Homo sapien. One thing is for certain, the discovery at Jebel Irhoud reminds us that the story of human evolution is long and complex with many questions that are yet to be answered.
The Land Before Time
Another movie that misplaces its characters in the prehistoric timeline is 1988’s The Land Before Time. The stars of this animated motion picture are Littlefoot the Apatosaurus, Cera the Triceratops, Ducky the Saurolophus, Petrie the Pteranodon, and Spike the Stegosaurus. As their world is ravaged by constant earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the hungry and scared young dinosaurs make a perilous journey to the lush and green Great Valley where they’ll reunite with their families and never want for food again. In their on-screen imagined story, these five make a great team. But, assuming that the movie is set at the very end of the Cretaceous (intense volcanic activity was a characteristic of this time), the quintet’s trip would have actually been just a solo trek. Ducky and Petrie’s species had become extinct several million years earlier, and Littlefoot and Spike would have lived way back in the Jurassic Period (201– 145 million years ago). Cera alone would have had to experience several harrowing encounters with the movie’s other latest Cretaceous creature, the ferocious and relentless Sharptooth, a Tyrannosaurus rex.
Speaking of Sharptooth, The Land Before Time’s animators made a scientifically accurate choice when they decided to draw him with a two-fingered hand, as opposed to the three fingers traditionally embraced by other movie makers. For 1933’s King Kong, the creators mistakenly modeled their T. rex after a scientifically outdated 1906 museum painting. Many other directors knowingly dismissed the science-backed evidence and used three digits because they thought this type of hand was more aesthetically pleasing. By the 1920s, paleontologists had already hypothesized that these predators were two-fingered because an earlier relative of Tyrannosaurus, Gorgosaurus, was known to have had only two functional digits. Scientists had to make an educated guess because the first T. rex (and many subsequent specimens) to be found had no hands preserved. It wasn’t until 1988 that it was officially confirmed that T. rex was two-fingered when the first specimen with an intact hand was discovered. Then, in 1997, Peck’s Rex, the first T. rex specimen with hands preserving a third metacarpal (hand bone), was unearthed. Paleontologists agree that, in life, the third metacarpal of Peck’s Rex would not have been part of a distinct, externally visible third finger, but instead would have been embedded in the flesh of the rest of the hand. But still, was this third hand segment vestigial, no longer serving any apparent purpose? Or could it have possibly been used as a buttressing structure, helping the two fully formed fingers to withstand forces and stresses on the hand? Peck’s Rex’s bones do display evidence that strongly supports arm use. You can ponder this paleo-puzzle yourself when you visit Carnegie Museum of Natural History’s Dinosaurs in Their Time exhibition, where you can see a life-sized cast of Peck’s Rex facing off with the holotype (= name-bearing) T. rex, which was the first specimen of the species to be recognized (by definition, the world’s first fossil of the world’s most famous dinosaur!).
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T. rex in Dinosaurs in Their Time. Image credit: Joshua Franzos, Treehouse Media
Jurassic Park
One motion picture that did take artistic liberties with T. rex for the sake of suspense was 1993’s Jurassic Park. In one memorable, hair-raising scene, several of the movie’s stars are saved from becoming this dinosaur’s savory snack by standing completely still. According to the film’s paleontological protagonist, Dr. Alan Grant, the theropod can’t see humans if they don’t move. Does this theory have any credence, or was it just a clever plot device that made for a great movie moment? In 2006, the results of ongoing research at the University of Oregon were published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, providing a surprising answer. The study involved using perimetry (an ophthalmic technique used for measuring and assessing visual fields) and a scale model T. rex head to determine the creature’s binocular range (the area that could be viewed at the same time by both eyes). Generally speaking, the wider an animal’s binocular range, the better its depth perception and overall vision. It was determined that the binocular range of T. rex was 55 degrees, which is greater than that of a modern-day hawk! This theropod may have even had visual clarity up to 13 times greater than a person. That’s extremely impressive, considering an eagle only has up to 3.6 times the clarity of a human! Another study that examined the senses of T. rex determined that the dinosaur had unusually large olfactory bulbs (the areas of the brain dedicated to scent) that would have given it the ability to smell as well as a present-day vulture! So, in Jurassic Park, even if the eyes of T. rex had been blurred by the raindrops in this dark and stormy scene, its nose would have still homed-in on Dr. Grant and the others, providing the predator with some tasty midnight treats.
Now, it may seem that this blog post might be a bit critical of dinosaur movies. But, truly, I appreciate them just as much as the next filmophile. They do a magnificent job of providing all of us with some pretty thrilling, edge-of-your-seat entertainment. But, somewhere along the way, their purpose has serendipitously become twofold. They have also inspired some of us to pursue paleontology as a lifelong career. So, in a way, dinosaur movies have been of immense benefit to both the cinematic and scientific worlds. And for that great service, they all deserve a huge round of applause.
Shelby Wyzykowski is a Gallery Experience Presenter in CMNH’s Life Long Learning Department. Museum staff, volunteers, and interns are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
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