#headers azriel
websterss · 2 months
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SUMMARY: When a text from his Captain has him going back into work for a search and rescue, he wasn't expecting the personnel in distress to be you and your kid.
WARNING(S): angst, extraction from a car, mentions of car rolling off a cliff, unlabeled relationship lol, and fluff at the end.
PAIRING: S&R Officer!Azriel x fem!Reader
A/N: I hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always welcomed. So I watched Twisters on a shitty cam version, then watched San Andreas and this was the result of it! Lmfao.
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Azriel had dazed off, tuning out Cassian’s rant about another successful rescue. A family of four was trapped in a house fire. What were the odds of that happening?
Seeing Cassian wave a hand in his face, Azriel snapped back to reality. “What?” He asked, his tone bored.
“Did you even hear a word I was saying?” Cassian asked, rolling his eyes. “Or was your mind elsewhere again?”
“Leave him Cas. It’s his brooding time before heading back into work.” Rhysand lifted his glass up to his lips.
Azriel shot Rhysand a glare. “I don’t brood.” He said with a scowl, sipping his glass of water.
Cassian snickered. “Oh, you definitely brood. You brood more than any of us. It’s like a specialty of yours.”
Azriel grumbled under his breath. “Remind me why I still bother to come out to lunch with you two?”
“Because you love us.” Cassian said, wrapping his arm around Rhysand’s shoulder. “And we always have your back.”
Azriel rolled his eyes but couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. Maybe they were right… Maybe he did brood a bit.
Before he could say anything else, his phone went off. He picked it up and read over the text his captain sent him. His smile was long gone as he looked over his the short message.
Sensing the shift in Azriel’s demeanor, Rhysand and Cassidy exchange glances. “What’s up?” Rhysand asked.
Azriel pursed his lips, still staring at the phone in his hands. “Another extraction….” He said, frowning. “Car went off a cliff. A mom and a kid.” He cleared his throat as he downed his water and started getting up to leave.
Cassian and Rhysand both winced at the news. “How bad….” Cassian mumbled.
Azriels grinned in the slightest bit. He shook his head. “I won’t know till I get there Cas. Besides Caps orders were…brief.” He furrowed his brows. He looked down at the text again making sure he was reading it right. Call in immediately. “It’s probably not that bad.” Azriel said, more to himself than to Rhysand and Cassian. He tucked his phone away and glanced at the two of them. “I have to head out.”
“Be careful yeah.” Rhysand warned, his eyes filled with concern. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
“That’s all Cassian!” Azriel beams as he grabs his helmet from where it sits on the table.
Cassian rolled his eyes, but a smirk crept onto his lips. “Dick.” He quipped.
Azriel chuckled. "But you love me and always have my back." He said, mocking Cassian's words before donning his helmet and heading towards the door.
It wasn’t long before he mounted his bike and rode off to work. Wondering what the hell he was going into. His mind raced with possibilities of what could have happened to the mother and child. Maybe a tire blew out. Maybe a brake malfunction. The list was endless, each scenario more grim than the last.
"Cap..." Azriel nodded as he met him in his office for a debrief before he was to take off. "How bad is it? It sounded serious in the text."
"If it wasn't personal kid, I would have sent in Tarquin in your place, but because it is and because you are my damn best officer in the field to get the job done in and out. It has to be you."
Azriel felt a pang of trepidation. Personal and dangerous, a deadly combination. "Give it to me." Azriel urged, his voice firm but edged with a hint of unease.
His captain sighed, running a hand through his thinning hair. "Car went off a damn cliff. We get a lot of calls from time to time about one, they’re common." His voice was grave.
"Tell me."
"Gwyn answered a 911 call over at the center..." He inhaled deeply, then exhaled. "She answered to Hazel. It's Hazel and Y/n."
Azriel's blood ran cold through his veins, suddenly feeling like he'd been doused with ice water.
No, no, no. His mind screamed but his body moved and his voice spoke on its own. “If Hazel called-” He trailed off.
"Hazel called after the car rolled to a stop. Said the car got caught on the side… She was coherent, crying, in a panic. The call was a little spotty but…she's alive. Gwyn tried keep her on the line but the call went dead. They’re alive Azriel, And so is Y/N, but from what Gwyn got out of her. Y/n is in and out of consciousness…"
Azriel's heart clenched. Hazel and you. Both trapped. Both hurt. He pushed down the panic building within him, his mind focused on the goal - to get you both out of there as quickly as possible.
"We're wasting time then…if Hazel said that the cars stuck on the side…who knows how long it'll hold before it gives."
His captain nodded in agreement. "I'm sending Eris with you. Only one you won't bite his head off." A hearty chuckle rumbled through him. As much as he was trying to lighten up the mood, he knew it wasn't gonna change the situation. "I wouldn't want anyone else if it were my girls. It’s just another Wednesday, Azriel!"
“But it’s not…” Azriel nodded curtly in response. He pushed away his personal feelings and focused on the mission at hand. His captain was right. Hazel and you needed him, and he wasn't going to let anything happen to either of you. But…it was hard. So damn hard.
He turned away and walked out of his office. He saw Eris making his way to him down the hallway, his face set in a serious expression. "Ready to go? What are we dealing with? Cap wouldn't tell me anything?"
Azriel clenched his jaw as he tossed a duffle to him. He'd give him the rundown on the helicopter. They were wasting time still being at the base. "It's Hazel and Y/n." It was all he gave Eris, yet it was enough to have him get his shit straight and resolved. He didn't need to know much of anything else in that moment. It was serious. It was a personal matter at hand and you and Hazel were at the sake of it.
The journey from the base to the accident site was a test of nerves. The helicopter ride was jarring, but Azriel and Eris were focused on the task at hand. His mind raced with thoughts of what he would find when they finally reached you both.
As the helicopter hovered the area the car toppled over, Azriel's gaze fell upon your grey Honda. His heart clenched. The car was precariously positioned on the side of the hill, stuck halfway down the embankment, hanging on by what appeared to be some branches and rocks.
Your car was battered and scratched and had indents all around it. It looked something straight from his book of nightmares - bent metal and shattered glass mingling with the rugged terrain of the hilly landscape.
"Holy shit..." Eris muttered, echoing Azriel's own thoughts. The sight was nothing short of a disaster.
Azriel's hands clenched as he looked at the carnage. He wanted nothing more than to rush out and descend from his line to you.
"Talk to me Azriel."
"We need to stabilize the car. Secure a line to it so it doesn't slide. That car goes…they go.” He shuddered. “We'll extract them one at a time. Hazel first..." He swallowed. "Then Y/n..."
"Who gets who?"
"Get Hazel out...She knows what's expected of her in the event of an accident..." Eris cocked a brow at him in disbelief.
"And she's how old-"
"She's six Eris. Six, okay! Y/n thought we should teach her simple things she could manage like calling 911 and giving directions or making out what she can to help her out...And it paid off, now I'm here, trying to save the two people who I can't live without...It paid off, we're here to help them, so you get Hazel after you stabilize the car." Azriel said curtly as he began descending to where you both were.
Eris nodded once in understanding. His heart clenched at Azriel's words, feeling the weight of the situation. He could hear the worry and fear in Azriel's voice, a stark contrast to his usual stoic broody and calm demeanor. He knew this was personal and it was more than just a routine rescue.
"On it." He affirmed and began descending himself, heading towards the bottom of the car to attach a line, securing a stable base to the car.
As Azriel and Eris lowered themselves to the car, their movements measured and cautious. They could hear soft cries coming from inside the car.
A voice so small, pleading, calling out.
Azriel's heart ached at the sound. It was a mix of Hazel crying and yelling out, he couldn’t quite distinguish until he lowered down closer. He wanted to hurry, but he knew he had to be patient and take it slowly to not cause the car to go with you both still in it. He called out to you both, his voice steady but gentle. “Hazel? Y/n? Can you hear me?”
There was a moment of silence before Hazel's wobbly voice called out. "Here!" Her voice was small, and he could tell by the way she called out to him that she was scared. "Azriel?" Hazel's eyes widened in relief when his face appeared in front of where she remained situated. He immediately took notice that she was out of her seat. Sitting idly on top of the passenger seat.
She must’ve unbuckled herself and climbed to reach your phone.
"Hi, bug..." Azriel breathed out giving her a once-over for physical signs of injuries. He could only make out the cuts on her little face. "Does anything hurt? Do you have trouble moving your arms, or legs? Maybe your neck, or back?"
"No...I-I called 911 like you and Mommy taught me!" She exclaims. “I couldn’t hear the nice lady anymore...” He remembers Cap saying how the line cut off.
Azriel felt a wave of relief wash over him at the sound of Hazel's excitement though. He couldn't help the small smile that crossed his face at her words. "You did, bug. I'm so proud of you for being so brave and remembering what to do." He could see that she was visibly shaking, no doubt a combination of fear and adrenaline. Azriel's gaze then shifted towards your unconscious form, his heart clenching once more at the sight of you strapped into your seat, unmoving.
Hazel had looked over at you as well. "Is mommy gonna die?"
Azriel's heart squeezed painfully at Hazel's question. "No, bug, mommy's not gonna die," He said, his voice quiet and steady. He hoped to all the Gods he could keep that promise. "She's just unconscious right now, okay? She's gonna be okay…You guys are gonna be okay." He said, his voice shaking only a little. "You were so brave, bug. So, so brave, without you we would have never known where you and mommy were." Azriel reassured her, his voice gentle and calm. "I'm here now. We're going to get you and mommy out of here." He then gestured to Eris. "This here is my friend Eris, okay. I need you to go with him, he's gonna get you out of here and safely onto the loud helicopter."
Hazel looked at Eris, her eyes wide with trepidation. Eris lowered down so that he was at eye level with her and gave her a warm smile. "Hey there, Hazel," He said, his voice soft. "I’m gonna get you out of here, okay? It's gonna be loud and a little scary at first, but I promise you'll be fine."
"Why can't I go with you?" Her gaze shifted to Azriel.
Azriel’s heart clenched at Hazel’s question. He wanted nothing more than to take her with him, to keep her safe with him. But he knew that it would only endanger both of them. He looked at Hazel, his gaze gentle yet firm. "Because I need to make sure mommy is okay, bug." He explained gently. He knew this wasn't going to be an easy conversation, and it tore him apart. "I can only carry one of you at a time. My arms are not big enough to carry you both. That's why I need you to trust me...If you go with Eris then I can get mommy, and get her out safely, okay?"
Hazel's bottom lip quivered as she considered Azriel's words. She looked over at you, lying unconscious in your seat, and then back at Azriel. She was terrified, but she trusted Azriel, and she knew that he was trying to keep both of you safe. She looked back at Eris, a small pout on her face. "Okay…"
Azriel let out a small sigh of relief, grateful that Hazel was willing to trust him. He reached over and stroked her hair gently. “That's my brave girl. I’m so proud of you.” He said, his voice thick with emotion, ruffling her hair softly. He then gestured for Eris to take her, and with a nod, Eris lifted Hazel into his arms. She clung to him tightly, her little arms wrapping around his neck.
Eris offered Hazel a reassuring smile. "What a brave girl you are kiddo." He said, holding her to him tightly and securely. "Come on, let's get you out of here. Your mommy is good hands." Hazel bit her lip again, still looking unsure, but one look over at Azriel was enough to know he'd get you out. He quickly reached over and pressed a kiss to her head.
Azriel watched as Eris began to make his way up towards the helicopter. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what came next. With Hazel safe with Eris, he turned his attention to you. He slowly rounded the car steadying himself as he reached the side of your door, trying to assess the damage and figure out how to extract you safely without destabilizing the car further.
He could see that your airbag had deployed which was a good sign. It meant that you were somewhat protected from the initial impact. But you were still unconscious and tangled within the seatbelt, and the car was balanced on a angle, making it even more challenging to move you.
Azriel's heart clenched with worry, but he pushed his emotions aside and focused on his training. He needed to stay calm and move carefully. He reached through the shattered window and gently touched your neck, checking for your pulse.
He let out a small sigh of relief as he felt your pulse, weak but steady. He then began trying to unbuckle the seatbelt, making sure to support your head as he worked. With each movement, he felt the car shift slightly, causing his heart to skip a beat. "Y/n baby can you hear me?"
For a few agonizing moments, there had been no response. But then, suddenly, he heard a soft moan coming from your lips. It fared any worry he had. "Y/n? Baby?"
Your eyes fluttered open, your vision blurry and hazy. Azriel's face swam into view, his expression a mixture of worry and relief. You tried to speak, but the sound came out as a soft croak instead.
Azriel let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "That's it, baby. You're doing so well. Just hang in there for a little longer, okay?" He spoke gently, trying to keep his voice steady. He had to get you out quickly, but he couldn't risk moving you too fast, or the car might give way.
You could feel the pain now, your whole body ached and was screaming at you to stop, but you tried to focus on Azriel's voice. You knew that he was here, he was rescuing you. "A-Azriel.." You managed to rasp out, your voice hoarse and weak.
Despite being disoriented and groggy, you had recognized his voice immediately and it brought some comfort. You tried to push yourself up, but Azriel steadied you with a gentle but firm hand on your shoulder. "No, no. You need to stay still. We're going to get you out of here, baby. Just stay still for me, okay? Squeeze my hand if you need to."
You tried to nod your head, but even that simple movement sent pain shooting through your body. Tears welled up in your eyes, but you fought them back, not wanting to make Azriel more worried than he already was. He could see the pain etched on your face and it tore at his heart, but he knew he had to stay focused.
The sound of the helicopter hovering above seemed to stir you a bit more. You groaned softly, struggling to make sense of the situation. “Where..." You managed to croak out. "H-Hazel?"
Azriel's heart ached at the sound of your soft groans and the fear in your voice. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze. "Hazel's safe. We got her out. She's okay, baby, now we just need to get you out. Can you unbuckle yourself? Can you reach the release?”
Your heart raced with relief at the news that Hazel was safe, but your body was still in so much pain that it was hard to move. You attempted to unbuckle the seatbelt, but it wouldn't budge. You let out a soft whimper, tears of frustration prickling at the corners of your eyes, when you pressed down on the release again, it finally gave. You cry out in relief, slumping into your chair.
Azriel reached in through the shattered window, his touch gentle and tender as he cradled your head. "That's it, baby. Just take a second to breathe. We're almost there," he reassured you, his voice soft yet commanding. The car shifted slightly again, and Azriel's pulse quickened. The thought of losing you now was unbearable. "I'm gonna reach my hands in. I want you to try and wrap your arms around my neck as best you can. Baby, I know you're in pain and you're scared but I need you with me, okay?" He instructed, cupping your face gently with his gloves. You mustered a small nod for him.
Azriel took a deep breath as he extended his arms inside the car, steadying himself and maneuvering you as carefully as possible. He watched your expressions closely, looking for any sign of pain or discomfort. He could see that the pain was intense - your face creased with it, the sweat on your forehead. "You're doing so good, baby. Just a little more." He whispered, his voice steady but his heart on the verge of breaking.
Your body felt heavy and weak, but you forced yourself to trust Azriel completely. You steeled yourself and braced for what came next. You took a deep breath and lifted your arms, reaching out cautiously for his neck. Azriel felt you gripping onto him, and he held your trembling form as delicately yet securely as he could, taking care not to jostle your body too much.
As soon as he felt he had a good hold on you and your waist, the car began sliding. He didn't hesitate to pull you out from the driver's window.
Azriel clenched his jaw as he watched the car slide beneath you both. Falling further into the abyss. The car smashed into the ground causing his stomach to stir knowing that if he'd been a second late you would have gone with it. He held you close as you both swung, your body pressed against his chest. He could feel your heart racing, beating against his own. "Shhh, baby. You're safe now. I got you." He whispered, trying to calm down your cries with he pressed kisses against your head. "I got you now."
"Az!" Eris poked his head out the chopper, having heard the car give before he saw it fall. Azriel looked up. Tapping his helmet twice, then shooting him a thumbs up.
"We're good! All good! Bring us up!" Eris looked over to a frightened Hazel, his shoulders relaxing. He felt like he couldn't breathe the whole ride here. Now he could.
"Did he get her...?" Hazel tugged the blanket Eris wrapped around her closer.
"Yeah...he got her kiddo." He offered her a lopsided grin before he got to work reeling them back up.
Azriel held you firmly as the winch began to pull you up. The sound of the helicopter blades thudding in the air, cut through the silence. The wind whipped your hair around your face, but Azriel shielded you as best he could. His body curled around you while his hold on you stayed strong and steady. One hand holding onto the line. He could feel your body shivering against his, the shock settling in.
When you reached the edge. Eris was there offering his hand to you, hauling you safely into the carrier. "Mommy!" Hazel rushed to you. You choked back a sob as she cradled her arms around your neck. You hold back a wince knowing you are still in need of a proper examination.
Azriel climbed up with Eris's help and slumped against the floor, his eyes never leaving you and Hazel. He wanted to wrap both of you in his arms and never let go. But his eyes noticed the blood on your face, a cut on your forehead, and the way you were sitting stiffly, your body trembling. He knew you were hiding the pain. He knew you were trying to be strong for Hazel. Eris smirked patting his chest.
"Y-Yeah..." Azriel huffed.
"You sure?"
“Uh huh.”
"Yeah?" Eris teased.
"Yeah." Azriel swallowed as he sat up and scooted over to you both. His hands pressed against the sides of your head before he pulled you both into his embrace. A kiss followed his affection. "My babies..." He muttered as you melted in his arms. Your body slumping against him, in defeat. The tension and fear that had gripped you slowly ebbed away as Azriel's touch washed over you.
Eris awed silently to himself in his seat at the sight. He secretly wished and wanted for his family of his own. Knowing how Azriel found you two along the way and stayed, warmed his heart.
"Ten minutes. Good work!" He praised. A shit-eating grin on his face to help lighten the mood.
Azriel chuckled. "Shut up." His voice was tight and hoarse. He held both Hazel and you close to him, his arms surrounding you in a protective and loving embrace. He could feel the relief and comfort flowing through him as his muscles relaxed and he let out a shuddering breath he didn't realize he was holding.
"No seriously. I think it's a new record-" Eris chimed.
Azriel huffed as he shot Eris a glare, the corner of his mouth ticked up in a small smirk. "Shut up." He muttered, closing his eyes.
"We got to get you on one of those Worlds Guinness record books. I know a guy who could set it up-"
Azriel let out a soft huff of laughter. "Thanks, Eris." He muttered. Despite Eris's cocky attitude, Azriel was grateful for his help. Azriel rolled his eyes, but he grew amused at Eris's comments. He shook his head, burying his face in your hair and squeezing you both tighter.
Eris laughed, a wicked glint in his eyes. "Hey, someone's gotta bring the humor to these tense situations. You know cause you got that whole brooding dark prince thing going on, it isn't really your best look by the way."
"Cassian?" Azriel presumed with a hum.
"Called me right before you got to base."
Fucker, Azriel thought. "Of course he did..."
You couldn't help but smile at Azriel's banter and roll your eyes at Eris' comments. Even through the fear and pain, his presence was such a comforting force for you. You leaned into Azriel's embrace, feeling his chest rise and fall against your body. It wasn't long for your gaze to meet Eris. A tired smile marks your features. You mouthed a 'thank you' in return. For everything he'd done to help rescue you both. Eris tipped his chin in understanding. Azriel pressed his lips to your head once more before reassuring you it was okay to rest now. That they got you both out. That nothing would hurt you two anymore. So you did, you allowed yourself to succumb to your tired state, and closed your eyes.
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utterlyazriel · 5 months
whom the shadows sing for — (and the thief's echoing hymn)
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a/n: apparently it is easier to push out a new chapter when its a juicy one!!!! sorry for this but did you really think i was done with the angst? oh naur babey we're just setting up the scene i envisioned when i had the original idea <3 strap in babe!
word count: 2.4k
synopsis: A secret you vowed to never reveal gets uncovered and Azriel struggles as all he's known is turned on its head. An unfriendly adversary from the past comes knocking.
One glimpse at your shelter as he winnows into the forest, the snow crunching loudly underfoot, and Azriel knows it deep in his bones.
Something is wrong.
He stands amongst the pines of the forest behind your shelter and even from the distance, he can sense the change in the air. The wind, wilder than usual, tastes faintly like danger. It's snowing. His shadows wisp about, whispering and twittering, doing nothing to ease the twinge of panic.
There are boards in the back window.
Azriel stalks forward through the snow, his ears keenly sifting through the noises of the forest around him but nothing gives way. Just like he had felt all those days ago, there’s a warped agony that clings to the sides of your shelter.
Last time, there had been blood in the snow. A trail, that led him right to you.
Today, there are only the boards in the windows.
His mind jumps to the other warriors in the camp, wondering if this is their doing— trapping you inside as some sort of sickening test. See if the bastard can fight his way out or starve to death in his own four walls.
Something like pure malice glimmers just beneath his skin, ready to rear up, but—
—But no. As he gets closer, Azriel realises he’s wrong.
This is not the work of the brutes in camp, this is you. The boards have been put up from the inside.
A series of emotions stutter and slam into each other, wrestling with one another in his chest. Confusion shares the top spot with an unwavering concern that seems to grow with every step closer. Boarded up from the inside... what possible reason could warrant you to do this?
Uneasiness coats his every nerve, an uncomfortable prickle rolling along his raised hackles. Something stirs in his chest. Azriel stalks closer to your shelter, snow slushing beneath his boots, torn between calling out and biting his tongue. He goes for the latter.
His shadows glide around him agitatedly, circling his hands where they hover over his weapons. His wings are pulled in tight. He slows as he reaches the front of your shelter.
There's no sound coming from inside. No scent of blood, no crackle of fire. Yet somehow he knows, without question, that you're in there.
As his concern winds down a notch, his rational brain begins to tick. There might be someone else in there with you. As the different scenarios get considered and discarded, Azriel lands on the most likely one. It's a trap.
The reasoning builds up the motive, spinning a story that makes sense. A Shadowsinger, the Spymaster of the Night Court, caught off his guard by using his latest confidant against him.
Azriel turns over the idea slowly and decisively, thinking of Brudam, of Lord Mylind, wondering if they've been buying their time all this while— and he's been too distracted with you to even notice.
Azriel curses himself for being so careless.
There's still no noise from within the shelter.
If it's a trap, it doesn't matter; the only way out is through.
Letting his hand curl around the Truth Teller, Azriel grips it tightly and pretends that the loud thump in his mind isn't the echo from his afraid heart. He can't afford to be afraid — not with what it would mean, not with how it betrays how he feels for you.
Not when it distracts him from doing what is needed from him.
His shadows spiral up around him and Azriel weaves the darkness, folding the fabric of the world til it aligns as he needs, his anger sharpening his resolve. He steps through the rippling darkness and into your boarded-up shelter with one swift motion.
It's dark inside. There are slivers of light that curl around the planks of wood, reaching in the dance upon the floor, distorted by the motion of falling snow. The air is stale, undisturbed.
Azriel's gaze scours the environment for enemies, his grip tight around his knife, prepared to unsheathe it without hesitation. His shadows fly around wildly, whispering the details of the room— each corner empty, except for the one he knows your bed is tucked in. Something loosens in his chest just a fraction.
There's no one else in here but you.
His eyes go right to your bed. It's hard to see within the darkness but your figure is there, hunched up even tighter than the last time he had found you wounded, wings pulled up in an uncomfortable hold around yourself.
As the possibility of a trap tapers away, another scenario creeps in — you've been attacked and holed yourself up before they can finish the job.
Almost as the thought crosses his mind, the scent of blood reaches his senses. Azriel stills, each limb locking up as the information filters through his mind, aided by the murmurs of his shadows. Blood, they chant, new blood.
Not blood from an injury, not from an enemy.
A sickening type of surprise coils up Azriel's spine.
"Y/n?" He dares to speak. Your name comes out like it's completely foreign in his mouth.
There's a stunned web that seems to cling to him, dulling all his usually keen senses, as the pieces of this puzzle whiz around and begin to slot into place. New blood— new blood means— it means—
"Azriel?" Your voice sounds from the darkness in the corner. It's smaller than usual, thick with emotion.
There's the sound of you shifting. Azriel can't move at all. Even his shadows have slowed in their surprise.
With his eyes rapidly adjusting to the dimness, he can just see the features on your face as you untuck it from your curled-up position.
Someone is beating loudly against the walls—or at least it sounds that way with how hard his heart is beating in his chest, valves working in overdrive. Is it his heart? It feels like something else, something deeper.
New blood, new blood, new blood. A thousand different instances burst from his memory, glazed in a new light.
"He tells me that your absences during training have come to be somewhat expected,"—
—"You're smaller than usual Illyrians,”—
—Hands, weathered and much smaller than most males—
—You're small but your wings are still large and beautiful, tucked up neatly behind your back. Most warriors in camp must have at least a head of height on you—
—A Fae with long hair like Cassian's, chopped at the shoulder and scraped back — and a voice softer than most. A Fae with eyes that burn with a promise for retribution, with icy fury like his own.
Each one threatens to send him staggering to his knees. How the Cauldron did he miss it? How could he have missed it? He's the fucking Spymaster of the Night Court. You've been lying to his face from the very beginning and he's believed you hook, line, and sinker.
You're smaller than the males in camp because you aren't one at all.
You're so driven to help the others, to mend the clipped girls because... because...
His hazel eyes catch on your wings, snaked around yourself protectively and Azriel suddenly feels very, very sick.
You seem to realise all of a sudden that he's real and not just some hallucinated fever-dream version of him. Despite the efforts to keep everyone out, he's here, on the inside with you. He knows.
"Azriel," You say his name again, like a plea this time. Wings uncurling a fraction, you make a move to stand but an invisible pain cripples you and he watches as you shudder, a pained whimper leaking out your mouth. An instinct within him roars to rush to your side but his feet are rooted to the floor.
"You..." He begins, his voice far away.
Something is unravelling in his chest with an alarming speed, something growing and churning, fiery hot. It feels like dread—panicky, horrified fear boiling in his stomach. He doesn't realise that it isn't his own.
"You're not a male."
His words look like they cause you more pain, agony shifting across your features, and Azriel wishes he could take them back the moment they leave his lips. But he's not wrong.
Even from across the room, he can see the quiver in your bottom lip. You're frozen in fear, he realises.
Tentatively, you shake your head. "I'm- I'm not."
You're not. Perhaps, he was wrong about you and you're not some beaten-down warrior, striving for justice against the tides that try to hold you back. Maybe you're a snake in the grass, hiding yourself, cocooning in a lie. You've been lying since the first moment you met him.
Azriel can't tell why it hurts so much in his chest, why it feels so close to betrayal, why it feels like his heart is bleeding. Who are you really?
"I—" Your words get cut off with another wince as you slump over, your cycle ravaging your body with pain. "Azriel, wait—"
He's taken a step back without even realising.
Who are you? Stranger, ally, friend; all the titles you've earned feel like they're getting stripped back forcibly and his heart warbles agonisingly in response. His shadows have picked up speed, darting around him. His wings have risen an inch, flared a little wider.
"Please," You gasp, trying to shuffle forward again but halted by the waves of pain. One of your hands grips around your midriff tightly and there's a sheen on your face that tells him you're crying. He's never seen you cry before.
Who are you? Is your name even your real name? Azriel doesn't know where the hurt is coming from, why it's so strong— except he thinks he does.
He's known from that first week with you. Known from the first time he laid eyes on your face and his very soul seemed to call out in response. He's known and he's been ignoring it all this time. His mate.
"You— you have to understand," You're still grasping at words desperately, even as you give up trying to move through your afflicted torment. Azriel takes another step back. What is he doing? "Please, I- I just wanted to keep my wings."
Choked sobs begin to claw their way up your throat and Azriel feels the thickness in his own throat, connected from the inside. You're connected. The pounding on the door, on his chest, in his heart, is the only thing he can focus on, getting louder and louder. Bile threatens at his throat.
He can't be here.
"I just- just wanted to keep—" The words keep coming, even as he steps back once more, shadows swirling. Words lurch up his throat, questions, explanations, accusations. None of them escape. His mouth is dry.
His wings rustle as he tucks them in and forces his gaze down to stare at the floorboards. He's been here, lived here, in your lie for how many months? His mate, a liar.
He shifts the space between inside and elsewhere, scrunching the fabric so it aligns with somewhere, anywhere he can think of.
"P-Please, you have to understand—Azriel!"
Your call echoes as he steps through his magic, letting it carry him away from your shelter, from your agony that he can feel from the inside, from the lie he's been fed.
He lands on a hilltop and when he opens his eyes, he's looking at a familiar cabin. His shadows move about almost limply, his magic and siphons depleted from overuse in such a short time. He can feel the chill of snow on the tips of his wings which drag behind him.
He's...drained. Stunned.
And where he's always dreamed of a golden thread, a lover's tug, rooted deep in his being that connects him to his mate... there is only a pull of utter misery.
You had thought of this before; what it might be like to have him find out.
The trust severed. Your friend, the only one you've ever truly had, lost to your betrayal. The first couple weeks in his company as you learnt slowly to let your guard down had been the first times in decades you had been freed from night terrors.
You had thought of it then, during one of those nights—you did not want to lose him in any way.
The cost was too high, the sheer magnitude of your secret that you never intended on him finding out. You had promised yourself you couldn't, you wouldn't tell him, no matter how much you yearned to.
You wonder now if you would have been better off if you'd never met him at all.
Never trusted him, never took his hand, and stood by his side to learn how to fight. No learning how to trust after years of desolate solitude, just to have it ripped from you. No shared smiles in the dim light of the evening, glancing away when you're caught looking for too long.
No hurt, no pain, no replaying the look on his face as he uttered the secret you had kept hidden for nearly three decades.
The burning spasms of your cycle seem almost dull compared to the ache in your heart. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts. You feel like you're burning up from the inside, like there's a hurricane of regret building in your chest and its' howl is as torturous as it is loud.
Time passes. Outside, the snow turns to heavy rain.
The painful throbs that wrack your body ebb and flow but the heaviness in your heart never seems to fade. You can't decide between being angry at Azriel or at yourself.
How could he be so... so unfeeling? So merciless, not giving you even a moment to truly explain?
There had been a time where you thought when he looked at you, he saw beyond the surface; more than a mutt, more than just another bastard. You half hoped he saw through your facade and didn't care anyway.
You're a fool for that, you realise now.
Your consciousness wanes as you burrow as deep as you can into your blankets, wanting them to swallow you whole, wrapped in half-hearted warmth and ribbons of pain. He's never coming back, you realise. The tears start up all over again, your heart sobbing out for a piece of it that's missing. He's never coming back.
You know that for sure— so when there's a slushing of feet through the snow and a pounding knock on your door, your hackles rise in pure fright. Your wings tuck around yourself a little tighter, right as another spasm of agony rocks through your bones. You cry out weakly, teeth gritted tightly.
There's someone at the door who's come sniffing for a fight. It's not Azriel.
tags below!
@strangerstilinski @janebirkln @itsswritten @mischiefmanagers @hnyclover
@waytoomanyteenagefeels @idkitsem @illyrianbitch @jeweline16 @fightmedraco
@iamjimintrash @maendering @spideytingley @aneekapaneeka @cassianswh0reeee
@viciane @astarlitsoul @mybestfriendmademe @archiveofcravings @reputaytionn-13
@bionic-donut @chessebookgirl @itseightbeats @littleblackcatinwonderland @twsssmlmaa
@fanworrior @skysayhi @vintageoldfashion @tequilya @fabulouslyflamboyant5
@rhysandorian @laughterafter @brieftriumphnightmare @hirah-yummar @some-person-somewhere
@scooobies @sfhsgrad-blog @cherry-cin @bookloverandalsocats @megscabinetofcurios
@doodlebugsblog @landofpetrichor @acourtofdreamsandshadows @florabelll @tanyaherondale
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evacrstairs · 3 months
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a court of thorns and roses (azriel) headers. like or reblog if you save or use. 🦇
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spideyns · 7 months
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Gwyneth Berdara
like if save/use or credit @evrllarks on tt
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 9 months
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I'm literally wiping tears from my eyes... @i-am-a-lost-girl16 made this absolute masterpiece for Pretty like the sun series and I swear I've never seen anything more stunning.😭😭😭😭😭😭
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darcylances · 2 years
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゚・✿ヾ ( gwynriel ) headers ..
like and reblog if you use
© darcylances on tumblr
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hiloedits · 2 years
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— azriel headers
like or reblog if you use/save.
© hiloedits on twitter.
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headersiconicbooks · 2 years
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Bluelance Headers💙
Book: Zodiac Academy✨
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queercontrarian · 2 years
It is so funny because your profile picture is the same picture I have chosen as the cover for my Azriel fanfiction. So whenever I see you in my dash I am always like hold up and then notice that it is actually you.
Just felt like telling you haha, hope you have a good day🌼
just goes to show that we both have incredible taste xoxo
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daycourtofficial · 4 months
Falling in Love on the Fourth Floor - Part 13
Pairing: Azriel x reader | WC: 1.8k | Warnings: none | Masterlist
Summary: Out of an act of desperation, you move in with a guy you kind of know who happens to have a really hot brother who lives next door.
Author's note: everyone say thank you to @sarawritestories for bullying me to get me to write and to @milswrites for the NEW HEADER LOOK IT'S SO PRETTY
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Ten minutes to the dot from getting to your door Azriel was walking into your apartment with a bowl of popcorn and several bags of candy. He brought chocolates, gummy worms, cookies, and several other sweets in the crook of his elbow, several being held by random fingers. You really weren’t sure how he was carrying it all. 
In your absence he also changed into some black sweatpants and a black tee, his arms flexed with all the snacks in his hold. He looked great at mini golf, but now he looked attractive in such a different way. 
“What are you doing?” He looked a bit ridiculous, as if he just raided a candy store. He looked even more ridiculous trying to toe his shoes off before making his way over to you.
“I know you don’t have food here.”
“Yes we do - Cassian was supposed to go grocery shopping yesterday!” You whip your head to the kitchen, as if you could see the inside of your pantry from where you sat. “Besides I ordered a pizza.”
He gives you a look, “Cassian’s version of grocery shopping is stopping at our apartment and taking what he wants.”
Your eyes widen, “no he does not! He said he goes to the store for food.”
He scoffs, setting down the candy and snacks on the table in front of you, lining them all up so you could see the label on each bag, “the store of Rhys and Az, maybe. A 24 hour convenience store Cassian has a lifetime membership to.”
You think back to all the times Cassian told you he was going grocery shopping, but you’re not sure if you ever did see him come back with bags of groceries. All the food and supplies just showed up. “Well, I’m sorry he does that. It does explain his luxurious tastes though…”
“It’s fine,” he says sitting next to you, your legs touching. “Rhys’s dad pays for the groceries, so..” 
His sentence lingers as he shrugs his shoulders. “It’s what’s worked for us for a long time. Rhys couldn't care less. Actually I think he prefers getting to spend money on us.”
“So things with Rhys’s dad are weird?”
“Uh, yeah, I suppose. His dad sucks. Gives Rhys a- basically an unlimited credit card. Rhys has played with the limits on it before. We all know he’s rich, we just don’t know how rich. He’s spent a ridiculous amount of money on that card with no response. Once he bought all of ours and Cassian’s furniture in one trip - bought ridiculously priced shit too. Didn’t even blink over it.”
He scoops up a handful of popcorn, popping some into his mouth. “Well, all the furniture except their ridiculously sized tvs.”
You giggle, grabbing the bag of sour candies he brought and opening them, popping some in your mouth. “Mm, you’re too good to fall victim to their childish antics?”
“I’m more evolved than them.”
“So it was a different Azriel that Cassian was talking about going racing with him on some backroads a few weeks ago?”
A beat passes and he refuses to look at you, his eyes straight forward. “I think Cassian has face blindness.”
“Oh yeah, mhm.” You pick up the remote, scrolling to look through potential movies to watch. “Maybe we should get a decal for your bike so he won’t get confused again. I’m thinking of something that makes you seem distinguished.”
“Something that makes you seem intimidating.”
“something scary?” His eyes dance with amusement, crinkling in contained joy.
“Something terrifying. So they know you’re a menace.”
You scroll through the movie options, Azriel’s arm making its way across the back of the couch behind you. He spreads his legs a bit, and you nestle into his shoulder as you put on Jurassic Park, picking a movie you’d be okay with missing some parts to it.
The two of you had watched at least three quarters of Jurassic Park, several parts of the movie missed because the two of you couldn’t keep from making out on your couch. 
You watched the entire trilogy, staying up late with him. By the time the second movie came on, the two of you talked through most of it, until you’d reach the scenes with the pterodactyls in the third movie. Then you had forced your hands over his mouth, not letting him talk over your favorite scenes. Once you had pulled them away, he immediately dove on top of you, pushing you into the couch and nuzzling his face into your neck.
The two of you stayed up until somewhere around 3 AM, the third movie long forgotten as you asked him to stay the night. Nothing happened, except you did wake up the next morning with his arm slung around your waist, making it very tempting to completely ignore your alarm clock.
Unfortunately, Azriel had work to do, kissing your temple before he snuck back into his apartment to get dressed.
He had been gone for all of twenty seconds when your phone buzzed and he asked if you’d like to get coffee the next day before class. Your classes lined up at the same time each day, so you two would meet up at a local coffee shop in the morning. You’d park your car in the grocery store lot afterwards, Azriel holding out his spare helmet for you before helping put it on your head before he’d zip you two through campus, one of his hands always on your thigh. 
The two of you would separate once he’d walk you to your classes, and then you’d meet back up at the library. It was a bit concerning to you how quickly the two of you fell into a routine, most of your free time of the week either spent with him or texting him.
“I got you something.”
You rummage through your bag when Azriel walks up to the table, his jacket being thrown onto one of the extra chairs. He sets down his helmet as you continue your search. You slide the envelope across the table, his scarred fingers touching yours as he grabs it from you. He opens the envelope, pulling out the note.
‘To be more menacing’ is written on pink stationary, a sticker falling from the paper. He picks it up, a smile on his face as he turns the sticker in his fingers, the cartoon goose with a knife in his mouth looking back at you.
His smile is captivating in the harsh lighting of the library, the LEDs making his skin several shades too light.
But it made his smile all the more blinding. 
“Thank you,” he slips the sticker into his jacket pocket, sliding into the seat across from you.
He pulled out his laptop, his bag neat and tidy, a far cry from Cassian’s paper cluttered bag. You go back to reviewing your notes, as Azriel begins typing on his computer. The silence is comfortable between you two, and as you feel it start to settle, Azriel’s foot grazes your own, sticking itself between your crossed ankles. 
You peer at him across the table, but his tortoiseshell glasses don’t move towards you, his computer screen reflecting through them to show he was working on some form of coding you had no desire to understand. You smile back down to your books, trying to get all your work finished before Friday, the six of you spending the weekend at Rhys’s dad’s lake house. 
Cassian had been moaning and groaning for several weeks about wanting to go to the lake, but Rhys’s dad was having renovations done on the house and on the private dock until roughly two weeks ago. Since its completion, Cassian has been relentless, worming the word ‘lake’ into every conversation he’s had, not being very subtle about what he wanted.
Every morning he texted your group chat about his ‘cornfLAKEs’ or about how he just loves ‘snowfLAKEs’. He had just run out of words two days ago and now resorted to making up words that had ‘lake’ in them. Rhys immediately texted everyone to ‘please for the love of my sanity, be available this weekend or else I’m petitioning we murder Cassian’. 
None of you wanted to be stuck doing any kind of work this weekend - Cassian and Azriel already had the weekend off, Mor and Feyre were free, and your plans revolved around the work and the man in front of you. All of you were desperate to finish any work that was due on Monday before the six of you left.
“So this weekend.”
He holds up a finger, typing furiously before he stops, looking up at you. He closes his laptop slightly, pushing it away from himself. 
“This weekend.”
You put your chin in your hands, looking at his tan face. You loved seeing him wear his glasses - they made him look so endearing and soft. “Are we um going to tell anyone before we go? Besides Mor, obviously.”
You had texted Mor at some point during the second or third movie, asking her if she had mentioned your date to anyone. She had said no and that she’d be willing to keep it that way if you remembered to thank her profusely for ‘setting you up on the best date of your life’. 
You had agreed, but now this left you with a bit of a dilemma - when do you tell everyone? Does he want to tell everyone?
“You don’t understand how annoying they can get when it comes to my love life.”
You giggled, certain you could figure it out based on how nosey and meddling Cassian was. 
He clears his throat, “besides I’d like to figure things out with you before they know. I don’t want them to scare you off.”
You laughed, “I walked in on Cassian trimming his toenails the other night. I think anything worse than that violates the Geneva convention.”
His smile is bright as he watches you giggle at your own joke. “How about this,” his hands move across the table, laying them palm up so you can sit yours into them. Your fingers lightly trace the lines on his palms as his voice picks up again. “I’ll take you out for lunch tomorrow, and it will be the official end of things… until we get back.”
You raise your brows, but he’s not finished. “Obviously, not really the end of things. But just.. We’ll come back from lunch as the people we were last week. Before mini golf.”
Your voice is a bit unsteady as you ask, “do you want to stay those people? The before mini golf versions of ourselves?”
“No.” His reply is fast, voice full of conviction.
“You’re not just saying this because Rhys’s lake house has a hot housekeeper, are you?”
He blows out his lips, laughing at your waggling eyebrows, “Sonya’s been about eighty years old for the past fifteen years.” His fingers quickly snatch yours, holding them tightly. “So she’s perfect for me.”
You throw your head back, about to laugh, but he pulls your fingers forward, bringing you in for a soft kiss you can’t help but giggle through.
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Series taglist: @anotherbook-obsessedhoe @impossibelle @hayrunnwr @just-a-social-casualty-1 @thisisew @brieflyclassymortal @glitterypirateduck @marshmummy @bookishbroadwaybish @azsteris @doriansgf @footyandformula @mybestfriendmademe @od-anon @judig92 @luvmoo @marina468 @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @acotarobsessed @maryssong23 @acourtofbatboydreams @azrielover
Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx @dee-writes-smut @chairofchaos @thelov3lybookworm @berryzxx @throneofsmut @kennedy-brooke
Azriel taglist: @brieflyclassymortal @thisiskaylin
Thanks for reading <3
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k-is-for-potassium · 2 months
MOOT NAME AND PRONOUN MASTERPOST >:D (idea stolen from asher lol)
@miku-blue-n-pronouns – genderfluid, idk name or pronouns
@izzyfizzykitty – izzy, she/her
@waverthebluephoenix – grrr idk
@your-gay-emo-cousin – lyla, she/her
@laurenshamiltonjr – >:) may, she/they
@your-everyday-theatre-kid – (real) lyric, she/they
@discocannon8002 – disco(?), she/her according to pfp
@lil-gae-disaster – (real) noah, they/them
@im-a-skeleton-in-your-closet – rip asher (they deactivated)
@bleep-bloop-boo – (>:333) honey, she/her
@musical-dash-trash – they have the best asks >:) bug, she/he/they/ask (preference shifts)
@that-dam-heartstopper-fan – (SAME ALSO PJO REF) darcy/darce, ash, angel, she/they demigirl
@kwilooo – kira, any pronouns
@mediumdoodles – medium/variations, any pronouns
@galaxys-universe – galaxy, they/she (prefers they)
@cloud-makers-make-pollution – LES MIS BESTIE!! idk name, she/her
@mybedroomceilingsbored – (love ur banner) mouse, she/her
@emdabitchass – ooc is em, emmie, emma, emersyn, any pronouns, prefers he/they
@unstableunicornsofasgard – forrest, he/they (i don't talk to them much but he seems awesome >:))
@small-giggle – (holy shit it has 500 followers how am i moots with someone so famous) angel or jelly (they don't like caps for its name) it/they/she
@margaret-the-duck – (had a typo and almost did fuck instead of duck lol) maggie, she/her
@demigod-jack-hearth – uhh it's an rp blog so im not quite sure?
@bifluidmax08 – robin/max but can call them robbie, b, or maxi
@nothing-but-glitter-and-lashes – CHAPPELL BESTIE!!!!! no name, she/her
@noahher – noah, he/him
@squiggles-of-rats – @ang3lic-t3ars sideblog lol
@phoenixwench – no idea lol
@adumbteenboy BOYS WILL BE BUGS URL?! also idk
@codexnuminous – codex, they/them
@steph-schuyler – stephanie/steph, she/her
@eyes-shining-with-love – piper, they/star/song/spark/lyric/idol (woahh lots of pronouns!!)
@nowjumpinthewater – rania, she/her
@marsfingershurt – mar, they/them
@ang3lic-t3ars – riley/ry, she/xey
@definitionoffuckup – (MY POOKIE) star/al/grape (garpe), he/they COINED THE BABNA 😨 TAG
@next-level-simp – (real) leyla, idk
@frogsthatbite – (BESTIE) she/her
@stickbug-made-entirely-of-spite – SUPER COOL ARTIST AND BUG-LOVER :D stickbug, any non-gendered pronouns (they, it, etc)
@the-seas-most-lovable-bitch – azriel, they/she/he
@the-gods-strange-children – sol, she/they
@mun-urufu – transfem, that's it :(
@i-eat-so-much-grass – (real) flynn, they/them
@theronanlynchshow – ronan/rose, she/her but drc
@crowofthestars – m, they/any except she and it
@coswinx – (cat pfp :0) ozzie, xe/she/it (COOL PRONOUNS :D)
@sketch-begginerr – ce? she/they/he/any
@tealeafstew – laurel; any or she/they/he
@whythankyouforthetrauma – (I LOVE THE HEADER) she/her
@weird-dork37 – iris, any prns
@raeprise – rae; he/they
@moonage-nightterrors – el; they/them
@thedancingclowns – (FELLOW METAL FAMILY FAN 💪💪) heath/dee; he/they
@lavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa – lava; they/them
@daggerhobbit – felix, aster, wren; xe/it/they NOT she/her (awesome pronouns)
@asters-tempo – aster, bread; ei love neopronouns and rn likes ei/it/they
@bees-official – (glad u finally fixed the typo lol) bee, he/him
@powehi-the-blackhole – idk zyr name (is that how u spell that pronoun? not quite sure /gen) ze/zym (COOL PRONOUNSSS)
@stars-on-my-bedroom-ceiling – ana; any, they/she preferred
@nao-walks-into-poles – nao; any pronouns
@beenoop – cam; agender, accepts he/him
@blackbirdsinatrenchcoat – (ahhh i love ur url) blue or ben; any pronouns
@remithegayshoebill – remi probably, idk tho
@not-sammie – sammie (OR ARE THEY?!); they/she
@cactus-with-boobs – hannah; she/her (GIRLLLL I WOULD GLADLY PLAY SMASH WITH YOU)
@justmemyselfandthefridge – fridge, she/her
@garden-of-runar – runar; pronouns change based on feelings, currently says he/him in the intro post
@saintperseus – james; he/him
@cemeterygrace – noa; any
@mush-fool – mxri, mint; intro post currently says they/xe
@discoveredreality – ari; she/her
@sotiredimbored – kuko or ollie; any pronouns
@shark-tranny – noelle; she/they
@goobsie0 – goobs; any pronouns
@fairyycoffin – aster; she/they
@divinequo – he/him
@imadragonhehe – RAHHH IDK
@touslin – r; they/he
@cloverthesimp365 – clover; she/her
AND THATS ALL!! lmk if you wanna be taken off/correct your part of the list :3 (this will be updated quite frequently, if i can help it)
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ninthcircleofprythian · 4 months
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🔥- Smut 💕- Fluff 🙈- Angst 🩹- Hurt/Comfort
Masterlist Header by @saradika-graphics
Please read all warnings on fics - some fics contain heavy emotional topics and explicit descriptions. All fics will be appropriately tagged at the time of posting. Please read them carefully before diving in. Your mental health matters.
🔥 Winner Takes All - After returning from a girls retreat weekend at the cabin, Nesta and Celeste find out the Bat Boy husbands have made a bet they are sure to lose. (Azriel x OC Celeste)
🔥Here Comes The Sun - When the Spymaster of the Night Court discovers your little crush, you end up crossing a lot of firsts off your list. (Azriel x You/Reader)
🔥💕Dinner and Dessert - As his mate's due date approaches, Az can't handle the sight of her pregnant body in a sundress without going a bit feral. (Azriel x OC Mira)
Continuing Series
Unbound - Not having a mating bond didn't stop the love Azriel and Celeste have for each other or their commitment. When an unknown magic lingering from Celeste's past causes her to lose all memories of the last century, will they be able to rebuild their life without a bond tethering them together? (Azriel x OC Celeste)
💕🙈 Part 1 - They Don't Know About Us
🙈 Part 2 - Don't Pull Away
💕Part 3 - We're Going to Solstice Dinner -- and We're Gunna Get Married
🙈🩹 Part 4 - Dancing With Your Ghost
🙈 Part 5 - As The World Caves In
🙈 Part 6 - Numb, But I Still Feel It
🙈 Part 7 - Putting on a Brave Face
🙈 Part 8 - Take Me To Church
🔥 Kiss - Don't Tell - Cassian/Azriel - M/M - after a wild threesome months ago - Cas and Az get a little curious what things would be like without a third party involved
🔥 Make It Hurt - After a truly terrible day you come home only to be surprised by the one and only Eris Vanserra and he knows how to make it all better. (Eris x You/Reader)
💕 Stuck in the Middle with You - Eris relents to participate in a throuples Halloween costume contest at your insistence. (Halloween modern AU) (Eris Week 2024 - AU day) (Azris/Reader)
Continuing Series
The Bird and The Badger - a series of interconnect one shots told in non-linear order detailing the life of Eris x OC (Bryn) --- eventual Azris x OC (Parts will be listed here in chronological order)
💕A Matter of Trust - Eris needs to find someone he can trust to help with part of his secretive plan against Beron.
🙈Keeping Up Appearances - Eris and Bryn travel to Night Court to enact the bargain with Rhys.
💕A Pocketful of -- Ragweed? - (Short little drabble for Azris week) Eris might be snide and snarky with his words, but he sure knows how to surprise his mate with his actions.
🙈 May Her Memory Be a Blessing - no summary. please read the authors notes. this will hurt. emotional damage.
💕 When You Wish Upon a Star - just a little slice of life and domesticity for dad!Az and dad!Eris.
💕 Scrabble Drabble - Family game night after weekly dinners tended to get a little contentious. It wasn’t unusual for someone to quit midway through or to accuse another of cheating. It was no different now that Lucien had joined in the weekly tradition with his mate, Elain.
💕Icing Is The Spice Of Life - Elain may have slightly over-commited her famous holiday cookies to friends and family. But her mate Lucien comes to the rescue. Cuteness abounds.
💕 In which the fae of Prythian discover bubble gum - (Feysand, Nessian, Elucien, Azris, Mor)
Corner Productions
(Collaborations with Chaos)
🔥 Gold Star for You - silly NSFW smut headcanons of everyone and reader - Reader introduces gold star reward system in the bedroom.
💕 With This Ring - Headcanons about Eris Vanserra and his affinity for jewelry - especially after a certain Shadowsinger enters his life.
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spideyns · 2 months
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Like if u save or use
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iamqueenpotato · 1 year
I Hate That I Love You- Part Four
Azriel x Reader
A/N- Hi beautiful people! Here is part four! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter yesterday if you celebrate it. If not, I hope you had a wonderful Sunday :) This part was surprisingly longer than I thought it was going to be. Also, I made a header for this fic. I thought it may be easier than finding random photos of nature for each part haha okay I'm done rambling, enjoy!!
⚠️: None(I think)
Word Count: 3.5k
Part One
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You absolutely despised this place. Two days in, and you were over it. You hoped there was something of importance to report to Rhys, but there was absolutely nothing different about this camp. The fact of not finding anything started getting on your nerves. And of course, Azriel was as well.
You knew sharing that cabin would be an interesting venture, but he was everywhere. Always waiting in the sitting room or in the kitchen. He lingered and yet never said a word to you, but then again, you left the rooms so quick you never gave him the chance to speak. But after being cooped up in your room for hours, you decided to leave the cabin, wearing your leathers. You walked out the door, and there he was, chopping up wood off to the side. Shirtless.
Your eyes lingered for far too long, the way his arms flexed as he chopped each piece of wood, the sweat that gathered on his abdomen even though it was freezing outside, you knew he was stunning but in this moment you were reminded of it. You stared long enough that his shadows alerted him of your presence. You quickly moved your gaze away, a blush creeping up your cheeks. But you knew he caught you staring. He placed the axe down before walking towards you. You met him halfway.
“Shouldn’t you put a shirt on?” You asked, not moving your eyes from the tree behind him.
“Does it distract you?” He cocked an eyebrow, a small grin on his face.
“Don’t see why it would.” You then looked at him. The second your eyes locked, it was as if he lost all confidence. You brushed past him, not wanting to waste anymore time around him.
“Where are you going?” He caught your arm, pulling you back to face him.
“To do our job.” You pulled his hand off you. Letting it fall back to his side. And to be far from you. “I will be back by dinner.” You moved past him again. Leaving him and the cabin far in the distance.
It was the same thing as the last time you walked around this camp. No one seemed out of place or acted like they were doing something they weren’t supposed to. But you weren’t ready to go back yet. Perhaps if you waited a couple more hours, Azriel would have left.
You sat down on a nearby bench, attempting to control your breathing. You couldn’t stop replaying the hurt look on his face when you told him the two of you shouldn't be acquainted anymore. Why did it have to be so frustrating? Why did your heart and mind have to betray you so? Why couldn’t you just move on.
You closed your eyes, focusing on the rapid beats of your heart and not the way his entire being took over your mind. To say you were annoyed was an understatement. It was as though the universe only wanted to remind you of the torment your heart had been through.
“You dont belong here. Females don’t serve a purpose unless they are in the kitchen or the bed.” A male spoke up, causing an eruption of laughter to echo throughout the camp. You opened your eyes, finding a group of males around you.
You stood from your seated position on the bench, straightening your leathers. “So what I’m hearing is the only thing in your miserable life that has purpose is your hand?”
The males fell silent. The one that spoke bared his teeth at you. “Let’s see what sort of warrior you are.”
“I dont want to hurt your manhood.” Your tone was stoic, unbothered.
“You truly think you can beat me?”
You looked at your challenger, he was twice your size, muscles filling each inch of his leathers. Scars decorating his face.
It's too easy. “Don’t go crying to your comrades when you get beat by a female.” You teased, stretching as the other warriors moved in tandem to form a circle around the two of you.
Widening your stance, you brought your closed fists up your face, watching as he did the same.
The male advanced first, throwing hits left and right, but with simple slips to each side, you easily dodged them.
He left his chest open instead of guarding his body the moment after attempting to knock you down. So you threw your fist, colliding it with his diaphragm, sending him flying backward, unable to catch his breath. He attempted to stand from his kneeled position, but you were on him in an instant. Landing a solid right hook to his jaw. You threw yourself behind him, holding him within a chokehold. There was a part of you that wished he put up more of a fight. The mother knows you had more anger to spare.
He tried to break free, but you held your stance firmly, pulling tighter on your hold. Until you felt those taps on your forearm, did you let go.
The circle of Illyrians around you gasped and snickered as you pushed the male off of you. Not sparing a single glance towards any of them as you walked out the circle, wiping the small bit of sweat from your brow.
You found your seat back on the same bench, watching as two males helped your opponent off the ground. You gave him a slight wave, smiling as he kept his gaze to the ground.
“That was quite intriguing to watch, quick and efficient. Good.” An unfamiliar voice spoke up from behind you.
You turned to face him. He was an older male. Dark brown eyes and gray hair. He wore Illyrian leathers but you had never seen him before. His wings had plenty of marks and scars from battles, but his demeanor was off, like he was hiding something, being somewhere he wasn’t allowed. Secrecy loomed over his entire being. He held his hands behind his back, staring down at you with curious eyes.
Overall, he made you uncomfortable.
“Thanks.” You turned away from him, hoping he would take the hint. But instead, he walked around, standing right in front of you. “Can I help you?”
“I dont believe we’ve met. What is your name?” The man questioned, kneeling down in front of you.
“Why does it matter?” You stood from your seat, avoiding stepping any closer to him. There was something about this man that had put your nerves completely on edge. Maybe it was the tone in his voice or how he looked at you.
You sensed his movements, the arm that was outstretched to grab you. Pivoting, you snatched his wrist. He smiled. “Such talent. And heightened senses. Is each member of the inner circle as talented?” His smile grew wider, and you dropped his wrist.
“Who are you?” You placed your hand on your dagger that you had strapped to your thigh. Moving backward a few steps.
But the sound of footsteps behind you made you turn, your dagger held firmly in your grip toward whoever approached. You found an Illyrian warrior, his hands raised in surrender. You lowered your blade, and when you turned back around, the other male had disappeared as if he wasn’t even there in the first place. “Did you see that man?”
The other male shook his head, looking around the area with you as you spun in all different directions. You re-sheathed your dagger, mentally noting each feature of the strange male. You would have to talk to Rhys about it when you returned.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Surin.” He held out his hand, you took it warily. “I wanted to offer you a drink.”
“For what?” You responded, eyeing the Illyrian for any tells of something peculiar.
“For kicking Besian’s ass.” Surin smiled, his wings relaxing behind him. “That brute has been giving me hell for the last month, it was quite satisfying to see him laying on the ground so defeated,” You smiled this time, you could tell this male meant no harm. “So that drink?” He asked once more. You nodded, letting him lead the way.
Surin was an attractive male, though he didn’t look like most Illyrians. He had blonde curly hair and soft green eyes. His tan skin was painted with the few scars he had, but his features didn’t give off that war scorned look. You didn’t know exactly what he did or what battles he faced but the torment of death and suffering hadn’t taken over his soul yet or perhaps he didn’t let it get to him as the others did.
The two of you sat close around a fire he put together on the outskirts of the camp, drinking some liquor that he had in his tent. The sun had fallen far behind the mountains. The bottle you shared was halfway gone. You were dressed down to just your undershirt and pants. Surin brought out a light jacket for you to wear, but you enjoyed the cool air that hit your skin. The two of you talked about whatever. You found out he never wanted to fight. Secretly, he wanted to be a baker, but his family sent him to train anyway. “So your boyfriend is okay with you fighting random Illyrian soldiers?” Surin changed the subject, and you only looked at him with a puzzled expression.
“What do you mean, boyfriend?” You questioned, but you choked on your drink as soon as you realized. “Azriel?!”
Surin laughed, filling your cup with more amber liquid. “We all thought the two of you were together.”
“What in the world made you think that?”
Surin took another long sip from his cup. “He was constantly around you. The two of you seemed connected at the hip. He was like this overprotective guard dog to you. Anytime one of us stared at you for too long, he stared us down with such anger. It terrified everyone.”
You laughed in disbelief. “We used to be best friends. But we were never together.” It hurt to speak the truth, but it needed to be said. “And never will be.”
“Well good to know.”
You looked over the rim of your glass at Surin. His cheeks were slightly red from the alcohol. “Why is that?”
Surin leaned closer. “I know this is very forward of me, but,” He stilled inches away from your face. “Can I kiss you?”
Maybe it was the liquor or the stress of being back and the desperate need for some sort of relief, but you nodded. Surin moved the glass away from your lips, his hand reaching up to hold your jaw as he moved in to kiss you.
His lips were soft, and he moved with purpose. You moved your hands around his neck, his other hand resting on your hip. He moaned softly against your mouth when you combed your fingers through his hair.
Surin closed the remaining space between you two, pressing his body against you, lowering you softly onto the ground below, his hands explored your body, lightly trailing underneath your shirt as he deepened the kiss, it had been awhile since you had been with someone, the way he touched you felt new, exciting.
“Y/N.” Azriel’s voice broke through the silence. Fantastic. Surin started kissing down your throat. Placing soft kisses across your collar bone. You were shocked that the male on top of you was unphased by the sudden interruption.
“What do you want, Azriel?” You groaned. And Surin froze.
“Shit.” Surin whispered against your skin. You could feel his entire body stiffen against yours. You rubbed your hand up and down his arm to let him know he had nothing to worry about. You turned your head to look at Azriel.
“You told me you would be back for dinner.” His voice was emotionless as the two of you stared at each other.
“My plans changed.” You felt Surin snicker on top of you. Causing you to smile. Azriel scoffed, not saying a word before disappearing into his shadows.
You turned back to Surin, kissing him quickly. “Let’s go somewhere else.”
He nodded, moving off of you to stand, helping you afterward. He leaned down, placing a kiss on the spot underneath your ear, his hands sliding across your waist. Sending shivers down your spine. “Lead the way Y/N” He whispered. You grabbed the bottle of liquor, walking him back to the cabin.
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The morning after your head ached. The sunlight agitating your eyes. You vaguely remember Surin leaving, kissing you goodbye before he slipped through the door. To be honest, you didn’t know why you slept with him. Maybe it was just a distraction, but however you saw it, there was no going back. But you felt no regret.
You slipped into something more appropriate before heading to the kitchen. Only to find Azriel leaning against the counter, a scornful look pointed towards your direction. “What are you looking at?”
“Who left this morning?” He asked. His hardened glare never ceased.
“Oh you don’t remember? You rudely interrupted us last night by the fire. After that, I decided him and I needed somewhere more private.” You stated, and something flickered over Azriels eyes, anger possibly? No that’s not right. Your head was pounding too much to determine anything. His silence didn’t help either. You pulled a mug from the cabinet, looking back at Azriel. “Do you want the details or something?” You teased, noticing how bothered he was by the fact you had brought someone to bed, he seemed to show it clearly across his features, yet he could only stare at you, so you thought why not see how far you could get with this conversation.
You moved closer to him, never losing eye contact. “Do you want to know how he bent me over? How I screamed his name as I rode him to our climaxes? Is that what you want to hear?” Your voice grew louder, and yet he still remained silent, his shadows slowly creeping up and around his shoulders. He wasn't allowed to be bothered by this. He has no right to be this way toward you. “What changed Azriel? You would never care about such frivolous things. In fact, you ignored everything about me, and now you feel you have the right to judge me for everything I do. How the hell is that fair?” The anger had broke free. You couldn’t tell if you were screaming or the room surrounding the two of you got eerily quiet.
“You can’t trust those males.” He seethed, fists clenched at his side.
“Stay out of my sex life, Azriel. I don’t question your choices in females.” You bit back, leaning back against the counter. “How about you fly back to Velaris, fuck- Oh, sorry. Make love to your pretty little fiance. Maybe then you’ll be easier to deal with.” Azriel flinched. You struck a nerve within the shadowsinger. You knew you shouldn’t add fuel to the fire, but you weren’t going to hold back anymore. He deserved this. At least that is what you thought. “Perhaps then I can enjoy the company of more males while you’re gone.”
Without any warning, Azriel was on you in two strides. He caged you against the counter, his firm body pressed against yours. He grabbed your hair at the base of your skull, yanking it backward, forcing you to look up at him. Your heart pounded within your chest, your eyes wide as you gaped at him. There was no movement between the two of you, only the feeling of your chests rising and falling together. His face was too close to yours, your lips just a small movement away from his. His scent surrounded you like a fog. His eyes darkened, and there was no tell to what his motives were. It felt right but so wrong at the same time to be pressed against him like this. You knew you needed to push him off, but your limbs felt numb. “Get off of me.” You seethed, but your voice sounded breathless. You could only hope he didn’t notice what he did to you. The air between the two of you was blatantly tense. It was like each of you had a knife to the others back, unsure who would stab first. Yet it confused you only more. Why is there even tension at all? If you could even call it that. Maybe you had been too close to him for too long.
His hazel eyes shifted back and forth as if they were studying each and every one of your features. Deciding what his next move was going to be. He looked down at your lips, but you twisted your head to the side as much as you could against his grip. His eyes shifted back to yours. “We have training in an hour, go take a shower.” His voice was hoarse as he released his hold on your hair, backing far away from you. “You reek of sex.”
You watched as he stormed out the door. You looked around the cabin, trying to distract yourself in any way possible. Your eyes drifted towards the sink, filled with dirty dishes and an empty plate. Next to the sink sat a plate still filled with food. Did he cook last night? A sudden rush of guilt fell over you, your head spun, nothing made sense. You wanted to scream, to cry, but his touch had left your body frozen. You needed to calm your thoughts. Your only hope was that the shower would help. “I will not falter. I will stand tall.” You whispered over and over to yourself before heading toward the bathroom.
When you walked outside, Azriel didn’t look at you. “Lets get this over with, I have an engagement party to attend in a day.” Azriel began walking, never once glancing over his shoulder at you.
“Sorry Mr. Shadowsinger. Don’t let me impede on your happiness.” You snapped, his shoulders tensed. You slowed your steps, creating a decent distance between the two of you.
A small group of new young warriors waited for you and Azriel at one of the training rings. They stared at him in fear but threw hateful looks your way.
“How is she supposed to train us?” Guess the events of yesterday didn’t reach everyone’s ears.
“She is highly capable of training incompetent males like you.” Azriel snapped. “We are going to show you basic moves of how to fight with a dagger as well as defending against someone wielding one. Afterward, you will spar with one another until you get it perfect. I’m sure you all are capable of that.”
You swore the Cauldron was cursing you. Couldn’t it have been swords. Something that would keep Azriel at a further distance. You sighed loudly before preparing yourself.
The two of you took your stance. Pulling out your dagger, you charged first, swinging downward at him before cutting upwards, Azriel dodged each strike beautifully, and it only pissed you off. You advanced with more aggression, and with each move of your knife, you added a punch, he blocked each of them until his steps faltered slightly, and you twisted the knife in your hand, hitting him square in the nose with the hilt.
You smirked at him, but his face showed he was anything but thrilled. He advanced this time, leaving you to block his throws. He was throwing various combinations at you, and it was your turn to slip up. Apparently, he wasn’t holding back anymore either, because with the hit to your stomach you had let through had sent you flying, your back colliding with the mud. You inhaled sharply, groaning as the pain grew over your body.
You saw him run up to you, an apologetic look across his face. But you were determined to show that he could not beat you. So, you swept your legs against his, knocking him down. You slid across the mud over to him, sitting on his chest, pinning his arms down with your legs.
You held the dagger to his throat, the two of you covered in mud, breaths winded and lost. And as he tried to break free from your hold, you felt it. The one thing you dreaded wouldn’t happen.
The damn mating bond snapped within your chest. It felt so strong that you thought everyone around you felt it, too. It filled your body with a light that was unwelcome. It consumed you like a wildfire, suffocating the air from your lungs. In any other situation, this was your dream. All that you had ever wanted. But damn the mother. Why now. Why him.
“Fuck.” You cursed. It was all you could manage to get out, the only word that replayed in a loop within your mind and Azriel could only look at you with confusion.
You stumbled backward off of him, dropping the dagger into the mud. Azriel’s lips were moving, concern filling his gaze. But you couldn’t hear a thing. It was as if your head was stuck underwater. You blinked a few tears that threatened to fall away as Azriel reached for you, but you ran.
Far away from what the Cauldron damned upon you.
Taglist: @honestlywtfisgoingon @fanfictioniseverything @marina468 @positivewitch @maviee @blurredlamplight @bookslut420 @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @elle10 @dragonstoneprincess @holywolfsstuff @reiincarnatiion @valeridarkness @feiwelinchen @sv0430 @kennedy-brooke @emturtles @nightcourtwritings @zephyg-06 @chantalleke91 @katherinereid @shadowsingersmate24 @shadowsinger-654 @nobody00sthings @lucyysthings @turkishgirlslife @tcris2020
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beingsuneone · 11 months
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SYNOPSIS: You hadn’t lived in the Spring Court for a long time, not since the Night Court murdered your entire family except yourself and your brother, Tamlin. You don’t think about it much, except when you argue with Rhysand, when it becomes a threat. You always promise him that you’re sick of him and you’re going to return to Spring but you never do. Until you do.
FANDOM: A Court Of Thorns And Roses
PAIRING(S): Rhysand x Tamlin’s Sister!Fem!Reader
CHARACTERS MENTIONED: Cassian, Azriel, Tamlin, Mor, Amren
GENRE/AU: Pre-Amarantha/cusp of, some fluff, some angst, Lost Royalty Au (Tamlin’s lost Sister)
WARNINGS: Physical Violence (thanks Tam), mentions of arguments. LITERAL PHYSICAL ABUSE. TAMLIN SLAPS YOU.
A/N: the dividers looks best on dark mode, also dividers and header made my me :) also, this is both the first thing I’ve finished and the first fic I’ve posted since last year!! (My old fics aren’t up anymore) I reeeallly wanna write a pt 2.
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The snow crunches softly under your feet, which are already halfway to freezing and you’re only fifty paces outside of the townhouse.
You’d just had another fight with Rhysand and had threatened— for the millionth time— that you were going to return to Spring Court and live with your brother, Tamlin. The only member of your blood family still alive.
Both Rhysand and yourself know it’s not true. You’ve never made it down the first street in Velaris before you’re crawling back and begging Rhysand to forgive you. (Or visca versa)
Partly because you love him and largely because you’re terrified to return to Spring, No matter how petty your pride wishes to be.
When you were a young Fae, you had gone for a walk in the garden with your guard; It was late at night and you had been up due to nightmares. However, when you got closer to the Manor in Spring you heard a distinct scream and several loud noises, and your guard had immediately herded you as far as he could from the manor. All the way out of spring, and through the wall.
There, you were shunned by humans, and hunted by many; until a small family took you in, not caring about your pointy ears or inhuman beauty. They didn’t mind the flowers you magicked into existence or how you made their human babies laugh by shape-shifting. You were never dangerous to them, so they protected you until the day they died.
That was the day you returned to Prythian, mourning the loss of the only real family you had ever known.
Eventually you ended up in Night Court, wandering aimlessly around the vast nothingness of the court; you wondered why such a large and powerful court would seem to have almost no Fae in it— or even civilizations, for that matter. All you could see for miles and miles was mountains, trees, grass… anything in nature but no Fae.
You settled into a cave on the side of a cliff and foraged whatever food you could find. It wasn’t much but it kept you alive.
Until one day, a large winged man at the entrance of the cave, scared the ever-loving shit out of you.
“Oh- my Cauldron!” You had exclaimed, staring at who you now know to be Cassian.
He had given you a weird look and rudely remarked. “You’re awfully small for a Fae.” Then he amended, “although Amren is much smaller.”
You hadn’t known who Amren was, or what in the world he was talking about. “Who are you?” You asked him skeptically.
Cassian had opened his mouth to reply but then Rhysand walked through the door.
“I feel we should be asking you the same question.” He said smoothly. You had been immediately taken by him, his Deep Purple eyes and shadowy aura.
So much so, you almost hadn’t noticed the Mating Bond snapping into place.
Your eyes widened and one of his twitched as his cool expression dropped a moment. Rhysand, as good as he is at masks, wiped his emotions from his face a moment later.
He said, “Why don't you come along with us and tell us along the way.” He had paused and looked you up and down. “Certainly, it will be better than staying in this cave?”
You had just stumbled to your feet and nodded, taking Rhysand’s hand when he had extended to you.
That’s the moment that breaks you every time, what makes you turn right back around into Rhysand’s arms.
You remind yourself that he’s been with you for centuries now and he’s helped you heal more than you ever could on your own.
He’s the one who told you, despite his history with your family, that Tamlin was still alive; he was honest about his Family’s and his involvement in your family’s murder.
It had been hard not to hold it against him but you eventually forgave the man he is, not the kid he used to be. Besides, Spring had killed his family first, so, you supposed it had become an even playing field.
“Love,” Rhysand’s voice comes from behind you. “Please come back, I’m sorry.”
You turn around slowly, your eyes stinging with tears that threaten to flow. “Why do I do this every time?”
He sighs, and gently laces his fingers with yours. “We don’t think rationally when we’re arguing, Darling. It’s okay,” He pulls you closer and you feel yourself relax.
“Besides,” he continues. “I think you should go visit your brother— as much as I hate the thought of it.”
You pull back and look up at him. “Surely, he can’t have grown to be that terrible, Rhysand, he was a good brother when I left.” You think back to before you’d left but it’s so long ago it feels a bit blurry and out-of-reach. “Maybe inattentive but certainly not mean.”
Rhysand looks into your eyes, there’s an emotion loaded in his that you don’t take the time to decipher it because you aren’t sure you want to know. “My personal feelings skew how I see him, Darling, you have to see for yourself.” He pushes a stand of hair out of your face, and gently kisses your forehead. “Maybe it will be different with his own sister.”
You rest your forehead on his chest and he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Can we go back inside now?” You ask quietly. “My feet are freezing.”
Rhysand just chuckles and disconnects from you, save for taking one of your hands and leading you back towards the townhouse. “My love, next time you threaten to run away, please wear a coat and proper shoes.” He says playfully, flashes you a teasing smile.
You mock-glare at him, but can’t stop the smile that spreads on your face. “No, actually, I think I’d quite like to freeze to death before I ever make it out of Night.”
“Of course you would.”
“How far you make it this time?” Cassian smiles when you and Rhysand walk in the door, Azriel is already building a fire and Mor is smiling brightly in a chair in front of the budding flame. Amren is sitting in one of the other chairs grumbling about the lack of good blood to drink or something— you loved her but she’d always confused you.
“Didn’t make it down the block.” Rhysand says back to Cassian, before he sits you down in front of the fire to warm up.
You shrug him off, not needing him to baby you. “Knock it off, Cassian.” You say roughly, not actually mad but feeling even colder now that you’re in a warm space. You turn your head back to Rhysand, who's already leaning on a wall across the room. “And you, Mister Automatic-Heater, come back here.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” He says as Mor snickers at you. Rhysand sits down next to you and pulls you into him, using his magic to warm you up. You both know the fire never works fast enough.
You sit there for a long time, just lost in Rhysand’s presence, long enough that the others clear the room and go off to do their own things.
It’s only when everyone is finally out of earshot that Rhysand leans down, brushes his lips against the shell of your ear and whispers, “I love you, darling.”
You shiver and turn your head to face him before you place a kiss on his cheek and whisper back, “I love you more.”
“Impossible.” He shakes his head, pulling your face upwards, with two fingers under your jaw and his thumb under your chin.
You reach a hand over his and brush his hair out of his face, before you push his arm down and settle your hand on his cheek.
Then, you press your lips to his.
“Okay,” Rhysand sighs, you know he’s nervous about leaving you here. “I probably shouldn’t enter Spring, so I’ll wait here. Use the bond if you need me, please.”
You place a hand on his cheek, and get closer to him. “Rhysand, I promise you, I’ll be okay.” You swipe your thumb soothingly on his cheeks. “I have to do this.”
He nods, placing his own hand over yours, while nuzzling into your hand. “I know, my love, you can absolutely handle yourself.” He pulls back, and gives you a reassuring smile. “Alright, go.”
You nod your head once and walk over the border to Spring; before you take another step, you turn back. “I love you, Rhysand.” You say, assuredly. The words have more weight to them than normal, like you’re trying to convince both yourself and Rhysand that everything is going be alright.
Luckily, the Manor rests right on one of the edges of spring, so it’s easy to find after all this time.
After a few minutes, you reach the front gates. A guard tilts his spear into your path so you have to stop.
“What is your business here?” He says gruffly.
You straighten your back and try to find the most regal parts of yourself. “I am Y/N of spring court, High Lord, Tamlin’s sister.” You're sure you said it so demandingly that he’d just let you in but the guard just looks you up and down.
“Spring Court High Fae… In Night Court Clothes?” He shakes his head. “Plus our Y/N died several Centuries ago.”
You sigh. “I don’t need to convince you, I just need to speak to Tamlin. Please.”
The guard stamps his spear, as if to tell you to go away.
So, you pull out your last playing card. “Okay, Fine. As the High Lady of the Night Court, I demand a meeting with your High Lord.” You pause. “Unless you’d like to directly deny both myself and my High Lord?”
This sends the guard into a tizzy. He opens the gate and leads you inside. He abandons you there though, and leaves you with a red-haired man.
“Who are you?” You ask.
He raises an eyebrow. “I am Lucien. Who are you, and how did you convince the guard to let you in?”
You straighten up once again. “I am Tamlin’s sister, Y/n.”
He looks you up and down and gives you a ‘you’re joking, right?’ Look. “You’re in Night Court clothes.”
You throw your arms in the air and let them fall back down. “Yes, thank you for stating the obvious. Obviously, I believed all my family to be dead and sought a home elsewhere.”
“In the Night Court. The home of the people who killed your family.” His voice is flat.
“I ended up there, but it is not where I originally went. My personal guard, Claude, took me to the human world to keep me safe from the previous High Lord of the Night Court. He was hunted down for being Fae.” You stop, feeling the annoyance bubbling under your skin; still, Lucien looks as though you’ve just spun an elaborate story. “Just let me see Tamlin, he will recognize me.”
Lucien doesn’t move.
You continue. “Do not make me use my status again please.”
This catches his attention. “What status? because if you really are from Spring Court, you certainly don’t have any.”
Rolling your eyes, you pull out the ‘High Lady’ card, once again. “If you must know, and I’d much prefer you leave me to tell this to Tamlin, but I am the High Lady of the Night Court, and that is how I got inside.” You stare at him for a moment. “Can I see my brother now, or must I find him myself?”
Lucien practically scoffs at this point. “Now I really don’t believe you. It’s unbelievable enough that Tamlin’s sister would live in Night Court but, High Lady? That is not even a real title.”
You are really starting to get annoyed. “Okay, well, first, I didn’t even know that Night Court was the one to kill my family until I’d already met Rhysand, and second, we’re mates! I don’t really get to choose that, do I?”
You’re about to say something else but you stop. “Why in the world am I arguing with you. I don’t even know you. Where is Tamlin?”
“I’m right here.” A new voice enters the conversation; it’s deep but familiar, and there’s a new edge to it that makes your skin crawl.
When you turn to face him, he stops in his tracks. His eyes widen a fraction, and his lips purse.
“Y/n?” He says, taking a tentative step towards you. “Is that you?”
You sigh in relief. “Yes, it is. Although I’ve had a hard time convincing everyone else of that.” You close the gap between yourself and your brother and hug him.
“I thought you were dead.” He says quietly. “We never found your body. I assumed the awful Night Court took your body just as our father took their wings.”
You freeze at the mention of the wings. They are Rhysand’s Mother’s and Sister’s wings. Then Tamlin seems to notice my attire. The air turns cold, a power you thought only Rhysand and maybe the Winter Court possessed.
“Why are you wearing Night Court clothes?” He says, tugging on your sleeve. You pull away from him, just a few paces.
“When I escaped,” you start, feeling inexplicably nervous as Tamlin stares down at you. “Claude took me to the human world. I lived there for at least a century before my human family died and I came back here.” You stop, gauging his reaction. “Then, I assumed everyone else had died that night and couldn’t bear to come back to spring, So…. I just walked, and walked, and— you get the point.
“Eventually I ended up in the Night Court and I lived in a cave for a long time before Rhysand found me and—”
Tamlin cuts you off. “Rhysand? Why do you talk about him with so much familiarity?” His teeth grind and he looks positively fuming. “You do know that he’s the reason our family is dead, right?”
“Well, yes, but—”
“You would betray our family like this and become part of the Court who caused our demise?”
“No, Tamlin—”
He turns his face away from you, his fists clenched. “No sister of mine would behave this way.”
Your mouth drops open, but you snap it shut. “Tamlin, when I met Rhysand, I didn’t know who killed our family.” You explain calmly. “I was just a starving woman, living in a Night Court cave.”
He glares down at you, an air of superiority hanging around his head. “And how did you learn that it was Night Court? Who killed them?”
You take a deep breath. “He told me. Honestly, truthfully, he simply told me.” You stretch your shoulders nervously, and prepare to tell him that thing that you suppose will anger him most.
It's a reasonable reaction, you think; after all, if you’d been in his place, you’d be plenty angry that your sister was conversing with people who killed your entire family.
Before you can get out though, Tamlin speaks again. “You will come live in Spring with me.” It’s not a question, he is telling you what you must do.
Your eyes soften. “I cannot do that.”
“You can and you will.” Tamlin says with a finality in his voice.
You give him a pointed look now and reiterate, “No, I cannot and I will not.” A tug on the bond pulls your attention away briefly, and you realize how sick with worry Rhysand must be. You tug back to reassure him. “Tamlin, I live in the Night Court, that is my home.”
You know sugar coating your situation will not help, but based on his reactions, it’s becoming hard to get out.
“This will be your home again.” He says it so plainly, and though he tries to leave no room for argument, you know that you must argue.
“I’m the High Lady of the Night Court, Tamlin. This cannot ever be my home again.” You say sternly.
He falls quiet and unmoving for just a moment before he explodes.
“Not only have you been cohorting with our enemies, but you have married the worst one of them all?” He roars, you haven’t heard someone yell at you so thoroughly for a very long time. Even when you argue, Rhysand never yells.
“Rhysand is not a bad man, Tamlin, no matter what you may think!” You snap back.
It takes you a moment to register what happens next, but, before you can, you're on the floor and your cheek has a harsh sting.
When you compose yourself and realize what happens, you whisper. “Rhysand was right about you.”
His face goes red once more but he just releases a strained breath and spits, “High Lady’s do not exist, no matter what he tells you, dear sister.” Then with the meanest sneer you’ve ever seen in your life, he says, “Do not come crawling back to me when your life falls into shambles.”
You rise to your feet, dust off your pants, and try to retain your composure. “You are not the brother I remember, Tamlin.” Then, you turn and begin walking to the door. “In fact, I am not sure you are that brother at all.”
The manor’s door shut behind you and you tredge back to Spring’s edge where you know Rhysand’s comforting arms will be waiting.
You see him before he sees you, but his jaw clenches as soon as he does.
“What did he do to you.” He says it so flatly it doesn’t sound like a question; he closes the distance between you two and runs his thumb over what you assume is a mark on your face.
You try to make light of the situation to hold back the tears that are gathering in your eyes. “Things got a bit physical.” You amend, “on his end, at least.”
Rhysand does not appreciate the joke. “I should’ve gone with you, he never would have tried anything in front of me.”
You shrug. “I suppose that shows the kind of man he is.”
Rhysand turns your cheeks to get a better look at the mark. “No, Darling, I think this does.”
He lets his hand fall from your face, and so you wrap your arms around his waist, burying your stinging face in his chest. “You were right, Rhys. I should have listened to you.”
You can feel him shake his head. “No, you needed to see for yourself; I should’ve been there to prevent the worst of it.”
You pull away from him and look back towards the Manor. You spot Tamlin watching the two of you from a balcony, but you are far enough away, you can’t make out his expression.
Rhysand stares back, a silent promise for retribution, one way or another.
“Can we please just go home?” You tug on Rhysand’s sleeve. “I want to rid my mind of this interaction.”
He looks back down at you and smiles tenderly. “Of course, my love.”
You had fallen down into your shared bed with Rhysand and let the tears silently fall while Rhysand goes off to do whatever it is he needs to do.
You had told him you wanted a minute alone; after probably only ten minutes you had drifted off to sleep.
Now, you’re being shaken awake by Mor.
“Y/n, wake up.” She sounds panicked so you shoot up.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” You say, as your heart pounds, every fear you’ve ever had races through your mind.
She looks deep into your eyes. “We can’t leave Velaris,” her expression reflects sorrow. “And Rhysand is gone.”
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All content belongs to @beingsuneone , do not repost, copy or post on other platforms without my permission.
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stormhearty · 6 months
New Series Preview
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✨ pairings: eris x reader
🔮 preview: (Y/N) Vanserra was cunning, ambitious, and confident, all wrapped in a beauty that could rival Lady Autumn’s. For forty-nine years, she had been hidden away, in Autumn Court, much like a diamond, waiting for the day she could come out and shine. And so, when the threat of a Death-God loomed over Prythian and Beron slowly became a concern, (Y/N) uses her beauty and intelligence for a ploy bigger than herself — one that included sitting her husband down on the Autumn throne, Eris Vanserra.
📣 trigger warnings: none for this preview 🔎 rating: PG-13 | word count: (currently still writing)
💜 masterlist | series masterlist + notes: Just so that my blog isn't dead since I'm having writer's block with multiple of my fics. here is a snippet of the newest series that I am working on. plus my new fic header!
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His shadows lazily moved underneath him, not a care in the world about the female that seemed to have warped his mind in chaos.
You had become an enigma to the Spymaster.
And it was something he would go to the ends of the world to unravel.
He continued silently observing you from his position next to his High Lord on the dias, watching as you pressed yourself close to the Heir side, your hand tucked into the crook of his elbow, leading you through the throughs of people that packed themselves into the grand ballroom. He watched as your rouge dress, a stark contrast to the endless sea of black and blue, swayed around you — like a fire that danced in the darkness of the night. Even Eris stood out in his regality in a similar shade of rouge, Autumn Court colors seeping out from every inch of him.
The two of you maneuvered through the halls like flames blazing through the darkness — and Azriel was worried that you would burn his home down.
And when he watched you lean up to the Heir, whispering something into his ear before a boisterous laugh escaped the Autumn Heir, he sent his shadows across the floor, motioning them to listen in — and all the Spymaster hoped was to get a tidbit of anything relating to you; even just the sound of your voice would have been better than nothing.
However, hazel hues watched as his shadows retreated quickly as they had flocked. And it was only then did Azriel had seen it.
A barrier.
One that was so powerful and so thick that his shadows couldn’t even penetrate. He watched as the tendrils of darkness slithered away, retreating back to their master, hearing their cries of pain as they had attempted to break through the barrier.
That was the reason no one knew of your existence — why Azriel never heard of you, why his shadows never picked up your name.
You were a secret — Autumn Court’s well-kept secret.
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🎈 thank you so far for @prythianpages & @thesunloveschips for their input for this series!
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