#headers pedri
editsfcb · 1 year
headers barcelona
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please, like and reblog if you save!!
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fallingtodea · 9 months
icons Lionel Messi
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fav e rt se gostar
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km7bae · 1 year
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Pedri Gonzalez & Pablo Gavi Super Copa Barça icons + headers + lockscreens.
tag @km7bae if you're sv/using please.
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sbrinapacks · 9 months
sabrina and pedri gonzalez layouts plss!!
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jkookchaos · 1 year
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girls icons + pedri headers
like or rebelog if u used.
twitter @ hvrtzmount
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itlswhatltls · 14 days
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neyxmessi · 10 months
cant pick an icon somebody kill me
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bellcza · 10 months
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Just Pretend (Gavi x reader)
Part 2
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Most recent part
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Warnings: none
Word count: 3.5K
A/N: A Gavi fic where Gavi will finally be involved. How innovative.
Also the urge to change perspectives and write "you" instead of "she" is overwhelming so I'm just going to do it. IDK why I'm giving all these disclaimers - I'm essentially talking to myself.
To say you were exhausted would be an understatement. Your failure of a date had already left you with a severe headache, and to make matters worse, the people in the apartment above you had a cabinet collapse, waking you up in the middle of the night to the sound of 80 plates crashing to the ground. Training didn't even start until 8am, meaning you technically didn't have to arrive to Camp Nou until 7:30am, when the debriefings of the day occurred. But you couldn't say no to Gavi.
Your time at Barca had started off rough to say the least. On your first day, you had been excited, dressed in the official physio team uniform, and eager to get to know all the players and staff. But when Dr. Gonzalez introduced you, the reaction was not very positive. You heard the players whisper to each other that anyone who Xavi wanted to keep off the field would be treated by you. While it hurt, you couldn't exactly blame them: who would want to be the guinea pig for the student-in-training when they had other physios available with years of experience?
For the first month, you only saw the players if you were in Dr. Gonzalez's office. Despite the constant instructions for the players to "see y/n first and only come to me with major injuries", your office was constantly empty. Everyone wanted to be seen by the best - and that was not you.
Pedri had vaguely remembered you from that night in the club, squinting at you and saying that you looked familiar. You had considered not confessing how he knew you, but in a desperate effort to have someone like you, recounted when you had met. He laughed at the memory, and yet still never came to you for any discomforts. Gavi, on the other hand, didn't remember a thing, and you were not going to remind him for one simple reason: he was kind of an ass while sober. While sweet to everyone on the pitch, he was cold and easily frustrated when things didn't go his way, and the nature of your job was telling him things he didn't want to hear. The last thing you wanted to do was make him angry, because 10/10 times the club will choose the generational talent over some student intern.
So you avoided him. You didn't make any offers to help with his muscle tightness. You didn't evaluate the way he strained himself on the field. You even refrained from looking at him in the eyes whenever you assisted Dr. Gonzalez with his physicals, because Lord knows this boy loved to throw himself around the pitch. Gavi treated you the same. In the rare occasions when he looked in your direction, he offered short nods instead of words. The only time you heard his voice was for quiet thank yous when you handed him his shirt at the end of the evaluation. You'd be lying if you said it didn't bother you. The memories of Gavi leading against you, whispering softly that he drank to quiet his thoughts, were always in the back of your mind.
However, 6 weeks into your job at Barca, his cold front had to come down. You were in your office at Camp Nou, typing up progress notes from the day before, when some banged loudly at your door. "Come in." You yelled, still engrossed in typing up your notes, when the banging was heard again. You sighed in annoyance, opening the door and finding Ferran standing before you, holding up a limp and tearful Gavi. "What the hell happened?" You said, moving aside so he could lay Gavi down on the exam bed in your office. "He went up for a header and collided with Christensen. He landed pretty hard on his left leg, and then hit his head again." You glanced over at Gavi, watching the way he grabbed his left shin and writhed in pain. You walked over to him, trying to hold his ankle still. He immediately pulled away, sitting up way too quickly for someone with a head injury. "I don't want you to touch me! Ferran, where is Dr. G?" He shouted, the color quickly draining from his face. "He's not in until noon today. I already told you." Your heart sank slightly. Of course they didn't seek you out as a first option. There was no proof that you were any good at your job. You were just the only person available.
"Gavi, you could have a concussion, so please stop yelling and just lay ba-" "Don't tell me what to do. I'm not concussed. If you were good at your job you would know that." He replied. Now you were angry. It was moments like this when you were reminded that, despite his talent, Gavi was still a teenage boy, and if that's how he wanted to act, that's how he would be treated. You walked to your desk, grabbed your trashcan, and placed it in front of the exam bed. "I am good at my job, and given that you are paler than a ghost in winter, you probably are concussed. If, no, when the need to vomit becomes too overwhelming, do it in there. You can wait for Dr. Gonzalez for the next three hours, but don't get puke on my floor." You turned back to your desk, and resumed typing reports like you had been. Ferran and Gavi both exchanged a glance. "So you aren't going to do anything?" Ferran asked hesitantly. "I'm not going to touch Gavi if he doesn't want me to. If he wants to sit and writhe in pain and make his injury worse, that's on him. You can go back to training now." You replied without even looking up from your keyboard. It would be a cold day in hell when you let an entitled 18 year old doubt your competence.
Ferran looked back at the exam bed one more time before exiting the room and heading back to training. To his credit, Gavi held out for 25 minutes, a lot longer than most other concussed athletes. But the fuel of spite died down eventually, and he was leaning over the bed to vomit in your office trash bin. You suppressed your smirk as much as humanly possible. He then lifted himself to slowly sit up, and quietly said, "Can you look at my leg now?" You glanced up from your screen. "I know you haven't been out of school so long that you have forgotten how to say 'please'." Gavi huffed in frustration. "You know what? It doesn't even hurt. I'm just gonna get up and go back to training." "Yeah, stand on that injured leg. Take a week long injury and make it worse so you miss half the season." He stopped his motions to get up. You looked over at him, and he stared at you with that look of distress he always had on his face. "Can you please take a look at my leg?" He said, disgusted by the need to plead with you. "Much better." You said as you stood to put on a clean pair of gloves.
You carefully removed his sock and guards to get a better look at his ankle. It was slightly swollen but no bruising - just a minor sprain. He could be back on the field in a week. You pressed on different areas, looking to see if there were any where he felt excess pain. As you pressed right above his ankle bone, he recoiled in pain, hissing out a sharp "fuck!" while gripping his ankle. "Can you not injure me further?" He said while looking up at you. You sighed in frustration, and chose not to respond, rather just holding out your hand to indicate that he should give his foot back. He begrudgingly accepted, and you continued to examine his foot. "Mild sprain, nothing too serious. I'm going to bandage it and put it in a brace to keep it stable for the next couple of days." He nodded at the diagnosis. You went up yo his head now, shining a flashlight in his eyes to gage how bad the head injury was. "I'll have someone take you to the hospital to confirm, but it's just a mild concussion, like I said earlier. I'll send notice to Xavi to let him know you won't be at training the rest of the week. You sho-" Gavi jumped up before you could finish, making himself nauseous in the process. "I don't need to go to the hospital. Don't send anything to Xavi. I can work through it. I should just..." He couldn't even finish the sentence because he was reaching back for the bin to throw up again.
"Gavi, what is your problem with me?" You asked in frustration. He looked up at you in surprise. "My problem?" "Yes! You're always either cold or snappy with me, and always questioning my medical judgement. I know how to do my job, otherwise I wouldn't be here. So what is it about me that is so insufferable that you feel the need to be rude to me all the time?" Gavi was caught off guard. He didn't expect for you to confront him with such an honest question. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment, finally bringing some color back to his face. He laid back on the bed and signed, taking a pause before replying, "You're young." Your brows scrunched together in confusion. "You hate me because I'm young? I'll age eventually I promise." He couldn't stop the small laugh that left him at that. It was refreshing hearing Gavi laugh.
"I'm not upset that you're young. Well I am but not in that way. It's just... everybody here has so much respect for you. You're 21 years old, but no one ever questions your judgement or decisions. Dr. G is 57. He's been a physio at Barca longer than I've been alive, and he still consults you on everything. You're so young and no one treats you like it."
You were taken aback. You would have never suspected that the reason behind his anger was jealousy (or admiration?). "Gavi, I think you have some rose colored glasses on when you look at me. Maybe Dr. Gonzalez ignores my age, but everyone else doesn't. Have you ever seen any of the players walk into this office? No. They all skip me and go to my boss. I'm not really that great."
Gavi turned on his side to face you. "That's because you're kind of intimidating, not because we don't trust you." "Wow. Always great to hear." "Let me finish." Gavi huffed. "A lot of us get injured in really stupid ways. I mean really stupid. Like the time we were messing around in the locker room and Pedri slipped of a bench while performing Bad Bunny. No one wants to walk into the office of the young attractive physio and say 'hey I hurt myself being an ass'. Dr. G? Her knows we're dumb. It's just easier" You couldn't decide whether to focus on the fact that Gavi had just exposed Pedri or that he just called you attractive. You just stared at him for a moment with your mouth agape. You composed yourself and quickly started typing out a hospital request and a training excuse. "You know that they respect you too, right Gavi? Your teammates all think extremely highly of you, regardless of how old you are. And the people on the other teams don't beat you up just because you're young. They're threatened by the amount of talent that you already have, and are honestly frightened by how much you can grow in the next couple of years." You finished typing and looked back to him. "And you're kind of a dick whose always tackling people on the field." Gavi let out another laugh, this one louder and more carefree, as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "But no yellows thought." "Yeah, you must be bribing the refs." "With what money? You know Barca doesn't have any." It was your turn to laugh, being caught off guard by the statement. Gavi was picked up by his hospital escort, and visited you every day that week for rehab on his bad ankle.
Since then, Gavi used you like his own personal therapist, for both his physical and mental troubles. He would ask for you specifically for everything, from minor muscle tightness to major injuries. His confidence in your abilities spread to the rest of the squad, with more of the young players coming to you for assistance. Gavi always came first. You made the mistake of giving him your personal number "for emergencies", and he used it every day. He often asked you to come in an hour early so he could get personalized treatment without having to fight off Ansu and Balde, who always seemed to be standing by your door at 8am sharp.
"You're late. It's 6:45." "Good morning to you too, Gavira." You replied, handing your coffee and bag to Gavi while you unlocked your office. "I don't know why you keep this office locked - it's not like there's anything to steal." He said as he followed you inside, placing your coffee on your desk and your bad on the shelf. He had met you here so many mornings it was muscle memory now. "Oh yes, nothing important. Only the computer with the medical records of the whole team and all their personal contact information. Maybe I should let someone put your phone number on Twitter and let everyone know you're allergic to oranges." You replied as you turned on the lights by the exam table. "Leaking my personal information is one thing, but telling the public how to kill me is a little much don't you think?" He said as he hopped on the table, feet dangling over the edge. "My Lord Gavi, it's literally mild allergy. I would be telling the public how to give you a rash. Now what did you need me for?" You said as you pulled your hair back and grabbed some gloves. "You didn't see me limping as I walked in?" "No Gavi. You're always walking like you're holding a watermelon between your thighs. It's the hallmark of a football player. Now what do you want before I ditch you to go get breakfast?" "My right thigh and hip are really tight. I need help stretching them out because they feel misaligned." You sighed. "I taught you to do this yourself so I wouldn't have to keep getting up at 5am to readjust your hips." "I know that but it doesn't work when I do it!"
You shifted Gavi so he was on his back, proceeding to lift his right leg slightly and rotate it. Gavi hissed in pain slightly, but did nothing else to stop your movements. "I can't get a full range of motion when you're in sweats. Do you have shorts you could change into?" "Not right this moment no." "Alright then just take your pants off." Gavi whipped his head around, eyes wide at the statement. "What?" "You're in boxers right? It's like being in shorts. I don't have a ton of time Gavi come on. Now is not the time to be shy." You said, grabbing him by the forearm and sitting him up, looking expectantly. "I don't think that's a good idea." He said, avoiding eye contact. "Well than you can come back after training." He weighed his options and then got off the bed, taking off his shoes while you looked at him. "Do you have to watch me strip? Usually that's a service I charge for." You hadn't even realized you had been staring until he pointed it out, spinning around quickly in your chair. You heard him shuffling while trying to calm the blush that had started to creep across your face. "I don't get what the big deal is." You said coolly, pretending you had not just been overwhelmed at the prospect of Gavi stripping. "You change in front of the guys all the time." "Correct. Guys. Other men with penises who are not shocked by mine." You suppressed the urge to make a wildly inappropriate joke. "I have seen other naked men before, Gavira. I didn't study in a nun convent." You said turning back around when the shuffling stopped.
He was back on the bed, laying in his grey hoodie and black boxers, grey crew socks still on. He had his arms crossed above his chest, staring at the ceiling. You grabbed his right leg again, and started to move his leg to loosen the tight muscle. You folded his leg upwards, placing one hand on his knee and one on his inner thigh, causing his eyes to shoot open. His breathing got heavier, but he said nothing as you focused your attention on your work. His thigh was tight and muscular under your grip, sculpted and toned from years of training. You ran your hand along the back side of it, gripping and massaging the muscle to loosen some of the tension you felt there. As you put his leg back on the bed, you couldn't help but look at the bruises and faint tan lines littered across both of his legs. They were proof of just how hard he worked - how hard Gavi always pushed himself.
You tore your gaze from his thighs to focus on realigning his hips. "Hey, can you life your hoodie a bit for me?" You requested. Gavi exposed the bottom portion of his abs, desperately hoping that you didn't notice that he was blushing. You grabbed his hips, digging your fingers into the soft flesh to grab his bones. You ran your thumbs along the very bottom of his stomach, right before it disappeared into the waistband of his boxers, and felt how tight the muscle was there. "Breathe." You instructed as you began his realignment. Gavi always groaned in pain at this process. It was not a fun experience to have your bones shifted back into place. But it was a side effect of him dribbling (or as you would say waddling) with the ball between his legs for so long. It was not odd for you to graze the bottom of his abs, but never like this. Never when he was sitting there half naked with only one layer of cotton separating himself from you. He groaned from the pain of your movements and the pain of feeling himself start to get hard when you started applying pressure to his sides. He tried to think of something sad, something painful, anything besides the fact that you were leaning over him, touching him so gently while he was in his boxers.
Thankfully, you released him with a "You're all set", and he was able to pull his shirt down to cover his half bulge. You turned back around so that he could get dressed when the door opened. "Good morning y/n. Good morning Gavi in his underwear." Pedri said as her walked into the room. "It's just so she could stretch me properly." Gavi muttered under his breath, realizing that didn't make it sound better. "Don't worry, Pedri knows, he's been in here in his boxers several times." You say while throwing away your gloves. Gavi shot a look at Pedri from his position on the floor. Pedri put his hands up in defeat. "I forget my shorts a lot. Anyways, Gavi, Mister wants to see you so we can discuss new striking tactics." "How did he know I was here?" Gavi asked, smoothing over his hoodie as he stood. "Everyone in the city of Barcelona knows that if you're not in my car in the morning, you're in y/n's office. Oh, while I'm here, could I get more resistance tape? I forgot my roll at home." You rolled your eyes at Pedri, going to get him his third roll that week alone, when your phone began to buzz with message notifications. "Damn whose blowing up your phone?" Pedri asked. Gavi put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the door, pretending he didn't care about the answer. "Oh, just some guy I met at a club a while back. Actually, it was when I saw you there. Do you remember Martin?" You said as you finally found the roll of tape. "From Real Sociedad? Yeah, I remember. He carried your friend out of the club." "He messaged me last night saying he saw me when I was out yesterday, but was too shy to come say hi since I was on a date. He's been texting me ever since. I have to silence my notifications before he gets me fired." You replied easily. "Oh cool. See you later then, y/n. Thanks for the tape!" Pedri said, leaving your office with Gavi trailing close behind. Who had you been on a date with? He thought you were focused on your career. And why did this random Sociedad player have your number. His eyebrows stitched close together as he and Pedri walked to the locker room, and when he felt they were far enough from your office, Gavi smacked Pedri on the arm and asked, "When the hell did you see y/n in a club?"
I'm really proud of myself - I worked on my application essays! And I actually started to incorporate Gavi into the story more. Excited about where it's going.
GIF credit to @gavidaily
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editsfcb · 1 year
headers pedri gonzález
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please, like and reblog if you save!!
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ikram1909 · 1 month
Gavi's first season goal with a header assisted by an incredible long ball by Lamine, dedicated it for Pedri and kissed the badge and celebrated it like crazy and with fiercy with the team like he usually does.....please god bring him back to me
He cannoh be replaced 😭😭😭😭
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
♣︎♧ Alana's Masterlist ♧♣︎
smut- **
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Coffee Shops & Life Drawing
Grand Piano
Hidden connection
Late Night Arrivals**
Size Difference**
Proposals & Gem Cuts
Misdirection & Birthday Gifts
Wedding Day
Our Allens
12 pending requests
♡ HAKIM ZIYECH (not to be confused with achraf hakimi) ♡
Change of Heart
Dedication Perseverance <- HALA APPROVED
Overdue dinner
At Ease
Wedding Night**
Birthday Wishes**
Fasting & Friendlies
Sickness & Health
Our Allens
8 pending requests
2 pending requests
Jealous Streak
Celebrity Crush
3 pending request
♡ ACHRAF HAKIMI (not to be confused with hakim ziyech) ♡ off the list unless proven innocent
Newfound Responsibilities
Brownies & Macarons
Our Allens
2 pending requests
Happy Adjustments
2 pending requests
1 pending request
Friends with Benefits**
Partings & Reunions
Our Allens
Hero Rewards**
2 pending requests
2 pending requests
*this list is not exclusive, if u would like me to write about someone who isn't on the masterlist YET then ur still free to send in a request for them
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mqsi · 1 year
You are an introvert female Barca player. One day you forget your art work at Barca training grounds and Gavi picks it up. He looks through the pages and see a drawing of him. He than finds the name and questions around who the person is. When Pedri tells him, he decide to go look for her until it is told she left already. He then gets her address from a female Barca player, goes to her house to which the hosue keeper let’s him in and tells her she’s in her art room area. He sees her painting and dancing to bad bunny and gavi just watches and smiles as he admires all the artwork she has (some have Barca drawings with the males and female team)… you may end it how you like.
Hey love, I changed up the request just a bit, hope you don’t mind. Also @soccerwag actually did the same request, so make sure to check it out as well!
The header for this is my own Gavi drawing that I hung up on the wall (next to Pedri🤭)—————————————————————————-
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The team was just finishing up with training, Gavi and Pedri being the last ones to leave the pitch. They were dragging their feet, tired from all the exercises.
“Double check if you brought everything with you, I can’t deive you back if you forget something AGAIN” Pedri said, emphasizing the again as they had to get back yesterday for Gavi’s charger. Gavi looked around the training pitch one more time and was about to leave when he noticed something in the corner of his eye.
“I’ll catch up in a minute” he said, rushing off towards the far end on the bench.
“See, you forgot something again” Pedri yelled exiting the place and waving his hand around.
Gavi reached the object and was confused to find that it’s a notebook of some sort. He picked it up and realized that it was a sketchbook.
“What?” he mumbled to no one in particular. Peeling off the cover he met eyes with himself. He searched for the signature, eyes landing on a messy written date and name that he didn’t quite recognize. Gavi flipped trough the whole sketchbook, which he later realized was a bit disrespectful but he was curious. Especially becasue it contained most of the men’s team players. When he came back to the locker room, Pedri was already ready to go and everyone else left as well.
“The hell took you so long? What is that?” He said, pointing at the sketchbook in his hands.
“Someone’s sketchbook, she must be from the women’s team cause it was on a bench” he said.
“What, really? Let me see”
“I already flipped trough, it wouldn’t be nice to let you as well” Gavi said, placing the sketchbook in his bag.
“So what are you gonna do with it?”
“Return, does the name ring a bell?” He said, repeating your name to him.
“Yeah, she is from the female team. I met her once tho, she’s kinda shy. Why don’t you text Alexia or someone about her adress, I’ll drop you off now”
Gavi managed to get your adress from Alexia but not without being teased. Pedri and him reached your house.
“I’ll wait here, you sure you only want to return the sketchbook?” Pedri said teasing him as well.
“I don’t even know the girl” he said, exiting the car. When he reached your door, he suddenly got nervous. Maybe this was weird and he should’ve just left it where he found it. Meanwhile, you had your earbuds in, dancing to the music while doing another sketch. The last thing on your mind was that you forgot the sketchbook at practice this morning.
Gavi rung your doorbell and since you had music blasting, you didn’t hear it at first. You went to the kitchen to get a glass of water when you heard something in the backround. You turned towards the door and decided to check. Gavi rang once again and now you were sure someone was at the door. Taking out the earbuds you opened the door. Pablo Gavi standing on your doorstep was quite the sight that you were not ready for.
He smiled at you “Hi, I’m Pablo”
“Hi, yeah I know” you said, smiling akwardly and introducing yourself.
“Uhm, so I found this on the bench at training and wanted to return it to you” he said, handing you the sketchbook. Your heart skipped a beat.
“How’d you know where I live? Also since you know it belongs to me, I guess you went trough it?”
Gavi felt his cheeks flush at the question.
“Yeah I did, I’m sorry but I was curious. I asked your teammate about the adress”
“Thank you” you said, holding the sketchbook close to your chest.
“Also, they’re really good, you did me justice. But Pedri, generous much, he ain’t that hot” he said, making you chukle.
“Well thank you, I’m happy to hear that”
Gavi focused on your face. You were quite cute and seemed nice. He didn’t know what came over him to say this, but he did and now he has to pull it off confidently.
“I can pose for you live sometime, in a cafe or something”.
Your eyes snapped at him, heart thumping against your chest.
“So you want to go out with me?” you replied, also a lot out of character. Guess you were pulling each other to open up.
“Well, do you wanna go out?” Gavi said, smiling and crossing his hands over his chest.
“I would love to”
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jkookchaos · 1 year
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girls icons + barcelona headers
like or rebelog if u used.
twitter @ swifhrry
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pedriscroquettes · 8 months
How are you making the headers for the stories? They are so nice
headers tutorial!!
1. first pick three pictures that have a similar theme. for example i go on pinterest and find a picture from a player i really like and go in the suggested section to see if there are any more pictures from that event or match. for example:
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these are all of pedri wearing the same suit so i could use these
2. place your three pictures and turn them into square format. you can do this in your settings or any editing app you have. (i use alight motion) example:
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3. once they’re all in square format you can add any coloring you want on them. i used to edit so i use my old coloring but you can go on polarr and apply whatever filter you like! example:
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4. afterwards go on whatever app you use to edit and them together. once again i use alight motion.
i also use this picture for reference
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it’s from an enzo fic on wattpad unfortunately i don’t remember who the author was but all credits to them for giving me the inspo to do the headers
so the end result should be this:
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for the border i usually choose a color that kind of ties in with the all the photos? here it’s a dark gray almost black but i could’ve done a dark green as well or maybe even a dark blue or white.
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for the border i usually add rectangles and make them really skinny and simply make them a bit transparent to add the border effect like in the reference pictures
i hope this helped 😵‍💫
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iaeriy · 2 months
okay, joãos header bicyckle kick has me SHOOK.
althought the update for this month of my blog, i will be uploading a pedri fic anytime soon! as yet again, thank you for being patient, i appreciate you guys ☹️.
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