viirinsims · 1 year
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Lap Pool in New Orleans Ideas for a mid-sized, eclectic backyard renovation that includes a custom-shaped lap hot tub
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evenica · 2 years
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Lap Pool (New Orleans)
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headgehug · 1 year
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this is some kind of gay sex
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summerville-man · 25 days
No body likes me, everyone hates me, I'm gonna eat some wooooorms. Big ones, little ones, fat ones, skinny ones, I'm gonna eat some worms. First one's grease, goes down easy, second one sticks to your toooooounge... no body likes me, everyone hates me, I'm gonna eat some worms... I'm gonna eat some worms...
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thecharcoalsalamander · 5 months
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breadhalfburnt · 11 months
electrolytes to replenish
uhghhh.. food coloring to restore
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drake-dragon · 2 years
Love when you have a mutual that has a different series that they have themed themselves by and then you also get into it. Like yeah you really do have impeccable taste.
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th3j4germe1ster · 2 months
[ruth walks down the halls of Hatchetfield high. They were crowded, and she wasn’t wearing her headgear for once, since her dentist said she didn’t need it, and it would be bad for her if she wore it anymore. So her anxiety was going through the roof.
She kept looking behind her, gripping onto her books. Suddenly, she bumps Into someone.]
[she was about to apologise, but froze completely with fear as she looked up at him.]
( @ruthie-fleming )
(OOC: hey! Answer this whenever, no pressure! /gen)
[ Max caught himself before he could tumble, his eyes going wide as he glanced over his shoulder at the nerd, his curls bouncing as he let out a huff. That usual spark of anger appeared in his eyes before he felt complete rage. ]
[ The blondes shoulders tensed as he turned to the nerd. ]
“What the actual FUCK do you think your doing headg—“
[ No headgear? What the fuck was he supposed to call her now? His anger disappeared as he tried to think ]
“ shit..what’s your last name?? “
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birdologist · 8 months
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Snippet while I'm thinking about harpies.
Bajpur Rightfoot sat bathed in the filtered sunlight of the Headges, holding a cloth-wrapped package. They were small for their age, as a tenyear or so had passed since the last of their hatch feathers; heavy layers of armor bulked out their silhouette instead. They looked completely out of place here in the green pleasure gardens.
On their feet were leather-and-steel gauntlets, covering their already sharp claws with serrated metal points. The leather of their coat was pierced by sewn-in claws, spikes, and teeth, all of which would've taken an experienced biologist to fully identify. Rows of particularly large spines were sewn into their tail-sleeve, only the bottom left sleek so they could sit comfortably on their haunches. Cinched around their waist was a belt with pouches and a portable radio looped into it. Their clothing covered almost all of their body in dusty steel and damaged leather; they even hid the bottom half of their face behind a thin, old scarf. What skin was visible was a sunbaked brown.
Most of the people who visited the Headges with any regularity wore maybe a wrap at most, allowing for the social niceties that featherlanguage allowed. Friendly, proper, polite was the game. Right was none of those. They looked like a particularly violent breed of porcupine.
Their contact was taking a while to come to the meeting, but they barely cared. It gave them time to spend alone, without feeling like they were wasting the day.
The Headges were, as one might guess, located in and on Deka's head. They were comprised of beautiful, humid gardens in some areas, and more practical racks of growing food in others. At the moment, Right sat quietly near one of the large garden-greenhouse windows. It was lightly water-crusted from the constant mist, but clear enough to get a good view of the desert far, far, far below. They wondered if they would be able to recognize any of the landmarks down there: their latest exploit had sent them up the valley Deka was now following.
"I apologize for my tardiness," Glee's voice made them turn from the window. "Keenbolt had a concern and- well, you know how he gets."
Tris Gleesong was a towering figure; in more ways than one, in Right's opinion. Most obviously, folk were lucky if they could reach Glee's shoulders. A long, heron-like neck held their head much higher. They wore an airy, frilly sort of thing around their shoulders and flank, covering some of their white-and-blue plumage. Their face was long and angular, with dark brown eyes whose gaze Right didn't mind falling under. It had been a few years since Glee was formally Right's mentor, but the two had remained good friends. They still did business, too.
"S'alright," Right said, getting to their feet with the sound of flexing leather and clinking metal.
"Oh you did find something, did you?" Glee said before Right could think of how to say the same. They reached down to take the package from Right's hands, testing the weight before pulling the cloth back a bit. They looked at it for a moment, before their brows furrowed.
"You found this where, again?"
"Tunnels in the Painted Cliffs, deep."
"Did you find anything else?"
Right looked at them for a moment, before pulling their scarf off their nose. It had registered it was probably more appropriate to have a conversation with their face visible, especially since they felt like they were about to start asking questions of their own.
"The canary started going off, so I didn't get any further in. I could go back with equipment when-"
"No, that's alright," Glee cut them off, which was out of character. Even more out of character was the slow way they continued. "Don't tell anyone else about this yet, could you?"
Right nodded, and felt maybe they shouldn't ask what Glee meant.
"Good," Glee gave them a smile, the soothing one that Right used to know things were okay between them. They wrapped the package back up, and were putting it into their own bags when they spoke again. "Would you like to eat with us tonight? Theo got some interesting things from the market before we left."
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tiredjust1 · 9 months
Scott: Me and Ramona are gonna see Black Christmas and The Departed Kim you and Roxie take the kid to see any family friendly films
Kid: I wanna see Cars and Over The Headge
Roxie: Disney and DreamWorks now that's the teamworks
Ramona: Have Fun
*four movies later*
Scott: Hey how's the film
Kim: Great Roxie on the hand one of the trailers shown had spooked her
Kid: Was it the Happy Feet one
Roxie: Yeah I'll see the movie cuz Robin Williams and Elijah Woods
Scott: From Lord Of The Rings
Kim: Yep
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amaribelt · 11 months
*decided to pull an oracle card for you*
Hummingbird; joy
Lighten up
whattt nyyooooo im serious 42/14
i remember when i lived in cali i had a neigbor he was a older man and i kinda look like him looking like ramos from pokemon x and y he had a big beautiful garden multicolored flowers surrounded the yard colorful blooming vines adorened his walls and those shapped gardening headges things. i remember him inviting my mother and i over quite alot for like tea or coffee or whatever it is old people do. he had a bird feeder and a ornate bird bath but i think one of the most memorable things he had was a stained glass humming bird feeder, red greens and blues would reflect if the light hit it just right and i remember one of the days i was exploring the little garden for the hundreth time but no matter how many times i explored it felt like i was alice taking her first trip to wonderland and while i was looking at all the intricate blooms i saw it. a small dainty thing pink and green feathers that seemed to shimmer if you looked at them in the right light. it was messmurising and although everything was stuff i can view in my mundane non wonderland life its still magical everytime i think of it, whenever i think of humming birds that sweet old man comes to my mind. i never knew his name i was too tiny to remember but he truely ment a lot to me
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huhudiary · 9 months
७ December 30th 2023, 7:11am
๑ Today I woke up quite early and it's fucking cold, I had to turn off my ac and turn on my heater. Anyways my family and I are preparing for the New Year, 2024! I just know this year will be good! Anyways let's do a little recap of my 2023 (not in chronogical order);
✶ I started the year on January second with a shopping trip with my besties, Soomin and Soomi. I also did a shampoo for my dirty hair!
✶ I beat the shit out of Soomin's ex boyfriend because this bitch had the audacity to cheat on her.
✶ I dressed up as Harley Quin this year for halloween and got to school in my costume, and Izzy got jealous and gave me one of her hoodies to put on.
✶ Mama's planing to open a bakery, because he bakes so fucking good. I'm helping for the receipes!
✶ I almost died because I got on a cliff with unstable headges! I can still feel the pain of the fall in my knees.
✶ I got to bungee jumping in LA for the first time and it was so fucking cool! Also during this trip, I gifted Malia the car of her dreams!
✶ Theo's boyfriend got stabed, in our school library by a psyco bitch and Theo almost killed someon so Baba had to handcuff Theo to him.
✶ I tried to bribe my family for them to let me go to prom with my girlfriend, it was a succeful fail because as soon as they saw me making food for them and being very calm they knew I wanted to ask something, but they still let me go to prom.
✶ I kissed my girlfriend under the rain, my brothers were not happy at all.
๑ And voilà a little recap of my 2023! They are some missing things but those are history.
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headgehug · 2 years
sorry about the blood on your chin I wish it was mine or whatever
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libelelle · 1 year
headge hof
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emodennis · 2 years
2 for questions or any other you'd like! good luck on your interview <3
thanks headge!!
2. Describe your favorite pair of socks
mmm my koi pond socks :) they're turquoise-blue with little koi and floaty plants on them and yes they are cute but they have also held up the best out of all my socks (no holes at all! lol)
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quirkybird · 3 months
Oh cool... more free headge- SWEET JESUS WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!!!
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