#health visitors video
world-of-wales · 1 year
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Kensington Palace released a new video as part of the Shaping Us Campaign featuring the Princess of Wales as she visited a family who had been availing the help provided by heath visitors || 16 MAY 2023
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Paraphrasing my younger, theatre kid sister: The Andrew Lloyd Webber of holiday parks
And STILL no reason given as to why they're closing, and gammons gammoning as per usual
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo has a lot to celebrate.
The park, which celebrated its 30th anniversary on December 31 of 2023, also shared an exciting conservation milestone: 2023 was the first year without any elephant poaching detected.
“We didn’t detect any elephants killed in the Park this year, a first for the Park since [we] began collecting data. This success comes after nearly a decade of concerted efforts to protect forest elephants from armed poaching in the Park,” Ben Evans, the Park’s management unit director, said in a press release.
Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park was developed by the government of Congo in 1993 to maintain biodiversity conservation in the region, and since 2014, has been cared for through a public-private partnership between Congo’s Ministry of Forest Economy and the Wildlife Conservation Society.
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Pictured: Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park. Photo courtesy of Scott Ramsay/Wildlife Conservation Society
Evans credits the ongoing collaboration with this milestone, as the MEF and WCS have helped address escalating threats to wildlife in the region. 
This specifically includes investments in the ranger force, which has increased training and self-defense capabilities, making the force more effective in upholding the law — and the rights of humans and animals.
“Thanks to the strengthening of our anti-poaching teams and new communication technologies, we have been able to reduce poaching considerably,” Max Mviri, a park warden for the Congolese government, said in a video for the Park’s anniversary. 
“Today, we have more than 90 eco-guards, all of whom have received extensive training and undergo refresher courses,” Mviri continued. “What makes a difference is that 90% of our eco-guards come from villages close to the Park. This gives them extra motivation, as they are protecting their forest.”
As other threats such as logging and road infrastructure development impact the area’s wildlife, the Park’s partnerships with local communities and Indigenous populations in the neighboring villages of Bomassa and Makao are increasingly vital.
“We’ve seen great changes, great progress. We’ve seen the abundance of elephants, large mammals in the village,” Gabriel Mobolambi, chief of Bomassa village, said in the same video. “And also on our side, we benefit from conservation.”
Coinciding with the Park’s anniversary is the roll-out of a tourism-focused website, aiming to generate 15% of its revenue from visitors, which contributes significantly to the local economy...
Nouabalé-Ndoki also recently became the world’s first certified Gorilla Friendly National Park, ensuring best practices are in place for all gorilla-related operations, from tourism to research.
But gorillas and elephants — of which there are over 2,000 and 3,000, respectively — aren’t the only species visitors can admire in the 4,334-square-kilometer protected area.
The Park is also home to large populations of mammals such as chimpanzees and bongos, as well as a diverse range of reptiles, birds, and insects. For the flora fans, Nouabalé-Ndoki also boasts a century-old mahogany tree, and a massive forest of large-diameter trees.
Beyond the beauty of the Park, these tourism opportunities pave the way for major developments for local communities.
“The Park has created long-term jobs, which are rare in the region, and has brought substantial benefits to neighboring communities. Tourism is also emerging as a promising avenue for economic growth,” Mobolambi, the chief of Bomassa village, said in a press release.
The Park and its partners also work to provide education, health centers, agricultural opportunities, and access to clean water, as well, helping to create a safe environment for the people who share the land with these protected animals. 
In fact, the Makao and Bomassa health centers receive up to 250 patients a month, and Nouabalé-Ndoki provides continuous access to primary education for nearly 300 students in neighboring villages. 
It is this intersectional approach that maintains a mutual respect between humans and wildlife and encourages the investment in conservation programs, which lead to successes like 2023’s poaching-free milestone...
Evans, of the Park’s management, added in the anniversary video: “Thanks to the trust that has been built up between all those involved in conservation, we know that Nouabalé-Ndoki will remain a crucial refuge for wildlife for the generations to come.”"
-via Good Good Good, February 15, 2024
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northwindow · 2 years
where the heart is
a domestic syllabus [x]
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"lecture on the history of the house" by claire schwartz
poem by american poet claire schwartz, published in poetry magazine and her 2022 collection civil service.
"the house. from cellar to garret. the significance of the hut" by gaston bachelard
the opening chapter to bachelard's seminal work the poetics of space. bachelard theorizes that the house's role as a site of reverie lends it a profound influence on the psyche. coining his own term, topoanalysis, to explore this influence; he surveys different poetic images of houses as representations of mind and soul.
the bedroom: an intimate history by michelle perrot, trans. by lauren elkin
french historian michelle perrot's history of the western bedroom as the site of birth, sex, illness, and death; from the ancient greek kamára to the postmodern bedrooms of today. perrot traces developments in the bedrooms of royalty, families, laborers, women, children, recluses, monks, and travelers. see also "black in bed" by art historian ella ray on the legacy of black bed art and "the bedroom of things" by caitlin blanchfield and farzin lotfi-jam for a discussion of private space through digital images.
rooms by rohan mcdonald
animated short film by illustrator rohan mcdonald featuring interviews with participants about their rooms and homes.
never home alone: from microbes to millipedes, camel crickets, and honeybees, the natural history of where we live by rob dunn
book by biologist rob dunn about the nearly 200,000 other species that live in our homes, from welcome pets to reviled pests. dunn's work researching the ecosystems of houses has illuminated the sheer scope of creatures that thrive there, often unbeknownst to both inhabitants and scientists, as well as the benefits of a biodiverse household.
"human stains" by heather havrilesky
author and "ask polly" columnist heather havrilesky on the endlessness of housework and "the strange gift that laundry brings to our lives."
the midcentury kitchen: america's favorite room from workspace to dreamscape, 1940s-1970s by sarah archer
a visual history of american kitchens, using examples of advertising and deisgn photography to show the evolution of their aesthetics, technology, and cultural ideals. see also sarah archer's episode of you're wrong about on martha stewart.
"full spectrum" and "if these walls could talk, listen, and record" by emily anthes
excerpts from the great indoors by science journalist emily anthes, which investigates the intersections of health and design in indoor spaces. "full spectrum" (republished by next city as "everyone has a basic right to good design") follows an apartment complex designed for autistic adults. "if these walls could talk, listen, and record" (republished by slate as "senior care homes are becoming high-tech medical devices") reports on the promise and limitations of smart home technology for the elderly.
"inside out, or interior space" by rebecca solnit
essay from rebecca solnit's collection of work on place, the encyclopedia of trouble and spaciousness. solnit discusses the pursuit of the "dream home" through decoration and renovation, examining our desire to craft the perfect nest.
windowswap by sonali ranjit and vaishnav balasubramaniam
a collaborative online database of user-submitted videos shot from windows around the world. conceived as a way to "travel" during early phases of the covid-19 pandemic, visitors can shuffle through videos to experience the views from homes in a plethora of different environments.
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
But it'll cost ya...
"We're running out of rations."
"I need to repair my clothes-"
"We're out of health potions too-"
"Does anyone have any bandages?"
Today wasn't the day, it seemed, only struggle after struggle befalling your little group of heroes. Running out of food, coming across monster group after monster group, falling apart at the seams- you guys had nowhere the nearest town was, stumbling through a portal way beyond any of their timelines.
It sucked seeing everyone so defeated, even Wind looked exhausted from all the troubles, your heart aching as the young blonde cuddled into your side as the many others sorted through their bags.
There wasn't much you could do either, besides sit on the sidelines and watch them all wilt, running your hand through Wind's hair hoping it would soothe his ails while the eldest three discussed their options.
If only you guys had-
"Hello, traveller."
-A travelling merchant...
Heads spun in the direction of the voice, swords pulled at the ready as the trees shook gently at the approaching visitor, the sounds of something heavy and wooden dragging through the mud of the forest. Odd, the foliage barely moved from the movement, despite the very obvious sounds of something large and you couldn't help but watch intently, as everyone else prepared for battle around you tension growing with each second the owner of the voice got closer until they finally broke through to the opening.
"....A cat?"
Black in colour, small in size, eyes wandered over the group of confused heroes before landing onto you, its small cape billowing in the wind and dragging a miniature vardo cart as it approached you quickly, a small bell hanging from its neck that jingled with each trot.
It sat down politely before continuing. "I heard of your troubles through the wailing of the wind, you seemed to be in much of a pickle."
The boys were looking at you, eyes pinpointed as the little mammal removed its little reins, moving to the back of its cart and rummaging through the lot- at least, it did sound like a lot, something that surely should have been impossible but then again, when you were thrown through a portal by a video game villain and journeyed through the lands with heroes, everything started to seem more improbable.
"I have many wares." The cat explained, hauling a bunch of items from it's wagon to present before you, your eyes lightning up. "Food-"
Wild stood from rummaging through his bag, approaching slowly with bag of rupees.
"-Materials of sewing."
Legend also seemed to perk up at that.
"-Potions, bandages- many items for first aid-"
Hyrule was already by your side, the both of you sharing a look of relief.
"-maps of the area and more."
The group had surrounded you now, money bags at the ready, not even questioning the odd display of a little merchant cat- but then again why would they? Hyrule was filled with many magic creatures, they probably assumed the norm of the timeline, to have little creatures who could talk selling goods was just another Tuesday for them.
But...why did the cat approach you of all people?
You barely had any, just some you had found in the grass or through dungeons, you just had enough to scrap a cheap meal at a tavern.
The boys were practically rich for heaven's sake! They could probably afford all that was stored in the little vardo without a sweat on their brow!
"But it'll cost ya..."
The small cat's paw raised, toe beans flexing to show you four digits as it announced it's price.
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tastylemonbread · 24 days
At long last, Library's bio is here! A plain text version is available under the cut.
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The next god to receive a bio is being voted on now here!
Image 1:
[This one is divided into sections, kinda like a newspaper. The specific formatting isn't really relevant, and it's pretty plain anyway.
Library, #17
Domain over data, memory, and organization.
AKA The Librarian, The Archivist, The Cryptkeeper
[Next to this first section of text is a neat black and white drawing of Library's sigil, a simple symbol comprised of a 2x4 grid of eight rectangles forming a square. The borderlines of the square extend a little past the corners, and an extra line lays horizontal at the bottom of the symbol.]
(next section of text)
As old as written word, Library has sought to archive all written works, but expands their purview to include new technologies as they are invented. Though many may assume Library to be meek and nerdy, They can be quite a powerful force if they want to be, possessing abilities such as teleportation, mind reading, and spatial manipulation. It's rare to see these powers used outside of the Grand Library. Being arguably the god of information, they have quite a good understanding of the human mind, and can effortlessly transmit and receive thoughts as long as they have physical contact with the person. Even gazing into Library's odd shelf face is enough to get the mind racing, overclocked with too much miscellaneous information to process. Despite all this, Library is pretty incompetent when it comes to social interaction.
(next section of text)
Library holds domain over every written word, work of art, video, audio recording, line of code, punch card, receipt, label, stone carving, and anything else that may be used to store precious precious data. Though Library considers each of these (and more) to be fall under the umbrella of their domain, they do not have control over these. Rather, Library can simply feel when something like that is created, and a copy is set into Library's mind.
(next section of text)
Like many other realms, the Grand Library is located on a plane of existence  parallel from standard Earth. The Grand Library does not appear to have a floor, walls, or a ceiling, instead contained within a hazy white void filled with neat rows of bookshelves. Despite there being no visible floor, one can walk around as if on solid ground. The rows of shelves go on past what the eye can see, and the place is so large that finding another visitor is incredibly rare. The only entrance and exit to the Grand Library is a set of very large fine oak double doors which connect to the lobby of the Bureau of Divine Intervention, which is the realm of another god that I won't elaborate on here. There are other ways to access the Grand Library, but those doors are the only permanent fixtures. A reception desk is by the entrance inside the Grand Library, at which Library is typically stationed. Since the Grand Library is so inconceivably large, a guide is always needed to find a specific book, and that guide is Library. They can take your hand and instantly zip you to where you need to be. The process is very disorienting, especially for mortals and those who don't regularly visit. Library can always sense where you are, and can always hear you ask for help so long as you are in the Grand Library.
(next section of text)
Relations with other gods:
good: monument, arts, drama, machine, health, hive
bad: flame, sea, war, death, rot, fear
(end of the first image)
Image 2:
[Standing in the center of the image is a tall, slim figure with one hand behind their back and the other raised to wave awkwardly. They are wearing a plain yellow raincoat that conceals most of their body, and brown gloves and boots. Their neck is long, curved, and round, made up of a thick tube of wires with a metal zip-tie keeping them in place. Their head is a cubic bookshelf, with the open side of the bookshelf acting as their face. The multicolored books within the shelf head are arranged in a way that resembles the static color bars of an old CRT TV. There are two more doodles of their head from two different angles, which are described in upcoming text so I'll leave it out here. Around the figure are bits of text that kinda correspond to various physical features of the god.]
(these are the bits of text:)
When walking, their head bobs like a bird.
head is actually a bookshelf, with four little shelves at the bottom. Library's sigil in burned into either side. On the back of their head is a little computer with some wires connected running seamlessly into the shelf.
Big weird hands. Also wires?
Seemingly normal raincoat with a reflective stripe. Nobody's ever actually seen what's under it.
in comparison to other humanoid gods, library is very lanky, standing at 7'3" (222 cm).
Leaves no footprints?
(end of the second image)
Image 3:
[This one has sentences and paragraphs placed around without much purpose. There was some empty space, so I copy + pasted the same doodle of Library laying on their stomach with their feet in the air, but I stretched out the doodles to make em look sillier.]
Prayers, summons, and ceremonies are often answered with very verbose personal letters expressing gratitude, and rarely result in actual face-to-face communication.
Library has been spotted reorganizing human libraries and archives on Earth. They admit that this is a guilty pleasure of theirs, as they usually try not to get involved in mortal affairs otherwise.
All publicly available books in the grand library have been translated into a "universal script" which can be understood by absolutely anybody who is able to read in at least one language. Library is eager to teach people how to write universal script, but lessons are so long and dry that Library is still the only one who knows how to write that way.
Though Library's life is known to be well documented, they have taken efforts to seize all record of their past and politely refuses to share these records publicly.
The largest book in Library's head is actually a binder filled with articles, notes, photos, and other information about each of the gods. Library doesn't actually need to consult the binder, but they like to update it often.
Like many other gods, Library's voice is heard from a listener's POV as if it's just a voice in their own head. Library's "voice" varies depending on who hears it, but consensus seems to be that they speak gently, eloquently, and with a vaguely African accent.
Pulling on their wires isn't a good idea.
Though they appreciate Order's efforts to document and regulate godly affairs, Library finds it too much of a headache to navigate the Bureau of Divine Intervention, and tries to stay away from anything to do with it.
Miscellaneous books and scraps are always seen floating around the Grand Library, sliding into and out of shelves.
(end of third image)
This is the most I've had to describe, but lucky me, most of the images are just comprised of text. If there's any unexpected issues with this plain text version, please let me know. Even if it's just nitpicks, I'd love to hear it.
Thank you for reading/listening to my silly thing :^)
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The Princess of Wales’ Year in Review: June
June 1st - The Prince and Princess of Wales were present at the Marriage of The Crown Prince of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan with Miss Rajwa Al Saif which took place at the Zahran Palace. They then attended the wedding reception June 6th - The Princess of Wales visited Windsor Family Hub. That afternoon, she received Mrs. Alice Webb (Trustee of The Royal Foundation) at Windsor Castle June 7th - The Princess of Wales, Joint Patron of the Royal Foundation and Patron of the Rugby Football Union, visited Maidenhead Rugby Football Club June 8th - The Princess of Wales, Joint Patron of the Royal Foundation, held an Early Years Meeting June 14th - The Princess of Wales, Joint Patron of the Royal Foundation, held an Early Years Meeting June 15th - The Princess of Wales, Joint Patron of the Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales, visited Riversley Park Children's Centre. Later, she received Professor Eamon McCrory (Board Member of the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood Advisory Group) at Windsor Castle June 16th - A film was released highlighting the vital role that health visitors play in the community, which includes footage of The Princess of Wales shadowing health visiting teams at Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. That evening, the Prince of Wales, Colonel of the Welsh Guards, and The Princess of Wales, Colonel of the Irish Guards, attended the Senior Colonels' Conference and Dinner at Clarence House June 17th - The Wales family joined the extended members of the British Royal Family at The King's Birthday Parade, also known as Trooping the Colour June 19th - The Princess of Wales was present when the King, accompanied by The Queen, The Prince of Wales, and others, held a Chapter of the Most Noble Order of the Garter in the Throne Room, Windsor Castle. The King later gave a Luncheon Party for the Companions of the Most Noble Order of the Garter at which The Queen, The Prince and Princess of Wales, and others were present June 20th - The Princess of Wales, Patron of the National Portrait Gallery, officially reopened the newly renovated National Portrait Gallery June 22nd - Prince George was spotted touring Eton alongside his parents June 23rd - The Prince and Princess of Wales honoured Royal Ascot with their presence June 24th - The Princess of Wales joined Roger Federer in a video for Wimbledon, focusing on the ball boys and girls June 27th - The Princess of Wales officially opened Hope Street June 28th - The Princess of Wales, Patron of the Victoria and Albert Museum, officially reopened the newly renovated Young Victoria and Albert Museum June 29th - The Princess of Wales, Joint Patron of the Royal Foundation, held an Early Years Meeting. Afterwards, she held further meetings. The Country Life cover photographed by the then-Duchess of Cambridge won the Cover of the Year title at the PPA Awards, the ‘Oscars’ of the magazine world June 30th - The Princess of Wales, Joint Patron of the Royal Foundation, received Professor Eamon McCrory (Board Member of the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood Advisory Group) at Windsor Castle
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eretzyisrael · 5 months
By Prof. Gerald M. Steinberg
Throughout the 17 years since the Hamas takeover, numerous reports have been published and videos posted detailing the growth of the terrorist capabilities inside Gaza. The frequent clashes with the IDF exposed additional information on the terror network and command centers located under and inside civilian locations, such as hospitals, mosques, schools and residential buildings. In the course of the operation that began following the October 7 attack, the IDF and journalists have added to this information, posting numerous pictures and videos showing the links between the aid operations and Hamas installations.
UNRWA is the largest aid framework operating in Gaza. It employs 30,000 staffers, mainly Palestinians, as well as about 200 international staff members, many based in Gaza or periodic visitors. It strains credulity to claim that the heads of the organization were unaware of the Hamas activities under and in the immediate proximity of their facilities and residences. In fact, evidence indicates that UNRWA international officials maintained a code of silence and cooperation with Hamas and associated terror groups, including promoting their propaganda and incitement and training of children for terror. Many UNRWA teachers have participated in antisemitic social media platforms, as documented repeatedly by UN Watch and other watchdogs. (On UNRWA corruption, see “UN Aid Chief Quits Amid Probe Into Palestinian Refugee Program.”) In May 2021, following the 11-day conflict, the top UNRWA international staffer in Gaza was forced to resign after acknowledging that the IDF counterterror strikes had been “precise” and “sophisticated.” The logical assumption, to be examined in this documentation process and evaluation, is that other UNRWA officials would have had similar information.
In addition to UNRWA, at least 12 other UN agencies are active in Gaza, including UN-OCHA (the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs), the World Food Programme and the World Health Organization. A preliminary review of the history indicates that the officials and employees of these organizations also followed a policy of silence, and in some cases, directly cooperated with Hamas.
Similarly, UNICEF maintained direct and open cooperation with terror-linked NGOs, such as Defense for Children in Palestine (DCIP). UNICEF also provided medical services during the Hamas-organized violent confrontations along the border with Israel under the facade of the “Great March of Return” (2018-2019), which served as rehearsals for the October 7 massacre. In addition, UNICEF’s disregard for Israeli children targeted in missile attacks from Gaza, including those who were murdered, is another important part of the record.
The same questions and issues apply to documenting the terror-enabling activities of diplomats and officials from government aid organizations. The EU is the largest single financial supporter and aid donor to the Palestinians, and therefore likely to have been a major source of materials diverted to terror. In this context, it should be noted that the European Union’s Head of Delegation (ambassador) to the West Bank and Gaza, Sven Kuhn von Burgsdorff (2019-2023), met with officials of NGOs linked to terror organizations (see below), and in February 2022, participated in an EU-funded workshop “focused on the strategies and mechanisms needed to combat counter-terrorism policies, regulations, and policies (sic).” In July 2023, von Burgsdorff smuggled a paraglider into Gaza and demonstrated its use, declaring, “Once you have a free Palestine, a free Gaza, you can do exactly the same thing.” Three months later, the Hamas attack involved terrorists using paragliders.
The third category concerns leaders and employees of NGOs that operated in Gaza. NGO Monitor has compiled a list, based on UN financial information, of 70 NGOs that were active in recent years, and the total is likely to be higher. The largest, as measured by budgets and extent of involvement, include the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), CARE International, Catholic Relief Services, Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), and Islamic Relief. Many major donor countries, including the US, maintain a list of “trusted partners” whose activities and personnel are exempt from detailed oversight and review.
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While you're here, Plant, a quick question about Kate's visit to the children's centre yesterday and the video that came out after -- from the photos of the visit, it looked like at least two other women wore small floral print dresses similar to Kate's. From the video, lots of the women -- especially the health visitors -- wore small floral prints, so I'm wondering if perhaps this was more planned, perhaps because it's Spring and involves babies. It seems too much to be coincidental lol.
It was leopard!
I doubt it was planned. I bet these dresses are typical “mum wear” in the UK, at least for fancier occasions. I think Boden has a few every seasons.
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for-yoongi0309 · 13 days
[NOTICE] 2024 FESTA Ground Event Information
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Hello. This is BIGHIT MUSIC. We will be holding an outdoor event for ARMY in Seoul, South Korea in celebration of 2024 FESTA
[Event Overview]
Date: 11 AM - 9 PM, Thursday, June 13, 2024 (KST) Location: The area encompassing the Futsal Field and Sports Park within Seoul Sports Complex (near Woongbi Statue) in Songpa-gu, Seoul
ARMY ZONE - A designated souvenir will be given away to those who verify their ARMY MEMBERSHIP (GL, JP, US). - You can only receive one set, and stock may run out early.
- ARMY on June 13th Express how you feel about the 2024 FESTA through a drawing and put it up for exhibition. Share your experiences with other ARMY and discuss how you’re enjoying the FESTA. - BTS Capsule Grab! Check the Message of the Day by drawing lyrics of BTS songs from the capsule vending machine. (Try to find hidden special gifts!) - Upcycling Parts Craft Make your own 2024 FESTA logo using upcycled plastic parts, and take a keepsake with you to remember the day. Other small photo zones and sponsor booths of different types will be installed throughout the event area. Enjoy!
* Since Seoul Sports Complex will be hosting various events aside from the 2024 FESTA event on June 13, we ask you to be mindful of your safety and maintain an orderly environment. To ensure everyone's safety and smooth operation of the events, reservations may be required for certain interactive programs if the area becomes overcrowded
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📌 Important Information on Participating in the Event * SAFETY - Certain aisles will be closed off from usage or seating as they will be used as evacuation routes in the event of an emergency. Please follow the instructions of the on-site staff. - Safety and operation staff will be stationed throughout the event area. In case of emergency, please notify the staff member closest to you and ask for assistance. - Do not wait in line overnight. Any lines may be asked to disperse for safety reasons. * WEATHER & HEALTH - Please stay hydrated as the weather may be hot. If you feel unwell during the event, please notify the staff member closest to you and ask for assistance. - We recommend that you bring hats, sunglasses, umbrellas, and sunscreen to protect yourself from the potentially strong sun on the event day.
* TRASH DISPOSAL - Please reduce and separate waste to protect the environment. Please dispose of your waste in the waste bins on site. * MISCELLANEOUS - Videos and photos will be taken throughout the event area. These videos and photos may include visitors’ faces, and may be used as content for BIGHIT MUSIC. - Any illegal sale of goods around the venue on the day of the event is prohibited. If discovered, you may be held legally liable. - Any unauthorized individual events (handing out goods, performances, etc.) around the venue on the day of the event are prohibited in order to maintain safety and an orderly environment. - There will be no separate booths or spaces where you can store your belongings. Please be mindful of your valuables. - Please be mindful of your surroundings and avoid damaging the grass, trees, statues, and other facilities throughout Seoul Sports Complex
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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Kensington Palace released a new video as part of the Shaping Us Campaign featuring the Princess of Wales which shines a light on the important work carried out by the health visitors and the link they provide between families, heath centre's and education system.
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Good news!
I live near Chicago and remember the relentless pressure on Chicago policemen and firemen to get vaccinated against Covid. Watch the former mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, say, “They will be vaccinated,” in this triggering video. (do not open it if you get upset easily)
I took their struggle to heart because I, a frequent visitor to Chicago, was also discriminated against. I was not allowed to enter Cook County restaurants since I was not vaccinated.
Of course, being locked out of restaurants and gyms cannot compare with the anguish and stress of being laid off without pay. Such was the punishment Chicago workers endured for refusing the experimental vaccine that did not even work.
Today, the fired Chicago workers received the ultimate vindication: Chicago’s administrative law judge for a state agency ruled the city has to reinstate workers and make up for lost wages and benefits.
These workers are, at last, the winners: they kept their health and their jobs and received full pay. They are still victims of Covid vaccine promoters: no one will compensate them for months of worry, stressing out about not having money, family tensions, and more.
Sadly, only a few dozen resisters will be eligible: “One source said a few dozen employees may be directly affected by the decision.”
I am happy and sad simultaneously because thousands of Chicago workers were forced to vaccinate against their will. Nobody will ever compensate them for the loss of freedom or health declines.
Nevertheless, I am happy about the ruling - which is about two years late.
I hope the criminals who harassed and terrorized the unvaccinated Chicago workers and residents will be properly investigated - and they should not get any sort of a “pandemic amnesty” for their wrongdoings.
Thanks for listening, and please forgive me for being emotional.
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letsgethaunted · 6 months
Hauntie of the Week!
Name: Mary Liz
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(Photo taken by capturedbysawyer on instagram)
From: I live in Tokyo atm!!! (working holiday) but I'm from Ontario, Canada!!
Started listening to LGH? from the very beginning! 2019
What is your favorite episode of the pod? Episode 107: The Black Carpet and The Black Diver
Tell us something haunted! Personal haunting, favorite haunted story, etc: When I was a teen I was messing around when my friends and I were using a Ouija Board and faking the answers to be more ominous. My friend Christina made me promise not to call a spirit or she would punch me. I did anyway and immediately a branch hit the side of the house. When we were done I told them I had been faking the whole thing and Christina punched me like she said she would lol. I deserved it. Also, after listening to the episode about the night hag, when I was falling asleep that night, I felt a hand move from my stomach up to my neck. I woke up and ever since then I sometimes have trouble sleeping on my back cause it feels like I'm being choked.
What hobbies do you have? I like to draw and write and hyperfixate on RWBY
Favorite Music: Spice Girls, Janelle Monáe, Kero Kero Bonito, Scissor Sisters, Cocteau Twins
Favorite Movie: Whisper of the Heart, Sense and Sensibility
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Favorite Show: RWBY, Steven Universe, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Bee and PuppyCat
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What's a personal positive haunting that's happened to you? It can be something small! Just a few days ago was talking to my old roommate (we lived together for three years with her cat Mittens) on zoom and Mittens heard my voice and came over to see me. She doesn't leave her hiding spots often and doesn't come out when my friend has visitors. Except for me because I'm part of her pack T_T
Do you have any pets? yes and no. My brothers dog, Newton and my old roommates cat, Mittens. Also my dog from when I was a kid, Otis!
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What's a fun fact about you? I have a Film Production diploma and a Art Fundamentals certificate but no job! That's the arts for you! lol
Is there a charity, non-profit, or cause you'd like to shout out? Black Girls Smile (just gonna copy and paste) BGS is for and by Black women and girls! Black Girls Smile takes a holistic approach focusing both on the individual (Black girls and young women) and their direct support systems (i.e. parents, caregivers, school, and extracurricular personnel) to ensure Black girls have the resources to lead a mentally healthy life, but they also have the support among their stakeholders to aid in the empowerment of their mental health and wellbeing.
Are you a content creator? I am an aspiring YouTuber! I mostly make videos about RWBY but I also post some travel content about Japan and other places I've been too. Kind of figuring out the vibe I want my channel to have atm lol @marylizabetha on YouTube
I also post my art on instagram @marylizabethaart and also here on tumblr @marylizabethaart I want to make graphic novels someday too- that's my long term goal
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Anything else you'd like to share? I love graphic novels and highly recommend Monstress, Paper Girls, Saga and Ms. Marvel! Also recommend the show RWBY to people who want to watch a shoujo and a shounen at the same time lol!
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Do you want to be the next Hauntie of the Week?
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theprincientist · 1 year
Slow Progress/No Progress: Practice what you preach - Accountability Check
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Efforts that do not produce immediate results compound into life changing events.
Two years ago I started my skincare routine. It took a year to see results, but right now my skin looks smooth, glowing and beautiful.
My confidence skyrocketed and I only use concealer and eyeshadow - by choice - because I don't need anything else.
A year ago I started making efforts into changing my sleep schedule.
For over 5 years I had my day and night upside down, and it was really impactful on my life experiences.
I missed events, occasions and job opportunities over something I could 100% control but didn't have the tools to change myself.
After months and months of strategy planning and so much research, I finally have a routine I am proud of.
Up by 7. Sleep by 00:00.
My life has changed. I am more active, more friendly and healthier. ❤️
Two years ago I also started taking care of my finances.
I was broke most of the time, but I paid off every debt, and every big expense that needed to be taken cared of.
I fixed old health issues, I went to the dentist, I fixed my computer. Put every penny into things that needed fixing.
Now my money is for me. I managed to cut off all the big expenses to small ones and I'm enjoying the benefits.
I'm planning trips, going to events and eating out. All this while healthy.
But it took sacrifice. 2 years of seeing others "do better" and enjoying while I was home. But keeping the end result in mind helped so much.
Right now I'm working on my blog. I started on March 2022, but took a break a month later to regroup and came back strong in August making consistent effort since.
Right now I see over 2000 visitors and I know many more will come.
I just saw a YouTube video of a young woman that turned her blog into 6 figure business in 2 years.
So who know what will happen in 2024.
This was not A celebration post. But, I do feel good 🥺
So much has changed in 2 years.
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This is to tell you that sometimes we look at people who have achieved certain things and we want the same for us. But we don't know how much work it took to get there.
We are not putting in the same effort.
Someone will look at my life and say I got it all figured out, but I'm still learning.
And it took me years to get here. Years of working on myself. To change something so simple like my skincare routine or my sleep schedule.
I don't romanticise struggle. Specially if you're poor.
But the reality is, if you don't have money, you have to put in time and effort.
Start small. Be consistent. Efforts will compound to life changing experiences.
- The Princientist
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notyetneedcoffee · 2 years
Kicking Up Dust - Part 1
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: None in this chapter. Slow burn to NSFW
A/N: Takes place after 'Falcon and the Winter Soldier' with one major exception - Steve Rogers is not dead. He stepped down. This is in line with my Crossroads story. There will also be a parallel Steve story coming.
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New York City felt busier and more crowded than you’d ever known it. Perhaps the construction sites on every other block and the mass of detours made it worse. People walked shoulder to shoulder on the sidewalks, which was better than stand still of the cars. No matter the reason, you weren’t particularly happy to be back.
The lobby of Stark Tower underwent renovations, too. A subdue black granite memorial stood in the center of the mass entry hall to those lost in the battle with Thanos. You paused briefly, to look it over. Easily fifteen feet tall, the monolith had gravitas and restraint. It was nothing like some of the flashy tributes elsewhere else.
Also new to the lobby was a large glass and steel sign for the Integration Initiative. The foundation created by Pepper Potts and Steve Rogers to help people returning from the blip. They worked with the various governments and organizations unhappy with the Global Repatriotization Council. The organization also issued grants to organizations that help individuals rebuild their lives, relocation and rehoming, new career training, and even mental health services.
“May I help you?” A young man behind a marble reception desk smiled.
“Yes,” You returned the smile and handed him a business card. “I have a 10 o’clock with Ms. Potts.”
“Thank you.” He checked the computer and pulled out a visitor badge. “Kimberly will be down in just a moment to take you up. Please wear this where it’s visible at all times.”
“Thanks.” You stepped to the waiting area. Before long a woman called your name. She introduced herself before leading you to the elevators. On the seventy-second floor, you were taken to a huge office. Pepper called your name before you even entered. “Hi!” You met her halfway across the office and welcomed her hug.
“How have you been?” She motioned for you to sit.
“Busy. How about you?”
“Same. It’s weird being back here, but it’s what makes the most sense right now with all the work we’re doing. Plus, it allows Morgan to be here with me.”
“That’s good. I love the video you sent me of her cooking.” You chuckled.
“She’s got Tony’s mad-scientist thing going on when she’s cooking, doesn’t she?” Pepper grinned. “What’s the cause of the visit?”
You’d known Pepper for years, having provided her with antiques and art for Stark’s properties. Since the snap, though, you’d taken on a new endeavor. Combining your love of restoring old things, and your love of decorating, you started a company that restores large old homes and reapportions them for multi-family dwellings for those needing to reestablish their lives. It was work helped with grants from the Pepper’s company.
“I found something that I think is important.” You pulled out an old leather-bound journal and handed it to her. You saw her eyebrow rise as she read the owners name and a date written in beautiful script on the first page. “There’s a ton more.”
“Wait right there.” She got up and left the room.
A few minutes later she returned. On her heels walked Steve Rogers, reading the journal. You’d never met him in person, but the sight of him in jeans and sweater was new. So was the neatly trimmed beard. He looked, normal, relaxed even.
Pepper introduced you. Steve took your hand and lowered himself into the chair beside you. Held the journal, reverently. “Where did you find this?”
“A house in Connecticut, outside Danbury. It’s an old Victorian I just purchased and started to clear out for renovation. It’s been boarded up for 23 years. I did a little homework, and the last owner was listed as Wilbur Lewis. He inherited it 83 years ago. But I don’t think he’s the one who lived there, or if he did it wasn’t for long. I think his wife’s younger brother, Archie Peterson lived there, along with his wife.”
“Rebecca Barnes...”
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Bucky ignored the phone again. He could hear it ringing where it lay buried in the pocket of yesterday’s jeans, somewhere in the corner of his bedroom. It’s been going off all morning, but he didn’t want to talk to anyone. It’d been a bad night.
His nightmares were getting better. They weren’t as frequent since the whole business with Sam. Spending some time with his family down south and having a decent dose of normalcy helped. Still, they occasionally snuck up and bit him in the ass. When it happened, he was not fit for civilized company.
When the knock came at his door and he heard Steve’s even voice call his name, Bucky grimaced. It had been Steve calling. Now he felt guilty, too.
“Yeah, coming.” Standing, he straightened his sweatpants. He kicked the blankets and pillow into the corner, as he snagged a discarded tee shirt to put on. He opened the door without a greeting. Only old habits kept the surprise from his face. Steve wasn’t alone. He should have heard more than one set of footsteps. He really was distracted.
“You gonna invite us in or are we just going to stand in the hall?” Steve smirked.
“Oh, sorry.” Bucky stepped back, suddenly self-conscious of his barren apartment. The wood floor and high ceilings made the place appealing. However, he never could bring himself to do the normal things; to buy furniture or make it a home.
Steve bought the bed and had it delivered, even though Bucky rarely slept on it. Sam showed up with beer and the television one night. He found a little table and lamp that just needed a few screws tightened out by the dumpster. The blankets and pillow got picked up a corner store. Bucky didn’t even have the necessities by most people’s standards.
“Bucky,” Steve leaned against the wall by the door. “I want you to meet Y/N. She’s a friend of Pepper’s and does work under one of the Initiative’s grants. She found something you need to see.”
“Hi.” He shook your hand, scowling.
You got the distinct feeling this man did not like surprises. He looked so hard, so tired. The person standing before you bore no resemblance to the man described in Rebecca’s writings. “Sergeant Barnes,” You began.
“Bucky’s fine.” He frowned.
Nodding, you continued. “Over the last few years I’ve been remodeling large estates, converting them into homes for people who need a new start. A few weeks ago, I purchased a 7000 square foot Victorian estate that has been boarded up for more than twenty years. Thankfully, it’s a stone clad beauty and it stayed mostly sealed up.” You took a deep breath, seeing his growing impatience.
“I found a lot inside. Everything, actually. It’s just like the former owners left it before they died. I think it was,” You shook your head. “No, um, I know it was, your sister and her husband.”
His jaw went slack. With wide eyes he turned to Steve.
“I told you they fell off the radar in the fifties.” Steve shrugged “We found out that Becca’s husband testified against those gangsters, and they burned down the shop. After that there was nothing. No trace. Looks like they moved to Connecticut.”
“You’re serious?” Bucky breathed.
“Yeah.” You handed him the journal you brought. “I flagged a page there. It’s a few days after her wedding. She mentions you specifically. She got married on June 9, 1951.”
Bucky opened the book gently and read. After a moment, he covered his mouth with his left hand and looked up at Steve with so much emotion that you marveled that such a face could be so hard just moments before.
“Yeah.” Steve chuckled and squeezed his friend’s shoulder. “There’s more. She said there’s a library of stuff. A whole house of stuff to go through.”
“I feel strange going through it all by myself, and it’s way too much to just pack up.” You interjected. “I get that we don’t know each other, but we have friends in common. People I trust, trust you.” Bucky’s head swiveled to you. You offered a warm smile. “So, I want to invite you up. Come and stay a while, go through everything. Decide what you want to take.”
Bucky looked incredulous at you, so you continued with a shrug. “I bought the house to update it and remodel it. Everything that’s in it, though, belonged to your sister. Something there might be able to give you back a little bit of your family.”
“Go, Buck.” Steve gave his pal a gentle shake. “At the very least, you might find a chair or something to put in this miserable joint.”
Bucky huffed, not quite a laugh, but his eyes brightened. “Yeah, okay. I’ll go.”
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The Princess of Wales' Year in Review: May
May 4th - The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, held an Early Years Meeting. Later, she presented The Queen Elizabeth II Award for British Design to Saul Nash, on behalf of The Queen May 6th - The Duchess of Cambridge became Patron of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance, and she released a video message marking her new role May 10th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the opening of the Glade of Light Memorial for victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombings May 11th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Scotland. First, William and Catherine (in her role as Patron of Action for Children) visited St John’s Primary School, where they participated in a Roots of Empathy session. They then visited the Wheatley Group to see how it is transforming the lives of disadvantaged young people and families, before visiting the University of Glasgow, where they spoke to students about mental health and wellbeing May 13th - William and Catherine recorded and read a message for a special radio broadcast in honour of Mental Health Awareness Week May 18th - The Duchess of Cambridge attended a garden party at Buckingham Palace, along with The Earl and Countess of Wessex and Princess Alexandra May 19th - The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, held an Early Years Meeting. That evening, William and Catherine attended the Royal Film Performance of 'Top Gun: Maverick' May 24th - The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, held an Early Years Meeting May 25th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended a garden party at Buckingham Palace, along Princess Beatrice, The Earl and Countess of Wessex and The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester. Catherine also participated in a private zoom call with health visitors
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