beeleoblue · 1 year
Mm love medical misinfo on the dash
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digitalcombination · 2 years
How Australian Clinical Labs Can Help Your Health
How Australian Clinical Labs Can Help Your Health
Australian Clinical Labs Ltd. provides pathology testing for both routine and advanced conditions. Its services include routine pathology, genetic testing, first-trimester screening, non-invasive prenatal testing, hematology, immunology, and functional pathology. Its locations span Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia, and Queensland. Read on to find out how this company…
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forgetfulminks · 4 months
Oral Health
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Keeping your teeth healthy is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health! If there is an infection or anything like that present in your mouth, it can carry the bacteria to the rest of your body. Also, keeping your teeth and gums healthy is an important part of long-lasting overall health. So, how do we keep our teeth and mouth healthy?
Your daily oral health routine should look like this:
Brush your teeth twice a day with toothpaste that contains fluoride.
Use a toothbrush that is suitable for your needs. If you have sensitive teeth, you should use a soft or extra soft toothbrush. If you can, an electric toothbrush is always recommended by dentists, as it can brush your teeth very efficiently without you needing to move it too much (you just kind of glide it over your teeth and let it do the brushing motion for you). But, a normal toothbrush is also fine, as long as you brush correctly.
Brushing correctly means using small circles around your teeth, making sure to brush the front and back (and don't forget your back teeth). Also, try to angle your brush towards your gums when you're brushing so they can get clean too.
Make sure to brush your tongue as well. Your tongue holds a lot of bacteria, so it's good to brush it at least once a day. Make sure you don't over brush it though, as it can break the skin and cut your tongue.
After brushing, make sure to floss once a day. It's better to floss twice a day after brushing, but once a day is the minimum for healthy teeth.
If you can, you should be getting your teeth checked by a dentist every six months, as they can advise you on what you should and shouldn't be doing. They also clean your teeth very thoroughly, so it's a good thing to do for your oral health. But, I understand that those appointments are expensive, especially if you are not covered by health insurance. So, once you have some money saved, it's a good idea to go get them checked when you can.
Now that you've got your routine, here's some tips to keep your teeth healthy throughout the day:
Drink a lot of water throughout the day
Avoid sugary drinks, energy drinks, and fruit juice (or any drink with a lot of fruit in it).
Limit your sugar intake overall and try to eat a balanced diet.
Never use your teeth as tools to open packets or anything like that. This can cause your teeth to chip or crack.
Limit your coffee and/or tea intake and make sure to drink some water afterwards to avoid staining your teeth.
Make sure to replace your toothbrush at least every 3 months.
Note: some people like to use mouthwash, but it should be noted that people who have healthy teeth and gums do not need it. There are also risks in using mouthwash to mask bad breath, as bad breath can be an early sign of gum disease or some other serious oral health issues. If you are concerned about your bad breath, then it's better to go see a dentist about it. They can prescribe you a specific mouthwash that targets gum disease or, if everything is actually ok, they can give you some tips to fix the smell.
HealthDirect (Australian government health info site) - Dental care and teeth cleaning
Post inspired by elonomhblog
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gotta love it when you're having a chat with a friend and you both realise how fucked up and traumatised you are !
there isn't really much more to say than "welp! that sucks" and then you have to go on with life. but "that sucks" from someone who cares and understands means so much. even though we all wish we had better words for this. (a hug is also good.)
life's hard sometimes. worth it though! sometimes i do just want to yell "WHY!!!" though. and it takes even more effort but sometimes you Can make it less hard!
but some days it doesn't feel worth the effort, doesn't it?
in the new heavens and the new earth there will be no more suffering. and that's an excellent thing to look forward to - not that im expecting or trying for that to be soon, mind you - but I wonder what happens with all the fucked up families? broken relationships? etc
some times it's hard to understand that some people have better relationships with Their parents. it's harder still to imagine what it'd be like for the messes MY family have made to be healed?
sorry this post has been a little long, depressed, and incoherent. it's been a long day and im clearly at the Deep and Depressed part of sleep deprived. i'm not doing the best, but i'm fairly ok - you do not need to be acutely worried about me!
if you're in Australia and need help - resources below the cut
Lifeline 13 11 14 - mental health crisis support, available 24/7
Headspace 1800 650 890 - youth (12-25) mental health support, available 9am to 1pm AEDT
Emergency 000
Healthdirect 1800 022 222 - speak to a nurse and/or get access to health services 24/7
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 - 5-25 years, 24/7
Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636, counselling 24/7
Suicide Callback Service - 1300 659 467, talk to someone and schedule them to call you back and check you're still around
13YARN - 13 92 76, Free confidential counselling for and by Indigenous people
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ilyinterrobang · 1 year
Well, half of the funerals I’ve ever been to now have been for teenagers who took their own lives and they were both completely packed, I’m talking 400 people+ at each. If you are struggling please reach out and know that you are loved and cherished. Your mental health is so important. If you’re in Australia you can call or video chat with a counsellor at https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support or call Lifeline on 13 11 14. If you’re aged 5-25 you can access Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800. For more support services visit https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/amp/article/mental-health-helplines. Please reach out. We can’t lose you.
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nightfallsystem · 2 years
Okay so it was probably a year ago but it caused us to split (some people might know who sent this ask if they read it) but this couple who shipped bakudeku so hard were toxic af.
Bakudeku has now become a serious trigger for this terrible memory for us because they started yelling at us and twisting our words, eventually saying we should be in a mental hospital, the person who diagnosed us should be imprisoned for not forcing us to take medication and tried twisting our words trying to say we WAITED for our partner to turn 18 when we started dating them which ISN'T WHAT WE SAID AT ALL.
I don't even know anything about the ship and before all that bitch nonsense from this couple of fucking singlets trying to tell our system how our system is and should be, they kept trying to force bakudeku on us and it was ALL THEY FUCKING TALKED ABOUT.
Sorry for the vent we just really hate certain things.
Still don't know what bakudeku ship is or whatever since we clearly don't watch whatever anime it's from but as long as it's not proshipping I really do apologize if I offended and people who ship them.
I just had to get this off my chest because it brings back those memories every time. We were sitting so comfortably with how many alters we had and then BAM that caused a split and several other headmates to come marching in.
please just use tumblrs block option
dont vent in my inbox. i am a random 14 year old on the internet. i am not equipped to help anyone. im not even related to this situation either.
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ai-seo-services · 2 months
Review the Top AI Technical SEO Tools: Features and Benefits
Hello there! Are you on a quest to supercharge your website’s AI technical SEO tools? Look no further. AI Technical SEO tools is the game-changer you need, and today, we’ll be diving into the Best AI technical SEO tools for 2024. Let’s explore their features, benefits, and how they can catapult your site to the top of the search engine rankings. Ready? Let’s get started!
Why AI Technical SEO Tools Matter?
AI Technical SEO Tools is revolutionizing the world of SEO. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and automate tasks, AI makes technical SEO more efficient and effective. It’s not just about working smarter, but also faster. If you’re interested in how these Technical SEO automation with AI can benefit your business, read on!
Top AI Technical SEO Tools
SEMrush: The All-in-One SEO Powerhouse
SEMrush is renowned for its comprehensive SEO toolkit. It offers features like site audits, keyword research, and competitor analysis. With its AI-driven insights, SEMrush can help you fine-tune your SEO strategies and improve your site’s performance.
Advanced site auditing
Keyword magic tool
Competitor analysis
AI-based recommendations
Identifies and fixes technical SEO tools issues
Optimises content strategy
Enhances competitor insights
Moz Pro: The Expert’s Choice
Moz Pro provides a suite of tools designed to help you understand your audience, track your rankings, and boost your visibility. Its features simplify the process of identifying and resolving AI technical SEO tools issues.
Site crawl
Rank tracking
On-page optimization
Detailed SEO insights
Actionable recommendations
Improved site health
Ahrefs: The Link Building Giant
Ahrefs is best known for its powerful backlink analysis, but its AI technical SEO tools features are equally impressive. Technical SEO automation helps identify broken links, fix SEO errors, and improve overall site health.
Site audit
Backlink analysis
Content explorer
Enhances link-building strategies
Identifies SEO issues
Provides actionable insights
Screaming Frog: The SEO Spider
Screaming Frog is a desktop program that crawls your website, analyzing it for technical SEO tools issues. Its AI capabilities make it a favourite among SEO professionals for in-depth site audits.
Site crawling
Broken link analysis
SEO error identification
Detailed SEO tools insights
Quick identification of issues
Comprehensive reports
DeepCrawl: The Comprehensive Crawler
DeepCrawl is a cloud-based crawler that provides in-depth analysis of your website’s technical health. Its AI features help in uncovering issues that could be hindering your SEO efforts.
Comprehensive site audits
Real-time analysis
AI-driven insights
Improves site performance
Identifies AI technical SEO tools issues
Provides actionable recommendations
Google Search Console: The Webmaster’s Tool
Google Search Console is a must-have for any SEO professional. Its AI-driven insights help you monitor your site’s performance, identify issues, and understand how Google sees your site.
Performance monitoring
Index coverage
AI insights
Direct insights from Google
Identifies indexing issues
Enhances site performance
Case Study: Success Stories
Australia: Boosting Visibility with AI
Case Study: HealthDirect Australia HealthDirect Australia utilized SEMrush’s AI-driven insights to identify technical SEO tools issues, resulting in a 40% increase in organic traffic. 
New Zealand: Enhancing User Experience
Case Study: The Warehouse The Warehouse leveraged Moz Pro’s AI tools to optimize their site structure and content. Technical SEO automation led to a significant reduction in bounce rates and a 30% increase in user engagement.
Canada: Maximising ROI
Case Study: Shopify Shopify used Ahrefs to enhance their link-building strategy. By identifying high-quality backlinks and fixing broken links, they saw a 25% increase in their domain authority and a noticeable boost in search rankings.
France: Dominating the Search Rankings
Case Study: Renault Renault employed DeepCrawl to perform a comprehensive site audit. The AI-driven insights helped them fix critical SEO issues, resulting in a 50% increase in their search engine rankings.
Germany: Streamlining SEO Efforts
Case Study: Siemens Siemens utilized Google Search Console’s AI features to monitor their site’s performance and address indexing issues. This proactive approach led to a 20% improvement in their organic search traffic.
Implementing AI Technical SEO Tools
Implementing these AI tools is simpler than you might think. Start with a Technical SEO Optimization to identify your site’s current state. Then, integrate tools like SEMrush or Moz Pro to monitor and optimize your technical SEO tools continuously.
How AI SEO Services Can Help
At AI SEO Services, we offer comprehensive SEO Services tailored to your business needs. Our team of experts uses Best AI tools for technical SEO 2024 to ensure your site is optimized for search engines, helping you achieve better rankings and more organic traffic.
Embracing AI technical SEO tools is not just a trend; it’s a necessity for staying competitive. From SEMrush to Google Search Console, these tools offer powerful features to enhance your website’s performance. By leveraging AI, best tools for technical SEO 2024 can ensure your site is always at its best, ready to attract and retain visitors.For those seeking expert guidance, the AI SEO Services agency services are unparalleled. Our AI SEO Services include everything from on-page and off-page SEO to advanced technical optimization. Best AI tools for technical SEO 2024 ensure that your site is not only visible but also engaging and effective. Let us help you unlock the full potential of AI SEO tools.
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lurline86n · 2 months
Scoliosis – symptoms and treatment | healthdirect
poor posture
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angpagsibol · 4 months
WEEK 1- Will never underestimate it again…
I thought it would be an easy task for me since all I have to do is to have a consistent sleeping schedule. However, since I started my work this week, (my first ever job by the way) it challeged me a lot since I have to adjust and balance my study and work as well as my other role as a human being. Though having a first ever job has a big factor on my goal to have a consistent sleeping schedule, the main problem is still using my phone before going to bed. I am guilty with that *cries.
After doing my skincare at night, I can’t control myself not to use my phone specially when it’s tiktok— It entertains me a lot. I keep on saying that I will stop using my phone after 5 minutes but I am shocked when I see that 1 hour has passed already! I’ve watched a video about the so called “Dopamine seeking reward Ioop”. A dopamine is a type of chemical that gives us feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and motivation. In the Dopamine seeking reward loop, this chemical boost our curiosity to seek information that leads us to keep on going through something. I believe that I am related to this because I can’t stop scrolling as if I am looking for something and it actually satisfies me. I thought this personal change will be easy for me but when they say that first step will always be hard, I definitely feel that. On the other hand, the hours of sleep that I have is not that of a problem so much. As seen in the photo, my average data is 7 hours and 34 minutes. I must say it is close to my goal which is 8 hours. I am using the Health App to help me keep track of my progress.
Dopamine seeking reward loop is hard to overcome but at the end of the day, it will always be the discipline in myself that will keep me going. I may not have seen a good result for this week, but there are still a lot of time for me to improve and to get better. Fighting!
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Weinschenk, S. (2018, February 28). The dopamine seeking-reward loop. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/brain-wise/201802/the-dopamine-seeking-reward-loop?amP
Healthdirect. (2023, October 17). Dopamine. healthdirect. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/amp/article/dopamine
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debashis99 · 4 months
Developing relationships for wellbeing: Impact of Social Support
Our well-being is shaped by the relationships we have with friends, family, and members of our community—from the happiness of laughing to the consolation of sadness. However, in the hectic pace of modern life, the importance of social support can occasionally be lost in the chaos of everyday obligations. But below all of our busy lives is a deep truth that cannot be overlooked: social interactions are critical to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being (Umberson & Karas Montez, 2011). This piece will examine the positive effects of social support on our wellbeing and provide a novel intervention called "community volunteering" that can help us build stronger support systems and more meaningful relationships.
Importance of social support for wellbeing:
Humans are innately sociable beings, biologically predisposed to seek interaction and a sense of belonging. The significance of social support for our overall wellbeing is as follows:
Psychological wellbeing:
Healthy social connections are linked to reduced prevalence of anxiety, stress, and depressive disorders Having a circle of family and friends who provide support can enhance confidence and cultivate a feeling of connection (Harvard Health, 2010).
2. Physiological wellbeing:
Studies have demonstrated that people who have strong social support networks generally experience better physiological outcomes, such as decreased blood pressure, decreased risk of chronic diseases, and quicker rehabilitation from health issues or surgical procedures (National Institute on Aging, 2019).
3. Enhanced adaptability:
Social support functions as a coping strategy, supporting individuals in handling anxiety, regulating mental health and navigating the challenges and fluctuations of life with better adaptability (American Psychological Association, 2021).
Wellbeing Intervention: Community volunteering:
Community volunteering is an effective approach that can develop social support networks while offering multiple advantages to both the volunteer and the community (Nichol et al., 2023).
How to start community volunteering:
Choose an initiative or organisation that corresponds with your individual passions and values. Discovering a cause that ignites your passion, be it animal rescue, environmental protection, or supporting the homeless, will enhance the satisfaction of the experience. Establish a consistent volunteering timetable in order to cultivate significant connections with fellow volunteers and the individuals you are assisting. Regularity promotes trust and cultivates a feeling of belonging within a community (Building Trust in Your Community, n.d.). Engaging in volunteer work provides individuals with the chance to acquire different abilities and experiences. According to (Robinson & Segal, 2019), this might boost your confidence and give you a feeling of achievement. Volunteering enables you to establish connections with persons who have similar interests and a shared commitment to the project. These contacts have the potential to evolve into enduring friendships and a strong support system (Healthdirect Australia, 2019).
Social support is an essential part of our overall well-being, having an impact on our psychological and physiological. Participating in community volunteering allows us to fortify our social connections and make a constructive impact on society.
Umberson, D., & Karas Montez, J. (2011). Social Relationships and Health: a Flashpoint for Health Policy. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 51(1), 54–66. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022146510383501
Harvard Health. (2010, November 22). The Health Benefits of Strong Relationships. Harvard Health. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-health-benefits-of-strong-relationships
National Institute on Aging. (2019). Social isolation, Loneliness in Older People Pose Health Risks. National Institute on Aging. https://www.nia.nih.gov/news/social-isolation-loneliness-older-people-pose-health-risks
American Psychological Association. (2021, October 21). Manage stress: Strengthen your support network. Apa.org. https://www.apa.org/topics/stress/manage-social-support
Nichol, B., Wilson, R., Rodrigues, A., & Haighton, C. (2023). Exploring the effects of Volunteering on the social, mental, and physical Health and Well-being of volunteers: An umbrella review. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 35. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11266-023-00573-z
Building Trust in Your Community. (n.d.). Sense & Forum | No Nonsense Community Management. Retrieved May 19, 2024, from https://www.senseandforum.com/resource/buildingcommunitytrust
Robinson, L., & Segal, J. (2019, March 28). Volunteering and Its Surprising Benefits. HelpGuide.org. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-living/volunteering-and-its-surprising-benefits.htm
Healthdirect Australia. (2019, December 2). Benefits of volunteering. Www.healthdirect.gov.au. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/benefits-of-volunteering
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2001vs2024 · 5 months
Laryngitis | healthdirect
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rediscoverhearing · 5 months
Free Hearing Tests Perth
Your hearing is important, especially when you’re engaged in daily activities with family and friends. A hearing test will help you see how your hearing is progressing so that you can decide if hearing aids are right for you.
There are a number of different kinds of hearing tests, and the type that you need will depend on the cause of your hearing loss. You can perform a few simple online tests to see how your hearing is going, but if you have specific questions or concerns it’s best to visit a qualified audiologist who can help you understand the results and recommend the next steps.
A comprehensive free hearing tests Perth assessment will be able to pinpoint the cause of your loss and determine the type and severity of hearing damage. It will also provide all the information an audiologist needs to make recommendations about hearing aids.
If you have a hearing loss that was caused by an illness or injury, you may be eligible for subsidised hearing services through the government’s Hearing Services Program. You can find out if you are eligible by visiting healthdirect’s service finder. You can also speak to your GP or an ear, nose and throat specialist about getting a referral for a full hearing assessment.
The online frequency hearing test is a good option for people who want to get an idea of how their hearing is going, but don’t have the time or money to invest in a comprehensive test. This test will require you to select words or tones that appear on a screen in front of you, and is designed to measure your ability to hear frequencies between 500 and 8000Hz. The test takes between two and four minutes and can be completed using headphones or your computer’s speakers.
The Know Your Noise hearing screening is a brief online test that checks your ability to detect sounds in noisy environments. It will use a microphone to test your ability to hear sound in each ear, and you can complete the test with a pair of headphones or your computer’s speakers. The test will ask you to click a button every time you hear a tone, which can be repeated in both ears or just one.
An otoscopic inspection of your ear canals is another quick and easy way to check for a hearing loss. It’s typically done in response to a referral from your doctor and involves a quick look at the ear canal and a shortened Air Conduction Tone Test.
The Lions Hearing Clinic is committed to helping you improve your hearing and enjoy the sounds around you and conversations with loved ones. Enter your suburb or postcode to find the nearest clinic, and book a free hearing test with an audiologist today. You can also request a free trial hearing aid, with most reputable Australian hearing clinics offering a 60-day satisfaction guarantee. They can even offer a 90-day money back guarantee, depending on the brand of hearing aid you choose.
Rediscover Hearing the Joy of Hearing with Your local & WA owned Independent Audiologists. Your local Hearing Aid and Tinnitus Specialists. Combined experience of 38 years.
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symptoms of laryngitis ranking
sore throat: 5/10 inconvenient but bearable
cough: 1/10 I like to breathe and sleep healthdirect wasn't lying about irritating
can't sing: -10/10 emotional damage choir is life
can't thank the bus driver: -10000/10 I think I'm no longer legally permitted to use public transport, TfNSW will be coming for my Opal card any day now
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healthdefence · 7 months
Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference
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What is body mass index (BMI)? Body mass index (BMI) is calculated from your weight and height.
BMI is calculated by dividing your weight by the square of your height as follows:
BMI = Weight in kilos/Height in metres x Height in metres
You can find your BMI using the healthdirect BMI calculator. The calculator can give you an idea of any health risks related to your BMI or waist circumference. It also offers information based on your personal results.
Once you know your BMI, you can find your weight classification.
For adults, the BMI ranges and classifications are:
BMI under 18.5: underweight BMI between 18.5 and 24.9: healthy weight range BMI between 25.0 and 29.9: overweight BMI equal to 30.0 or above: obese
For further information: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/body-mass-index-bmi-and-waist-circumference
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nashwaelkady · 9 months
الطفل والنظافة
كيف يمكن تعليم الأطفال النظافة الشخصية؟ أساسيات نظافة الطفل الشخصية لا بُد من تعليم الأطفال النظافة الشخصية بعناية للمحافظة على جودة الحياة التي يستحقونها، وهُناك 4 أساسيات للنظافة الشخصية بالنسبة إلى الأطفال الأصغر عمرًا حسب موقع healthdirect، وهي: غسل اليدين، وتنظيف الأسنان سواءً كان بالفرشاة أو كان بالخيط، وكذلك الاستحمام بشكل منتظم، وتغطية الفم عند السعال، وربما يضطر الأبوان إلى مساعدة…
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smokymtnnotary · 9 months
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Looking for a notary to finalize your estate planning paperwork? Smoky Mountain Notary brings the expertise necessary to ensure your documents are properly notarized. With extensive experience collaborating with estate planning attorneys, we've authenticated hundreds of estate planning documents, both in conjunction with legal professionals and independently. Our services extend to meeting you discreetly at your residence to notarize your estate planning papers. Additionally, we facilitate group sessions for will signings. These gatherings allow participants to act as witnesses for each other’s documents, enhancing convenience and providing a pleasant experience for all involved. Our hosted signings have taken place in various locations like homes, churches, libraries, and community centers. We even provide discounts for group signings and can provide multiple notaries for larger gatherings. The holiday season presents an ideal opportunity to gather friends for a “will party” or group signing event to handle your family planning documents together. Should you require a Family Planning Attorney to draft your will or trust documents, we have a network of trusted attorneys in the Knoxville area and throughout Tennessee whom we can connect you with. For appointments or more information, feel free to reach out to us at 865-386-7398 #EstatePlanning #LastWillAndTestament #TransferOnDeathDeed #TOD #PowerOfAttorney #HealthDirective #LivingTrust #MobileNotary #OnlineNotary #TennesseeNotary
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