nyashaaghora · 7 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Thyroid What Is Thyroid Health, and What Problems Can Occur? . . . The thyroid gland is found in the neck below the Adam’s apple located on the front of the windpipe. It mainly controls how quickly and effectively the body uses energy, i.e. the metabolism and is responsible for secreting thyroid hormones into the body. These control the metabolism along with growth, developmentand the body’s temperature.. . . . There are a range of problems associated with the thyroid and these include: . . .• Goiter: Thyroid swelling and is often associated with thyroid inflammation known as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. . . . • Thyroiditis: An inflamed thyroid often caused by a viral infection or that of an autoimmune condition. It can be painful and often there are no symptoms. . . . • Hyperthyroidism: This is known as excessive thyroid hormone production. This is usually caused by Graves disease or even an overactive thyroid nodule. . . . • Hypothyroidism: This is caused by low production of thyroid hormones, caused by an autoimmune disease. . . . • Graves disease: Caused by an overstimulated thyroid, this is an autoimmune condition. . . . • Thyroid cancer: This is an uncommon form of thyroid cancer, but is mostly curable with radiation, surgery and other forms of hormone treatments. . . . • Thyroid nodule: These consist of small abnormal lumps or masses in the thyroid gland, they are extremely common and relatively few are cancerous. They usually secrete excess hormones and can cause hyperthyroidism. . . . • Thyroid storm: This is rare and causes thyroid hormone levels to become extremely high, thereby causing severe illness in the body. #Testimonial “Hello Mr. Redfern, I am writing a few words to thank you, I followed your advice and the nodule is gone, I still use Nascent Iodine 2 to 3 a day and I feel much better. Thank you again.” - Odette B. (at The Herbal Tea Shoppe)
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nyashaaghora · 7 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Polycistic Kidney Disease (PKD) What Is Polycystic Kidney Disease? Polycystic Kidney Disease, or Polycystic Kidney Syndrome, is a cystic genetic kidney disorder. The two types of PKD include:  Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) and the less-common Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD). What Causes Polycystic Kidney Disease? Polycystic Kidney Disease is marked by multiple cysts, often in both kidneys. The disease can occur in humans and in some animals. Numerous fluid-filled cysts can cause massive kidney enlargement. As the disease progresses, it can damage the liver and pancreas, as well as the heart and brain in rare cases. PKD is one of the most common life-threatening genetic diseases that affects 12.5 million people around the world. SC professionals believe polycystic kidney disease is caused by  genetic defects. Polycystic Kidney Disease FAQ Q: What are the plans and essential supplements for Polycystic Kidney Disease? A: Please follow my Polycystic Kidney Disease Health Plan below which includes Serrapeptase, Curcumin, Progesterone cream, Nascent Iodine and a multivitamin and minerals formula. #Testimonial “I have seen some good results from using Serrapeptase to help treat the symptoms of polycystic kidney disease.  Thank you!” - Emily B, Bristol Health Plans & Food Supplements available at http://www.HerbalTeaShoppe.com (at The Herbal Tea Shoppe)
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nyashaaghora · 7 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Cataracts What Is a Cataract? A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye. When vision becomes dim or blurred, then light can’t pass through the clouded lens to the retina in the back of the eye. This process sends signals via optic nerves to the brain, which in turn are interpreted into images. The lens is a clear body behind the iris, otherwise known as the colored part of the eye. The lens’ job is to bend light rays, transmitting a clear image towards the back of the eye, i.e. the retina. Since the lens is elastic, it changes shape and becomes fatter for objects close by and gets thinner when looking at objects in the distance. What Causes a Cataract? While cataracts can happen any time and at any age, they are most often the result of a lack of antioxidants within the diet that would otherwise counteract any free radical damage that occurs in the eye. Young people in particular may develop a cataract because of an injury, certain drugs, or long-standing inflammation in the form of illnesses like diabetes, the latter of which is subject to extra free radical damage due to high glucose levels. Cataract #FAQ Q: Is Serrapeptase safe to use with alcohol? Is Serrapeptase safe to use after cataract surgery? Will it affect lens implants? A: Serrapeptase should be taken with water 30 minutes before eating a meal. You can drink alcohol with the meal. It will not be a problem with the lens. #Testimonial “Life with cataracts was becoming unbearable. I was beginning to lose all hope that I could ever see clearly again. Then I found your site. The progress has been unbelievable, and I am now excited for what the future will bring once more. Thank you for all that you do.” - Jennifer, Ormskirk List Of Supplements Can-C (Nac) Drops http://bit.ly/2ASEnvw MaxiFocus™ 24 Nutrient Sublingual Spray http://bit.ly/2ARIQyN HealthPoint™ http://bit.ly/2AUQvfB Altrient C (Liposomal Vitamin C) http://bit.ly/2AVVDAn Curcuminx4000 http://bit.ly/2AVLfsl #Cataracts #TheHerbalTeaShoppe #TriniMillionaire #MaxiFocus #VitaminC #Curcumin #YourHealthIsYourWealth #EyeDrops #HealthPoint
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nyashaaghora · 7 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Swollen Glands What Are Swollen Glands? Swollen glands are the result of enlarged lymph nodes. In children, a node is considered enlarged if it is more than 0.4 inch in diameter. What Causes Swollen Glands? Infections are the most common cause of swollen lymph nodes, and this can include tuberculosis, German measles, ear infections, tonsillitis, mumps, gingivitis (swollen gums), abscessed or impacted teeth, and even sexually transmitted diseases. Other causes of swollen lymph nodes can include immune or #autoimmune disorders resulting in #HIV and rheumatoid #arthritis. #Cancers that may cause swollen glands include Hodgkin’s Disease, #leukemia, and also Non-Hodgkin’s #lymphoma. Some medications and #vaccinations can also cause swollen lymph nodes, depending on the circumstances. #Testimonials “My lymph glands were swollen for weeks, and then I got an infection. I was beginning to worry that they might never go down, and I was wondering what would be best to do. I have been taking the Serrapeptase as you suggested, and I have noticed that the swelling has decreased dramatically, which has been a relief. Thank you!” - Sylvia, London Supplements listed below: SerraEnzyme 80,000IU http://bit.ly/2vxOAJg Prescript-Assist - 29 Super Strain Probiotic http://bit.ly/2wFlAQ6 . . . . . . . . . . #swollenglandsinmylid #swollenglandsagain #swollenglandsonfire #swollenglands #swollenglandsarenotfun #swollenglandstruggle #swollenglandsonme #swollenglandsrashalloverandall #swollenglands #swollenglandssuck #swollenglandsinmyneck #swollenglandsftw #swollenglandsstillineffectyall #swollenglandsaretheworst #swollenglandsbegone #swollenglandslife #swollenglandsrule #swollenglandsselfie #YourHealthIsYourWealth #TheHerbalTeaShoppe #TriniMillionaire
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nyashaaghora · 7 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Ménière’s Disease For more info, visit HerbalTeaShoppe.com & follow @TriniMillionaire What Is Ménière’s Disease? Ménière’s Disease is a very rare disorder affecting the inner ear. Its symptoms include vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus, as well as a feeling of deep pressure within the ear. People who experience Ménière’s Disease usually have sudden attacks. These attacks can last on average for around 2-3 hours, although it can take a day or so for the symptoms to completely disappear. Ménière’s Disease actually progresses through different stages: In the early stages, people can have sudden and rather unpredictable vertigo attacks, followed by nausea, vomiting, and even dizziness. In the later stages, the vertigo will appear less frequently and can sometimes stop in around 5-10 years. However, the tinnitus can usually become worse and may cause permanent balance problems. What Causes Ménière’s Disease? The exact cause of Ménière’s Disease is unknown, but it’s thought to be mostly triggered by deep pressure within the ear. The chances of developing Ménière’s Disease include having a family history of the condition or a chemical imbalance of fluid within the ear. #Testimonial “I tried the Serrapeptase as you suggested and I’ve been very impressed. No more dizziness and the symptoms of my vertigo are reducing drastically. Thank you for all of your advice and recommendations…” - John, Lincolnshire Serrranol http://bit.ly/2sC6PeS (at The Herbal Tea Shoppe)
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nyashaaghora · 7 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Hay Fever⠀ ⠀ Supplements available @ HerbalTeaShoppe.com⠀ ⠀ What Is Hay Fever?⠀ ⠀ Hay fever is triggered by an allergy to pollen or sometimes mold⠀ spores. It happens because the body’s immune system reacts⠀ inappropriately to the presence of external substances, as if they⠀ were something toxic. The result is irritation and inflammation.⠀ ⠀ The symptoms of hay fever usually run in families, and it is related⠀ to eczema and asthma. It’s usually common to find members in a⠀ family who have asthma, hay fever, or sometimes even eczema.⠀ It’s also possible to have some people who have hay fever and⠀ others with eczema, or even more than one of these conditions.⠀ ⠀ Symptoms vary but usually include a runny/blocked nose;⠀ sneezing; and red, itchy, or even watery eyes, along with an itchy⠀ throat. This is usually accompanied by a wheezy chest, which⠀ could refer to a degree of asthma. The peak time for pollen is⠀ during the early summer as school and university exams take⠀ place. This can make it difficult for sufferers to revise and to do⠀ well on their examinations.⠀ ⠀ What Causes Hay Fever?⠀ ⠀ The cause is erroneously said by so-called experts to be pollen. Of⠀ course, they mean to say it is caused by a dysfunctional immune⠀ system and triggered by the different pollens that are present at⠀ different times of year. This means the time that you are affected⠀ depends on the pollen to which you are allergic. Other factors⠀ which can aggravate the situation are weather and air quality.⠀ ⠀ Invariably, it is the result of intolerance to foods such as wheat⠀ and dairy products. A bowel dysfunction such as constipation⠀ (not passing stools 2-3 times per day) will contribute. Not drinking⠀ enough water, 8 glasses per day (as opposed to tea, coffee, and soft⠀ drinks), will also be implicated. Poor diet is absolutely a contributing⠀ factor. Low friendly flora in the digestive tract is also responsible. This⠀ leads to a buildup of unhealthy tissue, causing allergic responses. (at The Herbal Tea Shoppe)
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nyashaaghora · 7 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Chronic Ear Infections⠀ ⠀ Supplements available @ http://www.HerbalTeaShoppe.com⠀ ⠀ ⠀ What Is Chronic Ear Infections?⠀ ⠀ A chronic ear infection is an infection that causes a discharge.⠀ ⠀ ⠀ What Causes Chronic Ear Infection?⠀ ⠀ Invariably, it is the result of intolerance to foods such as wheat and dairy products. A bowel dysfunction such as constipation (not passing stools 2-3 times per day) will contribute. Not drinking enough water –8 glasses per day are recommended (as opposed to tea, coffee, and soft drinks) will also be implicated. Poor diet is absolutely a contributor as it leads to unhealthy tissue and is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria/fungus/yeast infections (Candida).⠀ ⠀ Serrapeptase helps immensely as it clears out all of the inflammation and mucus. By clearing away this problem tissue, it enables the body’s own immune system to deal more easily⠀ with the infection. #Testimonial “My right ear was oozing a mucuousy discharge for weeks and it was causing me a great deal of distress. I started taking the Serrapeptase, SerraEnzyme 80,000IU as you recommended and I’ve noticed a big difference. I have also cut out the wheat and dairy as you suggested and overall I am feeling much better now, as well as the symptoms associated with the infection seemingly⠀ having disappeared. Thank you…”⠀ ⠀ - John, Leeds⠀ #RobertRedfern #ChronicEarInfections #EarInfections #ChronicInfections #Chronic #Ear #Infections⠀ #TriniMillionaire #TheHerbalTeaShoppe⠀ #YourHealthIsYourWealth⠀ #HealthyLiving #HealthPlan⠀ #Healthy #Fit #Strong⠀ #Exercise #HealthyFood⠀ #Supplements #Medication #Meds #NaturallyHealthy #YourFuture⠀ #DiseaseManagement⠀ #HumanBody #Lifestyle ⠀ #Deficiency ⠀ #Vitality #Stamina (at The Herbal Tea Shoppe)
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nyashaaghora · 7 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Liver Disease . . . *** Link In Bio *** . . . What Is Liver Disease? Liver diseases may include inflammation of the liver, hepatitis, fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, alcoholic liver disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and other genetic disorders. Symptoms of liver dysfunction include: • Various digestive issues • Blood sugar problems • Immune disorders • Abnormal fat absorption • Metabolic issues • Brain disorders Fat malabsorption may cause a number of related issues, including reflux, indigestion, hemorrhoids, gallstones, fatty food intolerance, alcohol intolerance, fat-soluble vitamin deficiency, nausea and vomiting, bloating, and constipation. Brain disorders related to liver disease may include mood changes like anger and irritability, depression, brain fog, overheating, and recurrent headaches associated with nausea. What Causes Liver Disease? There are a number of causes of liver disease that may include autoimmune issues related to a virus, pharmaceutical drugs, chemical toxins, alcohol poisoning, processed junk foods, highsugar foods, starchy carbohydrates, and an excess of copper or iron triggered by genetic issues, in rare cases. #Testimonial “I have liver disease and suffer with many of the symptoms associated with it including weight loss, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Since following the program to improve my liver health, I’ve seen a big difference in my symptoms. I am feeling much better already after just a few weeks, so I will continue to follow your health plan…” - Mary, Cambridgeshire Supplements available @ http://www.HerbalTeaShoppe.com
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nyashaaghora · 7 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Liver Cysts More Info Here @ HerbalTeaShoppe.com What Are Liver Cysts? A cyst is a fluid-filled sac that can growanywhere in the body. For the most part they are benign and in the case of liver cysts they are mostly caused from birth (congenital). It is when they become malignant that you should be concerned as malignant cysts can invade other parts of the body and spread. What Causes Liver Cysts? Simple cysts can be inherited (congenital) and are assignedfrom birth and are not cancerous or dangerous. But multiple benign cysts is the condition behind polycystic liver disease. Certain types of liver cysts can be caused by parasites and humans can receive this in the body through exposure in the skin, wounds or orifices. #Testimonial “I have suffered with liver cysts for years and nothing seems to have helped. I have taken Serranol for just over two months now and I’m already beginning to notice an improvement. I went to the doctor recently and he has seen a decrease in the cyst swelling, which can only be a good sign.” - D. Hammond, Yorkshire Supplements available @ http://www.HerbalTeaShoppe.com
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nyashaaghora · 7 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Kidney Disease *** Link In Bio *** . . . What Is Kidney Disease? Kidneys are bean-shaped organs that are essential to regulate overall health, including urinary function and the balance of electrolytes and blood pressure in the body. Kidneys naturally filter the blood and remove waste, which is then directed to the bladder. Kidneys produce urine to excrete waste and also reabsorb water, glucose, and amino acids. Diseases of the kidney vary but may share a number of common symptoms, including renal cysts, chronic kidney disease, acute kidney injury, urinary tract infection, urinary tract obstruction, nephrolithiasis, and nephritic and nephrotic syndromes. Cancercan also affect the kidneys; renal cell carcinoma is the most common type of adult renal cancer. Painful kidney stones can also plague the kidneys, although they are not normally considered harmful. Chronic kidney stones can lead to scar tissue formation; kidney stones may need to be broken up with an ultrasound treatment that allows smaller pieces to pass through the urinary tract. What Causes Kidney Disease? Different kidney conditions may have their own specific causes, but some of the most common contributing factors to kidney disease include autoimmune conditions, urinary tract infection, inflammation, toxin exposure, and congenital defects. #Testimonial “I have been reading about kidney rescue in your issue 14 catalogue. My kidneys are what have given me the main problem with my Lupus. Every day I have some pain with them, but most of the time it’s only a little. Since I’ve been taking your SerraPlus+, I have been able to sleep on my sides at night.” - Tracey C., United Kingdom Health Plans available @ http://www.HerbalTeaShoppe.com (at The Herbal Tea Shoppe)
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nyashaaghora · 7 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? . . Irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed based on a number of symptoms, like chronic abdominal pain, bloating, discomfort, and altered bowel movements. IBS has no known cause and is considered a functional gastrointestinal disorder. The condition may cause either constipation or diarrhea, or the two may alternate. . . What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? . . IBS can now be diagnosed based on symptoms alone. Irritable bowel syndrome does not have a determined cause, but it is more likely to occur following a stressful or traumatic life event, infection, or with age. . . #Testimonial . . “I suffered from stomach and bowel problems. I tried tons of other stuff to get relief. Once I started taking  Serrapeptase, I felt relief in the first couple of weeks.  I’m happy to report that I’m much more “regular” now.” - C.H. USA Health Plans & Supplements available @ http://www.HerbalTeaShoppe.com
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nyashaaghora · 7 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? . . Irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed based on a number of symptoms, like chronic abdominal pain, bloating, discomfort, and altered bowel movements. IBS has no known cause and is considered a functional gastrointestinal disorder. The condition may cause either constipation or diarrhea, or the two may alternate. . . What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? . . IBS can now be diagnosed based on symptoms alone. Irritable bowel syndrome does not have a determined cause, but it is more likely to occur following a stressful or traumatic life event, infection, or with age. . . #Testimonial . . “I suffered from stomach and bowel problems. I tried tons of other stuff to get relief. Once I started taking  Serrapeptase, I felt relief in the first couple of weeks.  I’m happy to report that I’m much more “regular” now.” - C.H. USA Health Plans & Supplements available @ http://www.HerbalTeaShoppe.com
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nyashaaghora · 7 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay What Are Digestive Diseases? Digestive diseases are also known as gastrointestinal diseases. The digestive system consists of a series of hollow organs that join together in a long tube. The digestive system runs from the mouth to the anus and includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. There are a number of digestive disorders that may cause symptoms like blood in the stool, changes in bowel movement, abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss, and chronic heartburn. What Causes Digestive Disease? Digestive diseases are diverse and may be caused by different factors like bacterial or viral infection, inflammation, lactase deficiency, intolerance to certain foods, poor circulation in the intestines, gallstones, stress, anti-inflammatory drug side effects, and a number of dietary factors that include eating unnatural foods and overeating. #Testimonial “My digestive health has improved dramatically since following your advice. I take Gastro Enzyme capsules three times a day, along with Prescript-Assist and Curcuminx4000. My symptoms of fatigue have improved, my digestion feels much stronger and my inflamed bowels are beginning to heal. Thank you so much!” - Margaret, East Yorkshire (at The Herbal Tea Shoppe)
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nyashaaghora · 8 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Vascular Diseases of the Brain and Kidney⠀ ⠀ More Info Here http://bit.ly/2ojIN5l⠀ ⠀ ⠀ What Are Vascular Diseases of the Brain and Kidney?⠀ ⠀ Vascular disease refers to disease of the blood vessels. The three types of blood vessels include veins, arteries, and lymphatics.⠀ ⠀ There are a number of arterial diseases, but vascular brain disease encompasses vascular dementia and cerebrovascular disease. Conditions may include stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA) that causes a temporary drop in the brain’s blood supply; subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs when blood leaks out of vessels in the brain. Renal vascular disease refers to complications associated with arteries and veins in the kidneys.⠀ ⠀ ⠀ What Causes Vascular Diseases of the Brain and Kidney?⠀ ⠀ Renal vascular disease may be caused by renal artery stenosis (related to atherosclerosis), renal artery thrombosis, renal artery aneurysm, atheroembolic renal disease, and renal vein thrombosis. Vascular disease of the brain may also be caused by atherosclerosis, when high cholesterol levels meet inflammation in the arteries to cause cholesterol buildup. Cholesterol buildup creates plaque that can obstruct brain blood flow to cause stroke, TIA, dementia, or other complications.⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #Testimonial ⠀ ⠀ “My husband was diagnosed with vascular dementia a year ago. I was devastated but in a way it was good to be able to put a name to his condition as I noticed he had been very forgetful for the past few months and wasn’t sure what was happening to him. I found your site and read through all of the information and felt amazed to⠀ realise that there could be a solution.⠀ ⠀ I decided to give your products a go and have been giving him the Blockbuster and the Serranol as recommended. It’s only early days but I have noticed he is looking better and despite the doctors’ diagnosis that it was only going to get worse, I have noticed that the progression of this disease is going a lot slower as a result, which can only be a good thing.”⠀ ⠀ - Sue, Surrey⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Feel Better Now @ http://bit.ly/2ojNOdX⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #RobertRedfern⠀ #VascularDiseases⠀ #Brain ⠀ #Kidney⠀ #TriniMillionaire⠀ #TheHerbalTeaShoppe
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nyashaaghora · 8 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Thrombosis⠀ ⠀ More Info Here http://bit.ly/2mm3EmR⠀ ⠀ ⠀ What Is Thrombosis?⠀ ⠀ Thrombosis is a blood clot that forms inside of a blood vessel. It blocks the flow of the blood in the circulatory system. As the blood vessel becomes injured, the body then uses its platelets (known as thrombocytes), and fibrin forms a blood clot to prevent any blood loss. Under certain kinds of conditions, blood clots can still form even if a blood vessel isn’t damaged.⠀ ⠀ If a blood clot eventually breaks free, it can travel throughout the body. This is known as an embolus. If blood flow is reduced significantly by a large thrombus, hypoxis can occur; this results in metabolic products like lactic acid accumulating in the body. A large thrombus can create a greater obstruction to blood flow, resulting in anoxia (otherwise known as oxygen deprivation), infarction, and tissue death. What Causes Thrombosis?⠀ ⠀ A thrombosis is formed by a blood clot inside a blood vessel. It can be caused by inflammation continually compromising the quality of the blood vessel wall, blood composition (e.g., high homocysteine) and the nature of the blood flow itself. Therefore, it is very important to maintain healthy blood circulation if you want to avoid any cardiovascular health condition such as thrombosis. #Testimonial ⠀ ⠀ “I have been suffering for a while with severe thrombosis and didn’t know what to do. I stumbled upon your site while searching for a solution and I was amazed by what I discovered. Since taking your advice and following your health plan that you sent to me I have seen a significant improvement in my condition. I have been taking the BlockBuster AllClear and the B4 Health Spray religiously and, along with the healthy eating plan, I have really seen an improvement in my overall health and wellbeing.⠀ ⠀ Thank you!”⠀ - Jill, East Sussex⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Feel Better Now @ http://bit.ly/2mm3EmR⠀ ⠀ #RobertRedfern⠀ #Thrombosis⠀ #TriniMillionaire⠀ #TheHerbalTeaShoppe⠀ #YourHealthIsYourWealth⠀ #HealthyLiving⠀ #HealthPlan
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nyashaaghora · 8 years
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#HealthPlanOfTheDay Peripheral Arterial Disease⠀ ⠀ More Info Here http://bit.ly/2mLbEle⠀ ⠀ ⠀ What Is Peripheral Arterial Disease?⠀ ⠀ Peripheral arterial disease, also called PAD, occurs when plaque accumulates in the arteries that supply blood to the head, organs, and limbs. What Causes Peripheral Arterial Disease?⠀ ⠀ When plaque builds up in the arteries, it causes a condition known as atherosclerosis. Over time, plaque will accumulate, harden, and narrow the arteries. This will limit oxygen-rich blood supply to all parts of the body.⠀ ⠀ PAD most commonly affects arteries in the legs, though it can also affect blood flow from the heart to the head, arms, kidneys, and abdomen. This plan focuses on rehabilitation for PAD affecting blood flow to the legs. #Testimonial ⠀ ⠀ “I used the enzyme to treat a severe case of peripheral artery disease (PAD). After four months use, the PAD does not appear to be as severe. There has been improvement in both feet with respect to warmth, color and the sense of feeling has returned nearly to the tips of my toes.⠀ ⠀ Most importantly, I now have a vascular surgeon who did not dismiss the use of the enzyme out of hand and is interested in this ‘experiment’ in which I am engaged.⠀ The doctor completed an ultra sound examination of my arteries from my heart to the tips of my toes and has scheduled another examination in November to assess any changes. He is concerned about the development of aneurysms. Being able to feel the ground etc. when I walk is a great improvement in the quality of my life and certainly is important in the operation of a motor vehicle. And I can readily assume that if this enzyme is cleaning out the arteries of my feet, it is also doing likewise in the remainder of my vascular system. Best regards and wishes for a prosperous year.”⠀ - RK, United States Feel Better Now @ http://bit.ly/2mLdx1u⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #RobertRedfern⠀ #PeripheralArterialDisease⠀ #PAD⠀ #TriniMillionaire⠀ #TheHerbalTeaShoppe⠀ #YourHealthIsYourWealth⠀ #HealthyLiving⠀ #HealthPlan
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