#heard in shl
caspertheloudassghost · 3 months
Scum villain crack fic idea:
One or more of the peak lords switch places in time with their younger selves for like a week and basically decides to spend that time gossiping. “It’s so nice to be able to not hear Shen-Shixiong and his husbands causing another scandal” “An Ding is so much warmer without the King of the North in semi-permanent residence” “Have you heard of ‘The resentment of Chunshan?’”
This person just keeps dropping multiple bombshells and is low key revealing in the chaos. The current head disciples and previous peak lords are loosing their shit at the idea that not only is TLJ roaming free, the demon realm is united, HHP is run by a half demon, etc, but also that, at minimum two peak lords are married to demon royalty.
For comedic purposes I propose that this au includes as many peak lords as possible in some sort of human-demon relationship.
Minds are blown with the mention of SQH being both the King of the North’s Consort, but also advisor to the demon emperor.
SQQ the leacher is in a committed gay relationship with two men? With his Disciple?? Who is said Current Demonic Emperor?! And LIU QINGGE?!
Tianlang-jun and YQY’s relationship is like two divorcees who bond over missing their spouses. Do Not Separate that is his emotional support demon/peak lord.
QQQ and SHL become gossip buddies after she marries LMY.
MQF the doctor meets the ultimate snakeboy (anti venom!) who is Also part Heavenly Demon (ultimate cure all!!!!)(on Qiong Ding with his uncle) and decides he’s keeping him. A relationship originating from medical researcher & subject of research becomes an extremely close friendship. They are very done with everyone’s nonsense.
WQW and Six Balls are engaged.
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fan-fan-tastic · 1 year
How Shang Qinghua defected to the demon realm
MBJ *summoned to LBH’s palace*: what? SHL: haven’t you heard? Junshang’s old Shizun self-destructed right in front of him and he’s been crying non stop for hours MBJ: Can humans do that? SHL: Crying non stop? MBJ: the other thing, and yes they can cry for hours SHL: …apparently, but I think just stronger cultivators, like peak lords and stuff MBJ: … I must go SHL: Hold on, LBH wanted you to freeze over a room- aaaaand he’s gone MBJ *on An Ding*: pack your things, we are going to the Ice Fortess SQH: uh, right now is not a really good moment, my King, can it wait? My shixiong just died and the sect will have to - MBJ: no SQH: okay oaky, for how long will I stay there? MBJ: forever SQH: wait what- *gets tossed in a portal*
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zykamiliah · 1 year
plucking leaves, flying flowers
hold on, is using the plucking leaves' technique as an offensive weapon something that original Shen Qingqiu already used, or was it something SY!Shen Qingqiu came up with!?
Cang Qiong Mountain Sect had a minor technique, “Plucking Leaves, Flying Flowers.” At a glance, it wasn’t very useful, just aesthetic and interesting. The novel had described how Luo Binghe used the technique to win the nth woman’s affections. As Shen Qingqiu had, since his arrival, been furiously reviewing various manuals, he had also recently seen a description of it.
He plucked a nearby leaf and channeled a touch of spiritual power into it. The first time, he channeled too much. The leaf couldn’t withstand his power and instantly split into several pieces. He succeeded the second time, held the leaf between his fingertips, and gently blew, letting go.
The leaf shot toward Ming Fan like an airborne knife(...)
No wonder they said that to an expert, even a flower or tree could be used to hurt people! But he hadn’t killed Ming Fan just now, right…? (Chapter 1: Scum)
that would explain why it took bingge by surprise when sqq attacked him with it in the extra! SY modified the technique!!!
(more quotes under the cut)
After a pause, [Ning Yingying] continued. “If you feel that the Shizun in the old days didn’t treat you well, then think back on the day you lost your jade pendant. Our shixiong inexplicably backed off all at once. You yourself knew there was something strange, right? No one else on Qing Jing Peak would turn leaves into weapons for the purpose of teaching a small lesson.” (Chapter 8: Death)
No one else, so this is something only SQQ has used, but does it mean that SJ never used that technique in the same way? I feel like SQQ would have mentioned it.
(shout out to nyy for noticing these at the time, though she's being a little bit unfair here because she didn't know had bad original sqq treated lbh)
he uses them again while he's in the mushroom body to trim SHL's nails (and really, he didn't think that technique would out him as SQQ? man has zero logical thinking when it comes to indirectly trying to make lbh's aledged love life easier)
She then raised her hand to examine it. Her five cinnabar-painted nails had been uniformly trimmed a noticeable length shorter.
It was only her nails, and it hadn’t hurt in the least, but Sha Hualing’s blood went instantly cold (...)
If someone lurking nearby could cut her nails with such ease, then they could just as effortlessly slice open her neck.
Shen Qingqiu was feeling much more relieved as he released a twig plucked clean of leaves. (Chapter 9: Borderlands)
after his sword it's his first go-to weapon when facing enemies such as tianlang-jun
WITH LIGHTNING SPEED, Shen Qingqiu grabbed a handful of leaves from a vine. He’d just charged into the cave with the rest when he heard a voice. (Chapter 21: Always Together)
i have to quote the part where he used them against bingge because it was soooo badass. there are so few moments when you can say sqq was honestly this badass, and this is one
At this moment, the only things above their heads were rustling twigs and leaves of bamboo, swaying and undulating in the wind. The original didn’t need to raise his head to tell that no threat awaited him above, and he smiled slightly. “Shizun, that sort of ploy is for dealing with little children. Trying to trick your disciple that way is a bit too condescending.”
You won’t look? All right, you brought this upon yourself! Shen Qingqiu formed a seal with his left hand and crisply snapped his fingers, his expression hardening.
The original was about to say something when a fluttering leaf streaked across his vision. The smile on his face froze. A fine trickle of blood slowly dripped down his cheek.
All around him, bamboo leaves fell more and more thickly, until the leisurely drifting foliage suddenly sped up, each one slicing toward where he stood in the center like the frigid, cutting wind from the east.
Plucking Leaves, Flying Flowers: Ultimate Version—Hundred Leaves, Thousand Flowers!
The original Luo Binghe flung out his palm, routing the dense assault of leafy razors, but for Shen Qingqiu, the entire forest was full of ammunition—thick with leaves that rained down like confetti, homing in on their target in hot pursuit. Though they appeared unassuming, with a single touch, they could carve flesh from bone. (Chapter 22: Bing-mei and Bing-ge’s Ultimate Showdown)
look at the "semi-otaku" saying the same of the technique in his mind, pfffff. "ultimate version" if he had screamed the name of the technique at bingge i wouldn't be surprised lol
aaaand i just checked the qijiu extra and it seems SJ never used that technique, so SY made it up :DDD
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kexingspoison · 11 days
Word of Honor - 3 Years Later
It's the way that the love of this story reeks from every part of this drama
The costuming, the acting, the camera choices, the lighting choices, the cameo's
One thing I just realized today, the sound mixing in SHL is so much better than A LOT i've heard RECENTLY
How Ma-jie managed to pull all this together, it really is incredible
the fucking practical effects
I'm nearly a week with this, and I apologize, Ma-jie
but thank you again so, so much for this drama 💙❤️
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tbgkaru-woh · 4 months
hi this is a different anon, i know you don’t want to get involved in discourse but i need to back up my fellow shl fans because i have no idea WHAT the “loli” anon is on. a) look at any of her visual portrayals, in ANY adaptation. b) “dainty” is a beauty standard in china!!!! source type “chinese beauty standards” into google. (also i know chinese people irl and they have told me it’s still very much an ongoing thing.) basically the beauty ideal for chinese women is to be short, small and thin. one of chinese infamous beauty practices was wrapping girls’ feet so they wouldn’t grow too big. calling a teenage girl youthful and dainty is so normal that i genuinely have no clue where anon’s batshit idea came from. i’m 99% certain they’re a troll actually.
side note, have you heard of bottomji big bang? i didn’t think it was worth sending an ask about, but in case you didn’t know there is actually a large fanbase for bottom lan wangi <3 i hope you have a wonderful day
hey hey! I'm completely on board the SHL train and as I mentioned in my first response, I've never seen her treated as a loli by the fandom, so there's no need for defending :D even if it's mentioned in the source material as such, however it's meant, the fandom always portrayed her in the best of ways and always on par with her peers (age-wise). And even then, jsut like with MDZS, they all start as teenagers and then there's timeskips and all, I'd say this shouldn't even need to be a discourse 😅
I did see that, yes! Sadly I am too occupied to join any fandom activites currently :(
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larsnicklas · 5 months
anon bcs I am too shy to ask directly on the post but-- how did you find nicke's dynamo jersey? bcs I had half a mind of buying one of his jerseys, and that one is beautiful, but I wouldn't know where to start looking. thank u so much and sorry for the silly question ^^""
haha no worries!! i am always happy to share jersey tips ♡ so the dynamo jersey was kind of a special case — if i had bought it while he was playing, i could have quite easily gotten it from lutch usa, which is the best source for khl jerseys! but during that lockout i was like. in high school and had no real disposable income so on and so forth so it’s just been on my wishlist for ages. i had an alert set on ebay and i did check fairly regularly and just got very lucky!!
if you want just a nicke jersey in general, my favorite places to purchase jerseys new are hockey authentic, coolhockey, and jersey baron! but those are quite pricey — i try to wait for sales when i can for the first two especially. jersey baron is an ebay store so fewer sales BUT also a good place to look for junior and college jerseys. for shl jerseys i’ve heard good things about this store — i haven’t purchased from them yet so can’t fully vouch for them but i do plan to buy something from them at some point, especially since they offer to help find pretty much any shl jersey if they don’t have it!
i also like snagging jerseys secondhand when i can find them in good condition; mercari and ebay are good places to find authentic jerseys at a cheaper price point. i recommend avoiding fanatics branded jerseys if possible — they’re lower quality and much harder to resell for a good price if you ever want to do that! i always look for reebok or adidas secondhand, and sometimes there’ll be even older jerseys in good shape, starter and mitchell & ness and the like! :)
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deepestbluesky · 1 year
shl women thought of the day: we’ve all heard of wen kexing with weird monstery traits because of ghost valley, but what about luo fumeng with weird monstery traits because of ghost valley? maybe it’s all of the ten devils who have it, maybe it’s just living in the valley long enough. anyway. 
i’d imagine that luo fumeng keeps a very iron control on her physical form usually, but every once in a while—when someone Tries Some Shit, or at the start of a wedding-funeral game, generally—she will release them. her body elongates unnaturally tall and thin, the long nail guards she wears seem to stretch and something drips from them over and over again, her eyes gleam, the only color in them gold, and something shivers behind her that isn’t quite visible—it could be the wind, it could be some kind of long dark arms, it could be something extending from under her hair
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Any opinions on this first round of the draft?
Well, Bedard was everything but a surprise, though I still feel genuinely sorry for that guy because Chicago is not the place you want to go to when you are this talented. Also, it is not a place that should have the first pick, in the first place, right NHL?
I also kinda expected Leo Carlsson to go second. The Anaheim fans are maybe whining that they didn't get Fantili, but personally, I would also pick Leo over Adam from what I have seen - Fantili frankly played boring nothing in the Worlds and don't even try to tell me that he has better stats because that guy is playing university hockey and Leo is playing in the SHL with grown-ass men.
Michkov, the Russian wild card. It was surprising to see him going to Philadelphia, which basically stole him from Washington, which was choosing right after them and definitely wanted Michkov as well. I have heard so much stuff about that guy - like the one, that several teams have allegedly titled him as a red flag because of his attitude (if it's true are we really shocked that Philadelphia picked him?)
Czech-wise, I am happy for Eduard Sale going 20th to Seattle. Love that team, I believe it is a great place for a young guy like him, who is going to develop outside of the league or in the AHL for a few more years anyway.
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There was also a lot of buzz around the massive two-meter goalie Michael Hrabal who went extremely high for a goalie (38th) to Arizona - perhaps we are going to see a Czech goalie duo down there with Vejmelka being the number one in the net currently. Like look at this man (boy), he is f*cking huge.
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nicohischierz · 2 years
Hi! I see that you changed your username. So excited to see a fellow Marco Kasper fan💛
I’ve been following him for the last year since he played for my favorite SHL team (I’m Swedish) and he’s just such a sweetheart and a talented and competitive player as well.
I love the fact that he got drafted to Detroit because a lot of our young players are Red Wings prospects (Wallinder and Niederbach). I’m also excited to to see him play with Seider again.
Sorry if this was a bit of a rant but anyways… Hope you have a nice day!💗
hi lovely! it’s so nice to meet you 🫶
i’m gonna be honest i’m a new hockey fan like i started watching at the start of this season and i first heard of marco kasper during world juniors and i like keeping little tabs on him throughout the year
but honestly i might have to start watching more of his games and i’m so happy you’re excited to see him play in detroit!!
i hope you have a good day as well 💞
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truly-morgan · 10 months
[Kinktober 2021: Wax Play (18+)]
BingQiu | Scum Villain Self-Saving System 27-10-2021
Day 26: [Wax Play] / F̷i̷s̷t̷i̷n̷g̷ / M̷e̷n̷o̷p̷h̷i̷l̷i̷a̷
Luo Binghe is a curious man and when he overhears his husband and Shang Qinghua talking about wax play, he wants to know what it is about.
“I did not expect for cucumber bro to know about wax play” Shang Qinghua laughed, catching Luo Binghe attention as he was getting back to their bamboo house. “What a kinky one you are” sqh teased him.
Shen Qingqiu rolled his eyes a bit, drinking his tea, “I read your trash novel, I learned some, but I stumble onto that one younger, I... got curious... tried once and ended up burning myself” sqq admitted. Not a good experience.
“Shizun did things without me?! And with someone else?!” lbh suddenly said as he came in, looking at his husband rather hurt. Sqq nearly choked on his tea, not expecting for his husband to have heard them talk about it.
“No! I did it... alone” he said, unsure how to explain to lbh that it was in a time before he was even sqq, neither he nor sqh had had that discussion with the demons yet.
“What is this wax play then? If shizun likes it this disciple wants to do it too”. 
“I’ll be taking my leave,” sqh said, not exactly wanting to hear in all detail the way lbh wanted to fuck his best friend.
After an afternoon explaining what wax play is. And of course, lbh wanted to try the moment sqq mentioned he did had an interest in trying.
And this is how now lbh was kneeling in front of him, already down to his underrobes holding out some candles. And how could sqq say no to these puppy eyes. 
“Are you sure this wax I-”
“I asked Shua Hualing for wax that can be used safely because I knew Shizun wouldn’t accept if I didn’t bring proper wax” lbh explained earnestly, shuffling a bit closer to where sqq was sitting on the bed, now between his leg.
‘I am sorry shl for making him ask you about this’ sqq thought to himself, wondering how could his husband be this shameless and ask shl and mbj about things like this. 
At least he supposed they were indeed safe (not that some wax would have really hurt the /protagonist/).
Sqq sighed. He would lie if he said he was not interested in doing this actually. Especially that now lbh seemed more than interested. He hummed a bit, patting his lap.
Soon he had his lap full of his husband, undoing the little robes that were left on him, taking a red candle, observing it first.
“Shizun” lbh said a bit unable to keep himself in place correctly, stopping when he received a little kiss from his husband. He watched as sqq lit the candle, waiting for some wax to melt before letting so fall on his tight.
It was interesting feeling his legs contract around his lap, hearing him gasp in surprise despite expecting it, watching the wax solidify. “Are you alright?” sqq asked, lbh nodding, gently touching his hand to guide him to do it again, “Hand in the back” sqq softly ordered, hearing lbh whine despite still doing it.
So sqq went back to dropping wax, stopping when it seemed too much, watching with interest the way lbh muscle would contract under it, the way the bigger droplet would slide to the side before solidifying.
He was about to warn lbh again when he moved his hand, only to see him stop a droplet from falling on his clean robes. “Shizun shouldn’t get his robes dirty,” he said.
Sqq nodded at this, it would be troublesome to get them dirty (though he knew lbh would get them back to perfect after). 
He tapped lbh tight slightly to make him move, the demon lord kneeling on the bed as he watched him undress too, soon coming back to him fully naked.
He made lbh sit cross-legged on the bed, sitting in his lap too, going back to waxing him with interest, watching the pretty colours dropping down lbh torso, fingers smearing the still hot wax against him, enjoying the hot feeling.
He was about to apologise to lbh when a couple of droplets fell on his dick, only to hear him moan and grip his hips. He looked up curiously at his husband, kissing his forehead.
“Do you allow me to drop more on your cock” he asked, lbh looking up at him with teary eyes. “Yes,” he replied. 
It was fascinating how hard lbh got from the wax falling directly on his dick. He was truly a masochist and something in sqq was slowly blooming a bit more at this.
Then sqq jumped a bit when some wax dropped on him. Binghe hand quickly hovered about it, unsure what to do, looking worried about him.“I am alright” sqq said, hand a bit hesitant before dropping more on himself. It was actually enjoyable, not as burning as he tried in the past.
“Shizun looks pretty with wax on him” lbh complimented near his ear. Sqq smiled at this, it was pretty indeed.
Soon, they were both a mess of coloured wax, rutting against each other, sqq forgetting he had ordered lbh not to touch. He only stopped when they both came and a lot of the wax was already used, but also there was an already good amount of wax on lbh.
“You did so good today,” sqq said as he kissed lbh to stop his crying from feeling good, peeling off the wax (which was also fun to do). 
Maybe they should try again later, it is not as scary as the first time he did it.
(hopefully, I wrote it right, I think waxplay is also one of those kinks that are easier and prettier to draw than to write but the two others are just, really not my cup of tea and waxplay looks fun)
Original - AO3
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fwoopersongs · 3 years
七窍三秋钉 - Seven Times Impaled, Three Autumns Nailed
A fun facts and exploration post!
Something a little different this time because @tian-chuang​’s twitter thread on What is the meaning of Zhou Zi Shi’s seven nails? landed me in a sea of 经络图 | jīng luò tú (known in English as meridian diagrams). 
Disclaimer: Before this evening, all I knew of meridian pathways was that they exist, clearing meridian blockages and circulating Qi is a major part martial arts practice featured in many wuxia novels and also that 七窍 refers to our seven orifices.
Kindly excuse any over-analyzing. This is all very new and exciting for me :D!!!!
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The seven points in which those nails were driven also correspond to 穴位 | xué wèi - what we call 'acupuncture points' in English which are located along pathways of Qi flow called 经络 or meridians.
Note: The meridian system transports and supplies Qi, vital energy or life force, and blood throughout the body and connects the organs and different parts of the body. Different meridians serve different roles. Because there are meridians connected with specific organs, blockage would mean that the flow of Qi and blood to that organ is blocked. This often results in pain and other symptoms like stiffness or numbness. 
奇经八脉 | qí jīng bā mài, The Eight Extraordinary Qi Vessels and the 十二正| shí èr zhèng jīng, Twelve Primary Qi Channels (Meridians) comprise the main part of the meridian system. Most of the eight vessels branch out from the twelve primary channels and share the function of circulating Qi throughout the body. However, though the Eight Extraordinary Qi Vessels interact with the Twelve Primary Qi Channels, they do not affect the organs directly as the Twelve do.
From a screenshot of the entry points of Zhou Zishu’s seven nails, the following are the names of the approximate points (and their respective meridians) - Please take with a pinch of salt as I am just eyeballing this! Reference photos in the Appendix for your own comparison:
中庭 | zhōng tíng, Central Courtyard (任脉 | Conception Vessel)
云门 | yún mén Cloud Gate (手太阴肺经穴 | The Lung channel of Hand, Greater Yin)
期门 | qí mén Cyclic Gate (足厥阴肝经穴 | The Liver channel of Foot Jueyin)
腹哀  | fù āi  Abdomen Suffering (足太阴睥经穴 | The Spleen channel of Foot, Greater Yin)
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The Conception Vessel is one of the Eight Extraordinary Qi Vessels and occupies a major role in Qi circulation - Yin is expressed via the Conception Vessel as it is described as controlling all the Yin meridians, yin organs, and yin functions. The yin meridians are responsible for the production of Qi, and in union with the Conception Vessel, are responsible for the storage of Qi. 
Fun fact #1: Completely opening the 督脈 | Governing Vessel and the Conception Vessel (known as 任督二脉) will result in having harmonious Qi flow within the body and is the start of practicing the channeling of life force. This is a major step forward in internal energy cultivation and is also featured a moderate amount in wuxia novels. Once you have reached this point, you’d most likely be among the strongest - if not the strongest martial arts practitioner. A notable character who managed this is Zhang Wuji from Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre by Louis Cha. 
Fun fact #2: In Wuxia stories, there is this technique of tapping or pressing acupoints called 点穴 | diǎn xué which is usually done with the fingers. Its effects range from simple immobilization, to temporary speechlessness or unconsciousness and even death. There may also sometimes be unnoticeable permanent organ damage or long-lasting chronic pain.
From the above you can see how damaging it might be to both your health and  the practice of your martial arts to have a nail driven through an acupoint in any of your meridians, but also especially the Conception Vessel.
Each Meridian is believed to be most active during a certain time of the day. The Meridians (Twelve Primary Qi Channels) with their corresponding organ and active periods are shown below.
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Liver - 0100 to 0300 hrs Lung - 0300 to 0500 hrs Spleen - 0900 to 1100hrs The Conception Vessel is said to be more active during the night and early morning as well.
This might even be the reason we see Zhou Zishu struggling more with the effects of his nails beginning from 子时 | the hour of zi aka 2300 to 0100 hrs!
Appendix - Meridian Diagrams for Comparison
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xinyuehui · 3 years
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Disaster Duo, Valley master and Scorpion King, running around and trying v hard to win the game ( ◞•̀o•́)◞◟(•̀ᴗ•́◟ )
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talea456 · 3 years
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shijiujun · 3 years
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“It’s all my fault.”
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recapitulation · 3 years
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[id: gifs from the 24th episode of the series "Word of Honor" showing the characters Zhou Zishu, Wen Kexing, and Zhang Chengling all hugging. In the first gif, Zhou Zishu looks up from looking at the painting that Wen Kexing is restoring, a searching and conflicted expression on his face. In the second gif, Zhou Zishu steps forward to hug Wen Kexing. In the third gif, Zhang Chengling very animatedly steps over to wrap his arms around both of them. All of their heads come together and they are all smiling. The final shot shows the hug from outside of the room. /end id]
Hugs in Word of Honor | 山河令 → 6/?
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deepestbluesky · 1 year
tagged by @aiyexayen! who prompted the words:
tear | soft | red | under | hold
alright let’s see what i can dig up in my wips... my own arbitrary rules are that i can only do one word per fic and starting with most recently worked on wip first and then working my way back until i find something
tear showed up in “batfam lan au” (cql/mdzs au, and this is NOT recent lol apparently i don’t use tear at all haha)
"Hey, Jingyi! Come say hi!" A-Yuan calls, and then flinches when [lwj] gives him a look from the other end of the couch. Jingyi comes tearing in, though, skidding to a stop behind A-Yuan.
"Hi Wei-qianbei!" Jingyi says enthusiastically. "A-Yuan and I found a bird nest today! I think he took a picture, you should get him to show you."
Xian-gege is laughing. "Yes, I heard! This must be an extremely exciting bird's nest, for both of you to tell me about it so quickly. Jingyi, I hope you know it's your responsibility to make sure A-Yuan gets into trouble."
soft showed up in “jc+lwj political marriage” (cql au)
"Let your husband speak for himself," she sneers. "Or is he just another person that you'll have to take the blame for?"
It's not like Jiang Cheng expected this visit to go well, but Jiang Cheng had hoped that Wei Wuxian's absence would soften his mother's scorn. It didn't work.
Lan Wangji is as still as Jiang Cheng has ever seen him, back even straighter than usual and the only movement Jiang Cheng can detect is his hand, gripping Bichen so hard it almost seems like it will snap.
red showed up in “vex/zahra lovm” (legend of vox machina)
“Have you been worrying about me all this time?” Zahra sounds curious and a little indulgent.
Vex sits down. “No. I’d forgotten, except occasionally when I caught a glimpse of red horns or found myself eyeing up a pretty stranger across a bar.” Or… other times, but she isn’t going to admit that quite yet.
under showed up in “cass omegaverse au” (batfam, this was WEIRDLY hard to find?? lots of understands and undercovers and almost no actual unders)
“Neither are you,” Steph snaps back. “She’s an adult, she can make her own choices. Cass, I have something I need your help with. It’s, uh,” Steph lowers her gaze, tries to sound embarrassed. “A personal thing? I kind of need your help specifically.” It’s far from the first time that Steph has pulled this move, and it’s almost true this time. Cass still hasn’t dealt with her heat well, but Steph will be damned if she lets her punish herself for it under the guise of “training”. As if Cass, of all people, needs more training fighting.
hold showed up in “han ying genders” (tyk/shl mashup)
The thing was, Han Ying knew that he was nursing an embarrassing amount of feelings for Zhou Zishu. He knew that, he had known that for quite some time now.
As much as he hated to think about it, it was probably obvious to others. Almost certainly obvious to Zhou Zishu, who, as befitted his role, was uncannily good at sniffing out exactly the secrets no one wished him to know. It was a recurring debate among newer Tian Chuang members: whether it was cruel or kind of him to clearly hold on to such information but not reveal it unless it became relevant. Han Ying thought it was neither. It was a tool.
this was very fun!!! i’ll tag @minnarr and @fractured-ice if you would like to play (i would also tag antique-forvalaka and rainsfalling except tumblr won’t let me, which is fair if you have done that on purpose but does regularly confuse me lol), and also anybody else who sees this and wants to play! your words are (including variants):
moment | see | blue | friend | until
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