#heard the turd
rebouks · 5 months
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HELP! Robin’s eyes shot open as his breath suddenly caught in his throat, causing him to choke violently. He knew what a panic attack felt like, but this wasn’t it-.. it felt as though someone had thrust him into an ice-cold bath and forcibly held his head beneath the surface until he was forced to inhale, his limbs too tired to claw himself free of his invisible assailant. … [Levi gasped and spluttered as Robin grabbed a hold of his waist and yanked him above the surface, his frantic flailing threatening to sink them both if he didn’t calm down] Robin: It’s okay, I’ve got you! [Robin fought to control his own breathing as Levi gasped and heaved beside him, coughing up lungfuls of pool water between shuddering breaths] Robin: Are you alright? [Levi shook his head, covering his face with shame as he began to sob] Robin: C’mon, the office can call your paren-… Levi: [hoarsely] NO! [Robin paused as Levi struggled to catch his breath] Levi: I d-don’t want them to k-know! Robin: Okay, uh-… Jude: Hey! Why’d you run off like that? Juniper: Oh-.. what happened?! [Robin faltered as he looked up at his cousin, unsure how to explain his sudden departure] Robin: Can you ask the office to call mom n’ dad? Just tell ‘em I freaked out or something, they’ll come get me. Juniper: Okay-.. let’s go! [Jude barely got a word out before Juniper dragged him toward the hall, leaving Jacob scratching his head] Jacob: Shouldn’t we be calling his parents? [Robin shrugged loosely and avoided Jacob’s gaze, not wanting to discuss the fact that their classmate was frightened of his parents’ apathy, rage, or both]
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So I just watched Aquaman 2 and I don't know how their whole relationship dynamic is in the comics but in the movie they seemed to be going for kind of a Thor and Loki dynamic with Orm and Arthur?
Like, big reckless, brutish brother and little clever, diplomatic brother (that doesn't wanna be considered his brother). Misunderstandings caused by parental incompetence. Little brother is treated as the evil, egoistic one that only wants the throne. Little brother gets defeated and imprisoned. Big brother gets him out cuz he needs his help.
Lots of joking and "sibling quarrels" while the little brother wonders what an idiot the other one is. The mother of course only wants them both to get along and her "misguided" son to know that she loves him.
Yadda, yadda I think you get the drift. Obviously it's not exactly the same but there were pretty obvious parallels.
(And may I also mention the ending scene where Arthur says "I am Aquaman" in a very familiar Tony Stark way)
I didn't dislike their dynamic btw, it actually worked well because Orm didn't (at least from what I've seen in the movies) have such a fucked up backstory like Loki (I stand corrected, what a surprise).
It's like they wanted to show how this sibling dynamic can actually work if you don't make one of them a gaslit punching bag.
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burningexeter · 10 months
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Sarah Vowell, the voice of Violet in The Incredibles, not only doesn't support Amber Heard but thinks she's guilty.
"I gave the both of them the benefit of the doubt and all that changes when she did what R. Kelly did and fake-cried in court".
Chad in my book. God bless Violet.
Well first movie Violet - absolutely.
Second movie Violet - oh hell no.
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starr-angelofnarnia · 4 months
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Just look at the bottom still of Amber, from when Johnny was testifying and how f***ing smug she looks. And compare it to her poor attempts during her own testimony to play the role of a battered woman.
I know this trial is 2 years old now but it still just disgusts me how far she took her accusations. They were horrible. But at the end of the day, none of them add up.
I'm glad the trial turned out in Johnny's favor, but the damage was already done.
Amber needs help, not a platform.
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Remember all the self-proclaimed activists and feminists who refused to comment on the Depp/Heard trial? Those who always said „Educate yourself if you don’t know anything or not enough about a topic!“ Those who always demanded to speak up if you experienced some sort of injustice.
They refused to comment on this because they wouldn’t allow themselves to think that a woman might be an abuser spreading lies. They couldn’t admit that yes, there are actually women who abuse other people (and in this particular case, men) mentally and physically. They just closed their ears and eyes and pretended that this wasn’t real. That it didn’t happen. Although the entire world witnessed it (fortunately). They are such pathetic hypocrites and I can’t take them seriously anymore.
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queermediacollector · 2 years
ew not someone supporting scamber turd on my dash.
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wolfieloveswade · 1 year
amber turd fuckers are not allowed on my blog/are not allowed to interact with me/etc you will be blocked and sentenced to death
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xeyesofstardust · 2 years
I unfortunately had a recent interaction on Twitter with an AH stan that pissed me off.
They literally said “didn’t you watch the trial” as if that somehow proved that AH was right.
How can someone watch the trial end still believe AH after all the evidence, proving that she was, in fact the abuser. I mean she sh¡t on the bed and cut the tip of his finger off, if that ain’t abuse I don’t know what is. 
Honestly, I feel like they’re trying to gaslight me into thinking they’re right.
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sebcalaguas · 1 year
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Oh Mera is back. Hide your beds.
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volturilovers · 1 year
here is an introduction to a less good guard in my future imagines.
Claudia Volturi
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Place of birth: London, England
Age of turning:38
Guard Status: Lower guard
Power/Gift: Object manipulation
Enhanced ability/trait: none
Relative: Rosanna Volturi
Dislikes: Rosanna, Heidi and bad fashion choices.
Bio: Born in London together with her almost identical twin sister Rosanna both have deep hatred for each other. She hated her sister, one reason was that her kindness to others people made people like Rosanna more than her and Rosanna excelling in knowledge and education in comparison and she didn’t like that.
Loving the spotlight, because of the similarity between her sister and her she often got Rosanna in trouble to make her look much better in peoples eyes. One day she got enough of Rosanna and when her parents weren't home left her in the middle of the night to drive to a party, making sure to never look back. a missing persons case was opened and she told a believable lie to the police Rosanna was soon declared dead and Claudia didn't get in trouble with the law nor her parents until her parents found out the truth, then she was disowned,
Blaming her sister for living a poor life in the streets for years. Not feeling remorse for causing her sisters death. When she became aware of her sisters survival as a vampire and have joined the guard she sought out to do the same and to ruin her sisters life once again. However unlike when they were little they look now too different from eachother to convince anyone that Claudia was Rosanna.
Not the most favored twin sister of The Volturi guard to say the least because of her personality she do not get along well with others in the guard and only has a select few of friends in the guard.
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knew there was going to be a post that calls johnny depp a abuser at some point but god is it still annoying
context fantastic beasts 2nd film people forgetting that yes JKR is a shitty terf who should step on all the lego yes... she was also a victim of abuse who revictimised by the scum newspaper (the sun the uk newspaper who called johnny depp a wife beater interviewed her abusive ex)
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sweetbrunch · 2 years
amber turd's fans are "feminists" and hate abuse against women... I wonder why those so called feminists aren't demanding justice for the women amber turd assault?
it is a problem if a man hits a woman, but to amber turd's fans and liberal crap a woman hitting a woman is ok.
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At this point, everyone who is still defending the turd and claims she is innocent and has done nothing wrong, is still defending her because doing otherwise is not an option anymore without looking like a total clown. I mean, her followers/fans/fellow abusers are looking like clowns anyway, but you know what I mean.
At a certain point, there’s no going back. Either go on defending that poor excuse of a human being or getting ripped to shreds by other Turdians. It’s wild.
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How disgusting Deadline made an interview with the abuser Heard… This is so sick. No one with a right mind who saw the trial can think she is a victim. She is a rotten to her core. I hope Aquaman will flop.
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starr-angelofnarnia · 2 years
Even though it's been months, I'm still listening/watching the Johnny Depp trial. And her lawyers just infuriate me. Taking things out of context. Cutting witnesses off if the testimony doesn't support their agenda. Twisting things. The bs line, "we don't want to waste the jury's time, just trying to move things along" but then proceeding to waste time asking the same questions in 20 different ways hoping to trap witnesses into an incriminating answer.
The other thing that irks the hell out of me is that the only evidence they really have are set ups by Amber and private text messages. Pretty sure every single person on the planet with a cell phone has said things in text they don't mean or would never say aloud in real life when emotions are involved.
I don't know, man. It's too much. I'm just so grateful the jury saw through their bs as well
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wolfieloveswade · 1 year
if you support bitches like amber heard please die
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