#heart pounding ouhh
blahdgs · 11 months
mumma’s buying mitski tickets i’m so scared
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lesbiantorao · 3 months
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blue-bird17 · 1 year
Forest Run - Chapter 2
Nevaeh woke up in the whitest room nobody would even think was possible to have. Everything was white. The walls; bed; light; ceiling; floor; even the stuffed bear was white. When Nevaeh opened her grayish eyes, her black eyelashes outlining her eyes—with gold sprinkled all over the black pupils—she was blinded by all the white. Once her eyes got adjusted, she saw a wall with a gigantic window with a door next to it.  Where am I? Then she remembered, her mother got shot. Was that just a dream or was that reality? How did I black out again? The pain shot out again, making her scream. Is the knife still in my back? Am I dead? Now curiosity has gotten a hold of her. Maybe I could go through the walls. Ouhh~ that would be fun! Nevaeh got up with a pounding headache, but still managed to make her way to the window. Slowly—too slowly—she put out her hand to the window, she tried to push through it. Wait, what! I’m still alive, then what was all that pain coming from. Now she finally looked at her back, Nevaeh was expecting a throwing knife or a dagger, but what she saw was the best thing Nevaeh thought she would ever see.
Nevaeh got her wings; the black wings. “But… The black wings, th-they are an-ancient.” She stuttered, wondering how she was even able to see through her blinded eyes. I must be hallucinating. Nevaeh flapped her wings a little—just to make sure they were real—and jumped up to see if she could fly. Instead of flying high to the sky, she hit the ceiling, forgetting it was even there.
Now that she was done admiring her wings, she looked around—actually looked around. Through the window she saw a few police officers. Nevaeh banged on the window yelling, “LET ME OUT, LET ME SEE MY MOTHER!” Either Nevaeh is now mute, or this place is sound proof. Nevaeh tried the door. Damn, it’s locked, now how am I supposed to get out and get that necklace? She started banging on the window again. Soon later she gave up and layed down.
“Hey, get up kid.” A man growled from above.
“Huh?” Nevaeh said, while looking around. Still in the white room, she was. “Who are you?” She asked.
“That’s none of your business at this moment. But, if we ever meet again, I’ll tell you—or if I find you interesting enough.” The man said.
“Umm, okay? Do I finally get to see my Mother again, or will I be stuck in this white room forever.” Nevaeh said, doubt weighing on her words.
“You will get out now. You may see your dead mother for only ten minutes, then you will be questioned. Got it?”
“Ye-yeah.” Nevaeh said, sorrow filling her words, “So it wasn’t a dream, huh. She really did die.” She was more of talking to herself than the man now.
“Come on, let’s go kid.” The man said in that hoarse voice of his. This man was tall and slender; a pointy nose with a flat face; brown hair and green eyes, and wearing a blue suit with a white tie.
Where are his wings? Is he wingless? Nevaeh followed him out of the white room through so many hallways—Nevaeh felt like they were going in circles—and finally got to the room with her mother. “Oh, Mother.” Nevaeh half sobbed, half uttered between her thin lips. “Mother!” She ran to her in misery, sat down and sobbed on her. “I love you so much! Why, why did you have to leave me? I love you, I love you, please…” Come on, don’t be like that, it’s not like you can relive her, Nevaeh. Don’t be stupid. Just get what you came here for. Nevaeh pried her mother’s left hand open to find the necklace. She put it on, holding the eye next to her heart.
“Hey, what’s that you grabbed, kid?”
“The necklace Mother told me to get.” Said Nevaeh heartlessly.
“When—when did she tell you to get that?”
“On the phone, before she died.” Nevaeh turned her head toward him, “The idiot killer left my mother a quick gift before Mother would have to leave this world, one call. That’s it, one call to whoever is the most important to her… And that was me. I was her only family, and she was my only family. AND SHE LEFT ME!” Nevaeh broke out into tears. When she was done, she asked, “Where are your wings?”
“Oh, they’re hidden.” He replied.
“Can I see them?”
“I guess.” All of a sudden his wings broke through his nice looking suit. His beautiful, big—but strong—gold wings covered himself. It looked like he just put a big gold drape over them. “Now you have to show me yours, and can I also get your first and last name, too?”
“My name is Nevaeh Solace. And… How do I take them out again?” Her wings came out of their hiding place and draped around her, so big that she lost her balance. So big and black that she couldn’t see anything, until she sat on the ground and rested her wings on the ground too.
“Oh my...” He trailed off, “Umm… first of all, my name is Jett; and second of all… Gods damn, I thought I was powerful.”
“So, in other words, you thought you were better than everyone else. And I finally got your name!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. When you’re born with gold wings, born all mighty and strong, you think very highly of yourself. Alright?”
Nevaeh pursed her lips, “Mhm. How am I supposed to believe that, mm?”
“Oh, shut up already, I’m tired of it.”
Nevaeh sat in a room with two police officers watching her very closely, while she had to answer yes and no questions. These questions came from a third police officer, who was sitting down in front of her. Nevaeh would be up and running away from this room, if the two police officers were behind the one sitting in front of her, but no—where’s her luck today. In the trash, probably—they were by the door leading to the precious outside.
“And you were in your house, correct?”
“Do you know if this killer was a boy or a girl,”
This went on and on and on, at least that is what it felt like to Nevaeh. The Q and A time—in that tiny office—took three hours at the least. When they were finally done, Nevaeh was sent to the washroom to clean up herself. She didn’t know why, though. Nevaeh thought she looked perfect, that is, until she looked at herself in the mirror. Yes, she did look like her normal self—a little shorter than normal for her age; thin; in the middle from a flat face to a very rounded face; big beautiful eyes, the color black dotted with gold specks all over it; short arms; long graceful legs; the beautiful black-glitered dress she was wearing that other day—now ruined—, and her beautiful, big black wings surrounded her—but her face. Her face was a pain to look at—Nevaeh even flinched after seeing her face—there were big bags underneath her eyes; wet tears still on her face, and a few bits of dust and dirt on her cheeks and forehead. Nevaeh immediately got a washcloth and started washing her face. She got out of her ruined dress and threw it away. She put on the baggy, cuffed-ended pants and put them on. She was about to put on the tunic they gave her, but she couldn’t stop herself from marveling at it first. It was astonishing—it was a beautiful royal blue with gold embroidery around the neckline and white embedded leaves around the bottom and at the end of the sleeves. After observing it for a few minutes, Nevaeh finally put it on and walked outside to find a boy his age pacing back and forth there.
“Well, finally, you’re out.” The boy said in an exaggerated tone. “I’ve been waiting so long, I can’t believe I had to wait for a tomboy.”
“If I was you, I’d be more careful with your words.” Nevaeh said, walking away from him, flipping her head—her thick braid flying around with her head—around while saying, “And, I’m not a tomboy.”
“Hey, where are you going?”
“I’m off to grab the knife and dagger collection that Jett told me to get after giving me these clothes.”
“You mean my dad?”
“You’re his son? You look nothing like him!” It was true, he looked nothing like Jett—he is short and thin, just like her, Nevaeh realized; flat nose and flat face; clothes that looked just like hers, but the pattern and color scheme was different; dirty blond hair, and deep blue eyes.
“Yeah, of course I’m the son of my father.” He retorted.
“Alrighty, follow me if you want, boy, but stop acting like a stalker.”
“I have a name y’know.”
Amusement lit up Nevaeh’s eyes, “I know you have a name, and it’s boy, duh.” She rolled her eyes.
“What! No! No, no, no, no, no. My name is Jay, alright?”
“Surrre.” Nevaeh said, sarcasm filling her voice, “Come along, come along, boy.”
“WHAT DID I JUST TELL YOU!” Jay sighed deeply, “My name, is Jay, alright?”
“Woah,” Nevaeh marveled at how beautifully the hilt of the knives and daggers looked, “they are beautiful. Thank you so much, Jett.”
“Daaad,” Jay said with an over-exaggerated voice, “do I have to go with this tomboy? She’s annoying me.”
“Listen shitty-boy,” Nevaeh said, I’m so done, when can I kill him? “stop complaining before I cut your head off.”
“And how do you think you’re going to do that, huh?” Jay teased.
“With my new collection.” Nevaeh said while pulling out two knives.
“Gods, I think I’m going to need you around the place, Nevaeh.” Jett said, “You can control this guy a lot better than I ever will.” Jay slapped his dad and turned his head away with disgust. It seemed like he made this little grunting sound, too.
“So, bitch, you wingless?” Jay said.
“Are you wingless? Y’know, I won’t answer your question till you answer mine.”
“Of course I’m not wingless, see look.” Jay turned around and showed off his back as his gold wings popped out. “I was born with it. I know, I’m so lucky.” Jay boasted. “Now, let me see your white wings, weakling.”
“My name is Nevaeh,” Nevaeh said calmly, while turning around, “My wings aren’t gold like yours, but mine is a lot better than yours.”
“Ha! I knew it, your wings are white.”
“My wings aren’t white.”
“Then your wings are blue, and my wings are a lot better, for your understanding.” Jay retorted.
Ugh, time to shut this boy up! Nevaeh thought while she sat down on the floor.
“You have to sit down on the floor to get your blue wings out? Gosh, I kind of feel bad for you.” Jay said in a mocking tone.
“I don’t need to, it's just—you’ll see.” Nevaeh said, and she slowly took out her long, big, beautiful black wings. She laid them on the floor, too heavy to keep them up.
“WHAT! HOW DO YOU—Why did you dye them black, huh? Everybody stay still while I go grab a water bucket, alright?” Then he ran off.
“Damn, your son is worse than you!” Nevaeh said, waving her hands in the air, practically yelling at Jett.
“I know, right? I don’t even know how he’s my son.”
“Yeah, I see what you mean. You two don’t even look alike. And his temper is off the map. At least your temper is a little manageable.” 
“Hey. That’s a blow to the face, yo.” Jett said in a joking voice. “Do you even know how to use all those blades?”
“Nope!” Nevaeh replied, “But I can still threaten people—like your son—with them, able to use them or not!”
2010 words :) Hope you enjoyed.
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