homefronttmoved · 4 years
♫ / cluclu !!!
send me ♫ and I will make a 5-10 SONG PLAYLIST for our muses!  \   accepting.   @heartfated. 
001.   devil may cry  /  the weeknd. 
this song...  it’s something i feel like would have came from c.c.’s point of view ?  somewhat mirroring her feelings for lelouch especially towards his quest towards providing peace when he donned the persona of zero.  i know it’s kind of ironic that the title says the devil may cry when lelouch is branded as the demon emperor but hear me out...  to me it just feels like giving up or giving into whatever his father stood for is the devil in this context of c.c. and lelouch.  and the  ‘faces in the crowd will smile again’  sort of feels like the people who c.c. knew trusted lelouch and knew what he really stood for.  among them is c.c. of course.  she’s the one who stood by his side through all of it after all. 
002.   use somebody  /  kings of leon. 
ah yes the song that could describe the way those two began.  they’re literally using each other.  one is being used for power and revenge  ( c.c. ),  and one is being used towards the path to absolution in the form of death  ( lelouch ).  
003.   when the end comes  /  andrew belle. 
oKAY listen this feels like a song that delves into the deeper parts of their relationship ?  or like it’s one of the most personal ones.  because to me the song feels like a declaration of being there after everything that happens...  which is essentially what c.c. did throughout the course of the franchise.  she stayed with lelouch even when the  ‘ end ‘ came.  and tbh ?  i don’t think c.c. has ever been this devoted to a cause before.  her relationship with lelouch is most complex and genuine love she’d ever encountered throughout her existence. 
004.   homesick  /  dua lipa. 
this song sounds so heartbreaking but like... taking away the heartbreaking context of this amazing ballad by miss lipa,  it really does mirror cluclu dynamics.  it does it in the sense that they sort of found a new reason to live.  albeit in the first part it’s to bring the zero requiem plan in action,  for the second part,  it’s to keep lelouch alive for c.c..  or to help him achieve this with no room for failure because that’s...  fhdjkhfd that’s her love language i guess.  with lelouch c.c. finally found a reason to live for   ( it sounds cheesy i know HJKFDHFD im sorry )   
005.   shine  /  years and years. 
i added this purely for the line  ‘ and it’s you that i’ve been waiting to find ‘  because i mean...  i would be lying here if i said that c.c. is not looking for love or at least a tiny bit of genuine connection throughout the course of her immortal life.  also i feel like this song really describes cluclu being at each other’s best when they’re around the other one.  like they’re more grounded when the other one is there in a way.  they pull each other back to reality so to speak. 
006.   i found  /  amber run. 
THIS SONG GIVES ME THE CHILLS EVERYTIME.  i’ve heard this so many times but it is always TIMELESS.  honestly  ‘ i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be,  right in front of me  ‘   is pretty much self-explanatory.  the thought of c.c. and lelouch finding each other when they least expected it ?  when both of them are pretty much preparing to die after all of the chaos...   kind of poetic i guess hjkfhdfd.  in my humble opinion i just think  THIS  is the cluclu song. 
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sunpierce-moved · 4 years
@heartfated​ ( for ann! ) / starter call! 
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( ♚ ) what was this place ; an entirely red world that was twisted and shattered. staying in here any longer would give the swordsman a headache or worse. upon trying to find a route to a new area, ichigo spots a young woman in a red leather suit, pink mask, and two blonde pig tails at both sides. wait that couldn’t be—
❝ ann, is that you!? ❞
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2ndvice · 4 years
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@heartfated​​ said:   [ SECRET ]            (     KISSING PROMPTS !   //   accepting !     )
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     ❝  Wait,   wait —    I   think   I   saw   my   mother   in   the   audience   during   the   game.   Do   you   mind   if   I   go   outside   to   see   her   for   a   bit   before   the   ceremony ?  ❞     &   once   the   coach   responds   with   a   wide   smile   &   a   nod :   off   he   goes.   cellphone   in   hand   &   while   still   in   his   SWEATY   tracksuit,   Sugawara   starts   running   to   the   outside   of   the   pavilion.   however,   instead   of   turning   towards   the   exit   that   would   lead   him   outside     (   &   where   he   said   he   would   meet   the   person   waiting   for   him   ) —     he   turns   into   the   locker - room   area.   how   silly !   all   things   considered,   Suga   couldn't   possibly   tell   anyone   as   to   where   he's   headed   &    who   he's   meeting,   actually —     they've   barely   been   dating   for   more   than   twenty - four   HOURS !   &    even   so,   that   surely   doesn't   seem   to   prevent   them   from   agreeing   to   a   brief,   celebratory,   escape   to   the   bathroom.
     as   soon   as   he   arrives   at   the   meeting   point,   chocolate - coloured   irises   study   the   area   with   ABSOLUTE   silence :   until   he   sees   that   there's   just   one   stall   closed,   that   is.   immediately,   he   giggles     (   the   sound   barely   audible   even   for   his   own   self   )     &    allows   a   brilliant   grin   to   tug   at   the   ends   of   thin   lips.
     now   that   he's   standing   on   the   other   side   of   the   door   &   begins   to   knock,   it   takes   one   single   beat   upon   the   wooden   surface   for   it   to   UNLOCK   &    for   the   silvery   setter   to   be   quickly   swept   inside.     ❝  AH !  ❞     the   boy   feigns   a   cry,   now   laughing   to   his   heart's   content   as   he's   come   chest   to   chest   with   the   Aoba   Johsai's   captain.   the   real   person   behind   his   disappearance —   &   the   only   person   that   would   be   able   to  steal   Suga   away   from   his   team   at   a   moment   of   glory.   the   sneaky   bastard   made   it   to   their   game   against   SHIRATORIZAWA . . .   just   as   he   promised   the   night   before.   &   now   he   got   to   have   in   his   arms,   a   future   national   player.   lucky !     ❝  This   is   so   romantic,   Oikawa.   Meeting   you   in   a   public   locker - room   is   everything   I   have   ever   wanted   and   maybe   more !  ❞     the   smaller   student   teases,   his   palms   moving   to   retain   his   boyfriend's   handsome   features   in   between   them.
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     despite   the   elation   he   feels   over   the   fact   that   his   team,     —   his   beloved   Karasuno   —,     is   now   going   to   nationals,   there's   a   torturing   touch   of   melancholy   to  his   core:   this   is   the   place   where   Oikawa   should   have   been   at.   should   have   brought   Shiratorizawa   to   their   knees —  defeated   Ushijima   himself.   but   if   they're   together,   then   maybe,   by   association . . .   his   train   of   thought   is   cut   short   when   Suga   feels   the   brunette's   lips   at   the   top   of   his   in   the   sweetest   &    most   gentle   of   kisses.   one   time.   &   then   again.   &    again.   &   again !   it   makes   him   smile   &    guide   thin   digits   further   into   soft   brown   locks   as   he   responds   with   a   sigh;   his   heart   set   entirely   ABLAZE.
     talk   about     '   kissing   your   mother   with   that   mouth   '     huh . . .
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@heartfated​​ for youran uwu
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“ you are late. “ shaw kicked his skateboard, so he could grab it, lazily tugging the object underneath his arm as he scanned her curiously. “ work must be real busy or perhaps you’re still searching for this police guy? what was his name again? ah, yeah, that gavin guy. “ yeah, colour him curious. she couldn’t possibly be into him.
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jikangai-a · 4 years
@heartfated​ || hq starter call ! 
‘ hey, captain ! wait up ! ‘ the last one out of the gym, he comes bounding down the steps, his long gangly legs able to take him a further distance with barely any effort. he can catch up in no time, trotting up to kuroo’s side with a grin. 
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‘ that was some practice, huh ? i’m all fired up ! but also sort of tired. yaku-senpai’s so strict ! where are you heading now ? ‘ 
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heartfated seeks an audience with the master.
Right. The ‘Prinzessin der Verurteilung’ of the Mondstadt branch. Why is she in the Intelligence Department, again? She’s probably expecting him to address her in a most bombastic manner befitting her royal status...
“How’s it going, Amy?”
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abysslarchiving · 4 years
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓.   a rarity it was, for the frostblade to carry out missions anywhere other than mond, but when given the chance he’d snatched the opportunity up with swift fingers. once upon a time he might’ve trained to become a merchant instead, used his sharp tongue not for interrogations but for charming civilians into tasting their famed dandelion wine. he would have made a fine salesman had he not joined the knights. he might even have the chance to travel to different parts of teyvat instead of remaining in mondstadt. there was irony in that, was there not ? remaining so rooted in the land of freedom ? missions like that of elusive treasure hoarders with priceless mondstadt artefacts were an opportune reprieve from the familiar rolling hills, the same faces, the same stories, and same expectations ( at the very least, for a little while. )
intel gathering in mond was something that was often relayed to him, and that had become what kaeya was accustomed to. it had been a while since he’d needed to practice in the field himself, understand where to ask the right questions. seated in the midst of restaurants, street vendors, there was no better way than to overhear gossip, tightly packed as they were in any tavern by the air thick with the scent of spice instead of raucous bar - tunes. how odd to see a member of nobility here, ready to order her fill just like any other member of society, but then again, if kaeya’s research had been accurate then keqing of the liyue qixing had never been one for following societal norms. what an interesting character. an encounter like this one hadn’t been planned, but far be it from an opportunist like kaeya not to take advantage of what he could learn.
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“   do you come to this stall often ?   what would you recommend ?   ”
@heartfated​ liked for a starter !
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stxrnenstxubx · 4 years
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@heartfated​​​ »  [ shower ] / youran and victor <: | nsfw muse reaction prompts | closed
[ shower ] your muse joining mine in the shower.
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to think christmas and new years came so quickly and victor still had so many meetings to attend in the next two weeks. it was so incredibly busy, that he forgot about one little fact as he took off his clothes and stepped into the huge shower of his villa. he had barely turned the water on, hair wet and reaching far into his face when he felt the door shifting. blinking, he took a step forward before turning around, eyes falling onto youran’s very... naked frame. “ really, “ he murmured, hand reaching up to run through his hair, slicking it back before looking at her once more.
she really was becoming more and more daring these days.
“ c’mere, “ he said quietly, one hand on her waist to pull her in front of him, her back meeting his front as he tapped onto her shoulder a few times. “ and now, youran, “ he whispered close to her ear, his hips sliding against her ass once, “ bend over for me. “
she didn’t really have to, his grip was far from tight. still, as much as he liked being soft, protective and caring, just as much ( or maybe even more ) did he like to play around.
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saudadxs · 4 years
“If it’s all in my head, then tell me now.” / Claude and Alec
(here) the taylor swift evermore meme - accepting!
They had been playing that same game for far too long now, alec could feel. Actually, he could sense it, every time the two of them were in the same room, alone or together, the tension between them was just too much for them to handle. Maybe he was imagining things, maybe there was just the same old tension coming from Alec himself, after all, it wasn’t an extraordinary fact that he had a crush on Claude, despite the other male hardly ever showed any kind of affection, other than what muggles would call bromance acts, towards him.
Still Alec could feel it, it started with the stupid drunk night the two of them decided to spend the night outside, around the forest’s grounds, just watching the stars. According to a student and according to Claude, they were supposed to have this meteor shower going on and the quidditch field was the perfect spot for that. No one told them they shouldn’t bring alcoholic beverages (but they did) and no one told them they shouldn’t fall asleep tangled, sharing one blanket, whispering nonsense until the other passed out (but Alec did).
After that, Alec could sense Claude’s eyes on him and despite his attempts of ignoring how the hairs in the back of his head would raise as he could feel Claude’s eyes on him, on that day was particularly hard.
Suseong had lost another game and he was feeling rather depressed, he was captain and a seeker, after all, he was supposed to play harder and be better than anyone else but still he lost for some stupid mistake he made, which made it impossibly hard to just accept people’s words of incentive and support.
“If you’re here to act like everyone else, you can leave, thank you.” He sounded harsh and lost at the same time, not looking at Claude, even though he knew those steps belonged to him.
The heavy sigh came from behind him and Alec frowned as he felt Claude’s warmth behind him, the male’s arms enveloping his shoulders from behind, an embrace he didn’t know he needed, the kind of thing that was so Claude he couldn’t help but relax against him.
As if it was meant to be like that.
He fought hard against his conscious that insisted on telling him he didn’t stand a chance, that Claude was being the friend Alec always needed beside him. It made him tense again and Claude probably felt it, because his words just made Alec freeze, not knowing what to say or do.
“It’s time to grant your wish, Alec.”
He turned around immediately, frowning, groundless, being held only by Claude’s arms, as if he was his entire orbit and Claude’s words was gravity, keeping him stable, around him.
“The meteor shower night…” Claude looked surprised and even scared, Alec could read him just as well as his friend could do to himself. “And what you said…”
Alec gulped. It was impossible. No. Claude was sleeping, there was no way he listened to what he said, the way he poured his drunk heart to his sleepy friend. No.
He licked his lips, trying to find the right words to say, maybe he should deny it, should say it was just a joke, but then he remembers what really Claude just said. He was there to grant his wish.
“Claude, I…”
A hand goes from his wait to his lips and Alec closes his eyes with the touch. It’s soft and wanted and everything he ever wished.
“If it’s all in my head, then tell me now.”
The please comes out as a whisper and Alec decides to take that same leap of faith, his hand circling the wrist and now Claude’s hand isn’t on his lips, Alec’s lips is on Claude’s and for the first time in a long time, everything makes sense again.
As it should be.
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homefronttmoved · 4 years
♫ / taichihaya c:
send me ♫ and I will make a 5-10 SONG PLAYLIST for our muses!   \   accepting.   @heartfated. 
001.   always i’ll care  /  jeremy zucker. 
okay i’m going to preface this playlist with  THIS SONG.  it’s for that short period of them not talking,  where taichi is just trying to distance himself from chihaya and everything that reminds him of her.  i feel like the lyrics just mirror every single one of those moments while also mirroring those slivers of hope given to us through symbolisms that they will eventually find their way back to each other regardless. 
002.   alright  /  keshi. 
this is the song for their tag and it makes me want to cry every single time.  i feel like this is what chihaya’s side is like after taichi’s confession.  the lyrics just giving us the whole chihaya thinking about them before everything that went down.  her being sad and obviously shattered at the situation before coming to terms with it eventually.  and lastly her being just...  hopeful that he’ll come back to her?   ( with or without you i waited my whole life  /  i can wait a little longer )   and just...  yeah this pretty much sums up the chihaya side of that whole angst arc. 
003.   dreaming alone   /   against the current. 
oh god...  PINING...  THE MUTUAL PINING IS REAL IN THIS ONE.  ignoring the implication that there is someone else in the picture in the song’s context   ( or not,  we both know arata’s a factor here HFKJDHFJDKF ).  this just feels like the mutual pining post confession but also prior to the confession ?   like  is it me that you see when you fall asleep  /  cause you know it’s you  /  i dream about every night   tell me that is not the epitome of their mutual pining.  and the last line????  it will always be you and me  /  so why do we keep dreaming alone ?   THEY’RE ENDGAME. 
004.   why do i still   /   nieman. 
ONE OF MY FAVORITES.  the mutual pining is real in this one too?   but also it dwells more on the friendship and the  fear  of losing that if one makes a wrong step.  it literally says:  i can’t reveal how i really feel  /  cause i’m scared of ruining what we’ve built  taichi’s hesitance to tell chihaya anything ?  while being  LOUD  about it through his actions ?  yep...  this song just...  perfectly mirrors all of that.  and this is taking into account that they have built an empire together with the mizusawa high karuta club...   that’s like a LOT at stake.  i feel like this song just captures a lot of that fear and hesitance. 
005.   tell her you love her  /  echosmith. 
TAICHI THIS IS FOR YOU :DDDD  but mostly for pre-confession taichi.  i don’t think i need to explain this further tbh,  the title speaks for itself. 
006.   lite   /   loop. 
the way this song is so poetic never fails to get me EVERY SINGLE TIME.  taichihaya being each other’s pillars of support is something that i feel like is mirrored in this song ?  especially taichihaya after their short separation after junior high.  i just know that chihaya’s life is completely  BLEAK  without taichi.  the way chihaya dealt with playing karuta alone while searching for people who would share the same interests with her wholeheartedly?  and while chihaya may be  extremely  oblivious regarding social situations in general,  i just know that she feels a little lonely knowing that her friends couldn’t quite take who she is wholly.  everyone she’s met all kind of found the karuta loving part of her weird and that makes her sad and then BAM taichi comes back into her life and suddenly everything is okay again.  because he’s there and suddenly the world is back on its axis. 
007.   a little braver   /   new empire. 
this song made me cry so many times,  ngl.  but the way i see it...  this is sort of an ode for when they finally get together?  when they finally find themselves in the end  —  with chihaya finally being able to stand on her own two feet especially with karuta without being dependent on taichi’s close support   ( she has to come to terms that taichi supporting her from afar while finding himself amongst the mess that is everything post-confession arc is possible and that just because there’s a time where he’s not beside her,  it doesn’t mean that he hates her  or  that he’s stopped being her friend entirely ),  and taichi finally being able to love karuta in a way that’s not centered on chihaya as well as finding something else that motivates and inspires him that is not chihaya or his feelings for her.  because you know...  when all of this happens...  they’re both a little braver and more mature than they have been and they’re ready to start over again. 
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kingamed · 4 years
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Sentence Starters | accepting | heartfated said: “Can you shut up for once in your life?” / from kaiba c:
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                                    Once upon a time he would’ve flinched back from such words being tossed his way. This time, he doesn’t flinch back, though he does have a slightly shocked expression settling onto his face but only after a moment is he shaking his head and smiling. Typical Kaiba. “I could but where would be the fun in that?” Comes his quick reply as he stares the other down, a bit challenging if you really look at it that way. 
                                 “Lighten up a little, Kaiba. It’s just conversation. No need to be so grumpy.” Light laughter bubbles past his lips after his slight teasing response, hands clasping behind his back after a moments thought. “I’ll tell you what, if you can figure out where my off switch is, then I’ll shut up.” Plot twist, he had no off switch and this was once again, a slight tease.
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2ndvice · 4 years
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@heartfated​​​​ said:    [ AIRPORT ]            (     KISSING PROMPTS !   //   accepting !     )
     Sugawara   shouldn't   be   here.   he   really,   seriously,   shouldn't.   the   loud   yelling   that   echoes��  behind   his   back,     —   as   the   airport's   security   officers   frantically   chase   him  down   the   crowded   halls   —,     don't   seem   to   put   his   resolve   any   more   at   EASE.   &   it's   not   like   it's   going   to   change   easily.   at   that   very   moment :   it   doesn't   matter   if   he's   breaking   the   rules   or   not.   if   he's   a   literal   OUTLAW   for   stepping   over   lines   he   shouldn't   &   entering   an   area   that   will   probably   have   him   pay   a   ridiculously   large   fine   later.   that   tiny,   insignificant,   detail   stopped   being   important   on   the   very   second   he   decided   that   things   weren't   done :   they   couldn't   be.   the   feeling   of   ache   inside   his   stomach   couldn't   possibly   be   from   the   food   he  had   in   the   morning —   especially   because   he   hasn't   had   any   yet.   the   numbing   fog   that   hazed   his   thoughts   couldn't   be   from   the   gesture   of   waving   goodbye   &   going   back   to   being   home   alone.   of   course,   all   of   that   played   a   large   part   in   his   current   actions,   but —   all   of   that   is   too   underwhelming   when   compared   to   the   simplicity,   the   warmth   &   emotion   present   on   the   magnitude   of   the   last   few   days.     ❝  TOORU !  Fuck —   ah,   I   am   so   not   in   shape.   Shit.  ❞     the   elementary   teacher   pants,   coughing   between   his   mumbling.     ❝  TOORU — !   WHERE   ARE   YOU  — ? !  ❞     &   when   hazel - tinted   irises   capture   sight   of   a   board   with   the   schedule   for   every   flight   does   he   realise   that   probably   there   are   only   a   few   minutes   left —
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     &   that   COLLIDES   with   the   exact   second   he   looks   behind   his   right   shoulder   &   notes   how   the   security   guards   are   still   actively   searching   the   area.   he   has   to   act.   ACT   FAST !
     skilful   digits   move   the   ocean   blue   scarf   from   around   his   neck   &    quickly   make   a   veil   out   of   it ;   completely   hiding   ashen   locks   as   Suga   advances   further   into   the   boarding   area.   at   first,   his   steps   slow   &   contained.     '   blend   in.   blend   in.   you   are   going   to   board   this   plane   &   this   is   completely   normal.   '     but   once   he's   OUT   OF   SIGHT . . .   he   runs.   runs   as   if   for   dear   life.   runs   as   if   nothing   else   in   the   world   could   matter   past   this   point . . .   &    quite   frankly :   it   doesn't.   his   lungs   hurt,   his   throat   feels   extremely   dry —   &   maybe   there's   the   prickling   of   tears   in   his   eyes,   but   Suga   can't   quite   tell.   probably   just   about   two   minutes   later,   he's   finally   arrived   in   front   of   the   place   where   he   should   be :   GATE 10   —   boarding   from   Sendai   to   Osaka.   but   where   is   he ?   there   are   so   many   faces   in   line,   so   many   people   waiting   in   to   board   the   aeroplane    &   not   even   one   of   them   is . . .
     ❝  OIKAWA   TOORU !   WHERE   IN   THE   FUCK   ARE   YOU ? !  ❞     the   silvery   man   can   feel   as   eyes   fall   on   him :   shocked,   surprised,   accusative . . .   there's   a   plethora   of   feelings   there.   but   then,   right   at   the   start   of   the   line,   someone   moves —   &   he's   right   there.   &   he   is   real.
     there's   evident   confusion   written   upon   the   brunette's   features   as   he   steps   just   a   bit   to   the   side   &   starts   showering   Suga   with   interrogations . . .   but   they   all   go   unheard.   still   gasping   for   air   &   at   an   absolute   loss   of   words,   the   elementary   teacher   can   only   move   on   instinct     (   concede   his   body   &   spirit   to   express   what   his   voice   would   never   be   able   to   )     as   he   wraps   his   arms   around   the   player's   neck   &   pulls   him   down   to   a   kiss.   one   that   conveys   every   bit   of   LOVE   &   ADMIRATION   he   feels   towards   Oikawa.   one   that   starts   with   nothing   but   a   peck   upon   his   lips   &   ends   with   tears   streaming   down   his   face,   weak   knees   &   trembling   fingers   on   the   search   for   strength   in   the   lines   of   the   taller   man's   shoulders.
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     ❝  I   love   you.   So,   so   much.  ❞     he   whispers.     ❝  Don't   go.   Please,   Tooru — . . .   please . . .   stay.   Just   a   little   while   longer.  ❞
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moxle · 4 years
it  hadn’t  been  long  since  he  had  moved  to  liyue  and  though  he  overall  doesn’t  regret  the  decision,  there  are  some  mistakes  that  made  him  consider  abandoning  his  purpose  of  being  there.  so  much  so  that  he’s  even  considered  writing  a  letter  to  his  sister  about  how  he  had  the  thought  appearing  in  his  head.  but,  he  had  a  responsibility  and  he  was  loyal  at  the  end  of  the  day.  so,  he  had  no  other  choice  but  to  go  through  with  it. 
after  making  another  trip  to  the  northland  bank,  he  decided  to  walk  through  liyue  harbor,  finding  his  eyes  wandering  around  the  city  as  he  does  so.  he  always  considered  liyue  to  be  a  beautiful  nation.  sure,  it’s  no  snezhnaya,  but  he  still  finds  the  culture  of  liyue  to  be  fascinating.  his  eyes  eventually  wander  to  the  group  of  children  playing  around  with  each  other  while  running  through  the  city,  smiling  fondly  as  he  thinks  of  his  little  brothers  and  sisters.  eventually,  the  kids  leave  his  sight  and  he  finds  himself  looking  back  across  himself  to  make  sure  he  doesn’t  bump  into  anyone.  and  while  he  doesn’t,  he  does  find  a  familiar  figure  ahead  of  him. 
realistically,  childe  should  not  interact  with  her.  in fact,  it’d  be  smart  of  him  to  not  at  all  interact  with  the  yuheng  of  the  qixing,  considering  their  rocky  past.  but  childe’s  been  known  to  make  reckless  decisions...  and  this  certainly  won’t  be  his  last.  “keqing!”  he  calls  out  with  a  happy  smile  and  wave,  acting  like  his  normal  self  in  case  any  other  members  of  the  fatui  were  around  him.
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he  walks  up  to  her  with  a  casual  grin,  acting  as  if  there’s  nothing  at  all  wrong  with  the  both  of  them.  “how’s  my  favorite  girl  doing?”  she  would  definitely  not  react  positively  to  him ...  he  deserves  it. 
all for you, @heartfated​ 🏹
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thedetectiveofinaba · 4 years
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@heartfated​ asked: ✭✭✭
In addition to Featherman Neo R Naoto likes Detective Conan and Sherlock more but isn’t too loud on her interest. The closest implication is her using the OP and ED music in her cell phone alarm sounds and ringtones and the two big posters on her room.
She doesn’t make a big fuss on how she used to like BBC Sherlock and tapped out during the third season since she got annoyed on how Sherlock was portayed unfaithfully and the direction wasn’t changing & she found out other detective series with sci-fi vibes like Psycho-Pass existed.
Naoto doesn't really think that British food culture is that exciting or how it added anything to it, and she's more fond of Japanese dishes since they show actual personality and variability.
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scarlxtleaves · 4 years
“Believe in yourself Arthur, you are to be the savior who will vanquish the calamity of this generation. And you will for once and for all proven to yourself and those that follow you that you're the true king of Ladylake.” Spoke a Seraphim towards a young man. The young man that stood within his ceremonial tower where those come to worship the lady of the lake. All Arthur saw were people gathered today, all huddled around the sacred sword which no one could have pulled out for quite sometime. There was doubt that filled Arthur and for good reason.
The kingdom had just been attacked a week prior to this day, that was the day the late king Uther Pendragon fell. And upon his father's death Arthur had not been in the best of moods, always second guessing himself, his training and whether or not he could lead this kingdom once he was done with his quest of vanquishing the lord of calamity. “Now that I think of it..that sword is etched in stone. I'll look like nothing more than a fool..” Arthur spoke under his breath towards the elder Seraphim that stood beside him, others could see the old robed man whilst most couldn't which made it look as if Arthur was having a conversation with himself. However, the Seraphim gently placed a hand upon the young blond's shoulder, his lavender hues peered into Arthur's jades. “This is to prove that you ARE indeed special, that you ARE the one that will lead these people, and the world back into light and look I'm not the only one who believes so.”
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Spoke the Seraphim now taking a look at a beautiful maiden robed in crimson. This was the Lady of the lake..the Seraphim that watches over the kingdom. Others that have seen the Lady gasps with excitement as the majority wondered what exactly the few were looking at as the blond prince made his way towards the stone rather slowly. Step for agonizing step he's finally stood before the sword. Both his hands grasps it and with all his strength he began to pull against the weapon etched in stone but there was no fruit to his attempt. It did not even move in the slightest. The clouds of doubt still filled Arthur's mind, trouble would sure to follow quite soon and he knew not if he even had the power to protect everyone...oh how he wanted to protect his land, protect the world. “You're believing in yourself Arthur, you are destined to be the greatest king that have ever lived and to bring peace to this land once again, you need to believe that nothing could stand in the way of your destiny. Not the calamity, not your fears or doubts and certainly not this stone.” The Elderly Seraph spoke once more, and those words of encouragement helped Arthur maintain a steady mind. He was right, Merlin was right. “I will protect this world..” Arthur spoke softly, taking the hilt of the sword with a single hand this time and upon touching the sword a symbol burned into the back of his hand, the symbol of a shepherd, it glows so brilliantly as Arthur effortlessly pulls the sword out from its prison.
Closed starter for @heartfated​
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setternine-a · 4 years
     @heartfated​ / requested a starter.
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     “ ... Oikawa-san, I can see you. ” His voice is laced with tranquility despite being met with the other setter’s ridiculously obvious attempt at hiding from him. Unfortunately for Oikawa, Tobio is definitely not letting that one go ( he never did ).
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