sapphireorison · 1 year
Good morning, loves. It's been a good long while. <3
I've recently come out my hibernation and am starting to want to tinker with my brain a little bit. Of course, I come back to this blog to do so. Idk, there's just something about this particular space that lends me to more productive navel-gazing.
I think it has to do with trying to put things into thoughts that others can understand. Because while I might 'get it,' whatever it is, can I also explain it to myself? I feel like that's very important.
Also, I realized that I have done exactly zero spiritual growth since the plague hit, but in a self-protective kind of way. This I would like to fix, because (shockingly) I like growing as a person and learning new things that I'm capable of. I have gotten very good at anxiety mitigation and learning how to recover from major stressors, but that's all just getting me back to baseline. (Though I HAVE a good equilibrium of a baseline, now, which is...novel? New. I like it.)
Some things I've been prodding at more recently (here, have a bunch of personal bullshit, ilu):
I've been reading that City Magick book, which is kind of fun and I already have quite a few thoughts about it. I've been taking notes, so we'll see if I have something coherent to say about it afterwards.
I've also realized that I've been stripping my pop occulture elements from my practice to the point where I'm only keeping the useful and resonant bits. They're far more abstractions now. Useful, but mine. Keeping the jewels, because of what I've made them mean, but...mmm. Many thoughts, tbh. I'm shedding a few of the incorrectly fitting metaphors, though, because I've figured out why they don't fit.
Sometime in the past however long, I finally came to full terms with being aroace, which...has a lot of very interesting implications for just how polyam I am, and what kind of—look. Look. There are very few places for really ~interestingly developed qpr polycules and figuring that out has made a lot of things snap into a really crisp high-def oh shit. Which has also made it a lot easier to ditch some of the constructs I created to protect myself that I don't need. (Though some of them I am legit sad about leaving behind, I outgrew them. Gotta leave behind the husk, yanno?)
Addendum: this past pride with me having decided 'yeah, actually, aroace here' with enough confidence to think it's relevant to pride was...weird? Interesting? I liked it, but it was definitely a thing.
Still very much interested in my Lifeblood of the City project, where I am doing research into genius loci and (ofc) urban witchery. Both in general but also as part of trying to connect with LA. Learning to love a place and a time and, hopefully, to incorporate everything about it into some sort of working practice. If I have to drive hours to hit wilderness, a lot of witchery need not apply.
But also, the above is very much a, hrm, well, I uprooted myself, right? So I feel/felt that sharp and angry disconnect with where I've been transplanted. All of the research I've been doing has been, in a very concrete way, giving me insight and access to a city that I never wanted to live in and who I must live in for the rest of the foreseeable future. So. Spiritual implications of spiritual research, but not in the way you'd think.
Though, of course, I've been here for nearly ten years and I am rather hopelessly fond of many parts of the city, now. Enough that I was arguing with the City Magick book in my notes at its characterization of a city's energy as so often too negative. So. A good point in the project to be reading this book, I think, ahha.
Vaguely grumpy that the one book I want to read re: Genius Loci is VERY out of print (like the publisher went belly up) and the author's last 'thinking about self-pub!' was last in June. If I could just FIND a copy...
Let's see...beyond ALL THAT, I'm about to hit a growth phase in my career, too, and with the fall approaching, all things feel very possible to me. I always kind of wake up as soon as summer ends.
Anyway, I don't know if I'm back, but I do know that I'm pleased to have scribbled down some of these thoughts. I hope you all have a lovely day. <3<3
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unofficialchronicle · 2 years
cleaning your dishwasher
Hey folks! Cleaning your space has lots of good effects for your mental health. While we often forget that we need to clean our appliances, too, doing so makes your place feel extra clean, takes care of bacteria/fungi that might be growing in there, and makes your cleaning cycles more efficient. So, yay! 
You’ll get lots of benefits from cleaning it once a month, but if that’s just not happening, consider cleaning it once every 6 months. Cleaning the thing really only takes a few minutes: I just did it in 10. 
You’ll need: 
1. a rag
2. some dish soap
3. white vinegar (1 cup)
4. baking soda 
5. a dishwasher safe bowl. 
6. (optional) an essential oil (a few drops). 
To clean the thing: 
1. (Start by working with an empty dishwasher. No dishes can be along for the ride!) First, check your dishwasher filter. (It’s not hard!). It’s usually located at the bottom of the machine. Lefty-loosey. Take the thing out and if it’s full of ancient food stuffs, wash it with soap and hot water in the sink. Then put it back in. 
2. Wipe down the inside (mostly the bottom) with a soapy rag. 
3. dust the bottom of the dishwasher with baking soda. (You don’t need that much). 
4. Fill you dishwasher safe bowl with 1 cup of white vinegar. If you’d like, add a few drops (think ~5) of whatever essential oil gets you excited—I used peppermint because it smells great. Put this bowl, face up, on the upper rack of your dishwasher. 
5. Run it! (on hot is best, but normal is fine too if your dishwasher doesn’t have a high heat cycle). Make sure you run it empty! Let the thing air dry. If you can, leave it open over night, but don’t trip on it when you do into the kitchen for water at midnight. You’ve done a good thing for your nest, and that’s a good thing for you (and yours). 
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openbibleopenheart · 1 year
2023, July 3
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sheppardsmckay · 3 months
Mary and Martha and the Art of Homemaking Recently I watched the Chosen in theaters. If you haven’t heard or seen it yet, it’s about the life of Christ. They take some dramatic liberties with… http://rachelatterholt.blog/2024/04/30/97/
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fandomentanglement · 1 year
I have been lazy with tagging posts, so I just throw them in my drafts to tag and queue later.
I have 1405 drafted posts.
I have regrets.
Lemme see if I can queue some of these puppies up. :)
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lightthewaybackhome · 4 months
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hearthenhome · 7 months
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「 HEARTH'S HAVEN 」 is an 18+ community for the girls – if you consider yourself a girl in any shape ノ way ノ form, you're welcome to join us! we seek to uplift and surround ourselves with positive energy and channeling that into supporting one another. ⟢
community gates: we are open! admin staff ノ mods ノ members. ⟢ the hearthkeepers will do their best to answers asks as fast as they can!
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⟡ send us an ask to obtain the discord server link ! ⤷ admin staff will screen through – we accept everyone, but we need to see an age for us to be able to admit you ! ⟡ we'll send you a link to the discord once we see you ♡ ⤷ if you're turning 18 soon, please only apply to join when you've turned 18!
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⟡⟡ 18+ only, no minors! ⤷ this haven is 4 the girlies! doesn't matter if you use different pronouns or you don't define yourself solely as a girlie ⤷ if you identify as a girl in any part, shape, form, or way – you're welcome here! ⟡⟡ blank and ageless blogs will not be given the link ! ⤷ please have an age in your blog when you ask for the link!
⟡⟡ negativity is part of growth. you are so loved. (yes, that's a rule.) ⤷ positivity is welcome here, so do support one another! uplift! <3
⟡⟡ this community is space for creatives too :') we love u ! ⤷ share your creations !!! we want to be a part of your journey too !
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any questions ? pop by our inbox !
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ladyhearthkeeper · 5 months
There is something inherently spiritual in domesticity.
I think this is why I was always attracted by the idea of hearthkeeping which offers a deeper depth to homemaking.
As I was kneading dough to make bread, it made my soul soar. It might be a mundane task but it's an ancestral action.
Something that connects me to my bloodline, to all the countless women who have done the same. And in the awe and thankfulness I feel when I turn flour into an actual bread; I connect with my Creator.
In homemaking there are many hidden gem that feed the soul.
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it is with regret that unless I axe 3k of words I really love, these characters are gonna talk their way through the Big Important Conflict of this story instead of fighting each other in the mud as I, their God, intended.
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perilegs · 2 months
is there anything that points to how exactly it is chosen which god someone's vallaslin will represent? da wiki says "They still revere the elven pantheon, and in a ritual to commemorate reaching adulthood each member of a tribe will have the symbol of their chosen god tattooed on their face." but there's no source for that and ive never before seen that in game so idk. ive always thought someone else picked it for the elf in uestion but being able to pick it yourself makes sense with the reflecting on gods stuff
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companionsofusall · 3 months
I think it would be fun for my inquisitor to run into the clan again beyond just war table missions and like see that the clan has moved on. (And like so has my inquisitor! You can’t experience everything and go back like nothing has changed!!! Things happened whether you wanted them to or not) And then everything they thought was temporary for them in the inquisition…. it’s not really that temporary
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boarseye · 2 years
Polytheist Devotional Resources
Daily Devotions- a Hellenic polytheist's suggestions for each day of the week. On the main blog page, she posts each day the day of the week activities as well as hymns for deities/spirits associated with that day of the month, festivals etc. This can be easily adapted for other traditions.
Pagan Book of Hours- Calendar of Prayers. Includes rituals for holidays from a variety of traditions. (Norse, Irish, Roman, Greek)
The Hearthkeeper's Way- Ar nDraiocht Fein's guide to committing to a regular Druid practice. A free e-book with prayers and short rites for daily, weekly, lunar and solar devotions.
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clearlitebergaming · 8 months
my first ever attempt at drawing charr
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artistic rendition of:
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well! it aint half bad isnt it?! XD
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idyllicdomesticity · 2 years
Tomorrow morning, sometime after 530am, I'll be live streaming as I make breakfast. Peaceful music and good food will abound. Join me. 🖤
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witchofkneppwood · 1 year
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Anyone else have a notebook and pen/pencil addiction? Working on some witchy goodness and I realize…I may have a problem 😂
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lightthewaybackhome · 2 months
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