#heartpascal requests
heartpascal · 1 year
can we get more father figure joel? You know when Ellie killed the David, and then Joel comforted her? Maybe that but instead of Ellie it’s the reader, thank you <3
i am good
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▹ joel miller x platonic!f!reader
▹ — summary: joel finally sees the darkness in himself reflected in you.
▹ — a/n: ok first request i hope it’s ok!! i know its kinda similar to the game but erm. its reader and joel this time!! and reader is much much less ok with the whole. murder thing but its ok bc joel is there to fix it &lt;3 yes he is your dad no you don’t get a choice he has decided it
▹ — warnings: allusions to sexual assault (nothing happens but the intention was there), vivid descriptions of murder, reader is misled and attacked, similar to the game with ellie (so kinda spoilers?), joel is ready to kill for you (and does), lots of blood, tears, father figure joel, lots of angst and upset, vomiting
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Getting air into your lungs was proving to be one of the hardest things you’d had to do for a long time, which, considering the journey you’d been on, was shocking. The act of simply breathing should have come easily to you, but it didn’t. It couldn’t. Not as you saw the reflection of your own bloodied face in the knife that was held up, a clear threat polluting the air.
You knew you had probably been lucky to even make it as far as you had — born into a world full of death and chaos and infection, you were bound to meet your gruesome end some day, but you didn’t want to die.
For the first time in a long time, your chest ached for the breath you couldn’t seem to provide, the want, the need to live almost suffocating you on its own. You had someone now, someone who cared whether you survived or not, who felt like you deserved even a glimpse at a happy ending, even if he didn’t like to state those things out loud.
Resentment was growing in your stomach, filling you with the need to be sick. Why did you always have to listen to the words Joel didn’t say, rather than the ones he did say? If you had just listened, conserved your trust for those who actually earned it, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
When your hunting escapades had led you into a small horde of infected, you had just blindly put your faith in the aging couple who came to your aid, not thinking of what they might want for their troubles. You’d never had to escape without Joel’s help before, and you quickly discovered you weren’t all that good at it.
The two of them had dragged you back to their nearby settlement which they shared with a couple dozen others, all whilst you were kicking and screaming, trying to get away, your resolve fading each time they hit you to near unconsciousness. When they passed by a young man stood beside an older lady, you had called out to them, “Please, help me, please.”
“Gotta get something in return for the gear we wasted saving her ass,” the man had snickered to the two of them as glanced at the couple, just nodding at his words before turning back to their conversation.
You’d been knocked out when they approached a large community house, just getting a glimpse of the carpeted floor before the woman had struck her gun against the side of your head.
You had woken up in the middle of a chilled room, your arms straining with effort as you pushed yourself to sit up, seeing the woman holding a knife towards you. You couldn’t be sure how long it had been since they’d taken you, not with the way your stomach clenched with pain. The whole reason you’d been out there was to solve that, but you were sure that it had gotten worse.
“Listen, please,” your scratchy voice came out, much quieter than you had meant for it to be, “I—I can get you replacements for everything you used, but you gotta let me go.”
“We don’t gotta do anything, girl.” The lady snickered, as if even you saying such a thing was amusing. It made you feel small, powerless.
She got up, hearing her name being called, Cheryl, you noted, and sneered at you. Her skin was dull, and she looked vaguely ill, but that didn’t change anything about her threatening demeanour. At least one thing you’d taken from travelling with Joel was never underestimate your opponent, no matter how small, or ill, or kind they may appear to be.
Her hand grazed your face as she strode past, “Yeah,” she said quietly, like she was complimenting you, “You’ll do nicely. We’ll both enjoy you.”
You managed to avoid throwing up until she left the room, hearing a lock click into place. All that came up was bile, the clench of your stomach just becoming sharper afterwards. Your muscles felt weak, likely beginning to waste away with you having been inactive for a little while and injured, less energy wasted on muscle cells and more going into fighting off the infections that were likely trying to poison your blood.
Scanning the room, like Joel would’ve advised you to, you found nothing of much use to you. An old rickety chair, perhaps, but that would only help you if you could lift it, and you weren’t convinced you had the strength left within you, but you’d be damned if you didn’t at least try.
Something deep in your chest nagged at you, the longing for Joel, probably. He had saved you on countless occasions, and you could only hope that it had been long enough that he had finally gotten worried. It seemed likely, he really did worry a lot for a man who wasn’t meant to care, but then there was the factor of him finding you, managing to take down all the people in the settlement that might fight to protect each other and—
You took a deep breath, finally feeling your lungs expand and take in some oxygen, and pulled yourself from the ground, keeping the bile that threatened to rise down as the nausea hit you.
The chair was lighter than you expected it to be, the insides of the wooden frame likely rotten away, and you managed to pull it towards the door, waiting beside it with shallow breaths. When the lock finally began to click open, you raised the lightweight chair as high as you could, and smacked it down against the person who entered the room. Splinters flew from it as it impacted, and you heard the clatter of metal as a tray they carried hit the ground with them.
Food, maybe, to keep you alive for… whatever it was that they had planned for you, you reasoned, but didn’t look to check. Instead, you grabbed a mostly-intact leg of the chair that caused splinters to dig into your palm, and stepped over the body of the man who had taken you, exiting quickly.
Footsteps hurried you, and you ducked behind a booth as they approached the room you were being kept in. There were lanterns lit all around the room, giving it a warm look that greatly contrasted the cold air and feel it had.
“Shit!” Cheryl cursed, and you saw her bend down to check on the man from over the top of your booth. A radio crackled though the air, before, “Lewis is down, the girl’s out. Anybody got eyes?”
Your fingers shook and you gripped on to the booth to stop them, hearing the distorted reply of whoever was on the other end of the radio, “She ain’t got out, yet, she’s gotta be in there with you. You need backup?”
“No,” Cheryl replied, her cold voice sending shivers down your back, “I’ve got her.”
The drag of Lewis’ clothes against the floor made you peak your head up, seeing her drag him into the room, before she exited and locked him inside. You ducked back down, heart hammering. You couldn’t escape from them in an open forest — how would you get out of a locked down building?
“Come on out, kid. It’s okay, you just gotta start behaving yourself.” She called, her slow footsteps failing to mask the sound of her unsheathing her knife. It wasn’t okay, it was very far from okay, you would argue, and you could feel that crushing fear of death pushing down on your shoulders, your chest constricting once again.
You tried to reassure yourself — you had faced countless amounts of infected and come out on the other side, what was one woman with very bad intentions? But it didn’t make you feel better, not when it was another human, who could feel exactly what you felt.
Her footsteps approached, and you leaped from where you were in the booth, trying to run as far away from her as fast as you could, but she caught up to you with surprising ease, your muscles clearly weaker than initially thought, and she grasped the back of your shirt, pulling you to a stop as you fell to the ground.
“Get the fuck off of me!” You cried out as she knelt down, one knee beside you and another pressing against your stomach, knife approaching your throat as soon as she settled you firmly against the carpet. It was red.
“You could’ve made this real easy for all of us,” she muttered your name, and you froze, having forgotten the way you’d yelled it out to them in the midst of the battle. “Be a good girl, now.”
You heard gunfire outside, and when her face glanced toward the guarded front door, you twisted underneath her, pushing yourself away to find enough room to kick the knee against the floor out from under her. She fell, her chin hitting the ground with a satisfying crack, and when she cried out, anger overcame you.
“You were gonna hurt me,” You said aloud, almost as if it was a realisation, rather than just fact. Your eyes hardened, gaze going red as you snatched the knife from her weakened grip. She reached out to try and snatch it back, but only got the drops of your blood that fell from the blade as you held onto it, twisting it until you finally held the handle. “Why— why were you going to hurt me?”
Her response didn’t filter through your ears, and the rage at how easily she and Lewis were going to do it pulsed, making your vision go blurry. When she sat up, tumbling forward to take you down again, you swiped her own knife until you felt the drag of something resisting it, and then you pulled harder, feeling something warm gushing down your hand.
Cheryl’s breath stuttered slightly, her hands rising to her chest as she groaned in pain. You looked down to your hands, where they were coated in a red that was darker than the carpet below them, and you were so lost that you didn’t notice her hand coming below yours, hitting it so hard that the knife went flying to the other end of the carpet.
Like a reflex, your fists came down on her face, feeling the shift of bones beneath your knuckles as they shattered upon contact. You didn’t stop, too wrapped up in the fact that you didn’t want to die, that she was going to hurt you, to kill you when she was done, she was going to tear you apart and throw away the pieces, she was going to take away what little humanity had left, she—
Arms pulled you away from the body beneath you, arms much stronger than your own, and you screamed, yelled out with your broken voice, “I’ll kill you, I’ll fucking kill you, get off of me! I’ll kill you!”
The person shushed you, only holding tighter as you thrashed, turning away from Cheryl where she… wasn’t breathing. You stopped, tense muscles in your body going slack and burning as you stared at her, at her body, lifeless and covered in blood.
“Kid, it’s okay, it’s okay, I’ve got you.” said the person holding you— said Joel. Your hands dropped from where you had scratched his forearm, his arm covered in blood — though whether it was his, or Cheryl’s, or yours, you didn’t know.
He loosened his grip on you, eyebrows creased in concern as your entire body slipped when he moved his arms away, as if you couldn’t even hold yourself up.
“No… she— it wasn’t, I didn’t—” you trailed off, unsure of what to say, the words dead on your tongue, because you didn’t what? Didn't mean to kill her?
Joel followed your blank eyes to the body he’d pulled you from, and he turned your head towards him quickly, eyes hard. “No.” He said, and at your somewhat confused expression, he continued, “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Joel, I—”
“No,” he repeated, and pulled your head towards him, keeping you looking away from Cheryl as a gunshot rang through the room, echoing in your ears so loudly you couldn’t hear Joel at first, as he held up the smoking gun for you to see, “—killed her, see? I killed her.”
“They were going… they wanted to—” You choked on the words, feeling that bile come creeping back up your throat, and you lurched away from Joel as it came out, feeling him pull your hair back from your face.
Something in his eyes settled, however, at the choice of word you’d used — they. So this body wasn’t the only one in here? His question was answered by a bang at a door on the other side, the way your entire body flinched at the sound.
The door splintered, and a battered man came tumbling out, hurrying over to where he could see people crowded. His face went red, and he began to shout, “You fucking bitch—!”
Joel shot one between the eyes, and the man crumpled before he could get anything else out. He turned back to you, to where you were hunched in on yourself. He shoved his gun back in its rightful place, and held your cheeks between his hands, gunpowder residue transferring to your skin.
“Do you hear me?” His muted voice said, and you looked up to his face with a confused shake of your head, “It was you or them, and the only answer is you.”
“But, Joel,” you were interrupted, and he wiped the underneath of your eye of a tear that you hadn’t even known had fallen.
“No. You listen to me, remember?” Joel affirmed, and you nodded, the tears falling more now that you’d acknowledged them, your hands shaking as you tried to look past Joel, but he just pulled your face back to him. “I’ve got you, kid. Keep your eyes on me.”
You turned your face into his neck as you all but threw yourself into his arms, and they wrapped around you like they’d been waiting to do so. You missed his pained expression at the words, and the way heartache burrowed in his chest as he stood the two of you up, his knees clicking.
He swept you up, as if you were the smallest and lightest thing he’d carried in years, and he carried you away, your eyes staying glued to him as the two of you left behind the carnage he’d caused in looking for you.
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z00oo1 · 1 year
Joel Miller Recs
She’s a Gun @cowgurrrl
Somebody didn’t give the new guy a heads up about talking about Joel Miller’s family
Big Fan Big Fan II @atinylittlepain
Joel is smitten. But he's having a hard time figuring out when she's being real and when she's just acting.
Feeling You @peterparkersnose
Y/N confesses something to Joel she shouldn’t have when she saw him awake for the first time in weeks after his accident
Unexpected Expecting @atinylittlepain
Joel Miller x pregnant!f!reader
From Love and Life @bubbles-for-all-of-us
you're heavily pregnant but your medical assistant is needed in a close by town. 
We Bleed Together @bubbles-for-all-of-us
What if instead of loosing Sarah, Joel lost you - the mother of his two children and the person who had built him up to a better man.
If the door was open series @heartpascal
months of travelling with joel and ellie come crashing down on you, the fear is suffocating.
Something is rotten @heartpascal
arriving in jackson brings painful feelings, and even worse conversations.
All my faith @heartpascal
Joel finding a little girl after the outbreak (before Ellie),
to do the right thing @pedgeitopascal
When you find out that you’re pregnant, getting rid of it seems to be the only option you have but when it doesn't go as planned, you think of another solution.
oneshot @firsttimewriter92
Joel's time being taken up by another woman
Survive @alloftheimagines
Ellie stays back to keep an eye on Joel so reader gets kidnapped
pieces of our path @atinylittlepain
Joel request please!Reader collects keychains from the different states/places she travels
i’m yours baby @youlightmeupfinn
you can't help but feel inferior when two women throw themselves at joel upon you moving to jackson.
I never stopped loving you I never stopped loving you II @musings-of-a-rose
The disciple @floralsandthesauce
y/n and Ellie have been taken by David and his loyal company.
Man I hate Golf @j0elmill3r
Oneshot @forever-rogue
reader gets hurt protecting Ellie
Needle and thread @uhlunaro
You picked on someone twice your size, and Joel begrudgingly patches you up.
The cure @alloftheimaginess
reader swaps places with Ellie and reader is the one Joel rescues.
Your Bear Your Bear II @rrickgrrimes8
Joel Miller doesn’t just lose Sarah that night but his other daughter too
Oneshot @secondsistershelby
Healing You @astrid-sorensen
A long 12 years after Sarah’s death, Joel can’t seem to open up to you again. But you’re never gonna stop trying.
Code Red @softlyspector
Joel finds out that its the reader's turn to go on patrol. And he is not okay
Settled @softlyspector
Joel and Ellie are finally mostly settled in Jackson. Joel just wants to take care of you, but you find it hard to let some things go.
Too Late @alloftheimagines
in which joel makes the decision to stay in jackson out of fear,
Oneshot @forever-rogue
Joel teaching reader how to swim
Slice of Paradise @bubbles-for-all-of-us
Joel dream of having a farmhouse comes true.
Butterfly @bubbles-for-all-of-us
When Joel thinks that his life is over his little butterfly sends him a new reason to stay alive.
Darling Don’t You Cry @pagesfromthevoid
In an Instant @mishasminion360
Happy birthday, Joel Miller.
Clouded Judgement @bluebeary-jay
it was a long time since Joel had felt a maddening rage
Apothecary @atinylittlepain
joel becomes curious about the woman running the medicine shop
Secret Garden @hevstlouera
As you were well aware, your parents work was something you should never be involved in
White Lies @poeticbarnes
Joel would do anything for you. He does anything for you. And he makes sure you don't know a thing.
Old Soul @softlyspector
You're never quite sure of your place in Joel's life. Everyone else seems to know exactly what it is.
Don't Let Me Drown @alloftheimagines
in which the reader falls into the river of death, and it's joel's job to save you and find shelter.
No Time To Die @davosmymaster
With your life now hanging by a thread, Joel is determined to get you to safety, but the clock is ticking faster than he can run.
Don't Let Me Drown @alloftheimagines
in which the reader falls into the river of death, and it's joel's job to save you and find shelter
Old Soul @softlyspector
You're never quite sure of your place in Joel's life. Everyone else seems to know exactly what it is.
White Lies @poeticbarnes
Joel would do anything for you. He does anything for you. And he makes sure you don't know a thing.
Untitled @forever-rogue
A Long Time Coming @criminalamnesia
You go on patrol with Joel, unknowingly sealing your fate.
All Yours @punkshort
Tommy and Maria want to meet a group from another community to establish a trading relationship. One man comes onto you a little too strong, sparking a reaction from Joel.
Edge Of Darkness @hyzer34
After being placed in a tiny apartment for 5 months with a man who rarely talks. you both decide to leave the QZ.
Cowboy Like Me by JOELM1LLER
Till Death Do We Part by Bloodlvstflims
A husband and wife find themselves in a unique situation when a fungal virus infects the city surrounding them, where they're forced to make tough choices for the sake of living.
Like Knives by Aerith123
Joel and Ellie come across an unlikely ally
Surrender by Ezrasbirdie
Weeks after the events in Kansas City, Joel and Ellie stumble across a woman lost in the Nebraska wilderness. With her knack for foraging and unending patience for Ellie's ceaseless questions, Daisy quickly becomes an asset on their journey.
Crack Shot by TomeOfTheForgotten
You must choose to leave behind the safety of Lincoln to bring Ellie to the terrorist group you swore you would never seek out again. It's been years since your last smuggling run, but you always were the best sniper the Fireflies ever had. With Joel at your side, you're ready for anything the open road could throw at you.
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itevilhag · 2 months
ok ok I had an idea for a story about Joel Miller: in his journey he meets a young girl (a bit like Ellie) who he takes under his wing and everything, he is cold and distant at the beginning because he doesn't want to get too attached to the reader (since he was traumatized by Sarah's death, BUT also the disappearance of his second daughter, we imagine). After months of coldness between them Joel begins to get closer to the reader, and because of a sign or something she says he realizes that it is his missing daughter. I don't know if it's very clear, in any case thank you I love your stories!!
helloooooo anon!💗
This sounds like a very lovely request but I don't think i can write it😭 I'm not really into writing right now. The last tlou fic i wrote was a year ago and i haven't written anything since, but there is a fic by @heartpascal called "I was born waiting" that i can recommend that is maybe similar to this request AND IT IS VERY GOOD.
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heartpascal · 1 year
also my lovelies i have closed my requests for now! i have a whole bunch in my inbox + the current series i’m working on!! so if you’ve already requested there’s a chance you’ll see it!! but im not gonna write every request most likely.
ANYWAYS that is the current update!!!
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heartpascal · 1 year
Hi, I love your writing so much and just saw your most recent post with the polls. I'm wondering, do you think you'd ever make a father figure!joel fic where the reader is gender neutral?
Because as much as I love all the teen daughter fics everyone is doing, I can't help but crave for a gn!teen reader. Like, the idea of joel calling the reader little one instead of babygirl warms my heart so much as a non-binary person, I love it
It's so rare to see it though :')
hi my love!!! i absolutely would. well, im trying, anyway!!! i believe as of rn three of the fics in the polls are gender neutral: tommy + seraphite reader (though i know this isn’t joel but STILL), joel coming to terms with being a dad AND asshole joel fic are all gender neutral as far as i can see!!!
i am pretty used to writing f!readers though, so if when these are published you spot anything that isn’t neutral please do let me know!!! i have written a non-binary character before, but that was in an actual like… fic, not x reader one shots and it has been a while!!! but i am going to try and do more in future as well <3
also LITTLE ONE IS SO :’) little known fact about me but i used to be a wattpad writer and had a found family fic with a marvel character and he called my oc little one :’) SO LITTLE ONE IS ABSOLUTELY A GO!!! and ofc the same old kid and kiddo!!!!!
i know im not answering many asks at the moment but this one i think is important for everybody to see!!! and i think if it was me as a reader looking for something neutral, i’d want to know it’s coming too :’) ALL of those fics are going to be written!!! so its just a question of when they come out really <3
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heartpascal · 11 months
hi guys i don’t wanna open requests but i’m struggling for writing inspo 😭 so if you wanna send in characters + inspo for a fic for them pls feel free!!!
(requests r too much pressure rn even tho ik i don’t have to do them if i’m not feeling them, but i’m also STRUGGLING to write when it’s smth i really wanna be doing!!!)
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heartpascal · 1 year
Hey! How are you? So I actually got a little idea kind of like a Drabble for “if the door wasn’t shut” but could also not be? I don’t want to overwhelm you right now if you have a lot of things to do though! Let me know if you want to hear it!
hi lovely!!! i’m doing okay thank you <3 how are you??and yes i’m always happy to hear whatever ideas you may have!!! i got a bunch of homework at the moment but i’ll always get to drabble / request ideas when i can!! i appreciate you asking <3
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