wingshowdown · 1 year
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Several pre-Astral Confederation human colonies, each settled by a different Earth nation in the days before the Terran Alliance, a time sometimes referred to as the "Vale Terra Period". All are now official members of the Confederation, while still retaining their status as components of their parent nations.
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玉山, Jade Mountain, a garden world in the Luyten's Star system. Also known by the names Gliese 273b and Luyten b, the planet was settled by the first Chinese exosolar colony vessel 钱学森 (also known as the Qian Xuesen). Originally settled in 2073, Jade Mountain successfully weathered the storm of the Second Chinese Civil War of the 2080s, largely by virtue of not picking any specific side. A subsequent controversy over the colony's flag ignited during the Chinese Democratic Confederation accession to the Terran Alliance in 2102. Debate over the legacy of the flag ultimately resulted in Jade Mountain keeping its original design as a nod to its origins. The planet has a current population of ~26.4 million sapients.
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Bunyan, also known as the State of Bunyan, officially known as Ross 128 b. One of the 60 states of the United States of America, admitted to the Union in 2085, after colonization began in 2071. Named for the immense "heavenwood" trees that blanket 56 percent of the planet's surface, the planet has a population of ~42 million sapients. Its proximity to the claimed territory of the Wargen species made it a key trade world in the years before the Astral Confederation was founded.
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Avalon, officially the British Exoterrestrial Territory of Avalon, also known as GJ 1002 b or Gliese 1002 b. Founded in 2072, Avalon was the site of the Houseblock War, the 2151 first contact and (mistaken) confrontation between humanity and the Lamian species, which resulted in the second extrasolar deployment of the Terran Alliance Navy. Owing to the nature of the conflict's resolution, the second moon of the planet (formerly known as Guinevere) is now a joint human-Lamian colony known as Tasha'laar. Sometimes known by various extranet nicknames, including "Scalies' Paradise" or "Arena" (a reference to a fictional conflict which somewhat mirrored the events of the Houseblock War), Avalon continues to be a major centre of human-Lamian diplomatic relations. Combined with its four moons, Avalon boasts a population of 64.6 million sapients.
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heavenwoodhq · 1 month
welcome  to  heavenwood manor,  where  everyone  has  a  purpose.  at  that  time,  when  you  felt  like  you  couldn't  go  on,  that's  when  you  have  received  an  invitation.  now,  which  room  will be  yours?
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heavenwood  is  a  small,  appless  and  literate  roleplay  based  on  tumblr.  we  want  to  focus  on  character  development,  lasting  threads  and  meaningful  connections. 
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☞  roleplay  status:  open for reservations & applications ☞  number  of  empty  rooms:  5.
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sunshine-vx · 1 year
Across Space, Time and Dreams (ASTaD) (Ch. 16- Part 1 of 2)
(Blankshippers DNI)
(Please refer to beginning of chapter 1 post for complete list of CWs/TWs)
(This chapter's first illustration done by @sforspoot , second illustration done by @scribblesscribblings (+ their twitter! Thank you so much to both of them!))
(Read it on Ao3 here!)
(Reblogs are appreciated!)
"You must not rush the journey into enlightenment"
"Yet you will never reach your ambitions if you don't persevere"
Emmet had awoken early in the morning, as promised, and he and the Pokémon got ready as quickly as possible, while still making sure they did every safety check and were properly prepared.
Elesa was up as well, waiting, and they had a bit of teary "goodbye-for-now", with Emmet restating his unbreakable promise that he'd return to her– with Ingo.
Emmet and the Pokémon made their way to the Spear Pillars, letting nothing distract them.
Thankfully, when Emmet called to them, Dialga and Palkia answered. 
Emmet had searched out the aid of the Legendary Pokémon. To his relief and excitement, they had agreed to help him, but they made a strange offer. They said that they couldn't help him directly, but they would take him to the timeframe and general space that Ingo would be located in. They would help Emmet if he was in dire need of aid, but in return, he would lend his own aid should they need it.
Emmet asked the Legendaries if they had any more suggestions for Emmet to prepare, and they answered in the affirmative. 
The legendaries told Emmet that he would take a "tumble" and needed some sort of protection, along with supplies.
When Emmet told the legendaries he was ready to go, something incredible happened.
Suddenly, Emmet felt himself become lighter, before everything around him was consumed in a bright light.
When Emmet opened his eyes again and let his guard down, his eyes widened. He was in the tunnels of the Nimbasa City Subway!
Quickly, Emmet checked the pockets of his coat: Good. Everything, the Pokémon, most importantly, were still there.
He looked down at the tracks under him. They were worn from how many times Emmet had paced around on them.
This is where Ingo had vanished.
Emmet looked up, a light to his right attracting his attention.
There was a bright portal that engulfed the tunnel way that led deeper into the Subway.
Emmet understood. That was the portal he would be going through. 
A part of Emmet was nervous. What if he was sent to the wrong place? What if he found out something terrible? He shook his head. Something in his gut told him this was the right decision, despite all the doubt. If it wasn't, he wouldn't give up. He had to find Ingo, no matter what.
 Emmet had done all the safety checks he could- although this procedure seemed to break that concept entirely- along with gathering plenty of supplies. Bracing himself, Emmet took in a breath and stepped through the portal. 
Ingo stood at the outskirts of Heavenwood Lookout. Ingo had been at Jubilife village when Irida, leader of the Pearl Clan, had run into the village, announcing that a rift had opened in Alabaster Icelands and something had fallen through. She stated that she swore she saw something strange; They had gotten somewhat used to the rifts and weird things coming through, but this was something new. 
When Ingo heard about this rift, and this mysterious thing, he felt like he needed to investigate this. Like it was important. 
Akari and Rei were going to be sent to investigate, when Ingo suddenly interjected.
"I would like to go investigate, as well."
The others seemed confused, so Ingo explained
"Well, I fell from the sky, didn't I?" He continued, "Maybe investigating these rifts can help me figure out a thing or two about myself."
Emmet had a rough landing. The snow broke a bit of his fall, and Chandelure was able to use its Physic and Protect moves to shield Emmet and herself, Emmet only exiting the fall with some bigger scratches and bruises. Emmet turned to Chandelure, letting out a sigh of relief to see she was also okay. She was looking at Emmet, concerned.
"I am okay." Emmet smiled. He patted the Luring Pokémon, "Thank you very much, Chandelure. You should rest now." Emmet returned Chandelure to her Pokéball, then looked around. Snow and trees. Was he in Sinnoh? Sinnoh has always been quite cold. Emmet shook his head. Now was not the time for doubts, he was here to find Ingo. 
Emmet trekked forward through the snow. Eventually, he came across a man walking through the snow; And he was wearing that Pearl Clan symbol! Emmet jumped in anticipation.
"Hello!" Emmet called out, "I am Emmet!"
The man turned to Emmet, confused for a moment, before his eyes went wide.
"I am looking for my twin brother, Ingo. Would you happen to know where he is?" Enmet asked
The Pearl Clan member stuttered "I-I…uhm…"
Emmet waited a moment for the Pearl Clan member to respond. Maybe he just had trouble with words. 
But suddenly, the Pearl Clan member just ran off. 
"Hey!" Emmet began to give chase to the Pearl Clan member, before he tripped over a rock and fell into the snow. He pulled himself up onto his knees, frustrated.
Before Emmet could do anything else, a voice rang out.
"Having trouble?"
Emmet looked up to see a blonde man with a blue and yellow outfit and a large backpack.
Emmet stood up onto his feet and brushed the snow off himself.
"A little." Emmet answered 
"What's troubling you? Are you lost? You don't look like you're from here." The man asked.
"I am Emmet. I am not from here. I am looking for my twin brother, Ingo." Emmet explained, "I believe he is in relation with the Pearl Clan. I just encountered a member of this clan, but he ran away from me."
"The name's Volo. Nice to meet you, Emmet." Volo replied, "The Pearl Clan is a bit unfriendly to outsiders sometimes."
"Well, I must speak to them." Emmet said "Why do you think your brother is related to the Pearl Clan?"
Emmet began to become a bit frustrated. 
"Because I saw something about him and he wore a Pearl Clan symbol and a warden bracelet."
"Did'ja see that kinda thing before? As in, before you started looking for your brother?"
Emmet opened his mouth to answer, but stopped to think. He hadn't been to Sinnoh many times before. He swore that his visit with Elesa to the museum was the first time he saw anything related to the Pearl Clan. Maybe he vaguely saw something about it when he was younger?
But why did that matter, anyway?
"Why does that matter?" Emmet echoed his thoughts.
"Well, as someone who's traveled this region as a merchant, I can tell you I don't know anyone called Ingo, or anyone who looks like you." Volo stated "You've been desperate to find your brother, I assume? I think your brain is playing tricks on you."
Emmet's breath got caught in his throat. No, that wasn't true. He had spoken to Dialga and Palkia themselves.
"If you were in my situation you would know that is not true." Emmet frowned.
Volo shrugged, "Hey, do whatever you want. I'm just saying, maybe you should give it up. Go home."
Emmet grimaced, "No. I will keep looking for Ingo. Goodbye."
"Well, in that case, here's something to think about; This land is harsh, including Alpha Pokémon. They're the big ones with red eyes. You could either avoid 'em, or battle 'em to prove your strength, although I recommend the prior." Volo reached into his bag and took out what looked to be a potion, handing it to Emmet.
"Didn't mean to upset you, just trying to help. It wouldn't be very good to go on a wild goose chase for nothing, right?"
Before Emmet could answer, Volo picked up his bag and started to walk away,
"Well, good look!"
Emmet didn't reply. He gripped the potion in his hand. Volo was wrong. How could he know what Emmet has been through, what he knows? He wasn't even a Pearl Clan member. He didn't make a deal with the rulers of space and time. What would he know?
Emmet stuffed the potion in his pocket and huffed. 
He looked ahead. Right. He grinned. Everybody smile! He wouldn't have to worry. He would find Ingo. Yup!
Ingo, Akari and Rei were being escorted by the Galaxy Expedition Team to the Coronet Highlands. As they walked, Ingo thought to himself. The space-time rifts; A very strange phenomenon. He thought back to what he had told Volo in ruins. 
"I have no cause to think the rift is to blame."
He thought over it again. It's very possible he fell through the rift, and it's just as possible something else happened. Regardless, he figured maybe taking a look at this rift would reveal something. It was worth a try, at least. 
Suddenly, he heard a voice call out to him.
Ingo turned around and spotted Volo jogging up to them. He stopped once he reached Ingo's side and began walking with him and the others.
"Volo? Is there something you need?" Ingo asked
Volo nodded, "I have something important I need to tell you."
"What is it?"
"I think you shouldn't go near that rift."
Ingo raised an eyebrow, "Why is that?"
"I just came from near it." Volo explained, "I saw something strange. I didn't like the feeling I got regarding it."
"Can you tell me more about it? Is it dangerous?"
"It's hard to explain, but I think it could be dangerous. Or something that could just be generally risky. I think I saw it around the rift."
Ingo thought for a moment. Was it possible that he'd find something about himself that would be upsetting? Would it be something as dangerous as Palkia and Dialga? 
Ingo shook his head, "I appreciate the concern, Volo, but I believe we will be okay. Akari is very strong, and I'm always up for learning something new."
"Are you sure? I just have a bad feeling."
Ingo thought for another moment. Thinking about it, there were things that could go wrong, but it wasn't anything Ingo, Akari and Rei couldn't handle. Ingo trusted his gut, and he didn't have any bad feelings at the given.
Ingo nodded, "I'm sure. Thank you, Volo."
Volo responded, "Well, I suppose I might as well go, too. I'll be up ahead."
Ingo waved as Volo upped his pace and disappeared.
"What was that about?" Rei questioned.
"He was just a bit worried about the rift." Ingo answered.
"He wasn't necessarily afraid of that stuff before," Akari commented, "maybe the things regarding Dialga and Palkia has him nervous."
Ingo paused before coming back from thought, "That seems reasonable."
Ingo felt a bit perplexed. For a long time he knew so little about himself, and now that he feels like he has the chance to learn something, he's being warned. Ingo just wanted to find out a thing or two about himself.
Volo was probably just being anxious. 
Ingo's determination would not be wavered. 
Emmet had reached the beginning of the Coronet Highlands. He had gone through a cave made almost entirely of ice to get there. Emmet had come across another person that had the same outfit as Volo, and he asked the person why Volo said what he did. 
"Eh? I dunno. Paranoia, maybe?" The person answered, "He's always goin' around doin' weird stuff."
Emmet should ask about Ingo.
"I am looking for my twin brother, Ingo. Have you seen him? He looks like me, except dark clothing, and often has more or less the same expression. Yup! He does not smile often, but he is verrry nice!"
The person thought for a moment, before shaking their head.
"Haven't seen nobody like that, as far as I can remember. Sorry, fella." They responded. Emmet's shoulders sank a bit. "Doesn't necessarily mean he ain't here, though." They added on, "There ain't many people 'round here, but walk some ways away from here, and then there should be more. Good luck findin' yer brother."
Emmet thanked the person and walked away. He sighed. Well, that didn't necessarily mean Ingo wasn't here, as the person had said. And they did say that that "Volo" guy may have been bluffing…
Emmet took in a breath, before releasing it. He raised his shoulders and smiled. Emmet couldn't let himself derail onto another track. He would find Ingo! 
Emmet was walking through the Celestica Trail now, although he didn't really know it was called that. He looked around at the strange looking lakes and trees in wonder, when suddenly, something roared at Emmet from behind. He whipped around to see a huge Steelix with glowing red eyes. Emmet's eyes widened and he took a step back. This must be one of those Alpha Pokémon Volo spoke of! But was what he said really true? Before Emmet could act, the Steelix attempted to attack him with Iron Tail. Luckily, Emmet had a good eye and a swift reaction time, as he was able to dodge it.
"So it is trying to attack me…guess I will have to battle it." Emmet thought as he reached into his coat and pulled out a Pokéball, getting up and tossing it, a Pokémon forming from bright light.
"Prepare for victory, Haxorus!"
The yellow-black dragon landed on the ground once it had formed with a snarl, facing the Steelix, who seemed almost angrier now.
"Haxorus, use Earthquake!" Emmet commanded.
Haxorus huffed before letting out a roar as it stomped on the ground, causing it to violently shake beneath the Steelix, which screeched as the move hit it. It slithered back, before snarling and approaching them again. Emmet began to raise his hand to command another attack, but the Steelix was quick, using Bulldoze.
"Haxorus, jump back, dodge the attack!" Emmet ordered. However, the attack was stronger than Emmet expected, and Haxorus was hit, Emmet being knocked over by it, the debris cutting a few parts of his coat, including his arm band and right glove. 
Haxorus landed beside Emmet as it recovered, who shouted, "Do not worry about me! Dragon Dance, then Dragon Claw!"
Haxorus nodded and jumped away to execute its attacks. Emmet stood back up, but before he could act further, the Steelix used Stealth Rock, targeting both Haxorus and Emmet. Emmet's eyes widened and he jumped away to dodge the attack, getting slashed on the arm and his hand, both his armband and right glove slipping off with the wind.
Emmet gasped, "No!"
Thankfully, the Steelix was busy with Haxorus, but it didn't seem like he could hold it off much longer. Emmet reached into his coat and pulled out another Pokéball, throwing it. Garbodor came out and saw the battle going on.
"Garbodor, there is a verrry strong Steelix that attacked me. I thought Haxorus would be able to deal with it but it has harmed my coat and Haxorus is struggling." Emmet quickly explained, "Go help Haxorus- I will be right back."
Garbodor rumbled in response and went to aid Haxorus. Emmet huffed, searching the ground for his armband and glove. He spotted them a few yards away to his left, and as he rushed to grab them, Emmet swore he saw a strange wisp appear and then disappear just as fast. Emmet stopped in shock for a moment, but his armband and glove were blown away by a sudden wind.
"Hey, stop!" Emmet called out, desperate, "Is something there? I am not a threat!"
Still, Emmet saw something strange again, and his precious items were lost in another strong gust of wind.
"No!" Emmet cried, "Come back!"
Emmet gave chase for some yards before realizing the mysterious thing, along with the breeze and his items, were already gone. He clenched his fists, an open-mouthed frown on his face. After a moment, Emmet turned back to see Garbodor and Haxorus struggling against the Steelix. Emmet grimaced, running back to his Pokémon.
"Haxorus, use Earthquake! Garbodor, Focus Blast!"
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Haxorus and Garbodor went through with the commands, causing the Steelix to recoil back. As battered as it looked now, it still raised its head again, glaring at them. Swiftly, it once again used Bulldoze, then Stealth Rock. Emmet hollered commands for his Pokémon to dodge as he quickly stepped back. Then suddenly, from above, he heard a yell. Snapping his gaze to the sky, he saw a trainer riding what seemed to be a strange-looking Braviary. It used Aerial Ace, and just like that, the Steelix was out. Emmet's eyes were wide, both surprised and impressed by the strength this trainer and their Pokémon seemed to hold. But before he could call out to the person, they flew away.
Emmet looked back at the scene on the ground. Garbodor and Haxorus were a bit battered, but otherwise well. Emmet smiled and walked towards them, taking out a few potions and treating their injuries. After the Pokémon were healed, Emmet glanced at his arm and hand. His smile vanished. 
Haxorus and Garbodor seemingly frowned, rubbing against and patting Emmet to comfort him. Emmet's smile returned, and he chuckled. "Thank you. I will be okay. You both did great in that battle, how about you two rest for a little while?" Emmet took out the empty Pokéballs and called back the two Pokémon, who agreed to the idea. Emmet put the Pokéballs back in his coat and sighed, his smile beginning to vanish once again. He had lost one of the unique parts of his outfit. It may be small to others, but it still hurt to him. Emmet sighed once again, this time to clear his head, and snapped his gaze to the path ahead. No, Ingo was here in Hisui. Even if he wasn't in the Coronet Highlands, there was still much more of Hisui to explore. Ingo did love seeing new things, after all. Emmet would scan every piece of land, ask every person, search every nook and cranny. He'd look over Hisui twice, three times if he had to! Yet even with all the determination running fiercely through his blood, there was a heavy, dark feeling deep in himself. Emmet breathed in and then out, pushing the icky feeling away. He continued forward. 
Ingo, Akari and Rei stood at Heavenwood Lookout, preparing to go through Wayward Cave. Akari had just finished speaking to Professor Laventon and was approaching Ingo and Rei, when a cry pierced the air. A mysterious wisp came flying from the entrance of Wayward Cave and flew towards them, followed by an odd, strong wind. 
"Woah, what's that?" Akari gasped as the wisp flew away and vanished.
"No idea…" Rei murmured.
"How strange." Ingo added.
"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. We have each other!" Akari said.
"Right." Ingo nodded, "Let us press on."
Akari, Rei and Ingo approached the entrance of Wayward Cave, Ingo leading the way. Then, Ingo held up his hand to direct them to stay outside for a moment. He took a brief look inside, and sighed, returning towards Rei and Akari.
"The torches are out again. They're lost." Ingo said, frustrated.
 "Again?" Rei asked.
"That's okay!" Akari chimed in, "I have my Rapidash!"
Akari took out a Pokéball and tossed it, Rapidash forming. Akari smiled and patted Rapidash, who huffed.
"Excellent!" Ingo replied, "You know the way, correct? If so, you and Rei can go on ahead while I fix the torches. I will meet you two at Moonview Arena."
Akari and Rei both nodded, Akari leading the way as they walked beside Rapidash. Once they disappeared into the cave, Ingo made his way inside. 
As usual, he felt comforted by Wayward Cave. It resonated with him, especially with the torches, although he didn't know why. Ingo patrolled around the cave, coming to the conclusion that the torches were scattered. He got a bad feeling in his stomach, taking a Pokéball out of his coat and throwing it, an Alakazam forming. 
"Alakazam, I need you to help me find the torches. They have been scattered around the cave." Ingo explained. Alakazam nodded and floated away but still in sight, searching, Ingo following it. It was able to help retrieve quite a few torches for Ingo, and was able to lead Ingo to other areas that the torches had been scattered to so Ingo could also search more efficiently. When they had found all of them, Alakazam aided its trainer in carrying the torches to the main cavern and setting them against the cave wall. Ingo scanned the torches, about to fix them, when he spotted something hanging off one of them. He approached the torch, taking off what he saw. Examining it in his hands, Ingo saw it was two items- one a piece of blue fabric and another seemingly a white glove, both a bit damaged. He thought maybe someone had lost them while coming through, but there had been no reports of an accident or missing person around the Coronet Highlands, and there was nobody inside the cave; Ingo and Alakazam had checked thoroughly while looking for the torches. Ingo studied the items he held. The glove was identical to the ones he used to wear a long while back before losing them, and the blue fabric was also identical to the armband that wrapped around his right arm currently. 
Apparently, Ingo's clothing wasn't like anything the people of Hisui wore. It could be a coincidence, but Ingo had a strange feeling about this. Could it have fallen through the rift? But that was a bit away from here. Perhaps he could get answers once he reached the rift.
As odd as this seemed, Ingo had an unshakable feeling that these items were important. Despite being simple pieces of fabric, they gave him a feeling of comfort. 
Familiarity, almost.
Ingo stuffed the items into his pocket and fixed the torches with the help of Alakazam. After a bit of work, the cave was lit up again, and Ingo felt a feeling of calmness wash over him. He thanked Alakazam for its help, and returned it to its Pokéball. Now, it was time to exit the cave.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Part 2 of 2)
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krpositivity · 23 days
i've just been taking looks at the tags occasionally out of curiosity and i just wonder where all the tumblr-based ones went? has the whole krp community generally shifted to discord/mewe? // try some different tags! there's a lot in the '#tumblr krp' tag like terra, heavenwood, the loop. there's also find-krp! https://find-krp.tumblr.com/tagged/tumblr%20roleplay specifically, to find the tumblr krps. i'm not sure if it's 100% up to date, but just look around! rely on directories more than tags, especially when some rps might have a more frequent ad queue, making it harder to find different ads. tldr, there's still plenty of tumblr rps out there! good luck!
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krpgarden · 25 days
hello  krpgarden!  heavenwood  manor  is  set  to  open  soon,  we  would  love  to  see  a  few  more  apps  until  then.  we  are  a  small,  literate  tumblr  roleplay  and  are  looking  for  dedicated  members  who  want  to  plot  and  write  lots.  if  you  could  check  us  out  and  leave  a  reservation  or  application,  that  would  be  absolutely  wonderful  and  we  are  thankful  for  any  support.  thank  you!  🖤
hey there, thank you so much for your message! 💚 opening sounds great!
friends, if you are interested in joining this literate tumblr rp, leave them an app!
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heavenwoodhqads · 25 days
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we all have a purpose.
heavenwood  is  a  small,  appless  and  literate  roleplay  based  on  tumblr.  we  want  to  focus  on  character  development,  lasting  threads  and  meaningful connections. 
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bunkershotgolf · 1 year
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Callaway’s Big Bertha for 2023
Callaway Golf has introduced an update to the iconic Big Bertha family with no increase in price from the last model, the Big Bertha B-21 of two years ago.
Fast Facts Callaway Big BerthaBig Bertha Driver Game-improvement category Anti-slice design A.I.-designed XL face Carbon fiber crown Jailbreak system Adjustable hosel Stock lofts: 9°, 10.5°, 12° $499.99
Big Bertha Fairway Woods Game-improvement category Jailbreak/Batwing Technology A.I.-designed high strength face Carbon fiber crown Adjustable hosel Stock lofts: 3W, 5W, 7W, 9W, Heavenwood $299.99
Big Bertha Hybrids Game-improvement category Internal tungsten weights Jailbreak/Batwing Technology A.I.-designed 455 cup face Adjustable hosel Stock lofts: 3H, 4H, 5H, 6H, 7H, 8H, 9H $259.99
Big Bertha Irons Game-improvement category Hollow construction filled with urethane microspheres Tungsten weighting internal & external Generous offset A.I.-designed face cup Stock lofts: 4-iron through sand wedge $999.99 six-piece set (steel), $1099.99 six-piece set (graphite)
WYNTKIf Callaway’s latest Big Bertha had a theme song it might be “Make Every Shot Your Best with Our Easiest to Hit Clubs” followed by a catchy tune entitled “We Kept the Price the Same.” Far and away the largest golf equipment company Topgolf Callaway Brands (NYSE: MODG) is taking advantage of their technology and pricing leadership specifically with the update of the iconic Big Bertha name.
The driver has a forward center of gravity low in head for an easy launch and reduced side spin which will help those of us with a slice and additional weight has been added to the heel to promote a draw flight pattern. Big Bertha Fairway Woods were also designed for straighter ball flight plus added ball speed for more distance.
The hybrids of the family have a larger head, ideal for those who prefer hitting fairway woods rather than long irons. Tungsten weighting promotes a high launch and there slightly more head offset to mitigate a tendency to slice. Big Bertha irons have the expected stronger lofts, but placement of the tungsten weighting still promotes a high ball flight a characteristic average golfers will appreciate.
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archivyrep · 1 year
Two webcomics focus on archivists, secure archives, and "soul records"
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Although I mostly write about animated series on here, apart from past posts about Always Human, That Awkward Magic!!, and Lore Olympus, I come across some archivists in some of my favorite webcomics, specifically Power Ballad and 180 Angel, the former of which I mentioned on Twitter back in December.
Reprinted from my Wading Through the Cultural Stacks WordPress blog. Originally published on Mar. 20, 2021.
Let's start with Power Ballad, a lesbian superhero romantic comedy by Molly Brooks, a well-regarded illustrator. In the fourth episode, Meera mentions her ex, Sydney "Syd", to her boss, Carina Peterson, who worked as an archivist at her art collection in the past. They later meet with Diane and find the art paintings they are looking for in her vault in the basement of her house.
Then in the seventh episode, Meera meets with another one of her exs, Emmy, and comes with Carina. Emmy, an assistant curator at the museum, shows them around an exhibit that had been vandalized recently, noting that the real pieces the thief wanted to steal are in their "secure archives" only accessible to museum staff, with high-quality reproductions on display. Finally, in the 13th episode, they talk about an art piece stolen from the Met (Metropolitan Museum of Art) archives and of course, Meera knows someone who works at the crime lab, another one of her exs.
Then we get to two episodes of 180 Angel, by King Katbird. In episode 39 ("Discovered"), protagonist Chloe Samael "Sam" Heavenwood goes to the Hall of Soul Records in order to get directions to the office of Sereph Celeste. She talks with her about becoming a Seraph and there is a list of "unregistered soul records" which have a label saying they shouldn't be filed. Then in episode 40 ("Calm Down"), Celeste tells her that no one can know about how her hair changes colors with her emotion and that she has to learn to control it. Apparently, her dog stole a record from the Hall of Records, and she calls it a library. Unfortunate that this comic lapses into the library=archives idea.
Even so, these webcomics continue the long tradition of fictionalizing archives, which dates back to Graeco-Roman times. As Sharon Wolff pointed out in 2018, due to the lack of public exposure that archivists and professionals in the archival field have, it means that "fictional representatives" of archivists become an "important way to give people an idea of what they do."
© 2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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soundwavepod · 4 years
Soundwave Podcast 164ª Emissão Underground Nacional
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wingshowdown · 1 year
Round Two Line Up/Masterlist
Because there was a tie on Day Three (Tropius and Penelope), I’m not sure how I would make a graphic again. So, once again, here’s the line up! This time, it’ll be eight polls for four days.
1. Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle) vs. Ridley (Metroid)
2. Charizard (Pokémon) vs. Crowley (Good Omens)
3. Dahlia (Barbie: Fairytopia) vs. Megaera (Hades)
4. Ruby the Red Fairy (Rainbow Magic) vs. Asriel (Undertale)
5. Dark Pit (Kid Icarus: Uprising) vs. Little Bird Holding a Rat (Spirited Away)
6. Mario (w/ wing cap) (Super Mario 64) vs. Brietta (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus)
7. Duck (Princess Tutu) vs. Dragonite (Pokémon)
8. Smaug (The Hobbit) vs. Rem (Death Note)
1. Goddess Hylia (Legend of Zelda) vs. Pikario (KiraKira Precure á la Mode)
2. Elina (Barbie: Fairytopia) vs. Toothiana (Rise of the Guardians)
3. Giratina (Pokémon) vs. Tinker Bell (Peter Pan)
4. Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap (Undertale) vs Eda (The Owl House)
5. Aroma (Go! Princess Precure) vs. Yasha (Critical Role)
6. Grian (Hermitcraft/Evo) vs. Royale Candy (Smile Precure)
7. Cure Princess (Happiness Charge Precure) vs. Untitled Goose (Untitled Goose Game)
8. Cheese (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Mariposa (Barbie: Mariposa)
1. Aisha (Winx Club) vs. Prilla (Disney Fairies) 
2. Meta Knight (Kirby) vs. Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
3. Tropius (Pokémon) vs. Penelope (Barbie as Rapunzel) vs. Cure Felice (Mahoutsukai Precure)
4. Pit (Kid Icarus: Uprising) vs. Shantae (bat form) (Shantae: Half Genie Hero)
5. Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony) vs. Discord (My Little Pony)
6. Fluttershy (My Little Pony) vs. Mew Mint (Tokyo Mew Mew)
7. Joshua Kiryu (The World Ends With You) vs. Sam Heavenwood (180° Angel)
8. Irma (W.I.T.C.H.) vs. Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon)
1. Beck (Disney Fairies) vs. Raphaella La Cognizi (The Mechanisms)
2. Iridessa (Disney Fairies) vs. Rouge the Bat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
3. Ryuk (Death Note) vs. Vidia (Disney Fairies)
4. Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony) vs. Blackjack (Percy Jackson)
5. Jake Long (American Dragon: Jake Long) vs. Angella (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
6. Medli (Legend of Zelda: Windwaker) vs. Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
7. Hue (Barbie: Fairytopia) vs. Special Healin’ Good Cure Grace (Healin’ Good Precure)
8. Icarus (Greek mythology) vs. Happy (Fairy Tail)
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metalsongoftheday · 6 years
Wednesday, June 20: Heavenwood, “Emotional Wound”
Diva began a less than prolific career for Portugal’s Heavenwood, defining them as a prototypical ‘90s goth metal act while also setting the stage for more accessible acts in the same vein (there was a clear throughline from Diva to Lacuna Coil’s early material).  “Emotional Wound” fell in line with concurrent and like-minded releases from Tiamat, Amorphis and Samael, moving along at a steady pace as Ernesto Guerra growled his sorrows.  The song’s presentation of angst and melancholy was very much of its time, but also illustrated how durable and enduring this sound really was.  “Emotional Wound” also proved the long reach of gothic metal, or at the very least, how popular the subgenre was throughout continental Europe.  And although Heavenwood didn’t fully capitalize on their momentum, taking 10 years between their second and third records, they still managed to do their part for the metal underground during some tough years for the genre.
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heavenwoodhq · 25 days
good  evening  to  the  residents  of  heavenwood  manor, 
the  manor's  management  cordially  invites  everyone  to  partake  in  an  delightful  evening  in  the  grand  parlor.  this  gathering  presents  an  opportunity  to  get  to  know  fellow  residents.  kindly  prepare  a  few  intriguing  anecdotes  or  insights  about  yourselves  to  share.  an  assortment  of  drinks  and  exquisite  canapés  will  be  served  for  your  enjoyment.
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to  those  who  have  sent  in  applications:
management  will  proceed  to  invite  you  into  the  private  group. 
you  may  start  following  each  other. 
you  may  start  preparing  your  introduction  –  which  should  consist  of  a  little  monologue  of  your  character  introducing  themselves  to  others,  and  you  may  add  on  bulletpoints  or  other  tidbits  as  well  besides  the  monologue. 
we  are  planning  on  opening  the  roleplay  on  the  weekend,  we  will  give  more  updates  later  on. 
if  you  have  any  questions  or  concerns,  please  do  reach  out  to  us. 
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Chloe Samael "Sam" Heavenwood from 180 Angel is demisexual!
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krpgarden · 1 month
greetings,  dear  krpgarden!  this  is  heavenwoodhq,  an  upcoming,  small,  literate  tumblr  roleplay.  could  we  leave  this  little  teaser  with  you?  small  parts  of  the  roleplay  are  still  under  construction,  but  we  wanted  to  get  out  there  and  let  people  know  that  we  are  around  and  open  for  messages  and  questions.  thank  you  so  much!
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welcome  to  heavenwood manor,  where  everyone  has  a  purpose.  at  that  time,  when  you  felt  like  you  couldn't  go  on,  that's  when  you  have  received  an  invitation.  now,  which  room  will be  yours?
☞ if  you  are  interested,  please  come  check  us  out!
hi there, thank you so much for your message! looks totally interesting! 💚
friends, if you are interested, make sure to check them out!
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heavenwoodhqads · 26 days
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we all have a purpose.
heavenwood  is  a  small,  appless  and  literate  roleplay  based  on  tumblr.  we  want  to  focus  on  character  development,  lasting  threads  and  meaningfulconnections. 
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