probandocosasnuevas · 2 years
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Hedwig, la preciosa lechuza de Harry Potter 😘😘😘 https://www.otakulandia.shop/producto/hedwig-la-preciosa-lechuza-de-harry-potter/
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jamessiriuspotter · 13 years
Reciprocal Request by Haley; Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Aragorn. He. Is. Amazing. He has all the traits of a hero. Courage, bravery, great fighting skills, speaks Elvish, loving, caring, loyal, strong-willed, and a leader. He's also humble and modest. 
Faramir. I just can't with Faramir. He just doesn't deserve his father's cruelty! It's obvious that he's a caring, loyal person and is also a great and sensible captain. He can fight!
Samwise. I love Samwise. Frodo's a lot meaner to him in the books, but nonetheless, he's nice, loyal, brave, passionate, and determined. Add sarcasm and he's a bundle of love!
 ❤ female: 
Éowyn. Being a strong female character makes up for the lack of female characters in the trilogy. She is a bamf for disobeying Théoden, joining the men in battle, killing the Nazgûl, getting engaged to Faramir, etc. etc.
✖ least favorite:  Denethor & Gollum. These two are far worse to me than Wormtongue and Saruman (and to a further extent, Sauron).  Even though Denethor and Saruman were technically subjected to the palantír, I never understood why he would cast out his own living son, even if he had a 'preference' for Boromir. It's your own son, goddammit. And only living one. Faramir's face says it all.  Gollum is subjected by the ring and yes, you pity him as the reader too. But he leads Sam and Frodo to Shelob purposely, tries to obstruct the Ring being thrown in the magma, etc. etc. Hobbits aren't so easily seduced by the power... so interpret that as you will.  Wormtongue betraying Saruman redeems himself. And even though Saruman is a bitch for mucking up the Shire, his death is more satisfying.
✔ who resembles me:  I feel like I have mixed traits of Faramir and Samwise, being 'Hufflepuffs' in nature. (Sometimes I have these invisible standards for myself that I cannot ever achieve, or from other people around me. I also have 'The Giving Tree' syndrome [a 'syndrome' in which my roommate and I discovered we have, named after the book] in which I do stuff for people all the time, essentially giving people everything but I never get anything in return. It sucks.)
❤ most attractive:  Attractive cast is attractive. xD But Aragorn, Faramir, Legolas, and Éomer radiate this 'attractiveness' from the book.
❤ three more characters that i like:  Legolas, Gimli, Merry, Pippin, Éomer, Gandalf, Frodo, Treebeard, Haldir, everyone else essentially again.
❤ favorite quote(s):  Far too many. But I can tell you that my favorite chapter is in Return of the King: The Scouring of the Shire.
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jamessiriuspotter · 13 years
Reciprocal Request by Haley; Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling.
❤ male: 
Neville Longbottom. Ron Weasley.
I just LOVE Neville. He's just so shy and awkward and adorable throughout the books and BAM becomes the biggest BAMF ever. It's heartbreaking to see his self-confidence shatter when Malfoy bullies him or his grandmother degrade him, he even questions why he was Sorted into Gryffindor in his first year -- something he proves through and through his years at Hogwarts. Neville's an underdog and deserves more recognition -- though he's spared by Voldemort, he has to go through life without his parents like Harry. I wrote a fanfiction for Neville once -- I seriously love him that much. ♥ 
Seriously, this kid needs more recognition. I simply adore the fanfiction I wrote about him. So cute, adorable, huggable Neville Longbottom is the target of many jokes and insults throughout his years at Hogwarts. He’s timid and klutzy, not exactly the picture perfect Gryffindor. BUT. Neville does stand up for himself on occasion and seems to get the self-confidence he’s been lacking during OOTP. AND DURING DEATHLY HALLOWS, OH MY MERLIN. It’s swoon worthy. He’s taken hexes and curses will dignity, standing up to the Carrows, continued DA without the trio, AND STANDS UP TO VOLDEMORT. That couldn’t be bolded enough. And kills Nagini! Ahhhh, I love Neville. <3 His transformation leaves me speechless. NEVILLE. IS. MY. HERO. c:
Ron, Ron, Ron. So much hate for his character. I should say, for the record, that I was once a Harry/Hermione shipper, long ago and before Half-Blood Prince. I liked Hermione with Harry better because he wasn't as big a prat and immature as Ron was. When Order of the Phoenix was out I threw the book in anger when Harry went out with Cho, and thus began my Romione love. Because Ron proved to me that he was mature and showed he had a larger range of emotions compared to a teaspoon in Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows -- HBP doesn't really prove his case but I mean, he reconciles with Hermione, right? And he returns back to save Harry and get beaten up by Hermione in DH, right? He shows SO much courage and loyalty to Harry and Hermione and can you blame him for feeling jealous? I know I've been jealous and hurt by being placed second or my achievements undermined. He has some of the more "terrible" flaws but he learns and realizes his mistakes. AND THE LOCKET OH MY MERLIN. His insecurities make him human -- competing in a large family for love, afraid you might lose the girl you've been crushing on for years to your best friend? I don't get why people hate him. He did leave Harry and Hermione but he was also under the influence of the locket -- Frodo does some mean things to Sam while under the ring's influence in LOTR. Oh well, I still love Ron though.
 ❤ female: 
Hermione Granger. Luna Lovegood.
Hermione's just so... awesome. She's a strong female character, always a good thing, and willing to bend the rules despite her strict belief in rules. She's logical and brilliant and stubborn. It does make her a few enemies if not for her blood status, but she embraces it and is willing to help Harry despite the warrant for her arrest. She braves Bellatrix, etc. etc. 
And below sums it up nicely, woo, go past self! 
Luna is someone I envy, someone I want to be. I know I couldn’t really brush off the mean stuff that her peers did to her and handle it as well as she could. She’s always happy and optimistic and caring and really doesn’t have a bad bone in her body. When the trio see her bedroom, that’s a great scene. You just have to love Luna after that if you hadn’t liked her before. Her quirkiness makes her different, unusual, and totally nonconformist. I admire that.
I reeeeeally wanted to see Neville and Luna together at the end, because I felt that they were really understanding toward one another, on a higher level than the trio. Being the ‘outcasts’ of their respective Houses brought them together, I think, and Luna saw past his awkward, shy self.
Plus Evanna Lynch is amazing. So, yeah. Case closed.
 ✖ least favorite: 
Pansy Parkinson. Dolores Umbridge. Need I say more, I actually answered this a long time ago when I started my blog. Pansy would really give up Harry Potter... and Dolores is plain EVIL. I also hated James Potter and Dumbledore for awhile, and still do but not to the same extent.
 ✔ who resembles me: 
Luna Lovegood. I'm a bit quirky and odd and value friendship highly. And a fellow Ravenclaw!
A bit of Hermione (especially when I was younger) and Tonks. I was labeled the ‘smart’ one, not without reason obviously. I also didn't have a lot of friends, but I had three very close friends. c:
Also, I’m just as klutzy as Tonks is sometimes. And I prefer people to use my nickname over my real name. xD
❤ most attractive: 
Oliver Wood. Blaise Zabini. Cedric Diggory. James Sirius Potter, just because I'm writing a fanfic about him.
❤ three more characters that i like: 
Blaise Zabini, Hedwig, Tonks, the Weasleys, Lupin, everybody essentially.
❤ favorite quote(s): 
I had this quote on the old FB profile section under the picture:
“Tell me one last thing,” said Harry. “Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?” “Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”
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jamessiriuspotter · 13 years
Reciprocal Request by Haley; Inkheart Trilogy by Cornelia Funke.
❤ male: 
Dustfinger. He's such a complex character. You hate him at first because he betrayed Meggie and Mo. But you also pity him because he just wants to be back with his family. He's cunning and caring, a master of fire, and intriguing.
❤ female: 
Meggie. She's a lot braver than I would be, very intelligent, perceptive, and curious. Though I pretend her decision at the end of Inkdeath doesn't happen.
✖ least favorite: 
Magpie. Resa. The Magpie, obviously because she's evil and shot Mo in Inkspell. Resa was just so annoying in the later books and it irked me to no end.
✔ who resembles me: 
Meggie. I love to read and write. Her strongest traits I can relate to and share, except for the courage. xD
❤ most attractive: 
Dustfinger. Impartial to Mo since Brendan Fraser plays him. Even though he's marred by facial scars, he still radiates this handsomeness and mysterious air about him. Paul Bettany does him justice.
❤ three more characters that i like: 
Farid, Mo, Darius, and Capricorn. Farid's really sweet and I admire his acceptance of a new story he's essentially trapped in. Mo is a great father figure and husband, and also passionate/dedicated. I was devastated when he got shot and turned into the Bluejay. I like the Darius/Elinor storyline in Inkspell. Capricorn is a pretty cool villain.
❤ favorite quote: 
I haven't read the books in forever but here goes.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" he cried. "Yes, I let him get away with it. He's one of my best villains. How could I kill him off? It's the same in real life: Notorious murderers get off scot-free and live happily all their lives, while good people die -- sometimes the very best people. That's the way of the world. Why should it be different in books?"
Here, I think Fenoglio's answer shocked me. It does hold truth. There's plenty of other great quotes but I don't really want to go back and find them. /lazy
I also loved how Cornelia Funke had quotes from other books at the start of chapters, including Harry Potter and Princess Bride.
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jamessiriuspotter · 14 years
Reciprocal Request By Haley; Inheritance Cycle by CP.
❤male: Murtagh.
I pretty much liked Murtagh off the bat. The mysterious factor surrounding him, I think, drew me in. He was presented in a way that made a reader curious, rather than apprehensive and shouting furiously at Eragon to get away from him (not that I'd ever do that with Arya). Then as the story progressed, we start learning about his tormented past and complex situation. Murtagh's personality is clearly defined and in-depth. He has his flaws but he knows what's right and wrong. All you can do is feel frustrated and pity while he's in Galbatorix's control.
❤ female:  Nasuada.
I gained lots of respect for Nasuada after Ajihad's death, for stepping in a role she might have been too young for and not being a puppet in the Varden's control. Even more respect comes after The Trial of the Long Knives. That part was brutal to read, as I'm naturally squirmish, but it was so vivid I could actually picture it in my mind. She's confident and assured. Admirable. Murtagh even comments about her to Eragon, in such a way that you'd never expect Murtagh to have said that. Nasuada's tough but fair; she's leading her people to victory, to finally live in peace after Galbatorix's kingdom has fallen.
✖ least favorite: Arya.
Ugh. I feel like I rant about Arya a lot, haha. Basically, I think she's almost too perfect. Idek. She annoys me whenever she's in a scene with Eragon. Which is probably going to be endgame, but w/e. fwjbwkjb
✔ who resembles me:  I'd say I have a mix of a few characters, not one I could say I identify with closely. Definitely Eragon and Nasuada; perhaps a little of Murtagh and Angela? Maybe. ^^ ❤ most attractive: Murtagh.
Do I need to explain? I don't think so. <3 ❤ three more characters that i like:  Brom, Roran, and Thorn. I love Brom in Eragon, and Roran and Thorn in Eldest. ❤favorite quote(s): "Because you can't argue with all the fools in the world. It's easier to let them have their way, then trick them when they're not paying attention." Brom opened his hand, and a pile of coins glinted in the light. 
"... You must be willing to protect yourself and what you cherish, no matter what the cost."
 "I met Murtagh earlier... He's anxious to speak with you. He seemed lonely; you should visit him." &&
"No, she only wanted to meet me. Doesn't she look like a princess? And the way she carries herself! When she first entered through that doorway, I thought she was one of the great ladies of Galbatorix's court. I've seen earls and counts who had wives that compared to her, were more fitted for life as a hog than of nobility."
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