leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
text ⚽ leilaisy
Maisy: Has anyone else ever had the urge to try and create a new sport?
Leilani: I'm probably the last person you expected to answer this question in the affirmative, but I definitely have! When I read Harry Potter and learned about Quidditch, I felt like the wizarding world having its own sport just made the world feel so much richer! I want something like that for my writing someday, too.
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
Diego: I've got this theory about what your favorite song from Sour says about you, want to test it?
Leilani: I swear I've listened to the whole album and am not answering this question from a place of only having heard her singles!
Leilani: But I've still got to give the nod to driver's license. None of the other songs make me feel things quite as deeply as that one does.
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
text 💬 waialiki twins
Ariana: What. Leilani you can't take the blame for me being so stupid! I can't say I didn't think about blaming Heihei when the rage wore down a little bit, but I'm not going to let YOU take the blame are you kidding me?!
Ariana: NOPE!
Leilani: Why not? I'm not friends with Marley and I don't care about Li at all, it's way easier if they just hate me for meddling than if he hates YOU when you guys have been so close for so long! Although if it all works out and he's my brother in law someday and still hates me it might be a little weird, but still... worth it, right? If it helps you?
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
text 💬 waialiki twins
Ariana: BECAUSE YOU WENT BOATING WITHOUT ME! We’re not going to talk about that!!!!! You ARE the messy romantic twin who’s life is going to be a trope from a tv show or book. I don’t DO public or messiness! That was a mistake that will NEVER EVER be replicated in my life. And if it is, you have my formal permission to smother me in my sleep.
Ariana: I mean…probably??? But I doubt you will! That was a TERRIBLE HORRIBLE TIME!
Lei: WAIT WAIT. *I'M* the messy romantic twin. All of your weird moments lately were online or through text, right? You didn't do anything in person? Because if that's the case YOU CAN JUST BLAME ME! Say I did a twin swap thing because I was trying to help you find true love or something and then you can pretend that I was just trying to impersonate you and doing a crazy bad job of it instead of it being, you know, actually you!
Lei: NEW LIFE, NEW LEI, I'll do what I can with that, I promise! But I'll try EXTRA hard if you throw me under the bus for your crimes so you can wipe your slate clean on crazy love life drama!
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
text 💬 waialiki twins
Ariana: This is the worst day of my life 😭 We’re going to HAVE to recreate it again sometime!!
Ariana: I know! I love it! Post Grad Leilani has the potential to be the best Lei ever, I’m calling it now!!
Leilani: Because we went boating without you? OR BECAUSE OF YOUR PUBLIC AND DRAMATIC LOVE LIFE??? I thought I was the messy romantic twin who thought my life was going to be a trope from a TV show or book! But fighting for a boy and him leaving his girlfriend for you is VERY TROPEY!!!
Leilani: I hope I'm the best Lei ever! I can't get WORSE than the shell of a Lei I was for a while there, right?
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
text 💬 waialiki twins
Ariana: WHAT!!! Did you at least get a video of it!
Ariana: You say that like it wouldn’t have probably gotten even weirder if I was there!! How far did the shoe go?!
Leilani: No! I was worried that I'D fall overboard; my phone definitely would have if I'd gotten it out and gotten it involved!
Leilani: You and mom doing weird things like this makes SENSE at least!!! Me? Not so much!!!
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
text 💬 leifou
Leilani: Just woke up with an entire pack of Oreos in my cheetah onesie. I’ve been waiting for this moment forever.
Leilani: Of course, maybe it's sad that I waited until I was OUT of college to drink so much I don't remember how part of my night went, but still! Rite of passage accomplished!
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
text 💬 sleeplani
Leilani: Let’s go get coffee and handcuffs.
Leilani: Not for anything weird, just if we're going to write about them we need to know what it feels like to wear them, right?
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
text 💬 waialiki twins
Leilani: We fired a shoe out of a medieval cannon. I know not where we got either one
Leilani: This is why you can't let me hang out with mom ALONE! The whole thing was WEIRD!
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
text 💬 mackani
Leilani: "Sunday mornings are confusing. Like. I can’t decide if I want to go for a run or start drinking"
Leilani: Overheard while I was doing a "walk of shame" home from the library this morning. Is there something wrong with me that I can honestly say I've never had the urge to do EITHER of those things on a Sunday morning?
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
text 💬 leiteo
Leilani: I found a door knob in my purse this morning, I hope whoever it belonged to doesn’t need it today.
Leilani: Or that it's a theater prop? You guys have those lying around backstage, right?
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
text 💬 waldani
Leilani: we woke up to him feeding us cheetos at 3am. and by feeding i mean shoving them in our mouths and saying “i mean who doesn’t like cheetos”
Leilani: Are you and Bowie going to stop hanging out with me if it turns out the answer is that *I* don't like Cheetos? 🥺
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
cherry blossoms
They’re pretty? I’m not really an outdoorsy person so I’ve never been the type to go out and enjoy them when they’re blooming, and you don’t see them very regularly being potted or used in bouquets, so... I suppose they don’t mean very much to me one way or the other.
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Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?"
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leilaniwaialiki · 3 years
Ariana: I just saw a tweet that was like “happy kill your doppelgänger day!” Do you think it’s about real doppelgängers or twinicide?? 👀👀👀
Leilani: Definitely not about real twins! You know when I went through that weird Sweet Valley High phase when I was 8? I think it's for like... evil twins like Margo and Nora who stalk people and try to take over their lives by making themselves look as identical as possible and also killing them!
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leilaniwaialiki · 4 years
Text 🎈 Waialiki Twins
Ariana: Why would I ever want him in a backpack and not in my ARMS, Leilani! He's not even a hazard! He's friendly! What did you ask for?
Leilani: In case your arms have too many pecking injuries and need a rest! And I didn't ask for anything; no one's asked me what I want, so maybe they just have me figured out by now and have ideas all on their own?
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