#hehe its gonna be complicated but fun c:
Bro that'd be so epic /gen 👀👀 custom plushies take me a While but!! I think I have the necessary colors, so who knows I might be able to start making a custom Tyler soon!
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galactic-mermaid · 4 months
you've doomed yourself to an enternity of listening to oc infodumping because you showed a smidgen of interest (that's an exaggeration because this is the only extra bit I really want to tell you rn but nevertheless tell me when it gets annoying and I'll stop 👍)
so you know how I mentioned Catalina's friend Agape? I'm gonna talk about him
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concept art by my lovely wonderful sibling whom I adore✨✨
she's a fairy specialist as I mentioned before
team ↓
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some fun facts about the names is as follows
Areia is derived from Aphrodite Areia (the version of Aphrodite that is a war goddess along with being a goddess of love)
Button is named after buzz buttons (some aliases of buzz buttons include toothache plant, electric daisy, jambu, and tingflowers, and that's not even all of them! buzz buttons are super interesting plants! :])
and Meringue is named after lemon meringue pie
and now for facts about Agape
he has four parents, not in a polyamory way but in a both his mom and dad are amab and their close friend offered to help them conceive through surrogacy and Agape's surrogate mom and her wife are very present in his life, and even though they're not his parents in the eyes of the law, to him they're mom 2 and mom 3 way.
she's the long lost friend that Mona (@sparkling-prism) mentions in her intro post
people on the internet have mistaken his name for agape (uh-gayp) (the word that means wide open instead of agape (uh-ga-pay) which means transcendent unconditional love) so much that he started clarifying the phonetic pronunciation of his name whenever he introduces himself (just like me fr, complicated name that almost nobody pronounces right 😔😔😔)
Bede hates her guts, she makes his blood boil by existing (and also for story reasons from an arc I'm brewing up and will release who knows when)
and he's in a friend group with Arrow (@aeroblast-radius) Delphina (no blog yet but it'll probably be called something like twist-of-fate) and Titania (@titanfae)
once again I really hope this doesn't bother you, I'm really excited because these characters and the region they live in have been in the works for a really long time and I've been itching to share it all with friends.
and if this doesn't bother you and you're actually interested in hearing more do tell me, I'm horribly anxious and I need to be coaxed into unabashedly sharing things I like with treats (reassurance) like I'm a feral cat.
Nah, you're not bothering me at all! I love hearing others talk about their OCs and favorite characters c: /gen
Also, her character design looks super cute! It looks like she wears leg warmers, maybe? I bet she'd be fun to draw hehe.
So is the region a fanmade one? What's its name, whats it like?
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fizzydrink698 · 3 years
Au of your own au? Why not?
We can call it a limited edition spin off full moon special thingy if you'd prefer it
Now that its on the table I must continue to push my abo agenda hehe
🐾💥’s runthrough of consort iii, let’s goooo!!
ok, first things first, why do you all keep tempting me to write alpha!consort!minho. i can’t please. so many wips already 😭😭 …but i’m also not not saying i enjoy answering asks about him 👀👀
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reader needs all the blankets and hot chocolate and maybe, idk, a husband that understands basic emotional communication. that would be nice 😇😇
(the big question there would be whether reader even accepts that attempt to comfort her though. she’s uh, she’s a little prickly herself 😂)
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reader’s bath scene was so fun to write. i love writing how her brain works, and how it goes from a to b to c. such a quiet little scene to contrast to the banquet.
and yes, it is absolutely for the best that felix doesn’t come back just yet, that would be a messy situation 💀💀
look, maybe the real crime here is minho rocking reader’s world with his smart mouth and then just peacing out with no promise of a repeat. maybe minho has been the antagonist this whole time. giving reader that little sneak-peek of power and running away. for shame, minho. for shame.
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reader is ready to throw hands and minho is giving her too many opportunities. he could breathe and she’s ready to blow up about how irritating it is.
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it was very fun to write minho and reader sitting side-by-side less than 24 hours after that wedding night, and reader being so intent on being furious…except for all those lil memories barging their way into her brain. too fun.
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consort!minho needs to be flustered more, his ego needs the checking. she says. writing consort!minho like that in the first place.
i’m gonna come right out and say it. i don’t think it’s a spoiler at all. the king kinda low-key enjoys reader. he knows she’s a worthy adversary for minho. he’s a readho fan.
~oooh mystery~~ why are they suddenly not getting on? so strange. who knows 😇
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“THEY’D MAKE A GREAT GRIME DUO” this has been constantly repeating in my mind for the last month. i can’t even…i adore this.
these two are just so catty, you’re right. pretty, petty bitches, both of them 😂
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oh there would be big gossip if they were overheard. that’s a little element of this fic i enjoy, the extra complication of public vs personal life. reputation, public support, all that 😊
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the props of the scene 😂😂 it’s true, i love making fic headers. so much fun to add those little elements of the fic in!
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absolutely, you deserve that rest 😊 thank you so much for your reviews, they make me so happy every time i receive one 🥺
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anyrchyangel · 4 years
I never post here but here goes anyway xD
So ATLA has one of the best established “world rules” of any fictional series--imo it’s on par with Harry Potter in that the universal rules of the series could arguably be taken and transposed onto another story entirely.
And by all that I mean Avatar: the Last Airbender is rife for crossover material. So let’s go:
MDZS has some of the most complicated characters I’ve ever read--Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng are arguably the most “human” characters I’ve ever read about, and I mean that in the best way possible. Jiang Cheng’s pride makes him so complex and yet so very relatable, and Wei WuXian’s self-sacrifice isn’t the most the relatable, but it’s mesmerizing in its own way and his journey of self destruction in the name of his morals and ideals is...breathtaking. Anyways, what I mean by all this is that MDZS characters are the perfect characters to put into a new world--a world with, say, amazingly establish “rules” like ATLA :3
You following? xD
So hear me out:
In ATLA, it’s mentioned by Iroh (Knower of All Things and Wisest of Firebenders) that the waterbenders are bound by a tight knit familial connection--that their bonds to family is what allow them to thrive in places as harsh as the North and South Poles. Familial piety is extremely important to JC and and Jiang Sect, so here’s my proposal:
YunMeng Jiang Sect as the most famous waterbending “tribe” (I don’t think waterbenders need to seclude themselves in the North and South Poles, and for this crossover I would most likely use the MXTX-verse Ancient Chinese map; but it is important to note that Yunmeng is canonically a port city/waterway intermediary) and the Jiang family is famous for producing powerful waterbenders. However (stay with me, it’s getting juicy now :3), Jiang Fangmien is canonically in a...rather unhappy marriage with Madam Yu of the  Ziyuan sect (her sect isn’t mentioned a lot in the novel, but let’s give it a little oomph, shall we? :3). 
What if we made Madam Yu and the Ziyuan sect famous firebenders, ones known most notably for their (hehe wait for it) purple lightning (you see where I’m going with this, right?). Madam Yu is a very interesting character but I think her effect on Jiang Cheng is even more interesting than her characterization. Madam Yu made JC believe that Jiang FengMian found JC lacking--that JC doesn’t understand the Jiang sect motto or what it means to be a true Jiang; let’s take that and amplify it. Let’s make JC a firebender and take after his mother--and even bigger and louder sign that JC and Jiang FengMian are intrinsically different.
If that wasn’t enough, let’s add some extra spice to this juicy tale (I’m enjoying myself so much right now xD): let’s make Wei WuXian a prodigal waterbender, descendant from two famous waterbenders (who had the same relationship with Jiang FengMian as they did in MXTX canon--and also their unfortunate ends). Which means that JC grew up with a waterbending master whom Jiang FengMian adores. Oof, poor JC--no matter how well he excels are firebending (come one, not everyone can produce lightning, especially not purple lightning! JC is a baddie too! ;A;) it will never matter to Jiang FengMian because...he’s not a firebender. He respects the element and its benders (his wife is a baddie too) but he’ll never love it the way he loves waterbending. That right there is some yummy angst and inferiority complex :3
So if WWX is a waterbender, you know for an absolute fact I’m gonna have to make him a bloodbender--come on, the parallel is like right there. 
But what about our honorable Hanguang-Jun? Don’t worry, I didn’t forget him :3 I think the Gusu clan would make excellent airbenders--their love of music and...well, their asceticism translates well to the nomadic and spiritual airbenders of ATLA. Aang was literally descendant of monks. Buddhist monks. LWJ’s ancestor, Lan An--who founded the Lan sect--was also a monk who (and correct me if I'm wrong, my MXTX-lore is...well it’s good but everyone makes mistakes) descended from heaven and found a partner to cultivate with (very romantic :3) and spend his life with.
ALSO (it gets better, I swear this crossover was meant to be [and I’m sure someone else has done it/will do it better than I ever could, but here’s my take on it]) the air nomads, at least from the temple Aang hailed from--and likely the rest of them, but I'm not sure if that’s canon confirmed--were vegetarians. Gusu dietary restrictions? Come on. It’s right there.
One more lovely little add-on: the arrow tattoos Aang is famous for? Those are given to airbending masters (fun fact, Aang received them because he invented a new airbending technique--the air scooter :3), but what if we take that lovely tradition and transpose it onto GusuLan? What if the arrow tattoos transform into cloud tattoos for the direct ancestors of the first air nomads? :3 And the guest disciples (such as Lan JingYi) wear forehead ribbons with the same pattern? This crossover was truly meant to be, I swear. 
So now we have:
 -Wei WuXian a waterbender/bloodbender (who is denounced by the world for his “heretical” and “demonic” technique)
-Jiang Cheng, a firebender leading a sect famous for waterbending with an intense inferiority complex to his shixiong (the cultivation familial honorifics are too lovely to leave out, but I will need extra research to make sure I’m using them right o.o)
-Lan WangJi, a master airbender (oh and for aesthetics, I’ll stick with the white and blue “mourning robes” of the MXTX Gusu sect instead of the...eye wateringly bright orange and yellow of the ATLA airbenders...sorry Aang, but LWJ looks downright ethereal in white and it's a crime to put him in orange) known for his love of music and righteousness. Oh and music + airbending is just ridiculously overpowered, which fits our icy Hanguan-Jun quite well, imo. (P.S. Lan Xichen is also a music lover and his Liebing is arguably just as famous as lwj’s guqin [zither? honestly I’m still confused about the difference]).
And now we need a plot to rip off :3
MXTX did such an amazing job with the cultivation world and the QishenWen sect, so why don’t we...merge the Fire Nation from ATLA with the Wen sect from MXTX? It fits better than you would think.
The Fire Nation sought to conquer the four nations under one banner (it was actually inspired by Imperial Japan in WWII) and that’s exactly what the Wen sect was trying to do (but honestly the Wen sect did a pretty...pisspoor job of it compared to the Fire Nation. Like, dude, the Fire Nation nearly won--if Aang had remained frozen for another year, the world would have been f*cked). 
The crossover wheels are turning :3 but, alas, I am riddled with writer’s block and the likelihood of this getting written is...well it’s not zero but it’s not very high either. I have a lot of other WIPs to work on >.<
So, I am sharing it with Tumblr (and,,,,idk whoever follows this account? Honestly I never post here so I doubt anyone will see this anyway but o.o whatever.) in the hopes that it either A) magically writes itself, B) inspires someone else to pick up the sad crumbs I’ve left behind, or C) somehow motivates me to work on this project. It’s by no means original--I’m sure other people have had this crossover idea, and I know I’ve seen some amazing fan art for it, but well, here’s my contribution ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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weexuann · 6 years
Thailand <Day 3>
Again, waking up to take a minivan back to BKK. However, minivans were said to be faster than bus (they indeed were) so we got a ticket for 9:30am so we could wake up later.
The ride back was quick, and we quickly arrived at Bang Wa BTS Station in Bangkok. As we arrived way earlier than expected, we decided to go to Big C supercenter to get some local snacks before going back to our Airbnb for 2 nights. We took the public transport in Thailand for the first time! 
On the way there, we passed by the Gayson Village and got some Thai hot dog and meat! Asked to buy the malat sauce but was rejected HAHA
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And along with 10-20 minutes walk in the busy city we arrived at Big C Supercenter (Ratchadamri). Unexpectedly, it was PACKED with tourists getting all the best snacks from Thailand. It was so crowded haha we got some tomyum paste, chilli, seaweed, and chips and quickly got out. The bill totaled to 1639 Baht hahaha it was a lot! (We came back and realize all those were sold here too!!!) We then got some squids from the floor above and with all those bags we had to take a grab to our air bnb.
*People are so kind to hold our door when were taking the lift with 2 trolleys full of stuff. I felt so thankful!!
When we arrived at our Airbnb, the street where it was located looked kind of shabby and dark. We were kinda uneasy about walking home at night from the nearby MRT Station. (but we later realized its quite safe because many were walking at night and it seemed like it is pretty safe to walk around in thailand!)
This is the link to our Airbnb https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/22888560?guests=1&adults=1
It is hugeee, kinda pretty and aesthetic. We get the whole floor to ourselves and the ground floor was so much fun! Had to share pictures of the room!! These are from the owner but the room was half yellow during our stay, guess it was painted later on. It is PRETTYYYY. Best out of our 3 stays!
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After settling down, we quickly head to MBK Center by taking the MRT because our schedules were kinda rushed. It took us around 7 minutes to get to the MRT station and it was a bit further than expected, but it was fine. On the way to the station, this vendor caught our eye! And we tried whatever that he was selling, and it was so good!
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From Phra Ram 9 station, we probably took MRT to Sukhumvit then transferred (BTS???) to reach Siam or National Stadium. 
As soon as we arrive at MBK Center, we head to 5th/6th floor to check out the food court. We decided to try because they hired famous vendors to work there. Instead of cash, we had to get a card and top up and amount to get food there (complicating). After queuing for some time, we got our second tom yum goong! and an omelette! 
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I preferred this tom yum goong compared to the one from Day 1 HEHE. I loveeed this meal!
We then walked around to do some shopping and honestly, they sold the same thing ALL OVER thailand and we were just looking around for those with better prices and quality. 
We headed to Bangkok Art and Culture Center which was 2 minutes walk from MBK. The road there was filled with some artistic stuff, and I actually had high expectations for the place. However, when we got to the inside, it was actually just a huge building with different shops selling the artists’ crafts. It was cute, but kinda disappointing.. Still a pretty interesting place tho!
Some exhibition they were gonna close down:
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A tiny store with some artsy stuffs
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Some art that I couldn’t understand
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A cute rocket
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The security guard was so nice to take a picture for us! And it turned out pretty well ^^
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We then moved back to MBK, but it was too boring we slowly made our way back to our Airbnb HAHA.
Some cute deco outside MBK Center
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On the way back to our airbnb, we saw this small stall selling unknown desserts at 10 baht, so we decided to give it a go! At 10 baht, we had soy milk flavor, with chia seeds, barley and white pearls. It was GOOOOD and cheaps I LOVE BANGKOK
Next to it was a mamak-like restaurant where we had Pad Thai and Fried Rice. Accidentally spilled the soy milk dessert and I was sad :( We later got a new one but black sesame instead of soy milk flavor hehe
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Day 3 was fun as well! But I’d say we kinda missed Hua Hin, but everywhere is fun with my ai ren ^.^
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