#heheheheheh i am. very gay for her.
quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
If Sam was a woman would Lucifer *also* be a woman? They didn't mash up male/female in terms of true vessels in the show but I'm not sure if that's intentional in canon or more of a "male default" thing
Fem!Lucifer!Nick / Fem!Sam need to fuck nasty on my screen
In my ideal supernatural, lucifer absolutely is a lady if Sam is. I want evil lesbian shit to happen in front of my eyeballs and I need it now.
wait hold on let me make you something. if we can't see this happen on our screens, gotta make it happen ourselves.
The devil really is temptation given form. She's every girl Sam's ever known was a bad idea to follow away from a bar, close-cropped hair and smoker's drawl, thighs that Sam's hands haven't a chance to fit around and a mouth full of promises that make Sam shiver. Lucifer knows how to play her well. Blunt fingernails ghost up Sam's side to the swell of her breast, and Lucifer's teeth drag against her throat. Sam can't tell if that's a threat or a reassurance, if Lucifer wants Sam to know how soft her own skin is or how much restraint Lucifer has. She runs her thumb across Sam's peaked nipple to hear her gasp. Sam bites her lip like she can pretend she doesn't want this if she's quiet enough.
Lucifer knows her better than she knows herself. Her thigh slots between Sam's, pressing down, and Sam doesn't think, only spreads her legs a little wider to let her clit grind against Lucifer. Lucifer squeezes her tit when she feels Sam's core pushing up into her, hot and soaking wet. Sam flushes guiltily, but she can't stop herself. Lucifer nips up her neck, pulling until she feels bruises forming. One of her hands rises, clings to the back of Lucifer's head, slipping through the short strands for any sort of purchase. Lucifer chuckles, her breath tickling Sam's skin. Sam looks down at her. Her hips are still rocking into Lucifer's leg, finding the right angle to drag her clit to ecstasy. Lucifer lets go of her tit to touch Sam's face, tilting it, cupping it. Sam's pussy clenches around nothing, and she wants Lucifer's fingers inside her more than anything.
"Lucifer," she whispers, and Lucifer catches it in her mouth before pulling back.
"Don't say yes yet, Sam. I'm not done enjoying you."
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themagnusbane · 2 years
GAP The Series Episode 10 Thoughts
Knowing where we left off: some joy, some gay and a topping of pain, I'm hoping that we get a resolution to Mon's "Khun Sam deserves better than me" derailment, so we can get more of our beloved sapphics, before the wicked witch of a grandmother shows up to, like my people would say "pour sand inside their garri." If you're not Nigerian, that probably flew right over your head. Sorry.
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I love the irony in just how much I love Mon's love pajamas! It's soooo cute!!! I want!!!!!!
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2. But on a side note though. Every single time they wake up with a face full of makeup, I cackle at how unrealistic it is. Like sure, if Idol Factory wants to convince me (which they absolutely CANNOT because I have eyes!!!) that Mon wakes up every morning with her lips soft and dewy and just that smattering of the right blush on her cheeks, and her eyes that pop, one question still remains... WHAT ABOUT THE BED HEAD? WHERE IS THE BED HEAD GAP THE SERIES???
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3. Awwwwww. Look at Sam smiling at her beloved. MY HEART!!!!!! But also. Are we just going to ignore the fact that they had a fight with Sam walking away, just the previous episode? Did they think we forgot? Or is Sam just so hopelessly in love that she can't stay mad at the sight of Mon's gorgeous face. Which...
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4. The hug from behind. The "Good mornings". That kiss on her cheek. Them walking hand-in-hand. They're killing me your honor. They're killing me with all that sweetness and I AM DYING A VERY VERY HAPPY WOMAN!!!
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5. Ah!!! So they started from before-the-fight. Okay, that makes sense. Cuz I was worried for a moment that the show wasn't going to address it. Which now that I think about it... GAP honey. I'm so sorry I doubted you for a minute there. I know you are not that kind of girl. I can't believe I briefly forgot that. Please forgive me!!
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6. Ooooof. The fight is still as painful the second time around. Mon sweetheart, we really need to get your self-esteem up. Sure you're a "commoner" [I really REALLY hate that term!!!], but you're a commoner that Sam loves. Why can't you believe that? I would understand if her reservations are around whether or not Sam's grandmother would be accepting of her, considering her gender AND her commoner status, but she's coming from this from a place of "I don't deserve Khun Sam", which urgh!!! I really hope Sam sets her straight and is clear in how perfect Mon is, and how in fact it is Sam who is underserving of her, and not the other way round.
7. Gghghghjgjhghj. Cher complimenting the colour of Sam's car is like that cliche of "I a gay man, likes sports" and I am cackling because this is so fucking hilarious and I love how they're giving my sapphics ALL the cliches. Yes!!! Feed them to me. Shoot them directly into my veins!!!
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8. Cher being all "of course the weird girl will give her car a weird name" is SENDING ME!!!! But... she's not wrong though. The only thing is, we and Mon, love Sam just the way she is. Hehehehehehe.
9. Mon Sweetheart, I know you want to get something nice and expensive for your girl. But Sam doesn't want that. The only thing she wants from you, is you. Your love, your goodness, that big, big heart of yours. Why would you feel bad about not being able to buy the woman who has everything, something lavish. Look at Kirk! He could do all of that. But is she with him? No!!! You are the one she wants! Let that sink in. PLEASE!!!!
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10. See!!! I knew the minute I saw Cher, there was a connection between us!! I just knew that this was a lesbian who could wreck me, an acerbic tongue, with a sense of style and common sense to boot! Tee is still my goddess, Nita would destroy me, and for Cher I would risk everything. GAP is making me even more happy that I am polyamorous. BRING ME ALL THE SAPPHICS!!! I want to collect them like Pokémon cards!! But also, MON ARE YOU LISTENING TO THE OLDER SAPPHICS!!! Money can't buy love!! Sam knows this. She recognizes this. I hope after this conversation, you would too!!!
11. Romance. Comedy. Drama. Horror. Would you look at that Mon. Risa and Cher's story has the same elements as yours and Sam's. Even down to the wealth and the family that hopefully Sam cuts off because fuck that evil witch of the West masquerading as her grandmother!!! But yeah. Listen to the slightly older and much happier lesbians Mon. Grab your happiness and your girl by your hands and don't let go. Cuz her grandmother would do enough objecting of you both's relationship anyway.
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12. Aaaaaaaand... Speak of the witch and she doth appears. Urgh!!! Why do I have the feeling that she probably knows that Sam isn't with her friends, and this passive aggressive phone call with the "is Kirk not with you", is just her testing her granddaughter to see if Sam would lie to her. Urgh. This woman gives me anxiety!!!!
13. I knew it!!! Look at that look in her eyes. She totally knows!
14. Kirk. You piece of trash with your ghost-looking face!!! You know that telling her "you should hear it from Sam" would confirm evil grandmother's suspicions. But you want to keep up the facade that you are a good person, whilst nudging her in the direction where she will confirm everything. You shady bastard. Urgh!!!!
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15. And of course evil grandmother is all "I'll handle it" with that conniving look on her face. You see what you did there Kirk? You set her in that direction. Let her see the hesitation in your eyes, indirectly confirmed that you know Sam's with someone else, and have therefore set off the snowball that would seemingly get you what you want, even though it would make Sam miserable. I really, really don't like you!
16. Awwwwww. Look at that sweet apology. Look at Sam being honest about her being hurt, and why she is hurt, and what her fears are. You see that Mon? You're not the only one with fears and doubts. Sure both your concerns have different faces, but the key to solving them is COMMUNICATION!!! Glad you both are finally doing just that!
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17. OMG!!!! It's Tee and Yuki, on their couple's retreat as well!!! Look at all my favourite sapphics, gathered under one roof!!!!
18. Sam's "you must have been sent by grandmother, you a spy!!!" talk is sending me!!! And Tee's being able to guess that Sam's grumpy reception is because she and Mon are fighting???? Chef's kiss. I LOVE THIS WOMAN EVERYONE!!! I WOULD DIE FOR HER!!! Tee, I love you. I will make you the main interest in my harem of women. Be mine!
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19. Risa and Cher flirting in front of my single salad is making me feel even more single.
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20. Awwwww. Look how quickly Sam ran to Mon's side, when she thought she was hurt. Even whilst angry, she's still like "Mon, you come first!" My darling. My baby. My precious.
21. Of course she's not angry anymore. She can't stay mad at you for long. It's why she's so precious. How adorable!!!!
22. Hehehehehe. Cher and Sam have such similar personalities, watching them clash makes me cackle so hard. You can basically see both their Persian cat furs bristling at each other, with Mon and Risa having to work extra hard to calm their women down. This is glorious. Look at them fighting over festivals. Ha!
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23. Yo! Why am I only seeing two couples and two lanterns? Where are Tee and Yuki??? Where's their lanterns???? Are they helping with Mon's surprise???? I have questions!!!
24. OMG!!! They are!!! Ha!!!! Is she proposing??? OMG! OMG! OMG!!!! They're totally doing a proposal/marriage thing right now. I am not crying! I am not crying. These are not tears! It's my allergies acting up! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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25. That was so sweet! THE SWEETEST PROPOSAL!! My heart!! I can't stop grinning. That was sooo good, and so beautiful. I love love y'all!! I LOVE LOVE!!!!!!
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26. I swear, I think these two became even more radiant after Mon's proposal. It's like them settling into the knowledge that they love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together, filled them with the honeymoon glow and I AM LIVING FOR IT!!!!
27. Hold up! HOLD THE FUCK UP!!! Isn't that her elder sister??? The oldest, who wanted to become an artist and witchy grandmother burned all her things??? OMG!!! It is her!!!! Look at that glow!! Look at that radiance!!! She is incandescent!!! That is what happens when you get out from under the roof of the wicked grandmother of the West! Sam!! Take a cue from your oldest sister and bounce. Tap into the radiance you deserve. Cuz your shitty grandmother doesn't deserve a modicum of goodness from you.
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28. See. I understand what she is saying. And somewhere buried beneath all that, is the truth of what I want Sam to realize (she will never be happy living with her grandmother and she needs to cut the woman off and never look back), but there is a decent way to make that statement, and calling your younger sister, who you abandoned (because she is the oldest, and she basically left her two younger siblings in the hands of an abusive and toxic relative, without trying to create a situation where they can come to her and rely on her and ask her for help), who died trying to get away from the evil witch, weak, is so not cool, and is in fact very cruel.
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29. Aaaaaand of course, the witch of a homophobe that is her grandmother now knows the truth. I am bracing myself for carnage because we all know that the person who's going to get the brunt of the disaster that is about to go down is poor, innocent Mon.
30. Urgh!!! It's already here. I don't want to see this. She's about to manipulate her in some way isn't she? Poor Mon. You don't deserve this.
31. See? She's starting things off by establishing that she knows everything there is to know about Mon. That she knows her family. Her friends. Her history. Before outrightly stating that Mon planned everything, and set things up to be close to Sam. And of course she's going to bring Kirk and his "feelings" into this. Which FUCK YOU GRANDMOTHER! Mon sweetheart, just because he was good to you, doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice your happiness for him. Because trust me, if the tables were turned, his entitled ass won't do shit.
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32. And of course they are double-tagging to try and break Sam and Mon up. Fuck you and your apologies Kirk. I hope you fucking choke, you lying, backstabbing piece of shit. We already know that her grandmother is going to rot in all the nine hells. But you? You piece of shit who pretended to be a good person, until you weren't able to get the girl... You are so much worse!
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33. He really fired Chin and Yha???? And we all know it's a set-up to whatever it is that evil grandmother of the West has set in motion to get Sam and Mon to break up, to to have Sam do what she wants. Which urgh!!! Please tell me Yha wouldn't out of anger at getting fired, want to pull Mon down, because she also knows their secret! Urgh, this is a mess!!!!
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34. On one hand, I'm cheering Sam on for being all "I am going to fire Mon. And date her outside of the office. Thank you for opening my eyes to that possibility". But on the other hand, I don't think Kirk is done with his stupid plan and I'm anxious about what he and that grandmother witch have planned.
35. I can't believe I'm saying this but Nop... You are a good egg. You have sense. Who would have thought that between you and Kirk, you would be the one with the backbone and the cool head on your shoulders. Yes please! Call out trash grandmother for her trash ways. Fuck the bourgeoisie. FUCK HER!!!! And thank you for encouraging Mon to pick up Sam's calls and talk to her. You see that Kirk? YOU SEE YOUR MATE?!!! Just like you, he too was interested in Mon. He wanted to be in a relationship with her. And when she said no, he backed away. When he discovered her relationship with Sam, he supported her. And now, he's encouraging her to be with the woman she loves. Nop's baby finger is better than your entire ass put together Kirk! Infinitely better!!!
36. Urgh Mon. Just tell her the truth already!!! None of this "I miss home" nonsense. If y'all's relationship is going to survive, you need to tell her that her grandmother came over, and tell her all the trash things, that witchy vampire of a grandmother said.
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37. Atta girl. You did good. And Sam's immediate 'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you face this" has me bawling. My precious babies. I want only happiness for you both!! You need to walk away from your grandmother Sam. But knowing Mon, she would feel extra guilty if she felt that it's because of her that you walked away from your witch of a grandmother which urgh!!!! Toxic family relationships are the worst!!!
38. Her grandmother's house really is stunning. But it's cold. So fucking cold. Fitting for a witch in her soulless castle. I swear if this conversation doesn't end with "Grandmother. If you love Kirk so much, then YOU marry him," I am screaming at my TV.
So yeah. We get happiness and sapphics in love, and proposals. But we also get this nonsense with Kirk teaming up with Sam's grandmother which urgh!! This will probably be our lives for the next two episodes until the end of the series. But you know what? The fact that I only have to hang in there for two more weeks, until they kick Kirk to the cub, and hopefully break the bonds with grandmother witch? I can hang in there. I just want to see my babies get their happy ending. And I'm willing to do anything to make that happen for them!!! Including praying and hoping that dishonorable witchy grandmother croaks. Cuz that's the one solution I see to all of this.
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dianadragonfly · 5 years
“His Last Vow” commentary
I do want to listen to the commentary of Moffat et. al, but I couldn’t get through a few minutes. I just can’t parse it at all. I need to find transcripts. On this whole 3 season set, only one episode had commentary with Martin and Ben. Disappointed. 
Wait..these are vaults. FILES! Places where he keeps his information. Is the memory palace at the end a lie? I never understood how he could blackmail without actually having the original documents.
I remember vividly thinking CAM had some sort of google glass when I first watched this episode. Red herring. Well done, Moffat and Gattis. 
Ugh, the way CAM holds Lady Smallwood’s hand ... ugh. Licking her? Ugh. The unspoken threat of rape is there. He can violate in any way he wants and she cannot stop him. 
John dreaming of Sherlock while lying with Mary. Huh? Nightmares of Afghanistan haven’t been mentioned since episode 1, season 1. So to dream of Afghanistan AND Sherlock? Is this to drive home that he misses the battlefield and excitement?
“There’s nothing wrong with me. Pretend I said that without shouting.” That’s the exact same delivery is “Damn my leg! Oh my god, I am so sorry.” That not pausing between two very different statements and very different tones of voice. It’s awesome and hilarious. Again, season 1, episode 1. 
“It’s a tiny bit sexy.” Mary, I love you. Why?!? WHY?!?
What’s up with the dream colors/out of focus and slow-mo? I think it’s meant to show how things look if you’re on drugs but John has no reason to look at the world like that. He’s stone cold sober, right? Is this evidence of the alibi theory?
Ohhh. Fandom has brought up how much John acts like Sherlock here with Wiggins. He’s sarcastic and superior. He’s channeling inner Sherlock here. 
“Well, I’m not NOOOWW.” I love that moment. 
Mary as the pissed off soccer mom driving all the boys home cracks me up. 
Damn Molly!!! That’s quite a slap. I’m so proud of her here.  
No one does a pissed off sniff like John. 
Smoll Sherlock in chair.
“Are you trying to put me off?”
“God no, I’m trying to recruit you.” Sounds like Episode 1, Season 1 again.  
So there is much speculation that John is jealous of Janine. I think it makes perfect sense that he would be shocked and slightly taken off guard by the fact that Sherlock has a girlfriend without it necessarily being sexual/romantic jealousy.But I’m not ruling it out. He is so -- confused--. I think I need to switch back to commentary to see what Gatiss, Moffat, et all say.   (I actually went and listened to the commentary. I found these amazing transcripts here. They said that there was an original cut where John looked jealous and they recut it. John’s supposed to be stunned but approving. I don’t think so. I think he’s both excited for Sherlock and feeling left out. If the lesson in “The Empty Hearse” and “The Sign of Three” was that no, Sherlock, everyone just doesn’t stay in place when you leave them, John is learning that now and he does not like it.) 
(Twitter is not the audience, says Moffat. Uh, yah they are,) 
OOhhh White shirt Benedict is my favorite Benedict. 
The expression on both faces as they talk. . . so funny. I think maybe John is slightly relieved? Sherlock becoming Sherl, being domesticated, messing around in the bathroom with a hot chick. . . 
“Dinner, yeah.” John is so funny when they are kissing. He’s not listening to a word, still thinking about Sherlock and Janine. 
“Doesn’t mean I’m not pleased to see you.” heheheheheh
Wouldn’t it have been uncomfortable for John to have something that long and hard in his pants this whole time? I’m talking about the tire iron, pervs. 
With the blu ray, I can pause and read the text. Sherlock isn’t mentioned as John’s pressure point. Strange. I think it’s obvious that if you wanted to get to John, getting Sherlock would be easier than getting Harry. 
At least John’s porn preferences are normal. Whatever that means. It should say “Reads Johnlock smut on Ao3″
Apparently so are Sherlock’s although I highly doubt it. 
Seriously? Redbeard again? Dropped so artlessly? 
The pissing in the fireplace ... even Sherlock doesn’t even know how to act. A show of dominance that my Jack Russel would approve of. So fucking funny, 
“Mary and I think seven. See you later.” Again, so funny.. Sherlock and Mary talk even when John and Sherlock don’t. Mary, again, WHY?! You were so awesome. 
This is a beautiful building. 
“Human error.” Oh Sherlock, you bastard!
John’s face!!!!!   Fandom says he’s jealous. I think he’s appalled. He knows exactly what Sherlock has been doing with Janine all along now and is horrified. 
How did Mary get into the penthouse?
I remember yelling so loud when I first saw this episode!
Oh, that was a kill shot. Later Sherlock says it wasn’t but the fact is he actually DIES here. 
So I’m now watching a scene and then listening to/reading commentary. They said the sliding plant is “just to screw with everybody.”  Really? That’s mean. 
Back to scene 4 without commentary on:
John’s face is just joy when he tells Mary that Sherlock has just woken up. But that look on Mary’s face -- no freakin way that it was a warning shot. She wanted Sherlock to die. Maybe she subconsciously wasn’t as lethal as she could have been but she wants him dead. 
Poor Janine! I do like this little scene though. She gets her revenge. But are we supposed to believe she spent the night naked in his bed and then climbed into the bathtub with him and they didn’t have sex? Um, no. 
“I know what kind of man you are.” Seen by fandom as “I know you’re gay.” Supposedly supposed to read, “You;re really a good man at heart and you shouldn’t have lied to me.”
He looks actually -sad- when she leaves. That little blink of realization. And he turns -down- the morphine. 
Oh shit. That moment when John -knows.- John does that with a look. 
-- interrupted here of course. Will do later. --
Okay without the creators’ commentary: I hate hate the projection of Mary shows up on the building facade. I think I start to lose faith in the Sherlock world at that moment. That’s my first time when questioning the director’s and writers’ choices actively interfered with my enjoyment as I was watching it — setting the stage for season 4.
I’m Home from school sick with my daughter AND I’m a mess because I just discovered the Pins and Needles series of fan fiction and stayed up too late reading last night. I dozed off and woke up in time for Tarmac Hell.
Because I have not had my heart pierced by enough arrows today.
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missmarymac817 · 8 years
I was going to choose a few of those questions for you to answer but I challenge you to do ALL OF THEM
You're going to hell for this.

01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?I mean... it's not terrible...

02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?My girlfriend, Kayla. 😁

03: Do you regret anything?I regret things I shouldn't regret. Things that aren't my fault. Ya know?

04: Are you insecure?lol what's security? Heheheheheh heh heh. Heh. 😅

05: What is your relationship status?My gay ass is taken, thanks for asking! 

06: How do you want to die?I'd like to die in the most ironic fucking way possible. And in spite of everyone. Like. Say Kayla we're so tell me “"don't go into the tiger pin, you're allergic to cats!” And I just fling my gay ass into the cage, sneezing and coughing in cat fur as the tiger mauls me. Yeah. 

07: What did you last eat?I had two donuts at break...

08: Played any sports?Yeah. I do marching band in the fall and track in the spring. 

09: Do you bite your nails?When I'm hella stressed. 

10: When was your last physical fight?I've never been in a physical fight. Hmm... I should fix that.

11: Do you like someone?KAYLA BROOKE {last name is censored for privacy} THATS WHO I LIKE

12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?All the fucking time, bro.

13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?I hate myself sometimes. 🙃

14: Do you miss someone?I miss who I used to be. I was so innocent and adorable. 

15: Have any pets?Two dogs and a turtle.

16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?Um... idk. Kinda hungry.

17: Ever made out in the bathroom?Heh. Hell yeah. My first kiss was in a bathroom. 

18: Are you scared of spiders?Who isn't?!?!

19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?Hell no. I ain't messing with flashpoint and shit.

20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?Last night. High school basketball game. In the girls' bathroom. 

21: What are your plans for this weekend?I have a track meet on Saturday and church on Sunday...

22: Do you want to have kids? How many?Yes! Three kids. An older pair of twin girls and a younger son. 

23: Do you have piercings? How many?Yeah. Just basic ear piercings. 

24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?Math and science. Always. Except in first grade when I was dumb as shit.

25: Do you miss anyone from your past?My best friend from where I used to live. We were really close and it was really sad when i moved. 

26: What are you craving right now?Sleep and a neck massage

27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?Unfortunately yes

28: Have you ever been cheated on?Unfortunately yes

29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?Unfortunately yes

30: What’s irritating you right now?This friggen QUIZZZZZ

31: Does somebody love you?Yes. I mean. I hope she does. 

32: What is your favourite color?That blue in the sky when the sun is rising but it's still dark out.

33: Do you have trust issues?What's trust?!?!? Hehhehehehheeheheheh 😅

34: Who/what was your last dream about?OML ok so it was crazy I was at a grocery store and  for some fricken reason, my friend who's a senior came up to me and told me to steal a bunch of shit and we ran from the grocery and we like drove off in her car and then when we stopped in Nebraska to get gas, I was wearing a really short and tight dress and heels that weren't even mine and then I was back where I used to live breaking up with my ex boyfriend again and it was really terrible then I woke up. What does this mean?!?! 

35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?The senior from my dream. Her last pep band game was last night. 

36: Do you give out second chances too easily?Yes, even with my trust issues

37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?Forgive. I'm very petty

38: Is this year the best year of your life?Hell yeah! I've got my first girlfriend and a new school and a new life and wooooohooooo

39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?15

40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?As an infant probably, but not since I started school. 

51: Favourite food?I just noticed that whoever made this list is European because of the u in favourite and colour. Anyways, I really like smiley fries. God those are good. 

52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?Yes. I am a firm believer in the flashpoint theory. Your actions cause reactions and if you change those actions, the reactions will differ and there is only one true way to get the life you're supposed to have. 

53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?I did my hair cuz I'm lazy in the morning

54: Is cheating ever okay?No. Absolutely not. Never. 

55: Are you mean?Idk. I'm mean if I have to be. But never for fun. 

56: How many people have you fist fought?0. None. Nada. Zip. Zero. 

57: Do you believe in true love?Yes I do. In soulmates too. 

58: Favourite weather?I like the weather where I live right now. It's sunny but just a little breezy. 
59: Do you like the snow?I love the snow cuz it means I can escape hell... I mean school... 

60: Do you wanna get married?I do. I want to get married right after college (or sooner) and I want it to last. 
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?I love when Kayla calls me Baby. I love it. Love it!!!! 

62: What makes you happy?All of my friends make me happy. I love spending time with them even though some of them give me really long lists of questions to answer *cough-Rachel-cough*

63: Would you change your name?Maybe. Idk. I think I'd love to go by my actual name soon. I go by my middle name to save the trouble of people freaking over my name. 

64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?No. It would be very easy to kiss the last person I kissed. Actually. Hey, Kayla! If you ever read this, HINT HINT HINT HINT HINT 

65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?I tell them how I feel and make sure they understand I really appreciate their friendship and I don't want anything more than that with them

66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?Yeah. Logan from where I used to live (ex boyfriend logan). 

67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?This french horn player last class period. 

68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?Kayla. Yeah. 

69: Do you believe in soulmates?I absolutely do. 

70: Is there anyone you would die for?Any one of my friends. All of them. I swear.
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