heidilies · 1 year
This aspect of you, Heidi, is one of the most despicable. For this post, we are concentrating on your Twitter account you had from December 2022 to February 2023. It's so sickening to know you posted all of this vile crap and then started your "I'm back!" leftist account. Some may say this is trolling, but there is an old saying to the tune of "people show you who they are when they think no one is looking," and this is a perfect example of that.
First, let's start off with some likes on that account of yours, shall we?
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Then here are a few garden-variety antisemitic posts and shares:
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One of your favorite ways of gaslighting Jewish people was saying "oy vey" in reply to their concerns.
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And lastly, here are a selection of anti-semitic posts in chronological order. Mostly replies to other posts that Jewish users (and a Jewish member of government) said, which are unwarranted and unprovoked. This is straight up anti-Jew hate posting.
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(I suppose you could argue this is a Christian confirmation of God's unconditional love, but in the context of all of your other posts, it seems pro-Hitler, not pro-God's love.)
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The last tweet here is probably the most disgusting and the. most damning. There are plenty of examples with this account of holocaust denial and praising famous antisemitics like Kanye and Nick Fuentes.
So disgusting. You're such an ugly person, Heidi, pretending to be a good Christian.
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anniesglobalboutique · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT, Anthropologie Bhanuni Jyoti Square Neck Maxi Dress.
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heidilies · 7 months
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Here you are insulting someone by claiming they think aliens are real. This is such projection Heidi.
Below is just a small sampling of your UFO fangirling. First, you are married to a UFOlogist and give all his books five-star reviews.
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Not to mention to do the occasional post under JM's UFONetwork_ Twitter account.
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This is just the current stuff. Maybe we will delve further into your multiple blogs and postings thereon about aliens and UFOs. In the meantime, just shut it.
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heidilies · 8 months
More Racism
We know you are anti-Mexican immigrant.
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Liking posts about The Great Replacement and telling an Asian to eat dog.
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Polish joke. Original.
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When the Israel/Hamas war started, you went in hard with your racism against Indian people who said they supported Israel.
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heidilies · 9 months
Considering you have a special needs son, the notion that you like posts that use the r slur is extra horrendous.
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heidilies · 9 months
More Antisemitism
More of the same, you hateful, disgusting person. Liking antisemitic comments and posts, laughing at a antisemitic caricature.
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heidilies · 9 months
You're Back
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Truly incredible that you're back and going this route with your persona. We will do a more in-depth entry, but wanted to get this gem up.
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heidilies · 1 year
Have you never seen a sunflower? And you're a "nature photographer?" Idiot.
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heidilies · 1 year
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Here's an idea...instead of buying Barbie dolls, why don't you spay your cat?
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heidilies · 1 year
Backyard Breeder
You were happy to share photos of kittens, earlier this year. In doing so, you said that your cat got pregnant AGAIN. Spay your cat, Heidi, you're irresponsible, we know this, but don't drag innocent babies into it.
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heidilies · 1 year
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This is one of the most stupid things I've seen, especially from someone who calls herself a "nature photographer." Those are not snapdragons, you half-wit. Google Snapdragon.
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heidilies · 1 year
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What is this? A little transphobic.
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heidilies · 1 year
You often allude or imply that you've been an Anarchist for a long time. Decades even. Well, this is simply not true.
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In 2010, you were a Libertarian. Libertarians are not leftists, but rather "fiscally conservative, socially liberal," devil's advocate right wingers.
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"Libertarian, conservative-leaning Christian" in 2011. That's more to the right.
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In 2016, you were back to being a Libertarian with the typical EndTheFed and taxationistheft hashtags. Pay close attention to this as it will come up again.
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The same year, you call yourself an "AnCap." So, you found out that you could attach a leftist school of though to a right wing ideology. Anarchy-Capitalism. Libertarian. Same difference, just one sounds cooler. This way, you could call yourself an Anarchist without technically lying.
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In 2018, you called yourself a "radical leftist," which you have never, ever been. However, we suspect that you found out how big on mutual aid leftists are and decided to exploit the kindness of leftists and beg for money.
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In 2019, you called yourself an "anarcho commie bitch."
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In 2021, you were a "rabid leftist."
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In 2022, you were an "Anarchist" again, which of course, you talked about, rarely, but never actually extolled any Anarchist ideals. Surface-level shit.
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Around this same time, you started telling people about your Telegram channel and how they should reach out to you on it. Previously, you had older information on it, but this is relevant. You called yourself a "misanthropic nihilist." This is the first time nihilism ever came up and the only time it's ever been part of any of your self-descriptors.
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On Facebook though, however, you called yourself an "Anarchist Communist" during this same time. Puzzling. You've never talked about any aspect of communism (in the anarchist sense) or collectivism.
Around this time, you nuked your Twitter account and made a new one. You also updated your Telegram bio.
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What? Is that...are you endorsing Kanye West for president in 2024? Noted anti-semite and toxic person? Well, that's not very leftist of you, is it?
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And one of your first tweets on this account is agreeing with Kanye, just a day or so after he was on Joe Rogan being really disgusting. Bizarre. Well, let's see what else your new Twitter account says about your politics. Let's start with who you're following on there:
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Not a leftist in the bunch. In fact, it's all Christian, right-wing accounts and even a police account. Lots of leftists follow police accounts, but given the context and the other accounts/content we have seen from you, it's not likely for monitoring reasons. NARC.
After you got locked out of that account, you started another one; the one that has all the anti-semitism in it.
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Imagine the lunacy of calling Jordan B Peterson a communist, and telling him that he needs therapy because he sounds like one? That's not very leftist either.
You also talked to your "boyfriend" about communists in a displeased way.
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Reacting this way, without any criticism of communism from a leftist perspective just stinks of reactionary right-wing response. Try harder.
So, you then got locked out of this account and started your most recent known one. From the beginning, you were shilling for Russia, which is a weird thing to do if you're actually leftist.
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Oh! We are back to calling ourselves an Anarchist:
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An "anarchist" who follows pro-russia accounts? If anything, an anarchist would stand with the Ukrainians fighting an invasion on their own soil, right? Or better yet, an anarchist wouldn't take sides.
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Once you gained some followers though, you dropped all political identifiers from your Twitter bio. I wonder why you'd do that.
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Then, you deleted this account due to "stalking," but you updated your Telegram bio again.
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What? "End the Fed?" Again? So we are back to an AnCap/Libertarian vibe? Or, did that never go away? You've been right-leaning this whole time. You are a faker and not even a decent one. I'm sure the kind leftists who helped you out when you begged for money would be thrilled to know this. Deceitful.
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heidilies · 1 year
On Video
Here we have you as a guest on a podcast. You spoke twice in the 25ish minutes you were on this podcast before your phone battery died. You added absolutely nothing to the conversation. In your introduction you said you worked "occasionally as a nurse," then changed it to "nursing assistant," neither of which you are.
Then you get a chance to offer something of substance and you go on to prove that you don't actually know anything. When you are put on the spot, you deflect and talk about a true free marking being or involving "Anarchist Capitalists," which is not a thing and you make zero sense.
You're boring and there is nothing to you. You don't know anything and it's abundantly clear in all the talking you do, but the saying of nothing. In text you come across as some wildly qualified person to speak on these topics, but it's clear that is not true.
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heidilies · 1 year
The Kevin Kline (from VA) Saga
A story you like to bring up is how you had a "crazy ex-boyfriend" who killed a woman to take her car and tried to hold a bus hostage all to get up to you in Canada.
From Reddit in 2017:
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From Reddit in 2021:
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From Twitter in 2022:
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This one took a bit of digging as this guy has the same name as an actor. However, I was able to find a few sources that tell the story, and while it does appear this actually happened, I question your involvement.
This source says that Kevin shot the old woman as she was reading. The article reads:
Kline, then 18, had been ordered into the custody of his father, Thomas Kline, after his felony convictions Oct. 2 in Culpeper, and he did not have a car. But he had a 32-year-old girlfriend in New York state he had met online, according to court records, and he had a Walther 9mm pistol that he had swiped from his mother's boyfriend.
"I had to do something to get back to [my girlfriend] C.J.," Kline told psychologist Mitchell H. Hugonnet, according to court records. "Not much mattered to me at that point."
So yeah, he probably did try to get a car from the elderly woman, but you are not CJ, nor were you in New York. You were the same age as CJ at the time, but that is where the similarities end. In your "non-fiction" account of this shared on your Substack, you say that he shot the woman when she didn't give up her car keys, which no one can know. That's conjecture.
This same article goes on to say:
Kline ran from the park and hopped on a Fairfax Connector bus, staying on it as the driver and passengers fled. Police negotiated with Kline for several hours, and he called his girlfriend and his attorney, Harvey Volzer. He eventually surrendered.
So he "tried to take a bus hostage?"
This source also says:
Witnesses reported seeing a man run from the park and board a Fairfax County Connector bus. Police stopped the bus on the south end of Fordson Road near Richmond Highway. The man on the bus was armed with a gun, had blood on his shirt and refused to exit. 
There were threats to harm himself, said officer Camille Neville. All passengers and the driver exited the bus safely.
There is no source that clearly states he tried to take a bus hostage. Just that he boarded, armed, and refused to leave while passengers and the driver exited safely.
It's interesting how you don't share more inside information about this guy and his crimes. You provide background information on your "relationship" with him, but you make it seem like he chased you while you were in Canada and you "read American news" and saw the story...
Your "harrowing non-fiction" story on The Intelligencer tells the story this way:
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Your claim that he was sentenced to life in prison is pretty easily disproven though:
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Maybe this DID happen. Maybe you're CJ from NY in the article. However, your account of what happened and what the news sources say went on are a bit different.
Funny how you always try to interject this story into other things, like this Reddit thread about the Delphi murders. Jared Kline was involved with the murders, but even though "Kline" is a common last name, you had to speculate.
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Whatever. Your track record with honesty doesn't bode well for your involvement being true.
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anniesglobalboutique · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT, Anthropologie Calais Wide-Leg Jumpsuit.
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