yamamiya · 5 months
HEIDRIK - Change of Frame
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fred-ruddick · 3 years
Faroe Islands at The Great Escape festival 2021
Got to run around a lot for this one. Friði you been a real friend all these years mate and Marius your mind is as turned as your energy man! All the other creatives who knocked together for this one too Gwenael, Heidrik, Gaui, Suni, Theodor 
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kathleenmaryparker · 6 years
Eivør - True Love (Director: Heiðrik á Heygum)
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ribbonsonmyghost · 6 years
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@lepustra in @heidrik’s video ‘Black For The Occasion’ https://youtu.be/VbHExjggPEc
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Another set of highly recommended albums.
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no-love-no-light · 7 years
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if you don’t love him already, you gotta.
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heniwolf · 8 years
There's a monster inside of me Doesn't want no good things for me Wants no one to care for me Wants to eat me in solitary
Monster by Heiðrik á Heygum
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heidrik · 8 years
If I dont dare to lose, I'll never win
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nofatclips · 7 years
Í Tokuni by Eivør from the album Slør - Music video by Heiðrik á Heygum
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moulindelaforge · 4 years
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Breitner George Heidrik  - 1884-1885
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cagcdbird · 4 years
@derjaegermond​ / answered: “It’s impossible to hide from you.”
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A wry smile twisted the lab rat’s pale lips. She hadn’t so much as motioned up from the braille her fingers traced effortlessly. Dr. Heidrik ought to have known better than to try sneaking up on a blind woman, much less one that could hear thoughts. Truth of the matter was, Fleurette had sensed the mind’s familiar presence long before she’d heard the quieted and secretive footsteps. She tapped her temple with an index finger knowingly. ❝Perhaps being shorter than most means I am closer to the ground, and I can hear your footsteps better. But who knows!❞
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eivor-palsdottir · 5 years
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eivormusic: Wow today it´s been 7 years since I released the album ROOM !!! Where did time go? So many wonderful people helped shape this album. One of my golden collaborators on this project was the lovely @heidrik who created the artwork for the album and several music videos as well. The dress was made by Charlotte Sjalle Weber and it was made out of my grandmothers old crocheted tablecloths ❤️
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diamonddeposits · 7 years
Faroe Islands X Iceland folk-poet Heidrik shares a treatment for tune Monster--a haunting composition with minimal instrumentals with honey smooth vocals--. a visually stunning surrealist journey into the soul of the singer with puppets and space jaunts.
The track is part of his fantastic if you have not heard it yet what are you waiting for long player Funeral. 
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honestsycrets · 6 years
Eddic [Mythology of All Races Vol. 2] Chp IV: Odin
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A few personal notes for me to keep in mind. This is all from the book, Eddic: Mythology of All Races by Matthew MacCollogh. Nothing is outside of this. Furthermore I’m sure there is content in here that can be debated.
Other names:
Wodan wōd: mad
OHG woutan
OS wodan
AS Woden
ON O penn ON: poetic frenzy
Furious Host (?)
Other Norse Names:
Vegtam (Wanderer)
Gangler (Traveler)
Ómi (Noist one)
Vidforull (Fartraveler).
Viator Indefessus (Unwearied traveler) by Saxo.
Heimskringla (The far have travelled) by Snorri.
Galga Valdyr (Lord of the Gallows)
Hanga-tyr (God of the hanged).
Hnikar (Thruster).
Karl af berge (The man of the mountain).
Drauga Drottim (Lord of Ghosts).
Valgautr (God of the Slain).
Val-Fadir because ‘all that fall in battle are sons of his adoption. Oski Synir (Snorri)
Valkjosandi (Chooser of the Slain) in (Kormaks-saga).
Fjolnir (The many shaped).
Sigfadir (Father of Victory)
Sigtyr (God of Victory).
Hertyr (God of hosts).
Heryan (Leader of hosts).
Herfadir (Father of hosts).
Valfadir (Father of the slain).
Hnikarr (Spear-lord).
Biflindi (Spear Brandisher).
Gautatyr (God of the Gauts).
Saxagod (God of the Saxons).
Aldafadie (father of men).
Grimnir (the hooded one).
Hrafna-god (Raven god).
All Father and patron of aristocracy, warriors and skalds.
Hyndlujod, Freyja says he gives hold, Hermod helm and coat of mail, to Sigmund a sword, and triumph to some.
Oaths were sworn by Sigtyr’s Mountain, his city was Sigtun.
Odin drinks wine.
The first drink is to Odin ‘for victory and power.’
The other gods are Odin’s people as he rules all things.
Grants men their wishes.
War god
Weapons and armour to heroes.
Dog was given his spear.
Heroes valour, triumph and treasure.Women and giantesses made victims by his runes.
Caused the first war between the Aesir and Vanir.
‘He hurled his spear on the host, and war then came first into the world.’ (Voluspa).
Also pisses off princes, kings and causes strife.
Provoked battle of Harald and Ring.
Pisses off easily when victory is given to the wrong places such as Brynhild and Agnar (Svefnthorn).
Joins in battle and has favourites, so people favour him.
Great warrior.
Weapons reference Odin and his Valkyries.
More prominent than Thor.
Likewise his spear is of better 'culture’ than Thor’s hammer.
Ravens haunting the battlefield equate to him.
Spear Gungnir made by dwarfs and given to him by Loki.
All other weapons were useless against it.
God of poetry, master of magic, knowledge.
Odin gives poets their words by taking poetic mead from the giants.
Gave Starkad the art of poetry and composition of spell.
Appears in dreams before great battles to give some victory and invite others to him. (Snorri)
Spoke magic and charms to the Volva but did not know Balder’s fate-- had to seek knowledge from her.
Struck Rinda with a bark of runes and drew her into a frenzy.
Loki accuses him of dressing as a witch and working charms in Samsey.
Obtained a magic wand gambantein and learned a language from the dead in Hlebard in Harbardsljod.
Cures a lame horse with charm or rune.
Knows magic songs bringing sickness, sorrow, stop arrows, produce fetters and blunt weapons, neutralizer dangerous roots where runes are written and reflect the danger, remove hatred, calm wind, aid friends in a fight, make the hanged speak, quench fire, give knowledge of the gods and elves and win love.
Takes form of a ferryman, a servant or peasant, snake, eagle.
Woke the dead and sat under hanged men for knowledge. (Ynglinga-saga)
Could control fire, sea and wind by his words.
Knew of buried treasure, runes to open earth, mountains, rocks and mounds. Could also bind these.
May understand the language of birds.
May have created runes in Havamal.
Coloured them perhaps with blood.
Could have obtained the wounds by hanging on Yggdrasil and wounding himself by his spear as an offering to himself. The runes may have fallen down from the tree.
Consults Mimir.
Made runes of draught from head of Heithdraupnir and horn of Hoddrofnir.
Mimir may be a waterspirit with his well beneath a root of Yggdrasil.
Wisdom and understanding are stored under Yggrasil
Loss of his eye! Mimir withheld a drink from the well until he was given.
Odin’s eye is hidden in the well where Mimir drinks of the pledge each day.
Could perhaps be Odin’s uncle, son of Bolthorn who is the father of Bestla who is Odin’s mother.
More Wisdom
Drinks daily from the cool waves of Sokkvabekk with gold cups with the Goddess Saga (Frigg?)
Saga is a female water elf.
Love affair (?).
Sought to match his knowledge with the giant Vafthrudnir. Proved himself wiser.
“What did Odin speak into Balder’s ear before he was burned on the pyre?” A riddle used with both th giant and King Heidrik during Yule.
Initially a spirit of god of wind or dead as the past wandered in the wind. Brings wind with his wagon.
Gives fair winds to sailors as said by Freyja in Hyndluljod.
The storm stills when Odin boards Sigurd’s ship.
May have first been worshipped in Gotland.
Is a traveler.
Rides a white or black horse with a wide brimmed hat, staff and hounds.
Snorri: rides with helmet, birnie and speak Gungnir at Ragnarok.
Also known to ride Sleipnir. The eight legged grey mare of Loki’s lineage with Svadilfari.
Rides her to Urd’s well daily.
To consult Volva in Niflhel about Balder’s dreams.
To offer random for Hel after his death.
Names stemming from appearance:
Sidhottr (with broad hat).
Harbard (grey beard).
Skidskegg (long beard).
Misc about appearance
A man of amazing height (Saxo).
Draupnir, the ring made by Sindri the dwarf was given to Odin by his brother.
Burned with Balder’s pyre and Balder sent it back to him from Hel.
Animals of Odin.
Munnin (Memory) and Huginn (Thought) are sent at day break around the world and return at evening to bring news to him.
Whisper what they have heard.
All Ravens are birds of Odin.
Wolves are also his: Geri ‘The Ravener’ and Freki ‘The Glutton’
Shares food and wind with him.
Sleipnir is taken to Hel, Jotunheim, etc.
Challenged Hrungnir that his was better than Gullfaxi.
Hrungnir chased him into Asgard where Thor dealt with him.
‘Ygg’s Horse’ Ygg being “The terrible”.
Askr Yggdrasils (the ash of Yggdrasil or of Odin’s steed).
Odin hung for nine nights in Havamal.
Stabbed himself with his own spear as well.
King Vikar needed to sacrifice himself so that his fleet might pass through great storms.
Starkad (Odin’s foster son) created a death akin to Odins for Vikar.
Appears as a ferryman of the dead.
“Souls of those slain by violence go in the Furious Host, and souls of heroes go to Odin in Valhall.” (MacCulloch, 44).
Chosen warriors are einherjar.
Mightiest of warriors are taken to Valhalla as he wants them by their side when Fenrir comes to the seat of the god.
Valhalla lies in Gladsheim, the world of joy.
Valhall is the ‘Hall of the Slain’.
Vingolf is the ‘friendly floor.’
 ‘Chooser of the Slain,’
However shares the slain with Freyja.
Determine a man’s feyness and awarded victory and took the slain.
Wish-Maidens becausee they carried out Odin’s will.
Corselets sprinkled with blood and sparks fly from their spears.
Prisoners sacrificed more common in Denmark and Sweden. ‘Odin has you all!’
In response Odin gives some gifts at times.
The cow Audhumla gave birth to Buri.
His son was Borr who married Bestla.
Bestla was daughter of Bolthorn.
Bestla and Borr had Odin, Vili and Ve.
Children and Love
Wife of Odin, although she was at one point shared with Vili and Ve when they believed Odin would not return.
Frigg offending Odin may have been why he left.
Or perhaps thrown out into exile after the incident with Rinda.
Took her back as his wife when he came back.
Son was Balder
Son was Thor.
After Balder died, Odin desired revenge. So he spoke to prophets on this and one of these told him a son must be born to him by Rinda. As a soldier, he gained her father’s favour but not Rinda. As a smith he made Rinda made many things but she still refused him. Eventually, he used the bark of runes and claimed to cure her as a maiden skilled in Leecraft.
Has Vali by her (Bous in Eddas).
Seven sisters in Harbardsljod. Allures witches from their husbands.
Linen-White Maid.
Has Vidarr by her.
Billings Daughter
“Dear to him as life.”
Tried to visit her at night on her request only to find a band of warriors at her home.
Visited her in the morning and found a dog tied to her bed.
“Many maids are fickle.”
Gunnlod, daughter of the giant Suttung.
Penetrated rock with the snout of Rati.
Mead given to him by Gunnlod and he won her over.
‘fettered with the feathers of the bird of forgetfulness (heron) in Gunnlod’s abode, very drunk in the house of wise Suttung.’
Gains knowledge from the mead.
As Bolverk, he slept with her for three nights and received three draughts of mead. He gave the first to Odrorir, second to Bodn and third Son to gain all the mead.
Then turned into an eagle and flew away beck to Asgard.
Gave the mead to the Aesir, who have the ability of composition. Poetic Mead.
Other Children
Kings and chiefs (Skjoldings from his son Skjold)
After killing Otter he had to pay wergild when overcome by Hreidmar.
“In Lokasenna, Odin shows himself frightened for Loki, and it is Thor, not Odin, who silences him.” (MacCullogh, 49)
Source Credit
MacCulloch, John Arnott. The Mythology of All Races: Eddic. Vol. 2, Cooper Square Publ., 1964.
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gaymusicchart · 6 years
GAY MUSIC CHART - 2018 week 39
 Is Gay Music Chart still alive ? Well, it isn’t totally dead yet… But for how long ? We will make a video which explain with more details the problems we have with the new YouTube copyright robot and the new European legislation.
The edition this week will not have a video, but only a playlist. The ranking was made only with the views of our previous playlist of the previous edition.
 BLOGGER : http://gaymusicchart.blogspot.fr
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/GayMusicChart/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/GayMusicChart with #GayMusicChart  
TUMBLR : http://gaymusicchart.tumblr.com  
 Here is the recap for this week :
 OUT : Ryan Dolan - "In My Blood" (LW: 27 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 27)
OUT : Bayli - "Out For Love" (LW: 28 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 28)
OUT : Troye Sivan - "Animal" (live @ The Late Show with Stephen Colbert) (LW: 29 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 13)
OUT : Ben Davidson - "Learning To Let You Go" (LW: 30 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 30)
OUT : Fabich x Jafunk feat FHAT - "Back to Life" (LW: 32 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 32)
OUT : Gia Gunn feat. Alaska Thunderfuck - "La China Mas Latina" (LW: 33 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 33)
OUT : Deitre - "Feeling Good" (LW: 38 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 38)
OUT : Robert O'Connor - "No Second Chances" (LW: 39 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 39)
OUT : Alex Anwandter - "Locura" (Official Lyric Video) (LW: 42 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 42)
OUT : The Struts feat. Kesha - "Body Talks" (LW: 45 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 43)
OUT : Rae Spoon - "Do Whatever The Heck You Want" (LW: 47 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 47)
OUT : 星屑スキャット Hoshikuzu Scat - 「ご乱心 / Go ranshin / Melancholy」(LW: 49 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 49)
OUT : Troye Sivan - "Plum" (live @ The Late Show with Stephen Colbert) (LW: 50 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 50)
  01 (=) : Peter Wilson & Sean Smith - "Verona" (LW: 01 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
UK - 2018 / from the album "The Passion and The Flame"
This awesome cover of the 2017's Estonian Eurovision track from Koit Toome and Laura is produced by Matt Pop.
 02 (+ 2) : Nacha La Macha - Eres Cobarde (LW: 04 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 03)
Spain - 2018
 03 (+ 5) : Calvin Harris, Sam Smith - "Promises" (LW: 08 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 03)
UK - 2018
 04 (- 2) : Troye Sivan feat. Ariana Grande - Dance To This (LW: 02 / WO: 14 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
Australia / USA – 2018 / from the album 2018 "Bloom"
 05 (- 2) : Allen King feat. Amor Romeira - "My Boy" (LW: 03 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 03)
Spain - 2018
 06 (+ 17) : Panic! At The Disco - "High Hopes" (LW: 23 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 06)
USA - 2018 / from the album "Pray For The Wicked"
 07 (+ 15) : Imagine Dragons - "Natural" (LW: 22 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 07)
USA - 2018
 08 (+ 16) : Cher - "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)" [Audio] (LW: 24 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 03)
USA - 2018 / from the album "Dancing Queen"
An ABBA revival, thanks to "Mama Mia 2".
 09 (+ 37) : Cassandre - "Respire" (LW: 46 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 09)
France - 2018 / from the album "Nous"
 10 (+ 3) : Reigen - "Ride" (LW: 13 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 10)
USA - 2018
The clip follows a super-cute couple as they meet for a romantic late-night bicycle rendezvous. "This track is about crushing hard on a friend, wondering if they know or feel the same, asking them silently, do you know that I’m ride or die?", Reigen explains to Billboard."
 11 (- 6) : Sam Bluer - "Body High" (LW: 05 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 03)
Australia - 2018
This is his debut music video. A revelation.
 12 (- 3) : Years & Years - All For You (PSEN Televisual Exclusive) (LW: 09 / WO: 11 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
UK - 2018 / from the album "Palo Santo"
 13 (+ 2) : Tiago Braga - Ilusão (LW: 15 / WO: 18 / PEAK: 06)
Portugal - 2018
A story of infidelity.
 14 (RE-ENTRY) : Man Meadow - "Play It Loud" (LW: - / WO: 4 / PEAK: 14)
Sweden - 2018
 15 (RE-ENTRY) : Chris(tine and the Queens) - "5 dollars" (LW: - / WO: 4 / PEAK: 15)
France - 2018 / from the album "Chris"
 16 (+ 3) : Sandro Cavazza, P3GI-13 - High With Somebody (LW: 19 / WO: 14 / PEAK: 07)
Sweden - 2018
A sweet song and a music video which shows bisexuality.
 17 (- 11) : Laganja Estranja feat. J. Tyler - "Look At Me" (LW: 17 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 06)
USA - 2018
 18 (+ 16) : P!nk - "Secrets" (LW: 34 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
USA - 2018 / from the album "Beautiful Trauma"
 19 (- 9) : Antonio Navarro - "Karma Dharma" (LW: 10 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 10)
Spain - 2018 / from the album "Punto Zero"
 20 (- 13) : Years & Years - "If You're Over Me" (LW: 07 / WO: 19 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
UK - 2018 / from the album "Palo Santo"
 21 (NEW) : Ryan Dolan « In My Blood » (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 12)
Ireland - 2018
This is a cover of Shawn Mendes.
 22 (+ 18) : FRANKIE x Scott Hoying feat. One Night - Ghost (LW: 40 / WO: 14 / PEAK: 14)
USA - 2018
The music video is an interesting queer remake of Grease.
 23 (- 9) : Javiera Mena - "Espejo" (LW: 12 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 12)
Chile - 2018
 24 (- 10) : The Internet - "Come Over" (LW: 14 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 14)
USA - 2018 / from the album "Hive Mind"
The track was #1 at the Top 40 LGBT Urban Chart.
 25 (+ 12) : Heidrik - "Island Fever" (LW: 37 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 25)
Faroe islands (Denmark) / 2018
 26 (+ 17) : Blonde feat. Bryn Christopher - Me, Myself & I (LW: 43 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 26)
UK - 2018
 27 (NEW) : Thalles - "Just When We Were High" (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 11)
Brazil – 2018  - from the album "Utopia"
 28 (- 17) : Kerstin Ott - "Regenbogenfarben" (LW: 11 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 11)
Germany - 2018 / from the album "Mut zur Katastrophe"
 29 (RE-ENTRY) : LP - "Girls Go Wild" (LW: - / WO: 4 / PEAK: 20)
USA - 2018
 30 (+ 1) : Maroon 5 feat. Cardi B - "Girls Like You" (LW: 31 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 30)
USA - 2018
 31 (+ 10) : LSD feat. Sia, Diplo, Labrinth - "Thunderclouds" (LW: 41 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 31)
UK / USA / Australia - 2018
 32 (NEW) : Christophe Willem - "Madame" (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 17)
France - 2018
 33 (- 17) : Adore Delano - 27 Club (LW: 16 / WO: 12 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
USA - 2018 / from the album "Whatever"
 34 (+ 10) : Greyson Chance - "Good As Gold" (Live at Roland Studios) (LW: 44 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 34)
USA - 2018
 35 (RE-ENTRY) : THE TRIPLETZ - "You Better Fucking Dance" (LW: - / WO: 7 / PEAK: 06)
Spain - 2018
"Better fuck with them boys
Better fuck with them girls
Better fuck with them both
Who fuckin cares?"
 36 (- 9) : Ryan Beatty - "Party's Over" (LW: 17 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 17)
USA - 2018 / from the album "Boy in Jeans"
 37 (NEW) : Achille Lauro feat. Cosmo - "Angelo Blu" (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 36)
Italy - 2018 / from the album "Pour l'amour"
 38 (- 12) : Panic! At The Disco - Hey Look Ma, I Made It (LW: 48 / WO: 11 / PEAK: 07)
USA - 2018
Brendon Urie comes out as pansexual. The funny music and his puppet illustrates that fact.
 38 (- 20) : Grace Petrie - "Black Tie" (LW: 18 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 18)
UK - 2018 / from the album "Queer as Folk"
 40 (RE-ENTRY) : Steve Grand - Don't Let The Light In (LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 36)
USA - 2018 / from the album "Not The End of Me"
The music video is a collection of his childhood and concerts footage. His second album has just been released.
 41 (- 15) : Big Dipper - "Thiccness" (LW: 26 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 26)
USA - 2018 / from the album "Late Bloomer"
 42 (RE-ENTRY) : Davi - "Tenho Você" (LW: - / WO: 6 / PEAK: 28)
Brazil - 2018
This is the first single in solo of the member of Banda Uó.
 43 (- 23) : Boy George & Culture Club - "Let Somebody Love You" (LW: 21 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 21)
UK - 2018 / from the album "Life"
 44 (RE-ENTRY) : Gargäntua - Mohammed je t'aime (LW: - / WO: 3 / PEAK: 40)
France - 2018
This music video, about love and homophobia in cities suburbs, was put in private mode on YouTube after the flood of hateful comments from people who did not apreciate that it speaks about a gay Arab.
 45 (- 9) : Monét X Change feat. Bob The Drag Queen - Soak It Up (LW: 36 / WO: 16 / PEAK: 08)
USA - 2018
The drag queen was voted Miss Congeniality of the 2018 edition of RuPaul's Drag Race.
 46 (RE-ENTRY) : LVRK - "Heart to Heart" (LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 40)
Sweden - 2018
 47 (RE-ENTRY) : Kylie Minogue - "A Lifetime to Repair" (Lyric Video) (LW: - / WO: 4 / PEAK: 17)
Australia - 2018 / from the album "Golden"
 48 (- 23) : The 1975 - "TOOTIMETOOTIMETOOTIME" (LW: 25 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 25)
UK - 2018
 49 (- 14) : Kiddy Smile - "Be Honest" (LW: 35 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 35)
France - 2018 / from the album "One Trick Pony"
 50 (- 30) : Bright Light Bright Light - "How I Feel" (Official Lyric Video) (LW: 20 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 20)
UK - 2018 / from the EP "Tought Love"
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inazuma-art · 6 years
Hello!^^ Can I ask Sakuma and Rika for the headcanon meme? Also, I just loved your latest drabble about Sakuma and Kidou! ♥️ You portrayed their friendship so well!
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Yess of course!
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod: LA Devotee by Panic! At The Disco, Bad Blood by Taylor Swift and Monster by Heidrik
Their one place they sometimes end up falling asleep - where they’re not supposed to: Aaah definitely the Teikoku meeting room lmaoo, he just gets invested in planning stuff and thinking about their next opponents and he’ll fall asleep on his work. Genda always finds him and wakes him up.
The game they’d destroy everyone else at: Tbh literally any game with regular playing cards?? Even if he’s never played it before he’s just??? Good?
The emoticon that they’d use most often: 🙈 & 👁 (lmao)
What they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: He’s just quiet but in a very calm way, not a scary angry way. He needs his time to recharge and just doesn’t feel the need to talk. He could go a day without opening his mouth to speak.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights, or mornings, or whatever: Hot chocolate
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump: Honestly, Sakuma just has to nap the bad feels away. He won’t calm down unless he’s out and gets some sleep and new energy to go with it. He’ll cuddle up in the blankets of his bed and feels safe and warm that way.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: A vet! Not anymore though, but he still has a soft spot for all animals.
Their favorite kind of weather: Kinda windy, not extremely cold but cold enough so that he can wear layers and stuff. Basically autumn weather but without the rain hahah
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? Terrible? soprano? alto?): Quite okay, but he never sings so that’s kinda sad
How/what they like to draw or doodle: He always draws little traingles, he either connects them or just doodles them in weird places hahah
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod: Sofia by Alvaro Soler, Addicted To You by Avicii, Pillow Talk by Wild Child and Waitress by First Aid Kit. (she has a secret love for country music but not a living soul will ever know)
Their one place they sometimes end up falling asleep - where they’re not supposed to: The couch where she binges cheesy romance tv shows. It’s super annoying cause everything hurts when she wakes up cause she always falls asleep in the weirdest positions. 
The game they’d destroy everyone else at: I mean, it’s not really a game but she will destroy people by asking them the w o r s t questions with truth or dare. Don’t ever play truth or dare with her, Touko knows how bad it gets lmao
The emoticon that they’d use most often: 😍,👑 and 💅 
What they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: No one ever notices when she hasn’t had enough sleep cause she’ll be as energetic as ever. It’s kinda crazy lol
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights, or mornings, or whatever: A cup of Jasmin tea that’s just right
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump: Hmm I think Rika has quite some mood swings here and there so she’s kinda used to it. Though if she feels particularly bad, she’ll go watch a show like New Girl to cheer her up!
What they wanted to be when they grew up: She never had a single thing in mind, this girl wanted to be everything! A cook, a soccer player, a queen, you name it. Every day little Rika would come with a new idea
Their favorite kind of weather: Loooves hot weather, loves to go to the beach and get a tan
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? Terrible? soprano? alto?): Not very pleasing to hear but she doesn’t care, she’ll dramatically sing along to the songs she likes!
How/what they like to draw or doodle: Hearts, hearts and even more hearts. She’s also one to doodle the initials of her crush ;)
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