#helen thistlewood
keri-mcberry · 1 year
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That one time I found a Mooncalf in Azkaban ‘>>
Lyla barely escaped outta there with her life.
Here’s the screenshot! (Sorry for the quality. I was playing on my steam deck when it happened and I had to brighten the pic haha)
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girl-named-matty · 8 months
POV: Helen Thistlewood takes Sebastian to Azkaban to try and convince him to stop using dark magic.
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"If you continue on this path... this is where you'll be."
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eternalremorse · 1 year
Evelyn Damaris - Prisoner of Love
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the-kcm-muggleborn · 5 months
Kind For You
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Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy
O/C: Sebastian Sallow x Edwart Thompson x Ominis Gaunt ✨️platonic✨️ (My OC)
Warnings: slight swearing shit
Word count: 1k>
Chapter 2
Part 5
"What did you get for question 3?” Sebastian asked.
“Expelliarmus.” Ominis answered as he was pouring himself some pumpkin juice.
Throughout the following days. Sebastian, Ominis and Edwart started spending dinners together. Sharing assignments, chats, food and even a table. Other students were looking at them funny sometimes. But for once Edwart didn't mind.
“I have some things I need to attend to.” Edwart spoke rather suddenly after eating his disgusting bland porridge. “I'll probably be back in the late evening.”
“What do you have planned? Ominis asked as he bit into his toast.
“A fellow housemate sent me information about a ghost which might be able to help me find those missing pages from the book I've found in the restricted section. It would really help me before Professor Fig returns from the ministry.”
Sebastian and Ominis were silent and nearly looked at eachother with the same confusion. Both of them knew that asking questions wouldn't bring much if the new student hadn't gotten all the information to share.
“It's all very complex and I've promised to explain everything which I will when it gets sorted out. For now it looks like I'm to have a trip to Upper Hogsfield…”
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Edwart looked again at the combination of numbers on the houses in the village and the numbers he scribbled in his notebook:
Eldritch Diggory,
Helen Thristlewood
Upper Hogsfield 16.
“Hm. This must be the place Minister Diggory mentioned.” Edwart thought to himself and knocked a few times.
“Yes?” An older woman opened the door.
“Hello Madam Thistlewood. My name's…”
“Ah yes.” She said excitedly. “You're that hufflepuff student. Uncle Eldritch did tell me you might come. Come in! Come in! I'll set the tea. Would you like some?”
“No thank you, your uncle said we might be able to help each other. Would you elaborate?”
Madam Thistlewood explained an entire long story about Richard Jackdaw, Apollonia Black and Anne, a prisoner in Azkaban.
“So let me get this in order.” Edwart said with furrowed eyebrows as he took his nose bridge in his fingers. “You want me to travel to Azkaban with you so I can speak to a woman who has been sitting there for the past decades in hope that she somehow has an answer to Richard Jackdaw's cave wherever it is. And all that is a clue, not a certainty.” Edwart finished unconvinced.
“Yes I suppose one can put it like that. It has to be you though. You could be a fresh breeze to her which could help her talk.”
“Well I'd rather not go to Azkaban. Is there no other way to help?”
“I'm afraid not. I will be right there with you being a retired auror does have its benefits, we can simply apparate right to her. I've escorted Ministers. professors. and many others to that blasted place. Never a student, I'll admit, but I will keep you safe.”
“Very well. Let’s go.”’
“Steady yourself. We'll Apparate together. Don't worry, l've never splinched anyone”
Edwart heard a snap and felt an unsettling change of air which made him nauseous.
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“Shit.” He thought “I'm going to barf. Apparating is rough.”
Before he understood what has happened around him he heard a scream: “Expecto Patronum” A beautiful bunny made out of light came out of Madam Thistlewood's wand and busted through the dementors as she spoke again.
“That ought to keep them at bay for now. Though, be aware - you may feel a wave of despair. It will pass. This really is a dismal place. But we'll be out of here soon enough Now, follow me.”
“No one at school's going to believe this…”
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Edwart thought while taking in the awfully cold surroundings of Azkaban. Somehow he did manage to drag the information about the cave from Anne even though her mental state was up to question especially after she attacked Madam Thistlewood without using any weapon. Edwart didn't know what had just happened. He was left in Upper hogsfield in pursuit of that cave.
Finally after all that time. Edwart found Richard Jackdaw who promised to help him as he most likely dropped the pages in the forbidden forest.
Edwart finally sat on the grass taking a breather for a second. He took out his pocket watch and noticed it was time he should head back to the castle but he had to get those pages back…
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Sebastian and Ominis were in the great hall eating breakfast. Edwart was supposed to meet them yesterday at the dinner but when he never showed up, Sebastian felt uneasy.
Finally Edwart stumbled in for breakfast. He had enormous bags under his eyes and he was looking paler than usual.
“Merlin what happened to you?” Sebastian bewilderedly asked “You look like you haven't slept in a week.”
Edwar took a seat next to Ominis and groaned a bit. “Very funny. I’ve had the worst night of my life.” He said, grabbing a toast and basically devouring it.
“We thought we were going to see you at dinner yesterday. What happened?” Sebastian asked curiously.
Edwart swallowed quickly and responded “That was a plan. But I had to get those missing pages I was talking about. Turned out. Out of all the places it was in the forbidden forest.”
Sebastian choked on his pumpkin pastry.
“Merlin are you alright?” Ominis asked with a hint of shock in his voice.
“Who are you asking me or Edwart?” Sebastian asked with laughter
“Both. Are you both okay?” Ominis replied with a small grin.
“Anyway I got caught sneaking back in got in big trouble with one of the Professors..." Edwart decided it was for the best that nobody knew he visited Azkaban. "...and since Fig is not here-”
Just then the Owl’s started flying about delivering mail which interrupted Edwart's story. Sebastian got a letter from Anne. He smiled when it landed in his hands.
Just when they thought the owl storm had come to an end. Edwart’s owl Barney dropped a letter onto his lap. He picked the letter up from his lap with a tense grimace.
“What is it, who's sending you letters?” Sebastian asked curiously.
“I-” Edwart stumbled upon his words as he flipped the letter. “Shit, that's not good…I have to go. I- I have that flying class anyway.” With that Edwart ran out of the great hall at the speed of light.
Sebastian signed heavily “I wish he would be more open with us.”
“Give it time Sebastian.” Ominis replied flatly.
- - - - - - - - - Author's notes- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<Part 4 /// Part 6>
Thank you for reading part 5. Sorry this one a bit short;/ ."I'd rather NOT go to azkaban" haha same Edwart same. Azkaban time for all my hufflepuff babies. Wonder what's that letter Edwart got...? Small disclamer: I made the photos look darker so they fit the Azkaban's ambience. Hope you enjoyed it. More to come soon.
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colleenmurphy · 6 months
Grey Queen's Court / It's Bitch Craft Verse
The Queen still doesn't have a 'true title' yet in my mind but it's slowly getting there. Trying to flesh out the court a little bit, so here goes.
The Henchmen / The Hounds - A band of merry trouble making young Dukes of the Grey Queen's Court. Take on a very dedicated canine appearance while in the mortal realm. Rescues from the Winter King's Court. Training under the Knave of Roses' tutelage.
Lord Petrus of the Greenlands / Thomaz Zieliński - A large nobleman that oversees the midsummer meadows later goes on to become the King of the Rose Court. In the human world he oversees the New York City Parks Department.
The Winter King Fergal the Winter Court / Francis 'Frank' Patrick Flannery - The raving lunatic that once held Col's hand in marriage. A true monster she's set out to hunt to the ends of the earth. Lives for pain and destruction of all that is good in the world. In the human realm he deals in all make and manner of crime and corruption, his latest is running a used car dealership in Hoboken NJ.
Lord William O' Good / Billy Goode - Personal assassin and loyal confidant to both the Grey Queen and King but also the Courts of Spring and Summer. A Secret Keeper in the Society of D'Nan along with his cousin Micajah 'Cage' Astwood / Lord Thistlewood of the Summer Court. Knave of Roses. Owns the local record store 'Goode Music'
Mary Colleen Murphy / Macha Danu Lady of the Roses - Daughter of the goddess Danu and the Imbolc Lord Machallan of the Grey Lands she tip toes precariously through the veils and Fae Courts. Balance keeper & karmic enforcer for women / Key Holder to the Rose Garden. Runs the tavern and bed and breakfast in a tiny little hamlet in upstate New York. Was once a force to be reckoned with in the mergers and acquisitions department of the large city firm. That was long ago before Frank ruined her. Now she'd found balance in the quiet.
Helene Marie Starling / Lady Helene of the Spring Blossoms ( Later Queen of the Spring / Green Courts ) - Daughter to king of the Spring court, King Hervé II and Lady Grace of the Autumn Court. Helene brings both balance and calm to both realms and is a steadfast confidant and best friend to Colleen. Without her vast knowledge of botany and herbology as well as her compassionate nature the world ( and Colleen) would be lost. Brings beauty to the unexpected. Guardian of children and small woodland creatures. In the mortal realm she takes the guise of a small town florist and specialist botany professor at large for the Swanmoore School as well as Chestervale College.
Elizabeth D'Ardenville / Lady Elizabeth of the Summer Court ( Later Queen of the Fae Fire Court ) - Steadfast warrior to her people and equally solid friend to Colleen. She is the spark of imagination in a child's eyes, the burning desire to succeed and the confidence to see it through. Without her mankind would grind to a halt and slowly extinguish itself. Guardian of the Hearth and home. In the mortal realm she exudes confidence and unarmed power; teaches yoga and self defense at the local civic center in weekends. Her day job? blown glass artist who oversees the Artisan Collective Board at Swanmoore School of the Arts as well as instructs the master class
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whtemke23 · 2 years
How to Enter Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy
Players in Hogwarts Legacy will start on a discovery quest as they explore the fabled Hogwarts Castle, the quaint Hogsmeade Village, and other significant spots in the neighborhood. If players complete the requirements, they will get the option to go on a short, controlled trip to Azkaban, a notorious location that is frequently mentioned in the Harry Potter books.
The only players who can make this trip to Azkaban are those who decided on a House at the start of the game. It is exciting to be able to visit such a legendary destination and explore its surrounds, even for a brief period of time, even though the visit is brief and limited.
It's interesting that only pupils from the Hufflepuff house are allowed to enter Azkaban. This is due to the fact that the Hufflepuff Common Room is home to the "Eldritch Diggory" portrait of the former Minister of Magic. With Professor Fig gone, Mr. Diggory will turn to fellow Hufflepuffs for help and begin the special Hufflepuff Quest "Prisoner of Love."
Players are directed to Helen Thistlewood's home after finishing the mission, which is Eldritch Diggory's great-niece. She was an Auror who had been working on a murder case related to the book that the players had earlier taken from the Restricted Section.
Helen explains that Richard Jackdaw vanished and that his spirit was later sighted in Hogsmeade without a head. As a result, a young woman named Anne, who was seeing Jackdaw romantically, was falsely accused of killing him. Apollonia Black's false testimony, which was motivated by jealousy of their relationship, furthered the accusations.
Before their scheduled meeting, Jackdaw gave Anne a riddle to solve, but she was unable to do so before his passing and her subsequent imprisonment. Helen thinks Anne may have solved the mystery while she was in Azkaban. Because of her wrongful imprisonment and the suffering she endured at the hands of the Dementors, Anne is distrustful and reticent to interact with other people.
Helen thinks that a Hogwarts student who has solved the same issue that Jackdaw was looking into before he died would be able to contact Anne and get the essential information required to clear her. Helen offers to drive the player to Azkaban as a result. The player finally encounters Anne after traveling there by apparition and employing a Patronus Charm to drive away the Dementors.
The trip to Azkaban requires making your way down a lengthy, cramped hallway while dodging the shouts and taunts of the unlucky inmates. On the left side of the hallway, there is an unoccupied open cell. At the end of the hallway is where Anne's cell is. After conversing with Anne and learning what she needs to know to carry out the investigation, Helen is abruptly forced to apparate away with the player due to an attack. Despite being brief, this scene does a good job of describing Azkaban's horror.
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