#hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
honorarybuckley · 2 months
i want tommy to be in the wedding episode if only for the look on the buckley parents’ faces when buck introduces them to his boyfriend.
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musicequalslife · 1 year
Time, mystical time
Cutting me open, then healing me fine
Were there clues I didn't see?
- Invisible String | Taylor Swift
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
time mystical time cutting me open then healing me fine
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rosiehoney · 11 months
Reached the 2 year anniversary of the most frightened I’ve ever been and I don’t have nightmares anymore :)
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erikxphantom · 2 months
with: @theatrangel
where: baile dos perdidos, após apresentação da orquestra
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De todas as coisas que Erik imaginou esperar quando cruzou os portões daquele castelo, a última delas era uma apresentação de Christine. Estava encantado pelo lugar, era uma verdade inegável. Como arquiteto, que um dia foi, observava os detalhes da estrutura com certo apreço, tomado e distraído pela magia do lugar, até que tudo parou no instante em que ouviu aquela voz outra vez. Seu olhar o traiu, como sempre fizera, arrastando-se na direção do som até que recaísse sobre Christine. O ar chegou a faltar-lhe nos pulmões, pois ela continuava bela, como se não tivesse envelhecido um dia sequer, assim como, sua voz continuava como a de um anjo. Seu corpo se moveu instintivamente na direção dela, como se um fio invisível o puxasse em seu sentido, e ele parou a poucos passos do palco, sem desviar o olhar um instante que fosse.
Ao final da apresentação, veio o seu despertar. Erik piscou por uma par de vezes, pensando que seus olhos o enganavam, mas não, ainda era Christine ali. O que fazer? Aproximar-se ou não? Ela falaria com ele ou ignoraria? Tinha tanto a questionar, tantas coisas que ficaram silenciadas com o tempo e a distancia, que precisou recorrer a taça que tinha em mãos. Não pensou numa bebida que gostasse, apenas virou o conteúdo já existente, como uma dose de coragem para que conseguisse ir até ela. Aproximou-se, contido e temeroso, com o medo da rejeição latejando em seu peito a cada passo dado. "Senhorita, Daaé.", anunciou sua chegada, percebendo que a voz saía falhada e baixa, precisou tossir para projetá-la melhor da segunda vez. "Foi uma bela apresentação.", completou, ainda sem saber como realmente agir, ou o que dizer.
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
listen when i say shit like “all’s well that ends well” i truly, deeply mean
i want will byers to suffer through the most horrible, unhinged trauma like put him through the ringer please please please i need the angst, the sobbing, the ptsd because i live for angst ok???
but then at the end of it, i want him to walk out of it with the boy of his dreams and with his family fully in tact and with the knowledge that he saved hawkins and is not a mistake and i want him to get his fucking happy ending
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thaliablu3 · 6 months
this is a closed starter to @thompsonmaeve
ala de treinamentos
Thalia deveria saber, e aceitar, melhor do que ninguém que sua praia era a diplomacia e as relações internacionais, sempre foi melhor no desenvolvimento do dialogo, na defesa de seus argumentos e pontos de vista, e quando isso não parecia o bastante, também tinha algumas histórias prontas na manga, a oratória era seu trunfo e o que tinha de excepcional nela, tinha de oposto no quesito habilidades de autodefesa e combate corpo a corpo. Depois de apenas dez minutos de treino com Maeve, que cá entre nós era excelente para uma assistente pessoal, ela já tinha conseguido provocar um galo enorme na própria cabeça e nem sabia como, mas estava lá, mão de forma dramática na testa, olhos sendo apertados por conta da dor e um gemido de lamentação deixando seus lábios, "eu sabia que não era para ter aceitado seu convite, sou péssima com essas coisas, Mae.".
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spectres-fulcrum · 2 years
I restarted the Thrawn 2017 audiobook at work and early stage Thranto is so good.
I love love love Thrawn being out of Eli's childhood myths and having to confront that from both sides. I love how Thrawn's solely interested in Eli-no one else. Because he knows his words lies solely in Eli's hands. And Eli calls kraytspit. I love the line about Eli having to tear his eyes from Thrawn, I love that Thrawn's first words to Eli is about how they spoke the common language when their two people traded together-they had a history, long before them.
I love Eli being so scared of being pulled off of his path but it'll be a week-what's the worst that can happen?
Knowing now, that it ends with Vah'nya and Un'hee and him being willing to kill them out of affection in a Chiss like way. From a Chiss warship. With the trust of some of the greatest admirals the galaxy knows. The worst that can happen is the journey to Lt. Commander, and after that, he relaxes into the place he didn't realize he was always meant to be.
It's so funny seeing them at the beginning-but so delicious. Idk if this is going to be a full reread/listen but it's so good. I love Thrawn 2017 Thranto so much. Like that book has *chef's kisses* dynamics.
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
i wanna edit literarti + invisible string but i got no ideas all i know that is their song
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im sad
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honorarybuckley · 14 days
tommy knows evan is it for him about six months into their relationship. he tries to stay levelheaded about it but sometimes, after a hard day, he’ll imagine rings and strollers and a house with a white picket fence. everything he never had growing up.
they discuss it, more than once, and tommy is happy to know they’re on the same page but he still doesn’t quite believe it will ever happen. he’s happy to live in the moment and enjoy each day as it comes.
one morning, a few weeks after their first anniversary, they are laying in bed. evan is quieter than usual but it’s a comfortable silence. something is on his mind and tommy patiently waits for him to share. evan turns his head until his chin is resting on tommy’s sternum, a sleepy, sated smile on his face.
marry me? he whispers.
tommy’s smile is a near instant thing, his face scrunching in the way he knows evan loves. a year ago he’d be questioning things, checking in and making sure evan isn’t acting impulsively. but they’re so far past that now. tommy trusts evan implicitly, knows the difference between his hesitance and his assuredness and is positive that this is real and right and true.
his quiet yeah gets swallowed up by evan’s kiss and their room is a sudden cacophony of their giggles and the rustling of sheets. they both have shifts later and unfortunately eventually have to pull themselves from bed, but neither can stop touching the other or wipe the smile from their face.
it’s a week before their schedules line up again and they’re able to go shopping for rings. a week that’s so similar to the early days of their relationship, just the two of them caught up in their little love bubble before anyone else knows.
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drivemysoul · 1 year
i'm obsessed with them tbh
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transboykirito · 1 year
i'm proofreading this yujikiri oneshot for tonight and just thought of something else i want to do instead...
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erikxphantom · 2 months
with: @allburnin
where: Sorveteria Frozen Flavors
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Os olhos estavam fixos na placa com as mais variadas combinações de sorvete, alguns sabores que Erik nem pensava que existissem, estavam ali presentes. Em mãos, ele segurava alguns de seus merlos, enquanto analisava suas opções, como se sua vida estivesse dependendo daquilo. Sejamos francos, Erik tinha muitas experiências a compensar, por causa de seus anos de reclusão. Sendo a principal delas em relação ao paladar, havia se prometido experimentar todas as comidas que estivessem a sua disposição, principalmente os doces, descobrindo-se uma preferencia pelos azedos, ou a mistura de doce com salgado, a exemplo de chocolates com caramelo salgado. Assim sendo, ainda enfrentava seu empasse quando voltou-se para o lado, e avistou a mulher que não lhe era mais uma completa desconhecida. Trocaram poucas palavras no evento de boas vindas, mas isso lhe bastava para uma aproximação que não fosse estranha. "Vicky, não é mesmo?", questionou seguro de que aquele era seu nome, mas preferiu usar de uma abordagem que não o colocasse como um stalker ou coisa parecida. "Diga-me, qual você escolheria entre Café das montanhas geladas e Caramelo encantado?"
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Give me the THIRD child for ewan and ophilia
"If they had a kid" meme, Ewan & Ophilia, for @tomestobetold
Name: Miriam
Gender: a girl!
General Appearance: very small and thin and pale, this remains true even when she's grown up. her hair is a dark, ashy brown, soft and wispy and fine, usuall a little past chin length and kept in a loose, low tail so it doesn't get awful knots in it. Her eyes are a very pale and striking gray.
Personality: Very, very quiet and softspoken. She's not often talkative and is very timid around strangers, though this fades once she is more acquainted with them. She's definitely a clinger and gets anxious when she's left alone anywhere for very long, so she often latches on to Derek or Connor, following everywhere. As she gets older and her initially fragile health improves she becomes very close with Connor because he's always happy to have a playmate and they share an intensely inquisitive nature. When she's sick, which is still fairly often, she always wants to hear all about her brother's day, down to every little rock or Cool Bug he saw.
Special Talents: Sewing and embroidery. She initially learns because it's not very strenuous and keeps her hands busy when she's not well enough to run around, and it also lets her help mom and dad out by doing some of the mending for clothes where needed. She finds she has a knack for it though and so she runs with it, eventually becoming a seamstress when she's an adult.
Who they like better: Ewan for sure; he carried her almost everywhere, every day, when they first adopted her and she was deathly ill. She was barely on the edge of three years old, so many of her earliest memories are of Dad holding her and keeping her warm and safe. She adores Ophilia too though and concurs with Connor on her having the best stories.
Who they take after more: Ophilia, hands down.
Personal Headcanon: Miriam is adopted, and she originally came into the care of the Cathedral and its fostering services, deathly ill. Thanks to the tenacity and determination of Ewan and Ophilia(and the supplemented medical help from Alfyn, who they sent for immediately), she was able to pull through that initial illness. She has complications in its wake that affect her the rest of her life, but they're manageable enough she's able to live relatively normally as long as she takes proper care when her symptoms do flare up.
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thaliablu3 · 6 months
this is a closed starter to @daphnedeselincourt
where: Noite do pinheiro
prompt: “Why are you whispering?"
um risinho rompeu os lábios de Thalia, que negava com um balançar de cabeça a falta de discrição da amiga em sua pergunta. "por não querer que alguém, além de você, me escute.", respondeu ainda tem tom de sussurro, "mas pelo visto nem você conseguiu me ouvir.", completou, deixando um riso mais alto escapar dos lábios, logo fazendo-a cobri-los por reflexo, apenas por alguns segundos. "como eu dizia, é preciso muita gente para deixar esse negocio minimamente decorado, olha o tamanho disso.", apontou para o pinheiro de baixo para cima, ou até onde a vista conseguia alcançar na noite cinzenta da França. "acaba ficando desproporcional, todos os enfeites e coisas para baixo, na base ou até um metro de sessenta de altura. Isso ignorando o diâmetro, é claro.", realmente lhe parecia impossível e mesmo assim lá estava ela, prendendo seu enfeite na árvore, como mandava a tradição, uma pequena bolinha com uma foto de sua família dentro, todos, menos ela obviamente. "o que você trouxe para colocar?"
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