oneandahalfwolf · 2 years
starter for @hellishtrickster
Five years old was far too young to be out all alone, but for one small wolf-kin that was exactly how they found themself.
Benkai’l Fireblade had been running for ages, unable to count how many suns and moons had gone as they’d only been focused on getting far away from their home. A home that was now ashes on the ground.
They didn’t know what had cause the explosion. One moment they were giggling with Mama and Papa, the next there was a loud bang followed by heat and pain. Between their cries of hurt and howls of fear they could hear their parents telling them to run away, to take their bear and find safety somewhere else. They hadn’t listened at first, too preoccupied with urging their Mama and Papa to get up and come with them.
When the two adults stopped talking and moving, and they couldn’t see from smoke or cry from coughing however, they knew they had to go.
With one last sniffle they shifted forms, grabbing their singed teddy by the ear before they squeezed out of the nearest hole and ran out into the night. They ran as fast as their paws would carry them, hearing the rabble of the townsfolk behind them and even at a young age they knew those people were not going to help them – experience of the speciesism and bullying perpetrated towards them strong in the small wolf-kin’s mind. 
So they ran. They ran into the nearby forest and kept running, heading inland and east as their Papa would have pointed out. They ran until they couldn't anymore and collapsed under a bush, sobbing out more grief until exhaustion and pain sent them to sleep. 
The next day they continued moving, though at a slower pace and stopping whenever they got too tired or too sore or too hungry - which was a lot. They were able to sate their thirst in streams and puddles, and appease some of their hunger by shifting and hunting some small rodents. It wasn’t enough but it stopped the nausea and the rumbling for a while.
As they travelled they were able to stop by a few towns and get help. Or rather they tried to ask for help but very few people actually wanted to do so. Many would curse or spit or lash out at them before they even opened their mouth to speak. A few citizens here and there did take pity on them. In one town an elven man who ran an apothecary stall gave them a minor healing potion after seeing the burn wounds on their back still peeking through their ruined clothes, whilst a human woman working in a small tailors gave them a cloak to try and protect the raw skin as well as keep them warm. In another, a halfling gave them an apple and a dwarf gave them a chunk of meat. 
Even though these acts of kindness were few and far between, the small wolf-kin greatly appreciated each one. However, having more and more people treat them unkindly started to wear them down.
That’s how they found themself in an alleyway of this latest small village, hiding in a wooden box that sat on its side and crying quietly into the singed fur of their bear. They could hear the rabble from the inn further down the main road, but others' fun couldn’t pull them from their own misery.  
They were cold, the ‘roof’ of the box protecting them from the drizzle but the open top and the broken bottom on either side of them created a draft that chilled their bones. They were tired, every part of their body heavy and sore with it. They were hungry, stomach squeezing itself into knots as a sick icky feeling mingled with the painful pangs. They were hurting, the burns on their back stinging and itching worse than ever before.
Most of all, they were missing their Mama and Papa.
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bloodsorceress · 3 years
❛ no one hurts you and gets away with it. ❜ - platonic starter meme
Iley let out a weak groan, shaking her head as she looked up at Ori. Her gaze drifted briefly to the crumpled form on the ground as she rose on unsteady legs, a hand pressed against her side where the would-be mugger’s knife had gotten her.
“I could have handled them myself. . .”
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magaprima · 4 years
hellishtrickster replied to your post: More Lilith excepts from books: An avatar is an...
//People like Elizabeth I and Catherine the Great come to mind. There’s also Wu Zetian, but like that would depend on how you view hell, heaven and so on. Like if you view it through a Taoist, or Buddhist perspective then the Eastern hell, and celestial planes are separate to the West’s versions. So Lilith may view Asia as ‘not her territory’. Especially given Hariti is a very Lilith-like figure who is already there, and could claim to have been there longer. So that’s a perspective to consider.
I always love that sort of thing in mythology (especially when it’s used for fictional purposes so you can specify rules to suit) ; the idea of territories and different planes for different cultures etc. I was reading something today where it was talking about why the Ancient Greeks took on so many Gods from other cultures because they were polytheistic, but also felt their Gods were most important, but couldn’t deny there were other Gods worshipped in other places, so they were like ‘ah, these are just OTHER VERSIONS OF OUR GODS’, but, the book added, that dismisses the nuances of similar yet differing Gods. Like not every Goddess of Love is a version of Aphrodite, not every magical Goddess is Hecate etc. 
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hellsmother · 4 years
“Wait… are you braiding my hair?”
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“Can I not have a wee bit of fun?” Rowena asked, as she stopped  for a moment. “And besides-you have lovely hair dear. You really ought to style it a bit more.  “
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respect-the-king · 5 years
//For the drabble meme if you’d like it. Amusement.
Send an emotion, and I’ll write a drabble about our muses
Both Crowley and his new acquaintance were laughing together about the hilarious quirks of Humanity. “No, really,” he insisted through laughter. “Every year, at the end of November, the whole population of America goes savage! They turn on each other like wild beasts! Pushing and shoving each other, trampling the fallen bodies like a stampede! It’s marvellous!” 
He sat back in his chair with a grin, his spirits having been lifted completely since before they started this conversation. “And it’s not even for a legitimately important reason, like stocking up on necessities for a storm or the looming threat of the Apocalypse. Oh no... It’s so they can buy material objects they don’t need, for less money than they usually would! I mean, who the bloody hell needs four iPads! Karen, apparently, and she’s willing to draw blood for it.” 
After pausing to take a drink of the whisky he’d been holding, he added, “They’re always shouting about Satan corrupting them like they didn’t make it easy for him...That’s the real reason I spend so much time Topside. Endless entertainment, for free? Priceless.”
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ladyofriverrun · 5 years
hellishtrickster replied to your post “Am I the only one who wishes Michelle’s character tag/plate said...”
//I agree when it comes to the character, and so forth. As for the tag, it might be a bts thing. It might have something to do with organisational, or contractual things. With my job I’ve now come to appreciate how much of a pain in the arse contracts your company has signed can be. It can really make simple things turn into a bigger problem than they have a right to be. So you just end up leaving it to save yourself the headache.
Having been in casts where characters have changed their official name mid-way, and the writers have always altered in my experiences, I suspect this is more laziness than contract issues. I mean I suspect it probably still says Madam Satan on her contract for that exact reason you said, but the little name plates? I think it was someone clearly going ‘i am not altering them for season 2. they can be the same as season 1 and I dare anyone to have a problem’, which we all understand, haha. We’ve all been there with our jobs XD. 
But yeah, I just see that name and i’m like ‘no she’s her own person. she ain’t no one’s bride now. get rid of it. get ridddddd’ haha. 
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dangeroussdames · 6 years
§ @hellishtrickster from Talia Starter Call §
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Blood pooled around the immortal’s feet as her opponent’s head rolled right off of the roof on which they had been battling. Letting out a slow breath she wiped a hand across her forehead; something which she regretted almost immediately as she felt the blood from her glove mingle with the sweat on her brow. With a little groan of frustration she looked herself over; she was utterly covered in blood. It had been a tough fight, and she realized with a sudden twinge that not all of it had been the blood of her adversary. 
Letting out a soft cry, Talia’s hand moved instinctively to the site of the wound; applying pressure to the side of her abdomen, she glanced around... this wasn’t going to be easy; she had to find a way to make it downstairs without drawing too much attention, and now that the adrenaline from the fight was wearing off , the pain was becoming increasingly intense. 
She took a few tentative steps; but quickly realized that much as she was loathe to rely on anyone but herself; she was going to need help this time. Besides; that was the point right? Learning to trust that someone had her back? It was something that Talia admittedly hadn’t been very good at as of yet; but perhaps now was as good a time as any. reaching into her inner coat pocket Talia withdrew her cellphone, quickly pulled up Orianna’s number and dialed it.
“Hey.... Errr.... Listen... so you know that thing you told me not to do alone? ya; wellllll I uh ---- I did it ... and now I ..... I could really use some help.....your help...”    
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mxstress-blog1 · 6 years
//What would Missy’s reaction be to someone standing up to the Doctor for her?
Missy would have a very difficult time with that.
And here’s why:
- The Doctor, regardless of what has happened, is still Missy’s only actual “friend” - or so she thinks. I’m approaching this from Twelve, not Thirteen (different dynamic we haven’t seen yet). But Theta is hardwired into her as best good yes hate them love them need them kill them that the thought of anyone actually standing up to them to call them out on Missy’s treatment in the Vault is...she can’t...she can’t process it. Because she’s possessive of The Doctor and when it comes to them, she’ll defend all their actions in a heartbeat. Will she call them out on other bad things they’ve done? Absolutely. But when it comes time for Missy to recognize and have her own treatment vocalized she...withdraws. She defends them. Because she is a victim of abuse from several people and she’s been conditioned to defend her abusers which again in this case is just in her last season don’t @ me.
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hollowshadowwolf · 6 years
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@hellishtrickster replied to your post: “@hellishtrickster replied to your post: “searching tags via a blog on...”:
//Awwww, that sucks. Although! I’ve found, if you go fishing through your blog
I’ve tried that and both searching and clicking are bringing up bupkiss.
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@scottstiles replied to your post: “searching tags via a blog on mobile is literally useless now. i can go...”:
really? desktop has been totally fine for me. at least in terms of blogs. tag searching has always been shit for me.
tumblr in general is driving me up the wall rn.
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Asta is never good with words or even admitting she is letting someone break down her walls. But Orianna had done that and Asta believed that if she hadn’t came into her life, Asta would not be in a good place right now. Being a Shadowhunter was hard, but even harder when you don’t cooperate like everyone else. Orianna helps keep Asta sane as she copes with the death of her family.
~For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses: Always Accepting~
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oneandahalfwolf · 3 years
starter for @hellishtrickster​
It had been many years since someone had dared to invade their home.
Why would anyone come here after all given what they were, or rather at least what they were now?
They were a monster, something to tell children about to instil fear and consequences if they disobeyed. A large wolf, as wide as a house and as tall as two. Fur as black as the night and eyes that glowed like the moon itself. Teeth and claws that were bigger than a horse and sharper than the best warrior's sword. Bone white antlers of a deer grew from the head that could easily gore and maim. Crimson red pangolin scales cover the foreleg shins that were so strong they could crush any projectile with ease. Those were the things mothers said to their little ones before bedtime.
That hadn’t always been the case. They had been respected once, know far and wide as one of Lady Luna’s Emissary. The one who guarded her main temple and answered the questions of travellers who visited, occasionally offering boons should the Lady wish. But then she had come. Had taken them from the temple, had bound them to their human form, and had hurt them in oh so many ways. They still bore the scars of their imprisonment, both under their fur and in their mind.
But after centuries of torture her power weakened enough for them to escape her grasp. After decimating her forces, they had returned home, only to find the temple in ruins. Without them there to protect and guide, people had stopped believing. Looters and thieves had been free to pillage whilst heathens and disenchanted believers had been allowed to demolish what was left.
They couldn’t even hear the Lady anymore and hadn’t since their incarceration.
But still they stayed. They stayed because it was all they knew. It was their birthplace. They could not just leave. They hoped remaining here and guarding the remnants of the shrine would eventually lead them back to the Lady, allow them to hear her voice again.
And so, they had become legend. A folktale that most believed were only myth. They liked it that way. They preferred to be left alone. True, the occasional hunter or bandit had come over the years to see what all the fuss was about – if the rumours of a great beast were true or to try and pick clean anything that perhaps still had value. They did not stick around for long, and the last group had been long ago.
Until now.
A deep and low growl emanated from their chest, the sound echoing around the room, causing the walls and floor to shake. A voice, gravely and hoarse, followed. It did not come from their mouth however, rather it came from their very mind, intermingling with the growl as it entered the space.
“Who dares defile the temple of the Great and Bright Lady Luna,” the wolf snarled as they turned their enormous head to face the intruder.
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"Cat got your tongue?”
Hecate had been observing the Halloween celebrations from a distance, her face distinctly sour and unamused by the bustling scenery before her. A perceptive observer might see that her expressions were too exaggerated to be genuine. It was a mask that she hoped would hide her true sentiments. The truth of the matter was, Hecate still hadn’t recovered from the devastating ordeal of  reigniting the Academy’s Founding Stone.
It wasn’t just that Hecate had almost lost everything and everyone she truly cared about. On top of that, having been temporarily been emptied of her entire magical energies had made her show unprecedented weakness and vulnerability in front of everyone. She was still too fatigued to remember how much the girls had known or seen, but she felt it necessary to compensate for her earlier display of weakness by being extra salty about having to attend the ceremony.
Hecate was deep in thought when the young woman spoke to her, and it took her a while to register her words and that they were actually addressed at her. It wasn’t exactly as through people were usually lining up to make small-talk with her. When a quick look left and right confirmed that the woman was indeed talking to her, Hecate rose her eyebrows, partly annoyed to be interrupted, partly intrigued that someone dared to approach her when she had put on her most disgruntled face. 
Although they had barely spoken a private word with each other, Hecate remembered the woman from earlier dealings concerning the protection of the Academy, and she had earned Hecate’s respect as a dependable agent and an efficient fighter. Not many people could say that. Hecate wasn’t entirely displeased when she responded, nodding her head in greeting. “Excuse me, you were saying? Orianna, was it?”
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magaprima · 5 years
hellishtrickster replied to your post “In the scene in the freezer, when Sabrina is out of time and needs to...”
//The poem Mother Maleficent by Nikita Gill comes to my mind when thinking about Lilith’s maternal side. The poem literally starts off with: Who told you only the soft could be good mothers? That mothers could not be dragons in disguise? Like that’s Lilith. She’s not the softest person around, but if she cares for you, she cares. She’ll show you in her own way, and you will know that she cares. Even if she has to be ferocious. That’s who she is, and no doubt it will be ten fold for her baby.
“Who told you only the soft could be good mothers? That mothers could not be dragons in disguise? “
Omg that is a perfect way of describing Lilith’s maternal side. I love it. Also it sounds like a fantastic poem that I’m now going to look up. 
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missolitude · 6 years
//If you want more from the guy who was narrating the vid you shared of the cat and dog; he’s on YouTube. He’s called Ozzy Man Reviews. His videos are amazing. 😄
Ahhhh omg I had no idea!! 😁 Thank you so much, Tigress, I’ll definitely check him out! 💕
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respect-the-king · 5 years
//Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fabulous day! 😄🎉🎉🎉
//Thank you! 
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I got a meal planned at this indian Buffet place. I am excited bc I’ve never been
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bloodsorceress · 6 years
@hellishtrickster replied to your photo: Who are they? people ask. Peter Pan and Alice...
//This looks amazing Hun! ❤️
rejhgisrhkj Thank you so much, Nic!
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