#hello I like to make things and I'm excited to make fandom things WOO
hautecoldture · 1 year
ColdFlash fanmerch response summary!
I'm happy to share an update based on the collective responses to the interest check survey and share my plan for next steps. TL;DR several designs are underway and I'm excited :D
First up, a response summary of the major takeaways.
Most wanted fanmerch items:
1. Plush 2. Keychains 3. Stationery 4. Enamel Pins (tied) 4. Custom Figurines/Statues 5. Drinkware 6. Wearable/useable accessories (hats, socks, scarves, bags) 7. Soft home goods (blankets, towels, pillows)
Since plush took an early lead, and because it will take the longest in terms of manufacturing time, I got underway with plush designs foremost. While I would love to make all of these things, I’m figuring out what will be most viable to make and how I can supplement options for the rest via my existing print-on-demand storefronts.
Thinking about costs:
Another factor that I want to be considerate of based on responses is the overall cost for any items I make; for example, while I could design super-detailed and intricate poseable plush with removable clothes, they would easily cost $100+ USD each and - while I'm sure they'd be neat - they'd be rather unaffordable. As I'm planning to front the manufacturing costs for everything, they'd also be quite the investment for me too;;;
So, the plush I'm designing will be smaller (around 10 centimeters) with a keychain attachment, and my goal is to try to get the set of both to be around $40 USD (+shipping) or under, which will be a challenge but I'm happy to be working with a great manufacturer to bring these lads to life!
For other items I’d like to tackle, I’m similarly aiming to be mindful of overall cost, especially for this first batch of items; I’d rather err on the side of caution and approachability however I can.
How will the merch be sold?
When merch items eventually go up for sale, it will be via Etsy as the primary storefront. This is for a few reasons:
Platform familiarity & safety for both buyers and sellers.
Etsy has price breaks on shipping and has other things set up that make it internationally viable - Etsy did the hard work with navigating VAT so I don’t have to!
While Etsy does have some fees/cost to me as the seller, I can factor those into the overall cost of any item being sold through there without it being a massive extra cost (both in terms of time & money).
What’s it gonna look like?
In terms of design aesthetic, the predominant preferences were for either stylized realism or cuter stuff, with an excellent additional write-in contingent of folks who like it when things err on the side of subtle. I like to call this latter design aesthetic “secret handshake” where it’s a strong design first, and then - upon closer inspection - you notice the reference; this tends to be more approachable for folks to incorporate into everyday situations like taking/wearing something to work no matter what their dayjob situation is like! Obviously each option has its own challenges and lends to certain things more than others, so it’s going to be fun to balance designs for these approaches with some different items. I’m happily comfortable creating in all of these design styles and excited to do more!
Fanzine interest summary:
100% of responses are interested in a fanzine!
100% of responses indicated support for a fanzine which included a mix of both new and old/previously-shared works.
Format preference is for a main fanzine to be G/T (using AO3 ratings), with an optional secondary collection separate from the zine for any M/E/NSFW content.
I’m excited at the prospect of working together with folks to craft a fanzine! Before doing that, however, I’d process to do some diligence for organization and planning so that it won’t be a doomed undertaking before it begins. I also obviously won’t be tackling that on my own so would want to determine a team and process for production and transparency. Pre-orders also present their own tricky challenges but are often necessary when doing production runs for unknown interest without taking on a great individual financial burden up-front, so I’d want to ensure the zine for any M/E/NSFW content.
HOKAY - thank you for reading through all of that! I'm not sure how much folks are interested in me sharing about the info and process but I'm happy to do so - feel free to ask :D
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Top 5. Fanfic authors :) Or if you feel like it: Top 10
Ooh hello hello! Thanks for the ask! Also for the "more" allowance, as I'm notoriously bad at staying within the allowable number of anything 😂 More is more!! I'll make a solid effort to stay within 5 if I can, so let's see!
perverse_idyll (@perverse-idyll): Longtime fave. As in...when was The White Road first posted? '08, '09? Since then, essentially. I read TWR and was sold and I've been sold ever since. PI is such a thoughtful, sharp, crafty, passionate writer. More than that, we are very closely aligned in how we see the characters and dynamics and she writes in a way that feels so honest and true to who they are. All of her work is so gorgeous and real and forever strikes a chord in my soul. All the better now that I can call her friend and know that she's just as fabulous a human as she is a writer! :)
Writcraft (@writcraft): Another writing crush turned friend! They have written so many incredible stories across multiple pairings, though in the beginning I only read Snarry of course! They have such a great variety, not only with fandoms and ships, but genres, from darker and angstier works (Tangled Web, Dirge Without Music) to more wholesome and romantic stories (Friends of Dorothy, Luck of the Draw.) I love their focus on different types of relationships, and especially appreciate the dedication to queer themes that feels both celebratory and validating, for all of the joy and hurt of the queer experience. (How We Were Warriors for queer themes & history, A Life Worth Remembering for polyamory.) And the boldness in some works that feel more experimental and different (Breathless for a poetic second person POV, Birdsong for the creepy horror.)...If I remember correctly, Hector's Arms was my first Writ fic and I clicked on their profile and happily gorged myself on their other works. And found not only fics I didn't know I needed, and have reread time and again (Broken Promises, Shattered Dreams; A Lion's Heart; Loved You a Long Time), but also one of my favorite fics in general, The Beating of This Fragile Heart!
Arrisha (@arrisha-ao3): Brilliant, brilliant writer! Also a ruthless sadist I'm pretty sure. I am deeply in awe of the emotional devastation she leaves in her wake. The brutal angst of it all is truly, truly admirable, my hat is off to her for that. And while Ab Intra, Ab Extra and The Syntax of Things are brilliant...I am extra in love with her shorter works, Loose Ends and Molly's Advice. I like to think I'm an angst lover, but woo-boy does Arrisha make me wanna grab a white flag sometimes. She knows just where to pull on those heartstrings and strangle you with them. (I feel like this is coming across as both rude and terrifying, but I could not be gushing more, I swear.)
drawlight | ripeteeth (@foxconfessorandthewolf): Though their works aren't currently online right now, still a favorite. The Forest King!! I loved that fic. The Lighthouse Keeper...Strange Pilgrims...Suspiria...so many goodies. Their writing is truly phenomenal (even their original writings I had a peek at!) The stunning and vivid and gritty prose, that manages to be both poetic and sharp as a knife. GOD. Killer writing. 10/10. I have their works saved to my Kindle 🙏 And I'm always excited when I see their works on AO3 again! Have to mention them since they are truly one of the best and I have all the love for them AND their work!!
eldritcher: Their work is so strange, and in the most unique and lovely of ways. "Strange" can seem so rude but I know they know what I mean by it! They craft their works with such purpose and thoughtfulness and with such great love for words and imagery and mythology. All of their works are ripe with meaning, and strung together with such artistic precision! There is nothing out there like eldritcher's works, I swear, and I am in LOVE with what they do. I discovered their work through @consistentsquash's rec for The Tumtum Tree and had to devour what more I could find! Dithyramb, Pasiphaë, Ariel, and other great snarries! I am eagerly awaiting the final chapter of The Lamb of Tartary! Then other interesting tales and ships in The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife, Plenitude, Exaltation, Once of Eden. I am so amazed of their mind and their craft and am forever excited to see what else they're working on!!
I could probably carry on with more, but I think that makes for a nice solid Top 5 list...😅 Though if it bothers me too much I'll come back later to reblog with more 👀 Goodness knows I've read a lot and there are many creators I admire so so much!! 😌
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lovecolibri · 2 years
Hello there! Sorry if this message is random but hopefully it makes you laugh! I don’t watch the firefighter show but you and a few other people I follow on tumblr watch the show so I feel like I keep up through all the gif sets and reblogs ☺️ anyway, the other day while scrolling I saw a gif set and looked at it and it was pro Lucy whoever she is and my first thought was ‘oh I hate her!’… and my second thought was ‘I actually have no idea who this woman is…’ Hahahaha it took a few minutes for me to twig that she’s the person a lot of the people I follow don’t like… and having never watched the show before, I also dislike her hahahaha anyway, sorry for the random message! I hope you have a lovely day 🧡
OMG this is hilarious! I do that too with shows I don't follow or haven't started yet that my dash is full of. Like, whatever is happening with the undercover "it's for the job" makeouts on that cop show I haven't start yet has me very excited for "they kissed tho!!" even though it's not my fandom! And sometimes I scroll and see someone and I'm like "uuugh, this dude (gn)" for someone I don't even know, but I know we as a collective hate them. I just do not have patients for characters that serve no purpose but take screentime for things we should be seeing, or get scenes that we should be seeing happen with a different character, and I DEFINITELY have zero time for a character that insults my faves so like, good riddance to her forever.
You should totally jump in on the wee woo show though, it's a delight! And the cast are back to looking like they're FINALLY having a good time on set again so this season is shaping up to be a banger!
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So i know how you love writing for Valdo Marx, and I'm fond of him now as well, and not just cuz he's basically robert sheehan.... anyway...hahaha! how bout a plus size reader x jaskier, either already together or not up to you, and then Valdo is there somewhere. And maybe a bit of feral!jaskier! Thank you as always dear heart hope you're well! 💙💚💙
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Jaskier x Plus Size ReaderWord Count: 2,941Rating: TTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle @writingstudent @mlleecrivaine @coffee-and-stories @ultracolorfulnerdcollection @astouract @your-not-invisible-to-me @kemmastan @mycat-is-mylove @amirahiddleston a/n: Hello dearest. This went in a direction I was not expecting. I hope that you’re ok with how it went. I had fun writing it and hopefully reading it will be enjoyable too.
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“Take me through this plan one more time,” Geralt sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“It’s a very simple plan, Geralt. I’m going to escort Y/N to the dance tonight as her wingman, no one we find will be good enough for her because no one on this earth is, I will dance and sing to her and woo her and by the end of the night I will give my big speech about no one being worthy of her but I love her deeply and truly and will spend the rest of my life endeavoring to prove it and she will fall into my arms and the rest is none of your business you cheeky devil,” Jaskier recited. His head was tilted back against the window he perched on, pale blue eyes gazing at the ceiling as if he were watching the scene play out.
“What if she finds someone she fancies,” Geralt asked.
Geralt didn’t repeat himself, he just leveled Jaskier with a Look. Jaskier thought over Geralt’s words for a moment, apparently not considering this possible flaw in his plan before now, and then shook his head.
“No, Geralt, don’t be silly. We’ve been traveling with Y/N for months now and no one has even so much as caught her attention a little bit. That’s certainly not going to change now.”
You had to make a change and you had to do it now.
You’d spent months pining after Jaskier, unable to summon the courage to tell him and finding no signs of interest from him. You knew that you could try and force yourself to share those feelings and potentially ruin the friendship, or you could try and move on. The dance seemed the perfect chance and when Jaskier volunteered to help find you a match, well, that was all the answer you needed. You usually dressed to blend in, years of training put into hiding your body or minimizing yourself in any way you could. Tonight, you chose to stand out. First because if you were going to find a new partner you would not waste your time on someone who didn’t see and want all of you. Second because you were feeling a little bold and excited by your choice to pursue someone. The benefit of traveling was that if things went horribly wrong you could just leave the next morning and never return. You hoped it wouldn’t come to that, but the knowledge it could helped bolster your courage. It was gratifying when you saw Jaskier go speechless, mouth agape and sky-blue eyes wider than you’d ever seen them, as you stepped out in the vibrant, emerald green dress. Your hair was plaited back in a simple but attractive way, framing your face in a way that enhanced your looks but did not try to hide its roundness.
“This’ll do then?” you asked teasingly as Jaskier stared at you until Geralt finally thwacked him in the arm to help bring him back to his senses.
“You look absolutely… Geralt I’ve forgotten words oh gods they are my whole livelihood…”
“Don’t be dramatic,” you laughed, blushing a little under his gaze.
“If you don’t take her arm I will,” Geralt hissed to Jaskier, eager to get the evening underway and over with. That snapped Jaskier out of it and he nearly leapt across the room to your side, taking your hand with unparalleled reverence.
“Here’s hoping someone else at court feels the same,” you said. Geralt watched Jaskier’s face freeze, a glimmer of fierce panic in his eyes before he recovered and offered you a smile.
This would be a long night.
Valdo Marx had come to the ball for one reason and one reason alone – spite.
True he had been one of the first to receive an invitation but it was to attend, not perform, a slight he would not forget or forgive anytime soon. He had come to drink their wine and eat their food and scoff at their doubtless subpar performers. He hadn’t come with carousing in mind though he saw flickers of interest in the eyes of many he passed. He couldn’t blame them. He was aware of his effect on people, especially when he looked as resplendent as he did tonight in his black and burgundy attire. His curls were artfully disheveled and he’d smeared just a bit of kohl around his eyes to further emphasize them, not that they needed it. He’d trimmed his mustache and goatee and applied a tasteful amount of patchouli cologne to his neck and wrists. Still, it was all for himself and to know that he had appeared and provided the quality appearance that one could expect from Valdo Marx, even if all he had planned was some smirking and sipping of wine.
And then he saw you.
Valdo’s plans immediately pivoted. He moved from his haughty lounging to standing straight up, pressing out the wrinkles in his doublet and then setting down his goblet as he made his way to you. His eyes never strayed though yours surveyed the hall and he was vaguely aware that you were talking to someone. He didn’t look at their face, briefly taking in the quality cut of their black and cerulean lined attire with an appreciative glance, but when his eyes flicked back to your face it was inclined by the other and he stopped walking.
Of course fucking Jaskier de Lettenhove, golden boy of Redania, would walk in with the loveliest creature tonight. No matter, Valdo told himself, taking up the chase again even as Jaskier led you onto the dancefloor. You may have arrived with Jaskier, but you would be leaving with him.
“Jaskier if I dance with you all night I won’t find anyone,” you protested, though a traitorous part of yourself that wasn’t as easily swayed loved the feeling of his hand in yours and the way the oceanic eyes never left your face as he led you around the dancefloor.
“You’re right,” Jaskier said, though he kept a tight grip on your hand, “After this dance as ended I shall seek out some good company for you.”
You forced a smile. You’d secretly hoped he may say no, that he wanted to be your only dance partner, but you knew this was just a fantasy and if he really did do it you’d rankle at the unearned possessiveness. Still, you were a simple woman, and you wanted to feel wanted even if just for a moment. After the dance Jaskier did as promised, guiding you off of the floor and setting you up with a goblet of wine before heading out into the fray where he would circle a few times and then return to you. He would take the opportunity to check on Geralt who was where he usually sat during parties, alone and as far away from others as he could with refreshments.
You watched Jaskier’s retreating back and tried not to pout as you worked at finding that vigor you had earlier to find someone.
“It is too early for you to be here,” a voice in an accent you couldn’t immediately placed said. You turned to see a man standing nearby, leaning his long frame against a column and smiling at you with eyes that matched your gown.
“Pardon?” you asked, your heart skipping a beat as his mouth curled into a smile.
“Persephone is supposed to stay with Hades until spring, but here we still have a whole winter’s month left and yet you stand before us,” he replied in a voice that was so low it was nearly a purr. He spoke the words quietly as though it were a secret. As though he truly had spied a goddess out of place and was trying to coax her back before the other mortals caught on. You laughed and moved closer.
“Let me guess, you fancy yourself Hades?” you teased, the courage you’d lost coming back to you.
“Alas it seems I do not have that honor. But I shall let you cast me in the roll you see fit for me to play,” he answered smoothly. You stared at him thoughtfully as the bottle green eyes boldly, but not lecherously, swept the length of your body. You felt seen by this man in a way you hadn’t in some time. It scared you. You liked it.
“Eros,” you replied. He laughed, caught off-guard but delighted by your response.
“Indeed?” he said, “Oh you must tell me your justification.”
“You look the sort to tempt maidens in all kinds of trouble,” you answered, taking a sip of wine. His eyes fell to you lips as you licked a drop from the rim of the goblet and you knew he was wondering how the wine would taste if he kissed it from your lips.
“Tempting makes it sound like there’s some sort of coercion. I guarantee every maiden I’ve met was an eager devotee of my temple, love,” he replied, raising a hand using his slender, soft fingers to brush a lock of hair out of your face. He glanced up, something catching his attention, and his lovely features grew a little bit fiercer and more wicked and fool that you were, you only found yourself more enticed.
“Geralt you were worried about nothing,” Jaskier insisted, though he addressed himself more than his friend who stared ahead with an expression that was a cross between bemusement and foreboding.
“Indeed,” Geralt said.
“Yes! We have had some lovely danced together and I left her with wine. Her favorite kind, I’ll have you know,” Jaskier insisted.
“And Valdo Marx was a part of your plan?” Geralt asked, eyes still gazing ahead. Jaskier scoffed and glanced to where Geralt look, opening his mouth to offer some witty retort but then he did a doubletake. You were standing inches away from Valdo whose eyes caught Jaskier’s. He looked delighted at the ashen pallor Jaskier’s face took. The color soon returned with vigor and before Geralt could rise from the table, Jaskier was halfway across the floor.
“Y/N,” Jaskier said, appearing at your side so suddenly you squeaked in surprise.
“Jaskier!” you exclaimed, “Good gods where did you come from?”
“Hades,” Valdo murmured.
“I just saw you talking with an old acquaintance and wanted to ensure that you were properly introduced,” Jaskier said coolly, his words directed at Valdo more than you.
“Allow me,” Valdo said, interjecting quickly, “Valdo Marx, bard of Cidaris.”
He took your hand and raised it to his lips though Jaskier looked at him as though he may physically tear his lips from his face if they touched any part of you. You looked between the two of them confused.
“Wait, you’re Valdo Marx? Oh Jaskier he’s nowhere near as odious looking as you said. Quite the opposite in fact,” you said. Valdo shot Jaskier a squinty glare which was duly returned.
“And Valdo, I know some things you’ve said about Jaskier which were equally false. And things you’ve done. Did you know that your little stunt of spreading that lie about Jaskier and the pox cost him a job which cost us the chance at staying in an inn one night?” you asked, jabbing your finger in his chest.
“If I had any idea that you were with him I never would have done such a thing,” he replied emphatically.
“Y/N come, let’s have a dance,” Jaskier said, taking one of your hands.
“Allow me to explain myself further,” Valdo implored, taking the one you had pressed against his ribcage, “I promise I’m not as bad as I’ve seemed. Or acted. And in some ways I can get so much worse.”
His eyes glinted with a promise that made your stomach flip and Jaskier’s insides burn. He roughly pulled you next to him, his hand moving to wrap a more possessive arm around your waist.
“Y/N came with me,” he snarled at Valdo.
“She’s leaving with me.” Valdo snarled back.
“If you’re quit done fighting over me like two dogs with one bone I have something to say,” you interjected, though a part of yourself you weren’t proud of enjoyed watching these men inch ever closer to a physical altercation over you. They looked at you expectantly though whenever their eyes caught each other’s they squinted into a glower.
“Jaskier I did come with you but it was with the express intent to find someone because gods knows you aren’t interested and it’s not fair of you to try and decide who I speak with now,” you argued. Valdo preened as Jaskier stammered a bit under your glare. This was not going how he expected at all.
“I am,” he said quickly, “Y/N, believe me when I tell you that I am.”
“Oh sure because now Valdo is here and it’s a matter of pride,” you argued.
“No,” he implored take your hand up again with his, the sky blue eyes gazing into yours as they had earlier that day and as you thought about it, as they had many times before though you’d dismissed them as a foolish trick of your own love for him. “Y/N I have loved you since nearly the very day we met. I didn’t know how to tell you or if I should and, I must confess, I thought I had more time.”
“Because you didn’t think another man would be interested?” you asked, hurt plain on your face.
“Gods no, because you didn’t seem interested in others,” he explained.
“Well why would you offer to help me find a partner if you wanted me?” you demanded.
“She raises a good point. A pretty shit plan if I may say so myself. Seems the lady would fare better with a smarter, more direct partner,” Valdo cut in.
“Shut it,” Jaskier bit out fiercely before turning his face back to you, tender once more, “It was, admittedly, a plan that sounded better in theory. I was going to do this whole elaborate speech about no one being worthy of you – myself included – but how much I wanted to try and work at it for as long as you’d let me.”
The sincerity in his eyes and the words you’d wanted to hear for so long brought a tear to your eye. If he had done this five minutes before it would have been the easiest, quickest answer. But he hadn’t, and you found yourself in the unprecedented position of feeling torn between two men. This always sounded exciting and enviable in stories but now that you stood here you just felt frozen.
“Pretty works, Jaskier, perhaps the first you’ve ever spoken. But the fact remains that you have had months to make these feelings known and didn’t whereas I identified her the moment my eyes laid on her as someone I must know. And I didn’t wait for silly games. So I ask you, Y/N, what would you rather have? Someone who goes after what they want when they want it, or someone who plays the long game, taking for granted that you’ll be hanging around waiting for them?” Valdo asked.
“I do love you Jaskier,” you said. You felt Valdo drop your hand gently and you turned to face him, “But.”
The word hung in the air as both men stared at you breathlessly.
“But I cannot deny that I’m drawn to Valdo as well,” you confessed, feeling oddly guilty, “And I know it’s not how it’s supposed to be but… It’s true.”
“Perhaps a sampling,” Valdo suggested.
“You spend an evening seeing what Jaskier has to offer and you spend an evening seeing what I can do and you make your decision,” he explained.
“You’re not a platter of meats,” you scoffed. He cocked an eyebrow at you.
“I could be,” he purred. You felt Jaskier’s arm tighten around your waist.
“Unless you’re worried that I would outperform you. Yet again,” Valdo said to Jaskier. Jaskier gave a sharp, humorless bark of laughter.
“Gods no. If anything I think of you and your poor, tender feelings. I fear you would never bring yourself to perform again after being so soundly shown up,” Jaskier sneered.
It wasn’t ladylike or right or moral but you had an idea. A scandalous, daring, wicked idea. Then again, you reasoned with yourself, men did it all the time.
“Perhaps this can be settled,” you said. Again two pairs of eyes landed on you, blazing green and cool blue. “Perhaps…”
“A fuck off?” Jaskier offered. Valdo rolled his eyes at the vulgarity but you brightened and nodded, grateful someone had spared you saying it. “Well I have no reason to fear it.”
He looked at Valdo challengingly and your heart pounded in your throat. The man looked back at you and as his eyes slowly scanned your body again you felt Jaskier’s grip tighten so hard it would likely leave marks. The idea thrilled you.
“Name the time and place,” Valdo said, “It will be an unequivocal pleasure showing you up yet again.”
Geralt watched the three of you walk away, Jaskier’s arm around your waist and Valdo taking up your free hand. He debated with himself for a full five minutes about whether or not he should follow. If what was happening what he thought was happening, he didn’t want to be anywhere near it. Then again, there was an even chance that it would end in attempted murder. He took a long pull from his ale and shook his head. You could handle yourself.
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ariddletobesolved · 4 years
Days We Spend Under the Sun (Chapter Two)
Written for @helsa-summer-event
Fandom: Frozen
Genre: Romance, Family, Fluff, Whump
Rating: T
Summary: Summer is not her favourite season, but a certain Admiral from the neighbouring kingdom is going to change that.
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Perhaps we should call this a collection of Helsa fluff drabbles. External links (including some links to the prologue and chapter one) are in the notes. Enjoy!
Prompt 2: Blue Skies and Dandelion Fuzz
Chapter Two
One of the best things about the forest is the serenity it offers, this pretty much she knew.
Standing near the river bank, Elsa had been staring at her own reflection for a while. It was still early in the morning when she sneaked out of Hans's warm embrace and out of her own hut in the village. Not that she didn't want to stay and cuddle—despite the fact that the weather was rather hot, but she would like some space for her to think, and the river bank being one of her favourite places in the Enchanted Forest could offer that.
Her mind began to wander to the event that happened the day before. Hans was indeed full of surprises when it came to wooing her, she was aware of that fact. But the trick he pulled, when he broke into a gallop instead of stopping to let her summon the Nokk, was one she didn't see coming. Nonetheless, she still found the journey quite enjoyable. Even during a few stops did she not try to summon the Nokk. The way he held her close to his chest was something she found comfort in. Eventually, they arrived in the forest when the sun went down, and Yelena was the first one to greet them, accompanied by Honeymaren. After having dinner, they stopped by the stable-like area in the village to give Sitron an extra bag of carrots. Tired from the long journey, they finally turned in and Elsa, of course, had to share her hut with Hans. 
Sighing in contentment, Elsa began to stretch her muscles. It had been quite some time since the last time she was back in the forest, she almost forgot how different the place was from Arendelle. It was really quiet in the morning. There was no sound of people trading or arguing, no sound of hooves clicking against the pavement, nothing but the serenity of nature. She smiled, still looking at her own reflection, before a familiar set of eyes stared back at her. The Nokk.
The water spirit rose from the river, standing tall before her in the form of a majestic horse. Elsa looked up with one hand reaching out to gently caress the spirit. Affectionately nuzzling its face close to hers, it was as if the Nokk tried to tell her that it missed her. Elsa let out a chuckle, for she was amused by the spirit.
"I've missed you too, Nokk." She said. "Sorry about yesterday, but Hans had another plan. At least we're here now."
The horse walked around above the river, and Elsa tilted her head in confusion.
"Are you complaining, now?" She raised her eyebrow. But before she could react, she saw a flash of fire. It danced from stone to stone, before stopping beside her feet. Bending down, Elsa smiled. "Hello, little guy!"
The fire died down, and a blue salamander crawled upon her open palm. Elsa conjured a small rain of snowflakes to the creature's amusement, as it poked its tongue out to catch some fallen snowflakes.
"You like it, huh?"
Blinking and tilting its head, Bruni, the fire spirit, stared at her with something like glee. It was obvious that the fire spirit was glad to have her back. The blonde grinned, finding the gesture adorable. Looking up, she saw the Nokk staring at her intensely.
The water horse motioned at the path towards the village.
"You want to see Hans?" She inquired. At the mention of the former prince, Bruni smiled wider. "Why, so you can try to drown him again?"
If Nokk could laugh, it would certainly roll onto its belly, Elsa was sure of that. The unspoken tension between the two brought back a memory of their first meeting. It happened shortly after Hans was released from a three hour long questioning, in which the decision sparked a brief tension between her and her sister. Anna, being the wise queen she was, decided that she found nothing harmful with his presence back in Arendelle. Hans was there to deliver an invitation under the Crown Prince of the Southern Isles' order. Elsa, refusing to accept it, mounted on the Nokk and rode across the ocean towards where his ship was in the harbour. They had a quarrel which resulted in him slipped on Elsa's ice and fell into the water. The Nokk, that was offended by Hans' accidental name calling 'water horse' did try to drown him, leaving Elsa standing on her ice.
"He is not the same man, you know." She sighed, making her way towards the majestic horse. Bruni crawled up and rested on her shoulder. "He has grown to be a better person, don't you worry about it."
Elsa smiled at that thought. It wasn't easy to get where she was, but time had given them a chance. Then, faintly, she heard some footsteps walking closer. She turned, only to see Ryder walking with a smaller reindeer.
"Morning, Elsa."
She smiled. "Ryder! I didn't see you last night. How are you holding up?"
The young man returned the smile, half shrugging sheepishly. "Well, I'm fine, I guess? I've been taking care of the reindeers." He nudged the reindeer standing beside him, who nudged back. "This one is John."
"Oh," Elsa tried to bite back a laugh, "that's quite a name for a reindeer."
"I know." Ryder brushed it off as if it was nothing, certainly not aware of Elsa's amused face. "Oh, and one more thing, Hans is looking for you."
"Sure." Elsa turned to the Nokk, who was tilting its head. "I'll be there shortly."
"Great! I'll head off to the meado now." He said. "Also, the breakfast is ready, so you better go back soon."
Nodding, she looked back. "Sure. I'll see you later, Ryder."
"See you later, Elsa." With that, he took off with the reindeer.
Once again, she was left alone with the spirits. "You're coming, Nokk?" Instead of answering, the Nokk turned around and dived into the water. "So, it's just us." Elsa turned to the excited salamander, that was now crawling onto the top of her head. "Fine, it seems like you really are excited to see Hans."
She made her way towards a familiar path that led her back to the village. Taking a deep breath, she let the clean morning breeze fill her system. She looked up to the blue sky and sighed. Nothing topped a nice breezy summer morning. It was rather warm in the forest, since summer had arrived up north, but she liked it. Unlike Anna, Elsa wasn't a huge fan of summer. She couldn't really stand the heat, and would take every opportunity to take shelter under the shade. The reason why she agreed to Hans' suggestion to ditch the carriage—other than to spend more private time together on the journey—was because of her ability to conjure some clouds above them should the weather be too sunny.
The sound of children playing around and people starting the day got louder as Elsa walked closer to the village. From afar, she spotted a familiar auburn haired Admiral sitting on the ground with two bowls of steaming food beside him. He looked far too engrossed in a conversation with a brunette sitting before him, he didn't see her coming.
Elsa saw this as an opportunity to surprise him, but before she could do such a thing, Bruni already beat her to it. The salamander hopped from her head and landed safely on the ground, before it crawled towards the Admiral. Upon the tiny element of surprise, Hans almost jumped on his seat. Bruni settled on his shoulder, causing him to turn and saw Elsa standing nearby.
"Elsa." He looked a little taken aback, before flashing her a smile. "Have you been there for a while?"
"No." Taking a seat next to him, Elsa pecked his lips shortly. "I have just arrived." She then turned to the brunette. "Morning, Maren."
"Good morning, Elsa." Honeymaren smiled. "Did you see Ryder?"
"Yes, I did." Elsa nodded, taking a bowl Hans offered her. "Thank you, Hans." Turning back to her distant cousin, she continued, "So, what were you two talking about? You both seemed engrossed."
Honeymared glanced at Hans, before replying, "Nothing that would interest you, really. Hans was asking about the crops, yeah."
Hans smiled. He didn't say anything, instead, he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. But something told Elsa that it wasn't exactly their main topic of discussion.
"Where were you?" Hans asked. "I woke up this morning and you were nowhere to be seen."
"I was at the river bank, talking to Nokk, before Bruni came." She smiled at the beaming salamander. "They missed you."
Hans playfully rolled his eyes. "Yeah, as if the water horse misses me. I wouldn't be surprised if the little guy here did, or maybe Gale, since it greeted me earlier before deciding to play with those kids." He gestured at the wind spirit swirling around two giggling children.
Elsa grinned in response. "What did I tell you? Nokk doesn't like it."
"What will the Nokk do anyway, try to drown me?" He raised a brow, before shrugging. "Anyway, you should finish your breakfast. Are you going to visit Ahtohallan later today?"
She shook her head no. "I'll go to Ahtohallan tomorrow."
"Great! Because I have a plan for the two of us later." Hans beamed, briefly glancing at Honeymaren, who shrugged slightly.
Elsa narrowed her eyes. "What is it?"
"That, Kaere, is for me to know," Hans poked the tip of her nose, "and for you to find out."
Elsa beamed. Excitement surged through her, as her mind began to think of a few possibilities. She might look as if she wasn't expecting much, but deep inside, anticipation was building up. She looked forward to whatever adventure he had in store for her.
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