helsa-summer-event · 4 years
Hello Everyone~♥️
The Helsa Summer Event hosted by the Helsa Discord Server is proud to present:
The Helsa Draw This In Your Style (DTIYS) Challenge
How This Works:
1. Look at the lovely starting drawing done by the wonderful @puryartist provided below and give us your version of it. Simple as that.
You are welcome to change the pose and other minor details if you like, but do try to keep the overall vibe.
I know it's supposed a Draw This In Your Own Style, but it doesn't have to be limited to just Digital/ Traditional drawings. If we have people who would rather use another media such as Dolls, Cosplay, Crotchet, etc. I say go for it!
It can be a Do This In Your Own Style instead.
2. Once your ready to share your creation, reblog it underneath the previous persons creation. In other words we're making a reblog chain! (I'll try my best to keep the most recent version of our chain pinned on the event blog).
To help me keep up-to-date as possible please tag @helsa-summer-event when you upload/ add your submission to the chain. It will be reblogged and pinned ASAP.
If the chain is accidentally broken I will DM you and ask you to reupload it correctly. We don't want any of the lovely works to end up getting lost.
That's pretty much it~
If you have any questions the Ask Box is open or DM me.
This one should be obvious, but...
Keep it Helsa, Please~
(Though variants of the couple are perfectly acceptable (ex: Genderbender Elias x Hanne))
Please try not to skip people/ break the reblog chain.
Be sure to double check that all submissions are included in the reblog chain you're continuing.
Make sure your work follows right after the most recent addition. Even if I'll be trying my best to update the pinned reblog on the event page. That might not always be the most up-to-date, especially if something gets uploaded while I'm offline. So please be sure to look before you post just in case.
(Remember: If the chain does get broken I will DM you to try to fix it, but let's try to avoid the hassle of having to resubmit your creation in the first place.)
Have Fun~❤️
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puryartist · 4 years
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Prompt 3 — Relaxing in the intense sun
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ravinewreyn · 4 years
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Prompt 1 - “Don’t you dare!”
Don’t you dare stare at the man’s wife, he’ll be pissed.
Late submission but my productivity comes at random times so... Just hoping I could do all the prompts even when I’m waaayyy past the deadline
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Don't You Dare!
Hans: Elsa, I don't-
Elsa: Hans Westergaard. Don't you dare! We've been over this, the past is in the past.
Late submission for prompt 1 of the @helsa-summer-event
Originally I was going to go with something more light-hearted, but my mind was like: "No! Do angsty fluff instead!"
This is half of what I had in mind, I was going to have another panel with Elsa's perspective, but I scrapped that for time.
Hope you like it~💖
I'll try to get a few more drawings done if possible. I may or may not have been getting distracted having a head start on the DTIYS.
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ariddletobesolved · 4 years
Days We Spend Under the Sun (Chapter One)
Written for @helsa-summer-event 💛
Fandom: Frozen
Genre: Romance, Family, Fluff, Whump
Rating: T
Summary: Summer is not her favourite season, but a certain Admiral from the neighbouring kingdom is going to change that.
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I was rushing with the edit, so forgive me if it's not decent. Also, external links are in the notes. I hope this one is not cheesy, though. Enjoy!
Prompt 1: "Don't you dare!"
Chapter One
"Are you sure you don't want me to arrange a carriage for you two?"
After breakfast, Elsa found herself in her sister's embrace, as they stood at the front door. Dressed in her blue travel outfit, the blonde looked regal as ever, and a certain Admiral standing nearby couldn't take his eyes off her.
"It is alright, Anna." Elsa pulled away from the embrace and flashed her sister a smile. "Besides, we will make a stop by the fjord so I can summon the Nokk."
Anna nodded, "okay." She let out a sigh.
Having to say goodbye to her sister had always been one of the hardest things to do. After thirteen years of separation, then three years of reunion, before being separated from each other again, Anna felt like it wasn't fair. Sure, they had duties to fulfill, but sometimes Anna reminisced about all those good times they had spent together, and couldn't help but miss Elsa's laughter that used to echo in the castle halls. And little did she know that Elsa, too, was feeling the same way.
When the queen took a step back, it was a cue for Hans to approach the sisters. Nodding at a stable boy, who was holding his stallion, Sitron's reins, he signalled him to come closer. The horse was ready, with two small bags attached on each side. But before he helped Elsa climb up, Hans turned to Anna.
He bowed politely. "Queen Anna."
"Take care of my sister, will you, Hans?" She said. Her tone was stern with a hint of friendliness.
"Always." He smiled. Bowing one last time, Hans then helped Elsa, before mounting on Sitron's back after her.
"I'll see you in a week or so, Anna." Elsa smiled, resting her hand on an arm that wrapped around her waist, while the other was clutching the rein tight.
Anna smiled, "See you, Elsa."
Just when Elsa was about to move her lower legs as a signal for Sitron to walk, she heard a familiar voice calling her name.
"Elsa, wait!"
The blonde turned to the direction where the voice came and saw Olaf running—or attempting to run, followed by Sven and Kristoff. She smiled, finding the sight rather chaotic yet amusing.
The snowman stumbled and stopped before the stallion. He tried to catch his breath with one twig hand rested on Sven's side.
"What is it?" Hans gently asked.
Kristoff, who was now standing beside his wife, sheepishly replied, "Sorry, but Olaf has something to say."
"I thought I should say goodbye once more before you go." Olaf murmured, looking up to the smiling couple with puppy eyes. "When will you be back?"
Elsa reached a hand towards the snowman. "Come here, Olaf." Taking his hand in hers, she gave it a little squeeze. "I will only be gone for a week. It's not that long, is it? We've talked about this before."
The past few months, with the war going on, Olaf had grown a closer attachment to Elsa, especially after she was badly injured during one of the battles. He became so mature and caring, protective even, and he surely didn't like the idea of being apart with her now that everything was going back to normal. One time he asked Elsa and Anna why the sisters would go back to living miles apart after the war, and even though he found it reasonable that the sister had their own duties, he still wasn't down with the idea.
"I know." Olaf sighed, before nodding. "Alright then, I'll see you soon, Elsa." He let go of her hand.
"Bye, Olaf! Take care of Anna, Kristoff, and Jensen for us, will you?" Elsa beamed.
At the mention of the little prince, Olaf, too, was beaming. Elsa knew what would keep the snowman interested: her nephew. Ever since Prince Jensen Bjorgman of Arendelle was born, the snowman loved to entertain him with interest. Often Hans said things like perhaps Olaf just happens to like the idea of having a cousin, and Elsa would smack him playfully.
"Take care, Olaf." Hans added.
Olaf nodded, once again. Things might be a little tense between the two, mostly because of what happened in the past, but eventually the snowman had grown to be more accepting, and it got better.
"You too, Hans."
After sending a last glance at the queen and her consort, the couple began to trot away. They were heading out, past the front gates and the bridge. They would need to get through Arendelle Plaza and the harbour to get to the less crowded area in the fjord, their next stop.
"Olaf is something." Hans murmured to her ear. He held her close from behind with one hand while his other hand was holding the rein with her. "You know, last night he went to my room."
Elsa raised a brow. "Really?" She fought the urge to lean back as she found comfort in his presence, but it would make her lose her balance. "What did he do? Did he bother you?"
"He didn't. He waited for me, actually." He chuckled, sending shivers down Elsa's spine. "Olaf told me to look out for you, as I quote, because Elsa tends to be reckless."
The blonde chuckled. "He is just being sweet."
"Hmm, he is probably right." Hans hummed, as if he was thinking of something. "Also, he is probably still not over what happened last autumn."
Her hand unconsciously flew to her right side. There, underneath the light clothing, was a long scar from when she was stabbed during a naval battle. Elsa was too busy controlling the wind; she didn't hear an enemy approaching her. Perhaps that, and the fact that she froze to death in the depth of Ahtohallan once that would count as her recklessness. She shook the image from her head for it was too gruesome to think about, even though those were also counted as an act of sacrifice.
"Probably." She sighed. "But let's not think about it."
A few moments later, they finally left the capital and began to enter the forest. Elsa took a hold of the rein, but when she was about to pull to make the horse turn, Hans quickly took over.
"We can stop over there, Hans." She pointed at a lower ground which directly led them to an open sea. "And then I can summon the Nokk."
Sitron began to slow down at his master's tug, but instead of turning towards the open sea, he turned towards the opposite direction. Elsa's eyes widened, as they rode away from the sea.
"Where are we going?"
Hans gave her a reassuring squeeze. "There's a change of plan, but don't worry, Kaere." He pecked her cheek softy. "I promised Anna and Olaf that I'm going to look after you."
"What is that supposed to mean?" She murmured. Turning to steal a glance at him, she caught a hint of mischief in his emerald eyes. Oh no. "Oh, don't you dare!"
Instead of replying, Hans chuckled, as they broke into a full gallop. She tightened her grip, not wanting to fall over. So much for trying to look after her. By the look of it, he was putting the both of them in danger. What makes him think that not letting her ride the Nokk is a good idea?
"Relax, Elsa. Your water horse needs a rest too." He said. "Besides, Sitron is strong enough to carry the both of us. We will be fine. Trust me."
A wild idea of trying to escape from his hold and conjured a pile of snow for her to land flashed on her mind. But where would that take you, Elsa? Her conscience asked her. Right, the ground, and gods know if she would land safely. Knowing that she couldn't really do anything that wasn't risky or more dangerous and reckless, she decided to let it slide. Besides, she knew that Hans would keep her safe.
It was strange, when she thought about it. She trusted her own safety in the hand of a man who once tried to kill her. But this man is a changed man, and he has proven that he is capable of character growth more than once. Elsa smiled. They had been through a lot to get there, and she wouldn't change a thing. Giving him a second chance was one of the best decisions she had ever made.
"Fine, I trust you." She let out. "And for the love of God, stop calling the Nokk 'water horse'! We don't want that to happen again, do we?"
For a while, Hans grimaced. A certain memory involving salt water flashed on his mind. Gulping slightly, he let out, "Right."
Smiling to herself, Elsa sighed in contentment. Something told her it would be a memorable trip. Perhaps, in the end, she would end up liking summer more than she wanted to admit, and all thanks to the Admiral currently holding her close.
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stupidsexyfandom · 4 years
To Follow the Sun
Rated T // Angst with a hopeful ending
Elsa awakens as Hans carries her back to Arendelle from the ice palace. 
Written for Prompt #3 of Helsa Summer: Relaxing in the intense sun. 
The first thing Elsa noticed as she drifted into consciousness was warmth. She could not remember the last time she had felt this warm. The second was a pleasant scent. Lemongrass and leather, saddle soap and wool. It reminded her of her father. The third was a gentle rocking motion, regular and calming. Could it all have been a dream?
But as the fog of sleep dissipated and her senses returned, Elsa knew that it was not so. Her father had been dead these three years, and he had not held her or rocked her for more than a decade before that. She became aware of a pounding in her head and a persistent ache throughout her body. Memories flashed through her mind, of the coronation and Anna and the ice palace. She struggled to open her eyes, even the muted sunlight making her head hurt.
She found herself looking up at a man. Prince Hans, she reminded herself, Anna’s fiancé. He was looking straight ahead and had not noticed her waking. She was surprised at how gently he held her, despite seeming to pay her no mind. They were on horseback, and she struggled to gauge their location. Mounted soldiers surrounded them.
We must be headed back to Arendelle. The thought filled her with panic, and she tensed. The prince looked down, and she immediately pretended to be unconscious. She had no desire to explain herself to him or to anyone else. She thought she could still feel him watching her, but if he had seen her wake, he kept it to himself. Perhaps he dreaded their inevitable confrontation as much as she did.
Although she could no longer look around, Elsa tried to plan her escape. She posed too much of a risk to the city if she returned. She could feel that her wrists were bound, but her palms were free. If she could only conjure a sharp shard of ice, she could cut the bindings and flee. An attempt to do so only produced a sharp pain in her head, and she barely managed to keep from wincing.
Elsa felt hopeless. She had struggled for so long to restrain her magic, and now, when she needed it most, it had deserted her. She could see no way out. The prince’s grip was firm, and her bindings were tight. She still felt slow and bleary from her injuries. Part of her wished she could just lie there forever. Still, she knew she had to try to get away. Staying away from her people was the only way she could keep them safe. She owed them that much, at least.
She summoned all the strength she had left, concentrating on forming an ice shard. Her fingers burned and her head ached mightily, but there was no result. A spasm passed through her at the intense pain. She felt certain that Prince Hans had noticed and would alert the guards, but still he said nothing. He merely adjusted his arm so that she lay closer to his chest, enveloping her further in his warmth.
When they reached the outskirts of the city, Elsa could no longer feign unconsciousness. The men were calling to each other, and she felt the prince’s touch on her bare shoulder.
“The cobblestones are slick with ice. It’s dangerous to ride through here,” he murmured, his face nearly buried in her hair. In an instant, he had dismounted and was leading the horse through the frozen streets. Their entourage of guards thinned somewhat as they passed through the city. But as their number dipped, they were replaced by the townspeople. Some merely watched from doorsteps and balconies, while others formed a motley parade as they followed their queen and her captor toward the castle.
Watching Prince Hans move through the streets was like being in the presence of the sun. Wherever he went, warmth and light seemed to follow. He spread them through the city with every step. Elsa thought that he and Anna were alike in that way. As he walked, every head turned to follow him. He was Apollo, and each member of the crowd was Clytie.
No, that wasn’t right. Whereas Apollo had spurned Clytie’s affections, the prince seemed to soak up the crowd’s. It fueled him to burn stronger and brighter, casting his light further with every awestruck face. Some of the people approached him, and he greeted every one with kindness. Elsa could hear mutterings rolling through the crowd. No, she was wrong two times over. Clytie had starved as she watched her love, wasting away until the gods took pity on her and transformed her into a sunflower. But Prince Hans had fed and clothed the people, protecting them from famine. The famine she had created, thought Elsa darkly.
She could bear to listen to the crowd no longer. She knew what they must think of her. A monster who had brought a curse upon the land. They were right, of course, but she didn’t want to hear them say it. As she looked upon the faces of her citizens, her royal office weighed on her more heavily than it ever had before. These were her subjects, and she moved through them as a stranger. Locked away for all those years, she had done nothing to earn their trust, and in their time of crisis, she had deserted them.
Prince Hans walked among the crowd naturally, as if he were born to do so. Elsa felt a spark of envy, but she pushed it down. She did not deserve the love of her people. Probably she never had. Perhaps it was better this way. If Arendelle’s citizens did not care for her, they would not stop her from leaving. The country would be left in more capable hands.
She regretted telling Anna she could not marry the prince. Well, really she regretted every abortive interaction she had had with Anna since she was eight years old. But that pronouncement in particular had proved to be her undoing. And to top it off, she had judged wrongly. She had suspected Prince Hans of some hidden motive, thinking he could not be as naïve as her sister. The perfect prince and whirlwind marriage proposal seemed too good to be true. In real life, things were never as easy as they were in fairy stories. And maybe that was the way for people like Elsa. She would never be the heroine. She could see no handsome prince or fairytale ending in store for herself. But for people like Anna and Prince Hans, who brought the sun with them wherever they went, maybe things could work that way. Maybe fairytales really could come true.
She found herself imagining their wedding day. Prince Hans in his white suit and Anna radiant in a white gown, her head wreathed with sunflowers. Envy stabbed again in Elsa’s chest, but she could not tell which of them she envied more. They were both so full of love to give and so eager to receive it. The summer sun would dust the city with gold, restored to its rightful place in the sky. The two of them combined could put it there themselves. In their sunny, happy kingdom, they would dance and laugh well into the night.
She could not imagine herself amid their revels. There was no place for snow and cold and darkness. Perhaps she would be somewhere far away, where she could no longer hurt anybody. Her people would at last be safe and her sister with them. She found it hard to imagine Anna as queen. It was a job of early mornings and stuffy meetings. But Anna could at least show her citizens the love that they deserved. Really, thought Elsa, she can’t botch the job any worse than I already have. And from what she had seen so far, she suspected that Anna would have a very able king to assist her.
Elsa’s train of thought was broken by their arrival at the castle. The guards at the gates saluted as they approached, and she found the gesture verging on parody due to her status as captive. Soon they had entered the courtyard. The prince halted the horse and reached toward her. Elsa recoiled. Even with her magic dulled, she worried what could happen. But he put both hands on her waist and lifted her down without incident. He gestured for her to follow, and she complied. Until the full strength of her magic returned to her, docility seemed like the easiest alternative.
As they passed through the foyer, Prince Hans asked the steward, “Has the princess returned?”
“No, your Highness. She hasn’t been seen since the night of the coronation. We’ve sent out a search party.” Elsa felt panic constricting her throat. Where was she? Why had she not come home? The temperature in the hall dropped, although it seemed a disproportionately small reaction to the terrifying news.
“A search party? I want every member of the guards out looking for her, and every member of the reserves. Use the hounds if you have to.” It calmed Elsa to know that someone else took this as seriously as she did. With any luck, her sister would be found and safely returned.
But her respite from fear was all too brief, as she soon realized where they were headed. Beneath the grand staircase lay the door to the dungeon. Despite living in the castle all her life, Elsa had never been down there. She knew it had not been used for generations.
The cell they had chosen for her was small and bleak. Prince Hans dismissed the guard at the door, muttering something that Elsa could not catch. When they were alone, he knelt to pick something up from the stone floor. When she saw what he held, she recoiled in horror. Snow flurries whipped through the air and frost crawled up her arms, but she could not generate enough force to break free.
“You… had these made for me?” she nearly whispered. In his hands were iron cuffs clearly made to restrain someone with her powers. To restrain her. The prince looked at her with such sadness in his eyes that he seemed like a different person.
“They were…” he stopped to clear his throat, “They were already here.”
Oh. The snow hung suspended in the air. The idea of her parents ordering this prison was nearly enough to break her. She had known that they feared her as much as they loved her, but she had never imagined this. She meekly held up her hands for encasement.
While the prince began unlocking the cuffs, she asked, “Why did you bring me back here?” Why not leave me to die in the ice palace?
“I couldn’t just let them kill you.”
“But I’m a danger to Arendelle!” He placed the first cuff on her hand and began securing it.
“I thought… if you could just stop the winter. Bring back summer. Please.” The first cuff was locked, and she dropped her arm as though it held the weight of the world. In a way, perhaps it did.
“Don’t you see? I can’t!” Understanding dawned on his face, and she continued, “You have to let me go! It’s not safe! I have to get as far away from here as possible. Only then can my people be free!” Even as the request left her lips, she could see its futility. It was almost ludicrous. She was begging him to release her while he was in the process of locking her up. His choice had clearly already been made.
“You know I can’t do that.” He finished locking the second cuff and gave a deep sigh, his breath visible in the chilly air. Then he produced a pocketknife, and Elsa wondered if this imprisonment was a farce designed to dispose of her quietly. But instead he cut the ropes binding her wrists. She stretched her arms, luxuriating in the feeling despite the heavy cuffs. This was the most she had moved them in hours, and she wondered if the restricted blood flow had been impacting her magic.
“You should try to sleep, your Majesty,” said the prince, indicating the cot in the corner, “You’ve had a long journey, and you’re injured. I’m sure you’ll have quite the bruise on your—” His face turned pink, and Elsa felt his gaze on her right thigh, bare nearly to the hip through the slit in her dress.
He pulled his eyes up to her face and continued, “Well, what I mean is you should get some rest.” Elsa stared at him numbly. How could he expect her to sleep after all that had happened? He turned and slipped out of the cell.
Left alone, Elsa sat on the edge of the cot. As she contemplated her iron cuffs, she realized she had been wrong about fairytales. One possible fairytale ending awaited her, but it was the fate of a villain. In the best case, she would disappear into a life of frigid solitude. If that were not enough to end the winter, she knew what lay in store for her. She knew what happened to monsters in the ends of fairy stories. Perhaps, if she were very lucky, she would return as a sunflower.
The door squeaked, and she looked up in surprised. Prince Hans had returned. He was holding a woolen blanket. She had not expected him to come back for her.
“Am I a monster?” she blurted out. He looked surprised to hear her speak, and for a moment she thought he would leave again. But instead he moved to sit next to her on the cot.
“No, I don’t think so. I think you’re scared, and I think you’ve lost your way. But that doesn’t make you a monster. It can’t have been easy growing up the way you did. I understand how crushing the loneliness can get.”
“I thought Anna said you had brothers?”
“Brothers like mine are not what I would call a cure for loneliness. In fact, I might go so far as to say they were the cause.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.” Elsa thought of all the times Anna had knocked on her door. No matter how many times Elsa ignored her, she had always knocked again.
“Don’t be. Growing up like that has made me a veritable expert on monsters. That’s how I can tell you aren’t one.”
“Would a monster care so deeply for her people that she would leave everything she had ever known to save them?”
“And what about my people? Do they think I’m a monster?” Elsa watched as the prince swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in the pale flesh of his throat. His silence was enough of an answer for her.
“Then what’s the use? What good is it to not be a monster if everybody treats you like one?” Prince Hans sighed and leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees. He seemed to be choosing his words carefully.
“I suppose it’s better than the alternative,” he finally said.
“The alternative?”
“To truly be a monster, but to have no one know it.” Elsa thought that the best solution would be to neither be a monster nor be thought one, but she knew that ship had sailed for her long ago.
They sat in silence for a while. Elsa studied the prince surreptitiously. She thought he looked tired. She wondered how much he really knew of monsters. A man as good as he was surely could not have much experience with them, whatever he may have said about his brothers. Finally, he stood up to go.
He had nearly reached the door when she called after him, “Wait!” He turned to face her.
“Don’t go!” He gave her a significant look. She nearly bubbled over with answers to his unasked question. Because Anna is isn’t here, and I’m scared about what will happen to her. Because I just can’t stand to be alone anymore. Because you make me feel like there’s hope for me. Because I think that maybe if I watch you long enough, I could learn how to melt. But none of those were things she could say to him.
All she said was, “Please.” And to her surprise, he gave a gentle nod.
“All right,” he said, “but only if you promise to try and get some sleep.”
It was a tight squeeze for him to sit on the cot with her stretched out, and her head only narrowly avoided his lap. But, despite the contortions, she felt more at ease than she had before. She tensed when he reached out his arm, but it was only to draw the blanket up over her. And although the cold did not bother her, she found herself appreciating the warmth.
The prince was humming softly to himself. As she listened to his sweet melody, she allowed herself to think of a happier future. Perhaps when Anna returned, they would be able to find a way to fix this. Perhaps she and Prince Hans would let Elsa inhabit some corner of their sunny, happy lives. Perhaps by being around them she could learn to be good. She would be the moon to their sun. Although she cast no light herself, she would reflect theirs back and illuminate the darkness for her people. She dared not hope for more than that.
These thoughts calmed Elsa greatly, and she drifted at the edges of sleep. As she slipped into unconsciousness, she thought she felt a light touch on her forehead. But it could merely have been the beginnings of a dream.
Author’s Note: There’s a lot of musical inspiration today. The title was adapted from and Beatles song, and I was also heavily influenced by “Love Like You” by Rebecca Sugar. The melody Hans hums is an old Irish tune best known as “Believe me if all those endearing young charms” with lyrics by Thomas Moore. It was where I first learned of the myth of Apollo and Clytie. (Also it was my parent’s wedding song and the tune of my alma mater, not that that’s relevant.) 
I had thought that this would be a short and light piece, but neither of those turned out to be true. Thank you so much for reading and for all the support you’ve given me! And buckle up, the next one gets intense. >:)
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nap-hime · 4 years
Helsa Summer Event: Prompt 7 — Free Day
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Fandom: Frozen
Relationship: HansElsa
Rating: Gen
Genre: Modern
Word count: 700 words (drabble)
Summary: “Will you tell me about it?”
“I could tell you.” She replies. “Or, I could keep it to myself.”
— HansElsa, modern AU
AO3 link: (x)
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helsaguy · 4 years
Holy hell...
I was convinced Helsa Summer Event started on the 17th😶 And it turns out I got the date all wrong and that's actually the last day😳
Oh well, looks like I'll just miss the event entirely (dang it!) and I'll post what I got whenever I can :/
My best wishes to those participating though!! Happy Helsa event👋👋👋👋
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puryartist · 4 years
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@helsa-summer-event Prompt 1 – Don't you dare!
Seems like she enjoyed a lot
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helsa-summer-event · 4 years
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 Header by @Puryartist
Hello, everyone! 
It’s Summer and the Helsa Discord server is proud to announce that we’ll be hosting Helsa Summer Event! We implore you to join us! Be inspired and create! Write fanfiction, make fanart, comics, edits, mood boards, headcanons, poems, essays, cosplay, anything you like!
For two weeks, 3-17 August 2020, we’ll be introducing two public events and two Discord events!
Please join the server if you’re interested — https://discord.gg/yQcvRSC
Joining is easy: Just follow the link, read the rules and introduce yourself.
Public Events
— Helsa Summer Event prompts
7 prompts; a new prompt every 2 days.
— Draw This In Your Style (DTIYS) art challenge
> Original art by @Puryartist
(Join the server for a sneak peek and a chance to get a head start on the DTIYS before it goes public!)
Discord Events
— Group writing
The prompt is Summer Camp.
We’ll be hopping on a shared Google Doc, bonding and sharing our muses as we write together! We’ll be organised and queue in order to not overlap with each other’s writings.
— aggie.io
We’ll be drawing on a shared canvas as a group. Expect masterpieces and/or memes, or both!
Summer Event Prompts
(inspired by Olaf himself)
Prompt 1 (3-4 August) — "Don't you dare!”
Try something bold and new! Slip and slide! Sky diving! Pull a mischievous prank!
Prompt 2 (5-6 August) — Blue skies and dandelion fuzz
Celebrate a fair/festival, have a picnic, go camping, take a road trip, garden or go hiking.
Prompt 3 (7-8 August) — Relaxing in the intense sun
Build sandcastles, have a pool party, plan a trip to the lake or involve the love birds and their friends in any beach-related activities!
Prompt 4 (9-10 August) — Gorgeously tan
Looks like someone’s got a tan, or, perhaps, a bad sunburn? Oh, well, no one’s gonna notice when you’re doing something grand like sailing or surfing!
Prompt 5 (11-12 August) — We're cool in the summer
Beat the heat! Eat some ice cream, make some cocktails, have a lemonade day!
Prompt 6 (13-14 August) — Lettin' off steam
Summer is a time for fun! Let’s have karaoke night! Let’s play charades, have a water gun fight and unwind!
Prompt 7 (15-16 August) — Free Space
Dah dah, da doo, uh bah bah bah bah bah boo
Rrr Raht da daht dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah doo
* The examples above are merely ideas. Feel free to use your own interpretations of the prompts.
If you missed any of the deadlines, you can repost on 17 August.
When posting your work, please:
1. @Helsa-Summer-Event
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ariddletobesolved · 4 years
Days We Spend Under the Sun (Chapter Three)
Written for @helsa-summer-event ❤💫
Fandom: Frozen
Genre: Romance, Family, Fluff, Whump
Rating: T
Summary: Summer is not her favourite season, but a certain Admiral from the neighbouring kingdom is going to change that.
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More Helsa fluff! Also, I might have hinted something in the end. I'll leave you to it. I enjoy this writing marathon, hopefully I won't get burned out before the event ends xD External links are in the notes.
Prompt 2: Blue Skies and Dandelion Fuzz
Chapter Three
"You have thought about this through, haven't you, Hans?"
When Hans suggested that they should explore some parts of the forest, Elsa didn't expect a picnic along the way. But there they were, sitting on a picnic blanket Honeymaren had lent them, under the shade of an oak tree. Without her knowing, Hans had packed a few pastries—including some krumkake—before they departed from Arendelle the day before. It was only the first day, yet he had given her enough surprises. She wondered what he had actually planned for the whole trip.
Hans chuckled, as he rolled the sleeves of his cotton shirt. "I did tell you that I already have plans. Do you like it?"
Shyly, Elsa looked away. Her blue eyes were gazing at Sitron that seemed to bond with a group of reindeers at the meadow, a little farther from where they were. The green scenery before her, with the addition of bushes of daisy and some growing dandelions surrounding them made the view even more beautiful. It was a perfect picnic spot, of course she did like it.
"Yes, I do." She looked back, flashing him a smile. "Thank you, Hans."
The Admiral shook his head. "Nah, don't mention it. When was the last time you went on a picnic?"
Elsa tilted her head, trying to recall. "I can hardly remember."
Handing her a bottle of lemonade, he added, "The whole time you live here you haven't actually gone on a picnic?" He raised an eyebrow.
The blonde shrugged. "Well, a few times, perhaps. But that was before the war, and it was just an outing with Ryder and Honeymaren." She took a small sip from the bottle. "This is actually really good." Putting down the bottle on the blanket next to her, Elsa then faced the Admiral and caught his dreamy gaze. "What?"
Hans shook his head. "Nothing." But what he did next was something she didn't expect.
"Hans!" She yelped when Hans lied down and put his head on her lap. 
Ignoring her protest, Hans closed his eyes and sighed in contentment, feeling the light blue icy fabric pressed against the back of his head. "This is nice."
Elsa's face turned red. She was stunned at first, but she eventually smiled fondly. She combed her fingers through his auburn hair, earning herself another sigh from the Admiral. His thick hair felt rather soft against her skin, and it had grown longer; she kept brushing back his bangs.
"I love you." Hans murmured. His eyes fluttered open, revealing those emerald orbs. The corner of his mouth tugged upwards as he watched her face. The close proximity allowed him the view of the faint freckles dusting her face. 
She could feel her heart swell inside her ribcage at those words. She used to live in denial when it came to love—romantic, sexual love, but with every second that passed, Elsa grew fonder of the man resting against her. Her forefinger grazed the skin of his forehead, down to the slope of his perfectly angled nose, before tapping the tip gently. 
"And I love you." She tucked some platinum locks behind her ear, before leaning in to capture his lips with hers.
Once she pulled away, Elsa eyed the surrounding. Hans tried to follow her gaze.
"What are you looking at?"
She shook her head slowly. "Nothing. It's just the view. It's always been so beautiful."
"I agree." He replied. "I've never really been away from the Southern Isles to spend summer, well, with the exception of going to your coronation a few years ago, but we both know how it ended."
Briefly, Elsa glanced at her hands, which were resting each on his head and his upper arm. Her brows furrowed, as she was reminded of a particular memory. Yes, she had her powers under control—she also understood the purpose of the gift, but the tainted past would still be there. How quick her people forgave her for what she had done still made her wonder.
"Sorry." Hans, knowing that he had caused such tension to spark, apologised. He noticed where her blue eyes looked at and immediately grabbed her hand. "Hey, Kaere."
At the nickname, her blue eyes met his green ones. There was something in his eyes which stared at her with sincerity. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, before bringing it to his mouth, in which he tenderly kissed her palm, eyes never leaving hers. Such gesture was enough to make her feel fuzzy and warm, with a pleasant touch lingering on her skin.
"I'm sorry for bringing that up." He reached out to caress her cheek.
Elsa flashed him a small smile, holding his hand. "Hans, it's alright." This time, it was her turn to reassure him. "How about you tell me a story?"
He raised an eyebrow. "What kind of story?"
Half shrugging, she replied, "Well, anything that makes you happy, perhaps?"
"Like sailing?" Seeing her nodding, the Admiral continued, "What about it?"
"Why do you love it?"
Hans smiled. He had his eyes on the blue skies above them. A sense of nostalgia clouded his mind. 
"You know, I also love the sea, I always do, and those two can't really be separated. I used to sneak out of the castle and go to the docks, just to admire the sea, aside from hiding from my brothers. Then one day, my mother was kind enough to give me a boat as a gift. Of course no one else knew, except for me and mother. The boat was small, but she was strong. Nordstjernen I called her."
"The North Star?" Elsa let out. 
He nodded. "Nobody taught me how to sail, but the books in the castle library provided enough information. The third time I went sailing, I came to realise that I actually enjoyed it. The feeling of being out there in the open sea gives me a sense of freedom, one I used to think I'd never get. I was trapped in the Southern Isles with uncertainty, and the confinement that I felt, let's say it drove me straight to my doom."
"But you're here now, and you're free."
Sighing, Hans turned to face her. "I am." He smiled. "We should go sailing, maybe next week after we get back to Arendelle?"
Elsa shrugged. "I don't know about that."
"Why?" He tilted his head. "It's going to be fun! I promise you this time we won't be trapped in the middle of a battle."
The blonde couldn't help but smile, reminiscing the victory from the last naval battle side by side they fought.
"See that smile? I can tell that's a yes. You want to, just admit it, Elsa." He teased, earning himself a slap on the chest. "Hey! Who knows maybe I'll let you steer." Then he paused, before grinning. "Oh wait, you don't know how to!"
Elsa rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I was once the Queen of Arendelle, Hans, of course I know how to steer a ship. You're underestimating me."
"Sure." Hans sat up and scooted closer to Elsa, his body was facing the opposite direction. "But I am an Admiral, I shall be the judge of that. And I bet you can't use some naval equipment." He leaned in. Their faces were so close, he could feel her breath.
Her blue eyes narrowed, as she took in what sounded like a challenge. "Well then, Admiral, should I remind you that I once have the entire armada under my command? Operating a simple naval equipment, say a sextant, is among those things I learned growing up."
At this, the former prince raised an eyebrow in amusement. Indeed, he was aware of that fact. Elsa was once a Queen after all, and the Arendellian Navy was one of the strongest in the area, right after The Southern Isles. Her days leading up to her coronation must have been spent learning about her country, as well as trying to control her powers.
"Alright, I'll let you steer." He said. Emerald eyes glinting with mischief. "But only if you say yes."
"So, you want an answer?" Elsa tilted her head, as she stared at him with her big blue eyes. One hand secretly reached to pick a stalk of matured dandelion growing beside her. Seeing him nodded, she smirked. "Then, have this!"
Elsa blew the dandelion fuzz, and chuckled when the seeds flew towards his face. Immediately, Hans closed his eyes and leaned back, trying to avoid the floating seeds. Taking this as an opportunity, Elsa got on her feet and ran away, but not before she gave him a slight push.
"Come and get me!"
Once the Admiral realised what happened, the corner of his lips curved into a smile. He liked this playful side of hers he didn't see quite often. Taking her on a trip is a good idea, it seems. Chuckling to himself, Hans got on to his bare feet and went after her to the meadow.
Hopefully, he thought, soon, she would say yes.
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helsa-summer-event · 4 years
☀️❄️Helsa Summer Event Reminder!❄️☀️
Event Info:
⭐Event ≈ 1 Week Away Already!⭐
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Things are heating up already with the event fast approaching.
Please click through: Like ♥️ and Reblog 🔁 the Original Post to spread the word.
P.S: Please Consider Joining the Helsa Discord Server! Link in the Original Post.
- Don't forget to follow this blog for updates.
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ariddletobesolved · 4 years
Days We Spend Under the Sun (Ten - End)
Written for @helsa-summer-event ❤
Fandom: Frozen
Genre: Romance, Family, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Whump
Rating: T
Summary: Summer is not her favourite season, but a certain Admiral from the neighbouring kingdom is going to change that.
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Brace yourself for a long arse chapter, and maybe a little cheesy (idk). This is the last chapter of this AU (feeling emotional already, lmao). Sorry it took a while, I've been dealing with several things, but here I am. I won't write too much notes, as I've prepared another post just for that. Thanks for reading and supporting this AU. Enjoy!
Prompt 7: Free
Chapter Ten
"I don't know if I can do this."
Hans sighed as he put down the small box on the wooden table, pushing it closer to the queen's direction.
From her seat behind the desk, Anna gave him a look. She raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Would you care to elaborate?"
The former prince pinched the bridge of his nose, before turning to face the queen.
"I don't think she'll say yes." He replied, his hands clasped behind his back as he stood up straight. "We haven't been courting for that long, and the past we shared—"
"Yes, yes, I'm aware." Anna calmly interjected. Her hands were in her lap, eyes darting from the box towards him. "But you seemed so eager and determined a week ago, what changes?"
His jaw clenched, for the vivid memory of his dream last night came crashing at him, flooding his senses. It had been two months since the last time the nightmare occurred, about him, standing in the pool of blood on the slowly melting fjord, gazing at a pair of dull blue eyes that stared back at him. Elsa was dead, and he would become king like he wanted. The ice beneath him thawed, and he fell into the cold water. That was when he woke up, gasping for air, only to see Elsa, alive and murmuring sweet nothings to his ear. Realising that it was all just a dream, he pulled Elsa into his embrace, muttering how sorry he was.
It was a vision of what could've been, had he succeeded in ending the Eternal Winter by going for the source of magic. Even after years of punishment and redemption, the guilt was still there, eating him alive. Had it not been for Elsa's comfort, Hans wouldn't have known how to keep going.
"I was a monster." He gulped. "Maybe I still am, knowing that some people still don't trust me. And for that, I know I'm not worthy of your sister's love, or anyone else's."
"You were." Anna grabbed the small box and a roll of parchment, then getting up from her chair. "Hans, you'd wronged me. I won't sugarcoat it. You left me to die in that room, you deceived me, and you were out to kill my sister. I admit, I took great pleasure when I punched you in the face."
The whole time, Hans didn't even flinch. He knew what he had done wrong, he was aware of that, and he would forever regret it.
"So I've noticed, even after all those dark months, some people still refused to look you in the eye, not wanting to acknowledge you as a person." She walked over and stopped before the tall redhead. "I did that too when you first came here after years. Elsa was the one insisting to lock you up, but I didn't see the point. There was something different about you."
When a roll of parchment was offered to him, Hans frowned. "Why are you doing this, Anna?"
"As much as I'm doing this for Elsa, I also believe you're not the same person who came to Arendelle with an ambition to become king." Anna spoke, her gaze showed kindness. "I can see that now, and it's not only because you won us war.
"That Prince Hans of The Southern Isles, who had a miserable childhood, dying to prove himself to his father and twelve older brothers, who attempted to marry into the throne to become king and was willing to commit a murder to fulfil such an ambition, was a failure. He wasn't born evil, yet he had failed to stop himself from being blinded by ambitions, and his tragic past doesn't excuse what he did." She paused, thrusting the roll onto his grasp. "But the man standing before me right now is not him. I trust you understand what I mean, Vice Admiral." Anna smiled as she mentioned his new title.
There was a beat, before Hans asked in disbelief, "They approved?" He unrolled it and began to read its content, green eyes were scanning the words over and over again. 
"It was a long discussion with Captain Larsson, but apparently, some people already accept you as one of us, even Admiral Goran." She was relieved and worried at the same time. She knew Hans doubted himself, at least she had heard Elsa mentioned it to her a couple of times, but she also knew that the two of them—Elsa and Hans were madly in love with each other. All they needed was a little push. 
"Hans," Anna called, and immediately, his attention was on her.
"Thank you so much! I don't know what to say, this is," Hans beamed, "does Elsa know?"
"Not yet." The strawberry blonde smiled. "I figured you'll be the one telling her, as planned."
Realisation began to sink in and he pressed his lips in a tight line. "Right."
"You're doubting yourself, aren't you?" The queen studied him closely. "I see how you look at my sister, and how she looks back at you. I know Elsa, and I've never seen her being this happy—different kind of happy. You might not notice it, but she is glowing whenever she is with you. She cares about you, and I know you care about her, a lot, I may add."
"Do you really think so?"
Anna rolled her eyes in a playful manner. "I know so!" She pressed the small box gently on his hand, and gave him a little push. "Now go and propose to my sister. You already have my blessing, and that means you have one less thing to worry about."
The gesture from his, hopefully, future sister in law brought a smile on his face. Hans glanced at her, feeling grateful for her kindness. He firmly held the box in his right hand. The queen was no longer that naive little princess, who would marry a man she just met because she was desperate for love. She had grown into a compassionate and caring Queen of Arendelle, whose prosperous reign was equal to her predecessor, her sister. Whether it was motherhood or her kind nature, he didn't know.
"Thank you, Anna." Hans didn't know if hugging the queen was the best move, so he went to shake her hand. But Anna, sensing his hesitation, pulled him in a quick hug.
"No, thank Elsa." She said, holding him by his shoulders. "I might be the one who opened the door, but she was the one who let you in."
The former prince nodded. The sisters' kindness was obviously contagious, and it was a part of several reasons why he wanted to change for the better.
"But," Anna said, her tone turned dramatically, "if you hurt my sister, I won't hesitate to punch you in the face, again, and I'll make sure that your nose wouldn't be the only thing that's broken." 
Hans gulped. Of course he knew better than causing the Snow Queen any pain. He nodded.
"Now, go!" Anna smiled, pushing him towards the door. "You have a date to attend. Also, it's a perfect place for a date in this castle, so might as well, not spoil it."
"Okay, okay."
"Oh, and Hans?" Just when he was about to close the door, she added, "welcome to the family."
Hans couldn't stop smiling. A sudden surge of confidence boosted through him, as he made his way towards Elsa's room. With a ring in his pocket, a bouquet of her favourite flowers and a new dress for her in his grasp, he began to think of how their day would proceed. If Anna was right, and Elsa said yes, Hans would be the luckiest man alive, he knew that for sure. Standing before the wooden door, he composed himself. As he turned the bronze handle, he heard voices talking.
"Oh, I don't know what he is planning, but I heard him talking to Anna about dresses and flowers." It was Olaf. "I hope he is not planning something bad."
Hans was frozen on the spot. Did the snowman think that he had a bad intention towards Elsa? He knew Olaf was probably not making any sense, but it was enough to make him think of the worst.
Elsa chuckled. "Olaf, why would he plan something bad with dresses and flowers? It sounds like something romantic, but I can be wrong."
It was a relief, but gone was the confidence he brought along as the next question came up.
"You said he had a nightmare, Elsa, what was that about?"
There was a silence, thick and hostile, from where he was standing. Doubts began to cloud his mind, as he wondered what she might be thinking. Not wanting to wait any longer, he pushed the door open. 
Her beautiful smile was the first thing that greeted him. Still dressed in her nightgown, Elsa looked radiant, as she sat on the bed with a breakfast tray in her lap. Olaf beamed and waved at him.
"I wish they would allow me to join you for breakfast, since I'm feeling much better now." Elsa sighed when she saw him walk over. "What do you have there?"
Hans flashed her a smile, settling the neatly folded dress over the chair nearby and put the flowers in her grasp, before leaning in to kiss her lips.
"Presents." He let out, sitting on the bed next to her.
Olaf nudged her, "See? I told you!" The snowman then collected her tray, before getting back on his feet. "I think I'll leave you both to it. See you later!"
Once the bedroom door was closed, Hans put his hand on her thigh and squeezed it lightly. At the gesture, she let out a giggle, before shoving his hand off. "Hans, no!" She smiled gently, cradling the bouquet close to her chest. "Thank you." Fondly, Elsa admired the bouquet, inhaling the familiar scent. "It's lovely."
"I'm actually planning something for the both of us." He stated, tucking her loose blonde strands behind her ear.
Eagerly, her blue eyes widened with interest. "Really, what is it? Are we going to go sailing?"
Sailing was his previous plan, indeed, but since Elsa was only recovering from her fever, Hans decided that they should stay in. He didn't wish to cause her any more harm than he already did, although the rising temperature wasn't exactly his doing. Besides, if Elsa said yes to a lifetime with him, it means that they would sail forever in holy matrimony.
"You'll see," was all his reply.
Moments later, Elsa and Hans were standing on the balcony at the back of the castle, facing the perfect view of the open sea. Anna was right, Hans thought, it was a perfect place for a date. A table for two was set up, with cakes, a teapot, two cups, and some boxes of chocolate were served on the table. A bouquet of heathers was placed in the middle.
Elsa could recall how many times she would go there in between meetings when she was queen, just to allow herself to think. She loved the view, the blueness of the ocean, and the gentle caress of the wind, they offered her comfort. It was rather quiet, even during the day, but at least she wasn't alone this time.
Hans held her close from behind, one hand was holding the railing, and the other was around her torso. His mind wandered back to the conversation he had with Anna. He would never forget her generosity in giving him the chance to prove himself that he was capable of growth—the chance not everyone would grant him. She allowed him to stay in Arendelle, to serve in the navy, so he could be close to the love of his life, despite the dark past they shared. Then he began to think of Elsa's silence when the topic about his nightmare was brought up.
"You're quiet." Elsa stirred in his embrace and turned to face him. "What are you thinking about?"
"Things." He said, before letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry, Elsa, I shouldn't have ruined it for you. We can have some tea and chocolates."
Hans was about to move to the table, when Elsa stopped him. "You didn't ruin anything at all. I was only wondering why you were quiet." She paused, eyes were never leaving his. "Would you like to talk about what's troubling you?"
"What makes you think it's troubling me?" It was a little defensive on his part.
Elsa frowned. "Your reaction right now is what." She blinked. "Is it your nightmare?"
She wondered what made him act so defensive. The past few days, Elsa noticed how he had been acting strange, and she was under the impression that he was hiding something, but what? That couldn't have had anything to do with the recurring nightmare, could it?
Ignoring her, the redhead let go of her hand, before turning around. He pulled out a box from his pocket, admiring the diamond ring inside. Oh, how he wished everything was easier for him.
"You've been hiding something." It was loud and clear in his ear. "What is it?"
"Nothing." He muttered, still with his back facing her. Putting the box back into his pocket, Hans looked back.
Thoughts were running through her head, and some of them weren't pretty. "Are you doubting us?" 
"It's not that." Hans shook his head. The frown on his face deepened.
Elsa, growing frustrated as the second passed, looked away. Her cheeks were flushing as anger began to build up. "I can't believe you don't even trust me, especially with whatever it is you're hiding."
"It's not that simple, Elsa." He took a deep breath, rubbing his face in an equal frustration. "You don't understand."
"Then make me!" Elsa pressed, taking a step closer. 
Her fingertips were cold, as she tried to contain her powers from exploding. She breathed heavily, the storm in her chest was raging, but there was something in his emerald eyes—remorseful and sincere—as she held his gaze. Closing her eyes, Elsa tried to calm her mind. Anger was never a solution, and one of them should hold their ground if they wanted to carry on with the conversation. Perhaps what he needed was comfort.
"Hans," The former queen called, after another minute passed with silence. She looked up, staring at him with her blue eyes, while holding one hand out. "Come here."
When Hans took her hand, Elsa immediately pulled him into an embrace. She wounded her arms around his torso, resting her cheek against his shoulder. Gently, he returned the gesture and pressed a kiss on her temple. Nothing could top the feeling of holding each other close, getting lost in the comfort.
Closing his eyes, Hans breathed in her scent. Maybe asking her wouldn't hurt, he thought, and he shouldn't be selfish if he wanted to take their relationship one step ahead. And with a determination, he let out, "Kaere."
A beat.
He took a deep breath, still holding her hand. "I need to tell you something."
Taking one step back, his knee bended slightly, and Elsa tried to stifle a gasp. Is he going to propose? She thought, is this what he has been hiding from me? Her pulse quickened, anticipating what was about to come. Elsa didn't see that coming, but for some reason, she was glad.
The former queen was no fool, and she frowned when she saw him stand up straight. She put two and two together, and realised that he had been doubting his own self. She knew about his nightmare, and how remorseful he had been. To see him looking unsure brought a pang on her chest. She couldn't wait any longer.
"Marry me." Elsa blurted out.
Stunned. Her words got him frozen on the spot. Hans stood there, dumbfounded. Marry me. Those words echoed in his mind, and he had to blink to make sure that he wasn't dreaming. Did she just—
"Hans?" She whispered, taking a step closer to cradle his head. "Are you—
But before she could continue, Hans captured her lips with his. Gone was the hesitation, the doubts that had been haunting him, as he got lost in the passion. Her lips were firmly pressed against his, as if she tried to give him a proper reassurance. He held her close by the waist, as he deepened the kiss, savouring the taste of her tongue, before they pulled away.
"Is that a yes?" She asked breathlessly, smiling ear to ear, pressing her forehead against his.
"Kaere," Hans couldn't contain the joy. He let go of her waist, and held her hand. With a surge of confidence, he got down on one knee. "Allow me to do it properly."
He pulled out the small diamond ring and held it up. 
"Elsa," he began, "I know I'm not worthy of your love," seeing the look of disapproval on her face, Hans gave her hand a gentle tug, "hear me out, please?"
"Okay." Her heart swelled inside her ribcage, and warmth overflowing in her body. She nodded.
"I know I'm not worthy of your love," he repeated, "forgiveness, even a second chance. What I've done in the past is unforgivable, and I'm accepting that.
"But you, Elsa, you have given me the chance to get to know you, and I'm grateful for that. Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, and you are the kindest people I know. You have shown me kindness, and for that, I'm forever grateful. I love you, min Kaere, and nothing will ever change that. I've never felt this way before, and you don't know how hard it was to deny it. Because loving you feels so right, but also wrong at the same time. Our union is frowned upon because of our past, but we've proved them wrong."
"Hans," she gasped. Her eyes were glassy with tears at his confession.
"I have nothing grand to offer, and I may be pushing my luck, but," he paused, looking at her with sincerity, "Elisabeth," he gently said, taking her by surprise at her given name. "Will you marry me?"
Her vision got blurry with tears as she stood there. It was too much for her, the love and joy that she felt was overwhelming, but in a good way.
"Yes." She nodded furiously. "God, yes!"
He slid the ring on her finger, and got up to pull her into his arms. He spun her around, burying his face in the crook of her neck. There were sparks in his chest when he heard her giggles, and realisation began to sink in. They're engaged.
"I love you." He put her down, so they were standing face to face. One hand cradled her head, with his thumb rubbing her cheek gently. "I love you so much."
Elsa smiled, giving into his touch. "And I love you too, so very much." She covered his hand with hers, as she pressed a gentle kiss on the heel of his palm. "Don't ever doubt yourself, okay? You are worthy."
Hans nodded slowly. "Forgive me."
"It's okay." Elsa nuzzled his nose. "There's nothing to forgive."
"There's also another thing." He began.
Elsa tilted her head with interest. "Yes?"
"I'm staying." Hans smiled. "This time for good."
"Hans, what?" With her mouth agape, she gazed into his emerald eyes, searching for any hint of mischief, and when she couldn't find any, she blinked. "I don't understand."
He led her to a chair nearby, and helped her sit, before seating himself next to her. Taking her hand in his, Hans pressed his lips over the knuckles.
"So, I might have asked Anna a favour just about last week. I was applying for a vacant spot in the Arendellian Navy."
It did not take her long to guess. "The Vice Admiral?"
The redhead nodded. "Yes."
"And you got it?" This time, she was smiling.
"I did."
Elsa didn't know what to say. The news was another thing she didn't expect to hear, and it seemed as if her day couldn't get any better.
"It's," the former queen paused, "wonderful! I'm so happy for you, truly."
She cupped his face and showered him with kisses, from his forehead to his temple, then his nose, and down to his lips. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Elsa settled on his lap. She nuzzled the crook of his neck as he held her close.
"I'm so glad to have you home, Hans." She murmured.
Elsa nodded, looking up to him, fondly. "You're here now with me. We are home."
Home. He liked the ring of it. Elsa had been his safe haven, and then she was his home. In the end, things were working out just fine, and they were both alright.
"Thank you, Elsa."
"Hmm?" She eyed the new accessory on her ring finger with a smile, before darting her attention back to him. "For what?"
Hans felt his heart swell. He pressed another kiss on her temple. "For letting me in, and giving me a second chance." And he would be forever grateful for that.
Quietly, Elsa settled back in his embrace. Her blue eyes were gazing far ahead at the open sea. Once in a while, she stole glances at the symbol of their union, and she realised that the past few days they spent under the sun were leading up to that very moment. How their story went as the time passed, she would treasure that, and despite the rocky path they had to take to get there, Elsa regretted nothing.
Suddenly the future didn't seem to be uncertain. Hans is staying, and we're getting married, Elsa told herself. That steadiness, something to hold onto, was all she needed. And forever with him, she couldn't wait to spend.
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helsa-summer-event · 4 years
Helsa Summer Event Reminder:
Event ≈ 2 Weeks Away!
Please click through: Like ♥️ and Reblog 🔁 the Original Post to spread the word.
P.S: Please Consider Joining the Helsa Discord Server! Link in the Original Post.
- Don't forget to follow this blog for updates.
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helsa-summer-event · 4 years
Helsa Summer Event
Good News for Y'all~
1. The Draw This in Your Own Style (DTIYS) drawing & instructions will hopefully be made public on the event 'wrap up' day: August 17th.
(Reminder: If you would like a head start on this collab, please consider joining us in the Helsa Discord Server. For a Sneak Peek.
Click the original event post at the bottom to find the link.)
2. We've decided to have an Extension/Make-up Event August 18-31. (Might as well let the event last the whole month).
(Saw that a few of you were commenting about being unable to participate August 3-17 and thinking it was later, so hopefully this will allow a few more of you to join. Especially some of the procrastinators, such as myself.)
Round 2~
Same Prompts, New Dates:
Prompt 1 (18-19 August) — "Don't you dare!”
Prompt 2 (20-21 August) — Blue skies and dandelion fuzz
Prompt 3 (22-23 August) — Relaxing in the intense sun
Prompt 4 (24-25 August) — Gorgeously tan
Prompt 5 (26-27 August) — We're cool in the summer
Prompt 6 (28-29 August) — Lettin' off steam
Prompt 7 (30-31 August) — Free Space
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ariddletobesolved · 4 years
Days We Spend Under the Sun (Chapter Five)
Written for @helsa-summer-event ☀️
Fandom: Frozen
Genre: Romance, Family, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Whump
Rating: T
Summary: Summer is not her favourite season, but a certain Admiral from the neighbouring kingdom is going to change that.
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And the writing strike continues. This one is short and contains a bit of hurt/comfort and fluff (obviously), but please, just let these two have their moments before I throw some twists in. As usual, external links are in the notes. Enjoy!
Prompt 3: Relaxing in the Intense Sun
Chapter Five
"It's beautiful."
When the sun went lower in the west, Elsa found herself in Hans' embrace as they sat at the top of the hill which overlooked the open sea. After their little commotion at the river earlier, one that involved the water spirit, Hans suggested that they should go and explore the coast, so there they were. The couple had been watching the sun for a while, and although it wouldn't set anytime soon, the view before them was a sight they couldn't miss.
"Yes, it is." Elsa sighed in contentment, leaning back against his chest. Unknown to her, neither the open sea nor the pale tint of orange that painted the sky was what he found beautiful.
Hans moved to press his lips on the top of her hair, as he pulled her even closer by the waist. The cold radiating from her body, that he could feel through the cotton shirt he was wearing, was oddly pleasant. His hand rested on his lap, letting Elsa trace patterned frost all over his open palm. Having stayed like that for a good thirty minutes, just enjoying each other's presence in a comfortable silence, the former prince couldn't help but think.
Where would it take him, had he not doomed himself in the first place?
Surely, their story would begin differently. Different types of ending would come along, whether it would be better or happier than the present he lived in, he didn't know. Often he woke up in the middle of the night because of the nightmares—one of them was about him being succeeded in ending the eternal winter in Arendelle, and as the result, he would hate himself in the morning. He didn't have blood in his hands, but the guilt was still there. Then again, everything did happen for a reason, and that everyone had roles in the story, him included. He just wished that he could take back the hurt and the pain he had caused her and her sister.
"You've been quiet." Elsa broke the silence, turning her head to face him. Her big blue eyes were filled with curiosity.
He shook his head slightly. "I was just thinking."
"Oh." She let out. "Nothing bad, I hope."
Smiling, Hans took a deep breath. He looked down and noticed that the sleeve of her lilac short dress had lowered, exposing the milky skin underneath. Gently, he moved to fix it, causing Elsa to smile sheepishly and adjusted her sitting position in his embrace.
"I hope."
Sighing, the blonde then nuzzled his cheek, nose grazing his sideburn, trying to comfort him. She frowned, noticing how tense he suddenly got. 
"Is it about your brother?" She asked softly, trying to not trigger anything. His brothers, especially the oldest—the King of the Southern Isles, had always been a sore topic to talk about, and she didn't want to ruin the moment with any bitter topic.
"It's not." He exhaled, nuzzling her hair.
Hans closed his eyes, trying to erase those vivid images from his nightmares, and replacing them with happy memories he shared with Elsa. But those dreams were so intense, he unconsciously tightened his grip on her side.
Her gasp was enough to wake him from his thoughts. His eyes fluttered open, and he was greeted by a worried looking Elsa. It was not real. He convinced himself. This one is real.
Cradling his head, Elsa pressed her forehead against his. His hands reached out to hold hers, and they stayed like that for a moment. That was until Hans helped her to sit on his lap. Her head rested on his shoulder, as she let him hold her close. She was his safe haven.
"It's the nightmare."
"The one you told me the other day?"
Hans nodded. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay." Elsa gave his hand a squeeze. "We have talked about this, Hans." She pecked his jaw fondly. "I love you."
There was a pause, before he, too, said, "I love you." He pressed another kiss on the top of her head. "So very much."
I'd never known love until I knew her. And I'm grateful to have her in my life.
She was reminded of his words she overheard earlier that day, and her lips curved into a smile. Warmth spread across her chest, sensing the sincerity his words held. Suddenly, the thoughts that kept her up the night before began to cloud her mind. Hans told her he stayed for the summer, and Elsa could only assume that he would leave afterwards. Therefore, they should make use of the precious time they had. Hans did plan this trip so they could spend some time together, but deep down, Elsa would like it better to show him more of Arendelle. For twenty four years it had been her home, and even though she was no longer living there, it would always be the place she came back to. Besides, she could see her sister.
Anna. Elsa smiled as she thought about her. Her sister was the queen, and it seemed like she had been doing fine so far. Now that they were no longer at war, at least she knew that Anna would be alright. Her mind drifted back to the time they'd spent together. She admitted, she missed her bubbly personality. After all, Anna's glee had always been so contagious, and she was the sunshine between the two sisters.
"What is it, Kaere?"
Elsa bit her lower lip. An idea popped into her mind, but would he be okay with that? Only one way to find out.
"I want to ask you something." She looked up, meeting his green eyes.
"Fire away."
"Do you mind if we cut this trip short and go back to Arendelle soon?"
His eyebrows furrowed at the question he clearly didn't expect. "Why?"
"I know you have plans for us this summer. It's just, I think it's best if we spend the rest of the summer in Arendelle." She explained while holding his hands. "It's my birthplace, and I would like to show you more of it, the culture and all. I have a strong connection to Arendelle, and I want you to have that too."
Elsa expected him to be upset, then trying to convince her to stick with his plans—he was a smooth talker, after all. Well, the old Hans, she could imagine doing that, but this Hans? That sounded out of character. To her delight, the Admiral flashed her a smile. He brought her hands up and planted a few small kisses on each back.
"Kaere," he gently, tucking some blonde strands behind her ear, "I don't mind."
Hans didn't mind at all. In fact, her suggestion only added more to his anticipation. To cut their trip short might be a good idea in the end. Going back to Arendelle sooner would give him more room to make sure of the whole preparation for his final plan. Also, he trusted Elsa, and she must have had an organised plan for their return trip.
"Alright, then." The former queen grinned, completely oblivious to his scheme. "I'll write to Anna soon to tell her that we're going back to Arendelle tomorrow."
Okay, probably not an organised plan. Nonetheless, Hans would still say yes to any of her ideas. Everywhere she goes, he would gladly follow, even if they're heading to the unknown.
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