#hello i have indeed become way too invested in this otome and i am in love with an ex boyfriend
moeblob · 4 months
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You literally spent three hours having an ENTIRE SCHOOL (teachers included) slut-shaming a guy just for him to be a (spoiler).
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timelessduet · 3 years
For Them: Hopefully 1st & Last Entry
Hello. I was already in the process of writing my next work for the boys to be posted soon as requested to me but what’s been happening in MLQC... I wanted to stay quiet and everything but this is too much.
To those who aren’t aware yet, apparently Victor’s new VA, Jonah Scott got his contract terminated just because of saying Taiwan is a country. When I first heard of this I was like... isn’t he saying a fact? I was literally shocked and speechless... he was getting fired over something like that and as VA of Gavin (Joe Zieja) said was a Google-able fact.
As a Victor stan, it was indeed a rollercoaster. I’m sure fans of Victor aren’t the only affected but the whole MLQC community. When Ben Diskin had to step down from his role as Victor, it was sad but all we could do at that time was respect his choice and be happy for him. He did Victor so amazingly it was just so difficult to part with the voice and interpretation he gave us. Aside from the way Victor’s character was made, I won’t deny how his baritone “dummy” got me hard. This was unexpected but it was mutually agreed upon by the two parties. The MLQC team and Ben parted in good terms (so I hope that’s the case). But at least they talked the whole thing through and prepared for his replacement.
This time however, was not the case. I didn’t know who Jonah was when he was first introduced by MLQC as the new voice of Victor. So as someone who was curious, I did a little research on his previous projects and tried watching a recent anime which he dubbed for and I was impressed. He had this deep voice plus he had this jolly character in real life that I’m sure fans would really like and appreciate. It didn’t take long for me to accept Jonah as the new Victor though I admit I’m still getting used to it. He was doing so well becoming the new Victor but then it had to be cut short just like that. He was the perfect VA for Victor. His voice was similar, he was very nice in person and interacted with the fans, he likes Victor, and Ben approves of him as the next Victor.
But I could only think they decided to terminate Jonah’s contract without even asking for his side. Like there was no room for further discussion. I think all Victor fans are very strong and understanding towards the MLQC team for taking so many problems/announcements well. But now, I’m speaking up that this is too much and unacceptable. I am very aware that this game I came to enjoy and love for almost a year is made in Ch*na. That’s why they’re so sensitive af with the whole Taiwan is a country because of the long history and all that. Some fans could only guess the MLQC team is doing such extreme lengths to protect this server from shutting down but I think it’s already nearing that point.
I honestly love the game. I’ve never been more hooked and invested with an otome game than I did with MLDD/MLQC. I also hope the MLQC server won’t have to shut down but that would probably be the case especially now that Sean Chiplock (Kiro), Joe Zieja (Gavin), and Aleks Le (Shaw) said they won’t be doing/reprising their VO roles for their characters unless Jonah is reinstated as Victor’s VA. That’s definitely a huge blow on the server as it is. The worst case scenario is MLQC won’t accept and we’ll have a voiceless Victor, Gavin, Kiro, and Shaw. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bill Rogers (Lucien) would decide to do the same anytime soon. This news today has definitely made me sad. But I also understand and am very proud of these guys with their decisions. They chose to stand by their friend and colleague who didn’t do anything wrong that was worth the termination of his contract.
At first, the choice affected Victor and the people who loved him dearly. But now MLQC team, YOUR CHOICE affected the ENTIRE FANBASE of the whole server. Your intentions are unknown to us but please act to it accordingly. Please do not make us hate you disappoint us.
P.S. I have stated some facts/truth in this letter but majority of its content is personal views and does not reflect the official game. MLQC would probably release their own official statement soon so we could just wait it ends in the best/better note for all of us.
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