#yeah that checks out for salmon and i am not shocked by this at all
moeblob · 4 months
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You literally spent three hours having an ENTIRE SCHOOL (teachers included) slut-shaming a guy just for him to be a (spoiler).
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chloe-spade · 9 months
The Little Leeches Act Two: Introductions
Riddle had a dream last night. It was more of a memory than a dream, but it still haunted him when he awakened the next day.
Riddle was by the dock, watching another ship sail into the distance. He never liked going on boats ever since his father turned out to be lost at sea, or in other terms, dead. He was only 12 at the time, but he never grew out of that fear of the ocean. It was a haunting experience to hear your mother sobbing in her room about her husband's shipwreck and after that day, shipwrecks have been a constant curse around the kingdom, 50% of ships come back after an expedition.
Riddle was smart enough to not be by the docks all alone, but one day he heard splashing underneath the dock one day. Though confused, Riddle checked to see an unusual tail underneath it, caught in the net that had fallen due to a storm prior. He couldn't reach the docks as he was scared to fall in the ocean but then he heard sobs of pain from underneath. Riddle was shocked, thinking it was a kid in danger. He did the unthinkable, he jumped in.
He saw a mermaid, crying due to the fear of being caught by a human. He looked at Riddle with eyes that begged him not to scream to the world about him. Riddle didn't. He sank and began to untangle the net from the mermaid's tail, shocking the mermaid. When he grabbed the net and moved it away, the mermaid rushed away, leaving Riddle alone under the dock. Riddle was stuck floating and tried to swim but due to lack of experience, he found himself sinking, losing air as he sank. He accepted his fate until a pair of hands immediately wrapped around him and swam up. Riddle took a massive breath when he resurfaced and looks back at the mermaid that saved him.
"Y-you saved me," Riddle coughed.
"You saved me, so I saved you," the mermaid spoke, "and you look interesting." He spoke, swimming around Riddle.
"I am?" "Yeah! You are a human!" The mermaid laughs, "and I wanted to thank you for saving me. I'm Floyd."
Riddle stared at the smiling mermaid at him, introducing himself so causally. His heterochromia eyes gleamed with joy and interest, and a toothy smile that was showing an unusual kindness.
"R-riddle," Riddle whispered to Floyd.
"Hmm," Floyd hummed, "I can't remember that. How about Goldfish? Or Goldfishie? Hm, I like Goldfishie more!" Floyd smiles.
"It's not Goldfishie," Riddle clarified, "it's Riddle. But nonetheless, why are you here? Shouldn't mermaids stay deep in the ocean?"
"I mean," Floyd pouted, "yeah, but I wanted to go up here because well, look!" Floyd shows Riddle a bag of what Riddle could describe as utensils, equipment, and jewelry. "This is a…thing for my human collection!"
"Human collection?" Riddle questioned, "You collect them? How come? We don't have anything worth collecting."
"That's because you are a human. But to someone like me, it's all new and I wanted to see more, see humans up close. That's why I was here, I wanted to see humans for the first time." "And…well, you seem to have met one."
"I did! I met Goldfishie!"
Riddle sighs, already thinking that correcting Floyd would be a waste of him as he wouldn't see him again afterward. "That's great but can you help me to shore? I can't swim in the water." Riddle asked.
Floyd smiles and helps Riddle to the beach's shore, sitting on the sand. It gave Riddle a full view of Floyd, teal scales covered his body from head to tail, sharp teeth resembling those of a shark and colored eyes that Riddle swore glowed when under the dock.
"So…what brings you to land?" Riddle questioned, "Aren't you supposed to be in the sea?"
"Well, yeah," Floyd chuckles, "But I got bored and I heard humans so I followed them here. Seeing them up close is such a dream come true. You wouldn't believe it."
"It's…strange, to see a mermaid up close," Riddle admitted, "but you look nothing like how they look in the various books I've read. Do they all look different?"
Floyd grins and lifts his tail, "Yep! Eels, salmon, pufferfish, octopus, the whole bunch! Many merfolks are incredibly different and are from all seven seas."
Riddle nodded and glanced at Floyd's tail once again and noticed a bad bruise where the coarse rope was. He immediately took the tail and begins to wrap his collar ribbon and begins to wrap the bruise tail with it, in hopes it'll make it less painful. Floyd watched with confusion then astonishment, and grins at Riddle.
"This is just until you get better," Riddle spoke. Floyd smiles and hugs Riddle, catching the redhead off guard but hugged back.
"I should get going," Riddle whispered, "Mother would freak out if she finds out I'm here by the ocean." Riddle gets up and looks back at Floyd. He didn't want to leave Floyd alone but the sky was turning dark. But he did have one last question in his mind.
"Would it be alright if you visit more?" Riddle awkwardly asked, "Uh, I think we should be able to communicate more. It might be risky but I'm willing to take that risk."
Floyd's eyes lit up and he showed a big grin. "I will!" Floyd cheered, "I'll see you soon, Goldfishie!!!" Floyd grins as he returned to the ocean, the waves removing any sign of him on the beach. Riddle looks at the sea and looks down and just smiled to himself.
Riddle could only stare from the sea from his window to the exact location where Floyd sat that day, resting underneath the sun and warm on the sand. It was the brink of dawn, and he was sure most are not even awakened yet, so he was alone with his thoughts and his guilt. He looked at the sea again and how it sadly reminded him of Floyd, the mermaid he shoved away like an old memory, all because he had fears for him. It was silent for a while, letting Riddle's thoughts echo in the empty halls.
A flute began to play, waking Riddle from his guilt to see Trey by the ocean shore. It wasn't uncommon to see Trey there, according to Julius, but it does catch Riddle off guard most of the time.
"Does it still bother him?" Riddle asked himself, "It's been a week now. Little does Trey know that the voice he's looking for is underneath the waves, where they belong."
Trey continued to play but found that fruitless, especially in the morning.
Where did he go?
Where can he be?
When will he come again?
Calling to me?
Calling to me…
Calling to me…
Riddle wished he knew how to fix a problem of love, but it would be a failed attempt no matter what method he tried. He never saw Trey so entranced and in love before, even when they were children. This was the first for Trey.
Somewhere there's a boy
Who's like the shimmer of the wind upon the water
Somewhere there's a boy
Who's like the glimmer of the sunlight on the sea
Somewhere there's a boy
Who's like a swell of endless music
Somewhere he is singing
And his song is meant for me
And his voice It's sweet as angels sighing
And his voice
It's warm as a summer sky
And that sound
It haunts my dreams
And spins me 'round
Until it seems I'm flying…
His voice!
Hearing the melody made Riddle think of Floyd again. Or most precisely, the love he has for Floyd, even after that day. It was the same love he could hear in Trey's voice. It made his eyes teary at the thought of what he had done. The guilt was gnawing at his heart, ripping it in half.
I can sense his laughter
In the ripple of the waves against the shoreline
I can see him smiling
In the moonlight as it settles on the sand
I can feel him waiting
Just beyond the pale horizon
Singing out a melody too lovely to withstand
And his voice
It's there as dusk is falling
And his voice
It's there as dawn steals by
Pure and bright, it's always near
All day, all night
And still, I hear it calling…
His voice
Riddle stumbled back onto the bed, looking back at his window. He felt trapped, suffocated in his room, just thinking about Floyd. He made a mistake and he knows it now, but he'll never take it back, with Floyd being gone forever.
Strange as a dream…
Real as the sea…
If you can hear me now
Come set me free…
Come set me free!
"Wake up!" Shrieked Shore. Azul groaned, getting up, and looking up at Shore.
"Will you not?" he groaned, trying to lift himself from the makeshift mattress.
He looks over at the boat, remembering the previous night. He hoped it was a dream, the previous night. But feeling the wood and watching the men around them reminded him that everything was real, the deal, his aunt, and the fact that they are in the land above.
"Awake?" asked a sailor, "Best to. We are nearing the kingdom, and we should be able to dock soon."
"Thank you," Azul yawns and looks over at the sleeping twins. Azul sighs and starts to shake them awake, getting silent groans from the duo before forcing themselves up to look around.
"Good morning," Azul greeted, "I'll have you both know that we are still on the boat, in the human world, and we still have legs. Now we are approching the kingdom."
Floyd gasps as he lifts himself to see the kingdom from the distance, silently gasping and cheering.
"Careful," the sailor laughed, "We should be nearing it any moment." The Sailor stopped by the stocks as a carriage arrived. The trio watched how they began to dock the fish that they caught, and much to Azul's dismay, they were transferred to the back so they wouldn't get caught by the guards and the queen.
"Ugh, fish even feel slimy on land," Azul muttered to himself.
What made it worse was that they were covered by an already-soaked tarp, which already made Azul want to scream at the twins for even considering going on land. After a few minutes, they began to ride up to the castle. Floyd, incredibly excited, took the tarp off and begins to look around the people, the land, and feeling the sun.
Look at the sun and the sky and the sand and
The sea behind me
Look at me, suddenly I am on land, and I'm free
Floyd got up to feel the new view of land he's never seen before, ignoring Jade and Azul's efforts to put him down. Nothing was getting him down unless a bump happened.
Don't mind me as I
Climb for the first time
Jump for the first time
Trying to stand but this gravity's pulling me down
Floyd pouted as he fell onto the fish, glaring at his new legs.
"Forgot that gravity exists, hmm?" Azul teased, making Floyd pout more. They got back into the tarp as they reached the castle entrance, allowed by the guards to ride inside. Floyd, Jade, and even Azul were shocked at how big the castle was now they were inside it.
"It looked so small in the distance," Azul mumbled to the duo.
"Good morning, your highness," The sailor spoke, "Today's a great day, hmm?"
"Yes, it is! Got any the fish?" Laughed the king.
"Many for you and the royal family, sire."
"Fantasitic!" The Sailor got from his carriage and began to whisper in the king's ear, Azul's best guess was to alert The King of their presence. The King gave a look of understanding and nodded his head, and walked over to the tarp.
"Don't worry, new guests," he spoke cheerfully, "I am delighted to show you around and get you back to good health. First, let's get you nice and warm."
With the guidance of the king, the trio were led to the kitchen, where a nice warm fire was waiting for them. It caught the attention of Floyd as he grabbed Jade and rushed towards the flames, trying to examine it. Jade, on the other hand, was just staring at the humans around them, uncomfortable.
Look, it's a fire, it's warm and it glows
And it lights this chamber
Let me admire it—, ow, get too close and it bites
I came too close for the first time
"Floyd!" Azul gasped, "You shouldn't put your hand in it.."
Floyd just stared at his hand in amazement, feeling the heat on his fingers, and not just his fingers, his entire body felt warm.
Burned for the first time
Everything's clearer and brighter and hotter
But now that I'm here like a fish out of water
I'm trying to stand but this gravity's pulling me down
Floyd tried to get up once again, but a strange pain caused him to collapse onto the floor. His vision was blurred but was kept standing by the strangers around him. Jade rushed over to check on his twin, and he didn't like how dizzy he looked.
"Oh dear," The King sighs, "Don't you worry, my friend. Your brother is just having a strong reaction to being in heat for to long."
"…i thought it was overexcitement…" Azul mumbled. Jade tried to get Floyd's attention, but nothing seemed to work. Even pulling on Floyd's face wasn't working.
"Hey, hey," a maid spoke softly, "we will take care of him, sir. Just a cool bath and a perfect bed will set him straight, my dear."
Jade stopped for a moment before letting the maids take his twin to the washrooms, with another pair leading him to another washroom, separating him from Azul. He watched how they carefully tend to him as soon as he entered the bed, looking around the room. That's where his thoughts to began to wander. So much so that he begins to submerge into the tub he was in, letting the water surround him like it used to.
Are we only food for slaughter
Is this life on land?
Well, he was lonely underwater
Come on, Jade, time to stand
Jade gasped as he felt the air return to him. He had forgotten that he couldn't breathe underwater anymore and that he would drown if he went under for a few more minutes. "Is something the matter?" asked a maid. Jade shook his head and sighs to himself. Bathtime was over and he was transferred to a bedroom, as they began to clothe him, ignoring any silent protest he had.
Squeeze in the shoes and the corset, it's tight
And the seams are bursting
Some people choose this, I guess it's alright
Are my dreams adjusting?
Jade gasped as a gown was draped over his head, stealing his eyesight from him. He wanted to move away but the corset was granting him limited movement, but somehow, it became less painful.
"Poor thing," he heard a maid sigh, "he must be so confused about everything."
"We should be glad to have a generous king, and he lets him stay here. Such a sweet man."
Jade was grumbling to himself, now completely ignored by the maids. He didn't need all this pampering, and all of these dazzling jewels, when he can just find some in the ocean. He just stared at the mirror, trying to be comfortable, but nothing was convincing him that anything was alright and fine. He wanted to just be back in the ocean, but he had a nagging feeling of comfort. Why? He had no…well, he supposed there was a human he was interested in but this wasn't about him.
"How's one of our guest?" The king asked. "Adjusting." The King smiles as he walked in, looking at Jade.
"And you?" he asked Jade, "Is this room suit your liking?"
Jade made an awkward smile, messing with his new dress. He nodded his head, trying to avoid any conversation.
"Hmm, why do you seem familiar to me?" The King pondered, "like one of my son's portraits of this mysterious man..who looks like you. Wait a darn moment-! You two! Get Trey this instant."
The Maids rushed out, leaving Jade alone.
Jade gasps as Trey was mentioned, the prince he saved. He didn't want to believe, that the person he saved would recognize him, but a large part of his heart begged for it. His heart begged for Trey to see him as the same mer who saved him on that day, and that he fell in love and wanted to learn and be with him. He didn't want his heart clouding his judgment.
As I wait for the first time
Here for the first time
Now for the first time
He's coming through those doors
Up the stairs
Jade began to walk around his room, trying to keep calm about the situation that he was in. He was going to meet Trey again after so long, after a long battle against mind and body for what he wanted.
From the shore
From that moment
And he'll smile
Like he knows
When I say—
Jade gasped as his back was now against a man. He stumbled away to look at the prince, Trey. He had a smile on his face, very different from Jade's embarrassed one.
"Hello," he greeted, "you must be one of our guest."
Jade gulped and nodded, trying to bow towards him. "My father wanted me to meet you," Trey smiles, "I'm Prince Trey, or well, just refer to me as Trey. If you are worried about anything, just come to me, and I'll be happy to show you."
Jade took a step back and nodded.
"Trey!" called a butler, "Your father and mother request you at once."
"I'll be there in a moment." Trey looks back at Jade, "Again, it's a pleasure to meet you."
Trey left, leaving Jade with mixed emotions. But he did feel dread when he looked at himself again.
Realize the price that you paid with your voice
As he turns from you
Those sacrifices you made were a choice
That you can't undo
Jade stumbled onto the porch, looking out the window and to the ocean that was so far from his reach. He just wanted to sink and disappear.
Lost for the first time
Scared for the first time
Gravity feels like an undertow pulling me down
Jade took a small sigh and rested against the pillows, trying to fall asleep. His door opening caused him to look at the person. Azul.
"How are you…holding up?" Azul asked, walking over and sitting by him. "I heard that one of the prince's came around?"
Jade looked away and just nodded, not denying Azul's claim. But he didn't want to think about it, and his refusal to think about it was quite obvious.
"Jade, you shouldn't mope," Azul huffed, "We are only here for a week and we need to make this week count. So you get on your feet and let's explore." Jade rolls his eyes and gets up from the porch. "And no more mopping. People will notice."
Jade took a breath and put his hand on his chest, smiling his usual smile. Even when it's fake, Jade knew how to calm himself down.
Floyd wandered the halls, completely bored. He was awake for an hour when the maid left him alone, but it gave him time to successfully sneak off. He knew that people would catch him if he was found, but like in the sea, he was very sneaky about his movement, avoiding anyone who was nearby. Floyd would call it a special gift that he uses it his advantage. But he heard footsteps nearby so he went inside the nearest room he was close to. What luck, Floyd thought to himself. He took a moment to look at the room. His eyes widen as he looked at so many items crowded around the room, reminding him of his own grotto.
Though, it was stuff found underneath the waves, like special rocks that held so many secrets. One of the things was his bag of items that he left in heartbreak.
However, the footsteps were closer, causing Floyd to find a hiding spot behind a massive pile of human stuff. The footsteps entered the room, stopping for a moment. Floyd's eyes try to look at the stranger, though it was difficult because of the stuff clouding his vision. But he watched as the stranger began to take his bag and look into it. He took out the red shell he wanted to gift Riddle, and held onto it. He watched how the stranger walked to the shelf Floyd was hiding behind. He leaned down to try to hide but his eyes met with the familiar grey of…
Riddle stumbled back and keep the shell in his grip, clearly startled by the stranger.
"Who are you?" he demanded, "get out! Why are you here?"
Floyd walked out, undecided if he were to act aloof or jump onto Riddle in happiness. However, Floyd didn't have to do anything as he felt Riddle's arms wrapped around him into a strange hug.
"Floyd," Riddle spoke softly, "…it's really you? I'm not hallucinating, am I? Please tell me that this isn't my guilt for finding ways to harm me more…I already regret everything…please." Riddle's pleads ended with a small sob.
Floyd quickly immediately wiped Riddle's tears and smiled at him, a smile that Riddle could easily recognize. "It's you!" Riddle gasps, looking up at him, "What…your on land..and you're human?" Riddle stepped back to take a look at Floyd, surprised. "What happened to you…"
Floyd thought for a moment but nothing came to mind, just like nothing came to mouth.
"Floyd? Why can't you tell me?..Are you still upset at me?" Floyd looks around, now finding any way to tell Riddle about his current condition. A book about sea monsters caught his attention and he took it, before trying to find a page that could resemble a sea witch but he couldn't read human language.
"Floyd? What are you doing?" Floyd huffed and sits down on a chair.
"Oh, I see," Riddle took the book, "..are you trying to tell me something?"
Floyd nodded and looks into the book again. He pointed at the words he could recognize, starting with the sea.
"Sea? That's the first word."
Floyd nodded and tried to look for his second word, but nothing came up. So he tried to think about it and looked at a new book. A book of fairytales he remembered Riddle mentioned. Happy, he took the book and pointed at the witch of Hansel and Gretel, giving Riddle the second word. "Witch? Sea witch?" Riddle put together but his expression turned serious.
"You went to a sea witch? The ones that you describe are dangerous if encountered?"
Floyd sheepishly nodded.
"But she would've took something..right?" Floyd sighs and rubs his throat. "…your voice? You gave the sea witch your own voice for…legs." Riddle stopped for a moment before looking back at Floyd, "Because of me. You did all of this..because of me."
Floyd didn't want to admit it, because he can already tell that Riddle was very guilted ridden from what happened.
"It is."
Floyd had to nod. But he took Riddle's hand and held them within his, a small reassurance that Riddle needed.
"I..I'm so sorry about that I said. It was just an attemped to keep you safe but I…I felt so lonely without you trying to call me when you find something new. I mean.." Floyd grins. Riddle's face began to turn red, stammering over his words.
"We should get going," Riddle bubbled, "Dinner starts in five minutes and I don't want to be late."
Floyd gave Riddle a knowing look.
'Same old Goldfishie,' he thought to himself as Riddle leads him to the dining hall.
"Those visitors seem to be interesting," Julius spoke to Trey, "being found from the ocean itself. Maybe it's a sigh, Trey, my boy."
"A sign?" Trey questioned. Trey looks outside and into the ocean, remembering his savior's melody in his once again. He took a moment before answering. "I'm not sure I get it, Father," Trey spoke.
"Well, considering that those two look quite similar to your drawings, I would assume you recognize at least one of them," Julius grins, "Especially the calm one, he had that vibe you have previously told me."
Trey took a thought. Did he feel that vibe from them? He only met one of the unnamed visitors and they seemed nervous and standoffish, so Trey wasn't able to form anything yet. But maybe due to the small amount of time, Trey hasn't been able to take his time. Footsteps took Trey's attention.
"And this is the ballroom, Floyd," He heard Riddle explain as he walked in with the same visitor. Or was it another?
"Ah, Riddle, you seem to have met one of our guests," Julius smiles, "It's nice to see you two get along. And you," he looks at the guest, "are you also having a good time?"
"He has a name, Father," Riddle intervened, "his name is Floyd. Floyd Leech."
The guest known as Floyd makes a toothy grin as he bows towards them.
"Don't forget us, Floyd," spoke a new guest.
Two new guests walked in and Trey's eyes were immediately transfixed on the guest that slowly followed the first. He was the guest that Trey was introduced to, but he had an air to him that Trey somehow recognized as a nice and calming air.
"Oh, that's fantastic," Julius laughs, "Trey, this man is Azul Ashengrotto, and he will be our main man. Isn't that great? Trey, my boy?"
Trey has been distracted, and everyone knew it. But he couldn't stop staring at the old guest in front of him. He noticed a patient smile and soft eyes that made Trey's heartache. He's very elegant, standing with a poise that could rival even royalty, Trey thought. He carefully walked over to the guest and bowed again.
"Hello again," Trey greeted, "It is nice to see you again. I'm afraid we haven't gotten the time to actually know each other. Let me reintroduce myself, I am Prince Trey, but please, my guest, you can just refer to me as Trey. And what is yours?"
The guest's silence has become more silent as no sound was produced when they think. But his eyes went to a jewel on Trey's coat and touched it carefully.
'Is it a sign?' Trey thought to himself.
"Are you looking at my jade?" Trey asked, "It belonged to my mother and…what is it?" The guest smiles as he pats the jewel on the coat once again and points to himself as if to send a message. "Jade..your name? Is it Jade?"
The guest nodded.
"Oh, ok…Jade," Trey beamed, "I like it. It's very beautiful."
Jade smiles and bows.
"For all the hassle, you could've just introduced him," Riddle whispered to Azul, "Especially since it seems that they both can't talk."
"And why would I be so cruel to interrupt such a beautiful romantic moment between them?" Azul questioned. "It seems you do not know the sort."
"About romance? Doubtful," Riddle sneered, "Just what happened to them? And I need answers and a real one. Why does Floyd have legs, and why is he with the both of you?"
"I suppose telling you wouldn't be a breach of contract," Azul pondered for a moment, "But how do I know you would believe me?"
"I already know of the deal," Riddle spoke up, "Floyd was able to translate it to me earlier but I need more insight about sea witches and the extent of the deal. This is dangerous from what Floyd has told me, and now…you are all here, so I do deserve a different perspective."
Floyd looks at Azul, nodding that it was ok to tell Riddle, even when Azul has doubts.
"Alright," Azul conceded, "My aunt is the sea witch that gave out the deal. For an entire week, Floyd and Jade must get their respective love interests to kiss, a kiss of true love." Riddle's face began to blush at the mention of true love's kiss. He always found it as a strange custom, strange but lovely to young Riddle. But now, he was flustered now he was on the receiving end of it all.
"Continue," "But if the sun sets on the 7th day, the end of the week, they would…and this wasn't even mentioned by my blasted aunt, but they will transform into," Azul took a hesitant breath, "sea foam. They no longer exist and will just be her pawn for all eternity."
"But isn't that equivalent to death?" Riddle asked, "They just.."
Floyd took Riddle's hand and took a small squeeze, calming Riddle.
"Regardless, I won't let that happen, but we need to be discret," Riddle sighs, "My mother will find out one way or another that you aren't from here, so we must be on our guard." Loud clicks of heels echoed in the halls, causing Riddle to flinch.
"I suppose that's your mother?"
"And I want to make sure our guests have nice rooms during their stay." Queen Icabeth Rosehearts ordered, walking towards the dining area with a maid beside her."And a nice tour of our kingdom."
"Yes, your highness." The Maid answered.
"Thank you," Icabeth smiles."Now everyone, sit down. Food is on the way."
As ordered, everyone sat down by the dining table as appetizers were given around and tea was poured into lovely tea cups. Though the trio were surprised by how hot it was and easily burned their tounges.
"Now I am aware that only one of you can talk. Am I right?" She asked Azul, sipping her tea, "Must be quite the struggle to deal with that."
"Yes, ma'am," Azul answered. "I do thank you for letting us stay." "Although I do need some answers. Your predicament is odd to me. You have survived a shipwreck from a storm, and you drifted here. Just the 3 of you?"
"Yes, ma'am. Our sailors have perished during the storm." Azul spoke with fake sadness.
"Oh, that must be hard." Julian sighs, "I have sorrow for them."
"Please do not worry, we will prepare a memorial once we get back to our kingdom of Novaselic. But knowing how shaken we are, we request a week's stay. Will that be alright?"
"Of course," Julius consoled, "Take the time you need to grieve."
Julius then looked at Riddle. "Riddle, you seem to know one of our guest very well, do you two have some form of histroy?"
Riddle takes a small sip of his tea before answering, "We have met and have been sending letters to each other since then. However, I did not expect them to visit on such a notice. Floyd can be reckless like that, so I don't know what I was expecting."
Floyd grins.
After a moment, the food arrived and the feast began, with Azul carrying the conversation for three but it was easier that way. Though he was uncomfortable with the thought of eating seafood, what was more disturbing was that Jade and Floyd ate without much hesitation.
During the dinner, Floyd looks down at the dinglehopper, gasps at it, and begins to hold it. He smiles and starts to brush his hair, unaware of the odd stares that he was getting.
"Floyd!" Riddle gasped, taking the fork, "What are you doing?!"
"Riddle, you know we don't yell at the table. Especially when we have guests." Icabeth lectured, eating her food.
"Sorry, Mother."
"Floyd, please put it down," Azul ordered and Floyd pouted putting the dinglehopper down.
"People in Novasolic are an odd bunch." Muttered Icabeth.
Floyd silently yawns as he rests on a fluffy bed, gasping as he sinks into it. He begins to jump onto the bed, looking over at Azul. Azul smiles."Comfy?" Floyd nods happily, getting up from his bed to start brushing his hair with the dinglehopper once again. But he couldn't help but go back to the bed once again, holding on to the pillows.
"You seem so calm down, considering your situation," Azul mutters, sitting by Floyd's bed, "but rest now, Floyd, you defiantly need some rest for tomorrow."
Azul watches as Floyd slowly began to sleep. He smiles and puts a blanket on Floyd before leaving his room to his own.
Jade, on the other hand, was watching the sea waves swish slowly as they glowed with the moonlight. He remembers those nights when he and Floyd watch the stars above the sea at night. Barks got his attention as he looks down. Shortcake was barking at Trey as he was playing his flute. It made him smile at the beautiful tune. Jade got up from his bed and walks over to the patio, listening more. Shortcake saw and began to bark at Jade, alerting Trey about his presence.
"Shortcake has taken a liking to you." Trey chuckles, settling her down and petting her. "That means you're special. And I agree with her, I think you're very special, Jade."
Jade blushes and looks down. He lets out a silent yawn.
"Get some rest, now. Tomorrow is going to be a big day." Trey recommended, "Town is not easy to be in when you are incredibly tired." Jade nodded and waved goodbye, walking back inside.
"I'm sure it's him, Shortcake," Trey hummed, "He's just..so extraoridinary and I need to make sure if it's really him, voice or no voice. We just have to wait." Trey looks back at the balcony and walks back inside the castle, with Shortcake happily trotting behind him.
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yesyourstalker · 9 months
Part 1 ( I'm too sleepy to finish it also it's kind of long)
Neta: ok so You're planning on performing at the party. That's great! Yes, so it's going to be tomorrow night around . I can help you set up everything you also got aquasonic performing and chirpy chips are going to perform as well..... Yes, no problem Yoko see yah
Warabi: so the party plans are going good.
Neta: yep and I want you guys to be on your best behavior. Okay, this is not some sort of rager or house party. This is a dinner party it's my first time hosting that's actually really nice.
Mahi: this is like business casual right? Like we don't have to dress up or anything
Neta: It is all business, no casual and there's going to be a lot of managers, producers and artists. A lot of very wealthy people who are going to be here....*sigh* I can't fuck this up. The theme is gingerbread so you have to wear some browns, whites and cream colors, a little bit of green and red but only a little. And they have to be dark like maroon or four green!
Mahi: hmmm so specific
Neta: we're literally in a mall, find something! Also If you can, it's okay if you can't. Can you bring something like a tray of appetizers or hors d'oeuvres doesn't matter.
Warabi: I can make salmon bites with cheese in it and jalapeno
Neta: That sounds great!........ Baja can come too. I'm pretty sure he would love to meet up with these artists he can tell them obscure facts about their music careers... And scare them a little bit. How the fuck did he know about me and Big EZY??
Mahi: is mizole allowed to come
Neta: he already got an invitation in the mail along with his other bandmates. I've been playing this before you guys are even dating.
Warabi: fancy invites. How come we didn't get any fancy invitations??!?
Neta: check your mailbox. Should arrive today
Candi: Netaaaa look at you these fancy little invites. It's so cute! I have one question. Am I able to bring my son?
Neta: yay! You can bring Bowie That's fine but the party is going to last until 1 If you could sleepy you have a small place for kids just in case...... What time is it? 3 All right we got to close early. I'll see you guys around 6 at the arowana Mall and...... this is going to be the first look of my second rock shock store. I can't believe it. It's actually happening.
Candi: awww we're so happy for you boss. You worked so hard for this
Neta: yeah...*sniff* everything's falling into place ikkan graduates next year, married in 2 years, moving out of the city... buying my first house.....*sigh* surprised I got this far.
Mahi: what about this?
Warabi: hmmm try a darker brown and a burgundy tie.
Mahi: ok .
Warabi: sooo babe what are you wearing??
Baja: I have a maroon suit at home I just need to get a brown vest and cream dress shirt.
Warabi: mmm bet you look good in that?
Baja: I hope so. What about you? What are you wearing?
Warabi: I got a nice brown and beige outfit planned out with a green tie.
Baja: that sounds nice........ Hey Warabi have you talked to Mahi yet? You know about maybe moving in or-
Mahi: how about this? I feel like this is nice, just pants and a shirt It's formal right? This is formal?
Baja: maybe try a turtle neck with the blazer....... I can just get my own apartment if it's too much I don't want to intrude on
Warabi: nonsense you're not. I was thinking of moving to a big apartment maybe a two bedroom. I can talk to my parents about-
Mahi: I think this works. It works right. It doesn't look stupid. I don't look stupid do I?
Warabi: looks good! Here.. a little green pocket square aaaannndd perfect! You're ready for the party! I need to go to the grocery store. I need to get some salmon, cheese, jalapeno..... Toothpicks.... Puff pastry and ......
Baja: cream cheese
Warabi: and cream cheese. Thanks [kiss] You two get go home get ready I'm heading over to ikkan's after.
Mahi: so. You and Warabi huh?
Baja: he took me out for dinner and I didn't realize it was a date until we kissed. I just kinda went with it..... I still am......It's nice
Mahi: seems like something he would do. So you're planning on living here where you staying right now
Baja: military base let me stay there until I can find a place to settle.
Mahi: hm...................
Mahi:...... Well we should start getting ready! You want to use the shower first or?
Baja: yeah sure it'll.... Get to that.....
Neta: ok I have the wines and spritzers. I just called the caterer you're going to be on their way... Mom's fruit punch bowl got it. I need to meet up with the band members and help their setup....uhhh I need to call the bouncer to make sure he has all the invites, names and faces.....ok Everything is going great. It's perfect......
Ikkan: Babe I'll head over to the mall and help with the equipment and talk to the cater. Okay just get dressed [kiss] and take a breather. Come here......everything's going to be fine you're doing a good job. [Peck]
Neta: *sigh*.... Okay I'll get ready........ Cirrina! You want to go with ikkan to the mall to help him set up?
Cirrina: yeah! What do you think? Do you like the dress? I went shopping yesterday.
Neta: it's beautiful honey!!! How much was that?
Ikkan: 200 Gs
Neta: ikkan I told don't spoil her
Ikkan: what? she looks nice... [Kiss] get dressed and help Warabi with his food tray or whatever don't have him burn down my kitchen.. bye!
Neta: bye.............*sigh* Warabi! What takes you so long to get ready!? I need to use the-
Warabi: all your. That shower...*sigh* .. I miss proper water pressure and hot water. I have to wait 10 minutes for my shower to run hot in that crappy apartment.
Neta: have you decided what you guys are doing? I have an empty place in my apartment building.
Warabi: *sigh* I'm just worried that mahi won't take the news very well. They're so used to it just being used two I don't know how they'll react.
Neta: It should be fine Mahi's an adult I think it'd be good to have another roommate.
Warabi: but it's more than a roommate. He's my boyfriend. I'm going to have to be....... A boyfriend. I don't want it to feel like I'm replacing them with Baja
Neta: well that just seems like something you two need to talk about and figure out for yourselves.... Don't you think Baja moving in seems a little too fast? I mean you still don't really seem..... Close
Warabi: Oh we are. He's my boyfriend. I told him that we were dating and he agreed to it.
Neta: so you just told him that He's your boyfriend and he didn't argue with it
Warabi: yep hehehe such a cutie
Neta: ok ...
Mahi invited @fish-at-fish-fish-resort to the holiday party as well
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
jib 6 breakdown and analysis
standard disclaimer: i am not gonna be linking to every single thing i talk about, but i will try my best to link to the moments that stand out to me the most. i have read long posts about this panel before, so not everything in this post is gonna be original or said for the first time ever, simply because there is a good chance that information has stuck in my mind and has subconsciously formed my view of this panel. this is also in no way, shape or form gonna be coherent, unfortunately. i’m just gonna hope that the cockles hivemind will be able to make sense of this regardless. love and light. and lastly, this is all in good fun, so don’t come at me if you think this is too out there please and thank you.
if i would have to give this panel a signifier, i would say this is the panel of the inside jokes. it’s the panel that shows us how well they know each other, to the point that they finish each other’s sentences and start telling the same punchline to a joke at the same time. 
but besides all of that, it was also the panel of the shoulder touches, husband behavior, and rescuer misha. let’s dive into it.
i adore the fact that they are laughing and joking with each other from the first second they get on stage. the way that they tell that story about how they planned to have misha nap and have jensen drink whisky and humm, really reminds me of something that i mentioned a lot during my jib 7 analysis: they are very much in sync.
jensen slinging his arm around misha of course had to be compensated with a manly face and manly grip. the rituals… i know they are intricate.
it’s kind of cute how misha tried to both encourage jensen to try that step, and wanted to make sure he wouldn’t hurt himself lmao. dare i say husband behavior? (i do dare and i will do it again, bam bam!) 
something about the way they talk about j*red just makes me feel like they are such a team, if that makes sense? like, they both think the same things about j*red’s antics and talk in such a united way about it (“and jensen and i were like…” “i don’t even care. he [points at misha] doesn’t care.”) that it just sounds kind of coupley to me. *whispers* husband behavior.
i love that jensen’s first instinct after talking about missing j*red was to go over to misha, put his hand on his shoulder, and talk about his fucking flirting way of pranking misha versus j*red’s painful pranking of misha. “with you it’s like my friend and protector is....” i truly wish the audience wasn’t as loud as they were in that moment because i would love to fully hear that sentence. 
the look on jensen’s face when misha says “save it for when we take off our pants” is just priceless. ‘oh god here we go again, when will he ever learn’ but the funny thing is, he will make the same face later on in the panel, after talking about riding a dragon. that’s the face he makes when one of them goes slightly too far. just thought that was interesting.
what stands out to me the most is his reaction when misha turns around just as he is ‘fake unbuttoning’ his pants like: ‘i’m just kidding i’m innocent’ literally no reason to respond like that if misha is just his buddy.
misha’s “what are you doing?” as jensen is tying his flannel around his waist also stands out to me. he clearly does not like the look and can’t keep his mouth shut (“that was bothering me too”). why would you find the need to comment on your buddy’s fashion choice. (....husband behavior.)
just wanna take a moment to say that it’s very fucking funny that jensen said “don’t take selfies” when you know that just a few years later he would take the chest to chest selfie with misha. oh, jensen. 
we have all heard the “jensen pranks misha on set by flirting with him” story countless of times, but it’s still funny to me how flustered misha seems to get by the fact that jensen can get to him that easily. and jensen’s laugh here is so cute, he fully knows what he is doing. 
misha jokes that he spends more time sunning on rocks now as a merman than he used to, and jensen immediately starts to walk to the apple juice, something i have noticed that he does whenever he wants to avoid something (be it a question or a situation that’s happening on stage). it almost feels like he is stopping himself from making a comment or something. it’s interesting, because he just turns right back around and starts telling the grasshopper joke without getting anything to drink.
which leads to one of my favorite moments between them: misha, beaming, says that he has heard it before but he wants to hear it again, and mouths the words to the punchline along with jensen. he looks at the audience as if to say ‘good one, right?’ and when jensen goes “is this thing on?” misha immediately tries to distract him from his failed joke by using an inside joke (the first inside joke of the panel) with him. aka good husband behavior.
something tells me that “i’ll see you again, grasshopper” is another inside joke, so we’re counting it: number two. 
jensen. jensen pspsps come here. can you please explain to me why you are so horny for misha’s indianrussian accent? i cannot believe him (i can), trying to get him to use the accent to ‘help the girl in the audience’. 
so uhm. i think i just heard something while i was rewatching this panel that i never caught before. when misha reads what is on the box that was put on stage, he says: ‘please take this box and open later in private - daniella.’ and jensen goes: ‘yeah that’s from me’ with a flirty Look on his face like. hello??? why have i never seen anybody talk about this??? i’m??? internally screaming??? rest assured i had to take 5 when i saw this shit. 
can we take a second to appreciate the fact that jensen gave misha a once over when misha says the glitter is everywhere, and then jensen said “fairy herpes”. why did your mind go to a sexual reference jensen? why? (we know why).
“i hate when you get that look in your eyes. don’t! i’m sorry!” is one of the most coupley things to say, ever. just wanted to point that out. 
i love the playful vibe they have during this portion of the panel: jensen asking misha what he will do for the audience (thinly veiled excuse for wanting misha to do something that jensen will also enjoy), throwing the rings at misha, both of them “panicking” and lapping up the spilled apple juice.
look, i couldn’t not include the shirt lift. i had to. especially because of the way he looks at misha afterwards lmao and misha, darling misha, tries to defuse the situation by making a joke and it works because of course jensen does his signature unicorn laugh. sidenote: how cute is jackles when he grabs the guitar, begging people to erase the picture jsfhs. gotta love that man.
“you done messed up” inside joke number 3.
you know what is funny to me? the fact that jensen and misha often pretend not to know certain things about each other when they are on stage together. one example of this is during the underbear debacle, when jensen asks misha to proof he wears orange underwear and pretends he is shocked, even though the whole world knows that misha wears orange underwear. 
in this panel, it happens twice. the first time is here, when misha asks jensen ‘do you actually not smell?’ as if he isn’t one of the people in this world who would know that best. and then he, of course, immediately takes this opportunity to sniff jensen’s armpit. i mean. okay. which is extra funny because jackles doesn’t play along with the whole ‘i have no clue’ bit and just goes “yeah you’re not a stinker” without checking because, clearly, he already knows. 
i love jensen’s little smirk when he hears misha’s dragon would be pink + misha’s reaction to it.
before i read this post i always thought jensen meant that his own dragon would be salmon colored. but now i think that it’s not far fetched to believe jensen was actually thinking about the fact that he has stated he was wearing a salmon shirt. which means that, in this moment right here, he was implying that instead of pink, misha’s dragon (aka jensen) would be salmon. which makes his reaction (looking down, laughing but shaking his head as if he can’t believe himself) very understandable. remember what i said about that being the face he makes when one of them takes it too far? yeah.
but then, something happens that is quite remarkable to me. instead of backing down from what he said, he fully commits to it. he turns to misha, and goes “if i could ride a dragon”. listen to the way he puts extra weight behind “ride” and “dragon”. 
then he asks if he understands the question correctly and repeats “what would it look like?”, the girl in the audience says “yes, but also any special abilities…” but jensen just ignores that because obviously, in his head the dragon is misha and he is not gonna shake that thought process any time soon. so naturally, he goes “i think my dragon that i would want to…” but stops JUST before saying “ride”, the guy KNEW what he was sounding like. lmao jensen i gotta give it to you buddy, good effort. you did well. you came far. you even said “look, i’m just gonna go for it here” even though misha’s face speaks volumes. i love you for that. because everything that came out of your mouth right then sounded very not straight.
in fact, it’s only because of misha’s interference (a reoccurring thing during these panels) that he stops himself completely and goes to talk with misha. i really wonder what would have happened if misha didn’t stop him. i also REALLY wonder what misha and jensen discussed when they turned their backs to the audience. sigh. 
now we get to the juicy stuff. jensen’s little slip up here is really really strange, when you think about it. he says “i have kids” before quickly covering that up with “i have a kid now.” i’m not saying the ackles and the collins are one big happy family or anything like that, but i do think that they are close enough for him to slip up like this. maybe the kids hang out together a lot. maybe they have given each other enough support during those early days of raising kids that it sometimes feels like he had multiple kids at that point in time. idk. but in any case, i don’t think that’s a slip up you’d make unless there was some sort of truth in it. he also kind of stumbles over his words right after that. [before anybody runs to my inbox to tell me that j/2 tinhatters think this is about him and j*red raising their kids together: trust me, i know, but we’re not talking about that.]
misha’s cheeky “i thought you were talking about danneel” followed by the both of them simultaneously saying that jensen does not tell her what to do, made me grin like a fool. that is all. 
the way jensen says “misha, apparently you were looking pale and you need some sugar. there you go.” is so SOFT AND CUTE idek how to explain what i am feeling but it’s just. a lot. oh wait a minute, i do know what to call it: HUSBAND behavior.
“by the way we’re gonna pay so dearly when we get home” “yeah we are” lmao the jdmv vibes are strong in this one. 
look. i know it’s possible that misha woke up alone after that dream, thought to himself ‘i miss her’, went for breakfast, saw jensen, and told this story to him verbatim. but misha is literally telling the story from the pov of waking up from a dream and saying that out loud. it would make sense that he would explain that dream to the person who he woke up with, and that he would follow the dream explanation up with “i miss her”. plus jensen is REPEATING IT as if he was right there when misha said that. add to that the way jackles stumbles over his words here and gets flustered and sits down? and misha’s face? yeah. you done messed up jackles, part 2. 
jensen doesn’t know what to do with himself. just look at his face right after he sits down. and misha, once again, comes to the rescue, trying to continue the conversation about poop in order to distract both jensen and the audience. bless his soul. 
it leads to the second instance of misha pretending that he doesn’t know something about jensen, namely that jensen can’t stand poop even from his own daughter. misha goes: “no? not for you?” as if he didn’t already know that. 
round of applause for the jib team, for putting on ‘this thing called love’ to get jensen and misha to dance……. just saying.
jensen’s little nod to misha right here? husband telepathic communication at its finest. even their silly dad dances are in sync. 
jackles you are NOT being slick we can SEE you tossing the mic to your other hand so you can pull misha in by the waist (or honestly maybe his hand landed lower idk idk it’s possible).
it really is something special, though, what happened right here: jensen, macho masculine grumpy performative jensen, is smiling and laughing and enjoying dancing on stage, doing some ballet moves, all because of misha (and by some extent felicia). not just with felicia or by himself, but with rob, osric, etc. honestly it’s heartwarming to watch. it makes me smile so much. 
and that was jib 6. thanks for reading everybody <3 
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bedbellyandbeyond · 3 years
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The Straw
(Story Post)
After a long day of work, the last thing Sydryn wanted to see was their refrigerator items strewn across the kitchen counters and floor while their sibling took a nap at the kitchen table. There were also several grocery bags among the catastrophe, heaped and overflowing with countless fluffy pink pastries. “What in the world is going on here?” Sydryn demanded, loud and stern enough to startle Seranan awake. “Sissy! What, oh…” Seranan sat up and looked around. “Oh, yes. I was just doing some reorganising… But then I got tired and took a nap, I guess.” “Reorganising my refrigerator? Full of my food?” Sydryn snarled. “Why in the world would you do this? Not to mention, you left the refrigerator door wide open!” “D'uh. How else would I access it during lengthy grocery reorganisation?” Seranan asked, propping up their head. “And I did it to fit in my groceries.” Sydryn picked up one of the shopping bags and held it open. “This is entirely roll cakes!” “Yes. Disgusting, I know. You can blame your little angel for introducing me. Now I have a wicked craving all the time,” Seranan groaned. “Don't blame Köbi for this! When did you even go out and get nine bags of these? You're not to leave the house!” Seranan rolled their eyes and tapped their phone on the table. “They have grocery delivery apps now. Join us in the 21st century, Sissy.” Sydryn fumed. “You of all dragons did not just tell me to modernise...” “Just because I'm a history hoarder does not mean I don't know how to use the internet,” Seranan huffed. Sydryn threw the grocery bag down and pointed to the hall. “Get out of my kitchen immediately!” Seranan rolled their eyes and got up, cradling their underbelly like it was such a struggle. “I bought them for you too, you know. The angel said they’re your favourite.” “Stop talking to Köbi!” Sydryn snarled.
“You should be happy we get along at all...” Seranan shrugged. “All your little pets typically piss me off.” “Köbi is not my pet, he is my employee,” Sydryn growled. “That kind of talk is exactly why I do not want you talking to him.” “Where is the little ‘employee’, anyway?” Seranan huffed. “He should be here to help clean up this mess...” “First of all, he is my assistant, not your maid. Second of all, I was going to ask you the same thing. I had to work late, so he should've been home over an hour ago.” Seranan shrugged. “I haven't seen him.” Sydryn sighed and stepped out into the hall. “Köbi?” they called up the stairs. Köbi poked his head out of the powder room just down the hall. “Yes?” “Ah. You are home. Seranan said they hadn't seen you.” “Huh?” Köbi walked over and looked into the kitchen. “You don't remember me coming in?” Seranan waved a hand. “How am I supposed to pay attention to what you’re doing all the time?” “But you asked for me the minute I got home. We had a whole conversation about where Syd buys their roll cakes,” Köbi reminded. “I thought that was yesterday.” “It was definitely today, because they would've been closed yesterday.” Seranan waved a hand. “Unimportant. Must have slipped my mind. Anyway, your employer's home. Shouldn't you have dinner prepared by now?” “You specifically asked me not to come into the kitchen since you would be occupying it during your delivery,” Köbi reminded. “Several times, I checked back to see if I could get dinner started, but you hissed me away." Seranan frowned and shrugged. Sydryn groaned and grabbed Seranan by the braid. “Clean up this mess immediately, or I will burn all of these desserts and you won't have any dinner tonight!” Seranan whined. “My tail! Sissy, that's so mean! You wouldn't starve a pregnant dragon, would you?” “Starve?” Sydryn motioned the plastic wrappers strewn across the kitchen table. “You've eaten twenty of these already!” “They hold absolutely no nutritional value, though...” “Then stop eating them!” “It's a craving! I can't help it!” Köbi waded through the sea of plastic grocery bags to get to the fridge. “I was going to make a roast, but I don’t really think there’s enough time, so how about…fettuccine?” “Absolutely not. I will vomit if I eat another beet coloured pink pasta noodle,” Seranan declared. Sydryn yanked their sibling’s hair again. “You’ll eat what you’re served.” They looked to Köbi, though. “I need meat.” “Okay… Uh, how about smoked meat sandwiches?” Köbi suggested. “Perfect. Thank you.” Seranan rolled their eyes. “Everything’s always smoked meat, pink pasta, rose tea, salmon, prawns, grapefruit…” With another swift yank, Sydryn spun their sibling around grabbed their wrist tightly. “Are you mocking my hoard?” Seranan snarled, scaling up under Sydryn’s grip. “…You’re hurting me, Sissy.” “Syd, let’s calm down…” Köbi said, reaching out to take the dragon’s arm. Sydryn flinched away. “Don’t! My sibling, whom I so graciously have been putting up and feeding while they escape prosecution for dracocide, seems to think they can have an opinion on how I run my house.” Seranan glared at Sydryn. “Colours are for children. Your hoard is stupid.” Sydryn’s eyes widened, a wild look of pure and concentrated wrath set ablaze inside them. “Syd! No!” A split second later, Köbi was between them, his hands up, his stance wide. Seranan was in shock, having been pushed back down into the kitchen chair, their sibling’s grip relinquished. Sydryn’s crazed look was gone, instead replaced with surprise and distress as they stared at the angel. Light dripped from his cheek as Köbi reached out and placed a hand on Sydryn’s shoulder. “Sleep.” “Köbi—” Before Sydryn could finish, they passed out, falling into the angel’s arms. Köbi grunted under the weight then sighed as they picked up the pregnant dragon bridal style. “You’re hurt,” Seranan finally emitted, slowly standing up. “They struck you.” “I’m fine. Just a little scratch.” Köbi wiped his cheek on his shoulder and the injury completely disappeared. “Better me than you.” “I would’ve been fine,” Seranan stated, straightening up. “Dragons can scar other dragons,” Köbi reminded. “And it’s Syd I’m concerned about. They’re strung out and emotional right now. If they really hurt you, I don’t think they could forgive themself.” Seranan frowned. “So, what are you going to do? They must be heavy…” “I’m going to put them to bed for now,” Köbi said, shaking his head. “But don’t worry about what I’m doing… If I were you, I’d consider cleaning things up around here a bit. Syd won’t stay asleep long. And I think after a long day, waking up to a meal made by family would just make my day. Wouldn’t you agree?” Seranan scrunched their nose. “…You can’t tell me what to do.” “I can’t. I can only make suggestions.” Köbi carried the slumbering dragon out to the hall. “I’ll come back in a minute to help.” The red dragon barely dignified that with a huff. Köbi just continued on, taking Syd up to their bedroom. As soon as they were tucked in, Sydryn began to wake up. “...Köbi.” They looked at the angel standing beside their bed. “Did I... Did I hurt you?” “No.” Köbi shook their head. “Must've been a bad dream.” “Angels shouldn't lie...” Sydryn sighed, rubbing their eyes. “I'm so sorry...” “No, I'm sorry for sleeping you without permission,” Köbi said. “I’m not supposed to touch you...” “You did what you had to,” Syd insisted. “It could have been bad... Is Seranan alright?” Köbi nodded. “Yeah. They're perfectly fine. Don't worry about them. Tell me about your day. What's got you so riled up?” Sydryn sighed and sat up. “Everything. I have patients who shouldn't be getting pregnant getting pregnant, almost getting pregnant, and I'm pregnant, and I also have to keep an eye on Gardi, even though he wants more responsibilities, and Ix and I are supposed to be collaborating on the celestial pregnancy research, but beyond that, they hardly say a word to me and I wonder if somehow I've upset them in some way... I don't know. I genuinely enjoy working with them, but not when they won't even look me in the eyes.” “Oh. Oh, um...” Köbi rubbed his neck. “Well, if you're worried about Ix, I think you should just talk to them about it. With Reid, from what I can tell, he's pretty much fully recovered. If you trusted him to manage your practice while you were away in the Fall, I think you can trust him now. And as for all the patients, maybe giving Reid more responsibilities would be a good thing. You really need a break. You're putting a lot of stress on yourself.” Sydryn shook their head. “I can't take a break. There's too much going on and even if I let Gardi have more responsibilities, he can't take all of them on.” Köbi tilted his head. “Well, right now, you really should just rest. When dinner's ready, I'll bring it up.” “No, I should probably come down and apologise to Seranan,” Sydryn decided. Köbi shook his head. “I don't think you're ready for that. Wait for them to come to you.” Syd sighed, laying their head down. “...Alright. Thank you, Köbi.” “Don't mention it.” Köbi made his way back down the kitchen where Seranan was now trying to stuff away their groceries into any empty cupboard space they could find. Kobi noticed some bread and meat had been pulled out and placed on the kitchen table as well. “Looks like you got started,” Köbi said delighted. “I’ll get the rest out, and—” “I don’t need your help, I am perfectly capable of constructing a few sandwiches…” Seranan growled. “Go about your business.” “Okay… I just wanted to add, um…” Köbi rubbed his neck. “I’m sorry I prioritised Syd in the situation when they lashed out. After what you’ve been through before, I can understand if this situation was…difficult for you.” Seranan’s eyes narrowed as they turned their gaze onto the angel in disgust. “If you’re trying to suggest that any of my experiences have left me weak with ‘emotional trauma’ or some kind of ‘victim complex’, you are sorely mistaken.” “Alright. Well, just so you know, you can always talk to me,” Köbi stated. “Actually, I’ve been explicitly told not to talk to you, and from this point on, I plan to follow along.” “Okay.” Köbi shrugged. “Well, I like pickles with my smoked meat sandwiches.” “I fail to see the one who asked!” Köbi chuckled before backing out. “Talk to you later, then.” “You will not!”
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yuta-nakamots · 4 years
baby don’t like it - j.jh
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Pairings - Idol!Jaehyun x Idol!Reader, Idol!Yuta x Idol!Reader
Genre - Idol!AU, Smut, Fluff, Slight Angst
Warnings - y/n is a cheater, phone sex/sexting, unprotected sex, cumshot
Summary - Relationships can get messy as seen by the way you’ve managed to fuck up one that you weren’t even officially in to begin with but at least your boyfriend seems pretty supportive of it all.
Word Count - 9.8k
A/N - Tagging @hunjins​ and @spookyhyuck​ who make their own guest appearances. This was originally supposed to be strictly a Jaehyun fic but then things got out of hand when I was writing for Yuta ahaha never trust me and Yuta like this.
Part of the 23 Days of Christmas Event hosted by @neosmutcollective​. Check out the masterlist here. 
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After becoming an idol, there was a part of you that thought that you’d never find love and end up settling with raising a bunch of cats instead but somehow you had the luck of catching the eye of none other than Nakamoto Yuta when both of your groups were promoting alongside each other.
He had approached you first and blatantly told you that he would like to get to know you better and things quickly progressed from there. He took you on dates to so many nice places and it was like you had found your kindred spirit in him. It only felt right when he asked you to be his girlfriend.
In a little under a year, you found that the only drawback from dating him was that he was always busy. It may not seem that way to the public but he was constantly at work preparing things for future releases and you made sure to praise him for how well he dealt with the sheer amount of content he had to put out. Such situations led to a decrease in time for dates and having to settle for late night phone calls instead.
“I forgot to tell you that me and some of my other group mates were asked to be on a variety cooking show this week,” you excitedly told Yuta over the call, “it’s the one where the two groups compete against each other and do challenges periodically.”
You heard the familiar beep of Yuta’s water dispenser as he filled up yet another cup, clueless as to where his original cup went. “I think Jaehyun mentioned something about going on the show. Are you guys filming tomorrow?” Unsure of your schedule you checked your messages with your manager and confirmed with Yuta that you were indeed filming with his members. “I don’t know which other members are going but I can ask and let you know.”
“Oh, it’s okay, you don’t have to.” You told him, not wanting him to go out of the way for you.
Yuta chuckled on the other end of the line. “Just trying to make sure you’re prepared for whoever you’ll be working with.”
You shook your head though you realized he couldn’t see you anyways. “I don’t think they’ll be able to tell that we’re together from just seeing me cook, you know. It’s not like you’re there for me to stare at.”
“I’m flattered to know that you’d stare at me if I were there,” you heard him pick up his cup and open the refrigerator, most likely looking for a snack, “but keep your guard up anyways. You never know if they’ll mention my name or something like that.”
“If they mention your name it’s probably to tease your cooking abilities-”
“Are you saying I’m a bad cook? Because I can assure you that I am not.” Yuta defended with a huff as he closed the refrigerator, a telltale sign that he could not find anything of interest in there.
“I didn’t say that but if that’s what you think I was saying then sure.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” you could practically see him rolling his eyes, “I have to sleep soon since we have some photo shoot tomorrow and they didn’t like it when I came in all tired-looking last time.” He mumbled something about his dark circles starting to show more as he’s getting older. “Make sure you do some cooking research though,” he advises, “Jaehyun’s a really good cook so you’ll have some competition tomorrow.”
“Mmm okay, whatever you say,” sass evident in your voice, “I have faith in my members though so prepare to watch your own groupmates get shut down.”
Yuta quietly chuckled and you heard him flop into his bed. “Alright, love, I’ll get ready to see that,” he paused to adjust himself under his covers, “but no matter the result I’m sure the episode will come out okay because you’re there and I know you’ll do great.”
You smiled at his sweet comment. “Thank you, I trust that your other members will take good care of us too.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure of that,” Yuta jokes, “but again, I know you’ll do a good job on the show, have fun at filming tomorrow, I love you.”
“Good luck at the photo shoot, I love you too, goodnight.” With that, you hung up, already halfway to sleep yourself since you were only really safe to talk to Yuta at late hours of the night, not wanting to alert any of yours or his group mates to the status of your relationship together.
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In the waiting room on set, you finally had some time to check your phone after a hectic morning of mapping out with your groupmates, Ivet and Liv, your game plan for the show. It was decided that the three of you would be making a type of mixed ramen with whatever spices and other ingredients you were able to win though you’d have to be careful and keep enough stuff in reserve to make side dishes. Looking at your phone, you saw that Yuta had sent you a few messages in the midst of all the chaos.
Yuta > y/n
8:23am: jaehyun said it’s him, johnny, doyoung, and haechan filming today
8:24am: i hope you prepared well because they certainly did
8:24am: i’d spoil their plans but that wouldn’t be as fun haha
8:25am: watch out for haechan and jaehyun though, they’re planning on distracting you guys
8:25am: i have to leave for my shoot now but keep me updated on how it goes!
y/n > Yuta
9:16am: i’m in the waiting room right now, sorry it took so long to reply
9:17am: but really? They just had to send the most competitive guys huh?
9:17am: i’m not gonna spoil our plans either so you’re gonna have to watch the episode to see what we came up with ;)
You group mate Ivet called out your name from the doorway, “we’re starting soon, you better come join us on set.”
“Coming.” You shouted back as you tucked your phone away into your bag and made sure your microphone pack was wired up correctly.
Once you were out on set, Yuta’s members came out shortly after and filming started. Everything was going smoothly, the group introductions went nicely and it was finally time for the starting challenge. All seven of you were on edge since this was one of the most important parts of creating a successful main dish.
“First on the table, we have udon noodles, salmon, and a loaf of bread.” The host announced, pulling the cloth off the table on the side in the middle of where all the rest of the cooking ingredients were.
“Oh my god we have to get the noodles.” Liv whispered to you, gripping your forearm as the challenge was about to be revealed.
“In order to win these, the challenger must do a dance from the opposing group and be deemed successful by at least two members. The first person to yell out their name may challenge on the count of 3. 1, 2 ,3.”
You shot up from your seat as soon as possible, yelling your name and shouting over Haechan calling out his own, confident in your abilities to dance an NCT song after watching fancams of your boyfriend a little too much. “I’ll dance to Work It.” You stated, mentally going over the choreography in your head.
The music began playing from a little before the chorus and you turned to face the cameras in the front, winking at the most centered one as you mouthed ‘work it’ and started dancing. You heard your groupmates erupt in screams from behind you along with side comments from the guys of ‘oh, she’s pretty good’ and ‘not bad, not bad’.
You ended the dance with a cute pose before returning to your seat next to your members. “Y/n how do you even know the dance to that song?” Ivet asked, totally in shock.
Shrugging your shoulders you replied, “it’s a cool song so I watched their videos a couple times and just picked up the dance along the way.”
“Nah, there’s no way you learned it just like that,” Liv interjected, “you’re so slow at picking up choreo, I know you must have purposely learned this.” Again, you shrugged your shoulders, readjusting the wire of the microphone that got jostled around while you were dancing.
“Johnny, Doyoung, Jaehyun, Haechan, what do you think?” The host prompted.
Johnny was the first to speak up. “I’m in the unit that promoted this song so I know the choreo the best out of us here today,” he stated to the host, “so personally, I’ll be a little more strict about details since the others don’t know the dance that well.”
He looked over at you as he began critiquing your performance. “You had good energy but you were putting emphasis on the wrong parts. It’s the second half of the phrase that should look more cool and chic rather than the first half.” He danced it himself to show you what he meant before turning back to the host. “I do not deem it as a pass but I liked her energy as she was doing it.”
“He’s so annoying.” Liv muttered under her breath. You put a hand on her knee in an attempt to calm her down.
Doyoung spoke up next as Johnny was sitting down. “She’s not a member of our group so we shouldn’t expect her to know all the little things. I think she should pass.”
“I don’t think she should,” Haechan interrupted, “the detail is what makes the dance memorable and unique from other dances like it and since that’s how our members performed it, if she’s supposed to be similar then she should do it the same way.”
“Ah, it’s a pity that we don’t have someone else from the unit here who could offer a more fair vote,” Doyoung commented, “Yuta would be better at this.” You felt your heart stop for a split second at the mention of your boyfriend.
“That’s one vote for pass and two votes for fail. Jaehyun, what is your vote?” The host doled out.
Jaehyun cleared his throat before speaking, looking over at you with a shy smile. “I think y/n did good, actually-” Ivet let out a shout of joy, since that meant you won the first batch of ingredients, before quickly covering her mouth out of embarrassment. “Like Doyoung said, she’s not a member of our group so she wouldn’t know the details. Y/n had the same energy and feel that our members did and I think that’s the most important part.”
“Alright, so with that, the members of NCT have deemed this challenge as a success. Congratulations to y/n for winning the first ingredients, you may all start preparing your dishes.” You smiled over to the four of them, thanking them as you collected your prize.
As you set down the large packages on the counter, Ivet nudges you with her elbow. “Hey, Jaehyun keeps looking over here. Should we give him something? I feel kind of bad since he basically allowed us to win.”  
You looked up and sure enough, Jaehyun was staring right at you. He smiled at you as the two of you made eye contact before shyly turning away and busying himself in conversation with his members on what spices were available and what their best options were. “Should we give them the salmon? We really only need the noodles and we can save the bread to make a small desert.” You proposed to your groupmates.
“Wait, why are we giving them our prize?” Liv questioned as she started opening up the udon noodles.
“I’m just trying to be nice.” You mumbled, grabbing a bowl for the noodles. “I don’t want us to look mean if we just hog everything and let them suffer, you know?”
Liv shook her head, “ugh, fine. Give them the salmon but tell them not to expect any more help from us. This is a competition, y/n.”
You roll your eyes at her before picking up the slab of salmon, telling her “it’s not like we know how to prepare fish anyways” as you leave to hand it over.
As you approach them, Johnny notices you first. “Hey hey hey, no stealing our ideas.”
“I wasn’t planning on it,” you tell him, “I just came over to give this to you guys since we don’t plan on using it.”
“Thank you-” Doyoung began, only to get cut off by Haechan.
“Don’t accept help from the enemy!” He exclaimed.
You raised an eyebrow at them. “Take it or leave it.”
Haechan opened his mouth to speak but Jaehyun beat him to it. “We’ll take it. Thank you, y/n.” The smile he gave you was so cute, you couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit charmed by him and his dimples.
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After a few more challenges, both teams had a pretty even amount of supplies and your groups’ preparations for the soup broth and impromptu chocolate bread pudding desert are underway. As for the opposing team, they had decided on making salmon rolls along with a fruit parfait using the other ingredients they had won.
While you were breaking apart the bread into smaller pieces for the pudding and your members gathered the necessary baking ingredients, Jaehyun stopped by on his way to the pantry area where your members currently were. “Need any help?” His low voice coming from behind you causing you to jump.
“N-no, I’m fine,” you stuttered, trying to calm your now racing pulse though you’re not sure if it was because he scared you or from how close he was to you, “shouldn’t you be helping your own team?”
“Yeah but there’s four of us and three of you, it’s a little unfair to you guys.” He nodded his head over to where Ivet and Liv were arguing about whether to use white or brown sugar.
You scoffed at him. “Excuse me, but we are fully capable of pulling off this win. Thank you for the offer, but no, I do not want your help.” You noticed the slight smile he had on his face as he backed away and you realized that you had stopped tearing apart the bread while you were talking to him.
“Hey! I know your plan,” you called out, “I won’t be distracted by you again so watch it.” He giggled as he returned to his members, your own giving him death stares after hearing your exchange with him.
Not much else happened after the final challenges and as both teams approached the final stages of preparation, you noticed the glances going back and forth between both groups and they observed the activity and progress of the opponent. You caught Jaehyun looking at you a couple times and made faces at him to mock him, which he made back.
“Stop flirting with him, you guys are so obvious oh my gosh.” Ivet muttered.
You let out a gasp of shock. “What do you mean flirting? I am not flirting with him at all.”
“Yes you are,” she rolls her eyes in irritation, “I see all the faces you guys are making at each other and I’m pretty sure the other guys noticed it too.”
“Well then that means you’re distracted too if you’re watching us.” You shot back.
“Oh, just shut up and get back to work.” Liv huffed. “If you’re dating him you can just tell us, you know.”
You froze as you thought of Yuta. “I am not dating Jaehyun.” You said through gritted teeth.
“It sure seems like it thought.” Ivet retorted.
Once time ran out, both teams presented their dishes to the production staff who would be voting on the winner for today. Your team presented first as per Johnny’s request of ‘ladies first’. They seemed to like your dishes so you were fairly confident in your chances of winning.
When the boys came to present their dishes you were honestly shocked at how good the food looked. You had to give credit to Doyoung who took charge of most of it. “Johnny and Haechan worked on the fruit parfait while Jaehyun and I made the salmon rolls from our memory of making it with our member Yuta back when he shared his mother’s techniques with us.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Yuta trying to direct his members around in the kitchen since he rarely ever cooks in the first place. “Why are you smiling like that?” Ivet asks, snapping you out of your imagination. “Are you looking at Jaehyun again?” You reach over and pinch her side, effectively shutting her up.
As the production staff gathers up their votes, both teams are given time to make their closing comments. Liv spoke for your group since she was the oldest out of the three of you. “We had a lot of fun today getting to cook with each other and we would like to thank all the members of NCT and all the staff who worked with us today. It was a pleasure to be able to come on to this show and we hope to be back again soon.”
Haechan stepped forward to speak for his members. “We too enjoyed being on the show today and we would also like to thank our competitors and the staff for taking such good care of us. It was a new experience to get to do something like this and I hope NCT can come on again with and show the talents of the rest of our members.”
“Any other closing comments?” The host asked.
“As a fan of NCT, it was an honor to work with you guys today and I hope we will get to work together again in the future.” Ivet blurted out, making the studio burst out in laughter from how quick she spoke and the way she covered her face again.
“I really enjoyed getting to know y/n, Ivet, and Liv today and I look forward to working with you guys again no matter what it may be.” Jaehyun quickly said, taking the attention off of Ivet.
“I think the staff have counted up their votes and are ready to announce the winner for today.” The host announced, wrapping up the conversation. “And now, the dishes that won the hearts of the staff are…”
You reached to hold the hands of your group mates as the director wrote on a whiteboard. When they flipped it around, you let out a breath of relief as you read the winning dish. “The udon and the bread pudding! Congratulations to Liv, y/n, and Ivet for being the champions of this episode.”
Liv pulled the two of you in for a hug as you all celebrated your victory meanwhile Haechan came to the front and was asking the staff if they’re sure they counted the votes correctly as his older members laughed behind him.
Filming ends and both teams head back to their respective waiting rooms. You stopped by the bathroom first before joining your members but on your way out you ran straight into Jaehyun. “Sorry, I wasn’t being careful.” You apologize, moving out of his way and continuing on your path.
“Oh, it’s okay, and actually, I was looking for you so it’s more than okay. I mean not more than okay but I mean that it’s-”
“Jaehyun, why were you looking for me?” You ask, successfully saving him from his rambling and future embarrassment.
He reaches a hand behind his neck as the other goes inside his back pocket while his eyes flit around nervously. “I, um, I was going to ask you for your number if that’s okay with you.”
Your brain went into overdrive as you thought about your options. You could say no to be safe though it might draw suspicion since everyone saw how the two of you were interacting earlier. Or you could give it to him and tell him to keep things on the low though it makes another opening for someone to find out about you and Yuta.
“Yeah, sure.” You tell him and you watch as he breaks into a smile, his dimples showing once again. The two of you quickly exchanged numbers before heading off to your own members. On the way back to your dorm, you received a message from an unknown number.
Unknown > y/n
5:58pm: hi, this is jaehyun :)
y/n > unknown
5:59pm: hey, it’s y/n
You saw him start typing but you exited his chat to send a message to your boyfriend instead telling him how your day went.
y/n > Yuta
6:00pm: i beat your members just like i said i would ;)
Yuta > y/n
6:00pm: haha congratulations!
6:00pm: I’ll look forward to watching the episode when it comes out
6:00pm: I paused my anime episode just for you, consider yourself blessed
y/n > Yuta
6:01pm: yeah okay, i’m blessed by nakamoto yuta or whatever lol
6:01pm: did you want to call tonight?
Yuta > y/n
6:01pm: no, i got a headache during the shoot so I’m gonna sleep early tonight
6:01pm: tomorrow we can. I don’t think I have anything
y/n > Yuta
6:02pm: awwww, my baby
6:02pm: i hope you feel better soon <3
6:02pm: get some sleep and we can figure it out when you wake up
6:02pm: i love you
Yuta > y/n
6:03pm: don’t call me that
6:03pm: but thank you love you too
Jaehyun had been sending you messages while you were texting Yuta so you finally went back to your chat with him, feeling the excitement of talking to your boyfriend leave you.
Jaehyun > y/n
6:01pm: i just wanted to say that i thought you looked really pretty today
6:01pm: not that you don’t look pretty everyday but you know what I mean
6:02pm: i’m actually a fan of your group so today was really fun for me
6:03pm: did you maybe want to meet up sometime and get lunch?
y/n > Jaehyun
6:04pm: thank you, you’re quite handsome yourself
6:05pm: we’re actually working on a comeback so i don’t really have too much time these days
Jaehyun > y/n
6:06pm: oh? What’s the album like?
y/n > Jaehyun
6:08pm: we’re going for a darker concept this time
Jaehyun > y/n
6:09pm: that sounds fun!
When you didn’t see him typing again, you closed out the app and went to watch an episode of the anime Yuta had recommended to you a while ago. Jaehyun didn’t text you back for the rest of the night.
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You went for the next day without texting your boyfriend but since you didn’t have any activities scheduled for the day, you binge watched nearly a whole season of the anime he had recommended to you until he finally texted you in the evening.
Yuta > y/n
7:16pm: i don’t think i can call tonight. I didn’t finish my chinese homework sorry
7:17pm: i want to talk to you so fucking bad though
7:17pm: i really miss seeing you and getting to touch you
y/n > Yuta
7:18pm: wait hold on
7:18pm: how do you go from talking about learning chinese to being all whiny
Yuta > y/n
7:19pm: it’s because
7:20pm: i miss you
7:20pm: and i’m horny
You were glad you were just lying down in bed because you weren’t expecting him to send you a picture of his bulge, the outline of his hard cock obvious in the soccer shorts he was wearing.
y/n > Yuta
7:23pm: you can’t just send that without a warning!
7:23pm: what if i was doing something huh?
7:23pm: are you even wearing underwear??
Yuta > y/n
7:24pm: no heehee
7:24pm: wanna see?
7:24pm: i know the answer is yes ;)
He sent you another picture that looked almost entirely black but when you opened it, you were greeted with the sight of your boyfriend seated at his desk with his legs open and facing towards the mirror by his closet. He had pulled the fabric of one leg of his shorts over his dick, exposing it to you with his free hand wrapped around the middle of it.
y/n > Yuta
7:28pm: what if the answer was no
Yuta > y/n
7:28pm: well you took an awfully long time to respond so i know you like it
y/n > Yuta
7:29pm: shut up or you’re not getting one back
You smiled to yourself as you saw the typing bubble disappear before sitting up and pulling your shirt off. You held your phone up and covered your nipples with your free arm, effectively pushing your breasts up as you bit your lip seductively.
Taking a couple with a variation of angles, poses, and facial expression, you sent the first one and waited for a response. He didn’t respond when you thought he would so you cleared the app and reopened it again realizing that the picture didn’t send so you sent it again.
Yuta > y/n
7:36pm: you’re so fucking hot
7:36pm: i can’t believe i get to call you mine
7:37pm: you’re literally a goddess
7:37pm: fuck can you send another one. I’ll send a voice recording
You sent him the rest of the ones you took and within a minute he sent you another picture of him accompanied by an audio message. Opening the picture first, you noticed how much more red his cock was, the veins more prominent than before. Your mouth watered at the sight of his length and the shine of precum at his tip. He had pulled up his shirt, revealing his abs and navel piercing, his hand tight around the base of his cock.
Making sure your earbuds were connected, you hit play on the voice message. “Y/n, baby, I miss you so fucking much. I wish we were together right now. I’d fuck you so hard that you’d only be able to say my name.” You reached a hand into your underwear as you heard him start moving his hand on his dick.
You inserted two digits in and started fingering yourself to his words. “I miss how warm your pussy is around me. I miss the way you moan when I fuck you just the way you like it. I miss feeling you cum on my cock and the way you take me so well.” Your fingers were in no way close in length or thickness to his cock but you hadn’t gotten off in so long that it wasn’t hard to get yourself worked up.
Yuta’s voice choked up in the recording for a bit and he let out a moan. “I-I miss seeing you so full and dripping with my cum. Fuck, I need to cum so badly.” You pressed your fingers as deep as they could go and you felt your pleasure starting to build.
You opened your camera and recorded yourself with your fingers deep inside of your pussy, you hand getting covered with your juices. “My fingers aren’t anything like your cock. I miss how good you fuck me and how deep your reach inside of me.” You paused as you brought your phone closer to your glistening folds.
“I love the way you make me cum and the way you fill me up so good.” You brought your phone back up, to get your face and naked torso in view. “Cum for me, Yuta.”
You continued fingering yourself to the voice recording he sent until you received a video from him. As soon as you opened it, his hand was already picking up speed on his length. “You miss my cock, baby? You miss cumming on it?” He let out a groan as he played with the tip of his length, his hand becoming slick with his own precum.
“Fuck, I’m so hard right now and it’s all because of you. I can’t wait to fuck you senseless the next time I see you. I-Fuck,” he started rapidly jerking himself off, “I want you to cum for me. I want to fill you up with my cum and watch it drip out of you. Ah fuck-” you watched as he covered himself in his own cum. On his abs, his hand, his thighs, and you felt a surge of arousal as you watched it drip down over his body, making his skin glow.
You dropped your phone in your haste to record yourself cumming for him and when you picked it up, you saw the picture that you sent earlier but not the video and previous messages from Yuta. Looking up at the name at the top of your screen, you broke out into a state of panicking realizing it wasn’t Yuta that you had sent the picture to. It was Jaehyun.
Jaehyun > y/n
7:37pm: damn. I didn’t know you were so sexy
7:38pm: i also didn’t know you were one to send nudes but i’m not one to say anything
y/n > Jaehyun
7:38pm: oh? You don’t seem like it either
Jaehyun > y/n
7:38pm: want proof?
y/n > Jaehyun
7:38pm: sure
You went back into your chat with Yuta, not wanting him to worry about you or question why you were taking so long to respond to him.
y/n > Yuta
7:39pm: fuck i thought i recorded myself cumming for you but i guess i didn’t hit record
7:40pm: i’m sorry :’(
Yuta > y/n
7:40pm: ah, it’s okay, as long as i know you came, I'm satisfied
7:41pm: besides, i have like four more pictures to look at when I feel lonely now
y/n > Yuta
7:41pm: ugh you’re so weird
7:42pm: but i kind of have a headache now so i think i’m gonna go to sleep soon
Yuta > y/n
7:43pm: i’m weird and you like it
7:43pm: go to sleep if you’re not feeling good though. Text me when you wake up
7:43pm: sleep well, i love you <3
y/n > Yuta
7:44pm: thanks, love you too
Checking back in on your chat with Jaehyun, you were surprised to see that he had actually sent you a photo. He was only in his underwear as he stood in front of his mirror in a similar setup to that of your boyfriend’s. He had raised one eyebrow and his tongue poked the inside of his cheek while he grabbed at the outline of his clothed cock.
y/n > Jaehyun
7:46pm: you’re pretty sexy too, i must admit
Jaehyun > y/n
7:46pm: like what you see?
y/n > Jaehyun
7:47pm: hell yeah i do
You felt a sudden rush of anxiety and worried about what Yuta would think if he found out about you and Jaehyun so you muted your notifications from Jaehyun and left your phone to charge as you took a shower.
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Ever since that night where you accidentally sent Jaehyun a picture of yourself, the two of you have been texting on the down low. You hadn’t told Yuta because you were afraid of ruining your relationship with him or getting in the way of his relationship with Jaehyun.
Honestly, you just hoped Jaehyun would lose interest in you and find a new girl so you could let this whole thing be put to rest and tell Yuta once you were ready. But for now you entertained Jaehyun because you didn’t want things to be awkward the next time you saw him, especially now that the end of year award shows were approaching and you’d probably run into him somewhere at an event like that.
One of the award shows your group was set to attend was in Tokyo and Yuta had informed you that NCT would also be attending. “You know, since we’ll both be in Japan soon, how about I take you out on a date after the festival ends?” He proposed over another late night call.
“I like the sound of that,” a smile on your face as you spoke, “when are you leaving?”
“I leave the day after tomorrow. How about you?”
“I leave tomorrow so I guess I’ll be getting to the hotel before you.”
“Are you sharing a room with anyone?”
“Yeah, probably. You?”
“No, they gave us our own rooms this time around,” Yuta paused as he giggled, “you know what that means?”
You let out a similar giggle at how cute your boyfriend was. “Sexy time?”
“You know it.” You swore you could see him smirking through the phone. “But I’ll text you my room number once I get there so you can come by and we can plan out a day for me to take you out.”
“Sounds good-”
“Hey Yuta- oh, sorry. Are you talking to someone?” You heard the unmistakable sound of Jaehyun’s voice.
“Uh, yeah,” Yuta started, his voice showing how unsure he was, “just talking to a friend in Japan that I’m thinking of meeting while we’re there.”
Jaehyun let out what sounded like a noise of approval. “Oh, okay. I needed to ask you something but I’ll come back later.” You heard the door close as he left.
“Gosh, that guy,” Yuta breathed out once he was gone, “he’s been acting differently lately. I just don’t know what’s up with him. He’s always on his phone these days.”
You let out a light laugh. “You sound like an old man, Yuta. Though I should get going now in case he comes back.”
“Yes, you’re right. But, don’t forget, Japan, room number, then come over. Okay?”
“Okay, love you.”
“Love you too. Can’t wait to be with you again.”
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Currently, you were dressed in sweats and one of Yuta’s shirts, even though you’ve had it for nearly four months now, after a day of just touring the hotel and performance venue as other idols began arriving. You were sure Yuta’s plane landed two hours ago so he should be at the hotel already but he hadn’t texted yet and you had started dozing off which made you worried that you’d fall asleep without seeing him. Just in case he forgot, you decided to send him a message asking what room he’s in.
You felt your phone vibrate after what felt like a minute but when you saw the time, you realized you had fallen asleep for about an hour. Reading the message on the screen, you saw the room number 412 and pulled yourself out of bed, making sure to grab your key card before you left.
When you arrived at room 412, you knocked on the door excitedly knowing that Yuta was waiting on the other side and you were more than ready to tackle him in a hug after not seeing him for nearly three months because of his own group promotions. What you didn’t expect was for Jaehyun to appear instead, shirtless with only a pair of sweatpants on.
You both stared at each other in shock before Jaehyun pulled you in, looking both ways to make sure no one saw the two of you. Once the door was shut he stepped away and asked “so, why exactly did you ask for my room number and come over this late at night?”
“I-uh, hm.” You didn’t know how to get yourself out of this but the way Jaehyun was looking at you told you that you wouldn’t be able to leave until both of you were exhausted.
“I take it that you were tired of just looking at a screen and wanted to experience the real thing in person.” He looked at you with an eyebrow raised. “Because I sure do.”
You saw the opportunity he was giving you and took it. “I like the way you think,” you closed the distance between both of you, “just don’t you dare tell anyone we’re doing this and I won’t either.”
“My lips are sealed,” he promised, giving you a playful smile, “with yours!” His arms wrapped around you as he pulled you in, greeting your lips with a warm kiss. You quickly melted into his kiss, one of your hands coming to rest on his firm chest. “Bed?” You nod and let him lead you to his queen sized bed.
He sits and falls backward on the side of his bed, pulling you to rest over him before kissing you once more. Your hands tangle themselves in his soft hair while his hands make their way to your ass, gripping your cheeks firmly before gently kneading at them. You shift your thigh to rest comfortably between his and that’s when you feel his length, already hot and hard beneath you. “You’re this worked up already?”
“I could see the outline of your nipples through your shirt and I just couldn’t stop my mind, sorry.” His cheeks started turning pink as you gave him an accusatory glare.
You shook your head before sliding a hand down over his chest, stopping at his solid abs. “I’m only forgiving you because you’re cute and sexy, but look at my eyes next time you pervert.”
“Yes ma’am oh-” He gasped when your hand went under the waistband of his sweatpants and started playing with the head of his cock. “Fuck that feels so good.”
You felt him twitch under your grasp and you realized just how large he was. “You’re fucking huge.” Your hand traveled further down his length. “I knew you were big but I didn’t know you were this big.”
��You wanna see it?” He teased though he threw his head back and moaned when you rubbed the tip of his cock.
Satisfied with his reaction, you pulled his sweats down and he lifted his hips to help you, his hard length hitting his chiseled body as he sunk back into the bed. Jaehyun let out a sigh of relief as your hand wrapped around his member and you felt it twitch within your grasp, causing you to meet his eyes with a smile.
You noticed his ears turning a light shade of pink as you sat back on your knees to pull off your own shirt, which you remembered actually belonged to your loving boyfriend, throwing it to the side and nodding at the man in front of you as an invitation from the way his eyes were suddenly glued to your breasts.  
He sat up and pulled you into his lap, attaching his lips to your sensitive buds, alternating between kissing them and gently sucking on them as he teased them with his tongue. Your arm came to rest around his broad shoulders and you rested your cheek against his soft hair. You reached down to tease at the tip of his cock once more, letting out a noise of surprise as Jaehyun lightly bit into the skin of your breast. “What was that for?”
“It’s sensitive, you know.” He looked up at you, his hair falling into his eyes as he left kisses up your chest and neck while cupping and kneading at your breasts.
Brushing his hair away from his face, you told him “yes I do know, but I can’t do much else when you’ve got me stuck like this.”
His lips pulled away from your breast with a pop and he slid down beneath you so that he was laying down once again, his aching length practically begging for attention. “Here, ride me then.”
Giving him a devilish smile, you leaned off to the side to slide your own sweats and underwear off before seating yourself mere inches above his warm pulsing cock, lining it up with your entrance and slowly sinking down on it. You nearly got goosebumps from the way he filled you, the stretch stinging in the most pleasurable way.
You let out a moan as you fell forward, your hands landing upon his firm chest, bracing you as you began slowly moving on his length. Jaehyun groaned as you rose up to the point where only the head of his member was inside of you before lowering yourself back down, sheathing his cock in your warmth.
His hands found their way to your hips and he helped to guide your movements as you began to speed up, enjoying the way his length seemed to hit all the right spots. You threw your head back as Jaehyun began meeting your movements, his hips thrusting up from below you, pushing himself even deeper into your core.
Even when it was reaching the edge of being too much, causing you to stop your motions, he continued rocking his hips into you and went even harder when he noticed your still frame above him with your eyes shut in pleasure. “Babygirl enjoying my cock that much?”
“Shut up and just fuck me, Jaehyun.” Had your eyes been open, you would’ve seen the shit-eating grin that appeared on his face before he caged you in his arms and flipped the two of you over, his length never once leaving your warm walls.
You gasped as your back fell onto the bed, your legs unintentionally wrapping around his waist, bringing him even closer to you and burying his cock even deeper inside of you. Jaehyun braced himself on his forearms as he began thrusting into you, his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck, his breath tickling your shoulder with every exhale.
The new position allowed him to adjust the speed to his liking, which was considerably faster than before, leaving you a moaning mess with one hand gripping onto his bicep and the other on his abs. The room was filled with the sounds of skin against skin and his lips on yours, the latter effectively muting the noises that either of you made.
When Jaehyun thrusted particularly hard, you accidentally bit into his plump bottom lip, causing him to let out a grunt before he pulled away and slowed down his movements. “You good?”
“Yeah, sorry, didn’t mean to bite you.” You apologized, your eyes falling from his face down to where his member was still dipping inside of you.
“Guess we’re even then.” He remarked playfully as he grabbed your calves from around his waist and brought them to rest upon his shoulder.
You breathed out a single “fuck” from the way the new angle allowed him to hit different spots in you. You were just about nearing your orgasm and could tell Jaehyun was too from the way you could feel his length twitching within your walls when your phone suddenly rang.
Jaehyun paused as you reached over to grab your phone from the nightstand, only gently pushing into you as you read the caller ID. “Who is it?” He asked, a slight smile appearing on his face.
“My, -uh, roommate,” you tell him, instead of reading Yuta’s name that was currently lighting up the screen, still fighting to keep your volume down as he continues rolling his hips into you.
“Answer it.”
“What? No way.”
“Go ahead, answer it.”
You shoot him a look and he pulls out nearly all the way with an eyebrow raised at you, threatening to answer the call. Huffing out of indignance, you accept the call and raise the phone to your ear after making sure the volume was as low as possible.
You hear Yuta’s voice over the line as Jaehyun starts to slowly rut into you once more. “Where are you?”
“I’m with my manager right now-” you nearly moan from Jaehyun purposely thrusting long and hard into you, but cover it by clearing your throat, “talking about the schedule for tomorrow.” Your voice raised at the end as Jaehyun delivered another powerful stroke.
“Are you okay?” Yuta questioned upon hearing your intonation.
“Yeah, um, I’m just not feeling all that good from the uh, fuck-” you glared at Jaehyun and placed a hand on his pelvis to soften his movements, “the traveling and activity.”
Yuta hummed in understanding and you felt bad for lying to him like this. “We can figure out another time to meet up and plan our date. You should go to sleep and get some rest, I don’t want you getting any worse.”
“Okay, I will. Thank you-” you pull the phone away from you as Jaehyun starts to speed up again and you cover your mouth with your free hand, letting out a muffled groan.
You brought the phone back to your ear to hear the tail end of Yuta’s “I love you” before telling him the same and quickly hanging up.
“You tell your groupmates ‘I love you?’” Jaehyun asked, not even bothering to slow down.
“Yes, and you don’t?” He rolled his eyes at you, only leaning down further, making his cock brush against your most sensitive areas. “Fuck, right there!”
Your walls flutter around his length as he begins mercilessly pounding into you, seeking his own release while you bring a hand down to rub at your clit, sending yourself into an orgasm. The spasming and clenching of your walls around his cock eventually pushes Jaehyun to his end as well though he quickly pulls out and cums onto your stomach instead, the warm strings of white coating your skin.
He lets out a string of groans and curses as he continues jerking himself until the last drops of cum are dripping from the tip of his length. He reaches over to the nightstand, grabbing a tissue and hastily cleaning off both of you before he collapses into the bed next to you.
“I’m gonna go wash up in the bathroom.” You inform him, sliding out of bed as he pulls the covers over his large frame.
“Mmm, alright, don’t take too long.” You could tell he was already getting drowsy from the way he drew out his words.
You picked up your clothes from the floor and took a quick shower in the bathroom but by the time you came back out, you knew Jaehyun was knocked out from the way you could hear his faint snores. Checking your phone on the nightstand, you saw two messages from Yuta and you knew you couldn’t keep this going any longer.
Yuta > y/n
11:43pm: text me how you’re feeling when you wake up
11:43pm: I can go run and get stuff for you at a convenience store before rehearsals
As much as you enjoyed the mindblowing sex that Jaehyun gave you, you knew that your heart laid with Yuta. You picked up the pen and notepad resting on the desk in the corner of the room, writing Jaehyun a note before quietly leaving the room.
Jaehyun, Thanks for everything but I can’t continue our relationship like this. I feel that we are best off as friends and I hope you can understand and respect my wishes. I’m sorry. -y/n
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You made sure to text Yuta that you were feeling fine, still just a little bit tired but you weren’t sick, much to his relief. During stage rehearsals later that day, your group just so happened to pass by him and his members as they waited for their turn.
Yuta’s hand brushed against yours and you quickly apologized, matching the smile on his face as the two of you finally saw each other in person for the first time in months. You continued past the other members in an elated state, not even realizing the way Jaehyun had been staring at you.
“Did you see how Jaehyun was staring at you?” Ivet questioned, excitement written all over her face. “What if he has a crush on you, oh my gosh-”
“Yeah, did you guys ever talk to each other again after the show?” Liv added.
You shook your head, making a face of disgust. “Him? He’s not my type. We talked and I got his number but nothing happened.”
“You got his-” You covered Ivet’s mouth with your hand, noticing the way people around you were starting to look at you and your group as you all headed back to the waiting rooms.
You were glad that your members quickly dropped the topic once back in the waiting room, opting to play games on their phone or someone’s Switch instead while biding time as your managers came to pick you guys up. You decided to leave Yuta a message to make yourself feel better though you made sure that you were texting the right person this time.
y/n > Yuta
3:27pm: what’s your room number? Sorry I forgot to ask last night
3:27pm: I’ll be over once you guys are done
You didn’t expect him to respond for a while, especially since he just went on and you knew he had to stay later that day to record interviews and other content in Japanese. Time couldn’t go by any slower as you laid in bed and switched through apps, waiting for Yuta to be done with rehearsals. Your excitement couldn’t be hidden when you finally received his message later in the evening.
Yuta > y/n
8:32pm: just got back. 417 i left the door slightly open
y/n > Yuta
8:33pm: coming
8:33pm: that’s dangerous you know. Someone can just walk in
Yuta > y/n
8:34pm: then you better hurry ;)
It felt as if you were a little kid again, the way you could barely control your pace as you walked throughout the hotel, your body itching to sprint through the halls to get to your boyfriend sooner. When you quietly entered his room, you saw him standing by his bed with his back towards the wall, probably organizing his backpack out of boredom.
Rushing up behind him once you were close enough, you wrapped your arms around his waist and began tickling him, causing him to erupt in his infectious laughter as he squirmed around in your arms. He eventually freed himself, only to turn around and come right back into your arms. “My love, I’ve missed you so much. I can’t believe you’re actually in my arms right now.”
You allowed yourself to sink into his hold and inhale the scent of him that you missed having on all of the shirts you’ve stolen from him. “Can we just lie down together and go to sleep instead?”
“I wish, but you know we can’t,” he sighed, “but that doesn’t mean we can’t cuddle for now.” Yuta pushed you onto the bed, jumping on after you and rolling around with you in his arms. Once the two of you were comfortably tangled with the other, Yuta began pulling up places to go, showing you pictures and talking about things to do there.
“So at Harajuku there’s tons of clothing stores and really good food vendors too. There’s even some cat cafes we could go to and then-”
“Okay, I get it, we’re going to Harajuku, calm down.” You laughed, seeing how excited he became. True to your boyfriend’s nature, he quickly gave up trying to plan out a whole day of activities and choosing to simply make a list of places to go like Yoyogi Park, or the Yayoi Kusama Museum, and the previously agreed upon Harajuku.
After compiling the list, you were calculating how much time you had left before your roommate would question your whereabouts when Yuta suddenly turned to you. “So tomorrow, some of the members were thinking of going out to get lunch and I was thinking that maybe I could bring you along…” His voice trailed off as he looked at you for your opinion.
“You want to introduce me to your members?” Your eyes were wide at the thought of having to talk to Taeyong, who you absolutely looked up to or Johnny, who just scared you from his appearance alone. But most of all, Jaehyun.
Yuta nodded his head, his earrings making the faintest jingling sounds. “Not all of them will be there but I think we’ve been together long enough, right? It’s like meeting your in-laws kind of.” You weren’t too keen on the idea of seeing Jaehyun so soon, especially after what happened earlier today with him but you agreed anyway, not wanting to let Yuta down.
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All throughout the morning, you were filled with anxiety as you thought about going to lunch with Yuta and his members but you followed through regardless because if Yuta was ready to make this next step in your relationship then you should take it with him. You met him in his room and went down to the parking garage with him, only reaching out for his hand once you were sure there was no one else around.
As you approached his members, Yuta called out to them. “Guys, this is y/n,” you suddenly felt nervous at the way all three men turned to look at you, “I’ve been dating her for about a year now and I felt that this would be the right time to finally introduce her.”
The end of Yuta’s sentence was cut off as Jaehyun suddenly began coughing and pulled out his phone, looking anywhere but at you though you didn’t have much time to dwell on it. “Hi y/n, I’m Taeyong, nice to meet you,“ you and Taeyong both laughed from his cheery attitude as you shook his hand, “I hope Yuta has been treating you well though I’m sure you wouldn’t have stayed with him for so long if he didn’t.”
“She actually idolizes you,” Yuta quickly interjected with a chuckle, “she probably wants to date you more than she wants to date me.”
You looked at him in disbelief though you were torn out of it by Haechan who commented, “we all do, she’s not special.”
“Hey, behave,” your boyfriend scolded, “that’s Haechan, the idiot,” Haechan was about to open his mouth to complain but was stopped by Yuta’s finger on his lips as he shushed him, “and over there is Jaehyun.” He looked up and gave a quick wave with an expressionless face before staring back at his phone.
Once you were all seated at the restaurant and waiting for the food, Taeyong began asking more about you and your relationship with Yuta who was currently sandwiched in between the two of you. “So how did the two of you actually meet?”
“She came up to me-”
“He told me that he-”
You both turned to each other with the same scowl adorning your faces. Placing a hand on his thigh you raised an eyebrow at him. He did the same to you before giving in. “Alright fine, I went up to her first because I thought she was cute,” Yuta explained, “remember that one episode on Music Bank or something when I said the girl in the green dress was cute? That was her.”
Taeyong and Haechan both seemed to have a moment of realization meanwhile Jaehyun was busy staring daggers into Yuta’s hand on your thigh. You could see him out of the corner of your eyes because he was seated right in front of you though you pretend as if you didn’t.
“What’s Yuta like as a boyfriend?” Haechan asked, a mischievous look on his face.
Yuta turned to you, his signature Chesire cat grin appearing. “I couldn’t ask for anyone better than him,” you state simply while maintaining eye contact with him, “he always does his best to take care of me even when you guys are really busy and he gives some of the best advice whenever I need help with something work-related. I genuinely feel that I want to be with him for as long as possible.”
“Yikes, get a room,” Haechan joked after seeing the way you smiled at his fellow member while talking about him.
“Jaehyun, are you okay?” Taeyong looked over at the said member with worry. You did as well and the look he gave you could only be described as one of pain. He nodded his head and flashed a quick smile at everyone else before his gaze lingered back on you and then back to his phone.
Only when Yuta was wrapped up in conversation with the other two did you nudge Jaehyun’s foot across from you. He did not react so you did it again and he looked up at you with the same emotionless stare. You didn’t even get the chance to do anything because at that moment, the food for your table arrived. Everyone lets out remarks at how good the food looks and you begin eating after warning your boyfriend not to inhale his food, much to Taeyong and Haechan’s amusement.
Later on, Taeyong brings up something about their performance, bringing Haechan and Jaehyun into the conversation but Yuta leans over and whispers, “I know about you and Jaehyun,” you momentarily freeze though you give him a look of confusion, “I’m not stupid, you know. I know you two were talking.”
You all but choked on the mouthful of noodles you were chewing but you brushed it off as Yuta telling you a funny joke. The others ask to hear it too and you were glad Yuta was a quick thinker and was able to make one up on the spot. You were surprised that Yuta claimed he knew about your relationship with Jaehyun but didn’t seem to be upset. It was honestly scaring you at this point.
Once the bill was paid and the group of you were in the car heading back to the hotel, Yuta starts up the conversation again as you were both in the back row of the van. “I wouldn’t have minded if you wanted to have fun with Jaehyun for a bit, you could have just told me.”
“Okay, how much do you actually know?”
“I know that you were in his room getting the sense fucked out of you when you should have been with me, if that’s what you’re asking about,” you felt yourself go into a state of panic though really, you were just confused about this whole thing, “you know, I wouldn’t mind including him in our relationship sexually. You just had to ask.”
Your eyes go wide at his words, unsure if this was all really happening or if it was just a dream. “Are you actually being serious right now?”
Yuta shrugged his shoulders and giggled, “I don’t know. Am I?”
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duskamethyst · 4 years
not a bad thing.
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a/n: we often see fics involving cats turning into a human hybrid but i wanted to switch it up. i wasn’t sure if i wanted to make him full on quadrupedal or just half human-cat. spoiler: i chose the latter.
word count: 2.8k
genre: fluff
warnings: n/a
pairing: catboy!shinsou x gn!reader
summary: shinsou is infested by a quirk that turns him into a cat. how is he going to turn back?
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you and shinsou are on patrol before suddenly alerted that there is a robbery from the jewelry shop nearby. the both of you quickly get into offensive mode and spot the running criminal, one that you’ve never seen or known of– probably making their debut tonight. they have the physique of a human but the head of a cat. none of you have any idea of what their quirk is but judging from their figure, you probably have the gist of it.
“okay, they’re running into an alley!” you inform shinsou who’s running right behind you. “i’ll try to get them from the back while you try to distract them.” 
“hey, wait–” he calls but you already left him when you turn to the other side of the building to execute your plan. 
you stalk the criminal behind the wall who’s running towards your direction before jumping in front of them and startling them. your quirk allows the ground to turn into clay and objects to molt into shapes you desire with a touch. the ground between you melted once you activated your quirk, but the offender is quick to stop and turn around and face shinsou instead. 
“we got you cornered. please don’t resist.” shinsou says, activating his quirk at the same time. realizing that they have no other options, they sprint forwards into shinsou’s direction to make a break for it. shinsou swiftly uses his scarf to grab a hold on them but unfortunately, they’re so much quicker and are able to smoothly avoid the restraints– thanks to their feline capabilities and senses. 
“shinsou!” the culprit is closing in and before shinsou can defend himself, he’s met with nothing but a soft peck on his lips. the both of you are surprised and they easily take the opportunity to escape and disappear from your sights. 
“are you–” concerned, you run up to him who is still baffled and wiping his lips with his sleeve. 
“fine,” he grunts. “but they got away. hopefully the police are notified by now.”
“i’m sorry, it’s my fault. i didn’t think it through.” you sigh defeatedly. “but hey, at least someone got a kiss!” you joke, eliciting an eye roll from the male. 
“shut up, it’s not funny. what am i gonna write in our report? ‘got kissed by a villain’? goddamn it.”
you laugh, “it sounds romantic, though.”
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a loud banging on your door suddenly interrupts you from your sleep. you glance sleepily at the clock from your bedside table– 2:24 a.m. maybe turning on sleep mode wasn’t a good idea.
you look through the peephole and open the door to a very distressed shinsou in his hoodie. 
“what’s going on?” you move to the side to let him stomp in before closing the door behind you. it has only been a few hours since the incident earlier. he stays silent as he stands in the middle of the room and it kind of starts to make you feel worried. “shinsou?”
he turns around with a glare and he sighs to recollect himself, “promise me you won’t laugh.”
you blink at him once, twice. “i was in the middle of my sleep, i don’t think i’m in the mood for a joke right now.”
“promise me.”
“okay, okay. i promise!” 
once he gets your word on it, he slowly pulls the hoodie down from his head– and you can’t believe what you’re seeing; shinsou now has cat ears!
“what– what’s that?!” your hand finds its way to your mouth as you try to hold in your laughter. is this a joke? was he forced to do this?
“you promised–” he pulls back the hoodie on his head to hide his new ears that hold the same shade as his hair.
“i know! but– but it’s a good look on you! you look so cute!” you start giggling and walk up to him. “oh my god, can i touch it?”
“what?! no!” shinsou steps back, protecting his new ears with his hands. 
“oh, come on! you trust me with this, right? i bet i’m the first person you looked for!” 
“y-yeah, but–” he stammers, “but that’s only because you were with me! i bet it was their quirk that made me like this!” 
you manage to corner him to a wall and you quickly take off his hoodie to reveal his ears again that are pushing backwards as some sort of sign of defense. 
“i promise i’ll be gentle.” you coax, hands already reaching up to his ears before he could answer. you scratch behind his ears like you normally do with cats and he slowly relaxes to your touch. 
before he feels like he’s about to purr and humiliate himself, shinsou smacks your hand away, “cut it out.”
“why? i thought cats like that?” 
“and i’m not a cat.” he looks away to hide his face, feeling like his cheeks are turning warm. “anyways, i don’t know what else it’s gonna do nor how long.”
“but we gotta tell the hero’s commission about this. i don’t know if you wanna stay over or something but i really wanna see what’ll happen tomorrow.” 
“so you can laugh at me even more? when my tail shows up?” he snorts. 
“pshh, no.” shinsou squints at you for a moment before you groan defeatedly, “okay, maybe?” 
he rolls his eyes, “don’t mind me then.”
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if your sleep last night was disturbed by knockings from the door, this morning you’re woken up by a frantic shout of your name from the living room. you quickly get out of bed to check out what’s happening.
“shinsou– oh my god!” you squeal both in amusement and shock as you notice a fluffy indigo tail coming from shinsou’s back. shinsou, however, looks beyond unamused. 
“ït’s getting worse.” 
“aw, shinsou.” your lips feign a pout. “you look ador– ack!” he throws a pillow at you. “fine, i’ll report this to the commission.”
“could you, maybe...” he mutters before you turn back to your room. “leave out the details? i feel embarrassed.”
you tilt your head questioningly, “but isn’t that the most important part? to find out how to undo their quirk?”
shinsou just remains quiet, his eyes staring down onto the ground. feeling as if you don’t want to make his day any worse, you comply. maybe you can find something out by the end of the day or maybe he can only hope that the quirk won’t last much longer anymore, that there should be a time limit for it like most quirks do.
you leave the room to take a quick shower and write in your report. a couple of hours pass by and you think about cooking for your guest today. shinsou is still laying on your sofa, looking very much in despair while his fluffy tail wags up and down, making you feel nothing more than mesmerized by it. 
failing to fight the urge, you quietly sneak behind him and tug on his tail. the startled male turns to you annoyingly.
“at this point i just wish claws would come out so i can put a scar on you.”
“and i will throw a bucket of water in your face.” you tease. “anyways, i’m gonna cook for both of us now. you can do whatever you like. you’re a cat anyways, i can’t really tell you what to do.” he glares at you while you stride off towards the kitchen laughing. 
you call out to eat once you’ve finished cooking. nothing too special, just fried rice and stirred veggies that are enough to fill your empty stomach. you’re not going to take any complaints and you’re not the best cook either but it’s the most you could do right now. 
“ack!” shinsou coughs after taking the first bite of his meal and quickly gulps down some water.
you look at him dejectedly, “hey, i know my cooking isn’t that good. don’t need to rub it in my face!”
he shakes his head, “no, it’s just– i think my taste buds aren’t working well.”
“you’re just trying to make me feel better.” you scowl playfully but shinsou only chugs his drink each time he tries to put food inside his mouth. “don’t tell me you only want to eat fish now?” 
“i hope i don’t. but– meow?” realizing what slips out from his mouth so casually, he puts his hand over his mouth in shock.
“meow?” you repeat. 
“shit, i– meow.”
“shinsou, are you okay?” you look at him curiously. 
he shakes his head again, his cat ears pushed back. when you stand up from your seat to check on him, he quickly dashes to the corner of the room and faces the wall. you carefully walk closer to him but as you are about to put your hand on his shoulder, shinsou turns around and hisses at you– his tail slightly fluffed up. 
you take a step back in wary, “oh, um, okay? i’ll get you a fish? is that what you want?”
shinsou only growls lowly, his irises narrow and tail wagging in annoyance as he watches you walk back into the kitchen to get food for him. 
oh boy, this is bad. he lost his speech abilities. 
thankfully, you have some raw salmon in your fridge. while you wait for it to defrost, shinsou only curls up in the corner defensively. each time you try to get closer to him, he’ll either growls or hisses at you. as much as you want to be offended (he’s close to you after all), you can’t help but think it’s rather adorable to see him like this– behaving like a cat though you can see that he still has his attitude.
you then try to sway him with the fish, gently placing down the plate in front of him before he sniffs his food and crouches down to eat it without using his hands. 
“that looks... so inhumane.” you sigh. “maybe i should feed you?”
you take a slice of salmon from the plate and bring it in front of his mouth in an attempt to feed him. he looks at you warily for a brief second before sniffing it again and opening his mouth to nibble on his food. 
“that’s a good boy!” you giggle, reaching to pat his head but he shies away as he chews his meal. okay, he probably needs some time. 
you patiently feed him until the plate is empty and give him some water to drink. you then finish up your brunch and do the dishes while shinsou lazes around on your sofa. to your surprise, shinsou is quick to warm up to you when he sits up and scoots from his seat, giving you room to sit next to him. even more surprising when he lays his head on your lap right after that. it makes your heart throb and embarrassed at the same time.
“uh...” he looks content but you’re unsure if he’d allow you to touch him. however, you decide to try your luck and begin to gently caress his hair.  
shinsou flutters his eyes open at the touch and doesn’t fight back but instead his eyes slowly shuts again as he leans into your hold. his head nuzzles against your hand as you continue to stroke his hair. you take it as a sign that he has finally loosen up and you waste no time to scratch him behind the ears. over time, you can almost hear him purring on your lap. your heart squeezes in glee at the thought that shinsou finds comfort and warmth from you. 
“you’re not hard to please, huh?” you chuckle as you watch the male endearingly; maybe he should just stay like this so you won’t have to put up with his smart mouth so much. you’ve heard about how cats are able to provide humans oxytocin but currently you’re not sure if it’s because he is partially a cat or because it’s shinsou himself. 
the both of you stay in the position for quite a time as you idly flip through channels on the tv screen. truth be told, shinsou is the only one that feels comfortable right now. you want to move because your legs are starting to feel numb but you feel bad if you wake or move him. fortunately, you are saved by the bell when there’s a knock on the door. 
shinsou’s ears perk up as his attention is drawn towards the door.
“hold on, i think i got a package.” you stand up from the sofa and head towards the door to greet the delivery man. 
shinsou watches you as you stand there and engage in little unnecessary chats while you sign on the paper. the man gets excited when he recognizes you as one of the pro heroes and somehow it drags into a long conversation before he realizes that he’s running out of time and needs to deliver his packages to the other customers. with a brief handshake, he finally leaves your doorstep and you turn towards a vigilant (half) man from your sofa.
his indigo eyes narrow down at you as you walk up to him, gaze piercing through you as you find your seat next to him again.
“what?” you look at him in unease. he shifts closer to you and scrunches his nose as he takes a sniff from you and a low growl rips from his throat as if something unpleasant just flared through his nostrils. and to shinsou, it is– the scent is still you but it’s somehow tainted now and he doesn’t appreciate it.
“hey, i already took a–” 
shinsou suddenly jumps on you, his hands pushing you roughly by the shoulders as his bigger and muscular build hovers over you. your heartbeat is running a mile once your eyes are locked with his. you hung around him a lot before and there were some unintentional brush of the hands here and there, but this is probably the closest you two have been and you’re starting to feel nervous. 
“shinsou? c-cut it out.” you whimper but the male doesn’t budge at all and instead his lazy eyes just continue to bore into yours.
if only you have a water quirk, you probably would spray his face by now.
once shinsou’s grip softens, you try to wriggle away. however, he leans down closer to you and stops an inch away from your face. you want to brace yourself for what’s to come but you have no idea what to expect either, but there’s an unshakeable feeling inside you that wishes to feel his soft lips on yours. you blush at the thought– you probably shouldn’t feel such way towards your colleague and especially when this is the work of the criminal’s quirk, you should keep this professional and not let your personal feelings be involved. 
however, your little wish is granted. 
your eyes almost go out of their sockets when shinsou gently presses his lips onto yours so tenderly. you can see that the absurd fury he had has subsided and he turns rather calm as a soft sigh escapes from him. slowly, your own eyes close as you give in to the kiss. 
it feels all too quick before he pulls away and gazes at you with those half-lidded eyes. it’s a dreamy sight and you just want to pull him back but you notice that his ears are slowly disappearing. 
he blinks a few times before letting reality finally hit him and realizing the compromising position the both of you are in. a tinge of pink creeps on his cheeks and he quickly pushes himself off of you. 
“your ears and tail are gone!” you squeal, voice masking the dread inside you that he’s back to normal but you’re also glad that the quirk has worn off. 
“thank god.” he sighs. he tries to remember the details of how he even got on top of you but nothing pops in his mind. he might have the slightest idea but he doesn’t want to believe it. the thought of it makes his ears and cheeks burn hotter. even if he did kiss you, he doesn’t want it to be like that– not when he’s under a damn quirk. 
“do you remember what happened?”
“the last thing i remember is when we’re having brunch.” he murmurs, still trying to put one and one together.
“oh, boy. you should’ve seen yourself! you suddenly started acting like a–”
“listen. you are to forget what just happened.” he cuts you off immediately. 
he’s so used to putting up a stoic attitude around people. he always deliberately tried to look cool especially around you and made sarcastic remarks to annoy you but that was one of his confusing ways to express his liking to you. and now the fact that he might have looked so vulnerable in front of you, it’s just too humiliating. 
maybe this time, shinsou thinks it’s okay to finally use his quirk on you.
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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barsformars · 4 years
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g - fluff; non-idol!au
p - vet!jongho × vet!reader
w.c - 1.1k+
t.w - none
c - jongho tries to prove that the cat loves him more than it loves you but him cheating just led to much desired but unexpected situations.
a.n - hello im back to make @closer-stars suffer with another jongho writing! not too sure if you would like the vet au but cats! so kdksksk hope you like it bebs <3
t.l - @closer-stars (ofc) @fromercury @jeongyunhoed @ateezlovenet
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"Siru loves me more and I am going to prove it to you today," Jongho stated confidently but him sneaking her favourite salmon jerky into the front pockets of his white coat says otherwise. You pretend you don't see anything, just giving him a light shrug and a smile that Jongho can only describe as an I-would-love-to-see-you-try-for-the-umpteenth-time smile.
It's always less talk and more action when it comes to Jongho so he doesn't even bother whining about you doubting Siru's love for him. He pushes through the door to the back where Siru is resting along with the other pets in the clinic, the salmon jerky still in his pocket (of course). You quickly follow right after, not wanting to miss even a second of what was about to come. You usually wouldn't ever dream of him doing it but it's inevitable if he really wants to fight for Siru's attention.
"Siru~" Jongho cooes just like every other overly affectionate pet owner in the world. Oh yes, Jongho's pet owner voice has finally made its debut. You won't even tell him how many times you have overheard him practicing it in the exam room when he assumed you were busy attending to other animals in the other exam room. It definitely sounds much more natural now, maybe because he's actually saying it to an actual cat rather than to the canine skeleton model in his exam room.
"Siru, come here." Jongho's so determined he even included a meow between his words. You stifle a laugh as you watch him from behind. Everything you were witnessing now was ridiculous, ridiculously adorable.
The tortoiseshell seemed to have picked up the scent of her favourite treat because you see her sniffing in the direction of Jongho's pocket, her eyes fixed on it rather than Jongho's face. If he was able to get her out of her cage, even by baiting her like this, you would still acknowledge his victory. It would still be an improvement from before when she wouldn't even move a step closer to him. A small win is still a win.
Unfortunately, Jongho completely messes up when he goes on to say: "It's time for your daily check-up, baby." Yeah....using the word "baby" here wasn't going to work if the three prohibited words in the cat's dictionary was also included in the same sentence. With that, Siru folds her ears back down and immediately goes to hide in the corner of her cage.
"Great! Another free cup of coffee for me!" You chirped as you moved forward to give him a pat on his shoulder.
Jongho sighs in defeat, his shoulders slumping over. "Maybe I should have just been an ordinary doctor for humans. I still don't understand how to get the pets to warm up to me."
"Hey, that was a pretty close attempt," you comforted him. "You just need a little more practice, can't really blame you when you spend more time operating on them rather than interacting when they're conscious."
"But-"Jongho straightens his back so fast you almost lose your balance due to the shock-"I know a trick ninety-nine point nine percent of animals can't resist." He shoots you a mischievous glance and a smirk as he pulls out his 'secret' weapon, which did indeed catch Siru's attention.
Siru was already near the entrance of the cage when your competitiveness takes over you. Your first instinct was to create a distance between the two of them, and maybe you could blame it on your frequent fantasies in doing so, but your arms naturally went around his waist as you pulled him away, you now behind him once again.
"You think I didn't notice? You cheater!" You unintentionally gave him a tight squeeze as you tried to snatch the treat out of his hand and Jongho feels like you had just snatched his breath away, literally and figuratively.
"U-uh...that's a tad too tight, my dear." Jongho regrets almost instantly for saying that right now. It was not unusual for him to use it on you but using it in this situation was probably not the best idea; misunderstandings may arise.
If anyone ever asks you for an instance where your competitiveness takes over you, you're going to use this as an example because you didn't even notice the position the both of you were in until Jongho had said that. "Oh shit, sorry." You tried to take a step back and away from your colleague but it seems like the universe has other plans for the both of you because you trip over Jongho's foot in the process.
You would like to thank his quick reflexes in grabbing your arms — that were pretty much still around him — and reeling you back in, otherwise you would have crashed into the cages behind you, giving the other animals an extremely unpleasant wake-up call. But you also hate it, because now the both of you are closer than before, one cheek squished against his back and his hands firmly holding onto yours, the both of you frozen on the spot. How were you supposed to act in a situation like this?
You were the first one to break the awkward but somehow comforting silence, clearing your throat and redirecting the both of you back to the real reason you two were in here for — Siru.
"Oh yeah, Siru..."
"I'll get her," you said, pulling away cautiously this time to avoid the same situation from happening again. Jongho fingers lingers on your arms as you do just in case he needs to catch you again.
"Okay, I'll go get prepared."
"Thanks." Jongho nods in acknowledgement and heads straight towards the door, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. His heart was pumping dangerously fast, it couldn't be healthy to let it continue that way for any longer.
Jongho was just about to close the door behind him, so he could wipe away the cold sweat that was starting to drip down his warm face, when you called out to him. He can barely breathe all because of you.
"We should talk about it after work." You notice the slight confusion in his face, and though you know he's quick-witted enough to figure out what you mean, you don't want to leave any chances of him misunderstanding. "About us, I mean. But also I mean even if you have nothing to say to me, I have lots of things to tell you. So, please?"
"Sure, we can talk about us."
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infernwetrust · 4 years
The Devil In Me [Michael Langdon x Fem Reader] Part 1
Plot: What if we took the Antichrist, Michael Langdon and turned him into founder and leader of one of the largest cartel’s in California? And what’s even better, is that you’re by his side through it all.
Summary: Michael has some business handled at his California home.
Warnings: violence, swearing, fluff, a lil smut, MURDER, some graphic descriptions
WC: 3.1k
A/N: I thought long and hard about starting this, but I’m gonna go ahead and give it a shot. Outpost Michael fits this perfectly of course, but he’ll cut his hair every now and then lol. This will have it’s own bracket on my master list. Thank you for reading! -Juno
The air was cool. The evening was just right. Your husband Michael had decided to throw a small party that consisted of only close friends, family members, and some staff from your residency and Michael's line of work. Party music played moderately in the background as the backyard of the Santa Monica Villa you and Michael purchased this same year was filled with laughter, dancing, and casual conversation. Servers carried around platters of the most delectable finger foods. Drinks were also being served. Cars were lined up in the driveway, late arrivals having to park on the side of the road. Luckily, Michael always sent one of his guards on a golf cart to pick up his guests that had to park far away.
Michael laid in his hammock, across his rather large pool so that he was away from everyone else. Michael dressed comfortably. He wore a beautiful salmon pink floral shirt and white slacks, with a white belt. No need for shoes. Around Michael's neck was a platinum rope chain that glistened when the light shined on it just right. Around his wrist was a platinum iced out Rolex watch, his name engraved on the inside, one of his favorite gifts from you. The only ring he decided that he wanted to wear today was his wedding band, which shocked you. Michael always wore all of his rings.
Curled up against Michael's chest yours and his beautiful 1 year old boy, Malcolm. He was blessed with a full head of hair, just as blonde as his father's. He took after your eye color, but his resemblance to his father was unmatched. No worries because in his twin brother's arm was your handsome 3 year old son, Michael,who captured most of your features. All really, but your eye color. Michael won that fight again. Junior, is what everyone calls him. On the opposite side of Michael, still in his hammock was you, dressed in that sundress Michael loved to show you off in. Your wedding ring glistened on your finger, no matter what time of day it was or where you were. Michael made sure of that. Around your neck, your favorite Pearl necklace.
You lay head your head on Michael's chest, rubbing your hand gently against the back of your one year old. Michael raises his arm slowly as to not alert the sleeping child and takes a sip of his whiskey. He's glaring at someone, hard. And you know why and who, but you rather choose to not address it. All you were waiting for were the words.
"You know, brother." Jim said to Michael, using his free hand that wasn't holding Junior, to also take a sip of his drink. "I don't see how you do it."
"And what is it that I do, Jim?" Michael questioned, turning his head slightly to meet his brothers gaze. Junior nestled his head back into Jim's chest, mouth full of goldfish out of the bowl he was holding. Jim sat in a chair, adjacent to Michael's hammock.
"How you stay so calm and collected about things."
"Dirty work is not something I'm a fan of."
"But I am."
"I know, so that's why I gave this task to you."
"You know I'll do anything for my family."
"I just don't see why we can't just kick them out." you mumbled, watching as Malcolm grabbed your finger in his sleep as you tried to put your hand back down from his back.
"Because in this life, lessons have to be taught." Michael answered you, putting his glass down to wrap his arm fully around you. Michael made eye contact with his other twin, Duncan, who sat amongst a group of women, one of them in his lap, stroking his hair. He nodded, giving Michael the cue. "Will you go ahead and take the kids inside?" You sighed, sitting up, looking Michael in his soft blue eyes.
"Baby, you don't have to-,"
"One day you'll understand, Y/N." Michael said, cutting you off, grabbing one of your hands and giving it a few small kisses. Getting up, you gently picked up Malcolm, holding him close to you.
"Come on, Junior."
"Nooooooo." Junior whined, not wanting to leave his Uncle's side. "Don't wanna."
"Hey." Jim said, playfully grabbing Junior's tummy, causing him to giggle. "What was that phrase I taught you?"
"The first time." Junior responded happily.
"The first time what?"
"Listen!" he clapped, letting go of his bowl which Jim quickly caught before it fell to the floor.
"Smart boy. Now go with inside with your mommy. We'll play later, yeah?" Junior quickly nodded, scurrying off of Jim's lap and to your side, grabbing your hand. He turned around momentarily to look back at Jim, who shot him a quick wink before you took both boys inside. You also managed to scurry up the other children as well, promising treats and a good show on TV. You had them at treats.
"He loves you so damn much." Michael said, sitting up, hanging his feet of his hammock to come face to face with his brother. "Sometimes I swear he thinks you're his father."
"I mean. I could be. We're twins."
"Watch it, playboy."
Jim chuckled, reaching for his drink to take another sip. He dressed in a dark blue polo shirt, black slacks, and a pair of dark blue dress shoes. A black Louis Vuitton belt, midnight silver buckle, lined his waist. He sighed, reaching for his pistol that was tucked neatly behind him is waistband. He quickly removed the clip, checking it, and popping it back in before setting it down on the table next to Michael.
"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Jim questioned. "He's been with us for a few years, Mike."
"All the more reason to get rid of him. I've taken care of you for years and you betray me like that?" Michael answered. "He knows too much and has seen too much."
"That's true." Jim mumbled, rubbing his hand underneath his chin. "What are they doing with his body?"
"Burning it." Michael said quickly, squinting his eyes at Jim. "Like we do 90% of the time. Do you not want to, Jim?" Michael's question caused Jim to laugh as he got up, returning his shirt back into his slacks. He grabbed his pack of cigarettes off the table, taking one out, placing it between his lips and giving it a light, tossing the box back on the table. He inhaled sharply, before exhaling lengthy.
"You and I both know, Michael." Jim began as he took another hit of his cigarette. "That I shy away from nothing. Especially not an, how do I put this, opportunity." Jim tucked his gun back into his waistband.
"And speaking of opportunity." Jim continued, looking out into the body of people before hitting his cigarette one last time and then handing it to Michael. "Here's mine."
Jim made his way, at a decent pace, back to the other side of the pool, where all the party goers stood. He took his time, waving and smiling at familiar faces. Spotting his target, he moved with just a little bit more urgency. It's such a shame that Bryce had to go. Michael watched Jim as he moved, continuing to sip his drink. Part of him wanted to look away because this hurt him as much as it was going to kill Bryce. Bryce was one of his favorites.
He remembered when he stumbled across Bryce who limped out of an alleyway, screaming for help as Michael closed up his bar. When Michael laid eyes on him, his clothes were completely ruined by blood. He held onto his stomach, collapsing onto the sidewalk, coughing up more blood as he spoke. Michael made his way over to the boy, kneeling down by his side, removing his hand from his wound, watching as the he poured out.
"How bad do you want to live?" Michael asked, cocking his head at the boy.
"What the fuck is up with you man?!" he questioned. "Help me!"
"I asked you a question." Michael spoke again. "You want to live right? I could just let you die, here."
"Um, kinda, yeah!"
"Then tell me how bad you want to live."
"Bad man! Bad! I want to fucking live bad! Please don't let me die!" Michael grinned. How fragile life was, he thought. How it could just be taken from you at any moment. Moments like these.
"What's your name, kid?"
"Br-Br-Bryce." he responded before blacking out from the pain.
"We're going to get you alllllll fixed up, Bryce."
Michael took Bryce, not to a hospital, but instead back to his property, where his own private doctor could deal with Bryce. They managed to take care of what they discovered was a gunshot wound instead of a stab wound like Michael originally thought when he found Bryce.
"How's he doing?" Michael asked Dr. Joseph as he stepped into the rather large, renovated, shed he had given to his doctor for his medical practices. He even was nice enough to give him a little office space as well.
"Well. He's very lucky considering how much he was bleeding." he answered. "Those two bullets I removed barely missed his vital organs, but he'll make a full recovery."
"Which room do you have him in? Is he awake now?"
"Room 3. It has the most room. The last time I checked on him, yes."
Michael nodded at his words, making his way over to the room. He entered quietly, not wanting to startle, Bryce. Bryce sat up in the bed, sipping on an ice cold water, scrolling through the movies on the flatscreen TV Michael had gotten installed in every room. Jim's idea, of course. There was an awkward silence in the room as Bryce didn't know whether to thank him first or say fuck him for waiting until he passed out and asking him all those stupid questions.
Michael didn't say anything as he walked around to the side of Bryce's bed, pulling up a near by chair to sit closer to him. Michael leaned back in his chair, throwing a leg halfway over his knee as he clasped his hands together. Bryce never took his eyes off of him, not sure what his next move would be.
"You're welcome by the way." Michael said. "Isn't it nice having someone take care of you without all the pesky need for insurance information or just a bill in general?"
"Why are you doing this?" Bryce questioned.
"Answer me this, Bryce." Michael leaned forward in his seat. "What if I offered you a chance to start over? A new chance at life. Somewhere, where you could be safe, your meals paid for. And all you have to do is stay by my side, loyal to me."
"I'm not gay, man."
"Who said anything about being gay?" Michael questioned, raising his eyebrow. "And what if I was?"
"Listen." Bryce breathed out. "I didn't mean to offend you. Look. Thank you. For bringing me, to, well wherever we are, and helping me. And once I'm all healed up, I'll be all out of your hair."
"Do you have any family, Bryce?" Bryce's whole attitude changed. He looked softer.
"No..." he answered silently.
"Well you do now."
Jim was just a few feet away from Bryce now when the two made eye contact. And when Jim reached, rather quickly, behind his back, Bryce knew. Of course he knew what he had done. Bryce turned around to start running, when Jim quickly cocked his gun and fired two shots, both at the back of his legs. Everyone stopped what they were doing, in shock, but not enough shock to runaway. It was Jim and who dares question one of Michael's brothers. Everyone watched as Bryce fell to the floor, screaming bloody murder in pain. Jim continued to walk at his leisurely pace to him, standing in front of him.
"Now." Jim said aloud, over the groans and screams of Bryce. "I know you all looked at Bryce as family, right? 4 years ago my brother found this piece of scum bleeding to death, begging for help. And of course Michael helped him."
"I'm sorry!" Bryce yelled, hands reaching out to grab Jim's ankle and it took everything in him not to kill Bryce right then and there, but he wanted to get his point across.
"And with the help of our wonderful Dr. Joseph, he was taken care of, free of charge, can you believe that?" Jim continued. "And all we asked for in return was just his unwavering loyalty." Jim snatched his ankle away from Bryce's hand, stepping on it, instead, causing him to scream out again as his fingers were crushed.
"But when you lie to AND you steal from the hand that feeds you." Jim looked around at everyone as he said this. "There are consequences." Jim kneeled down in front of Bryce who looked up at him, his eyes filled with tears, pleading with Jim.
"Please..." Bryce whispered to Jim, grabbing ahold of him again. "Please Jim, I'm sorry. I was desperate."
Jim grabbed him by his face, snapping his head up to look all the way at him. He looked at the gun in his opposite hand, before looking back at Bryce. The small breeze that was in the air had come completely still, everyone virtually silent as they watched the events unfold. When things first went missing around the house when Michael would hold meetings, they didn't even think to look at Bryce. Not until Michael had trusted him enough to appoint him as Duncan's right hand man. Duncan handled all of the cartel's finances and when he kept coming up short on the days just him and Bryce would do the counting, he caught on rather quickly.
"I liked you Bryce." Jim said, jaw clenched. "I really did. We all did. We loved you almost, but you know the rules, don't you?"
"Jim please..." Bryce whined, starting to cry his eyes out, but only enough for Jim to see and hear. "Please man. I'll do anything. Anything please!"
"What did I tell you happened to those who betrayed the cartel? What is your own way out once you're in? I mean I could just let you go, yeah? But once you walk out those doors you become a liability to me, my brothers, and my family. And I just can't have that."
"Death..." Bryce mumbled. "But we can work something out, please!"  Jim chuckled as he let go of Bryce's face, quickly cocking his gun again, before holding Bryce's face up again. He put the gun inside of Bryce's mouth, looking him dead in his eyes.
"Maybe in another life." And with those words said, Jim pulled the trigger, the sounds of bloods and mush splattering across the ground. A few turned their heads, not wanting to see the sight. Jim looked up and back across the pool at his brother who downed the rest of his drink, nodding at Jim.
"Clean it up." Jim said to the disposal crew who stood near by, rising to his feet, and tucking his gun back away. "Everyone else can carry on."
The warm water danced on your skin as you stood in the shower, washing away all events from today. You put your face underneath the water for a few seconds before running both of your hands through your hair. When you turned around you were startled by the presence of your husband, Michael, who stood behind you, a little soaked from the backlash of you being underneath the water. His vibrant blue eyes were now several shades darker as he was out of the sun light. He simply just stared at you.
You offered to trade him positions under the water so he could get completely wet too and of course he didn't object. You were now staring at him as he stepped underneath the water, sighing as it hit his skin. He ran his hands over his face as he turned around to face you, getting off as much water as he could before he opened his eyes again to look at you. Water dripped off his skin and your eyes couldn't help but trail all over him. He was so beautiful. His long blonde hair, over shoulder length, completely wet now as the water continued to pour down on him. You almost smiled, remember when Michael told you that he was going to start growing his hair out. He cut it every now and then, but nothing compared to long haired beauty.
"I'm sorry." he spoke, running his hands over his face again. "I know you don't like when.. you know." You walked over to your husband, pressing your forehead against his, throwing your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. His large hands found their way to small of your back, pulling you even closer.
"I know..." you mumbled, using your thumbs to rub the back of his neck. "I'm not mad at you, Michael. I just don't want you to become... emotionless."
"Everything I do is to protect you and our boys. Without my family, I am nothing. This empire? We built it, Y/N. Not just me. I'm still here emotionally, but you know it works. He was too much of a liability to just let go. And when the right information gets into the wrong hands, I'm only sure you can imagine what happens."
"Do you ever get afraid, Michael?"
"Only if it deals with you and my sons." he said, looking down at you, smiling. Cheeky bastard.
"I'm being serious. What if one day you go out and don't come back home? What if we get attacked here? What will I do? What will I tell our children?"
"Don't you ever worry about that, my love." Michael reassured you. "As long as my brothers and I are alive and breathing, no one will be in any kind of danger. I promise." Michael brushed his lips across yours as he finished his sentence. You pulled him in for a kiss. A hungry one, it was, as your tongues wasted no time entering each other's mouths, Michael's dominance showing as you basically let him devour you, melting away at his touch. He backed you up against the shower wall and you gasped against him as it was cold. He picked you up and you immediately wrapped your legs around his waist, holding onto him like your life depended on it. 
"Let me help you forget..." he said against your lips, brushing his nose across yours and you remembered, just how in love you are with Michael.
Taglist: @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid @9layerdevilfoodcake  @xavierplympton @jimmason @theneverendinghunger
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atlafan · 4 years
could u maybe write something ab harry and the reader reuniting after taking a break for a while 🥺 just something a lil angsty and fluffy
a/n: oh wow, I’ve actually been wanting to write something about this for a little bit, let’s see what I can whip up! Less angst in this than I thought, but super fluffy. Hope you liked it! This is an au, so ya boy’s not famous. 
New York to London
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It wasn’t easy, but you both decided to take some time apart. You both just graduated from college, and you needed to figure out what you were doing for jobs. If you needed to move somewhere for work, neither of you wanted to hold the other back. You were in love, but you were still so young. If it was meant to be, it would happen, right? 
You ended up in New York. You loved clothes and fashion. Were a marketing major with a minor in art. You found yourself living in a cozy apartment on the upper east side, working remotely for a clothing app. You got to design and select outfits for people. It was sort of like Stitch Fix. Working from home allowed you to fill up your sketch books with design ideas of your own. Sometimes you would go out and work from the local coffee shop, just to have a change of scenery, of course making sure to buy coffee and food in exchange for the free wifi. 
You and Harry agreed not to really talk, or fill each other in what you were doing. Neither of you wanted to fall into the “please, just come move here with me” trap. You weren’t entirely sure what he was doing, or if he had decided to go back to London altogether. You missed him, and it was a good relationship, but it had definitely run its course. You were with him for two years, you did a lot of growing up together, but you were never certain if he was the man of future. 
Six months into your job, you had started making friends in the city. You found time to go out and enjoy the night life when you could. You had even gone on a few dates here and there, a couple of one night stands when you were sick of using your own devices to get off. Things a lot of young, twenty-somethings did. One day, out of the blue, you got a text from your ex-boyfriend. 
Harry: hi love, is it okay if I still call you that? lol...anyways, I’m in NYC for a few days...work thing...would love to see you if you’re up for it...xx
You take a deep breath when you see the text. You hate the way it makes your heart flutter. You ended up dating Harry in the first place because he always had this way of making you nervous, but in a good way. You always had butterflies around him, and you always found it hard to say no. You were genuinely curious to see how he was doing, and what exactly he did for work, so after waiting precisely twenty minutes, you decide to text him back. 
You: hey! course it’s okay ;p I’d love to catch up! dinner and a drink sound good? 
Harry: sounds great, name the time and place
You and Harry decide to meet up at a restaurant near his hotel that Friday night. You didn’t want to go to some tourist trap, but you knew of a nice place near where he was staying. You made sure to look your best, maybe remind him a bit of what he was missing. You knew he’d do the same. You put on your best little black dress, put your hair up into a sleek high pony, and put on some makeup. You grabbed a pair of red pumps for a pop of color, and into your uber you went. 
It was a nice, spring evening. It was getting warmer out, so you only needed a light jacket along with your dress. You wait in the lobby of the restaurant for him. 
You’d know the sound of his voice anywhere. You turn around and smile. He was almost shocked, you had never looked better. He looked nice. Blue pair of slacks, white button up with the first few undone, and a salmon pink sport coat. Classic Harry. 
You wrap your arms around his neck and give him a kiss on the cheek. 
“You look great.” He says, blushing slightly. 
“Thanks, so do you. I put a reservation in for us online. Wanna see if the table’s ready?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” 
He puts his hands in his pockets and follows you up to the hostess. She checks you both in and leads you to your table a few minutes later. 
“Come here a lot?” He asks as he sits down.
“Sometimes. Been here with some friends.” 
You take your jacket off and hang it on the back of your chair. He gets a really good eye full of you. He smiles when he sees you wearing the necklace he had gotten you for your last birthday. 
“So, you’re in the city for work?”
“Yup, I’m an admissions counselor for a small school up in New Hampshire. I got hired to do a lot of the traveling, so I’m rarely on campus.” 
“Oh, that’s cool. Where else do you travel to?”
“Mostly the state of New York and Massachusetts.” 
“What made you-”
“Hi folks, I’m Max, I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start either of you off with a drink?” 
“I’d love a glass of pinot noir please.” You smile.
“Just a Corona for me, thanks.”
“Excellent, I’ll be back in a few minutes with those.” He smiles and walks away.
“Anyways, what made you want to become an admissions counselor?”
“I get to travel with all expenses paid. I really had no idea what I wanted to do after I graduated, so this gives me more time to figure it out. I can explore the various places I go to. S’not like I’m tied down, right?” He jokes.
He clears his throat.
“So, it seems like the city’s treating you well.” 
“Very well!” You chuckle. “I love it so much. I get to work remotely too, so no one really bothers me, which is great. I’m able to work on my sketches in my down time.”
“Yeah, you’re working for like a clothing subscription service?”
“Mhm, it’s awesome. I love getting to know my clients and all that.” 
“You seem happy.”
“I am. I feel really independent.” 
The waiter comes back over with your drinks. You end up ordering a salad with some grilled shrimp, while Harry opts for a veggie burger. You clink your glasses together.
“So, it’s okay that I texted right?” 
“Of course! I think I’d be a little upset if I knew you were so close by and didn’t even think to say hi.”
“I’ve wanted to reach out for a while, but...I know you said you wanted some space.”
“Well, we both agreed on that.” 
“I guess.” He shrugs. 
“Did we not?” 
“No, we did. I guess all I mean is...I don’t know...takin’ a break has just been weird, that’s all.” 
Before you can respond, your food is brought over. The conversation lightens up a bit as you eat. Harry really enjoys the food. Towards the end, he insists that he pays. You eventually agree to just split the bill. 
“Wanna come see my place? I think you’ll like it, it’s cozy.” 
“Sure! Thought I’d have to work a little harder for you to invite me back with you.” He smirks.
“Oh, stop it.” You swat an arm at him. 
The uber ride back to your place is quiet. He was impressed by the building you were in. He couldn’t believe you could afford such a nice place. 
“So, it’s a studio, but it’s not cramped.” You show him inside. “Like, I can stretch out in the shower.” You giggle. “Got really creative with the storage too.”
“View makes it all worth it, huh?” 
“Yeah, it’s beautiful.” You both look out the window together. “Sit, sit. What can I get for you? I have more wine, and some beers int he fridge.”
“Beer’s fine, thanks.” 
He sits down on your small couch while you get the drinks together. You come back over and him a beer.
“Sure.” You take a sip of your wine. “So, do you, like, have an apartment in New Hampshire?”
“Yeah, I’ve got a small place to call home when I’m not traveling.”
“That’s good.”
“Mhm.” He takes a sip of his drink. “Can I ask you something...sort of personal?”
“Um, sure.”
“You haven’t been, like, hooking up have you?” 
“Because I haven’t.”
“I never told you not to.”
“So, does that mean you have?”
“Harry...we’re not together, we’re broken up.” You frown and so does he. 
“A break is different from a break up, though, right?”
“We agreed to end things so we could go off and find our career paths. I mean, I think about you a lot, but I guess I didn’t really think we’d actually get back together. It’s been six months, Harry.”
“I know...”
“I mean, I’m not seeing anyone. I’ve had a few dates here and there, but nothing serious. I don’t really have time for it.” 
“Me neither...I guess the only difference is I haven’t wanted to even be with anyone else, random or not.” 
“I find that very hard to believe.” You scoff. “If there was a day I couldn’t see you, you’d tell me how touch starved you were.”
“That’s true, but it was your touch I was starved for, no one else’s. You know me, I was never the hook up guy as it was. It’s gross.” He takes another sip of his drink. “Do you always hook up with different people or-”
He nods his head.
“How many have there been?”
“What does it matter?” 
“Just wondering if I need to catch up or something.” He scoffs. 
“Harry, we never agreed on not hooking up with other people, we never even talked about it.”
“Because I just assumed we wouldn’t! Don’t you miss me?” 
“I miss being in college and having zero responsibilities.” You sigh. “I try not to think about what I miss about you too much. And no offense, but I’ve actually begun a career. You’re still figuring things out. It wouldn’t good if we tried to get back together right now. I like living alone, and-”
“Alright, I get it, you’re better off without me.” He rolls his eyes.
“That’s not what I meant.” You put your hand on his shoulder, but he shrugs it away. 
“Do you think I like not being good enough? I’d give you the world if I could, but I literally have zero idea what I’m passionate about. I feel like I wasted four years of my life. Now when I talk with these kids on where they want to go to school and the reasons they want to go...” He shakes his head. 
“You’re a people person, you’ve always been that way. You have a stage presence to you. A room lights up when you walk in.”
“S’not exactly a transferable skill, love.” 
“You’ll figure it out, Harry. I know you will.” 
A year or so later you heard from a mutual friend that Harry moved back to London. He had gone off into the world of PR, and he was thriving. Your job had lead you to some opportunities to go to London, they had even asked you if you wanted to relocate there. Many of the clothing lines they had were exported from there, and they wanted you more on the buying team since you had such a great eye. You said you’d consider it and go for a visit to check things out. You and Harry hadn’t talked much since he had seen you in New York, but you wanted to pay him the same courtesy he given you. 
You: Hey, Harry! It’s Y/N...I’m coming to London next week for a work thing. Might even be relocating there! I was wondering if you’d like to get together. Maybe you can tell me how great the city is, lol
You had deleted the text about five times before actually hitting send. Two hours later he got back to you. 
Harry: Did you think I deleted your number?! Of course I know it’s you! That sounds great, let me just check over my schedule with my assistant and I’ll get back to you on when would work. 
You: wow, an assistant, how fancy are you? 
Harry: she keeps my head on straight, that’s for sure
You: well, I’m looking forward to seeing you...it’s been too long!
Harry: I agree
And just like that, you had butterflies in your stomach. You hoped maybe he was single, but you wouldn’t be surprised if he was seeing someone. He was a girlfriend guy, and you had basically told him you weren’t getting back together last time you spoke. 
You were given a wonderful tour of the office you’d potentially be working in. Everyone seemed friendly, and you certainly wouldn’t be the only American working there if you decided to accept. 
Towards the end of the week, Harry invited you over for a dinner at his flat. You were surprised he didn’t want to go out. Maybe you’d be starting at his flat and then go to a club? You were dying to see how the London night life compared to New York’s. You take a cab to his flat and text him when you’re there. He comes downstairs to meet you outside. 
“Harry!” You practically squeal. You wrap your arms around each other for a nice embrace. “It’s so good to see you!”
“It’s good to see you too. Driver found the place okay?”
“Mhm.” You smile.
“Come on up. Just got dinner on the table.” 
He leads you upstairs. Your jaw drops when you see how spacious his flat is. It was a one bedroom with a nice open concept. It looked like he entertained quite often. He had a bar set up in the living area. 
“This is beautiful.”
“Thanks. Figured I could afford a nice place, why not have one?” He shrugs. 
You use his hall bath to freshen up. He has you sit down at his dining table. He had made curry. 
“This smells so good, thanks so much for cooking.”
“I figured you’d enjoy a real meal after eating out all week.”
“You figured right, thank you.”
“Oh stop.” He sits down. “Just eat, yeah?” 
You moan after tasting the food.
“This is delicious.”
“Thanks.” He smirks. “So, do you think you really might move here?”
“I might, yeah. It seems like a really big step up for me.”
“No one back in New York to miss you?”
“Nope.” You grin. “Other than the few friends I’ve made.” You shrug. “My family is really supportive too.”
“That’s great. I’m really glad I came home. I feel like once I did the opportunities came flying in. I love PR. I make phone calls, set up events. And I get to meet so many cool people.” 
“And you have an assistant.” You chuckle.
“S’not what you think. She’s not some young thing that’s enthralled with me. She’s like forty years old, has a couple of kids that don’t need her home with them anymore. She’s a great help though. I actually requested someone a little older.”
“Why’s that?”
“Some of the younger girls in the interview, when they actually came to speak with me, I don’t know, I just kept getting this weird vibe.” 
“It’s because you’re so captivating. You’re intimidating, but charming.” You take another bite of food. “Sexy.” 
“Oh, gimme a break.”
“I’m serious! You always made me feel nervous when we first started talking. You would always really sit back and observe the room before talking. You can be quiet sometimes. But that was you then, that’s just a version of you that I know, you could be different now.”
“I’d like to think so. Although, I think I’m just a good listener. I definitely like reading a room before I join a conversation.” 
“I’m so happy to see you doing well.” You take a sip of your drink. “So...any lucky ladies or fellas in your life?” 
“No.” He laughs. “M’way too busy for all that. I mean...I’ve had some fun here and there, I’m not celibate.” He takes a sip of his own drink. “What about you?”
“Nothing serious.” You shrug. “I haven’t minded being focused on my career, you know? I have a good work-life balance, don’t get me wrong, but like if I were in a relationship right now, I may not be making this move.” 
“Tell me, if I didn’t live here would you still consider moving?”
“I don’t know. It’s a huge plus knowing I’d have someone close by, someone I know to show me around. If you had the time of course. You could even tell me what the good neighborhoods to live in are.” 
“You could get a flat here. It’s a really nice building to be in. I bet you’d be able to afford it if I can. They want you to be a buyer?”
“Yeah, my boss thinks I have a great eye, and I always get the highest ratings from my clients.” 
“That’s wonderful. I’m happy for you. I know last time we saw each other it didn’t seem like it, but I was really confused about the direction my life was going. I wasn’t happy.”
“You’re happy now?”
“Very much.”
“Good.” You put your hand over his. “It’s all I ever wanted for you, to be the best version of yourself.” 
“Same here with you.” He rubs his thumb over the back of your hand. “I got some chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. Wanna move to the sofa?”
You both sit down on his large sectional. You dive into the sweet treat. 
“Do you entertain a lot?”
“Sometimes, yeah. I like it better than going to some stuff club. You can be out until four in the morning if you’re not careful.” He laughs. 
“Well, I’d love for you to take me out to a club sometime.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice, love. I’ll take any excuse to dance with you.” His dimple peeks out in his grin, and it makes you melt. “When do you have to give them your decision by?”
“A few days. I’m headed back to New York tomorrow night.” 
“How’s your hotel been?”
“It’s nice...not as cozy as this though.” You lean back into the cushions and look up at him. 
“Yeah, I definitely don’t miss that about working in admissions. Different hotels all the time sounds like fun, but when you just wanna do your laundry and you can’t, it gets old really quick.” 
“I can imagine.” You make a bold move and rest your hand on his knee. This time when you touch him he doesn’t shrug you away. “I think I may move here. I can home here and you can cook for me all the time, or you could bring me to your fancy parties.”
“Is that so?” He scoots a little closer to you. “It would get some people at the company off my back. They’re always askin’ why I never have a date to anything.” 
“And why don’t you?”
“I don’t know, I’m there to work, not bring arm candy with me.” 
“Ah, but that arm candy can help you network. I’m impeccable at networking.”
“Alright, so you’ll be my date then when I need one, is that what you’re saying?”
“That’s what I’m saying.” You smile. 
“What about when there’s no fancy party? Can I call you for a date?” 
“I’d like that.”
“Can I please kiss you?” 
You nod yes. He leans in, cups your cheeks, and presses his lips to yours. They were soft, just like you remember. He takes them away a little too quickly for your liking though. 
“What’s wrong?” You frown.
“I just don’t wanna, like, rush this, that’s all. I don’t even know what this is, but whatever it is, I don’t wanna mess it up this time.”
“Harry, you never messed anything up. We did the right thing before. I think we’re both in a place where we could have room to be together again. But, I think you’re right, one step at a time. Let me actually accept the job and move here before we dive into anything.”
“Exactly.” He sighs happily. “Okay, I’m gonna kiss you again, and then I’ll drive you to your hotel.” 
You giggle as he smooches you again and again. Harry never really ever stopped loving you, and you could tell. You never really ever stopped loving him either. 
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oz-the-sorcerer · 3 years
Royalmelody BUT IT'S THE SIMS 4!! (pt.2)
part 1 👈 if you are wondering
Hello, my fellow "I wonder how many AUs Oz has, what the heck" ppl, I have come to feed y'all, again. :D
So; a bit of reminding from the first post and other things (bcs I haven't posted about sims royalmelody since last summer):
-they are famous (Kylan's for music and Brea is for writing, she also sells some of her paintings)((and idk why I made them like that, maybe i thought they deserved it lol))
what goes on now:
-Kylan has become a 3-star celeb while Brea is still 2, she is very close to 3 tho
-I hate their current home. It gives me nightmares, has lots of unfunctional things like their kitchen sink, some chairs, their trash can and bathtub (k word me pls I'm so tired)
-so I'm building them a new one! >:D
-they sometimes T pose when the game glitches and they abruptly stop whatever they are doing to T pose only for a millisecond, but it's too funny so I forgive the Sims for this LMFAO
-NPCs always making stupid entrances and they poof out of existence because it's so crowded
-they give autographs now, those two :D
-they are still dating
-anyways, I guess that's it, thanks for reading!
-jk :D here, have some more screenshots in-game 👇:
-firSTLY, I UPGRADED HOW THEY LOOK!! Those two were literally Kyle and Brianna before, not Kylan and Brea and I am proud of how they look now! (left row is old, right row is the new look)
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-when I found Brea's current hair I literally screamed lol
-and Kylan's face is just...him. u get what I'm saying? *o*
-cooking is good, but... cooking together? even better ✅
-the man's sneezed on a salmon once and decided that was not an important thing smh
-Brea does too many tricks with knives, I'm scared
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-you know damn why I took a screenshot when it involved pink petals and I refuse to explain further😌
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He came home running, heart, beating even harder than before.
"Brea?" He checked if she was at home first. She told him this morning that she would go to the gallery but there she was, probably writing another chapter for The Dew Tree.
She looked up at him from her desk, not expecting him anytime soon.
"Kylan? Hi!" He nearly skipped towards her and held her hands, smiling wide.
"You won't believe me if I tell you..."
"Whaa-AT!" Brea yelled when he started spinning with her in the middle of their colorful living room. He laughed at her shocked face.
"I got the nomination!"
"What?" She stopped him before they crashed into the sofa, not just because she was dizzy or anything but she wondered if she heard him right.
"I got the nomination for The Best Song!"
"Oh my God?!"
He finally did it, she thought. They hugged so tight that she couldn't breathe for a second.
"You are going to get that award, honey." She told him after they separated.
"You really think so? I don't want to get my hopes up, though, this is the first time I am getting a nomination." He was being self-doubtful again, so she just rolled her eyes and giggled. She knew how people loved his song, they even played it everywhere. Then, she pointed her finger to his heart and poked.
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"You, sir, are going to get it."
His smile came back quickly after that, holding her hands again and doing a little dance with her. A bit childish, a bit sweet.
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yeah, that really happened. :3
HE GOT THE BEST SONG AWARD (look how happy he is while giving his thanks speech) ((this also happened: "I couldn't have done this without this amazing woman... who is now waving at me to shut up because she is embarrassed. :D" ))
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-congratulations hug! (AS HE RIGHTFULLY DESERVES!!)
-there was a random sim that got SO MAD when Kylan got the award. She glared at them all evening lmao stay pressed sistah that award is his
notes: sometimes when I stop time to get a screenshot, their position looks like a different interaction instead of what they are actually doing, making the game more fun uwu (like that lil dance above)
Well, I have lots of screenshots however; I will leave it from here for this part because this is already 10 pics lmao.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
From the angst list: "I never loved you" with WinterIron if you're up for it? :)
Bucky takes a long look at the screen. 
“Why me of all of us? Why can’t Nat do it?” 
“You’re the closest to his type, whereas I am not,” Natasha says, looking particularly miffed. “At least, that’s what Bruce said.” 
“And I’m the smart one on this team for this one,” Bruce says, sliding his glasses down his nose. “Stark likes tall, dark, and handsome. Also potentially someone who could kill him.” 
“I can kill a man! You’ve seen me do it dozens of times!” 
“And as satisfying as it is each time, still not who we need,” Bruce says. “You can be part of clean-up.” 
“Why exactly are we doing this again?” Bucky asks. “Not saying it’s not necessary, but I’m assuming we can get past security.” 
“Ix-nay on that,” Maria says, frowning. “We’re getting Tony out of the weapons distribution game. He’s been selling under the table to a group called Ten Rings, and we need that shut down. Also, his security is impossible to break into. Trust me.” 
“Even past government level?” 
“Especially past government level,” Bruce says, admiration laced into his voice. “Government level is stupid-easy to hack compared to Stark Industries. Theirs is like breaking into Heaven itself.” 
“Or Hell, depending on your outlook,” Maria says. 
“If their security is good, then it means I’ve been had,” Bucky says. “I don’t think they’re gonna bypass this face and go ‘oh yeah, perfect for the job,’” Bucky says. “Which, by the way, am I just seducing him or getting a job?” 
“Seduction,” Natasha answers. “Bump into him. Disregard his status as a billionaire. He’ll swoon. Rich guys always do.” 
“Good to know next time my rent is late,” Clint adds, actually writing it down. 
“I have no idea why you always grumble that we never send you on missions when you do this,” Steve says. “But back to the subject.” 
The plan is this: 
Bucky runs into Tony as he’s out walking. For a billionaire, Tony is surprisingly easy to track down. Maybe it’s because he knows he’s built up a tech empire and if anyone does kidnap him (and they try) his tech quite literally saves him. 
They’re theorizing if Bucky is an outlier, a chance encounter, they might have an upper hand. 
He’s not sure, but hey. What the hell. Gets him out of the house. 
Tony frequents a coffee shop that is unfairly tacky, has lemon-blueberry muffins, and Bucky is ordering an iced latte. 
He bumps into Tony, sending him off-balance. 
The man is tinier than anticipated. 
Bucky all but lunges to make sure his head doesn’t go right into the glass windows. 
“Sorry about that,” he says. “Wasn’t thinking that hard, sugar.” 
Tony calls all of his friends by pet names. They figured he’d appreciate it. 
Judging by the small smile making its way onto his face, he does. 
“No harm done, not if I get to see someone as gorgeous as you,” Tony says, all but purring. “I’m a regular here, and I’ve never seen you before.” 
“Just moved back to New York,” Bucky supplies smoothly. “Work opportunity.” 
He buys Tony a coffee for the trouble. 
Buying a man with all the money in the world, coffee. 
He gets a number printed in blocky, engineering script on a napkin with a promise to “call for a date, if you want.” 
He calls the next day, heart jack-hammering out of control. 
It feels awkward to have Steve and Nat right there, egging him on to take him on a simple date. 
They go on a picnic. The weather’s nice, Bucky’s nervous, and Tony grinning at him is not helping. 
He feels...guilty. He’s pulled undercover work before, hell even gone down the same line of thinking. 
But this...this is different. Tony doesn’t seem to even acknowledge that he’s the most well-known person in the world. Sure, there are the signs. Allusions to business, Obadiah Stane “killing” him so to speak, if he doesn’t get a weapon done in time.  
Tony Stark is far more different than Bucky had expected. He wears old t-shirts and jeans that have definitely been in his closet for a long time, doesn’t always remember to style his hair, and definitely enjoys having Bucky around. 
The terrible thing is that Bucky actually really enjoys the man’s presence. He’s casually affectionate, unaware that Bucky could kill him if he was feeling particularly bored. 
Tony tells him about his day. About the little things in life, like that he discovered that he likes a certain kind of creamer or a funny thing Rhodey said. 
His friends are guarded, but nice. They don’t trust Bucky, and for good reason. 
(After all, Bucky’s just another one in a long list of people that have dated Tony for something.) 
And he hates it when his eyes light up because he’s excited to see him, or when Tony pecks him on the cheek when they get to Bucky’s place (and it’s not his place, it’s a safe house that he had to personalize a bit), and just...
“You catching feelings?” Natasha asks. 
“Doesn’t matter.” 
They both know it’s not good. 
In order to maintain a cover and not have it blow up in your face, you need to feel a little bit. Or be a hell of an actor. 
Bucky’s not the type to be nominated for an Oscar. .
When he’s lying in bed, he remembers that Tony is the one who’s selling under the table. He’s causing needless deaths and it’s a shock to the system. 
Because Tony can’t even kill a spider. He gets a napkin and shrieks as he flings it out into the patio garden he has. He coos when he sees a dog walk past the breakfast place they tend to frequent in fair weather. 
Tony goes to farmer markets early and buys bouquets and hands out the baked goods to people on his way home. 
He complains that he needs a pinstriped suit but nowhere makes it right. He puts his head against Bucky’s shoulder after a long day at work, and is very tactile. He puts Bucky’s hair into buns and is so delicate. 
And it all is a lie. 
It is a lie when Bucky pushes that one unruly curl out of the way when he kisses Tony on the forehead. It is a lie when he gives him fun space socks and laughs when Tony’s first action is to slide on the wooden floor. 
It is a lie when they go to the art museum with hands interlaced and make fun of modern art. When Tony whispers that he loves Michelangelo, and everyone says he should like da Vinci, but he doesn’t. He can’t. 
“Michelangelo painted and sculpted what he saw, and that was strength in people,” Tony says. “He used everyday models. He created a sense of pride in creation. And I never forgot that, that pride of creation.” 
And Bucky swallows and it’s hard to breathe for a moment because creation is not something he would say. 
Obadiah Stane knows about Bucky. He doesn’t approve of him because he is yet another distraction that pulls Tony away from work. 
“You’re a golden goose, boy,” he says, putting a hand on Tony’s shoulder. 
Bucky can’t help but be uncomfortable in his presence. He calls Tony “boy” and maybe that’s from knowing him from such a young age, but that doesn’t feel like it. 
“Well this golden goose likes going on dates with his love,” Tony says, pecking a kiss on Bucky’s cheek. He smiles on instinct. 
“Sorry, sir,” Bucky begins. “But he’s only human.” 
Stane doesn’t like this Barnes guy. There’s something off about him, something that’s too...close. 
He looks into Bucky Barnes. 
Had some military service, was MIA. Almost declared KIA until a guy named Captain Rogers brought him back from somewhere in Eastern Europe, somewhere that Stane was familiar with. 
He calls two numbers. 
One is to inform the military of a surprise cancellation on a weapons demonstration regarding the Jericho missile. 
The other is to a man who he hadn’t dined with in quite some time. 
“Pierce, how do you feel about lunch on Saturday?” 
Alexander Pierce is a man who is quite easy-going. He can do a lunch on Saturday, particularly with Obadiah Stane. 
“Good to see an old friend again,” he says, taking his wine glass. “What do I owe an occasion for? Did you finally get Stark to agree to marry one of my nieces?” 
“Not quite yet,” Obadiah says, smiling at the waiter. “Could I get the sirloin, medium-well? Thank you so much.” 
“I’ll take the grilled salmon,” Pierce says, handing his menu over. 
“How are the kids?” Obadiah asks as the waiter’s gone. 
“Fine, fine. You know how the younger generation is. Think they know everything when they get to college. Samantha wants free college. Thinks we didn’t pay for anything back in the day.” 
Stane laughs. 
“They’ll do that, for sure. Tony comes back with all sorts of ideas in his head about medical fees and do-good-community-bullshit.” 
Pierce takes another swallow of wine. 
“I assume you don’t want to just know about my kids.” 
“No, no that’s not all. I need to know how much you know about one James Barnes.” 
Pierce stills. 
“What do you know about him?” 
“Tony has a new...partner,” Obadiah says, “and he goes by Bucky. I saw that he was nearly declared KIA. Can’t imagine that that was satisfactory for you.” 
“It still isn’t. You know where he is?” 
“I can point you to his apartment.” 
“Excellent. Are we splitting the check?” 
“I’ll get it, you get the other thing,” Stane says. “And don’t make it too big of a thing, okay? Dramatics aren’t what we need.” 
“Got it. Thank you.” 
They enjoy the steak and the salmon. 
Stane tips absolutely nothing. 
What Obadiah doesn’t know but probably should have is that Tony was sleeping over at Bucky’s place. 
He would not have sent Pierce there at the time that he did. 
He’s lucky that Bucky still remembers how to kill a man and gets out of the bed, knife already in hand. 
Tony is clutching the blankets, frozen. 
“Do you have anyone after you to kill you?” Bucky pants. 
Another guy comes up, and he’s not even looking at Tony. 
Well. Looks like Stane looked into him a little bit. 
“Babe, what the fuck is going on?” Tony asks sharply. He’s scrambling to get under the bed, yelping as he finds what is either the handgun or the machete. He thinks he put the handgun on the opposite side. 
Tony pops out with the machete. 
“I may or may not have not told you some things,” Bucky says, throwing the guy against a wall. 
“Like fucking what?” 
“I might have been a secret agency’s weapon for at least a year,” Bucky says. “In my defense, I remember nearly none of it except for sometimes.” 
“Except for sometimes?!” Tony yells, brandishing the machete. 
He’ll have to remember that he has the handgun on the other side. 
“Darlin’, I need you to go to the kitchen and grab my cellphone. Call Nat, tell her you need help.” 
It’s a whole clusterfuck is what it is. Bucky’s dealing with three different men all in varying states of pain in his apartment, his boyfriend (well, kind of a boyfriend, he doesn’t know he’s not one) is on the front lawn, and Bucky is in his room debating on redecorating tips and panicking. 
“Why the fuck would someone send people after you?” Natasha hisses. “Who knows?” 
“Stane, most likely,” Bucky says. “Got suspicious. Hated that I would take Tony out for dates.” 
“Why, he homophobic?” 
“Among other things. I think I cut into Tony’s productivity time.” 
“Oh my fucking god, seriously? You took Tony out for ice cream and that’s what did it?” 
“Most likely. Rhodes and Potts didn’t suspect a thing. I’m thinking Stane knows Pierce, probably made contact. But it begs the question as to why. Because he could get around my timing.” 
“Maybe it’s not Stark who’s selling,” Natasha says, “and that means we’ve wasted a fucking year with this whole shtick.” 
Tony is standing outside the door. 
“You...so you were exactly like the other ones?” 
Bucky’s chest constricts. 
“I--I can’t say no.” 
“So you never loved me?” Tony asks quietly. “Every single time you got me a present, it was just to lead me away from something else? Every single time you picked me up for brunch, it was an act?” 
“So after all this,” Tony says, gesturing to the framed pictures and the set of drawers that were specifically for him in mind, “you were gonna look me dead in the eyes and say ‘I never loved you’?” 
“We thought you were selling weapons under the table,” Natasha explains. “We needed to get close without tripping any alarms. 
Tony freezes. 
“Well. You did your job. Now I’m getting the hell out of here. And I’m taking the fucking machete.” 
Tony tears apart Bucky’s tires on his way out. 
That’s fair. 
Bucky was not expecting to feel like absolute fucking shit. 
Or try to apologize to Tony. 
He calls and texts and even shows up to the tower, but Jarvis says if he comes in then he’ll be obliterated to pieces. 
“Does it help if I don’t care that I die?” He asks hopefully. 
“I do not want to bother our cleaning services with something so trivial, Barnes,” Jarvis says. 
Even his AI is mad at him. 
Existence is a curse and a prison. He is definitely writing his own eulogy and telling everyone it was Bruce’s fault that he sent him instead of Nat. Nat probably could’ve done it. And not fucked it up and gotten feelings and now feel like drowning to Lana Del Ray. 
“You’re so fucking sad,” Sam says, poking Bucky in the leg. “Stop listening to sad shit, I think it’s affecting Bruce. You know how Bruce is when Lorde comes on.” 
“Yeah, he gets all mad and tells us we’re disappoints to natural worlds,” Steve calls out. “Bucky, you want a grilled cheese or are you gonna deny yourself a functional dinner and eat two pretzel rods later tonight?” 
“Aren’t we out of pretzel rods?” Bucky grumbles back. 
“I’m making you a grilled cheese now then. If you don’t eat it I’m going to tell you all about my day, and I had to wait in a really long line at the DMV.” 
“Ugh,” Bucky groans. “How is your life sadder than mine at this point?” 
“His life isn’t sad, it’s just boring,” Sam answers. “Steve, you’re boring.” 
“If I’m so boring, then why the fuck am I still here?” Steve asks. “You never call Bruce boring when he rants about nineteenth century art and elitism.” 
“That’s because I’m right and I called Cezanne a ‘punk bitch’ and made it funny,” Bruce says. “You are around for entertainment value and aesthetics only. Also because occasionally you let Sharon visit and I love her.” 
Despite his best efforts, Tony is crying on a Friday afternoon at 2:34 p.m. This should not be happening, but it is. 
Pepper says he shouldn’t have his desk face the door, it’s kind of sad. 
“Just...god I hate that I like him!” Tony exclaims. “I hate that I know he kind of didn’t mean to do this, except he did, but he thought I was a criminal! And I still like him! Even though objectively what he did was bad but I haven’t talked to him!” 
“You’re a sad little man,” Pepper says. 
“If you call me a ‘little man’ one more time I think I might go unhinged and destroy the fourth floor,” Tony says. “And I know that you store your and Rhodey’s favorite coffee there because they don’t mess with cabinets.” 
“You monster.” 
Pepper reshuffles her papers. 
“Well, while you sign these--and you willl, stop pouting--I’m going to tell you something.” 
Tony starts signing. 
“While I think that Bucky is questionable at best, I don’t quite think he was there because he wanted something. Other than you in jail, but like. I don’t think even that.” 
“Should I be consulting a therapist about this?” 
“Probably. Are you going to?” 
“I’m me. No.” 
Pepper snorts. She gets one signed form back. 
“He felt guilty taking your gifts. He liked baking you desserts so when you got back home the house would smell like cookies. You’re not the only one who misses that, by the way.” 
“So are you saying I should take him back?” 
“At least talk to him. Decide if you want him back or not. Keep in mind he can’t come to family dinner for a hot minute.” 
Bucky gets a text asking about dinner. 
He says yes. 
They go to a restaurant neither of them know. Tony still passes an old dinner favorite, and remembers that Bucky had hated the fish. 
Bucky passes by a breakfast favorite. Or late night favorite. 
He remembers making little pyramids of the coffee creamers and Tony figuring out how to get creative with the tin foil for leftovers. 
The restaurant has a fucking wait list. 
Fifteen minutes. 
So they’re standing there and making the most awkward small-talk available because it’s not like you can ask if someone is doing fine after they were attempted to be killed and you also found out they thought you were the criminal mastermind. 
At least, you can’t ask it while you’re on a wait list at a restaurant. 
They get seated at the bar because Tony is a gigantic pushover and Bucky doesn’t mind bar seats. 
They order drinks and then Bucky orders an appetizer and it occurs to Tony that for the first time in a long time, he’ll have to ask to split the checks. 
“How have you been doing?” Bucky asks. 
How have you been doing. What a fucking sentence. What a damn question. 
“Are you asking me how I am doing?” Tony responds. “When I found out that my boyfriend was faking it, my uncle was basically Claudius from Hamlet, and I also have to revamp my company entirely from scratch and fired the most amount of people I think I’ve ever done because of said-tragic-uncle? Oh James, I’m doing just absolutely peachy.” 
Oof, James. 
Bucky orders a martini. 
“For the record, I am very sorry,” Bucky says. “About everything. I shouldn’t have done all that I did, and I probably should’ve just asked you if you were selling weaponry.” 
“You think I would’ve told you?” 
“Well no, but you’re the worst liar on planet earth,” Bucky says. “You said you liked my cardigan. You never did.” 
“It was a monstrosity and you know that,” Tony argues. “I hope you burn it.” 
“I’ll let you burn it,” Bucky says. 
“Are you serious?” 
“Course I am.” 
They order from a very nice waitress who most likely has no idea the amount of shit they need to talk about, or the epic level of just...drama. 
“How are you doing?” Tony asks, stirring his lemonade. “Still being a weird conman?” 
“I usually am not the conman,” Bucky answers. “I’m usually the guy who’s long-distance.” 
“What the fuck do you mean long--oh. Oh. Never mind, I don’t wanna know. Nope.” 
“Well other than that, I’m fine. You know. Making coffee. Getting up in the morning. All that fun jazz.” 
(Tony politely does not mention that all of those activities are not “all that fun jazz.” They are not fun, nor particularly jazzy.) 
They sit awkwardly. Tony checks his phone. 
“I still like you. And I want to hear your side of things,” Tony says. “I’m...open option.” 
“You did not just say open option like you’re a college tour guide.” 
“Get to the point,” Tony says. 
“We thought you were the one double-dealing under the table,” Bucky says. “So we decided that I would go in. We couldn’t surpass your security, Jarvis is too good.” 
“He’ll be glad to hear that.” 
(This is because Jarvis is a Smug Bastard. Just like his dad.) 
“And so I was introduced to you. Bumped into you completely by accident, or so it seemed. Sincerely didn’t mean to drop coffee.” 
“I was to get to know you in a way that didn’t involve anything with the company so that there wouldn’t be added security measures. You vetted me as a romantic interest, not a threat. You didn’t do deep digging.” 
“Good to know,” Tony murmurs. “I did it after all of...that. You have an impressively mysterious background, Bucky.” 
“I tried my hardest,” Bucky says. 
“Continue with your story.” 
“Somewhere along the line, I started...well I was conflicted. Because Tony, I don’t mean this as a way to sugarcoat, but you are genuinely one of the best people I’ve ever had in my life. 
And I just...I couldn’t stop hurting myself every single time I saw you because I thought you were this person who put profit over people, and then you weren’t. And I completely fucked that up. And I was a terrible person who manipulated you. That wasn’t okay.” 
“No, it wasn’t,” Tony says. “But it also should be said that I let the wool get pulled over my eyes. I wasn’t personally checking in on the company that I own. And if there were under-the-table dealings, the CEO should know. And I was just compliant with whatever Obie was doing because I thought that he was good just because I knew him. That was...stupid of me.” 
They order food. It’s kind of awkward. They are both pretty sure the waitress has caught on that something is up with them. 
Bucky decides to eat his mac n cheese. 
Tony is looking at it. 
“You want some?” 
“Better not. Your appetite is always huge.” 
“Yeah but you like mac n cheese.” 
Bucky scoops some of it onto Tony’s plate. In usual circumstances, Tony would’ve just swooped in with his fork and stolen it like the gremlin he is. 
But this is not the usual circumstance. 
They split the check. Get the wrong bills. Pay them anyway, because they are nothing if not nice and slightly desperate for each other. 
“I’ll..see you soon,” Tony says. “It was nice talking to you.” 
They get to know each other as people, after that amazingly awkward lunch. 
Tony finds out that Bucky really, really loves getting up early in the morning. He has a ritual that he rarely strays from. Bucky also likes working on cars and bikes, and that’s something they enjoy together. 
Tony loves quoting old movies and talking in the very stupid but very adorable transatlantic accent. 
They find new restaurants to try. They figure out that they both would prefer to not go into sandwich shops. (Varied reasons, all stemming from events from 2004. Do not ask.) 
Bucky gets Tony a series of old movies and movie posters, which Tony adores. Pepper and Rhodey approve. 
“You’re no longer on the kill-list!” Pepper exclaims brightly. 
“I think Bucky here could kill you if he wanted to,” Tony defends. 
“I could not,” Bucky immediately counters. “All of your friends terrify me on a level that shouldn’t exist.” 
“I’ll keep this in mind the next time I want late night pizza,” Rhodey says. “You should not have shared with the class, Barnes.” 
“Like you wouldn’t have found out anyway,” Bucky answers, snorting. “You found out where to find my middle school pictures and blow them up on Stark Industries’ presentation boards. What else couldn’t you find out?” 
“Bruce’s phone number,” Rhodey says, sighing. 
“Oh, I have that,” Tony says. 
“And you didn’t tell me?” He screeches. “I could’ve been taking him to brunch by now!” 
Tony rolls his eyes. 
“You’re so dramatic. I have no idea where you got that from.” 
Rhodey flips him off. 
Pepper delicately sighs, picking her plate up. 
“I’m turning in the for the night. Rhodey, I’d suggest you do the same.” 
It’s not subtle at all. They all know that Tony and Bucky are going to talk. 
They’ve been doing this dance for a couple of months now. Going on dates, leaving each other at the door and kissing on the cheek goodbye. Only recently has Tony restarted activities they used to do. It still sends a zing to Bucky’s heart when Tony kisses him on the cheek before he leaves. 
God, what a great start. Really and truly. Their best one yet, of course. 
“Listen,” Bucky says. “I don’t have a lot that you don’t already know. But what you should already know is that I will and can die for you. Doesn’t matter what the circumstance is. And I know you’d do the same, I can always tell. But I know that you dying for somebody is different from me because you carry the world on your shoulders and I don’t. 
And these months have been rough, I know they have. I’m beyond grateful that you got that lunch with me and we agreed to actually date and have no secrets--except for the time you used the last of my blackberry preserves--but that’s okay. You can use all of my jams and preserves for whatever you want as long as I get to see you for the rest of time.” 
Tony stills. 
Because he wasn’t expecting this many words. He had actually prepared a whole speech. Even practiced it in front of his mirror. 
(Also he was not expecting to be in his ratty old workshop t-shirt, but here he is.) 
Tony melts. 
He crawls into Bucky’s lap, sighing. 
“I’m never leaving.” 
“Really? After all that, and all I get is cuddles?” Bucky sighs dramatically. “The folly of man.” 
“You get cuddles for the rest of time,” Tony says, “plus a little more. Discounted rate, of course.” 
“Oh, a discounted rate?” Bucky says, cackling. “Debit or credit?” 
Tony grins, laughing. He pulls Bucky into a kiss. 
“Missed that.” 
“Me too.” 
They won’t miss it anymore. At least, not for as long as it was. 
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 74 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Previously: Galactica shut down for the holidays, and Bianca turned Courtney’s shitty day around.
This Chapter: Christmas Eve. Fame plays hostess for Juju and Detox’s family, Bianca and Courtney jet off to Puerto Rico, Violet spends the evening with Sutan, Raja and Raven, and Pearl thirsts for Dahlia.
“Patrick?” Fame called over her shoulder, a big porcelain vase on the table in front of her.
“Yes darling?” Patrick was sitting in an armchair, his finger holding his place in the crime novel he was reading, Charles curled up on the floor in front of the crackling fireplace.
“What do you think of this?” Fame took a step back, showing off the greenhouse bouquet she had arranged, their gardener bringing them in after his rounds, snow covering the ground outside. “I was hoping they could be the centerpiece for tonight?”
They were upstate, in what Karl had jokingly started to call The Farm one summer. In reality, it was a mansion with several acres of land, the incredible garden the reason for the nickname, though Karl had insisted it was because upstate New York was basically Hicksville.
Fame and Patrick had bought it forever ago, the property supposed to be a real estate investment, but when they had visited it to oversee the remodel during the fall of the year they got it, Fame had fallen in love instantly.
She adored The Farm, loved the open land, loved the space that reminded her of her childhood’s free roam, loved that Charles had all the space in the world, the property so big that no one ever bothered them while they were there.
“I think that’s lovely dear,” Patrick smiled, taking a sip of the spiced eggnog the chef had made. “Juju’s going to love that.”
“Good.” Fame smiled, a moment of happiness washing over her body. Juju and Detox were coming up for Christmas, bringing their children along, the bedrooms already prepared for them.
When Detox and Juju had accepted her invitation to join them upstate, Fame had been overjoyed, spending the holiday with her friends instead of family so much more enjoyable, and best of all, it required absolutely no flying.
Unlike the Manhattan townhouse, The Farm was decorated in a traditional Christmas red and green, a fresh cut actual pine tree set up in the parlor, copious amounts of gifts for Kelly and the twins already under the tree.
“I’ll go check up on the chef.” Fame put down her garden shears, quickly drying her hands on her tea towel, collecting the scraps for the compost out back. “Make sure they’re cooking the Brussels sprouts correctly.”
The night's dinner was a wild lemon and honey salmon, a spinach salad with goat cheese and beets, the dessert spiced tea-poached pears for the adults and a sundae bar for the kids.
“And the mac and cheese?” Patrick raised an eyebrow.
“Of course,” Fame smiled. “I specifically instructed the chef to go for the mega size Kraft. The little ones should know it’s Christmas too.”
In reality, Fame had requested a complete restock of what Patrick lovingly called the kids cupboard, a whole section dedicated to the Sanderson kids, Kelly always going straight there the second she stepped foot inside. Just because she was a teenager who rarely attended family events anymore didn’t mean that Fame would forget about her.
“The sleds are ready to go too.”
Fame had never wanted kids of her own, but she loved and adored her entire chosen family, especially the little ones. Spoiling them had been one of her favorite pastimes since they’d met, when Kelly was still a chubby little baby with a passion for sticking jewelry into her mouth.
Today, she’d planned a lovely afternoon of fun in the snow for when everyone arrived. Fame had even bought a new snow set, the pure white Prada demanding to go home with her, her new mittens lined with rabbit fur so she could truly get down and dirty while building the snowman she hoped they had time for.
It was one of the most liberating things about The Farm, the acres of land meaning that there was a sense of privacy she could never feel in the city.
“And did you go for the wood?”
“Of course I went for the wooden sleds,” Fame rolled her eyes, Patrick so often playing stupid on purpose just to rile her up. “The antique German design.” There was no way Fame was going for anything but the best, and Julia and Owen deserved the best sledding experience money could buy, gourmet marshmallows and Jacques Torres hot chocolate already in the kitchen ready to go.
“Mmh?” Patrick smirked, taking another sip of his egg nog, and Fame went over to kiss him, just to wipe it off his face.
“Kelly Sanderson! Don’t you forget your scarf!”
“Yes mom,” Kelly rolled her eyes, but snatched her scarf, putting it around her neck before walking towards the house with her gym bag over her shoulder, and Juju couldn’t help but smile.
They were emptying out the car, the drive upstate a complete pain since she had been nauseous the entire time, Detox driving while Kelly was in the front seat, so Juju had been alone in the back with the twins because someone had to keep an eye on them, and Kelly refused.
“Okay champ,” Detox looked at his son who was still in the car, Julia standing on the snow-covered ground in her Frozen jacket. “I’m going to unbuckle you, but that doesn’t mean that you can-“
“Bye dad!!”
Juju laughed as Owen ran as fast as he could towards the front door, his sister right behind him.
“We got them!”
Juju turned to see Patrick call from the door, a big smile on the man's face, Fame right behind him.
“Your death wish!” Detox yelled, and Juju smiled before digging back in, her husband quickly gathering enough suitcases to make his first trip up to the house, Juju taking a moment to enjoy the blessed silence of private property upstate.
She fished her phone out of her handbag, a sense of relief washing over her when she saw that Bianca had texted. They had only spoken once last week, when Juju called her to apologize for the dinner party pile-on, and Bianca said it was okay, but she also seemed a bit rushed and distracted. Juju was hoping that it was just work, that she wasn’t genuinely mad, but she couldn’t be sure, especially since she hadn’t responded to any messages the night before. Looking at the messages today, though, it really did seem like they were good.
JUJU: Hey there. Thinking of you, hope you’re good.
JUJU: To be clear, I was thinking of you because I got up to take a very large dump.
JUJU: Hehe
JUJU: <3
JUJU: OK goodnight! xo
JUJU: Merry Christmas Eve, lady! I love you.
BIANCA: Love you too, kiddo. Sorry for being MIA last night.
BIANCA: I’m taking Courtney to PR for Christmas, we’re heading to JFK right now.
BIANCA: Tell the monsters that I owe them some presents when I get back.
JUJU: Oh wow!! Have fun!!!! (And trust me, they will collect on those presents, lol)
She sighed, slipping the phone back into her bag, thinking that perhaps she should keep Bianca’s vacation plans under wraps for now. She turned towards the house, watching Fame on her knee, unlacing Julia’s shoes. Yes, better not to be the messenger for this particular news.
“So...is it everything you imagined?” Bianca asked, a wry grin on her face. She’d been a bit shocked when Courtney revealed in the car that she’d never flown first class before. She thought that surely someone as cute and charming as her had been slipped a free upgrade or two by a flight attendant trying to hit on her.
“It’s perfect.” Courtney tilted her champagne glass towards Bianca for a toast, her eyes taking on that slightly glazed, naughty look as she sipped on her third glass.
“Perfect, huh?” Bianca asked, clinking her glass lightly. “Then I guess you don’t want another present…”
“Wait, no...I do!” Courtney exclaimed, suddenly looking so serious that Bianca couldn’t hold back her cackling laughter.
Drunk Courtney was turning into one of her favorite people, the comically exaggerated faces she made when her defenses were down too cute for words.
“Oh, well in that case…” She reached into her bag and pulled out a box wrapped in sparkling pink and gold.
“How did you fit that in there?” Courtney asked, letting Bianca take her glass so that she had both hands free for the large gift, examining it closely. “Are you Mary Poppins?”
“Yeah, that’s me. A g-rated singing nanny.”
“Hot,” Courtney giggled, and Bianca gave her a stern look. “What, I like sexy nannies. Maria Von Trapp...Fran Fine?!”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Bianca shook her head, amused.
“Oh no, am I being naughty? Are you gonna spank me?” Courtney’s eyes glittered.
Well, this was an unexpected turn. Perhaps something to explore when they weren’t flying thirty thousand feet over an ocean, surrounded by people.
“Open your present.”
“Yes, ma’am…” Courtney said, making Bianca laugh again as she tore into the package, first pulling off the excessive ribbons and bows (Joslyn really shouldn’t be trusted with that kind of thing) and then the glittery paper. She lifted the lid on the box, revealing 5 brand-new designer bathing suits, all from this year’s hottest resort collections. Her eyes lit up. “Ooooh, wow! This is much better than the plan I had.”
“What was your plan?”
“I was just gonna go without a suit,” she said, shrugging a bit as she fluttered her lashes.
“Huh.” Bianca’s brow furrowed in mock disappointment, adding, “Yeah, no, I like your plan better, give these back.”
She reached over and attempted to swipe the box from Courtney’s hand, but Courtney clutched it greedily to her chest.
“No! They’re mine now!”
Bianca laughed, leaning over to press a kiss to her cheek, just as Courtney grabbed her face and went right for her lips.
“Thank you, B. I love them. I love you.”
“I love you too, sunshine.” Bianca rested her forehead against Courtney’s with a happy sigh. “And I can’t wait to see you in them...or out of them.”
“Are you sure it’s okay that I’m not helping?” Violet asked. She was sitting on a silver bar stool and feeling absolutely useless, her fingers drumming on the marble breakfast bar.
Raja and Raven’s apartment looked like something from a catalog, big art pieces hung everywhere, fresh flowers in vases even though it was December. Violet had spotted the heavy oak Raja preferred, and the green and gold she gravitated towards, but it was clear that Raven was the main decorator.
“Of course,” Raven smiled, flashing her teeth over her shoulder. She was standing at the counter, filling up the sink so she could rinse off their dishes.
“Let her have the fantasy,” Sutan grinned, putting the empty tray he was carrying down, Raja right behind him. “This is the one time of year Raven pretends she’s the perfect housewife,”
“Fuck off.” Raven flipped him off, “I’m always perfect.”
When Sutan had told Violet he usually spent Christmas Eve with his sister and Raven, Violet hadn't been surprised. What had surprised her was when Sutan told her that Raven insisted on cooking every year. It had been a simple meal, roasted chicken and potatoes with gravy, but it did really seem like Raven had made it herself, Raja in charge of buying the dessert.
It was the first time Violet had celebrated Christmas Eve with anyone since she was 17, and while it was very different from what she usually did, which was wine and a movie, it was nice.
“You are, Princess,” Raja smiled, pressing a quick kiss against her hair as she dropped their dishes. “Now, does anyone want another drink?”
“Me,” Raven grinned, and Violet had to fight not to show the surprise on her face when Raven just grabbed the dirty dishes. She had never thought Raven would be someone who did chores, who’d willingly get her hands dirty.
“I’m driving tomorrow, so no,” Sutan was leaning against the counter, a smile on his lips. He was wearing a blue turtleneck sweater, and Violet had to admit that he looked stupidly hot in it.
“Actually…” Sutan paused, narrowing his eyes. “Raven, what’s going on with your nose?”
“Her nose?” Raja tilted her head, looking at her fiancée. “What do you mean?”
“It looks different. There.” Sutan pointed with his pinky at the edge of her nose.
“She seems normal to me.”
“Can’t you see it? Here, I’ll adjust- Let me push her head back.“ Sutan was just about to reach for Raven’s chin, when he was cut off.
“Hey!” Raven pulled away, “Crazy agent, I’m in the room.” She raised an eyebrow, her tone sharp, “I’m trying a new makeup technique.” Raven pushed Susn’s hand away from her face. “Is that a problem?”
“Of course not…”
“Good,” Raven rolled her eyes. “Now can we please get this done so we can watch a movie?”
“Sure.” Sutan rolled his eyes too, grabbing a dish towel before bumping his hip against Raven, making her yelp, laughter filling the room.
Violet let out a breath of relief she hadn’t even realized she had been holding, the knot in her stomach slowly releasing. She was probably overreacting, a childhood of tense Christmases just under her skin, but it had almost felt like Raven and Sutan were about to get in a fight.
Violet took her glass, a smile on her face as she took a sip of her wine, the uncomfortable feeling thankfully already fading.
Earlier, Courtney had enjoyed a healthy buzz from all the first class champagne, but then she fell asleep for half of the flight, and by the time they got to the resort, she felt refreshingly, deliciously sober, closing her eyes to feel the warm, fragrant ocean breeze blow in through the windows.
As Bianca directed the hotel staff with their suitcases, Courtney wandered over to the glass doors, eyes widening when she peered out at the terrace.
“B! Omigod, is this an infinity pool?” She threw open the doors and stepped outside, where a table was set up with a romantic, candlelit dinner. But even better, what was clearly a private infinity pool, which made her so excited she squealed with glee. “I’ve seen pictures of those but I never thought I’d see one in person!”
Bianca appeared in the doorway, a smirk on her face as she replied, “It’s not an infinity pool. It’s an infinity hot tub. The pool is down those steps.”
Courtney giggled, already slipping off her shoes to feel the heavenly warm water. She sat down at the edge of the hot tub, letting her legs dangle into the water while she gazed out at the gorgeous view, the gentle waves under a night sky sparkling with stars. When she mused last week about wanting to go to the beach, she certainly wasn’t imagining a private beach at this posh resort. But for once, everything in her life had worked out perfectly. All because of Bianca, who was now chatting with the hotel manager about their meal.
“Es esta la comida? Todo es vegano, verdad?”
“Si, of course. I hope everything is to your liking, Señora.”
“Es perfecto. Gracias.” She pressed some bills into his hand, adding, “Feliz Navidad!”
As soon as he left, Bianca turned back to Courtney, head tilting curiously when she took in her enraptured expression. “What?”
“I just think it’s sexy when you speak Spanish,” Courtney explained, biting her lip.
“Oh yeah? That’s what gets you going? My shitty high school Spanish?” Bianca asked, strolling towards her, dimples deep in her cheeks.
“Uh huh. I like the accent. Say more things…” Courtney leaned back, lashes fluttering, as Bianca laughed and pretended to think real hard.
“Hmm…” She settled in beside Courtney at the edge of the hot tub, slipping an arm around her waist and pressing a kiss to her shoulder. “Dónde está la biblioteca?”
“Ahh, yeah, that’s it,” Courtney growled, and Bianca laughed some more.
“Tu eres una gringa loca…”
“Uh huh…wait, what does that mean?”
“It means you’re a crazy white girl.”
“Oh. Yeah, fair.” Courtney cupped Bianca’s face in her hands, pulling her in for a kiss. Things were just starting to get a little heated when Courtney’s phone began to ring. She had a brief moment of panic before realizing that it was her personal phone, not her work phone. And since very few people made phone calls anymore, she was fairly certain that it would be her parents.
Coming out to her parents had been strange. She knew already, from how they reacted to Ben’s coming out when he was just 13, that they would be fine with her not being straight. But Ben hadn’t been dating someone nearly 20 years his senior.
So she was nervous, more than she’d have admitted, when she finally told them everything that was going on in her life--that she was dating, or rather in love with, a woman.
A woman who was, incidentally, a famous fashion magazine editor many years older than her.
Turned out, it was even more of an anticlimax than she anticipated, Mum giving her some bland platitudes about how love is love and Dad telling her to make sure she takes her vitamin D.
Which at first seemed like an innuendo, but actually was just him being his usual health-conscious self. Either way, they seemed both unsurprised and unbothered by the whole situation, which was a relief, she supposed. It was strangely reminiscent of when she was 16 and she’d announced that she wanted to graduate from high school early and go to America for University. Measured, unemotional support.
Courtney reached for her bag, pulling out the phone and answering, her family’s face popping up on the screen as she tried to figure out the time difference. It must already be Christmas morning in Brisbane.
“Hi, Mum! Happy Christmas!”
“Hello darling!” her mother cooed, elbowing Dad and Ben on either side of her, who she’d clearly forced into position, sitting on the sofa with the Christmas tree behind them, the picture of suburban bliss. “Happy Christmas!”
“Happy Christmas, love!” said Dad, pretending that he wasn’t thoroughly engrossed in whatever crime novel Courtney could see open on his lap.
Mum poked Ben again with her sharp elbow, and he scoffed.
“Yeah, yeah. Happy Christmas. How’s your rich girlfriend?” Ben asked.
“Great. How’s single life?” Courtney shot back, and Ben opened his mouth in mock offense.
“You fuckin’ cunt-”
“What was that, dickhead-”
“Kids!” Mum interrupted, putting on her best scolding voice as Courtney and Ben both broke out into giggles.
“She knows I’m kidding, Mum. Calm down.”
“I’m perfectly calm,” Mum said, rolling her eyes. “I’m just trying to have a pleasant conversation with my daughter, thanks very much.”
“Thanks Mum,” Courtney said, kicking her feet in the warm water. “It’s fine, though. It wouldn’t be Ben if he wasn’t giving me shit.”
“That’s called love, ya slag! Appreciate it!” Ben cut in, and Courtney blew him a kiss.
“Well darling, we just want you to know that we miss you terribly, but we’re so happy that you’re having a nice vacation. Right?”
“So happy,” Ben echoed, sticking out his tongue.
“And we’ve been talking about it, and-” she patted Dad on the thigh, then hit him harder when he didn’t say anything.
“Oh, yes. Ahem. We’ve been talking about planning a trip to New York next year,” Dad said. “How does that sound?”
“That sounds fantastic!” Courtney exclaimed. She hadn’t seen any of them since a quick trip to Australia last spring, before she moved to New York.
Bianca sat down beside her again, silently handing over a glass filled with ice and some kind of milky liquid along with a sexy wink, just out of camera range.
“Guys, check out the view!” While her family exclaimed over how beautiful it was, Courtney took a small sip of the drink, eyes widening with delight. “Omigod, this is like Bailey’s but better. Cheers!”
“Cheers,” Bianca murmured back.
“Hi, Bianca!” Mum called loudly. “Thank you for the wine!”
Apparently, Bianca had sent a whole case of high-end wine to her family home--and even signed both of their names on the card, although her family knew for damn sure that wasn’t something Courtney could afford.
“Um...hi. You’re welcome,” Bianca grinned, giving a quick, friendly wave and then leaning back out of frame, tilting her head towards the table with their food. Courtney nodded, reaching over to squeeze her thigh.
“Mum, thanks for calling. But we should go, we have dinner here and it’s getting cold.”
“Alright my love,” Mum said, smiling warmly. “Have a wonderful night. So long, Bianca!”
“Bye, Mrs. Jenek. Merry Christmas,” Bianca said, and Courtney giggled behind her hand.
“Mrs. Jenek…” she snickered, and Bianca grimaced, then put a hand on her hip.
“Well...shut up, I’m from the South. That’s just what we do.”
“You could at least say ‘doctor.’ She has a Ph.D.”
Bianca facepalmed, and Courtney laughed again, kissing her on the cheek. It was adorable how much she cared about making a good impression on Courtney’s family. “I’m just kidding, she doesn’t care about that stuff.”
“I care, though.”
“I know.” Courtney nuzzled into Bianca’s face. “And I love you for it.”
“Hey! I saw that!” Trixie gasped, pointing at Kim, who had just skipped a square on the Monopoly board.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kim smirked, leaving her car piece as she took another cookie.
They were all gathered around the coffee table, mugs of hot cocoa and Katya’s Christmas cookies on plates, a crackling fire playing on the TV, music playing from the speakers.
“You’re cheating,” Trixie looked around. “Say something!”
“I didn’t see anything, sugar butt,” Katya smiled, her knitting needles in hand. She was weirdly good at Monopoly, Katya dominating the majority of the board. When Trixie had asked her how, and what her strategy was, Katya had simply grinned and told him it was simply how it was done in Soviet Russia.
“Pearl, what about you?”
“What?” Pearl looked up from her phone. “Oh. Sorry. No.”
“Who are you texting?”
Pearl smiled. “No one.”
“Not again,” Trixie groaned, not even interested in whatever girl had managed to capture his best friend’s attention for more than two seconds. “Pearl please. It’s Christmas.”
“Relax Trix,” Pearl grinned, leaning over so she could press a kiss against his cheek. “You’re the only one for me.”
PEARL: Was just thinking about you...so I thought I’d say hey ;)
DAHLIA: Oh yeah?
PEARL: Uh huh
DAHLIA: What were you thinking about?
PEARL: Mostly I was hoping to be suffocated by your thighs real soon.
PEARL: Your thighs are the stuff of dreams
DAHLIA: Right now, my thighs are stuck to the plastic cover on my grandma’s couch...but thanks.
PEARL: Can I tempt you to sneak away at some point in the next few days? Without pissing off the fam, of course
DAHLIA: Possibly...I have like 40 cousins, so no one would even notice I’d gone
PEARL: Fan fucking tastic
PEARL: Hey guess what?
DAHLIA: You’re horny and wanna fuck?
DAHLIA: Patience, darling
PEARL: But also...it’s midnight. Merry Christmas.
DAHLIA: Shit, I missed mass again!
DAHLIA: For the 7th year in a row!
PEARL: Hahaha
PEARL: Oh god. My roommates are singing happy birthday to Jesus.
PEARL: With a fucking cake and candles
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cesium--133 · 4 years
Siblings by Chance, Chaotic by Nature
@taiyuu-high-oct Bonus Round! Featuring special guests: Bumu Ana, Inoue Kokoro, Sugiyama Rikoinu, Sugiyama Tsubame, and Fujinuma Ozen
Kokoro wasn't someone who was particularly easy to startle. But when an angel drops out of the sky with a duffel bag big enough to carry a grown man, then one is instinctually obligated to jump back. Laramie Angelica Spellman, who preferred to be called Ames, knew how to make an entrance.
"Hey Kokoro! You heading to see that cousin of yours? The one with the holes?" Kokoro blanched a bit upon hearing Hiraku called 'the one with the holes.' Not the worst nickname, not inaccurate either, but it wasn't exactly orthodox. Kokoro replied after recovering from her initial shock. 
"Uh yeah, you going to see your sister?" She asked, mostly to be polite. The American nodded 
"Oh yeah, Lyrimon and Tsu both. And Lori's breaking in later too, and Riko is already here, which means it's almost a family reunion." She said. Somehow, while she was talking, she had begun to glide in the direction of the dorms of their guest students. Not walk, glide. Kokoro had followed, she was going that way anyway, she might as well. 
"Well that sounds nice." Then she paused, "So. . .Lori-kun is breaking in?" Kokoro asked, slightly afraid of the answer. To her dismay, Laramie nodded once in the firm manner of someone who knew what the inevitable was. 
"Yup. I told her I wasn't helping her too, so we'll just have to see what she comes up with."
"Well its sure to be. . . Spectacular."
"Almost definitely."
Ana wasn't expecting a call. She was just walking to class when her phone rang. Caller ID identified it as Lorelei Sirenica Spellman. The girl who turned most of the general studies class into a rave and somehow got everyone's phone number during an intense rendition of the ghost busters theme song. Ana picked up.
"Hello?" She asked
"Hellooooo, Bumu! Remember me? Laramie's slightly more fabulous sister?"
Ana giggled a little. Lorelei was too extravagant for words. "Oh hey, what's up?"
"I'm actually calling to see if you can do me an eensy-weensy favor."
"Alright, well what is it?"
"Would you mind going to the front gate and claiming me as your guest? I don't want Ames to know I'm here just yet."
"Oh, sure. Are you planning to surprise her and your other siblings here?"
"Most definitely! So you'll do it?"
"Yeah sure, why not?"
"Oooooh, thank you so much! I'll see you at the gate then?"
"I'll see you at the gate. Bye!"
The call ended, and Ana made a quick detour to the front gate, where one drink laden Lorelei was standing. One small conversation with the gate keeper later, the gate was open, and the first thing that happened was Ana was assaulted by a drink.
An enthusiastic Lori, buzzing with energy, holding a jumbo sized tray of drinks that seemed incredibly specific, gave Ana an iced coffee, her favorite. She took the drink.
"Wow, what's this for?" The student asked, staring down at the drink in her hand.
"Gratitude! I couldn't ask you to let me in without treating you to a little something! It's your favorite right?"
"Uh, yeah, but how'd you-"
"Theme songs are very potent, and Ghostbusters just happens to be an informative song. The 2 hour nap is so worth it."
"Huh. Well that was really nice of you, thanks!"
"No problemo! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bed that needs to be filled with shaving cream"
Ana watched her go, skipping off across the grounds to wreak havoc. She took a sip of the iced coffee and smiled. It was delicious. "Americans." She thought privately to herself "are so weird."
For Riko, this day was even. Not good, not bad, perfectly balanced. It was great that he got to see Tsuki, and it was great that the Spellman family seemed to be taking good care of her, but quite frankly, Lyrimon was the most confusing person he had ever met.
The first time Riko had met the youngest of the other triplets, she had a set of mangled gills, some very awful mutation that seemed diverse enough to be painful, and they hadn't talked very much. Now she was. . . Well, blue, an octoped, and only had one working eye. The left one was sealed up and a little oozy. Riko had spent a good 5 minutes staring, until she turned to him and started talking. Well, it was less talking and more of a collection of curses and a vague idea of asking him about the weather.
If it was possible, the simple proximity to those filthy words were enough to peel back his flesh from his skull. 
But at least they weren't talking much. Mainly, Tsuki and Riko spoke with each other, sitting in the grass in the shade of a tree on a hill. Riko and Tsuki side by side leaning against the tree, and Lyrimon sprawled out on her stomach in front of them, arms tangling in all sorts of positions to accommodate each other and providing a crook for her to tuck her face into. 
Then Riko mentioned Laramie, about how she stress baked 3 dozen cinnamon rolls and was probably going to bring them here, and Lyrimon decided to open her mouth again 
"Did she fucking stress bake them because of fucking us. Did she hear about the damned villain attack?" Lyrimon asked, lazily opening her only good eye to fix Riko with the most intensely unconcerned state he had ever seen. She wasn't even trying, and she might as well have a laser gaze quirk. Riko thought about it for a bit.
"Uh yeah, she did disappear as soon as it came on the news." 
Lyrimon scoffed. "Oh no, then there will not be fucking 3 dozen. There will be at least six damned dozen. Sure as eggs are fucking eggs." Then, having dropped the truth bomb of the century, she slid her eyelid closed again and might as well have gone to sleep. Riko looked at Tsuki. Tsuki looked at Riko. "Well I guess that's a good thing, right? More baked treats?"
He did not know how wrong he was.
"So, uh, what's in the duffel?" Kokoro asked, as she and Laramie made their way up onto the porch. She was referring to the absolutely massive duffel bag Laramie carried around like it was nothing. Laramie explained.
"Oh I made cinnamon rolls. A lot of cinnamon rolls. And the biggest eater I know is my own sister. I once saw her drag an entire raw salmon onto shore and eat it. Bones and all."
Kokoro paused for a bit "Wow. She sounds . . . Interesting."
"Oh, a lot worse than interesting." And with that, Laramie kicked the door open and hauled the duffel bag into the common room. She pulled the bag onto the widest table she could find, and opened it up. The smell was intoxicating. Sugar, plain and simple, laced with delicate touches of cinnamon, and caramel. It wafted through the air, and Laramie placed a sign that she somehow already had next to it. It read "Stress eat to your heart's content. -Laramie Angelica Spellman (Lyrimon's sister)"
Within moments, a couple curious people filed in. Laramie smiled "Go for it." And then turned around and left. "Well, I have a bed that needs to get filled with shaving cream, see ya." And with that, she glided straight out the door. Kokoro paused, as did anyone else who heard the remark. "Shaving cream?" She asked nobody. She thought to herself. “Americans are pretty strange.” Then she saw Hiraku and decided to put that thought on hold to go tackle her comparatively tiny cousin.
Lorelei was decidedly against full frontal assaults. She preferred figuring out her opponents, matching their heartbeats to the rhythm of a song that would reduce their defenses to cool props. But when she saw a tall, teal haired girl who looked like they never smiled and somehow fit all the gay midnight ramblings her youngest triplet never seemed to realize were gay, she simply had to take action.
The first thing she did was of course, put down her drinks, setting them down on a low wall. Then she got down to business, checking her stance, the environment around her, and everything she knew about one Ozen Fujinuma. Allergic to her sister, known for being monotonous and unfeeling, enjoys quite a bit of anime and Miku. So Lorelei latched onto the Miku part of her database, and began to sing. Senbonzakura to be specific.
Lorelei could practically see the girl stop and prick her ears. Unfortunately for Ozen, Senbonzakura tended to incite any sort of romantic feelings previously experienced, creating feelings of warmth, sluggishness, and general crushy-wushy-uwu-feelings. Which was perhaps one feeling Ozen had gotten to know quite well.
She turned around "Spellma?-aktpht"
Ozen had just got a faceful of shaving cream, and had been knocked over. There was now one Lorelei situated cross legged on top of her stomach, menacingly holding a can of shaving cream and wearing what was possibly the widest, most maniacal grin known to mankind.
"So, you're the tall asshole who's allergic to my sister."
"I have heard quite frankly too much about you. My sister’s got a lot of respect for your tall ass and I’m here to figure out why, got that?”
“Who is your-"
"Lyrimon. Come on, how many people could you possibly be allergic to?"
"Then you're . . . Lorelei?"
"The one and fucking only. You know who I am, that's a good sign. You just might survive this. I've got high hopes for you, Ozen"
"Wait wh-"
"LET THE QUESTIONNAIRE BEGIN!" Now she is standing on top of Ozen.
"Shake Shack or In and Out? Where are your parents from? Where were you born? What is your opinion of public transportation? Do you believe in magic? What sort of songs do you usually listen to? Have you ever seen a live musical in person? How familiar are you with American culture? Describe yourself with a color and a word. Do you have any interest in the green movement? How good are you with mechanics? How are you in a pressure situation involving bodily chaos? What's your stand on cursing? And finally, do you believe in love at first sight?"
That torrent of questions was punctuated by Lorelei leaning down just a little, blotting out the sun with her braided head of hair. She raised an eyebrow at her captive "well?"
Ozen blinked then began to answer. "I don't know what a Shake Shack is, so In and Out I guess? My mom is from the US, my ma is from here. I was born in Japan. Public transportation is fine. I believe there are things science cannot yet explain. I like Idol music, and I have not seen a musical in person. I am part American, the bay area, so I know a bit. Uh, teal immovable. I believe that sustainable energy and caring for the planet is essential to our survival as a species. I'm okay with machines I guess. Uh, having just been in a pressure situation involving bodily chaos, I can say I do quite well under them. Cursing is fine and no." Ozen answered honestly. 
She was not afraid of this person, not on her own, but this was her Allergens triplet sister. They came out of the same womb. For all intents and purposes, she should also be allergic to this other Spellman. But she wasn't. And Lorelei seemed to know that. In fact, every line on her face screamed 'I know something painfully obvious you haven't figured out yet' in the form of a wide, only slightly malicious shit eating grin.
“Hm. Ya know what, good enough.” Lorelei stepped off of Ozen “hey, if you see Laramie, tell her ‘It doesn’t rain in LA’ when you see her, just so she knows you’ve already been interrogated.” and without giving Ozen a chance to ask what the fuck just happened, she skipped off. Scooping her tray of drinks off a low wall where she left it and promptly disappeared. 
Ozen blinked. Not quite sure if what had just happened actually happened. Perhaps it was a vivid hallucination. Lyrimon did say something about how both her sisters were good at making people see things differently. “Triplets are very weird.” she thought to herself.
Laramie was walking out of the dorm building, when she ducked. A good move as her middle sister sailed right over her head, tumbling to the ground. Laramie straightened up “Nice try, but after what happened last week, I’ve started ducking.” she said, offering her sister her hand. Lorelei took it, hauling herself up and grinning 
“Well then, I’ll have to come up with something new!”
“I’m sure you will.”
“Oh! By the way, I brought drinks!” she handed Laramie a taro bubble tea. Her face lit up “Hey, thanks! You didn’t have to, man”
“You can’t crash a house party without a gift”
“This isn’t a house party”
“Hell, I know.”
They looked at each other and burst into giggles. Eventually, their laughter died down and Laramie said “Come on, we should go find Mon.” Lorelei agreed and without any sort of warning or preamble, they linked arms, simply able to tell that this is what should happen. Laramie shot into the air, pulling Lorelei up to the sky with her.
Lyrimon blinked her eye open and rolled to the side suddenly. Tsu and Riko looked over, Riko asking “Hey wha-” but was abruptly cut off when Lorelei dropped out of the tree right in the spot Lyrimon used to be lying.
Unfortunately, Lyrimon over shot, and she started rolling and rolling and rolling down the hill. Shouting curses all the way down. But her sister was cut from the same dumb-ass cloth, and also started rolling. Riko shot up, worried, and immediately fell over. Tsu, not wanting to be left out, also decided to start rolling down the hill. Soon, there were 4 teenagers rolling down a sunny knoll like a bunch of pencils being tossed down an incline.
Of course, they had to stop eventually, the forces of inertia, gravity, and friction dictated it. They ended up in a scattered clump, completely silent, just breathing after that dizzying ride. The only one of them with flight capabilities landed next to the group “You’re all insane.” she said, breaking the silence.
That did it, they all burst into giggles, even Laramie. She was holding the drink tray her sister had brought over. What had been 5 drinks was now three drinks. One for Ana, and one for Ames. What remained was a bottle of sparkling water, a chocolate milk (A fancy one, not nesquik) and a bottle of apple juice.
They cooled down, sipping drinks and chatting aimlessly. Eventually, Lorelei explained The Plan, which was lengthy and a lot of effort. Lyrimon stopped her eventually, while Laramie cut down The Plan to something doable. Conspiratorial laughter floated through the sky. A storm was coming to UA and that storm was L. Spellman.
The next day was a terrible day to be a teacher. Furniture was glued to ceilings, sticky notes covered entire walls, people got stuck to chairs, Eraserhead was faced with a sea of markers, all stood upright on their ends to create a tiny forest on the floor of his office, the 1B class of the UA hero course dorm was covered in pink polka dots, and there was shaving cream everywhere.
It was a day of opening doors only to pull them right off their hinges to find that the bolts in the hinges had been put in a small box labelled “put it back together if ya want.” It was a day of classes being postponed to locate the pranks and to neutralize them. It was a day when 5 siblings, if not by blood than by title, smiled like the Mona Lisa. It was a day when Ozen found her bed filled with shaving cream, the first of many days when Ozen would find her bed filled with shaving cream.
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jbuffyangel · 5 years
Strength: Arrow 8x05 Review (Prochnost)
We’re headed back to Russia for some Queen family vacation fun, except their version of “fun” is kidnappings and fight clubs.
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Let’s dig in…
Oliver, Mia and William
Do you remember how we used to pray for a scene of Oliver teaching Felicity the bow and arrow? 
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The scenes with Helena fueled my hate fire for years. The closest we ever came to Olicity “training” was Oliver offering Felicity a few punching pointers
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and the glorious salmon-ladder-leads-to-sex scene.
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I’m not complaining! All I’m saying is we could’ve had a bow-and-arrow-training-leads-to-sex scene too. I have several insert-scenario-here-leads-to-sex scene ideas this show has yet to explore.
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Anyway, if we can’t have Felicity training with Oliver then second best is their daughter training with Oliver. The intro to “Prochnost” is almost three minutes long and it’s pure fan fiction from start to finish.  
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs 
Oliver teaches Mia how to tennis ball and uses cooking as analogy before he remembers she’s 50% Smoak.
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It is clear Mia still has a lot to learn not only from a vigilante perspective, but also in terms of her archer skills.  
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When we met Oliver Queen in the pilot his skill set was perfected. He was a fully formed bad ass. 
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We haven’t seen Mia train other than a montage with Nyssa Al Ghul in 7x16 and I am thoroughly enjoying there’s still a lot she can learn from her father.
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Source: 1-crazy-dreamer
Oliver reviews all of his trick arrows with Mia, but doesn’t want them to become a crutch. 
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Source: lucyyh 
What he doesn’t say is trick arrows became more of a necessity in disabling criminals after killing them was no longer an option. We’ve come a long way with Oliver Queen. If you had told me father/daughter training sessions were in our future when I watched the pilot then I would’ve laughed you out of the room because that’s a special brand of CRAZY.
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Of course, a training scene without the stick thingies wouldn’t be a training scene on Arrow. 
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Source: miasmoakdaily
Yes, I know there’s a technical term for the stick thingies, but if I haven’t learned it by now do you think I ever will? No is the right answer.
Oliver: Nyssa taught you well.
Mia: Mom made sure of it.
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I think Arrow makes an important point during this scene. Nyssa Al Ghul is good, but she’s no Oliver Queen. There’s been many seasons where it feels like the writers down played Oliver’s skills to give the other team members something to do *cough*L*urelLance*cough*. 
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However, the writers seem particularly focused on showing how Oliver’s skills are a whole other level now. Remember, he’s the guy who killed Ra’s Al Ghul – probably the greatest fighter of all time. It’s why Riccardo Diaz being a formidable threat was so laughable. When Felicity reached out to Nyssa she was asking the best for help, but there truly is no substitute for Oliver Queen.
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Source: miasmoakdaily 
Mia “The Machine” Smoak-Queen (her official title btw) doesn’t need a break, but I love how Oliver worries about her nonetheless. DADDY OLIVER IS SO SOFT.
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Source: amunetblack
Mia gently reins in William’s ramble and this is the brother/sister banter I am here for. Look, I know we’ve clocked a season and a half with these kids and I should be used to moments where they remind me of Oliver and Felicity, BUT I CAN’T GET USED TO IT. It still fills me with absolute glee anytime it happens.
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Children are individuals with unique personalities, but one of the more fun aspects of parenting is seeing traits of other family members, or maybe even yourself, emerge in the child you’re raising. I feel the same glee when my daughter reminds me of my husband or mother. And since William and Mia are my fictional TV children why should I be any different?
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There’s a Curtis reference in this scene, so naturally I doze off when that happens, but the cliff notes version is the energy wave that destroyed Earth 2 can be recreated. There’s a Russian general trying to replicate it via pulse wave generator weapon and Team Arrow needs to get the plans.
I think. Plus they need plutonium which Diggle volunteers to get.
Oliver invites the kids to Russia with him and they are equally as shocked as I am. 
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Really? We’re going to Russia? I mean, I know we’re going to Russia, but Oliver’s casual invitation makes this trip sound like the equivalent of a grocery store run. The kids are so excited to be invited they think they’re going to Disney World with Dad.
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This is so not going to be Disney World. TELL THEM THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE DISNEY WORLD OLIVER.
Oliver: I’m a better man. Different man. I think I can teach them the good without showing them the bad.
Oliver thinks this is going to be Disney World. 
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Diggle accurately points out visiting the place which was home to the darkest point of his life may not be as simple as Oliver would like it to be. His answer is equally wonderful and sooooo WRONG. It’s WONDERFUL Oliver believes he’s a better man. It took us 8 long years to get here and his statement is no small thing. Round of applause for our boy.
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Unfortunately, this is where the wonderful ends. Oliver is determined to only show his children the good. I guess it sounds ok when he says it, but upon closer examination it misses the forest through the trees. Everything that happened to Oliver Queen, good and bad, has formed the person he is. He cannot extricate the bad from this story anymore than he can the good. They are a sticky wicket forever entwined together. Take out one and you don’t get the full picture. And what his children need and deserve is the full picture.
That’s not to say Oliver’s filter is entirely wrong. There are certainly topics and information children are not ready to hear, can’t understand, or wouldn’t be appropriate to tell them. Every parent has some kind of filter when raising their children because that’s what good parenting requires.
This is appropriate when children are small. As your child grows into an adult then your relationship with them must become more adult, which requires more transparency. This is the problem between Oliver and his children. He is parenting like William and Mia are still little. And they are not.
If plans for a pulse generator sound like a flimsy excuse to go to Russia then you’d be right. The real reason we’re going to Russia isn’t because of some rando general. It’s to say goodbye to one of Arrow’s greatest supporting characters - Anatoly Knyazev
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“My brother.”
I block out most of Season 6 because half of it was a walking horror show, so I don’t remember where Oliver and Anatoly left things after he joined and then betrayed Team Bad Guy. 
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I guess their cool now? I don’t really want to spend all kinds of time on Oliver and Anatoly hashing out their issues, so if a hug gets the job done then I’m good. Also William speaks Russian. Queen men speaking foreign languages is hot.
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A+ reaction Steve. 
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Source: arrowdaily 
Anatoly was bored in the Maldives, now owns a bar and has a delicious pina colada recipe so that pretty much catches us up on him. He offers to help find Burov, but Oliver doesn’t want Anatoly’s “friends” involved because they are Bratva and he’s not discussing the bad parts of Russia with his children. I think the good parts of Russia ended at pina colada, Oliver. See how this is going to be a problem?
The best place to meet up with Burov is a local fight club. This prompts William to share where he met his baby sister and gives us Oliver’s best dad reaction to date. 
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Source: 1-crazy-dreamer 
Bless you William. You do God’s work my boy.
Mia: Why did you bring us on this mission if you aren’t going to let us help?
Oliver: This is the Bratva. They are terrible people and you guys are my kids.
Mia: Yes, but we’re not children.
Oliver: Well you are when I look at you.
Aww… my sweet, lovable, wonderful Oliver. 
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Do we ever stop looking at our children as children? Probably not. I know I will always be my parents’ baby girl and my daughter will always be mine. It is difficult to fully accept a human being as an adult when you’ve changed their diapers. And in Oliver’s defense he changed Mia’s diaper about five minutes ago in the present timeline, regardless of the future adults standing before him. We must give him some time to… adjust.
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But Mia is Mia and doesn’t listen to anyone, other than William (SOUND FAMILIAR?) and he’s firmly on her team this week, so they go to the fight club and watch Dad in action. Mia has heard the stories of her father all her life but seeing him in action is an eye-opening experience. She is difficult to impress, but her dad is AWESOME. Yeah, we think so too honey. Welcome to stanning Oliver Queen.
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Source: olivergifs
Unfortunately, the Bratva aren’t cool with the deal Oliver made with Burov and kidnap him along with Mia. Her Spidey sense was tingling, so she went to check on dad. Oops.
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Source: feilcityqueen 
If there is one lesson the Arrow villains consistently fail to learn it’s DO NOT MESS WITH PEOPLE OLIVER QUEEN LOVES. He gets very angry and wildly unpleasant, which leads to many broken bones and occasionally murder. You put hands on Felicity Smoak and even I’m down with Oliver ripping off your head.
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Of course, Oliver wakes from unconsciousness and his immediate question is if Mia is okay. Can’t-Admit-I’m-In-Love-With-You Oliver, 
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Boyfriend Oliver,
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Fiance Oliver, 
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Ex-boyfriend Oliver, 
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Husband Oliver, 
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and Dad Oliver  are all the same Olivers.
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Mia doesn’t understand why everyone in Russia knows who Oliver is and quickly deduces Dad was Bratva. Our princess is a smart cookie! Oliver is ticked Mia didn’t listen to him and there is truly no greater justice in the world than God creating a child who is exactly like you. Robert and Moira are having themselves a nice little chuckle.
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Source: lucyyh 
The Bratva threatens to torture Mia if Oliver doesn’t tell them what’s on the zip drive. Mia is very brave and tells Daddy not to say anything. Pfft. Not likely Little Miss Square Bear. He points a gun at Oliver’s precious girl and counts down from five. The Green Arrow breaks like a pretzel. Honestly, I’m shocked Oliver didn’t give the guy the whole store after four.
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Source: olicitygifs 
Unfortunately, nobody believes Oliver is telling the full story and a very large knife is brandished in Mia’s direction. Seriously? The one-time Oliver tells the truth he’s accused of lying. How ironic is that? The goon was at least 20 feet away from Mia, but Daddy was ready to flay him alive seven different ways. 
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Oh. He was only cutting the restraints. Okay, we’ll knock down the flaying to five different ways.
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The Bratva force Mia to play the Ring the Bell game. I don’t know if that’s what it’s called, but it works for my purposes. Oliver is very much HELL NO CHILD, but really her only other option is death. Of course, if she doesn’t ring the bell she dies too. ISN’T RUSSIA FUN? 
Mia kicks major ass, but is unable to ring the bell in under 60 seconds. This might have something to do with her wasting time to look back at the clock and then waiting an additional 3 seconds to reach for the friggin bell, but that’s just details. Be less stupid Arrow.
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The Bratva don’t shoot her because… they’re nice gang of Russian mobsters now? 
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Source: arrowdaily
This made very little sense other than Arrow doesn’t want to shoot the female lead of their new television show. On second thought, good enough for me. Oliver shoots death daggers at the man who scared the friggin bejesus out of him and it’s pretty much a certainty he will be flayed eight different ways.
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William has a full-on panic attack over his father and sister’s kidnapping and it’s pretty much the cutest thing ever.  Then L*urel actually provides some necessary and helpful information. Is that the second week in a row this happened? I’m scared fandom. Hold me.
L*urel: Aren’t the people in your family constantly injecting each other with tracking devices?
William: Normally I would say God I hope not, but now I guess I can see the advantages.
He’s able to track them down, but L*urel and Anatoly show up right after Oliver has already freed himself by dislocating his thumbs. I love that trick. Mia’s reaction is the perfect combination of horrified and impressed. She really wants that trick to be on the next lesson plan.
Mia is bumming hard over not ringing the bell and boozes it up with some scotch. THY NAME IS GENETICS.
Oliver has had enough of his kids almost dying and is putting their asses on a plane back home BECAUSE THIS ISN’T DISNEY WORLD. 
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William jumps firmly on Team Mia and reminds their father he’d be dead without them. Oliver has been dislocating his thumbs on his own for awhile now children. I think he’d survive without your help.
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It’s time to set these kiddies straight.
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Source:  oliverxfelicity
Mia tries to argue the whole adults saving the city angle, but that’s not going to fly in this timeline cupcake. 
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In this timeline, Oliver smooshed those perfect chubby cheeks one more time before he left to save the universe 
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Source:  oliverxfelicity 
and his rebelling teenage son, who was ousted from the present storyline to make a ridiculous plot point work in the future storyline, ignored his phone calls. (I’m never getting over the whole William never moves in with Mia and Felicity thing. NEVER.)
So, all of his children can take several seats and do what they’re told or they will be grounded! That includes no computer for you, William and Oliver will be taking that bow and arrow back little miss Mia.
Side note: This was a perfect time for William to explain WHY he didn’t return any of Oliver’s calls or if he even received them, but NOPE. Why would these writers attempt to clean up this mess of a storyline with reasonable explanations? Better to just ignore the Grand Canyon sized plot holes and keep driving through. 
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Stephen Amell does a wonderful job in this scene as Oliver’s voice quivers with emotion. He’s skating the edge of keeping his composure and losing it all together perfectly this season. Neither Mia nor William have offered much understanding for where Oliver is coming from. Yes, they are adults but 1) No matter how old they get they will always be Oliver’s children and 2) HE MISSED TWENTY YEARS.  
Oliver has been very clear this was not a choice he wanted to make. Mia and William are not the only ones who lost something precious. Oliver lost a lot too. Part of being an adult is letting go of the natural narcissism we all have as children. So, if Mia and William want to put on their big boy and big girl pants then they need to show their father a little understanding and compassion.
Mia: And because you made the choice to protect us I had to spend my whole life alone. I didn’t have a chance to get to know my brother to get to know you.
Mia is not ready to do that yet. She throws Oliver’s choices in his face once again. He is still the one she wants to blame. If this reaction frustrates you then that’s understandable because Mia is supposed to be frustrating right now. It’s odd for us to be identifying through Oliver, but that’s what happens when the hero becomes fully evolved. This entire episode is about showing how much Mia still has to learn not only physically, but emotionally too.  
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Source: oliverxfelicity
Oliver is getting used to Mia’s blame by now and it doesn’t really change his opinion on this situation. The worst part of this argument is Oliver believing his children hate him. His worst nightmare was Mia and William not understanding his choices and resenting him for it. Oliver’s greatest fear isn’t death. It is his children believing he abandoned them.
Mia being angry at Oliver over not growing up with William is really not his fault and it’s bizarre how the writers are insistent on lumping that in with everything else she’s ticked about. I did a deep dive on Mia’s emotional and psychological viewpoint last week and I won’t repeat it here because everything still stands. But how is Felicity never going back for William Oliver’s fault?
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I’m not putting the blame on Felicity here either. It’s a ludicrous plot point that makes absolutely no sense, so it’s pointless to even try to argue the logic. And yet, that’s exactly what the writers keep trying to do. But it merely shines a brighter spotlight on their illogical reasoning behind the decision.
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We are already sympathizing with Oliver because we know how heartbroken he was to leave his children. We know he sacrificed everything for a bunch of ungrateful twats who caught a lucky break for existing in the universe. But forcing Mia’s character to continually blame Oliver for EVERYTHING can rapidly make this character unlikeable. Particularly since her father left to SAVE THE UNIVERSE. The writers need to tread carefully. This has the same nonsensical threads of the Season 4 break up. Or, even worse, Mia channeling the same the anger/blame/bitterness of Season 1 & 2 L*urel Lance. Nobody wants a repeat of those hot messes.
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Oliver is floundering. He missed twenty years of his children’s lives. They’ve arrived from a different time as adults. Oliver was still learning how to be a parent and then the universe flipped the board. He has no idea how to do this and the one person who can help him isn’t here. If there was ever a time Oliver needed his Felicity this is it.
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So, the only guiding light Oliver has right now is the promise he made his wife and mother of his children. 
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Source: oliverxfelicity 
Not to get too nitpicky on the details Oliver, but as @callistawolf​ pointed out in our Watchover episode of 8x05, we never heard him make any promises to Felicity about the children. 
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In their final goodbye, it was Felicity promising Oliver to do whatever was necessary to keep their children safe (re: Nyssa Al Ghul). So, let’s just create our own head canon there was some Olicity discussion about the future kids being in present day off screen and he made the promise to her then. Cool? Cool.
OR Oliver is merely trying to score points in an argument via emotional manipulation, which hey man. More power to you. Whatever it takes to keep kiddos safe, I guess. I did have to chuckle about Oliver keeping his promises to Felicity NOW that she’s off the show. Where was this guy in 6x23? Or maybe I sobbed quietly. Probably a little of both. Regardless of the reasoning, it’s an EPIC speech. Dad for the win.
Oliver decides it’s time to get boozy. Amen brother. Pass the scotch. 
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Anatoly is no Felicity Smoak, but in the ever-spinning weekly wheel of characters trying to fill her role, he asks the obvious question. Is Oliver sending his children home because he believes they cannot handle Russia/vigilantism/life?
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Of course, the answer has been obvious from the moment Oliver decided to only share the good. It’s not about what his children can handle. This is about what Oliver can handle.
Anatoly: That is understandable. You’re ashamed. You have truly done some terrible things.
Oliver: Thank you for the reminder.
Anatoly: But you also have done some good things. It’s important that the kids see both.
Can’t you just hear Felicity Smoak saying these lines? Only in an adorable ramble and less booze? I miss her. Just leaving this here.
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I absolutely understand Oliver’s refusal to share the darkest moments of his past. It’s not like my dad has gone chapter and verse into his Vietnam experiences. But I know he was there. I know some of the stories. Maybe Oliver doesn’t need to go into detail about the time he skinned a guy, but he can be honest with his children about being in the Bratva.
Anatoly: That’s the thing about teaching. It’s not about what you want to say. It’s about what they need to hear.”
This part of the speech is all Anatoly. 
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Source: 1-crazy-dreamer 
He taught Oliver living was not for the weak because this was the lesson Oliver needed to hear.  Maybe he missed out on teaching William and Mia how to tie their shoes or ride a bike, but nobody understands what it means to be a hero better than Oliver Queen. The Crisis is coming and if Oliver is marching slowly but steadily to his death then he must pass on all he’s learned. There is still so much to teach Mia and William about Oliver’s life and who he is. Those lessons can only come from their father.  What William and Mia need to hear is the truth.
“You were so little. I think that’s what I’ve always wanted all these years. Is for you just to stay little, quiet and safe. But you’re not any of those things. You’re loud and fearless and it scares the crap out of me.” Derek Shepherd, Grey’s Anatomy
His children are loud and fearless and it scares the crap out of Oliver Queen. But there’s a deeper fear driving his hesitation. Oliver is afraid that if he tells Mia and William the truth about his past then they’ll only hate him more. He is constantly afraid of losing his children’s love.
But truth is the path to understanding. Anatoly is right. Oliver must give Mia and William a chance. The real truth is there’s nothing he has done or will ever do that will make his children stop loving him. Sure, Mia is angry at Oliver, but she’s only angry because she loves him. She craves her father’s approval more than anything.
Oliver changes his parenting tactic. He cannot shield his children from the very life they have chosen for themselves. He asks Mia to fight in the ring with him and William to help get them in. Oliver treats his children like they are part of the team – like partners.
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Mia has been trying to show her father what she’s capable of since the moment she came to the present. Underneath all that anger and blame, is a little girl who just wants to make her daddy proud. What Mia needs to realize is she already makes Oliver proud merely by existing. However, he offers her the support and belief she’s been craving as they enter the ring together. 
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Source: oliverxfelicity
The look on her face says everything about how Mia truly feels about her dad.
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Source: arrowdaily
FATHER DAUGHTER FIGHT CLUB. From the moment, we met Blackstar in the ring I hoped she was Olicity’s daughter and we would somehow, someway get a scene of Oliver and Mia teaming up. But I never imagined these circumstances. It’s awesome.
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After kicking butt as a team and a family, Oliver opens the door to his past and lets his children walk through. And what better place to start than the beginning?
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Source: olivergifs
The truth is a tie that binds and it will be the foundation of Oliver’s relationship with his children. Something he never had with his parents until it was too late.
And did William and Mia stop loving Oliver after they heard the truth? No. They understand him better and love him all the more for what he’s survived. 
Mia: Don’t forget to send me that picture of my dad with that haircut.
Anatoly: Don’t forget to ask about Bratva tattoo. We have matching.
Oliver: Used to. Used to actually.
William: Oh I’m gonna need to hear that story immediately.
Well... son this raving loony burned my tattoo off my chest after several hours of torture. 
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The warm banter of this scene isn’t to make light of what Oliver Queen suffered. It’s to show the power of telling our stories. Pain and fear lose control over us, bit by bit, the more we talk about it and share with our loved ones. We let them inside the good and bad, so we don’t have to carry it by ourselves anymore. Overtime, we begin to see our suffering for what it is - something we survived. Children, in particular, have an ability to find the light in the dark. We can see our life through their eyes and remarkably, yes even find the humor in what was once unspeakable pain. And come on - Oliver’s flashback hair is always funny.
Family is the source of Oliver’s strength. It always has been. It’s what helped him survive the unsurvivable.
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He can only become his children’s strength by teaching them how he became a better man. William and Mia can only understand who their father is, and how to be heroes, by knowing the good and the bad. Hiding either tarnishes the beauty of his story. Oliver is finally strong enough to tell it and his children are strong enough to hear it. And that’s how the past, present and future will find harmony, acceptance, forgiveness and love.
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Source: oliverxfelicity
Diggle and Roy
John enlists Roy’s help obtaining the plutonium.
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 Source: thistributeisonfire
We’re going to run through this pretty quick because this storyline is all about getting Colton Haynes back on Team Arrow for the final episodes. 
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Diggle tells Roy what happens to him in the future. The cure for Roy’s bloodlust wasn’t hiding out on Lian Yu for 20 years. It was rejoining the team and fighting for the city again.
Diggle: Maybe this time you don’t have to wait that long.
Diggle’s ENTIRE motivation is to change Roy’s future and it’s not difficult to figure out why. Obviously John cares about Roy and wants to help him. However, Roy also makes a very good test case. Diggle is also desperate to change Connor, JJ and Zoe’s future as well. If they can make their own hope in the present then maybe things can be different for his children in the future.
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Source: 1-crazy-dreamer
We all need love and support. None of us can truly survive on our own - particularly when we are suffering. Roy fights John at first, but eventually he comes to realize he’s right. Roy found purpose and family when he met Oliver so it makes sense to him they are the reason he gets better. So why wait? He comes home and begins the path to healing twenty years earlier. And thus, a major storyline from Season 7 flash forwards begins to change.
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L*urel L*nce
I truly could not figure out why L*urel was in Russia. I guess to help Oliver track down these plans, but she spent the better part of the episode staring at her fingernails. That’s not even an exaggeration. KC stared at her fingernails for an entire scene.
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Source: thistributeisonfire 
Her interactions with Oliver are even more bizarre.
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Source: 1-crazy-dreamer 
I’m sorry, but does L*urel go here? Bl*ck S*ren has been on the show since Season 5. You’d think at this point she’d know Oliver Queen can easily handle one guy twice his size. I’m chalking up this stupidity to the acting version of a layup, so Stephen Amell can spike it with the epic comeback of, “I’ll give him half a chance.”
I guess L*urel is primarily in Russia to betray Oliver Queen and steal the plans or something, per Lyla’s instructions.
LL: And here I thought I was supposed to be the bad guy.
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At last count Lyla never murdered innocent people, so I think she's still ahead by the numbers Bl*ck S*ren.  This is the problem with L*urel’s character this year. The comparisons her character makes this season are INSANE. Putting on a new suit and calling yourself Bl*ck C*nary doesn’t automatically make you morally superior to everyone.
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At least when Season 7 L*urel was playing attorney she had a healthy perspective on herself.  I was a big fan of the snark last season and found her character to be refreshingly amusing in her biting honesty, but this year the writers lost the snarky humor and have gone straight to obnoxious hypocrisy and judgment.  Sometimes she’s just downright mean in a way none of the other characters deserve. Yes, Lyla is being shady, but this in no way erases the horrors of your past L*urel. 
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L*urel: If saving it means going back to the person I used to be then what the hell is the point?
We all know this whole betray Oliver thing the Monitor is playing at with L*urel is a trick. She’s not going to betray Oliver and prove herself a worthy and useful hero.  Ok. Whatever. I know I’m supposed to get excited about her big speech, but this line kind of gnawed at me. 
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L*urel is unwilling to save an ENTIRE EARTH because she’d have to do something shady. She’s not willing to do any dirty work if it sullies her good name. So, Earth 2 only matters as long as L*urel gets to be a hero on it? I guess I should be happy L*urel is holding onto her moral center, but if there’s anything Oliver Queen’s story has taught us sometimes heroism requires doing unpleasant things for the greater good.
Take Lyla for example – a person L*urel feels quite comfortable judging. Lyla has been lying to her husband, something she does not want to do, for the greater good. I think we know enough about Lyla’s character by now that even though her actions are hurtful we can trust her reasons. 
LL’s primary function this week it seems is to rat Lyla out to Diggle and Oliver.
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Source: stevesrogered
I guess we’re supposed to rejoice there’s no price L*urel is willing to pay for her morality, but this is still the same person who has yet to take any responsibility for the people she’s murdered. The line just sounded so arrogant and self serving to me. I don’t know. Maybe it was just KC’s delivery.
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It’s been difficult for me to imagine what role either L*urel or Dinah will play in the spin off and seeing as how the writers are struggling to find a purpose for their characters in the final season of Arrow I am not encouraged. That said, L*urel’s scene with Mia was one of the few bright spots for her character in this week’s episode.  Mia believes she’s not cut out to be a hero because she failed to ring the bell like her father and Zoe’s death still weighs heavily on her conscious.
Mia: Every time I try and live up to my dad or to prove I can do what it is you all do. I fail.
L*urel: If you’re trying to live up to us, don’t. We are just as flawed as anyone. Especially me. All you can do is live up to yourself.
Damn L*urel. That was really good advice and a truthful reflection of the person you are. CAN WE HAVE THIS ATTITUDE CONSISTENTLY WEEK TO WEEK PLEASE WRITERS? This is the first time I can see a version of L*urel working in the spin off, but that’s always the problem with the writing of her character. We never know which version we’re going to get.
Season 8 is slipping back into very bad Season 1 habits. There’s a lack of cohesiveness with L*urel and they really need to get this sorted out before the new show hits the air. Otherwise, we’re going to have the same problem we’ve always had with her character. No matter how many versions of L*urel’s character these writers create they never figure out who she truly is because they don’t want to devote the necessary screen time. This leaves us with a half baked canary every single time.
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If L*urel is going to play Rupert Giles to Mia’s Buffy in the spin off then this scene is a good indication of how it could work, but that’s only if this path stays on track which seldom happens with this character. The key to LL is a very specific supporting role. She worked great in Season 7 because her focus was getting Oliver Queen out of jail. Then,it was about fleshing out her redemption and shipping her back to E2 to make amends.
L*urel lacks a concrete To Do list this year. They toss her into scenes and she takes up space looking at her fingernails. Or she arrives a few minutes after Oliver frees himself to scream down a door he could have easily opened. Or she says something hypocritical and nasty. REALLY? This is the best these writers can come up with? Sadly, history points to yes.
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Keep her scenes short. Keep her scenes specific. Keep her scenes supporting. That’s the only way this character works. And believe me I wish it was different, but there doesn’t seem to be any version of L*urel L*nce these writers can keep a handle on.
You know what I appreciate about this scene between Anatoly and William though? Anatoly addresses his less than honorable past and apologizes. I can’t fully remember what Anatoly did to William - I think it might have been related to kidnapping or a bomb or a nuke or all three. See? I told you I don’t remember S6. My point is - can we expect an apology from L*urel for being an accessory to William’s mother’s murder? I won’t hold my breath. It would be extremely helpful if they addressed LL’s past in an honest way and actually had her show remorse to one of her victims, but again that requires more screen time and effort than this show is ever will to give her character.
Stray Thoughts
Connor isn’t in this week’s episode because he’s checking in on Sandra. Soooo… Connor can visit his mother but Mia and William can’t visit theirs? I know this is yet another EBR plot hole, but find a better reason for Connor to be MIA writers. It just makes the Smoak-Queen family look uncaring, which we know they are not. And if Connor can get an off camera mother moment mention then why can’t Mia and William? THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT ANNOY ME.
“Has anyone fought six men before?” Mia and Oliver’s side eye is hilarious, but didn’t Mia fight six goons by herself? And we’ve watched Oliver take down twenty without breaking a sweat. Raise the number in the ring a little if you want me to take their hesitation seriously.
Diggle is absolutely horrified to find out Lyla is working against the team with The Monitor. “I didn’t want to believe it was true.” Boy, really? Who are you kidding? This is Lyla Michaels, super spy. She’s been lying and doing shady things from minute one. She’s the Oliver to your Felicity. Get out of here with that nonsense. This is totally something she would do and you know it. Lol
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William doesn’t like the field, but the allure of beautiful couture convinces him otherwise. At least he didn’t have to go on a skeevy date with Ray Palmer to wear it. Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
William’s “Wrap it up” sign while Mia was fighting was such a funny and wonderful way of showing their team within a team.
“I can be the fun uncle.” Raise your hand if you want Anatoly as a fun uncle. 
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He was a complicated, but ultimately wonderful character who made Arrow a better show. 
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Goodbye Anatoly. I will miss you. source:  oliverxfelicity
Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me. 8x05 gifs credited.
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ofravensandgenesis · 4 years
Meme Tag Games!
Thank you for all the lovely tags!! :D <3 This is quite belated but between some health happenings, the weather deciding to turn the thermostat way up (and the house AC went out), and other stuff, I got swamped for a while there. Here we are now though! :D Tagging anyone who wants to jump in on any of these, namely FC5 GFH tag game; OC Fighting Style; and WIP Day. Continued below the cut because this got long:
FC5 Guns For Hire Meme Game
Tagged by @chyrstis​ and @amistrio​ for the FC5 GFH meme, thank you for the tag!! :D <3 We have full length responses with some banter with the human GFH in particular here. I was kind of stumped with how to answer this for Joshua in what he might say as a GFH since his verse is very tailored for him being the Deputy and all the psychic shenanigans. Eventually I got over that and this is basically an AU where there’s another (unnamed here) Deputy who IS slated to be The Deputy that Joshua is trying to help (and convince to do less murder) to explain how he fits into a verse as a Gun For Hire. Psychic shenanigans still happen in this AU of an AU ofc, just it’s perhaps less prominent. We’re skipping over possible musings of relevant sidequests for Joshua relating to the Seeds in this for the sake of time, though I acknowledge that it’s something to explore, likely would impact the endgame with the Heralds, cult, and Joseph depending on the Deputy’s choices of doing a Kill or No-kill run. This verse also assumes that Joshua, the Deputy, Whitehorse, Pratt, and Hudson all got away or were not present for the helicopter crash. Other characters minor and otherwise who are alive in Joshua’s main fic verse ACABH are the same as in that story thus far, such as Rae-Rae and Ryan being alive. We’ll also presume the Seeds are all still alive at the time of these dialogue lines.
Deputy Joshua Raguel Rook
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(All images used were public domain and/or labeled free for reuse under creative commons license. Above image was sourced from [here.]) With Fangs for Hire
Boomer: “Hey there boy, how’re you feeling today? Got some venison strips saved for you, you eating enough with all this running around?” [cue more small talk and praise for Boomer about how Boomer’s doing such a good job and Joshua feeding Boomer bits of cooked meat. Will likely sing snatches of cheery dog-themed songs he’s heard when in the party with Boomer and there’s no enemies nearby.]
Peaches: “...I hope that’s not people-meat in your teeth, Peaches, you know how Miss Mable feels about that, it’s bad for your health. I’m also not quite brave enough to want to brush your teeth—though maybe Dr. Lindsey or Wade can offer advice on that. We’ll get you some nice fish instead, that’s a good kitty.” [He’s a bit more shy around Peaches than Boomer bc cougar, but an effort at friendliness will be made.]
Cheeseburger: “...that is one big bear. He’s a sweetheart though. Just...hoping he doesn’t make a mistake of who he’s barreling into. It’s not like we’re wearing team colors or anything.” [Cheeseburger is a sweetie and Joshua likes him, but also: bear. Joshua’s a bit wary around him, but will still feed Cheeseburger salmon when able. May crack a joke paralleling Cheeseburger going “Only You Can Prevent Cult Gun Fire.” Will not crack this joke after any Jacob-region events though.]
With Other Guns for Hire:
Sharky: So amibro, I was thinking, you know how those Angels are all dead in the head and stuff? How are they still shuffling around, is the Bliss like a zombie plant or something? Joshua: ...no, that’s more in line with the aliens that Larry keeps going on about I’m sure. Something about brainmelting and bendy straws, I got lost when he started mentioning Navier-Stokes equations for how the...resulting brain juice would be redirected. [Shuddery noise of disgust.] I’m not sure if he’s serious or just fucking with me and referencing Guy’s zombie movie series at this point. Could be either or. The Bliss is more like...like...uh. Like if you lost the keys to your car, but the car’s your body. You get me? Sharky: Damn, remind me never to OD on the stuff, I lose the keys to my car all the time. Sometimes I can’t be bothered to find em and just jiggle the lock so I can hop on in to hotwire the car because I’m in a hurry, you know? Ladies love a man who’s good with his hands, and who’s good with time and can improvise. You think that’d work on the Bliss car keys? Joshua: Maybe? Not everyone seems to be as readily lost to the Bliss at the same amounts. Personally I’d wager you’d be able to find your way back to your body no matter where you were in the bliss if we stood you near a signal fire. Sharky: This is why we’re friends man! Ride or die! ...also can you help me find my keys with that trick of yours, I lost ‘em again. Joshua: Yeah, though did you check under your bed? Also, maybe hang your regular set and a spare set of keys on a hook by the door so you can always find them, just in case you’re in a hurry.
Joshua: Hurk. [Said in a Mild, Judgmental Voice of Impending Doom From A Friend kind of tone.] Hurk: Hey man I didn’t do nothin’ to deserve that tone of voice now don’t you start on me. Joshua: How can you say that when you and Sharky went and invented zipline grenade-golf without me last night? And blew up part of the mini-YES-sign. Hurk: Oh man you were talking up Lindsey and with the way the two of you were smiling and laughing, we figured you might be getting lucky so like the proper supportive wingmen me and Sharky were, we left you gentlemen some of our finest booze and sticky green. You did find it didn’t you, I’d hate to waste the gifts of the beneficent Monkey God from above as He Who Likes To Par-tay Above And Here Below On This Earth did command me never to waste beer or the good kush and to always help a brother out who’s trying to hook it up with their fine persons of choice. Joshua: Hurk I’m not— [sighs in accepting and fond exasperation.] It’s not like that with me and Charles— Hurk: Ooooooooooooo, you’re on a first name basis already! I knew you had it in you! Get it man, get it good! I’m not into that, you know I like the ladies strictly, but I will support your endeavors no matter the sex of your fellow party-goer as leader of Hurk Gate and the Bro-iest of Bros. Joshua: Hurk oh my god, I’m not trying to sleep with or romance him. I’m—he’s not looking for that, at least not with me certainly, and I—...just, thanks. I still have most of the beer and weed leftover if you and Sharky are up for graffiting one of John’s billboard signs though. You in? Hurk: Hell yeah man, and oo, you did get some then, Josh you sly dog! Joshua: I DID NOT! [Meta-clarification: Joshua indeed did not, for reasons to be revealed at a later time in the main fic.]
Sharky, Hurk, and Joshua, if one bends the mechanics so they are all in the party together at the same time:
Sharky: Pfhahahahaha oh man did you see the look on those Peggies’s faces when we came just crashing down the mountainside in that burning car? It was priceless!
Joshua: What better way to set fire to mass amounts of Bliss fields than with a moving fireball? Sharky: I know man it was great! We didn’t get too singed or nothin’! We gotta try that burning trash-ball idea next time though, like building a snowman but with fire! A fireman! Ha! That was the easiest fifty bucks of my life, cuz. Joshua: Hold up a tick now, what. Hurk: Sharky man that’s against the betting code! You’re not supposed to tell! Joshua: Oh, you cheeky bastards were betting on if Sharky could convince me to drive the car down the hill, weren’t you. Hurk: Man it’s always a crap shoot with you, specially around cars. That’s what makes it fun, sometimes you get all “guys that’s not safe,” [said with a poor imitation of Joshua’s voice complete with a very terrible southern, Georgian-style accent before Hurk switches to his normal speaking voice to continue,] —and other times it’s just “hold my beer.” You’re not going to go all prim and proper on us now are ya? Joshua: I can’t believe you two. Gambling in Hope County, I’m shocked, shocked. Sharky you owe me half, I’ll buy you a beer first round. Sharky: Hell yeah man! Hurk: Wait a second did you two just con me? I’ve been robbed! Police! Joshua: Hurk I *am* the police, one of them present at least. Hurk: Oh shit son, you right. Help I’m being oppressed by the system!
Nick Rye
[This conversation happens after Seed Ranch has been taken, along with the AU detail of capturing John’s plane Affirmation at the same time, preferably early on, while John is still alive.] Nick: Hey Joshua I was talking to Sharky— Joshua: Oh no. Nick: And he had an idea that wasn’t half bad. Not a good one, and you’d be liable to get killed or captured, but I got stuck thinking on it and wanted to ask: What d’you think would happen if you dressed up like the Father and just pulled a whole Mission: Impossible face-a-roo switch? You can do that imitation of how he speaks and everything, I’ve heard you do it before. And with how high the Peggies are most of the time, they’re so far out of their gourds they wouldn’t notice the differences. Joshua: You mean aside from his brothers and sister noticing he’s suddenly an inch shorter, twenty years younger and the wrong brand of crazy? Nick: Just go off about there being an edit to God’s Plan or something, and you could get makeup or something going on with that age thing. People do all kinds of wizardry with foundation and stuff, though you’d have to ask someone else on that. Maybe Addie or someone she knows? I don’t know if they have aging-up tricks compared to aging-down though. It could work! Might be a quick way to end the fighting if we can just stuff Joseph into a car trunk and then stash him in a bunker somewhere while you’re pretending you’re him. Joshua: Nick my tattoos are different and I’m not going to convince people I’m Joseph if I have to do one of his shirtless walkarounds, NOR am I having sins and Bible verses carved into my hide to complete the look. I don’t think we have any special effects or make up artists in the county who specialize in convincingly fake scars made out of latex or something. Nick: I don’t know, that Guy Marvel might have someone. Or, had someone. He has to be able to afford all those special effects somehow. Joshua: I’m not going anywhere near that guy with a ten foot pole man, he weirds me out. Also consider: I’d have to talk to Jacob, John and Faith as Joseph. I don’t want that kind of responsibility of herding that conversation at the family dinner. Nick: Hoo, good point. So...how is that family bullshit coming along then? Joshua: I have no idea, I’m just winging it, like you are. Nick: [who’s currently flying a plane, thus the slight pun] Heh. Good luck with that then, and let me know if you want me to paint something special on John’s precious little Affirmation next time you take it out for a spin to spite him. Joshua: I’m sure I can think of a thing or two.
Adelaide: Honey you need to take a breather one of these days and just take a load off, if you keep up the way you’re going you’re going to end up looking more like your dad sooner rather than later. You should swing by the Marina sometime and have a yoga session with Xander, really helps get the blood pumping and limber you up if you know what I’m saying. Joshua: [Snorts in amusement.] Is Xander trying to convince you to eat more kale chips instead of potato chips again? Adelaide: Rook sweetie, I love Xander but there are some things a woman won’t put in her mouth, and kale chips are one of them. Joshua: I’ll swing by sometime to help out with the kale chips then, and maybe get in a yoga session at the same time. It’s been a while since I chatted Xander up what with the county going pearshaped. Adelaide: I’ll never understand how you two can eat those things. Ugh. Gives me the willies. Joshua: *I* eat them dipped in homemade spicy nacho cheese sauce. I have no idea how Xander eats them straight and still claims to have working tastebuds.
[For context: This conversation is based on the AU’s detail that Grace’s father has survived the previous attempt on his life prior to the start of the Reaping.]
Joshua: Did you crack open the extra care packages we dropped off yet Grace, or did your dad get to ‘em first? Grace: You referring to the chocolate bars you stashed in there? I got my share of them out in time. Joshua: Good, I was a little worried when you told me they were missing last time. Thought they might’ve been lifted without me knowing beforehand. Grace: He’s a sly one when sweets are up for grabs. Now if you can do something about the shortage of decent coffee… Joshua: What’s that? A reason to piss John off today and raid his personal stash? Say no more!
Jess: So. Joshua: So. Jess: Just like old times but with more fucked up cultist family bullshit than before, huh. Joshua: [Sighs.] Yeah. Jess: That’s rough, buddy. Joshua: Least I can steal shit en masse from the cultists and no one else minds right now. For the life of me though I can’t figure out where all of the snacks from Lorna’s went when the Peggies hit her place. I think they ate ‘em all. Jess: [Noise of disgust.] Those two-faced fuckers going on and on about how bad commercially produced food is and how everyone should get back to basics, but there they go snatching up all the frosted cakes and maple bars like it's baby’s first shoplifting spree. Joshua: I know right? Even if they do believe the end of the world’s coming, that’s still rude to clean the store out on the first go around—leave some snacks for the next bunch of looters, god damn.
In Combat
[Note: due to Joshua’s verse details, this comes with the assumption that were one to play in a version of his universe, the Deputy would have a kill/spare mechanic and thus also an option of doing a No Kill run and variations on that spectrum, which Joshua’s mechanics would support more so. This would likely also mean some additional options for the other guns-for-hire and creative use of their canonical loadouts and abilities. Joshua’s setup would overlap with Boomer and Jess’s via the Spotter and Concealment abilities, and he’d be equipped with a bliss dart gun and a scoped hunting rifle. Also melee options and such.] Seeing/tagging an enemy: “Hey look, another whack-a-mole.” / ”Fashionably challenged mountain-man zealot sighted.” / “Enemy sighted.” Seeing/tagging multiple enemies at once: “duck, duck, cultists.”/ “The Rapture called, they don’t want these Peggies back.” / “multiple hostiles in the area.” Bliss darting/knocking out a Peggie at range: “Nap time.” / “Another one bites the dust.” / “Down they go!” / “A little dirt nap never hurt any Peggie. Won’t hurt their outfits any either, a little dirt brown looks better than all of that mayonnaise-white so many of them wear anyway.” Knocking out a Peggie with a non-lethal stealth takedown: “Lights out.” / “Rang this one’s chimes hard enough he’ll think it’s time for morning service on a sunday when he wakes up.” / “Sleep tight.” / “She’s/he’s down.” Sneaking: “Feels like a tuesday.”  / “...” / “Five bucks says I can pickpocket the guards and they’d never even know till later.” / “Moving position.” / “Good to go.” Upon witnessing the Deputy killing an enemy: “Was that really necessary?!” / “...shit.” / “Maybe we should disengage and drop back out of sight instead of this.” / “What the fuck!” Reviving an ally/The Deputy: “Don’t you go dying on me! Stay alive, you’ve got so much to live for!” / “Come on, let’s get you patched up, you’re gonna be okay!” / “No no no! Don’t you dare die! Not today!” Hurt: “MOTHERFUCKER!” / “Ow!” / “God damn it, I just patched this shirt! And myself!” / “This is NOT my fucking element, fuck!” / “Why are we even in a situation where we’d get shot at?!” Downed: “Could use a little help over here!” / “Bleeding out, help!” / “...mom?”
When asked to drive: “...you sure? I really think someone else driving would be a better idea under current circumstances, but okay. Just don’t go making a habit out of this. Please. For everyone’s sake.” / “No.” [This is followed by outright refusal to sit in the driver’s seat.] / [Optionally if Sharky and/or Hurk are around] “Ugh. Just...gotta pretend this is driving through a Clutch Nixon. With live gun fire, instead of just fire-fire.”
When the Deputy/someone else is driving recklessly: “Iwantoffthisride” / “I’m going to have to pick upholstery out from under my nails later.” / “JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL.” / [Recites a Hail Mary.] / “Having a good time! NOT.” / [If it’s Sharky or Hurk driving] “This is the kind of reckless driving I can get behind. Through regular past exposure therapy.” Changing radio stations: [If it’s being changed to Eden’s Gate stations] “Can we not? I’ve heard this music so many times it’s old as hell, however catchy.” / “They did do a good job on the music, I gotta say. More ominous meaning to the lyrics right now in particular though.” / [If it’s being changed to Resistance Radio stations] “Road trip time! Watch out for moose in the road.” / “Hell yeah, crank those tunes!” / “I’m glad we have regular music to listen to still, it’d be such a drag to have to go without it.”
- [General] “What’s up? Everything going alright with you?” - [General] “I heard of a good fishing spot where the rainbow trout [or other game fish depending on situation/mechanics] are really biting today if you want to take a breather and just do a bit of fishing.” [this dialogue only triggers if the Deputy hasn’t filled out the map yet for fishing spots, and adds one to the map with a notification.] - [General] “Hey, there’s a prepper stash over yonder, if you want to try your hand at getting at it. [This dialogue only triggers at random if the Deputy hasn’t polished off all the nearby Prepper stashes already. Marks a nearby prepper stash on the map and gives a notification.]
- [General] “You know what surprises me? That the Project didn’t try to shut off the power plant to at least portions of the county. Sure lots of people are preppers or woodsmen and such, but electricity makes everything easier for us. Weird, ain’t it? They have the technicians for it I’m sure. Guess we should thank our lucky stars they either didn’t think of that or decided it wasn’t worth it. We’d be straight out of ice cold beer then, Whitehorse would hate that.” - [If the Deputy is taking the no-kill route] “Hey I just want to say...I appreciate you trying not to kill people, even if some of these cultists are absolute motherfuckers who deserve it. We might be able to stop all their prophecy crap dead in its tracks if you keep this up. And...you know. Thanks for not killing my crazy relatives? I think. They’ve done a lot of bad shit and they need to answer for that, but...the right way, not backwoods murder. We’re better than that, I hope.” - [If the Deputy is taking the killing route] “I get wanting to kill the Seeds and the cult...but this isn’t going to end well, even after we’re done. I wish you wouldn’t, but I can’t stop you if this is the choice you’ve made. ...I’m sorry I can’t be of more help to you. I...hope you’ll be alright, in the end. But I don’t think you will be.” [Recall that Joshua Knows What Will Happen To The Deputy if they take the canonically-based killing route. He leaves before the final confrontation, and curiously Whitehorse, Pratt, and Hudson don’t show up in the final scene either—ie, whichever route the Deputy chooses, they survive elsewhere (coughcough Joshua’s secret bunker cough.) The scene with Joseph still happens more or less the same, only the Deputy leaves alone if they choose Walk Away, and ends up alone with Joseph if they choose Resist. Also interestingly enough: Dutch isn’t present on the radio, nor in his bunker. His fish have been taken too. Joshua didn’t have the time to grab everyone, so he tried to grab the ones he knew for sure would die, and warned the others that he foresaw not surviving the Collapse or aftermath, like Mary May and Jess Black, or who suffered serious injuries like Grace. His buds Sharky and Hurk he bribes with beer and weed to hide out in their bunker or hang out in his while this goes down. Boomer, Cheeseburger, and Peaches are all herded to safety (yes there are mechanics for that in the standard AU verse, we shan’t delve into them here though bc spoilers tho.) The others he tries to warn, but whether he managed to get to them and some of the other latter people mentioned above in time or not is uncertain.] - [If the Deputy switched from a killing route to a no-kill route and all of the Seeds are still alive, Joshua sounds relieved] “Hey, I know it’s...it’s hard to hold off pulling the trigger when someone who’s hurt so many people is in your gunsights, but...I do think bringing them in for actual processing through the legal system—a proper trial without bullshit—is the better way. For all of us. Thank you.” - [If the Deputy switched from a no-kill route to a killing route, sounds slightly devastated] “...Why?” - [If the Deputy is doing a “neutral” run of killing significant numbers of cultists, but is sparing the Seeds as they go] “...I appreciate you not killing the murdery head-cult-family members, but…you think we could maybe lighten up on killing the rank and file? They don’t have the big names and they aren’t the leaders, but those are still people. They are responsible for their own actions, not saying they aren’t, but many of them are redeemable. Not all of them, but...maybe we can just lay them out in the infirmary for a good long while instead? Nothing permanent. The bad ones though can fall off a cliff.”
- [If the Deputy is doing a “selective killing” run of not killing rank and file cultists, but is in the process of killing all the Seed Heralds. Joshua sounds conflicted.] “I appreciate you not killing the followers, though some of them are definitely bastards who shouldn’t be allowed to walk free for the shit they’ve done, but...you think we could...maybe not kill the Seeds either? The Seeds are the primary responsible parties, not contesting that, but maybe we can just kick their asses and arrest them instead? It might help dampen the chaos somewhat, maybe we can use ‘em for leverage. We certainly could hide them somewhere secure that the Peggies wouldn’t be able to find ‘em. It’d be easier to talk Joseph down too, using his siblings as leverage.” [See above for killing route ending details.] Also? We’re driving in separate cars. Don’t turn on the radio, stay away from the others. You’re still brainwashed, and dangerous.” [Joshua is disappointed in the Deputy for not having stuck to some manner of universal moral principle.] - [If friendly, and the Deputy is on either a no-kill playthrough or has switched to a no-kill route,] “Hey, you wanna play a game of checkers, or chess? Take five for a bit, if you got the time?” - [If friendly, and the Deputy is on either a no-kill playthrough or has switched to a no-kill route,] “Hey, not to be mushy or anything, but...thank you. For being you. It’s inspiring to see someone’s able to take the higher path when everything’s falling to pieces all around us. Makes me have a little bit more faith in humanity, too.” - [If friendly, and the Deputy is on either a no-kill playthrough or has switched to a no-kill route, and has been on said no-kill route for a decent amount of time,] “Hey, we grabbed some really good produce this time around and sent it on over to Casey. Told him I’d tell you to swing by, and asked him to save some for you in case you were interested. They’ve got some fresh beef for burgers and sandwiches, pumpkin pie, apple pie, loaded baked potatoes, and all kinds of other tasty stuff for a cookout. The Ryes are coming round to help pitch in and organize it all as a little morale boost party. Wanna come? You deserve to put up your feet and relax, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who’d appreciate your company if you felt like joining in. If you’d rather not, I can sneak food to you if you want quiet time to yourself. It’s all good, just tell me what you want and where you want it.”
Location Specific:
- Near where the police station was, if it’s been burned down: [Sighs.] “While I’m not missing the paperwork that got torched, there was a nice feel of history to the old place. Wish they hadn’t burned it down, fuckers. But, well...the Project and the Seeds have good reason to have no love for police and authority figures among others, even before all this horribleness and the leadup stuff came down. So I can’t say I’m surprised they did.”
- Upon entering the Spread Eagle, if friendly: “Finally, a place where everybody knows our names instead of yelling “Deputies!” at us all day! Wanna hit up the arcade? I’ll buy the first round if you get the higher score.”
- Seed Ranch, outside if it hasn’t been liberated, inside if it has been liberated: “Never going to understand why some folks want real airy houses with so much dead space as their main living quarters. Feels more like a knickknack museum you’re supposed to look at, not a home you’re supposed to live in. He’s got all this Eden’s Gate paraphernalia in those glass display cases, and I don’t doubt John’s fervent in his beliefs, but it feels more like a rich boy’s hunting and vacation lodge cobbled together with a vague idea of home. You saw the doghouse out back, right? What’s the point of having a dog live outside if you’ve got ALL this space, it’s all finished wood floors, and you’ve made sure to train ‘em and raise ‘em properly so they know not to chew on the furniture? It’s lonely, that’s what this is. Joseph chides John and all that about learning to love, but it’s a case of the blind leading the blind there.” - Outside St. Francis Veterans Center: [Before the Veterans Center is liberated, if Jacob has captured the Deputy at least once, so the song “Only You” is played around the Center, and the melody starts to be audible in the distance as the group approaches.] “Yeah hey, I’m going to go the other way now and wait for you over here where I can’t hear the song of madness, ‘kay? Maybe you should avoid it too.” [This is followed by Joshua refusing to go too close to the Center, sans possible AU story missions.] - Anywhere near Joseph’s Island: [The first time the party gets near Joseph’s Island,] “Uh. No. I’m not going near that place twice any sooner than we need to.” [Watch Joshua be willing to jump out even into deep water and swim away if the Deputy tries to approach the island with him in tow on a boat.]
OC Fighting Style
Tagged by @chyrstis​ !! Thank you for the tag!! :D <3 This was another fun one to fill out (and shorter than the above but you know what we’re stapling all of these bad boys into one post bc Why Not.) Have an aesthetic picture of a Jacob sheep skull upon a sheep skin for the fun implications of what that says about Joshua’s fighting style. xD Ram skull image after some searching was sourced from [here], with a creative commons license for free-to-reuse, with some limitations.
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Rules: bold = often (or always), italics = sometimes, default = rarely, strike = never
fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range / chat during / go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first / provoked easily / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly, apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds / run away when wounded / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade / prefer a gun (non lethal rounds/tranquilizer darts) / prefer a bow / prefer a shield /  prefer a spear naginata / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer psychic abilities / prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle / fight as they appear / rely on strength / rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly /  high stamina / doubt their strength / proceed with caution / behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit / belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians / strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork / messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements / move efficiently / barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside / use all available advantages / strictly use one main method / play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy / wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death  / fear pain / fear killing / has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / want to die standing / would succumb slowly
Tagged by @chyrstis and @hawkfurze !! Thank you for the tags!! :D <3
An excerpt from the current WIP chapter for ACABH: ————————— Weak. He was so weak, barely able to move right now, and he didn’t even know why. There was pain, a lot of pain, a feeling like his bones were on fire and about to crumble under pressure at any moment—but he’d been through worse. In this instance, he could recall that he’d fallen through the sky for a brief tumultuous time before gravity had stepped in, leading to him landing hard upon the road, as if making up for the lack of physics earlier. —————————
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