#helluva reimagined inspired by helluva critisism and helluva boss's failures
sampsonstorm · 10 months
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Da babis. Cocatrice Chicks. Arent they cute? they just look like big huggable chicks until their tails grow in and their eyes brighten.
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sampsonstorm · 10 months
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So this is what they ride in wrath! DADADA DA DAAAAAA! Presenting the Cocatrice!
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sampsonstorm · 1 year
Wanna see a real King of Wrath? This is Azorak, Ryhaka's father. He's the King of Wrath alright, but hes actually one of the more reasonable Siblings of Sin...unless you get on his bad side, then youre toast.
Behold the King of Wrath!
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sampsonstorm · 10 months
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the Roo and the Hen together. Their names are Max and Sassy. (named after two of my old deceased pet chickens.) And the main team next to them. True hell is where chickens can EAT YOU.
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sampsonstorm · 1 year
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Laverne old head nod animation.
Aw what the heck, heres the stills -
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sampsonstorm · 1 year
Heres the Breakdown of plots and subplots so far. Its pictures taken with my ipad from my computer, cause i AM NOT typing all that out again on a post. Hell No! Tell me what you think in the comments. Sorry if its choppy, again, a work in progress.
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sampsonstorm · 1 year
Heres the Main Team! Dark Harvester Team!
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sampsonstorm · 10 months
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My first major effect for Life After Life. Its when Valorian, in Kobald form, unleashes hell on most likely Adrion Delconiss, to protect Fin and his friends.
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sampsonstorm · 1 year
Female Azmodeus. No this isnt a genderbend. He can shapshift his gender.
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sampsonstorm · 1 year
Map Mark 2 for the Deadworld
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sampsonstorm · 1 year
Life After Life is on its way back to Tumblr! GET READY!
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sampsonstorm · 1 year
Laverne Strauss, Our First Season Main Antagonist. Hes also a Dark Harvester, nicknamed the Grim Reaper by Humans and Demons alike.
Hes extremely cut-throat, with a pretty fucked up backstory. He died after murdering his lovers killers wives. In life he was known as Avery Stuart to his lovers, and Dr. Laverne Strauss to the town of Ladon. When Igor is murdered for being gay, Laverne attacks the town. He is called the Ladon Ripper. When he is discovered by authorities, he is sentenced to death. He is disembowled and dismembered swearing vengeance on the town in his last dying breaths.
YALL BETTER APRECIATE THAT HAT. that hat was a pain in the ASS.
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sampsonstorm · 1 year
Last but not least, Birdie Hardwick, our Millie Stand In. Cause we all how we feel about Millie 😡😡😡
Millie Critique - AHHHHHHHH. She is nothing! She has no personality other than Moxxys Wife, and country badass bitch. Which pisses me off because i used to be Millie's base concept! Theres not much to say on Millie, because theres not much to Millie, admitedly by Viv herself.
Birdie is a tough little country girl similar to Millie.
(heres a fun fact. I WAS BIRDIE. Im very short lol. I had a very hard time proving myself to my fellow tough country men. And i am a major hard ass. I know how short country queens REALLY FEEL. Millie is a joke if that what Viv is trying to do.)
Anyway, Birdie is a born Wrath Imp. However while she still has the attitude, she doesnt exactly have the size. Shes very, VERY small compared to her fellow Wrath Imps. She has 3 (i belive) older brothers and a single mother. Her dad died working for Dark Harvesters and her mom had to pick up the slack. Her brothers dont have a male figure to teach them, so Birdie has to fight her way into a place among them.
When she gets older, she tries to do the work the Wrath Imps normally do, farm work, mechanical work, etc. But shes just not big or strong enough. This leads to alot of adult insecurity. One day she tries to help when no one wants her to, affraid shell botch it. (not sure what the event is yet.) She indeed does botch it. It probly leads to alot of chaos and it leads to her eventuall banishment from her home town, and blacklist among other Wrath Imps. She is forced out of Wrath. She goes to Arcadia, and looks for more work. She probly has a service type job for a long time, until she finds Finnias's HELP WANTED flyer.
When she gets into the job, she has NO IDEA what shes doing. Finnias and the others find out she has no experience in the profession, and cant really use weapons. Javira helps her with that, teaching her size doesnt matter. Its about skill, inteligence, and not overdooing what weapon you choose. He finds her a pair of knives. Suddenly, Birdie becomes an expert fighter when her hands are given the right tools. Shes elated.
Heres Birdie Hardwick, Everyone!
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sampsonstorm · 1 year
More Art of Season 1s Characters
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sampsonstorm · 1 year
Character Roster for Season 1
Finnias Fargo - The main character. He pulls together the main team. Hes really funny, a bit of a loser, but a good guy whos just trying to get by. What did this charasmatic jackass do to end up here?
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Garrison Barlowe - The muscle of the team. A Wrath Demon who desguises himself as an Imp to avoid persecution. Garrison is tough as nails, but he has a heart of gold. He will always fight for you and he always pick you up when youre down. If he's such a good guy, then why is he a Demon?
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Javira Patamonne - The intelligence of the team. A Greed Imp who is hidding something dark. He is always armed to the teeth and always on guard. He thinks Finnias is incompetent and has no idea what hes doing, and he would be right. But for some reason he needed to stay. Wonder what it is?
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Birdie Hardwick - The crouching tiger of the team. A little Wrath Imp, She doesnt seem like much, but little Birdie has a big punch. Shes got alot of energy and loves everyone even if you dont want to be loved. She doesnt know what shes doing at all, but shes gonna try, and try again. ...Just like she always has.
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Valorian Goisha - The Goisha Prince of Pride. He is reserved, intelligent, shy, but longs for something, though he cant figure out what. What is it? What could a Goisha Prince possibly want?
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Azmodeus Goisha - The Goisha Prince of Lust. He is obnoxious, fun, reckless, and always pulling Valorian into trouble to pick his spirit up. He seems like he's on top of the world, what could possibly be wrong with the Prince of Lust.
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Laverne Strauss - The Grim Reaper, THE most notorious Dark Harvester in the buisness. He WILL kill you if you get in his way, and Fin is no exception. What does Fin do to get on the Grim Reaper's bad side?
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Porsha Dagan - Finnias's In Life Girlfriend, a Demon of Greed. Fin got her killed and now shes trying to find her way. She finds her way to the Grim Reaper, and through him, finds her way to Fin. What's her story?
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sampsonstorm · 1 year
The two main Dark Harvesters -
Laverne Strauss (Wrath Demon) and Porsha Dagan (Greed Demon). Laverne takes a liking to her (not romantically) and he makes her his partner in the buisness.
Porsha is understandably PISSED at Finnias and KICKS. HIS. ASS.
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