#help me bbg my brain has rotted
partyswirl · 2 years
The rot is so cool
>⚠️⚠️⚠️rainworld spoilers btw ⚠️ ⚠️⚠️
I still can’t sleep I’m gonna write some more unorganized thoughts yay
the notes app is for LOSERS I -ruin my digital footprint
ANYWAY the rot is so fucking awesome I cannot even begin to put it into words literally so cool??
normally decomposition like creates new life as is shown in. A lot of rainworld. Cough cough all the abandoned cities are now teeming with new life and that’s SO AWESOME I literally love it so much
that’s like natural that represents nature the natural flow the circle of life the CYCLE if you will
but there’s something SEVERELY messed up with how time works and the ancients were like FUCK NO
but before they all died they had to figure out how and also a lot of them kinda just wanted to build things so they did. They built a lot of things. They built a lot of not nature things especially in their frantic scramble to escape creeping death at the hands of the void sea
I might talk more about the void sea later it’s very strange weird messed up
but anyway one of the non-nature things they made were the ITERATORS. They decided for some reason to make these immortal robots sentient and sapient, completely ignoring that they’d be left behind and treating them like another purposed organism.
They created them in part and to just survey wildlife and maintain all their stuffs which was totally chill. But the problems start to.. start (what is a thesaurus) when they started making these sentient beings purely for finding out how to make the ancients PERMANENTLY DIE
which I think is funny because they also built all this way upwards because they were escaping death but I guess they were kinda right for that because if you don’t die correct you get stuck forever which is the opposite of what their society was trying to achieve
but they didn’t even know what happens when you ascend!! They weren’t even completely entirely sure what you needed to do!!! A lot of them tried to shed themselves of natural urges (which is probably why they didn’t talk of any ascension for slugcats lizards scavs etc. they’re more ‘primitive’ so they just rely on their natural urges so how would they reach the point of ascension?? But to get to max karma as a schlug you just have to survive a lot???) <- that parentheses was longer than it should’ve been but basically they made up stuff that was supposed to help but they still couldn’t be sure!! It’s impossible to know!! Because you can’t come back from ascension!!!
I promise I’ll get to the rot soon pleading emoji..
but basically they focused all their attention on expansion and then death rather than trying to yknow live or coexist with the environment in any way. They focused so much on dying they forgot to live. They focused so much on dying, even though they didn’t know what would happen when you die (but a practice was made up anyway by pure theory and possibly socially enforced), that they didn’t care who they would hurt
(Maybe it’s just me but this feels like a jab at corrupt people in organized religion and misinterpretations of religion used to justify hate and damn.. we stan..)
yknow who ELSE focused so much on dying, even though NOTHING was confirmed about what why when where how (but an explanation was made up anyway by pure theory), that they didn’t care who they hurt??? FIVE PEBBLES my boy my sweet sweet suicidal angst calculator
we’re not gonna talk about how SRS could’ve just not given him instructions on how to try to off himself btw why did you do that I don’t get it
FOCUSED ON DYING ✔️ just generally correct
UNCONFIRMED METHODS ✔️ sliverist, believing maybe sos (cool name btw) dying WAS the solution. this is pure theory.nobody has ANY clue what the triple affirmative even means, just that sliver is dead.
DIDNT CARE WHO THEY HURT ✔️ moon!!! moon was like “hey we share water maybe you shouldn’t drink all our shared water reserves” and he proceeded to blame her for the experiment going wrong even though NOBODY KNOWS IF IT WOULDVE GONE RIGHT IT WAS JUST A THEORY A GAME THEORY
Wow! A cycle! Would you look at that!
So that checks out
the rot the rot the rot the rot!!!!
selfish attempt at death creates something that SELFISHLY LIVES
I’m gonna be honest when I got the actual rot part of this rot rant j completely forgot what I was gonna say I totally bullshitted this last section
more rainworld rants coming in like half an hour if I still can’t sleep god help me
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Blorbo From My Shows Wrapped 2023
And rating them on a scale from 1 to 10
Nathan MacKinnon: listen okay he comes around every year around hockey season. This year I’ve gone especially deranged for him and made a fucking top loader for one of my hockey cards of him. He mostly gets points for being Nova Scotian and also looking like he has sustained multiple blows to the head. He is also incredibly fucking shaped. Anyway solid 7/10 - loses points because he’s been stripped of all personality by the NHL in order to be more advertiser-friendly
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Vinsmoke Sanji: alright okay I’m a fake fan because I’ve only seen the live action but sweet Christ I want this white man. From the moment this absolute womanizing jackass graced my screen I have been in love with him. He makes me giggle and kick my feet like a middle schooler at a sleepover. He truly is Blorbo From My Shows in the best possible way. 10/10 I think this man is so hot.
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John Sheppard: I started watching Atlantis recently and I kind of thought I was gonna hate it because no Daniel and Daniel had been my primary brain rot since I was 9 but John won me over. I love his sense of humour and his relationship with McKay (aaaaaaa Canada Mentioned!!!!) but I also find his insubordination extremely hot like yes babe!!! Disregard your orders to commit intergalactic war crimes!!!! Also I love that we get Sheppard Scruff a lot because believe me that instantly casts a hex on me to lose all thoughts!!!! Foaming at the mouth for him!!! Anyway 8/10 - loses points for being a pilot bc my dad was on the ground crew and my genetic memory is telling me that all pilots are bastards
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Tony Markovich (that fucking cop from shameless): listen okay hear me out hear me out……………….. alright I got nothing, I can’t even defend this one. First of all, I’ve only seen the show through tiktok highlights. Second bbg this man is a cop what’s wrong with you??? He mostly gets points for looking like a handsome young man who my mom would love if I brought him home. Like Tony just looks sooooo boyfriend shaped to me?? Like if I brought him home and he told my mom that he volunteers coaching basketball and that he likes to spend his off time cooking with his mom, my mom would literally bawl her eyes out because I’ve brought home the man she’s always envisioned for me. 6/10 - loses points for being a cop and also being too fucking vanilla to even think that his handcuffs could possibly be used for sex.
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Ray Stantz: alright so he’s also the type that I would 100% bring home to my mom but unlike Tony, I respect his career. This guy is soooooooooooo husband shaped like he looks like the kind of guy who mows his lawn on a Sunday before the kids wake up so he can teach them how to ride a bike as soon as they finish breakfast. He’s also just so sweet and cuddly in canon and I want him to infodump about all his interests at me. I also like that his so squishy and I just wanna be the one who helps him get the ectoplasm out of his hair while he tells me about poltergeists and stuff. 10/10 - he’s so husband shaped he loses points for NOTHING because he’s EXACTLY the kind of man I want
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Daniel Jackson: listen okay we all knew this was coming I don’t even need to say anything. I know this man has not only been living in my head rent free but he also lives in yours because you follow me and you have 0 choice in the matter. I’m not elaborating just go thru #yeet me into the void on my blog and you’ll get it. 15/10 he’s the fucking blueprint.
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Jack Ransom: i apparently cannot exist without a white man from Star Trek bouncing around my skull so Ransom makes this list. I love blonde himbos and like the thing is that I know he’d call me a fucking slur but like his superiority complex does something to me idfk I should send this post to my therapist because evidently I need fucking help. 8/10 - loses points for being a cartoon, gains points for his obvious brat taming kink.
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Anyway thanks for coming to the annual Blorbo From My Shows Wrapped: a post that if it got forwarded to anyone in my family I’d simply fake my death and disappear. However, my tumblr followers are my priest and this blog is my confessional.
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lovezbrownies · 3 months
By the latest post you made about Grim and talking about how pathetic he is. HE IS SO CUTE!! Like I love him so much like between him and his sister I say I like them both very much just in two diff ways yk? BUT I have yet another idea-ish I am cooking up in the moment.
Since, you did tell us how Grim and Gen were in their childhood ages and how they were both very distinctly different. With Gen being messy/tomboyish if you ask me and Grim being more like a spoiled whiny prince my bbg. How do you think both of them would act as love rivals from such a young age with a childhood sweet heart? Or as much as a sweet heart darling they can get, with Gen beating up Grim basically and getting angry/violent depending if she is as bad as she was when she’s young. Including, with Grim being a big crybaby most likely with Gen’s bullying. With darling being annoyed/fed up since they just wanted a normal play date with these two kids that was also most likely forced on her suddenly with Gen demanding time and Grim tagging along to help out darling since he does feel bad. And to also spend time
Tornado anon... I missed your amazing long-form asks... ANOTHER BANGER AS PER USUAL FROM TORNADO !!!!! keep cooking oomf... we need your genius to live...
oomf I have to warn you this gave me such intense brain rot that It's too long and I have to put down a keep reading after this paragraph... You're such a creative genius bro...
First things first, I want to establish smth rq :3 While Gen's pretty mean to her older brother, she still loves and cares for him like he would for her, they both care for each other a lot but Gen likes starting fights and thinks its funny when Grim gets upset, while Grim likes to get his moms' attentions whenever Gen does something to him, sort of a win-win for both!
You would probably be someone who lacks supervision or needs to be babysat quite often to land in their hands when you were all young. Maybe no siblings, a single father who works more than he sees you, knowing it would be bad to leave a 7-year-old alone in the house they just moved into your father would go to the house across his, the Ludenhart Manor, after speaking to the two women living there they agreed to take care of you when he's not available, telling your father they too have their own kids, an energetic girl and a sensitive boy.
Meeting them that day was... interesting to say the least. When the two nice ladies walked you into their large house they led you to a room, where two young kids around your own age bickering like nutjobs. This foreshadowed the rest of your life, Gen immediately took a liking to you, forcing you to do dangerous things with her since her brother is so opposed to it, and you both hated and loved Gen's damn adventures, they were exhausting and scared the shit out of you half the time! The other half, however, gave way to amazing crazy stories you'd tell to keep a party alive!
While Grim was always so calm and affectionate, he loves physical affection so much, if you don't he'd be okay with it but you will need to compensate with verbal affection like "I love you, you're important, you're the best" Yada yada. Grim has always been a neat guy from birth to death, cleaning up after himself and keeping himself clean! He got super into skincare when he became a teen and still has an intense routine as he ages, this man will not neglect his skin at all! In fact, this skincare obsession extends to you, he will take his time observing your own skin and recommending different products to you then buy them for you whether you like it or, send you messages like "Good morning! An early morning is healthy for the body! Get up and put on the routine I'll send you now, Love you!" Sometimes he'd even be able to save you from Gen's strange antics where you two just lie on the floor and watch cartoons together until Gen comes back and sits down with you two.
Grim will however fight back against Gen when she does something especially upsetting, an example would be:
You were all at the private beach the Ludenharts own, of course excluding your busy father, Gen was off doing something you and Grim couldn't be bothered with while the two nice ladies were nearby sitting on a blanket talking about something your young mind couldn't be bothered with. You and Grim were having fun scouting the beach for things to use as decoration for the huge sandcastle Grim made! It was so much fun debating which shell should go where and you were so proud of Grim's work! It was so cool!!!
But then... a monster came! And tore all of it down! Roaring like a Lion, the monster tore it all down in a matter of seconds, turning back towards her older brother with a mischievous grin on her face, while Grim could only stare at all the hard work dead on the sand. Soon enough did the heavy tears and whimpering come out of the poor 8-year-old, without uttering a word, without alerting his moms like he usually did, he just... Ran off to the opposite direction, running far far away from you both. A grunt came out of the 6-year-old Gen, she then turned to you a big smile on her face exposing the two front teeth missing, giving her a lisp. "Ugggg he-he'th tho dramatic! Let'th go play ova' there!!" Gen would then grab you and run off to the seawater.
After about 10 minutes of playing in the water with Gen, you were starting to get concerned, Grim still isn't back and you can see him just... Sitting near the sea and every now and then get hit by small waves, he was shuffling with something you couldn't quite see clearly. So out of love for your friend, you pulled Gen with you, "You have to apologize! He's so sad! You need to!" "Ugg finee..." And so you two made your way to Grim, when you finally reached the young boy you nudged at Gen, "ow! U-Um, I'm thorry for-for knockin' down your thandcathle (sandcastle)... G-Grim? Are ya thtill mad?" Suddenly something muddy splashes Gen straight to her face, Grim now facing the two of you with balls of watery muddy sand all around him, "SAND FIGHT!!!" Grim exclaims as they both fight against each other, including you but always missing you on purpose.
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