#I have school tomorrow I’m gonna pass out in class again cries
partyswirl · 2 years
The rot is so cool
>⚠️⚠️⚠️rainworld spoilers btw ⚠️ ⚠️⚠️
I still can’t sleep I’m gonna write some more unorganized thoughts yay
the notes app is for LOSERS I -ruin my digital footprint
ANYWAY the rot is so fucking awesome I cannot even begin to put it into words literally so cool??
normally decomposition like creates new life as is shown in. A lot of rainworld. Cough cough all the abandoned cities are now teeming with new life and that’s SO AWESOME I literally love it so much
that’s like natural that represents nature the natural flow the circle of life the CYCLE if you will
but there’s something SEVERELY messed up with how time works and the ancients were like FUCK NO
but before they all died they had to figure out how and also a lot of them kinda just wanted to build things so they did. They built a lot of things. They built a lot of not nature things especially in their frantic scramble to escape creeping death at the hands of the void sea
I might talk more about the void sea later it’s very strange weird messed up
but anyway one of the non-nature things they made were the ITERATORS. They decided for some reason to make these immortal robots sentient and sapient, completely ignoring that they’d be left behind and treating them like another purposed organism.
They created them in part and to just survey wildlife and maintain all their stuffs which was totally chill. But the problems start to.. start (what is a thesaurus) when they started making these sentient beings purely for finding out how to make the ancients PERMANENTLY DIE
which I think is funny because they also built all this way upwards because they were escaping death but I guess they were kinda right for that because if you don’t die correct you get stuck forever which is the opposite of what their society was trying to achieve
but they didn’t even know what happens when you ascend!! They weren’t even completely entirely sure what you needed to do!!! A lot of them tried to shed themselves of natural urges (which is probably why they didn’t talk of any ascension for slugcats lizards scavs etc. they’re more ‘primitive’ so they just rely on their natural urges so how would they reach the point of ascension?? But to get to max karma as a schlug you just have to survive a lot???) <- that parentheses was longer than it should’ve been but basically they made up stuff that was supposed to help but they still couldn’t be sure!! It’s impossible to know!! Because you can’t come back from ascension!!!
I promise I’ll get to the rot soon pleading emoji..
but basically they focused all their attention on expansion and then death rather than trying to yknow live or coexist with the environment in any way. They focused so much on dying they forgot to live. They focused so much on dying, even though they didn’t know what would happen when you die (but a practice was made up anyway by pure theory and possibly socially enforced), that they didn’t care who they would hurt
(Maybe it’s just me but this feels like a jab at corrupt people in organized religion and misinterpretations of religion used to justify hate and damn.. we stan..)
yknow who ELSE focused so much on dying, even though NOTHING was confirmed about what why when where how (but an explanation was made up anyway by pure theory), that they didn’t care who they hurt??? FIVE PEBBLES my boy my sweet sweet suicidal angst calculator
we’re not gonna talk about how SRS could’ve just not given him instructions on how to try to off himself btw why did you do that I don’t get it
FOCUSED ON DYING ✔️ just generally correct
UNCONFIRMED METHODS ✔️ sliverist, believing maybe sos (cool name btw) dying WAS the solution. this is pure theory.nobody has ANY clue what the triple affirmative even means, just that sliver is dead.
DIDNT CARE WHO THEY HURT ✔️ moon!!! moon was like “hey we share water maybe you shouldn’t drink all our shared water reserves” and he proceeded to blame her for the experiment going wrong even though NOBODY KNOWS IF IT WOULDVE GONE RIGHT IT WAS JUST A THEORY A GAME THEORY
Wow! A cycle! Would you look at that!
So that checks out
the rot the rot the rot the rot!!!!
selfish attempt at death creates something that SELFISHLY LIVES
I’m gonna be honest when I got the actual rot part of this rot rant j completely forgot what I was gonna say I totally bullshitted this last section
more rainworld rants coming in like half an hour if I still can’t sleep god help me
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Baby Teeth
Part 5 of Dad’s Back
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It was a week after your seventh birthday when John got the call he was dreading. He was sitting in a motel, researching for a case, when Ellen’s name lit up his phone. Glancing at the time, he knew you’d be at gymnastics. “Hello?” He hoped that maybe there’d been another competition announced that Ellen wanted to give him a heads up. She knew he would do everything to make it to any dance recitals or any gymnastic competitions.
“We got a problem, John.” Her voice was hushed, and his heart sank. She was talking so that the others wouldn’t hear her. “I smell sulfur at the gym her lessons are in.” She explained. “I don’t have any information beyond that, but I had a feeling you’d want to come get her. I called Ash first. He’s gonna come meet us after her class so we can get something to eat. The more people around her the better.” She wouldn’t let anyone, or anything, get to you.
John groaned. You had managed two school years. Which, he should have been grateful for, but he’d been hoping you’d luck out. That you’d be able to go years there. “I’ll drive out first thing in the morning. Give her one more night.” He knew you’d be heartbroken over this. As much as you’d fought over even living with Ellen, you’d grown to love it that much.
“She’s a good kid, John.” She assured him. “She’s a tough cookie, too. She’ll be okay. And I expect to see her now and then. I look at her like my daughter now.” How could she not? She was there for you losing baby teeth, the one to bring you to your lessons, the one to meet with your teachers, to tuck you in at night, and everything a mother would do.
“I know you do, Ellen. I’m thankful we had you. For her and for the boys.” He told her. “See you tomorrow.” 
After they hung up, he let out a breath. Dean was out getting dinner, and he knew Dean would feel the same way. Thankful to have you around, bummed to have to drag you around in this life. 
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You’d cried when Ellen explained things to you that night, and she held you until you’d cried yourself to sleep, your small hands gripping her shirt. You were really upset about leaving your friends, dance class, gymnastics, her, and Ash. She hated that there was nothing she could do for you. After she’d held you a bit, she went and tucked you in. Looking around your room, she planned to tell you this was your room wherever you passed through, and to not take a damn thing down. You could update it as your tastes changed over the years, and if John ever wanted to try to let you live there again…you had this room.
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You, John, and Dean left the following day after lunch. You’d packed yourself a few bags, including your dance gear. You couldn’t take lessons, but you still wanted to dance at motels. You were quiet the whole time you made your back to where their most recent hunt was taking place. 
Once back at the motel, Dean grabbed your bags for you. “It’ll be okay, princess.” John told you. 
“I can’t do dance anymore, daddy. Or gymnastics.” You sighed. “That’s not okay.” You said, flopping on one of the beds. 
Neither man knew what to say to that. You were right, it wasn’t okay. But it also wouldn’t have been okay for John to leave you there, risking your life. It was a lose-lose situation, but at least this way you were safe. 
“How about we hit up the movie store? You can pick a movie, we can get a pizza, and we can take a few hours to relax?” Dean suggested. “Make it our thing. One night in each town. Movie, pizza, relaxing. I know it’s not dance class, or gymnastics, but it's something.” Anything to lessen what you were feeling right then.
You shrugged at that. “You guys are always busy with hunting stuff. We won’t have time.” You pointed out. Rarely did you stay in a town once a hunt was over. You were in, whatever monster that was there was dealt with, and then you left. That was it. It was the same, town after town.
“We’ll make time, princess.” John promised. He hated hearing you like that, and he had a feeling that you’d be the one to rebel the most out of his kids. 
“Yeah, okay.” You didn’t believe it. Maybe they’d keep it up for a town or two, but then things would get hectic. John would rush the three of you out, saying it was an emergency. 
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Tagging: @ilovetaquitosmmmm
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sciderman · 4 years
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Was going through some old writing files (of which there are hundreds!!) and stumbled across a high school AU I was writing a while ago! (an actual one! not a tantalising dream-sequence involving cheerleaders, though we all know I love those...) 
I don’t know if I’ll resurrect it, but there’s a bit of fun to be had - Peter’s anger issues are something that I’d like to see explored more in spideypool fic, and I just... I love high school AUs okay... 
Read some of it under the cut! 
“What’re you in for?”
“Something stupid.” Peter grumbled.
“Love it.” The boy said, grinning. Peter noticed a missing tooth. “I hid a frog in the student counsellor’s desk. You should’ve seen him scream.” 
Peter was quiet, but his lips quirked. 
“Immature”, he eventually said. 
“The guy’s a dickhole. And,” the blond rocked on his chair, buzzing, “technically, I saved a life.” 
Peter raised an eyebrow. 
“Saved the frog from one of the labs. They were gonna slice him open. Imagine you’re just sitting on your lily pad one day. Chilling. And then some jackass scientist scoops you up and cuts you open. Starts prodding inside you. Gross.” 
“Okay, yeah, gross.” 
“My name is Wade, bee-tee-dubs.” 
Wade. Peter remembered. He’d only joined the class at the beginning of last semester, and sat near the back of the class. He hadn’t recognised him by his face because he’d always had his hood up. Not that Peter had ever paid enough attention to his peers to remember them by face anyway.
“Uh.” Peter said, eyeing the hand he was being offered as a greeting. He didn’t return the handshake, but he responded with a simple “I’m Peter.” 
“Cool.” Wade nodded, looking at his feet, heels bouncing off the linoleum floor. His shoes were scuffed and worn. 
A moment of silence passed. Both boys turned their attention to the floor, as though it were suddenly the most interesting feature of the room. 
Peter side eyed his company, in the moment of quiet. There were shallow craters on the boy’s face, Peter noticed, like chickenpox scars that hadn’t fully healed. Wade definitely seemed conscious about it, with his hood being nearly always drawn, and his shaggy hair that often covered his face. 
“Peter Parker.” The principal called, peering through the door at the boys. The principal glared at Wade, who put up his hands in response. Clearly Wade was a regular. 
A wave of smugness came over Peter, who leant in close to Wade. 
“I broke Flash Thompson’s arm.” Peter whispered, before standing up to enter the principal’s office. For a second Peter saw Wade’s face light up, like that was the coolest thing he had ever heard. 
“Mr Parker, I recognise you’re going through a tough time – And I’m sorry.”
Peter sank in his chair, eyes fixed on a hole puncher sat on the desk.
“I understand you must be going through a lot of emotions at the moment, but you,” the principal wrung his hands, “you hospitalised one of your classmates. Eugene Thompson –” 
The principal’s voice faded in and out of Peter’s attention. As usual, he stood alone on Planet Peter Parker. 
He thought about Aunt May. Her eyes, pink and puffy. Thin hands trembling as she held them by her mouth, recounting all she remembered about that night to the police. The police, who with empty looks, mechanically took down notes. Jaded. Like a family hadn’t been just destroyed. Like a good man hadn’t just been murdered in cold blood. 
Peter's uncle was a humble man. Simple, but good. He wasn't ambitious, or gifted, or clever. But he was wise. 
Clever. Wise. Peter hadn't understood there was a difference between the two. 
He took him for granted, Peter admitted to himself, as he cried that night, and the days following. He cried for the first time in months. Months of distancing himself from the world, before the world decided to stage a head-on-head collision with him. 
“Peter? Peter, are you listening?” 
Peter at last looked up, and with the movement, a tear managed to escape his eye. He brought the heel of his palm up quickly to wipe it away. 
“Look, son, I want you to see the student counsellor tomorrow.” The principal said, taking down a note. Peter scowled at the pen, as it scribbled. “It will help, Peter. I want you to see the counsellor every Tuesday and Friday, last period. We’ll keep track of your healing process.” 
Peter took the note when it was offered to him, and pocketed it without a word. He turned to leave.
“Peter. I didn’t dismiss you.” 
Peter sighed, turning back, red-eyed and tired. 
“I’m sorry about your uncle. But when Eugene returns, you will apologise.” 
Peter swallowed, voice quiet when at last he spoke. “I didn’t mean to hurt him.” 
Whether that was true or not, Peter was still undecided on. 
The school day dragged at an excruciatingly slow pace. Peter couldn’t hear the teacher. All he could hear, all day, were the whispers amongst his peers. Right now, Peter wished the walls he built to keep the world out were soundproofed. 
“Did you hear? He put Flash in the ER.” 
“Puny Parker? No way.” 
“He’s an absolute freak.” 
“He’s probably really screwed up right now, guys. I think his like, Uncle died or something.” 
Peter snapped his pencil. 
“Can I be excused, miss?” 
Peter ran as fast as he could out of the school doors, gasping in air as deeply as he could. He was at his breaking point. If everyone in class saw him crying, he’d really never hear the end of it. He’d be seeing the school councillor until he graduated. 
The air was cool but his face was scalding hot, tears streaming down his cheeks. He buried his face in both hands and screamed. With all the effort he could afford he tried to steady his breathing. In and out, in and out, until he started to feel lightheaded. 
He could’ve broken the school doors off its hinges. He could have slammed his fists so hard on the walls, until they crumbled, or he did. 
He threw a kick so hard on a nearby trash can that it flew across the courtyard.  
He hated this school. He could’ve tore it down right where he stood. 
Peter turned so fast his head nearly knocked off his shoulders. Wade stood, back against the wall, casual as anything. He had a cigarette in hand. 
“You’re an animal, dude.” Wade said, blowing out a cloud of smoke. 
Peter’s mouth hung open, finding it difficult to find words. He brought up a sleeve to wipe up his face. 
“I, just. I –” 
Peter swallowed the lump in his throat.
“I hate this place.” 
Wade nodded, a calm demeanour about him that almost served to calm Peter by osmosis. 
Peter Parker was always a very rational boy. Quiet. Reserved. He never lost it like this. He’s never –
“I heard – about your uncle.” 
Peter’s eyes were exhausted from crying, he couldn’t afford anymore tears. Peter’s entire body felt it was going to sink through the earth. And Wade could see it. Wade could see it on Peter’s face. He looked to Wade for mercy. To let him fall off the planet’s surface. 
“Listen, if it were me I’d – I’d kill him. I’d kill whoever did it.” 
Peter was quiet. Wade’s words felt like an electric jolt, sobering him up. 
All the hollow words of consolation had left him numb, but this rang through Peter’s ears. 
Eventually Peter found his voice again. 
“You’d kill him, but you’d save a frog?” 
“Yeah.” Wade said, as if it were obvious. “The frog didn’t do anything wrong.” 
Silence followed. Peter couldn’t look up from the ground. His hands formed fists at his sides. 
All the way home, Wade’s words replayed in Peter’s head. I’d kill him. I’d kill whoever did it. 
The police were apathetic. Crimes go unsolved. And that made Peter’s blood boil hotter than it ever had. The thought that someone – out there – would be getting away with it. 
That Aunt May might always carry that hollow, broken look in her eyes.  
Later that night, Peter threw on a red hoodie, pulling the drawstrings tight. He snuck out his bedroom window, like he did every night. 
News reports tell of an escaped robber cornered in a building downtown.
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glyxy-wvs · 3 years
hey if you accept requests can you make a fluffy fanfic about Lucifer and Mammon being close? like that pic that you reblogged?
Hello, Anon! Omg, sorry for the long wait!!! 🥺💖 I was busy with irl stuff but AAAA I have finished the fluffy fic! I'm sorry if it didn't reach your expectations.😓 It was a bit difficult to write 'cause I'm not really used to writing fluff.😂 But I hope you like it!! (Also, I didn't base this fic off to the art that I had reblogged, but it's still a fluff fic!! It's fan art, and I think I need permission to write a fic about it.😅 So here's fluffy fanfic of Lucifer and Mammon being close.) Thanks for being the first person to request me haha. Please enjoy this. _ A Day To Relax. [ 1 & 2 ]
Mammon's back hurts; he did the best he could to organized the library at RAD. Maybe he deserves this, or maybe not. He sighs for the tenth time of the day.
There's nothing he can do about it because this was his light punishment for skipping classes again. Although he hates doing chores for his discipline, he needed to be a good big brother for Asmodeus.
Mammon decided to skip his classes so that he could be there to support his little brother. Everyone was busy at that time, with upcoming exams and projects, not one of the brothers could make time for Asmo. The latter understood. It's not like he could force his brothers to watch the stageplay with his classmates. But when he saw Mammon among the crowd with his D.D.D out, he almost cried while performing on stage.
(He felt a bit guilty when he found out that Mammon, believe it or not, skipped classes to watch him.)
Mammon stretched his back when he felt his phone vibrating. He took it out from his back pocket to receive a message from Asmodeus.
I just wanted to say thanks for supporting me there.
This beautiful brother of yours is going to treat you tomorrow! <3]
His lips cracked a smile. He feels soft and loved. Mammon chuckled as he took his bag, ready to go home. He had finished organizing anyway; he preferred to play on his phone for a while.
He started walking to the hallways; almost all of the demons were back to their places already. Some are doing their part-time jobs, and some are being lazy at home (Preferably Belphegor.)
In instinct, Mammon quickly turned around. He already knows that deep voice.
"Are ya gonna assign me another chore to do?" Mammon quickly questioned his older brother, who was leaning into the student council's door frame.
Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, seemingly annoyed already. He pushed back his hair and fixed the wrinkles of his uniform.
"No. Well, if you want to do more. Your choice." With that answer, Mammon crossed his arms, a pout on his face— ready to complain. But Lucifer stopped him.
"Remember that cafe I showed you the other day? Let's go there, my treat." Lucifer stated; he laughed when he saw Mammon froze.
"I don't believe you." His eyes narrowed, looking for a flaw in Lucifer's face and words. "Are ya' truly Lucifer? What if you're a ghost possessing my big bro's body?"
Mammon intentionally loudened his gasp; his eyes were wide, one hand placed on his heart, while the other was grasping on his hair. He paused for a dramatic effect.
Lucifer brought his hand up quickly to pinch his brother's cheek. "You idiot. It's me, of course." He proceeded to ruffles Mammon's hair. "Come on, let's go before I change my mind and give you another chore as punishment. Maybe you could clean up the laboratory next time for a month."
He whispered the last part, but Lucifer knew Mammon could hear him, making the second-born whine.
The two exited the school, taking a detour through the streets.
"I thought yah were gonna give me another punishment." Mammon broke out the silence; Lucifer hummed before replying.
"Why would I? I only gave you a chore for skipping classes, but you being there for Asmodeus? You don't deserve punishment for that."
Mammon stared at the far distance. The cafe they were going to has a nearby sea, and he smiled at his elder brother's words; he enjoyed these simple moments between them. (They're rare. They don't hang out anymore like they used to do in the Celestrial realm. That's why, as much as possible, Mammon cherished these moments.)
Mammon could say that he's close with Lucifer, but not like before— It's weird. Lucifer is his older brother, his family. But as time passed by, Mammon started to get nervous whenever he had done something wrong. He doesn't want to anger and disappoint Lucifer. (But sometimes, he can't help it— he misses his big brother's attention.)
"We're here," Lucifer said. Mammon followed the latter's gaze and immediately formed star-shaped eyes.
"WOAH!! I didn't expect it to be this cool! I only saw the picture but never expected that it would be this big!"
Mammon kept looking around the newly built cafe. The cafe was a bit massive, with a view of the sea beside it. Its structure is similar to a casino. Mammon could already smell the fresh-baked bread and pies inside, making him giggle.
Mammon had loved the view it was showing; he could eat while staring at the horizon. The cafe was located on top of a hill, not too far from the beach. It looks so nostalgic and therapeutic that Mammon took his time admiring the whole place while Lucifer already entered the cafe.
Mammon wished it wasn't too expensive. He knows that Lucifer would be the one to pay, but he doesn't want to burden him with that kind of responsibility. The second-born tried to grasp the wallet on his bag, but then he hesitated. Mammon recalled that the money in there was a payment to his debt.
Ah, yes. Mammon needed to pay it today but decided it would be better to bond with his brother first.
He sighed, still has a firm grip on his bag. He's feeling unwanted emotions today. He wants to cry, laugh, or do something he doesn't usually do. Mammon was overwhelmed with emotions.
He remembered Levi's words that it's okay to be feeling emotions you usually can't explain. Sometimes, it doesn't have to be a reason.
Mammon's snapped out of his thoughts, thinking that Lucifer was likely waiting for him inside. He turned to see the display of different pastries outside, and Mammon immediately recognized Simeon's art.
Mammon recalled Simeon's word. He said that he's going to work part-time somewhere near the sea. And this made Mammon excited. He had already counted the treats and thinking which one would his brothers choose. After planning, he tried to hurry inside but suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. Mammon looked over to his shoulder to see an unfamiliar demon. Their body is most likely the same size as Beelzebub but with a strict stare present. Mammon felt like he was burning.
"Heya! May I ask—who are you?" Mammon said; his tone wasn't that confident, and it's evident with his form that Mammon's going to run away in any second now.
He felt the grip on his shoulder got tighter, and the demon dragged Mammon into a less crowded area. He knows he's far powerful than this guy; he's one of the princes of Devildom. He's the Avatar of Greed. But man, he entirely wants to relax today. Mammon tried to stand with honor and kept his breathing in control.
The demon startled him. "Where's the money?"
And then Mammon realized.
"Oh!? You must be the brother's witch! Ah, here— give me a minute," Mammon took out his wallet and gave them the money. He doesn't feel that nervous anymore. Okay— he lied, maybe a little bit. Can't a demon have fears too? "Geez, you scared the hell out of me for a second there. The agreement was me and her meeting later." He muttered the last part.
But a dark aura surrounded him, and Mammon quickly backed away. He can't meet the other demon's eyes, but he can feel the rage from him.
Is the money not enough?? It can't be. I perfectly counted this; I also worked hard for this. What else could be missing???
"With all due respect, please don't go any nearer to him."
A voice. It must be Lucifer's. Mammon couldn't stop overthinking. What if Lucifer scolds him after this? What if Lucifer started to regret spending time with Mammon because of this?
Mammon looked up, tears threatening to fall. He saw his elder brother, standing behind them as classy as ever. His composure is straight, yet the glaring eyes are full of terror. Mammon recognized Lucifer's stance. It's for preparing himself to change into his demon form if the rest of his younger brothers are in serious trouble.
When the demon started to get closer to Mammon, the latter only felt a swift wind before realizing that Lucifer was there, in front of him now. "Didn't you hear what I said? What else do you need from him?"
"The money."
"It's not sufficient? Then alright, here." Lucifer took out his wallet to satisfy the demon in front of them. Mammon's full-out panicking now. His older brother saved him from trouble, and now he's going to be a disappointment in Lucifer's eyes.
"There, you got the money. Tell your sister that my brother had paid the debt." Lucifer dragged Mammon out of the other demon's sight. He looked back with sharp eyes.
"And as great as reasonable, if you're looking for Mammon—" He looked back with sharp eyes. "—strictly appear to see me. Thank you."
Both never turned their eyes back again as they entered the shop. Mammon quickly explained the whole situation. "I'm sorry! I'm sure— precisely sure that I had counted that money. And it's exactly the price the witch had been asking. I don't know what he's up to with—" He kept on babbling as they reached their reserved seats. Lucifer sighed.
"Look, stop chattering; it's annoying. I believe you. Can't I have a day where I relax with my little brother under no stress or orders whatsoever? Seeing you outside in that kind of situation is making my blood boil. How dare he waste such time when you and I could have been eating here already."
Mammon snickered, ah yeh— It's been so long that he forgot how dramatic Lucifer could be at times.
"Forget about it, Mammon. You had settled the debt, and the food that I ordered is already here. But make sure whenever you're going to meet someone concerning payment, always inform me. I'm serious. If the shares had been a burden to handle, you are welcome to visit my office anytime."
Lucifer already had bread in his mouth, but his expression is still irritable from the situation earlier. Mammon can feel his tears coming back again. Why am I so emotional today?
"Ah. Uhm, hey—" He called out to his older brother. "Thanks for backing me up earlier. I appreciated it!"
Lucifer munched the donut he was holding and then drank the newly served tea. His gaze was on the view outside, seemingly avoiding eye contact. "Hm? Of course. I'm your big brother after all, in case you forgot about it."
In moments like this, it was a rare scene between him and Lucifer. They usually argue and sometimes making each other's day stressful. But, just them eldest brothers, talking and sharing random topics— Mammon cherished this.
And behind that frown the eldest always wears, Lucifer could say the same too. He loved calm moments like this.
"But ain't Michael my first big brother?" Mammon teased. Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Silence, you have no elder brother other than me. Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor, you all are my baby brothers." And when Lucifer realized what he said, he quickly replaced the topic. "And eat the dessert I ordered for you."
Mammon's eyes turned into stars immediately when he recognized the smell, "Woah, no way?! How did you know this was my favorite?!!! This desert is expensive! Big bro! You do love me."
Then they chatted, random topics or something concerning about their home that needs fixing. Nevertheless, the atmosphere around them is comforting and warming. After a while, they had finished eating, and the moon was already out. Both agreed to go home.
"We should invite the others here too!" Mammon stated as he breathed the cold wind that passed by them.
"Yes, that would be a pleasant bonding time. Just don't be too chaotic, please. It's hard to handle all six of you."
It was a great day, Mammon thought to himself. It was entertaining and soothing to talk with his big brother without insults nor orders. Lucifer treated him today; it was— nostalgic for Mammon. It's like he doesn't want this kind of treatment to end. But of course, as the little mischief, as he is, he asked one more request.
"Lucifer!" Mammon rolled the letter r, a bit of a whining tone. "It's night, and I'm tired, yah know? Can I request a piggyback ride?" He knows Lucifer will reject it immediately. So it wasn't like he meant it, already hoping for the worst.
But then Lucifer looked at him, a contemplating expression, before getting down on one knee.
"Alright, just this once. Hurry up before I regret my decision."
Mammon's eyes were wide; he smirked before quickly hugging Lucifer from behind. He felt himself getting lifted off, and it reminded him of the old times, back in the Celestial Realm.
Lucifer doesn't mind; he also missed this. But not like he's going to say this out loud.
I should start spending time with my little brothers whenever I'm free. That would be nice.
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thegeneralguy · 3 years
A good role model
Hello! Thanks to @amalianetwork for helping me out with this story. Its a bit shorter than what I usually post on here, but it struck some heart strings inside of me. I hope you enjoy it.
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“Come on Matt! We’re going to be late for the festival!”
The excited shrieks came from a young child not older than ten years of age. His wavy blonde hair was encased in a blue baseball cap, and he was wearing an old button shirt. He was grabbing the hand from an older young man, pulling him forward with haste. Both boys looked very alike, age being the most differentiating factor between them.
“Ease up Cole, your number starts at seven. There’s plenty of time.”
“Yes, but I want to rehearse one time before the show. Mrs. Davis said all kids in our class had to meet an hour before to practice our song”
Matt advanced reluctantly, feeling uneasy in his attempt at formal attire. He adjusted his badly-knotted tie and tried his best in accommodating his oversized shirt. But he knew it was a necessary sacrifice, because this was supposed to be Cole’s “big night”. He would do anything for his little brother, even if it meant dressing as a buffon. The boys were rushing through the parking lot of the local theatre, amongst a sea of other families heading to the entrance. They entered the building and immediately headed backstage to deliver Cole to his class. Matt made sure his small bowtie was in place, but when he tried to take the cap from him, Cole swatted his hand away.
“Cole, you know you’ll get in trouble if you throw a fit over that cap again. All the kids in your class have to be dressed the same.”
Cole pouted and grabbed his head with both hands, securing it on his head.
“Please let me keep it. I’m scared to perform without it.”
“Okay you win. Just this one time though. You’re a big boy now, there are some rules you have to follow.”
“You’re the best Matt!”, said the little boy hugging his brother.
“Just remember to have lots of fun! I’ll be watching you from the front rows. And remember, once your act is over we gotta go.”
“That's not fair! Mrs. Davis is gonna take us all for pizza once the show is over.”
“I’m sorry C. You know Aunt Gertrude doesn’t like it when we go out late.”
“I don’t like Aunt Gertrude. She’s mean.”
Matt kept a straight face not to give a bad example, but he knew what his brother was talking about. Their aunt was a real menace sometimes. Especially when her rules were disobeyed.
“Don’t be like that buddy. Aunt Gertrude has been nice to us, so we have to obey the rules of her house. Besides, I’ll take you for pizza on the weekend. What do you say?”
“Yay! Thanks Matt. I’ll hurry up after the show, I promise. See you later!”
Cole then turned around and sprinted towards his group. Matt looked at his brother tenderly, remembering all they have gone through together. The blue cap was originally his, a gift from their father. They never had a lot to begin with, and after his parents were gone, the cap was one of the only mementos he had from them. He remembered hugging it terrified, as the police explained to him with gruesome detail for a twelve year old how his parents had been killed in a mugging. Cole had been only five at the time. Their aunt was their only living relative, so they were placed in her house. Cole couldn’t stop crying during the first night, so Matt gave him the blue cap and told him as long as he had it, his father would be there with him. Five years had passed, and the little boy still took the cap everywhere. Convincing Cole to take it off to wash it was a real hassle sometimes, but Matt managed. He was a good big brother after all.
Matt went to his seat and watched the recital in silence. Group after group they performed, excited families bursting in applause every time their kid went onstage. The young man was growing increasingly nervous, watching the minutes turn into an hour. The show was taking too long, which meant arriving at his aunt’s too late and having to deal with her wrath. He was lost in thought when suddenly Cole’s group was onstage. He cheered and applauded his little brother, who along with his classmates presented a potpourri of popular songs. He immediately recognized him due to the blue garment sticking out of the sea of white shirts. Once the number was done, he stood up from his seat and went to meet his brother backstage to take him to their aunt’s.
Their Aunt Gertrude was a solitary woman, preferring to live alone and far away from any other neighbor. The little house stood right at the edge of the woods, standing lonely amongst the dark trees. The car was parked on the driveway, so Matt knew immediately their aunt was home. He prepared mentally for the fit she was about to throw when she saw them coming in through the door. Once they made it inside, he sent Cole straight to his room and went into the living room, where his aunt was sitting on her usual chair watching TV.
“So, look who finally decided to show up. This isn’t a hotel you know.”, said the fat woman looking hatefully at the scrawny teenager.
“I know Aunt Gertrude. Cole had a school event he couldn’t miss, so we stayed out until late.”
The woman sneered at Matt, and then continued watching her show.
“You know misbehavior has consequences right? You were out past dinner time, so there won't be any dinner for you.”
Matt felt the rage coming up from his stomach. He disliked the woman a lot, but he knew she was the only reason the brothers were allowed to stay together. She knew that too, so she made sure to exploit that fact every time she could. He didn’t mind missing dinner, he was used to it. But Cole had to eat, or his stomach would hurt again and he wouldn't be able to sleep.
“I can miss out on dinner today and tomorrow if you want, but let Cole eat something. It was a tough day for him.”
“You should’ve thought that before breaking the rules. Rules are necessary, or else you will end up like your good for nothing dad. He got my sister killed, you know. Only a bad person does that.”
Matt tightened his fists so hard his nails dug into his skin causing some bleeding. His father was his aunt’s favorite subject, always belittling and berating him. But he was a good man, very hardworking. A real example for Matt. His only mistake was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“Don’t you dare talk about him…”, he grumbled quietly. His aunt let out a cruel cackle, and glared at him angrily.
“Or what? You are just like him, you know. A useless dead weight under my roof. But not for long. You got one more night. After that, you’re turning into an adult, which means you gotta earn yourself a life.”
Matt had been so busy with his brother that he had completely forgotten about his birthday the day after. His aunt had been telling him she was going to kick him out that same day, but he always thought she said that only to intimidate him. Thinking about leaving Cole with that monster alone sent a chill down his spine.
“Are you serious?”
“Do I look like I’m joking you little asshole? As soon as you’re eighteen, you’re legally not my problem anymore. Besides, it’s good you learn how the world works. Not that your father ever taught you that. In fact, I think Cole was lucky to grow up without his bad example!”, said the woman laughing loudly. “Now, better get your shit ready. I’m calling farmer Joe tomorrow to see if he has some job for you. If you’re lucky he might even let you stay in the barn with the rest of his boys. Now, get out of my sight. My next show’s about to start.”
Matt just turned around and left completely speechless, hearing the loud music from the TV and his aunt laughing as he went upstairs to his room. Cole was already showered and wearing his pajamas, the blue cap still on his head. Matt sat down next to him on his bed, trying to keep his composure and not burst into tears.
“Listen Cole, I have to tell you something,'' he said, his voice faltering as he struggled to find the right words. “You know tomorrow is my birthday, right?”
“Of course! I wouldn’t forget. I even wrote it in my calendar to get you some chocolate.”, he said excitedly before realizing he just ruined the surprise. “Oh no, I just ruined your present.”
“No buddy, it's okay. You know I love chocolate.”, said Matt grabbing the little boy’s head. “But listen, tomorrow I’ll be eighteen. And that's a very special number. So special, that people invite you to participate in certain activities!”
“What do you mean?”, asked Cole with a puzzled look on his face.
“Well, farmer Joe has invited me to his special club on his land, so I’m very excited I can go now. There’s only one small problem, I have to go sleep there too so I can do everything the guys there do.”
Cole just stared at his brother, tears welling up behind his eyes.
“You’re gonna leave?”
“Don’t be sad buddy. This is a great opportunity for me! Besides, I’ll come to visit you every day, I promise.”
Cole threw himself at Matt, his little arms embracing him as strong as they could. Tears ran down his rosy cheeks, and he could barely articulate the words due to the knot in his throat.
“But I don’t want you to go! I don’t want to be alone in this house. I’m scared.”
“I know buddy, I know.”, said Matt hugging his little brother. “But listen, remember what I told you about that cap? As long as you have it, dad’s going to be here with you. And so will I.”
Both brothers embraced for hours, refusing to let each other go. Cole cried until he fell asleep, so Matt tucked him into bed and waited until it was late enough to go down and steal some food for the boy. His aunt went to bed just before midnight, so he had to wait until she was gone to go to the pantry. He was almost falling asleep when he heard the TV going off, and the heavy steps of his aunt going into her room. He hesitantly stepped out of their bedroom, and swiftly went down to get some food for Cole. His body was very light, so that helped him move silently on the wooden floor. He brought up some snacks, leaving them on Cole’s night table, completely missing the clock just striking midnight.
He went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Taking off the horrible oversized shirt he stared at himself in the mirror. He was practically just skin and bones, lacking the proper nutrition and exercise for a good development during puberty. His dirty blonde hair was pulled back on a bun, looking just a shade darker than his brother’s. His aunt was right, he was pathetic, scrawny and weak. Barely a fitting example for Cole. But he didn’t want his brother to grow up without him. It was already bad enough he had to grow up without a dad, only to have his big brother be taken away too. He wished that both of them could stay together. That he was enough for his little brother, so he could provide him with the life he deserved.
The lights in the bathroom flickered, and the window was suddenly opened by a strong gust of wind, startling Matt. He started to get lightheaded, grabbing the small sink to prevent himself from falling. “It’s probably hunger”, he said to himself. But the more seconds passed, the worse he felt. He started sweating cold, drops falling down his face and his pale body. He watched a shadow creep over his skin, thinking he was starting to faint from starvation. When he raised his hand to touch the darkness, rough bristles greeted his fingertips. He was growing hair, all over his body. He watched it get longer and thicker, a thick mat covering his chest, and crawling down his flat stomach painting a thick treasure trail on his skin. Tufts of hair poked out from under his arms, his sparse armpit hair getting far denser. The shadow then climbed up his neck, fully flourishing on his face to form a short beard. Matt felt its roughness with the palm of his hand, fully enthralled by the sensation.
He then felt his bones elongate, shooting him a few inches towards the roof and lengthening his limbs. He looked like that creature slender-something kids were so obsessed about. Once his skeleton finished its growth, the muscles followed suit. He felt incredible heat emanating from his body, as each muscle twitched and grew to enormous size. Size packed on his chest, fully forming two massive pillow-like pecs sticking out from his torso. His cleavage was so deep he could probably put his entire thumb in it, and probably crush it too if he squeezed hard. Muscle packed on his shoulders as well, growing like two bowling balls. It made him look monstrously wide, fully condemning him to a life of having to go through doors sideways. His arms surged with power and grew as well, fully surpassing the width his legs had before. Thick hairy pythons hung to each side of him, resting at an angle due to the thickness of his triceps. His back then rounded out like a shield and expanded into a hairy muscular landscape. The lats were so big they looked like the could fall off of him at any moment.
He heard his stomach grumble, as it blew forward sticking out just a few inches behind his chest. Thick abs could be seen on the curve of his belly. His ass blew his dress pants into oblivion, each cheek swelling like a Christmas turkey. The legs followed suit, thickening into titanic proportions, powerful enough to sustain such a heavy top. Even his feet grew a few sizes, fully completing his transformation. Matt just stared at his new body speechless, feeling control over each fiber. He flexed his big arms, and bounced his heavy chest. A deep chuckle left his throat, and he realized his voice grew much deeper as well. He was so entertained by his new figure, he missed the clumps of hair falling from his head. His hair thinned out a little bit, and shortened itself into a clean cut, contrasting with its previous unkempt image.
Matt looked like a new man. His kid used to tell him he looked the size of a barn, just like that Disney song he liked from the film with the talking furniture. He was very bad with names, but he knew what movies his son liked. Matt scratched his head, confused by the thought of having a child. He was only eighteen, barely old enough to have a kid. But a body like this couldn’t belong to a young kid. A body like this took years of dedication, of pain and sweat, of discipline. He looked like the perfect dad, strong enough to protect, and big enough to climb over like a jungle gym. Matt smiled looking at himself in the mirror. His features changed and rearranged themselves into those of a masculine man. His nose was bigger and his brow stuck further out. Even a cleft formed on his now square jaw. He looked tough, but also lovable.
The maelstrom of memories fully blew Matt’s mind away, turning him into a perfect dad. He felt his dick snake up under his belly, and his balls drop lower and heavier like a mature plume, virile enough to spread his seed wherever he wanted. The rush of testosterone triggered more changes in him. His muscles got denser, more lived in. Crow feet printed themselves next to his eyes, and his skin got rougher fully aging two full decades.
“I’m one sexy motherfucker.”, grunted Matt, flexing before the mirror. He dedicated years of hard work and discipline to his body, and it showed. He loved the tight feeling of a shirt about to burst due to his titanic arms, or how the buttons popped open on their own due to his heavy chest. But even his glorious physique wasn’t his most valuable treasure. That was his son.
Reality rearranged itself around Matt, as memories of Cole growing up with him changed into those of a father raising his son. He remembered how tiny he looked when he held him in his arms, or how scared he looked when Matt dropped him in kindergarten for the first time. He remembered the recitals, the little league games, the birthday parties, the nights with Cole on his bed due to a nightmare, the camping trips. Everything he did, and had, was for his son. He was happy to grow up next to him, so he could teach him about the same hard work and discipline he put into his own life. Hopefully, Cole would grow up to be a good man like his father. And with those genes, hopefully big and strong too.
When Matt came back to his senses, he was standing in a nicely furnished bathroom. He adjusted the glasses on his face, and checked himself one last time before going out. The short sleeved shirt looked perfectly fitted to his big body, his arms almost ripping the tight sleeves apart. He came out of the bathroom to find the luxurious interior of a suburban home. He wanted his kid to have all his necessities covered. The memory of the tiny house in the woods and the monster within fully erased from existence.
“Come on Cole, you don’t wanna miss out on a good pizza, do you?”, he shouted, his deep bass shaking the foundations of the house.
“I’m coming dad!”
Young Cole came rushing down the stairs. His blonde hair shined brighter, and his blue eyes sparkled with excitement. He took his coat and headed towards the front door, where his dad was waiting for him. Matt noticed the small blue cap on the little table next to the door.
“Aren’t you gonna wear your cap?”, he said, handing it to his son. Cole just smiled at his dad, and turned the cap away.
“I’m not scared anymore dad. I don’t need it.”
Matt just smiled and opened the door for Cole. The happy family then headed out into the sunshine to live the rest of their lives together. Nothing would be able to separate them.
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loousir · 3 years
Soulmates {Oikawa Tooru}
Oikawa Tooru x Male Reader Part One
Anime: Haikyuu!!
Warnings: I dont think there is any?
Masterlist | Part Two
AU: Soulmates can have a different way of finding their partner. Yours is after both partners are at least 18, on the youngers birthday, they will swap bodies. They have to share their first of something together in order to return to their respective body. (Ex. Sharing their first kiss, first drink etc.)(If one has already kissed or shared a drink, for example, it wont count as sharing a first) Oikawa's is knowing what their first words to you are.
Originally Posted on February 2, 2021
Today was finally your birthday. That meant that you would get to find out who your soulmate was. You were nervous but knew about it so you were prepared. A little.
You were getting dressed to go to school today and thankfully it was the end of the week so you'd have all weekend to find your soulmate. What nice and convenient timing. You did your morning routine before getting changed into your uniform. After pulling up you striped brown pants and adjusting your white jacket, you slipped the red tie around your neck before grabbing your things and heading downstairs.
You said a quick goodbye to your mom after stealing a toaster waffle and your lunch. You slipped on your shoes and headed out to school.
On the way there, you ran into Iwaizumi and Oikawa. You were very good acquaintances but not close enough to consider friends, like hanging at each others houses kind of friends. You and Iwaizumi shared class together but the three of you almost always walked to school together.
"Happy birthday (Y/n)-kun! You're finally 18 right?" Oikawa asked, slinging his arm around your shoulder and leaning on your slightly smaller frame. He poked your cheek gently as you ate, trying to get a reply out of you. "Shittykawa, cant you see he's eating something? Let him chew first." Oikawa pouted slightly at his "nickname" and sighed.
You finished chewing and nodded. "Yeah, I'm 18 today. I'll find out who my soulmate is tomorrow and I really hope it isn't you." You said in a serious tone as the three of you continued walking to Aoba Johsai. Oikawa whined on the way there with Iwaizumi butting in to shut him up.
The trio finally made it to school and went their separate ways, aka you and Iwaizumi in one and Oikawa right next door.
The day started and went on normally til lunch.
Iwaizumi and Oikawa usually go to their practice but today they invited you to eat with them. You accepted not exactly knowing why.
"So (Y/n)-kun~ Who do you think is your soulmate?" You shrugged as you ate your bento, glancing up at Oikawa. "You really wanna know?" You asked taking another bite. Oikawa nodded as he ate his own bento. Iwaizumi smirked over to you as he ate his lunch as well. "You should tell him (L/n)-san."
"I hope it turns out to be Kageyama."
Oikawa practically snorted out his drink and stared at you in shock. "You cant be serious?! Him?!" You laughed at the water running down his face and shook your head. You grabbed a napkin you had and wiped the pretty setters face. "Of course not."
Oikawa let out a sigh of relief. "I'd want Daichi to be my soulmate." You said in a dreamy tone as Oikawa choked on his rice. Iwaizumi had nothing today besides laughing at the scene in front of him. Oikawa leaned on his good knee over to you and gripped your shoulders. He shook you gently as he cried, saying something about 'anyone but the wingless crows.'
Iwaizumi pulled him off you after a minute and scolded him. You finished up your bento and checked your phone. There was 40 minutes of lunch left when you looked to the best friends. "So, what did you guys invite me to hang for?" Iwaizumi looked over to you and tilted his head slightly. "Are we not allowed to invite a friend to hang out?"
You leaned back on your hands and closed your eyes, letting your head fall backwards. "You are, it's just, weird. The Cap and vice Cap of the volleyball team invite a lowly art club member to hang out at lunch together. Sounds a bit odd doesnt it?"
Iwaizumi nodded and Oikawa didnt respond. You lifted your head up to see Oikawa a bit of a distance away, surrounded by a flock of girls. "Its your turn to pull him away. I'm gonna go check something." You sighed and stood up.
"Hey, shittykawa." Oikawa instantly turned around at the nickname and his fan girls became upset with you calling him that. "(Y/n)-kun~ You're taking after Iwaizumiii~" He said walking over to you. "And we were supposed to be hanging out." You said acting all coy. "You promised me we would this morning..." You whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear.
The girls were jealous and talking amongst themselves as Oikawa just looking at you, shocked. He had a deep blush covering his cheeks as you folded your hands together in front of you and looked to the ground with a pout. "(Y/n)-kun..." You looked up to him with puppy dog eyes. He suddenly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a tight hug.
"(Y/N)-KUN! IM SO SORRY!" He said as if he actually forgot he promised you to hang out. You smiled and giggled, gently prying him off of you. You grabbed his hand and started to walk with him. "C'mon. Let's go back to our spot." You said as you watched the lady flock disperse. Oikawa followed along, apologizing for forgetting a promise he never made.
Once the two of you were alone you sighed and let go of his hand. "Oikawa." He shut up and looked up to you with teary eyes. "You didnt promise me we'd hang out. Its ok." You may be mean to Oikawa but theres something about him that you love. You just cant be mean to him all the time... Ok yes you can but sometimes you want to be nice to him.
Oikawa smiled and pulled you into a hug again. You cautiously hugged back and patted his back. The bell signaling lunch was over rang and the two of you pulled away. "I'll stop by the gym after school to say a quick goodbye." You said grabbing yours and Iwaizumis stuff. Oikawa nodded and grabbed his stuff as well. He had a big smile on his face for some reason but you just brushed it off.
The rest of the day passed by pretty quickly. You had told Iwaizumi about stopping for a quick bye and he said, "Just be prepared for Oikawa." You didnt exactly know what the meant because you always were but before you could ask he had left for practice.
Once you were ready, you head down to the gym and pulled open the door. The lights were off and you furrowed your brows. "I thought there was practice today..." You mumbled to yourself.
Suddenly the lights turned on to show they gym and the volleyball team to be all dressed in nice birthday attire. You only stared shocked at the scene in front of you as the all shouted, "Surprise!" Oikawa appeared in front of your vision with a wide grin on his face and a small gift in his hand.
You blinked a few times and looked up to his eyes before looking to Iwaizumi who was approaching the two of you. "Y-you guys... Did this for me?" You asked, still surprised by what happened. Iwaizumi shrugged and tilted his head to the side saying 'kinda.' "It was Oikawa's idea."
Oikawa smiled and grabbed one of your hands, putting the gift in it. Iwaizumi put a party hat on your head before walking over to a table full of sweets and a cake. "Can I talk to you outside for a second?" You asked Oikawa. He smiled and lead the two of you outside the gym and away from prying ears.
"What did you wanna talk to me about?" You held the gift in your hand and pulled him into a tight hug. He stood tense for a moment before hugging back. "What's this for?" Oikawa asked with a small laugh. You buried your head in his chest and started to tremble slightly. He demeanor changed when he felt his shirt get slightly wet. "H-hey, (Y/n)? Are you ok?"
You nodded and kept hugging him. He hugged back and gently stroked the back of your head. "No ones ever done something like this before. So it's kinda a lot." You said clearly, having calmed down from your previous state. Oikawa laughed and pulled the two of you away to look you in the eyes.
"Really? Well then I'll have to step it up next time!" You smiled up to him softly before sadly looking down to your shoes. "I'm nervous Kawa..." His smile fades away to a sigh. "Me too." You look up to him in confusion. "I... Really hope tomorrow, I'll wake up in your body, Tooru..." He looks to your eyes and he has tears in this.
Dont ruin this moment shittykawa
"Me too."
You look up to him and smile a little. "C'mon, let's go back inside and par-tay a little before it's too late!" Oikawa said with a smile as he dragged you back inside. You saw Iwaizumi standing by a punch bowl with a knowing smirk but you didnt think much of it.
Everyone had hung around and "par-tay"-ed till about 7pm. They decided to call it there and start cleaning up. You tried to help but both Oikawa and Iwaizumi stopped you. "Why dont you and Oikawa head back first? The least we can do is clean up."
"But you guys did all this for me, I have to try to help even a little." Iwaizumi put your things over your shoulder and pushed you to an already raring to go Oikawa. "Just head home. Its ok." Oikawa gently grabbed your hand but you stopped and addressed the whole team.
They had paused to look at you and listen. You bowed and thanked them, your bow hiding the tears in your eyes. You stood up straight and smiled to them before going with an impatient Oikawa.
The walk to your home was filled with comfortable conversation about the party. "Hey, (Y/n)-kun? Could we have a sleepover at your house?" You looked up to him and tilted your head slightly. "Like the whole team? That's a lot of people and I dont know if my parents would even let me since there away right now-"
"No, not the whole team. Just us." You blushed at what he said and looked away, slightly embarrassed for rambling. "Oh... J-just the two of us?" He nodded and you just shrugged. "I-I guess thats... Ok. I dont think they'll mind." You said rubbing the back of your neck. "Let's goo then!" Oikawa said, dragging you to your house.
Once you two arrived, you unlocked the door and let him in. "Your house is so much bigger on the inside." He said looking around. "Wow thanks." He laughed, "I didnt mean it in a bad way!" You rolled your eyes and walked upstairs to your room thinking, "How the fuck does this dude make me flustered so easily..."
You didnt even realize Oikawa had followed you, thinking he would just stay downstairs for the time being. When you turned around to close the door you jumped at his presence. "I-Im gonna change so you can just hang out downstairs till I'm done." He smiled and gently rubbed the back of his head before asking, "Do you think I could use your shower actually?"
"Oh, yeah, go for it. It's the door behind you." You said pointing over his shoulder. He thanked you as you got him a towel he could use. You closed the door to your room and got changed into some comfy pjs. The shower could be heard through your door but you didnt mind and decided to make yourself comfortable on your bed and watch some tv.
After a few minutes, the shower turned off and after another couple minutes, the door opening to reveal a shirtless Oikawa wearing sweatpants. You looked over only to look away just as fast. Oikawa smirked and jumped into the bed with you. You squeaked a very manly squeak as he hovered over you.
Your eyes looked up to his but couldn't be stopped when they looked at his chest. 'A tattoo?' You looked back up to him and asked, "You have a tattoo? Since when?" He just smiled and shook his head. "Since I was like twelve. Look what it says." He said sitting the two of you up. Oikawa was basically sitting on your lap but you didnt mind.
'You're in the way, stupid trashcan.'
It was written in beautiful cursive. You smiled and tried not to laugh but couldn't help it. Oikawa watched as the love of his life laughed at the first words he ever said to him.
"I said that when we first met! Did you really get it tattooed on your chest?" Oikawa rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Its illegal to get a tattoo when your twelve." You tilted your head slightly. "Then how did you get it?" He looked at you unamused before becoming nervous. This made you nervous too as he laid the both of you down in your bed.
"(Y/n)... Did you study soulmates?" You nodded and asked why. "Theres a chapter about two soulmates having different ways of finding eachother." You nodded again and tried to process the information but he spoke again. "Mine was the first words they say to you are tattooed somewhere on your body."
You looked at him and fully processed everything. It clicked. "Is that why you... Did all this stuff for me over the last year? W-why didn't you say something sooner?" He glanced out the window and seemed nervous again. "Theres a chance that you can actually have a different soulmate than me..." You furrowed your brows and sat up to look at him.
He didnt look at you and just glanced out the window. "What do you mean by that?" He looked over to you and directly in your eyes. "When we both have different ways of meeting our soulmate, theres a chance that you could have a different soulmate even though you're mine."
"That means when we wake up tomorrow... I wouldn't be hugging you, but your soulmate... And... I dont want that."
Oikawa looked away and you just looked at him shocked. "You're so weird out of character." You said leaning down and pulling him into a hug, laying on top of him in the process. "I'm being serious y'know..." You nod and nuzzle your face into his neck.
"I know. I dont want something like that to happen either." He shifted so that he could look at you properly and cupped your face. His eyes held clear care and adoration.
"Let's sleep now, and if I dont wake up to you tomorrow... I'll find you ok?"
--- 2552 Not proof read too well
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kagstea · 3 years
tsukishima k. - parenthood pt. 2
tsukishima k. x reader
description: part two to parenthood. with your week with hoshi coming to an end, another realization regarding you and tsukishima hits.
warnings: fluff
“Would you shut that baby up!”
“Seriously! He’s ruining my vibe!”
Daichi was quick to slap the back of Nishinoya and Tanaka’s head, giving you an apologetic smile. “Don’t mind them, Y/N. They just got rejected by the girls over there.”
You stifled a laugh at his comment, turning away to rock Hoshi. He had just eaten, burped, and had a changed diaper. In your head, you cursed the plastic doll, almost grateful that your time with it was almost up.
“Is he still crying?” 
Tsukishima snuck up behind you, a strawberry cone in his hand.
The volleyball club had taken a day off from practice, and due to the good weather, opted for going to the beach. Of course, Tsukishima asked if you could come along, claiming he would feel bad for leaving you alone with Hoshi. Then him and Hinata offered to get you ice cream, which is when your child started screaming for his life.
You groaned. “I’m going to fling him in the water.”
“Ruin my grade, I ruin you.” He held out his cone, beckoning for a trade.
It was insane, you thought, because as soon as he held Hoshi he stopped crying. Your jaw fell and Tsukishima tried to hide the smirk creeping up on his face. Instead of claiming how unfair it was, you took a deep breath, and redirected your attention to another matter.
“Where’s my ice cream?”
He sighed, laying Hoshi down on the beach towel he bought, carefully adjusting the umbrella to block the sun despite the baby being fake. “The tangerine’s bringing i-”
“Y/N, I have your ice cream!” Cue a happy Hinata running with two vanilla cones in his hands, kicking back sand at others laying on the beach. He stopped with a pant, handing you one before running off excitedly. Except, as he ran, he made you stumble.
Now, Tsukishima caught you, a hand on your waist to steady you. But, you had lost your grip on one of the ice creams, and you’d be damned if you dropped yours.
“Dumbass!” Tsukishima scoffed as his strawberry cone landed in front of his feet.
You gave a sheepish smile, a tight hold on your own in case he wanted revenge. “I’ll… buy you a new one.”
He stared at you, before shaking his head. If possible, his grip tightened on your body and he pulled your back against his bare chest. He quickly leaned over, opening his mouth and eating the top of your ice cream. Tsukishima licked his lips once he stood straight and let go of you. “Don’t bother, we’re even now.”
Then he walked away to where Yamaguchi was building a sandcastle for Hoshi, leaving you flustered and in shock. You stared at your ice cream, glancing at Tsukishima and feeling your cheeks heat up.
“Are you good?” Tanaka asked as he passed by. “Your cheeks are red, but the sun isn’t that hot, is it-”
You slapped a hand on your right cheek, shaking your head violently. “N-No, I’m fine! Just- go! I’m alright,” He raised an eyebrow at your nervous chuckle, but shrugged and left.
Of course, Hoshi had to start crying again.
The sun had set faster than you thought. Although you were at the beach for almost half the day, it didn’t feel that long with all the playing around. Of course, there were those times where you and Tsukishima had to break apart from the group to check on Hoshi, but overall it was a fun evening.
“Goodbye!” You waved to the team, holding Hoshi in your arms. They all separated to go their respective way home after arriving back at the school.
“Come on,” Tsukishima said, grabbing your bag from you. He had offered to walk you home to see that you and Hoshi were safe. You let him, considering he didn’t live that far where you worried too much.
The two of you settled into a slow pace next to each other, him listening to you hum and look at Hoshi. The sight stirs up his stomach, and he isn’t sure why.
“Hey,” He catches your attention. “Don’t walk looking down.”
You pout, turning back to the doll. “I can’t help it. He’s so cute.”
“Yeah, until you get up to get water in the middle of the night and there’s a plastic doll in your bed.” Tsukishima mutters, and you snap your head to look up at him.
“How many times have you gotten scared because of him.” He winced at the amusement in your voice. “What? None, Y/N. He’s a plastic baby.”
But your growing smile doesn’t stop. “Kei, don't say that! He can hear you, you know-” As you turn back to him to playfully cover your ears, Tsukishima grabs your hand, pulling you towards him roughly. You stumble into his chest, eyes wide.
“What an asshole. I told you to look up, Y/N.” He says seriously, talking to both you and the incompetent driver who sped past you guys. “Are you alright?” His voice softened, glancing over you for any injuries.
“I-I’m fine. I’m sorry, Kei.” You told him, guilty for scaring him. “Thank you.”
He let you step back from him, but when you tried to walk forward, his hand held you back. Seeing your look, he only sighed and intertwined your fingers. “Let’s go, it’s getting late.”
“O-oh. Right.”
He didn’t let go of your hand the entire time, not even when he walked you to your front porch. Both of you were silent for a few seconds, before he locked his gaze on Hoshi. “We give him back tomorrow.”
It brought a frown to your face. “I know.”
Tsukishima looked at you through his glasses. “Don’t tell me you got attached to him in a week.”
You felt like he was mocking you, and that made you feel even worse. “It’s been a long week.” You blinked a few times, and he wondered if you were gonna cry. 
He stepped closer to you and bent down to your eye level. His face was only a few inches away as he scanned your eyes for any sadness. “You’re not crying, are you?” He spoke gently, catching you off guard. “Because if you are gonna cry, I’d rather you do it now instead of during class tomorrow.” Although there was a hint of cockiness in his words, you could tell they were out of concern.
Without pushing him away, you sniffled and shook your head. “I’m not going to cry. You’re the crybaby here.” 
The corner of his lips twitched upwards, and he finally stood up straight. “Just making sure. You really want to keep him tonight? I could if you don’t-”
Your grip tightened on Hoshi. “It’s my night.”
Tsukishima nodded. “Alright. Then, see you two tomorrow. Go inside.” He jerked his head toward your door, and you stepped backwards, almost ready to turn around and let go of his hand. 
“Let me know once you get home. And don’t forget like last time! I was up for hours worrying.” You muttered the last part, hoping he wouldn’t hear it.
He thought about teasing you, but decided against it. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
You blamed your exhaustion, or the warmth he gave off, for not wanting to let go of his hand. It was painful to pry your fingers off of his, and he secretly felt the same.
“Y/N, you have to let him go.” Tsukishima said from behind you.
But you held Hoshi close to your chest, shaking your head. You’ve had a death grip on the doll since he saw you this morning. Not even he could take him away from you. He managed to convince the teacher to collect everyone else’s babies first so you would have more time. But the class was over seven minutes ago, and you still refused to hand him over.
“Y/N, it’s a damn dol-”
“Don’t use the ‘D’ word!” You yelled.
Tsukishima sighed, sharing a look with your teacher who was too patient with you. He didn’t know whether to feel embarrassed or sorry. It was almost too concerning how attached you were to a plastic doll.
His hands reached up to rest on your shoulders, making you stiffen at his touch for a few seconds. He leaned forward to whisper in your ear. “Give Hoshi back now. You have to.” 
Hearing him talk to you quietly and calmly broke through you. You frowned, and looked at Hoshi’s face one last time before slowly loosening your grip. The teacher and Tsukishima almost cried in relief seeing you hand her the doll. She practically snatched it away once it was in her reach and he gently pulled up backwards before you changed your mind. He bid goodbye to your teacher, dragging you out of the classroom into the halls.
“Almost ten minutes of lunch is gone. I should make you buy me milk or something for taking so long. I mean, honestly, he was just a piece of plastic, why would you hold on to him so long? Y/N?” Tsukishima stopped walking up the stairs, looking behind to see you standing still on the landing facing down. 
Since you didn’t answer him, he walked back down to you.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. 
But you just shook your head. Before he could open his mouth to speak again, he saw a tear drip down your cheek, which you quickly wiped away out of fear he would see it. You know he did, though, so when another one fell, you didn’t bother to try to hide it. 
This time, he wiped it away. The action caught you off guard, and you tilted your head up, shocked.
“What’s making you so upset today?” Tsukishima whispered. “Y/N, why didn’t you want to give Hoshi back?”
The question made your lip quiver. “I don’t know.”
“Y/N. Just tell me.” You looked away to avoid his stare. But he just cocked his head to the side, waiting for you to answer him. Even back in the classroom, he could tell there was more than giving back a project that was making you upset. His suspicion was confirmed at this moment. Now, it was only a matter of getting you to open up to him.
“I didn’t get attached to Hoshi.” You spoke, barely loud enough for him to hear you.
His eyebrows raised. “Huh?”
Taking a deep breath, you met his eyes. “I got attached to you. And giving back Hoshi means we’re not partners anymore. Which means that we don’t have a reason to be around each other, and we’ll go back to how things were before Hoshi.”
He was taken back by your words. This is what was troubling you?
You balled your fists at your side. “That’s why I didn’t want to give him back, but you made me, you jerk.”
It was your insult that made him chuckle. At first, you got angry and thought he was making fun of you. But he wasn’t. “Y/N, your brain is definitely broken.”
“I’m going to kick you-”
But his hand shot out to grab yours, making your words get stuck in your throat. Once again, he bent down to talk to you. “Are you really that dense? I’m pretty sure I was pretty direct this past week.”
You knew instantly what he was talking about. But, even though you were flustered you wanted to hear him say it. “Direct about what?”
“Stop trying to make me say it.”
You felt offended. “Well, then make it more clear! Asshole.” You looked sideways, feeling naked under his gaze.
Rolling his eyes and grinning, he backed up. “Will you come to my game this Saturday? It seems I somehow got used to you being there when I play, and Coach says it's bad to cut off any habits that help us.”
His statement made you smile, and you nodded. “We can’t let that happen now, can we, Kei?”
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Hi!! Can I make a request were the reader is Aiwaza's children and they had behaved bad or anything like that and Shouta made they stayed on his class as punishment, were he can keep an eye on them (like sitting on his desk doing homework), but 1A doesn't know that the reader are Aiwaza's kid and the reader flirt whit someone in 1A (can be anyone that you want) an then they discover the truth. Sorry if it's confuse and for my bad english!!
It’s alright!! English is a hard language lmaooo
Platonic! Aizawas kid meets 1-A
⚠️warnings - no relationship, platonic
Pronouns - genderneutral, they/them
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“Ah, shit” the person cursed, as they eyed the now shattered 8 dollar lamp on the ground, the light flickering on and off until it fizzled out. Shinsou snickered and looked up from the couch.
“Dads gonna kill you,”
“Shut up, dude-help me-“
The door to the bedroom opened, making (y/n) and Shinsou flinch. Aizawa stepped out menacingly, with his hair floating past his ears. The red glow of his eyes shut up Shinsou and (y/n) quickly, permitting him to speak.
“Before you say anything, (y/n) did it.”
“LANGUAGE!” Aizawa butt in, eyes flashing a brighter shade of red, before fading out to black. He rubbed his temple harshly. “Okay, I’m not mad, but this is the third time I had to replace that lamp, (y/n).”
“And don’t say it’s because of your quirk, that you ‘can’t help it’. I’m helping you and Shinsou transfer out of General studies, you should have your quick under control by now.” (Y/n) opened their mouth to speak, but closed it silently.
“Tomorrow, you’re doing your work in my class. I’m having your teacher send the work into my class in advance so you can do the work on my desk.”
“Wait-but Madam movement-sensei would never let you do that!”
Aizawa pulled out his phone from the back pocket of his neko sweatpants, holding it up to show a string of emails from the 1-C teacher herself.
“Actually, we’ve been discussing it for a while. You’ve been lacking in participation in your class, but it seems like you know your subjects and pass them easily. Therefore, you’ll be spending time in my classroom where I can make sure you aren’t cheating or anything.”
Shinsou stifled a snicker in between his sleeves, earning a side glare from (y/n). “But-I’m not cheating!”
“Then there should be no problem, then.”
(Y/n) grumbled angrily as they walked side by side their unofficial brother, Shinsou. “Dude, it’s just one day in another class-how hard can it be?”
“Have you seen the mess of the hero department? I don’t wanna be a part of that! Not yet at least!” (Y/n) piped up, louder than they meant to. A girl with pink skin, and a boy with yellow hair, perked their ears up. “I can’t believe I’m leaving General Studies for this...” (y/n) rubbed at their temples, a trait they picked up from Aizawa, while the two eavesdroppers looked at eachother.
“K-Kaminari...are you thinking what I’m thinking?” The girl said, grabbing onto the boys shoulders and shaking him around. The boy ‘Kaminari’ smirked and cupped his chin.
“I think I do, my dear friend~”
They chuckled and sped their way to their class, ready to spill their guts out. They passed the person in question as they walked, sending (y/n) a subtle wink and thumbs up before turning a corner.
“Huh.” Shinsou huffed. “Well-this is my stop.” He turned to (y/n) and slapped the door leading to 1-C. (Y/n) puffed out their cheeks. “Have fun playing heroes with 1-A, (N/n)”
“Yeah right. I’m just doing work there. I’ll be back before you miss me~” (y/n) made a kissy face before turning on their heel and walking past 1-C.
“Guys guys guys!” Mina burst through the door, slamming her hands down on the podium at the front of the class. Kaminari jogged up behind her and crossed his arms. Iida stood up abruptly and made his way towards the two students.
“Ashido-kun, please refrain from running in the hallways-“
The class went silent. Even Iida stopped in his tracks. “How...how’d you find out?!” Kirishima mused. Just as Mina opened her mouth, the door opened and everyone scrambled to their seats. In entered Aizawa, holding his clipboard full of morning announcements for home room.
Aizawa glanced around the classroom, before settling down infront of his podium. “Morning. So, we’re gonna have someone join us today. I expect you all to not be a distraction to them or your fellow classmates.”
Whispers and excited smiles broke out subtly between the class. Mina leaned back in her chair, facing Asui and whispering “the new kid~!!”
Aizawas eyes flashed a ruby red, quieting down the class. “Alright. (Y/n), you may step in.”
The door slid open once more, as a pair of feet stepped into the class. The person gave a very reserved greeting, before stepping off to the corner of the classroom, near bakugo.
“That’s (y/n). Anyway, I need to step out for a bit, Mic is on sick leave and I need to run the lesson plan to the substitute English teacher.”
Aizawa tiredly trudged to the door, before looking back. “I expect you to be on your best behavior, (y/n).”
Once the door slid closed, some of the students scrambled out of their seats to greet the newcomer. “Hi (y/n)! I’m Mina Ashido!”
“What’s you’re full name? I found it sort of odd that Aizawa-sensei only addressed you as (y/n), kero-kero. Is that your last name or first name?” A girl with green hair piped up. “I’m tsuyu asui, by the way. Call me tsu.”
“Well, hi,” (y/n) leaned against the wall as people swarmed over them. “It’s just (y/n). It’s nothing important, really.”
The students gathered around them decided not push it, instead asking icebreaker questions like “what’s your favorite food?” Or “what’s your quirk, (y/n)-San?”
Footsteps grew outside of the classroom, causing everyone to scurry back to their seats like mice. (Y/n) stood there, dumbfounded, as Aizawa returned, holding what seems to be a lesson plan, and a chair.
“I got you a chair, you can sit in the corner there.” He walked up to where (y/n) was standing, and placed the chair beside them.
“That’s all, be nice to the sub or you’ll have to face to me.”
“Yes, Aizawa sensei!”
The day ended pretty quickly, (y/n) grumbling quietly in the corner, doing their work, while the teachers filed in and out, teaching them their respective subjects.
The students talked amongst themselves, talking about what they want to eat after school or just straight up leaving. (Y/n) stood up from their chair and stretched, a yawn escaping their throat. They rubbed at their eyes while scanning the rowdy classroom. Their eyes landed on a blond boy, and a girl with a pinkish skin tone. Hm. They were both kinda cute. Might as well shoot their shot, they thought.
They walked up to the two, who was having a very animated conversation. They stopped, mid sentence, when (y/n) put their arms around the both of them.
“Heyyyy, you two are kinda cute~ Sorry, I kind forgot so-what’s your names?”
The blond boy blushed heavily, attempting to regain his composure but failing, while the pink girl smiled widely. She wrestled her way out of (y/n’s) arm and stood in front of them. The blond boy shook off (y/n’s) arm aswell, when the girl with horn patted at her chest.
“I’m Mina! That’s Kaminari, and we would LOVE to get to know our new classmate!”
(Y/n) grin contorted into an expression of confusion. “New...classmate?” They cocked their head to the side.
“Well-yea! You are in our class, after all..?” The boy, Kaminari, piped up.
“Whaddya mean? I’m in general studies. I’m only here because my stupid dad wanted to watch me work.”
Nearby ears started to perk up. Dad? Kaminari and Mina held semi shocked, semi confused expressions. A boy with greenish black hair whipped his head up from his hunched position from his desk, wobbled out from his chair and speedwalked over to (y/n).
“U-uhm! I couldn’t help but overhear-sorry by the way-but, It’s been on my mind for this whole time-“
“What is it?” (Y/n) swooped in before the boy started to drown in his stutters and ramblings. The boy cleared his throat and scratched at the back of his head.
“Are you related to Ai-“
The door slid open, revealing Aizawa, with Shinsou trailing behind him.
“(Y/n)-there you are. Stop causing my class trouble and let’s go home. You still need to drop off your work to the general studies classroom.”
“Okay dad, hold on though. this guy said he wanted to ask me something.”
When (y/n) turned back around, everyone’s mouth was agape. Especially Mina and Kaminari, who looked like they’ve seen a ghost. The green haired boy opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again.
“A-are you-“
Kaminari finished Minas sentence, tangling his fingers into his blond hair. (Y/n), and Aizawa, nodded, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. The frog girl, Tsuyu, if (y/n) remembered correctly, brought a finger to her chin.
“What’s your full name?”
“Aizawa (y/n).”
The girl seemed content with her answer, and sunk back in her seat. Aizawa tapped on (y/n’s) shoulder, and gestured towards the door. (Y/n) waved goodbye to the class, mouthing a ‘call me’ to Mina and Kaminari, and walked out the door. The whole class sat in silence, before Mina cried out glumly.
“Ehhh?! So we don’t have a new classmate, do we?!”
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vagabondreamer · 3 years
After the Fall (2)
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Pairing: Lucifer x Angel! Fem! MC
Word Count: 2k
Series Summary: Angel! Fem! MC is part of an exchange program that sends her to the Devildom for a year.
Chapter Summary: MC attends her first day of classes at RAD! She encounters familiar faces and new ones - some friendlier than others.
CW: Mentions of drugs, Mentions of sexual assault, language, blood
Author's Note: Thank you so much for the support! I love reading your comments!
You stepped out of his office, slowly turning back to your normal form. You walked up the stairs, back into your own room. Closing the door behind you, you locked it, and face planted on your bed. You were upset and hurt, maybe even a little afraid; no one had ever insulted you before, and you weren’t prepared to see Lucifer in his demon form. Rolling over, you wiped away the tears that you didn’t even realize were falling.
“Pathetic.” Not sure if you were talking about yourself or him. Closing your eyes, you just hoped to fall asleep but the sound of your door opening caused your eyes to flutter back open.
“MC, Lucifer forgot to give you your DDD this morning,” Mammon said, handing over the phone to you.
“Now I get why they want me to knock,” you muttered to yourself.
“Hey - were you cryin’?” He sits on the bed.
“What?! No!” You look down at your phone, playing with it to avoid eye contact.
“Why are ya eyes red?”
“Uh,” you think of an excuse. “Obviously, getting high.” You smack your own forehead in response - not only were you a liar but a horribly bad one at that. What kind of angel gets high?
Mammon just laughs at your stupid response.
“Okay sure, next time share with me,” he jokes. It makes you feel a little better. “Oh, dinner is gonna be ready soon.”
“I’m not hungry.” In reality, you just didn’t want to see Lucifer.
“You sure? Beel will eat everything. There won’t be a second chance.”
“I’m sure, thanks.” Mammon got up and left your room.
You decided you’d rather shower and go to bed. Tomorrow was Monday, and according to Lucifer, your first day at RAD.
Back home, you woke up to the gentle sunrise and songs of angels. Here, you woke up to loud banging at the door.
“MC hurry up, we’re gonna be late!” Mammon’s voice could be heard over the banging.
You groaned in response, and threw the covers off of your body. Quickly, you did your routine and put on your uniform, and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Mammon stopped you, and turned you around towards the front door.
“Wait! I haven’t eaten yet!”
“Next time set an alarm, c’mon, we’re gonna be late!”
You were going to starve to death here.
Mammon practically dragged you all the way to school; the other brothers must’ve left a lot earlier. Your first class was history, and you shared it with Mammon and Beel. Barely missing the late bell, you slid into a desk right next to Beel.
“Hey MC.”
“Hey Beel.”
The professor started talking, and that was your cue to shut up. Everyone else was quiet, and your stomach decided it wanted to be heard. A loud growl erupted, and you grabbed your stomach, silently begging for it to be quiet. Beel nudged a protein bar to you.
“Don’t worry, it happens to me all the time.” You smiled and accepted the bar - eating it cheerfully.
Feeling someone stare at you, you turned to see Mammon looking at you curiously. Did you have something on your face? Your eyebrow rose, questioning his look. He just shook his head and turned his attention back to the front - how strange.
The class passed quicker now that you weren’t focused on food. The bell signaled the end of class and you got up, looking at your schedule - potions was your next class. You waved a small goodbye to the two boys and wandered the halls looking for the room; you could’ve asked them for help, but you were a self-sufficient angel, after all. The halls started to get less crowded and the warning bell went off.
“Oh, geez.” You rushed to the end of the hall and luckily found the right room. The only desk open was next to Satan and some guy with whitish silver hair; quickly, you sat down in between them.
“Hey Satan,” you whispered.
“Hey.” You turned to the boy next to you and smiled. His aura felt different than everyone else’s, he wasn’t a demon nor an angel, so he must’ve been the human Lord Diavolo was talking about!
“You must be MC.” He stated rather than questioned.
“Yeah, and you’re Solomon?” He nodded in response. “How did you get picked for the program?”
“I assume it’s because I’m the greatest sorcerer alive.” Oh, he’s cocky.
“More like the shadiest sorcerer,” Satan chimed in.
“Oh, you two know each other?” You ask.
“Hardly, he has a pact with Asmo and is always summoning him away.”
“Awh, Satan, if you want to see me so badly all you have to do is ask,” Solomon teases.
“I would never form a pact with you.”
“Never say never.”
“You three back there, after school detention!” The professor announces. You had been so engrossed in the conversation, you completely forgot you were in the middle of lecture.
The last class of the day was coming to a close. Thankfully you shared it with Simeon and Luke. You didn’t want to get in trouble again, so you kept the conversation to a minimum.
“Luke, how are you enjoying the Devildom?”
“I’m not! It’s unbelievable that we have to go to class with a bunch of demons!” You smiled sympathetically. He had a good point, you all were surrounded by demons - and it went against everything you had been taught. But, you decided to lighten the mood.
“Yeah I understand, but some of them aren’t too bad!” You recall how kind Beel and Asmo have been - even Mammon, who kept doing his own thing, wasn’t that bad.
“That’s right, you just have to keep an open mind,” Simeon added. Luke crossed his arms and just kept quiet. The final bell went off, meaning class was over. You were happy to be going home, but suddenly remembered you received detention with Satan and Solomon. Your shoulders immediately slumped over.
“You alright, MC?” Simeon asked.
“Yes, I just have to go talk to my potions professor.” You didn’t tell him the complete truth, maybe it was because you didn’t want him to be disappointed in you, or for him to report back to Michael - yeah, it was definitely the latter.
Waving goodbye to Simeon and Luke, you walk back to potions class. The professor is sitting at his desk awaiting your arrival. You sit at the seat directly in front of him, and look around, no one else is in the classroom.
“Where’s Satan and Solomon?”
“They both had valid excuses for not being here.”
“Wait, what -”
“You’ll sit there silently for an hour. Any noise and I will add thirty minutes.” His tone is cold and uncaring. You couldn’t believe those two ditched you! Crossing your arms, you held back any remarks or unwanted noises and waited the hour out. After about thirty minutes the professor let out a sigh and started packing his things. You took this as a sign he was letting you out early for good behavior.
“Oh, hah, my mistake. I have to go, but you still have about thirty minutes. You’ll be a good little angel and wait it out right?” He was most definitely mocking you. You just nodded your head in agreement, and he left. You waited about five minutes to make sure he was gone before you grabbed your bag and went out to the hall. It was empty. You headed towards the front doors, but felt a tap on your shoulder before you could make it outside. Turning around, you see three unfamiliar boys.
“Can I help you?” You ask unsure of their intentions.
“Actually, I think you can,” the tallest boy says. “We’re part of a club, and our equipment just won’t work.” The other boys nod their heads.
“Oh, I don’t know anything about technology.”
“Do you think you could look at it? We’ve all tried, and we really need to get our activities started.” They seemed sincere enough, but you were still hesitant - they were demons. But, what if they really needed help? And you deny them because of their species? That would be wrong on so many levels.
“Okay, yeah, where is it?”
“In our club room, come on!” They lead you to a classroom, there’s no one else in there, but you do see a camera on a desk.
“So, is this what’s broken?” You turn around to see that the three boys had transformed into their demon forms. You back away slowly. “What’s going on?”
“Awh, come on, sweetheart. Everything’s going to be just fine.” The tall boy comes closer, entrapping you between him and a wall. “We just need a video.”
“V-Video?” One of the other boys picks up the camera and points it towards you. Your body is frozen in place. Why weren’t you transforming? Tears pricked your eyes.
“Can you blame us? We’ve never seen an angel before.” His fingers slowly caress your face; you notice his sharp claws. “So, beautiful.”
“Please stop,” you say with authority, but it’s met with deaf ears.
“Hold her down,” he tells the third boy. You're pushed further against the wall, your wrists held over your head.
“No!” You cried out as you squirm trying to get free. The tall boy goes to rip your shirt open, but one of your hands slips free, you punch him square in the jaw.
“You bitch,” he shouts as he slaps your face. His claws dug into your left cheek, leaving three deep cuts. You fall onto the ground and try to crawl away.
“Pathetic,” the boys laughed. The boy kicks you in the side, it sends you flying into some desks; a sharp pain erupts in your ribs. He grabs your hair and makes you look up at him. “Sweetheart, I’m going to get what I want; how badly you get hurt is up to you.”
Your face is stained with tears and blood, and your body is aching. These boys were lower level demons, and yet they had asserted dominance over you like it was nothing. Why did Michael never train you in combat? Why were you being so useless? As if God himself heard your prayers, a familiar face passes by the door. You muster up all your might and call out his name.
The boy holding your head up immediately let go and straightened up. His blood must’ve chilled at the sound of that name.
“Shit!” He walked to the door and looked out the small window - no one. He opened it, and as if he appeared out of nowhere, he was face to face with Lucifer. You made eye contact with him, but you looked away - ashamed at how you were found. Without hesitation, Lucifer grabbed the boy’s head and rammed it into the door - knocking him out. The other two immediately began begging for mercy, but found none. Lucifer didn’t break a sweat as he kicked their asses, pushing them to the brink of death. He grabbed the camera off the floor and removed the SD card, crushing it in his fist.
Calmly, he walked over to you - you were still crouched on the floor, paralyzed with fear. Gently, he scooped you in his arms and carried you home.
The walk to the house was silent; minus, your sniffling. He didn’t speak a word, and that worried you. He walked up the steps, and into the house, carrying you directly to his room and into his bathroom. Setting you on the countertop, he dug through the cabinets and pulled out a first aid kit. He cleaned and dressed up your wounds to his best ability - your face would be harder to cover so he disinfected it and left it alone. Lucifer finally gazed into your eyes; his stare was so intense it was hard to gaze back without looking away.
“MC. Are you okay?” You pondered on his words. No, no you were not okay.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course, I would never lie.” Tears spilled out of your eyes, it stung your face.
“MC...I need to believe you’ll be okay.” He went to wipe away some tears but you flinched. His hand retracted instantly. “I have to report this to Lord Diavolo.”
“Lord Diavolo? So, that’s why you’re asking if I’m okay?” You scoffed. “I’m perfectly fine.” Pushing him away, you jump off the countertop and head out of his room.
“Wait, MC.”
“What now, Lucifer?” You were exhausted and just wanted to be in the safety of your blankets.
“Why didn’t you transform?”
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In This Together
For the Anon who requested : Could you write a fic where Draco and his twin (Y/N) have to go back to Hogwarts after the war and now they are the ones being bullied after bullying others for all those years? maybe a lot of angst? 
Angst and a bit of sibling fluff for you! 
 Draco Malfoy x Sister!Reader
You stopped walking as you approached the blank expanse of wall between platforms 9 and 10, your brother was walking ahead of you, and stopped when he no longer felt your presence. You were just standing there, eyes big, a large frown on your face. Draco responded with a frown of his own.
“What’s that matter?” He asked, and you looked away from the wall to gaze up at him. 
“I don’t want to go.” You stated, clinging to your owl’s cage for dear life. Your brother let go of the trolley he was pushing with both of your trunks and beckoned you towards him. You came to him, eyes downcasted. 
“Look at me,” He spoke softly, placing a hand under your chin and tilting your head up so you were looking into his eyes. His face was soft, a look he reserved for only you in moments you were alone. He moved his hand and brushed some of your hair from your face. “It’ll be alright, Y/N.” He promised you, but you couldn’t believe him when you knew even he didn’t believe his words. 
“It’s not going to be how it used to be, everyone.. Everyone knows..” Knew what? You weren’t sure specifically. Knew your family was rotten, knew your father was a death eater up until the moment it no longer served him. He was a coward, and the Malfoy name was tainted with blood. 
“Nothing ever stays the same for long,” He reminded you. “We are Malfoys, we will hold our heads high, and we will triumph. If not today, tomorrow.” He assured and you felt slightly better. That was until someone banged into you, sending you into your brother's chest. Draco grabbed you and looked over your head. A group of 6th year Gyffindor girls past you, sending you withering looks as they smirked and giggled to themselves. 
“Alright traitors?” They asked, all lifting their sleeves and pretending to touch their wands to invisible dark marks. 
“What ever will you do without a master to serve?” They asked, and you winced. Draco glared, putting an arm around your shoulder and turning you away from them, grabbing the trolley again and stalking away, guiding you with him. 
“Ignore them, they’re idiots.” He whispered.
“They’re right,” You muttered mostly to yourself. Draco looked at you and sighed before nodding towards the wall.
“Go first,” You nodded back and held your cage close to your chest as you jogged towards the wall, passing through it like it was air. A moment later and Draco was by your side again. He steered you towards the train, giving your trunks to a worker to load before ushering you onto the train. You walked down the corridor, met by an array of stares, and glares, and whispers. Draco found an empty compartment and pulled you into it, shutting out the rest of the world. 
“This is going to be hell,” You whispered, eyes welling slightly with tears, but you wouldn’t let them fall. He was right, you were a Malfoy and you had to hold your head high, even now. 
“It will be alright. Once were settled in, kids will find something else to occupy themselves with, I assure you.” You sighed, leaning against the window and looking out at all the people milling about and smiling. Nothing ever stays the same for long, you repeated your brother’s words to you as comfort. Even the bad. Nothing ever stays the same for long. 
However, this time, it did. The entire school was out to get you and your brother, at least that’s how it felt. The first week of class a group of Hufflepuffs of all people had cornered your brother, hexing him. He was in the hospital wing for two days, you by his side every moment. And it didn’t get better from there. Wherever you went you were met with glares and snide remarks. 
Between preparing for your NEWT exams, enduring bullying like you’d never experienced before, and battling your brother’s rotten attitude; you were spiralling. So far only Draco had been physically assaulted, but you were constantly on edge, paranoid, watching your own back was hard and you were beginning to think your brother had given up. He wasn’t eating, and judging from the bags under his eyes, he wasn’t sleeping as well. 
You were alone in a 5th floor corridor, sitting on the floor and writing an essay. The common room was becoming too much for you, too many people, too many stares. But you couldn’t go to the library either, without people bothering you with rhetorics on your family and mean words about how pathetic you all were. So you sat, alone, in the hallway. 
Suddenly there were footsteps, and you looked up, seeing the same group of Gryffindors who had shoved you on the first day of school, and they were coming your way. Grinning ear to ear as they came to stop in front of you. 
“Yes?” You asked, trying to hold your head high like your brother always reminded you to, but you had to admit, you were scared and terribly outnumbered. 
“Hello little traitor,” The lead girl greeted you, “Kicked from your own common room? Even the Slytherins are embarrassed by you.” She sneered. You frowned, shaking your head. You didn’t need to explain yourself to this lot.
“No,” You replied simply, “Now kindly leave, I’m busy.”
“Awe, she’s busy.” She came towards you, ripping the parchment from your hands, you stood up, reaching for your wand. 
“Give it back.” 
“No,” She laughed, mocking you. She ripped the parchment into a million little pieces and tossed it into your face, “Stupid cow.” You winced, wand held loosely in your hand. “What are you gonna do about it? Gonna use an unforgivable curse on me?” She asked, and you turned away, picking up your bag to try and walk away but another one of the girls grabbed your strap, pulling you towards her.
“Hey!” You yelled, stumbling and tripping, you fell to your knees and looked up at the group with wide eyes. 
“Awe she’s scared!” 
“Petrificus Totalus” One of them pointed their wand at you and your entire body locked up, causing you to fall and land on your face. They flipped you over and grinned down at you. “You and your shitty family should have gone into hiding.” She informed you, and you couldn’t help but mentally agree. 
“Furnunculus.” Another girl spoke and suddenly you were covered in violently painful boils and pimples, you would have cried out in pain if you weren’t immobilized. 
“Now she looks as rotten as she is on the inside,” One of the girls spoke and they all laughed. Pain shot through your face as one of them kicked you in the nose, you felt the hot blood streaming down your face, but still couldn’t move. There was another set of footsteps from somewhere far away and the girls went running. You laid there, unable to move. The footsteps grew closer, and suddenly broke into a run, and your brother’s face appeared above you, eyes wild and wide. 
“Y/N, Y/N!” He cried, afraid to touch you. He pulled his wand out and spoke the counter curse to unfreeze you. You shot up into a seated position, tears streaming down your face. The boils and broken nose were another story, Draco couldn’t fix those, “I’ve been looking all over for you,” He stated, reaching out to touch your face, causing you to wince in pain, “What happened? We need to get you to the hospital wing.” 
“They ganged up on me, I was writing an essay,” You sobbed and Draco gently wrapped you into a hug, rubbing his hand over your hair, smoothing it down.
“Shh, it’s alright,” But it wasn’t, nothing was alright. “Come along,” He spoke softly, standing up and helping you up as well. He took your bag and slung it over his shoulder, offering you his arm for support. Together you slowly walked to the hospital wing. 
“My goodness!” Madam Pomfrey cried when you came in, “Sit! Sit here!” She motioned towards a bed and Draco helped you towards it. You were thankful she didn’t ask what happened, she probably already knew. “Don’t move, let me get my potions.” Draco nodded and sat beside you on the bed, holding your hand. Pomfrey came back with several bottles and handed you one. 
“This should take care of the boils.” You drank it quickly, gagging on the putrid taste of the thick liquid. You handed the bottle back, Draco never taking his eyes off you. “This is for the pain,” She handed you another bottle, and you drank it. This one tasted slightly better. She took the bottle back and handed you one more, “And a peppering up potion, you look.. Exhausted, my dear.” You thanked her and took it, drinking it quickly. She took her wand out, and reset your nose, causing you to cry out slightly in pain, making your brother wince in sympathy. She handed you a wet rag and you cleaned the blood up. 
“Thanks,” You muttered and she nodded. 
“Of course, darling, you will have to stay the night, maybe two, just until all the boils are gone.” You nodded and Draco thanked her as well. When she left, she pulled the curtains around your bed shut leaving you both alone. You laid down on the small hospital bed, your brother joining, laying beside you. You sat in uncomfortable silence for some time.
“I’m sorry.” He finally spoke and you turned to look at him confused. 
“For what? You didn’t hex me.” 
“I haven’t been taking care of you, I haven’t been watching after you,” His eyes were slightly red, was he crying? “I should have been. I was so caught up in my own misery, I forgot you, you were going through the same thing.” Your eyes welled with tears and you leaned into him.
“Don’t be sorry.” You whispered, and he wrapped you in a hug, pulling you close to him. You cuddled up into his side, the pain potion helping, you no longer hurt when you were simply touched. 
“I am sorry, I am your brother. It’s my job to make sure you’re safe and I failed you.” He sniffled next to you, as you cried into his chest. 
“I don’t want to be here anymore,” You sobbed out, voice cracking and his arms tightened around you. 
“We will graduate soon, and we will never have to see these people again.” 
“I don’t want to go home either,” You admitted, “I can’t stay here! Forever, just my surname will leave me plagued. We won’t get jobs, we won’t make friends, nothing.”
“So we will leave.” He assured you, “We will get through these next few months, together, and then we will leave. Somewhere where nobody knows who we are.” You pulled back far enough to look at him, tears streaming down your cheeks. 
“I promise,” He swore, placing a hand over his heart, “Anywhere you want to go, we will go. We will be okay. Nothing ever stays the same for long,” He reminded you and you began crying again. He pulled you back into an embrace, allowing you to bury your face in his chest as you both cried it out. Together, you and your brother against the world.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 4 years
Of Debts and Stress
Mary Saotome x She/Her Reader
A/N: Mary is such a great character like wth. I hope I did her some justice. There is a mention of characters from Kakegurui Twin, but the story takes place when Yumeko shows up in the main series. Thanks for reading! Word Count: ~8,929 (Me seeing this number for the first time: HOLY SHIT what have I done?! No wonder this took so long lol)
“Did you see the look on that loser’s face when I laid down that royal flush?” Mary laughed, her lips curled in a triumphant smirk as she descended the stairs with (Y/n) following close behind. “To see the light just drain out of his eyes after he realized that his full house was trash was just priceless,” she paused a moment at the bottom of the stairs, causing (Y/n) to bump into her before the blonde turned to face her. “Well, maybe not priceless, I guess you could say it was worth 5,000,000 yen!”
“Mary,” (Y/n) began, rubbing the back of her neck and shifting her eyes to watch other students climb the stairs, “It’s not like I’m not impressed or anything, but don’t you think you went a little too hard on the guy? I mean, he’s a house pet now.”
Mary’s smirk sunk into a frown as she crossed her arms and leaned her hip against the banister with a huff, looking up at the girl who still stood on the last step of the stairs, with a roll of her eyes, she replied, “He wanted to gamble, it’s not my fault if he didn’t weigh the rewards with the risk. Don’t be such a downer (Y/n), you’re really killing my mood here.”
“Sorry, I guess I just feel bad for him.”
“(Y/n), it’s all a part of how this fucked up school works. If you don’t like it, then why the hell did you even apply?” Mary threw her arms up in aggravation.
“Hey, do you think you two could move? You’re blocking half the staircase.” a student called impatiently from behind (Y/n).
“Can’t you see we’re talking here?” Mary glared at a spot above (Y/n)’s head, “Just go around us, idiot!”
The student grumbled, but clumsily made his way through the students that were walking up the stairwell.
“Maybe we should keep walking,” (Y/n) smiled sheepishly, crooking one of her arms with Mary’s and pulling her away from the stairs and towards the school entrance.
“Hey, let go!” Mary pushed out of the hold, blushing furiously, before clearing her throat and giving (Y/n) a side glance as the other girl laughed good-naturedly. “You haven’t gambled yet today, shouldn’t you have at least one match to make sure you don’t fall behind in the rankings?”
“I don’t feel like gambling today,” (Y/n) shrugged, “Maybe tomorrow.”
“You better get your act together or you’ll end up a mittens,” Mary warned.
“Sorry I’m not into high stakes gambles. I’d rather win a little at a time than blow it all away on one game,” (Y/n) explained.
“Ha, that new poochie should have taken a page out of your book,” Mary grinned, but sobered quickly, “But seriously, don’t fall too far behind or I’ll have to leave you to the dogs, got it?” She punctuated her words with a sharp poke to (Y/n)’s chest.
“Ow! Okay, okay, I get it!” (Y/n) sighed, and rubbed the sore spot.
“And if you need any, you know, help, with your gambles tomorrow I wouldn’t be adverse to it,” Mary added, pretending to look disinterested and aloof.
“Aww Mary, are you saying you’d cheat for me? I’m touched,” (Y/n) smiled.
“I’ve changed my mind. You are on your own,” Mary glared and snarled beneath the blush that dusted her cheeks.
“Damn it.”
“Serves you right.”
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” (Y/n) asked as they neared the dorms.
“I suppose,” Mary replied while inspecting her nails. “Meet me in front of my dorm at 7:45 or I’m leaving without you.”
“I’ll be there, have a goodnight Mary!” (Y/n) waved before disappearing into the Tsubaki class dorms.
“‘Night,” Mary called over her shoulder as she made her way to the Hana dorm building.
The girls got ready for the night in there respective dorms and went to sleep, unaware of the major upset that would greet the student body of Hyakkaou Private Academy tomorrow.
“Heard you have a new transfer student in your class. Do they seem nice?” (Y/n) asked Mary as they ate their lunches.
“She’s whatever,” Mary shrugged. “Looks like easy money though, I’m gonna ask her to gamble after classes let out. Just wait until you see me wipe the floor with that airhead.”
“Aw, I actually have a few gambles of my own lined up unfortunately.”
“Tsk, whatever, I didn’t want you there anyway,” Mary sulked, picking at her leftovers.
“Hey, you’re the one who told me I needed to watch my ranking. Don’t blame me for simply following through on your advice. If I finish in the gambling den before you finish your game, I’ll be there to cheer you on!”
“You better not, it’s a gamble. You don’t need to act like a mom at a goddamn soccer game,” Mary huffed. “That being said, you better show up if you finish before me.”
“Yes ma’am,” (Y/n) mock saluted then winced and leaned into the table when Mary’s foot knocked painfully into her shin.
“I’ll see you after class, dummy,” Mary smiled smugly, raising from her chair. “Depending on how much money this girl bleeds, we can go do something this weekend, my treat,”
“Sounds like a date!” (Y/n) cheered, narrowly missing Mary’s attempt at a full body tackle. “See you later!” (Y/n) giggled and ran down the hall towards her class while Mary yelled obscenities behind her.
(Y/n) was pretty happy with herself, having won six out of seven games of blackjack and earning a modest 50,000 yen. Of course counting the cards had helped her odds, not that her opponents needed to know that. Honestly though, they were probably doing the same thing. It always came back to luck in the end.
(Y/n) hummed to herself as she made her way up the stairs to Mary’s classroom. She looked up when she heard echoing footsteps descending the stairs and was met with the boy Mary had turned into a house pet and a beautiful girl with flowing black hair she had never seen before.
“Oh, hello there!” The girl greeted. Ryota seemed to recognize (Y/n) as a friend of Mary’s though, and grew more nervous, (Y/n) gave him a sheepish wave she hoped conveyed her sympathy or could at least put the poor boy more at ease.
“Hi, you must be the new transfer student,” (Y/n) addressed Yumeko, “I hope no one has been giving you too hard a time,” (Y/n) could think of one prominent figure in her mind that would do such a thing and was ready to do damage control if need be.
“Oh, not at all! I’ve never felt more welcomed!” Yumeko smiled and grasped (Y/n)’s hand in hers. “Jabami, Yumeko,” she introduced herself, the ring on her thumb lightly digging into the skin of (Y/n)’s hand.
“(L/n), (Y/n),” she answered in return, giving Yumeko’s hand a friendly squeeze before withdrawing. “You don’t seem any worse for wear. I guess you survived Mary’s gambling challenge then?”
“Ah, you know Saotome? Yes, I’m looking forward to her paying me back, I hope we can gamble again sometime, she was so feisty!” Yumeko grinned, “You should join us next time as well!”
“Perhaps...” (Y/n) answered distractedly. Why would she need to wait for Mary to pay her back? “So is Mary still up there?”
“I believe so, it was nice meeting you, (Y/n)-san!”
“Yes, nice meeting you too. Uh, see you around Jabami, Suzui,” (Y/n) bowed her head and made her way up the rest of the stairs to the Hana classroom.
The room looked like a mess. Lingering students whispered their gossip but (Y/n) paid them no mind as she scanned the classroom for a familiar head of blonde hair.
“If you’re looking for Saotome you won’t find her here. She ran off, probably went to hide her shame,” one of the lingering students voiced once (Y/n) looked over the whole room.
(Y/n) leveled a soft glare at the student before turning to leave. Okay so she lost, so what? No one’s perfect, get off your high horse. (Y/n) thought as she continued down the hall and peeked into every empty classroom she passed. She was about to text Mary when she heard a huge crash come from the last classroom at the end of the hall.
She yanked the door open and saw a few toppled desks and Mary slouched against the wall with her face hiding in her arms, propped up by her knees that were pulled tightly against her chest.
“Mary, I’ve been looking everywhere for you. What happened?” (Y/n) rushed to Mary’s side and knelt before her, careful to give the girl her space. Mary didn’t care for being coddled.
“Fuck off.” Mary’s voice croaked, muffled by her arms.
“Come on Mary, talk to me. I assume you lost, how bad was it really? 300,000? 400,000?”
“8.8 million,” came the subdued reply.
“Wh... what?” (Y/n) swears she must have heard wrong.
“Don’t make me fucking say it again.”
“Mary! What the hell were you thinking?!” (Y/n) gasped, worry gripping her heart. “8.8 million yen?!”
“Shut up!” Mary cried, “You think I don’t know how fucked I am?!”
“What are we going to do, Mary?”
“We aren’t doing anything. This is my problem,” Mary roared, shoving the closest toppled desk away with her foot.
“You can’t possibly come up with all that yen on your own before the rankings are updated. I can get you like, 1,000,000. It’s not much but it’s a start, and of course I’ll stay after school and-“
“Don’t you get it? I don’t want your pity!” Mary yelled, shooting up from the floor.
“Mary, you’re my friend, you are important to me, let me help you!” (Y/n) flung her hand out to catch Mary’s.
“I’ll get the money somehow. Just stay out of my way,” came Mary’s cold reply and she tugged her arm out of (Y/n)’s grasp.
“Mary, don’t do anything rash! Take a moment to just think about this. Your debt is bad, but if you don’t keep a level head, you’re bound to end up with something even more unmanageable!” (Y/n) warned.
“Just shut up already! You weren’t there so you don’t get to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do now,” Mary moved stiffly towards the door.
“Mary, stop!” (Y/n) called after the hot headed girl. Unfortunately Mary continued her fast pace down the hall and quickly disappeared around the corner. (Y/n) sighed to herself and rubbed at her irritated eyes. Her heart ached for Mary and the position she found herself in, but she was frustrated as well. Why couldn’t Mary just swallow her pride and accept her help?
(Y/n) rearranged the toppled desks and left the classroom with a heavy feeling in her chest. Hopefully she could sort things out with Mary tomorrow.
The next day (Y/n) waited outside of the Hana dorms for Mary like she did everyday, but the girl was not in her usual spot. (Y/n) waited, thinking she was simply running late, but as more time passed it was becoming more evident that Mary was either not coming out, or she was already gone.
(Y/n) couldn’t find her in the school, and Mary wasn’t answering any of her texts either. Meanwhile Jabami was busy making a first year cry. Sure that student council girl was practically begging for it with how obvious her cheating was, but even (Y/n) knew a line had been crossed.
The next morning (Y/n)’s wait for Mary was no better and yielded the same result. (Y/n) fired off another text. She’s at least looking at them.
“Oh! (Y/n)-san, good morning!” An airy voice giggled happily.
(Y/n) shifted her gaze and suppressed a scowl as Yumeko exited the dorm waving excitedly in her direction.
“Waiting for someone?” Yumeko asked, once she was standing within a foot of (Y/n), closer than (Y/n) cared for.
“I was, but I think she already left,” (Y/n) replied, trying very hard to be polite and not snap at the other girl.
“Oh, then we should walk together!” Yumeko clapped her hands together. “If you don’t mind waiting a little longer Ryota will be coming shortly... In fact I see him exiting the boy’s side now! Good morning, Ryota!”
Ryota jolted and swiveled his head up before waving shyly at Yumeko.
“Ryota is going to show me around more this morning, I’d love it if you could join us. It would be nice to have the perspective of someone from a different class as well,” Yumeko spoke excitedly to (Y/n).
“I can’t unfortunately, my first class starts in ten minutes,” (Y/n) informed, surprised at the sudden added weight as Yumeko clamped onto her side and whined loudly in her ear.
“But I really want you to come, (Y/n)-san! Since you aren’t in Hana class we won’t get to see each other often. Can’t you skip your class just this once?”
(Y/n) could easily skip class, but she was not willing to do it for the girl who ruined her best-friend-kinda-maybe-girlfriend’s life. She was about to insist she had to attend class when Ryota swooped in.
“It’s not uncommon for students to skip out on classes here. The teachers don’t really care as long as they’re getting paid. So I’m sure (L/n)-san could join us, right?” He smiled, nervously shifting his eyes from side to side.
Damn you, Suzui, Ryota.
“Well, I suppose just this once I could humor you,” (Y/n) gave a half hearted smile before her eyes went wide and her hands grasped at the arms wound tightly around her neck, shaking her excitedly.
“Yes! Thank you, (Y/n)-san, I’m sure we’ll have a marvelous time!” Yumeko cheered, rocking (Y/n) and throwing her off balance once she finally let go. “Where are we going today, Ryota?”
“I was thinking the path to the Traditional Culture Club would be a good place to visit today. It’s got beautiful scenery, don’t you think, (L/n)-san?” Ryota asked, offering (Y/n) a meek smile.
“I agree, the surrounding vegetation is lovely this time of year. It’s one of my favorite spots on campus actually,” (Y/n) supplied, noticing how Ryota seemed to straighten a bit, looking a tad more confident.
“Sounds wonderful, we’d best be on our way. Maybe I’ll find a gamble to partake in as well!” Yumeko thought dreamily, cupping her blushing cheek with her hand.
Ryota allowed himself an awkward chuckle while (Y/n) subtly pursed her lips, bringing her thoughts back to Mary’s absence as the trio made their way through campus.
“Wow, it certainly is lovely here. I can see why one would like such exquisite scenery,” Yumeko commented once they made it near the end of the path. “Oh, and this must be the club you were referring to?” She asked, pointing to the pleasant building resting below the trees.
“Yes, the Traditional Culture Club,” (Y/n) perked up a bit as a half baked plan formed in her mind. “You know Yumeko, you might actually get the chance to gamble in there.”
“Don’t tell her that!” Ryota blanched before directing his attention back to Yumeko, “I mean, the president of this club is also a part of the student council! You don’t want to make any more enemies than you already have, right Yumeko?”
“Gambling! You promise, (Y/n)?” Yumeko asked, a predatory gleam formed in her eyes that forced a shiver to run up and down (Y/n)’s spine.
“It’s a very real possibility as long as  Nishinotouin-senpai is around. You could always drop by later if she’s not here,” (Y/n) answered candidly. Perhaps she shouldn’t be pushing Yumeko into the arms of danger, but she thought of it as payback for beating Mary so badly without even batting an eye or losing sleep over it.
“Ooo! I just have to go in, can we go in?” Yumeko clutched her hands together and bounced on the soles of her feet, a sight Ryota couldn’t seem to say no to. Not that (Y/n) could blame him as she also found the behavior rather adorable herself.
“Welcome to the Traditional Culture Club!” A member greeted the trio as they approached the door, “We have a match in progress already, but it should end shorty, if you don’t mind you can wait inside.”
“Certainly, we don’t mind at all!” Yumeko spoke.
The club member ushered them inside and (Y/n)’s mouth fell open in shock once she perceived the poor soul sitting across from Nishinotouin, Yuriko was none other than her dear friend Saotome, Mary.
“No, Mary,” (Y/n) couldn’t help but whisper to herself, “What are you doing?”
“She appears to be gambling, (Y/n)! She looks quite tense, wouldn’t you say?” Yumeko stage whispered back.
(Y/n)’s hands curled into fists as she stood by helplessly, watching Mary bet the remaining thirty-two chips she owned. Why would Mary do this after she told her not to do anything rash? (Y/n) waited, her breath stuck in her lungs as the dealer counted down until the reveal of the swords under the cup. When the obtrusion was lifted, (Y/n)’s eyes quickly scanned the board. There! A sword was stuck in slot twenty-two and Mary had bet six chips on it!
“But wait, that’s—!” (Y/n)’s hands flew to her mouth, unable to speak further.
“Twenty-two was a hit. Congratulations, Saotome,” Yuriko praised before her lips quirked further upward, “However, unfortunately for you, the judgement is death.”
Mary hunched over, looking desperately at the board while the dealer explained the penalty.
“Saotome bet six chips on twenty-two with a judgement of death. This requires the punishment of a loss thirty times greater then the chips placed, turning six chips to one hundred eighty chips. When factoring the wins on Yuriko-sama’s slots, the grand total for Saotome is a loss of 49.6 million yen!” The dealer calculated.
(Y/n)’s knees nearly gave out when she heard the final calculation and her heart hammered painfully against her chest.
“See her out, I’m done with her,” Yuriko smiled sinisterly, earning a pained roar from Mary as she was pulled back by standby club members.
“Perhaps you should go after her,” (Y/n) jumped when Yumeko came in close and whispered in her ear. “Ryota and I can catch up with you later, go take care of your friend,” Yumeko smiled and gave (Y/n)’s shoulder a squeeze.
(Y/n) barely spared Yumeko a second glance before running out after the club members escorting Mary off of the premises.
“Let her go, I’ve got her,” (Y/n) commanded sternly, pulling Mary away from the Culture Club members. She shot them one last glare before she turned on her heel and began dragging Mary away from the building. She only stopped once they were off the trail in one of the more secluded areas near the edge of the school forest.
(Y/n) tentatively let go of Mary and leaned back against the nearest tree, her chest heaving with shuddering breaths. What the hell now?
“Why?” She finally choked out, Mary’s fists curled at the single word and she had the audacity to scoff before trying to leave the forest. (Y/n) wasn’t having it however, and took hold of Mary’s bicep.
“Let go!”
“Why? So you can disappear on me again and rack up a 100 million yen debt?” (Y/n) spat, her grip tightening. “I told you not to act recklessly and you thought it was a good idea to go up against Nishinotouin?!”
“There was nothing else to do!” Mary yelled back, turning back to fully face (Y/n) and fisting her hand in the front of (Y/n)’s uniform blazer and pulling her closer to her angry golden eyes. “This was my only chance to get out of being a house pet, it was a risk I had to take!”
“I wish you would have talked to me! You know I only want to help you!” (Y/n) fought the stinging sensation building in her eyes and stood her ground.
“Oh really, how do you expect me to believe that? Don’t think I didn’t see you being all chummy with Jabami and the dog in there. You know it’s because of her that I even had to instigate this match!”
“They roped me into coming along, it’s not like I had anything better to do since my best friend seemingly went missing yesterday, but it’s a good thing I came with them because it lead me straight to you.”
“Now what are you going to do, huh?” Mary’s grip tightened on the blazer, “Mock me like everyone else? Make me your own personal mittens and laugh with everyone while you tell me to do degrading things?”
“I’d never do that! You know I’ve never condoned that behavior, how could you think so lowly of me?” (Y/n) cursed herself as she felt a rebel tear escape and streak down her cheek. She moved her free hand to wipe it away, but Mary released her death grip on (Y/n)’s now thoroughly wrinkled blazer and beat her to it, wiping away the tear with the edge of her sleeve with a tenderness that (Y/n) almost never witnessed from the girl.
Mary’s touch lingered for a few moments, her golden eyes searched (Y/n)’s own, still glossy with unshed tears that threatened to join their fallen comrade.
“Fuck, stop that,” Mary admonished quietly, turning her gaze away.
“Stop what?” (Y/n) asked breathlessly, feeling exasperated and unbelievably exhausted.
“Stop looking like you’re going to cry, damnit!” Mary exhaled sharply and pushed her bangs back, “I’m the one with the 50 million yen debt for fuck’s sake!”
“Yes, but you’re my closest friend Mary! You mean more to me then you’ll probably ever know and I’m so scared for you!” (Y/n) couldn’t hold the floodgates any longer, finally she allowed the the tears of stress fall in earnest. She released her hold on Mary’s bicep and rubbed her face roughly with her sleeve while trying to force the tears to stop.
“Quit that,” Mary ordered awkwardly, pulling (Y/n)’s arm away from her face, “You’ll just further irritate your skin.”
“So what, I’m just supposed to look like a hot mess?” (Y/n) sniffed.
“Just come here you idiot,” Mary groaned, her tone lacking any of its usual bite as she pulled (Y/n) to the ground and held her with her back against the trunk of the nearest tree and (Y/n) somewhat nestled between Mary’s legs and sitting at a side angle.
Mary released an annoyed sigh and (Y/n) squeaked as Mary roughly pushed the other girl’s head into her chest and persisted with her hold, an awkward hug which (Y/n) eagerly reciprocated seeing as Mary rarely was the first to engage any physical contact. “If you get any snot on my uniform, I’ll kill you,” she mumbled, nevertheless tightening her hold.
They stayed like that even after (Y/n) had managed to calm down. They sat quietly together under the glowing leaves of the tree. The only other sounds being the rustle of the wind and the occasional bird song mixed with the mingled breaths of the two Hyakkaou students.
“What time is it?”
(Y/n) had almost dozed off when Mary finally spoke. She reached into her blazer’s pocket and fumbled with her phone, wincing at the late afternoon hour.
“School let out twenty minutes ago. Hope you didn’t have anything important due today,” (Y/n) sighed, showing Mary the time displayed on her lock screen.
“Please, that’s the least of my worries right now,” Mary rolled her eyes.
“Hey, don’t you start that again. It was bad enough the first time,” Mary scolded.
“Sorry,” (Y/n) sniffed and collected herself again, shifting away from Mary a bit so they were face to face. “How about I make it up to you with late lunch/ early dinner, my treat?”
“No way,” Mary tisked, “I can pay for myself.”
“I know for a fact you can’t, you broke ass bitch,” (Y/n) attempted humor, her lips forming the faintest of smiles.
“Way to kick a girl while she’s down,” Mary turned her head away in an attempt to hide the self deprecating smirk that had manifested over her lips.
“I’ll let you pick what we eat and we’ll call it even,” (Y/n) replied as she got up on wobbly legs. She immediately missed the warmth that had accumulated between her and Mary over the last several hours. She offered Mary her hand and her heart leapt when Mary accepted the help without a second thought.
“Fine, whatever I pick, it’s going to be delivery.” Mary said, patting the dirt off of her skirt. “We look like we’ve been lost in the wilderness for five days.” She added, approaching (Y/n) to remove a leaf that had settled in her hair.
Like before, Mary’s hand lingered, slowly dropping lower until it cupped (Y/n)’s cheek. Mary didn’t even seem to register that she had done that, given the far away look in her eye.
(Y/n) could feel her skin catch fire under the brush of Mary’s thumb and cleared her throat, causing Mary to jolt her hand away embarrassed and internally fuming at herself.
“S-so let’s head back to my room, yeah? We can get cleaned up and watch some movies, just forget everything and everyone else for tonight. We can continue worrying tomorrow.” (Y/n) proposed.
“Yeah, sounds good. I know I don’t want to go back to the Hana dorms right now if I can help it,” Mary shrugged, her attempt at appearing disinterested thwarted by her reddened cheeks.
On their way back to the Tsubaki class dorms, Mary grumbled something about not getting there fast enough and grabbed (Y/n)’s hand, lacing their fingers together as they walked. Mary picked up the speed a bit, but really made no difference that would cut down the time it would take to get back. (Y/n) didn’t comment on it though, instead opting to hum and gently swing their connected hands as they went.
When they got within view of the dorms, and all of the students milling about, Mary tugged her hand away and crossed her arms tightly over her chest, but continued to move alongside (Y/n) with a cute pout over her lips.
(Y/n) held her student ID against the panel near the door of the lobby and opened the door, ushering  Mary inside. They took the elevator to the second floor, which housed the second year students of the Tsubaki class, and from there they headed to the girl’s wing.
When (Y/n) unlocked the door to her room, Mary pushed past her and flopped onto (Y/n) bed with a groan.
“Hey, You’re going to get dirt all over my comforter!” (Y/n) scolded half heartedly.
“Don’t care, I’m tired.” Mary smirked and took out her phone to scroll over dinner options. When she settled on one she tossed the phone at (Y/n) who fumbled with it before gaining a secure grasp over it. “You know what I like. You order while I take a shower.” Mary demanded as she walked away.  “This stupidly rich school did one thing right when it fitted each room with its own bathroom.”
“Yeah, feel free to use whatever you need in there,” (Y/n) said distractedly as she scanned the menu. “Oh, and you can borrow some clothes to change into. The comfy stuff is in the two middle drawers.”
“Thanks.” Mary redirected her path to stop at the dresser and took a crewneck sweatshirt and a pair of shorts before disappearing behind the bathroom door.
(Y/n) placed an order for the food. When she was sure everything was in order, she closed the app and her breath caught in her throat.
Mary’s home screen was a picture that they took last year that included Mary, herself, Tsuzura, and Yukimi-senpai in their maid outfits. She smiled fondly at the memory, a bittersweet feeling forming in her heart as she made a mental note to talk to Tsuzura again soon. Though she missed her friend dearly, she knew she was much happier at her new school. It certainly was a less stressful environment to say the least.
(Y/n) locked the phone and placed it on her desk before plopping down into the desk chair and reaching for the tv remote to open her streaming service of choice.
“Showers’ free.” Mary sighed when she emerged from the bathroom, a wave of steam in her wake.
“Wow, just how hot was the water you were using?” (Y/n) asked with a chuckle.
“I’m sure there is still plenty of hot water left if that’s what you’re implying,” Mary said with a roll of her eyes. “Anyway, go get cleaned up, you’re a mess.”
“Ouch, okay,” (Y/n)’s hand flew to her chest in mock hurt briefly, “Expect a text in the next ten minutes or so for when the food gets here.”
“Got it,” Mary waved her hand dismissively and (Y/n) walked into the bathroom with an armful of fresh clothes.
By the time she was finished, Mary had the food set up in front of the tv and was lying along the full length of the couch scrolling through movie titles.
“Find anything you want to watch?”
“Meh, this one seems alright,” Mary scrolled back up and highlighted one.
“The Gamble Hole?” (Y/n) quirked a brow.
“What, you got a problem with it?” Mary grumped.
“No!” (Y/n) objected, holding her hands up defensively, “A fine choice, I just thought with- never mind. Just move your legs so I don’t break them when I sit on the couch.”
Mary scoffed and raised her legs, allowing (Y/n) just enough time to sit on the cushion before flopping her feet into (Y/n)’s lap. Mary then handed (Y/n) her food and started the movie.
They sat in comfortable silence, only broken occasionally by Mary dunking on the movie. Somewhere in the middle of the film, Mary got up to toss away their garbage and when she came back she had traded her feet’s previous positioning on (Y/n)’s lap with her head’s previous position on the arm of the couch.
Mary’s eyes dared (Y/n) to comment on the change in position, but (Y/n) let Mary have her peace and simply carded her fingers through Mary’s loose hair while turning her attention back to the movie.
One movie became two, two became three, and somewhere in the middle of that they had curled up on the couch and fell asleep tangled in each other’s arms.
Mary was the first to wake early the next morning. She had heard the faint tone of her phone’s alarm from (Y/n)’s bedroom where she had left it to charge and she groaned quietly to herself before untangling from (Y/n) to go turn it off.
“Hey, (Y/n), it’s time to get up.” Mary spoke gruffly, coming back into the main room to shake the other girl awake.
“Noooo,” (Y/n) groaned, curling into herself.
“C’mon, get ready or I’m leaving without you.” Mary warned. (Y/n) appeared to have dozed off again and Mary crossed her arms tightly over her chest and scoffed. “Fine, don’t get up. I’ll just go to school by myself and try another official match. I wonder if Yumemite is back from her tour yet.”
(Y/n) shot up from the couch and grabbed the hem of the crewneck Mary had borrowed. “Please don’t do that for the love of god!”
“Then get up and get ready to go, dumb ass. I still have to go back to my dorm for a clean uniform so I’ll meet you outside of the Hana building, got it?”
“You promise?” (Y/n) asked shyly, thinking back to the last two days when Mary hadn’t waited for her, avoided her.
Mary rolled her eyes and ruffled (Y/n)’s hair, “I promise, dummy.” Mary gathered her belongings and made her way to the door, “If you take too long I can’t say I’ll be able to keep that promise though.”
“I’ll be there!” (Y/n) called out just before Mary closed the door behind her. (Y/n) stood up from the couch and quickly began her morning routine and got dressed in a clean uniform. She grabbed her school bag and made sure she had her phone and ID before heading out.
(Y/n) hummed happily, swaying on her heels as she waited for Mary to come outside.
“You look very happy this morning, (Y/n)! It’s very sweet!”
(Y/n) was knocked out of her own little world when Yumeko seemingly appeared out of nowhere and linked arms with her.
“Ah Yumeko! You scared me.” (Y/n) exhaled, a hand over her heart.
“I apologize, (Y/n). Did you have a good night with Saotome?” Yumeko asked.
“How do you know about that?”
“I saw her walking back earlier. When I asked her if she was with you, she told me to keep my mouth shut and mind my own damn business. She’s so expressive!” Yumeko giggled.
“Uh huh,” (Y/n) smiled sheepishly. “So, um, how did your gamble with Nishinotouin-senpai go?”
“Oh, I lost unfortunately!”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” (Y/n) felt a bit of guilt grip her heart. “I hope it wasn’t too bad, was it?”
“I’m 310 million yen in the hole!” Yumeko replied seemingly unbothered. In fact, she looked... happy?
“Three... three...” (Y/n) couldn’t even get the number out of her mouth, instead she kept opening and closing her mouth like a fish, occasionally mumbling a three while Yumeko smiled at her.
“Why the hell are you still standing out here?” Mary asked, irritation evident as she tugged (Y/n) out of Yumeko’s grasp.
“I was waiting for (Y/n) and Ryota! You as well Saotome, I’d love for us to be friends!” Yumeko answered.
“I’d rather die.” Mary sneered and made to tug (Y/n) towards the school but the girl was still dumbstruck and mumbling to herself. Mary snapped her fingers and waved in her face before turning back to Yumeko. “What the hell did you do to her?” She glared.
“Hmm? I don’t think I did anything.” Yumeko held a finger to her chin as she thought back.
“Whatever, just stay away from us! Got it?” Mary pushed passed Yumeko, pulling (Y/n) along and causing her to stumble behind her.
“See you later!” Yumeko waved.
Mary dragged (Y/n) into her classroom so she could get her stuff ready for class before going to get breakfast in the cafeteria. Her desk was still covered in marker but it hadn’t gotten worse since yesterday at least.
“I can help you clean it if you want.” (Y/n) asked, apparently she had finally sobered after the shock Yumeko had given her.
“Don’t bother, it would just encourage them to do it again and would make the effort a waste.” Mary shook her head and opened her desk, surprised to see an unfamiliar, thin journal sat neatly in the middle of her books and papers. “What the hell is this?” She muttered, turning it in her hands. The words ‘life plan’ shimmered in the light along with Mary’s name stenciled neatly below.
“Isn’t that the student council seal?” (Y/n) wondered, pointing to the golden insignia on the back.
Mary opened the thin journal and scanned the pages, becoming more agitated as she read. What’s this about an arranged marriage? Children? What kind of sick joke-
Mary slammed her fist on her desk, making (Y/n) jump. “This is bullshit! They can’t do this!”
“Mary-“ (Y/n) reached a hand out as the blonde strode away from her desk, the life plan held tightly in her hand. (Y/n)’s hand just missed Mary’s sleeve and Mary turned once she stood at the classroom door.
“I need to pay the student council a visit. I’ll see you after class.” Mary spoke before turning back and began walking briskly down the hallway.
“Be careful!” (Y/n) called back to her, rushing to the door to watch Mary stalk away.
With Mary gone, (Y/n) had no other choice but to move on to the cafeteria herself. She grabbed something she could eat quickly before heading to her classroom.
(Y/n) groaned inwardly once she reached the door, Kiwatari was already there raising hell as always.
“Kiwatari, isn’t it a little early to be an asshole?” (Y/n) asked, placing her bag on her desk hook.
“What’s it to you, (L/n)? ‘m just playing with my pets.”
“Class is about to start and as class rep, I must ask that you refrain from harassing people getting ready for class. House pets included.” (Y/n) spoke resolutely, using what she called her, ‘Igarashi, Sayaka voice’ and gave a sympathetic once over to Tsubomi who stood with her head held low.
“Tsk, uptight bitch” Kiwatari muttered, giving Tsubomi one last shove as he made his way to his seat.
(Y/n) frowned deeply but did not intervene again. She would rather not be stuck on that pig’s radar by getting overly involved in his business. So, she held her tongue and waited for the teacher to enter in the next few minutes. However, just before roll call, the intercom system crackled to life and the voice of the student council secretary greeted the student body.
Igarashi had made an announcement explaining that an opportunity had arose for those who had debts to pay and those interested were to come to the assembly room for more information.
(Y/n) had no debts to participate in such an event, but she left with the small group in her class because she was almost certain Mary would attend the meeting, and right she was.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Mary muttered quietly when (Y/n) came up to her.
“Well, I figured you’d be here when I heard the announcement. How did your talk with the student council go?”
“Shitty. Now be quiet so I can focus on what she’s saying.” Mary gestured towards the front of the room where Igarashi had just stepped up to the podium.
“Welcome students,” Igarashi smiled politely, “Our president has brought to fruition an opportunity that could very well change your lives as you know them. A gamble that could free you from your chains of servitude, or send you plummeting further into despair. Should you choose to compete, the game of choice will be ten rounds of Indian Poker. You will be divided into groups of four. Each person’s chip’s worth will depend on their accumulated debt. You may place whatever amount of debt you wish to wager with on your provided card. We look forward to your participation in the Great Debt Swapping Game.”
“Ooo, this should be a lot of fun!”
Mary and (Y/n) jumped as a head popped between them and an arm wrapped around each of their shoulders.
“Get the hell off me!” Mary growled, pushing Yumeko off. “What are you even doing here anyway?”
“Oh, did (Y/n) not tell you? I’m over 300 million yen in debt!” Yumeko cheered.
“As if I care, you know-“ Mary paused and did a double take at Yumeko, “Did you just say— Fuck you!” Mary turned back towards to front absolutely seething.
“Awww why is Saotome mad at me, (Y/n)?” Yumeko pouted and hung off the other girl while (Y/n) struggled to escape her grasp.
“My best guess would be she’s pissed that you beat her and put her in debt and then not even three days later you lost, and lost badly at that. Mary is probably taking that as a severe insult to not only her gambling skill, but also her pride.” (Y/n) said thoughtfully.
“I could do without the analysis, (Y/n)!”
“I found that quite helpful and I feel closer to Saotome for it, thank you (Y/n)!” Yumeko smiled sweetly at (Y/n) before directing her attention back to Mary. “Don’t feel bad Saotome, had an outside party not gotten involved in my gamble, Nishinotouin-senpai would have found herself in my position I’m sure!”
“Do you not know what personal space is?” Mary griped, stepping away from Yumeko once again.
“The groups have been randomly set,” Igarashi’s voice rolled over the assembly hall once more and she began listing off the groups, “...Next we have Saotome Mary, Jabami Yumeko, Kiwatari Jun, and Tsubomi Nanami. The following group consists of...”
“Did you hear that Saotome? We’re in the same group! How lucky!” Yumeko invaded Mary’s space once more, smiling even more brilliantly.
“Of course we are. Why am I not surprised.” Mary moved to the other side of (Y/n) to put some distance between herself and Yumeko. By doing so she noticed the thoughtful, far away look (Y/n) currently held. “Hey, what’s up?” her voice was a little gruff but held an undertone of affection.
“The other people in your group are in my class. I can understand why Tsubomi would be here, as she’s a house pet, but Kiwatari has no outstanding reason to compete that I’m aware of.” (Y/n) shifted her weight and looked at the two Hana class students, her expression serious. “I may not know his plan, but I can almost guarantee you that he will be using Tsubomi as an accomplice of sorts to achieve his goal.”
“Oh my, are you sure about this (Y/n)?” Yumeko tilted her head.
“Kiwatari has been making Tsubomi’s life hell for a long time now. Her will has been severely damaged if not completely destroyed by him. She’ll probably do what he says because she finds it easier then fighting back. Which is why I think...” (Y/n) drifted off, her eyes moving to look exclusively at Mary who immediately let out a strangled, agitated noise.
“Alright, I see where this is going and I don’t like it but...” Mary sighed “You aren’t going to let me continue on unless I do this, aren’t you?”
“That would be correct.” (Y/n) nodded.
Yumeko kept looking between the two, her expression one of mild confusion.
“Jabami,” Mary finally spat.
“Will you work with me for this gamble.” Mary gritted out.
“Oh Saotome! I’d be honored to be your partner!” Yumeko clapped, “Was this your plan (Y/n)? Thank you for making this gamble so much more interesting!”
“Uh, you’re welcome?” Students began filling out the assembly hall to fill out their debt cards and (Y/n) looked over the two girls nervously. “They aren’t going to let outside parties watch these matches and I should really get back to class. You two should hurry so you can get your cards and come up with a strategy.”
“What do you look so worried for?” Mary scoffed, messing up (Y/n)’s hair, “You already gave me an edge over the competition, if you think I’m still going to lose after that you’re really pissing me off.”
“Don’t worry (Y/n), I’ll take good care of Mary-san!” Yumeko butted in.
“Shut up, Jabami.”
“I hate that you’re taking this risk, but I believe you can win. So I’ll try not to stress over it too much. You’ll come find me when it’s over, right?” (Y/n) asked.
“Where else would I go, dummy?” Mary rolled her eyes and turned away, Yumeko hot on her heels. “I’ll see you later.” She added, her words sounding much less harsh. Yumeko waved excitedly then turned to catch up with Mary’s strides.
(Y/n) was surprised when at her break, Ryota had come to her class looking for her with another student.
“You (L/n), (Y/n)?” The other student asked.
“Yes, and what may I ask is this about?”
“I’ve got a check for Suzui here. However it was also requested that you be present as a witness to the transaction. Since you’re here,” he pulled an envelope from his blazer and handed it to Ryota, “I can give Suzui the check. Have a good day.” The student nodded before exiting the classroom.
“What’s this about, Suzui?” (Y/n) asked.
“I wish I knew.” Ryota scratched his head. “I’m just as confused as you are.”
“Well, I guess you should open it.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Ryota tore open the seal and pulled the check out. It took a moment but once the amount registered in their minds, Ryota and (Y/n) both screamed.
“How the hell did you get all that money, Suzui!? Did you kill someone? Several someones!?” (Y/n) asked nonplussed.
“I- I didn’t do anything! ...I think!? This must be a joke, right? Is this a prank, (Y/n)? Did Saotome-san put you up to this?”
“No, of course not!”
“This can’t be real. I should really just throw it out.” Ryota sighed tiredly.
“Wait,” (Y/n) stopped him from crinkling up the paper, “Don’t do anything just yet. Keep it until the end of the day at least. Meet me back here and then we can decide what to do with it if no new info comes up. Just keep it safe until then.”
“Alright, I can do that.” Ryota appeared to be sweating. “Nothing stressful about carrying an obscene amount of mysterious money that may or may not be real.”
“If it really bothers you that much I can hold onto it until then.” (Y/n) offered.
“Please!” Ryota quickly shoved the paper into (Y/n)’s hand without a second thought.
“Alright, I’ll see you here after school, okay?” (Y/n) asked as she tucked the paper into the front of her blazer.
“Right!” Ryota answered, his shoulders slumped as the tension holding the check had brought left.
The rest of (Y/n)’s classes slugged by, the weight of the check against her chest becoming heavier with each hour dragging by and thoughts of Mary plagued her mind. Was she doing okay?
Finally the last class had wrapped up for the day and (Y/n) rubbed her palms roughly over her eyes. She felt exhausted.
A few minutes later, Ryota arrived and sat in the desk next to hers looking just as tired.
“So, what now?” He asked.
(Y/n) released a joyless hum as she removed the check from her blazer and looked over it again. “I don’t know. I did some research about counterfeit checks and it appears to be legitimate. I’m just worried about what this money could mean. You don’t just have this kind of cash fall into your lap for free.”
“Aha! They’re in here Mary-san!” Yumeko suddenly appeared in the doorway, a little out of breath.
“Yumeko!” Ryota greeted her happily.
“Yumeko! How did the gamble go? Where’s Mary?” (Y/n) asked.
“I’m right here, dummy.” Mary appeared in the doorway looking a little out of breath herself, “If you two didn’t make us need to run around the school, we could have met up sooner.”
Mary stalked over to Ryota and (Y/n) and she practically dropped to the floor in relief. “Thank god you have it!” Mary took the check from (Y/n)’s hand and kissed (Y/n)’s cheek without even having it register in her mind as she looked over the check before pressing it to her chest like a precious artefact. “I told Yumeko to just have it sent to you, but she insisted Suzui hold onto it for god only knows why.”
(Y/n) just stared at Mary absolutely dumbfounded, her hand that once held the check now pressed to her warm and tingling cheek.
“What? What’s with the face?” Mary asked with a quirk of her brow.
“I I I- You, um,” (Y/n) stuttered, unable to find her words.
“Oh, you saw the money did you?” Mary smirked, “Impressive, isn’t it?”
“You mean the money is yours?” Ryota asked, “That makes more sense now I guess, but how’d you get all that?”
“The Debt Swapping Game, of course!” Mary scoffed, “Honestly Jabami, did you tell him anything about what we were doing?”
“I saw no need to. It all worked out in the end, didn’t it?” Yumeko smiled brightly.
“Wait wait, you won?” (Y/n) stared up at Mary with cautious awe. “That check is what you won in the gamble?”
Mary stared back, smug and looking oh so happy with herself. “Yeah, it’s the last time you’ll see me wearing one of these eye sores.” Mary tugged the house pet tag off of her neck and tossed it into the garbage.
“You won! You won!” (Y/n) cheered and shot up out of her desk. She wrapped her arms around Mary and bounced her around while laughing joyously.
“Hey! Calm down!” Mary blushed, and pushed (Y/n) by the shoulders to try to stop her jostling movements.
“This is fun!” Yumeko joined in from behind Mary, wrapping her arms around her neck and bouncing in time with (Y/n) who was still vigorously celebrating.
“Alright that’s enough, get off!” Mary elbowed Yumeko in the stomach and pushed (Y/n) half an arm’s length away. “A little space would be-“
(Y/n) cupped half of Mary’s face with her hand and landed a quick kiss on Mary’s cheek before pulling away completely. She continued to dance around the classroom, feeling heat run through her face and a rush of giddiness. Her smiling lips still tingling from the brief contact. Yumeko skipped with (Y/n) around the classroom, still happy to revel in the celebration that was dangerously close to becoming excessive.
“Hu... Hey!” Mary finally regained her bearings, her shoulders stiff and face red, watching (Y/n) and Yumeko make their way across the front of the room.
Mary’s voice forced (Y/n) to a sudden halt, causing Yumeko to bump into her, but she too stopped to look curiously at Mary.
“What the hell was that?” Mary glared at (Y/n), her arms crossed tightly over her blazer.
(Y/n) didn’t even try to act dumb, it would have been unwise based on how intently Mary was staring at her. “I, um, I was just returning the favor.”
“What favor?” Mary stared incredulously.
“Mary-san, don’t say you forgot already! That would just be cruel.” Yumeko pouted and pulled (Y/n) into her arms and pat her head affectionately. “If I were to kiss (Y/n), I certainly wouldn’t forget.” Her words causing (Y/n) to duck out of her reach to try to cover her bashfulness.
“I think I’m gonna go home?” Ryota looked over the three girls, his face plainly showed how weird he found the whole scene to be. “Uh, yeah, see you guys tomorrow.” He waved awkwardly before darting out the door.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Mary continued, not even acknowledging Ryota’s exit.
“Mary, you kissed me when you took the check from me...” (Y/n) shyly pointed to her cheek, her eyes focusing in the opposite corner of the room from Mary. Yumeko hummed and nodded affirmingly.
“I did not I-“ Mary’s skin gained a few darker shades of red and she stood statue still and just as stiff, her eyes lit up as if recalling a distant memory. (Y/n) and Yumeko watched from the front of the classroom, waiting to see what would become of the blonde who seemed to be trapped in her own mind.
“I wonder if we broke her.” Yumeko mused, a finger tapping lightly over her lips.
After a few more moments, Mary’s head shot up, her eyes immediately connecting with (Y/n)’s startled ones. “Get over here.” Mary commanded, her voice tight and low.
(Y/n) gulped and quickly made her way to stand in front of her friend, not wanting to risk an impatient reprimand for stalling. “Y...Yes, Mary?” she asked, meekly.
(Y/n) took another tentative step forward. Mary sighed and pulled (Y/n) in by the blazer until their noses grazed, eliciting a surprised squeak from the other girl. Mary tilted her head and kissed (Y/n)’s cheek again, lingering a bit longer than she had with the first one.
“Can I have one, Mary-san?” Yumeko called from her spot against the front wall.
“No! Why are you even still here, read the room and go home already!” Mary blushed, nevertheless keeping her hold on (Y/n)’s blazer.
“Oh my, are you planning to be more intimate right now? I suppose it is a little early in our relationship for me to bare witness to such displays. I’ll see you two tomorrow!” Yumeko hummed happily as she exited the classroom, pulling the door close behind her.
“Why did you have to word it like that, you fucking weirdo!” Mary yelled after Yumeko, but she was already gone.
Mary turned back to (Y/n) and released another sigh. “Do that thing again.”
(Y/n) stared at Mary inquisitively for a moment before realization dawned over her. She smiled and gently pressed another kiss over Mary’s cheek.
Mary took a moment to clear her throat after (Y/n) pulled away before speaking, “Thanks. Thanks for that and uh, not leaving me behind as a house pet.” She mumbled.
“Anytime.” (Y/n)’s features grew soft. “Thanks for letting me back in.”
“So listen,” Mary began, her tone made room for no nonsense, “First thing tomorrow I’m paying back the student council and then I’ve got to give Jabami some fair compensation for teaming up in the debt game, but after classes do you want to go somewhere, just us? Like we were supposed to do before Jabami ruined everything.”
“Isn’t it usually just us when we go do stuff?” (Y/n) chuckled and smiled innocently at Mary’s warning look.
“Hey, with Jabami and the dog- ugh, Suzui, always popping up these days, they’d probably invite themselves along. I’m just trying to cover all my bases.”
“So, it’s a date then?” (Y/n) asked, trying to keep her emotions under the surface as to not get her hopes too high, to not show her disappointment should Mary deny it.
“Are you really going to make me say it?”
(Y/n) nodded.
“Yeah, it’s a date. Officially I guess.” Mary shrugged.
(Y/n) hugged Mary so hard, she nearly suffocated her, but Mary didn’t complain. Instead, she hugged back just as hard and hid her smile in (Y/n)’s hair.
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Ch. Nineteen
⚠WARNING: Slight mention of suicidal thoughts
• ────── ✾ ────── •
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The past few days have not been easy for you.
You’re lying to your friends, fabricating a paper to get out of hanging out with them while in reality you’ve shut yourself in your apartment, wanting to be away from people in general.
Your mind has been replaying the last disastrous conversation you had with Osamu in his apartment. The scathing remarks about his friends and family back home. The anger and disdain he held for you. The staggering accusation he flung at you.
Not to mention the idea of Osamu, holing up in his apartment like you, believing that he’s alone and no one wants him.
Those thoughts, plus the tremendous guilt you still feel from Osamu’s words, has made functioning as a human nearly unbearable.
It’s been two days since that confrontation, and you’re just now able to drag yourself out of your depressive state and out of your bed. You check the time, wincing at the late hour, knowing that your sleep schedule is fucked thanks to the restless naps you’ve taken the past few days.
Part of your brain tried to persuade you to stay in bed, burrow further under the covers and hide from the world. Another part of your brain didn’t care what you did just as long as you ceased existing (it’s a very small part that only pipes up when you’re at your weakest.)
But the loudest part of your brain told you to get up, take a shower, have some food and then you could go back to bed. And honestly that voice was trying to compromise with you. It’s funny how you have these conversations with yourself, as if you’re two or three different people negotiating for what you should do and what’s best for you. It’s easy to get trapped in these negotiations and you’re grateful for the people in your life who can pull you out of your head and even help you understand that all of the “people” in your head really don’t have all of your best interests.
As you drag on clothes after your shower, your phone rings from it’s spot on your bed. Oikawa’s name flashes on the caller ID, and you take the call.
“Hey Oikawa.”
“Y/N-chan! How’re you? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Oh you don’t have to apologize, honey. I’m just worrying about you. And besides, we’ll see each other tomorrow.”
You pause while putting on your socks. “Tomorrow?”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m calling. We should talk about when we’re going to the shrine - I talked to Iwaizumi-san and she told me that they’re going earlier in the morning.”
You completely freeze in your movement, socks long forgotten. You pull your phone away from your ear to check the date - July 2nd.
Tomorrow is July 3rd. It’ll be six months since Hajime passed away, and the entire shrine visit and picnic lunch will be tomorrow.
And you’ve completely forgotten about it.
You’d been so wrapped up in your own thoughts and worrying about Osamu that the date had completely slipped your mind.
“Y/N-chan? Are you there?” Oikawa says through the phone. You realize you’ve been mute for the past minute. But instead of answering, you burst into loud, ugly sobs.
“Y/N! Are you okay?! What’s wrong?!”
“I’m s-sorry!” You hiccup. “I completely forgot about Hajime’s anniversary. I can’t believe I forgot!” Another sob bursts from your chest and you bring a hand up to try to stop your tears. “I’m the fucking worst!”
“No no, don’t say that.” Oikawa tries to say over the phone.
“What kind of person forgets the anniversary of their best friend passing away?!” You cry, sobs echoing in your empty bedroom.
Oikawa shushes you. “Babe, it’s okay. Honestly.” His voice is soothing and calming and you feel yourself relaxing, despite the small cries that still come out. “You are not a bad friend, I can attest to that. It’s okay if you forgot, it doesn’t make you a bad friend. It’s better than being fully obsessed with that and that alone.”
Your sobs peter out and you’re sniffling through the phone. “I’m sorry though, I shouldn’t have forgotten.”
“Besides, you’ve probably been really busy with Osamu, no?”
There’s a hint of teasing coming from Oikawa, probably an attempt to cheer you up and make you feel better. But all it does is remind you of the state of your maybe-friendship with Osamu and you can’t help but start to cry again.
“Oh don’t cry, I’m sorry Y/N-chan! I didn’t mean to make you upset!”
“It’s not your fault,” you say through your tears. “I think Osamu h-hates me!”
You hear Oikawa gasp. “No, what?! What happened?”
You sniffle. “It’s all fucked up Oikawa.”
“Y/N, tell me everything.”
Through your shaking voice and many breaks for tears, you tell Oikawa the story. The entire story - you explain that Osamu isn’t a friend from class but he had Iwaizumi’s old phone number and you’d been texting it on and off since Hajime passed. And how you two became friends after meeting in the cafe but Osamu now thinks he’s been a substitute for Hajime and he doesn’t want to see you again. You also recount meeting his friends from high school at the cafe after staking the place out, and how desperately they want to see him and the tattered relationships Osamu has with people back from home. You finish your story tearfully with the awful conversation with Osamu and how he kicked you out of his apartment.
“I’m worried Oikawa,” you say through tears again. “And I don’t know what to do. I haven’t tried to call him or text him because he was so angry but I’m so worried about him, and his friends are here and -”
“Y/N, Y/N, breathe.” Oikawa interrupts you easily but gently. “I need you to take a deep breath for me.”
You do as he says, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Your breath hiccups on the inhale but the motion slows down the train of thoughts in your head.
“You said the last time you saw Osamu was two days ago, right? And you think he was drunk?”
“Yes,” you reply miserably over the phone.
“And he doesn’t have a roommate?”
“No, he lives alone.” You pause. “Why?”
Oikawa doesn’t answer straight away. You’re pondering asking why again when he finally speaks.
“You need to go over to his apartment now.”
Your misery is wiped away at the urgency in his voice. “Wait, what?”
“Think about it,” Oikawa says quickly. “He’s alone, he’s been drinking, and to me it sounds like he’s going through a mental breakdown. I don’t think he should be alone.”
His words finally click in your head, and the realization makes your stomach drop. You stand to your feet, the sickening implication clearing your head. “Oikawa, do you think -”
“I don’t know Y/N-chan, but you need to get over there.” You hear rusting on his end. “I can meet you there but it’ll take me longer to get there than you.”
“Okay, okay,” You rush to your front door, slamming your feet into shoes.
“It’s gonna be okay, Y/N.” Oikawa says. You know he’s trying to sound calm and collected but you can hear the slight edge to his voice.
“I’m leaving now.” You grab your keys, hang up the phone and fly out the door. Before you put your phone away you shoot off a quick text message.
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• ────── ✾ ────── •
A/N: 😬😬😬 Thank you for reading!
Taglist Open! Please send an Ask with the request to be added to It’s [Not] Okay Fic & SMAU (bold cannot be tagged): @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @roro-707 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @cerealfrdinner797 @ara-mitsue @gray-444 @tanakasimpcorner @rintarovibes @jellien @everytimeswift @bongofrito @babucrow @beidouluvr @kozuken-ma @imarriedachef @badkarma-a @reina-de-tay
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catboyshinsou · 4 years
jazz from heaven
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pairing: aizawa x gn!reader
warnings: stress mention, panic attack mention, crying
word count: 1800
summary: after a stressful week, reader drives to aizawa’s apartment at 2am for comfort
Footsteps echoed in the never ending staircase, mocking you for your late night visit. Quick, shaky breaths left you as you reached the top floor. You had always hated the position of his apartment, in the middle of the city and on the top floor. It made going in and out easier for hero work since he could use the roof to enter and leave without making too much of a fuss. After climbing the mountain of stairs that was understandable but in this very moment, you hated that he lived here with every fiber of your being.
It was a quiet saturday morning. For once the streets were empty, even the high end villains would be sleeping by now. Everyone was asleep but you. You had made your way to your boyfriend's apartment at 3am and hoped for the love of everything that's holy that he was awake.
Of course as a teacher and pro, he was bound to be awake to grade or just coming back from patrol. It was the weekend of course and you'd normally hope
he was getting some rest but now you needed him awake. Just awake enough to give you a hug.
You knocked on the door, the sounds echoing in the halls. One, two, three.
You chewed on your lip and pulled on your fingers while you waited for an answer. Maybe it was too quiet? Maybe he was sleeping?
With a knot in your throat, you stood in front of the wood door, sniffing quietly. The week had been rough, today being the worst it's been in a while. You hadn't seen Shouta in a week. UA gave him more work than he usually had, especially since he was a homeroom teacher again. Of course you guys had kept in touch through texts and calls but right now you needed the real thing. You didn't want to be the clingy s/o, even if you've wanted to come by every day this week.
On Monday, when customers had yelled at you all day long you just wanted to sink into his arms.
On Tuesday, when weird guys chatted you up on the street and didn't leave until you dared to call someone.
On Wednesday, when you met old friends and they pointed out how much happier you seemed back in the day and how much you've lost your smile.
On Thursday, when you overthought yourself into an extensive panic attack in your bedroom.
Friday had been the worst. You almost immediately started bawling once you got home from an extra shift at work, barely being able to hold yourself for a couple of hours until the tears stopped. The next thing you could remember was being on your way to his place.
Your phone lit up the dark corridor, blue light shining onto your face. 'hey, it's me at your door’
Footsteps approached, dragging themselves over the wood floor. After a few seconds of unlocking the rather old door, Shouta opened and gave you an unamused look.
“It’s 2am, y/n.”
He had a towel throw over his shoulders, his damp hair falling on it. The usual hero jumpsuit was nowhere to be seen, his pink sweatpants instantly catching your eye. Paired with a washed out and too big shirt, he looked about bed ready even if you knew he wouldn’t be sleeping for another hour or two. Warm air came from behind him, you smelling the shampoo Mic had recommended him a few weeks ago.
“I know… I’m sorry…” You breathed out while walking into his apartment. Your eyes glued to the floor, a shaky breath escaped you as you took off your shoes.
The pro’s eyes softened. His confusion turned into concern, reminding himself that your late night visits usually had a reason. 
You stood back up and took another deep breath. Guilt washed over you when you remembered that you showed up at Shouta’s door at 2am, when he was probably exhausted and just wanted to go to bed. Your cheeks burned as he walked past you into the living room, one of the only light sources except from the bathroom behind you. 
Shouta had just gotten done with the last grades, the pile of graded papers neatly next to his mug of tea and all of his work stuff. He wanted to finish school stuff up, even if patrol had worn him out, so that he could completely relax on the upcoming weekend.
“Sorry for not calling more, I’ve been really busy with school…” He walked past you and put away the stacks of paperwork, so that the cat didn’t have her fun with them if she came home overnight. “Kids can be such a pain, I don’t know why I agreed to be a homeroom teacher.”
A few cars passed by, slow jazz coming from another apartment. It was a faint sound but just enough to push you to the edge. Lights flickered when you took another step into the apartment, as if you had just disrupted its peace. 
He huffed as he turned off the lights and got back to you. You who was still awkwardly standing in the corridor as if this was your first time at his place. You pulled on your fingers and just watched him put his stuff away. 
“Everything okay?” He stood in front of you now, a hand on your cheek and soft eyes looking into yours. Even if he wasn’t the most expressive with his own emotions, he had mastered yours. Something was wrong, even if you probably didn’t want to think about it. You probably still would either today or tomorrow but he didn’t want to inquire more.
With a gentle tug, he pulled you into his arms and pressed you close to him. His warmth surrounded you while he patted your head. Tears streamed down your face, silent sobs escaping you. You started shaking as the sobs got more violent, Shouta just holding you and stroking your back. 
“Oh, y/n…”
The tears soaked into his black t-shirt, your arms wrapped around him as you heaped. Keeping your low as low as possible, it was still 2am after all, you felt his steady breath against you. It made you feel safe, as if nothing could happen to you anymore.
Shouta didn’t know why you showed up to cry. But after working with a lot of different people, including teenagers and kids, he knew that this wasn’t the appropriate time to ask. What you needed was a no judgement zone and comfort.
With the last tears flowing, you started regulating your breath again. Your boyfriend noticed your deepening breaths, holding you even closer.
“That’s right, just deep breaths…” With a low whisper, he gave you kisses on your forehead as you did just that.
You sniffed and took a shaky breath as you buried your face in his shoulder. With a tightened grip on him, you just took him in and waited for the uneasy feeling to leave your system. You still trembled, trying to hold back the tears that dared to spill again. It was enough crying for today. In fact, you had cried enough for a lifetime this past week. Shouta was probably exhausted too, he didn’t need more to worry about.
Of course, he noticed your struggle. If one of you pulled another closer, you would practically merge so he felt the way you trembled and how your breath still wasn’t regulated. In moments like these, he wished he could do more. Somehow make you realise that everything would be okay and you could let it out here without being a burden to him. But he could only hold you like this while reassuring you in every way he could.
“Do you want to go to bed? A tea before?” 
You shook your head and let go of him. Your head banged and your eyes burned. With the collar of your shirt you wiped away the trail of tears on your cheeks, the fabric irritating your eyes even more.
“Let’s go to bed then…” He tugged you into his bedroom and opened his drawer to give you something warmer to sleep in. 
The room was neater than you expected. How did he find the time to keep everything so tidy if he was barely home? His laundry was folded and stacked on his bed, the school stuff on his desk with his laptop. The only other mess here was his bed with half torn off sheets and different pillows and blankets all over. You smiled at his little chaos before plopping onto it.
“C’mon, wear that.” He tossed one of his sweaters at you, which you somehow caught before it landed in your face. “It’s gonna be getting colder.”
Without questioning him, you just changed into it. The fabric felt soft on your skin, you could tell it was fresh out of the machine. It smelt like fabric softener, the one that only he had because he ran his errands in those 24/7 shops after patrols and those were somehow the only ones that carried this brand. You couldn’t pinpoint what exactly it smelled like so it was just Shouta. One of those things you would always connect with him like cats and pink sweatpants.
You looked over at his desk, an extra picture frame of what you guessed was his new class on it. It was too far away for you to see the individual faces but they seemed like an interesting group already.
Shouta sighed and let himself fall next to you. “Wanna talk about what happened?”
With a deep breath you shook your head and rolled over to face him. Your head still ached, you couldn’t speak if you wanted to. Your throat hurt, the knot completely tying off your words.
He took you into his arms and pulled the blanket over your shoulders. “Want me to talk?”
You nodded into his chest and took another deep breath. This was what you had needed over the week. His presence, his touch, his voice. They were natural tranquilizers for you, reassurances that everything would be okay. 
“Nezu gave me class 1-A, can you believe that?” His hands were on the nape of your neck, his thumb caressing behind your ear. “I had them do a fitness test on the first day… I watched them during the entrance exam and I just wasn’t fully convinced… Remember the kid I told you about that just got in through rescue points? And the one that only got in with villain points? Yeah, they’re both in my class and it’s more than obvious that they don’t get along well… They’ve all got interesting quirks, it’s a pretty colourful group and I’m... interested how they’re gonna train them...”
Both of you started getting sleepier with every word he said. He ended up slurring his words as he yawned before silence fell. There was still the jazz playing from somewhere outside, cars passing by occasionally. You hicked a few breaths but Shouta made sure to hold you closer and whisper reassuring words when you did.
“Can I stay here for the weekend?” You croaked right before falling asleep.
“You’re always welcome here, y/n…”
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gio-is-writing · 4 years
Two weeks ago my dad passed away, he has been on my mind everyday and I keep thinking of all the things and plans we had together that will never happen but I’m thankful for the 21 years he was with me...
I made this because I wish I could’ve had someone to hug me at the time and tell me everything was alright, did I cry writing this? you bet. Also I didn’t really proofread this because it’s 3 am but I’ll do it tomorrow hehe, I hope you all enjoy!
Jotaro x Neutral Reader
Warnings: them/they pronouns, mentions of death? grief, angst, some soft jotaro that only lives in my imagination
First he noticed how they didn’t join him on the way to school, then the empty seat in class and no messages to let him know they were skipping. Jotaro felt something wasn’t right about today, their absence was louder than the room filled with students but he tried to not think to much about it.
He had been dating (Y/N) for some time now, it started as someone he wasn’t annoyed by then into someone he enjoyed having around to someone he felt romantic feeling for. He demanded anything for them but he still felt odd about them not telling him about skipping which was already a rare sight. The bell rang and he made his way to the rooftop, making sure to feel his cigarettes box on his pocket when he heard whispering among students, he was never one to listen to what went on with others but what he heard made him stop walking.
“I heard (Y/N)’s dad passed away this morning”
“Oh that must be why they skipped today”
Jotaro stood still and everything slowed down. Their dad passed away? (Y/N)’s family was always so welcoming and Jotaro would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy his time at their house whenever he visited (which was pretty often) so knowing that the person that represented the closest thing to a father figure in his life was dead and gone forever made his heart sink to his stomach and a knot form at his throat but his thoughts quickly focused on (Y/N). Were they at home? Did they eat or were they so into their grief that they skipped meals?
Turning back he made his way out of the school and to their house. His head was a fuss, he couldn’t think properly and it was like his body was on autopilot. Spotting the house he was close to running but he had to regain his composure, he knew his arrival was gonna be unexpected and probably even unwanted but all he could think about was being there for them.
Stopping at the gas station near their house he brought some food for them and their family and some snacks he thought they might enjoy for later. He payed and walked out into the street again.
Walking up to the door he knocked and waited. The lock turned and the door opened slowly revealing their mom with puffy eyes and a tissue to her nose. She lifter her eyes to meet with his and then back to the floor.
“Hello Jojo” she moved aside “Please come in”
Jotaro was quick to comply and stepped inside, he felt unsure on what to do or how to act, he had never dealt with this kind of situation before.
“I’m sure you heard about what happened” she said lowly fidgeting with her hands
“I have” he said in the softest voice he could manage “I’m sorry for your loss ma’am, I brought you some food”
“I appreciate it Jojo, thank you so much sweetie” she gave him a slight smile grabbing the bag from him “(Y/N)’s in their room, I’m sure they need some comfort right now”
He nodded and went for the hallway to their room but after a couple steps he turned back to their mother.
“Mrs. (L/N)?”
“Yes Jojo?”
He got closer and to (Y/N)’s mom surprise, he hugged her. Her eyes watered at the gesture and she hugged back before pulling away with both hands in his arms.
“If there’s anything me and my family can do for you, please let me know” Jotaro said with a genuine expression.
“Thank you Jojo, it means a lot”
The teen once again nodded his head and made his way to (Y/N)’s room. Knocking he heard a muffled reply so he opened the door slightly. On the bed they laid under blankets, their red glassy eyes turning to see who entered and seeing who stood at the door frame got them choking back a sob.
“Jojo...” they cried out “He’s gone forever”
Jotaro was quick to enter the room closing the door behind him and sitting beside them on the bed, he heard their muffled sobs into the pillow under them and he placed a hand on their head, running his fingers through their hair.
“He won’t be here for my graduation or to help me when I need him, he’s never coming back”
“Come here” Jotaro said getting closer to them and opening his arms for a much needed hug
Shuffling around, (Y/N) sat and wrapped their arms around his torso, sobbing into his chest as he rubbed his hands on their back slowly. Hearing the hurt in their cried made Jotaro want to tear up himself but he had to be there for them right now, they needed strength. He ran his hands up and down their back until they calmed down enough to breath slowly and just have a few stray tears run down their eyes.
“You don’t have to say anything” Jotaro whispered “You’re strong (Y/N), he always said so.”
The arms around each other tightened and he placed a kiss on top of their head. The sun outside the window hid behind the clouds and the room darkened slighly around them, the day was colder than most for a November evening but they stayed warm next to each other.
“Thank you Jojo, thank you for being here”
“I’ll always be here for you”
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a-cupof-jo · 3 years
Set Up My Heart Pt. 1
Introduction - Pt. 1 - Pt. 2
College volleyball player!Johnny Suh x reader
Fluff and angst
Synopsis: Ever since that fateful day Sophomore year of high school, Johnny Suh had been an insufferable thorn in your side. Once you made it to college you thought the two of you would never have to see each other again. That is, until a sudden school transfer has the entire university buzzing.
“Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry,” you blinked back the tears pressing at your eyes. The small screen in your hand showed you the most recent score of your chemistry exam. “I can’t believe this.” Tears finally fell as you looked up at the sky. “I spent hours studying. How did I still only get 63%?”
You ducked your head as you saw students start to exit the classroom across from you. The walk back to your apartment never felt so long. You couldn’t make it to your bedroom before sobs cracked through the silence. The pillows on the couch muffled your cries as you face planted. “Y/n? Is that you?” You looked up to see your dark curly haired roommate staring down at you.
“Y/n is gone all that’s left is an empty, pathetic shell,” you wailed.
She sat on the couch beside you. Her hand rubbed up and down your back, “Oh honey, what happened?”
“I’m a failure! I’m never gonna get my grade back up meaning my GPA is going to tank and then I won’t be able to get a job after college.” You cried, “I am going to live the rest of my life with crippling student loans and no way to pay them off!”
“Y/n, what are you talking about.”
“I failed my chemistry exam!“ You buried your face in the pillow, "Desiree, what am I supposed to do?”
Desiree sighed and stood up from the couch, “I know that this feels like the end of the world for you, but you still have time to get your grade up. Go to open hours and to tutoring sessions the chemistry department holds on Sunday evening. This did not make or break your grade.”
You groaned, “Why do you have to be so logical? Let me wallow.”
“You asked me for my opinion. I gave it,” She swatted your butt before moving out of the living room. “Now get your ass up and help me make dinner.”
The kitchen was small- only taking up space on a wall- but you were able to make it work. You had cut up the chicken while Desiree worked on making a teriyaki sauce. Soft RandB music drifted through the room as the two of you worked quickly. The chicken sizzled as you dropped it into the pan on the stove, “How are your classes?” you turned to Desiree whisking together ingredients.
She shrugged as she poured the mixture onto the cooking chicken, “They’re fine. I’ve got a couple of group assignments coming up, but they shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Your economics teacher is still being weird?”
She huffed a laugh as she poured the sauce in the pan, “I just don’t get why he has to call us ‘embryo economists’. I can’t be the only one who is disturbed by that.”
“You’re definitely not.”
You looked at the living room as you heard the front door open and then close, “Hey guys, what smells so good!” Chohee yelled as she entered the living room.
“It’s the chicken,” Desiree motioned to the chicken she was removing from the pan. “I just have to cook the broccoli and cauliflower then we can eat.”
“Great, I’m starving!” Chohee grabbed plates and forks as she moved towards the dining area. “Did you guys see that there’s a new tenant moving in?”
“There is?” You asked as you opened the living room’s window blind. “I don’t see anybody.”
“Yeah! He is moving in down the hall.” she slid in next to you and pointed to a shadow. “It looked like he was moving in with that one guy? The baseball player?”
You shook your head not knowing who she was talking about.
“Who’s moving in,” Desiree set the food on the dining table.
You both turned to sit down. “Some new guy. He’s moving in with the school’s baseball team pitcher.”
“Oh,” Desiree smiled. “You mean Jaehyun?”
“Yeah!” Chohee scooped up some vegetables. “You know him?”
Desiree shrugged, “More like know of him. I’ve never actually met him even though he’s lived down the hall from us for two school years.”
“How do you know he’s lived here for that long?” Chohee asked between bites of chicken.
You turned towards the window to see a shadow pass in front of it, “Wait, that might be him!” You shot forward and pulled the blind up in time to see a tall man turn into a doorway. “I didn’t get a look at his face.” You looked as your roommates’ faces fell.
Desiree sighed, “That’s okay. I’m sure we’ll see him around.”
“I don’t know,” Chohee returned to eating. “I mean, we never saw his assumed roommate Jaehyun in the time we’ve been here.”
“You mean you haven’t,” Desiree corrected. You zoned out their conversation as you returned to eating. Something wasn’t sitting right. Even though you never saw his face, he seemed familiar to you. “Y/N? Y/N.” Desiree waved her hand in front of you. You turned to her with a questioning look. “What do you say? Gonna help us take over something to welcome the new guy?”
You shrug, “Probably not, I have to try and fix my Chemistry grade.”
“Oh,” Chohee scoffed. “I know it’s important to you, but taking something over to them won’t take up too much of your time.”
“Okay,” you sighed.
Chohee’s face lit up, “Great! We’ll do it tomorrow after classes are over.” You watched as her and Desiree planned out the next day. You had a feeling things were not going to go as planned.
“It’s not hard to do!”
“Stop yelling at me! I’m just trying to help!”
You glanced at the clock on the wall. As soon as you got home after your 1:30 class, Desiree and Chohee had started pulling out ingredients and bowls and cookie sheets. You had thought they said that this wouldn’t take much of your time. Instead they have been yelling at each other for the past fifteen minutes as you made the cookie dough, “Okay, since you two have been bickering, I went ahead and made the cookie dough all you need to do is scoop it on to the cookie sheet and bake it for 8 minutes.”
“Aw, Y/N,” Chohee squeezed you in a hug. “You didn’t have to do all the work by yourself.”
“I really did,” you watched as they each started to place the dough on the sheets. “Okay, I’m gonna start cleaning up this mess. You two behave yourselves.” You pointed at them as you walked away.
“Y/N? Did you preheat the oven?” Desiree called.
You tossed your soiled apron into the washer, “Yes, it should be all set.”
“Thank you!”
You finished wiping the counter off as the timer went off, “Guys, cookies are done!”
Desiree and Chohee raced into the kitchen as you set the cookie sheet on the cooling rack, “They smell delicious.” Chohee reached towards the sheet.
You smacked her hand, “Nuh-uh, First of all, these are hot. Second, they were made for our new neighbor. Were they not?”
“Yes, they were,” Chohee sighed. “But we don’t have to give them all of the cookies, right?”
“I’ll set aside some for us,” you swatted her with a towel. “ Now go grab a plate. Once these cool off a little bit more we’ll take them over.”
You knocked on the door a little harder. Desiree frowned, “Maybe nobody’s home?”
“Maybe,” you sighed before giving one last attempt at knocking. When nobody answered you turned back down the hall, “We’ll just have to try later.”
“Sorry,” a man’s voice said as he opened the door. “I was in my room with the music up too- Oh, hello,” he smiled as he saw who was standing there.
Jung Jaehyun was a tall man with light brown hair and dark eyes. You could see how he was the envy of many across campus. You smiled back, “You’re Jung Jaehyun, right?” he nodded at you. “Great, we heard you had a new roommate and we just wanted to drop these by as a hello.”
“Hey, that’s awesome,” Jaehyun grabbed the cookies from you. “Thanks so much, yeah, he just finished moving in today. He’s actually n-”
“Jaehyun? Who’s at the door?” a dislocated voice moved through the apartment
Jaehyun shifted in the doorway, “Just some neighbors. They brought cookies as a welcoming gift.”
“What kind?” the voice walked closer to the door and as Jaehyun moved to show the cookies off you saw his room, “Oh, Y/N?”
“What are you doing here?”
tag list: @beyond-gethsemane , @lanadreamie , @michplusb (I went ahead and am tagging you all in all of my reuploading of this fic, if you would like me to not or would like.to be removed from the tag list pls let me know!) @qianinterprises @stayctday
*Repost form previous blog*
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Bakugou’s S/O dies in a crash, leaving him a single father
Hello, gonna be very honest I forgot how to read properly and read a request wrong and wrote a 3000 word fic for it, woohoo! But i mean at least you guys get a fic from it, lol. Italics are flashbacks, bold is reality trying to pull him out of his head, and the regular text is reality. The actual request should be up tomorrow. Reader is neutral and I didn't specify the birthing process! Hope you all enjoy.
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Bakugou’s S/O dies in a crash leaving him a single dad, he has flashes backs of your life together.
TW: Death, depiction of a car crash and blood. Kinde heavy angst
Words: 3052
“I am so sorry sir but there's nothing we could do for them, w-” The doctor went on but the words slurred together in Bakugou's mind. This isn't how it was supposed to go, you were both supposed to grow old together. Supposed to send Kaori to her first day of school together. To bully the shit out of her first significant other. Go all out on each and every one of her birthdays. To give her at least 3 more brats to hang out with...to cry as you sent her off to college. This isn't how it was supposed to go, he was supposed to protect you, to be your hero. Everything you both had promised to each other was slipping through his grasped fist and the flashbacks were not helping either.
“Watch where you are going, Pomeranian.” You said to him.
“Pomeranian? The fuck, watch your mouth shitty extra!” He roared back at you.
“I think you’re the one who needs soap in his mouth, you're cursing every other word.” You cocked a brow at him.
“Whatever you god damn extra, get outta my way i'm gonna be late.” He backed off shocking his small group of friends.
“What the heck bakubro! If I said that to you I would be dead! You’re caught by the balls already!” Denki said pouting
“Whaddyah just say dunce face? I am not and it doesn't matter. I went easy cause they're so insignificant I wont see them again.” He said with a shrug as they walked into the training yard where their class was meeting.
“Alright, today we have a few helpers from other classes to help you with physical combat skills without the use of your quirks. Pair up with them, if you can actually beat them the first go than you pass. If you don’t, then well you fail, and will do supplementary training with me after every class.” Aizawa said, zipping himself into his sleeping bag.
“Hello class 1-A, Im Y/N. I am in charge of everybody you're about to fight, we've all trained in various types of Martial arts, and uhh you're probably all gonna lose but try your hardest alright?! I've got match-ups based on your physical abilities, so let's begin.” You said getting everyone into their pairs.
“So much for never seeing them again, huh?” Sero said laughing at the fuming bakugou.
“Yeah you’ll be seeing a lot more of me Pomeranian boy, but for now let me wipe the floor with you.” You said getting into a fighting position. He remembers how he lost that fight, terribly he might add. You only offered to help him after the loss, ignoring all his cries of protest. He didn't only lose the fist fight, he lost his heart to you. He had hoped you would never give it back to him, but here you are giving him his heart back. He hated these images, he wants them to stop.
“Go on a date with me.” You said as you and bakugou walked back to the dorms together after a sparring session.
“What!?” He yelled at you a deep shade of red.
“You know, on a date, and then you know if all goes well like 2 more before you kiss me and ask me to be officially yours because i'm not easy, you know?”
“Who asks like that!” He continued to yell.
“What did you want some flowers too, bakugou.” You giggled at him.
“You damn, dumbass! Fine but we're going now!” He said grabbing your hand and pulling you away.
“Wait but we are sweaty and I wanted to look nice! You're such a tyrant, Bakugou!” You sang as he pulled you away but slammed into his back as he came to a halting stop.
“Katsuki...call me Katsuki.” He said looking to the side with a blush. This moment was precious to him, your stupid giggle always brought brought blood rushing to his cheeks and made his heart race. As precious as it was, he begged his mind to stop, he didn't want to see what he couldn't have anymore… he wants to forget.
“You know, if i knew you were so messy I wouldn't have moved in with you.” Bakugou yelled to you as he put up one of your many blankets that were always littered around the house.
“Sorry not Sorry, Kat, it's your fault for keeping this damn house like an ice box all the time.” You said as you shoved some more takeout into your mouth.
“And why did you order takeout, i wanted to cook instead of eating that shitty and so unhealthy food.” He nagged you some more but you only giggled. He smiled, that had become his favorite sound.
“Because Mr. Pro- Hero some of us are college students barely staying afloat! It's my last semester so let me live, you ass! Also you are so much like your mother babe, it's kind of funny.” You said to him. His head was bulging in irritation as he sat next to you.
“I can't believe I want to marry you…” He said shaking his head with a sigh. You put down your takeout and stared at him with wide, teary eyes.
“You want to marry… me?” You said to him, he chucked at you before placing a black velvet box in your hand.
“Yeah, so say yes and put the ring on.” He blushed looking away from you.
“You jerk, this is how you ask me? And like an idiot of course I'm putting on the ring with no hesitation.” You giggled around your tears, admiring the ring you had just placed on your finger.
“Yeah, as I recall, you asked me out the same way. Whaddyah want some flowers?” He teased you with a grin. You looked at him with burning passion before your lips met, engaging in a fiery dance of passion. Stop, stop. Please just stop, he begged his brain. At the moment he thought it was perfect, it was so you and so him. Now, he wished he did it on tv or yelled it from the rooftops. Maybe then it would have shown the universe, or god, or whatever was taking him from you just how much he needed and loved you. Just maybe it would have permitted this outcome.
You and bakugou stared down at the little 6 pound baby. She was sleeping peacefully for the first time since the girl came home, which was 4 day ago! Maybe it was because you had just taken her to meet her grandparents and she didn't want to deal with her grandparents much like her father.
“Give me that baby!” his mom said swopping the baby into her hands. You only giggled at her excitement but Bakugou threw a fit.
“Mom! She's a fuc-freaking newborn! You’ve got to be gentle and support her head! You’re gonna hurt her, it's dangerous” He shouted at his mom.
“Oh hush you ingrate. If that was true believe me kid you’d be dead by now, would've saved me a lot of trouble. Now come on little Kaori, I know you've got it.” She said looking down at Kaori.
“What's she got?” You asked curiously. The blonde did not respond, only blew a little stream of air on the baby's nose and then turned her towards you and the blonde next to you who was still pouting. The baby stirred before waking up giving you all the meanest mug you had ever seen come from a baby.  She stared at bakugou and then at you before going back to sleep.
“She’s got the bakugou bitch face or the bakugou glare or even the bakugou mean mug. However you want to call it but that doesn't matter cause she’s got it.” His mom said placing the sleeping baby in the basinet you guys had brought.
“Did that brat just glare at me!?” Bakugou whispers, causing you to burst into full belly laughter.
“What the hell are you laughing at?” he said to you trying to hide his small smile that was brought out by your laughing.
“Nothing, I just love you and I believe you just said H-E double hockey sticks so we're getting takeout on the way home, love.” You said kissing his cheek. He only stuck his tongue out at you before mumbling a quick ‘i love you back’. It's getting more painful now he's drawing closer to the day he knew his mind was counting down to. As much as he wanted to relish in the memory all he could think of was how Kaori wouldn't remember you or your melodious laughing. How he should have said I love you more clearly in that moment. He wanted it to stop, he wanted the flashes to stop, the memories to stop but they wouldn't and he knew because they were telling your story.
“Come here, dumbass I wanna cuddle!” Bakugou yelled from your bed.
“Hold on I just wanna call your mom and make sure Kaori is okay. It's the first time Kaori has been away so long. She’s only eleven months, she's probably scared without us.” You said with the phone in your hand pacing.
“Babe, if you are so worried you should know I called my mom while you were bathing. Kaori is chasings around my mom's fat cat. And my moms gonna call when they are putting her to bed so we can say goodnight. Now, get over here and quit worrying I want to cuddle you.” He said finally getting you relax enough to lay down, you rested your head on his chest.
“You're such a good dad, you were worried enough to phone your mom.” You said breathing in his caramel scent.
“Of course I did, I worry about you and Kaori whenever yall are out of my sight. I love you both too much yet not enough at the same time.” He said to you kissing the top of your head.
“Katsuki I want us to always be this way, I want to always be with you and kaori smiling. I love you both too much too.” You said back to him straddling him to meet his eyes.
“I want some more brats and a cat and a dog. I want everything with you. And I want it for forever” He said looking up at you with passion. He needs it to stop, he can't relive the same nightmare. He didn't want the image of you dying in his hands to replay, but that's where his mind was heading, wasn't it?
“Bakugou!? Can you hear me!?”
“You know when people said you become boring when you have a baby I didn't believe them but were totally boring. We just did 10 over the speed limit to pick up Kaori.” You said taking a glance in the mirror to see her cute little grumpy face.
“Baby I realized we were boring when we went to that baby store on our day off to look at baby stuff and we went “ ohh” and “awhh” to every third object we saw.” He said back to you with a chuckle. You giggled at him and your eyes fluttered shut for just a second, it was a second too long because when you opened them you slammed into a car ahead of you that had just been in an accident causing a pile up. Behind you a semi rammed into your suv doing terrible damage to the car and everyone inside. Bakugou was the first to wake and quickly fought to get himself free. Once he did he was all over you but you were in far worse shape and the metal of the car dug into you, slicing you open, and locking you into place.
“Noo.. Kat get Kaori first.” you whispered to him.
“Y/N, i'll get you out first, you're right here. Then we’ll get kaori together.” He said tears spilling from his eyes.
“Katsuki, please get Kaori first. Please, i'll try to get loose myself” You plead with him, he thought about it but you were more stuck than her and you were bleeding heavily from the metal cutting into your abdomen.
“Katsuki Bakugou! Her first, then me! I’ll wait for you, promise.” That was all he needed to hear, his heart ached for his little girl who was crying softly more shocked than hurt.
“It's alright baby we're gonna get you safety and then dadas gonna come get mommy and we’ll all go home cuddle.” He said as he pulled the baby from her car seat, recognizing ‘home’ and ‘cuddle’ she clapped at him. He planted gross, wet kisses all over her face before dashing to the place where he saw all the flashing lights congregating. It was a pretty big pile up so there were a lot of ambulances. He took the first one open.
“This is Bakugou Kaori, she’s eleven months and has no allergies to anything or any medication. I'll be coming back with Bakugou y/n who has a pretty deep gash in their abdomen and isn't allergic to any medication either.” He said as the EMT took his baby from him. He almost didn't want to leave her but he knew you were waiting on him, so he dashed back to your totaled car where he saw people crowding your figure as they had just pulled you out.
“Y/N!” He said dropping to the ground taking you from the girl who was holding you.
“Come on, you're bleeding a lot we’ve got to get you to the ambulance.” He said tears cascading from his eyes as he tried to lift you while simultaneously slowing your bleeding but as he lifted you not only did you scream, blood rushed out of your gash at a very alarming rate.
“We can't lift them, they're losing too much blood, the ambulance got to come down here….They’ll die if we take them down there.” Someone said as Katsuki placed you back on the ground. He wanted to yell at them and tell them they were wrong but he knew they weren't. As well as he knew the ambulance wouldn't fit down here, it was hard for him to fit through the cracks of the cars. He had to try though for you, for Kaori, and for himself.
“You're all hurt, go get to an ambulance and get some help, idiots.... And please, I'm begging you, make one of them come down here.” The group of people nodded as they raced for the ambulances.
“Told you I’d wait on you, Kat.”
“Yeah, you did such a good job, baby! You are so strong, love. They went to get help, everything's gonna be alright.” He whispered to you clutching your body closer to him.
“Who are you trying to convince me or you.” You laughed coughing up blood.
“Stop laughing, dumbass this isn't funny.” He gritted his teeth at you.
“Alright then stuffy, onto the serious business. I want Kaori to grow up knowing what love is, so tell her all our cheesy stories. I want her to grow up knowing she is so loved by you so tell her everyday from me and you that you love her more than anything. I want her to know she can come to you for anything so don't be such a hardass to her when she starts to rebel a little…. I don't want her to forget my face or my voice too much, so as much as it might hurt at first show her all the pictures and videos we took over the years. And when she's old enough to understand what happened tonight tell her she doesn't need to go to my grave if she ever wants to talk to me, I'm always watching over you both, promise.” You paused to throw up some more blood. “And now for you my love, I won't say anything to cliché. Like ‘i want you to find love’ cause we both know I am the jealous type but if it happens don't worry I'm not turning over in my grave. I want you to keep following that dream of yours if anyone can be the Top hero and a single dad it’s you, Kat. I want you to indulge yourself and eat takeout sometimes that stuffy diet of yours isn't fun. Be sad for as long as you need but just don't hold it all inside and try to continue on like everything is fine. It's okay to cry, to need a break or some help or both really. Lastly, Bakugou Katsuki, I love you and I am so sorry we didn't get that always and forever we wanted.” You said using the last of your strength to caress his cheek. He sobbed as he grasped your hand and held it tighter to his cheek.
“I love y-” he tried to say but stopped as he realized you were already gone. You didn't get to hear it back from him… the scream that ripped from him was pure anguish in its finest form. He should've been quicker to say it. He should have said it more often. He just should have. And now he was begging his head to stop playing these flashbacks to stop driving the knife further into his heart, he had a daughter he was trying to live for. He just wanted it to stop.
Just like that he was drawn from his head. He looked around to see his friends and family staring at him in concern and his daughter at his feet with fat tears rolling down her face. He quickly picked her up, cursing at himself as he probably just scared her.
“What are you crying for you, little brat?” He started but paused as fat tears of his own rolled down his sunken cheeks “Everything's gonna be alright soon, so we shouldn't cry for too long okay, Brat.” He said as he hugged Kaori tighter than he should have. Somewhere in his mind he did believe it. That he and his daughter would be okay but for right now he was trying to stay afloat in the waves of suffocating flashbacks.
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