#helped me feel so much more happier nd confident in myself too...
singsofsilver · 7 months
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so if you've got to spend your time, oh, won't you spend it with me? 🧡
happy 1 year anniversary to the love of my life!
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jikooksgirl · 7 years
happy birthday to the love of my life🐣💘
to my forever true love, mi angelito de amor, my moon, sun, stars and constellations: 
im really the worst w words specially bc im just so in love w you i feel like my heart is gonna burst and i really cant organize my feelings, i’ve been so excited for his bday but now i can’t even think properly and words are just!!!! not enough they dont even come close not even a bit to what i want to express bc what i feel for you is beyond imagination and beyond any explanation this love is truly out of this world i never imagined i could feel something this strong but as always you’re surprising me making me feel every single feeling existing and not existing at once w just a little giggle you can make my world go crazy!!!! i fall in love w you over and over again like the first time every single second of my life. 
it’s already the 2nd bday i spend by your side and i couldn’t be happier, i still can’t believe how you completely changed my life and changed myself, i totally could separate my life in two periods: when i wasn’t in love w you and when i fell in love w park jimin. loving you has become the most natural thing in the world i literally look forward to every single day bc i get to love you and support you another day, you’re my home you’re the place i always come back to and where i feel safe, loved, appreciated, where i feel like nothing’s wrong, where my happiness is. i’ve been going through a lot, i’ve been feeling lonely and scared most of the time and by living so far away from my family im not even sure of what’s home anymore but just by thinking about your smile i just feel??? so so safe?? so welcomed?? it’s like every time i think about you smiling i feel like you’re hugging me and telling me everything is gonna be ok and i realized that’s truly home. it doesn’t have to be physical, it’s just the place where i feel the most safe and loved in the entire world, and that place is by your side. i cant even remember what was not loving you what was not being completely and absolutely in love w you and i dont want to bc you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, my most beautiful blessing and treasure and i just cant believe how was i even able to breathe without having you by my side.
i love everything about you, there’s really nothing about you i don’t love w every inch of my being, from your small angel dimple that is there bc the moon came and kissed you so many times and loved you so much that she decided to leave a cute crater on your cheek to remind you you’re her moonchild, to how big and beautiful your heart of gold is!!! you’re the one that teaches me 3849325235829 king of feelings i didn’t even know they existed, the one that made me believe in love again the one that broke my heart’s shell and showed me what true, pure and wholesome love feels like. you’re the one that makes me a better person, and inspires me to be the best version of myself. all i want to do is to learn to love you better, to deserve all the happiness you give me every single day of my life and every single action of yours is such an inspiration for me my love, you softened my heart you made me a kinder, more loving, more gentle person w every single thing you did you truly changed me and saved me and i’ll be forever thankful for that. 
i’m just incredibly and unbelievably proud of who you are, of how much you’ve grown and of who you aspire to be. you’re always working so hard, so incredibly hard i can’t help but worry about you but i know how passionate and how dedicated you are, and that’s one of the things i admire the most and i aspire to be like that one day too. you’re just so so talented, every single time you amaze me more and more. your voice is really the most beautiful voice ive ever heard and im not exaggerating, i can see how hard you’ve worked bc you’re always aiming perfection and even tho you think you’re still lacking when it comes to vocals, god jimin every time i hear your voice…wow. wow wow wow wo wow wo wowwwwww it has such an effect such a power over me, i feel such a beautiful and calming peace filling my body and i feel like im floating and flying in the sky, your voice is truly gifted by angels and you change so many lives just by singing my love and you don’t even realize it. 
you’re the human being w the biggest heart of gold i’ve ever seen, always caring so much about your loved ones, always giving all of your support, your love, your kindness, your gentleness, it just amazes me how much you’re always willing to give bc of love, and i hope one day i can be like that. but you’ve showed me that ppl gets happier if someone tells them they love them, if someone compliments them, that it’s not bad to expose your feelings for the ppl you love, that kindness is key, and you just make me want to do better in every single aspect of my life. honestly, if the person you love inspiring you to be the best version of yourself isn’t what true and pure love is, idk what it is. you’ve showed me that if i work really hard to achieve my dreams, if i truly want them and dedicate myself to achieve them, i can make them come true w my effort. you really are the most beautiful thing in this world my baby angel, you make so many ppl feel loved, feel safe, feel cared about, you’re always giving so much and sometimes i feel like i dont deserve all of this love you give me, but im so thankful for it. 
i just want you to be always surrounded by love and happiness, to be always healthy and to never doubt about the light in your heart, about how talented you are and about how precious, how loved, how incredibly important you are in this world. you’re irreplaceable jimin, you’re truly one in a million and i cant believe im this lucky to be able to love you and to see you growing up more. thank you for saving me, thank you for being my light when everything is dark, thank you for being my strength when i think i cant anymore, thank you for being the one, the one my heart wants to love forever and the one that shows me that the world isn’t that bad, that there’s still a reason to keep going, i dont know what would have been of me if i hadn’t ever found you. i never thought i could love someone i dont know irl this much, to the point of saying you’re the love of my life. i didn’t even know i was able to love this strongly, this wholesomely, this purely and intensely. it seems ridiculous right? but this is truly how i feel.
i feel like since i saw that gif of you smiling, my heart saw you and said “there he is, the one im gonna love for the rest of my life. my true forever love” and she was so revealed, bc she finally found you, she finally was at home. she wants to thank you for your smiles, bc oh your smile…SHE GETS ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! every time you smile that could outshine the brightest stars, every time your soft cheeks puff up and blush and your chocolate eyes crinkle up and disappear like crescent moons, when you’re laughing so hard your laugh squeaks and its the most beautiful sound in the entire world, how you hide your face w your baby hands when you’re shy, god everything about you mi amor, everything makes my heart go completely insane!!!! she started beating differently since i met you, there’s constant galaxies and constellations exploding inside her and flowers blooming in her bc of being in love w you. i swear i could look into your eyes until the sun comes up listen to your voice until all the music existing in the world played on a non-stop loop and feel the touch of your skin until all the oceans in the world ran dry and i would still not get enough of you!!!! there’s never too much when it comes to you!!!
i really could write a whole novel about how much i love you gdsogngksnkjndsh IM JUST SO SO SO SO SO SO SO IN LOVE W YOU AND I CANT STOP CRYING BC MY HEART IS ABOUT TO BURST. i just hope you’ll have the best birthday of your life, 100000 times better than the last one but not better than the next one!!! i just hope you have the happiest bday every single year and every time it gets better and better. i hope you receive lots of love, kind words, love letters, compliments, kisses, gifts, hugs nd you smile so hard and be so happy that your stomach hurts and you feel like your heart is gonna explode bc all of the love!!!! i just want you!!!! to be the happiest birthday boy in the world to not worry about anything else than your happiness today and to realize once again how loved you are and how incredibly important you are for so many ppl around you. i hope the members will spoil you a lot and will make you have such an amazing and fun time, i can trust them on that bc i know you mean so much to them. you mean the entire world to me mi angelito de amor, you mean everything and more i have never felt  a love like this and i NEVER want it to go away!!!! i want to keep learning to love you better i wanna feel this forever, i wanna stay by your side forever. i’d do anything for you i’d do anything to see your lovely soft smile and hear your cute giggles today i’d grab every single star in the sky i’d do anything to make you feel safe, special and loved!!!! i just wish that on the days you can’t love yourself and you feel like you aren’t enough and you hate yourself, my love would be enough for the both of us i really wish everything you knew was happiness and love!!! i hope everything you dream of, everything you wish of, will become real. i dream of seeing you succeed in every single one of your passions, and i can’t wait to keep supporting you on your way there. 
i’m just so glad you’re getting more confident these past days, and i hope you will be even more and more w the time, i hope you realize you can do everything, bc w a heart and talent like yours my prince, i firmly believe you’re able to do anything. you’re so brave baby, so brave and capable of everything, you’ve worked so so so hard and you’ve done so much to be the person you’re today. the future has so many more amazing things prepared for you, i believe that you will become so much bigger, so so big and appreciated and you will finally be content w your achievements. i will never stop telling you how proud i am of you, of your achievements, of who you are, of everything you do. i’ll keep supporting you, i’ll keep rooting for you, and we’ll keep going together side by side until we achieve everything we want. bc i also firmly believe, that if i have you in my life, i can do anything. 
thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so so much for being in my life, thank you thank you thank you i could thank you an infinite amount of times but it would never be enough!!!!!! i just have so many things to tell you, so many feelings im trying to express but words aren’t enough i just wished i could give you the biggest hug and fill your cheeks and whole face w all the kisses in the world i just LOVE YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH MY LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN!!!!! thank you so so so so much for saving me, for encouraging me to keep going and to be strong, thank you for keep saving me every single time thank you for being so endearing, so luminous, so enchanting, so radiant and lighting up my world more than any star in the sky!!! you’re truly like a dream, the most beautiful dream i’ve ever had and i never want to wake up. loving you is truly the best thing i’ve chosen to do, i’m just the luckiest person ever, the odds were for once in my favor bc i could find you. i just want to spend the rest of my life telling you how beautiful, precious and important you are!! i just want to hang stars and moons each night like love letters above your bed to remind you of how much i love you!!! because i love you more than words could ever explain, and im always going to be here loving every piece of you w everything. 
thank you for making me fall in love w you all over again every single day, thank you for making my world so much beautiful, thank you for making me the happiest person in the world, i sincerely thank the sky for your life, you truly changed mine for the better and now i can say im genuinely happy after all this time bc of you. felices 22 años mi amor, te amo más que a nada en este mundo!!!!!!!!!!!
forever yours, 
- lina🌹
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classicjm85 · 7 years
Year 32 in Review
Year 32 was pretty good.
It started off the right way; an awesome Olympic-themed party with friends and family.  That party was a turning point for me and set the tone for my 32nd year on this planet.  I realized who really cared about me, and who did not.  As much as it may have hurt me, at the time, to realize some people I thought were close to me actually did not care, it did not compare to the realization of how fortunate I am to have such good friends and family in my life.  
There were a few life-changing events I experienced.  I will start with accepting the responsibility of becoming Godfather to my nephew, Logan.  The best birthday present I ever received in my life was the news that my sister-in-law Dorothy was pregnant with my nephew.  The best Christmas gift I ever received was being asked if I would be his Godfather. I think being a Godparent is a major responsibility.  You are essentially being asked to be a second guardian for that child.  You are an influence, a guide and a role model for your Godchild.  It is a large responsibility.  My Godparents were not involved in my life, so when I was asked to be one myself, it just made me so proud.  I was so proud that I was being trusted with that level of responsibility.  It is important to me to be a good Uncle, not just by giving presents, but by being there.  Just to be involved and have a connection with my nieces and nephews is an amazing feeling.  I want to be the Uncle my Godson can go to when he needs help or wants someone to confide in when the time comes.  That is a big deal and I was so grateful when I was able to stand up there with Michelle and become a Godparent to Logan.
A few months after I turned 32, we sold our house and bought a new one.  That was huge.  It needed to happen, and truly, it could not have been easier.  It was a super smooth process compared to the horror stories others have told us.  However, as easy as it was process-wise, it was still very tough emotionally.  Shelly and I bought our old house together.  It was the first major purchase we made together. We spent our first six and a half years married in that house.  Our dog and our daughter spent the first few years of their lives growing in that house. We had great neighbors.  We had dreams for that house, that neighborhood and that town.  As time went on though, we knew we had to move.  We had outgrown the house.  After years of debating what to do, we finally decided to sell.  It was tough, but it was worth it in the end.  We found our dream house and could not be happier. I never went to buy or sell a house again, and hopefully I will never have to.
There were a lot of ups and downs in year 32.  That probably happens every year, but this year it felt more defined.  I felt like this was a transition year for me.  True, my environment changed when I moved to my new house.  However, I am talking mentally and emotionally.  For the last two years I have had to sift through feelings about certain people in my life.  A few months ago I came to the realization, with a lot of help from Michelle and others, that I had become a prisoner to my own thoughts and emotions.  I was spending far too much time thinking about people who, quite frankly, don’t give a crap about me anymore.  I wasn’t fully enjoying the amazing people I have in my life because of this.  Recently, I have been happier.  I have tried to be more positive about things.  
I am actually looking forward to year 33.  I won’t be moving or anything like that this year.  Michelle, Fiona and I can concentrate more on our house and getting it to the way we want it to be.  I am free of those negative and confusing thoughts about certain people because I no longer care.  So, just by default I am a lot happier.  Michelle and I have a few great trips already lined up and those are things we are looking forward to.  I think year 33 will be a year where I can enjoy everything that comes my way.
So, with that all said (or typed), thank you year 32! I have learned a lot from you.
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Resolutions 2017 and how to make them stick.
I’ve lived through a few New Years. And I have made countless New Year’s resolutions. They are all pretty much the same each year: Be happier, read more, exercise, improve my life in some capacity. But, I have never successfully completed a single New Year’s resolution. And I finally know why. You need to make smaller, more manageable and easily attainable goals towards your end rewards. This means mapping out smaller milestones each with very easily reached goals that you can check off a big check off list. It makes the monstrous (and vague as hell) resolution of ‘Being Happier’ much more realistic. Here are my Resolutions, goals, milestones and rewards for 2017:
Resolution: Be more fit. (What??? What does that even mean?? Exercise? Losing weight? Goals time!)
Goal 1: Sign up for a work out/exercise/dance class. (CHECK! On the 2nd day of the new year, I picked a pole dancing class and signed up. I’ve been wanting to take a pole dancing working out class for a few years now, but never end up signing up because no one ever wants to sign up with me! But this time, I just took the initiative and signed up. Later on, I asked friends to join me in the class (thankfully a few did!) but I didn’t wait, I just jumped right in and decided to STOP MAKING EXCUSES!)
Goal 2: Be work out ready. Get some work out cloths that fit and I love! (CHECK! Right after signing up for my class I went and bought some work out cloths that I felt comfortable in. Another excuse for the last few years has been that the work out cloths I have, don’t fit. And once I put on those ill fitting capris, I get down on myself and go eat some chocolate… but not this year! This year, I grabbed a XL pair of work out pants at Target first-too baggy-then went down to a large. I picked a top and sports bra to match that made me feel comfortable and confident. And bonus points because it was all on clearance. I also ended up purchasing a FitBit Charge 2. Totally worth it! Being able to see and track my exercise is really encouraging me to start working out and seeing the tables and graphs of my progress is a huge motivator to push forward each day! The FitBit was something I didn’t plan on getting, but so happy I did.)
Goal 3: Work out 4 times a week. (NOT COMPLETED-Yet. Right now, I am just starting to get into moving my body every day. The last few days I have been dancing and stretching and doing crunches. I am hoping to keep up the trend and get to my 4 days a week goal!)
Milestone 1: Lose 20 pounds by April 2017.
Goal 4: Sign up for more work out classes.
Goal 5: Learn a new type of dance. (I am leaning towards self-teaching myself to hula!)
Milestone 2: Lose 50 pounds by November 2017.
Reward: Being more confident and comfortable in my own skin. Being healthier.
Resolution 2: Finish writing a novel by the end of 2017. (Um, woah…. Never gonna happen self! What a ridiculous thing to pick! Now, how can I actually achieve this….?)
Goal 1: Begin writing a blog post every other day. (CHECK! Doesn’t seem to hard. It gets the creative juices flowing and helps give me a platform to express myself.)
Goal 2: Work on ‘the novel’ once a week for at least an hour. (NOT COMPLETE-Yet. Again, not too hard… seems easy enough.
Milestone 1: Have 5 chapters of ‘my novel’ finished by March 2017.
Goal 3: Begin working on ‘my novel’ for at least one hour every other day.
Goal 4: Finish 1 chapter a week.
Milestone 2: Have finished half the novel by July 2017.
Goal 5: Have gained 100 followers of the blog.
Goal 6: Keep writing one chapter a week! Have 200 followers of the blog!
Milestone 3: Finish writing my first novel by December 2017.
Reward: Work on getting ‘my novel’ published in 2018!!
Resolution 3: Be happier. (Gaw, again with the vague. No wonder no one ever accomplishes their goals. Well, except celebs and crazy workaholics…. Not the average New Year’s resolution Joe…)
Goal 1: STOP WATCHING SO MUCH TV!! (Working on… So, I have noticed that watching a ton of TV and a lower productivity are very correlative…. And I want to really get my TV watching down pretty low. I want 2017 to be a year of goal setting and finally achieving and watching TV just will not be conclusive to that. Mini-goal: Get my TV watching down to one episode or one movie a day.)
Goal 2: Eat all meals at the dinner table. (COMPLETE!! And I really like this. It has helped me cut out TV watching and I feel like I eat more quickly and less… Which I know is what they say the benefits are but I believe them now!)
Goal 3: Go on at least 2 “big” vacations a year, and 4 “mini-vacations”. (WORKING ON COMPLETING! To me, a big vacation is taking a full week off work. Even if the week off is spent in your home town wondering around. Within the year timeframe we have already gone to Disney, and we have a trip planned to go BACK to Disney in April (some honeymoon craziness made going back to Disney a great idea-read my 1st blog post for details… and good advice!). Mini-vacations are weekend get away’s, or day trips to somewhere new and exciting (or old and rarely visited). We have a few of these in the works too, but I want to get that count to 4 a year! Vacations really do help with stress and evaluation of ones life. Highly recommend.)
Goal 4: Learn something new. (This is in the works. But I will learn something new this year!)
Goal 5: Read more! (Something that has always, and probably will always, bring great joy to my life is reading. I love it. I don’t get to do it enough, but I want to work on that this year. I started a book club in December that so far has been just what I needed. Each month you receive a book and 4-5 wrapped presents. When you get to certain pages in the book you get to open a present, and that present will correspond with the situation that is happening in the book. It really brings the story to life! There is also a list of questions that come with each book that are discussed on the clubs Instagram and Facebook pages. This was something that I really wanted in a monthly book club because I really miss being able to discuss literature. One of my favorite things in college was the discussions of books. The club is called Once Upon a Book Club and I HIGHLY recommend it! If you join, let me know!)
Milestone 1: Feel more accomplished.
Reward: Becoming happier. Finding a new joy in life.
And that’s it! My 3 vague and ridiculous New Year’s resolutions now seem much more manageable and I’ve actually started working towards meeting them. It’s the 16th day of January. And on this day, I worked on 3 of my goals. So far, this year is panning out to be my most productive and enjoyable year yet!
What are your resolutions? Need help mapping out a goals/milestones/rewards list? Let me know!
Please share and subscribe if you liked this post! 
-Kelly H. 
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