#♥; love you a latte
singsofsilver · 4 months
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oh, to crash out in each other's arms.
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xanaxspritz · 7 months
an: wrote something fluffier this time <3
a coffee date with choso ♥
you bought him to your favorite cafe one sunday morning. choso isn't quite yet used to human-dominated establishments, despite being half-human himself. accustomed to the dark, quiet corners of the world where curses like his brothers habituate, sitting in this small cozy coffee shop with the mid-daylight pouring through the half-opened windows with the soft breeze of the spring day felt nice.
you explain the menu to him. a latte an espresso shot with milk, an americano is just expresso and water, a hot chocolate is chocolate steamed with warm milk. he ends up going with a macchiato.
so you two sit by the window, cuddled up next to each other on the small couch in the corner of the cafe, hands intertwined. you sip on your iced latte and choso stares dumbly at the tiny cup in his hand.
"go on," you say. "take a sip"
"its very hot," he pouts.
"they say you get the most flavor while its still warm."
he reluctantly brings the cup to his lips, sniffing the robust smell of coffee. he takes a small sip, then gulps down the rest, the milk foam leaving a mustache above his lips.
you stare at him with slight disbelief. you weren't sure if he would have liked something so bitter. you warned him about it, but he insisted.
"you like it?" you ask
"this is divine," he smiles. "can i have some of yours?"
you give your iced latte. he drinks nearly half of it before you snatch away from him.
"hey! i still want some too"
his lips pucker out into another stupidly adorable pout that you can't stand but to love.
"ill get you another one" you sigh, pretending to be annoyed.
choso grins, holding your hand even he tighter, giving you a forehead kiss.
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keigh0e · 1 year
Friendzone ♥ Bakugo Katsuki
Prompt: It wasn’t just a one off for me; it was me hoping you’d see the connection
Word Count: 3.6k
Triggers: No spice, just fluff, some explosive behavior and naughty words
Author Note: Hi guys! This is my first ever post on this blog, I’d really appreciate some feedback. I’d also love it if you sent me some requests, check out this pinned post to see what anime’s I write for and find a very big prompt list
This is an unedited piece so apologies for any spelling/grammar mistakes
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Being Bakugo’s longest friend comes with its own perks, at least in your eyes.
You and Bakugo had existed together for as long as you can remember, your mother was best friends with his and they’d ended up getting pregnant around the same time which meant you went through school together. You followed one another to UA as well, and there was no doubt you’d start a Hero agency together, or at least share the same building… Maybe just the same street, depending on how overbearing Bakugo is with you.
You and him were petals flying in the same gust of wind, there was no questioning it, you were simply together.
That didn’t mean you avoided his wrath, you probably got it more than anyone actually, that was only because he knew you could handle it and even match against him.
But you also got all of his softness, it wasn’t as loud as his rage and it made itself apparent in ways most people missed, but not you, you were Bakugo’s best friend, your soul attuned to his.
His quiet softness appeared when he always rushed ahead of you to open a door for you, and when he’d stop mid sentence and kneel down to take care of your undone shoelace, or when he’d always step closer to you and wrap his arm around your shoulders because a stranger had gotten too close to you (or Mineta, but Bakugo normally kicked the little perv away before he got the chance to get too close to you).
There was only one time his softness became loud and that was at night.
You’d taken the UA move into the dorms as bravely as you could, but after a week you were homesick. The longest you’d ever stayed away from your parents was when you had a sleepover at Bakugo’s, that was usually only for one or two nights, plus, it was only a trip down the road.
You struggled with falling asleep and it didn’t take long for Bakugo to notice the change in you. The same day he finally clocked on to the bags under your eyes and the invisible weight slumping your shoulders, he snuck into your room that night.
As he got into your bed you asked what he was doing and he respectfully told you to ‘shut your face’. The next thing you knew, he’d wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you onto his chest, then his hand was running through your hair and sleep came so easily it swept you as easily as he had swept you into his arms. He hadn’t cured your homesickness, he’d done something much better than that, he’d given you a new place to call home.
That was also the night when the lines between friendship and something more started to get blurry. He was still your best friend, still protective and caring, still a pain in the arse. But suddenly, his hand always found its way into yours, his arm always around your shoulder even when no one else was around. And every single night, without fail, he came to your dorm room and snuggled up with you, petting your head before falling asleep.
You did try speaking to him about it once, but it didn’t go very well.
A month had gone by of him sleeping in your dorm room. Once it got to the weekend, you and Bakugo went for your routine coffee which you treated yourselves to every Saturday as a ‘well done’ for making it through another week of high school and surviving all the villian attacks. 
You got a caramel latte while he went for a black coffee, after getting your drinks Bakugo walked you over to a table with his hand on your back and pulled out your chair before sitting down.
“So,” you began, and then you stumbled on what to say so you just blew on your latte to cool it down.
It had never been like this with Bakugo before, so stilted and awkward. He seemed to be noticing the tension as well as he stared down at you with a raised brow. “So?”
“So…” You tried to start again, tried to push through your awkwardness. “Are sleepovers a regular thing now?”
His whole body tensed, but that was the only sigh he gave that your question had affected him. “Yeah, that a problem?”
Yes, you wanted to say.
Yes, it was a big problem, because even after a month you got excited whenever it got to night time and your heart fluttered every single time he wrapped you up in his arms and pulled you so tightly against his body, as if to say ‘you are mine, and you’re not going anywhere’. You were 90% sure those weren’t feelings friends were meant to have for one another.
But, at the same time, the thought of losing that, losing him, was too painful.
You shook your head. “No, not a problem.”
“Then stop acting weird, you’re freaking me out,” he snapped, no real bite to his words. There never was.
That was that. You and Bakugo were still best friends, still hung out, still argued and every night, no matter what kind of day you’d had, you cuddled up together and fell asleep.
It became the new norm, as did living with your brewing emotions.
Until you and the gang had all decided to play a game together one night.
You and Bakugo could have only lasted so long, one of you would have broken eventually, you were just surprised at who broke first.
You laughed along with Kirishima as Denki did his best opera impression, the noise filling up every crevice in the room and making you cringe to the point your teeth were grinding together.
On your other side was Bakugo, one hand covering his ear, the other resting on your bicep as his arm wrapped around your shoulder. 
“Will you shut up already?!” He yelled. Whilst you’d been coping with Denki’s singing, you did have to lean away from your friends as he yelled directly in your ear. Once he finished, he sent you an apologetic look and then used the arm around your shoulder to pull you closer.
“I caaaaaan’t!” Kaminari sang with a dramatic swing of his hands, “I was daared too serenade the ever-so-lovely Jiroooooooooouuuuuu.”
“She also wants you to shut up, moron,” Jirou hissed. Her words made it out like she was angry, but the blush on her cheeks and the fact she couldn’t look Kaminari in the eyes made you think she was feeling something else other than anger. Though, you may have just been projecting. 
“Fine,” Kaminari huffed, arms flopping down at his side as he finished his performance. He gave you and your friends the gift of perfectly serene silence, for all of three seconds before he straightened up and pointed a finger directly at Bakugo. “As it’s now my turn, I choose you, Bakugo, to be my next victim.” 
The hothead smirked, and you hated the way your stomach flipped at the sight of it. “I’m no one's victim, do your worst Sparky.”
The night had escalated after Mina had proposed a game of ‘truth or dare’, but you had an awful feeling stirring in your stomach when you saw the devious glint in Kaminari’s eye. You knew whatever Bakugo got given, he had too much pride to bow out.
“Truth or dare,” Kaminari asked.
“Stupid question, dare,” Bakugo replied.
“I dare you to kiss Y/N.”
You were the first to move, before Kaminari had even finished his sentence, you were up on your feet, putting space between you and Bakugo. “No, no, no,” you laughed, noticing it sounded more strained than joyful. “Absolutely not.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to?” Mina asks, her tone teasing. You’d been asked a million and one times if there was something more between you and Bakugo by your fellow students. It looks like no matter how many times you say no, they just don’t believe you.
“Yes, I’m absolutely sure,” you gruffed, doing your best Bakugo impression as you scowled over at Mina.
You take another step back as Bakugo stands up turning to face you, that usual frown playing on his lips and a surprising amount of determination in his eyes.
You’d seen that look before. The day he decided you were both becoming heroes, the day you decided to go to UA. That look only ever appeared whenever he decided something monumental and life changing. Normally you were filled with excitement when you saw that look in his eyes. Not on that night.
“What are you doing?” You asked whilst taking another step back. It became a new game for you and Bakugo, he took a step forward and you took a step back. Unfortunately, the wall behind you was closer than you realised and the next thing you knew, Bakugo was standing right there, centimeters from your face.
You’ve stood that close before, plenty of times, but never before had you been so aware of his body, of the heat emanating from him. When you looked into his eyes, you saw them solely focused on your lips.
He wanted to kiss you, wanted to break that line between friends and something more.
Is that what you wanted? You weren’t sure and Bakugo wasn’t giving you much choice as he grabbed your face and pulled your lips towards his, the momentum slamming the two of you together.
It started rash and rough, which wasn’t all that much of a surprise as this was Bakugo you were kissing. But then it hit you, the most achingly beautiful thing about every moment you’ve spent with Bakugo, his quiet softness.
The way he moved his lips against yours, guiding you rather than demanding you. It had you melting against him, your hands searching out his chest to relax on, your body leaning on his for support.
His own hands had fallen to your neck, his palm resting on your pulse point while his thumb stroked encouragingly against your jaw, gently moving the angle of your face so that he could explore your mouth further.
You would have given up a lot in that moment if it meant you could stay there in that embrace. Screw the line, it was boring. This, Bakugo’s lips, were exciting and awe-inspiring. He was everything, he was your everything.
“Alright kids, time for bed,” Aizawa appeared out of nowhere, or at least you hoped he had. If he’d watched you fall apart in Bakugo’s arms the way you just did, you weren’t sure how you’d face him in your next class.
You were meant to be a superhero, a badass, but when Bakugo pulled away from you, your lips tried to follow him and a whimper escaped before you could stop it.
You watched him take in your expression, you weren’t in control of it, too taken by how good it had felt to kiss your est friend and how shocked you were by how much you wanted to do it again. At best, you imagined there was a hazy and dim look in your eyes.
That determined look was still fiery in his eyes as he straightened you up so you weren’t leaning completely on his body. Then with a slight nod of his head and one more glance into your eyes, he said the very last thing you expected: “Talk to you tomorrow.”
You blinked at his retreating figure, so many questions floating through your mind as you watched him meander his way to the boys dorm rooms.
‘Talk to you tomorrow’? What did that mean? Surely it didn’t mean he wasn’t going to come to your room later? Right?
That bastard wasn’t coming to your room. It would be the first night in months that you didn’t have him, and he’d decided it needed to be after he kissed you. He got you hooked and then took away your addiction.
Well screw him. He didn’t get to just do that, not to you.
There was a reason you were best friends for that long, because you could be just as explosive as him when you wanted to be.
The fact that you needed to sneak to his room ruined your ire a little bit, especially when you had to gently tap on his door when what you really wanted to do was knock the damn thing off of its hinges.
A few moments later a tired looking Bakugo appeared. It was well after ten O’clock at night so it didn’t surprise you to see a sleepy expression on your best friend, he was very strict about his sleeping routine and the conditions that he needed when sleeping. You didn’t mind most of the time because it just helped you fall asleep as well.
One rule you’d both always followed was to never go to sleep angry with one another, it stopped you from being able to fall asleep quickly, the anxious thoughts keeping you awake, and Bakugo obviously wouldn’t stand for that when his beauty sleep was much more important..
“What are you doing here Y/N?”
Not bothering to respond, you pushed past Bakugo, earning no resistance from your best friend who often let you have your way. Up until your kiss, you hadn’t though much about why.
“It’s bed time.” You simply answered, shuffling onto Bakugo’s bed and settling yourself on the side furthest from the door. That was Bakugo’s rule, not yours. He wanted to be close to the door in case someone tried to break in and he needed to protect you, when he’d confessed that to you, you’d just rolled your eyes at him.
He continued eyeing you as you moved the comforter over your knees, you met his stare head on, refusing to back down. “Exactly, both of us should be asleep, not knocking on my door.”
“Well I wouldn’t have to knock on your door if you’d come to my room, you know, like every other night,” you sassed back.
He averted his eyes from yours, something had flashed in them though before he’d turned away. Was it hurt? Or shame? “Well I guess things have changed now.”
“And that’s my fault?” It certainly felt like it was. You were the one losing your best friend, even though he’d been the one who’d kissed you. It was unfair, you’d been safely balancing on the line for years, not reacting at all to the way he’d make you feel sometimes. But now he was messing it all up!
He scoffed again at your words, just fuelling your rage. “Did I say it was?!”
“You kissed me Bakugo, then you just walked away and told me you’d speak to me tomorrow? I’ve been your best friend since the day I was born, I deserve better than that.” You were getting so passionate you’d started speaking with your hands, throwing your arms out and slamming your hands against your chest. 
Your former best friend (at least for now) took several moments to take in your words, then he started walking over and you prepared yourself to get manhandled. Instead, he flumped down on his side of the bed, still not looking at you. “You’re right.”
“No, you shut up! Wait, what? I’m right?” He said you were right? Those were rare words form your best friend, you’d totally been prepared to have a screaming match with him, thats how your arguments usually went. You weren’t sure if this was some new tactic to try win arguments with you, so you chose to stick with being defensive. “Yeah, I am right! Glad we’re in agreement.”
Finally he looked at you. “Will you quieten down? Someone will hear you’re in here.” Those his words were aggressive, there was nothing on his expression that showed he was angry with you. He looked upset more than anything else. For some people it might have been hard to tell the difference, but you read his every feature like it was your favourite book. 
So he wasn’t angry with you. Anger would make more sense than that upset expression on his face. You couldn’t figure out a reason for why he’d be upset, unless the kiss had been that bad? No, you realised, if it was bad then you definitely would have known, even if Bakugo didn’t tell you, you’d have been able to read it from his body if he’d not enjoyed it.
“The fact you of all people are telling me to quiet my voice is very laughable, I hope you know that,” you commented. Your voice had gone softer, the anger being swept away like the tide.
“Funny.” He responded, in a tone that held no amusement. He seemed to take a moment to do a deep breath before he continued to speak, finally explaining himself but still not looking you in the eyes. “I thought maybe you’d want space after I kissed you, I know it’s going to change things, I know how I want things to change, but I wanted to give you time to figure out what you wanted.”
“What do you mean?” You knew what he meant. You’d been thinking the exact same thing, but the difference is you weren’t as brave as Bakugo was. You needed him to continue being brave, because you couldn’t just step over that line, you needed his guidance. No, you needed reassurance that he’d be stepping over that line with you.
Maybe he knew that’s why you asked, maybe he heard it hidden behind your nervousness, despite you not saying it. He finally looked up and he even reached out, grabbing your hand in his. “It wasn’t just a one off for me; it was me hoping you’d see the connection.” 
You looked from his hand in yours to his eyes, he was analysing you just as much as he was analysing you. “So you want to be like, boyfriend and girlfriend?”
“Yeah,” he agreed, and it was almost laughable at how nice he was being to you in that moment. Of course, as soon as you thought that he had to go ruin it. “I mean, we pretty much are already, you’re always hanging off my arm and cuddling up to me at night, only difference is we’d be kissing, and you weren’t that bad.”
The thing is, you liked his backhanded comments, because you knew they were always just compliments disguised. He wasn’t loud with his kindness, and that worked well for you. He was loud with everything else, and nine out of ten times, it amused you.
So even then, as he tried to blame you for all the cuddling you’d been doing together even though he’d been the one who started every interaction, you were completely and utterly charmed. Whilst you may have said ‘so you want to be like, boyfriend and girlfriend?’ He had heard ‘I’m scared you’re not thinking this through and we might be risking our friendship’. And whilst he’s said a load of hot air, you heard ‘you’re who I choose, you’re worth every risk’.
“Uh huh,” you hummed in response. “Ask me.”
He blinked over at you. “What?”
A prideful look that matched Bakugo’s filled your expression as your stature straightened slightly. “You want to date me, then you need to ask me to be your girlfriend.”
“You’re a real pain in my arse, Y/N,” he groaned, letting go of your hand and flopping down on his bed beside you.
“Back at you.” You got comfortable beside him, snuggling under the blanket and turning to face him.
He was looking up at the ceiling. “Be my girlfriend.”
You frowned at that. Did he really think you’d agree so easily? Had he forgotten who his best friend is. “You gonna say please?”
Turning around, his arm automatically fell onto your waist. “You want to be my girlfriend, I don’t need to say please.”
“It’s polite Bakugo.” You admonished.
“After all these years we’ve been friends, you still don’t know I don’t care about manners, they’re just a waste of time.”
“Guess being your girlfriend would be a waste of my time then,” you tutted. 
“Whatever. I’m done with this shit, I’m going to bed.”
“Fine.” Your words were terse but you didn’t budge an inch, comfortable in his hold.
“Fine!” He yelled, showing just how much you’d riled him up. You’d lying if you said it didn’t make you smile.
“Will you stop yelling? They might figure out I’m in here,” you hissed, mirroring his earlier words because you apparently weren’t done with pissing off your best friend.
His arm raised from around your waist to your shoulders, until he was shoving your face into your chest. “Shut up,” he hissed, smothering you. You slapped your hand against his chest three times before he relaxed.
Neither of you said anything, just fermenting in your annoyance towards one another for a little while before it faded. Anytime you argued with Bakugo, it would always fade, the feelings of anger or disdain taking off their mask and revealing themselves as something else, normally frustration. 
Because you loved him, a lot, and you hated fighting with him. It was a difficult thing to avoid when you were both so spirited sometimes, but it didn’t matter, because that love you had for him was stronger than anything else.
It seemed Bakugo agreed with you as his hand lowered back down to your waist, crawling under your vest. He didn’t need his powers, just his touch had you feeling like tiny explosions were going off wherever his hand moved. He gripped you on the curve of your hip bone, his entire body stiffening.
“Y/N,” he started, his voice low, giving it a rough tone that had you trembling in the most wonderful way. “Will you please be my girlfriend?”
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natimiles · 4 months
Your recent works with Liam's treasure hunt made me cry and all giddy at the same time 🥹
Speaking of Liam, could you do him + neck kisses for the event? He's just so precious ^^
I’m glad you liked the fic! Thanks!
Liam grew on me so much after reading his route. He is indeed very precious, and he deserves all the love in this world! :’)
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Liam + Neck
Words: 450
Tags: established relationship; no pronouns for reader.
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You place the mug on the tray, next to another identical one. Tilting your head to the side in a cat-like manner — a habit you picked up from your lover — you carefully study them. The latte art you tried doesn’t look so bad; at least you can recognize it as a heart-shaped flower.
You knew he’d find anything you did beautiful, but you also wanted to try harder and gradually become better. It hasn’t been long since you started practicing latte art, but it’s a little something you and Liam like doing together in your free time.
With a proud smile, you pick up the tray and go to Liam’s bedroom. As usual, his attention is yours the second you enter the room, a relieved smile spreading across his face. You walk up to him, and he sets aside the script he was reading, ready to give you his undivided attention.
“Tada!” you say, placing the tray on the coffee table in front of him. “What do you think?”
“It’s beautiful,” he smiles, reaching for your hand to guide you to sit down beside him.
“You always say that,” you chuckle.
“Because it always is, like everything you do.” He sneaks his arms around you and pulls you into a tight hug.
If he was totally honest, he thought you took too long in the kitchen. You had told him you were just going to get something warm for both of you, but he was worried that something had happened or that you wouldn’t come back. He knew you wouldn’t just leave him like that, so he tried to tone down his anxious thoughts and trust that you’d be back as you promised.
“You know, Liam, I made us little hearts because I wanted you to know that I love you so much,” you say as you return his embrace and squeeze him in your arms.
You lean forward a little, nuzzling your face against his neck and placing a kiss there. He giggles, feeling a little ticklish. He realizes you can tell he is fidgety and that you’re trying to reassure him. His heart beats faster, and a warmth spreads through his chest.
He feels your love encompassing him on a daily basis and hopes you can feel how much he loves you too; how he can’t see himself living without you anymore.
Liam nuzzles his face into your neck too, and you feel something warm and soft touching your skin. And then again. And again… He showers your neck with kisses, so much that you start to feel ticklish and laugh. 
“I love you so much too,” he laughs along with you, his heart a little lighter now.
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Taglist: @judejazza @chandeliermichel @leia-skywalker-organa @olivermorningstar @queengiuliettafirstlady
Beneath The Milky Twilight ♥ Event Masterlist
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Wasted 8
Warnings: drug dealing/use, violence, noncon, and the usual. Proceed with caution.
Feedback is always welcome. Love you and thanks for the wonderful responses so far.♥♥♥♥
The other girl in this one is from Black Light
Part of The Club AU
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The world is duller without Snickerdoodle around. In the week you've known her, she's affected your outlook. You're still a cynic but you don't mind having her around. In fact, you enjoy it. Besides, she needs someone to keep her out of trouble.
So it is that you're restless. She's busy at the thrift shop with her mother. She offered to bring you along but it feels like an intrusion. She has other friends, even if they sound shitty.
After a while of indecision, you head down to the coffee shop. As you come up on the aged awning, you pause. The burnt coffee and stale croissants aren't as appealing as usual. Your feet carry you past it.
You hop on a bus and step off a street away from your destination. You don't know what you're hoping for, a bit of comfort in sugar form. You enter the cookie shop and suck in the scent of chocolate and cinnamon.
Maybe later you can meet up with your new friend. You join the queue and look up at the menu. You could grab an extra lemon square. Ugh, since when are you sentimental?
You stand behind a man. Short and spindly, his blonde head bobbing up as he tries to see the display of cookies around the customer in front of him. You glance around at the free seats, there's not many left.
The line shifts forward and you go with it. The man steps up and places his order. His deep voice surprises you but you don't hear his words as you peruse the specialty lattes.
It comes your turn as the skinny blond stranger moves to join the other customers by the order window. You get the rosehips tea latte and a few lemon squares. You pay and wait for your change.
"Steve," a barista calls out.
You peek over as the blond man grabs his cup, only for the man near the other side of the window to snicker.
"Ha, think that extra cream will hulk ya up," the other man snarls and laughs with his buddy.
You frown. The guy's minding his business, you don't see why those jock douchebags need to chirp him. Or maybe you're just annoyed because you know the type.
"Jack Skellington here and his double foam mocha–"
"Whatever," the blond mutters.
"Hey, why don't you shut it," you sidle over and cross your arms.
"What do you care?" One of the bulky men rolls his eyes.
"I don't which is why I don't wanna hear it."
"Mind your business," the other retorts.
"You," you snap back.
"You shouldn't talk to women that way," the blond inserts himself in the middle, gripping his cup, "so why don't you quiet down?"
"She put her nose where it doesn't belong. Guess you'd know all about that, bird beak."
"Loser," the second man taps the bottom of the blonds cup, splashing the cream and coffee up his front.
You step forward as the barista barks out, "hey, take your drinks." He slams down two cups, "and don't come back."
"The pip squeak–"
"I can hear, bro," the barista interjects, "so go."
The dude bros sulkily take their cups and shoulder past the smaller man. The barista puts a roll of brown paper towel on the counter and you grab it before the blond can. You guess Snickerdoodle rubbed off on you, just a little. You tear away a good length and hand it over.
He puts down his mostly empty cup and accepts it with a scratchy thank. He tries to mop clean his button-up, the brown plaid baggy across his thin torso. The barista takes his cup and dumps it, promising a fresh one as another employee sets your latte in the window.
"You didn't have to say anything," the man says as he wipes his neck, "you know, I can stand up for myself."
"Yeah, I'm sure you can. I just…" your lemon squares are put up on the counter, "guess you're right. Sorry."
He winces and lets his shoulders fall, "look, sorry. Thanks. It was… nice. Brave. I just… it's embarrassing."
"Pfft, those idiots should be embarrassed," your sniff, "got nothing better to do, do they?"
The barista comes back, once more calling out, "Steve." The blond, responding to his name, thanks him and accepts the fresh coffee. He looks at you and gives a sheepish half-smirk, "guess I could skip the whip cream."
"No fun in that," you say, "anyway–"
"Hey, do you mind actually, I wanna snag a few seats for me and my buddy. He's running late so maybe… you could be a seat warmer?"
"Oh, you mean placeholder? Damn, thought I was past that shit."
"No, no, I didn't mean–"
"I'm kidding. Sure, I'll sit with you. Just until your guy gets here, then I gotta catch a bus."
"Uh, alright," he says, as if amazed, "that's… a yes?"
"Sure," you laugh, "I walked halfway here so whatever."
You wait, and gesture him ahead of you. He hesitates but leads you across the shop, weaving between patrons to the corner. He claims the two seats by the bookcase and you sink down into the cushy seat.
"So, uh, you from around here?" He asks, nervously balancing his cup. It's almost endearing.
"Not really. Just ended up here…" you look down at the box in your lap, "you like lemon squares?"
"Uh, yeah, they're not bad."
You flip the lid up and offer him the pick of the lot. Another thanks as he takes one and smiles. You notice how he struggles to even look at you for more than a second.
"You, uh, I like your necklace…" he ekes out.
You have to keep from laughing. Alright, that's cute. You close the box but before you respond, a grizzly voice cuts through you. Steve's name precedes the man but you don't need to look up to know him.
"Ha, what are the odds?" The man from the club sneers.
"Bucky," Steve greets and smooths his hair with his palm. "You know… her? Oh," he reddens, "she's–"
"As if," you stand and fling your cup at the man, Bucky’s, chest. You feel as if you could explode. You want to peel his skin from his bones. "Don't fucking come near me," you keep your arm out, "fucking– creep!"
You're shaking as you cradle the box of lemon squares and stomp away, battling between fight and flight. Leave and no one gets hurt. Leave and you can catch your breath.
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gallapiech · 4 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
Thank you @heymacy @lee-ow @spookygingerr @lingy910y for the tags!!
name: Rory
your time zone: CEST
favorite food: Cheese croissants
your eye color: a brown eye'd gal in a green eye'd society.
do you have curly, wavy, or straight hair? wavy/straight since its pretty short rn.
coffee or tea? newly wed with latte macchiato
you can only listen to one album for the rest of your life. which album is it? any of the glee albums. LMFAO #cheating
how many countries have you visited? like, 7?
favorite social media platform (other than tumblr): twitter
if you had to be reincarnated as an animal, what animal would you want to be? dung beetle.
relationship status: taken ♥ by the lovely no one.
did you go to college? if so, what did you study? the moment i got my highschool diploma i was done with school lol
you’ve just made a letterboxd account. what are your top 4 films? oh god oh god im so bad with picking favs uhh. PMMM: Rebellion, EEAAO, Koe no Katachi, Kimi no na wa.
what’s one of your pet peeves? people being late.
what’s one of your guilty pleasures? canceling plans.
and finally, if you could learn any skill, what skill would you want to learn? socializing LOL
if u have already done this then you are free to kill me.
@roryonic @creepkinginc @jrooc @sevvycubed @mybrainismelted
@transmurderbug @transmickey @jfragfan @doshiart @deathclassic
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senjuushi · 7 months
Valentine’s Day 2024 Lines — Moderns
Friend Chocolate: Master... I’m happy with Friend Chocolate, but I was hoping for something more special... Is that bad...? 
Dear Chocolate: Master! Is this chocolate special for me, your partner!? Nngh... thank you. Master, I’ll make you happy for the rest of my life...!*
*This comes across as nearly a marriage proposal.
Like Two
Friend Chocolate: Chocolate, huh... well, I guess that’s fine, for today. As thanks, I’ll do some latte art for you. What design do you want?
Dear Chocolate: You’re really... *sigh* And here I’d told myself I wasn’t going to get attached... I guess I gotta admit defeat now, huh?  
Friend Chocolate: Apple pie with chocolate, from me. The chocolate ended up sticking out a bit, but... I think it still tastes good...! 
Dear Chocolate: Getting such a wonderful gift from you... I’m overjoyed. I hope Master is happy too, but... hehe, it looks like I don’t need to worry about that. 
Friend Chocolate: Oh, friend chocolate...? *sigh*... Hey, question. Why would receiving chocolate put me in a wretched mood? 
Dear Chocolate: I’ve changed, you know. I can see the precious feelings you put into this chocolate, and how much you care about me— it’s all thanks to you.♥
Friend Chocolate: I believe such courtesy can normally be expressed through words... however, this way is certainly memorable. A sweet treat makes sense. 
Dear Chocolate: In Japan, it seems people give chocolates to communicate their feelings. Go ahead, then, and confess yours. Of course, I’ll do the same. 
Friend Chocolate: Oh, you made somethin’ pretty nice. It looks good enough, but... mh!? It tastes just right, too...
Dear Chocolate: Hah!? You made this for me...!? Hey, don’t go spoiling me any more than this... If you’d even want to... 
Friend Chocolate: So this is friend chocolate... You mean, you’re saying we can be friends...? How nice... thank you...! 
Dear Chocolate: It’s delicious...! If this’s got some kinda love potion in it, it... it’s not gonna work. ‘Cause I’m already in love with you... I’m joking. Heheh. 
Friend Chocolate: Is this chocolate eaten by licking at it slowly? Or all in one bite? Arisaka would like to know what Master’s suggestion is.
Dear Chocolate: A cake made by Master...! It’d be a waste to eat it too quickly. How many bites should it take...? And if I go slowly... 
Friend Chocolate: I see. So this is why Hachikyu has been so fidgety as of late? At any rate, what a lovely confectionary this is. I accept it gratefully.♪
Dear Chocolate: Oh my, what skill you have! It looks delicious.♪ You should get a taste as well, Master— say “aah”. Come on, open your mouth. 
Friend Chocolate: Oh, um... thanks. (No chance to dodge...!)
Dear Chocolate: I-If I take this, it’s going to start something... right... *distressed yelling*...!? ...okay! I’m ready... I’ll take it! Please! 
Friend Chocolate: Hey, I ate the thing you gave me too fast. Huh? You’ve got more, don’cha!? Gimme those too!
Dear Chocolate: Hm, thanks. *munch munch* ...huh!? This tastes good! Shit, wow! I wanna eat this every day now!! 
Friend Chocolate: Friend chocolate... what is “friend” meant to describe here? You and I are certainly something different. Don’t think about it so much, and thank you normally? ...hm, so that’s how it is. 
Dear Chocolate: Giving a gift that you put such personal effort into... that’s proof that you treasure the recipient, isn’t it? Will something change if I accept it...? 
Friend Chocolate: This sweetness... You chose something exactly to my liking. Thank you, it’s delicious. 
Dear Chocolate: This is, for me...? ......ah, I have an idea. This melody is of a man shot by Cupid’s arrow of love.
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k4tie75 · 2 days
Hiii ♥
Omg hey! Thanks so much for asking 🫶🏻
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
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(From Pinterest btw)
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
-ohh probably something like how someone acts when they're alone, like are they genuine
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
-I mean I don't go to Starbucks but i do go to caffe nero! so I'll give u my go to caffe nero order instead 😭🫶🏻
-iced latte, I don't do hot drinks and this is so good, like basic but I love it
-and if I get something to eat, it'd probably be like a lemon or blueberry muffin something like that you know?
Thanks so much for asking ly!
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ovenstavern · 8 months
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Welcome to the tavern!!
(images for background and pfp come from Pinterest!)
hello, traveller! why don’t you come and stay at my tavern for a while?
About the tavern
at this tavern, i love to reblog stuff, do tag games, etc etc. new mutuals are always welcome, and i’m down for tag games always! i also like to post on my art here sometimes!
here are some of my tags to help find some of my original posts —
• #oven draws
• #oven talks
• #oven writes
• #stories at ovens tavern
• #oven reblog
• #oven bakes
About me
call me Oven, your lovely barkeep and tavern owner! my pronouns are she/her, i’m aroace, and i’m an absolute tea latte fanatic. my name and theme is not just for aesthetic — i enjoy baking a lot, and recently picked up making my own drinks.
Important links
Here are links for fundraisers, petitions, and posts regarding the genocide in Gaza. I strongly implore those who stand with humanity to at least boost these fundraisers and donate what you can, whilst keeping yourselves educated.
Zionists dni.
US senate survey on opinions of the situation in Gaza
Help Diabetics in Gaza
One-click a day to help Palestinians in Gaza
Emergency Medical Relief for Gaza Refugees
Donate now to save children’s lives on Gaza Strip
Master post of various other fundraisers
Palestinian Artists on Bandcamp
Donate an eSim
Care For Gaza
Evac fund for a displaced family
Heal Palestine
Other establishments
while you’re still in town, you should check out my bakery down the street! you won’t miss it! it even has my name on it!
my ao3 is OvensBakery — there, you’ll find my fanfics for fandoms such as The Hobbit and BBC Sherlock!
and while you’re still here, i can let you in on a sneak peek into my cookbook (@ovenscookbook). there, i am making and trying new recipes and fanfics!
thank you for dropping by the tavern, traveller! hope to see you soon ♥︎
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snwusberry · 5 months
#24: this type of behavior will get your bones jumped
warning(s): none
note: these are just characters and do not depict the actual people therefore the behavior of said characters won't be accurate to the actual people.
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seonghwa sent me a text letting5me know he's on his way where we agreed to me and i tap my foot so fast in anticipation. based on our conversations and how we act towards each other, this os most likely just confirmation to the question we've both had. "is the feeling mutual?"
but what if that's all literally in my head and he's coming to tell me he doesn't like me like that? maybe this is my chance to just leave...
maybe not. i need to stop being a coward and be a man.
i hear heavy footprints approach me and i turn to see the man himself.
"someone looks frazzled." he jokes and sits down across from me.
"nothing like that. i ordered a chai latte for you."
"thank you."
"so... how was work?" i ask him and i feel the urge to punch myself multiple times.
"it was alright, graded papers, handed out worksheets, you know." he explains and nods.
"mmh. what's that like, by the way?"
"you're stalling."
"no i'm not." i protest and he shakes his head.
i definitely am.
"zara, we need to talk about us."
"us huh?" i tease which thankfully eases the tension a little bit.
"yes, us. you know i like you right?" he just cuts straight to the chase and my worries are eased but let me process first.
like, sure i had a feeling he felt the same but there's still that invasive, "what if?" looming through my mind.
"seonghwa, i... i'm- uh-"
"gather your thoughts, it's okay." he smiles at me and i nod and take a gulp of my latte which is still quite hot anf it burnt my tastebuds right off.
all composure i thought i had is right out the window.
"sorry, you just went and said it, i wasn't prepared." he looks at me right in my soul and nods at my words which shows he's listening to me. see this type of behavior will have your bones jumped. "uhh. sorry to make this awkward, i like you too. a lot actually and i didn't know how i was going to tell you but i guess that's why we're here, right? yeah... sorry i'm a little nervous."
"i, a mere follower, made the zahara brown nervous?" he gasps dramatically.
"the fact that i'm even giving you my time." i comment, playing along to his joke.
"how'd i get so lucky?"
"you gave me your money." he nods in agreement and we laugh together briefly. his hand comes in contact with mine and he holds it which makes me turn my full attention to him. the atmosphere between us has become serious again.
"i'm serious about you zahara and if you're willing, would you like to go on a date with me but this time as your boyfriend?" he asks me softly while rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.
"y-yeah. yeah i'd love to."
"i'm honored." we smile together and enjoy our lattes together.
your girl just got herself an insanely handsome boyfriend and i'm nit gonna shut up about it.
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wooyolvr1117 · 2 years
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♥︎ masterlist ♥︎ next
PAIRING. streamer!Beomgyu x fem!Y/N
GENRE. fluff,crack, strangers to lovers, frenemies to lovers (later on)
WARNINGS. cursing, slight angst, sexual jokes, online hate comments, douchey comments, OOC occasionally, inaccurate time stamps, tweets might be called notes bc of the app I’m using and it’s an easy app so I’m too lazy to change LOL (more to be added as necessary)
Choi Beomgyu has built his small found fame on streaming his late night ranked League of Legends games with besties Huening Kai and Kang Taehyun. What started as a stream bet of Beomgyu having to put his next Uber eats pick up order under the name ‘Darling’ turned into an ongoing stream bit where he orders under the name Darling and rates how well the lovely workers behind the counter say it. It’s all fun and games and helps keeps his views up until the seemingly quiet barista at the new cafe on the corner makes him wish she’d call him darling every day of his life. Will the rizzless Beomgyu and his 4 lovable pain in his asses help him win over the barista’s heart? ♡︎
TAGLIST 🏷️. @niccoverse @silvsie @koeuh @xiaoting999 @dakota-04 @makiswrld @fatoompie @captivq open! Send an ask or reply to masterlist post to join!
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CHAPTER 001.Cafe Orders
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"How's your first day treating you, y/n?"
You slightly jump at the sudden voice of your boss, fingers swiftly typing before shoving your phone in your back pocket. Turning, you face the older man who's patiently waiting for your answer with a smile. "Its going well actually! Everyone here is super helpful and the customers have been very understanding that its my first day." He nodded in relief, "I'm glad, keep up the good work!", before turning on his heels to tend to other parts of the cafe.
You immediately turned to begin working on the order for 'Darling'. "Two vanilla lattes, extra shots, one iced caramel coffee with whip, a large black coffee, and a vanilla ice coffee." You muttered as you tried to remember every drink as you began to work on it. Luckily, cafe's are where you felt the most at home. The bitter smell of coffee grounds and espresso always made you feel cozy and left a permanent smile on your face. You began setting the properly sized cups in front of you, pumping in any flavored syrups needed as per the order.
"Need any help with that?" You looked up at your coworker who appeared right beside you, Hyunjin if you could remember correctly. "Honestly, a little..the drinks are easy but there are five of them" You replied with a thankful smile. He had been the most helpful of your coworkers during your shift so far and you were appreciative of that fact.
After about ten minutes of you an Hyunjin putting together these drinks, the order was perfectly made and finally done. The five drinks were tucked into some cupholders and placed on the pick up counter.
"Don't worry about asking for help on order if you need, especially since you're new, it's no bother to us!" You nodded with a smile, quickly getting distracted by a customer coming up to the register.
"Hi, welcome in, is there anything I can get for ya?" With you best customer service grin, you watched the guy in front of you and waiting for his response. His smile in response caught you off guard, not because of the gesture, but because of how..pretty his smile was. "Oh, I'm here for a pick up order." Your eyes widened as his words reeled you back in, quickly glancing over at the pick up counter to hide the soft hue that threatened to form on your face. Luckily, there had only been one pick up order so you could finish this interaction quickly.
"Ah, okay it should be this one, pick up order for Darling, right?" You pick up the drinks and flash another customer service smile back at him. His own smile had somewhat faltered yet you couldn't read his expression as a bad one. Had you done something wrong nonetheless? "Y-yeah, that's for me." He quickly grabbed the drinks, nodding as a thank you before making his way towards the door.
"Hope you enjoy your coffees, darling!" You called out behind, hoping you didn't make a bad impression on a customer on your first day.
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my pc darling ©️ poppinjunie DONT REPOST/REUSE
AUTHORS NOTE. (022623) OOO OKAY IM EXCITED AA!! Just a reminder time stamps are not gonna actually be accurate in this au and I'm gonna keep writing but I hope you guys enjoy chapter 1 😭 It'll get better I promise. Also yes your coworker is SKZ Hyunjin pls he was the first one I thought of LOL
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singsofsilver · 9 months
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don't have the spoons to draw lately so have some old ass art
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willyoubemycherryy · 4 months
Hi hon, sorry if I'm doing something wrong but it's my first time asking for a request and I wanted to do it with you bc I love how you write!! 💘
Can I ask for spiked hot caramel latte smut with Joe Rantz? Thank you very much, I hope you have a good day babe xo 💋
Omg ur so cute pumpkin, ur PERFECT 🥹💕🎀!! Thank u so much<3 it'll be my treat and ur drink will be out soon(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )♥︎
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icypantherwrites · 9 months
Hi Icy, as I hope you’ve gathered, I am a very big fan of your work, and I’m really considering supporting your Patreon with the “Iced Chai Tea Latte Tier” (and what a name XD)
I just wanted to ask if you’ve published the summaries for the Patreon-only fics, and if you could share them again?
So far, I’ve found the summary for Bottled Ocean, and that alone wants me to jump head first into your Patreon, it sounds AMAZING
Love all the work you do!💛💛💛
Hey there! I've really enjoyed seeing you pop into my stories and thank you so much for all the lovely comments and engagement. It means a lot! (Looking forward to seeing what you think of the next chapter of Bridge you've been reading ;) Been waiting for that meeting! #fondlystalking)
And that's very sweet of you to check out my Patreon! Chai is one of my favorite drinks so of course the fanciest tier would get the fanciest thing I drink! ;p
To your question, you can find a list of all of the summaries of all of my Patreon exclusive fanfictions here. They are sorted by 'category' that should make sense once you pop on the page but well over 50 exclusive stories plus a bunch of snippet stories to check out!
Hope to see you around! ♥
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phoebenpiperx · 7 months
an HSMTMTS redlyn to madlyn fic
Summary: Big Red and Ashlyn have a talk so they can move on with their love lives in “the most chill break-up of all time.”
missing scenes around s4e5, mostly fluff with some minor canon angst
hey ash! it’s been awhile hope ur doing well i wanted you to know i’m coming back next week i hope we can get together we really need to talk it’s nothing bad or anything i just think it would be good to see you i mean obviously it would be good to see you i miss you i just mean i think we should talk in person since texting can be awkward speaking of awkward i just realized ur prob still in bed i forget that not everyone gets up at 5! it’s obviously not 5 here time zones are weird anyway really looking forward to seeing you next week
After checking the time on her phone, Ashlyn scrolled back through her last few messages, making sure she’d gotten the time and location right. Yep, Biggie had suggested how about 4 at seb’s coffee truck thing? It was already 10 after—where was he?
Her eyes then fell on the last text he’d sent:
can’t wait to see you i kinda have something important to tell you
Ashlyn gulped nervously. She hadn’t been in touch with Biggie for over two weeks. Had something bad happened in Cairo? Is that why he’d had to come back early?
Or was he simply annoyed that she hadn’t been texting lately and was planning to tell her off?
No, that didn’t really seem like something Biggie would do.
So what did he need to talk to her about? His messages didn’t give her much of a clue.
Apparently she’d just have to wait till he got here...which hopefully would be soon.
While waiting, she picked up her latte and took a giant swig...which she instantly regretted, since the coffee was still super hot. She would’ve sworn Seb was purposely trying to scald her tongue, only Seb hadn’t waited on her.
Come to think of it, she hadn’t really seen Seb much since Halloween.
Wow, that had been a crazy night, with everyone getting upset and leaving Gina’s party early! And Ashlyn still couldn’t believe that Seb had showed up and announced to Carlos that he’d cheated!
The whole concept was absurd! However, Ashlyn knew Seb wasn’t really capable of lying...and Carlos never would’ve made up such a story.
But Seb cheating?! Sweet, innocent Seb? That was just as crazy as someone suggesting her Biggie would cheat—she couldn’t even imagine it.
Of course, Halloween hadn’t been a good night fidelity-wise for her either. Just thinking about it made her feel overwhelmingly guilty. After all, she was still Biggie’s girlfriend—what was she doing almost kissing Maddox?
Ashlyn wondered if she should tell Biggie about it...though that would require a LOT of explanation! It had been MONTHS since she’d figured out she was on the rainbow spectrum, yet she still hadn’t mentioned any of it to Biggie.
Maybe this afternoon was the time.
If Biggie would ever get here!
Wanting something to occupy her nervous hands, she reached for her latte again but stopped herself just in time, realizing her scalded tongue was not yet recovered from the last sip.
So instead she set the paper cup down and reached for her bracelet, which she started absently twisting back and forth. Perhaps by spinning the beads spelling out ♥BIGGIE♥ on her wrist, she’d somehow manifest his appearance sooner rather than later.
continue reading on ao3
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gentlenotes-moved · 10 months
Thanksgiving is coming tomorrow!
Do you celebrate it? Sometimes gratitude or giving thanks to things may come off as a big and somewhat unpleasant word. It may feel as if you are forced to acknowledge something that you already love, and that kills all the joy in this type of self-care, isn’t it?
That’s why instead of asking myself “what am I most grateful for?” I instead say “what makes me the most happy?” it’s definitely okay to not come up with things that makes you happy at first, it happens to me too! But maybe you can start with something easy…like cats?
So, would you want to make a list (even one thing is enough) of stuff that makes you happy? And you can even explain why if you want to!
—Self-care anon
hey! happy thanksgiving (thanksgiving comes on the 23rd btw ♥)! i still celebrate it and we often go over to my grandpa and step-grandma's house (dad's side) to eat soup and cornbread :) we used to go over to my great grandma and grandpa's house (mom's side) bc they would host a thanksgiving party for the whole family. but they're much older now, so they've stopped <//3
and actually about a year ago, i was in a bad state of mind and i thought to make a list of stuff that makes me happy. most of it is simple stuff like the taste of black coffee or the way the sunlight dances on the ground it filters through the trees. anything that brings me even the smallest amount of joy. i currently have down 611 things that bring me happiness (yes, i checked lmao).
here's somethings that have made me especially happy lately:
cooking!!!!! baking!!!!! creating food!!!
anything that came from the mid-90s/2000s bc all of it was my childhood
cute shops run by old ladies
pumpkin scented candles, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin pies. just anything pumpkin related.
mo, my cat! he's a fluffy ball of sunshine and i swear he's a golden retriever in a cat's body <3
ant and dec
the crisp, chilly air on quiet, sunny autumn mornings
puppy chow (i mean the homemade midwestern stack, NOT dog food lol)
clear night skies where you can see the moon and lots of stars
pretty boy, my bearded dragon
red breasted nuthatches. they're so damn cute oml
the joy that is hand feeding wild birds
apple dumplings
making jam
when u see an old friend u haven't spoken to in years and when u make eye contact they smile at u and u smile at them and the world feels a lot less heavy
farmer's markets!
my younger cousins ♥
these are just a few! i hope you have a lovely autumn and thanksgiving, nonnie!
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