matthesoundless · 1 year
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been doing a lot of these photograph pieces for my little sillies, figured I'd share ^^
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animepopheart · 6 months
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★ 【ushas】 「 TAGE Title-helpher in sand 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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grysi · 1 year
Absent Healing
Accelerated Learning
Act of Random Kindness
Active Imagination Experience see Imaginal Experience
Aesthetic experience see Art Experience
After Death Communication
Agoral Gathering Experience
Aikido Experience
Alien Abduction
Alien Encounter
Altered Spatial Perception
Altered Time Perception
Alternate Reality Experience
Alternate Time/Timeline Experience
Alternative Healing see Healing Experiences/Approaches
Ancestral Experience
Anesthetic Experience
Angel Encounter; see also Guardian Angel
Anxiety Dream; see also Night Terrors
Anomalous Weather Control see Weather Control, Anomalous
Apparition; see also Collective Apparition
Archetypal Dream see Transcendent Dream
Archetypal Experience; see also Imaginal Experience; Mythic Experience; Numinous Experience
Architecture Experience; see also Holy or Power Place Encounter
Art Experience
Astral Projection see Out-of-Body Experience
Aura Vision
Automatic Drawing
Automatic Painting
Automatic Speaking
Automatic Writing
Automatism; see Automatic Drawing; Automatic Painting; Automatic Speaking;Automatic Writing; Dowsing
Autoscopy see Bilocation; Double; Out-of-Body Experience;
Bardo Experience see Life Between Life
Being in the Zone see Zone Experience
Blood Miracle, Witnessing
Bodily Functions, Exceptional Control of
Bodily Transformation
Border Crossing Experience
Breakpoint Experience
Breathing, Inner
Brownies Encounter
Burial Alive see Suspended Animation
Call case see Clairaudience; Voices, Hearing
Calling see Vocation, Sense of
Celestial Music see Transcendental Music
Cellular Consciousness
Chaos Experience see Desolation/Nadir Experience
Charismatic Personality Encounter; see also Exceptional Person Experience; Holy Individual Experience
Charismatic Prophecy see Prophecy
Child Prodigies see Prodigies
Childbirth Exceptional Experience
Christos Experience
Clairaudience; see also Locution; Voice, Hearing
Clairvoyance; see also Mindsight Experience
Clairvoyant Diagnosis see Paranormal Diagnosis
Coincidences, Striking; see also Serendipity; Synchronicity
Collective Apparition
Collective Consciousness see Human Species Consciousness/Connectedness
Collective Unconsciousness see Human Species Consciousness/Connectedness
Coma Experience
Conscious Dying
Contemplative Experience; see also Meditation Experience; Prayer Experience; Recollective Experience; Yoga Experience
Cosmic Consciousness/Connectedness
Cosmology, Personal see Cosmic Consciousness/Connectedness
Creative "Aha" or Eureka Experience; see also Embodied Insights
Crop Circle Encounter
Cross Correspondence
Crystal-Gazing see Scrying
Cutaneous Perception
Dance Experience
Darshan Experience
Death-Related Experiences (Class)
Death-Related Psychokinesis; see also Clock Stopping
Deathbed Observation/Encounter
Deceased Spirit Experience see After Death Communication
Déjà Vu; see also Jamais Vu
Dematerialization; see also Materialization
Demonic Encounter; see also Evil Entity
Dermo-Optic Perception see Cutaneous Perception
Dermography see Skin-Writing
Desolation/Nadir Experience (Class); see also Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Spiritual Emergency
Diagnosis, Paranormal see Paranormal Diagnosis
Direct Drawing Experience
Direct Painting Experience
Direct Physical Phenomena
Direct Voice Experience
Direct Writing
Dissociative Experiences (Class)
Dissociative Identity Disorder see Multiple Personality
Distant Intercellular Interaction
Divine Healing see Spiritual Healing
Döppelganger see Double
Double Vision
Double-Release Out-of-Body Experience
Dowsing; see also Map Dowsing
Drama Experience
Dream Helper
Dreambody Experience
Dream, Impactful; see also Anxiety Dream; Dream Helpher; Existential Dream; Lucid Dreaming; Psychic Dream; Transcendent Dream; Transformative Dream
Dream, Lucid see Lucid Dreaming
Drop-in Communicator
Drug Experience see Hallucinogenic Drug Experience
Dying, Conscious see Conscious Dying
Earth Experience see Planetary Consciousness
Ecstasy; see also Shamanic Ecstasy
Electrical/Electronic Sensitivity, Paranormal;
Lamp Interference
Electronic Visual Phenomena
Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)
Embodied Insight
Embodiment see Inscendence/Embodiment/Immanence
Emotions, Transcendental
Encounter Experience (Class)
Encounter or T-Group Experience
Energy Experience
Enlightenment; see also God/Goddess Experience
ESP see Extrasensory Perception
Esthetic Experience see Art Experience
Eureka Experience see Creative "Aha" Experience
Evil Entity; see also Demonic Encounter
EVP see Electronic Voice Phenomena
Exceptional Human Experience (General Heading); see also Transpersonal Experience
Exceptional Human Performance/Feat
Exceptional Person Encounter; see also Holy Person Encounter
Existential Dream
Experience of the New see New, Experience of the
Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
Extraterrestrial (ET) Encounter see Alien Encounter
Faces, Paranormal see Imprints, Paranormal
Fairies, Encountering
Faith Healing
Falling Experience
Family Psi
Fantasy see Daydreaming; Imaginal Experience
Feats see Exceptional Human Performance/Feat
Feeling of Being Stared at see Remote Staring
Fire-walking see Fire-Immunity
First Contact Experience see New, Experience of the
First-Time Experience; see also New, Experience of the
Flow Experience
Folk Entity Encounter
Foreknowledge see Precognition
Fortune-Telling see Divination
Gaia Experience see Planetary Consciousness
Galactic Consciousness
Geller Effect see Metalbending
Genius, Experience of
Ghosts see Apparition; Haunt; Poltergeist
Global Consciousness see Planetary Consciousness
God/Goddess Experience
"Going Native" Experience
Grim Reaper Apparition
Group Bonding
Group Experience/Entity
Group Past Life Recall
Group Psi
Guardian Angel Encounter; see also Inner Guidance Experience; Helper Experience; Inner Helper Experience; Locutions
Guru Encounter see Holy Person Encounter
Hallucination; see also Eidetic Imagery
Hallucinogenic Drug Experience
Healing Approaches/Experiences (Class); see also Faith Healing; Intercessory Prayer; Paranormal Diagnosis; Psychic Healing; Psychic Surgery; Shamanic Healing; Shamanistic Healing; Spirit Healing; Spiritual Healing;
Healing, Psychic see Psychic Healing
Healing, Shamanic see Shamanic Healing
Healing, Shamanistic see Shamanistic Healing
Healing, Spirit see Spirit Healing
Healing, Spiritual see Spiritual Healing
Health/Well-Being/Wholeness Experience
Hearing or Reading About EHEs of Others see Vicarious EE/EHE
Heart Knowledge
Helper Encounter
Helper Spirit
Highland Sight see Second Sight
Hitchhiker, Phantom see Phantom Hitchhiker
Holy or Power Place Encounter
Holy Person Encounter; see also Exceptional Person Experience; Marian Apparition
Human Magnets see Bioattraction
Human Species Consciousness/Connectedness
Human-Animal Interaction see Interspecies Communication/Encounter
Human-Machine Interaction
Hypnagogic Experience
Hypnopompic Experience
Hypnosis-at-a-Distance see Suggestion-at-a-Distance
I-Thou Experience
Idiot Savant see Savant Syndrome
Illumination; see also Creative "Aha" Experience; Enlightenment; Koan
Imaginal Experience
Imaginary Companion
Imaginary World see Paracosm, Creation of
Immanence see Inscendence/Embodiment/Immanence
Immersive Thrill Experience
Immortality Experience
Immunity/Invulnerability; see also Fire-Immunity
Imprints, Paranormal
Incendium Amoris
Incipient Manic Psychosis
Incorruptible Flesh
Incubus Experience; see also Old Hag Experience
Influenced Writing see Channeling; Automatic Writing
Inner Breathing see Breathing, Inner
Inner Guidance Experience; see also Guardian Angel; Inner Helper Experience;
Inner Helper Experience; see also Guardian Angel; Inner Guidance Experience; Locutions;
Inner Movement
Inscendence/Embodiment/Immanence; see also Recollective Experience
Inspiration; see also Channeling; Creative "Aha" Experience;
Inspired Writing or Drawing see Automatic Drawing; Automatic Writing; Channeling;
Intercessory Prayer
Interspecies Communication/Encounter
Invisibility see Dematerialization
Jamais Vu; see also Déjà Vu
Koan; see also Creative "Aha" Experience
Kundalini Awakening
Laughter, Inward
Laying on of Hands; see also Therapeutic Touch
Life Between Life
Life Interconnectedness Experience
Life Review
Life-Changing Experience see Conversion; Exceptional Human Experience
Lifehoods, Experience of
Light Experiences
Light Beyond the Light Experience
Liminal Experience see Border Crossing Experience
Limit Experience see Border Crossing Experience
Literary Experience
Lucid Dreaming
Luck; see also Serendipity
Luminous Phenomena
Long-Gom-Pa Running
Macrocosm/Microcosm Experience
Magnified Vision
Map Dowsing
Marian Apparition see Holy Person Encounter
Martial Arts Experience
Materialization; see also Dematerialization
Meaningful Coincidence see Synchronicity
Meditation Experience
Mediumistic Experience
Memory, Exceptional see Supermemory
Memory, Transpersonal see Recollective Experience
Metal Bending
Metanoia see Exceptional Human Experience
Microscopic Vision see Magnified Vision
Mind Over Matter see Psychokinesis
Mindsight Experience
Mineral-Human Experience
Miraculous Experience/Encounter
Mirror Vision
Missing Time see Altered Time Perception
Moebius Experience
Monition; see also Premonition
Multiple Personality
Music Experience
Music of the Spheres see Music Experience
Music, Transcendental see Music Experience
Mystic Heat see Tumo
Mystical Experiences (General Class)
Mythic Experience; see also Archetypal Experience; Imaginal Experience
NAD see Transcendental Music
Nadir Experience see Desolation/Nadir Experience
NDE see Near-Death Experience
Near-Death Experience (NDE) see also Life Review; Light Beyond the Light Experience; Non-Near-Death Experience; Tunnel Experience
New, Experience of the; see also First-Time Experience
Night Terrors; see also Anxiety Dream
Nightmare see Anxiety Dream
Noble Acts, Witnessing or Performing
Noetic Experience
Non-Near-Death Experience
Nonallopathic Healing see Healing Experiences
Numinous Experience
OBE see Out-of-Body Experience
Object-Reading see Psychometry
Odor of Sanctity see Scent, Transcendental
Odor, Paranormal; see also Scent, Transcendental
Odor, Transcendental see Scent, Transcendental
Old Hag Experience; see also Incubus Experience
Oracles see Oracular Experience
Oracular Experience
Orgasmic Experience
Other, Experience of the; see also Double Vision; "Going Native" Experience;
Otherworld Personal Future Experience
Ouija Board Experience
Out-of-Body Experience (OBE)
Outer Space Experience
Outsider Experience see Border Crossing Experience; Double Vision; Other, Experience of the
Panoramic Memory see Life Review
Paracosm, Creation of
Paranormal Diagnosis
Paranormal Electrical Effect see Electrical/Electronic Sensitivity, Paranormal
Paranormal Faces see Imprints, Paranormal
Paranormal Healing see Psychic Healing
Paranormal Imprints see Imprints, Paranormal
Paranormal Odor see Odor, Paranormal
Paranormal Sound see Sound, Paranormal
Paranormal Touch see Touch, Paranormal
Paranormal Voice see Voice, Paranormal
Past-Life Recall
Peace Beyond Understanding
Peak Experiences (Class)
Peak Performance see Exceptional Human Performance/Feats
Peak-in-Darien Experience
Performing/Witnessing Noble Acts see Noble Acts, Performing/Witnessing
Perinatal Experience
Personal Best Experience
Personal Cosmology see Cosmic Consciousness/Connectedness; Outer Space Experience
Phantom see Apparition; Haunt
Phantom Hitchhiker
Phantom Phone Call
Photography, Paranormal see Psychic Photography
Physiological Feats see Exceptional Human Performance/Feats (General Class)
PK see Psychokinesis
Placebo Effect
Planetary Consciousness; see also World-Wide Web Experience
Plant-Human Experience
Plateau Experience
Poltergeist Experience
Post Mortal Messages see After Death Communication
Post-Mortem Communication see After Death Communication
Post-Mortem Painting, Visions, Voices, Writing see After Death Communication
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder see Spiritual Emergency
Prayer Experience; see also Contemplative Experience; Intercessory Prayer; Meditation
Experience; Yoga Experience
Prebirth Experience; see also Life Between Life
Precognition; see also Premonition
Premonition; see also Monition
Prenatal Experience
Presence, Sense of see Sense of Presence
Presque Vu
Primal Life Experience; see also Life Interconnectedness Experience
Prodigies; see also Savant Syndrome
Prophecy Experience
Proxy Sitter Experience
Psi Experience see Psychical
Experiences (Class)
Psi Timing
Psychedelic Drug Experience see Hallucinogenic Drug Experience
Psychic Dream
Psychic Experiences see Psychical Experiences (Class)
Psychic Healing
Psychic Imprint Encounter
Psychic Photography
Psychic Surgery
Psychical Experiences (Class)
Psychography see Direct Writing
Psychomanteum Experience see Mirror Vision; OracularExperience
Psychotherapeutic Breakthrough Experience
Psychotherapeutic Resonance
Qiqong Experience
Rainmaking; see also Weather Control, Anomalous
Raps see Sounds, Paranormal
Rapture see Ecstasy
Reading While Asleep see Sleep Learning
Reciprocal Apparition
Recollective Experience
Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis see Haunts; Hauntings; Poltergeists
Reincarnation Experience see Past Life Recall
Remote Staring
Remote Viewing
Rescue Circle
Resurrection After Death
Retroactive Psychokinesis
Reunion Experience see After Death Communications
Rhabdomancy see Dowsing
Rhythmic Experience
Rock-Human Experience see Mineral-Human Experience
RSPK see Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis
Sacred Sites see Holy or Power Place Encounter
Sacred Silence
Sacred Stillness
Sacred Vision
Savant Syndrome; see also Prodigies
Scent, Transcendental; see also Odor, Paranormal
Séance Experience
Second Sight see also Clairvoyance; Extrasensory Perception (ESP); Precognition
Self-Realization see Enlightenment
Sense of Presence
Sense of Vocation see Vocation, Sense of
Serendipity; see also Coincidences, Striking; Luck
Shamanic Ecstasy
Shamanic Experience
Shamanic Healing
Shamanistic Experience
Shamanistic Healing
Shamanistic Initiatory Crisis
Shared Anomalous Experience (e.g., see also, Collective Apparition; Shared Dream)
Shout see Spirit Shout
Shouting see Spirit Shout
Sight, Second see Second Sight
Silence, Sacred see Sacred Silence
Sitter Group Experience; see also Séance Experience
Sitting see Séance Experience; Sitter Group Experience
Sixth Sense see Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
Slate Writing
Sleep Learning
Sleep Paralysis
Soothsaying see Divination
Sorcery see Magic/Sorcery
Soulmate Experience
Sound, Paranormal
Speaking in Tongues see Glossolalia; Xenoglossy
Species Consciousness see Human Species Consciousness/Connectedness
Spirit Guide
Spirit Healing
Spirit Photography
Spirit Shout Experience
Spiritual Emergency/Emergence Experience; see also Desolation/Nadir Experience; Shamanistic Initiatory Crisis
Spiritual Healing
Spontaneous Cures
Spontaneous Human Combustion
Spontaneous Remission see Spontaneous Cures
Stair Flying
Staring, Remote see Remote Staring
Stillness, Sacred see Sacred Stillness
Street Lamp Interference; see also Electrical/Electronic Sensitivity, Paranormal
Sublime, Experience of the see Numinous Experience
Suggestology see Accelerated Learning; Supermemory
Supermemory; see also Accelerated Learning
Supernatural Assault see Incubus Experience
Suspended Animation
Synergetic Experience
Synergistic Experience see Synergetic Experience
Table Turning see Sitter Group
Table-tipping see Sitter Group
Tears, Transcendental see Weeping, Transcendental
Telekinesis see Psychokinesis
Telesthesia see Clairvoyance
Temperature Changes, Anomalous
Therapeutic Touch
Thought Transference see Telepathy
Thoughtography see Psychic Photography
Token Object Reading see Psychometry
Touch, Paranormal
Trance Running see Lung-gom-pa Running
Transcendent Experience see Numinous Experience; Mystical Experience; Peak Experience
Transcendent Dream
Transcendental Emotion see Emotion, Transcendental
Transcendental Music see MusicExperience
Transcendental Odor see Odor, Paranormal; Scent, Transcendental
Transcendental Tears see Weeping, Transcendental
Transformative Dream
Transpersonal Experience
Transpersonal Memory Recollective Experience
Tumo Experience
Tunnel Experience
UFO Abduction Experience
Alien Abduction
UFO Encounter
Alien Encounter
Uncanny Feeling/Sense
Unitive Experience
Unorthodox Healing see Healing, Experiences/Approaches
Vanishing see Dematerilization
Vertigo Experience; see also Immersive Thrill Experience
Vicarious EEs/EHE
Virtual Transcendent Experience
Vision Quest Experience
Visionary Experience; see also Sacred Vision; Vision Quest Experience
Vocation, Sense of
Voices, Hearing
Void, Experience of the
Walk-In Experience
Water Witching see Dowsing
Weather Control, Anomalous
Weeping, Transcendental
Wholeness see Health/Wholeness Experience
Wilderness Experience
Wonder, Experience of
World-Wide Web Experience
Xenoglossy, Recitative
Xenoglossy, Responsive
Yoga Experience
Contemplative Experience
Prayer Experience
Zero Ground Experience
Zone Experience
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kjhffhgfjkhg · 3 months
senior care on cape cod
senior care on cape cod
If your mother often struggles with daily activities and keeping track of items, you can helpher make a calendar with all daily routine tasks, appointments, and deadlines. If you live in another city or are a working professional, you can hire senior home care services .
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thelistingteammiami · 3 months
What You Need To Know About Today’s Down Payment Programs
What You Need To Know About Today’s Down Payment Programs
There's no denying it's gotten more challenging to buy a home, especially with today's mortgage rates and home price appreciation. And that may be one of the big reasons you’re eager to look into grants and assistance programs to see if there’s anything you qualify for that can help. But unfortunately, many homebuyers feel like they don’t know where to start. 
A recent Bank of America Institute study asked prospective buyers where they lack confidence in the process and need more information. And this is what topped the list:
53% said they need help understanding homebuying grant programs.
So, here’s some information that can help you close that gap.
What Is Down Payment Assistance?
As the Mortgage Reports explains:
“Down payment assistance (DPA) programs offer loans and grants that can cover part or all of a home buyer’s down payment and closing costs. More than 2,000 of these programs are available nationwide. . . DPA programs vary by location, but many home buyers could be in line for thousands of dollars in down payment assistance if they qualify.”
And here’s some more good news. On top of all of these programs, you probably don’t need to save as much for your down payment as you think. Contrary to what you may have heard, typically you don’t have to put 20% down unless it’s specified by your loan type or lender. So, you likely don’t need to save as much upfront, and there are programs designed to make your down payment more achievable. Sounds like a win-win.
First-Time and Repeat Buyers Are Often Eligible
It’s also worth mentioning, that it’s not just first-time homebuyers that are eligible for many of these programs. That means whether you’re looking to buy your first house or your fifth, there could be an option for you. As Down Payment Resource notes:
“You don’t have to be a first-time buyer. Over 39% of all [homeownership] programs are for repeat homebuyers who have owned a home in the last 3 years.”
Additional Down Payment Resources That Can Help
Here are a few of the down payment assistance programs that are helping many buyers achieve their dream of homeownership, even now:
Teacher Next Door is designed to help teachers, first responders, health providers, government employees, active-duty military personnel, and Veterans reach their down payment goals.
Fannie Mae provides down payment assistance to eligible first-time homebuyers living in majority-Latino communities.
Freddie Mac also has options designed specifically for homebuyers with modest credit scores and limited funds for a down payment.
The 3By30 program lays out actionable strategies to add 3 million new Black homeowners by 2030. These programs offer valuable resources for potential buyers, making it easier to secure down payments and realize their dream of homeownership.
For Native Americans, Down Payment Resource highlights 42 U.S. homebuyer assistance programs across 14 states that ease the path to homeownership by providing support with down payments and other associated costs.
If you want more information on any of these, the best place to start is by contacting a trusted real estate professional.
They’ll be able to share more details about what may be available, including any other programs designed to serve specific professions or communities. And even if you don’t qualify for these types of programs, they can help see if there are any other federal, state, and local options available you should look into. 
Bottom Line
Affordability is still a challenge, so if you’re looking to buy, you’re going to want to make sure you’re taking advantage of any and all resources available.
The best way to find out what’s out there is to connect with a team of real estate professionals, including a trusted lender and a local agent. 
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lakelandg · 6 months
Lakeland company HelpHer pairs women with flexible work
The Lakeland Chamber of Commerce is recognizing a staffing company called Help (her) for its innovative platform that offers flexible employment opportunities. The company was founded in January 2020 and has been connecting businesses with qualified hourly workers ever since. According to a local mother, the platform has given her a rare opportunity to have a job that values her expertise and…
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Week 4 Blog
This week I read pages 150-200 of the book “Secrets We Kept Three Women Of Trinidad”.
The most important sentence can be found on page 181 "...no one cares for Shiva's life."
Here’s why: Throughout Ayra’s life the narrator paints the horrendous abuse the Signh family went through back in Trinidad. Ayra’s only escape from the abuse she would face was Dharmendra. He offered to marry her. Shiva gave his blessing, but the abuse continued. The abuse wasn’t only towards Ayra it was towards everyone. Ayra finally ran away from the farm leaving her mother and sibilings alone to face the abuse. Ayra and Dharmendra continue to have a happy mariage or so she thought. Dharmendra hit Ayra one night, she was also pregnant. She didn’t want to become like her mother. She can’t become her than all this would have been for nothing. She hits him back, not once, not twice, but multiple times. She stood up for herself.  Back to present times Shiva is in the hospital. After his third surgery all his children just can’t wait for him to die. They just want to see what they can collect from Shiva’s estate.There are just Shiva's daughters and his wife with him in the hospital. His sons loathe and disdain him. Rebecca wants to call them over to the hospital to helpher with all this. Her daughters became furious with her because they never seemed to care while he was healthy. Why do they want to care now when they might be getting money?
Reading this quote builds up so much emotion in me. Reading what Shiva has done to these women, his children, it disgusts me. How can someone put all these people through all this abuse and still have the power to have them wrapped around his finger.
Word count: 303
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detectivezedd · 1 year
#MERRY_XMAS 🙋🙌#25th_December_18+
#Finale EpisodeIwent inside my room ’cause the othersare all locked by their owners. I saw themaltina on the table unopened. I heaveda sigh of relieve, she said I should helpher open it. I switch on the television ’causethe opener is in the room, just have to distracther, I insert Vikings the season with theoohhss and aahhs sheyi you understand.Plan B, I left the room with the drinkand opener. I…
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LOVE her, Helpher #Inspireher #teachher you be an example of what LOVE is, to her.
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ashandosworld · 1 year
When she loves school unconditionally #supporther #helpher #loveher #payattentiontoher #blacklove #blackqueen #forensics
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matthesoundless · 1 year
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whoops i spilled a bunch of silly toons- (compilation of the old Field Office caged toons, + the three new ones of the bunch that I made myself- ^^)
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washwashgalaxy · 2 years
MOTHER By Sarala Balachandran
MOTHERGod created a beautiful creature as He couldn’t be everywhereHer work starts at 4am !She cooks cleans launders water the plants, you name it she does all the workAt a stretch nonstopHer hubby is worried what will happen to my beloved wife if she does so much at a stretchWhen he goes to helpHer she will say nonoIt’s a woman’s work!He gets upset and goes for a very long walk to ease his…
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babyawacs · 2 years
@slate ruth struggles for her life. identify how isolated she is helpher find a trauma therapy. t a l k effort with her things she should t e l l you if she wants. if shes a free mind rebellious blacksheep itis ok but shemaybe drowning. unsorted hells ptsd like traumas rape is serious
@slate ruth struggles for her life. identify how isolated she is helpher find a trauma therapy. t a l k effort with her things she should t e l l you if she wants. if shes a free mind rebellious blacksheep itis ok but shemaybe drowning. unsorted hells ptsd like traumas rape is serious
@slate ruth struggles for her life. identify how isolated she is helpher find a trauma therapy. t a l k effort with her things she should t e l l you if she wants. if shes a free mind rebellious blacksheep itis ok but shemaybe drowning. unsorted hells ptsd like traumas rape is serious I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE…
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voyatasha · 2 years
Little helpher
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kingkatbird · 5 years
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danielkswan-blog · 5 years
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This incredible 16 year old girl just sailed across the ocean to save our planet.
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